90 CAPE COD SEA CAMPS - Celebration

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       Monomoy - Wono
        A Family Camp

        90              th

2                       CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                        2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

    Nancy Garran
       Camp Director

Dear Friends:
Summer 2012 was our 90th Anniversary Celebration and there were fireworks!
I love fireworks! As a kid, I can honestly say I spent 99% of my July 4th holidays at camp without experiencing an up
close and personal fireworks display. Fireworks at camp were experienced while sitting on the beach swatting “no see
ums” and watching the sparkling colors in the distance fill the sky around Cape Cod Bay or enjoying an improvised
works extravaganza on the upper field at camp for the culmination of our 90th Anniversary Celebration!

Our spectacular Alumni Weekend last August featured great weather that cooperated for all programs. Friday spon-
sored opportunities to participate in a highly successful fundraising event for the Grant W. Koch (GWK) Scholarship
Fund which sends deserving children to camp who otherwise could not afford the life changing experience. A gather-
ing of more than 80 golfers on a perfect summer day joined the first GWK Golf Tournament at the Brewster Captain’s
course finishing off a triumphant day with a festive GWK Silent Auction dinner with more than 150 participants. The
goal of raising $90,000 during our 90th Anniversary Year at CCSC for GWK camperships was surpassed. On Satur-
day, the celebrations continued with Alumni taking part in tennis tournaments, sailing races, favorite camp activities
such as Archery or Riflery, an Alumni clambake banquet, listening to meaningful speeches, sharing stories and catch-
ing up with cabin mates, watching slideshows and finally a breathtaking show of FIREWORKS!

As one family who joined us over our special Alumni weekend remarked, “The 90th provided a wonderful ‘together’
time for our family, to revel in the magic of shared experiences. Though we each lived our own times at camp at
different times, the common bonds that unite all “CCSC’ers” was strong and evident to each of us throughout the
special 90th celebration. It was heartwarming for all three of us to have our own place within camp’s history. It was
also extraordinary for each of us to connect with our particular groups of friends and experiences while soaking in
the pine needle laced night air, the sand under foot, and the overall mix of current and childhood happiness all due to
our simultaneously unique and common CCSC experiences.”

To me the fireworks at the end of our wonderful 90th celebration signified not only a personal opportunity to enjoy
an endless electrifying rainbow of colors filling the night sky right here at camp, but the finale to a memorable gath-
ering of friends who formed our greater camp community from the past, present and future. Camp is always about
building sparkling memories with crackling, popping and exciting opportunities to reveal. A chance to share loud,
fiery voices while singing songs, spreading laughter, inventing fun, and then, creating warm lasting feelings received
from eyelid searing colors of light while watching a campfire sizzle or a sunset glow.

Fireworks are special and will now be a part of our future celebrations at camp. But each summer we create our own
explosive show with outstanding buzz, zip and crackle…it’s called camp. Maybe I was not able to partake in a fire-
works spectacle each summer while summering at camp, but I do know the experience of camp shared many of those
same pyrotechnic attributes and has forever left me with a “radiance that lingers on…. from the Afterglow”.

I encourage your connection to Cape Cod Sea Camps and if you have a friend interested in our programs or would
like current information, please let us know, visit us in person or check out our website at www.capecodseacamps.
com. Thank you to all who were able to share in our special 90th Celebration and I look forward to our 100th An-
niversary Year in 2022. Cheers to a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
From my council ring to yours,     Nancy           Nancy W. Garran Executive Director
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                         2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                       3

                                        CCSC Staff Directory
Name                  Job Title                                     Ext       Email
Nancy Garran          Executive Director                            303       nancy@capecodseacamps.com

David Peterson        Associate Director- Resident Camp             206       info@capecodseacamps.com

Sherry Mernick        Associate Director- Resident Camp             223       sherry@capecodseacamps.com

Steven Wallace        Associate Director- Counselor Training        242       wally@capecodseacamps.com

