Page created by Bobby Mcgee

U N DE RG R A D UAT E 2 0 2 2

       The University of Lincoln was awarded Gold in the
    national Teaching Excellence Framework and is recognised
      as the Modern University of the Year by The Times and
     Sunday Times Good University Guide 2021. Located in the
     heart of a welcoming and historic city, we’re here to help
         you succeed, whatever your hopes for the future.
                 Join us and change your world.

#WeAreLincoln                 Contents                                                                                                              4

                              04     Welcome from the Vice Chancellor                   24    A Supportive Community
                              06     Visit Us                                           26    Pioneering Research
                              08     The Lincoln Experience                             30    Our International Community
                              14     Your Future Career                                 34    Fees and Funding
                              20     Accommodation                                      36    Apply to Lincoln
                              22     Student Life                                       38    What You Need to Know

                               40   Accountancy and Finance/International Accounting    140 Health and Exercise Science/Health, Exercise and
                               42   Advertising and Marketing                                 Nutrition
                               44   Animal Behaviour and Welfare                        142   Health and Social Care
                               46   Animation and Visual Efects                         144   History/Modern History
                               48   Applied Social Science                              146   Illustration
                               50   Architecture/Architectural Science and Technology   148   Interior Architecture and Design
                               52   Art History and History                             150   International Business Management
                               54   Banking and Finance                                 152   International Relations
                               56   Biochemistry                                        154   International Relations and Politics/International
                               58   Biology                                                   Relations and Social Policy
                               60   Biomedical Engineering                              156   International Tourism Management
                               62   Biomedical Science                                  158   Journalism/Magazine Journalism/Sports Journalism
                               64   Bioveterinary Science                               160   Journalism and Creative Writing/Journalism and
                               66   Business and Enterprise Development                       Public Relations
                               68   Business and Finance                                162   Journalism Studies
                               70   Business and Management                             164   Law
                               72   Business and Marketing                              166   Law and Criminology/Law for Business
                               74   Business Economics                                  168   Marketing Management
                               76   Business Psychology                                 170   Mathematics/Mathematics and Physics/Mathematics
                               78   Business Studies/Business with English                    with Philosophy
                                                                                        172   Mathematics and Computer Science
                               80   Chemistry/Chemistry with Education/Chemistry with
                                                                                        174   Mechanical Engineering
                               82   Chemistry for Drug Discovery and Development        176   Mechatronics
                                                                                        178   Media Production
                               84   Classical Studies
                                                                                        180   Media Studies
                               86   Communications and Public Relations
                                                                                        182   Medicine/Medicine with a Foundation Year
                               88   Computer Science
                                                                                        184   Midwifery
                               90   Conservation of Cultural Heritage
                                                                                        186   Music
                               92   Construction Science and Management
                                                                                        188   Musical Theatre
                               94   Creative Advertising
                                                                                        190   Nursing (Registered Nurse — Adult)
                               96   Creative Writing
                                                                                              Nursing (Registered Nurse — Child)
                               98   Criminology/Criminology and Social Policy/
                                                                                              Nursing (Registered Nurse — Mental Health)
                                    Criminology and Sociology
                              100   Dance                                               192   Paramedic Science
                              102   Design for Event, Exhibition and Performance        194   Pharmaceutical Science
                              104   Drama and English                                   196   Pharmacy
                              106   Drama and Theatre                                   198   Philosophy
                              108   Ecology and Conservation                            200   Photography
                              110   Economics/Economics and Finance                     202   Physical Education and Sport
                              112   Education/Education and Psychology                  204   Physics/Physics with Philosophy
                              114   Electrical Engineering (Electronics)                206   Politics
                              116   English                                             208   Politics and Social Policy/Politics and Sociology
                              118   English and Creative Writing/English and History/   210   Product Design
                                    English and Journalism                              212   Psychology
                              120   Events Management                                   214   Psychology with Forensic Psychology/Psychology with
                              122   Fashion                                                   Mental Health
                              124   Film and Television Studies                         216   Social Policy/Social Policy and Sociology
                              126   Film Production                                     218   Sociology
                              128   Fine Art                                            220   Sound and Music Production
                                                                                        222   Sport and Exercise Science

                              130   Forensic Chemistry
                              132   Forensic Science                                    224   Sport and Exercise Therapy
                              134   Games Computing                                     226   Sport Development and Coaching
                              136   Geography                                           228   Sports Business Management
                              138   Graphic Design                                      230   Strength and Conditioning in Sport
      University of Lincoln                                                             232   Technical Theatre and Stage Management
      undergraduate student                                                             234   Zoology
5                                                                             6

    A Warm Welcome
    to Lincoln
    We are delighted that you are considering joining our
    friendly academic community here at the University of
    Lincoln. Our aim is that the Lincoln experience is supportive
    while academically rigorous, creative, and engaging.
    We are proud of our reputation for providing a high-quality
    student experience underpinned by inspirational teaching
    and world-leading research. Based in a historic and beautiful
    medieval city, our modern campus provides excellent facilities
    within a close-knit community to support you in your studies.
    Lincoln aims to give you the strongest possible foundation for your
    future career. Our award-winning partnerships with employers and
    our research-engaged teaching aim to encourage you to maximise
    your potential and achieve your goals. For all these reasons, The Times
    and Sunday Times named us Modern University of the Year 2021.
    Your time at Lincoln is likely to be challenging, rewarding,
    and exciting, but above all it should be one of the most
    important and inspirational times of your life.
    Professor Mary Stuart CBE
    Vice Chancellor, University of Lincoln
7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8

                                Visit                                                                                                                     Lincoln on Demand
                                                                      Choosing what you want to study and where you want to
                                                                      study is an exciting and important step in realising your                           While we ofer a range of diferent types of events, on diferent
                                                                      ambitions. At Lincoln, we ofer a range of opportunities                             days, and at diferent times, we know it’s not always possible
                                                                      for you to discover more about us, the courses we ofer, and                         for everyone who would like to attend to do so. That is why we

                                    Us                                why thousands of students fall in love with the University of
                                                                      Lincoln every year.

                                                                      You can explore our courses by connecting with academic staf
                                                                                                                                                          created Lincoln on Demand.

