Meaning space at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Combining explicitly encoded knowledge with information extracted from word embeddings - Association for ...
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Meaning space at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Combining explicitly encoded knowledge with information extracted from word embeddings Pia Sommerauer Antske Fokkens Piek Vossen Computational Lexicology & Terminology Lab (CLTL) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands {pia.sommerauer,antske.fokkens,piek.vossen} Abstract tortoise, snail, legs) or category membership (e.g. polyurethane, polyester, material), relations be- This paper presents the two systems submitted tween entities and activities they engage in (e.g. by the meaning space team in Task 10 of the cheetah, lion, runs) as well as rather specific rela- SemEval competition 2018 entitled Capturing tions, for instance the relation between a specialist discriminative attributes. The systems consist of combinations of approaches exploiting ex- and the phenomenon they are specialized in (e.g. plicitly encoded knowledge about concepts in optician, dentist, eyes). WordNet and information encoded in distri- Rather than finding specific solutions for each butional semantic vectors. Rather than aim- kind of relation, we investigate different ap- ing for high performance, we explore which proaches exploiting different sources of knowl- kind of semantic knowledge is best captured edge. Both of our systems comprise a component by different methods. The results indicate that exploiting the glosses and hierarchical structure of WordNet glosses on different levels of the hier- archy capture many attributes relevant for this WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998) in order to determine task. In combination with exploiting word em- whether an attribute applies to a concept. Our un- bedding similarities, this source of information derlying assumption is that definitions should pro- yielded our best results. Our best performing vide the most important distinctive attributes of a system ranked 5th out of 13 final ranks. Our concept. Since concepts are not necessarily al- analysis yields insights into the different kinds ways distinguished on the same level of concrete- of attributes represented by different sources ness, but might also be distinguished on a more ab- of knowledge. stract level (e.g. herbs, root, green v.s. apse, night- 1 Introduction gown, royal) we exploit the entire WordNet hier- archy. SemEval Task 10 “Capturing Discriminative At- In both of our systems, the second component tributes” (Krebs et al., 2018) provides participants exploits information encoded in distributional vec- with triples of words consisting of two concepts tor representations of words. Word vectors have and an attribute. The task is to determine whether not only been shown to capture information about the attribute is a distinguishing property of the first semantic similarity and relatedness but, beyond concept compared to the second concept. This that, seem to encode information about individ- is the case in triple shrimp, spinach, pink, for ual components of word meaning that are neces- instance, because shrimp can be pink whereas sary to solve analogy tasks such as in the famous spinach is usually of a different color. When the example man is to woman as king is to queen first concept does not have a semantic relation with (Mikolov et al., 2013b). This indicates that the the attribute or both the concepts have the same se- dimensions of the distributional vector representa- mantic relation with it, the attribute is considered tions encode information about specific attributes not to be discriminative. of words. We experiment with two approaches: a In general, Task 10 can be understood as de- basic approach comparing cosine similarities and tecting whether there is a semantic relation be- an exploratory approach that deducts word vectors tween the concepts and the attribute. The dataset from one another to detect meaning differences. includes a wide range of variation. For instance, Best performance was obtained by the system us- the attribute may be a part of the concept (e.g. ing cosine similarity. The second approach per- 940 Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018), pages 940–946 New Orleans, Louisiana, June 5–6, 2018. ©2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