Ed Barber             Associate Director Facilities                 205       ed@capecodseacamps.com

Rick”Otis”Moyer       Associate Director -Monomoy Day Camp 220                otis@capecodseacamps.com

Andy“Crash”Sims       Assistant Director & Registrar                227       monomoydaycamp@capecodseacamps.com
                      Monomoy Day Camp

Garran Peterson       Associate Director – Groups & Sailing         244       garran@capecodseacamps.com

Christie Peterson     Assistant Director – Resident Camp            245       christie@capecodseacamps.com

Christian Peterson    Administrative Assistant – Monomoy Day 345              chris@capecodseacamps.com

Christina Peterson    Group Manager and Program Director            202       christina@capecodseacamps.com
                      Monomoy Day Camp

Cheryl Kimberley      Office Manager & Assistant with Alumni 300              cheryl@capecodseacamps.com

Henri Rauschenbach    Associate Director – Alumni                   226       alumni@capecodseacamps.com

Alice Barber Guariglio Business Office Manager                      207       alice@capecodseacamps.com

Carol Thibert         Assistant Bookkeeper                          208       carol@capecodseacamps.com

            New ways to stay in touch with us at CAMP
                             Become a Fan of CCSC for fun updates each week.

                          Cape Cod Sea Camps Alumni have started a professional network on LinkedIn.
4                       CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                       2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

Dear Friends,                    Grant W. Koch $cholarship Fund
Last summer’s 90th Birthday Party for CCSC resulted in an overwhelming outpouring of support and gifts
for The Grant W. Koch Scholarship Fund. A convoy of golf carts took off from the Club House at Brewster’s Cap-
tains’ Golf Course: Alumni on the move! Our community’s coming together in this extraordinary way fit in perfectly
with the CCSC 90th celebration; it reminded all of us why camp still means so much in our lives. Close to 100
alumni, parents, friends and supporters participated in the event, and an even larger number of us joined the crowd
that evening for dinner and the Silent Auction. The activity was fun, the good fellowship unequaled, and all of the net
proceeds are supporting our scholarship program. What a wonderful reinforcement of our camp values, and of our
commitment to the camping experience!

We all know it’s almost impossible to quantify and measure what camp means for a child, but there’s no question that
being part of a special summer community can work wonders. Someone who’s naturally shy finds ways to fit in and
be part of the group, and perhaps ends up on stage in front of everyone. Being afraid of the water suddenly turns into
basic swimming skills and excitement about learning more and growing stronger. A caring counselor teaches alterna-
tives to lashing out in anger and how to make new friends. A morning assembly talk promotes interest in nature, the
environment, and the world around us. An unexpected storm over the Bay promotes instant teamwork, and children
find courage and confidence in the staff who ferry them safely to shore. Most important, the friendships made at
camp last a lifetime! Even though the benefits defy description, they are lasting, important, and real. The kindness and
generosity of the donors brought these benefits to our 23 scholarship recipients last summer, and now we’re looking
ahead to 2013.

It will surprise no one that there are more applicants than we can fund, and it is alumni contributions that allow us to
expand this important work. Even in these unsettled economic times, we hope you will keep us in mind as you con-
sider what causes you can support, and be assured that gifts to the Scholarship Fund pay immediate and great divi-
dends in the form of meaningful growth and smiles on children’s faces!

With every good wish and sincere appreciation—

Richard R Francis      Michael A. Halperson Trustees                 Grant W. Koch Scholarship Fund

