ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019

Page created by Monica Mueller
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019   01

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ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019

                                     roc hure
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                             tra 18-2019

” I can’t change the
  direction of the wind,
  but I can adjust my
  sails to always reach
  my destination.”
               J immy
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
e lc o m e
Letter from Peter Negri   The ClubMates Travel Commitment   Our Values                   South Australian Tours   Queensland Tours          Northern Territory Tours
PAGE 06                   PAGE 08                           PAGE 10                      PAGE 42                  PAGE 48                   PAGE 58

Travel Tips               Let’s Make Your Booking Easier    Frequently Asked Questions   Tasmania Tours           Western Australia Tours   International Tours
PAGE 12                   PAGE 16                           PAGE 18                      PAGE 62                  PAGE 66                   PAGE 70

Personalised Holidays     Victorian Tours                   New South Wales Tours        Cruises                  Tour Prices & Listings    Terms & Conditions
PAGE 20                   PAGE 22                           PAGE 32                      PAGE 76                  PAGE 82                   PAGE 98
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
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     Let me say a big thankyou
     to the passengers that
     travelled with us over the
     past 12 months and welcome
     to the new passengers that
     we will meet in the next
     12 months, it is the most
     rewarding feeling giving
     our passengers the holiday
     of a lifetime!

     Another year and some great memories along with very happy passengers that have had the holiday of a
     lifetime, within the supported holiday sector it is always important to be able to offer more holidays with
     good variety when on route or at our final destinations.

     I didnt think anyone can deny that the introduction has been a very turbulent time and has made some very significant changes to how the sector operates.
     At ClubMates we are constantly learning and developing with the many changes the NDIS brings and each of our booking agents has had training in the
     basics of what can be offered via the NDIS funding. To date we have seen supported holidays claimed in part and we expect that the NDIA will keep tight
     controls of the costs. The main areas of NDIS funding that can be claimed is the supports when passengers are enjoying their holiday.

     Our website has seen some good growth and passengers and their support staff are using it more frequently, it is still a challenge to book a supported
     holiday effectively on line but with the advancement in technology I can see it is not too far from being a reality, of course we are always happy to speak
     to our passengers and staff, and in fact we enjoy the calls!!

     Social Media
     We are improving our interaction on all social media channels all the time and love the engagement from our passengers and their support staff, social
     media is an ever-evolving way of communicating and all of us at ClubMates enjoy the challenge of its development.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            p a ss e ngers
                                                                                                                                                                                                           t o a l l of our s ho lida ys
                                                                                                                                                                                                     kyou               M ate
                                                                                                                                                                                        y a b ig Than
                                                                                                                                                                                                       a k in g C  l ub
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          d r e w arding
                                                                                                                                                                          d  l ike to sa works for m a unique an
                                                                                                                                                                   I wou ir support net ing eac h da y
                                                                                                                                                                   and the able and mak m y team!                         Negr i
                                                                                                                                                                    so enjo nce for me and
                                                                                                                                                                    e xperie
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
08                                                                                                                                            ClubMates Travel Brochure2018/2019         09

     Tr a     ment
        m mit
     C o             The ClubMates Travel Commitment forms the core of our business, and it exists
                     for a number of crucial reasons: it guides our staff on a daily basis; it instils
                     confidence in our passengers, their families and friends; and it ensures that we
                     deliver a consistent, high-quality service which endures from the first phone call
                     to the last leg of the holiday.

                     The following list represents the promises that ranked ClubMates Travel the best in the business within the supported holidays sector within
                     Travel and Tours. These promises have built the successful framework which has kept passengers coming back to us year after year.

                     BOOKING                                                During the holiday                                     After the holiday
                     }}Friendly, helpful and knowledgeable booking          }}The ClubMates Travel Crew will try to keep each      }}Passengers will be informed of the ClubMates
                      agents will answer all telephone calls and             holiday as flexible as possible.                       Travel points they have accumulated which can
                      enquiries during business hours.                                                                              be used for discounts on future vacations.
                                                                            }}If there’s something the group wants to do, every
                     }}Travel agents will do their very best to answer       effort will be made to facilitate that activity.      }}Staff will respond to any complaints within seven
                      and explain all questions posed to them.                                                                      working days, and a resolution will be sought in
                                                                            }}All medication and spending money will
                                                                                                                                    every case.
                     }}Agents will always speak to potential passengers      be administered and distributed by qualified
                      with respect and inform them truthfully about          members of the crew, as arranged before               }}All feedback will be reviewed to identify the
                      ClubMates Travel holidays.                             the holiday.                                           best parts of our vacations, and to see where
                                                                                                                                    improvement is needed.
                     }}Booking staff will make suggestions when             }}Appropriate measures and precautions will be
                      appropriate – taking into account the passenger’s      implemented to make every holiday as safe as
                      interests, wishes and disability − in order to book    it possibly can be.
                      each passenger on the best possible holiday.
                                                                            }}Each passenger will be treated with respect
                     }}The ClubMates Travel website will always be           and dignity.
                      kept up-to-date.
                                                                            }}Passengers will receive the support they require,
                     }}Holidays will be added to the site, with correct      and privacy and dignity will be respected.
                      dates and pricing information as soon as they
                                                                            }}Every activity on the itinerary will be completed,
                      are finalized.
                                                                             barring exceptional circumstances.
                     }}Any changes or special offers will be published
                                                                            }}Accommodation will always be comfortable,
                      on the website as soon as possible.
                                                                             safe and well located.
                                                                            }}Meals will be professionally prepared and
                                                                             contribute to a balanced diet during the holiday.
                                                                            }}Any allergies or preferences will always be taken
                                                                             into account.
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
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                                                                                                                                                   Our MPANY
                                                                                                                                               ClubMates Travel was founded in 1988, its former name was Ozmates Travel Pty Ltd. We humbly started as a small but
                                                                                                                                               focused business specialising in mild to moderate intellectual disability designed holidays who required supported holidays
                                                                                                                                               within Australia. In 2006 Peter Negri acquired the company and was asked by passengers if we could do more adventurous
                                                                                                                                               holidays both in Australia and overseas that can cater for people who require support when on holidays or facilities that can
                                                                                                                                               assist in the accessible tourism, with no preconceived ideas Peter went to work to develop a market leading travel booking
                                                                                                                                               company and tour operator, catering for a much wider range of supported holidays. ClubMates is now a well-established

                                                                                                                                               global company, proud to assists anyone with disabilities in the creation and enjoyment of fulfilling a perfect supported or
                                                                                                                                               unsupported holiday.

