46 Training and Discovery - ICFO

Page created by Shawn Washington
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
HAPPENINGS                    TRAINING         TRAINING                           THE LAST WORD

Corporate VC Investment       2021             Frontiers School: New Approaches   Interview with
for LuxQuanta                 Summer Fellows   to Atom-Light Interactions         Ángel Ramírez
p.6                           p.7              p.8                                p.12

Community News            Fall 2021

      and Discovery
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
2                                                                                                                                                                           ICFONIANS FALL 21

    EDITOR'S CORNER                                                                                                             COVER

                                                                                                                                                          Summer Fellows at
                                                                                                                                                          La Pedrera.
                                                                                                                                                      Each year, ICFO offers a limited

                                                   Seize the
Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                                                      number of internships to out-
                                                                                                                                                      standing undergraduate and
                                                                                                                                                      Master’s students to partici-

                                                                                                                                                      pate in the Summer Fellows
                                                                                                                                                      Program. While conducting a
                                                                                                                               challenging research project, Summer Fellows engage
                                                                                                                               in a focused training program covering the basics and
                                                                                                                               applications of the different research topics active
                                                                                                                               at ICFO. This year, members of the program were
                                                                                                                               invited by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera to participate
                                              Summer Schools, Summer Fellows,                                                  in a guided tour of La Pedrera- Casa Milà, the Founda-
                                                      Summer Fun…                                                              tion's headquarters and a UNESCA World Heritage Site
                                                                                                                               in Barcelona.


ICFOnians are by and large the kind of people who              that uncertainty around the COVID situation would                EDITOR’S CORNER                                        2
spot something interesting and worthwhile, and dive            not permit a fully in- person event, with the inherent
in head first. We seize the moment and squeeze as              networking interactions between students and leading             HAPPENINGS                                            3
much as possible out of the opportunity. The Fall              experts that these events provide. Ever determined to
edition of ICFOnians allows us to look back at the             seize the opportunity that the fantastic program pre-            ICFO NEWCOMERS                                         3
summer months when ICFOnians step outside their                sented, they proceeded with a hybrid format and were
daily routines for an interesting change of pace.              thrilled to see that this allowed even more students             ICFO NEWS                                              4
                                                               around the world to take advantage of an amazing
ICFO has a wide offering of training and discovery
                                                               learning opportunity. Sixteen lectures spread out over           LATEST ADVANCES                                        5
opportunities in the summer months targeting
                                                               four days in two hubs (Barcelona and Rehovot, Israel),
students and early career scientists. Last year due to
                                                               19 poster presentations, and over 300 registered at-             BUSINESS NEWS                                          6
the pandemic, we were unable to welcome a cohort
                                                               tendees from 27 countries set a record for this fantastic
of Summer Fellows to the institute, however this year
we picked up with a great group of young scientists
                                                               event dedicated to new atom-light interactions!                  COLLABORATION                                         7
who took full advantage of the labs, lectures, tours           As tempting as these offerings are, ICFOnians are not
                                                                                                                                TRAINING                                               8
and expertise that was offered as part of this program         immune to the lure of some well-deserved R&R. After
backed by Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera. Some of               you have read up about our new ICONS leadership
                                                                                                                                OUTREACH                                               9
the Summer Fellows will go on to complete Masters              (p 11) who has signed up to work hard to help the PhD
level work, while others have PhDs and other career            community get the most out of their PhD experience
plans on the horizon. We are pleased that they have            through educational and networking activities;                   PEOPLE                                               10
taken full advantage of what ICFO had to offer this            and then read on about Ángel Ramírez, President
                                                                                                                                BEYOND ICFO                                           10
summer and hope that as Summer Fellows and ICFO                of GTD (p 12), a company that started out as an
alumni, they will be prepared for whatever lies ahead.         entrepreneurial venture and has grown into a multi-
                                                               national giant that recently provided corporate VC               GO & FLY                                               11
Frontiers Schools, organized by ICFO, often in partner-
                                                               seed funding for ICFO spin-off LuxQuanta (p 6); then
ship with other leading international research centers                                                                          COMMUNITY                                              11
                                                               we invite you to sit back and enjoy vicariously some
and universities to offer talented young researchers and
                                                               highlights of ICFOnians’ summer fun. This edition’s
students worldwide a first introduction to a thematic                                                                           MYSTERY ICFONIAN                                       11
                                                               Community Pictures (p 11) will take you from the
research area, are a central part of the ICFO training
                                                               football pitch here in Castelldefels to the mountains,
and development program. Coming out of over a year
of online events, the organizing team was disappointed
                                                               the Mediterranean, and beyond!                                   THE LAST WORD                                        12
                                                                                                                                HIGH PROFILE                                          12

                                                                                                                                 SCIENCE QUIZ                                         12
     Mystery ICFOnian        Chaitanya Kumar Suddapalli                                 Science Quiz        1:B 2:C
     Solution Ed #45         Research Fellow, Optical Parametric Oscillators group      Answers from p.12   3:A 4:B

Coordinating Editor                        Contributors                              Pictures By
Brook Hardwick                             Tomás Charles                             © ICFO
Corporate Communications Head              Visual Communications                     Vanessa Montero
                                           Elena Enrique                             Claudia Leon
Editorial Committee                        Corporate Communications
Silvia Carrasco                            Sergi Ferrando
Knowledge & Technology Transfer            Knowledge & Technology Transfer           Layout
Director                                   Brook Hardwick                            Comuniza
                                           Corporate Communications Head
Brook Hardwick
                                           Alina Hirschmann
Corporate Communications Head
Dolors Mateu                               Morgan Mitchell
ICFO Manager                               ICREA Group Leader,
Laia Miralles                              Atomic Quantum Optics
HR and Education Head                      Andrea Morales
                                           Alumni, Communications
Morgan Mitchell
                                           Ángel Ramírez
ICREA Group Leader, Atomic
                                           President, GTD
Quantum Optics
                                           Robert Sewell                                                           D.L.: B-54464-2008 | Icfonians® is a registered trademark
Andrea Morales                             Academic Affairs Head
Alumni, Communications                     Silvia Tognetti                                                         This content is licensed under the Creative Commons
Rob Sewell                                 Outreach, Knowledge and                                                 Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivs 3.0 Unported
Academic Affairs Head                      Technology Transfer                                                     License. Except pictures that are copyrighted by ICFO.
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
ICFONIANS FALL 21                                                                                                                                                  3

HAPPENINGS                                                                                                                            LUXQUANTA RECEIVES
                                                                                                                                      CORPORATE VENTURE
                                                                                                                                      CAPITAL SEED
                                                                                                                                      p. 6


                                                                            Papa Kwakye Kwarteng            Lucero Cárdenas Razo              Tatyana Ivanova
                                                                                     Student                          Student                      Student

Many of us joined ICFO or took a new position
at the institute between July and September.
                                                                               Cristian Tabares               Aleksandra Deeva               Birger Deserrano
                                                                                    Student                           Student                     Student