GWK Golf Tournament                     Tee Sponsors ($250 per hole)             GWK SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Special Thanks                       Atlantic Advisors                           Golf Tournament Winners
                                     Bank of America                             Low Score (60) Scott Johnson,
The Grant W. Koch Scholarship Fund
Trustees would like to extend a very Briggs and Robert Wright                    Brian Jones, Tead McGrory,
special thanks to the following      Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank            and Jeff Yost
sponsors of the Golf Tournament:     Chartwells Food Service
                                                                                 Longest Drive Men Jay Breen
                                     Christine Altneau – Realtor
Premium Sponsor ($10,000)            Family of Ed Garran
Jim Smith and John Doran                                                         Longest Drive Women Debbie Bradley
                                     Eastern Bank
Platinum Sponsors ($5,000 each)      Frank Lajoie Family Memorial                Closest to the Pin Rick Albert (8’10”)
The Kelligrew Family Foundation      Garran-Peterson Family                      at Hole #5
The Scott Bommer Family Founda-      Land Ho!
tion                                 The Mernick Family                          Putting Contest Brent Freed
Gold Sponsors ($2,500 each)          Micro Business Systems                      (a camper from Camp
David Burwick                        Sports Club LA                              Wingate-Kirkland)
Smith and Rauschenbach               Sue Cobb Leavitt
Scott Klein                          TG Homes
                                     The Waring Family
6                         CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                             2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

90th Birthday                                                        Altneau – Realtor, Eastern Bank, the Family of Ed
                                                                     Garran, the Frank Lajoie Family Memorial;, the Garran-
The Cape Cod Sea Camps – Monomoy and Wono- cel-                      Peterson Family, the Land Ho!, the Mernick Family,
ebrated their 90th Birthday this past August. With more              Micro Business Systems, the Sports Club LA, Sue Cobb
than 400 alumni, parents, spouses and friends participat-            Leavitt, TG Homes and the Waring Family. And finally
ing we had a great weekend playing golf, sailing, par-               we had 80 golfers who came out to play. And, of course,
ticipating in camp activities like art, archery and riflery.         in order to pull this off we needed a team to assist with
The weekend culminated in a banquet featuring lobster                the tournament. Our fearless leader was Xandra Benja-
with all the trimmings, a wonderful lineup of speakers,              min and she recruited a team that included: Lucy Lang,
an extraordinary video of our past interwoven with the               Kara Dabe, Meghan Schmillen Hertzfeldt, Lindsey Leal,
present and fireworks.                                               Megan Hennesseyand Leslie Schuerman Ford. The Golf
                                                                     Tournament Team winners were the Bank of America
                                                                     sponsored team of Scott Johnson, Brian Jones, Tead
                                                                     McGrory and Jeff Yost. The longest drive for the men
                                                                     was Jay Breen, who played for the Dan Ford sponsored
                                                                     team. The longest Drive for women was by Debbie
                                                                     Bradley who played for the CCSC Infirmary Team and
                                                                     the Closest to the Hole was Rick Albert who played
                                                                     for the Kelligrew Family Foundation Team. And finally,
                                                                     the putting contest winner was camper Brent Freed, a
                                                                     camper from Camp Wingate Kirkland.

Alumnae Mary van der Ploeg Mallows and her daughter Ainsley
The weekend started with a Golf Tournament at the
Captains Golf Course in Brewster to benefit the Grant
W. Koch Scholarship Fund. This was a wonderful event
that featured the Title Sponsor generosity of Jim Smith
and John Doran coupled with our Platinum spon-
sors – Jim Kelligrew and Scott Bommer- and our Gold
Sponsors – David Burwick, Scott Klein and Smith and
Rauschenbach. It was an extraordinary commitment to
assist the mission of the GWK Scholarship Fund to help
deserving children attend camp. We also had 18 hole                  Hollis and Sara with our own Michael Halperson.
sponsors that included Atlantic Advisors, the Bank of
America, Briggs & Robert Wright, the Cape Cod Five                   As the Golf Tournament ended we all adjourned to the
Cents Savings Bank, Chartwells Food Service, Christine               more than 85 auction items ranging from birdhouses
                                                                     to a fabulous stay in a premier resort with dinner and
                                                                     golf thrown in, this proved to be exciting and intense.
                                                                     The biggest bidding wars seemed to be over the Rich-
                                                                     ard Frost table/chair and Diana Chipas’ Richard Kelsey
                                                                     large framed aerial picture of Camp Wono from the
                                                doesn’t              1960’s. All in all about 150 people attended to support
                                                get any              the cause of raising money for the Grant W. Koch Schol-
                                                better than          arship Fund. The highlight of the evening was a talk by
                                                                     Monomoy Day Camp Junior Counselor Jack McCrea
                                                                     who has been a recipient of a GWK Scholarship. He
                                                                     spoke very compellingly about the positive impact of
                                                                     camp on his life. Grant would have been proud. It was
                                                                     a wonderful evening all the way around.
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                        2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                               7

