50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...

Page created by Alicia Robles
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
April 2022                                                       WWW.CASICHILI.NET                                                           Volume 35 Issue 4

               50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It’s Founders
                         1972: The          beginning Bill has sponsored one       1983. The
                       Highland             of the granite trophies. The chili     Registered Agent
                       Lakes Tourist        cooks treasure the granite, State of   was Clyde O.
                       Association          Texas trophies.                        Griffin. At this
                       urged all               The first Howdy-Roo chili cook-     time the members
                       the area             off was held on April 8, 1972, on      voted to have The
                       Chamber of           the school grounds (currently the      Supreme Great
                       Commerce’s           elementary school). There were         Pepper be Clyde
                       to have an           twenty cooks at this first cookoff.    Griffin. No other
                       event to             Mary Griffin of Marble Falls and       Great Pepper
                       promote              Gary Hahne tied. Because of            shall have such
                                                                                                                Dick and Mary Rodgers (left) join HLP founders
                       tourism.             this tie they awarded a men’s and      designation in the      Clyde and Mary Griffin (right) in their Howdy-Roo outfits!
That is when Aqua Boom                      women’s division. This was done        pod.
                                                                                                                            separate events. Highland Lakes
in Kingsland, Spring Ho in                  for three years.                         In 1986 the World’s Biggest Pot
                                                                                                                            Pod continued to sponsor the
Lampasas, the Burnet Fiddler’s                 The Highland Lakes Pod (HLP)        of Chili was part of the Texas state
                                                                                                                            Howdy-Roo Chili Cookoff the first
Fest and Howdy-Roo all got                  was founded in                                      wide Sesquicentennial
                                                                                                                            weekend in May. The Highland
started. Clyde Griffin held the first       1977 by Clyde and                                   celebration in San
                                                                                                                            Lakes Pod made application for
meeting of the Marble Falls group,          Mary Griffin of                                     Antonio. HLP members
                                                                                                                            the Howdy-Roo Trademark and
and it was decided to have an old           Marble Falls and                                    Clyde and Mary
                                                                                                                            Tradename. Howdy-Roo is owned
fashioned country festival and a            Darrell Staedtler                                   Griffin, Ruby Ross,
                                                                                                                            by HLP.
chili cookoff. There was a “Name            of Llano. Clyde                                     Sharon Roy and Red
                                                                                                                              In 1996 HLP began having
that Festival” contest held which           and Darrell were                                    Caldwell, along with
                                                                                                                            Howdy-Roo on Saturday and the
was won by Bill Kennon. He was              co-Great Peppers                                    many other chili heads
                                                                                                                            Backbone Cook-off on Sunday.
therefore given the honor of being          of the pod. They                                    were called upon to
                                                                                                                            In 2011 Howdy-Roo was granted
the first Honchoroo of Howdy-               received a letter inviting them to     help turn 4,000 pounds of meat
                                                                                                                            the CASI Regional CCO with an
Roo, the name he submitted. His             the first Great Peppers meeting        into the largest pot of chili in the
                                                                                                                            automatic sanction for the top three
was the only entry, but it was a            held on September 6, 1980 at           world.
                                                                                                                            winners. BBQ and beans were
good one, and a lasting one.                Paul Smith’s Sky-High Ranch              In 1988 R.V. Turney, who was
                                                                                                                            added also this year.
  Bill Wilcox (Clements-Wilcox              near Weatherford. Clyde and            GP that year, presented the winner
Funeral Homes of Burnet and                 Mary attended, representing the        with an apron. This apron is still
Marble Falls) had attended a                Highland Lakes Pod. The pod            passed on the new winner each            50th Annual Howdy-Roo story
chili cookoff, therefore had some           filed to be incorporated September     year.
expertise, and helped organize              8, 1982. The official Articles of         In 1990 it was decided the chili
                                                                                                                                   continued on page 14
the first Howdy-Roo. From that              Incorporation are dated February,      cookoff and chamber would have

                                                                                                                 DEPARTMENTS......................Page No.
                                                                                                                 President’s Message.................................2
                                                                                                                 Membership Report.................................5
                                                                                                                 TallyMaster Report..................................7
To meet the cookoff advertising requirement, all upcoming
                                                                                                                 Cookoff Winners.................................9-11
cookoffs must be publicized in the Trails in the month prior                                                     Scholarship Report.................................17
to the event OR be approved and appear on the official                                                           Condolences & Donations.....................17
calendar 30 days prior to the date of the cookoff. When                                                          Make No Mistake!.................................19
a cookoff is cancelled, the Events Coordinator must be                                                           Upcoming Events..............................21-30
notified in order to keep the website current.
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
Page 2                                                    Terlingua Trails                                                April 2022
 TERLINGUA TRAILS                          From the CASI President...
                                                                         As COVID           consisted of dressing as clowns, in full
         EDITING TEAM                                                  cases seem to be     makeup, doing face painting and providing
         Kathryn Cavender                                              decreasing, it’s     games for children to play.
           Carol Knight                                                encouraging to         While we qualified for Terlingua in 1984,
          Mike Watkins                                                 see the increase     I failed to get my first chili point for many
          Editor-in-chief                                              in the number of     months. And that was all right. The sheer
                                                                       cookoffs. Some       joy from attending cookoffs and meeting
  GRAPHICS PRODUCTION                                                  of the larger        so many wonderful people was all worth it.
             Mike Watkins                                              cookoffs have        My chili family is now, and will always be,
                                                                       occurred - Tri-      near and dear to my heart.
        CASI INSURANCE                                                 State, Texas Open      I miss the days of Great Southwest Show
To get a proof of insurance certificate and Texas Men’s State - with Texas Ladies           Team, Tex Swindle’s Medicine Show, Tejas
 for your cookoff, please contact: State and Howdy-Roo on the horizon.                      Medicineman, Planet Texas - the list goes
Brian Spencer, CASI Executive Director        A recent weekend in Texas found five          on and on. Those were the days of big
2683 Friendship TR #1305, Clinton, IA 52732 cookoffs within a 100-150 mile radius.          shows along the lines of variety shows.
   briancasiED@casichili.net                While cooks had several to choose from, it        It’s sad to see some cookoffs not having
             409-658-3440                   also diluted the attendance at some of the      three show teams competing. I have to
                                            cookoffs.                                       wonder if this is also contributing to the
             CASI BLOG
                                              I’m always fascinated to hear stories of      lack of public attending. How many times
           Info from the ED
                                            how folks began this hobby of cooking           have we said “who wants to come watch a
                                            chili. In late 1983 in my other life, we were   group of people stirring chili pots”?
   UPCOMING COOKOFFS                        trying to find something to do to occupy          Let’s start a conversation about how we
          Michael Mayorga                   our weekends. We heard about Czhilispiel        can revive interest in showmanship. Yes,
     Upcoming Events Coordinator            in Flatonia and decided to attend - but not     it’s a lot of work and can be costly, but
 24810 Red Oak ST, Magnolia, TX 77355       participants. The first thing we noticed        the rewards are great. If you have ideas
    casievent@casichili.net                 were the showmanship teams and how              or suggestions, please let me know. Call,
             281-772-2583                   much fun they seemed to be having, not to       email, text, Facebook or approach me at a
                                            mention the crowd response.                     Cookoff - I’d love to hear from you.
      COOKOFF RESULTS                         We also realized the lack of showmanship        Stay safe out there, get those points, and I
    Please send all results along           that appealed to children, of which there       hope to see you on the chili trail soon!
  with entry sheets and money to:           were many in attendance. My first show          Renee Moore
  Jennifer Sherfield, Tallymaster
 502 W Comanche DR, Hobbs, NM 88240
 jennifersherfield@casichili.net           Check out our Facebook page for upcoming cookoffs & results:

Send change of mail, email, or phone to:
 Tiffany Messer, Membership Director
  3304 Linda Dr, Amarillo, TX 79109
 tiffanymesser@casichili.net                Be sure to JOIN the GROUP while you are there!

