27 Communicating Timely Information on Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) using Geostationary and Polar Orbiting Satellite Sounders: ...

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27 Communicating Timely Information on Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) using Geostationary and Polar Orbiting Satellite Sounders: ...
27 Communicating Timely Information on Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) using
Geostationary and Polar Orbiting Satellite Sounders: Application to El Reno Event

                                1,3                    1,3               2                     2
               Jessie Gartzke , Steve Ackerman , Robert Knuteson , Henry Revercomb ,
                                           2              2                     2
                           William L. Smith ., Nadia Smith and Elisabeth Weisz
                  1. University of Wisconsin-Madison Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
                2. University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center
        3. University of Wisconsin-Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies

1. INTRODUCTION                                              potential to provide positive impact for future
                                                             warn on forecasts (Stensrud et al. 2009).
      The ability to measure vertical profiles of                 A common goal of the severe storm science
water vapor from space at times when ground                  community is to obtain accurate information in a
based upper air soundings are not available can              timely manner regarding atmospheric stability.
fill an important need in short-range weather                This information can be used to communicate
prediction. New satellite observations allow for             predictions of severe weather events. The first
the retrieval of water vapor measurements with               objective of this paper is to illustrate the value of
higher vertical resolution than was previously               advanced polar sounder observations, through
available. In order to demonstrate these new data            the El Reno event during the 1:30 pm polar
opportunities, it’s important to look at a practical         satellite orbit. The second is to put this event in
application. Events like the Moore and El Reno               the context of the climatology of the southern
tornados in 2013 are examples of just how                    Great Plains and assess the ability of POES
dangerous and unpredictable tornados can be.                 satellites to provide reliable stability information.
These two natural disasters are also examples of                  In this paper, a nine year record of upper air
the severity of human reactions to severe                    sounding profiles from the Department of Energy
weather warnings (Gartzke et al 2014). The El                Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)
Reno case study will be used to illustrate the               Southern Great Plains (SGP) site helps to create
potential value of satellite soundings.                      a climatology of Convective Available Potential
      National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters             Energy (CAPE). We then look at the ability of
are using GOES sounder products for a range of               satellite observations to characterize the CAPE
applications, with positive results (Schmit et al            probability distribution function at the 1:30 am/pm
2002). These products include estimates of total             overpass times as a function of distance from the
precipitable water vapor (TPW) and atmospheric               SGP site. This paper begins with a description of
stability indices, such as convective available              the El Reno case study.
potential energy (CAPE) and lifted index (LI).
Infrared observations from geostationary orbit               2. CASE STUDIES DESCRIPTION
capture the diurnal cycle of surface skin
temperature with data collected over the                           A deadly EF5 tornado hit Moore, Oklahoma
continental United States every hour. These                  on May 20, 2013 killing 24 people. Two weeks
geostationary data can contribute to future warn             later on May 31, 2013 nineteen tornados struck
on forecast approaches (Stensrud et al. 2009).               central Oklahoma. After hearing a forecast for
However, the limited number of infrared spectral             these tornados, many citizens tried to escape the
channels fundamentally limits the vertical                   storm by traveling south towards Texas on
resolution of the existing GOES sounder                      interstate forty. The interstate soon became
thermodynamic products.                                      traffic jammed for miles. Unfortunately, a massive
      Unlike the current GOES sounder, new high              and unpredictable tornado traveled across the
spectral resolution infrared sensors on polar                interstate and killed a woman and child in a car
orbiting weather satellites (POES) can sense the             near El Reno, Oklahoma in the late afternoon.
atmospheric boundary layer at specific times of                    Currently, soundings from the ground can
day (about 10:30 am/pm and 1:30 am/pm). For                  give meteorologists indication on how water
example, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder                    vapor behaves in the atmosphere vertically but
(AIRS) has been used to provide quantitative                 not horizontally. These soundings are typically
information about the lower atmosphere (Chahine              only made every 12 hours. Events like the El
et al. 2006). Software to process AIRS data in               Reno tornado is an example of how untimely
near real-time has been included in the IMAPP                these measurements can be.
direct broadcast software package (Smith et al.
2012; Weisz et al. 2013). Near real-time data                Jessica M. Gartzke, University of Wisconsin,
assimilation of polar orbiting advanced sounder              Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science,
products into rapid update NWP models has the                Madison, WI; jessica.gartzke@ssec.wisc.edu