Saturday saw more than 300 alumni, spouses, family                 Captains we had a reprisal of a talk given 15 years ago
and friends converge on camp for a day of activities,              by the 1997 Captains of the Corps, Lucy Lang and Seth
talks, regattas, the banquet and fireworks. We went from           Soulstein. It was a fascinating reflective snapshot of life
lunch to an Assembly where we were awed by show                    in camp in the prior century. Their talk was coupled
tunes performed by our campers who were rehearsing                 with comments by Jacob Slivka –former Monomoy Day
for the final camp show – Willie Wonka and the Choco-              Camp Service Cup winner. After announcing the Tennis
late Factory. Otis did his usual great job of                      Tournament and Regatta winners we went on to a slide
                                                                   show produced by Kari Kiefer Ahern that wove the past
                                                                   and present together in a wonderful mosaic of camp his-
                                                                   tory. Starting with the philosophy of Captain Del and
                                                                   an emphasis on the commitment the Delahanty family
                                                                   had made to the mission of the Cape Cod Sea Camps,
                                                                   we moved on to reflect on the past giants who created
                                                                   the framework for our current success. It was a nice re-
                                                                   flection on where we were, are and going. It is available
                                                                   on our website. Our main address then followed given
                                                                   by David and Carey Holland Burwick. The Burwicks
                                                                   are as complete a camp family as you could have. David
                                                                   was a camper, counselor and head counselor and met his
                                                                   wife Carey when she was a counselor at camp. They are
                                                                   also camp parents. Their talk gave real meaning to how
                                                                   relevant camp has been in their own lives and the lives of
Otis with Caitlin Rouse (MDC ). Caitlin was our glorious           their children. Following this, we adjourned to the side
banquet singer.                                                    of the Big House for what had to be the most unexpect-
talking through old camp traditions and new ones. And,             ed display of fireworks on the front field at camp. It was
of course, what would an assembly be if Hebzebah                   a glorious seemingly never-ending pyrotechnic extrava-
Clamflats did pay us a visit and regale us with her Cape           ganza that had been the idea of David Peterson. It was a
lore. We went from there to the Tennis Tournament and              stunning way to end what everyone had to say was the
Regatta and alumni participation in a series of camp               Best Reunion Ever!!
activities ranging from art and archery to riflery. Only
Otis could run a tennis tournament where everyone                       Marilyn Koch Francis and
won. The Regatta was hotly contested with 14 boats                      The WOW’s (Women of Wono)
racing for the prize. Andy Stern with his wife and Hol-                 Presented a handmade quilt
lis von Summer as crew stormed to victory on the Bay.                   Celebrating 90 years of
Some like Michael Raymond spoke at great lengths                        Monomy and Wono camping Excellence.
about the race after it was over and others’ like Melinda
Mitchell Shumway and Lainey Feingold, with their
hair rather askew looked like they had been sailing in a
typhoon. It was breezy and a great day for sailing. Our
venerable sailing master, Garran Peterson, with his crew
of Andy Ellis and Jim Fay made this a seemingly
effortless event. Following this fun filled afternoon we
took a small break before coming back for the
90th Anniversary Banquet.

