28thth-31stst Oct 2021 - hurunuigardenfestival.com - Hurunui Garden Festival
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Contents Welcome! 2 How to use this guide 5 Map of the District 6 Amberley 8 1 Maskells Garden 11 2 Blue House 12 3 Sharon Earl – Sculptor 15 Waipara Gorge 16 4 Iron Ridge Quarry 18 5 Karetu Downs 21 Hawarden & Waikari 22 6 Saddlewood 23 7 Newstead 24 8 Flaxmere Garden 25 9 Kintail 27 10 Hurunui Homestead 29 Festival Events 30 Daily Events 32 Historic Homestead & House Tours 33 Talks & Tours 34 Culverden & Rotherham 40 11 Coldstream 42 12 Hemingford 44 13 Palmside 45 14 Loch Leven 47 15 Waihui 48 Hanmer Springs 50 16 The Geens 53 17 St Helens Station Homestead 55 Cheviot, Gore Bay & Greta Valley 56 18 Ribbonwood Country House 59 19 Crystal Brook 61 20 Cathedral Cliffs 62 21 Tipapa Historic Homestead 64 22 The Willows 65 Home Producers, Accommodation & Motor Homes 66 Terms & Conditions 68 Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 1
Welcome! From the Hurunui Garden Festival From the Mayor Organising Committee The Hurunui Garden Festival 2021 offers the We’re thrilled to welcome you to the fourth Hurunui opportunity for a unique chance to visit private gardens Garden Festival. Over the weekend you can visit private across the district. One of the greatest gifts is to be gardens, historic homes, and artists from Amberley to welcomed onto the property by the garden owner and Gore Bay, and Waikari to Hanmer Springs, many within understand how they have navigated the challenges of one hour’s drive of Christchurch and the airport. garden design and maintenance. Our garden owners are ready to greet you and share With a number of new gardens included in this year’s their stories of how they’ve created their gardens. programme, along with the ongoing inclusion of This year for the first time, we have an opportunity to outstanding gardens three of which are under the walk inside some of Hurunui’s outstanding historic New Zealand Gardens Trust – Garden of Significance, homesteads. Also on offer is a showcase of local artists, you will have many options to choose. their place of work and beautiful exhibits for sale. The integration of private gardens, historic homesteads We are excited to have New Zealand’s celebrity and artists, allows you to choose gardens of gardening guru, the wonderful Lynda Hallinan, preference, whilst leisurely enjoying other features attending the festival. She will be with us for speaking of the Hurunui District. events that will educate, entertain, and inspire you. 2021 will showcase the “best of the best” and I welcome While you’re enjoying our gardens, historic homesteads, you to our district to enjoy our country hospitality and art and warm hospitality, we hope you’ll stay the generous welcome. If you are a visitor to the gardens night and visit our wineries, cafes, and the many other from outside the Hurunui, I trust you enjoy your stay attractions that the Hurunui District has to offer. and experience some other visitor attractions while you There’s so much to experience and enjoy at the Garden are here. To local residents whether you have visited Festival. We’re inviting you to join us for a weekend in the the gardens before or enjoying this first-time unique inspirational gardens and homesteads of the Hurunui. occasion I thank you for showing your support as I know From left to right: Penny Zino, Meg Macfarlane (Treasurer), you will appreciate the opportunity. Doreen Dryden, Gary Mitchell (Chairperson), Ruth Appleby, Vicki Collett, Anita Todd (Secretary) Dave and I were part of the inaugural Hurunui Garden Festival in 2018 and I am proud to be associated with the Hurunui Garden Festival in 2021. Marie Black Mayor, Hurunui District 2 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 3
How to use this guide Bespoke banking Bespoke banking Bespoke banking This guide contains all the information you need to enjoy a weekend visiting the private gardens of the Hurunui to to growyour grow grow your your District during the Garden Festival. Here are some key points you need to know. Bespoke banking wealth wealth wealth to grow your Opening Hours The Garden Festival is open Thursday 28 to Sunday 31 October 2021, from 9am to 5pm each day. wealth Admission Fees BNZ’s Private Bank can create a tailored wealth solution for It costs adults $10 to visit each garden, payable on the BNZ’s BNZ’s you and Private Private Bankthrough Bank your family can can create create a tailored a tailored financial wealth wealth planning, solution solution investment for for day as you enter the garden. Children 18 years of age you andyour and expertise,your foreignfamily family through through exchange financial financial solutions, planning, planning, exclusive investment investment lending, and and under accompanied by an adult may enter for free. BNZ’s Private expertise, expertise, Bankexchange foreign foreign can create exchange a tailored solutions, solutions,wealth solution exclusive for and and lending, exclusive lending, Please have cash with you, as the gardens cannot process banking packages. Our dedicated team is here to help you you and banking your family goals packages. through Our financial dedicated planning, team is hereinvestment to help you you electronic payments. You can pre-purchase tickets online bring your banking financial packages. Our todedicated life. team is here to help expertise, bring your foreign exchange financial goals solutions, to life. exclusive lending, and when you visit www.hurunuigardenfestival.com. bring your financial goals to life. banking packages. Our dedicated team is here to help you Call your local BNZ Private Banker today: Events bringyour Call your local financial BNZ goals to life. Private Some gardens are hosting events during the Festival. Jane Anderson 021 935 688 Banker today: Call your local BNZ Private Banker today: A calendar of events is on page 30-39 in this Guide. Jane Anderson Taniayour Call 021198 local 021 Beckwith BNZ 9354419 688Banker today: Jane Anderson 021Private 935 688 Garden owners hosting events have also included Tania Beckwith021 Jane Anderson 021935 198688 4419 Tania Beckwith 021 198 4419 information on their individual garden page. Tania Beckwith 021 198 4419 Planning your visit The gardens are arranged into 6 geographically based clusters, making it easy for you to plan your visit to multiple gardens. Each cluster has its own detailed map in this Guide, showing you the precise location of the gardens, along with other useful information, such as the locations of public toilets, petrol and diesel stations, and food outlets. What you’ll find at each garden We’ve designed a series of ‘icons’ to summarise key details about each garden (such as toilets) so you can see at a glance what to expect when you visit. Here’s the list of the icons we’re using: On-site/ Off-road parking Children’s play area available (buses call first) Toilets available on site Dogs allowed Wheelchair accessible Garden tours available garden (1.2m wide paths) Nursery/plants for sale Wheelchair accessible toilet Nutall Design Tea/coffee included in Accommodation available admission fee Garden opens at other times Tea/coffee available for purchase Home producers/ Vegetable gardens Refreshments available for purchase Plants/produce stalls Picnic area available Motorhomes welcome (visitors may bring food) overnight 4 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 5
