2022 RAMADAN PRAYER FOCUS - for our Canadian Muslim neighbours - Loving Muslims Together
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2022 RAMADAN PRAYER FOCUS for our Canadian Muslim neighbours www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca For information or questions please email info@lmtn.ca
10/10 PRAYER INITIATIVE At a global consultation in late 2017, a resolution was agreed to pray and fast for 10 years, from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2027, that 10% of the Muslim world would be saved. We are now SATURDAY APRIL 2 halfway in this prayer focus. Since there are over 1.9 million Muslims living in Canada, that would be about 190,000-200,000 new believers. Let’s pray as one with our global family for a global harvest. May the harvest reach its fullness here in Canada, including in your neighborhood. MOVEMENTS Around the world, movements of Muslims are collectively choosing to follow Jesus Christ in large SUNDAY APRIL 3 numbers. Now is an unprecedented season of harvest in the Muslim world. Pray that many Canadian Muslims, connected to these movements through family and friends, would become part of this global harvest. Pray also for such movements to begin here and spread to other parts of the globe. Islam rests upon five “pillars”. Let’s pray for our Muslim neighbours as they practice these PILLARS. PILLAR 1 – SHAHADA (PROFESSION OF FAITH) “There is no god but Allah” and “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” are the two halves of the Shahada, or profession of faith, which is uttered five times every day during prayer. It is the first MONDAY APRIL 4 thing said to a newborn and the last to a dying person. Uttering this statement with the intent to convert is all that is required to become a Muslim. Pray your Muslim neighbours would come to realize “there is one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5) and worship Him as the Living Word of God. PILLAR 2 – SALAT (PRAYER) Five times daily—dawn, noon, afternoon, evening and night—Muslims are called to pray. After washing hands, face and feet, they repeat the ritual of prayer, which includes prostrating TUESDAY APRIL 5 themselves towards Mecca, affirming that Allah is merciful and compassionate, asking for guidance, and reciting the first chapter of the Quran. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict Muslims of their sin and to reveal Jesus Christ as God’s merciful answer to their need for a Saviour. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide them toward accepting His gracious gift of suffering on the cross in their place. PILLAR 3 – ZAKAT (ALMSGIVING) Muslims are instructed to give 2.5% of their income to support their local mosque or to care for the WEDNESDAY APRIL 6 poor and needy. They believe this act of giving purifies the rest of the giver’s wealth. Pray that your Muslim neighbours would be confronted with the generosity of God, who did not withhold giving his only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the debt of our sin. Pray they would experience the joy of giving because of His generosity to us. PILLAR 4 – SAWM (FASTING) The month of fasting, Ramadan, is marked by the prohibition from dawn to dusk of food, drink, sexual intercourse, and smoking. Muslims strive for spiritual renewal by seeking God’s forgiveness, acknowledging their dependence on him, thanking him, and increasing their generosity to the THURSDAY APRIL 7 needy. During Ramadan, Muslims exert greater effort to follow Islamic teachings, refraining from anger, envy, greed, lust, gossip, etc. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to your Muslim neighbours that their good works will never be enough to satisfy God’s righteousness. Pray for true spiritual renewal that is based on them believing in the efficacy of Jesus’ shed blood. www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca
PILLAR 5 – HAJJ (PILGRIMAGE) A pilgrimage to Mecca during the 12th month of the lunar calendar is prescribed for all adult Muslims— who are healthy enough and can afford it—once in their lifetime. Pilgrims wear a simple white cloth and complete a series of rituals, including walking seven times around the Kaaba, APRIL 8 FRIDAY touching the Black Stone, travelling seven times between two mountains, and symbolically stoning the Devil. Those who participate in the Hajj hope to be enlightened. Pray for true enlightenment for your Muslim neighbors. “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6). COMMUNITY “Ummah” is the Arabic word for community. It describes the powerful, unifying pull of the Islamic community to conform and remain within the boundaries of Islam. Any Muslim who is considering the call to follow Jesus must wrestle with the cost of leaving the Ummah. The loss of family, friends, SATURDAY APRIL 9 community and identity are powerful forces working against any potential decision for Christ. Pray for Muslim neighbours who are counting the cost of following Jesus. Ask God to send angels to minister to them (Hebrews 1:14). Pray they would embrace Jesus’ promise of “a hundred times as much and…eternal life” to replace what they are prepared to ive up (Matthew 19:29). Pray that as they make the