27 Communicating Timely Information on Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) using Geostationary and Polar Orbiting Satellite Sounders: ...
The last in situ measurements of the atmosphere      the closest AIRS profile to the DOE ARM SGP
were at 6am while the 6pm sounding came too          site (
CAPE is only 9.9%. In this time period, only 48 of      comparable skill to the radiosonde in detecting
485 samples exceeded the threshold for the              extreme CAPE values. Meanwhile, the timeliness
AIRS CAPE, while 158 of 809 samples exceeded            and spatial coverage of the satellite data
the threshold for the ARM sonde CAPE. The               complement the local radiosonde observations.
difference in sample numbers is explained by the
fact that the AIRS level 2 version 6 product can        6. CONCLUSIONS
not retrieve CAPE in overcast cloud conditions.
This reduces the total number of samples by                   A radiosonde climatology at the Lamont
nearly one half and the number of extreme               Oklahoma ARM site was developed for the
samples by two thirds. The percentiles in Table 1       period January 2005 to June 2014. The
for the closest AIRS CAPE show that the entire          probability of sonde CAPE over 1000 J/kg is
PDF is shifted to lower CAPE values. This is            found to be 19% at the ARM SGP site. While the
illustrated in Figure 7 which compares the              probability of the closest AIRS CAPE over 1000
cumulative sum of the ARM sonde and AIRS                J/kg is 9.9% and the probability of the maximum
closest CAPE.                                           AIRS CAPE within 150 km is 25%. The 99
      In general, the maximum CAPE derived from         percentile of the sonde climatology was found to
AIRS exceeds the CAPE derived from ARM                  be 2364 J/kg. While the 99 percentile of the
sondes launched at the ARM site, as shown in            closest AIRS CAPE is 1733 J/kg, the 99
Figure 8. This is due to the large spatial coverage     percentile of the maximum AIRS CAPE within
of the AIRS sounder compared to the point               150 km is 2802 J/kg. While the closest AIRS
measurement from the radiosonde.                        CAPE values tend to be less than the sonde
                                                        CAPE extremes, the maximum CAPE near the
5.2 El Reno Case Study                                  SGP site is higher. This is consistent with the
                                                        advanced sounder product limitations caused by
      Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the polar orbiting     cloudiness at the sonde launch site but the larger
satellite overpass of the southern Great Plains at      spatial coverage of the satellite data. In
about 1:30 pm on the day of the El Reno event.          conclusion, the maximum AIRS CAPE values
The circled region in figure 2 is due west of El        near the SGP site tend to exceed the time
Reno. It is evident that there are spatial              coincident sonde CAPE at the ARM site.
deficiencies in the remote sensing of CAPE from               In the El Reno case study, the 6 am sonde at
the AIRS sensor due to cloudiness. Despite this,        Norman, OK had a CAPE in the 85 percentile
large values of CAPE were detected by AIRS in           (1252 J/kg) .The maximum AIRS CAPE (2233
Western Oklahoma. For comparison, we                    J/kg) at 1:30 pm was found just West of
computed       CAPE     from     the     operational    Oklahoma City with a CAPE exceeding the 98
radiosondes launched from Norman, Oklahoma.             percentile of the sonde climatology This result
The morning synoptic sonde launch (12 UTC, 6            illustrates the potential value of the polar satellite
am local time) had a computed CAPE value of             observations. As stated earlier, POES satellites
1159 J/kg which represents the 85 percentile in         have broad special coverage and they can detect
the ARM site radiosonde climatology. While this         extreme atmospheric instability. The downside
sounding represents an extreme CAPE value               are spatial gaps due to cloud cover and limited
even at 6 am, the solar heating during the              time of day coverage and product latency.
morning hours would tend to increase the CAPE.                These results show promise for use of
The 10:30 am Metop satellite overpass with the          infrared sounder retrievals in the nowcasting of
IASI advanced sounder and the 1:30 pm AQUA              local severe storms. Product latency has been
overpass with the AIRS advanced sounder can             reduced to a few minutes through use of the UW
be used to monitor the growth of CAPE during            CIMSS Community Satellite Processing Package
the heating of the day. For the 1:30 pm AQUA            (CSPP) (reference). Future work will make use of
overpass a maximum CAPE value of 2233 J/kg              CSPP algorithms to provide timely and accurate
was detected due west of El Reno and Oklahoma           products for use in probabilistic forecasting.
City. This represented an extreme value in the
98 percentile of the ARM site climatology. Thus,        ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
between 6 am and 1:30 pm the CAPE in the
southern Great Plains increased from the 85             The authors acknowledge Dr. David Turner
percentile to the 98 percentile. This information       (NOAA) for data used in this study. This work
was potentially available for predictive forecasting    was supported under grant NA10NES4400013.
about 4.5 hours before the tornado touchdown.
      Figure 9 shows a comparison of AIRS               REFERENCES
maximum CAPE and ARM sonde CAPE for the
two week period prior to the El Reno event. The         Chahine, Moustafa T., et al. "AIRS improving
black vertical lines indicate the time of the           weather forecasting and providing new data on
touchdown for the Moore and El Reno tornados.           greenhouse gases." (2006).
This figure shows that the AIRS sounder has
Gartzke, J., R. Knuteson, H. Revercomb, W. L.
Smith, Sr., and E. Weisz (2014), The Invisible
Variable Behind Tornadic Events: Sensing Water
Vapor from Space, AMS Broadcast Meteorology
Conference, 16–20 June 2014, Olympic Valley,