    Hanna Salamon             Pontus Walan            Edvin Sandén            Teodor Parella Dilmé             Carolina Fajardo         Max Zayas Orihuela
        Student                  Student                 Student                     Student                          Student            Summer Fellow 2021

      Arnau Mas             Alejandro Andrés         Enrique Cervero            Iris Cecilia Kalien             Saad Abdullah                Sidney Palardonio
  Summer Fellow 2021       Summer Fellow 2021      Summer Fellow 2021         Summer Fellow 2021                 PhD Student                    PhD Student

   Riccardo Bertini           Marta Cagetti          Iliyan Karadzhov            Julita Poborska            Aditya Jagadeesh Malla            Tomáš Lamich
      PhD Student              PhD Student             PhD Student                 PhD Student                   PhD Student                    PhD Student

Pedro M. Queiroz da Cruz     Martin Hörmann        Aleksander Wozniak             Abigail Stein                  Gaël Massé                  Katharina Chirvi
  Visiting PhD Student     Visiting PhD Student    Visiting PhD Student    Visiting PhD Student-Fulbright    Postdoctoral Research      Postdoctoral Research

   Charlie-Ray Mann         Carmen Martínez         Malak El-Quessny           Debranjan Mandal              Katerina Nikolaidou               Seham Kamal
 Postdoctoral Research     Postdoctoral Research   Postdoctoral Research      Postdoctoral Research          Postdoctoral Research            Visiting Scientist

                                                                                                            Not pictured

                                                                                                            Manel Madrid             Philipp Stammer
                                                                                                            Student                  PhD Student

     Rut Torner                Elena Nolla          Joana Ibáñez Solé              JordiCortés              Joel Compte
   Administration            Administration           Administration              Administration            Student
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
4                                                                                                                                                               ICFONIANS FALL 21



        ICFO Scientific                         Innovations to Monitor                                                                         Laserlab-Europe
        Advisory Board                              Water Quality                                    Nature Index                               Position Paper

In July, part of the ICFO SAB met at          The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) pub-          Nature Research compiles a data-              Laserlab-Europe, a consortium
the institute and provided guidance           lished a video illustrating their com-       base of information from an inde-             of leading national laser research
and advice about strategic projects           mitment to the safest and cleanest           pendently selected group of 82 high-          infrastructures, has published a joint
that the institute will undertake.            possible bathing areas in Catalonia.         quality science journals in order to          position paper, in which it highlights
They also assessed the progress made          They highlight year-round work to monitor    rank institutions in terms of their sci-      its integrated, cross-domain and
in the implementation of the strategic        water quality as well as the additional      entific output. It serves as an indicator     multi-faceted approach to address
plan associated with the Severo Ochoa         scrutiny given to waters during the          of research excellence and institutional      the societal challenges of the Horizon
2020-2023 Excellence grant awarded            summer’s peak bathing months. While          performance, drawing on information           Europe Missions. Together with
to ICFO by the Government of Spain.           current measures are guaranteeing            from a 12-month rolling window of data.       associate partners, Laserlab-Europe
Researchers took advantage of the visit       excellent water standards, the ACA seeks     In the most recent index, the aggre-          covers the majority of European member
to share research being conducted in the      to to go a step further. The video draws     gate data of the institutes that con-         states. Select European laboratories,
labs and the SAB members also visited         attention to a collaboration launched        stitute BIST (the Barcelona Institute         including ICFO’s Attoscience and
the new addition to ICFO’s facilities that    with ICFO in 2020 through which the          of Science and Technology) holds              Ultrafast Optics (ICFO-Atto) facility and
will soon be completed in ICFO-W thanks       Optoelectronics group led by ICREA           the second overall national position,         the Super-resolution Light Nanoscopy
to a philanthropic donation by Fundacio       Prof Valerio Pruneri is working to develop   only behind CSIC which aggregates             & Microscopy (SLN) facility, participate
Privada Mir-Puig. Due to the COVID-19         a system to detect and monitor               data for 49 institutes in all areas of sci-   in the Laserlab-Europe infrastructures
restrictions in place around the world,       undesirable microorganisms whose             ence. ICFO is one of 7 CERCA institutes       and receive EC funding support in
only a subgroup of the SAB was able to        prevalence may increase dramatically         that form BIST (the other members are         order to offer access to their facilities
attend this particular meeting, therefore     after episodes of heavy rain and             CRG, IBEC, ICIQ, ICN2, IFAE and IRBB),        for research teams from Europe and
a new meeting of the full Board will take     flooding. The new mechanism under            and contributes 36 % of its total share.      beyond. With its extensive set of
place as soon as COVID-19 permits.            development will provide quantitative                                                      advanced laser research infrastructures,
                                              water quality results much faster, thus,                                                   scientific expertise, innovative research
                                              improving the efficiency in the use of the                                                 and services, Laserlab-Europe promotes
                                              natural environment while guaranteeing                                                     new horizons for the European Green
 2021 RSEF-BBVA Young                         its quality and safety.                                                                    Deal, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan,
                                                                                                                                         the UN’s Sustainable Development
 Investigator Award for                       Video: http://s.ic.fo/ACA_video                                                            Goals, and, in particular, the Horizon
  Experimental Physics                                                                                                                   Europe Missions.

                                              Master of Multidisciplinary                        Save the Date
                                              Research in Experimental                        2021 BIST Conference
                                                      Sciences                                 (registration now open)

The jury for the 2021 Spanish Royal
Physics Society (RSEF) and the BBVA
Foundation Physics Prizes has recently
awarded ICFO Group Leader Prof D.
Pelayo García de Arquer the Young
Investigator Award in Experimental
Physic. The jury highlighted his leadership   This September marked the Barce-             Register now for the 2021 BIST Con-
in the area of materials science with very    lona Institute of Science and Tech-          ference that will focus on a key BIST
notable contributions in optoelectronics      nology’s (BIST) fifth annual Master of       research initiative: Quantum Technolo-
and clean and renewable energies. They        Multidisciplinary Research in Experi-        gies. Leading experts will present the
emphasized the interdisciplinary nature of    mental Sciences (MMRES) Ceremony             current status of quantum technologies
his work that includes the manipulation of    at the Fundació Catalunya - La Pedrera       in Catalonia, Europe, and the World, their
the transfer of energy in nanostructured      Auditorium. The event brought together       applications in industry, and their influ-
materials and catalysis, bringing together    the incoming cohort of 23 students and       ence in creative fields. The conference
knowledge of physics, chemistry of            the 21 graduating students of the BIST       will take place online and in-person with
materials and photonics. Through the          MMRES. This year in person, the event        additional satellite sessions held online.
Physics Prizes, the RSEF and the BBVA         celebrated the enormous achievements         BIST Conference is open to the whole
Foundation seek to recognize creativity,      of the outgoing class 2020/2021 and          scientific and innovation community
effort and achievement in the field of        welcomed the new cohort into the BIST        and general public.
physics, thus acting as a stimulus to         Community.
professionals who carry out their work                                                     Main conference: Nov 3
both in research.                                                                          Satellite sessions: Nov 2,4,5,16
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
ICFONIANS FALL 21                                                                                                                                                               5