 ©CASI-Chili Appreciation                                    If you believe that we have made a mistake, or if you have a
   Society International                                     problem with delivery of your Terlinuga Trails, please contact the
    All Rights Reserved                                      Editors via email at: news@casichili.net
Reprint only with permission.
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
April 2022                                Terlingua Trails                                     Page 3

              6 Line Construction, LLC ♦ Bradley & Cheryl Bains ♦ Karen Bains
         Decie Brookshire ♦ Gilbert & Beverly Butschek ♦ Kathryn & Kent Cavender
            Chisos Mining Company ♦ Tim & Connie Collier ♦ Colorado Chili Pod
             DAM Pod ♦ Susan Dean ♦ Tom & Gail Edwards ♦ Ted & Sunny Fichtl
          Mary Ellen Gillen ♦ Guitar Reranch ♦ Harry Harrison ♦ Steve & Lori Herries
            High Sierra Bar & Grill ♦ Sam & Tammy Jo Holloman ♦ Dusty Hudspeth
       Kris Hudspeth & Shelley Stokes ♦ Michelle Kirk ♦ Krazy Flats ♦ Chuck Littleton
             Keith & Debbie Longabaugh ♦ Rachel Longabaugh & Donell Dickerson
             David & Frances Manske ♦ Greg Muhlbauer ♦ Preston & Linda Nickle
  Rolland & Melissa Pate ♦ RB & Cherry Powell ♦ Wendell Rankin ♦ Jimmy & Brandy Rather
                Larry & Judy Russell ♦ Mike Sherfield & Candi Knight-Arevalo
        Johnny Thompson & Regina Petros ♦ Michael Watkins ♦ Mack & Kelly Walker
               West Pecan Farm ♦ Clint Wooster & Cindy Noe ♦ Y Knot Ranch

  Friends of CASI Sponsors provide the CASI Awards. They also provide a Friends of CASI Scholarship.
                   Ple ase e xtend your thanks and support for their ef forts.
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
Page 4                                       Terlingua Trails   April 2022

 U.S. National Open Championship
 Applications for the 2022–2023 Chili Year
           Now being accepted!
          Deadline is May 1, 2022
    Online submission form located at:
  Applications are sent to the Executive Director
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
April 2022                                                   Terlingua Trails                                                                Page 5
     MEMBERSHIP REPORT                                                              CORPORATE MEMBERS
                        Please join me in saying a big WELCOME
                      and thank you to all our new annual, life, and                         Amarillo Elks Lodge #923
                      corporate members. CHILI, CHARITY and FUN:
                      That’s what it’s all about! And, to all our members          Astro Auto Sales LLC – Sierra Vista, AZ
                      who have renewed their membership, thank
                      you for your continued support of CASI and the
                      local charities. Please note, you can pay your
                                                                                         City of Gonzales – Gonzales, TX
                      annual dues by PayPal without having a PayPal
                      account. Just click on the “Join CASI Online”                      City of Madison – Madison, GA
on our website www.casichili.net to join or renew your membership.
If you do not remember your login or password, please contact me.                 Hobbs Moose Lodge #2084 – Hobbs, NM
Remember, if you’re moving, or your EMAIL address has changed,
please let us know. Several Trails emails bounce back each month due
to outdated email addresses.
                                                                                 International River Runners – Leander, TX
  I urge everyone to take advantage of the CASI Membership System
(CMS). You can check your personal information and points, access                    Irving Elks Lodge #2334 – Irving, TX
the CASI organization groups and history, and get contact numbers
and addresses for your fellow members of the CASI family.                              The John Firm, PLLC – Austin, TX
  If I can be of any assistance, please contact me by phone at:
806-433-8181, or email at: tiffanymesser@casichili.net,
or mail at: 3304 Linda Dr, Amarillo, TX 79109.
                                                                                  Long Draw Pizza by Alye – Terlingua, TX
Tiffany Messer
Membership Director                                                                 Snowy Peaks Winery – Estes Park, CO
     NEW MEMBERS                     Jim Knepper MT Holly Springs PA               Terlingua Ghost Town Chili – Irving, TX
Jeffrey Wheeler Beaumont TX          Christene James Woodinville WA
                                     Kim Cox Alamogordo NM
Brad Sussman Seven Hill OH
                                     Mack Walker Marshall TX                                WelDNA Inc. – Cypress, TX
Russell Shugart Kyle TX
Lisa Rooks Manchester TN             Kelly Walker Marshall TX
                                                                             If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Member of CASI, please visit
Matt Rooks Manchester TN             Susan Douglass El Paso TX               our webpage www.casichili.net/join-casi-619697 or contact Tiffany Messer,
Thomas Morgan Spring TX              Jason Douglass El Paso TX                   CASI Membership Director, tiffanymesser@casichili.net
Jonathan Nayman San Marcos TX        Laura Coad San Angelo TX
Charlie Wilson Saranac Lake NY       Sam L’Huillier Comfort TX
                                     Kathy L’Huillier Comfort TX            Benny Briggs Lubbock TX                Derek Bahner College Station TX
Gray Clawson Germantown TN                                                  Maggie Gasperian Katy TX               Ron Boisseranc Minden NV
Robbie Crabtree Magnolia TX          Carl Garcia Terlingu TX
                                     Mandy Jorgenson Terlingua TX           Sherree Nichols Azle TX                Theresa Cain San Angelo TX
Tamara Crabtree Magnolia TX                                                 Susan Flowers Hobbs NM                 Gary Mays Marshfield MO
Lin Lindsey Murchison TX             Peggy Grimes East Grand Forks MN
                                     Paul Calhoun Amarillo TX               Donna Foley Galveston TX               Karin Barnes Houston TX
Glenn Ramirez Schertz TX                                                    Kevin Foley Galveston TX               Norma Drake Houston TX
Mike Burton Shreveport LA            Ivan Calhoun Alpine TX
                                     Malcolm Williams Beaumont TX           Donald Smithers Sugar Land TX          Jeff Chinn Noblesville IN
Kim Burton Shreveport LA                                                    Steve Travasos Lake Charles LA         Becky Daniels Maypearl TX
James Mefford North Little Rock AR   Dianna Hoy Cuero TX
                                     Don Hoy Cuero TX                       Angela Smith Amarillo TX               Sharon Dozier Houston TX
Luke Adair Giddings TX                                                      Bob Naylor Hartly DE                   Pat Dozier Houston TX
Ed Barge San Antonio TX              Brent Allen George West TX
                                     Becky Allen George West TX             Kevin Foresman San Antonio TX          Maria Rerich Weimar TX
Paula Travasos Lake Charles LA                                              Tiffany Messer Amarillo TX             Butch Bingham Amarillo TX
                                     Brandon Marshall Lewisville TX
RENEWING MEMBERS                     Diana Klade New Braunfels TX           Vance Messer Amarillo TX               Jeff Gavigan Arlington TX
                                     Margaret Childers Lone Oak TX          Timothy Hoffman Oxford WI              Rick Hanson Las Cruses NM
David Huston Overland Park KS
                                     Sherry Burns Point TX                  Douglas Frazier Annandale VA           Kristin Dahnert Lindenhurt IL
Amanda McAlister Granbury TX
                                     James Burns Point TX                   Millie Bingham Amarillo TX
David McAlister Granbury TX
                                     Tom Dozier Irving TX                   John Moss Mannford OK
Regina Petros Gainesville, TX
                                                                            Larry Walton Robinson TX
                                                                                                                   NEW LIFETIME MEMBER
Johnny Thompson Gainesville, TX      Herman Everett Terlingua TX
                                     Jennifer Hansen Terlingua TX           Grace Walton Robinson TX               Lori Herries Schertz TX
Nathan Gramm Dillsburg PA
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
Page 6                                 Terlingua Trails                              April 2022

   Proud Sponsor of CASI's
                                                          Proud Sponsor of
                                                     CASI's International
                                                      Hot Wings Championship

   Held at Rancho CASI de los Chisos
            Terlingua, Texas                          Held at Rancho CASI de los Chisos
                                                               Terlingua, Texas