Map of the District 16 Kaikoura Mt Lyford Hanmer Springs Page 50 17 Hanmer Springs Reefton Waiau Rotherham 14 15 Culverden & Rotherham Page 40 13 Culverden 11 12 18 Hawarden 19 Cheviot 8 er 7 Hur unu i Riv Gore Bay Hurunui Domett 20 Hawarden 10 & Waikari 6 9 Page 22 Waikari Cheviot, Gore Bay & Greta Valley 21 Greta Valley Omihi Page 56 22 Locations Page Page Waipara 5 Waipara Gorge 1 Maskells Garden 2 Blue House 11 12 12 Hemingford 13 Palmside 44 45 4 Page 16 3 Sharon Earl – Sculptor 15 14 Loch Leven 47 4 Iron Ridge Quarry 18 15 Waihui 48 5 Karetu Downs 21 16 The Geens 53 2 6 Saddlewood 23 17 St Helens Station Homestead 55 3 1 Amberley Amberley 7 Newstead 8 Flaxmere Garden 24 25 18 Ribbonwood Country House 19 Crystal Brook 59 61 Page 8 9 Kintail 27 20 Cathedral Cliffs 62 10 Hurunui Homestead 29 21 Tipapa Historic Homestead 64 Christchurch 11 Coldstream 42 22 The Willows 65 6 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 7
Amberley Shingle Road 2 Douglas Reserve Rd We d bb eR owside ill sR Rd ag W Pl Rd ur 0 1km d er Co rn 3 Recreation Co Reserve le ub Do s Rd Holdsw lock orth Rd Law Amberley Amberley Golf Club Am be rle yB ea ch Rd s Rd Gray Rd ce Balc rra Sto Amberley Te airn ckd Beach ey 1 rsl ills Amb Hu Rd erley Maske lls Rd Rd Rd ans Stokes rshm Ma Rd Amberley Pharmacy & Gifts Nor’Wester Café Brackenfields Shopping Centre 95 Carters Road, Amberley Amberley Phone: (03) 314 9411 Phone: (03) 314 8211 norwestercafe.co.nz Paris Bakery & Café 96b Carters Road 98 Carters Road, Amberley Amberley Phone: (03) 975 3125 Ph: (03) 314 8414 8 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 9
Whether it’s quality agricultural machinery, ride-on mowers or compact tractors, we’re here to support Hurunui! Blooms in Spring LEITHFIELD BEACH Maskells Garden ARTHUR BURKE LTD 1 180 Maskells Road, Amberley Established 1935 - CARAVANS - Hosts: Juliet & David Hunter - CAMPERVANS - - CABINS - This 25 year old garden on gentle rolling downs has a Amberley, North Canterbury distinctly north-facing aspect with a wide variety of hardy P: 03 314 0130 plants. A bank formed during excavation is a major feature E: hardware@arthurburke.co.nz P 03314 8518 and is now well established. The plants have thrived with www.arthurburke.co.nz the excellent drainage and warm sunny aspect it provides. With limited water supply, many of the plants grown here have to tolerate dry and often windy conditions. The garden has grown, incorporating both formal and informal elements, with a pleasing array of spring colour and texture. It has an open feel with some lovely views. There is a large camellia collection with overhead shade from numerous alder trees. The establishing native area has a diverse range of native plants. The vegetable garden includes new raised beds, alongside the new canary aviary. Proud sponsors of the Events Hurunui Garden Festival Pam’s Coffee Cart When: Saturday and Sunday, 9am – 1 pm. 151 Roydvale Ave, Burnside, Christchurch Phone 0800 627 896 www.martyns.co.nz 10 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 11
Jen verses the Nor’wester "The Barn", 10 Dover Street, Leithfield Village, RD 1, Amberley 7481 Blue House 2 35 Willowside Place, Amberley Hosts: Jenny Cooper & Chris Raateland This is not so much a garden as a balancing act. It is a balancing act between a love of order, and a belief in wildness. Between an obsession with plants, and there only being 24 hours in a day. Between a limited budget and all the lovely things one can order off the internet. And between having an acre of land and wanting the occasional sit down! 9 years ago, this was an exposed sheep paddock. Now we have a stimulating mix of gardens, from the intimate and cool shade gardens, past perennial borders crammed with flowers, through Mediterranean and gravel gardens featuring stunning succulents and architectural plants, and further out to sweeps of tussocks and an iris filled bog garden. We have a gorgeous no-mow meadow, a tiny vineyard, a ‘bee’ garden of natives, and a super productive vege garden and orchard. We are always trying novel ways to cope with drought and 2 Anderson Street, Amberley still achieve a lush garden that is a pleasure to wander Phone: 03 314 9055 through. We use the latest research into dry gardening to keep labour and watering to a minimum. www.cochranes.co.nz Learn more about Blue House on Facebook. Events ALL-NEW RTV-XG850 SIDEKICK Succulents for Sale – Blue House Amberley will have a selection of drought and frost hardy plants and succulents for sale, suitable for a wide range of conditions. 352 Hasketts Road, Yaldhurst Christchurch 7678, New Zealand Phone +64 3 349 5089 NORWOOD.CO.NZ KUBOTA.CO.NZ 12 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 13
Sculpture at AR TI ST Amberley’s oldest cottage HOMEWARES GIFTS THE MOST 0800 366 466 | fmg.co.nz IMPORTANT ASSET ON Sharon Earl – Sculptor FARM IS YOU. 3 69 Carters Road, Amberley Unexpected events can happen to Host: Sharon Earl anyone which, is why you should My little cottage (which I cheerfully call ‘Goodtime think about life and health cover. Cottage’) is 157 years old - Amberley’s oldest dwelling, We’re here for the good of the country. built in 1864, the year that Amberley was subdivided. Since moving here 3 years ago I have been incrementally renovating her ailing and leaning timbers, as funds allow. My hopes are to bring her back from the brink, or at the very least, squeeze a few final decades out of her. Behind my home lies a wonderful workshop where I create welded steel sculptures, mostly of life-sized birds and animals, in a filigree style. I work alone so it will be a real thrill to showcase my working studio to an audience for a change. Gardening plays an equally important role in my life as I attempt to tread as lightly on the earth as possible. I make compost onsite in bulk to sustain my organic no- dig productive property, creating an almost closed loop system. Now, in my fourth season here, I am finding which crops thrive here and which varieties are proving trickier. There’s always lessons to be learnt from gardening. This is a simple and joy-filled life that I am very pleased to be sharing during this year’s Hurunui Garden Festival. I hope to meet many new faces and show you my adventures into a life less complicated. Phone: 027 654 9771 www.sharonearl.com Learn more about Sharon on Facebook. Events Flora Grow – A beautiful range of sustainable and bio-degradable gardening products. Plants, grow kits, gift cards, microgreen seed packs and more. When: Daily 14 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 15
