2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19

Page created by Rebecca Hunt
2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s C o u n c i l o f G o v e r n m e n t s

Progress North Texas

        in the Age of COVID-19
2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
From the Chair                        Dear Neighbors,

                                      Thank you for reading Progress North Texas 2022. This year's
                                      theme is Transportation in the Age of COVID-19, which
                                      highlights how we are responding as a region to the pandemic
                                      while acknowledging where we’ve been over the past two years.

                                      We have traveled a long road through COVID-19, and while it is
                                      certainly not over, we have the tools and understanding to keep
                                      ourselves, our coworkers and our loved ones healthy.

                                      As chair of the Regional Transportation Council, I recognize that
                                      while virtual meetings have helped us remain productive, there is
                                      no substitute for face-to-face interactions.

                                      In December, I had the pleasure of presiding over our first
                                      in-person RTC meeting since March 2020 when we gathered at
                                      the Irving Convention Center. While exercising caution by meeting
                                      in a large venue, we came together physically, strengthening
                                      relationships and further building camaraderie that is so critical to
                                      the decision-making process. Knowing the issues is one thing,
                                      but understanding how they impact other cities, counties and
                                      neighborhoods helps us as policymakers continue to put the
                                      region’s needs first.

                                      Transportation affects every aspect of life, from education to
                                      grocery shopping, traveling to work to moving merchandise. And
                                      people are at the center. But COVID-19 has provided all of us an
                                      opportunity to assess how things can still be accomplished, but
                                      safely. Through this assessment we have learned a lot about how
                                      we can do our business safely in different ways, and sometimes
                                      there are improvements. In this year’s report, you will see the
                                      progress we’ve made and the work that remains.

                                      Congratulations to Vianney Medellin, winner of the 2022 art
                                      contest, whose work you see on the cover. Vianney was among the
                                      many talented Dallas ISD students asked to illustrate how COVID-
                                      19 has influenced the way we travel. I had the pleasure of helping
                                      choose the winner, and it was a difficult decision. I walked away
                                      impressed with their talent and ability to use their artistic gifts to
                                      connect our world during these challenging times.

                                      As you read Progress North Texas 2022, think about how far we
                                      have come in the past two years and how entities throughout
                                      Dallas-Fort Worth have learned to adjust to their surroundings to
                                      continue serving people’s transportation needs through some of
                                      the most trying circumstances we’ve ever faced. Then, get involved
                                      in the planning process.

                                      Theresa M. Daniel, Ph.D
                                      County Commissioner, Dallas County
Cover art by Vianney Medellin,        Chair, Regional Transportation Council
Dallas ISD

All graphics are from NCTCOG,
and all photos are from Getty
Images, unless otherwise indicated.
2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
Progress North
                                    Texas 2022:
                                    Transportation in the
                                    Age of COVID-19
www.                                June 2022
  Definitions of terms
  used in this report
                                    Table of Contents
  12-county metropolitan
  planning area:                     4    Moving Ahead
  Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis,     6    Roadway
  Hood, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman,
  Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant, Wise    8    Safety
                                     10   Freight
  16-county NCTCOG region:
  Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis,     12   Public Transportation
  Erath, Hood, Hunt, Johnson,        15   Air Quality
  Kaufman, Navarro, Palo Pinto,
  Parker, Rockwall, Somervell,       18   Active Transportation
  Tarrant, Wise                      20   Aviation
                                     22   Technology
                                     24   Public Involvement
   www.NCTCOG.org/OurRegion          26   2022 Art Contest Winners

2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
Moving Ahead
The COVID-19 pandemic                                      2021. This put Dallas-Fort Worth       be seen on the region’s tolled
remained a top concern for North                           37th in the nation, better than        facilities. By June, usage By June,
Texans in 2021. The emergence of                           Houston, Austin and Atlanta. The       transactions on these facilities
vaccines helped people begin to                            chart on the next page illustrates     were ahead of what they were in
slowly return to a sense of                                the current congestion level as        June 2019.
normalcy. Just like other sectors of                       well as all levels since 2008.
the economy, the transportation
system has been dealt many                                 The region’s investment in               DFW is 37th in congestion in
challenges by COVID it is still                            transportation infrastructure, which
                                                                                                     spite of having the nation’s
working to overcome.                                       has brought commuters choices of
                                                                                                      fourth largest population.
                                                           how to travel, has helped keep
Some, such as the decline in                               congestion levels manageable
driving, led to unanticipated                              even as population has soared.
benefits. With fewer cars on the                           The region has grown to almost         Employers in the Dallas-Fort
roads, traffic congestion declined                         8 million, according to NCTCOG’s       Worth area welcomed workers
as the pandemic set in and                                 annual population estimates. The       back to the office at a faster pace
speeds increased. In 2021, as the                          fastest-growing counties were          than many other metropolitan
recovery continued, more vehicles                          Rockwall, Collin and Ellis.            areas, according to Kastle
returned, and highway speeds                                                                      Systems, which has studied data
crept closer to their pre-pandemic                         Traffic Counts                         on employees returning to office
levels. However, speeds remained                                                                  buildings since the beginning of
                                                           Traffic counts at the region’s         the pandemic.
faster than before the pandemic.
                                                           permanent reporting stations
Traffic Congestion                                         began 2021 down 6%, showing            Reducing Congestion
                                                           incremental improvement                through Policy
Congestion in Dallas-Fort Worth                            throughout the year. Except for
inched higher in 2021,                                     February 2021, which saw a 15%         The pandemic has shown work
according to the TomTom                                    drop due to the winter storms,         can be done from anywhere.
Congestion Index, which tracks                             traffic was returning to its pre-      According to a Pew Research
the percentage of time congestion                          pandemic levels. By December,          study, over 70% of people were
adds to commutes. Congestion                               counts were down just 0.7%. One        working from home in late 2020.
increased from 13% to 17% in                               example of the traffic rebound can