   Leslie Neely        Bayette Reiter
                        Corpus Christi, Texas
     Midland, Texas                                Greg Lindsey           David Trice
  2021 Champion        2021 Champion                 Houston, Texas         Hallsville, Texas
  Anything But Chili   Anything But Chili          2021 Champion          2021 Champion
  Savory Division       Sweet Division              Open Division             Buffalo
                                                     Hot Wings              Hot Wings
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
April 2022                                                      Terlingua Trails                                                     Page 7
                                         TALLYMASTER REPORT
                            Chili Year 2021–2022    Cookoff Statistics
                              Greetings from your TallyMaster. I would
                            like to thank everyone that has submitted                 for Chili Year 10/1/21–9/30/22
                            results in a timely fashion. It is not fair to
                            the cooks to keep looking for those points.                                  REQ   COOKOFFS    CHILIS      MONEY
                            Qualifying numbers are sent monthly in the          STATE/REGION             PTS     HELD     JUDGED       RAISED
                            order the paperwork is received. What will          Arkansas      6                     1       19          $600.00
help me immensely; legible writing, using the correct form, submitting          Florida       6                     4       63       $34,100.00
complete paperwork and mailing to the correct address. If you are not           Iowa          6                     1       17          $440.00
sending it to Hobbs, New Mexico it’s not getting verified. If you are           Illinois      6                     4       63        $2,150.00
struggling to submit results through the casichili.net page, please feel free   Indiana       6                     1       22       $40,000.00
to reach out to me.                                                             Lousianna     6                     1       21          $600.00
  TIP of the Month–If you wish to change your show name, please do              Maryland      6                     1       15          $750.00
this at the beginning of a new chili year. Mid-year changes confuse             Mississippi   6                     1       15          $300.00
referees submitting results and add extra work for the TallyMaster!             New Mexico   12                     6      122        $3,489.00
  If you have any questions please call or email.                               Oklahoma      6                     1       16          $380.00
Jennifer Sherfield, TallyMaster                                                 South Dakota  6                     1       30        $1,000.00
                                                                                Texas        12                    86     3023      $186,873.00
                                                                                Virginia      6                     2       38          $950.00
                                                                                Grand Total		                      111    3464      $271,632.00
     QUALIFIED for TICC 2022
                                                                                   Cook somewhere new in the 2021-2022 Season
          COOKS                            SHOW TEAMS                               Check out the Upcoming Events Pages 21-31
58 Giles, Joe Prairie Grove AR         28 Leaping Lizards Diboll TX
59 Murry, James Como MS                Whitten, Mike
60 Dickerson, Donell Moss Point MS
61 Matlock, Lois Horn Lake MS
                                       29 Concise Precise Spice Horn
                                       Lake MS Matlock, Lois
                                                                                     Cook at Home Like a Champion
62 Spittler, Joe Jarrel TX             30 Troubadour Chili Victoria TX
63 Foresman, Terry San Antonio TX      McDonald, Linda J.
64 Cook, Bill Conroe TX                31 Lone Star Chili Chix
65 Goldstein, Sharon Bedford TX        Houston TX Krenek, Pat
66 Terry, David Winter Garden FL       32 Smilin Jack Wichita Falls TX
67 Dozier, Pat Houston TX              Shephard, Jack
68 Pierce, John Wylie TX               33 Blubonnet Chili Winona TX
69 Truitt, Molly Friendswood TX        Daniels, Pamela ‘Blu’
70 Manske, David Euless TX
71 Smith, Doyle San Antonio TX
72 Anderson, Sara San Antonio TX
73 Burns, Sherry Point TX

                                                                                          More info:

                                                                                  Every Purchase Supports CASI
                                                                                      Available at your local
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
Page 8                       Terlingua Trails                         April 2022

                                                 Proud SPONSOR of

                    San Antonio, Texas
                        Since 1955

         Chili Powder • Chili Pods • Pinto Bean • spanish rice
               New mexico chili pepper • quick chili mix
                                On the web at: www.fiestaspices.com
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
April 2022                                                       Terlingua Trails                                                               Page 9

                                           Cookoff Winners
02/12/2022 - Wichita Falls, TX           S3 Elliott’s Nana Horn Lake MS         S1 Smilin Jack Wichita Falls TX       02/27/2022 - San Antonio, TX Day
American Legion Post 120 CCO, 20                Jones, Tanna M.                        Shephard, Jack                 after Texas State Open, 36 Chilis
Chilis                                                                          S2 Do Da Budda Euless TX              1 Larry Walton Robinson TX
1 Janet Reynolds Wichita Falls TX        02/13/2022 - Concan, TX Day After             Manske, David                  2 Kevin Foley Galveston TX
2 David Manske Euless TX                 Chili on the Frio, 18 Chilis           S3 Big Molar Chili Wichita Falls TX   3 Larry Hodon Marion TX
3 Carol West Telephone TX                1 Candace Reiter Corpus Christi TX            FitzHenry, Mel                 4 Matthew ‘Matt’ Rumelhart Katy TX
4 Frances Manske Euless TX               2 Greg Lindsey Houston TX                                                    5 Lisa Stone Kempner TX
5 Gene Hoenig Gainesville TX             3 John Gray Navasota TX                02/19/2022 - Comstock, TX 17th        6 Grace Walton Robinson TX
6 Dennis Corley Allen TX                 4 Sara Anderson San Antonio TX         Annual Richard Hines Memorial         7 Kevin Foresman San Antonio TX
7 Aaron Larson Wichita Falls TX          5 Terry Foresman San Antonio TX        Scholarship CCO, 18 Chilis            8 Sharon Goldstein Bedford TX
8 Cynethia ‘Cindy’ Noe Wichita           6 Kevin Foresman San Antonio TX        1 Rolland Pate Wimberley TX           9 Vern Gilpin Katy TX
Falls TX                                 7 Mandy Lindsey Houston TX             2 Tyler Dissler Del Rio TX            10 Donna Foley Galveston TX
9 Adrain Sanders Oklahoma City OK        8 Melissa Pate Wimberley TX            3 Laura L. Coad San Angelo TX         S1 Lone Star Chili Chix Houston TX
10 Lisa Brown Iowa Park TX               9 David Saenz Sandia TX                4 Janita Hinds Del Rio TX                    Krenek, Pat
S1 Smilin Jack Wichita Falls TX          10 Dianne Lewis Boerne TX              5 Betty Ramirez Marathon TX
       Shephard, Jack                    S1 Chiliman Clear Lake IA              6 Melissa Pate Wimberley TX           02/27/2022 - Hobbs, AB Boot and
S2 Where’s My Dog Allen TX                      Christensen, Gerald ‘Gary’      7 Jesse Lindley Austin TX             Badges 1st Responders, 39 Chilis
       Coats, Dani C.                    S2 Come and Taste It Granbury TX       8 John Goforth Comfort TX             1 Jimmy Rather Hobbs NM
                                                McAlister, Amanda               9 Melvin Burton Marion TX             2 Brandy Reid-Rather Hobbs NM
02/12/2022 - Concan, TX Chili on                                                10 Happy Burton Marion TX             3 Leslie Neely Midland TX
the Frio, 43 Chilis                      02/19/2022 - Winter Garden, FL                                               4 Matt Jones Lubbock TX
1 Melissa Draper Katy TX                 Central Florida Chili Cookoff, 15      02/20/2022 - Comstock, TX 17th        5 Stephanie Hill Hobbs NM
2 Larry Hodon Marion TX                  Chilis                                 Annual Comstock School Library        6 Tony Valentine Amarillo TX
3 Joyce Keith Georgetown TX              1 Tiffany McCool Crystal Rivers FL     CCO, 15 Chilis                        7 Sha Ebeling Dimmitt TX
4 Sara Anderson San Antonio TX           2 Bert Dunn Homosassa FL               1 Betty Ramirez Marathon TX           8 Jo Beth Wilson Amarillo TX
5 David Saenz Sandia TX                  3 April LeSage Summerfield FL          2 Janita Hinds Del Rio TX             9 Chance Valentine Amarillo TX
6 Terry Foresman San Antonio TX          4 Kathy Martin Beverly Hills FL        3 Jesse Lindley Austin TX             10 Brandie Fulbright Lubbock TX
7 Nancy Draper Katy TX                   5 Candi Knight-Arevalo Wellington FL   4 Melissa Pate Wimberley TX           S1 Lubbock Fire Fighters Lubbock TX
8 Melissa Pate Wimberley TX              6 David Terry Cape Coral FL            5 Rolland Pate Wimberley TX                  Todd, Jack
9 Sandra Quintanilla Karnes City TX      7 Stephen Cooney Cape Coral FL         6 Kathi Hudson Odessa TX              S2 Grease Is The Word Chili Dimmitt TX
10 Jeanette Hodon Marion TX              8 Stuart Frye Pensacola FL             7 John Goforth Comfort TX                    Richardson, Martha
S1 Sugar Skull Senoritas San Angelo TX   9 Dave Ashworth Summerfield FL         8 Kara Herndon Odessa TX              S3 Slim Winnings BBQ Lubbock TX
       Frazier-Stone, Keeva              10 Charles Lerner, M.D. Winter         9 Laura L. Coad San Angelo TX                Hall, Zane
S2 Come and Taste It Granbury TX         Garden FL                              10 Tyler Dissler Del Rio TX
       McAlister, Amanda                 S1 Chili Cats Summerfield FL                                                 03/05/2022 - Tyler, TX Rose City
S3 Jokers Wild Marion TX                        Ashworth, Dave                  02/26/2022 - San Antonio, TX Texas    40th Ever, 49 Chilis
       Hodon, Jeanette                   S2 Candi Kisses Chili Wellington FL    State Open Chili Championship, 86     1 Marty Williams Rogers AR
                                                Knight-Arevalo, Candi           Chilis                                2 Victoria Brobst Bedford TX
02/12/2022 - Hernando, MS                S3 School House Chili Pensacola FL     1 Joe Spittler Jarrel TX              3 Mack Walker Marshall TX
Mississippi State CCO, 15 Chilis                Frye, Stuart                    2 Kris Hudspeth Wichita Falls TX      4 Patti Meyers-Jones Tyler TX
1 Joe Giles Prairie Grove AR                                                    3 Terry Foresman San Antonio TX       5 David (Dave) Trice Hallsville TX
2 Donell Dickerson Moss Point MS         02/19/2022 - Wichita Falls, TX         4 Linda J. McDonald TX                6 Jerry R. Hunt Shreveport LA
3 Mike Whitten Diboll TX                 Friendly Door Cookoff, 23 Chilis       5 Sandra Quintanilla Karnes City TX   7 Rene Chapa Grand Prairie TX
4 Marty Williams rogers AR               1 Sharon Goldstein Bedford TX          6 Jeffrey Bauer Pinehurst TX          8 Cathy Pierce Wylie TX
5 Jeff Nester Seymore IN                 2 Carole Rankin Euless TX              7 Connie Collier Graford TX           9 Bill Cook Conroe TX
6 Lois Matlock Horn Lake MS              3 Christine Isaacson Wichita Falls     8 Bill Cook Conroe TX                 10 Denning Key Tyler TX
7 Gary Davis Fayetteville AR             TX                                     9 Becky Allen George West TX          S1 Dr. Dave’s Voo Doo
8 Julie Nester Seymore IN                4 Ted Hoover Dalhart TX                10 Grace Walton Robinson TX           Stew Hallsville TX
9 Bill Heslop Birmingham AL              5 Connie Collier Graford TX            S1 Troubadour Chili Victoria TX              Trice, David (Dave)
10 James Murry Como MS                   6 David Manske Euless TX                      McDonald, Linda J.             S2 Texas Peach Burleson TX
S1 Leaping Lizards Diboll TX             7 Gerald Casey Arlington TX            S2 Sweat It Out Chili Comfort TX             Head, Georgia
       Whitten, Mike                     8 Gerald E. ‘Eli’ Casey Saint Jo TX           L’Huillier, Kathy              S3 Blubonnet Chili Winona TX
S2 Concise Precise Spice Horn Lake MS    9 Gene Hoenig Gainesville TX           S3 Dad’s Chili Missouri City TX              Daniels, Pamela ‘Blu’
       Matlock, Lois                     10 Janet Reynolds Wichita Falls TX            Cavender, Kathryn
50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It's Founders - Chili Appreciation ...
Page 10                                                        Terlingua Trails                                                     April 2022