                                                                                                                                               One truly great thing about ClubMates Travel is, we can facilitate      disabilities who wanted to travel within Australia. Clubmates crew
                                                                                                                                               almost any kind of holiday, whether you want to travel in your          member’s presence is to ensure passengers will have fun on their
                                                                                                                                               home country or abroad as an individual or as part of a group           holidays and provide safety and comfort for the duration of their
                                                                                                                                               (4-40 passengers). ClubMates Travel offers tailor-made holidays         holiday. Clubmates staff are trained to administer medication,
     Over the last 30 years ClubMates Travel has been successfully operating, a healthy set of values that have emerged from within
                                                                                                                                               with specialized support structures, depending on the needs of          assist with budgeting, and if required provide more personalized
     the company – a set of core values that we like to call ‘The ClubMates Travel Code.’ Our code governs the way we operate on a
                                                                                                                                               the passengers and their destinations. This level of customization      care. Whatever is needed, everyone at ClubMates Travel ensures it
     daily basis. It ensures that whatever size the company reaches, and whichever direction it takes, the ClubMates Travel team
                                                                                                                                               means that each and every holiday is uniquely arranged for you          is taken care of with dignity and skill.
     will always exude the qualities that have made ClubMates Travel the leading name in supported travel.
                                                                                                                                               and/or your family.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       From the moment you call ClubMates to the last kilometre of the
                                                                                                                                               All the staff at ClubMates truly understand the importance of a         passenger’s supported holiday, the company’s 50-strong team of
     Our core values:
                                                                                                                                               good quality care and support and how a lack of it can potentially      friendly travel agents and experienced support staff are there for
     }}Never be too proud to learn – If we can learn from our              }}Work hard so others can play harder – We realise that
                                                                                                                                               ruin a holiday. We understand that all passengers want to visit         you and your family.
      mistakes as well as our successes, we will always be better           incredible, memorable holidays don’t just happen. At ClubMates     the destination of their dreams, but it will never be a great holiday
      than yesterday. We will always listen to our employees, and           Travel we work hard, and we don’t mind doing it, because we                                                                                Our loyal customers that frequently use ClubMates to arrange and
                                                                                                                                               unless the right care and support is provided.
      to our valued passengers, to ensure we are the best possible          know that the harder we work for our passengers, the more                                                                                  provide the support on holidays are testament to the incredibly
      company we can be.                                                    fun they are going to have on their holidays.                      As a small but focused business its original aim was to provide         thorough job done by our staff.
                                                                                                                                               supported holidays to passengers with mild to moderate intellectual
     }}Believe in equality and strive for it – This important belief       }}Dream big – We encourage it in our staff and in our passengers.
      is one that has filtered down the organisation from Peter Negri at    The possibilities for ClubMates Travel and everyone connected to
      the top. We believe that if we can treat everyone - employees and     our company are endless if we can continue to dream.
      passengers alike - with the respect we seek for ourselves, then
                                                                           }}No matter what happens enjoy the journey – Life is not
                                                                                                                                               So if you are ready for the holiday of a lifetime, fulfil
      great things can happen. No matter what level an employee
      is at within our company, no matter the ability of our passengers,
                                                                            a dress rehearsal.                                                 your holiday dream now! Call us today, inquire through
      we will always treat people with the respect they deserve.                                                                               our online form, or fill in an online application.
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
12                                                                                                                                              ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019            13

                   Coach Travel                                                                         Air Travel
                   When travelling with ClubMates Travel via coach, you will be travelling in 5         We choose to fly reputable airlines so that all safety procedures are followed
                   star luxury. The coaches are licensed to carry between 36-60 passengers              and if there is a safety issue it will be addressed with minimal disruption to the
                   and each vehicle is fitted with seatbelts, air-conditioning, heating, individual     holiday/vacation. Once the passenger has booked the holiday, if extra attention
                   lights, sun shade blinds, comfortable large seats with plenty of leg room,           is required due to poor mobility or possibly the passenger uses a wheelchair
                   and DVD/stereo. There is always a selection of movies to enjoy while cruising        for mobility, Clubmates will organise all parts of the flight including transfers,
                   along the highway or simply sightseeing around town. Most ClubMates Travel           waiver to travel with a motorised wheelchair/scooter and its battery, and
                   vehicles are wheelchair friendly with trained staff using the hoist, strapping       assistance to the assigned seat as required. This may be simply showing the
                   the wheelchair into position or transferring the passenger to a standard seat.       passenger to the correct seat, assisting with slide boards, or organising a
                   If the passenger is required to travel unassisted ClubMates Travel needs to          for embarking or disembarking the aircraft. If the passenger is required to fly
                   be notified upon departure of the passenger from there home station and              unassisted ClubMates Travel needs to be notified at the time of booking so we
                   a ClubMates Travel support person will be at the arrival bus bay. Once the           can have a ClubMates Travel support person at the gate waiting upon arrival.
                   passenger has arrived we then will contact the family/carer to confirm safe          Once the passenger has arrived we then contact the family/carer to confirm safe
                   arrival. When the passenger is returning home from their support holiday             arrival. When the passenger is returning home ClubMates Travel once again calls
                   ClubMates support crew will call to confirm the passenger is on the train/           to confirm the passenger is on the flight
                   Aircraft. Safety is paramount, in our vehicles and for safety reasons the vehicles
                   receive safety checks every 10,000kms or three months, whichever comes               Train Travel
                   sooner.  We are then independently audited at regular intervals by the relevant      Train networks are a useful mode of travel and most passengers enjoy this
                   government authority. All of the drivers are licensed to drive the vehicles and      type of transport. When using trains each route is chosen to suit the individual
                   follow strict guidelines with vehicle safety checks completed daily. The in-depth    holiday/vacation. As time is important train travel is organised with the
                   maintenance/fault reporting system in place averts any possible issues that may      appropriate transport body so that there will be time for each passenger to
                   impact on the smooth operation of the holiday/vacation.                              relax and enjoy the journey. When booking a train holiday/vacation and requiring
                                                                                                        mobility assistance Clubmates allows time for embarking and disembarking and
                   Sea Travel                                                                           transfers and this is to ensure safety standards are kept to a high standard. If the
                   When travelling on one of our ships, boats or sea faring vessels we endeavour        passenger is required to travel unassisted for any part of the holiday ClubMates
                   to choose the safest and most economical service. When choosing a ship or            Travel needs to be notified upon departure from the local airport/train station
                   boat to travel either for short or extended cruising ClubMates Travel assess         and Clubmates support person will be at the arrival airport/platform. Once the
                   all the companies and then choose the companies with a good safety record            passenger has arrived we then will contact the family/carer to confirm safe
                   and have the facilities required for the ultimate enjoyment when on vacation/        arrival. When the passenger is returning home ClubMates Travel once again calls
                   holiday. When embarking or dis-embarking a cruise ship ClubMates Travel              to confirm the passenger is on the train.
                   advises the cruise company and then with support from the Cruise Company and
                   ClubMates staff the process is handled with professionalism, care and dignity. If
                   a wheelchair user or someone with limited mobility has booked, we contact the
                   cruise company involved informing them of the passenger’s requirements and
                   how we will assist with the person’s transfers and what we require from the
                   cruise company.
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
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                         Global                                                                                                                          Individual
                                                                                                                                                         and Small Group Tours
                                                                                                                                                         So, you love the idea of travelling with flexibility, and really enjoy having the     The skill and dedication in developing these holidays by the ClubMates
                                                                                                                                                         freedom to do what you want, when you want to do it, why not let ClubMates            team is second to none, we endeavour to make all the parts of your holiday
                                                                                                                                                         design and assist you on your perfect individualised holiday.                         as smooth and easy as possible.
                                                                                                                                                         The destinations have been many and varied from local destinations 1-2 hours          We also offer a service which assists travellers to book flights
                                                                                                                                                         from passenger’s homes to long haul holidays such as South Africa viewing the         accommodation and attractions themselves. We simply assist in researching
     At ClubMates Travel we are extremely conscious                                                                                                      amazing wildlife in Kruger National Park, England with all the well-known tourist     the parts of the puzzle that may be time consuming or difficult and then
     about the footprints we leave behind as a global                                                                                                    attractions such as the tower of London, Buckingham palace, Portugal that is          you can go and book them yourself.
     company, being aware and careful about how we                                                                                                       renowned for its cultural diversity and then the all-time favourite a Polynesian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               If you have dream holiday in mind that sounds just amazing then contact
     impact the communities that we work within is                                                                                                       island lying on the beach with beautiful blue water.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               us at or give us a call!!
     something that we believe is important. With each
     person we take on holidays and many destinations                                                                                                                                                                                          Let the Fun Begin!
     we explore we strive to leave it a better place and
     in better condition than it was before we visited. We
     value Eco Tourism and work towards being a good
     corporate citizen.