                                                                                                                                                          The platform brings together elements of our Open Days with
                                                                                                                                                          the best bits of many of our online events, from our subject
                                                                      and current students, learn more about our campus, facilities,                      talks and Parents’ Evenings, to guest lectures and workshops
                                                                      and the wider city, or get advice on a range of topics from
           Find out more about our courses, facilities, and student   our support services. We aim to be there with you from your
                                                                                                                                                          on perfecting your personal statement. It provides the chance
                                                                                                                                                          to get to know the city, take a virtual tour of our specialist
                     experience at one of our events.                 very frst enquiry all the way through to joining our academic                       facilities, explore what our accommodation has to ofer in
                                                                      community and becoming part of the Lincoln family.                                  360°, and fnd out more about the support services available at
                                                                                                                                                          Lincoln. Access Lincoln on Demand wherever and whenever
                                                                      You can begin to discover Lincoln for yourself on our website                       you want via your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
                                                                      and by attending one of our many online events, but the best
                                                                      way to fnd out what it is really like to live and learn here is                     Ofer Holder Events
                                                                      to join us for one of our Open Days. Currently our intention                        The University holds special events each year for our ofer
                                                                      is to ofer on-campus events as soon as we are able to do so.                        holders. These are quite diferent to Open Days and provide
                                                                      Alternatively, these will be delivered virtually.                                   the opportunity for applicants to experience their chosen
                                                                                                                                                          course in more depth. More information will be sent to
                                                                      Open Days*                                                                          students holding ofers with us ahead of these events.
                                                                      At Lincoln, we believe Open Days should be a day that the
                                                                      whole family will enjoy. Covid-19 has encouraged us to review                       Live Question and Answer Sessions
                                                                      our practices and, as a result, to take the opportunity to fnd                      We want you to have all the information you need prior to
                                                                      new ways to enhance the student experience. At the time of                          starting university and our staf are here throughout your
                                                                      going to print, we are hoping to be able to welcome visitors                        applicant journey to answer any questions you may have. Join
                                                                      back to our beautiful Brayford Pool Campus very soon, in line                       us for one of our regular online question and answer sessions
                                                                      with Government guidance. Visiting us in person is important                        at
                                                                      and will help you to get a real feel for what it might be like to
                                                                      study here. Many of our students say they knew Lincoln was                          Our team of advisors is on hand to try to answer your questions
                                                                      for them as soon as they set foot on campus.                                        on topics such as entry requirements, accommodation, fees,
                                                                                                                                                          bursaries and scholarships, and anything else you want to
                                                                      By joining us at an Open Day, you have the opportunity to                           know about studying at Lincoln.
                                                                      attend subject talks for the courses you are interested in, meet
                                                                      face-to-face with academic tutors, and speak to our expert                          Connect with Our Students
                                                                      staf about the things that matter to you – whether that is                          We know our students love Lincoln, and it is always useful
                                                                      the course, careers support, accommodation, the Students’                           to get their opinion to understand what it’s really like to
                                                                      Union, or fees and funding.                                                         live and learn here. Whether you want to know more about
                                                                                                                                                          the course you are thinking of studying, or are interested in
                                                                      You can take in our spectacular city centre campus, cutting-                        extracurricular activities and what there is to do in and around
                                                                      edge academic facilities, and purpose-built accommodation                           Lincoln, our friendly Student Ambassadors are here to answer
                                                                      on a guided tour led by one of our brilliant ambassadors.*                          your questions. You can speak to them in person at one of
                                                                      The city you live in plays an important part in your university                     our on-campus events, or connect with them through our
                                                                      experience, which is why we encourage our Open Day guests                           Unibuddy platform. Find out more on our website.
    2021 Open Days:*                                                  to explore the city while they are with us in Lincoln. The high
                                                                      street is just a short walk away and the trip up Steep Hill into
                                                                      the historic Cathedral Quarter is well worth it.
    Saturday 12 June                                                                                                                                         *All activities and events will be delivered in line with the current
    Friday 9 July
                                                                                                                                                             Government guidance. We aim to commence on-campus events as soon as
                                                                                                                                                             circumstances allow. Alternatively, these will be delivered virtually.
    Saturday 10 July
    Saturday 25 September
    Sunday 10 October
    Saturday 23 October
    Saturday 13 November
    Wednesday 8 December
                                                                      Come to an Open Day to explore our spectacular campus, meet some of our friendly staf and students, and learn more about your chosen course.
9                                                                                                          10

    The Lincoln      Lincoln is a special place to live and learn. Set against the
                     backdrop of a beautiful and historic city, the University’s
                   campus sits at the heart of it all on the picturesque Brayford
      Experience    Pool waterfront. Almost everything you’ll need is either on
                                    campus or a short walk away.

                                                                   Our award-winning Great Central
                                                                   Warehouse Library is open 24/7 at key
                                                                   times of the academic year.
11            The view of the Brayford waterfront                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12
                     and Lincoln Cathedral from campus.

                                                                                                                                                                       Our buildings blend modern and innovative learning spaces    Students may have the opportunity to work alongside experienced
                                                                                                                                                                       with social spaces for group work and collaboration.         academics on research that can make a tangible diference to society.
Students have access to a wide range of specialist facilities at Lincoln.

                                                                                                                    Castle Square during one of the                                                                                 Many of our buildings have their own catering facilities
                                                                                                                    University’s graduation ceremonies.                                                                             making it easy to grab a bite to eat with friends.

       Achieving Your Potential                                                                                                                           Engage in Research                                                       Many of our courses ofer the chance to gain hands-on
       During your time with us as a student here at Lincoln, you                                                                                         At Lincoln, we strive to ofer teaching underpinned by a                  experience through work placements and professional
       will be encouraged to broaden your horizons and develop                                                                                            vibrant research culture, and we are particularly proud of               practice years. Opportunities may be available both in the
       new interests and independence. From our award-winning                                                                                             our Student as Producer initiative for teaching, learning,               UK and overseas via our Global Opportunities Team. Learn
       teaching to our great industry links and outstanding student                                                                                       and engagement. This emphasises the role of students as                  more about our industry-engaged approach on page 15.
       experience, we put our students at the heart of everything                                                                                         collaborators in the production of knowledge.
       we do.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We strive to provide the tools students need
                                                                                                                                                          Students may have the opportunity to work alongside                                                        to achieve their career aspirations.
       Employers are increasingly looking for individuals who can                                                                                         experienced academics on research that can make a tangible
       make a diference in today’s global workplace. With our                                                                                             diference to society. This hands-on approach encourages
       expert staf, modern facilities, close links with business,                                                                                         students to solve problems and generate new ideas. For those
       and world-leading research, we strive to provide the tools            Former Poet Laureate Dame Carol Ann Dufy is a                                who want to take their research further, the University ofers
       students need to achieve their career aspirations.                    Visiting Artist at the University of Lincoln.                                an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Scheme. This gives
                                                                                                                                                          students the chance to work with an academic on a funded
       In addition to our core undergraduate degree programmes,                                                                                           research project over the summer. Students from the scheme
       we ofer wider opportunities around work experience,
                                                                            Award-winning Teaching
                                                                            The University of Lincoln prides itself on the quality of its                 have gone on to present their work at national conferences
       volunteering, clubs and societies, research, and international                                                                                     and publish fndings in academic journals.
                                                                            teaching, which is refected in our Gold award in the national
       travel. You are encouraged to develop as a person and to
                                                                            Teaching Excellence Framework. In addition to the expertise
       become the best version of you that you can be. We aim                                                                                             Great Industry Links
                                                                            of our academic teams, a number of our programmes
       to ensure that when our students graduate, they will have                                                                                          The University is proud to have developed innovative
                                                                            feature inspirational guest speakers and visiting professors
       had the opportunity to gain the confdence, skills, and                                                                                             partnerships with a range of organisations, such as Siemens,
                                                                            renowned in their respective industries and professions.
       knowledge they need to achieve the future they want.                                                                                               The Guardian, Santander, the Thomson Reuters Foundation,
                                                                            Some of our current students have been taught by naturalist
                                                                                                                                                          and the Lincolnshire Co-op. We aim to provide our
                                                                            and broadcaster Chris Packham CBE and the former Poet
       #WeAreLincoln                                                        Laureate Dame Carol Ann Dufy.
                                                                                                                                                          students with enhanced opportunities for work experience,
                                                                                                                                                          networking, and access to latest industry trends.                        #GreatPlaceToBeAStudent
13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             14

Cutting-edge Facilities                                                                    The University is close to many restaurants, cafes, and bars.
We understand the importance of giving you the strongest
possible foundation to help you achieve your aspirations and
we are constantly investing in our buildings and facilities.
Whatever programme you choose, we strive to provide the
best learning environment and aim to ensure that you have
access to the latest equipment and resources to support your

Our buildings blend modern and innovative learning spaces
with social spaces for group work and collaboration. In the
national Teaching Excellence Framework, the University was
commended for its “outstanding physical and digital resources
which pervade all aspects of student experience, including
state-of-the-art teaching spaces”.