                                        Cookoff Winners
03/05/2022 - Irving, TX Irving        1 Christina Valero El Paso TX         7 Denning Key Tyler TX                S1 Jo Mama Woodlands TX
Elks Lodge #2334 Annual CASI          2 Sunny Fichtl Sierra Vista AZ        8 Jeffrey Bauer Pinehurst TX                 Quist, Jo
CCO, 25 Chilis                        3 Larry Pinedo El Paso TX             9 Rene Chapa Grand Prairie TX         S2 Dad’s Chili Missouri City TX
1 Kristina (Kristi) Knight Elgin TX   4 Adrian Valerio El Paso TX           10 Larry Russell Shreveport LA               Cavender, Kathryn
2 David Manske Euless TX              5 Don Huck El Paso TX                 S1 Texas Peach Burleson TX            S3 Pirate Chili Houston TX
3 Terry Guerra Ovilla TX              6 Kathy Stoppiro El Paso TX                  Head, Georgia                         Garrett, Lewis
4 Stephanie Brockman Euless TX        7 Debbie Pinedo El Paso TX            S2 D.J. Original Marshall TX
5 Todd Carey Burleson TX              8 Nanne Davis El Paso TX                     Walker, Mack                   03/12/2022 - Spicewood, TX 9th
6 Bruce Stewart Hurst TX              9 Susan Douglass El Paso TX           S3 Finish Line Point TX               Annual Spicewood chili and BBQ
7 Frances Manske Euless TX            10 Bev Huck El Paso TX                       Burns, James                   cook off, 42 Chilis
8 Nevin Mulvin Irving TX              S1 Lap Dog Chili El Paso TX                                                 1 Kristina (Kristi) Knight Elgin TX
9 Susan Spencer Irving TX                    Pinedo, Larry                  03/12/2022 - Kemah, TX Pasadena       2 Chris Schlicke San Angelo TX
10 Diane FitzHenry Wichita Falls TX   S2 Forced To Cook El Paso TX          POD 43rd Annual CCO, 34 Chilis        3 Bruce Brandel Cedar Park TX
S1 Crap Shoot Chili Rowlett TX               Huck, Bev                      1 Pat Dozier Houston TX               4 Terry Foresman San Antonio TX
       Swanwick, Sabrina                                                    2 Matthew ‘Matt’ Rumelhart Katy TX    5 Larry ‘Doc’ Kinnison Marble
S2 Dream Catcher Dallas TX            03/06/2022 - Tyler, TX Rose City      3 Greg Lindsey Houston TX             Falls TX
       Friedel, T. J.                 Twice is Nice, 43 Chilis              4 Mike Sherfield Hobbs NM             6 Unclaimed Unclaimed USA
S3 Best Little Brewfest in            1 Sherry Burns Point TX               5 Bill Cook Conroe TX                 7 Melissa Pate Wimberley TX
Texas Lewisville TX                   2 Clayton Jones Tyler TX              6 John Pierce Wylie TX                8 Kevin Stivers Cedar Creek TX
       Marshall, Brandon              3 Kelly Walker Marshall TX            7 Kent Cavender Missouri City TX      9 Melodie Smith San Antonio TX
                                      4 Gerald E. ‘Eli’ Casey Saint Jo TX   8 Sharon Dozier Houston TX            10 Brent Neal Cedar Park TX
03/05/2022 - El Paso, TX VFW          5 Cindy Dutsch Irving TX              9 Kathryn Cavender Missouri City TX   S1 Chiliman Clear Lake IA
McKelligon Canyon, 15 Chilis          6 Robert Dutsch Irving TX             10 Ed Nesbitt Houston TX                     Christensen, Gerald ‘Gary’

                                                                             2021                   Terlingua International
                                                                                                    Chili Champion

                                                                                Becky Allen
                                                                                 George West, Texas

                                                                                 Congratulations Becky!
April 2022                                                     Terlingua Trails                                                                   Page 11