     At ClubMates Travel we supported the idea of a diverse and inclusive
     world and enjoy working with many diverse cultures. Over the years
                                                                              It’s a simple principle, but one that has been vital in acting as a
                                                                              foundation for Clubmates successfully integrated workforce.                                                        Presentations
     we have strived to create a workforce that is representative of the
     places we visit, and the communities we support. We believe it is of
                                                                              Peter also believes that all work should be enjoyable and fulfilling
                                                                              for the staff, and that everyone should feel like an important part of                                                                             AND PUBLIC SPEAKING
     paramount importance that our company is represented by people           the team. ClubMates Travel is currently undergoing major expansion,
     of different genders, disabilities, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds,   it’s an exciting time for the business, staff and people we support        ClubMates Travel is a tough campaigner for enhancing travel opportunities for         We would be pleased to speak to your group or organisation to assist and
     sexual orientations, and belief systems. However, we are adamant         on holidays. We are taking significant steps into new territories          people with ANY level of ability or illness. The major part of our inspiration        to educate your members and their families about how rich and rewarding the
     that it’s not just a case of ticking boxes, we believe that diversity    and, as a result of globalisation and various other expansions into        revolves around educating people that anything at all is possible, as long as the     travel experience will be when accompanied with a professional support team.
     is also achieved at a more grass roots level. Clubmates is always        new areas, we realise that we will face new challenges in the              correct planning and professional arrangements have been thoroughly organised.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               If you are interested in Clubmates Travel speaking to your
     looking for people with different communication styles, problem          coming months and years − therefore we will need to find new and           We speak to support groups, national and international health care organisations,     group, please email Peter Negri at
     solving skills, personal interests, and backgrounds to join our          innovative solutions. We believe that these solutions will come as a       at conferences, industry expos and to members and executives of various               or call 1300 158 003.
     company. We realise the importance of strong recruitment policies        result of having a diverse workforce who work as a team and knows          non-profit organizations about serving the needs of people with a disability or
     to ensure diversity is achieved. After the recruitment process, that     how to utilize each other’s strengths and skills. Our aim is to always     people who may be in aged care and in need of some additional assistance to travel.
     all our employees feel valued and provide an offering to enhance         have a team of people that are as diverse as the passengers we
     the business and people we support. Clubmates wants its staff            support. Our diversity and inclusive atmosphere allows us to provide
     to feel like they belong, and have a career path set out in front        a level of service that is unrivalled in the supported disability travel
     of them with the chance of progression within the company and            industry. Our team have strong problem solving abilities greater and
     the disability sector. Company Managing Director, Peter Negri,           more meaningful customer connections along with motivation and
     stresses that ‘everyone should be treated with respect and dignity.’     engagement with their roles.
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
16                                                                                                                                                                               ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                     17

     Let ’s make your
                        How do I make a booking                                                                                How do I pay for the
                        with ClubMates Travel?                                                                                 holiday/vacation?
                        Call the ClubMates Travel office and speak to one of our consultants to ascertain availability and     Payment can be made either via direct deposit, cheque, credit card, bank cheques or it can be
                        then complete our application form with one of our consultants, or choose a holiday through the        paid off over several months to assist with budgeting.

                        website and submit the form on the holidays individual page, then one of our consultants will
                        contact you to confirm the booking.
                                                                                                                               Can I make periodical
                        Where do ClubMates Travel                                                                              payments?
                                                                                                                               Yes, if you would like to pay for your holiday periodically, we will provide you with a receipt
                        go to?                                                                                                 each time a payment is made. This way, you will have an accurate way of tracking your
                        ClubMates has successfully taken passengers all over the globe with some of the destinations           outstanding amount.
                        including locally within Australia, Portugal, South Africa, Australia, USA, United Kingdom, Europe
                        and many Asian countries just to name a few. We are very experienced in offering cruises to all
                        parts of the globe offering 3 days – 4 weeks.                                                          When do you need to make
                                                                                                                               the final payment?
                        What type of supported                                                                                 Final payment needs to be received by the due date on the invoice. It can be 60, 90, 120
                                                                                                                               or 150 days before departure depending on the holiday/vacation
                        Travel can I expect?
                        When booking your holiday speak with your consultant to ensure the level of support is
                        appropriate. All group holidays offer support unless otherwise noted. ClubMates support                Do I receive any information
                        crew are available to assist with personal care, budgeting, and administration of medication.
                        If a higher level of care is required speak to your consultant about the options.                      between receiving the
                                                                                                                               booking package and
                        Can I meet with the support                                                                            Yes, definitely. 1-3 weeks before departure you will receive a clothing list, meeting time and an
                        person before the holiday/                                                                             updated itinerary along with the contact details of the tour leader.
                        vacation departs?
                        We have many passengers wanting to meet with one of the support crew before departure.
                        If you contact the ClubMates office we can arrange a suitable time and place. This is an additional    If I don’t want to go on a
                        cost but in many cases a worthwhile investment before departure.                                       group holiday/vacation can
                                                                                                                               I choose another type of
                        Once I have made the                                                                                   holiday/vacation
                                                                                                                               Yes, you can have your own holiday/vacation either supported or unsupported to any destination
                        booking what happens?                                                                                  around the globe.
                        Once the booking is confirmed the ClubMates Travel office will send a booking package with a full
                        set of booking forms. These forms include: tax invoice, itinerary for your chosen holiday/vacation,
                        welcome letter, travel insurance and booking form (medical details). The booking cannot be fully
                        confirmed until a deposit has been paid.
                                                                                                                               Do I need a passport?
                                                                                                                               If travelling within your own country a passport is not required, but if you are travelling on a cruise
                                                                                                                               ship or internationally yes you will need a passport with at least 6 months before expiration.
                        Do I need Travel Insurance?
                        No, but it is strongly advised to take it. Clubmates Travel will organise this. Our invoices include
                        the cost of travel insurance. If you determine that you need to have a higher level or have a
                                                                                                                               Who organises visas for
                        pre-existing condition this may cost more and therefore ClubMates Travel should be notified.           international holidays?
                                                                                                                               ClubMates organise all visas for supported travel with a ClubMates staff member. It is advised
                                                                                                                               you check with your consultant to ensure who is organising the visas.
                        How do I change or cancel
                        a booking?
                        Yes, that’s fine, but contact the ClubMates office to discuss any changes or cancellations.
                                                                                                                               Do I need vaccinations?
                        Refer to the terms and conditions for any cancellation fees.                                           It depends on the destination, and we always suggest that you contact us for accurate
                                                                                                                               information well in advance of the departure date.
ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                 19