forms lower in isolation, but performance is com- study requiring knowledge and reasoning about at- parable to the first system in combination with the tributes we are aware of is an exploratory study ex- WordNet component. amining what knowledge in definitions contributes The main insights gained from our experiments to question-answering tasks (Clark et al., 2008). are the following. First, despite the limited cover- Vector representations of word meaning based age of information on attributes in WordNet (as on the distribution of words in large corpora do pointed out by Poesio and Almuhareb (2005)), not yield explicit information about specific re- the contribution of the WordNet component to the lations, but implicitly encode all kinds of asso- overall results indicates that definitions yield a ciations between concepts. In contrast to manu- valuable source of knowledge with respect to dis- ally constructed resources, their coverage is much criminative attributes. Second, we analyze how in- larger. More specifically, they have been shown dividual systems perform across different types of to encode information relevant in solving analogy attributes. Our analysis shows that similarity per- tasks (Mikolov et al., 2013a; Levy and Goldberg, forms best on general descriptive properties and 2014b; Gladkova et al., 2016; Gábor et al., 2017; WordNet definitions help most for finding specific Linzen, 2016) and inferring semantic hierarchies properties. These observations indicate that more (Fu et al., 2014; Pocostales, 2016). This indicates sophisticated methods of combining these compo- that the dimensions of distributional representa- nents could lead to superior results in future work. tions encode information about attributes of con- The remainder of this paper is structured as cepts (Levy and Goldberg, 2014b, p.177). For in- follows: After presenting background and re- stance, in order to find the fourth component in lated work (Section 2), our system designs are the analogy man is to woman as king is to queen, introduced in Section 3. Section 4 provides an a model has to detect the relation holding between overview of the results achieved by different sys- the pairs in the analogy. In this example, the rela- tems and system components, including our anal- tions are formed by the two features of royalty and ysis across attribution types. This is followed by a gender. One way of solving this is to use the vector conclusion (Section 5). offsets resulting from woman - man + king. The result should be closest to the fourth component 2 Background and related work (queen). Thus, the first component for this calcu- lation, B - A, should capture information about the Solving the task at hand requires both knowledge distinguishing features between A and B, as the about lexical relations and the world. We assume subtraction eliminates the identical (or very simi- that this knowledge cannot be found in one re- lar) dimensions in both representations, but keeps source alone. Rather, different approaches of rep- the features associated with B. resenting word meaning may comprise comple- Our first system follows the basic assumption mentary information. In this exploratory work, we that if there is some kind of association between exploit explicitly encoded knowledge in a lexical a concept and an attribute, this should be reflected resource and information encoded in the distribu- by the vector representations. We assume that at- tion of words in large corpora. While attributes of tributes occur in the linguistic contexts of the con- concepts have been studied before from a cogni- cepts they apply to and thus appear in proximity tive (e.g. McRae et al. (2005)) and computational to them. In a comparative set-up such as in this (e.g. Poesio and Almuhareb (2005)) perspective, task, the attribute should be closer to the concept this task is, to our knowledge, the first task aiming it applies to. In our second system, we attempt to at detecting discriminative features. exploit the operations used for solving analogies We use WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998) as a source in order to determine whether an attribute distin- of explicitly represented knowledge. Whereas the guishes two concepts. WordNet structure contains a vast amount of in- formation about lexical relations (hyponymy, syn- 3 System description onymy, meronymy), its definitions constitute a resource of world knowledge. WordNet defini- Each of our systems1 consists of a WordNet com- tions have been used successfully in approaches to ponent and a component exploiting word embed- word sense disambiguation (Lesk, 1986) and in- 1 Code can be found at ferring verb frames (Green et al., 2004). The only cltl/meaning_space 941
ding vectors. If the WordNet component is un- since only a selection of attributes is mentioned able to classify an example, it is passed on to in the glosses, this would yield a high number of the word embedding component. After present- false negative decisions. Instead, we fall back on ing the WordNet component, we describe the two one of two distributional approaches in case none embedding-based systems. The word vectors used of the above-mentioned cases applies. If run in in all approaches are taken from the Word2Vec isolation, we label all instances for which none of Google News model (Mikolov et al., 2013a).2 The the conditions apply as negative. systems are developed using training and valida- tion data and evaluated using test data.3 3.1.2 Definition