2068 Crossings Circle - AMC Spring Hill, TN 37174 - LoopNet
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AMC | SPRING HILL, TENNESSEE ON MARKET: AMC IN SPRING HILL, TENNESSEE A C TU AL PROPERTY INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS AMC Theatre in Spring Hill, TN Adjacent to The Crossings of Spring Hill Shopping Center LOCATED IN THE NASHVILLE MSA 750,000 SQUARE FOOT TARGET-ANCHORED SHOPPING CENTER Long Term Triple Net Lease (NNN) | 13 Years Remaining Ideally Located Along Strong Main St Retail Corridor with Excellent ZERO LANDLORD RESPONSIBILITIES Visibility From the TN-396 Hwy Exit MORE THAN 45,000 VEHICLES PER DAY (VPD) Hedge Against Inflation AMC FEATURES A SIGNIFICANT BASE RENT INCREASE IN 2024 Significant Capital Commitment to the Area NEARLY $1 BILLION IN PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMENCING Strong Local Demographics IN 2020 MORE THAN 56,400 RESIDENTS WITH AN AVG HOUSEHOLD INCOME MORE THAN $93,225 WITHIN 5 MILES Less Than Two Miles from the Under-Construction Kendron 102-ACRE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT FEATURING 457 RESIDENTIAL UNITS, High Growth Market 250-ROOM HOTEL, AND 160,000 SF OF RETAIL AND OFFICE SPACE RESIDENTIAL POPULATION INCREASE OF 58% SINCE 2010 WITHIN 5 MILES OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 2 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
AMC | SPRING HILL, TENNESSEE FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2068 CROSSINGS CIRCLE SPRING HILL, TN 37174 PRICE $13,080,110 CAP RATE 7.25% NOI $948,308 PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT $278.38 RENT PER SQUARE FOOT $20.18 YEAR BUILT 2015 APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE 8.16 Acres GROSS LEASEABLE AREA 46,987 SF TYPE OF OWNERSHIP Fee Simple AC T U AL P ROP E R T Y LEASE GUARANTOR American Multi-Cinema, Inc. (Corporate) ANNUALIZED OPERATING DATA LEASE TYPE Triple Net (NNN) BASE RENT ANNUAL RENT MONTHLY RENT ROOF AND STRUCTURE CURRENT 12/31/2023 $948,308 $79,026 Tenant Responsibility *Rent Increase on 1/1/2024 of Lesser of 5% or 1.25x 5 Year CPI. Every 5 Years 3 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
AMC | SPRING HILL, TENNESSEE LEASE SUMMARY LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE 1/1/2013 LEASE EXPIRATION DATE 12/31/2033 LEASE TERM 20 Years TERM REMAINING 13+ Years Every 5 Years. Lesser of 5% INCREASES or 1.25x 5 Year CPI 396 OPTIONS TO RENEW Four, 5- Year SATU RN PK WY SUBJECT PROPERTY 396 D LV S B NG SI OS CR 396 ACT UAL PROPERTY AC T U AL P ROP E R T Y 5 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
AMC | SPRING HILL, TENNESSEE TENANT OVERVIEW AMC Theatres is an American movie theatre chain headquartered in Leawood, Kansas. AMC OVERVIEW was founded in 1920 and has the largest share of the American theater market ahead of Regal Entertainment Group and Cinemark Theatres. AMC Theatres has grown to having TENANT TRADE NAME AMC more than 905 locations, serving more than 200 million guests each year with the best OWNERSHIP Public movie-going experience in the industry. After acquiring Odeon Cinemas, UCI Cinemas and Carmike Cinemas in 2016, AMC became the largest movie theater chain in the world. AMC LEASE GUARANTOR American Multi-Cinema, Inc (Corporate) has over 8,200 screens in 661 theatres in the United States and more than 2,200 screens NUMBER OF LOCATIONS 661+ in 244 theatres in Europe. The company has estimated annual revenues in excess of $5.08 HEADQUARTERED Leawood, KS billion and more than 39,800 employees, both part and full-time. WEB SITE https://www.amctheatres.com/ SALES VOLUME $5.5 Billion (2018) STOCK SYMBOL AMC BOARD NYSE ACTU AL PROPERTY AC T U AL P ROP E R T Y 6 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
AMC | SPRING HILL, TENNESSEE ABOUT SPRING HILL Spring Hill is a city in Maury and Williamson counties, Tennessee, located approximately 30 miles south of Nashville. Spring Hill’s population grew to 29,036 in 2010, an increase of 276% between 2000 and 2010. Additionally, the residential population grew more than 58% from since 2010 within 3 miles from the subject. Likewise, the city of Spring Hill is projected to grow by another 78% from 2010 to 2030. While growth presents great challenges for Spring Hill, it also generates new opportunities for economic expansion, community development, and quality of life improvements for current and future residents. Spring Hill has gone through rapid development and growth in recent years, causing General Motors to reopen their auto plant and begin hiring locally again, which will hire 1,000 new people. In Addition to this, companies such as Ryder, Goodwill, and Mars, Inc. have announced new facilities in the Spring Hill area. 6 31 31 6 45 , 00 0 VPD MAIN S T 396 KW Y RN P SATU CR OS SI NG S B LV 396 D SUBJECT PROPERTY 396 ACTU AL PROPE RTY 7 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