decision to follow Jesus Christ, those they love would follow them. MEN In Islam, men are invested with authority. Their role is to protect and provide. They bring and restore honor to the family through their public reputation and through handling any threats to the APRIL10 SUNDAY family name. Pray for Muslim men to humble themselves before the Most High God, giving Him all the honor and glory as they come into right relationship with Him through Jesus’ work on the cross. Pray they would be loving, respectful and gentle in their interactions with their wives and children. WOMEN Experiences of Muslim women vary significantly depending on a wide range of religious, cultural and social factors. Women are under the authority of their father, brother or husband. They are MONDAY APRIL 11 responsible for preserving the honor of the family and home and for raising the children. Many are burdened with shame. Pray for Muslim women to find shelter, comfort and value in Jesus Christ. Pray they would be able to flourish and develop their God-given potential. Pray they would be loving, respectful and gentle in their interactions with their husbands and children. MARRIAGES Transitioning from Eastern to Western contexts puts tremendous strain on Muslim marriages. In Canada, women have greater rights and options to exercise them, and men are held accountable to laws and standards unfamiliar to them. Already stretched by external stresses, spouses find the APRIL 12 TUESDAY internal adjustments even more challenging. Many marriages do not survive, leaving women and children vulnerable. Pray for Muslim marriages that are stressed and troubled to find healthy supports and counsel within the Christian community. Pray for Christian marriage counsellors and neighbours to walk alongside and point to the only true Mediator and Peacemaker. www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca
CHILDREN Children in Canadian Muslim families navigate living in two cultures—one in their home and mosque community and the other in their schools and neighbourhoods. Many of those children WEDNESDAY have experienced significant transitions. Those who came to Canada as refugees and immigrants APRIL 13 may have experienced trauma. Studies have shown that many adult followers of Jesus made that decision between the ages of 4-14 years. Pray Muslim children will have the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ and make a decision to follow him from their earliest youth. Pray that Christian classmates would lovingly share their faith while being living testimonies of God’s goodness and grace. YOUTH Teenagers and young adults are faced with a complexity of decisions, opportunities and growing independence compounded by normal developmental and hormonal turbulence. Muslim youth THURSDAY APRIL 14 often are torn between the expectations of their families and religious communities and the freedoms that Canadian culture seems to offer. Pray that in the turbulence of these teen years, Muslim youth would find Christian friends and community. Pray for Christian teens to boldly and lovingly share their lives with Muslim teens. FAMILIES We often think of family as consisting of parents and children. Muslim families extend to aunts, uncles, cousins and beyond. When God sent Peter to speak to God-fearing Cornelius, the Holy Spirit APRIL 15 FRIDAY fell upon the whole household, and they all believed! (Acts 10:1-11:18) Pray that whole families and clans would hear and believe together so that they could be discipled into obedience to Christ without having to abandon the natural relationships that are so significant to them. BELIEVERS FROM MUSLIM BACKGROUND New believers from Islam often struggle with being excluded from the social life of the Islamic community during Ramadan. They can feel pressure to join in the celebrations and then find SATURDAY APRIL 16 themselves being drawn back into Islam. Pray their Christian friends and churches would love them intentionally and well during this time. Pray the evidence of transformation in their lives, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, would satisfy them and lead them to pray for more Muslims to experience adoption into God’s family. FACTORS important to the journey of Muslims who chose to follow Jesus Christ after coming here. * *Fruitful Practices Research North American Muslim Diaspora: A Mixed Methods Study (2017) Rick Kronk, Gene Daniels, Mark Chapman & James Watson FACTOR 1 - AN EXPERIENCE WITH A LOCAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH The local church is very significant in the journey of Muslims to faith in Jesus Christ. However, many APRIL 17 local churches are unprepared to provide a hospitable welcome. SUNDAY Pray that local churches would evaluate their ability to welcome into their midst Muslims who are curious about Jesus Christ or open to relationships with Christians. Pray that your church would be willing to make helpful changes and be ready to welcome Muslims. FACTOR 2 - A CHRISTIAN FRIEND Muslims seeking answers to their questions as they seriously consider Christ’s claims need to journey with faith-filled, trustworthy Christian friends as they learn about and experience the truth MONDAY APRIL 18 of the Gospel. Pray for Christians to make room in their hearts and lives for Muslim friends. Pray Christians would courageously share the hope they have in following Jesus Christ. Ask God to bring a seeking Muslim into your life. www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca
FACTOR 3 – THE BIBLE IN HEART LANGUAGE Most Muslims grew up speaking a language other than English. Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Scripture must be APRIL 19 TUESDAY understood in order to “penetrate to the soul and spirit”. What languages does your church offer Bibles in? Pray that every Muslim in Canada would have access to God’s Word in the language they hear in their heart. Pray for your church to make Scripture available in the heart languages of your neighbours. FACTOR 4 - TIME TO CONSIDER THE CLAIMS OF CHRIST Years. That’s how long many Muslims take to distance themselves from the teachings of Islam, to WEDNESDAY wrestle with the teachings of Christ and to consider the cost of potentially losing their family and APRIL 20 community if they choose to follow Jesus. Pray for the wind of the Holy Spirit to blow, accelerating the process for Muslims who are wrestling with these decisions. Pray Christians would demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit as they journey with their Muslim friends throughout this process. FACTOR 5 – IN A SITUATION TO EXPLORE NEW IDEAS Muslims in Canada find themselves, perhaps for the first time, in a situation where they can explore new ideas and question assumptions upon which they have founded their lives. THURSDAY APRIL 21 Pray many Muslims would be curious and courageous as they explore new ideas, including who Jesus Christ really is. Pray for opportunities for exploration that are safe—emotionally, socially and physically. Pray you could be a safe person for your Muslim neighbours and for opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations with them. FACTOR 6 – MULTIPLE FACTORS INVOLVED Each journey to Christ is unique and includes a combination of factors in the individual’s situation, APRIL 22 FRIDAY family and experiences that play a role in the decision to leave Islam to follow Jesus. Thank the Holy Spirit for working in every situation to uniquely choreograph the journey! Ask Him to draw your Muslim friends forward on their journey to Jesus Christ. FACTOR 7 – A SUPRA-RATIONAL EXPERIENCE Muslims are convinced they have the truth and know the right path. Even after a long journey of discovery, it is extremely difficult to make the decision to leave Islam to follow Jesus. It usually requires some unusual experience—a dream, a vision, an answered prayer—that demonstrates the SATURDAY APRIL 23 power and truth found in Jesus alone. Pray for extraordinary evidence of the truth of the Gospel. Pray for dreams, visions, answered prayers and other encounters that tip the scales in favor of following Jesus Christ. Expect that as you pray for your Muslim friends in Jesus’ name, they will have specific, game-changing, supernatural encounters as a result. www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca
REFUGEES Many refugees are Muslims—the latest wave arriving from Afghanistan. They’ve been displaced because of calamities and wars far beyond their control and ripped from community, country, family APRIL 24 SUNDAY and home to start over in a strange land with many unfamiliar customs. “…I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me…” (Matthew 25:35-36a) Pray Christians would see Christ in these vulnerable ones. Pray that Muslim refugees would see and be drawn to Christ through the love of those who help them. EMPLOYMENT Many refugees come to Canada with excellent education and skills but with unrecognized credentials. The familiar mechanisms for advancement are not available to them. Others arrive with MONDAY APRIL 25 no transferable skills relevant to the Canadian economy. Financial stability is core to family stability. Pray for opportunities for retraining and employment. Pray for Christian employers to be quick to offer jobs to Muslims and to help them transition to the Canadian system. Pray that Christian employers would demonstrate the values of the Kingdom of God in their work environment. FOLK ISLAM The core teachings of Islam do not provide answers to the challenges of daily life or the power to overcome them. A complex array of rituals and activities have arisen in response. Amulets, curses, APRIL 26 TUESDAY mediums and shamans are employed against sickness, infertility and other problems. When relationships go sour, fear of retaliation through sorcery can destroy enjoyment of life. Pray for your Muslim neighbours to be set free from fear and bondage and enter into the freedom that only Jesus can give. Pray that Christians would be bold and expectant in praying for their Muslim friends who are facing such challenges. MUSLIM INFLUENCERS Today's media is salted with Muslim millennials (age 26-41) and Gen Zs (age 10-25) very skilled in WEDNESDAY APRIL 27 telling their own stories. They regularly protest: "Islam is not a monolith". They don't want to be seen the way Muslims were stereotyped in the wake of 911. They want to