The University’s Great Central Warehouse Library is central                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lincoln's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ’ Roman and medieval blends
to student life, providing access to print and electronic books,                                                                                                                                                                                                                together seamlessly with modern city living.
databases, and specialist collections, and complementing                                A Stunning Location
subject-specifc resources and facilities.                                               The winning combination of a welcoming and vibrant city
                                                                                                                                                                Lincoln Castle seen from Castle Square.
                                                                                        centre and a historic Cathedral Quarter, both ofering a rich
  The Isaac Newton Building is one of Lincoln’s newest additions.                       variety of attractions, activities, and amenities, makes Lincoln
                                                                                        a fantastic place in which to live and study.

                                                                                        Just a short walk away from campus you will fnd a range of
                                                                                        restaurants, cafes, and bars that overlook the marina area. The
                                                                                        city’s high street and side streets ofer a mix of independent
                                                                                        and boutique stores alongside national brands and chains.

                                                                                        Step back in time along the city’s famous cobbled Steep Hill,
                                                                                        which provides the gateway to the city’s historic Cathedral
                                                                                        Quarter and Bailgate area, where character-flled streets are
                                                                                        lined with quirky shops and enticing eateries. The area is
                                                                                        home to Lincoln Cathedral – one of Europe’s most celebrated
                                                                                        medieval buildings – and Lincoln Castle – which holds one of
                                                                                        only four surviving originals of the 1215 Magna Carta.
Depending on the subject chosen, students can have access                                                                                                       An art installation on campus.                       Donkeys at Skegness.
to scientifc laboratories and workshops – such as the Vehicle                           You don’t have to go far to experience the great outdoors. The
Controls Lab, and the Electro-Magnetic Chamber – specialist                             city itself is home to several parks and beautiful waterways,                                                                                                              The RAF Red Arrows display team
robotics facilities, state-of-the-art clinical suites, a pharmacy                       and is surrounded by picturesque countryside and stunning                                                                                                                  is based close to the city of Lincoln.
dispensary, consultancy rooms, and a dedicated area for the                             landscapes, ready to be explored through country walks and
study of animal behaviour.                                                              cycle routes. A visit to one of Lincolnshire’s seaside resorts is a
                                                                                        great way to spend a sunny day with friends.
Those undertaking arts subjects can make use of a range
of bespoke spaces and resources, including well-equipped
art, design, fashion, and dance studios; television and
photography studios and editing suites; printmaking studios; a
specialist facility for working with ceramics, glass, and precious                      #LoveLincoln
metals; and a 450-seat professional theatre.

                                                                                                                                                                Lincoln City Football Club.                          The Lincoln Christmas Market.

                                                                                                                                                              The city of Lincoln and surrounding countryside have plenty to discover to keep you entertained   Lincoln’s central location in the East Midlands allows for quick
                                                                                                                                                              outside of your studies.                                                                          and easy access to London and a number of major cities. Nearby
The University is based on the picturesque Brayford Pool waterfront and almost everything you need is either on campus or a short walk away.                                                                                                                    airports provide direct links to destinations around the world.
15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         16

Students graduating at the                                                       At the University of Lincoln, our team of employability                                           Our Careers and Employability Team strives to help students
spectacular Lincoln Cathedral.                                                   and careers professionals is here to try to help you develop                                      who want to fnd relevant work experience aligned to their
                                                                                 the knowledge, skills, confdence, and experience you need                                         career aspirations. Some students take a break from their
                                                                                 to kick-start your chosen career.                                                                 studies to undertake a full-time work placement year during
                                                                                                                                                                                   their undergraduate course to gain direct industry experience
                                                                                 Our Careers and Employability Team has been acknowledged                                          and apply their knowledge in a professional setting. At
                                                                                 nationally for its innovative approach to careers education                                       the University of Lincoln, no fees are charged for a work
                                                                                 and guidance, winning the Association of Graduate Careers                                         placement year, although students are responsible for their
                                                                                 Advisory Services Award for Excellence in Employer                                                own travel, accommodation, and general living costs during
                                                                                 Engagement.                                                                                       these placements. Please see the course pages on our website
                                                                                                                                                                                   for specifc details on placement opportunities.
                                                                                 Our advisors can ofer individual support and advice
                                                                                 through a combination of face-to-face and online one-to-one                                       Development Opportunities
                                                                                 appointments, group sessions, and workshops. Daily drop-in                                        Students can get involved in a range of extracurricular
                                                                                 sessions with the Careers Clinic are also available. The team                                     and co-curricular activities to ft around their core studies
                                                                                 is on hand and can answer queries and help you develop                                            at Lincoln. This might include employability mentoring,
                                                                                 practical skills, such as building your CV and preparing for                                      which pairs students with professionals from our network
                                                                                 interviews.                                                                                       of regional employers; and our ‘Hire Me’ interactive careers
                                                                                                                                                                                   education programme, which aims to help students to
                                                                                 A range of employment advice and skills development                                               enhance their CVs, prepare job applications, and refne
                                                                                 workshops are delivered throughout the year as part of a                                          interview techniques. In addition, ‘Business Challenge’
                                                                                 calendar of events which features our ‘Find Your Feet’ annual                                     competitions ofer opportunities to take part in real-world
                                                                                 careers fair. This complements a series of ‘How to Get a                                          challenges set by employers.
                                                                                 Graduate Job with...’ events, giving students the opportunity
                                                                                 to engage with some of the UK’s top 300 graduate                                                  We aim to recognise the skills and qualities our students
                                                                                 recruiters. Please note that events are carried out in line with                                  develop by embracing the rich variety of activities on ofer as
                                                                                 Government guidance at the time.                                                                  an undergraduate at Lincoln, whether that is volunteering
                                                                                                                                                                                   on a community project, working in a part-time job, or
                                                                                 Students can sign up to our CareerLinc service to receive                                         helping to run a student sports club or society. Working
                                                                                 updates on student employment, work placement, and                                                in partnership with the Students’ Union, the Careers and
                                                                                 graduate-level opportunities with a range of regional, national,                                  Employability Team runs the Lincoln Award. As already
                                                                                 and global organisations. There is a Campus Jobs service                                          mentioned, this is an employability framework designed to
                                                                                 which can help you to fnd part-time work to ft around                                             support, enhance, and recognise extracurricular activity. It
                                                                                 your studies. These experiences can form part of our unique                                       gives students the opportunity to acquire transferable skills
                                                                                 Lincoln Award scheme, which has been designed to recognise                                        and learn how to demonstrate and communicate these skills
                                                                                 work and extracurricular activities students engage in at                                         to potential employers, as well as preparing them for elements
                                                                                 Lincoln. You can use this award to demonstrate your wider                                         of the recruitment process, such as interviews and assessment
                                                                                 skill set to employers.                                                                           centres.
                                                                                 Work Experience

                                 Your Future
                                                                                                                                                                                   Students looking to further enhance their skill set in an
                                                                                 The University of Lincoln is recognised as setting a blueprint                                    increasingly globalised economy can take advantage of
                                                                                 for excellence in our pioneering approach to working with                                         language courses ofered by our Lincoln International
                                                                                 industry. Our unique relationships with companies such as                                         Business School. These include French, German, Spanish,
                                                                                 Siemens, the Lincolnshire Co-op, Coca-Cola, and Santander

                                                                                                                                                                                   Italian, and Mandarin Chinese. A cost is associated
                                                                                 demonstrate our innovative industry-engaged approach. This                                        with these courses. For more information, please visit
                                                                                 has been acknowledged through a series of national awards                               
                                                                                 over the past decade, including a prestigious Lord Staford
                                                                                 Award and a Times Higher Education Award.                                                            All services and activities will be delivered in line with the current
                                                                                                                                                                                      Government guidance.
       Preparing you for your future career in the global graduate jobs market
       shapes your student experience from the day that you enrol. Alongside
       our industry-engaged approach to teaching, we have a dedicated, award-
        winning Careers Team who can support you throughout your time at
                                Lincoln and beyond.

