2023 College Textbook Collection Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc - w w w.BOLCHAZY.com

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2023 College Textbook Collection Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc - w w w.BOLCHAZY.com
    College Textbook Collection
    Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.

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2023 College Textbook Collection Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc - w w w.BOLCHAZY.com
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers is pleased to announce a brand-new Greek
                             textbook series! New Testament Greek: A Reading Course (p. 3) is an all-
                        encompassing introductory Greek program ideal for anyone interested in
                        mastering Koine Greek. In two levels, this series guides learners through the
                        essential grammar and vocabulary needed to read and comprehend the New
        Testament in its original language. Author Sally Teague has created an accessible approach
        to learning Greek, ideal for use in a variety of sett ings. The fi rst level of the series is now avail-
        able, and the second level will soon follow in Fall 2023.
           B-C offers a multitude of resources for studying New Testament Greek. The newly re-
        leased Reading the Gospel of St. John: A Beginning presents the Greek text of the gospel along-
        side invaluable notes and supports (p. 9). Two other titles in this series set forth the gospel
        of St. Mark and the gospel of St. Matt hew in the same well-annotated, beginner-friendly
        format. All three texts can be used alongside New Testament Greek: A Reading Course. They
        are also a logical next step for those who have fi nished any introductory course in Greek and
        wish to continue their studies.
           New Latin titles will appeal to different interests and levels! Lectiones Memorabiles Vol-
        ume V compiles a unique selection of Latin works, helpfully annotated for intermediate and
        advanced students (p. 6). Additions to the Explore Latin and Encounter Latin series provide
        immersive introductions to ancient Roman culture—entirely in comprehensible Latin (p.
        6). Finally, online interactive exercises available via the Lumina platform continue to receive
        updates and new features. Lumina is available for levels 1 and 2 of LNM (p. 5); as a stand-
        alone Latin course, Lumina: Artes Latinae (p. 11); and as an extensive set of supplementary
        activities to accompany Caesar and Vergil (p. 11).

                                         Ta bl e of Con t e n ts
        New and Forthcoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . .3
        Latin for the New Millennium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 4–5
        Beginning and Intermediate Latin . . . . . . . . . . . .             .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . .6
        Intermediate and Advanced Latin . . . . . . . . . . . . .            .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . .7
        BC Latin Readers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . .8
        Greek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . .9
        Wheelock’s Latin Ancillaries/Support and Reference .                 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . 10
        Lumina Online Interactive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . . 11

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New and Forthcoming
                                         A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Greek
New Testament Greek: A Reading Course is a clear, step-by-step approach to the fundamentals of biblical Greek. Concepts are presented in small,
manageable increments, followed by short exercises that promote mastery. In two levels, learners encounter all of the grammar that they need to
read the New Testament in its original language. Each level of the student text features a wealth of drills and readings. Such abundant practice al-
lows learners to proceed according to a pace appropriate for their goals and needs. Companion workbooks are available for those seeking further
opportunities to hone language skills.
                                          Level 1 is now available! Look for Level 2 in Fall 2023.
               A full overview of the program and samples can be found at www.bolchazy.com/NewTestamentGreek.aspx.

                                            New Testament Greek
                                            A Reading Course
                                            Level 1
                                            Sally Teague
                                            Student Textbook: xvii + 347 pp., 48 illustrations (2022) 7¾” x 10” Paperback
                                            ISBN 978-0-86516-865-7 • $49.00
                                            Teacher’s Manual: xiv + 328 pp. (2022) 7¾” x 10” Paperback
                                            ISBN 978-0-86516-868-8 • $35.00

                                            A Level 1 Workbook is also available.

                                            Firmly grounded in the Koine Greek of the Bible, this text reinforces vocabulary and grammar lessons
                                            with carefully selected unadapted readings. Upon completing Level 1, learners will have read excerpts
                                            from more than 100 verses from the Septuagint and more than 400 verses from the New Testament.
                                            An additional 44 verses are used to illustrate important concepts.

                                                            Well-placed illustrations and diagrams
      Regular tasks include word building                                                                                    Short practice activities immediately
                                                            enrich the text and help make the
      in both Greek and English.                                                                                             follow each grammar explanation.
                                                            material more accessible.