Quantum dots enable infrared                                                                                           Previous studies had demonstrated stimulated
                                                                                                                       emission and optical gain of quantum dots on thin

lasing at room temperature                                                                                             films. Building on this, the researchers were ultimately
                                                                                                                       able to insert the setup into a cavity to achieve

for silicon photonics                                                                                                  lasing. With their experimental setup, they were able
                                                                                                                       to demonstrate lasing emission across the eye-safe
                                                                                                                       optical communication infrared spectrum and at room
In a paper published in Nature Photonics, ICFO
                                                                                                                       temperature, thus, possibly finding the last piece of the
researchers Guy Whitworth, Mariona Dalmases, and
                                                                                                                       jigsaw puzzle for silicon photonics.
Nima Taghipour, led by ICREA Prof at ICFO Gerasimos
Konstantatos have reported the achievement of a                                                                        The results of this study are considered a major
colloidal quantum-dot-based (CQD) infrared laser                                                                       breakthrough in the field of CQD optoelectronics as
source operating at room temperature, compatible                                                                       they may facilitate fully integrated silicon photonics,
with CMOS technology and tunable to emit in the                                                                        paving the way towards low-cost solution processed
telecommunications window, an important milestone                                                                      and CMOS integrated lasing sources for on-chip comm
needed for classical or quantum communications.                                                                        or LIDAR applications.

Mechanical                                                                               Twisted bilayer graphene
qubits made of                                                                           dances with light
nanotubes and                                                                            In a recent work published in
                                                                                         Nature Physics, ICFO researchers
quantum dots                                                                             Niels Hesp, Iacopo Torre, David
                                                                                         Barcons-Ruiz and Hanan Herzig
                                                                                         Sheinfux, led by ICREA Prof at ICFO
In a study published in Physics Review X,
                                                                                         Frank Koppens, in collaboration
researchers Prof Fabio Pistolesi (CNRS,
                                                                                         with the research groups of Prof
University of Bordeaux), Prof Andrew
                                            to the mechanical system, such that          Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (MIT), Prof       By exploiting the properties of plasmons, the
N. Cleland (University of Chicago), and
                                            quantum information can be controllably      Marco Polini (University of Pisa),      scientists were able to observe how these
Prof Dr Adrian Bachtold (ICFO) develop
                                            encoded in just two quantum levels,          Prof Efthimios Kaxiras (Harvard),       plasmons propagate in the material, while
a theoretical proposal for quantum
                                            a key requirement for manipulating           Prof Dmitri Efetov (ICFO) and NIMS      being strongly confined to it. Moreover, by
information processing an innovative
                                            and storing quantum information.             (Japan), have found that twisted        observing the unusual collective optical phe-
electromechanical system, using a
                                            This provides a simple and practical         bilayer graphene can be used            nomena occurring in the material, they were
mechanical qubit composed of a nanotube
                                            approach to a mechanically-based             to guide and control light at the       able to understand the peculiar properties of
resonator coupled to a double-quantum
                                            qubit, that further should display very      nanometer scale. This is possible       the electrons. This observation of propagating
dot formed in the suspended nanotube.
                                            long coherence times as well as easy         thanks to the interaction between       light, confined to the nanoscale, can be used
The researchers use the quantum dots to     qubit-qubit coupling, satisfying the major   light and the collective movement       as a platform for optical sensing of gases and
introduce a very strong “anharmonicity”     requirements for a quantum computer.         of the electrons in the material.       bio-molecules.

                                                          The team recorded videos                                                    Philipp Stammer currently at Max Born
                                                          of both wild-type C. elegans                                                Institute in Berlin, in collaboration with
                                                          and mutant, and studied                                                     researchers from FORTH, have reported
                                                          one of the C. elegans pro-                                                  on the theoretical and experimental
                                                          prioceptor neurons, the                                                     demonstration that intense laser–atom
                                                          DVA. They observed the                                                      interactions may lead to the generation
                                                          changes in the neuron’s                                                     of highly non-classical states of light.
                                                          calcium and potassium ion
                                                                                                                                      Such results have been obtained by using
                                                          channels and how they in-
                                                                                                                                      the process of high-harmonic generation
                                                          duced or suppressed the
                                                                                                                                      in atoms, in which large numbers of
                                                          neuron’s activity.
                                                                                                                                      photons from a driving laser pulse of

Self-movement                                    They found that the alternation
                                                 between tension and compres-
                                                                                                                                      infrared frequency are up-converted
                                                                                                                                      into photons of higher frequencies in

and body position                                sion in the spectrin proteins of
                                                 the sensory neurons regulates
                                                                                                                                      the extreme ultraviolet spectral range.
                                                                                                                                      The quantum electrodynamical theory,

of the roundworm                                 the body posture. They also point
                                                 out a general mechanism of den-
                                                                                         Optical                                      formulated in this study, predicts that
                                                                                                                                      if the initial state of the driving laser is

Caenorhabditis                                   drites, responsible of transmitting
                                                 the signals detected by the pro-
                                                                                         Schrodinger’s                                coherent, it remains coherent, but shifted
                                                                                                                                      in amplitude after interactions with the

elegans                                          prioceptor neurons. In this mech-
                                                 anism, compression and extension
                                                                                         cat states in                                atomic medium.

In a new study published in the journal
                                                 stresses modulate two opposing
                                                 ion channels in the neurons, one
                                                                                         high harmonic                                This study opens the path towards
                                                                                                                                      the control of the non-classical states
Science Advances, ICFO researchers Ravi
Das, Li-Chun Lin, Frederic Català-Castro,
                                                 excitatory and the other inhibitory,
                                                 responsible for transmitting the
                                                                                         generation                                   of ultra-intense light, and exploiting
                                                                                                                                      conditioning approaches on physical
Nawaphat Malaiwong, Neus Sanfeliu-               signals. This generates functional                                                   processes relevant to high-harmonic
Cerdán, Montserrat Porta-de-la-Riva, and         compartmentalization, with active       In a recent study published in Nature        generation. This could link ultra-intense
Aleksandra Pidde, led by ICFO Prof Michael       and inactive zones, allowing the        Physics, ICFO researchers ICREA Prof         laser-matter physics and atto-science
Krieg investigate the mechanics, molecules,      neurons to be activated locally and     Maciej Lewenstein and Javier Rivera,         to quantum information science and
and neurons driving locomotion in the            improving the control of the overall    ICFO Alumni Marcelo Ciappina, now at         quantum technologies in a novel, and
roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans.                movements.                              Technion-China, and Emilio Pisanty and       completely unexpected manner.
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
6                                                                                                                                                                              ICFONIANS FALL 21