                                 #LoveLincoln                                    Our students have the opportunity to put their learning into practice and gain practical hands-on experience in their chosen felds. At Lincoln, no fees are charged for a work placement year.
17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            18

                                                                                                                                                              Lincoln Alumni
                                                                                                                                                                                Chris Gray, BA (Hons) Journalism 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                Lincoln’s Journalism graduates have gone on to work in
                                                                                                                                                                                media organisations around the world, including the BBC,
                                                                                                                                                                                Sky Sports, and ITV, in roles such as a Planner for Sky Sports
A graduation ceremony taking
place in Lincoln Cathedral.                                                                                                                                                     News, and Head of Features for ITV’s This Morning.

                                                                                                                                                                                Graduate Chris Gray now works as a Senior Journalist at the
                                                                                                                                                                                BBC News Channel and BBC News at One. Chris is one of
Graduation and Beyond                                                                                                                                                           the youngest members of staf at the BBC working in the role
Our students are not just a part of the University of Lincoln   Many University of Lincoln graduates go on to                                                                   of Senior Journalist, having been promoted within just three
community during their studies – that journey begins before     successful careers in organisations around the                                                                  years of graduating. His career at BBC News sees him working
they even enrol and continues long after they have graduated.   world, including at:                                                                                            on major stories such as Brexit, elections, and the Covid-19
Each year, several thousand students become graduates of                                                                                                                        pandemic.
                                                                BAE Systems              M&C Saatchi
the University of Lincoln at our spectacular graduation
                                                                BBC                      Ministry of Defence
ceremonies, usually held in the magnifcent Lincoln
                                                                Bloomberg                National Grid
Cathedral. Upon graduating, students join our global Alumni
                                                                Boots                    National Trust
Network – a family of more than 100,000 former Lincoln
                                                                BP                       NHS
students, located all over the world. Our Alumni Ofce can
                                                                British Council          Nickelodeon
help you stay in touch with coursemates, tutors, and the
                                                                British Sugar            Nintendo
University, and access a wide range of services and benefts.                                                       Imogen Napper, BSc (Hons) Biomedical
                                                                Capita                   Ofcom
Lincoln graduates can continue to take advantage of dedicated   CBS Interactive          Ogilvy                    Science 2013 and MSc Biotechnology 2014
careers support via the University for up to two years after    Chester Zoo              PayPal
                                                                Cisco                    Penguin Random House UK   Outraged by the polluted beaches she witnessed on her feld
fnishing their studies, helping them establish their chosen                                                        trips during her BSc Biomedical Science degree, Imogen
career path. You can beneft from one-to-one careers support,    Crédit Agricole          PwC
                                                                Disney                   RAF Red Arrows            Napper was determined to drive environmental change.
including CV advice and help with interview preparation.
                                                                Double Negative          Reuters
                                                                                                                   After further study at Lincoln, this time on the MSc
If you have ambitions to start your own business, the           EA Games                 Rockstar Games
                                                                                                                   Biotechnology course, Imogen took her passion to the next
University’s on-campus business incubation centre,              Environment Agency       Rolls-Royce
                                                                                                                   level, focusing on the sources and consequences of plastic
Sparkhouse, has helped hundreds of graduate start-ups over      EY                       RSPCA
                                                                                                                   contamination in the marine environment.
the years. It provides access to business support services,     Facebook                 Saatchi & Saatchi
funding advice, training events and networking, as well as      Forestry Commission      Santander UK              After working as a Sky Ocean Rescue Scholar, Imogen is now
afordable, fexible business premises, which can help you turn   French Connection        Siemens                   Expedition Scientist at National Geographic.
your concept into reality.                                      GCHQ                     Sky
                                                                GE                       Sony
You can continue your adventure at the University of            Google                   Spotify
Lincoln with one of our postgraduate programmes. Alumni         GSK                      The British Museum
scholarships are available for many Lincoln graduates. For      Heritage Lottery Fund    The FA
details, please see             Hewlett-Packard          The Guardian                                                                           Dan Sam, BA (Hons) Accountancy and
                                                                HMRC                     The Times                                                                              Finance 2012
                                                                Honda UK                 TikTok
                                                                IBM                      Unicef                                                                                 After graduating in 2012, and following two years as President
                                                                ITV                      Universal Music                                                                        of Lincoln Students’ Union, Dan Sam is enjoying a successful

#LincolnForLife                                                 John Lewis Partnership
                                                                Lincoln Cathedral
                                                                                         V&A Museum
                                                                                                                                                                                career at leading commercial bank Santander UK.

                                                                                                                                                                                As an Associate in Corporate and Investment Banking,
                                                                                                                                                                                supporting FTSE 100/250 businesses within the aviation,
                                                                                                                                                                                business services, and transport sectors, he has devised
                               “I absolutely loved being in Lincoln, my time at the                                                                                             practical and efective solutions to business needs by utilising
                               University, the lifelong friends I made, and the course                                                                                          the bank’s extensive expertise.

                               itself.”                                                                                                                                         Dan is still involved with the University of Lincoln, regularly
                                                                                                                                                                                volunteering at alumni events and sharing his experiences
                                                                                                                                                                                during talks with current students.
                               Andrew Morton, RAF Red Arrows PR Manager and University of Lincoln graduate
19                                                                                     20

       “There is so much simplicity in
     nature’s perfection and so much to
     learn. I am envious of the students
        at Lincoln who are embarking
        on that journey of discovery.”
              Chris Packham CBE, Visiting Professor

                                                      Chris Packham CBE in the
                                                      University’s Minerva Building.
21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             22