                                    Variation of Speeds by Time of Day




                                                                                                    Traffic throughout the day continued to
50                                                                                                  return to the region’s roadways in
                    February 2020     April 2020   October 2021   December 2021                     2021, as workers returned to their
                                                                                                    offices. However, traffic remained
45                                                                                                  lighter than before the pandemic.
                                                                                                    This chart shows how speeds have
                                                                                                    varied throughout the day since
                                                                                                    March 2020.



























































2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
Policy may be one way to hold on to           DFW Congestion Levels and Population
some of the gains. To sustain the
benefits of changes in travel
behavior on congestion experienced
during the pandemic, NCTCOG                          7,700,000
established a regional trip reduction                                                                         2020
target. The resolution, approved by                  7,500,000
the Regional Transportation Council                                                                                                2019

in June 2021, seeks to reduce                        7,300,000
drive-alone trips in North Texas by

                                                     7,100,000                                                                     2017
20%. Achieving the target could lead
to less congestion and improved
                                                     6,900,000                                                             2015
transportation system efficiency and
air quality.                                         6,700,000                                                              2013
Employers and employees can                          6,500,000                                                           2011
reach the target by using travel                                                                                      2010
demand management strategies                         6,300,000                                              2009
like carpooling, vanpooling, taking                                                                                2008
transit, biking/walking,                             6,100,000
telecommuting, or working a                                      0%                 5%             10%          15%                20%    25%
compressed work week/flexible                Sources: TomTom Traffic Index and US Census Data;
                                                      North Central Texas Council of Governments
                                                                                                   Congestion Level
work schedule once a week.

Through telecommuting, employers              In spite of a slight increase in congestion, the roads continued to
can retain employees and boost                show they are capable of handling the growth in the region. In 2021,
productivity, while moving closer to          traffic congestion added 17% more time to the average commute.
the 20% target. Progress toward the           This is still lower than before the pandemic began.
target can even be tracked on

W orkers are returning to office buildings in D FW
faster than m any other m etropolitan areas.

2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
Major improvements to the region’s        Council continued to fund smaller      condition of the region's pavement
transportation system are moving          projects through the COVID-19          and bridges as data is available.
forward, with approximately               #00X Infrastructure Program in         For more on the federal measures
$1.2 billion in projects going to         2021. Approximately $175 million       being collected, visit
construction in 2021. In northern         was approved for more than 40          www.nctcog.org/pm/fed.
Dallas County, a 6.4-mile-long            projects during Round 4 of this
project on Interstate Highway 35E         program.                               NCTCOG is working with TxDOT
from IH 635 to the Denton County                                                 and local governments to improve
line will result in the widening of the   Federal Performance                    bridges across the region that have
main lanes of IH 35E and the              Measures                               been determined to be in “poor
reconstruction of the managed                                                    condition.” An $8.8 million grant
lanes. The project will relieve           NCTCOG is federally required to        received before the pandemic is
congestion for a rapidly                  monitor the condition of pavement      helping upgrade seven of these
growing area.                             and bridges along the 12,000 miles     bridges. Four are either under
                                          of the National Highway System         construction or will be soon.
In the west, work began on a              as part of its performance
2.2-mile-long project on US 287           measurement activities. These          •   US Highway 287 bridge over
from Union Pacific Railroad to Lone       activities include the adoption of         Lancaster Avenue in Fort Worth
Star Road/FM 157, which will              unique regional targets or                 (under construction)
provide safety improvements in            affirmation and support of statewide
                                                                                 •   US 180 bridge (under
Johnson and Tarrant counties. The         targets for these measures. In
completed project will include an         December 2020, the RTC voted to
improved freeway, as well as              reaffirm Texas Department of           •   IH 35W bridge in Alvarado (will
bicycle/pedestrian access for those       Transportation targets for pavement        be under construction early
who travel along the corridor.            and bridge condition. NCTCOG will          next year)
The Regional Transportation               continue to track and report the

2021 DFW Major Capital Improvements

                                                                                                      81.5 miles of
                                                                                                      roadway improvements
                                                                                                      were completed in
                                                                                                      2021, and 48 miles
                                                                                                      were under
                                                                                                      construction. These
                                                                                                      improvements will
                                                                                                      help North Texas
                                                                                                      accommodate the
                                                                                                      explosive growth it is

2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
2022-2023 Statewide Revenue Estimates
                      Revenue Stream                                        Estimate               Increase over
                                                                                                   2020-21 biennium

                      State motor fuels taxes                                $2 billion                    3.6%
                      Oil and gas severance (Prop. 1)                        $3.9 billion                   39%
                      Motor vehicle sales tax (Prop. 7)                      $635 million                  100%*
                      General sales tax (Prop. 7)                            $5 billion                     35%

                       * This was the first time the threshold was met to receive the motor vehicle sales tax portion of Prop. 7.
                       Source: State Comptroller’s Office

The state continues to recover from COVID-19, as illustrated by increased revenue estimates from the comptroller’s office.
This additional revenue would be combined with other sources to help the region meet transportation needs.

