34 COOKING SERVICE SKILLS - Competition Document-Secondary Level - Skills Canada Nunavut

Page created by Dolores Gardner
34 COOKING SERVICE SKILLS - Competition Document-Secondary Level - Skills Canada Nunavut
Competition Document- Secondary Level

            SERVICE SKILLS

       Caris Madsen, Iqaluit, TSC 2018
34 COOKING SERVICE SKILLS - Competition Document-Secondary Level - Skills Canada Nunavut
1. Purpose of the Challenge:
Students will have the opportunity to showcase their creativity,
technical ability, and passion for the culinary arts by preparing and
presenting an assigned two-course meal from scratch in a
professional setting.

   2. Skills To Be Tested:

Students should show enthusiasm and ability in the following:
      Basic knife skills;
      Following a recipe;
      Proper food handling;
      Problem solving;
      Creative style and design;
      Attention to detail.

   3. Competition Requirements:
Each competitor will prepare and present the following two-course meal:

   1. Main Course: Chicken Cacciatore on hand cut Pappardelle Pasta
        Completed plates not to exceed 350g per portion.
        Cooking temperature must meet industry and safety standards.
        To be served on 12” dinner plates.

   2. Dessert: Chocolate Mouse
        Completed plates not to exceed 200g per portion.
        Fruit Sauce of competitor’s choice;
        Cookie of competitor’s choice utilizing the creaming method.
        To be served on 12” dinner plates.

Service Details:
      Two (2) plates will be presented for each course; one (1) plate served to the
      judges & one (1) plate presented for public display.

Preparation Details:
            All ingredients required for this competition will be supplied by Skills
         Canada Nunavut;
                    Recipes for the required elements are provided by the technical

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34 COOKING SERVICE SKILLS - Competition Document-Secondary Level - Skills Canada Nunavut
Recipes for the competitor’s choice elements are decided by
      the competitor.
         o Please advise Skills Canada Nunavut of the
            ingredients you will need for competitor’s choice

   4. Competency Workshop- April 27th:

All competitors must attend a mandatory workshop and orientation
on Saturday, April 27th in which they will be guided through the
competencies required to complete their competition meals. The start time of the
workshop will be announced at the TSC opening dinner.

Competency 1: Meat Cutting
    8 – cut chicken;
    Will be presented in provided containers along with the cleaned carcass for

Competency 2: Tomato Sauce
    1 litre portion;
    Presented in lidded containers.

Competency 3: Vegetable precision cuts
    150g of each;
    Green pepper- lozenge;
    Celery- battonet;
    Onion- brunoise;
    Carrot- concassé;
    Presented in individual lidded containers.

Competitors will be assessed on their professionalism and sanitation standards but they
will not be judged on their skills during the workshop. This is an opportunity for all
competitors to learn from professionals and be set-up for success on competition day.
All food prepared at the workshops will be stored and utilized the following day.

   5. Competition Day- April 28th:
Schedule of the day:
9am: Set-up Workstation
      Competitors will assemble their equipment and ready their workstations.

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34 COOKING SERVICE SKILLS - Competition Document-Secondary Level - Skills Canada Nunavut
9:30: Start of competition
       Advisors must leave the worksite. Competitors may only
       communicate with the judges or staff until the end of the

12:00-1:00 Break for Lunch
      Lunch will be served; students can take up to one hour for
      break as needed.

3:30pm: Presentation of Main Course

4:00pm: Presentation of Dessert

4:05pm: Clean-up workstation
     Advisors will be allowed to assist once judging has ended;
     Competitor is only allowed to leave once their workstation is clean and they have
     been dismissed by judges.

Note: Competitors have a 5 minute window to present their dishes until they are no
longer accepted. Once a plate has been presented, no additions can be made.

   6. Equipment, Material, Clothing:

Skills Canada Nunavut will provide:
        All food for the competition;
        4 burners (either oven or hot plate);
        Electrical outlet;
        Refrigerator access;
        Shared sink;
        Rolling rack;
        Baking sheets;
        2 cutting boards;
        Cleaning supplies;
        Food processor;
                Stand-up mixer;
                Kitchen blender;
                       Digital scale;
                       Aluminum foil;
                               Butcher’s twine;
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34 COOKING SERVICE SKILLS - Competition Document-Secondary Level - Skills Canada Nunavut
Oven mitts;
       Re-sealable bags;
       Storage containers;
       All service ware.