similarity In the second variant, we replace words by their 3.1 WordNet glosses and hierarchical vectors and measure the cosine similarity between structure the attribute and the words in the glosses in order We design rules to exploit explicitly encoded to determine positive and negative cases. As a first knowledge in synset glosses and the hierarchical step, we search for the word in the glosses with structure. We assume that (1) the most important the highest cosine similarity to the attribute. Next, discriminative attributes are mentioned in defini- we employ an upper and a lower threshold in or- tions and (2) concepts can be distinguished on dif- der to determine whether the attribute is similar or ferent levels of abstraction. Essentially, we check dissimilar enough to the word in the glosses. We whether the attribute is in any of the definitions of assume this strategy allows us to extend the scope the concepts. We employ two variants of the sys- from exact pattern match to highly similar words, tem. The first variant simply relies on string match such as synonyms or hypernyms. The transformed (definition string match), whereas the second one rules are shown below: employs cosine similarity between the attribute and the words in the glosses (definition similar- POS The similarity between concept 1 and the at- ity). For both variants, we retrieve the glosses of tribute is above the upper threshold and the all WordNet synsets containing the concepts and similarity between concept 2 and the attribute the glosses of all their hypernyms. We prepro- is below the lower threshold. cess the definitions by tokenizing them and ex- NEG The similarity between concept 2 and the cluding stopwords using NLTK (Bird et al., 2009). attribute is above the upper threshold and the In the two best-performing full systems, we used similarity between concept 1 and the attribute the definition-similarity variant. is below the lower threshold. 3.1.1 Definition string match NEG The similarity between concept 1 and the This variant employs one rule to detect positive attribute and the similarity between concept 2 cases and two rules to detect negative cases: and the attribute are above the upper thresh- POS The attribute matches a word in the glosses old. of concept 1 and no word in the glosses of concept 2. NEG The similarity between concept 1 and the attribute and the similarity between concept 2 NEG The attribute matches a word in the glosses and the attribute are below the lower thresh- of both concepts. old. NEG The attribute matches a word in the glosses Here, we do include a condition for cases in of concept 2 and no word in the glosses of which both similarities are below the threshold, concept 1. as we assume a wider coverage due to the vec- tor representations. The best performing similar- We could also count all cases in which the at- ity thresholds (0.75 for upper and 0.23 for lower tribute matches no word as negative cases, but threshold) were determined by testing several con- 2 Downloaded from figurations on the validation data. file/d/0B7XkCwpI5KDYNlNUTTlSS21pQmM/edit, In addition to glosses, several other kinds of se- Nov. 1, 2017. 3 mantic relations encoded in the WordNet hierar- DiscriminAtt/ chy can be expected to increase the performance 942
on this task. We experimented with meronymy re- Figure 1: System overview. lations, synonymy as well as the hypernyms them- concept1 selves. Whereas these additions increased the per- concept2 attribute negative yes negative yes negative yes negative no formance in a set-up consisting of only the Word- Definition Definition Definition Definition Embedding similarity: check 1: check 2: check 3: check 4: Net component, they harmed the performance in sim(concept1, yes no no no no positive Attribute is sim- Attribute is sim- Attribute is sim- Attribute is not attribute) ilar to word in ilar to word in ilar to word in similar to word in > def1 and not def2 def1 and def2 def2 and not def1 def1 nor def2 sim(concept2, our overall system set-ups where we also use word yes no attribute) embeddings. positive negative Vector subtrac- tion classification: sim positive (concept1-concept2), attribute) 3.2 Word embeddings As a second component, we employ two different System P-pos P-neg R-pos R-neg F1-av ways of extracting semantic knowledge from word def-emb-sim 0.63 0.75 0.73 0.65 0.69 embeddings. def-emb-sub 0.69 0.68 0.52 0.82 0.67 sim 0.58 0.73 0.75 0.56 0.64 3.2.1 Vector similarity def-sim 0.65 0.59 0.22 0.90 0.52 def 0.65 0.59 0.22 0.90 0.52 This component compares the similarities between sub 0.45 0.55 0.19 0.82 0.46 the attribute and the concept and counts all cases in which the similarity between concept 1 and the Table 1: Performance overview of systems and sys- attribute is higher than the similarity between con- tem components on the test set. cept 2 and the attribute as positive cases. All other cases are counted as negative. Setting even low thresholds harmed performance. ranges