Waipara Gorge Ram Paddock Rd Shingle Road 5 ive Dr rk ma Waipara n Gle Rd ock Stringers Rd Padd Mt C Ram ass Rd P ck Rd m ad do Georges Rd Ra 4 Ra m Georges Rd Pa d Glasnevin n Rd do M ck ou Rd Mt Brow nd Rd 0 1km Purchas Rd This industry is our backyard and we are passionate about taking care of it. P 03 365 8400 admin@alexanders.net.nz www.alexanders.net.nz Escape to a luxurious world class spa in the heart of Hanmer Springs thespahanmersprings.co.nz 16 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 17
ST Sculpture park TI AR We We are garden lovers are garden lovers too! too! GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN GARDEN lla attitude. ISSUE 76 APR/MAY 2021 itude. ISSUE 76 APR/MAY Mowing over two hectares of lawn is 2021 Not only do we an ongoing process which the owner enjoys: a time for reflection, and an OUR WAY OF LIFE Mowing over two hectares of lawn is / CANTER Nottheonly do we opportunity to assess the trees and BURY an ongoing process which the owner other plantings personally. tell story of enjoys: a time for reflection, and an OUR WAY OF LIFE / CANTER opportunity to assess the trees and BURY Millie Rose other plantings personally. tell the story of Many of the furnishings also have a classic timeless Flat landscapes such as this lend themselves to quite parts of this Marshland garden. The most recognisable is ABOVE Deciduous azaleas OPPOSITE Tall hedges Canterbury’s people quality. The owner recently showed me pieces of furniture beside the driveway in spring;enclose lawns close to the formal gardens from the Western European tradition, a circular box parterre in the front forecourt, centred on Millie Ro which he had crafted from ash timber, and stained a rich a view under pin oaks and house, making a series of particularly through the 17th and 18th centuries in Holland, a fountain in the shape of a classical vase. Spires of Thuja ornamental cherry trees formal spaces: hornbeam dark brown, almost black: an armoire for the main bedroom, France, and Veneto, the mainland region of Italy administered ‘Emerald’ complete the illusion that we might be in Italy, se Many of the furnishings also have a classic timeless towards the house; trimmed Carpinus closest to the Flat landscapes such as this lend themselves to quite parts of this Marshland garden. The most recognisable is a slender hall table with three beautifully fitted drawers, and ABOVE Deciduous azaleas OPPOSITE Tall hedges by Venice. Modern designers in Belgium and the Netherlands and having the water gently overflow down the sides of the hornbeam Carpinus hedges camera, then Thuja to the Canterbury’s people formal gardens from the Western European Her tradition, quality. The owner recently showed me pieces of furniture a square work table. Some were inspired by pieces he and his beside the driveway in spring; are over two metres tall. enclose lawns close to the right, Buxus and Camellia such as Mien Ruys in the 20th century have also responded colour a circular box parterre in the front forecourt, centred on vase is a practical solution for our windy climate – a tall jet of a view under pin oaks and house, making a series of centuries in Holland, ful world to their local flat landscapes, usingcupca particularly through the 17th and 18th a fountain in the shape of a classical vase. Spires of Thuja water wouldof which he had crafted from ash timber, and stained a rich to the left, and bay Laurus wife had seen in a Paris showroom years before, and in the ornamental cherry trees formal spaces: hornbeam kes, offashio straight avenues trees, tend to blow in all directions. This is the most France, and Veneto, the mainland region of Italy administered n‘Emerald’ &intricate acces complete the illusion that we might be in Italy, and places, every dark brown, almost black: an armoire for the main bedroom, issue topiary in the terrace garden. accompanying printed catalogue; and all have that sense of a slender hall table with three beautifully fitted drawers, and towards the house; trimmed Carpinus closest to the clear vistas where space allows, and hedges to define spaces: by Venice. Modern designers in Belgium and the Netherlands sories formal feature of the garden, however the spaces and and having the water gently overflow down the sides of the good proportion – hard to describe but easy to recognise. They hornbeam Carpinus hedges camera, then Thuja to the restrained layers of different greens ratherHer than a reliance on plantings right next to the terraces and near the main house a square work table. Some were inspired by pieces he and his are over two metres tall. right, Buxus and Camellia such as Mien Ruys in the 20th century have colour also responded vase is a practical solution for our windy climate – a tall jet of the bright colours of flowers for their effect. We sometimes ful world are also formal, and at the scale of a (large) room. This can be to their local flat landscapes, usingcupca water wouldof stand out distinctly against the white walls, elegant forms to the left, and bay Laurus wife had seen in a Paris showroom years before, and in the kes, straight avenues of trees, fashio tend to blow in all directions. This is the most uncomfortable surrounded by such a busy garden, andgarden. forget that green in allWAST its variations is a colour in the garden n &intricate aaccess useful pattern to consider in a large garden: formal, ‘tighter’ and weplaces, every without unnecessary decoration. The hall table in particular issue topiary in the terrace accompanying printed catalogue; and all have that sense of has a lightness and poise about it, with slim square tapering respected local plantsman Alan Izard was asked to advise on clear vistas where space too, and valuable in Sarah allows, and Ehedges NOT to define spaces: its own right. Roman writers 2000 years formalories feature of the garden, however the spaces and and smaller spaces close to the house, gradually becoming good proportion – hard to describe but easy to recognise. They restrained layers of different Burtsch greens rather than a reliance on er inspire plantings right next to the terraces and near the main house legs and almost imperceptible convex curves down the long proposed new plantings, most of which were carried out by ago described the simplicity and refreshment of theirsrural ‘looser’, broader and more natural further away. A framework take you inside stand out distinctly against the white walls, elegant forms with the bright colours of flowersfood for their effect. We sometimes us are also formal, and at the scale of a (large) room. This can be sides of the tabletop. Alan’s son Johnny and his team; and sourced from Mitchell’s gardens which had both formal and waste naturalsolution green plantings, of box Buxus and camellia hedges encloses the concrete without unnecessary decoration. The hall table in particular uncomfortable surrounded by such a busy garden, and forget that green in allWAST s its variations is a colour in the garden a useful pattern to consider in a large garden: formal, ‘tighter’ From photographs I’ve seen of the first garden around has a lightness and poise about it, with slim square tapering Nursery. After approximately 30 years the layout and mature respected local plantsman Alan Izard was asked to advise on including Acanthus (whose leaves Explori too, and valuable in Sarah its own right. ERoman NOT were