LuxQuanta Receives                                                                                                            ACTPHAST
Corporate Venture                                                                                                             Opportunities that will allow
                                                                                                                              companies and European

Capital Seed                                                                                                                  researchers access to Photonics
                                                                                                                              innovation solutions and

Investment                                                                                                                    technology
Investment round to fuel
ICFO’s 10th spin-off, advancing                                                                                               ACTPHAST, an ICT
                                                                                                                              project funded by
LuxQuanta’s strategic growth plan                                                                                             the European Union’s
                                                                                                                              H2020 program, is a
                                                                                                                              “one-stop-shop” for
LuxQuanta Technologies S. L., a technology
                                                                                                                              supporting photonics
spin-off launched in May 2021 from ICFO’s KTT               “This investment is an important first step for Lux-
Launchpad, is advancing towards its goal of providing       Quanta to become a leading provider of quan-
high-performance and cost-effective quantum                 tum-safe solutions. GTD and Corning are companies                 Two ACTPHAST projects are currently running to
cryptography solutions, including continuous variable       whose technology is complementary to LuxQuanta                    support innovation in Photonics, one for companies
quantum key distribution systems, to implement              products. We are very excited to work with them to                and the other one for researchers, and have received
an extra layer of security services for companies           leverage synergies and build strong collaboration,”               an extension due to the COVID pandemic. One of
and network infrastructures. The young company              commented LuxQuanta’s CTO, Sebastian Etcheverry.                  them, ACTPHAST 4.0, is entering its final year and is now
recently received investment from industry leader                                                                             actively encouraging companies to take advantage
Corning and GTD that represents an important step                                                                             of available funding which will make it possible for
forward in establishing LuxQuanta as a unique                                                                                 them to receive hands-on support from experts.
                                                                Corning Incorporated (www.corning.com) is
provider of quantum-safe security solutions for
                                                                one of the world’s leading innovators in materials              • ACTPHAST 4.0 is especially designed to support
current communication infrastructures.
                                                                science, with a 170-year track record of life-chan-               European companies who want to boost the
LuxQuanta’s technology and IP originated in the ICFO            ging inventions.                                                  innovation of their project with photonics. It is
research group led by ICREA Prof Dr Valerio Pruneri.                                                                              open to companies of all sizes, but particularly
                                                                GTD (www.gtd.es) is a high-tech company, com-
The investment from Corning and GTD will enable                                                                                   targeting SMEs who do not have the financial
                                                                mitted to the design, integration and operation
LuxQuanta to bring technology from the lab to                                                                                     resources to invest in in-house R&D expertise and
                                                                of complex, mission-critical applications and
commercialization, enabling the deployment of                                                                                     state-of-the-art technologies, allowing them to
                                                                systems throughout the world.
quantum key distribution technology for securing                                                                                  undertake risky innovation projects by giving them
digital data in the near future.                                                                                                  direct access to the expertise and state-of-
                                                                                                                                  the-art facilities of Europe‘s leading photonics
                                                                                                                                  research centers (the ACTPHAST Partners). This
                                                                                                                                  enables companies to exploit the tremendous
                                                                            The laser manufacturer TRUMPF has
                                                                                                                                  commercial potential of applied photonics. ICFO
                                                                            designed new systems that can deliver
                                                                                                                                  is one of 24 research institutes who together make
                                                                            up to 2 KW of infrared pulsed radiation,
                                                                                                                                  up the ACTPHAST 4.0 Partners.
                                                                            capable of removing residues from pre-
                                                                            vious welding operations and thus pre-              • ACTPHAST4R aims to support researchers
                                                                            paring the manufactured part for the                  who have a conceptional breakthrough and
                                                                            finishing stages. The LASERKUBIK for                  would like to realize their prototype (or some
                                                                            this project has length-width dimensions              components for their prototype) with mature
                                                                            of 4.5 x 2.75m, a total height of 4m, and             photonics technologies. It is particularly targeted

ProCareLight                                                                provides the necessary protection for
                                                                            the operation of the new TRUMPF Tru-
                                                                                                                                  to researchers from non-photonics domains that
                                                                                                                                  are actively seeking to innovate and exploit

                                                                            Micro laser and the protection of the rest            new conceptual breakthroughs enabled by
                                                                            of the machinery and workers.                         photonics. Researchers are given access to
                                                                                                                                  the advanced photonics technology platforms
                                                                            "It is essential that direct or diffuse optical
                                                                                                                                  in order to demonstrate their conceptual
A new laser enclosure for an innovative                                     radiation produced in laser manufactur-
                                                                                                                                  b re a k t h ro u g h s w i t h i n d u s t r i a l l y- re l eva n t
                                                                            ing processes be prevented from reach-
laser cleaning system                                                       ing people where it can cause perma-
                                                                                                                                  equipment. In addition to maturing and building
                                                                                                                                  demonstrators, ACTPHAST4R offers internship at
                                                                            nent injuries, especially to the eyesight,"
                                                                                                                                  photonics technology centers, hands-on training
ProCareLight, a company specialized in laser safety that spun-              underscores JM Silvestre, CEO of
                                                                                                                                  with the advanced photonics technologies,
out of ICFO in 2013, is widely known in the research and industrial         PROCARELIGHT.
                                                                                                                                  and deployment coaching by experienced
environments as the most experienced consultancy advisor in the field.      European Union legislation obliges com-               ACTPHAST4R business development experts.
Recently it has widened its business scope by supplying laser               panies to take measures to avoid expos-
protection products and developing its LASERKUBIK customized                                                                  ICFO participates in both ACTPHAST 4.0 and ACTPHAST
                                                                            ing workers to artificial optical radiation,
enclosures for industrial manufacturing laser cells.                                                                          4R. Companies and researchers that submit proposals
                                                                            through Directive 2006/25/EC, which
                                                                                                                              seeking support from ICFO experts that could lead
                                                                            has been transposed into the legislation
In collaboration with the leading automated welding company Serra                                                             to economically viable innovations for industries are
                                                                            of all member states. PROCARELIGHT
Soldadura, ProCareLight has designed, built and installed a LASERKU-                                                          encouraged to apply now.
                                                                            offers its LASERKUBIK enclosures for
BIK enclosure for an innovative laser cleaning system in an automotive
                                                                            production cells, facilitating the use of
factory in Hungary.
                                                                            laser technology with total safety and
This innovative laser cleaning technology is being introduced into fac-     helping its customers to comply with
tories and assembly lines, especially into the automotive sector and        the obligations for the health of their
in this case in Hungary for the cleaning of the Front Subframes of the      workers, in terms of protection against           +INFO
Volkswagen MEB41.                                                           radiation from laser systems.                     www.actphast.eu
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
ICFONIANS FALL 21                                                                                                                                                                      7
                                                                                                                  LA CRIPTOGRAFIA

                                                                                                                  QUÀNTICA A L’AULA

                                                                                                                                                   ICFO MACIEJ
                                                                                                                                                   LEWENSTEIN QUANTUM
                                                                                                                                                   SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS
                                                                                                                                                   p. 9


ICFO Summer
                                                                                                                       ICFO SUMMER FELLOWS 2021
                                                                                                                       (Left to Right) Top row: Jaime Echave-Sustaeta, Jacopo De Santis,
                                                                                                                       Max Zayas and Enrique Cervero. Middle: Sylvia Lacher, Arnau Mas,

Fellows 2021
                                                                                                                       Paula Cordero and Maria Flors Mor. Bottom: Rob Sewell (Head
                                                                                                                       of Academic Affairs) and Giovanna Petrillo (Academic Affairs)

After a one-year hiatus due to the global pandemic, the ICFO Summer
Fellows program, with the support of Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera,
was back in full swing again this summer for its 15th edition.