from 0.47 to 0.75. Our similarity-centered 3.2.2 Vector subtraction systems rank in the upper mid range (performing between 0.69 and 0.64), with the best run achiev- We subtract the vector of concept 2 from the vec- ing 5th rank among 13 ranks (and 21 submitted tor of concept 1 and assume that the resulting system). vector representation is close to the kind of at- The combination of WordNet gloss informa- tribute that distinguishes the concepts. If this vec- tion and information from subtracting word vec- tor is close to the attribute, we assume it is dis- tors performs 2 points lower than our best per- criminative. The subtraction should eliminate the forming system. When comparing the two word shared aspects leaving information about the dif- embedding approaches in isolation, we see that ferences. The vector resulting from for instance the system based on subtraction performs almost man - woman cannot be seen as a representation 18 points lower than the system using embed- of the specific word male, but rather reflects some- ding similarity. This indicates that the over- thing like for instance ‘maleness’. lap of correct answers between the Wordnet sys- Rather than setting a definitive similarity thresh- tem and the subtraction system is lower than be- old, we employ a supervised classification ap- tween the WordNet system and the embedding proach in which we use the similarity between similarity system. The following sections pro- the calculated vector and the attribute vector as a vide insights into the level at which properties are sole feature. For reasons of time constraints, we found in WordNet definitions and the kinds of at- only experimented with a Multi-Layer Perceptron, tributes successfully recognized by the different implemented in the SciKit learn toolkit (Buitinck approaches. et al., 2013).4 4 Results System P-pos P-neg R-pos R-neg F1-av Table 1 provides an overview of our different im- def-emb-sim 0.66 0.69 0.71 0.63 0.67 def-emb-sub 0.74 0.62 0.51 0.82 0.65 plementations on the test set. The highest perfor- sim 0.60 0.64 0.72 0.51 0.61 mance was reached by the combination of Word- sub 0.70 0.58 0.39 0.83 0.59 def-sim 0.70 0.54 0.24 0.90 0.52 Net gloss information and embedding similar- def 0.70 0.54 0.24 0.90 0.52 ity. In the overall SemEval ranking, performance 4 Table 2: Performance of the systems and system html, best configuration on the validation set: layer size: components on the validation set. (1,1) activation function: logistic. 943
(a) Embedding systems compared. Figure 2: Comparison of f1-scores reached by the three main system components on the 10 most fre- quent attribute categories. 4.1 Level of distinction in the WordNet hierarchy We hypothesized that concepts might not always be distinguished on the same level of concrete- (b) WordNet definition match system compared to embed- ness, but could also be distinguished on a more ding similarity system. abstract level. In order to test this, we counted how Figure 3: Comparison f1-scores reached by the many properties are found in glosses of synsets system components showing the categories with containing the concept and how many are found in the highest performance differences (frequency glosses of their hypernyms. Out of the total 1,098 >10). attributes found in WordNet glosses, 699 are found on the same level as the concept (i.e. in the defini- tions of one of the synsets containing the concept) and 366 are found in gloss of one of the hyper- all performance on the validation set (presented in nyms of the synsets containing the concept.5 In Table 2) is similar to the test set with the excep- total, the definition system is able to classify 799 tion that on the validation set, the system based on (out of 2,340) concept-concept-attribute triples. vector subtraction performed several points higher than on the test set (0.59) and ranked higher than 4.2 Comparison of systems across attribute the WordNet definition systems. categories. Figure 2 shows the performance of the three in- In this section, we aim at giving some insights into dividual systems across the 10 most frequent cat- the kinds of attributes systems can detect and iden- egories. Overall, the vector similarity system out- tify as discriminative. The attributes in the vali- performs the other system in almost all categories. dation set were categorized by one annotator. The Of these 10 most frequent categories, there is no categories are not based on an existing framework, category in which the subtraction system outper- but were chosen intuitively. In most cases, multi- forms the similarity system. ple labels are used as the attributes are ambiguous. One of the most striking differences between As there is no overlap between attributes from the the embedding-based systems and the WordNet validation set and the test set, we present the per- definition system can be seen in the ‘activity’ cat- formance of the systems across the different at- egory, in which both embedding systems perform tribute categories on the validation set. The over- almost seven times higher than the WordNet sys- 5 tem. This could be explained by the fact that ac- Note that attributes can be found in glosses of both con- cepts, meaning that these counts do not add up to the number tivities associated with concepts can be expected of triples in the test set. to occur in large corpora, whereas they might not 944