                                                                                  Most student accommodation at the University of Lincoln is located either on campus or just a short walk away, within easy reach of the city centre.
                      We know that moving away from home for the frst time
                      is a big step. That’s why we guarantee all new students a   Choosing where to live is a big decision and it’s important                                     All of the developments place students close to the
                      bedroom in a University residence† as we aim to ensure      to take the time to fnd out what’s available and what would
                                                                                  best suit your needs and budget. Based in the heart of
                                                                                                                                                                                  University’s academic buildings, Student Services, and
                                                                                                                                                                                  Students’ Union, as well as the heart of the city centre.
                            our students receive all the support they need.       Lincoln’s city centre, most student accommodation at the
                                                                                  University is situated on our Brayford Pool Campus or just a                                    Choosing Your New Home
                                                                                  short distance away.                                                                            The University ofers a range of options to meet diferent
                                                                                                                                                                                  needs and budgets, and our Accommodation Services Team
                                                                                  A Supportive Environment                                                                        is on hand to help you explore your options and answer any
                                                                                  At Lincoln, we aim to provide a friendly, welcoming, and                                        questions you may have.
                                                                                  close-knit community. For many students, this will be their
                                                                                  frst experience of living away from home, and those they                                        Visiting us at an Open Day* is a good way to see our
                                                                                  live with in their University accommodation are likely to                                       accommodation for yourself and get a feel for where everything
                                                                                  become their new friends. Two of our new developments,                                          is. It’s also an opportunity to speak to our Accommodation
                                                                                  Cygnet Wharf and 179 High Street, are only open to frst-year                                    Services Team in person. We hope to be able to welcome
                                                                                  undergraduate students, helping to create a distinct sense of                                   visitors onto campus soon in line with Government guidance.
                                                                                  community where students can come to recognise and care for                                     You don’t have to wait until an Open Day to start considering
                                                                                  one another.                                                                                    your options though. Visit our website and take a look at our
                                                                                                                                                                                  Lincoln on Demand platform to access our 360° online tours
                                                                                  All University accommodation is supported by our Residential                                    and explore the options from the comfort of your own home.
                                                                                  Warden Team. Our Residential Wardens are either students
                                                                                  or staf who are recruited, trained, and managed by our                                          How to Apply
                                                                                  Student Support Service. They are key team members who are                                      Once you have formally accepted your academic ofer from us
                                                                                  here to support and advise students.                                                            through UCAS, you can apply for accommodation using our
                                                                                                                                                                                  online application system. This opens on 1 November 2021.
                                                                                  Residential Wardens aim to provide information and advice                                       For more information about our accommodation and how to
                                                                                  to help you settle in to your accommodation and help you                                        apply, please visit our website.
                                                                                  get the most out of your time at Lincoln. They are available
                                                                                  throughout the academic year to try to help resolve any issues                                  For information on disabled access accommodation
                                                                                  which may arise.                                                                                and any other specifc requirements, please call us on
                                                                                                                                                                                  +44 (0)1522 886231 or email
                                                                                  A Great Location                                                                                Prices for accommodation in 2022/23 will be fnalised in
                                                                                  Thanks to our fantastic location in the heart of Lincoln, no                                    early 2022. Current prices are available at
Lincoln Courts is our stunning waterfront
                                                                                  matter which accommodation you choose at the University,                                        accommodationcosts.
accommodation complex, situated on campus
in the heart of the Brayford Student Village.                                     you will never be far from the action. With almost everything
                                                                                  you could need within walking distance, the majority of our                                     **Student Travel Survey 2017, as reported by HESA.
                                                                                  students do not need to use a car or public transport. In fact,
                                                                                  around three quarters of our students travel into campus on
                                                                                  foot. This is one of the highest ratios of any university in the

                                                                                  The University of Lincoln’s two Student Villages are made up
                                                                                  of purpose-built complexes including Lincoln Courts, Viking
                                                                                  House, Cygnet Wharf, The Gateway, and St Marks. We also                                             *All activities and events will be delivered in line with the current
                                                                                  have standalone residences in Valentine Court and 179 High                                          Government guidance. We aim to commence on-campus events as soon as
†Guaranteed Accommodation                                                         Street.                                                                                             circumstances allow. Alternatively, these will be delivered virtually.

A bedroom in a University residence is guaranteed                                 Comprised of furnished, self-catering apartments, the majority
                                                                                  house between three and 12 students and include bedrooms
to all new students who apply for accommodation                                   with en-suite facilities. Rental costs include utilities, personal
before 1 September 2022.                                                          possessions insurance, and WiFi internet access.
23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 24

                     University life is about so much more than just studying.
                      That’s why everything we do is geared towards giving
                            you the best student experience possible.                                                            There are plenty of societies and sports clubs that students can get involved in.

                                                                                                                                 Working together with the University of Lincoln’s Students’                         The Students’ Union currently ofers more than 150 diferent
                                                                                                                                 Union – an independent organisation run by elected ofcers                           sports and societies, which any student can join. They include:
                                                                                                                                 on behalf of students at Lincoln – the University aims to
                                                                                                                                 ofer an array of events, activities, and amenities designed to                        Archery                Anime Society
                                                                                                                                 help you settle in to university life, meet friends, and make                         Basketball             Chess Society
                                                                                                                                 the most of your time with us.                                                        Cheerleading           Disney Society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dodgeball              E.C.O Society
                                                                                                                                 Students have the chance to enjoy a range of virtual and on-
                                                                                                                                 campus events and activities throughout the year, including                           Equestrian             Gaming Society
                                                                                                                                 live music, comedy, quizzes, and fayres. All activities, events,                      Football               Harry Potter Society
                                                                                                                                 and facilities adhere to the current Government guidance and                          Gymnastics             Juggling Society
                                                                                                                                 restrictions on opening and social mixing.                                            Hockey                 Musical Theatre Society
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pole Fitness           Poker Society
                                                                                                                                 Many of our buildings have their own catering facilities                              Rowing                 Pride Society
                                                                                                                                 making it easy to grab a bite to eat with friends. They ofer                          Rugby                  Sci-Fi Society
                                                                                                                                 an array of food and drink options, from quick snacks to hot                          Trampolining           Terrible Film Society
                                                                                                                                 meals, including noodles, salads, deli sandwiches, and pizza.                         Ultimate Frisbee       Vegetarian and Vegan Society
                                                                                                                                 There is also a selection of vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and                      Yoga                   Wildlife Conservation Society
                                                                                                                                 halal options at many of our food outlets.

                                                                                                                                 The Students’ Union (SU) operates several major on-campus                           Advice and Support
                                                                                                                                 venues which are popular hotspots for students during the                           For students who may need help or support during their
                                                                                                                                 day and at night. These include Towers, The Swan, and                               studies, the SU runs its own Advice Centre. If ofers free
                                                                                                                                 The Engine Shed, which is one of the region’s biggest live                          independent and impartial advice on a range of areas,
                                                                                                                                 music venues and has welcomed acts such as Kaiser Chiefs,                           including academic, fnancial, housing, and welfare issues.
                                                                                                                                 Rudimental, Romesh Ranganathan, and Katherine Ryan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Get Involved
                                                                                                                                 Sports and Societies                                                                Inclusion and representation are at the heart of the SU,
                                                                                                                                 Taking part in sporting activities, joining a club, or becoming                     and students are encouraged to take an active part in the
                                                                                                                                 a member of a society can be a great way to make new friends                        organisation. There are many ways to do this, such as
                                                                                                                                 and create bonds that can last a lifetime.                                          becoming a course representative, standing in the annual SU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     elections, and providing feedback on your student experience.
                                                                                                                                 The University’s on-campus Sports Centre provides many
                                                                                                                                 of the facilities used by the Students’ Union sports clubs,                         Five full-time student leaders and a team of volunteer
                                                                                                                                 including fve-a-side football pitches, squash courts, basketball                    ofcers represent students at Lincoln, supported by a team
                                                                                                                                 courts, hockey pitches, and trampolines. The Centre also                            of dedicated staf. They aim to ensure that students can get
                                                                                                                                 ofers a mix of ftness classes, a dance studio, and a well-                          involved in and infuence the direction of the SU and the
                                                                                                                                 equipped gym.                                                                       wider University.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Students’ Union also engages in campaigns throughout
 All activities, events, sporting events, and facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the year, tackling important issues and raising awareness of
 will adhere to current Government guidance and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BAME, LGBT+, women’s, disabled, and environmental issues.
 restrictions on opening and social mixing. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     There are lots of opportunities to get involved and make a
 University reserves the right to make changes to
 ensure compliance with Government guidance
 and restrictions.                                                Housed in an impressive glass building, once an engine shed,
                                                                  Towers is a hub of entertainment for students and staf.
25                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               26