        Reminders encourage learners                                                                                Each chapter ends with a series of unadapted
        to routinely self-assess.                                                                                   biblical Greek selections.

                     See page 9 for more resources for studying New Testament Greek,
                     perfect for use alongside New Testament Greek: A Reading Course!

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Latin for the New Millennium

  by Milena Minkova and Terence Tunberg
                                                                   Designed for Today’s Student
  Latin for the New Millennium provides a fi rm foundation in Latin through its unique fusion approach to language learning. Th is comprehensive
  program combines the best practices of the reading method, traditional grammar instruction, and aural-oral techniques. Instructors and stu-
  dents who have come to love LNM appreciate the second edition, with its additional exercises that provide reinforcement and scaffolding as well
  as an enhanced emphasis on English derivatives. A bounty of extension and support materials accompanies the program, created with today’s
  college student in mind.
  For more LNM information, including a full list of substantive changes found in the second edition, see www.lnm.bolchazy.com.

                     Level 1—First Semester                                                                 Level 2—Second Semester
                           Latin for the New Millennium
                           L                                                                                       Latin for the New Millennium
                           Student Text, Level 1                                                                   Student Text, Level 2
                           Second Edition                                                                          Second Edition
                           Milena Minkova and Terence Tunberg
                           M                                                                                       Milena Minkova and Terence Tunberg
                           Student Textbook: xxxvi + 456 pp., 195 illustrations & 3 maps                           S
                                                                                                                   Student Textbook: xxix + 579 pp., 207 illustrations & 3 maps
                           (2017) 7¾” x 10” Hardbound                                                              (2017) 7¾” x 10” Hardbound
                           IISBN 978-0-86516-870-7 • $75.00                                                        IISBN 978-0-86516-811-4 • $75.00
                           Teacher’s Manual: xlix + 464 pp. (2017)                                                 Teacher’s Manual: xxx + 538 pp. (2017)
                           77¾” x 10” Spiral-bound                                                                 77¾” x 10” Spiral-bound
                            IISBN 978-0-86516-809-1 • $59.00                                                        IISBN 978-0-86516-813-8 • $59.00
                           A Level 1 Workbook is also available.                                                   A Level 2 Workbook is also available.

  LNM 1 introduces Roman literature from its beginnings to Ammia-                          LNM 2 presents the full Latin literary continuum as students read in
  nus and Boethius and the major Roman authors, affording students                         Latin from the major thinkers of Western thought. Students see how
  the literary and historical context for future studies. Richly illustrat-                the Latin of the Renaissance emulates that of the Romans. Unadapted
  ed, LNM 1 presents the archaeological sites and material culture of                      Latin readings from Nepos’s Life of Atticus keep students connected to
  the Romans.                                                                              Latin’s Golden Age.

                                                     Ease the Transition into Reading Courses
                           Latin for the New Millennium
                           L                                                                                    Latin 3
                           Student Text, Level 3                                                                SSelect Latin Enrichment Readings
                           Edited by Helena Dettmer                                                             Edited by Helena Dettmer and LeaAnn A. Osburn
                           aand LeaAnn A. Osburn                                                                x + 160 pp., 12 illustrations & 1 map (2013)
                                                                                                                66” x 9” Paperback
                           Student Textbook: xxxv + 623 pp., 72 illustrations & 4 maps
                                                                                                                 IISBN 978-0-86516-797-1 • $14.00
                           (2012) 7¾” x 10” Hardbound
                           IISBN 978-0-86516-760-5 • $75.00
                           Teacher’s Manual: lxxviii + 450 pp. (2013)
                           66” x 9” Spiral-bound,
                            IISBN 978-0-86516-761-2 • $49.00

  No matter what introductory text you use, LNM 3 is an exciting way                       Th is short reader (138 lines of prose, 288 lines of poetry) offers ex-
  to introduce your students to unadapted Latin and literary analysis.                     posure to Caesar, Catullus, Cicero, Horace, Ovid, and Vergil as well
  LNM 3 provides students an in-depth experience of Caesar, Catul-                         as the baroque-era poets Lieven De Meyere and Mathias Casimir Sar-
  lus, Cicero, Horace, Ovid, and Vergil as well as select writers from the                 biewski. Ample notes and vocabulary aids assist students reading these
  Renaissance. Its student-friendly features include grammar review                        unadapted Latin passages. Suitable for use with any grammar book!
  prompts, vocabulary aids, and an introduction to literary terms.