Ten undergraduate and Master’s students spent the summer at ICFO, carrying
out challenging research projects under the supervision of a Group Leader and
with the assistance of Postdocs or PhD students. In addition, the fellows take
part in a series of Summer Lectures that are designed to introduce newcomers
to the many different research lines at ICFO, as well as lab tours and other
activities that allow young scientists to experience ICFO as a researcher.

 01. Alejandro Andrés               02. Enrique Cervero                03. Paula Cordero             04. Jaime Echave-Sustaeta                 05. Iris-Cecilia Kaliën
 Quantum Nano-                      Quantum Information                Medical Optics group led      Nanophotonics Theory                      Atomic Quantum Optics
 Optoelectronics group              Theory group led by                by ICREA Prof at ICFO         group led by ICREA Prof                   group led by ICREA Prof at
 led by ICREA Prof at ICFO          ICREA Prof at ICFO                 Turgut Durduran               at ICFO Javier García                     ICFO Morgan Mitchell
 Frank Koppens                      Antonio Acín                                                     de Abajo
                                                                        I came to ICFO for the                                                   I am currently planning
   Thanks to the Summer               What really stands out            opportunity to work in a      I knew a former Sum-                       on taking a gap year to
   Fellows program, I am              about the experience              cutting-edge research         mer Fellow who told me                     prepare for a PhD. The
   more eager to pursue               is to be treated just like        center and with enthu-        about the experience                       SF program has helped
   a PhD in Quantum                   any another researcher,           siastic scientists and        and I wanted to get                        me sharpen my ideas
   Physics, Photonics or              instead of a student. The         students, and to acquire      exposure to the actual                     and demonstrated what
   new technologies. It has           learning curve was steep,         new knowledge. I am           research. I know now                       other possibilities are out
   also helped me discover            as is always the case with        happy to have learned         that I want to go into                     there, through talking
   that research topics are           Mathematics whenever              all the techniques that       research and I am more                     to the colleagues in my
   very diverse, even inside          you delve into a new topic,       my group works on, the        confident about my own                     group but also through
   the same branch of                 but everybody was always          experience to work in a       skills (and also, aware of                 the conversations I had
   knowledge.                         really helpful and available      lab and participate in the    my flaws).                                 and the connections
                                      for chats.                        development of a medi-                                                   I made with the other
                                                                        cal optics device.                                                       Summer Fellows.

 06. Sylvia Lacher                  07. Arnau Mas                      08. Maria Flors Mor           09. Jacopo De Santis                     10. Max Zayas
 Attoscience and Ultrafast          Quantum Information                Theoretical Quantum-          Atomic Quantum Optics                    Ultracold Quantum Gases
 Optics group led by ICREA          Theory group led by                Nano Photonics group          group led by ICREA Prof at               group led by Prof Leticia
 Prof at ICFO Jens Biegert          ICREA Prof at ICFO                 led by ICREA Prof at ICFO     ICFO Morgan Mitchell                     Tarruell
                                    Antonio Acín                       Darrick Chang
   I applied for the SF fe-                                                                           I gained the ability to                    The work environment
   llowship as I didn't have          I will move on to a               What I have learned           deal on my own with the                    is quite positive. All the
   any lab experience and             Master’s degree in                during these past months      many different problems                    members of the group
   I wanted to know what              mathematical physics,             at ICFO can be applied        that arise daily in the                    have been willing to help
   a future career would              so the experience at              to the work I did during      lab, for example building                  me when I needed it, but
   look like if I still wanted        ICFO (having been in a            my master and it has          the equipment I need                       they have also allowed
   to pursue a PhD. I also            theory group) will most           helped me to have a           or finding alternative                     me to solve problems
   wanted to see how what             definitely be beneficial          better understanding on       solutions.                                 on my own and make
   I was learning in the              and helpful.                      the scientific papers I’m                                                decisions actively in my
   classroom applied to cu-                                             interested in.                                                           project.
   rrent research projects.
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
8                                                                                                                                                                               ICFONIANS FALL 21