carved on Corinthian- writers 2000 years and terraces, with trimmed bay trees. Gardens close to the house smaller spaces close to the house, gradually becoming the original house, this was also characteristic of its time: a plantings have stood the test of time, and judging from a ngcool nature’s Burtsch style pillars), box Buxus topiary, water, and plane trees for are planted with Portuguese laurels trimmed as standards, legs and almost imperceptible convex curves down the long proposed new plantings, most of which were carried out by ago described the simplicity with Dr and refreshment archive er inspires of their rural ‘looser’, broader and more natural further away. A framework we of take you inside cheerful mix of colourful ornamental conifers plus Australian landscape designer’s viewpoint – and the owner’s positive summer shade. with food Matiu Prebble us and Buxus pillars, above rhododendrons, deciduous azaleas, Alan’s son Johnny and his team; and sourced from Mitchell’s gardens which had both formal and waste naturalsolution green plantings, sides of the tabletop. and New Zealand native plants planted closely around the comments and enjoyment of the garden – there are clear The use of these basic elements has persisted from s ancient of and box Buxus and camellia hedges encloses the concrete perennials such as hellebores, Bergenia, and herbaceous From photographs I’ve seen of the first garden around Nursery. After approximately 30 years the layout and mature including Acanthus (whose leaves were carved on Corinthian- terraces, with trimmed bay trees. Gardens close to the house one Canterbury’s outside paving. The modernised house would have looked objectives and style influences in Alan’s ideas. Explori times for good reason, and ng I seenature’s echoes of them in different peonies. Beds of white ‘Iceberg’ roses complete the sequence. the original house, this was also characteristic of its time: a plantings have stood the test of time, and judging from a style pillars), box Buxus topiary, cool water, and plane trees for archive are planted with Portuguese laurels trimmed as standards, with Dr Matiu cheerful mix of colourful ornamental conifers plus Australian landscape designer’s viewpoint – and the owner’s positive summer shade. Prebble and Buxus pillars, above rhododendrons, deciduous azaleas, 128 latitudemagazine.co.nz latitudemagazine.co.nz 129 and New Zealand native plants planted closely around the comments and enjoyment of the garden – there are clear The use of these basic elements has persisted from ancient and perennials such as hellebores, Bergenia, and herbaceous onebest of Canterbury’s outside paving. The modernised house would have looked objectives and style influences in Alan’s ideas. times for good reason, and I see echoes of them in different peonies. Beds of white ‘Iceberg’ roses complete the sequence. EDUCATIO N 128 latitudemagazine.co.nz latitudemagazine.co.nz 129 SPECIAL gardens. Iron Ridge Quarry EDUC ATIO Meet our N school SPECfor leaders IAL best gardens. 2021 4 Meet our school leaders for 2021 ISSUE 76 707 Ram Paddock Road, Waipara APR/MAY ISSUE 762021 APR/MAY NZ $9.90 HUMAN ITARIA INC GST N WORKE PROJEC T R SAHRA JONAH / AHMED / AT HOME FLOWER IN GERALD GROWER HELEN BUTLER Host: Raymond Herber 2021 INE / ARCHIT / NZ $9.90 HUMAN ITARIAN ECT DAVID INC GST WORKE R SHEPPA RD PROJEC T SAHRA AHMED & MORE JONAH / / FLOWER AT HOME GROWER IN GERALD HELEN BUTLER INE / ARCHIT / ECT DAVID Subscribe to latitude today and never miss an issue. SHEPPA RD & MORE Subscribe to latitude today and never miss an issue. The ringing of an anvil can be heard high in the hills overlooking the beautiful Waipara Valley. Raymond Herber’s workshop is situated in the old Amberley Lime 03 03 308 308 6638 6638 || latitudemagazine.co.nz latitudemagazine.co.nz Works, which is now known as Iron Ridge Quarry Sculpture Park. The Sculpture Park is a vast amphitheatre that has been carved out of the limestone over the generations for the local farmers keen to use this fine lime. Raymond purchased the property in 1997 and since then he has transformed it from a white dusty derelict quarry into a magical outdoor exhibition space. This was no small task, Raymond purchased a 20 ton excavator and a 10 ton tip truck, moving 350 truckloads of topsoil onto the property from a neighbouring farm. Raymond played with his Tonka toys for many years to create an environment for plants to grow. Hardy natives are the plants of choice given the tough dry climate. This is a place like no other and people now come from far and wide to picnic, spend time and enjoy this stunning setting. Raymond’s beautiful and sometimes wacky works on display throughout the property are guaranteed to entertain and inspire all ages. Stunning seasonal food will be for sale for lunch, morning and afternoon tea, plus tea and coffee, for the duration of Forsyth Barr. Helping New Zealand the Garden Festival, 10am – 4pm each day. Forsyth Barr. investors growHelping New their and manage Zealand Raymond will be creating small affordable garden sculpture especially for the Hurunui Garden Festival, so don’t miss out! investors wealth for grow andyears. over 80 manage their Phone: (03) 3149 198 or 027 2547507 wealth for over 80 years. Email: raymondherber71@gmail.com www.raymondherber.com 0800 367 227 Learn more about Iron Ridge Quarry CHC6558-01 on Facebook. 0800 367 227 forsythbarr.co.nz CHC6558-01 forsythbarr.co.nz 18 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 19
Park-like and enchanting – 5 days of activities – – 4 night’s accommodation – – 4 breakfasts – – 4 lunches – – 3 evening dining experiences – – Hanmer Springs Fete entry – Come on a fully escorted – 12 garden entries – small group tour to see the wonderful Hurunui Gardens – Meet local artisans – Contact us today for full tour details Email: info@southislandtoursnz.com Phone: 0274 351955 www.southislandtoursnz.com > Insurance Karetu Downs > Livestock 5 1731 Ram Paddock Road, Waipara Gorge > Agri-Supplies Quality European wooden products Hosts: Karen & Bruce Forrester Wood Fired Hot tubs, Sauna > Funding Barrels & Cabins / Camping Karetu meaning ‘sweet scented grass’, derives its name from > Procurement Pods & Barrels / Grill Cabins / Mt Karetu, which was part of the original farm in the 1900s. Garden Pavilions & much more! The Karetu Downs homestead overlooks a large sweeping hazlett.nz Call James on 020 4139 1847 lawn, encapsulated by majestic trees and under plantings 03 358 7988 nordicconcepts.co.nz of camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas and roses. Large evergreen and deciduous trees planted in the nineteen sixties gives the garden its structure. Interconnecting paths weave alongside a creek, taking you through to the native section of garden, which is home to kereru and other bird life. This continues onwards through to the rhododendron garden and out under a wisteria and clematis clad pergola. Karetu Downs is also a large hill country property with farm stay accommodation. It even has a gorgeous little gift shop jam packed full of gardening products and beautiful giftware. Nature walks, farm animals, farm tours, sheep shearing are all part of life at Karetu. Phone: (03) 3144 584 www.karetudowns.co.nz Learn more about Karetu Downs on Facebook. Events Hurunui Garden Festival would also like to thank Natural Hound doggie covers, blankets and beds. the following for their Karetu Farmyard Gift Shop – The gorgeous Farmyard generous support: Gift Shop is packed full of a range of gardening products and giftware. From garden gloves to art prints, there is Powerhouse something for everyone. When: Daily Countdown Coffee and treats available from the Karetu Farmyard Glenda and Gift Shop daily. Keith Braithwaite Make it a weekend to remember Magical Mystery Tour – A Guided Tour to Concretions with Yates and a unique country experience. Dr Kate Pedley. When: 12.30pm, Sat 30th & Sun 31st.For more information and bookings, please refer to page 39 of the Culverden Court Motels Phone 03 314 4584 or visit www.karetudowns.co.nz guidebook or the Talks and Tours tab on the HGF website. 20 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 21