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L N M Su pport M at e r i a l s
                               Fully Interactive, Automatically Graded Online Exercises

                          Lumina for Latin for the New Millennium
                          Lumina for Latin for the New Millennium is an online interactive program offering numerous opportunities to prac-
                          tice and review. Guided Language Fact sections provide immediate feedback to facilitate students’ preview or review
                          of a chapter. Mouse-over vocabulary lists allow a new format for vocabulary mastery. Infi nitely replayable crossword
                          puzzles engage students in derivative work. Automatically graded quizzes free up student-teacher interaction time
                          for translation, oral/aural work, discussion, and other learning.
                                                              Available for $12.00 per student or at a favorable classroom price!
                                                                       Contact lumina@bolchazy.com to learn more.
                          For Students
                            • Review Language Facts and receive immediate feedback through a variety of exercises: drag-and-drop
                               matching, sorting tasks, multiple choice questions, and fi ll-in-the-blank sentences
                            • Listen to audio recordings of Latin readings
                            • Study and practice Latin vocabulary in new formats
                            • Make connections between Latin and English through derivative work
                            • Engage with LNM’s Latin readings and language topics in greater depth
                          For Instructors
                            • Quiz in various formats and select from multiple scoring sett ings
                            • Integrate scores using your school’s Learning Management Soft ware or export scores to Excel for
                               easy grading
                            • Receive new features as they are added

With Lumina for LNM, you’ll always fi nd something new! Recent updates include the addition of mythological and historical Latin stories
keyed to each review chapter in LNM, Level 1. Sets of comprehension questions accompany these seven readings and serve as an immedi-
ate check on student understanding.

                                                     Designed for the College Classroom
                    College Exercise Book
                    Milena Minkova
                    xiii + 241 pp. (2012) 6” x 9” Paperback
                    ISBN 978-0-86516-781-0 • $29.00

                    The College Exercise Book offers a wealth of exercises to aid students in and out of class. With many answers provided in
                    the back of the book, students can self-check their work and practice difficult concepts on their own time. Offering 7–9
                    exercises for every chapter of LNM 1 and 2, the College Exercise Book is a must-have resource for any student using LNM.

                    Features Exercises on
                      • producing forms and phrases                           • translating sentences/paragraphs into English
                      • translating phrases                                   • translating sentences/paragraphs into Latin
                      • defi ning/parsing forms                               • producing verbal synopses
                      • changing forms and phrases

                    Latin for the New Millennium, Levels 1, 2, and 3 are available as eBooks.
     See https://www.bolchazy.com/eBooks.aspx for more information about eBook features and platforms.
     For more LNM information • Series FAQs • Quia Questions • Free Webinars • “Why Post-Antique Latin?”
                                   Visit Latin for the New Millennium Online

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Beginning and Intermediate Latin
                  N E W: A n I n t e r m e di at e R e a de r w i t h Va r i et y
                                       Lectiones Memorabiles                             The latest volume in the Lectiones Memorabiles series provides the
                                       Volume V                                          perfect survey of a wide variety of authentic Latin. Same- and facing-
                                                                                         page notes present historical background, cultural context, and gram-
                                       Selections Selections from                        matical assistance. Introductions to each author and selection orient
                                       Aulus Gellius, Eutropius,                         students to significant themes and events. Further features include
                                       Horace, Lucretius, Ovid,                          appendices on meter and literary terms and a historical timeline.
                                       Pliny the Younger, Seneca,
                                       and Tibullus                                      Unadapted selections offer extensive reading in both prose and po-
                                       Marianthe Colakis                                 etry: Seneca, De Clementia 1.8–9; Pliny the Younger, Letters 7.20,
                                       xiv + 255 pp., 18 illustrations & 3 maps (2022)   9.3, 9.23, 9.36; Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae 5.14; Eutropius, Brevia-
                                       6” x 9” Paperback
                                       ISBN 978-0-86516-882-4 • $34.00
                                                                                         rium Historiae Romanae 7.14–20; Horace, Odes 2.3, 2.10, 2.15, 2.18,
                                                                                         2.20; Ovid, Heroides 7.1–124; Lucretius, De rerum natura 5.564–704;
                                                                                         Tibullus, Elegies 2.1, 2.2.