     AskeD ns
       Quest i o

     Is ClubMates a registered                                                           Do I need a certain level                                                                    I don’t live anywhere near                                                                  What is included in the price of
     NDIS Provider?                                                                      of health and fitness to                                                                     where the holiday leaves from.                                                              the holiday?
     Yes, we are a registered Provider in all states of Australia                        participate?                                                                                 What can I do?                                                                              All main meals, accommodation for the duration of the holiday, listed activities, support
                                                                                         All passengers should be healthy enough to participate in the holiday’s planned              ClubMates Travel can arrange flights and overnight accommodation for a fee. We can          crew and other staff, are all included in the holiday fare.
                                                                                         activities. If you are unsure whether or not you reach the level of health required,         either link you to the holiday after it has started, or we can make sure you don’t miss a
     Can I use my NDIS package
                                                                                         please call us. We strive to accommodate everyone on our holidays.                           thing by getting you to the location of departure. It’s all up to you.
     for holidays?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What do I have to take care of?
     The NDIA allows fair and reasonable supports, so we use Social and                                                                                                                                                                                                           All passengers should have travel insurance, spending money for the holiday, passports
     Community engagement for most passengers                                            I need individual one-to-                                                                    Where will we be staying?                                                                   and visas, and any personal items that they wish to take e.g. electronic devices,
                                                                                         one support throughout my                                                                    Usually, we use 3 or 4 star motel-style accommodation during the holiday. We believe        toiletries, enough clothing and footwear etc.
                                                                                         holiday. Is this possible?                                                                   this kind of accommodation is the best option, as it means that all holidays are
     What do I need to out in
                                                                                         Yes. We can arrange anything from 1:1 to 1:6 (one carer to one/six passengers)               comfortable, good fun, and affordable.
     my NDIS plan to get a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How much luggage can I take
                                                                                         carer-to-passenger ratios.
     Supported Holiday?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with me on holiday?
     The easiest way to allow some extra money in your plan is to make holidays a                                                                                                     How will I be travelling?                                                                   Passengers are allowed to take two bags on holiday with them: one suitcase that
     goal, which in turn develops personal skills outside you home environment. But      I have my heart set on a                                                                     This all depends on which holiday you choose and where you will be travelling to.           should not exceed 20kg, and rucksack or smaller with maximum weight of 7kg.
     remember each plan is different and every one gets assessed differently, so there   holiday, but it isn’t listed on                                                              ClubMates Travel holidays use different modes of transport: planes, cruise ships,
     are no guarantees.                                                                  the ClubMates Travel website.                                                                coaches, and 4WDs are just some of the modes of transport used. If you would like to
                                                                                         Can you still help me?                                                                                                                                                                   I need assistance with my
                                                                                                                                                                                      travel in another way, contact us to find out your options.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  medication during my holiday.
                                                                                         Certainly. On top of the holidays we have listed, we also offer tailored holidays to suit
     How many passengers can                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Can you help me?
                                                                                         you. If you call us with a dream holiday in mind, we can make it happen.
     ClubMates Travel take on                                                                                                                                                         My circumstances have changed                                                               Yes, of course. Our support crew are all trained to administer medication and look after
     holiday?                                                                                                                                                                         and I have to cancel my                                                                     it during the holiday if requested.
     The majority of our group holidays are designed for between 4 and 44 passengers.    I like the sound of one                                                                      holiday. How do I do this?
                                                                                         particular holiday, but I know                                                               All cancellations must be notified to ClubMates Travel in writing. The cancellation
                                                                                         some of the activities won’t be                                                              is not valid until we receive this notice. See terms and conditions for information on
     Who does ClubMates Travel                                                           for me. What can I do instead?                                                               cancellation fees.
     cater for? Will I be able
                                                                                         We always aim to make our holidays as flexible as possible. We always have a pre-
     to join a holiday with my
                                                                                         established itinerary for each holiday, but if you can tell us in advance that you want to
                                                                                         do something that isn’t in the plan, we will do our best to make that happen.
     Yes, we try our very best to cater for everyone, whatever their disability.
     The qualified and experienced members of the ClubMates support crew
     are able to support passengers in any way they require. Give us a call
     to discuss the level of support that you require.
20                                                                                             ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019   21

      Do you have a holiday in mind but require more assistance than the average travel agent can offer?
      We understand that you may need a ClubMates Travel Support Team Member to accompany you on your holiday
      and you may have other requirements such as equipment hire, or assistance in arranging activities.

      ClubMates Travel can do it all for you!!!

      We can organise your holiday from the time you leave your front door until the time we drop you back home.
      Just leave it to ClubMates Travel!
22               ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019   23

                   8 -2 0 19
                201 t o urs

24                               victoria                                                                                                                                                                                                      ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                        25

     Ararat Rock ‘n’ Roll                                                                                                                                Penguins & Pampering
                                                                                                              TOUR CODE          PACE                                                                                                                           TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                              CM18014            SLOW                                                                                                                           CM18024           SLOW

                                           DEPARTS MARCH 2018                                                   From           $2,647                                                          DEPARTS MAY 2018                                                    From          $1,854
                                           Music, cars, wildlife, history, fashion... Wow, the heat is on! What’s not to love with this holiday that’s                                         Dreaming for a sweet escape to the countryside? Craving for a laid-back holiday where you will be
                                           packed with all the goodness of entertainment, topped with lots of wonderful experiences, and laced                                                 immersed in beauty, history and tranquility? Then you will find the bliss that you’ve been longing for
                                           with amazing escapades that will give you a blend of excitement and delight?                                                                        in this harmonious holiday!
                                           Meet the exotic reptiles, watch the roaming kangaroos and cuddle a koala at the interactive Ballarat                                                Smell the aroma of nature around you as the blossoming flowers act as giant bouquets while
                                           Wildlife Park. Have a tuneful time at the Rock n Roll Festival while you enjoy music, dance to the                                                  you explore the unadulterated beauty of Churchill Island. Get to experience farming life as you milk
                                           beat of the 50’s and 60’s rock ‘n’ roll music, enjoy the colorful costumes at a fashion show, and be                                                a cow and pat the friendly farm animals. Cuddling a koala, talking to a parrot or hand-feeding an
                                           prepared to be in awe with the classic cars and hot rods! Experience a sensational moment as you                                                    albino kangaroo at the award-winning Maru Koala and Animal Park is unforgettable! Unwind on a
                                           watch drag racing. Then pan for gold at Sovereign Hill for a spectacular moment reliving the gold rush                                              calming cruise as you explore the enthralling history of Phillip Island. Then relax in an indulgent
                                           days. Swoon away in this spirited holiday!                                                                                                          massage that will either lull you into a deep trance or take you to a soothing feeling that’ll make
                                                                                                                                                                                               you smile. So pack your bags now and prepare yourself to have a succulent taste of paradise in this
                                                                                                                                                                                               awe-inspiring getaway!