•   Bridge on US 287 at Kerry            corporate new data and                     Comptroller Revenue
    Road was rolled into the             performance metrics. The CMP
    Southeast Connector design-          seeks a management solution to             NCTCOG has been monitoring
    build project, which will be let     a growing traffic problem by               statewide comptroller revenue
    for construction later this year.    targeting resources to operational         collections to better understand
                                         management and travel demand               the impacts of COVID-19 on
Additionally, NCTCOG and                 reduction strategies. Although             financial activity and to identify
governments in North Texas are           major capital investments are              potential shortfalls in available
coordinating on improvements to          needed to meet growing demand,             funding for the region’s
arterial streets not part of the         the CMP also develops lower-cost           transportation system.
National Highway System. With            strategies that complement large
the passage of the Bipartisan                                                       The comptroller’s certified
                                         infrastructure projects. The result
Infrastructure Law, the region will                                                 revenue estimates suggest the
                                         is a more efficient and effective
see activities relating to asset                                                    next two years will result in
                                         transportation system, increased
management and resilience                                                           significantly more funding as the
                                         mobility, safer travel and
increase because of several new                                                     recovery from COVID-19
                                         improved air quality.
funding sources intended to                                                         accelerates. Combined with
address bridges needing repair.          The CMP allows the region to               additional federal funding
                                         sustain the optimal operations of          provided by the infrastructure law,
Congestion Management                    the existing transportation                more revenue at the state level
Process Update                           infrastructure to get the most out         will allow NCTCOG and its
                                         of the current system. For more            partners to meet future roadway
In 2021, the Dallas-Fort Worth                                                      challenges.
                                         information, visit
Congestion Management Pro-
cess, or CMP, was updated to in-

2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
NCTCOG is focused on improving        roadways. Their lives and the lives    Additional Incident
the safety of the transportation      of motorists are in danger the         Management Funding
system with programs and              longer they are exposed on the
projects that require coordination    roadways. NCTCOG continues             The right equipment is essential to
with partner agencies and the         efforts to improve roadway safety      first responders’ efforts to keep the
assistance of the driving public.     by offering Traffic Incident           region’s roadways running
                                      Management training to local           smoothly. The NCTCOG Incident
In 2021, the 12-county Dallas-Fort    police, fire, wreckers, EMTs and       Management Freeway Blocking
Worth area experienced 126,154        courtesy patrol agencies. These        Equipment 2021 Call for Projects
crashes, with 847 fatal crashes.      agencies work together when            provided $1.4 million for the
The number of overall crashes has     responding to crashes to enhance       purchase of scene management
increased since 2020, as have         safety for the driving public          blocking equipment such as crash
those resulting in serious injuries   and emergency personnel.               attenuators, barriers and cushions.
and fatalities. As COVID              Collaboration also helps them          This equipment is used to protect
restrictions eased and people         clear crashes more quickly, which      first responders at crash scenes.
returned to the roads, so did         can reduce upstream traffic
congestion, and the number of         collisions.                            Truck-mounted attenuators
wrecks rose.                                                                 provide protection for incident
                                      More than 3,300 emergency              responders and traveling
This data reflects the importance     responders from 132 cities and         motorists, while reducing damage
of training for agencies and          counties throughout the region         to other vehicles. Using
responders responsible for            have completed NCTCOG’s                attenuators to block traffic at crash
managing and clearing traffic         incident management.                   scenes means fire trucks can be
incidents on the region’s

                                                                 2021 Regional Crash Summary
                                                                                Total          Fatal
                                                                 County        Crashes        Wrecks      Fatalities

                                                                  Collin        12,379          50            51
                                                                  Dallas        55,355         323           351
                                                                  Denton        11,401          58            67
                                                                  Ellis          3,290          33            35
                                                                  Hood             804          13            13
                                                                  Hunt           1,784          34            38
                                                                  Johnson        2,775          36            38
                                                                  Kaufman        2,226          33            37
                                                                  Parker         2,641          28            28
                                                                  Rockwall       1,749          10            10
                                                                  Tarrant       30,669         212           228
                                                                  Wise           1,021          17            21

                                                                  Total       126,154          847          917

                                                                                                 Source: TxDOT

2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
protected from damage. This is         North Tarrant Express assist          on other factors, such as impaired
important because when a fire          motorists on their roadways.          and distracted driving. For
truck is struck and damaged, it is                                           more information, visit
taken out of service. Additionally,                                          www.driveawarentx.org.
this equipment is considered safer
at the scene. The call for projects       $1.4 million                       Additionally, NCTCOG and
was open to public-sector partner         Money provided to local            other Metropolitan Planning
agencies such as police, fire/EMS        partners for equipment that         Organizations across Texas are
and courtesy patrol actively             will protect first responders       working with TxDOT as part of a
involved in traffic incident                   at crash scenes.              statewide task force established
management in 12-county area.                                                to make the roads safer.
Agencies on the eastern side of
the region were awarded                                                      Performance Measures
                                       Drive Aware North Texas
approximately $1.2 million, while
western agencies received about        Drive Aware North Texas is an         NCTCOG met the federal safety
$200,000.                              educational effort introduced by      targets in 2020 for fatalities,
                                       NCTCOG to focus on improving          fatality rate and non-motorized
Mobility Assistance                    the negative driving behaviors        fatalities/serious injuries (bicycle-
                                       identified as the leading             pedestrian). The target for serious
In 2021, mobility assistance           contributing factors in fatal and     injuries was narrowly missed.
patrols helped over 113,000 North      serious-injury crashes in the         TxDOT has updated the statewide
Texas motorists with their             region. Speeding traditionally has    safety targets to be in line with
disabled vehicles or provided          been the top contributor to fatal     Vision Zero. The RTC has a policy
protection to motorists or first       and serious-injury crashes on the     statement saying that “even one
responders on highways. The            region’s roadways, playing a role     death on the transportation
Dallas and Tarrant County              in 33% of such crashes in 2020.       system is unacceptable.” The goal
Sheriff’s Offices manage the           To help combat this, this safety      of Vision Zero is to have zero
program along interstate corridors     campaign focuses on younger           fatalities resulting from roadway
in Collin, Dallas, Denton and          drivers – specifically those          crashes by 2050. For more
Tarrant counties. The North Texas      between the ages of 16 and 24 –       information on performance
Tollway Authority and private          who typically speed more              measures, visit
operators of LBJ Express and           frequently. The effort also focuses   www.nctcog.org/pm/fed.