                         Lectiones Memorabiles Volumes I–IV offer a unique spin on Latin-language anthologies intended
                                      for intermediate and advanced students. Visit our website for details.

                                                     Begi n n i ng L at i n R e a de r s
                                                                A Tiered Approach to Roman Culture
  Explore and encounter Latin like never before! These tiered Latin readers use limited, high-frequency vocabulary and copious images to support
  comprehension. Explore Latin titles provide immersive introductions to the ancient world, using one hundred unique Latin words or fewer. Top-
  ics introduced in the Explore Latin series are further developed by the lively illustrated stories presented in Encounter Latin novellas. Each Explore
  Latin reader also establishes a core vocabulary that significantly overlaps with the words and phrases used in its corresponding novellas, which in
  turn build on a shared vocabulary across four levels.

                   Explore Latin                                                                         Explore Latin
                   Aves                                                                                  Ludi Scaenici
                   Emma Vanderpool                                                                       Christopher Bungard
                   vii + 72 pp., 47 illustrations (2020) 6” x 9” Paperback                               viii + 80 pp., 50 illustrations (2021) 6” x 9” Paperback
                   ISBN 978-0-86516-874-9 • $21.00                                                       ISBN 978-0-86516-879-4 • $21.00

                   Augury Is for the Birds                                                               We’re Going to the Show
                   Marcus de Avibus Discit                                                               Adimus ad Ludos
                   Emma Vanderpool                                                                       Christopher Bungard
                   Introduction by Robert Patrick                                                        Introduction by Robert Patrick
                   Illustrations by Lydia Koller                                                         Illustrations by Rae Faba
                   xxii + 57 pp., 16 illustrations (2020) 6” x 9” Paperback                              xxi + 56 pp., 9 illustrations (2022) 6” x 9” Paperback
                   ISBN 978-0-86516-875-6 • $15.00                                                       ISBN 978-0-86516-880-0 • $15.00

                   Under His Father’s Wing                                                               Princess, Priestess, Mother, Wolf
                   Marcus de Auguribus Discit                                                            Fabula de Romulo et Remo
                   Emma Vanderpool                                                                       Emma Vanderpool
                   Introduction by Robert Patrick                                                        Introduction by Robert Patrick
                   Illustrations by Lucrezia Diana                                                       Illustrations by Lucrezia Diana
                   xxii + 64 pp., 12 illustrations (2021) 6” x 9” Paperback                              (forthcoming, 2023) 6” x 9” Paperback
                   ISBN 978-0-86516-876-3 • $15.00                                                       ISBN 978-0-86516-877-0 • $15.00

6 • Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, Inc.
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Intermediate and Advanced Latin
                                                              B - C Favor i t e s
These B-C favorites provide ample background information and accessible vocabulary and grammar notes—perfect for introducing students
to Roman authors.