Equipment and Materials provided by the competitor:
   Specific equipment unique to the competitor’s design and
      o No outside food or ingredients are permitted inside the
          competition site.
   Competitor’s personal equipment should be clearly marked.

Required Clothing:
      Non-slip, closed toe shoes must be worn at all times;
      Dark bottoms or chef trousers (available through Skills Canada Nunavut);
  Chef jacket (available through Skills Canada Nunavut);
  Professional chef’s hat.

Note: Competitors will be marked on maintaining a neat and professional uniform
throughout the competition.

   7. Safety Requirements:

After the official opening of the Territorial Skills Competition, all competitors will
participate in a mandatory safety demonstration. All competitors will be expected to
maintain a safe working area through the competition.
        No additional personal protective equipment (PPE) is required for this
        competition area.

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8. Assessment:
     Judging criteria and point breakdown is subject to change by
     the 2019 technical chair and judging panel. However,
     competitors can expect a similar format.

     No ties allowed. In the event of a tie, the competitor with
     highest score in the Taste criteria will be declared the winner,
     followed by the Technical criteria, followed by the
     Presentation should a tie still persist.

Cooking Criteria and Point Breakdown                                         Total Value:

Organization & Utilization –
      Professional use of tools;
      Limited food wastage;
      Time management;
      Execution of tasks.                                                                    /10
Technical Skills –
      Proper use of the tools and equipment;
      Application of correct techniques and methods.                                         /25
Presentation –
      Portion size;
      Clean plates;
      Harmonious colours;
      Artistic and appetizing;
      Appropriate garnishes.                                                                 /35
Taste & Menu Components –
      Proper texture of foods;
      Correct degree of doneness;
      Balanced taste and seasonings;
      Flavours match menu descriptions;
      Food served at proper temperatures.                                                    /35

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9. Additional Information:

Common Table:
    The common table is accessible to all Cooking competitors
    throughout the entire competition;
    Food items that are available to carry out the test projects will
    include all necessary proteins, dairy and produce items;
    Common dry goods, herbs, cooking alcohols, spices, and
    stocks will also be available;
    The National Technical Committee reserves the right to
    change or limit food items without notice, depending on
    availability and quality;
    Competitors will be marked accordingly for over-use, or waste of products.

Professional Conduct:
             During the competition, all communication between competitors and
             persons outside the site are not permitted. This includes verbal,
             nonverbal, written and electronic forms of communication;
             The use of cell phones is prohibited;
             Recipes and notes are permitted provided they are neatly organized;
             Competitors will be judged on their usage of power and water during the
             competition, set-up and clean up. Points will be deducted if the
             competitors are being wasteful in their use of power and/or water

Note: The technical committee will be available to assist competitors in case of
equipment malfunction, to replenish ingredients, and as facilitators. They cannot answer
questions or provide guidance to competitors regarding the meals once the competition
has started. Competitors should prepare questions to ask at the Competency

Interpreter/Translation Services:

All Territorial Skills Competition events and activities, including workshops, orientations,
and instructions will be conducted in English, with Opening Remarks and Closing
Ceremonies in English and Inuktitut.

       If a competitor requires the help of an interpreter once onsite and throughout the
       competition, Skills Canada Nunavut must be advised at the time of the students’
       registration for the TSC, no later than March 15, 2019.
       All competition documents can be made available in any of Nunavut’s official
       languages upon written request to Skills Canada Nunavut staff.

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10.  Qualifying for Skills Canada National

Following closing ceremonies and review of all competitors’ results,
gold medal winners will be notified by Skills Canada Nunavut if the
Technical Chair of their competition has recommended them to
represent Nunavut at the SCNC. Skills Canada Nunavut technical
committee (judges) will positively assess each competitor and come
up with a detailed training plan to ensure future successes.