The Banquet started off with a rousing rendition of the
national anthem song by Monomoy Day Camp legend
Caitlin Rouse. Having lobster with all the fixins under a
tent on the lower field behind the Big House was really
quite something to experience. Our speaking program
started with remarks by the 2012 JC Captains of the
Corps, Cami McCurdy and Seth Eugley Introduced by
our own Stephen Wallace, the captains laid out a com-
pelling vision of what camp is today. Following the 2012         Karen Chalfen and her husband with Michael.
8                          CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                               2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

90th Anniversary Banquet

                                                  Deke Ulian
                                                  an appearance.

                                                                                Nancy Garran welcomes the Alumni to the 90th
                                 The                                            Anniversary Banquet.
                                 all back at
                                 camp together.

Henri, Cape Cod Sea Camps Alumni Director,           All that glitters is gold! Sarah Seitz, Julie Raine, Kati Kargman, Rachel Safron,
keeps the program moving along.                      Donna Brown Safron, Lynn Brown Kargman and Bronwyn Mastrangelo.

                                                                                  This is perhaps the most fun Stephen Wallace has had in a
                                                                                  decade. Mildly amused by David and Sherry posing in our
                                                                                  reunion pictue frame.

                                                                                                                              Ah Regatta -
                                                                                                                              To those in
                                                                                                                              second place –
                                                                                                                              the spoils –
                                                                                                                              a burgee that is.
                                                                                                                              Daniella and Jeff
                                                                                                                              Garran with Alisa

 Three Generations of the Delahanty family!
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                               2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                                       9

                                                                                                                          90th Anniversary Banquet

                                                                                                         Jacob Slivka, MDC
                                                                                                         Service Cup winner,
                                                                                                         makes remarks during the

         And the Regatta winner, Hollis von Summer with
         our esteemed Sailing Master, Garran Peterson.

     Otis congratulates Ben Schlosser, a winner of the Reunion       And sing they still can – a veritable chorus of Wono women serenaded the
     Tennis tournament. There were a variety of winners.             audience at the banquet. Where are the Deltones when you need them?

                                                                                                                       Seth Soulstein and
                                                                                                                       Lucy Lang reprise
                                                                                                                       their speech to
                                                                                                                       remember as
                                                                                                                       Captains of the
                                                                                                                       Corps made during
                                                                                                                       the 75th anniversary

     The Captains of the JC Corps address the banquet.
     Seth Eugley and Cami McCurdy.

                             Night draws nigh, the camp sleeps and the tent shines a light on the memories of a great reunion
                             and 90 years of camping excellence.
10                           CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                         2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

90th Anniversary Banquet                                                  GWK Silent Auction and GWK Golf Tournament Dinner

 The fireworks were spectacular –
 actually very hard to describe.

                                                                                  Otis excited about a signed NASCAR Sprint
                                                                                  Cup Series driver (Jeff Burton) firesuit donated
                                                                                  by Ben Schlosser.

                                                                                                                        the results
                                                                                                                        of the

  Fireworks from the west side of the Big House.

           GWK Silent Auction
             and GWK Golf
           Tournament Dinner

                                                                    Presentation to the GWK Tournament winners – the Bank of America
A small sample of the more than 80 items available for the          Team – Scott Johnson, Brian Jones, Tead McGrory and Jeff Yost.
Silent Auction.                                                     Pictured with Captains Golf Course Pro – Mark O’Brien and Henri.
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                               2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                                  11

r                                                                                  GWK Silent Auction and GWK Golf Tournament Dinner

                                                                                                                         Kristin Moyer Waring
                                                                                                                         makes a difficult

    One can only say Wow about this foursome: Megan Hennessey,
    Rachel August Horn, Meghan Schmillen Hertzfeldt and Kara Dabe.

    Debby Greenwood with Shelagh Stillings Delaney
    (Who’s that in the background??)

                                                                Jeff and Mary Francis with Marilyn Koch and Rick Francis.
                                                                Rick is s a Trustee of the GWK fund.

    Lucy Lang with the Sims’ – Andrew and Christin Healey.