                 Caesar                                                 Horace                                  Ovid
                 Selections from his                                    Selected Odes and                       Amores,
                 Commentarii De                                         Satire 1.9                              Metamorphoses
                 Bello Gallico                                          2nd Edition Revised                     Selections, 3rd Edition
                 Hans-Friedrich Mueller                                 Ronnie Ancona                           Phyllis B. Katz and
                 Student Text: xli + 372 pp.,                           Student Text: xxxix + 171 pp., 4 maps   Charbra Adams Jestin
                 19 illustrations & 2 maps (2012) 6” x 9”               (2014, 2nd edition revised)
                                                                                                                Student Text: xxx + 212 pp., 6 maps
                 Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-752-0                      6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                                                                (2013) 6” x 9” Paperback
                 • $45.00                                               ISBN 978-0-86516-608-0 • $29.00
                                                                                                                ISBN 978-0-86516-784-1 • $29.00
                 Hardbound, ISBN 978-0-86516-778-0                      Teacher’s Guide: xiii + 95 pp. (2014)
                                                                                                                Teacher’s Guide: xi + 124 pp.
                 • $55.00                                               6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                                                                (2013) 6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                        ISBN 978-0-86516-612-7 • $29.00
                 Teacher’s Guide: viii + 283 pp.                                                                ISBN 978-0-86516-785-8 • $20.00
                 (2012) 6” x 9” Paperback
                 ISBN 978-0-86516-754-4                                 Writing Passion                         Cicero
                 • $24.00
                                                                        A Catullus Reader                       Pro Archia Poeta
                 Vergil’s Aeneid                                        2nd Edition                             Oratio, 3rd Edition
                                                                        Ronnie Ancona                           Steven M. Cerutti
                 Selected Readings from                                 Student Text: xl + 264 pp.,
                 Books 1, 2, 4, and 6                                   2 illustrations & 4 maps (2013)
                                                                                                                Teacher’s Guide by
                 Barbara Weiden Boyd                                    6” x 9” Paperback                       Linda A. Fabrizio
                                                                        ISBN 978-0-86516-786-5 • $29.00         Student Text: xxxi + 157 pp. (2014)
                 Student Text: xxxiv + 164 pp.,
                 7 illustrations & 1 map (2012) 6” x 9”                 Teacher’s Guide: xi + 138 pp. (2014)    6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                        6” x 9” Paperback                       ISBN 978-0-86516-805-3 • $29.00
                 Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-764-3                      ISBN 978-0-86516-787-2 • $20.00
                 • $45.00                                                                                       Teacher’s Guide: xii + 152 pp. (2014)
                                                                                                                6” x 9” Paperback
                 Hardbound, ISBN 978-0-86516-765-0
                 • $55.00                                               Cicero                                  ISBN 978-0-86516-806-0 • $20.00

                 Teacher’s Guide: vi + 93 pp.                           Pro Caelio                              Cicero
                 (2012) 6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                        3rd Edition
                 ISBN 978-0-86516-766-7
                 • $24.00                                               Stephen Ciraolo                         De Amicitia
                                                                        xxxi + 239 pp. (2010)
                                                                        6” x 9” Paperback                       Patsy Rodden Ricks
                                                                        ISBN 978-0-86516-559-5 • $46.00         and Sheila K. Dickison
                                                                                                                x + 73 pp., 9 illustrations (2006)
                                                                                                                6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                                                                ISBN 978-0-86516-639-4 • $20.00

                                                                L at e r L at i n
                 The Latin of Science                                   The Other                               The Vulgate of Mark
                 Marcelo Epstein and Ruth                               Middle Ages                             with the Synoptic
                 Spivak                                                 A Medieval Latin                        Parallels
                 xxxi + 395 pp. (2019) 6” x 9” Paperback
                 ISBN: 978-0-86516-860-2 • $29.00                       Reader                                  Dale A. Grote
                                                                        Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr.                xxii + 442 pp., 1 map (2016)
                                                                                                                6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                        Student Text: xxxvii + 357 pp.,
                                                                                                                ISBN 978-0-86515-835-0 • $29.00
                                                                        26 illustrations (2016)
                                                                        6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                        ISBN 978-0-86516-837-4 • $29.00
Th is unique text provides a fi rsthand experi-
ence of what was for centuries the universal
                                                                        Teacher’s Guide: xi + 180 pp. (2016)
                                                                        6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                                                                Medieval Mosaic
language of science—Latin. A historical sur-                            ISBN 978-0-86516-839-8 • $20.00         Second Edition
vey sets the context for Latin selections from                                                                  A Book of Medieval
seventeen authors. A brief essay introduces                                                                     Latin Readings
each author while vocabulary, syntax, and                    Follow us on Facebook and Twitter                  A. W. Godfrey, ed.
contextual notes facilitate reading the Latin                   and subscribe to eLitterae for                  xxi + 362 pp., 41 illustrations (2016)
                                                                                                                6” x 9” Paperback
passages. Images present the Latin selections               announcements, interviews, teaching                 ISBN 978-0-86516-841-1 • $39.00
as their original readers would have experi-                   tips, sales, contests, and more.
enced them.
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BC Latin Readers
                                                                                           These readers, written by experts in the field, provide well-annotated
                                                                                           Latin selections to be used as authoritative introductions to Latin
                                                                                           authors, genres, or topics for intermediate/advanced college Latin
                                                                                           students. They each contain approximately 600 lines of Latin, mak-
                      Series Editor: Ronnie Ancona,                                        ing them ideal to use in combination or as a “shake-it-up” addition to
                        Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center                            a time-tested syllabus.