Cooking at the SCNC-level:
      The SCNC recipes are the same as TSC, however the student will have to
      produce an appetizer meal in addition to the same two-course meal they
      prepared in Iqaluit.
      The competitor will have to prepare a menu board to display beside their
      workstation, detailing the name and descriptions of each dish.
      The SCNC is a two-day competition:
          o Day 1 consists of each competitor being judged on the three
              competencies they were instructed at TSC. They will be marked on their
              skills and not have guidance from an instructor.
          o Day 2 consists of the production and presentation of the three-course
              meal. Competitors will have less time to prepare the meal.
      Competitors will have to pack their own supplies for competition as no equipment
      will be provided (stoves, sinks, and ingredients will be available). Skills Canada
      Nunavut will assist in providing any needed supplies.

   11.       Territorial Technical Committee

Cooking Technical Chair:
Colleen Neily, Portage College and Skills Canada Nunavut alumnus

      Colleen is happy to answer any questions regarding tips for recipes and
      expectations at the competition! She is also the Cooking representative for
      Nunavut at the SCNC!

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Skills Canada Nunavut:
Location: Inuksuk High School, Tisi Office
Fax: 867-979-4380

Janis Devereaux- Executive Director
867-979-5281 x 1411

Bibi Bilodeau- Program Coordinator
867-979-5281 x 1432

                               TSC COOKING RECIPES

      These recipes are provided by the SCNC National Technical Committee and will
      source the textbooks that the recipes are adapted from.
      The recipes are intended to be followed to produce the appropriate quantities,
      flavours, and correct seasoning.
      Although recipes are included in this contest project we recommend that you
      refer to a professional textbook such as the “On Cooking” or “Professional
      Cooking” for further guidance.
      Many textbooks include photographs, text and digital content that will illustrate
      proper and safe working techniques as well as important aspects of the modules
      Correct cooking practices must be respected for all plates.
      Cooking methods and culinary terminologies from the recipes stated on the test
      project must be respected and used to prepare the required dishes. However,
      additional elements may be added to the dishes to facilitate the competitor’s
      Food items and quantities are subject to change without notice, depending on
      availability and quality; all competitors will have the same conditions.

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Tomato Sauce for Pasta
Professional Cooking 8 – 399A
Yield: 1 ½ quarts (1.5 litres)
Portions: 16, 3-fl.oz (90ml)

 8 fluid ounces              Olive oil                           240 millilitre
 4 ounces                    Onion, Brunoise                     110 grams
 4 ounces                    Carrot, Brunoise                    110 grams
 4 ounces                    Celery, Brunoise                    110 grams
 3 pounds                    Canned whole tomatoes               1360 grams
 1 clove                     Garlic, minced                      1 clove
 ½ ounces                    Salt                                15 grams
 1 ½ teaspoons               Sugar                                   7 milliltres

   1. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepot. Add the onions, carrots and celery and
      sauté. lightly for a few minutes. Do not let the vegetables brown.
   2. Add remaining ingredients. Simmer uncovered, about 45 minutes, until reduced
      and thickened.
   3. Pass through food mill. Taste and adjust seasonings.
   4. For service, this sauce should be tossed with freshly cooked pasta in a bowl
      before being plated, rather than simply ladled over the pasta.

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Chicken Cacciatore
Professional Cooking 3 – 313
Poultry - Chicken
Yield: 25, 8 – 10 ounce (250 – 300 gram) chicken, 3 ounces (90
millilitres) sauce

 15-17 pounds                   Boiler-fryers, disjointed           7.5 – 8 kilograms
 1 pound                        Flour                               500 grams
 2 tablespoons                  Salt                                30 millilitres
 ½ teaspoons                    Pepper                              7 millilitres
 8 ounces                       Oil                                 250 millilitres
 1 ¼ pounds                     Onion, Brunoise                     600 grams
 1 pound                        Green pepper, cut into              500 grams
 5 ounces                       Celery, cut into bâtonnet           175 grams
 5 ounces                       Carrot, cut brunoise                175 grams
 2 tablespoons                  Garlic, chopped fine                30 millilitres
 1 cup                          White wine or Marsala               250 millilitres
 2 ½ quarts                     Tomatoes (canned)                   2.5 litres
                                crushed with juice
 8 ounces                       Tomato paste                        250 grams
 5 ounces                       Tomato Concassé                     175 grams
 2                              Bay leaves                          2
 ½ teaspoon                     Basil                               2 millilitres