                 A Supportive
                                                                                                               During your studies you will be assigned a personal                                    It is our policy to ofer a place to every suitably qualifed
                                                                                                               tutor. Their role is to ofer mentoring, guidance, and                                  applicant with a disability wherever possible, and the Student
                                                                                                               encouragement to help you get the most out of your                                     Wellbeing Team is happy to discuss your specifc needs and

                                                                                                               university experience. We understand that there may be                                 the support we can ofer. If you are a UK higher education
                                                                                                               times when you need a little extra assistance. That’s why we                           student living in England, you can apply for a Disabled
                                                                                                               ofer a wide range of support and advice services for both                              Students’ Allowance if you have a disability, a long-term
                                                                                                               personal and academic matters.                                                         health condition, a mental health condition, or a specifc
                                                                                                                                                                                                      learning diference like dyslexia. The support you receive
                                                                                                               Situated at the heart of our Brayford Pool Campus, the
        At the University of Lincoln, we aim to provide a friendly,                                            Student Support Centre brings many of these key services
                                                                                                                                                                                                      depends on your individual needs and not on income. For
                                                                                                                                                                                                      more information, please visit
      welcoming, and close-knit academic community for all of our                                              together. It provides a central point of contact that aims to                          allowances-dsas.
                                                                                                               link students with the appropriate team. Our specialist teams
     students and staf. We are here to support you on your journey                                             ofer free, impartial, and confdential advice and information                           A Supportive Community
          and to help you make the most of your time with us.                                                  on an array of topics, from fees, funding, and making                                  Sometimes you may just want to chat to someone. Whether
                                                                                                               payments, to housing, visas, and legal advice.                                         you have good or bad news to share, or simply want to talk
                                                                                                                                                                                                      through issues surrounding work, study, or relationships, we
                                                                                                               When you join the University, you automatically become a                               have a team of experienced counsellors who can help. There is
                                                                                                               member of Lincoln’s Students’ Union. Whether you are a new                             also a Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Service whose advisors are here
                                                                                                               arrival or a returning student, it is also on hand to help you                         to listen, regardless of your faith.
                                                                                                               and can ofer a separate range of support services, including
                                                                                                               an independent Advice Centre.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      “At Lincoln, the success and wellbeing
                                                                                                               Academic Support
                                                                                                               At the heart of student life is the University’s Great Central                         of our students is at the forefront of
                                                                                                               Warehouse Library, which provides access to more than                                  everything we do. When students come
                                                                                                               260,000 journals and 750,000 print and electronic books, as
                                                                                                               well as databases and specialist collections. It is open 24/7 at                       here they join a close-knit community
                                                                                                               key times during the academic year. Expert staf are on hand                            founded on mutual respect, and we work
                                                                                                               to help you navigate the resources. Drop-ins, workshops, and
                                                                                                               individual appointments are available to provide practical
                                                                                                                                                                                                      with them to provide a stimulating and
                                                                                                               support with academic reading, writing, and referencing;                               supportive environment that encourages
                                                                                                               statistical analysis; and critical-thinking skills.                                    them to grow and gain confdence.”
                                                                                                               Health and Wellbeing Support
                                                                                                               The health and wellbeing of our students is of the utmost                                           Judith Carey,
                                                                                                               importance to us. As soon as you have enrolled at the                                               Academic Registrar
                                                                                                               University, you will be able to register with our on-campus
                                                                                                               Health Centre. It specialises in students’ health and ofers
                                                                                                               appointments with NHS doctors and nurses. Alternatively, we                              Further Information:
                                                                                                               can provide you with the details of other GP practices based                             Student Support Centre
                                                                                                               within the city.                                                                         T: +44 (0)1522 837080
                                                                                                               You can request the specialist advice of professional staf in                            W:
                                                                                                               our Student Wellbeing Centre. The team includes student
                                                                                                               wellbeing advisors, mental health advisors, and counsellors                              Student Wellbeing Centre
                                                                                                               who are able to provide advice and guidance in relation                                  T: +44 (0)1522 886400
                                                                                                               to disability, medical conditions, learning diferences, and                              E:
                                                                                                               mental health. One-to-one appointments are available and
                                                                                                               students can access a range of workshops, podcasts, and                                  University of Lincoln Health Centre
                                                                                                               self-help guides.                                                                        T: +44 (0)1522 870010

                            The Student Support Centre is situated at the heart of our Brayford Pool Campus.   Students can access a wide range of support and advice during their time at Lincoln.
27                                                                            28

     At Lincoln, students have the chance to learn from, and engage in,
     pioneering research projects alongside academics who are changing
     lives through groundbreaking studies. Many of our courses ofer
     opportunities for students to develop their research skills and gain
     hands-on experience in a variety of contexts and settings.
     Engaging with research is an important way of broadening skill
     sets, such as developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
     This can help students gain relevant experience that can be further
     developed during study or in industry.
     At Lincoln, our research is making a real diference to society in
     the UK and around the world. We are home to academics who
     are leaders in their felds and who are addressing some of the
     world’s most pressing problems. These include Nigel Allinson
     MBE, Distinguished Professor of Image Engineering, whose work
     is improving cancer treatments (read more on page 29). The
     knowledge of these expert staf informs our teaching, as we aim to
     ensure that our programmes are shaped by the latest developments
     in research and industry, and that our students are prepared for
     their future careers.

29                                                                                                                                                                         30

More than half of Lincoln’s research              Our academic teams are involved in research at the leading edge of their disciplines,
                                                  from developing new antibiotics and more efective cancer treatments, to promoting
was judged to be internationally                  peacebuilding programmes and tackling the social, economic, and health issues faced by
excellent or world-leading in the most            rural communities across the world.
recent Research Excellence Framework.
                                                                                                        Improving Outcomes for Cancer Patients
                                                                                                        Lincoln’s internationally renowned expert in image engineering,
                                                                                                        Professor Nigel Allinson MBE, has developed new medical imaging
                                                                                                        technology that could revolutionise treatment for thousands of cancer
                                                                                                        patients. Developed as part of the £3.3 million OPTIma (Optimising
                                                                                                        Proton Therapy through Imaging) project, the technology makes it
                                                                                                        possible to provide more efective radiotherapy treatment for those
                                                                                                        living with cancer, using protons rather than X-rays to create more
                                                                                                        accurate three-dimensional images of a patient’s anatomy. The
                                                                                                        technology will be used in one of the UK’s two new NHS high-
                                                                                                        energy proton beam therapy centres, providing adaptive and highly
                                                                                                        personalised treatment planning and monitoring for patients with
                                                                                                        difcult-to-treat cancers.
                                                                                                        Research Lead:
                                                                                                        Professor Nigel Allinson MBE