                                                        A Lucan Reader                                              A Roman Women Reader
                                                        Selections from Civil War                                   Selections from the Second Century
                                                        Susanna Braund                                              bce through the Second Century ce
                                                        xxxiv + 134 pp., 1 map (2009) 5” x 7¾” Paperback            Sheila K. Dickison and Judith P. Hallett
                                                        ISBN 978-0-86516-661-5 • $19.00
                                                                                                                    xxii + 225 pp., 3 illustrations (2015)
                                                                                                                    5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-662-2 • $19.00

                                                        A Martial Reader                                            A Sallust Reader
                                                        Selections from the Epigrams
                                                        Craig Williams
                                                                                                                    Selections from Bellum Catilinae,
                                                        xxx + 185 pp., 5 illustrations & 2 maps (2011)
                                                                                                                    Bellum Iugurthinum,
                                                        5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-704-9 • $19.00         and Historiae
                                                                                                                    Victoria E. Pagán
                                                                                                                    xliv + 159 pp., 4 illustrations & 2 maps (2009)
                                                        An Ovid Reader                                              5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-687-5 • $19.00
                                                        Selections from Seven Works
  An Apuleius Reader                                    Carole E. Newlands                                          A Seneca Reader
  Selections from the                                   xxvi + 196 pp., 5 illustrations (2014) 5” x 7¾” Paperback
                                                        ISBN 978-0-86516-722-3 • $19.00
                                                                                                                    Selections from Prose and Tragedy
  Metamorphoses                                                                                                     James Ker
  Ellen D. Finkelpearl                                                                                              lvi + 166 pp., 6 illustrations & 1 map (2011)
  xxxviii + 160 pp., 4 illustrations & 1 map (2012)     A Plautus Reader                                            5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-758-2 • $19.00
  5” x 7¾” Paperback
  ISBN 978-0-86516-714-8 • $19.00                       Selections from Eleven Plays
                                                        John Henderson                                              A Suetonius Reader
                                                        xviii + 182 pp., 5 illustrations & 1 map (2009)             Selections from the Lives of the
  A Caesar Reader                                       5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-694-3 • $19.00
                                                                                                                    Caesars and the Life of Horace
  Selections from Bellum Gallicum                                                                                   Josiah Osgood
  and Bellum Civile, and from                           A Propertius Reader                                         xxxix + 159 pp., 7 illustrations & 1 map (2011)
  Caesar’s Letters, Speeches, and Poetry                                                                            5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-716-2 • $19.00
                                                        Eleven Selected Elegies
  W. Jeffrey Tatum                                      P. Lowell Bowditch
  xl + 206 pp., 3 illustrations & 3 maps (2012)
                                                        xliv + 186 pp., 5 illustrations & 2 maps (2014)
                                                                                                                    A Tacitus Reader
  5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-696-7 • $19.00
                                                        5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-723-0 • $19.00         Selections from Annales,
                                                                                                                    Historiae, Germania,
  A Cicero Reader                                       A Roman Army Reader                                         Agricola, and Dialogus
  Selections from Five Essays and                                                                                   Steven H. Rutledge
                                                        Twenty-One Selections from
  Four Speeches, with Five Letters                      Literary, Epigraphic, and Other
                                                                                                                    xlvii + 198 pp., 5 illustrations, 2 maps, & 3 charts (2014)
                                                                                                                    5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-697-4 • $19.00
  James M. May                                          Documents
  xxxviii + 136 pp., 1 illustration & 2 maps (2012)
  5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-713-1 • $19.00   Dexter Hoyos                                                A Terence Reader
                                                        xlviii + 214 pp., 7 illustrations & 2 maps (2013)
