28th May 2021 - Moyles Court School
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“Simplify, slow down, be kind. And don’t forget to have art in your life – music, paintings, theatre, dance and sunsets.” The late Eric Carle, author of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Head’s Words Congratulations to Oliver and Johnny, our winners in the Lower Junior School, to Noah and Raph, our It’s hard not to disagree with winners in the Upper Junior School, to Amelie and the words of Eric Carle and Skye, winners of the Lower Senior School category this week’s ‘quote of the week’. and to Will and Jess, our Upper Senior School win- The sad news of his passing ners. Such talent and such hard work and such a has made millions of us go difficult decision for our judges. My huge thanks to back to his books and remind Mr Winspear and to Mr Babur for providing such a wonderful opportunity for our children. ourselves of the simple brilliance of his work. Wikipe- dia reliably informs me that ‘The Very Hungry Cater- Half term seems to have appeared from nowhere pillar’ has been translated into more than 66 different and I hope the sun finally appears and enables you languages and sold more than 50 million copies. In all to enjoy a lovely bank holiday weekend. After total, he has sold over 145 million copies of his books. half term we hope to be able to finalise our plans for I’ve written before about my love of his most famous the end of this extraordinary academic year. At the book, a story that Carle himself describes as a ‘book of time of writing (and fingers crossed the regulations hope; that you too can grow up and grow wings’, but will allow this to happen), we are planning a series it was one of his other books that my children loved of Camp Outs and Activities in the week beginning even more. I only have to start uttering the words the 21 June. The Back Paddock will be transformed ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see…’ and off into a sea of Bell Tents and campfires and we hope they go reciting the rest of this wonderfully simple to be able to give our children some of the fun they book and reminiscing about their favourite animals have missed out on over the last 12 months. In the and pictures from the story. It’s a further reminder final week of term, we are also planning to hold a of the impact and importance of ‘art’ and the many Sports Day (of some description) and our annual fabulous forms that it can take. I couldn’t imagine a Speech Day and Prize Giving looks like it will take curriculum that didn’t allow children the opportunity the form of an outdoor picnic style gathering with a to explore and develop their own sense of creativity Junior event on the afternoon of Thursday 1 July and and I am immensely proud of the work we do every a Senior School event on the morning of Friday 2 week to help enable that passion and interest to be July. More specific details will follow after half term, unearthed and nurtured. as we continue to monitor the national and local sit- uation and await government guidance. In today’s assembly we announced the winners of our In the meantime, thank you all, once again, for your own Art Competition and the quality of the work on continued support and kindness during this time display was extraordinary. Eric Carle would have and I leave you with yet more wonderful words been mightily impressed. of wisdom from Eric Carle. “The unknown often brings fear with it,” he once said. “In my books I try House Points to counteract this fear, to replace it with a positive message. I believe that children are naturally creative House Points Strikes Total and eager to learn. I want to show them that learning Dockens 2437 7 2430 is really both fascinating and fun.” Thank you, Eric, so do we. Latchmore 3199 3 3196 Wishing you all a wonderful half term break. Linford 2273 3 2270 Richard Milner-Smith
Junior School Early Years Reflections News It has been a rather unbelieva- If you blinked, you might have ble and also very special week missed it - but somehow a at Moyles Court. As you will no whole half-term has flashed by doubt read a bit later on, I had right in front of our eyes! the wonderful and prestigious honour of judging the entries for this year’s Art Competition. Whilst it was In spite of lagging energy levels the children have a fun way to spend your time on my part (and the still managed to amaze us with their energy and de- highlight of my week!), I couldn’t help but notice how sire to try new things! From discussing their dream amazing both the quality and quantity of Junior entries taco fillings to jumping through hoops with Mr. were. It’s clear to see that art is something that many of Legg to exploring the great outdoors with Mrs. Mor- us seem to value, which bodes very well for the future. rison - it feels like they’ve done a bit of everything As important as it is to learn those all-important core this week. subjects, we know that many of us received pleasure, enjoyment, fulfilment, and fun through many other as- Their P.E lessons have given them the usual oppor- pects of learning, such as through sport, or through the tunities to continue to develop their gross motor creative subjects. Being able to use your imagination is skills, and the glorious sunshine we experience on an important part of childhood and it allows us to have Thursday has meant lots of time outdoors! dreams and aspirations for the future. It allows us that moment to break down walls, push boundaries, and to As we move towards the end of the year, we have dream up things that have never been done before. begun to spend more time with the children in reception in order to prepare those who are moving As the mysterious and brilliant artist Pablo Picasso up, or moving on, to get used to playing and learn- once said, “Everything you can imagine is real.” ing with the older children. I am delighted to hear that our Junior pupils are contin- uing to find creative ways of expressing themselves and I could you all (Junior, Senior, Parent, Teacher, Staff) to all do the same. Find those ways to bring your im- agination to life, even if it is only for a brief moment every now and again. Thank you to all of our pupils for not only a brilliant week, but also for an action-packed first half of the Summer term. Let’s finish off the second with a bang! Check out our Early Years Facebook page: @moylescourtpreschool Geography fun for year 11 Unfortunately, we have not been able to organise any fieldtrips this year, but at least we managed a lovely walk into the forest with a celebratory picnic for the Year 11 Geography students to enjoy in their last lesson yesterday, before they go their separate ways. Wishing them all the best of luck in their future studies.