NASHVILLE NASHVILLE 31 MILES FROM SUBJECT AMC THEATRE 5-Mile 3-Mile 1-Mile 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2000 Population 577 3,807 16,689 2000 Households 251 1,412 5,810 2019 Average HH Income $58,229 $90,233 $93,234 2010 Population 733 10,838 41,138 2010 Households 328 3,782 14,356 2019 Median HH Income $49,400 $73,444 $79,102 2019 Population 2,195 17,194 56,476 2019 Households 947 6,173 19,932 2019 Per Capita Income $25,122 $32,396 $32,905 2024 Population 2,633 19,918 64,485 2024 Households 1,133 7,153 22,736
BROKE R HE REBY ADVI SES ALL PR O S PEC TIV E PU R CHA S ER S O F N ET L EA S ED P R O P E R T Y A S F O L L O WS : T he i n f o rm a ti o n c ontained in the following Mar ket i ng B r o chur e i s p r o p r i et ar y and s t r i ct l y co nf i d ent i a l . I t i s i n t e n de d t o be re v i e w e d on l y by t h e pa rt y r e c e i vi n g i t f ro m B r oker and should not be ma d e avai l ab l e t o any o t her p er s o n o r ent i t y w i t ho ut t he wri t t e n c on s e n t of Brok e r. T hi s M a rk e ti n g Brochur e has b een pr epar ed t o p r o vi d e s um m ar y, unver i f i ed i nf o r m at i o n t o p r o s p ect iv e pu rc h a s e rs , a n d t o e s t a bl i s h on l y a pre l i m i n a ry l e v e l o f i n te re st i n the subject pr oper ty . The inf o r m at i o n co nt ai ned her ei n i s no t a s ub s t i t ut e f o r a t h orou g h du e di l i g e n c e i n v e s t i g a t i on . Brok e r h a s n ot ma d e an y i n ve sti gation, and makes no w ar r anty o r r ep r es ent at i o n, w i t h r es p ect t o t he i nco m e o r ex p e n s e s for t h e s u bj e c t prope rt y , t h e fu t u re proj e c t e d f i na n c i al pe rf o rm ance of the p r oper ty , the s i z e and s q uar e f o o t age o f t he p r o p er t y and i m p r o veme n t s , t h e pre s e n c e or a bs e n c e of c on t a m i n a t i n g s ub sta n c e s, PCB’s or asb estos, the comp liance w i t h St at e and F ed er al r egul at i o ns , t he p hys i cal co nd it i on of t h e i m prov e m e n t s t h e re on , or t h e fi n a n c i a l c o ndi ti o n o r bu si ness p r ospects of any tenant , o r any t enant ’s p l ans o r i nt ent i o ns t o co nt i nue i t s oc c u pa n c y of t h e s u bj e c t prope rt y . T h e i n form a t i on c o nt a i n e d i n th i s Mar keting B r ochur e has b ee n o b t ai ned f r o m s o ur ces w e b el i eve t o b e r el i ab l e; ho we v e r, Brok e r h a s n ot v e ri fi e d, a n d w i l l n ot v e ri fy , a ny o f th e i n f o rm ation contained her ein, nor has B r o ker co nd uct ed any i nves t i gat i o n r egar d i ng t hes e m a t t e rs a n d m a k e s n o w a rra n t y or re pre s e n t a t i on w h a tso e ve r re ga rd ing the accur acy or comp letenes s o f t he i nf o r m at i o n p r o vi d ed . Al l p o t ent i al b uyer s m u s t t a k e a ppropri a t e m e a s u re s t o v e ri fy a l l of t h e i n f o r m ati o n se t f o r th her ein. N O N-E NDOR SE M E NT NOTICE B r o ke r i s n o t af f i l iated with, sp onsor ed b y , or end o r s ed b y any co m m er ci al t enant o r l es s ee i d ent i f ie d i n t h i s m a rk e t i n g pa c k a g e . T h e pre s e n c e of a n y c o r po ra ti o n ’s l o go or name is not intend ed to i nd i cat e o r i m p l y af f i l i at i o n w i t h, o r s p o ns o r s hi p o r e n dors e m e n t by , s a i d c orpora t i on of Brok e r, i t s a f f i l i a te s o r su bsi diar ies, or any agent, pr oduc t , s er vi ce, o r co m m er ci al l i s t i ng o f B r o ker , and i s s o l el y i n c l u de d for t h e pu rpos e of prov i di n g t e n a n t l e s s e e i n f o r m ati o n a bo u t this listing to pr ospectiv e cus t o m er s . A L L PR OPER T Y SH OWINGS A RE B Y A P P OINTMEN T ON LY . P LEASE C ON SULT Y OUR B ROK ER AG EN T F OR M OR E D E T A I L S .
C O N TA C T U S : PREET SABHARWAL LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON psabharwal@sabcap.com t. 646.809.8830 LICENSE #: 10401279699 (NY) R YA N M O R R I S LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON rmorris@sabcap.com t. 646.809.8844 B R YA N H U B E R LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON bhuber@sabcap.com t. 646.809.8845 BROKER OF RECORD Jeremy Just jeremy@blacktidedev.com t. 615.732.6273 Blacktide Real Estate Advisors, LLC LICENSE #:INDIVIDUAL 340151 (TN) LICENSE #: CORPORATE 263661 (TN) A C T U AL PROPE RTY
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