                                          The one and only
                                          GWK Silent Auction
                                          organizer extraordinaire
                                          Christie Cepetelli Peterson
                                          running the show!

                                                                        Leslie Schuerman Ford with her husband Dan (to her left) and Dan’s
                                                                        foursome golfers Jay Breen and John Caruso.
12                            CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                              2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

GWK Silent Auction and GWK Golf Tournament Dinner

                                            The GWK Banner.

                                                                         Part of the Eastern Bank Foursome: Sara Ann Flaherty and Patty Bean.

Dinner after golf is just perfect – pictured here left to right are:        Now here’s a threesome: Esteemed Yarmouth and County
Ed Barber, Frosty Frost, Emily Bloch, David Whalen, Janet Hardman           lawyer James Quirk and wife Anne with their lovely daughter and
Blackman and Jake Hardman Whalen.                                           Monomoy Day Camp honcho Christina.

Well this is a curious person in the middle here – Jim
Studley (father of Betsy Studley Bentley to his left)
discusses the auction with Dr. Leif Norenberg
(camp pediatrician) and his wife Amy.                      Lean to the left, lean to the right, etc. Must have been an engaging evening of
                                                           dialogue with Whitney Doherty and her husband with the Schlossers: Ben and Liz.

                                                                                                                  Monomoy Day
                                                                                                                  Camp Junior
                                                                                                                  Counselor Jack McCrea,
                                        Otis introduces the GWK                                                   who is a GWK
                                        Silent Auction keynote                                                    Scholarship recipient,
                                        speaker – Jack McCrea.                                                    talks about what his
                                                                                                                  experience at the
                                                                                                                  Monomoy Day Camp has
                                                                                                                  meant to him.
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                                   2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                                  13

                                                                                   GWK Silent Auction and GWK Golf Tournament Dinner

                                                                                                                            Grant W. Koch
                                                                                                                            Scholarship Fund
                                                                                                                            Trustee ,
                                                                                                                            Michael Halperson,
                                                                                                                            addresses the Auction
                                                                                                                            crowd and thanks
                                                                                                                            them for their
                                                                                                                            commitment to
                                                                                                                            making a summer
                                                                                                                            camp experience
                                                                                                                            available to needy

Ah yes – Michael Raymond, with his son Greg, regale the Guariglio’s –
Alice Barber and Tom – about how he is going to win the regatta the next day.

                                                                                Emily Woodfill Fay and Lindsey Leal are joined by
                                                                                Rocky Mountain girl Meghan Schmillen Herzfeldt.
Rick Francis, Jack McCrea and Otis after the official program ended.

From Bay to Pond these guys have you covered! Jim Fay and Brian               The Ellsworth Pavillion at Captains Golf Course –
Lutes surround esteemed sailing master Garran Peterson.                       scene of the Dinner and Silent Auction.
14                         CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                             2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

GWK Silent Auction and GWK Golf Tournament Dinner

                                                                       Captains Golf Course Pro, Mark O’Brien, posts the Leader Board.
Corky Lindemann Studley competes with Garran Peterson in an ag-
gressive rock, paper, scissors game.

                             Christie Peterson
                             organizing the Silent
                             Auction results. Calm in
                             the midst of the storm.

                                                        What a happy group! Sitting: Carol Baillie Austin with daughter Mary Jane and
                                                        Husband Joe Korecki along with B.A. Harris. Standing: Mary Jane Baillie Collins
                                                        with husband Jerry.

                                              The Silent Auction Banquet
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                             2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                       15

Monomoy Day Camp
90th Celebration

                                                              The Monomoy Day Camp is in a festive birthday mood!

   Nancy Garran and Chris Peterson present
   the special 90th Anniversary cake!

                                        Going above
                                        and beyond –
                                        Otis makes a
                                        cake assist to
                                        Sarah Morris.
                                                                          Now this is a happy crew of MDC Campers.

The line forms at the rear for cake.         Otis addresses the Day Camp about the 90th Anniversary celebration of camp.
16                            CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                                2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

90TH Anniversary

                                                        The action before the start.