     Horsham Country Music 2018                                                                                                                          Xmas in July on the Murray
                                                                                                              TOUR CODE          PACE                                                                                                                           TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                              CM18015            SLOW                                                                                                                           CM18032           SLOW

                                           DEPARTS MARCH 2018                                                     From          $1,981                                                         DEPARTS JULY 2018                                                    From          $2,712
                                           Nourish your senses in this Horsham getaway that will surely fill your mind and body with pure joy!                                                 July is the most wonderful time of the year! Feel the magic of the yuletide season, and get ready for a
                                           Be smitten by the charming town of Horsham. And no Horsham trip is complete without experiencing                                                    glowing Christmas in July on the Murray! Experience a multifaceted Christmas holiday like no other,
                                           the genuine country music at its finest at its very own Country Music Festival!                                                                     packed full of activities that are set to impress.
                                           With your “Access All Areas” pass, you’ll feel like a VIP! Express your singing abilities and show                                                  Realize the beauty of the Australian fauna at the 140-acre Kyabram Wildlife Park. Visit the Port of
                                           your dance moves as the great country music artists serenade you. Have an exciting moment at                                                        Echuca — known as the home to the largest collection of Paddle Steamers in the World — and
                                           a busking competition and go on some retail therapy at one of the amazing specialty stores at the                                                   discover its rustic charm. Treat yourself to some chocolate indulgence at The Chocolate Company
                                           Plaza. Enjoy the fantastic gifts and chow down on the yummy food offerings at the venue. Then relax                                                 before a rejuvenating time at Hair & Nails. Then be all set for a delightful Christmas dinner and strike
                                           and be charmed by the captivating acoustics at the local Soundshell. The endless musical activities                                                 a pose with Santa! Add a dash of history to your holiday with a visit to the Historical Society and the
                                           are not only music to the ears, but the lovely experiences in this fascinating trip create a melodious                                              National Holden Motor Museum. The crazy machines, old engines, steam locomotives, puzzles and
                                           tune to the soul!                                                                                                                                   confectionary at the Confectionary Capers will surely fulfill your whimsical childhood Christmas
                                                                                                                                                                                               fantasies! Go shopping for some Kris Kringle presents and get some charming mementos for yourself,
                                                                                                                                                                                               which will remind you of this holiday in the years to come!

     AFL Games & Stadiums                                                                                                                                Mildura Music Festival 2018
                                                                                                              TOUR CODE          PACE                                                                                                                           TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                              CM18023            MEDIUM                                                                                                                         CM18044           FAST

                                           DEPARTS MAY 2018                                                       From          $2,719                                                         DEPARTS SEPTEMBER 2018                                               From          $3,712
                                           The best Melbourne sojourn ever! Be engulfed with all things exciting, delightful and memorable in                                                  Pack your bags, tap a tune and move your feet as you dive into a pool of music, dancing, singing,
                                           this sports-centric holiday that’s dappled with fun activities! Watch some heart-stopping games of                                                  shopping and so much more! Enjoy a musical revelry that offers harmonious experiences that are
                                           AFL and cheer on your favourite team!                                                                                                               sure to give you rich and resonant holiday memories!
                                           Take a mesmerizing Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the phenomenal MCG, and feel the thrilling vibe of the                                                 Become a part of the annual Mildura Country Music Festival with more than 130 Australian country
                                           old footy grounds. After a gripping game, make your tummy happy by sampling the delicious meals                                                     music artists, guaranteed to make you sing and sway! Delight in the energizing music of the talented
                                           at Essendon’s Windy Hill as you enjoy the restaurant’s pleasant atmosphere. Then be one with the                                                    musicians. Show your dancing moves, jive and prance as you enjoy boot scooting, line dancing and
                                           clouds, sun and stars at the Melbourne’s world-famous skyscraper, the Eureka Tower, as you gaze                                                     singing. Groove to the sweet-sounding music on the Mundoo Paddle Steamer. Oh, and shopping for
                                           across the Melbourne landscape!                                                                                                                     trinkets and gems is also fun at Woodsies Gem shop! Then make your holiday even more vibrant and
                                                                                                                                                                                               colorful with a visit to the expansive 50-acre citrus orchard, Orange World. Savor the citrus scent of
                                                                                                                                                                                               the blossoming citrus fruits and grapevines, and the crispy aroma of the lush trees around you. Ahh...
                                                                                                                                                                                               This is going to be a dream music-filled holiday!

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26                                victoria                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                        27

     Wangaratta Jazz Festival 2018                                                                                                                        Lovely Lakes
                                                                                                               TOUR CODE          PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                               CM18049            SLOW                                                                                                                                                                                                CM18054           SLOW

                                            DEPARTS NOVEMBER 2018                                               From           $2,480                                                                                                                               DEPARTS DECEMBER 2018                                              From          $2,908
                                            Listen to the melodious notes play in unison with the harmonious sights of Wangaratta! The vibrant                                                                                                                      Visit the most captivating lakes in Australia! But before heading to your dreamy escapades through
                                            Wangaratta Jazz Festival may be this holiday’s focal point, but it is blended with wonderful                                                                                                                            the stunning lakes, we enjoy the fun at Gumbuya World — Victoria’s newest theme park!
                                            sightseeing escapades and is mixed with exquisite dining experiences, sure to make your holiday in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Step inside at the Footbridge mini golf, ice cream and Lolly Shop. Yum! Tour around the Apex Park
                                            Wangaratta an unforgettable one.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for a wonderful BBQ lunch then go to the picturesque foreshore to enjoy a paddle boat or catamaran
                                            Feel the freshness of the air as you tour around the local town and discover the alluring attractions.                                                                                                                  ride around the lake. Visit the Post Office Jetty and experience a delightful cruise on Lake King, then
                                            Sing along with the talented Jazz & Blues performers and enjoy the ravishing musical festivities. An                                                                                                                    around the shores of Metung Hotel to enjoy a delectable lunch. Head back to the astounding Lakes
                                            interactive and entertaining moment while watching the fantastic shows and animations at the Ned                                                                                                                        Entrance as you try and spot the dolphins and view the wildlife on assorted islands. You can even try
                                            Kelly Tourist Centre are also something to be excited about! Then achieve a pleasurable gastronomic                                                                                                                     your hand at prawn fishing at Lake Tyers! Fish around the Gippsland Lakes before the lovely evening
                                            treat by trying the delectable offerings at one of the many food stalls. Enjoy a savory pie or a slice of a                                                                                                             meals at the Bowling Club, the RSL, and eating a yummy, freshly-caught fish. You can even enjoy an
                                            scrumptious cake at the iconic Beechworth Bakery to re-energize yourself before visiting the historic                                                                                                                   appetizing fish and chip dinner on the beach. To cap off your wonderful getaway, head up to Jemmy’s
                                            Gaol. Make sure to follow the chant of your heart and have a truly amazing holiday!                                                                                                                                     Point to get the best view to see the radiant beauty of Lakes Entrance.

     Melbourne Cup                                                                                                                                        Melbourne NYE Fireworks
                                                                                                               TOUR CODE          PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                               CM18050            MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                              CM19003           MEDIUM

                                            DEPARTS NOVEMBER 2018                                               From           $2,850                     DEPARTS DECEMBER 2018                                                                                                                                                          From          $3,341
                                            Have a rip-roaring escape in Melbourne! This holiday may be centered on a thrilling race, zestful
                                            adventures and adrenaline-pumping escapades but there are also plenty of opportunities for
                                            sightseeing, relaxation and... shopping!
                                            Shop for an outfit for the races then watch the Cup Parade where you’ll see the jockeys, celebrity
                                            guests and the horses. Known as the ‘race that stops a nation’, the Melbourne Cup will give you an
                                            exhilarating experience. Shout, cheer and be totally gripped by the mind-blowing race! Also known as
                                            ‘Ladies Day’, Oaks day allows you to enjoy the electrifying races and timeless fashion. Then feel like
                                            the ‘King of the World’ at the Eureka Tower, with its amazing 360deg views of Melbourne.