       Safety Performance Measures

                                                       2020 Actual
       Performance                   2020 Targets      Performance

       Fatalities                        589                   587
       Fatality Rate                    0.803                 0.803          NCTCOG has embraced a series of
                                                                             federal targets in an effort to reduce
       Serious Injuries                 3,514.70              3,560          fatalities and serious injuries. Many
       Serious Injury Rate              4.768                 4.891          were met in 2020. Targets going
                                                                             forward are more stringent, as the
       Non-Motorized Fatalities                                              region moves toward a goal of zero
       and Serious Injuries              595                   588           fatalities.

2022 Progress North Texas - Transportation in the Age of COVID-19
Freight Safety Initiative                                        •        Almost 35 million drivers saw                                                Railroad Crossing Safety
                                                                          messages on nine billboards                                                  Campaign. The purpose of this
Trucks and passenger vehicles                                             throughout the region.                                                       campaign was to reduce
interact daily, which can present                                                                                                                      crossing-related wrecks and
possible life-threatening incidents.                             • Radio ads resulted in over                                                          inform the public about safe
These can be mitigated through                                     15 million campaign                                                                 crossing practices. It is important
greater awareness and safer                                        impressions.                                                                        to keep communities safe through
driving habits. NCTCOG                                                                                                                                 continued rail-crossing education.
                                                                 •        218,000+ impressions on
undertook the Safe Driving
                                                                          podcast ads, 600+ clicks.
Campaign in 2021. The goal of                                                                                                                          In addition, the Freight Safety
the campaign was to reduce                                                                                                                             Initiative promotes at-grade
                                                                 Rail Safety
freight-related wrecks and inform                                                                                                                      rail-crossing safety to help reduce
the public about safe-driving                                    Crashes at rail crossings have                                                        the number of crossing incidents
practices near large commercial                                  fallen dramatically over the past                                                     even more. NCTCOG will continue
motor vehicles.                                                  two decades and declined to 30 in                                                     working with its partners to
                                                                 2021. For perspective, the region                                                     enhance the safety and
The campaign used social media                                   has more than 2,900 at-grade rail                                                     efficiency of the entire freight
and other educational tools to                                   crossings. Although influenced                                                        network.
encourage all drivers to think                                   primarily by traffic levels, the
more about freight safety on                                     location and severity of incidents                                                    North Texas Moves
the roadways and at                                              is helpful in determining which
railroad crossings.                                              crossings present the highest                                                         Progress continues on a project
                                                                 safety risk to motorists, and                                                         aimed at improving freight and
                                                                 therefore require additional safety                                                   passenger rail safety across the
The results from the initiative
                                                                 measures or other types of                                                            region. NCTCOG is using a $25
indicate the message of freight
                                                                 remediation. One way at-grade                                                         million federal grant received in
safety was seen and heard
                                                                 crossings have been upgraded is                                                       2020 to double-track 3.6 miles of
throughout the region on a variety
                                                                 the realignment of intersections to                                                   the Trinity Railway Express
of platforms. Here is a snapshot:
                                                                 improve sight lines from both                                                         commuter rail corridor. Currently,
•   850,000+ Facebook                                            directions.                                                                           20 miles are double-tracked. In
    impressions, 2,000+ post                                                                                                                           addition, the North Texas MOVES
    clicks.                                                      Operation Lifesaver and NCTCOG                                                        (Multimodal Operations, Velocity,
                                                                 collaborated again for the 2021                                                       Efficiency, and Safety) Program
                                                                                                                                                       will use the funding to implement

                                                                                     AT- GRADE RAILROAD CROSSING INCIDENTS
                                                                                                                       12 - COUNTY MPO

                                                         70 67
                                   Number of Incidents

                                                         60          55                            54    55

                                                         50                46                                                                   47
                                                                                          44                                                                                  45
                                                                                                                  40    40             41                                            40
                                                                                                                                 38                            39                                           37
                                                         40                                                                                                           35                            36
                                                                                                                                                       33                                    32                    32
       At-grade incident at the                                                                                                                                                                                            30
             region’s 2,900 rail
      crossings fell in 2021 to                          20
     their lowest level in more
       than 20 years of record
    keeping, according to data                           0






















       collected by NCTCOG.