                                                        5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-715-5 • $19.00         Selections from Six Plays
  A Latin Epic Reader                                                                                               William S. Anderson
                                                                                                                    xvii + 110 pp. (2009) 5” x 7¾” Paperback
  Selections from Ten Epics                             A Roman Verse Satire Reader                                 ISBN 978-0-86516-678-3 • $19.00
  Alison Keith                                          Selections from Lucilius, Horace,
  xxvii + 187 pp., 3 maps (2012) 5” x 7¾” Paperback
  ISBN 978-0-86516-686-8 • $19.00                       Persius, and Juvenal                                        A Tibullus Reader
                                                        Catherine C. Keane                                          Seven Selected Elegies
                                                        xxvi + 142 pp., 4 illustrations & 1 map (2010)              Paul Allen Miller
  A Livy Reader                                         5” x 7¾” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-685-1 • $19.00         xx + 132 pp., 2 illustrations (2013) 5” x 7¾” Paperback
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  Mary Jaeger
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                                                      Biblical Greek Made Accessible to All
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                                       Reading the Gospel of St. John in Greek                                                              St. Mark in Greek
                                       A Beginning                                                                                          A Beginning
                                                                                                                                            Norbert H. O. Duckwitz
                                       Norbert H. O. Duckwitz
                                                                                                                                            xxi + 333 pp. (2011)
                                       xxii + 268 pp. (2022) 6” x 9” Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-866-4 • $24.00                             6” x 9” Paperback
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                                       Reading the Gospel of St. John in Greek: A Beginning,
                                       originally published by Caratzas (2002), empowers stu-
                                       dents at all levels to read and appreciate the gospel of                         Reading the Gospel of St. Mark in Greek: A Begin-
                                       St. John and biblical Greek as a whole. The combination                          ning is an excellent resource for both the inexpe-
                                       of text, vocabulary, and grammatical notes on one page                           rienced and the experienced reader of Greek. The
                                       enhances the reading experience for both practiced and                           book presents the entire gospel of St. Mark with
                                       beginning readers of Greek. Readers with training in                             running vocabulary and notes—the same acces-
                                       classical, Homeric, or biblical Greek will fi nd that the                        sible format used by Norbert H. O Duckwitz in
                                       format enables rapid reading, comprehension, and re-                             his two other annotated editions of the gospels.
                                       tention. Readers with litt le to no Greek language train-
                                       ing will be able to work directly with text from the New                                             Reading the Gospel of
                                       Testament, in conjunction with the introduction and
                                       appendix, in order to develop proficiency with biblical
                                                                                                                                            St. Matthew in Greek
                                       grammar, vocabulary, and idiom.                                                                      A Beginning
                                                                                                                                            Norbert H. O. Duckwitz
                                                                                                                                            xxii + 469 pp. (2013)
                                                                                                                                            6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                                                                                            ISBN 978-0-86516-817-6 • $24.00
  New Testament Greek: A Reading Course uses a well-scaffolded
  approach to biblical Greek. In two levels, students develop a strong
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  Greek of the Bible. Th is textbook series is perfect for use alongside                                                readers to appreciate the full text of the gospel of
  (or as a precursor to) Norbert H. O. Duckwitz’s beginner-friendly                                                     St. Matt hew. As in the other two titles in this se-
                                                                                                                        ries, numerous features offer further support, in-
  annotated editions of the gospels. See page 3 for more details on this                                                cluding the introduction’s summary description
  introductory course.                                                                                                  of the Greek alphabet, pronunciation, accents,
                                                                                                                        and grammar.