     Valley Animals, Fishing & Trains
                                                                                                               TOUR CODE          PACE
                                                                                                               CM18051            SLOW

                                            DEPARTS NOVEMBER 2018                                                 From           $1,970
                                            Come and join us in this wildlife-centered holiday, interlaced with gastronomic delights, and infused
                                            visually-pleasing sights!
                                            Witness the country’s truly diverse wildlife amid the verdant nature reserves at Australia’s
                                            bushland paradise, Healesville Sanctuary. Take a peaceful walk at Bruno’s Art & Sculpture Garden,
                                            and let Bruno Torfs’ sculptures whisk you away into his marvelous world. A time aboard the steam
                                            train ‘Puffing Billy’ will also define what pure enjoyment is all about! Satisfy your sweet tooth as
                                            you take a bite out of the delectable chocolates at the Yarra Valley Chocolatery. Mouthwatering!
                                            Pose for a cherish-worthy moment with your first catch during a truly exceptional trout and salmon
                                            fishing experience at the Marysville Trout & Salmon Farm. The fun is nonstop in this flavorful
                                            and dazzling holiday!
                                                                                                                                                          An unforgettable New Year experience is in store for you on this marvelous Melbourne NYE celebration!    out from the tower. Explore the impressive Melbourne Aquarium which takes you on an interactive
                                                                                                                                                          Make your way to Docklands, climb aboard the Melbourne Star observation wheel and be prepared            ocean adventure filled with amazing discovery! Spot Nemo at the Coral Caves, find the octopus in the
                                                                                                                                                          to be captivated by the city’s urban beauty! Go on a fun shopping trip to the popular DFO and pick a     Mangroves and Rock pools, see the fascinating huge sharks at Shipwreck Explorer, and the playful
                                                                                                                                                          lovely outfit for your night in the park. Make your way to Yarra Park to enjoy all the entertainment,    penguins at Penguin Playground. Then go on a charming dinner opposite the Crown Casino restaurants
                                                                                                                                                          films and spectacular fireworks. Then... Happy New Year! Begin 2019 on a truly happy note with a visit   and watch the large fireballs shoot in to the sky. The delightful mix of dazzling activities is definitely
                                                                                                                                                          to the Eureka Tower - a 297-metre gold plated skyscraper - to see Melbourne and surrounds. For an        the best way to welcome the New Year!
                                                                                                                                                          adrenaline-pumping experience, take a step out into the ‘Edge’ which is a glass cube which projects

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28                                                                                           victoria                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                        29

     Enchanted Dolphins                                                                                                                                                                                                    Horsham Music Festival
                                                                                                                                                                                 TOUR CODE         PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                    TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                                                                                                 CN19007           MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                                  CM19013           SLOW

     DEPARTS FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                         From          $2,370                    DEPARTS MARCH 2019                                                                                                                                                               From          $2,044

     Immerse yourself in a special kind of enchantment in this delightful getaway! Smell the flowers as you   Queenscliff. Cruise around Port Phillip and appreciate its beauty, try searching for playful dolphins        Jam packed with plenty of activities, you will never have a shortage of +-adventures in this ultimate Horsham music revelry! Start your Horsham holiday sitting on the banks of the Wimmera River, enjoying the
     walk through the magical gardens, get lost inside the maze, discover a world of giant wood sculptures    and for those who are more adventurous, why not enjoy a swim with them? Oozing with fun, indeed!             idyllic sceneries and a sumptuous lunch whilst listening to great music. Enjoy the benefits of an ‘All Inclusive’ pass and visit all the venues and listen to the buskers. Belt out a tune and show your dancing moves
     and simply let the awe-inspiring views at the Enchanted Adventure Garden take your breath away! Sit      Hop aboard the Heritage Train in Queenscliff. Then explore the Savannah grassland on a thrilling safari      at the Horsham Sound Shell! Then be enthralled by the colour of the world-famous Pink Lake in Dimboola and enjoy a delightful morning tea. Climb the steps of the iconic J539 steam train and see the refreshing
     back and soothe your aches and pains away at the Peninsula Hot Springs. Make your tummy happy as         adventure and meet the cheeky meerkats at Werribee Open Range Zoo.                                           surroundings of Apex Park.
     you sample the local produce from the Peninsula at Main Ridge Diary cheese tasting. Fill your baskets
     at the Sunnyridge Strawberry Farm while strawberry picking. Enjoy the calming views while crossing
     Port Phillip Bay on the ferry as we make our way from charming Sorrento to the refreshing sights of

     Avalon Airshow                                                                                                                                                                                                        City, Shopping & Footy
                                                                                                                                                                                 TOUR CODE         PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                    TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                                                                                                 CM19009           MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                                  CM19016           MEDIUM

                                                                                                               DEPARTS FEBRUARY 2019                                                From          $3,125                                                                                                                                  DEPARTS APRIL 2019                                                 From          $2,748
                                                                                                               Make your dream holiday come true at Geelong! Tour around enjoy the marvelous city and sights                                                                                                                              Witness the heavenly sights and experience the magic in Melbourne! Bursting with beauty and
                                                                                                               of Geelong, and get to see the Geelong Cats home ground, National Wool Museum and Botanic                                                                                                                                  entertainment options, prepare yourself for an unforgettable journey. Enjoy a guided tour of
                                                                                                               Gardens for a picnic lunch. So refreshing! Hug a cuddly koala and visit the wildlife at Jirrahlinga Koala                                                                                                                  Federation Square and learn about the history and world-class architecture. Sit back as you enjoy
                                                                                                               Sanctuary and also enjoy a Wildlife Walk at the wonderfully-conserved Serendip Sanctuary, home                                                                                                                             the attractive cityscapes on a city tram tour where you can hop on and off at the manty city sites.
                                                                                                               to many Grey Kangaroos. Marvel as the RAAF Fast Jet’s fly overhead, and watch the mind-blowing                                                                                                                             Make your way to the Aquarium and soak up the breathtaking views as the huge stingrays, sharks
                                                                                                               maneuvers and exhibitions at The Air Show. Add a touch of history to your holiday with a visit to the                                                                                                                      and thousands of multi-coloured marine animals swim by in this magical underwater world. Surely
                                                                                                               Geelong jail - home to some notorious prisoners! Spend the afternoon at the mesmerizing Geelong                                                                                                                            impressive! Tour the Museum which showcases Australian history, indigenous cultures and visit
                                                                                                               Waterfront where you ride a horse at the Carousel, ride the Big Wheel and enjoy swimming in the                                                                                                                            one of Melbourne’s oldest surviving buildings — the Melbourne jail. Go shopping at two of the best
                                                                                                               sparkling waters of Eastern Beach. Then... brace yourself for an experience of a lifetime as you spend                                                                                                                     shopping venues in Melbourne — DFO & the iconic Queen Victoria Market. Have a thrilling moment as
                                                                                                               the day at the Air Show! See the latest jetfighters, attack helicopters, exhibitions and look to the                                                                                                                       you watch two fantastic games of AFL footy! Then, take a breather as you see the sights of Melbourne
                                                                                                               skies and watch the Hornets with their mind-blowing maneuvers. Finally, cap off your Geelong jaunt                                                                                                                         and its beautiful gardens on a city tour.
                                                                                                               at Werribee Zoo, where you could watch the cheeky meerkats, enjoy breakfast and see some of the
                                                                                                               world’s most iconic grassland animals on Safari.