The pandemic has
demonstrated the
importance of efficiently
moving goods throughout
the region.

a rail technology called the           measure that addresses how              Due to the pandemic, in 2020, the
Regional Railroad Information          much time it should take truck          measure improved to 1.60. In
System. This technology                drivers to get to their destinations.   2021, as traffic increased, the
promotes network efficiency and        If trucks make deliveries on time       Truck Travel Time Reliability went
helps partners understand the          consistently, the road network is       up to 1.76. The goals for 2020
benefits of potential projects.        reliable for truck traffic.             and 2022, based off the 2016-
                                                                               2019 trends, are 1.83 and 1.90.
These projects are in the              Truck Travel Time Reliability
planning, design and                   establishes the amount of time a        To achieve current targets, truck
pre-construction phase and will        truck driver needs to add to a          bottlenecks, travel demand
advance over the next few years.       median trip length to arrive on         management and truck parking
When complete, the projects will       time. The lower the number, the         should be addressed in the
relieve congestion, improve            better the travel time reliability.     region. NCTCOG encourages
regional air quality and increase      If the Truck Travel Time Reliability    educating elected officials and the
safety in the TRE corridor. The full   is 1.5 and the trip should take 60      public regarding freight’s role in
cost of North Texas Moves is           minutes, it could take 90 minutes.      the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Staff
$55 million.                                                                   also supports freight system
                                       As the population has grown,            planning to improve delivery
Truck Travel Time                      travel times have traditionally         time reliability. For more
Reliability                            become less reliable for freight.       information, visit
                                       In 2017, for example, Truck Travel      www.nctcog.org/pm/fed.
Truck Travel Time Reliability is a     Time Reliability for the region was
required federal performance           1.73. By 2019, it had increased
                                       to 1.82.

Public Transportation
Ridership performance in 2021        information on 2021 ridership           incentives, and increased staff
showed steady improvement            trends, visit                           wages to increase recruitment.
across various transit modes.        www.nctcog.org/transittrends.           Employees who feel valued by
While transit has been slower to                                             their agencies have better
rebound than other modes,            Keeping Transit Moving                  longevity and help to attract a
people are returning. The region’s                                           larger pool of potential drivers.
three major transit authorities      Many of the region’s public
provided a combined 25 million       transportation agencies reported        Vanpool Performance
rides to customers in 2021. Data     driver shortages in 2021. The
                                     lasting challenges associated with      The Regional Vanpool Program
shows that the region's buses and
                                     the pandemic, increased                 provides access to employment
trains experienced ridership
                                     competition and changing work           for workers whose commute trips
growth throughout the year.
                                     patterns all contributed to             are not served by other transit
                                     agencies’ difficulty recruiting and     options. In 2021, there were 150
NCTCOG is coordinating with
                                     retaining these critical employees.     active vanpools, and the program
Dallas Area Rapid Transit, the
                                     Federal COVID-19 assistance             saved approximately 19 million
Denton County Transportation
                                     programs continued to help the          miles of travel on the roadway
Authority and Trinity Metro to
                                     region’s transit agencies with          system. The Regional
remind the region that public
                                     operational expenses in 2021.           Transportation Council has
transit providers have followed
                                     The region has received more            approved modifications designed
strict health and safety protocols
                                     than $800 million in COVID relief       to ensure the program serves the
since the beginning of the
                                     to help keep transit moving.            region as effectively as possible.
pandemic and are ready to
                                     Agencies focused on improved            For more information on the
welcome riders back. For more
                                     recruitment of quality candidates,      Regional Vanpool Program visit
                                     turning to on-the-spot hiring, driver   www.nctcog.org/vanpool.

                Passenger Trips for Smaller Providers
                Transit Provider                             Service Area                                    Trips

                City/County Transportation                   Johnson County                                  23,097
                Community Transit Services                   Ellis and Navarro counties                      25,913
                Public Transit Services                      Parker and Palo Pinto counties                  44,715
                Span, Inc.                                   Denton County                                   28,658
                STAR Transit                                 Kaufman, Rockwall and Dallas
                                                             counties                                        127,502

                Total                                                                                     249,885

RAISE Grant                             Bus Network Redesigns                 study also evaluated the feasibility
                                                                              of passenger rail service along
Last year, NCTCOG secured               The bus networks of DART, DCTA        the Irving to Frisco rail corridor.
over $8 million from the US             and Trinity Metro have all            Each study:
Department of Transportation to         undergone significant redesigns.
improve mobility in the Southern        DART’s and Trinity Metro’s            • Examined transit needs and
Dallas Inland Port. The project         changes focus on attracting             demand
aims to optimize transit service in     additional ridership through
the area by using compact electric      increased frequency, more direct      • Identified opportunities to
buses and making strategic              routes to popular destinations and      expand and improve service
improvements to pedestrian and          better connections to existing
traffic signalization infrastructure.   regional services. DCTA’s             • Developed transit options
The project will expands access         redesigned network focuses on           based on analysis and
and support safe mobility to            attracting ridership and enhancing      public and stakeholder input
employment, education,                  connections to additional
                                                                              Plans were developed that
healthcare and other life-              destinations by relying more on
                                                                              advance the recommendations
essential opportunities. NCTCOG         the on-demand rideshare model
                                                                              in each study area and guide
is coordinating with the Federal        to complement fixed-route bus
                                                                              municipalities in their
Transit Administration and project      service.
                                                                              implementation of services that
partners to address the next steps
                                        Transit Studies                       address local and regional needs,
in the grant administration
                                                                              priorities and goals. For more
                                        NCTCOG completed three transit        information, visit
                                        studies in 2021 that focused on       www.nctcog.org/transitstudies.
 NCTCOG secured $8 million in           developing a comprehensive
                                        approach to planning and
  federal funding to enhance
                                        implementing transit options in
    mobility in the Southern
                                        areas of Collin, Dallas and Tarrant
      Dallas Inland Port.               counties outside transit authority
                                        service areas. The Collin County

                              Average Bus Ridership by Quarter*




  Despite the challenges
  of the pandemic, transit
    ridership is growing in         0         500,000      1,000,000      1,500,000     2,000,000      2,500,000
          North Texas. Bus
       ridership increased                              DART       Trinity Metro      DCTA
              each quarter.