Hawarden & Waikari Classic and elegant Westenras Rd 8 The Pea ks R d 0 2km Bakers Rd Lake Sumner Rd Medbu Rd ry Rd Medbury ry bu 7 ed d M ays R 10 Murr Gilb Horsley Down Rd erts Rd 6 Bentleys Rd Masons Flat d iR nu Rd Alla ru ck nda le R Hu Dalmen to d en hs rd at wa He Ha Hawarden Saddlewood y Rd lls Rd 6 Hassa 9 342 Allandale Road, Hawarden Ha Rd wa Hosts: Anita & Richard Todd Fenwicks rde n Waikari Rd ey dV all Ro Armstrong s Rd A long avenue of poplars that line the driveway is the first mi Rd a Pyramid Valley ad Py r ari Valle y of many delights you’ll find at Saddlewood. The drive Limeworks Rd aik Waikari W approaches the homestead and the array of beautiful deciduous trees including oak, ash, birch, plane, elm and Shingle Road Weka Pass lime all nestle around this classically English styled home. You’ll love the many paths and ponds that take visitors to areas of woodland, water, roses and views that open north to the spectacular views of Mt Tekoa. The White Garden features many charming varieties of shrub and perennials that are timeless. Traditional lily of the valley, sweet mock orange, Solomon’s seal and Clementine aquilegia, are placed within the borders amongst the many other specimens. This garden has a beautiful elegance and restfulness that invites visitors to linger and relax. It is a continually evolving property that aims to reflect the English theme 342 Allandale Road, for which it was originally intended. Hawarden 03 314 4090 Events Watermark Photography Fine Art Photographic Exhibition – Local artist Lucy Hunter-Weston loves to photograph our local land in all seasons. An exhibition of her works includes framed and unframed prints for sale, as well as other merchandise you can pop in your bag on your travels. www.watermarkphotography.co.nz When: Everyday 9am-5pm Cost: Free with admission to garden. Weka Pass Market – Offering a beautiful array of homegrown walnuts, lemons and garden plants, including herbs. Delightful garden gifts. When: Friday 29th- Sunday 31st October, 9am – 5 pm 22 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 23
Garden grew for a wedding Timeless and ever changing Newstead Flaxmere Garden 7 285 Lake Sumner Road, Hawarden 8 128 Westenras Road, Hawarden Hosts: Ruth & John Appleby Your host: Penny Zino Newstead’s one-hectare garden grew because the lawn Fifty-five years after it all began, Flaxmere continues wasn’t big enough for a wedding marquee. So out came to inspire with its appealing vistas and innovative the fences and the paddock was transformed into a series design. In this 3-hectare garden there are a series of of connecting garden rooms. In the Pergola Garden you’ll garden areas each distinct using different cultivars and find the apricot ‘Crepuscule’ rose and white and blue connected with a series of ponds which have their own clematis flowering overhead, while nandinas, hydrangeas personality. Native areas with evergreens contrast with the deciduous plantings that the change of seasons and roses put on a show in the garden below. Over a provide. This is carefully considered, with huge emphasis dozen flowering cherry trees splash colourful blossom on trees and shrubs that will provide interest for spring around the garden. and autumn colour. In September 2020, Mother Nature dealt Newstead Stone walls and classically inspired timber pergolas a significant and devastating windstorm, lifting ten entwined with clematis and roses in the swimming pool mature trees from their roots and changing some areas and rose garden, provide contrast to the gracefully considerably. These areas have now been redesigned. arched bridge which leads your eye to Mt Tekoa. This has been most exciting with new plantings and There are new experiences as in the perennial and challenges, shifting shade lovers to other areas, and grasses garden inspired by Piet Oudolf and the planting new trees. We are enjoying the results! whirlpool garden created after a heavy snowfall. Vistas and gardening here are recognised as art forms. Enthusiasts of growing their own vegetables will be delighted by the extremely productive vegetable garden, www.flaxmeregarden.co.nz feeding family and friends with carrots, parsnips, beans, Learn more about Flaxmere Garden on Facebook. corn, leeks, onions, silverbeet, tomatoes, lettuces, herbs and pumpkins. One pumpkin weighing 91.5 kg was the Events prize-winning pumpkin at the 2019 Hawarden Show. You Studio Home Sessions: “What works long term – thoughts will be torn between enjoying the decorative charm of and advice from a gardener of 55 years” Penny Zino the garden and envying the productive and prize-winning with Julia Atkinson-Dunn When: Friday Oct 29th, 11.00am capacity of Newstead. Art in the Barn: All artworks available for purchase. Exhibiting artists: Amy Anderson, Julia Atkinson- Dunn, Amelia Guild, Alice Lewis, Ben Reid, Jane McIntosh, Svetlana Oriniko, and more. Lunch boxes available at Flaxmere by midday each day $20 each: Please order through Waikari Kitchen Café Facebook messaging or by calling 03 314 2099. 24 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 25
Vistas at every turn Kintail 9 412 Karaka Road, Waikari Hosts: Vicky & Peter Black It has been 34 years since the original house was moved onto an exposed ridge. Underlying rotten rock has made planting difficult, but with shelter and clever planning, a garden eventually took shape. Considerable earthworks were undertaken to establish lawns on three levels. Pencil Cyprus conifers frame beautiful views over farmland with Mounts Tekoa and Lyford in the distance. Mass plantings of agapanthus help keep banks stable and enhance rock walls. Teucrium and buxus hedging have been used to create separate areas. A new native corner has recently been developed on the south-west corner giving views out to Mount Mason and the Waikari Valley. White Iceberg roses occupy the gardens nearest the house, while an array of trees including poplars, oaks, beech, elms and flowering cherries compliment the further corners of the garden. 26 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 27
