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                                             PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH
                                                      ISSN: 2395-6429, Impact Factor: 4.656
                                                    Available Online at www.journalcmpr.com
                                             Volume 7; Issue 02(A); February 2021; Page No.5570-5574
                                            DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24327/23956429.ijcmpr202102966
  Research Article
                                     FLOUR AND IT’S PRODUCTS
                         Nigar Naqvi1, Zeba Siddiqui2, Arvind km Srivastava3 and Tabrez Jafer*4
                                                  Dietician, Era University, Lucknow
                                                 of Medicine, Era University, Lucknow
                                3Department of Food & Nutrition, Era University, Lucknow
                        4Department of Personalized & Molecular Medicine, Era University, Lucknow

ARTICLE INFO                                  ABSTRACT
Article History:                              Fagopyrum esculantum (Family: Polygonaceae) commonly known as Buckwheat has variety of
Received 06th November, 2020                  beneficial properties and its gluten free nature plays an important role in prevention of celiac diseases.
Received in revised form 14th                 Other health benefits of buckwheat include antihypertensive, antihyperlipidemic, anti-diabetic,
December, 2020                                anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. In the present study, the water absorption capacity of
Accepted 23rd January, 2021                   buckwheat flour was found lower than that of refined wheat flour, whereas oil absorption capacity of
Published online 28th February, 2021          buckwheat flour was found higher than that of refined wheat flour. From proximate analysis, the
                                              content of moisture, ash, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, crude-fiber, iron, magnesium were recorded in
                                              terms of percentage as 11.5, 1.85, 70.8, 5.31, 10.43, 5.23, 1.85 and 1.62 respectively. The energy
Key words:                                    content of buckwheat flour was calculated to be around 373 kJ. Statistical analysis showed that bread
Buckwheat, Color, Flavor, Functional          prepared with 70 % buckwheat flour, biscuits prepared with 25 % buckwheat flour and idly prepared
Properties, Odor, Physiochemical              with 50 % buckwheat flour has maximum scores in overall acceptability.
Properties, Taste, Texture.

Copyright © 2021 Nigar Naqvi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION                                                                     many of the experiments were conducted to improve the
                                                                                 nutritional value of bread like rich in fiber, sugar free,
As a prelude to identify antihypertensive food rather than                       antioxidant rich bread and fat free breads. The renewed
antihypertensive drug because of less or no side effects,                        costumer’s interest in the consumption of nutritional value is
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculatum) from the family                                  the key lead to health benefit. The use of white flour derived
Polygonaceae, was considered as one of the ingredient as                         from the processing of whole wheat grain aimed at improving
potential antihypertensive food. There are considerable                          the aesthetic value of white bread, has led to drastic reduction
number of reports concerning its blood pressure lowering                         in the nutritional density and fiber content of white bread (Jain
effect of Buckwheat has been reported (Guang et al.2009;                         et al. 2017). Therefore in the present study, buckwheat flour
Chen et al 2009). Buckwheat seeds are commonly eaten in                          has been tried in making few of the edible products like bread,
Asia and Western countries in the form of groats. The leaves                     biscuits, and idly with an aim to increase nutritional and
and stems of the buckwheat are also edible and have been used                    therapeutic benefits
as a traditional medicine in eastern Asia (Ushida et al. 2008).
Bread is most important, affordable and easy snacking food
                                                                                 MATERIALS AND METHODS
which came into existence thousands of years ago. It was                         Raw Material
introduced as a bakery product by Egyptians over 12000 BC. It
                                                                                 Wheat flour, buckwheat grains, salt, sugar, refined wheat flour,
is known to be the most convenient and accepted food in the
                                                                                 samolina and oil (Dhara) were procured from local markets of
world (Ijah et al. 2014). The texture of the bread is generally
                                                                                 Lucknow, UP. Buckwheat grains was washed many times with
soft and color of the loaf is generally light brown, shiny,
                                                                                 tap water to remove all the rodents adhered on it, then
indicating even baking. Strains of the yeast i.e. Saccharomyces
                                                                                 powdered into fine flour. The presence of larvae, grit, rodents
cerevisiae are being used, which reproduce by budding and
                                                                                 & weevils in buckwheat flour are checked by (FSSAI 2016
raise the dough. This is brought about by the action of
                                                                                 manual method) whereas the presence of synthetic color is
enzymes called amylase, which act on starch to form maltose.
                                                                                 tested according to (Brazeau et al.2018).
Yeast use the maltose for their own growth and reproduction
and release carbon dioxide, which raises the dough. In the past,