                                        Lainey Feingold and
                                        Melinda Mitchell Shumway
                                        share a wind-blown moment
                                        on the raft after the
                                        excitement of the regatta.

                                                                           A well trimmed boat here – Rachel “Ricki” Rubin sailing with B.A.
                                                                           Harris and brother Dan Rubin and Mimi Rubin.

                                                                                                                                 Magic on the
                                                                                                                                 water – beating
                                                                                                                                 to windward -
                                                                                                                                 Dave Burwick
Oh they built the ship Titanic – not in this case though. Boat # 20                                                              with crew Katie
was populated with Jenny Brown, Julia Zousmer, Julia Logan and                                                                   and Holly.
last but not least, hiking to windward, Elizabeth Scouler.

                                                                           There is only one Stern (two actually) and of course everyone was left
Lucy Lang, Kate Harris, Meghan Schmillen Hertzfeldt, Kara Dabe             astern as it were. Andy Stern skippering assisted by his wife Sarah
– all with sails trimmed nicely. As they say – she was yar.                and former JC Head bigwig – Hollis von Summer.
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                              2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                                   17

  What a handful: Ana Lydia Cespedes (RaftCo) and Joseph Wynant (RaftCo) pick up another boatload of alumni. Pictured are Ben Seifer,
  Sophie Hays, Allie Failla, Katie Marren and Crissy Gretz.
                                                                                 Boats Entered
                                                                                 1.) Andy Stern, Sarah Stern. Hollis von Summer
                                                                                 2.) Daniella Garran, Jeff Garran, Alisa Gardner-Todreas
                                                                                 3.) Lucy Lang, Kate Harris, Meghan Schmillen
                                                                                     Hertzfeldt, Kara Dabe
                                                                                 4.) Jenny Brown, Julia Logan, Elizabeth Scouler, Ali Hartz
                                                                                 5.) Michael Raymond, Greg Raymond, Whitney Doherty
                                                                                 6.) Nancy Thornton, Niece, Ali Toll
                                                                                 7.) Evan Mead, Claudia Harper Mead
                                                                                 8.) Annika Fink, Lainey Feingold, Melinda Shumway
                                                                                 9.) Hannah Wood, Frances Wood
                                                                                 10.) Rachel Rubin Brown, B.A. Harris, Mimi Rubin,
                                                                                      Danny Rubin
                                                                                 11.) Johanna Lovecchio, Debbie Konstadt,
                                                                                      Xandra Benjamin, Shane Siegel
                                                                                 12.) Franklin Porter, John Porter, Todd Gutnick
                                                                                 13.) Dave Burwick, Katie Burwick, Holly Burwick
                                                                                 14.) Ben Seifer, Sophie Hays, Allie Failla, Katie Marren,
                                                                                      Crissy Gretz

                                                                                 Top Three Place Winners
                                                                                 #1 Andrew Stern skipper with crew Sarah Stern and
                                                                                    Hollis von Summer
                                                                                 #2 Daniella Garran skipper with crew Jeff Garran and
                                                                                    Alisa Gardner-Todreas
                                                                                 #3 Kate Harris skipper with crew Lucy Lang,
Former Raftco titan – Evan Mead navigates the course with lovely wife Claudia.      Meghan Hertzfeldt and Kara Dabe
18                        CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                             2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER

Andy “Crash” Sims CCSC Team Correspondent
                                                                          Mass Challenge
The Pan Mass Challenge Team from the Cape Cod
Sea Camps reached huge highs this summer. The