Smith, W. L., A. M. Larar, H. E. Revercomb, M.
Yesalusky, and E. Weisz (2014), The May 2013
SNPP Cal/Val Campaign – Validation of Satellite
Soundings, Proceedings of the 19th International
TOVS study conference (ITSC-XIX), University of
Wisconsin, Space Science and Engineering
Center, Cooperative Institute for Satellite Studies
Schmit, Timothy J., et al. "Validation and use of     Figure 1. The satellite image above was taken
GOES sounder moisture information." Weather           4.5 hours before the El Reno event.
and forecasting 17.1 (2002): 139-154.
Smith, W. L., E. Weisz, S. Kirev, D. K. Zhou, Z.
Li, and E. E Borbas (2012), Dual-Regression
Retrieval Algorithm for Real-Time Processing of
Satellite Ultraspectral Radiances. J. Appl.
Meteor. Clim., 51, Issue 8, 1455-1476.
Stensrud, David J., et al. "Convective-scale warn-                 	
on-forecast system: a vision for 2020." Bulletin of
the American Meteorological Society 90.10
(2009): 1487-1499.
Weisz, E., W. L. Smith Sr., and N. Smith, 2013:
Advances in simultaneous atmospheric profile
and cloud parameter regression based retrieval
from    high-spectral    resolution    radiance
measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research
-Atmospheres, 118, 6433-6443.                         Figure 2. This figure shows the location of the
                                                      highest CAPE value detected by AIRS (square)
ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES                              as well as the location of the ARM site (star).
                                                      Each dot represents the calculated CAPE for the
Table 1. Climatology of extreme CAPE values at        overpass on May 31, 2013.
the Southern Great Plains ARM site for the time
period 1 January 2005 to 30 June 2014.

         ARM                   AIRS
        Sonde    Closest   Max     Max       Max
         SGP     CAPE      CAPE    CAPE      CAPE
40                                                                                                   60                                             2000                                     2000

        Lifted index
                                                                                                                                                                                  1800                                     1800

                               0                                                                                                   50
                                                                                                                                                                                  1600                                     1600
                                    2005     2006      2008      2009      2010      2012      2013
                                                                                                                                                                                  1400                                     1400

                                                                                                          Total Water Vapor (mm)

                                                                                                                                                               AIRS CAPE (J/kg)
                                                                                                                                                                                  1200                                     1200

                     1000                                                                                                          30                                             1000                                     1000

                               0                                                                                                                                                  800                                      800
                                    2005     2006      2008      2009      2010      2012      2013
                                                                                                                                                                                  600                                      600

                                                                                                                                                                                  400                                      400
        TPW (mm)

                          100                                                                                                      10

                              50                                                                                                                                                  200                                      200