*Corresponding author: Tabrez Jafer
Department of Personalized & Molecular Medicine, Era University, Lucknow
International Journal of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 7, Issue, 02(A), pp. 5570-5574, February, 2021

Formulation of Bread                                                            Proximate Analysis of buckwheat
The common ingredients used for making bread (milk powder,                      Moisture Content
oil, sugar and yeast powder) were the same in all the bread
                                                                                5.0 gram of the bread sample was oven dried at 110 C for 4 to
preparations unless and until specified (Table 1). The wheat
                                                                                5 hrs. The oven dried samples were cooled in desiccators and
flour was partially replaced by buckwheat flour by adding 30,
                                                                                reweighed; this drying process was continued until the
50 70 and 100 %, respectively. Each batch of the prepared
                                                                                constant weight were obtained. The resultant loss in weight
bread was tested on hedonic scale and analyzed for various
                                                                                was calculated as percent moisture content. (A.O.A.C., 2005).
nutrients and energy value.
                                                                                Moisture (%) = (Loss in weight)/ (Weight of sample) x 100
               Table 1 Different combination of bread
                                                                                Crude Fat content
        Wheat Buckwheat Vegetable
Batch   Flour   Flour      Oil
                                  Yeast Salt Sugar Milk Powder                  5.0 gram of sample was taken and defatted with n-hexane
                                   (g)  (g) (g)         (g)                     (boiling point 68- 72o C) in Soxhlet apparatus for 8 hrs. The
         (g)     (g)       (g)
BWB1     100      -         6       3    1     5         5                      resultant extract was evaporated to dryness and crude fat
BWB2     70      30         6       3    1     5         5                      content was calculated as per A.O.A.C. 2005) method.
BWB3     50      50         6       3    1     5         5
BWB4     30      70         6       3    1     5         5                      Crude protein content
BWB5      -      100        6       3    1     5         5
                                                                                Protein was estimated by Microkjeldhal method. Moisture free
The ingredients used for the preparation were analyzed for                      deflated 0.5 gram of sample was digested with concentrated
both physical and chemical properties. Five breads have been                    Sulphuric acid at 130-140˚C. After that it was distilled with
prepared containing 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% and 0% of                               40% sodium hydroxide solution, ammonia liberated was
buckwheat flour in combination with refined wheat flour. All                    trapped in 4.0 % boric acid and then titrated with 0.1 N
the prepared breads were subjected to sensory evaluation to                     hydrochloric acid. The percent nitrogen was estimated and
optimize different sensory attributes (color, texture, taste,                   Protein content in the sample was calculated by multiplying
flavor and overall acceptability) and based on sensory                          per cent nitrogen by a factor of 6.25.(A.O.A.C.,2005)
evaluation the best combination was selected, the final bread
                                                                                Total ash
was prepared and was subjected to further analyses.
                                                                                5.0 gram of the sample was kept in crucible and burnt to low
Formation of Biscuits
                                                                                flame till all the material became smokeless. It was kept in
The biscuits were prepared with incorporation of refined wheat                  muffle furnace for 6.0 hrs at 600° C then cooled in desiccators
flour and buckwheat flour in various proportions i.e. 3:1, 2:2                  and weighed. The sample was again put in muffle furnace till