ICFO-Weizmann School
on the Frontiers of Light
July 5-8
New Approaches                                                                                                Launch of the Master
to Atom-Light Interactions                                                                                    in Quantum Science
                                                                                                              and Technology
ICFO organizes annual schools that offer talented
                                                                                                              ICFO is one of the leading research institutes
young researchers and students worldwide
a first introduction to a thematic research                                                                   and universities in the Barcelona region behind
area and a taste of an international research                                                                 the recently launched Master in Quantum Science
environment. Regularly offered in partnership                                                                 and Technology in Barcelona
with leading international organizations, these
schools incorporate a dynamic and social                                                Weizmann Hub
                                                                                                              The program, aimed at graduates in Physics, Physical Engineering or
learning environment including lectures, group
                                                                                                              equivalent degrees who want to continue specialization studies in
discussions, direct interactions with the lecturers,
                                                                                                              Quantum Science and Technologies, offers access to cutting-edge
student talks and poster presentations.
                                                                                                              theoretical and experimental research in the fields of quantum sens-
In July, ICFO and the Weizmann Institute of                                                                   ing, communication, computing and simulation. Direct connections
Science teamed up to offer a School focusing                                                                  to industry through the QuantumCAT community, in addition to the
on 'New Approaches to Atom-Light Interactions',                                                               participation of high-tech companies in the teaching program and an
exposing young researchers to some of the                                                                     annual careers symposium, will facilitate the future integration of stu-
recent exciting approaches to next generation                                                                 dents in both academic and industrial sectors.
atom-light interfaces. The new platforms
covered included ordered atomic arrays,
                                                                                                              “Quantum physics will play a major role in the next de-
ensembles of Rydberg atoms, atomic interfaces
with nano- and micro-photonic structures, and                                                                 velopments in our capacity to compute, communicate,
superconducting circuit QED-based systems.                                                                    and measure with precision. A solid education in Quan-
                                                                                                              tum sciences will be a crucial asset to both push the
The organizing faculty members were ICREA                                                     ICFO Hub
Prof at ICFO Dr Darrick Chang and ICFO Prof Dr                                                                boundaries of our knowledge and also to develop new
Robert Sewelll, and Professors Ofer Firstenberg                                                               industrial products profiting from the intricate quantum
                                                          allowing participants from around the world
and Ephraim Shahmoon from the Weizmann
                                                          who normally would not have had access to
                                                                                                              properties. This master is the seed for a quantum future.”
Institute of Science.
                                                          this school, to connect. There were over 300        Prof Bruno Julia
As COVID-related travel restrictions did not              attendees registered for the school, reaching 27    Coordinator of the Master in the Quantum Science
allow for all participants to meet together in            countries. Over 100 attendees connected at a        and Technology program notes
one location, this 4-day joint school was held in-        time for the over 20 hours of online session.
person at both the ICFO and Weizmann hubs,
                                                          Through the SPIE@ICFO Chair for Diversity           “Quantum technology is growing rapidly in Catalonia,
with lectures at one location simulcast to the
other. In-person activities included tutorials, Q&A
                                                          in the Photonic Sciences, ICFO offered travel       with universities, research centers, startup companies
                                                          fellowships for international masters and           and established industrials all working to bring about the
sessions with the local lecturers, and interactive
                                                          undergraduate students to participate in person
thematic sessions. There were also joint online                                                               second quantum revolution. QuantumCAT, strongly sup-
                                                          at one of the hubs, with preference given to
discussion sessions between the hubs. Students                                                                ports the creation of the Master in QST, as a way to boost
                                                          students from developing countries. Although
participating in the two local hubs were invited
                                                          COVID restrictions made it difficult for these      the skilled workforce in this dynamic industry. We look
to present a poster of their current research,
with the organizing committee selecting some
                                                          students to travel in many instances, 13 external   forward to working with MQST students and graduates.”
                                                          students were able to join at ICFO, and thanks
of these posters and inviting students to give a                                                              ICREA Prof at ICFO Dr Morgan Mitchell
                                                          to the support of both SPIE and additionally
contributed short talk.                                                                                       Leader of the Atomic Quantum Optics group at ICFO and Coordinator
                                                          OSA, word of this school and the opportunity to
                                                                                                              of QuantumCAT, the Quantum Technologies Hub of Catalonia
While participants were disappointed to lose the          connect remotely reached interested students
opportunity to gather all together in person for this     around the world, making it possible for this
event, the online format was hugely successful            ICFO- Weizmann School on the Frontiers of Light     +INFO
in terms of reaching a diverse audience and               to have a truly global reach.                       www.quantummasterbarcelona.eu


                                                                                                              October 25-28, 2021
                                                                                                              ICFO- UT Stanford International School on the Frontiers of Light:
                                                                                                                Photons for Green Energy

                                                                                                              November 8-12, 2021
                                                                                                              ICFO- UNAM International School on the Frontiers of Light:
                                                                                                                Quantum Challenges

                                        **Schools to be held this year                                        Through the SPIE@ICFO Chair for Diversity in the Photonic Sciences, ICFO offers
                                        in hybrid and/or online format                                        Travel Fellowships for international masters and undergraduate students to participate
                                                                                                              in ICFO Schools, with preference given to students from developing countries.
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
ICFONIANS FALL 21                                                                                                                                          9



ICFO Maciej Lewenstein                                                                                       During the rest of the course, they learned
                                                                                                             more about quantum physics and the related

Quantum School
                                                                                                             emerging technologies through online
                                                                                                             classes, animation and videos extracted from
                                                                                                             the Quantum Tour and other ICFO projects.

for Teachers
                                                                                                             “[This course] gave me
Quantum Technologies course
                                                                                                             a general idea of what
for high-school teachers
                                                                  LA CRIPTOGRAFIA                            quantum physics is.
                                                                  QUÀNTICA A L’AULA                          I started from scratch and
This July, the Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en
Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya invited the ICFO                                              now I feel competent.”
outreach team to give a course for their summer school.
                                                                                                             - participating teacher
We designed a course about quantum technologies,
a 10-day journey that took the participants from the
basic concepts of quantum physics to emerging
quantum technologies. The possibility of learning
                                                                                                             All the materials provided to the participants
directly from ICFOnians about topics that are hot but
                                                                                                             during the course, including the activities for
that are usually perceived as difficult to understand was
                                                                                                             the classroom developed by the ICFO out-
attractive to many high-school science teachers and the
                                                                                                             reach team, will be available online in three
course was fully booked.
                                                                                                             languages (Catalan, Spanish and English) as
On the first day, the participants met ICFO group leader                                                     part of the ICFO Maciej Lewenstein Quan-
ICREA Prof Dr Maciej Lewenstein who introduced them                                                          tum School for Teachers. This is a new pro-
to the realm of quantum technologies. On the same day                                                        gram that aims to train teachers and provide
they also took part in the quantum edition of the Decide                                                     them the tools to introduce the quantum
Game designed by ICFO. This activity allowed them to                                                         world to new generations who will most likely
get acquainted with an unknown topic in a dynamic and                                                        observe the impact of (even more) quantum
entertaining way through discussions in small teams.                                                         technologies in their lives.

                                                                              Hac Te, a new Barcelona hub focused on the exploration and development
                                                                              of the intersections between Art, Science and Technology, was launched in
                                                                              December 2020 and connects leading organizations in those fields. ICFO
                                                                              is one of the founding partners together with UOC, UPC, Fira Barcelona,
                                                                              BSC, BIST, Barcelona Tech City, HANGAR and New Art foundation. The
                                                                              initiative, supported by institutions such as the Barcelona City Council, the
                                                                              Government of Catalonia and the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, aims
                                                                              to boost the digital transformation of society and to make Barcelona
                                                                              a global center for research, training, dissemination, transfer and
                                                                              production in this field. Fostering relations between the many different
                                                                              parties that already work separately in Barcelona in the fields of art, design,
                                                                              science and technology, could in fact produce valuable knowledge to meet
                                                                              the challenges of the digital transformation needed for the development
                                                                              of society.

                                                                              In June 2021, Hac Te offered five grants for research and production
                                                                              of artistic works in the field of confluence between art, science
                                                                              and technology. In addition to supporting funds, the grant included a
                                                                              residency at one of the research centers during which artists were given
                                                                              the opportunity to receive mentorship from the researchers to feed the
                                                                              scientific inspiration of their projects.