                                    2005     2006      2008      2009      2010      2012      2013                                0                                                0                                        0
                                                                                                                                   −10   0     10    20   30                        −8    −6    −4 −2       0   2                 0        20     40     60
                                                                                                                                          Lifted Index                                         Lifted index                           Total Water Vapor (mm)

                                                                 SONDE                                                                                                                          SONDE
                              40                                                                                                   60                                             2500                                     2500
        Lifted index


                                                                                                                                                                                  2000                                     2000
                                   Jul2005   Nov2006   Apr2008   Aug2009   Dec2010   May2012    Sep2013

                     2000                                                                                                                                                         1500                                     1500
CAPE (J/kg)

                                                                                                                                                               CAPE (J/kg)
                                                                                                          PWV (mm)

                     1000                                                                                                          30
                               0                                                                                                                                                  1000                                     1000
                                   Jul2005   Nov2006   Apr2008   Aug2009   Dec2010   May2012    Sep2013
                   TPW (mm)

                              40                                                                                                                                                   500                                      500

                                   Jul2005   Nov2006   Apr2008   Aug2009   Dec2010   May2012    Sep2013
                                                                                                                                   0                                                 0                                        0
                                                                                                                                   −10   0     10    20   30                         −8   −6    −4 −2       0   2                 0       20   40       60
                                                                                                                                          Lifted Index                                         Lifted index                                PWV (mm)

Figure 4. Time series graphs of lifted index,
                                                                                                          Figure 5. The relationship between CAPE, Lifted
CAPE, and PWV for the AIRS closest (upper)
                                                                                                          Index and Total Perceptible Water Vapor are
and ARM sonde (lower) and from January 2005
                                                                                                          shown for AIRS closest (left) and ARM sonde
and October 2013.
                                                                                                          (right). Red dots indicate negative lifted index.

                  0          10                   20             30                    40                 50            60
                                                               PWV (mm)
           0.03                                                  SONDE


             −10      −5               0          5           10           15          20          25            30     35
              0                                                Lifted30Index
                0            10                   20                                   40                 50            60
           0.15                                                PWV (mm)
PDFPDF     0.03                                         Number of CAPE over 1000 J/kg = 48 of 485
                                                        Probability of CAPE over 1000 J/kg = 9.9%

               0                  500                  1000                     1500                2000               2500
             0                                                 CAPE(J/kg)
             −10      −5           0         5          10          15           20         25       30          35     40
                                                               Lifted Index

                                                        Number of CAPE over 1000 J/kg = 156 of 809

                                                        Probability of CAPE over 1000 J/kg = 19%

                  0               500                  1000                     1500                2000               2500

Figure 6. Probability distribution functions of
AIRS closest CAPE (upper) and ARM sonde
CAPE (lower) for CAPE values >50 J/kg.

                                                                                                                              Figure 8. Time and space coincident matchups of
             1                                                                                                                sonde CAPE and the maximum AIRS CAPE
           0.9                                                                                                                within 150 km the ARM site.
                                                                                             25th percentile: 130.7                                           AIRS vs. Sonde CAPE (ARM SGP site)
           0.7                                                                                                                              6000
                                                                                             50th percentile: 290.9                                                                                    ARM Sonde
           0.6                                                                                                                                                                                         AIRS

                                                                                             67th percentile: 451.1
                                                                                             75th percentile: 547.3
                                                                                             95th percentile: 1252                          4000
                                                                                                                              CAPE (J/kg)

                                                                                             99th percentile: 1733


             0                                                                                                                              2000
              0            500             1000         1500      2000                  2500              3000        3500


           0.8                                                                                                                                0
                                                                                             25th percentile: 187.9                           05/11   05/16          05/21         05/26           05/31       06/05

                                                                                                                              Figure 9. The CAPE values from May 11 to June
                                                                                             50th percentile: 402.4

                                                                                                                              5, 2014. The two lines represent the Moore

                                                                                             67th percentile: 678.2
                                                                                             75th percentile: 862.1           tornado (May 20) and the El Reno tornado (May
                                                                                             95th percentile: 1659
                                                                                             99th percentile: 2364


              0            500             1000         1500      2000                  2500              3000        3500

Figure 7. Cumulative sum of CAPE PDF for the
AIRS closest (upper) and the ARM sonde (lower).
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