                                        Cookoff Winners
03/12/2022 - Comfort, TX                     Ott, Brian                        2 Melvin Burton Marion TX                  9 Carrie Kinnison Marble Falls TX
Hermann Sons Retirement Home          S2 Lone Star Chili Chix Houston TX       3 Terry Foresman San Antonio TX            10 Ken Rodd San Antonio TX
Annual Chili & Bean Cookoff, 15              Krenek, Pat                       4 Lisa Stone Kempner TX                    S1 Hot Rodd Chili San Antonio TX
Chilis                                S3 Double R Chili Katy TX                5 Robert (Bob) Lisherness New                     Rodd, Ken
1 Luke Whitmire San Antonio TX               Gilpin, Vern                      Braunfels TX                               S2 Chili Cheeseheads Comfort TX
2 Billy Bluemel Kerrville TX                                                   6 Fortino Jr. Quintanilla Karnes City TX          L’Huillier, Albert ‘Sam’
3 Kathy L’Huillier Comfort TX         03/19/2022 - Wichita Falls, TX           7 Sara Anderson San Antonio TX             S3 Sweat It Out Chili Comfort TX
4 Sandra Quintanilla Karnes City TX   Sheriffs Academy Cookoff, 31             8 Kevin Foresman San Antonio TX                   L’Huillier, Kathy
5 Melvin Burton Marion TX             Chilis
6 John Goforth Comfort TX             1 Susan Spencer Irving TX
7 Douglas ‘Bucky’ Seelig              2 Frances Manske Euless TX
Fredericksburg TX                     3 Jeff Gavigan Arlington TX
8 Happy Burton Marion TX              4 Todd Carey Burleson TX
9 Robert (Bob) Lisherness New         5 Janet Reynolds Wichita Falls TX
Braunfels TX                          6 Cynethia ‘Cindy’ Noe Wichita
10 Fortino Jr. Quintanilla Karnes     Falls TX
City TX                               7 Aaron Larson Wichita Falls TX
S1 Sweat It Out Chili Comfort TX      8 David Reynolds Wichita Falls TX
       L’Huillier, Kathy              9 Connie Collier Graford TX
S2 Chili Cheeseheads Comfort TX       10 Jane Jaco Wichita Falls TX
       L’Huillier, Albert ‘Sam’       S1 Bedford TX
                                             Goldstein, Sharon
03/13/2022 - Spicewood, TX 9th        S2 Smilin Jack Wichita Falls TX
Annual Spicewood chili cook off, 31          Shephard, Jack
1 Barbara Taylor Cedar Park TX
                                      S3 Gold Star Chili Company Wichita
                                      Falls TX                                              Dollars for Scholars
                                                                                            Every Dollar Helps
2 Bruce Brandel Cedar Park TX                Joyner, Melvin
3 Terry Foresman San Antonio TX
4 Sara Anderson San Antonio TX        03/19/2022 - St Hedwig, TX San
5 Kevin Foresman San Antonio TX       Antonio Pod Spring Fling CCO, 25
6 Emily Brandel Cedar Park TX         Chilis
7 Carol Knight Elgin TX               1 Larry ‘Doc’ Kinnison Marble Falls TX
8 Lisa Stone Kempner TX               2 Steve Herries Schertz TX
9 Brandon Foresman Dallas TX          3 Susan (Susie) Morgenroth San
10 Cindy Hoey Cedar Park TX           Antonio TX
S1 Chiliman Clear Lake IA             4 Robert (Bob) Lisherness New
       Christensen, Gerald ‘Gary’     Braunfels TX
S2 Chili Cheeseheads Comfort TX       5 Ken Rodd San Antonio TX
       L’Huillier, Albert ‘Sam’       6 Larry Hodon Marion TX
S3 Sweat It Out Chili Comfort TX      7 Sandra Quintanilla Karnes City TX
       L’Huillier, Kathy              8 Charmaine Wilson San Antonio TX
                                      9 Doyle Smith San Antonio TX
03/13/2022 - Kemah, TX Day After      10 Clyde C Rogers Bandera TX                           More info at:
Pasadena POD Cookoff, 21 Chilis       S1 Hot Rodd Chili San Antonio TX              https://casichili.fun/scholars
1 Vern Gilpin Katy TX                        Rodd, Ken                                                                              Scholarsh

2 Molly Truitt Friendswood TX         S2 Cloverleaf #1 San Antonio TX
4 Lewis Garrett Houston TX                   Cielencki, Janet
5 Matthew ‘Matt’ Rumelhart Katy TX    S3 Flaming-O San Antonio TX
6 Donna Foley Galveston TX                   McDaniel, Laura
7 Malcolm Williams Beaumont TX
8 Elizabeth Holtke La Marque TX       03/20/2022 - Marion, TX San
9 Kathryn Cavender Missouri City TX   Antonio Pod Day After CCO, 20
10 Dean Holtke La Marque TX           Chilis
S1 Briasarus Rex Webster TX           1 Sandra Quintanilla Karnes City TX
Page 12                                                          Terlingua Trails                                                    April 2022
                                                The Champ: Ready for Spring!
  Well, just when you think Spring       mere 400 miles from home. We
has arrived, another blast of Arctic     got an early start Friday morning,
air comes down and we’re back to         so as to be there by mid-afternoon.
winter! Crossing my fingers that         We were welcomed with open
this latest blast is the end and we’ll   arms. Blu and John Daniels, as
be full into Spring. We certainly        well as Clayton and Patti Jones
had more than our share of cold at       from the Pod, made sure we didn’t
the Texas Open. The attendance           want for anything. Sending my
reflected the cold weather, as           best to the Great Pepper, Randy
I’m sure many cooks opted to             Riggs, who suffered a stroke on
stay home due to the weather.            Thursday before the cook-off. He
Nevertheless, 86 cooks braved            seemed to be doing well after a
the cold and came out to compete         couple of nights in the hospital as
and see who is the best in Texas.        he came out to check on everyone
Most of us put up canopies with          on Sunday!
walls and even firepits, under the         We were joined on Saturday by
pavilion. Anything to keep that          our Louisiana teammates, Ricky
cold wind out! I was                            Bobby and Cherry Powell.          I’m so thrilled to finally crack the Top Ten at the Texas Open!
very fortunate to finally                       (our thoughts go out to them
place in the top ten in                         on the loss of his Dad on
that cook-off. I had been                       March 10) Always great to
on the final table once                         cook with them, as it doesn’t
before, but never in the                        happen too often. We didn’t
top ten. I was thrilled to                      get any love from the judges
win Ninth Place in Chili!                       but did place Second Place
I was also very happy for                       in People’s Choice.
several of my teammates                           We’ll be busy the next
that made the final table and the        few weeks at Sutherland Springs,
top ten–including the First Place        Texas Men’s State, and Texas
Show team of Linda and April             Ladies State, with a steak cook-off
McDonald! Congrats to them and           in George West thrown into the
to everyone who had their number         mix! I certainly hope we’ll see you
called. A big congratulations            on the road at one or more of these
to Joey Splittler, our new Texas         cook-offs. Until then, safe travels,   Congrats to my teammates April and Linda McDonald on winning
Open Champion!                           and may you hear your number                     First Place Showmanship at the Texas Open.
  From there it was on to Tyler          called last!
for the Rose City Pod Cook-off, a        Becky Allen

 No love from the CASI judges, but we did win the hearts of the public.          A rarity: Brent and I got to cook with our Louisiana teammates
             We got Second Place People’s Choice Chili!                          Ricky Bobby and Cherry Powell at the Rose City Pod Cook-off.
April 2022                                                                                Terlingua Trails                                                                                                  Page 13

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Page 14                                        Terlingua Trails                                                          April 2022
           50th Annual Howdy-Roo To Honor It’s Founders
Continued from front page...

   Today the Highland Lakes Pod is
stronger than ever and Howdy-Roo
has become a bucket list cook-off.
It is also one of the largest.
   This year’s Howdy-Roo Chili
Cook-off is the 50th and is being
held in honor of Clyde and Mary
Griffin. The Highland Lakes Pod
is proud of their long history with
Howdy-Roo and the beautiful
town of Marble Falls. Everyone is
invited to come out and join in the
fun for this landmark cookoff.

      Regional Championship

   Below: Mary and Clyde Griffin take
 their turn stirring the world’s largest pot
  of chili, prepared in 1986 San Antonio,
   Texas as part of the statewide Texas
       Sesquicentennial Celebration.
                                                               Above, from 1980: Group Shot taken at the First Great Peppers Meeting
                                                       Front row (left-to right): Vann York, Charlie Atherton, Clyde Griffin, Brent Burlinson,
                                                       Bill Brown. Back Row (left-to-right): Paul Smith, Hal John Wimberly, Richard Knight,
                                                                                  Jim Boyde, Ray King, Red Caldwell

                                                        Below: Gary Hahne and the Brazos Barristers Cooking Team. Gary and Mary Griffin
                                                              tied for First Place Chili at the inaugual Howdy-Roo Cook-off in 1972.
April 2022                                                               Terlingua Trails                                                                        Page 15

                                               David Trice of Dr. Dave’s Voodoo shows off his new acquisition to
                                            Blu Daniels and Jerry Hunt at the Rose City Pod Cook-off held March 6.
                                                               Dr. Dave won First Place Show!

 From Niki McAdams: I got Ninth Place
   Chili and Second Place Show at the
Inaugural Colorado Valley Pod Cook-off!
           My first points ever!