and 1:3 keeping sugar (30 g), milk (10g) and oil (20 g) amount                  two consecutive weights were constant and the percent ash
constant in a total of 100 g powder. Fat and ground sugar were                  was calculated (A.O.A.C 2005).
creamed in a mixer with a flat beater for 2 min at low speed.
The biscuits were cut to desired diameter of 50 mm and                          Total carbohydrate content
transferred to a lightly greased aluminum baking tray. The
                                                                                The total carbohydrate content in the 5.0 gram sample was
biscuits were baked at 190 degree centigrade for 12 min a
                                                                                calculated by the following calculation method of AOAC
baking oven. The baked biscuits were cooled and stored in an
air tight contained for further use.
                                                                                Total carbohydrate (%) = 100 – (Crude protein %+Crude fiber
           Table 2 Different combination of biscuits
                                                                                              % + Crude fat % + Total ash %)
                                                                  Milk          Mineral contents
                   Refined         Buckwheat Sugar       Oil
 Ingredients                                                     powder
                 Wheat flour (g)    Flour (g) (g)        (g)
                                                                   (g)          The minerals such as iron, magnesium were estimated
   BWBS1              100               -        30      20        10           according to the standard methods as described in AOAC
   BWBS2              75               25        30       2        10           (2005) using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Varian,
   BWBS3              50               50        30       2        10
                                                                                AA240, Victoria, Australia). 0.5 gram of sample was digested
   BWBS4              25               75        30      20        10
                                                                                with 10 ml nitric acid at a temperature of 60-70°C for 20 min
Formation of idly                                                               and then digested with HCl at a temperature of 190°C till the
                                                                                solution became clear. The digested sample was transferred to
Idly were prepared by incorporation of semolina and                             250 ml volumetric flask and volume was raised with distilled
buckwheat in the same proportions as biscuits. Idly dough                       water and then filtered and loaded into Atomic Absorption
were prepared by adding semolina and buckwheat flours with                      Spectrophotometer apparatus. The standard curve was
curd and water. This batter is soaked for 6 hours after                         prepared by running samples of known strength through
fermentation was spooned onto well-greased idly moulds. The                     atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The mineral contents of
idlys were than steamed in an idly cooker for 20 min.                           unknown samples were estimated by using the respective
               Table 3 Different combination of idly                            standard curve prepared for each mineral.
        Ingredients    Semolina (g)    Buck wheat (g)     Curd (g)              Functional Properties of flour
        BWI1              100               Nil             30
        BWI2               75               25              30                  Water Absorption Capacity
        BWI3               50               50              30
        BWI4               25               75              30                  One gram of sample with 10 ml of water was mixed in 25 ml
                                                                                graduated conical flask. The suspension was allowed to stand
                                                                                at room temperature (30 ± 2 °C) for 1 hr. The suspension was
                                                                                centrifuged at 200 g (2000 rpm) for 30 min. The water
International Journal of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 7, Issue, 02(A), pp. 5570-5574, February, 2021