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30                                  victoria                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                        31

     Xmas in July on the Island                                                                                                                          Wangaratta Jazz & Blues 19
                                                                                                               TOUR CODE         PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                               CM19031           SLOW                                                                                                                                                                                                      CM19047           SLOW

                                              DEPARTS JULY 2019                                                   From          $2,821                                                                                                                                   DEPARTS OCTOBER 2019                                                 From          $2,516
                                              Have a sparkling Christmas in July! Who says you can’t have two Christmas celebrations? Be                                                                                                                                 Calling all jazz music lovers out there. Get ready for some fantastic days full of wonderful Jazz
                                              prepared to experience a dreamy journey that’s infused with so many delightful activities, all                                                                                                                             music and escapades at Wangaratta! Dive into a pool of singing and dancing, delightful food stalls
                                              while enjoying the wintry atmosphere! Have a wonderful Christmas Dinner, exchange ‘Kris Kringle’                                                                                                                           and amazing souvenir galore. Enjoy a pleasurable dinner topped with the stunning views at the Blues
                                              presents, and say ‘Cheese!’ as you have your photo taken with Santa! Stop and see the koalas and                                                                                                                           Marquee. Visit the lovely Holy Trinity Cathedral with simply amazing acoustics as the Jazz rings
                                              other native Australian animals at Maru Animal Park, and enjoy mini-golf and a delicious picnic lunch.                                                                                                                     out on Sunday morning, the historical landmarks, old buildings and lush parks scattered all over
                                              Explore the picturesque Phillip Island and take in all the wonderful sights. Visit Rhyll Trout and Bush                                                                                                                    Wangaratta. Sprinkle some wildlife adventure to your holiday with a visit to the 30-acre Mansfield
                                              Tucker Farm as the guide shows your group how to Fish for our Dish! Let the historic Churchill Island                                                                                                                      Zoo, see the fascinating albino kangaroos, guinea pigs, monkeys, and get to watch the white lions
                                              take you away as you enjoy the sculptured views, learn how to milk a cow and watch the sheep                                                                                                                               being fed! Then, satisfy your senses as you indulge in the serenity of Bonnie Doon, as you enjoy a
                                              shearing. Proudly stand on the winner’s podium at Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit. Watch the cute                                                                                                                        morning walk down by the peaceful lake and its tranquil surrounds.
                                              little penguins waddle up the beach to their homes at Penguin Parade. Then, visit Panny’s Amazing
                                              World of Chocolate for a totally “Yum!” moment! Indeed, this Christmas holiday will be hard to forget!

     Tranquil Tulips                                                                                                                                     Bendigo Blues & Ballarat
                                                                                                               TOUR CODE         PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                               CM19041           SLOW                                                                                                                                                                                                      CM19048           MEDIUM

                                              DEPARTS SEPTEMBER                                                   From          $3,170                   DEPARTS NOVEMBER 2019                                                                                                                                                                From          $2,821
                                              Fulfill your dream of a truly divine and blissful holiday! Experience country life and enjoy the rustic
                                              charm of Chesterfield Farm as you milk a cow, hand feed the kangaroos and watch a sheepdog
                                              demonstration... before you enjoy a soothing massage. Then, take part in the Tulip Festival and be
                                              mesmerized by the wonderful array of tulips that burst into colour each spring! Discover the secret
                                              areas at the SkyHigh Maze and Observatory. Have a truly engaging moment at the Geppetto’s Workshop
                                              with puppets, dolls & Marionettes, then enjoy your Devonshire tea at Grant’s on Sherbrooke. Head to
                                              the majestic Dandenong Ranges, and enjoy the peace and tranquility in the sweet-smelling mountain
                                              air, and the lush green forest on an exciting Puffing Billy ride. After all the fun, spend the morning
                                              shopping at the Caribbean Markets and make sure to pick up some great bargains.

     Mildura Music Festival 2019
                                                                                                               TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                               CM19042           FAST

                                              DEPARTS SEPTEMBER 2019                                            From          $3,849
                                              Within the fruit bowl of Victoria is the Mildura Music festival offering marvelous musical experiences,
                                              this holiday is a sure hit! Music-lovers will be entertained by a plethora of country music and
                                              delightful sounds, guaranteed to provide great memories. Spend your days and nights listening to
                                              the Country Rock, Ballads, Walk Ups and enjoy Line Dancing at the Festival. There are amusing days
                                              with over 130 artists and musicians, you are definitely in the right place for some toe tapping! Explore
                                              the RAAF Museum which commemorates Mildura’s link to the Royal Australian Air Force. Be whisked
                                              off on a music cruise as you chugg down the Mighty Murray River, whilst enjoying a wonderful meal
                                              and country music. Then, pick up some great country music memorabilia at the many stores located
                                              throughout the festival. Prepare yourself for this fun and fabulous music-filled holiday!

                                                                                                                                                         Pack your bags and let’s go to Bendigo! You won’t feel blue in this holiday filled with music as you enjoy the beautiful sights of Bendigo and Ballarat, with all the exciting activities! Travelling to Bendigo today we
                                                                                                                                                         arrive in time to enjoy a lovely picnic lunch at the gardens. We then make our way to the Central Deborah Mine to take a tour underground. Enjoy the Blues & Roots Festival with live performances and workshops
                                                                                                                                                         throughout the region with over 100 artists, tour the Art Gallery, Sacred Heart Cathedral, the Golden Dragon Museum and Lake Weeroona. Discover Ballarat’s medieval adventure park – Kryal Castle which
                                                                                                                                                         recreates a legendary land of myths and medieval adventures, and do some market shopping.

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32                  ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019   33

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34                                                                            NEW SOUTH WALES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                       35

     Sydney Sights                                                                                                                                                                                                           Coffs Harbour Animals
                                                                                                                                                                                   TOUR CODE          PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                                                                                                   CM18011            MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                              CM18028           MEDIUM

                                                                                                                  DEPARTS MARCH 2018                                                 From          $3,228                                                                                                                                 DEPARTS JUNE 2018                                                From          $2,840
                                                                                                                  There is nothing else like Sydney, here on earth. Its air is vibrant as the dream of youth. The city’s                                                                                                                  Prepare your cameras and your dazzling smiles… as you go on a blissful escapade at Coffs Harbour!
                                                                                                                  balmy beaches refresh the spirit. The world-famous infrastructures and notable landmarks allow                                                                                                                          This holiday is teeming with wonderful excursions and fun activities, guaranteed to delight. Tour
                                                                                                                  you to tick off your bucket-list.                                                                                                                                                                                       around the zestful city of Sydney and get to enjoy the compelling views of Sydney Harbour as you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          travel over the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge.
                                                                                                                  The cityscapes and a plethora of entertainment options and amusement venues are too hard to resist.
                                                                                                                  So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and discover the magic of Sydney! Go bargain shopping                                                                                                                       Have a fantastic time at Irukandji Shark & Ray Encounter, where you’d get to pat feed and play with
                                                                                                                  galore at the Paddy’s Market. Visit the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and take pictures with the                                                                                                                           sharks and stingrays. Electrifying! Proceed to the Dolphin Marine Magic to enjoy the shows and gain
                                                                                                                  wax figures of your favourite celebrities! Witness the sunshine surging through the blue skies as you                                                                                                                   a magical encounter with the friendly dolphins. It is indeed a great photo opportunity to be kissed by
                                                                                                                  appreciate the spectacular views of Sydney at the Sydney Tower. Visit the interesting animals, hug a                                                                                                                    a seal or a dolphin... or, maybe both! See an enticing burst of yellows and greens as you tour around
                                                                                                                  koala and feed a kangaroo at the Wild Life Sydney Zoo... before you proceed to the Sydney Aquarium                                                                                                                      a banana plantation. Enjoy a rip-roaring toboggan ride before you go shopping for the best souvenirs.
                                                                                                                  to discover more than 700 different species of marine life! Know what great shopping truly means                                                                                                                        Then end your divine holiday with a delightful stroll around the Coffs Harbour Butterfly House, in an
                                                                                                                  as you enjoy the local handmade delights at The Rocks Markets. Take a breather on a ferry ride to                                                                                                                       indoor subtropical rainforest setting, along with the eye-catching lushness of this attraction!
                                                                                                                  Manly — enjoy the tranquilizing views.