Stars Year 1 - Penelope of Well done to Penelope this week for being Year 1’s Star of the Week! It sounds like she has had a lovely the week and Mr. Legg has said that Penelope is “for- ever reaching for the stars!” Penelope produced the week loveliest poetry using rhyming words. In addition to this, Penelope also always goes out of her way to help others in and out of the classroom, being a true role model through and through. Well done, Penelope. Year 2 - Olivia Me Very well done, Olivia! Olivia has been trying really Year 3 - Emily hard in all areas of her work this week. Mrs. Cheal An enormous congratulations to Emily. Miss Turn- has noticed that Olivia is becoming more confident er has been impressed with Emily’s commitment to in her Maths and has also challenged herself this her reading journal over the last few weeks. From week in her written work, trying hard with both the words of Miss Turner: “I have enjoyed reading her handwriting and content. Well done Olivia for about her book and how she has been able to take extending your learning - keep it up! the story and find out more information to further her knowledge on the destinations the author has travelled.” Emily is also always keen to learn more Year 4 - Samuel and ask questions to support her understanding of Congratulations, Samuel! Well done for having a new topics. Keep up the super work Emily! brilliant few weeks and for continuing to work very hard in your lessons. Mr. Hutchings is delighted with your work recently, and he has been especial- Year 5 - James ly pleased with the effort that you are continuing A very big well done to James for being the Year to put into your work, particularly with your Eng- 5 Star of the Week. Mrs. Walbrin is very pleased lish. You have been especially diligent with adding with the term that James is having. James is always more interesting description to your writing. Great enthusiastic about learning. Furthermore, he is a work! great friend to everyone and, in the words of Mrs. Walbrin, “he is one of the politest children I’ve ever met. It’s an absolute pleasure to work with him in Year 6 - Evie Year 5.” Wow! What gorgeous words. Well done, James! Congratulations, Evie! Mr. Babur is very proud of you. Evie has been an absolute delight to teach this year. She is always a good friend to everyone and she always has a way of making other people laugh and smile. Her work in Literacy this week has been great and Mr. Babur has enjoyed reading her newspaper article. Evie has a fantastic sense of humour and a good way of seeing the funny side of everything. Her work across all lessons has con- tinued to improve and she has had a wonderful first Stars of year at Moyles Court. Well done! the week
Year 2 Highlights As Year 2 brings their Science topic to a close, we were able to celebrate some success! A few of the sun- flower seeds have started to grow into healthy plants which the children have been able to take home. Sadly some did not grow, but this led to great conversation amongst the class as to what could have gone wrong! Did they water them too much? Did the class not give them enough sunlight or did they just have a ‘bad’ seed?!! Having spent the past few weeks learning about what plants need to grow well, those whose plants did not grow have had the opportunity to try again with another seed at home. Let’s hope there will be success for all now that they have understood the best ways to care for plants. Our Geography Topic has taken us to Kenya. The class have begun to learn facts about the country and will be comparing life in Kenya to their own. From comparing surroundings where we live, to school life and animals we will take a journey through Kenya after half term. This week the class compiled a fact file learning about the first ‘fun facts’ about Kenya. We look forward to finding out much more, especially about the animals! Life in the fast lane for Monty H Monty in Year 6 is one very talented individual. Monty has been racing his Ovhale 110 bike for under a year. This weekend at Rowrah in Lancaster, he saw his best race yet. The conditions were awful with rain and standing water on the track, but Monty fought hard to secure 3rd place and his first podium finish. A great weekend's riding against some experienced riders means he is now 4th overall in the champion- ship. Congratulations to Monty and here's to many more great results for the future! Way to go Monty! We think you are very talented and incredibly brave!! GOODBYE YEAR 11