absorption capacity (WAC) was examined as percent water                        Table 4 Proximate analysis of Refined Wheat Flour (RWF)
bound per gram flour (Beuchat et al 1977).                                                  and Buck Wheat Flour (BWF)
WAC (ml per g buckwheat flour) = Volume of water                                               Nutrients        RWF (%)      BWF (%)
absorbed/weight of sample.                                                                     Moisture         8.93         11.53
                                                                                               Carbohydrate     76.96        70.85
Oil Absorption Capacity                                                                        Fat              1.39         5.31
                                                                                               Protein          10.43        10.43
One gram of sample was taken with 10 ml of refined vegetable                                   Ash              0.50         1.85
oil was mixed into 25 ml graduated conical flask. The                                          Energy           343.00       372.91
                                                                                               Crude fiber      1.78         5.23
suspension was centrifuged at 200 g (2000 rpm) for 30 min.                                     Iron             0.78         1.85
The volume of the oil on the sediment was measured and the                                     Magnesium        0.48         162.5
oil absorbed expressed as percent oil absorption based on the
                                                                             Functional properties of flour
original sample weight (Beuchat et al 1977).
                                                                             The functional properties of flours play important role in the
OAC (ml per g flour) =Volume of fat absorbed/weight of
                                                                             manufacturing of products & explain how ingredients behave
                                                                             during preparation & cooking. The buckwheat flour (BWF)
Hedonic Analysis                                                             and refined wheat flour (RWF) were also analyzed for their
                                                                             functional properties. Table 5 presents the water and oil
Sensory evaluation of bread samples was evaluated by nine
                                                                             absorption capacities of RWF and BWF. The water absorption
point hedonic scale.
                                                                             capacity of RWF has been found lower for buckwheat flour
A semi-trained panel of 20 members was drawn from Era                        whereas the fat absorption shows reverse which is found to be
Lucknow Medical College & Hospital for sensory evaluation.                   higher in RWF compared to BWF.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION                                                        Table 5 Water and Oil absorption capacity of RWF and BWF
Table 4 depicts that the moisture content and energy value of                           Absorption capacity     RWF(ml/gm)       BWF (ml/gm)
                                                                                        Water absorption (%)    7.90             2.03
buckwheat flour (BWF) are slightly higher than that of refined                          Oil absorption (%)      1.69             1.79
wheat flour (RWF.). The moisture content of buckwheat flour
reported here i.e. 11.53 % is in accordance to the earlier                   The lower water absorption capacity of BWF could be
studies done by (Bhavsar et al. 2013) and Baljeet et al 2010)11              attributed to the presence of lower amounts of hydrophilic
who have reported nearly 11.35 % and 11.60 % respectively.                   constituents in BWF (Akubor et al, 2004). The oil absorption
The carbohydrate content of RWF is slightly higher than that                 capacity of BWF was significantly higher than that of RWF
of BWF i.e. 76.96 % in RWF as compared to 70.85 % in                         that may be responsible to the mouth feel and longer
BWF. The carbohydrate content of buckwheat flour found in                    retainment of the flavor. BWF has higher oil absorption
the present study i.e. 70.85 % was, however, slightly lower                  capacity which indicates the presence of more polar amino
than that obtained by (Baljeet et al 2010) i.e.75.74 % but the               acid then refined wheat flour (Taira et. al 1974)
same as i.e. 70.40% as reported by (Ganesh et al 2013).The                   Functional property
protein content has been found same in RWF & BWF.i.e.10.43
%. However, the fat, ash, iron, magnesium and crude fiber                    Water absorbtioncapasity –The WAC of BWF was 2.03ml/g
contents of BWF are found several folds higher than that of                  (table 2). This value is higher than that obtained by (Bhavsar et
RWF. The fat content of buckwheat flour was 5.31% (Table                     al 2013) i.e. 1.37.Water absorbtion capacity of buckwheat
3). The value is comparable to value of 2.20% reported by                    flour was 1.32ml/g has been reported by (Kaur et al 2015) and
(Ganesh et al 2013). Fat content of 1.81% was also reported by               1.15 ml/g has been reported by (Sindhu et al 2016).
(Baljeet et al 2010).The percent protein of Buckwheat flour                  Oil absorption capacity-The OAC of BWF was 1.79 ml/g
was 10.43% (Table 4). This result is comparable to those                     (table 2). This result is comparable to those reportedby
reported by (Ganesh et al 2013) 10.41% and (Baljeet et al                    (Maninder et al 2014) 1.80 ml/g and (Bhansar et al 2013)
2010) 8.73%. The percent Ash content of flour was 1.85%                      1.87ml/g. This result is higher than that optained by (Ritu et al
(Table 3). Ash content of 1.42% has been reported by (Baljeet                2016) i.e.0.82 ml/g.
et al 2010) and 2.67% has been reported by (Ganesh et al
2013). The calorie value (energy) of buckwheat flour was                     Hedonic evaluation
372.91 kcal/100gm (Table -3). This value is higher than that                 Table 6 presents the hedonic evaluation results of breads
obtained by (Costantini et al 2014) i.e.255% and near about                  containing 0 to 100 % BWF It has been observed that bread
same as i.e.368% as obtained by (Hager et al 2012). The                      prepared with 30 % wheat flour and 70% of buckwheat flour
percent fiber of buckwheat flour 5.23% (Table 3). The value                  has maximum score.
obtained was higher than that obtained by (Ganesh et al 2013),
reported value of 1.68%. (Baljeet et al 2010) also reported                  Considering differences between the groups less than p
International Journal of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 7, Issue, 02(A), pp. 5570-5574, February, 2021