                              * Calendar year (2021)                 Sources: DART, DCTA and Trinity Metro

Federal Performance Measures

Transit Safety                           Transit Asset                            lines and other capital assets are
                                         Management                               in a state of good repair. Overall,
The Public Transit Safety Action                                                  most regional targets are being
Plan and associated regional             NCTCOG is required by federal            met for many of the asset
targets were approved in May             legislation to set regional transit      categories, based on Fiscal Year
2021. The goal of the targets is to      asset management targets and             2020 data.
achieve a 5% improvement over            evaluate the performance of
the regional baseline average            various transit assets annually in       For more information, visit
performance by Fiscal Year 2025.         coordination with transit providers.     www.nctcog.org/pm/fed.
However, fatality targets are set to     The regional targets and tracking
zero, in line with the RTC’s safety      of transit assets focus on ensuring
position.                                public transportation vehicles, rail

Regional Safety and Performance
Category                     Measure                      Annual Average1                Adopted Target

                             Total Number                            6.00                       0.00
                             Rate per 100k miles                     0.01                       0.00

                             Total Number                             151                       143
                             Rate per 100k miles                     0.23                       0.22

                             Total Number                         516.00                        490
Safety Events
                             Rate per 100k miles                    0.81                        0.77

                             Miles between major               18,896.00                  19,841.00
System Reliability
                             mechanicl failures

 Average of annual data reported by transit providers to the National Transit Database
between 2016 - 2019.

Air Quality
North Texas is in nonattainment for                                              standard. NCTCOG will continue                                  For more information, visit
ozone pollution and relies on a                                                  working toward attainment of both                               www.nctcog.org/pm/fed.
combination of policies, programs                                                standards with the help of partners
and projects, along with close                                                   and residents.                                                  Alternative Fuel Growth
coordination with local partners to
                                                                                                                                                 One way to help the region reach
reduce emissions and protect                                                     Mobile Sources                                                  attainment is by adopting
residents’ health. Despite the
                                                                                                                                                 alternative fuel and electric
changing work patterns brought                                                   Light-duty vehicles make up over
                                                                                                                                                 vehicles. EVs, including battery
about by the pandemic, the region                                                40% of on-road nitrogen oxide
                                                                                                                                                 electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid
is still trying to meet two standards                                            (NOx) emissions and heavy-duty
                                                                                                                                                 electric vehicles, are of particular
for ozone concentration. One was                                                 vehicles account for about 50%.
                                                                                                                                                 interest to consumers in North
established in 2008 (75 parts per                                                NCTCOG closely monitors
                                                                                                                                                 Texas. These two types account for
billion), for which 10 counties are in                                           nitrogen oxides and volatile organic
                                                                                                                                                 more than 40,000 vehicles in the
nonattainment. The other is from                                                 compounds (VOC), which interact
                                                                                                                                                 region. Interest in EVs was
2015 (70 ppb), and affects nine                                                  to form ground-level ozone, as part
                                                                                                                                                 reflected in the attendance at
counties.                                                                        of its commitment to track federal
                                                                                                                                                 Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities’
                                                                                 performance measures.
The region narrowly missed                                                                                                                       National Drive Electric Week
attainment for the 2008 standard                                                                                                                 (NDEW) event in 2021.
                                                                                 With the implementation of new
last year, ending ozone season with                                              projects such as bicycle-pedestrian
a design value of 76 ppb for the                                                                                                                 In October, DFW Clean Cities
                                                                                 trails, intersection improvements
second consecutive year. Due to                                                                                                                  hosted the annual outdoor NDEW
                                                                                 and regional efforts to improve
missing compliance deadlines,                                                                                                                    event, bringing the public together
                                                                                 traffic signal timing, NOx and VOCs
the region will be reclassified from                                                                                                             to showcase EVs and EV owners.
                                                                                 have declined. NCTCOG is working
Serious to Severe under the 2008                                                                                                                 This was one of the largest events
                                                                                 with partners to identify more
standard and from Marginal to                                                                                                                    to date, with almost 800 attendees
                                                                                 projects that could allow this
Moderate under the 2015                                                                                                                          and more than 200 EVs registered.
                                                                                 progress to continue.