   1.   Cut chicken in eighths.
   2.   Place the flour in a pan and season with salt and pepper.
   3.   Dredge the chicken in the flour. Shake off excess.
   4.   Heat the oil in a large sauté. pan or skillet. Add the chicken pieces and brown
        well on all sides over high heat.
   5.   Remove the chicken from the pan and place in a brazier.
   6.   Pour about 5 ounces (150 millilitre) of the oil used to brown the chickens into a
        sauce pot. (Discard the rest of the oil, but keep the saut. pan handy).
   7.   Add the onion, green pepper, celery, carrot, and garlic. Sweat until onions are
        translucent, but have not begun to brown.
   8.   Add the wine, tomatoes, Concassé, tomato paste, and herbs. Bring to a boil.
        9.     Add a ladleful of the sauce to the pan in which the chickens were
               10. Pour the sauce over the chickens. Bring to a boil. Cover the pan
                    and finishcooking in a 300F (150C) oven or over low heat on the
                        stove. Cooking will take 30 to 45 minutes.
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11. When the chicken is tender, remove it from the sauce and
    place in a hotel pan.
12. Degrease the sauce. Reduce the sauce over high heat until
    thickened to desired consistency. Adjust seasoning. Pour
    over the chicken.

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Fresh Pasta

Professional Cooking 8 - 400
Yield: 1 ½ pounds

 1 pound                        Bread Flour                        450 grams
 5                              Eggs                               5
 ½ fluid ounce                  Olive oil                          15 millilitres
 Pinch                          Salt                               Pinch

   1. Mound the flour on a work surface. Make a well in the centre and add the eggs,
      oil and salt.
   2. Working from the centre outward, gradually mix the flour into the eggs to make a
   3. When it is firm enough to knead, begin kneading the dough, incorporating more
      flour. If the dough is still sticky when all the flour is incorporated, add more flour,
      a little at a time. Knead well for at least 15 minutes.
   4. Cover the dough and let it rest at least 30 minutes.
   5. Cut the dough into 3 to 5 pieces. Set the rollers of a pasta machine at the widest
      opening. Pass the pieces of dough through the machine folding them in thirds
      after each pass and dusting them lightly with flour to keep them from getting
      sticky. Continue passing each piece through the machine until it is smooth.
   6. Working with one piece of dough at a time, decrease the width between the
      rollers one notch and pass the dough through them again. After each pass, turn
      the rollers one notch narrower, dust the dough with flour, and pass it through
      again. Continue until the dough is as thin as desired. The pasta is now ready to
      cut into desired shapes and to cook.

   Pappardelle: Cut by hand, using a fluted cutting wheel, into long noodles about ¾
   inch (18 millimetres wide).

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Chocolate Mousse

Professional Cooking 8 - 1021
Dessert - Mousse
Yield: 2 ¾ pounds (1.25 kilograms) or 2 ½ pints (1.25 litres)
Portions: 12, 4 ½ fluid ounce (145 millilitre)

 1 pound                       Bittersweet chocolate               500 grams
 4 ounces                      Butter                              125 grams
 6 ounces                      Egg yolks                           180 grams
 8 ounces                      Egg whites                          250 grams
 2 ½ ounces                    Sugar                               75 grams
 8 fluid ounces                Heavy cream                         250 millilitres

   1.     Melt the chocolate over hot, but not boiling, water.
   2.     Remove from the heat and add the butter. Stir until the butter is melted and
          completely mixed in.
   3.     Add the egg yolks, one at a time. Mix in each yolk completely before adding
          the next.
   4.     Beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Add the sugar and beat until
          the egg whites form stiff but moist peaks. Do not overbeat.
   5.     Fold the egg whites into the chocolate.
   6.     Whip the heavy cream until it forms soft peaks. Fold it into the chocolate
   7.     Spoon the mousse into serving dishes, or use a pastry bag fitted with a star
   8.     Chill the mousse well before serving.

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Cutting chicken into quarters and eighths,
                     bone in

•     Place the chicken on the cutting board breast up. Split the chicken down
the center of the breast with a heavy knife.
•     Spread the chicken open and spread through the bones on one side of the

•     Cut off the backbone completely and save for stocks.
•     Cut through the skin between the leg and the breast.

       •    Cut the breast and wing quarter into two equal pieces. Another
           method is simply to cut off the wing.
              • The chicken cut into eighths. Note that the first joint of each
                  wing has been cut off.
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