be seen for who they are. Pray that Christians will see Muslims for who they are. Pray that Christians will recognize and repent of stereotypes and unhelpful filters and instead choose to see with the eyes of Jesus. LAYLAT AL-QADR (NIGHT OF POWER) Muslims believe the first verses of the Quran were revealed to Muhammed on this night and that it is the only night when sins can be forgiven, and prayers answered. They pray for mercy, THURSDAY APRIL 28 forgiveness, and salvation. Some stay awake, praying all night. Pray that, on this night, Muslims would have a supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ, the only one who can forgive sin and save them. Ask God to follow up this experience with encounters with Christians who can tell them the Good News. POST-SECONDARY STUDENTS University is an opportunity for Muslim students to grow, learn and experience new environments and to explore new ideas. Many Muslim students come to Canada from other nations for advanced APRIL 29 FRIDAY education. Very few are ever invited into a Canadian home. Pray that every Muslim university student in Canada would have a Christian friend and experience Christian hospitality. Pray that many Christians would open their homes and hearts to Muslim students and freely share their faith. www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca
EDUCATION Learning, questioning, and debating threaten the unity and stability of the Muslim community. Some Muslims who choose to explore freely may find themselves at odds with their leaders; some SATURDAY APRIL 30 choose to reject much of what they have been taught about core Islamic values and beliefs; still others filter out information that contradicts their worldview. Pray that Muslims of all ages would develop a curiosity and boldness to learn, to doubt, to question and to discover what is true and real. Pray their questions lead them to the one who claims to be “the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life.” (John 14:6) APPEARANCES Islam places a high value on success and the right guidance to achieve it. The daily prayer call invites Muslims to “Come to success!” The definition of success is often based on social status, wealth, SUNDAY generous hospitality, and the appearance of family cohesion. The pressure to appear successful to MAY 1 the surrounding community can lead to over-extension. Pray that God would send Christians to help overextended Muslim families without amplifying their shame. Pray the Holy Spirit would guide these families toward finding their identity and status as beloved children of the King. EID AL FITR Ramadan fasting ends in a feast! In a spirit of festivity, the Muslim community gathers at the mosque for special prayers and a communal meal, and money is given to the poor. MONDAY As Ramadan comes to an end, continue praying for your Muslim friends, neighbours and those MAY 2 who worship at the mosque nearest your church. Pray that one day these would find their way to the feast Jesus described in Matthew 8:10-11, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. I say to you that many will come from the east and the west and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.” www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca
Thank you for praying!!! We invite you to keep praying throughout the year for Muslims in Canada. Gather a group from your church to pray for those who gather at the mosque nearest you. Jesus exhorts us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Mosque communities are often the target of hate and racism, but we are called to love. Perhaps the most loving thing we can do is pray. There are 650 mosques across Canada, scattered in our neighbourhoods. Our vision is that each mosque across Canada would have at least one group of Christ-followers, perhaps your church, praying regularly for their community. • If you need help identifying the mosque nearest to you, we can help. Email us at info@lmtn.ca. • Use the monthly prayer points provided by the Loving Muslims Together network. This year they’re being provided by those who have left Islam to follow Jesus Christ. Subscribe at www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca/monthly. • Register your prayer commitment so that we can track progress! www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca/mosque. • Follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit to build relationship into this community. Tell us your stories so we can rejoice with you! Subscribe to one of our prayer blogs and join others in praying weekly or monthly for Muslims in Canada. Find the blogs at www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca/pray Find an already existing prayer group. Groups are scattered across Canada and have continued to meet online during the pandemic. To find one, email info@lmtn.ca. Join us! Membership is an invitation to join a network where you can: Learn what you cannot learn anywhere else. Connect with people and ministries with a shared passion. Belong to a community like none other. Find your way in at https://lovingmuslimstogether.outreach.ca/Membership www.lovingmuslimstogether.ca
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