                                                                                                                       Brian Schoenemann just graduated to the big leagues
                                                                                                                     with his First Place Chili at the Tomball Honky Tonk Chili
                                                                                                                        Challenge held March 19. This was Brian’s first ever
                                                                                                                      adult competition! Brian is a prior Houston Pod Junior
                                                                                                                                  Champion, too. Way to go Brian!

                                              Above: Steve Travasos is
                                            the Louisiana State Resident
                                             Champion for 2022! At LA
                                             CASI Cajun Chili Fest held
                                                     March 19.

                                            Left: Kelly Walker, First Place
                                             Chili and Show at LA CASI
                                            Louisianne Pod Cook-off held
                                                      March 20.

                                            Right: Ben Head gets his “1st
                                            First” at the LA CASI Cajun
                                              Chili Fest held March 19.

  From Joe Giles: Be on the lookout! I
 received this gorgeous painted rock as
part of my First Place at the Mississippi                                                                             Great Pepper Michael Mayorga thanks Jennifer and
  State held February 12. This will get                                                                              Mike Sherfield as the cooks traveling the furthest to the
passed from winner to winner or until it              Jim Johnson and Steve Heaser at the Garland Shriners                 Pasadena Pod Cook-off held March 12 .
     makes it’s way back Terlingua!                              Cookoff held on February 27.                         He also thanks the oldest cook, Malcolm Williams!
Page 16                                                                                                                   Terlingua Trails                                                                        April 2022
    55th Annual TICC Poster and T-shirt Design Contest
  It is time once again to get         Name of Event: Terlingua                                                                                           Copies of previous
creative and start thinking about      International Chili Championship                                                                                 years’ posters are
artwork designs to promote and                                                                                                                          available in digital
commemorate the 2022 Terlingua
                                       Annual Designation: 55th Annual
                                                                                                                                                        format upon request.                       IMAGINE
International Chili Championship       Location: Held at Rancho CASI                                                                                    These posters may be                    YOUR AWESOME
(TICC). This will be the 55th TICC     de los Chisos                                                                                                    used as a guideline for
and CASI is looking for unique,        Date of Event: November 5,                                                                                       some of the content
creative designs that embody the       2022                                                                                                             required in the design.
essence of the TICC and CASI.           Artist should keep in mind that                                                                                   The winning artist will
The deadline to submit your           the Sponsor logos, CASI logos,                                                                                    work with CASI staff in
artwork designs is Monday, June       pictures of the previous year’s                                                                                   making requested edits
13, 2022.
Poster Guidelines
                                      winners and names of the current                                                                                  or changes to develop
                                                                                                                                                        the final version of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                DESIGN HERE
                                      Board members will be included in
  When designing the art, please      the finished poster.                                                                                              design. Artwork must
keep in mind that the poster is a                                                                                                                       be digital or camera                     If selected, artist agrees to sign
                                        Artwork and/or photos used must
vital element to the success of the                                                                                                                     ready. If selected, artist agrees to   and number fifty prints within 30
                                      be original designs, no copyrights,
event. The chosen artwork will not                                                                                                                      relinquish ownership of artwork.       days of request.
                                      with the use of bold colors.
only become the official poster of                                                                                                                        If selected, artwork becomes           Remember, the submission
                                        Actual sizes of the finished
the Terlingua International Chili                                                                                                                       the sole property of the Chili         deadline is Monday, June 13,
                                      posters are 18”x24” and 11”x17”.
Championship, but may also be                                                                                                                           Appreciation Society International,    2022. Multiple submissions
                                      Artwork does not need to be that
used to develop retail merchandise                                                                                                                      Inc. The winning designer will         are encouraged. Entries
                                      size, but needs to work within
such as T-shirts and hoodies.                                                                                                                           receive credit with their name         must be emailed to Brian
                                      those proportions. The 11”x17”
  Artwork must incorporate the                                                                                                                          included on the final products.        Spencer, Executive Director, at
                                      poster is an informational poster.
following elements:                                                                                                                                                                            briancasied@casichili.net.

                                        GO RESPONSIBLY. SVEDKA® © 2022 Spirits Marque One, San Francisco, CA. Vodka distilled from grain 40% alc/vol.                Twitter: @visitbigbend
April 2022                               Terlingua Trails                                                     Page 17
                                                            REMEMBER LOVED ONES
 applications are in!                                  Contributions in memory of a loved one, to recognize a special
                                                       person or group, or to commemorate a special occasion are always
     evaluations are underwaY                          appreciated. Please use this form when submitting a donation.

  scores are being turned-in and tallied               A contribution is enclosed in the amount of $________________
    winners letters are being prepared                 to be applied to the following fund (circle one):

                                                        SCHOLARSHIP           MEMORIAL BOARD             GENERAL

                                                       In Memory/In Honor of

                                                       Please send acknowledgment to:
     ?         ?                     ?   ?

                                                       (Address)                       (City, State, Zip)

                                                       Indicate contribution is from:

                                                       (Address)                       (City, State, Zip)

                                                               MEMORIAL BOARD & GENERAL FUNDS
                                                           Mail to Mike Whitten, 129 Memory Ln, Diboll TX 75941
               STAY TUNED                                                  SCHOLARSHIP FUND
    2022 CASI SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS                      Mail to Sherrie Davis, 125 E. San Augustine, Deer Park, TX 77536

Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers.
              Jack Mason                             John Robinson
              Wichita Falls, Texas                   Lawton, Oklahoma
              April 17, 2018                         February 2, 2022

                                                                         Lynn Hejtmancik
                                                                              Buda, Texas
                                                                           March 22, 2022
           Jerry King
        Midland, Texas                                Ivan Crossley, Jr.
     December 26, 2018                                Tulsa, Oklahoma
                                                      February 25, 2022

    Darrell Staedtler                        Ed Pierczynski
        Llano, Texas                     Carson City, Nevada
    October 20, 2019                          March 2, 2022
Page 18   Terlingua Trails   April 2022
April 2022                                              Terlingua Trails                                                      Page 19
Make No Mistake: CASI Cook-off Listing Info Is Key
                                  any problem; and I would             the cookoff flier disagrees        time. If there is discrepancy
                                  not have material for this           with what the CASI listing         between the information
                                  article. So I will consider three says, that is more problematic.       sources, the CASI listing
                                  areas where the information          For example, if the CASI           should take precedence. If a
                                  disagrees and it is too late         listing indicates the open meat    later time was desired, and
                                  to correct the published             category, but your flier says      all the cooks agreed to that, it
                                  materials.                           ground meat only, a cook           would be acceptable. However,
                                     If the entry fee shown on         showing up with cut meat           moving the time up, without
                                  the printed flier is lower than      could be real upset if not         prior notification, could cause
                                  the CASI listing, there should allowed to cook. You would               a cook to miss the necessary
By Bill Pierson                   not be                                                  have a very     time to cook. Like the previous
Senior Referee                    much of         But what happens when the two           unhappy         example, this could result in
Volume 6, Number 4                an issue.       parties get their signals crossed,      cook and        trouble you don’t want.
   When you see a cook-off        You could       and information differs between         a possible         So, make no mistake,
listing in the Terlingua Trails   defer to        the CASI listing and the printed        protest. You    the information contained
or on the CASI website, you       the CASI        material?                               don’t want      in the CASI cookoff listing
should expect the information     listing                                                 either.         is the default information.
contained in that listing to      and charge the higher fee,              The chili turn-in time listed   Let’s keep our ducks in a row
be accurate. Rightfully so.       or go with the lower fee             in the CASI cook-off listing is    and have a great spring and
Occasionally, a person other      and reimburse anyone who             rather inflexible. Cooks plan      summer season.
than the person who listed        pre-registered at the higher         their schedule around that
the event, will produce the       fee. However, if the amount
cook-off promotional material,    shown on the printed flier is
sometimes months later.           higher than the CASI listing,
But what happens when the         some cooks might object to
two parties get their signals     being charged more than they
crossed, and information          expected. They could point to
differs between the CASI          the CASI listing and demand
listing and the printed           the lower entry fee, and I
material?                         would agree with them. Cooks
   If the discrepancy is caught   are customers and they are
in time, one of the sources can   always right.
                                     If the meat type given on
                                                                              Proud Sponsor of
be changed thus preventing                                                CASI's International
                                                                          Bean Championship