                                                  Table 6 Statistical evaluation of prepared breads
                                BWB1                   BWB2                     BWB3                    BWB4                      BWB5
     Properties                                                                                                                                              Wallis Test
                          Mean          SD     Mean             SD        Mean          SD        Mean             SD       Mean           SD            chi sq      p-value
 Appearance              8.00         0.00    8.00            0.00       7.00         0.00       7.33            0.58      6.67          0.58          11.29        0.023
 Color                   8.00         0.00    7.00            0.00       6.00         0.00       7.33            0.58      7.00          0.00          12.55        0.014
 Texture                 8.00         1.00    7.00            0.00       6.00         0.00       8.00            0.00      6.00          0.00          12.81        0.012
 Odor                    7.33         0.58    7.00            0.00       6.67         0.58       7.67            0.58      6.00          0.00          10.10        0.039
 Taste                   8.33         0.58    7.67            0.58       7.00         0.00       8.33            0.58      6.00          0.00          11.91        0.018
                         8.33         0.58    7.67            0.58       6.67         0.58       8.00            1.00      6.67          0.58          8.94         0.063

 Table 7 Statistical evaluation of control & buckwheat bread                            There was found significant differences among various batches
                                                                                        of idly containing buck wheat flour. The most notable changes
                   BWB1 (Control)         BWB4           Mann Whitney Test
                    Mean    SD          Mean  SD         U-value  p-value               in color (p
International Journal of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 7, Issue, 02(A), pp. 5570-5574, February, 2021

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION                                                          9. Fssai, Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods. 2016.
                                                                                10. Guang, C., & Phillips, R. (2009). Plant Food-Derived
Sensory evaluation was done with each concentration of the                          Angiotensin I Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides.
bread, biscuits and idly to know the better product among them                      Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(12),
and the points included for evaluation are Appearance, odor,                        5113-5120.
taste, flavor, texture and overall acceptability by 20 panelists.               11. Hager, A., Wolter, A., Jacob, F., Zannini, E. and
From the analysis it is concluded that the incorporation of                         Arendt, E., (2012). Nutritional properties and ultra-
70%,25%,50% of buckwheat for bread ,biscuits and idly will                          structure of commercial gluten free flours from different
be more acceptable by the consumers and will have nutritional                       botanical sources compared to wheat flours. Journal of
properties.                                                                         Cereal Science, 56(2), pp.239-247.
Acknowledgement                                                                 12. Ijah U, Auta H, Aduloju M, Aransiola S. (2014)
                                                                                    Microbiological, Nutritional, and Sensory Quality of
The authors thank to Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for                             Bread Produced from Wheat and Potato Flour
providing laboratory facilities for the preparation of breads,                      Blends. International Journal of Food Science,
biscuits and idli in the laboratories of Department of Food &                       Volume 2014 1-6. doi: 10.1155/2014/671701
Nutrition, Era University, Lucknow. The authors                                 13. Jain, P., (2017). Effect of nutritional, physiochemical
acknowledges the analysis carried out at Regional Food                              and sensory properties on the development of bread
Research & Analysis Centre ,Lucknow.                                                with incorporation of wheat grass powder. International
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  How to cite this article:
  Nigar Naqvi et al (2021) 'Physiochemical And Nutritional Properties of Buck Wheat Flour And It’s Products', International
  Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical Research, 07(02), pp 5570-5574.


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