                                                                                ( PMC )
PMC, which raises money for the Dana Farber
Cancer Institute, is the largest athletic fundraiser in
the country. It’s a two-day, 190 mile bike ride from
Sturbridge, MA to Provincetown. The Cape Cod
Sea Camps has had a team riding in this amazing
event for the last 19 years.
This year, Team Schuyler as we’re officially known,
had 25 riders. Many of these riders are current
staff at the Cape Cod Sea Camps: Otis Moyer,
Brian Lutes, Andy “Crash” Sims, Chris Peterson,
Deb Gauley, Brenda Guariglio, Joe Wynant, Mike
McKinstry, and Mike Moore. Some other members
include alumni, and camp parents: Tom “Pranny”
Pranikoff, Peter Eleftherakis, Lauren Shriber, Harry
Long, Jay Waring, and Dave Foster.
In addition to our Team of riders, we support the
PMC in so many other ways. We have the Resi-
dent Camp AC’s and our Monomoy Day Camp
counselors and Junior Counselors in Provincetown
volunteering. They assist the riders with their lug-
gage, bikes, water, and almost everything else. We             The reason PMC riders appreciate our campers.
have counselors who are in Bourne (where the PMC
riders spend the night) before the crack of dawn,
putting luggage into trucks, making breakfast, and
generally assisting riders.
But mostly we’re known for “Da-Hedge”. Da-
Hedge is the area in front of camp along Route
6A. All of resident camp gets up early on Sunday
and becomes a wall of noise. The kids use whistles,
noisemakers, or just their own voices to celebrate
the riders as they go past (about 150 miles down,
40 miles to go). Da-Hedge is the largest cheer-
ing section along the entire PMC route – over 400                        Our PMC team hi fives it with our campers.
strong. Veteran riders look forward to Da-Hedge
as the best part of the ride. They send us thank you
notes, they take pictures, they cheer back at us. It’s
a highlight of the weekend and the summer!
Last year our team eclipsed the one million
dollar mark for money raised over the tenure of our
team! This year we had our best individual year for
money raised – over $150,000. These donations go
directly to help with the fight against cancer. 100%
of rider donations went to the Jimmy Fund to help
those with cancer, and cancer research. As an
organization, the Pan Mass Challenge raised $37
million this year!
We are incredibly proud of our entire team,
the Cape Cod Sea Camps, our sponsors, our
volunteers, and everyone at Da-Hedge.                Brian Lutes, PMC team member extraordinaire, brings it on home.
CAPE COD SEA CAMPS                               2013 ALUMNI NEWSLETTER                                   19

Our 2012 PMC Team Standing Tom Pranikoff, Peter Eleftherakis, Mike Moore, Chris Peterson., Brian Lutes, Harry Long, Mike
McKinstry (peeking), Christine Costa, Brian Giguere (tall-behind), Lauren Gardner, Friend of Jay Warings, Alexandra O’Brien, Jason Statuta,
Oliver Spencer, Dave Foster, Mike Whaley Middle Andrew “Crash” Sims, Lexi Briggs, Rick “Otis” Moyer, Brenda Guariglio Kneeling
Dawn O’Neill, Deb Gauley, Jack O’Riordan, Schuyler O’Brien, Bennett, Brent McCreesh, Nathaniel Meltzer, Joe Wynant, Sam Duncan.

                                                      Enthusiasm at


                                                                                Dr. Tom Pranikoff returns to CCSC as a member
                                                                                of the PMC team!

                                            PMC Check Presentation:
PMC founder and CEO, Billy Starr, present the 2012 PMC check to Edward J Benz, Jr. M.D. Dana Farber President.
The 37 million dollar check brings the 33 year total to 375 million raised by the PMC for the Dana Farber Cancer
Institute in Boston. Dr. Benz is quoted as saying in his acceptance speech “When they write the history of how cancer
was conquered, the PMC will be in chapter one”. The PMC raises more money than any other athletic fundraising
event in the country.
The 22 person 2012 CCSC/PMC Team Schuyler raised $156,498 which brought the 19 year total to well over one
million dollars.
Billy and Meredith Starr are proud parents of CCSC campers Hannah and Sophia.

The mantra of the CCS/PMC Team Schuyler:‘We still have work to do and everything is for all of the right reasons’.
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