                                                                                Held at           Michelle Krenek
                                                                        Rancho CASI de los Chisos     Keller, Texas
                                                                                Terlingua, Texas              2021 Champion
Page 20                                  Terlingua Trails                                        April 2022
                                                 Trails Advertising Update
                                                                            As we continue the transition from a
                                                                          paper “Terlingua Trails” to an online
                                                                          version, exciting changes continue to
       Proud Sponsor of                                                   happen. The publication is no longer
                                                                          limited in size and Mike Watkins and
      CASI's International                                                Carol Knight make the magic happen
      Salsa Championship                                                  seamlessly. A new Trails policy was
                                                                          adopted during the recent winter board
                                                                          meeting that included advertising
                                                  guidelines and fee schedules.
                                                    The two major changes include two additional months for
                                                  the PODS to advertise their cookoffs for free and the creation
                                                  of the “Business Card Special”. For $50 a year (renewable
                                                  in December) your business card or small ad (business card
                                                  size) will appear in the Trails. These ads can be simply
                                                  your business card or PODS can create a business card size
                                                  announcement advertising their cookoff. Some that come to
                                                  mind “Howdy Roo in Beautiful Marble Falls, Always the
   Held at Rancho CASI de los Chisos              first weekend in May” or “Space City Pod; Always the first
            Terlingua, Texas                      weekend in June”.
                                                    Sounds great doesn’t it? Email a digital original or a high-
                                                  resolution scan of your business card to news@casichili.net
                                                  and send the payment to the CASI Treasurer; Mike Whitten.
                                                  The new policy and rates are published on page 32 of this
                                                  edition. The Treasurer’s mailing address is on page 33. If you
                                                  have any questions or comments about the new policy please
                                                  let me know.
                                                  Kathryn Cavender

   Kris Hudspeth          Stan Johnson
          Irving, Texas     Pearland, Texas
   2021 Champion          2021 Champion
     Traditional           Open Division
           Salsa               Salsa
April 2022                                                    Terlingua Trails                                                            Page 21

                                 UPCOMING EVENTS
                               Some people have contacted me about           77868 This will be the 6th Annual      breakfast available for a small
                            their cookoffs not being in the Trails. Cook-    Marvin Longabaugh Memorial             donation. Jackpot beans $5 entry
                            offs must be submitted before the 15th of the    Chili Cookoff benefiting the           with turn-in at 12noon pays top 3.
                            month in the month before the Cookoff date       Navasota Kiwanis - website is          Trophies for top 3 chilis and 1st
                            to be listed in Upcoming Events. Remember,       www.7Dranchtexas.com RV                place show. Goody bags for first 20
                            to meet the cookoff advertising requirement,     hookups are available. More info       that register. Contact: Lois Hudack
                            upcoming cookoffs must be publicized in          call 936-870-5114 or see their         903-447-3350 wildstang@gmx.
                            the Terlingua Trails in the month prior to       website. A car show will take place    com
                            the event OR be approved and appear on the       as well. Bean turn in at 12. Chili
                            official calendar 30 days prior to the date of   turn in at 2. Show 12-1. People’s      4/9/2022-4278-Seguin TX Texas
                            the cookoff. The website always is the most      choice tasting begins after chili      Ladies State Chili Championship.
                            current list of events.                          turn in. Contact: John Gray 956-       650 River Drive West Seguin TX
  You may enter your information at www.casichili.net or you can             454-8803 jg9574106@gmail.com           78155. AQ Turn in: 1pm. Fee:
complete the Upcoming Cookoff Information form found in the Trails                                                  $35. Meat: Chili Grind. Charity:
and send it by mail to me at CASI Events, 24810 Red Oak ST, Magnolia,        4/2/2022-4326-Weesatche TX             Guadalupe Valley Family Violence
TX 77355 or by email to casievent@casichili.net.                             22nd Annual CCO. 161 East FM           Shelter. Cooks party on Friday
  If you have any questions you can reach me at 281-772-2583. Be sure        884 Weesatche TX 77993. Turn           night. Saturday will include silent
to use the form online to submit or the form located in the Trails. The
older versions do not have all the necessary information. Often email        in: 2pm. Fee: $20. Meat: Open.         auction, raffle drawings, and 50/50
addresses, telephone numbers and addresses are left off and I must have      Charity: Weesatche Vol. Fire Dept.     drawing. Little Miss turn-in at
them.                                                                        Bake sale, silent auction, Jackpot     noon; $10 entry fee. Entry to park
  When you do not request a rule book or tickets, you will not be mailed     beans turn in 11, fee $10. Open        begins at 6:30am. on Thursday,
a packet. You will instead receive an email with the necessary forms for     chicken, 12 noon, $15, Pork spare      April 7th. Register online at www.
the cookoff. Please print out the forms and be sure to fill in your event    ribs, 3 pm, $30 fee, beef brisket, 4   tlscco.com or send checks payable
number, date, name and place.                                                pm, $30. Raffle and Live Auction       to Texas Ladies State, %Rolland
Michael Mayorga, Events Coordinator                                          will follow. Plenty of RV parking-     Pate, 1201 S. Rainbow Ranch
                                                                             limited electric hook-ups. Contact:    Road, Wimberley, TX 78676. First
            ALL COOKOFFS ADVERTISED HERE                                     Healani Bethke 361-645-9073            200 pre-registered cooks receive
              ARE SANCTIONED BY CASI,                                        healanibethke@yahoo.com                complete goody bags. Look for
             AND ONLY CASI RULES APPLY.                                                                             updates on Texas Ladies State
                                                                             4/3/2022-4314-Water Valley TX          webpage at www.tlscco.com
4/2/2022-4313-Water Valley TX         great organization! https://www.       Cooking for Alzheimer’s. FM            Contact: Rolland Pate 713-842-
Meltdown for Autism. FM 2034          adaptivetrainingfoundation.org         2034 Water Valley TX 76958. Turn       0131 rollandpate@gmail.com
Water Valley TX 76958. Turn in:       We will be cooking in the parking      in: 12pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Chili
2pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Chili Grind.     lot and there is a covered patio to    Grind. Charity: Alzheimer’s. This      4/10/2022-4345-Seguin TX
Charity: San Angelo Autism            cook on in case of bad weather!        is Day 2cjbjj1946 of a 2 Day event     Classic CASI Memorial CCO.
Alliance. This is Day 1 of a 2 Day    Jackpot beans turn in at Noon $10      held had Harper Park in Water          650 River Drive West Seguin
event held at Harper Park in Water    and will pay the top 3 spots! Live     Valley, TX. Hookups available          TX 78155. Turn in: 1pm. Fee:
Valley, TX. Hookups available         band with a silent and live auction    on a first come first serve basis.     $20. Meat: Chili Grind. Charity:
on a first come, first serve basis.   as well as a 50/50 raffle! Contact:    Please contact Laura Coad for          Guadalupe County Children’s
Please contact Laura Coad for         Brandon Marshall 972-679-7937          more information at 325-374-8800.      Advocacy Center. Join us the day
more information at 325-374-8800      gigemags12th@gmail.com                 Contact: Laura Coad 325-347-8800       after TLS for another chance to
cjbjj1946@gmail.com                                                          cjbjj1946@gmail.com                    get your chili/show points! If not
                                      4/2/2022-4325-Navasota TX                                                     already in the park, come on out!
4/2/2022-4321-Lewisville TX ATF       6th Annual Marvin Longabaugh           4/9/2022-4272-West Tawakoni            Plenty of room for day trippers....
Chili Challenge. 2513 S Stemmons      Memorial Chili Cookoff. 2729 CR        TX West Tawakoni American              Contact: Beverly Maricle 830-463-
Freeway Lewisville TX 75067.          305 Navasota TX 77868. Turn in:        Legion. 236 West Highway 276           1595 beverlymaricle@yahoo.com
Turn in: 1pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Chili   2pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Chili Grind.      West Tawakoni TX 75474. Turn
Grind. Charity: Adaptive Training     Charity: Kiwanis Charities. 7-D        in: 1pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Chili         4/10/2022-4384-El Paso TX
Foundation. 1st Annual ATF Chili      Ranch is the site and is located       Grind. Charity: Blue Bonnet Texas      VFW 8550. 4714 Titanic El Paso
Challenge. Come out and help a        at 2729 CR 305, Navasota, TX           Girls. The Auxiliary will have         TX 79904. Turn in: 2pm. Fee:
Page 22                                                        Terlingua Trails                                                      April 2022
$20. Meat: Chili Grind. Charity:        in 7pm $25.00 Contact: Cecilia        & crafts vendors of all types,       off, Plenty of Free RV parking (no
VFW 8550. The VFW will have a           Rivera 913-908-1871 ceciliah1@        daily entertainment, street dance,   hookups), No special room rates
breakfast starting at 8:30 - 11:30      aol.com                               carnival and amusement rides and     available, however Super 8 Desoto
Prices are unbelievably low. Please                                           games and much more. For more        is the closest hotel (within a mile)
come join us for breakfast & then       4/16/2022-4236-Gladewater TX          information call the Gladewater      Salsa $10 Turn In Noon. CASI And
spend the afternoon cooking with        East Texas Gusher Days Chili          Chamber of Commerce at 903-845-      Juniors Turn In 1pm. $25.00 Junior
us Contact: Kathy Stoppiro 915-         Cook-Off. 211 N. Main Gladewater      5501 or Jim Bardwell at 903-235-     Free Homestyle $15 Turn In 2pm.
203-8326 Dons50@aol.com                 TX 75647. Turn in: 1pm. Fee:          8543 or 903-845-2235 jbardwell@      Contact: Cecilia Rivera 913-908-
                                        $25. Meat: Chili Grind. Charity:      gladewatermirror.com Entry forms     1871 ceciliah1@aol.com
4/15/2022-4318-De Soto KS               Gusher Days College Scholarships.     and rules may be viewed and
Ryder Cup. 33725 W 84th St De           4/16/2022 - Gladewater TX –           downloaded at www.gusher-days.       Updated
Soto KS 66018. Turn in: 7pm. Fee:       The 38th Annual East Texas            com                                  4/16/2022-4327-Kerrville
$25. Meat: Open. Charity: VFW           Gusher Days Chili Cookoff, held                                            TX Kerrville Easterfest. 3840
Charities. The Ryder cup has            in downtown Gladewater, the           4/16/2022-4319-De Soto KS            Riverside Dr Kerrville TX 78028.
been an annual CASI sanctioned          “Antique Capital of East Texas.”      Kansas State Chili Peg & Chili       Turn in: 2pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Chili
cook off for 9 years. As we come        Jackpot Beans entry fee is $5 with    Puerco Memorial. 33725 W 84th        Grind. Charity: TBA. Kerrville
together to Celebrate Larry Ryder       turn-in time set for Noon. Trophies   St De Soto KS 66018. AQ Turn         Easterfest Chili and BBQ Cook
long time chili supporter and #1        and prizes will be awarded for        in: 1pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Open.       Off. Located at 3840 Riverside
taster! Cooks party this evening        1st Place Chili, 1st Place Bean,      Charity: VFW Charities. Kansas       Dr., Kerrville, TX. Flat Rock Lake
as well. No special room rates          and Peoples’ Choice Award. Door       State Chili Peg & Chili Puerco       Park. CASI Chili and Amateur
available, however Super 8 Desoto       prizes galore! Everyone leaves a      Memorial Cook Off Let’s celebrate    Chili $25; Beans (Lonestar) $20;
is the closest hotel (within a mile).   winner! RVs are welcome, sorry,       the loving memories of Larry and     Jackpot Salsa $20; Lonestar BBQ
Plenty of free RV parking at the        no hookups. Designated parking        Peggy Velasquez. This is day #2      $125 One or All 3 (Chicken, Pork
Post (no hookups). Stay close to        area. East Texas Gusher Days          of the Kansas State Cook off! We     Spare Ribs, Brisket). Turn in
be ready for Day #2 Cook Off will       includes an antique car, truck        will again be supporting the De      times: Salsa 10am; Beans 11am;
be held at the Desoto Kansas VFW        and motorcycle show, live music       Soto Kansas VFW Post. Friday         Chicken 12noon; Ribs 1:30pm;
and benefiting the post. CASI Turn      on the main stage, food and arts      night cooks party and Chili cook     Chili 2pm; Brisket 3pm. Dry