                                                  Promoting Peace in Post-confict Rwanda
                                                  An arts project led by Lincoln’s Professor Ananda Breed is exploring
                                                  how disciplines like dance, drama, and music can empower young
                                                  people to be a driving force for peacebuilding in countries that have
                                                  experienced confict, such as Rwanda. Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP) is
                                                  using the arts as a platform for young people to share their experiences
                                                  and communicate their ideas for confict prevention within their own
                                                  communities. MAP has created a ‘toolkit’ for educators to teach the
                                                  performing arts as well as ofering training sessions to enable them to
                                                  deliver residential workshops for young people. The project has already
                                                  helped children in fve provinces in Rwanda to improve their academic
                                                  performance and enhance communications between them and their

                                                  Research Lead:
                                                  Professor Ananda Breed

                                                                                                     Exploring Emerging Infectious Diseases
                                                                                                     Emerging infectious diseases are heavily infuenced by how and where
                                                                                                     we live. The Covid-19 outbreak has highlighted the importance of
                                                                                                     understanding this infuence. Dr Creighton Connolly, from the
                                                                                                     University of Lincoln’s School of Geography, has led an interdisciplinary
                                                                                                     research project which indicates that urban expansion is creating the
                                                                                                     conditions for infectious diseases to emerge and spread around the world.
                                                                                                     The research is furthering our understanding of how we live, now and in
                                                                                                     the future. Without this, public health policymakers locally, nationally,
                                                                                                     and internationally will be ill-equipped to identify and mitigate the
                                                                                                     heightened risk of infectious disease outbreaks posed by suburban sprawl.

Staf and students engaging in practical work at                                                      Research Lead:
the National Centre for Food Manufacturing.                                                          Dr Creighton Connolly
31                                                                                                                                                                                                                          32

                                                                                 Each year, the University of Lincoln is delighted to welcome                   Scholarships
                                                                                 international students from all over the world. With staf                      The University of Lincoln ofers a variety of scholarships
                                                                                 and students from more than 100 countries, we represent a                      for international students, typically ranging from £2,000
                                                                                 diverse and inclusive academic community.                                      to 50 per cent of tuition fees. The type of international
                                                                                                                                                                scholarship available depends on your chosen course,
                                                                                 Our dedicated International Team is here to try to answer any
                                                                                                                                                                country of permanent residence, and academic background.
                                                                                 questions you may have about studying in Lincoln. This may
                                                                                                                                                                For more information, visit
                                                                                 include advice and guidance on choosing the right course for
                                                                                 you, the application process, or what life is like as a student
                                                                                 here in the UK. The team frequently attends events around                      Making Friends
                                                                                 the world, subject to Government guidance on travel and                        The Students’ Union hosts various events and trips
                                                                                 events. This ofers the opportunity to speak to someone in                      throughout the year, designed to help international students
                                                                                 person and fnd out more about the University of Lincoln.                       make friends and enjoy new experiences. Past students have
                                                                                 Dates of our visits are available on the country pages of our                  enjoyed coach trips around the UK to destinations including
                                                                                 website at Alternatively,                       London, Liverpool, and Blackpool. All events are carried out
                                                                                 there are opportunities to engage with staf and students                       in line with Government guidance at the time.
                                                                                 online, either at virtual events or via our live online chat.

                                                                                 Your Home from Home
                                                                                 While it is exciting and rewarding to study in another country,
                                                                                 it can be challenging. At Lincoln, we put our students at the
                                                                                 heart of everything we do, and we will do all we can to help
                                                                                 you settle in and feel at home. This begins as soon as you
                                                                                 arrive in the UK, with our free airport pick-up service for
                                                                                 students fying into London Heathrow on specifc dates.

                                                                                 When you arrive at the University, our team of staf and
                                                                                 students is on hand to welcome you and we aim to help you
                                                                                 make the most of your time here. We can ofer help and
                                                                                 advice, enrolment orientation talks, and tours of the city.

                                                                                 “I’m so happy that I chose the University
                                                                                 of Lincoln over other UK universities. It
                                                                                 has the best of everything for students and
                                                                                                                                                                  The University of Lincoln is home to a growing
                                                                                 is a place that connects to the heart in a                                       community of students from around the world.
                                                                                 very magical way.”
                                                                                                                                                                Preparation Courses
                                                                                 Duaa Al-Jdoa, originally from Jordan                                           At Lincoln, we have a range of courses to help prepare you for
                                                                                                                                                                degree-level study in the UK. Our English Language Centre

                           Our International                                                                                                                    ofers fve- or ten-week Pre-sessional English and Academic
                                                                                                                                                                Study Skills (PEASS) courses for a fee, enabling international
                                                                                                                                                                ofer holders to improve their English language level before

                                                                                                                                                                enrolling. We also ofer a range of free term-time courses
                                                                                                                                                                which are designed to help students develop their English
                                                                                                                                                                language and academic study skills.

                                                                                                                                                                We ofer degree preparation programmes for international
                               Located in the heart of England, the University                                                                                  students who do not meet direct entry requirements. These
                                                                                                                                                                programmes are designed to combine subject-specifc modules
                               of Lincoln provides a welcoming and supportive                                                                                   with language, study, and research skills training. Provided you
                              environment for students from around the world.                                                                                   meet the entry criteria, on completion these programmes can
                                                                                                                                                                enable you to progress directly on to the frst or second year of
                                                                                                                                                                an undergraduate degree at the University of Lincoln. Please
                                                                                                                                                                see our website for the latest details.

Students relaxing in the grounds of
the historic Lincoln Cathedral.
                                                                                 Our preparation courses aim to help equip international students for degree-
                                                                                 level study in the UK.
33                                                                                                                       34

                                                                     The University of Lincoln ofers a student-centred
                                                                     community in the heart of a vibrant city centre.

         for Life

                       Start making friends before you
                        even arrive at the University of
                        Lincoln by joining our Friends
                        for Life scheme. Sign up, select
                       your interests, and we’ll connect
                        you with like-minded students.
     #FriendsForLife           Find out more at
35                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        36

                              Fees and
                                                                                                                                                              Bursaries and Scholarships
                                                                                                                                                              For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the
                                                                                                                                                              frst time, some scholarships and bursaries are available to help

                                                                                                                                                              cover costs. The University of Lincoln ofers a variety of merit-
                                                                                                                                                              based and subject-specifc bursaries and scholarships which
                                                                                                                                                              students can apply for. These include:

                                                                                                                                                              •      Excellence Scholarships
                                                                                                                                                                     High-achieving students who demonstrate exceptional
                  Going to university is a life-changing step and it’s                                                                                               academic ability and commitment to their subject may
                                                                                                                                                                     be selected to receive one of four Excellence Scholarships
                 important to understand the costs involved and the                                                                                                  worth £1,000 each. These scholarships are only open to
                     funding options available before you start.                                                                                                     UK citizens.