                                                                              Five projects were awarded from 71 proposals submitted. One of these

Art & Science:
                                                                              projects, “Dark Chambers of Ideology” (Cambres fosques de la
                                                                              ideologia) by Estampa, an up and coming artistic collective and
                                                                              professional studio specialized in experimental cinema and animation,

Hac Te residencies
                                                                              data visualization and interactive media, chose to collaborate with
                                                                              ICFO for their project. This entailed an investigation into the technological
                                                                              mediations that operate behind the images and in which different audiovisual
                                                                              formats are used, putting the darkroom in dialogue with the operational
                                                                              images of artificial intelligence. Estampa and ICFO had a first working session
Over the years, ICFO has been increasingly                                    in September, in which they visited the institute, experimented with the
involved in projects at the interface between                                 Schlieren camera in the ICFOseum, and had a productive meeting with Dr
                                                                              Jordi Andilla of the SLN team in which they delved into the fascinating world
art and science, with ICFOnians mixing their                                  of high-resolution microscopy, discussing the techniques and elements they
photonics knowledge with music and visual                                     could use for their installation. More interactions will follow to help Estampa
                                                                              make their vision a reality and with the goal of showcasing their work in the
arts and partnering with artists of different                                 2022 edition of Ars Electronica in Linz.
46 Training and Discovery - ICFO
10                                                                                                                                                        ICFONIANS FALL 21



     Career Paths
     for Postdocs
     The Beyond ICFO annual career event brings
     together members of the Alumni network to
     showcase ways that they are applying their
     training in a variety of career paths

     By sharing their experiences with the ICFO
     community, Alumni are able to introduce career
     options and applications of scientific training that     Panel Discussion
     may not be on the radar of ICFOnians who may
     be considering their next career move. This year,
     ICFOnians who were postdocs at the institute and
     that have gone on to follow a variety of professional
     routes, both in and outside of academia, came
     together to share insights on the decisions they
     made that influenced their career choices.

                                                              ALESSANDRO CERÈ                      CAITRIONA CREELY                        RICCARDO SAPIENZA
     Prof Michael                                             Senior ML Specialist                 Program Manager:                        Professor of Physics
     Totzeck                                                  Solution Architect at
                                                                                                   Data Infrastructures and
                                                                                                   Personalized Medicine
                                                                                                                                           at Blackett Laboratory,
                                                                                                                                           Imperial College
     Keynote talk                                                                                  at the Irish Health                     London
                                                              “As scientists we have
     The event kicked off                                                                          Research Board
                                                              a lot of technical                                                           “I’d like to dispel some
     with perspectives from                                   knowledge, but this                  “Step back and reflect a                myths that are behind
     an industry leader that                                  knowledge is not what                little bit about yourselves:            the Academic path: you
     draws much of its talented                               makes us valuable in                 ‘When am I most                         don’t need to have the
     workforce from PhD and                                   industry. Our value is the           energized at work?’,                    largest number of Nature
     Postdoc Community.                                       ability to translate, to talk        ‘What really motivates                  papers. What you need
                                                              across the spectrum and              me?’ and then look for                  to become an acade-
     Prof Michael Totzeck, Research Fellow at Carl            talk both to executives              an area where you can                   mic is to have a vision
     Zeiss AG, opened the event with a talk that              and technical people.                contribute, whether                     and a story. You need to
     compared the goals and hard skills relevant for          And you learn that                   it’s industry, academia,                want to do something
     positions in industry and academia. He shared            from years of teaching,              public sector, healthcare…              different, and then work
     tips with ICFOnians about the best ways to               outreach activities, etc.            It doesn’t matter. If it                in something that you’re
     excel in their career paths, both in industry and        That’s the value                     motivates you, that’s how               motivated to do and that
     academia, and the soft skills needed to succeed.         you can bring”                       you’ll make a difference”               is a breakthrough idea”


New Board for
                                                                                                                                  This new team takes over from out-
                                                                                                                                  going leaders Arturo Villegas (Presi-
                                                                                                                                  dent); Blanca Belsa (Vice-President);

ICONS                                                                                                                             Monserrat Álvarez (Secretary); Jana
                                                                                                                                  Ockova (Treasurer); Cristian Boghiu
                                                                                                                                  (Communications Officer); and Pablo
The general assembly of the ICFO                                                                                                  Fernández (Diversity Officer).
Organization and Network of                                                                                                       In spite of the peculiarities of this atyp-
Students (ICONS) appoints a new                                                                                                   ical year that was marked by social dis-
board of officers by an open vote                                                                                                 tancing for COVID, this leadership team
                                                                                                                                  was very active, working to launch pro-
                                                                                                                                  grams for the PhD community and the
                                                                       2021 ICONS LEADERS:
ICONS promotes educational activities for students,                                                                               institution in general, including the first
boosting their career opportunities by drawing                         (L to R) Julita Poborska (Diversity and Inclusion          institutional PRIDE Month celebration
them closer to the photonics community. Likewise,                      Officer); Carolina Fajardo (Secretary); Cristian           at ICFO. Congratulations to the new
the network endeavors to intensify the interaction and                 Boghiu (Treasurer); Giulia Lo Gerfo (Vice-Presi-           ICONS leaders and many thanks to the
collaboration of its members within ICFO by organizing                 dent); Blanca Belsa (President); Jessica Angulo            outgoing team for all your efforts to
social events like Social Friday, and in typical years, the            (Communications Officer)                                   enrich the experience of PhD students
annual International Food Festival, amongst others.                                                                               at ICFO.
ICFONIANS FALL 21                                                                                                                                                                        11



Congratulations                         Each of these ICFOnians has played an important role in ICFO’s success and reputation as a leading international research institute.
                                        Honoring ICFO’s tradition, ICFOnians celebrate this important personal, professional and institutional milestone and encourage you
to 4 New ICFO                           to Go & Fly! Remember that wherever you go, you will always be a part of the ICFO community.
PhD Graduates
235 ICFOnians
have successfully
defended their theses

Continuing to adapt to the
need for social distancing,
ICFO’s newest PhD                       232                    July 7, 2021    233          September 8, 2021       234       September 28, 2021       235       September 29, 2021
graduates defended their                SLAVEN TEPSIC                          NILS-ERIC GUENTHER                   PAU GÓMEZ KABELKA                  GUILLERMO MARTÍNEZ-
theses in a hybrid format,                                                                                                                             DENEGRI SÁNCHEZ
                                        “Optomechanical Resonators             “Dynamics of Quantum                 “Spinor Bose-Einstein Comag-
with the thesis committees,
                                        Based on Low Dimensional               Mixtures”                            netometer and Interhyperfine       “Light Harvesting and Energy
colleagues, friends and
                                        Materials”                                                                  Interactions in Rb87”              Efficiency in Perovskite Solar
family supporting them in                                                      TD: ICREA Prof Dr Maciej
                                                                               Lewenstein and Dr Pietro                                                Cells and Their Applications”
this important moment from              TD: Prof Dr Adrian Bachtold                                                 TD: ICREA Prof Dr Morgan W.
the auditorium and online.                                                     Massignan                            Mitchell                           TD: UPC Prof Dr Jordi Martorell


When the weather gets warm, ICFOnians                                 Andrea Morales, waking up on Rhule            Marta Martín, laying
hit the road to recharge their batteries.                             Refuge in the french Pyrenees                 on Mallorca's beach
Adventure, relaxation, sports, culture and
site seeing- you name it, we did it!