2021 Ozone Progress
8-hour Ozone NAAQS Historical Trends

                      100                       98
                                                      95           95
                                                                                           90                                                                 Ozone attainment is
                                                                                                                                                              reached when, at
 Design Value (ppb)

                                                                                                 87    87
                                                                               86    86

                              1997 Standard < 85 ppb (Revoked)                                                                                                each monitor, the
                       85                                                                                                                                     Design Value (the
                                                                                                                         80                                   three-year average
                       80                                                                                                                                     of the annual
                                                                                                                                                              fourth-highest daily
                                                                                                                                     76           76   76
                              2008 Standard          75 ppb (Severe by 2027)
                       75                                                                                                                                     maximum eight-hour
                                                                                                                                                              average ozone
                              2015 Standard          70 ppb (Moderate by 2024)
                                                                                                                                                              concentration) is less
                                                                                                                                                              than or equal to 75
                       65                                                                                                                                     ppb for the standard
                                                                                                                                                              established in 2008
                                                                                                                                                              and 70 ppb for the
                                                                                                                                                        1     standard established
                            99    00    01    02    03    04    05    06    07    08    09    10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19
                                                                                                                                                              in 2015.
                                                                          Consecutive Three-Year Periods

Fraudulent Temporary Vehicle Tags (2019-2021)


          Fraudulent Temporary Tags Issued


                                                                                                                    2019        2020      2021



                                                       Dallas                  Tarrant                          Collin                      Denton

                            Source: Travis County Constable Precinct 3
                    * Local Initiatives Project Funding for Clean Air Task Forces concluded in June 2019.
                    **Vehicle registration requirements suspended, emergency declaration from Governor Abbott, April 2020 – April 2021.

Data shows that tens of thousands of vehicles in North Texas are improperly registered and lack required vehicle
emissions inspections. This chart shows the four counties with the most fraudulent temporary tags. NCTCOG is
working to identify funding to develop task forces to help ensure vehicles are properly registered.

Public agencies have also                                          For more information on                               Due to the ease of creating,
increased their adoption of                                        alternative fuel vehicle                              selling and printing temporary
alternative fuel and electric                                      accomplishments, visit                                paper tags, data shows that tens
vehicles. A few accomplishments                                    www.dfwcleancities.org/                               of thousands of vehicles in North
of note in 2021 are:                                               fleetrecognition.                                     Texas are improperly registered
                                                                                                                         and lack required vehicle
1. Everman Independent School                                      Finally, there was increasing                         emissions inspections. These
   District operated all-electric                                  interest in hydrogen fuel cell                        temporary tags cost the state and
   school buses for a full year.                                   vehicle deployment, especially                        counties revenue. North Texas is
                                                                   in the private sector. Hydrogen                       working to correct this problem
2. The cities of North Richland                                    fuel cell EVs are of growing                          through partnerships with law
   Hills and Grapevine adopted                                     interest for freight movement,                        enforcement and other state
   hybrid police vehicles.                                         where the extra weight of                             agencies.
                                                                   batteries can be a disadvantage.
3. Denton and Prosper ISDs                                                                                               NCTCOG and the Regional
   added 18 and 10 new                                             Temporary Vehicle Tags                                Transportation Council are
   propane school buses,                                                                                                 obtaining federal funds to start
   respectively.                                                   Texas temporary vehicle tags are                      emissions enforcement task
                                                                   issued to allow a vehicle buyer to                    forces in the region. The task
4. Dallas Fort Worth                                               legally operate a vehicle before                      forces will be responsible for
   International Airport and                                       permanent license plates are                          curbing the abuse of temporary
   Dallas Area Rapid Transit                                       obtained. The region has                              tags, improper inspections and
   fleets continued to use both                                    experienced an increase in                            emissions-component tampering.
   compressed natural gas                                          temporary tags since the Two
   and renewable natural gas.                                      Steps One Sticker program
                                                                   began in 2015.

Air Quality Initiatives

Engine Off North Texas                                are eligible for Fleet Recognition Awards. In
                                                      2021, participating fleets helped reduce the
Engine Off North Texas aims to reduce                 equivalent of almost 24 million gasoline gallons,
unnecessary idling from heavy-duty diesel             734,089 pounds of ozone-forming NOx and
trucks by encouraging local governments and           125,058 tons of greenhouse gas emissions.
businesses to adopt and enforce idle-reduction        For more information, visit
policies and install infrastructure such as           www.dfwcleancities.org/fleetrecognition.
electrified parking spaces. Engine Off North
Texas offers guidance and educational materials       IH 45 Zero-Emission Vehicle Plan
for no charge. North Texans can also report
excessive idling from heavy-duty diesel trucks        NCTCOG is drafting the Interstate Highway 45
to NCTCOG by calling 877-NTX-IDLE                     Zero-Emission Vehicle Deployment Plan
(877-689-4353), which will result in vehicle          outlining how to build out infrastructure along
owners being notified. For more information,          IH 45 to support both battery electric and fuel
visit www.engineoffnorthtexas.org.                    cell electric vehicle travel, with a focus on
                                                      supporting medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.
DFW Clean Cities                                      This corridor, which carries a large amount of
                                                      freight, is key to advancing air quality efforts in
DFW Clean Cities works to advance energy
                                                      Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston as both face
security, protect environmental and public health
                                                      ozone nonattainment challenges that are
and stimulate economic development with
                                                      impacted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles.
strategies to reduce transportation energy
                                                      For more information, visit
impacts and improve air quality. Clean Cities
focuses primarily on the transportation sector,
collaborating with vehicle fleets to increase the     Organic Waste Fuel Study
use of alternative fuel vehicles, reduce idling
and implement other fleet efficiency practices.       DFW Clean Cities is supporting the NCTCOG
For more information, visit                           Environment and Development Department on a
www.dfwcleancities.org.                               project to explore the potential for organic
                                                      waste, anaerobic technologies and renewable
Clean Fleet Policy                                    natural gas (RNG) in the region. This
                                                      project will examine potential feedstocks for
Fleets operating in the region are encouraged to
                                                      RNG production and demand for RNG vehicles
adopt the RTC’s Clean Fleet Policy. This policy
                                                      in the region. For more information, visit
provides a framework for efficient and low-
emitting operations, which helps the region           www.nctcog.org/envir.
work toward attainment of the federal ozone           Multi-Family Electric Vehicle
standards and improve overall air quality. Fleets
                                                      Supply Equipment Analysis
adopting the policy may apply for clean vehicle
funding made available by the RTC.                    Through the Electric Vehicles North Texas
For more information visit                            initiative, DFW Clean Cities analyzed the
www.nctcog.org/fleetpolicy.                           accessibility of public EV charging stations in
                                                      Dallas and Denton on multi-family properties
2021 Fleet Recognition Awardees                       and environment justice areas. More
Fleet operators that adopt the Clean Fleet Policy     information can be found at
and complete the Clean Cities Annual Survey           www.dfwcleancities.org/multifamily.