                                                                                                                                                              •      Sports Scholarships
                                                                                                                                                                     Sports scholarships of £1,000 are available to support up
                                                                         We ofer a variety of scholarships and bursaries which can assist with the costs of          to 10 athletes in their pursuit of excellence. To be eligible
                                                                         study for eligible students.                                                                to apply, students must fulfl the normal academic
                                                                                                                                                                     requirements of their course, participate at a national
                                                                         With no fees to pay upfront for eligible UK undergraduates,                                 or international level in a sport recognised by Sport
                                                                         a university education should be afordable for all. Our                                     England, and be prepared to represent the University in
                                                                         Advice Service is here to help you, ofering comprehensive                                   a sporting and ambassadorial role.
                                                                         information and advice about all aspects of student fnance
                                                                         and funding.                                                                         •      Blackburn Bursary
                                                                                                                                                                     The Blackburn Bursary is for UK care leavers and
                                                                         Tuition Fees                                                                                currently ofers £1,500 per level of study.
                                                                         At the University of Lincoln, UK student tuition fees for 2022
                                                                         undergraduate entry are £9,250 per year full-time or £77 per                         •      Scholarships for International Students
                                                                         credit point for part-time study.* Most students cover the cost                             International students can beneft from a range of
                                                                         of full-time fees by applying for a Tuition Fee Loan. If you                                scholarships ofered by the University of Lincoln. These
                                                                         apply and meet the eligibility requirements, the Student Loans                              vary by course and country of domicile.
                                                                         Company pay this loan directly to the University to cover your
                                                                                                                                                              For further information about eligibility, and for the full terms
                                                                         tuition fees.
                                                                                                                                                              and conditions of all scholarships and bursaries available at
                                                                         Repayments for your student loan will only begin when you                            the University of Lincoln, please visit
                                                                         fnish your studies and are earning at least £26,575 a year,                          scholarships.
                                                                         £2,214 a month, or £511 a week.* The amount you repay
                                                                         will depend on how much you earn, regardless of what you
                                                                         borrow. The current rate is nine per cent of income above the                            Further Information:
                                                                         relevant threshold.                                                                      Advice Service
                                                                                                                                                                  T: +44 (0)1522 837080
                                                                         Whatever you borrow, any outstanding balance of the loan is                              E:
                                                                         written of by the Student Loans Company 30 years after you                               W:
                                                                         fnish your studies (unless you are in arrears).
                                                                                                                                                                  General information on fnance
                                                                         The fees system and available funding difers for part-time                               for UK students can be found at:
                                                                         and international students. Following the UK’s withdrawal                      
                                                                         from the European Union, EU students will no longer have                       
                                                                         UK fee status. Please visit our website for more information at                

                                                                         Living Costs                                                                         *Fees and repayment terms may be subject to change in line with
                                                                         It is important to consider your living costs as you will need                       Government policy. Information given is correct as at January 2021.
                                                                         to cover day-to-day expenses such as food and accommodation
                                                                         while studying at university. Eligible students can apply for a                      All information in this prospectus is correct at the time of publication.
                                                                         means-tested Maintenance Loan of up to £9,203 per academic                           Please check our website for the most up-to-date information.

Isobel                                                                   year to help with living costs, which would be paid into your
                                                                         bank account at the start of each term.

University of Lincoln
undergraduate student
37                                                                                                                                                                                                                            38

                                                                                               When to Apply
                                                                                               The deadline for applications depends on what subject you           Application Timeline
                                                                                               are aiming to study. Applications to undertake a medicine
                                                                                               degree in September 2022 should reach UCAS by 15 October              Apply

Apply to
                                                                                               2021. Applications for all other full-time undergraduate            You can apply online at between
                                                                                               degrees starting in autumn 2022 should be made between              1 September 2021 and 15 January 2022 for
                                                                                               1 September 2021 and 15 January 2022. Late applications will        undergraduate courses starting in autumn 2022. The
                                                                                               be considered if suitable vacancies remain.                         application deadline for medicine courses is 15 October

                                                                                                                                                                   2021. For help with your personal statement, or to attend
                                                                                               Entry Requirements and Accepted Qualifcations                       an Open Day, visit our website.
                                                                                               Entry requirements can be found on the individual course
                                                                                               pages of this prospectus, with more detailed information on         The University of Lincoln’s UCAS code is L39.
                                                                                               our website.
Once you’ve chosen the right                                                                   The University requires at least a grade 4/C in GCSE English        You may be invited to attend an interview for some
course for you, applications for                                                               Language or equivalent for all courses, and some have further       courses prior to receiving a decision on your application.
                                                                                                                                                                   Check the course pages of our website to see which of our
the University of Lincoln can be                                                               specifc requirements, so please see the course pages on our
                                                                                               website for the full details.                                       courses interview applicants.
made through the Universities                                                                                                                                        Ofer
                                                                                               The University accepts a wide range of qualifcations as the
and Colleges Admissions                                                                        basis for entry, including A Levels, T Levels, BTEC Extended        Universities will make ofers to applicants they believe
Service (UCAS). The                                                                            Diplomas, Diplomas and Subsidiary Diplomas, European and            will meet their entry criteria. You can view any ofers
                                                                                                                                                                   you receive via UCAS Track, so make sure you check it
                                                                                               International Baccalaureate Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas,
University Admissions                                                                          and Access to Higher Education Diplomas. Alternative                regularly.
Team is here to                                                                                qualifcations, and applicants with extensive relevant work
                                                                                               experience, will be considered. Please contact us to discuss
help you with                                                                                  your situation if you need advice.
                                                                                                                                                                   Remember, you need to reply to your ofers on UCAS
                                                                                                                                                                   Track by selecting your frst choice and insurance choice
any questions                                                                                                                                                      from among any ofers received before the ofers expire.
                                                                                               All applications are considered individually and ofers are
about this                                                                                     made at the discretion of the University of Lincoln. If you
process.                                                                                       have any questions about your qualifcations, please contact
                                                                                                                                                                   Confrm the University of Lincoln as your frst choice
                                                                                               our Admissions Team before submitting your application.
                                                                                                                                                                   with UCAS and make an application for accommodation
                                                                                               Foundation Year Courses                                             by 1 September 2022 to qualify for our accommodation
                                                                                               The University of Lincoln ofers Foundation Years in Science         guarantee. See page 20 for further details.
                                                                                               and the Arts for those who do not meet our standard entry
                                                                                               requirements. These aim to prepare students for higher
                                                                                                                                                                     Exam Results
                                                                                                                                                                   BTEC and A Level results are usually announced in July
                                                                                               education and provide an integrated entry route into a range
                                                                                                                                                                   and August. Depending on the type of ofer you have,
                                                                                               of degree-level programmes at the University. Please see
                                                                                                                                                                   you will fnd out if you have been accepted onto your
                                                                                               the course pages in this prospectus and on our website for
                                                                                                                                                                   chosen course.
                                                                                               more information, including which programmes accept the
                                                                                               Foundation Year as an alternative integrated entry route.           Enrol
                                                                                                                                                                   Enrol at the University of Lincoln in autumn 2022.
                                                                                               Prior Learning Experience
                                                                                               If you are interested in any of our courses but do not meet
                                                                                               the standard entry qualifcations, we may still be able to help.
                                                                                               The University can formally evaluate your prior experience
                                                                                               and qualifcations and ofset them against standard entry
                                                                                               requirements. For full terms and conditions, please visit           Further Information:
                                                                                      To discuss your circumstances,             Admissions Team
                                                                                               please contact our Admissions Team.                                 T: +44 (0)1522 886097
                                                                                               Live Link-up
                                                                                               We want you to have all the information you need prior to           UCAS
                                                                                               starting university. Join us for one of our regular live online     UK students:
                                                                                               question and answer sessions at           T: +44 (0)371 468 0468

                                   Disclaimer                                                                                                                      International students:
                                   Every efort has been made to ensure information in this     Our team of advisors is on hand to answer your questions on         T: +44 330 3330 230
                                   prospectus is correct at the time of publication (January   topics such as entry requirements, fees, bursaries, scholarships,
                                   2021). For the most up-to-date information, please visit    and anything else you want to know about studying at Lincoln.
University of Lincoln
undergraduate student              our website at
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