                                                                                                                                                       Rajashree Haldankar at
                                                                                                                                                       Palma Aquarium, Mallorca

                               ICFO Excursionistes are back!
                               Camí de Ronda from l'Ampolla
                               to l'Ametlla de Mar

                                                                                                       Stuti Gugnani, snorkelling during
                                                                                                       her holidays in Calpe, Alicante

                                                                                                                                                       Brook Hardwick, at the top
                                                                      Ariadna Martínez, in                                                             of Rockefeller Center, NYC
                                                                      Prada de Conflent to
                                                                      present ICFO's Health
  Carlota Corbella,                  Elena Enrique exploring          portfolio at la Universitat                                                      Miriam Marchena and Kevin
  walking through clouds             Las Bardenas Reales              Catalana d'Estiu                                                                 Schädler with their trophy
                                                                                                                                                       basket full of 'Rovellons'

  Projects Team
                                                                                                       Anne Gstöttner enjoying a 'smooth'
  reunion in Menorca
                                                                                                       landing during her Balloon ride

                                                                                                       Gabriel Fernández visited La Maleza
                                             ICFO Football                                             wildlife park and saw two specimens
                                             Tournament!                                               of the extinc aurochs

                                      ICFOnians are a fascinating group, with             1. Prior to coming to Castelldefels, she lived in the US and Argentina.
                                      hobbies, interests and talents that may
                                                                                          2. She never leaves her house without earrings on.
                                      surprise you. Have a look around and
                                      see if you can guess who this edition’s             3. She and her family share their house with other flat mates.
       How much do you                Mystery ICFOnian is!
                                                                                          4. Many ICFOnians have her cellphone number.
       know about the people          Look for the answer in the next edition
       you work with?                 of ICFOnians.                                       5. She enjoys playing board games and her favorite is Carcassonne.

Ángel Ramírez                                                                                                               “The leitmotiv of GTD is
President, GTD                                                                                                              that we do not do things
                                                                                                                            that are easy; we do
Can you give a brief overview of GTD?                                                                                       things that are critical.”
We founded our company 34 years ago and we are now
over 400 engineers, scientists, IT professionals from                                                                                 to bring their teams to us. And our employees love
multiple nationalities, all working together. Our average                                                                             Barcelona- there are more than just economic
age is 29- we are constantly injecting young, new                                                                                     arguments to draw people here to work. At ICFO
human capital. We work in four large sectors: Aerospace                                                                               there are also many international researchers who
Engineering; Defense and Security; Energy and Scientific                                                                              could go anywhere. In fact, ICFO is a great example
facilities; and Logistics and transport. The founding partners                                                                        of what makes Barcelona great. It is a place that
                                                                      that could be vulnerable to a quantum computer or a
of GTD brought together strong backgrounds in industrial                                                                              brings together excellent hard-core science with
                                                                      conventional super computer. The building block to
automation, control processes, regulation, instrumentation,                                                                           the development of new businesses. We also have
                                                                      protect these is Quantum Key Distribution- which is
real-time computing… but we never dreamed we’d be                                                                                     world-class biomedical talent and Barcelona Super
                                                                      exactly what LuxQuanta is developing.
working in the aerospace sector. Our initial focus was                                                                                Computing - an international reference center,
on industrial robotics, which is still an important part              In addition to the aerospace sector, we have shared             among others. And all this happens right here.
of our business. The leitmotiv of GTD is that we do not               interests with LuxQuanta in the Defense and Security
                                                                                                                                      Can you share your advice for our PhD stu-
do things that are easy; we do things that are critical.              sector where there are concerns for cybersecurity in
                                                                                                                                      dents and post-doctoral researchers wanting
Our work is tremendously precise and always with the                  telecommunications systems, in critical environments
                                                                                                                                      to start a career in industry or even create
premise of operational safety. Operational safety issues are          and networks, where the possibility of intrusion
                                                                                                                                      their own companies?
tremendously important, and we are experts in this area.              must be mitigated. We also have shared interests in
                                                                      technologies we are using in the Energy and Science             My first recommendation if you want to start
GTD has recently invested corporate seed capital in
                                                                      sector where we could potentially collaborate and/or            your own company is to never do it alone. Five
ICFO’s spin-off LuxQuanta. How do their activities fit in
                                                                      exchange experiences with the goal of developing new            of us founded GTD and if we had not been five,
GTD’s portfolio?
                                                                      technologies, the sooner the better, for mutual benefit.        it would not have worked. Together we have
We consider our investment in LuxQuanta an industrial                                                                                 created more than 15 companies, some have
                                                                      As a high-tech company with a large part of your
investment, where we can turn to them as often as                                                                                     succeeded and some have not. Second, you
                                                                      client base being international, is there a plus to
necessary to help us to meet our clients’ needs that we are                                                                           have to have solid experience and expertise and
                                                                      being located in Barcelona?
currently unable to meet. One of these is in the aerospace                                                                            a clear plan. Finally, when you are young and
sector. We have observed for many years that there could              I am not the only one that think that thinks there is           don’t have a lot of money to lose, you may not
be an impending threat in terms of interception and                   a plus to being located here- everyone is happy to              want to take the risk. This is a “virus” that you
intrusion from the quantum computer. This may still be                come to Barcelona! When we have kick-off meetings               either have or you don’t. I have had this virus my
years away, but with regard to new constellations, some               to start projects with clients from Egypt, Denmark,             whole life. I started putting things together and
with dual military and civilian uses, there are many links            Norway…, we offer to go to their offices but they prefer        selling them from home when I was 14 years old!

          Science Quiz                                                               1. When was entanglement first
                                                                                     described ?
                                                                                                                                        3. When was discord first described ?

                                                                                                                                        A) 2001 (A space odyssey)
          Quantum discord measures the extra information that                        A) 1905
                                                                                                                                        B) 2010 (The year we make contact)
          Alice’s state gives about Bob’s state, beyond what
                                                                                     B) 1935
          classical physics allows. There are states with discord                                                                       C) 2061 (Odyssey three)
          that are not entangled, so this is non-classicality beyond                 C) 1964
          entanglement. Calculating discord is a NP-complete
          problem, so approximate measures are useful. The below                                                                        4. Who was the first ICFOnian to
          article relates two approximate discord measures.                          2. What is the “N” in NP ?                         publish about discord?

          “Equivalence regimes for geometric quantum discord                         A) Not                                             A) L. Aolita
          and local quantum uncertainty”, O. Cordero, A. Villegas,
                                                                                     B) Numerical                                       B) D. Cavalcanti
          J-R Alvarez, R. de J. León-Montiel, M. H. M. Passos,
          and J. P. Torres, Phys. Rev. A, 104, 042401 (2021)                         C) Nondeterministic                                C) A. Streltsov

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Have you got news               change your email address, or have some                please visit the ICFO Website             communications@icfo.eu indicating your
                                comments and ideas for future content, we’d            www.icfo.eu                               name, email address, and institution.
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