                                                  51st Texas Ladies State
                                                   Chili Championship
                                                              April 9, 2022
                                             Max Starke Park East-Seguin, Texas
                                                                   Registration Form:

                                            Name: _________________________________________

                                             Address: ______________________________________

                                             City _________________ State _____ Zip Code ______                         1st Place Chili Show
                                                                                                                         Outkast Chili Girls

     TLS Champion: Nancy Draper
     1st Place Chili: Brandy Rather
                                                    REGISTER ONLINE at www.tlscco.com                                      To guarantee
     1st Place Juniors: Kalee Moore              Or send this sheet and the $35.00 entry fee payable to:                    Goody Bag,
                                                        Texas Ladies State Chili Championship                             Enter by April 4,
       REGISTER ONLINE !!                                           c/o Rolland Pate
      Texas Ladies State Website:                            1201 S. Rainbow Ranch Road,
            www.tlscco.com                                      Wimberley, Texas 78676
April 2022                                                  Terlingua Trails                                                           Page 23
camping only, allowed Thursday       Club. This event is to be held at    Turn in Time 1pm - $25 Entry.         served, goody bags for the cooks,
through Sunday. You may not enter    Forest Glen Blvd. Cooks will park    CASI Rules Apply. Youth Division      50/50, and prizes for the winners.
the park before 8am on Thursday      and set up in the same location.     Turn Time 1pm, CASI Rules             Chili turn in at 1pm - beans at
4/14. Parking in designated cook’s   Make checks payable to Village       Apply, $15 Entry, ages 8-17 may       12noon. Bean entry is $5. This
area only. Must be parked by         of Palos Park. Mail to Palos Park    enter. Mild Bills Spices Green        is a 2-day cook off and we have
10am on Saturday. Day cooks          Recreation Dept. 8901 W 123rd        Chili, Turn In Time 3pm, $25          plenty of RV parking - no hook-
after 10am will need to walk in      Street, Palos Park IL 60464. Fee     Entry, Mild Bills Verde Rules         ups. Come early Friday and enjoy
to obtain a parking pass from the    $20 if paid in advance. People’s     Apply. People Choice, please bring    our friendly atmosphere. Contact:
registration tent. Registration      Choice Award $100 to the winner!     a minimum of 1 gallon of chili to     Richard Helge 903-458-0546
Friday 4-6 and Saturday 8-10.        Contact: JoAnne Schultz 708-671-     give out for samples. Sampling        wildstang@gmx.com
No Pre-Registration. Car show,       3760 jschultz@palospark.org          cups will be sold. Peoples Choice
Easter Egg Hunt, Vendors and Live                                         to begin at 1pm - 3pm. See you all    4/23/2022-4334-Stokesdale NC
Music throughout the day. Contact    4/16/2022-4369-Waxahachie TX         there for a good Ellis County Time.   NC State Championship. 275
Tricia Byrom at 830-267-1668         Texas Farm Bureau AG Student         Contact: Gary Brignon 469-628-        Carefree Lane Stokesdale NC
or tlbyrom@live.com for more         Scholarship CCO. 2300 US 287 N.      3796 gary@mildbillsspices.com         27357. AQ Turn in: 12:30 pm. Fee:
information. Vendor contact is       Waxahachie TX 75167. AQ North                                              $20. Meat: Chili Grind. Charity:
Chamber of Commerce 830-896-         of Waco Pod. Turn in: 1pm. Fee:      4/23/2022-4285-Greenville TX          Camp Carefree. Camp Carefree,
1155.                                $25. Meat: Open. Charity: Farm       Greenville VFW. 5200 Wellington       providers of free camping for
                                     Bureau Scholarship Fund. New         St. Greenville TX 75402. Turn in:     children with specific health
4/16/2022-4335-Palos Park IL Its     CCO but at the venue all cooks       1pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Chili Grind.     problems and disabilities. Located
Chili in the Park. 8901 W 123rd      love. We will hold the First Texas   Charity: TBA. Join us at the first    in the beautiful rolling hills of
Street Palos Park IL 60464. Turn     Farm Bureau AG Scholarship           Greenville, Texas VFW post 4011       Rockingham County, easy highway
in: 1pm. Fee: $25. Meat: Open.       CCO at the Ellis County Expo in      chili cook off. Breakfast will be     access off of US-220 north of
Charity: Palos Park Women’s          Waxahachie, Texas. CASI Chili
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