be specific or relevant enough to be mentioned in as the Google News model). Gamallo (2017) and a definition. In contrast, WordNet outperforms Levy and Goldberg (2014a) show that embedding both embedding systems in the categories ‘object- models using dependency structures perform bet- part’ and ‘animate-object-gender-person’ (usually ter on similarity than relatedness and could thus referring to a person of a specific gender), which improve the results for the attributes that are simi- could be expected to consist of more specific at- lar rather than related to the concepts. tributes. We expected rather generic descriptions that are 5 Conclusion not specific to a concept, but mostly relevant in comparison to the other concept to be the most For this SemEval task, we submitted systems con- difficult for any system. These kinds of attributes sisting of combinations of exploratory approaches. are not relevant enough to be included in defini- Our best performing systems consisted of a com- tions nor do we expect them to frequently co-occur ponent exploiting knowledge in WordNet defini- with concepts in texts and thus be apparent from tions and a component extracting knowledge from a distributional model. It turned out, however, distributional representations. In our best perform- that these kinds of attributes (‘appearance-color’, ing system, the latter component consisted of com- ‘magnitude-size’) were accurately detected as dis- paring cosine similarities between concepts and criminative by the embedding similarity system. attributes. The vector component in our second A possible explanation might be that they can co- full system employs a different strategy of extract- occur with a wide number of concepts, leading to ing information from vector representations than proximity in the vector space. our highest ranked system. Despite its limitations, When considering the categories with the its performance is comparable to our best perform- biggest performance differences and a frequency ing system. of at least 10 (presented in Figure 3) the follow- As expected, WordNet definitions encode rather ing observations can be made: Whereas the em- specific attributes that are probably most informa- bedding similarity system outperforms the sub- tive for distinguishing one concept from another, traction system in most categories, the subtraction while they give less importance to rather general system captures about twice as many attributes descriptions. In contrast, embedding approaches that indicate a category (usually meaning that the seem to perform highly on attributes that are re- attribute is a hypernym of one of the concepts) lated rather than similar to the concepts, also en- and performs higher on ‘building-location-object- compassing rather general descriptions. organization’ attributes (Figure 3a). It could be the The main contribution of this paper is an explo- case that despite their polysemy, these attributes ration of the different types of attributes that can be apply to a more limited range of concepts than recognized by different systems. These strengths general descriptions on which the system performs and weaknesses of the methods could be further poorly. The subtraction system also correctly de- exploited by using the information obtained by tects attributes that are ambiguous between ‘ac- vector similarity and subtraction as input of a clas- tivity’, ‘object’ and ‘part’ (e.g. attributes such as sifier. We plan to investigate the representation of sail and bark) category, which is not detected by attribute categories in the semantic space in future the similarity system. Finally, we observe that work. a number of attribute categories that are handled correctly by the embedding-based systems are not 6 Acknowledgments captured by WordNet definitions at all (Figure 3b). Overall, the differences between the approaches This research is funded by the PhD in the Human- seem to indicate that distributional models are ities Grant provided by the Netherlands Organi- stronger in capturing attributes expressing related zation of Scientific Research (Nederlandse Organ- concepts than attributes expressing similar con- isatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NWO) cepts (e.g. hypernyms). This is in line with the PGW.17.041 awarded to Pia Sommerauer and general trend observed in large-scale evaluations NWO VENI grant 275-89-029 awarded to Antske (Levy et al., 2015; Baroni et al., 2014) of embed- Fokkens. ding models using a bag-of-words approach (such 945
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