School art competition winners revealed Last year, we launched the whole school Art Competition for the very first time and were blown away by the quality of the entries that we received. We were astounded by the range of talent and variety of the art- work, with some of our entries going on to feature and compete at local, regional, and national level. It has been a privilege to host this competition for the second time and we are proud to say that the bar has been raised even higher. It was certainly very tough deciding the winners, who we are proud to reveal today. Once again, the brief was quite simple: produce a piece of art that, in some way, represents "growth". This could be achieved in a literal or metaphorical sense, and the pupils had total and complete freedom with how they approached this task. For example, some of the entries that we received were sketched, painted, created using charcoal, sculpted, and so on. The range was fantastic to behold and it was a joy to judge... despite being very, very tough in each of the categories. We are proud to announce the following winning pieces: Lower Junior School Winner - Johnny (Year 1) for his beautiful and brilliant "The Wishing Tree" Runner up - Oliver (Year 2) for his marvellous piece named "Black Hole". Upper Junior School Winner - Noah B (Year 5) for the wonderful sculpture "Amber in bark" Runner up - Raph (Year 5) for his gorgeous canvas piece: "Big Things Come From Small Beginnings" This was a VERY competitive category and we would like to give honourable mentions to the following: Sienna (Year 6) for her brilliant "Cross-section of a Scotch Bonnet Chili" Lucas (Year 6) for his charcoal piece "A Walk In The Woods" Both of these entries will also be entered into local competitions alongside the winning pieces. Lower Senior School Winner - Amelie for her quite stunning drawing "A Friend in the Garden" Runner up - Skye (Year 7) for her enigmatic "Glass Flowers" Upper Senior School Winner - Will (Year 9) for the thoughtful and insightful sculpture "Inside My Head" Runner up - Jessica (Year 9) for her beautiful piece entitled "New Beginnings" Congratulations to all of our very worthy winners and runners up. Each category was closely fought and it certainly made life very tough for our judges! Our winners will now be entered into the Independent Schools Association Southwest Art Competition, where we wish you all the best of luck. From all of us at Moyles Court School, a very heartfelt thank you to all of the pupils who took part in this competition, and for their dedicated teachers and loving parents who supported them every step of the way. Without all of you, this competition would not be possible. Thank you and we are so very, very view them all on our flickr page https://www.flickr.com/photos/146915190@N08/albums/72157719298322572
a walk in the woods A friend in the garden inside my head new beginings cross section of a scotch bonnet chili amber in bark glass flowers black hole big things come from small The Wishing Tree beginnings
year 11 textiles students show off their creations Year 11 are delighted with the outcome of their Textiles' projects and have had fun this week modelling their finished outfits in the sunshine of the school grounds. They have all exceeded expectations with their creations: Olivia is modelling her stunning 'bird-cage' dress, fasci- nator and necklace - the whole outfit was made by her and represents the joy of Spring; The skirt has a 'stained glass win- dow effect' made form laminated plastic sheets! Mariama is modelling her 'winning dress' adornment and, also, her stunning hat, which was created using a technique that she developed using machine embroidery to make all the colourful fabric herself, - purely from blending thread togeth- er. Harvey is modelling his amazing jacket, which was inspired by the Beatles' outfits on Seargent Pepper album cover and represents his interest in music; the jacket was made complete- ly from recycled fabric from a furnishing sample book, which were cut into triangles and patchworked together; it was a mammoth task and a brilliant outcome! Yasmin is showing her beautiful sculpture which looks lovely when the sun shines through the delicate fabric and blends beautifully with the landscape. They have all worked so hard and since it was Olivia's Birthday on our final lesson together, we had a little celebration of well-deserved chocolate cake and fizz after the fashion shoots!
Fun & affordable childcare this summer. from just £25 per day 90 min CHARITY CHALLENGE 27th JUNE 11am In memory of Tim Jenkins who passed away in Dec 2020 we will be hosting a 90 minute charity challenge workout session in our garden with first class personal trainer Phil Standon . The charity challenge will be a unique , invigorating and fun workout session ! Guaranteed to get the endorphins flowing and make you feel great ! The money raised will be in aid of Transplant sport UK , a charity that was a big part of Tim’s life . Places are limited and pre booking is required . To reserve your place please visit: https://tri4tim.org.uk/mec-events/90-minute-charity- challenge-ringwood/
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