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                       includes Greek to English and English to Greek exercises that drill Greek grammar and vocabulary as well as readings from
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Wheelock’s Latin Ancillaries
                  38 Latin Stories                                                              A Comprehensive Guide to
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                  Student Text: vi + 104 pp.
                  (5th edition, 1995) 6” x 9” Paperback                                         2nd Edition
                  ISBN 978-0-86516-289-1 • $19.00                                               Dale A. Grote
                  Teacher’s Guide: v + 23 pp.                                                   Updated to coordinate with Wheelock, 7th Edition
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                  ISBN 978-0-86516-591-5 • $9.00                                                ISBN 978-0-86516-773-5 • $29.00

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                  Richard Upsher Smith, Jr.                                                        2nd Edition
                  Student Text: xxiii + 336 pp., 8 illustrations (2014)                            Richard A. LaFleur and Brad Tillery
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                  ISBN 978-0-86516-798-8 • $25.00
                                                                                                   (2011) 8½” x 11” Paperback
                  Teacher’s Guide: xxiv + 179 pp. (2016) 6” x 9” Paperback
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   volume beginning Latin textbook and now includes expanded comments on vocabulary and translation tips • new Latin readings, including Roman
   graffiti, in every chapter • additional notes on reading passages • new comprehension and discussion questions • new photographs and drawings. Also
   available: Workbook for Wheelock’s Latin and the intermediate textbook Wheelock’s Latin Reader. Harper Collins Publishers, New York, NY.

                                                             Support and Reference
  From classic grammars and composition texts to innovative living Latin resources, Bolchazy-Carducci offers a wealth of supports to help students
  as they review, consolidate, and expand their knowledge of Latin.

                  New Latin Grammar                                                             A Glossary of Terms in Grammar,
                  Charles E. Bennett                                                            Rhetoric, and Prosody for
                  xvi + 287 pp. (reprint 1995) 5¼” x 8¼” Paperback
                  ISBN 978-0-86516-261-7 • $19.00                                               Readers of Greek and Latin
                                                                                                A Vade Mecum
                                                                                                Richard Upsher Smith, Jr.
                                                                                                xii + 140 pp. (2011) 6” x 9” Paperback
                                                                                                ISBN 978-0-86516-759-9 • $19.00

                  A New Latin Syntax                                                            Introduction to
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                                                                                                Milena Minkova
                                                                                                xiii + 161 pp. (reprint 2009) 6” x 9” Paperback
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                  Composition                                                                   4th Edition
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                  425 pp. (2005) 6” x 9”                                                        256 pp. (2007) 6” x 9”
                  Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-595-3 • $43.00                                    Paperback, ISBN 978-0-86516-622-6 • $46.00
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Lumina Online Interactive
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                  Lumina: Artes Latinae
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                  the tools necessary to achieve a fi rm grasp of the language. Now, the self-teaching Latin course is available as a
                  fully interactive online program, Lumina: Artes Latinae. Receive immediate feedback while progressing through
                  the audio- and image-enhanced frames—anytime, anywhere, on your internet-enabled device. Th is course is a
                  great option for college-level summer study or course scheduling confl icts.
                  Each level of Lumina: Artes Latinae is equal to a semester of college Latin study. Students who have fi nished Lev-
                  els 1 and 2 are ready for reading courses.
                  Features • Learn Latin in a Moodle Classroom • Access all Artes Latinae resources online • Receive immediate
                  feedback within a programmed learning framework • Track progress via a linked gradebook

                         Interactive Guided Practice for Caesar and Vergil
                  Lumina: Caesar and Vergil Selections
                  With numerous opportunities for practice and reinforcement, these digital activities are the perfect complement
                  to Caesar: Selections from his Commentarii de Bello Gallico and Vergil’s Aeneid: Selected Readings from Books 1, 2,
                  4, and 6 (p. 7). Hundreds of automatically-graded multiple choice questions promote close reading and provide
                  students with immediate feedback. Copious free response questions ensure that students develop the skills to
                  thoroughly analyze Latin passages for grammar, style, and historical context. Practice exams, flashcards, and
                  supplementary activities allow for further review and assessment.

             For online guided activities to accompany LNM, Levels 1 and 2, see page 5.

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