Serenity from a blank slate CHEF MADE FOOD FRESH EVERY DAY – OPEN 7.30AM www.deanchef.co.nz Hurunui Homestead 42 Chinnerys Road, 10 1296 Karaka Road, Hurunui Hawarden RD Hosts: Ann & Matthew Newton Woodend Providing legal services Although the house was built in the early 1920’s the garden has only been established in the last 20 years, Phone: 03 312 7260 to North Canterbury since 1884. with only three original trees remaining. Extensive tree 03 311 8008 | www.helmores-law.co.nz planting has been carried out over the years, the Scarlet Open 7 days email@helmores-law.co.nz Oaks lining the drive are spectacular in the autumn. The house has been completely renovated with the Bed and Breakfast opened in 2018. There are two large lawns with a tennis court one side and a croquet green the other. Hedging is giving privacy and framing the cottage style garden surrounding the house. Irises are a favourite, peonies, roses, and lavender edging make a very pretty spring garden. The large potager style vegetable garden keeps us supplied with fresh produce. The addition of a 40m2 glasshouse has extended the variety of vegetables able to be grown. 2020 saw the first crop of organically grown garlic produced. Our Boer goats have proven to be amazing at broom control. It is a lovely house to live in and we spend a lot of time outdoors enjoying the garden from the verandas on all sides of the house. www.hurunuihomestead.com Phone: 027 309 0396 Learn more about Hurunui Homestead on Facebook. Events Matthew Newton Joinery will be exhibiting his range of quality outdoor garden furniture, bird houses, lanterns, obelisks. When: Daily Cost: Free with admission to the garden. Directions: Entrance to our garden is on the corner of State Highway 7 and Hurunui Bluff Road. Please be careful when turning off the Main Road. 28 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 29
Festival Events Exhibitions Karetu Farmyard Gift Shop – Gorgeous range of gardening products and giftware. Coffee and treats All exhibitions are free with admission to the garden. available for purchase. Many artworks are available for purchase. Where: Karetu Downs, page 21 Daily – Thursday 28th October to Sunday 31st October Natural Hound – Dog covers, blankets and beds. Sharon Earl – Sculpture and pencil drawings by Sharon Earl Where: Karetu Downs, page 21 Where: Sharon Earl, page 15 Light Refreshments at Newstead – A selection of finger Iron Ridge Quarry – Sculpture by Raymond Herber food available for purchase. Where: Newstead, page 24 Where: Iron Ridge Quarry, page 18 Flaxmere Garden Nursery – Wide variety of perennials Watermark Photography Fine Art Photographic and other plants available for sale. Exhibition – Framed & unframed prints of our local Where: Flaxmere Garden, page 25 landscape, and great merchandise to purchase. Lunch Boxes – Pre-ordered lunch boxes by Waikari Kitchen. Where: Saddlewood, page 23 Where: Flaxmere Garden, page 25 Art in the Barn – Exhibiting artists; Amy Anderson, Julia Matthew Newton Joinery – A range of quality outdoor Atkinson- Dunn, Amelia Guild, Alice Lewis, Ben Reid, Jane furniture, bird houses, lanterns, and obelisks. McIntosh, Svetlana Oriniko, and more. Where: Hurunui Homestead, page 29 Where: Flaxmere Garden, page 25 Loch Leven Nursery – A huge range of old fashioned and Lissa Holland Art – Paintings by artist, Lissa Holland. unusual perennials not usually seen in retail nurseries, also Where: Hemingford, page 44 hostas, peonies, hedging plants and shrubs. Where: Loch Leven, page 47 EarthSea Gallery – Paintings by artist, Peter Geen Where: The Geens, page 53 Rustic By Design – Garden supports, obelisks and garden art. Where: Waihui, page 48 Hey, Hey It’s Christmas – Christmas Grotto: a magical experience for all ages. Craft Shop – Kitchen and interior design accessories. Where: The Geens, page 53 Where: Cathedral Cliffs, page 62 Moody Hues – Ceramic and art exhibition by Kim Tea Shop – Tea, coffee and a sweet treat available for Henderson. Bold and colourful ceramics, Kim Henderson purchase from 10 am each day. Where: Cathedral Cliffs, page 62 will be presenting her latest collection. A rich variety of ceramics and other artwork all available for purchase. Daily – Friday 29th October to Sunday 31st October Where: Tipapa, page 64 Weka Pass Market – Homegrown walnuts, lemons and garden plants. Delightful gifts. Where: Saddlewood, page 23 Local Artisans and Stalls Saturday 30th October Daily – Thursday 28th October to Sunday 31st October Gusto Coffee Cart with Dean’s Delectable Donuts Succulents for Sale – A selection of drought and frost Where: Waihui, page 48 hardy plants and succulents for sale. Where: Blue House, page 12 Brent’s Country Furniture – Unique furniture and much more, crafted from recycled NZ timber. Where: Waihui, Flora Grow – A beautiful range of sustainable and bio- page 48 degradable gardening products. Plants, grow kits, gift cards, microgreen seed packs and more. Daily – Saturday 30th October to Sunday 31st October Where: Sharon Earl, page 15 Pams Coffee Cart Food at Iron Ridge Quarry – Stunning seasonal food and Where: Maskells Garden, Page 11 When: 9am – 1pm tea & coffee available for purchase 10am – 4pm each day. Rotherham School Fundraiser – Delicious food available Where: Iron Ridge Quarry, page 18 for purchase. Where: Loch Leven, page 47 When: 11am – 2pm 30 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 31
Daily Events Thursday 28th October Sunday 31st October Akaroa Cooking School presents ‘Spring Harvest’ Studio Home Sessions, hosted by Julia Atkinson-Dunn Masterclass Cooking Demonstrations ‘How to establish and plan an edible garden’ – with Robert Where: Waihui, page 48 Day of Ribbonwood Country House. When: Thursday 28th October, 11am & 1.30pm Cost: $45 pp Where: Ribbonwood Country House, page 59 When: 11am Please book by following link on our Talks and Tours tab on our website. Magical Mystery Tour A Guided Tour to Concretions with Dr Kate Pedley. Afternoon Tea with Lynda Hallinan Where: Karetu Downs, page 21 When: 12.30pm Lynda Hallinan is a gardener, author, broadcaster, journalist, For more information and bookings, please refer to part-time farmer, parent and plantaholic. An entertaining page 39 of the guidebook or the Talks and Tours tab speaker who imparts her wisdom with a generous spade full on our website www.hurunuigardenfestival.com. of common-sense advice and a good crop of laughs. Where: Knox Community Centre, 13 Reeves Street, Cheviot When: 3pm Cost: $25 pp. Please book your tickets through our website www.hurunuigardenfestival.com Friday 29th October Historic Homestead Studio Home Sessions, hosted by Julia Atkinson-Dunn ‘What works long term – thoughts and advice from a gardener of 55 years’ – with Penny Zino of Flaxmere Garden. Where: Flaxmere Garden, page 25 When: 11am & House Tours Daily – Thursday 28th October to Dinner with Lynda Hallinan Lynda Hallinan is a gardener, author, broadcaster, journalist, Sunday 31st October part-time farmer, parent and plantaholic. An entertaining St Helens Station Homestead speaker who imparts her wisdom with a generous spade full The interior of the homestead will be accessible