     NSW Zoo’s, Stars & Chocolate                                                                                                                                                                                            Sydney Food & Pampering
                                                                                                                                                                                   TOUR CODE          PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                                                                                                   CM18021            MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                              CM18033           MEDIUM

     DEPARTS APRIL 2018                                                                                                                                                                From          $3,701                  DEPARTS AUGUST 2018                                                                                                                                                            From          $2,792

     This escape is bound to give a new meaning to holiday as it offers all types of travelers an elevated       stars and galaxies at the Dubbo Observatory. Learn how to make a giant chocolate freckle and rocky          Let us take you to on a discovery to Sydney! A striking jewel set in a prismatic backdrop, there’s plenty   appetizing buffet lunch at the tallest structure in Sydney, with the awesome 360 degree views of the
     travel experience like no other. A beautiful synthesis of history, astronomy, wildlife and gastronomy,      road at the historic Junee Licorice Factory, known for its fine licorice and chocolate products. Finally,   to see and do in this vibrant city. As you journey around the famous attractions, you will realize that     cityscapes. Truly fit for a king! Have an enchanting moment as you marvel at the breathtaking sights
     topped with just the right amount of sightseeing it will keep you inspired.                                 perfect your harmonious holiday by spending the afternoon at one of the few surviving roundhouse            Sydney is truly a cut above the rest.                                                                       while you cruise from Circular Quay to Taronga Zoo to see the animals. Then allow the Sky Safari
                                                                                                                 museums and get the feel of the by gone steam engine era.                                                                                                                                                               Gondola to give you an exciting adventure as you view the zoo from above!
     Visit the biggest collection of formerly-owned items of Elvis Presley at the Kings Castle Exhibit and the                                                                                                               The marvelous structures and well-preserved sites create a gorgeous fusion of everything that
     Motor Museum in Parkes. Go to Aladdins Cave Bottlehouse, and then get to see more than 3000 bottles                                                                                                                     satisfies the senses — topped with visual luxury. Have a picnic right on the fine sands of the iconic
     with messages, photos and toys! Enjoy a guided tour that’s combined with the riveting theatrical                                                                                                                        Bondi Beach and enjoy a relaxing massage and/or manicure. Go shopping for a new outfit and some
     experiences of old prison life at the Old Dubbo Gaol. Have a soothing moment viewing the planets,                                                                                                                       bargains, and let the retail therapy experiences make your holiday more unforgettable. Revel in an

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36                                                                            NEW SOUTH WALES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ClubMates Travel Brochure 2018-2019                         37

     Cruise, Whales & Fishing                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bathurst 1000 - 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                     TOUR CODE         PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                     TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                                                                                                     CM18038           MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                                   CM18045           MEDIUM

     DEPARTS AUGUST 2018                                                                                                                                                               From          $3,665                    DEPARTS OCTOBER 2018                                                                                                                                                                From          $3,725

     Listen to the humming of the sea-songs and savor the divine laidback experiences! In this                    memories of this holiday will definitely abound with happiness! Cruise around Lakes Entrance — inhale        This is the high adrenalin fast paced, actioned filled adventure you have been waiting for!! So if you love the smell of fuel, burnt rubber on the road and some amazing muscle cars, then this is the holiday for you!
     holiday, envelope yourself in different itineraries that are so artfully-arranged, you’d keep your           its perfectly-formed beauty — and get to have an energizing moment seeing the seals and dolphins!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Feel pulse of the many laps of Mt Panorama as each driver does a time trial around the track. Whoa! Immerse yourself with non-stop racing, noise and action, before you visit the National Motor Racing Museum
     soul nourished!                                                                                              Then see the lavish collection of thousands of shells, sea creatures and corals at the Griffiths Sea Shell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to see the marvelous collections of cars on display. Find yourself as if you’re on an exciting racing film while you smell the rubber burning as the agile cars roar angrily over the mountain! See the slips, spills,
                                                                                                                  Museum & Aquarium. Fill your senses with radiant experiences.
     Have a grand moment taking a glimpse of the Humpback Whales on a superb whale cruise. Visit the                                                                                                                           and just enjoy in an epic, unadulterated fun filled holiday!
     Whale Museum and hear about the gripping stories about ‘Old Tom’ - the legendary killer whale.
     Shower in all things exciting as you enjoy a fun-filled day at Magic Mountain. Whether you simply
     want to find tranquility as you sit back and relax, or spend the day fishing with the lustrous views, your

     Canberra Floriade 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                    Elvis Festival 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                     TOUR CODE         PACE                                                                                                                                                                                                     TOUR CODE         PACE
                                                                                                                                                                                     CM18043           SLOW                                                                                                                                                                                                     CM19004           MEDIUM

                                                                                                                   DEPARTS SEPTEMBER 2018                                               From          $2,187                                                                                                                                  DEPARTS JANUARY 2019                                               From           $3,644
                                                                                                                   A precious time is in store for you at Floriade! Savor the sweet fragrance of the flowers, and see the                                                                                                                     Celebrate the life and music of the King of Rock and Roll in Parkes, Mt Elvis Presley! The Elvis Festival
                                                                                                                   resplendent beauty of the hundreds of varieties of flowers! And make it even more special with the                                                                                                                         overflows with lots of Elvis-themed experiences, music and enjoyable activities… you’ll never get
                                                                                                                   historical exploits and relaxing activities of the national capital.                                                                                                                                                       bored! Have tremendous fun with over 120 individual events including concerts, a Gospel Church
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              service, street parades and markets to pick up merchandise. Watch the amusing Street Parade, the
                                                                                                                   Visit a wonderful display of dinosaur and prehistoric fossils at the National Dinosaur Museum. Honor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              attractive floats; be fascinated by the Elvis and Priscilla look-a-likes, the vintage and classic cars,
                                                                                                                   the Australian Soldiers at The Australian War Memorial as you wander this amazing fun filled museum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and the enthusiastic marching bands as they head down Clarinda Street. Oh, and let’s not forget the
                                                                                                                   with its full sized aircraft, tanks, and many more live exhibits. Wander through the entrancing flower
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              pink Cadillac! Then get set for an appetizing lunch at the Leagues Club as you listen to ‘Elvis’ — live.
                                                                                                                   exhibitions at Floriade, and be soothed by the sea of perfectly-formed flowers. Visit Mt Ainslie and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              What a perfect way to honor the life of Elvis Presley as you savor the heavenly beauty of Parkes!
                                                                                                                   take in the views of both Old and New Parliament houses, take pleasure in the dramatic vistas, and
                                                                                                                   have a delightful moment as you enjoy the beauty of the flowers. Truly beautiful! See the monumental
                                                                                                                   Anzac Parade and Parliament House and enrich yourself with our national history. Sit back and relax
                                                                                                                   as you cruise on Lake Burley Griffin and its mesmerizing views. Finally, call it a day with a massage,
                                                                                                                   beauty treatment and all the pampering that you deserve.

                                                                   COMPLETE PRICE LIST CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 82                                                                                                                                                                               COMPLETE PRICE LIST CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 82
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