only by pre- of common-sense advice and a good crop of laughs. Join us booked half hour guided tour by the owners, highlighting the for an evening of dinner and entertainment. interesting and eclectic collections. Tours limited to 12 people. Where: Hurunui Hotel, 1224 Karaka Road When: 6pm Bookings: Email sthelenshomestead@gmail.com Cost: $55 pp. Please book your tickets through our website Where: St Helens Station Homestead, page 55 www.hurunuigardenfestival.com When: Daily, every half hour Crystal Brook Saturday 30th October A self-guided tour through part of the homestead. Garden Studio Home Sessions, hosted by Julia Atkinson-Dunn is open to enjoy all day. ‘How to propagate to replenish your garden’ – with Where: Crystal Brook, page 61 When: Daily 9am – 5pm Doreen Dryden of Loch Leven. Tipapa Where: Loch Leven, page 47 When: 11am Tours of the homestead will be held each day at 11am and 2pm. Private areas and rooms occupied by houseguests will Alpine Echoes – Easy listening jazz. not be part of the tour. Visitors are free to enjoy the garden Bring a chair and a picnic. during the whole day. Where: Waihui, page 48 When: 11am – 3pm Where: Tipapa, page 64 When: Daily 11am and 2pm Magical Mystery Tour The Willows A Guided Tour to Concretions with Dr Kate Pedley A self-guided tour through part of this uniquely restored Where: Karetu Downs, page 21 When: 12.30pm house. Visitors are welcome to bring their picnics and enjoy For more information and bookings, please refer to the garden throughout the day. page 39 of the guidebook or the Talks and Tours tab Where: The Willows, page 65 When: Daily 9am – 5pm on our website www.hurunuigardenfestival.com. 32 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 33
Talks & Tours Lynda Hallinan Lynda Hallinan is a gardener, author, broadcaster, journalist, part-time farmer, parent and plantaholic. For half her life, the former editor of New Zealand Gardener magazine has been digging up ideas and inspiration for growing food and flowers in Kiwi gardens. Lynda is an entertaining speaker who imparts her wisdom with a generous spadeful of common sense advice and a good crop of laughs. Lynda lives with her family in the foothills of the Hunua Ranges, south-east of Auckland, and is currently splitting her time between her large country garden and a small colonial cottage renovation project. She’s also launching a new book on The Joy of Gardening this year. Please book your tickets through our website www.hurunuigardenfestival.com Learn more about Lynda on Facebook. Afternoon Tea with Lynda Hallinan Where: K nox Community Centre, 13 Reeves Street, Cheviot When: Thursday, 28 October, 3.00pm Cost: $25 per person Dinner with Lynda Hallinan Where: Hurunui Hotel, 1224 Karaka Road When: Friday, 29 October, 6.00pm Cost: $55 per person Photo by Sally Tagg Hurunui Garden Festival N EW 2022 Calendar Don’t forget your copy! On sale at all gardens. Find out more on our website www.hurunuigardenfestival.com 34 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 35
The Studio Home Sessions with The Hurunui Garden Festival runs from the 28th – 31st October, opening 22 private gardens and homesteads, Julia Atkinson-Dunn intermingled with artist studios and exhibitions to the public. The simple self-drive format allows visitors to pick The Studio Home Sessions are a small series of free to and choose where to visit using the festival map and pay attend talks, hosted by Julia Atkinson-Dunn of Studio just $10 per person to enter each beautiful location. Home and the generous owners of three inspiring gardens 29 involved in this year’s Hurunui Garden Festival. 11.00am Friday 29th October – Working with Julia, the gardeners will concentrate on Penny Zino of ‘Flaxmere’ (page 25) walking tours, open Q+A and demonstrations focused on OCT “What works long term – thoughts and knowledge beneficial to those starting out. advice from a gardener of 55 years” As Julia can attest, being a gardener for only 4.5 years ‘Flaxmere’ is an incredible garden carved out of dry paddocks herself, the wisdom and advice departed by experienced in the harsh climate of Hawarden, North Canterbury. Wind, gardeners in her local region have been the richest source snow, wildly unpredictable frosts and water availability are all of information to give confidence for her own progression. issues she has had to contend with. While it is more expansive At just the festival gate price of $10 per person, attendees than most, Penny has encyclopedic knowledge to share about of each talk will receive a guided tour of the garden, are planting shelter, plants that thrive, trees, creating seasonal free to ask questions, and can be assured Julia will be interest and the concept of naturalistic style planting. Every prompting further relevant ones to support those at the corner can provide inspiration for even the smallest gardens start of their gardening life. in the Canterbury region. 30 This is a new and exceptional opportunity focused on 11.00am Saturday 30th October – beginners, and a terrific chance to take a day or two to Doreen Dryden of ‘Loch Leven’ (page 47) explore the beautiful Hurunui region of North Canterbury. OCT “How to propagate to replenish your garden” ‘Loch Leven’ is a fascinating garden in the Amuri Basin, About Julia Atkinson-Dunn demonstrating creative plant combinations, hard landscaping, and a gorgeous spring display. With the growth Julia Atkinson-Dunn of her passion, Doreen has also created her own productive is the creative behind nursery supplying top garden centres in Canterbury. Learning Studio Home and author to be resourceful in the creation of her outside spaces, she of beginner gardening book; ‘Petal Power’. With has an immense amount of knowledge to share with us on a background in writing, techniques to propagate all sorts of plants to further fuel design and art, Julia fell the beauty of the garden she has created. 31 firmly in love with gardening while transforming her small 11.00am Sunday 31st October – Robert Day Christchurch patch just 4.5 of ‘Ribbonwood Country House’ (page 59) years ago. Documenting OCT “How to establish and plan an edible garden” her adventure via her social channels and her weekly Developed from a paddock of grass and thistles just 8 years column with Stuff and The ago, ‘Ribbonwood Country House’ is an inspiring example Press, Julia is a committed of a ‘new’ garden and one designed to support a thriving cheerleader of helping B&B operation. Based near Cheviot, North Canterbury, others discover the magic Robert Day will walk us through the trials and discoveries in creating gardens for of creating a vegetable and produce based area that @studiohomegardening sustains his household. This will be a fascinating session for themselves. those with a passion to create a garden to do the same. 36 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 37
Akaroa Cooking School Masterclass Waipara Gorge Magical Mystery Tour Join Ant and Lou Bentley from the Akaroa Cooking Introduction and guided tour with Dr Kate Pedley, School for a Spring Harvest inspired Masterclass whilst geologist Canterbury University. visiting one of North Canterbury’s most gorgeous Very few places in the world have fossils carbon dated 60 gardens. They will cover a three-course menu that can million years old as in the Waipara Gorge. A 20 minute be easily replicated in your own home during a one hour guided tour downstream on flat land to the junction of the demonstration with tastings to finish. north and south branches of the Waipara River, is where $45 per person including arrival drink, recipes, and tastings. these magnificent concretions are. There is something Where: Waihui Garden, 395 Sandersons Road, Rotherham very magical about seeing concretions in their natural environment. Dr Kate Pedley will talk about how these When: Thursday 28th October 2021, 11am or 1.30pm ancient concretions were formed and share insights Book direct with ACS via their website or via about the fossils and geological history of the area. the link on the Talks and Tours page on Karetu Downs is a privately owned property, and there is www.hurunuigardenfestival.com no Queens Chain on this part of the Waipara River. Please be mindful of the unique opportunity to explore this special place. Take nothing, leave only footprints. Good walking shoes recommend. Tours: Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st starting 12:30 pm. Tour includes lunch and entry to Karetu Downs. Cost: $35 per person. Garden entry and tour only: $20 Book direct with Karen, by calling her on 03 314 4584 or via the link on the Talks and Tours page on www.hurunuigardenfestival.com Join owners Lou and Ant Bentley at the Akaroa cooking school for an indulgent day of fun and inspiration. Learn tips and techniques to Come to Akaroa and get inspired enhance your home cooking. We in our prime waterfront location. offer over 15 classes with dishes For more information on classes, that are easy to make and are sure dates and pricing please visit to impress your friends and family. our website. www.akaroacooking.co.nz | Ph: 021 166 3737 38 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 39
Culverden & Rotherham d ls R Hil slie Leslie Hills Le Rotherham He ato 15 nS Rd t Rd ns hs so rac 14 r Gr e nd Ive as Mt Sa sin Pal Mt Palm Flintoft Mouse Point Rd Rd gt m Rd on h Rd ut Ben Leac So Rd Lom hs Rd m ha Rd er ion ond th itut Ro nst Co Rd Jam Sch esons Rd ool 0 2km Rd Pa l Rd lm sid Hil d e Rd Sa late 13 int Amuri Plain Iso Culverden Leonards Rd Rd Rd ks nd ea ou y P M Sa wr 11 e int Lo Th Leonards Rd 12 Shingle Road MIKROCLIMA BIOMAGLIA HORTONOVA Knitted HDPE frostcloth /crop Super fine anti-insect netting. Flower & vegetable support cover. 2m -16m widths. Excludes - Psyllids, Carrot Flies mesh. 3 grid sizes & several Promotes growth & yield! & Thrips. 2.1m, 4.2m &12.6m widths available. Nursery & Garden Extruded Mesh Also... Windbreak, Shadenet, Weedmat, Olive & Nut collection netting, For - fencing, bird / pest Fibreglass rods for cloches 1.5m - 4.2m, clips, fasteners and more... Open by appointment. exclusion, reinforcing, New (2021) ‘Horticultural’ and ‘Extruded Mesh’ brochures are available drying, safety and more... for download from the ‘More Info’ tab at our website... 714 Rotherham Road South Phone: 027 220 5186 POLYNET PRODUCTS LTD PO Box 38092 Parklands Christchurch lochlevennursery.co.nz Ph: 03 382 9230 email:polynet@xtra.co.nz Leo Dunne Ltd. Agricultural Repairs and Supplies 26 Lyndon Street, Culverden (03) 315 8470 | leodunneltd@xtra.co.nz | www.leodunneltd.co.nz 40 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 41
Lush oasis Be you, with Bupa. Coldstream 11 197 Culverden Road, Culverden Hosts: Vicki Collett & Andrew Dalzell The stream flowing through Coldstream garden is the secret to the spectacular growth of the garden established Five retirement villages and care homes just 32 years ago. The one-hectare garden wraps around in Canterbury the farmhouse, with a series of interconnecting lawns and Call Debs on (03) 344 1422 pathways that led you from one area to the next. Mature oaks and silver birches provide height and a canopy to protect the large garden beds of established roses, camellias, and rhododendrons that together with mass plantings of daffodils, tulips and peonies put on a magnificent display in the spring. Between the canopy and underplanting you’ll see enticing views across the surrounding farmland to distant mountains. Coldstream Stream is put to good use, naturally filtering the waters of a large pond surrounded by extensive planting. The jetty is a great spot to feed the eels that come and visit. You’ll find plenty of restful spots to take in the grandeur of the garden. Learn more about Coldstream on Facebook. 42 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 43
TI ST An Artist’s Garden Established and evolving AR Hemingford Palmside 12 938 St Leonards Road, Culverden 13 251 Palmside Road, Culverden Hosts: Lissa & Al Holland Hosts: Sue & Mike Satterthwaite Come and see what an artist’s eye can do to a North Nestled under the backdrop of the Lowry Peaks range, Canterbury farm garden and admire the fantastic views. Palmside garden, is a mix of old and new. Originally planted Enter through the John Rutherford designed and made in the 1920s you’ll see many majestic trees, including oaks, gates and see the romantic Cecil Wood designed house ash, lime, chestnut and an evergreen magnolia. built in 1952, backed by 65 year old cedars and nestled at the foot of the Lowry Range. To the right is an archway walk Since the current owners moved here in 1984 variegated from a dismantled garden on Clifton Hill, Sumner, which elm, gleditsia, silk tree, cherry trees, maples, dogwoods was a gift originally made in the Lyttelton shipyards. and magnolias have been added to the collection, These have added walkways and a structure on which roses, including Acer brilliantissimum and Cornus controversa clematis and jasmine climb and often feature in Lissa’s Variegata – also known as the Wedding Cake tree. artwork. On emerging from these you will see Lissa’s studio Arriving at the house you’re greeted by four magnificent where her exhibition will be displayed or turn right and follow oak trees, and a native garden by the car park. The house the path around the pool to a new area of NZ native plantings entrance is more formal with box hedging and standard where you can sit and look over the creek to the 955ha sheep viburnum in one area and roses in another. Wander and cattle farmland beyond. Colourful borders have been around the garden and discover mixed borders of trees, planned with Lissa’s artistic eye in order to capture the scene shrubs, roses and perennials. Also linger awhile to take on canvas. The 1ha garden has a weeping elm, a copper in the magnificent view across the Amuri plains to the beech, flowering cherries, roses, peonies, irises and many mountains beyond. other herbaceous perennials. Fruit trees, a herb area and a large vegetable garden has an artistic surprise in store! Phone: 021 180 5997 Events Lissa Holland Art Exhibition of paintings for sale. www.lissahollandart.co.nz When: Daily Cost: Free Learn more on Facebook. 44 | Hurunui Garden Festival 28 th – 31 st October 2021 | 45
You can also read