Active Transportation
The region’s bicycle and                           That same month, airports saw                 The planning study was
pedestrian trails continued to be a                10% fewer passengers compared                 addressed with a combination of
bright spot of the transportation                  to 2019.                                      virtual and in-person activities due
system in 2021. Beginning early in                                                               to COVID-19. Public engagement
the pandemic, all other modes of                   The only month active                         was completed in a virtual-only
transportation experienced                         transportation declined was                   format, including an online survey,
a sharp decline. Active                            February 2021, when the region                virtual stakeholder meetings and a
transportation surged dramatically                 was hit by a weeklong winter                  virtual open house.
in 2020 and remained higher                        storm. Precipitation such as rain
throughout 2021, based on data                     and snow are known factors                    The recommendations for Hickory
collected at various trail locations.              impacting people's decisions to               Tree Road include adding a
                                                   walk and bicycle.                             continuous center turn lane,
Since the beginning of the                                                                       pedestrian refuge islands at key
                                                   Balch Springs Hickory                         locations, and enhanced bicycle
pandemic, bicycling and walking
                                                   Tree Road Project                             and pedestrian infrastructure.
on trails in the region have
maintained an overall pattern of                                                                 Improvements are intended to
                                                   The pandemic has created
double-digit growth, compared to                                                                 maximize access to businesses
                                                   changes to traditional processes
trends recorded in roadway                                                                       and increase safety and comfort
                                                   in other ways. NCTCOG has
volumes, transit ridership and                                                                   of pedestrians and cyclists.
                                                   concluded a corridor-planning
airport passengers. Most modes of                                                                Construction of Phase 1, between
                                                   study in Balch Springs for Hickory
transportation recovered by late                                                                 Lake June and Elam roads, has
                                                   Tree Road, between Bruton and
2021.                                                                                            received federal and state funds
                                                   Elam roads. The project aims to
                                                                                                 and is planned for Fiscal Year
                                                   increase bicycle and pedestrian
For example, in December 2021,                                                                   2025. View the Balch Springs
                                                   safety and access, decrease
bicycling and walking on trails                                                                  Hickory Tree Road Planning Study
                                                   congestion and spur economic
were up 32% while freeway traffic                                                                at www.nctcog.org/
was down by approximately 1%,                                                                    landuseplanning.
compared to before the pandemic.

 DFW Trail Use (2021)





                                                                                                          Regional trail use
  20%                                                                                                     remained strong in
                                                                                                          2021, compared to
                                                                                                          before the pandemic.
   0                                                                                                      With the exception of

                                                                                                          February, trail use was


















                                                                                                          up substantially each







 -20%                                                                                                     month over 2019.



 Source: NCTCOG
 Note: Collected at sites in Plano, North Richland Hills, Denton, Dallas, Fort Worth and Allen
 Note: Baseline is March 2019-February 2020; No adjustments for weather were applied.
 Note: Trail usage impacted in February 2021 by week-long winter storm.

NCTCOG completed an
                                                                                  inventory of TOD
                                                                                  projects, looking at 238
                                                                                  developments around
                                                                                  74 rail stations.

                                                                                                          Source: DART

DART Transit-Oriented                for the corridor cover various        TOD Inventory
Development Study                    areas, including housing, zoning
                                     and increasing station-area           The recently completed North
NCTCOG completed the final           specific planning. View the full      Texas regional Transit-Oriented
report of Dallas Area Rapid          plan at www.nctcog.org/TOD.           Development Inventory consists
Transit Red and Blue Lines                                                 of 238 developments around 74 of
Corridors Transit-Oriented           The Dallas LOOP Trail:                the region’s 85 rail transit stations.
Development Study in summer          RAISE Grant Award                     The Inventory serves as a
2021. The study focused on                                                 resource for TOD planning,
understanding current                NCTCOG helped TxDOT secure            evaluation and implementation. To
infrastructure, market and policy    a $12 million federal grant for the   recognize the unique context of
conditions shaping development       final segment of the Dallas LOOP      North Texas and inform
of TOD in the two oldest corridors   Trail and replacement of the Lake     discussions of best practices,
of the DART light rail system.       June Road overpass at US              each development was scored on
Phases of the study included an      Highway 175 with a safer              a series of TOD design criteria.
evaluation of station-area           crossing. The LOOP will connect       Only 25 TODs received the
sidewalk and bicycle first-/last-    39 miles of existing trails with 11   highest score and were
mile needs and a study of parking    miles of newly built trails. This     determined to meet all national
at 16 transit-oriented               project will improve access to        standard design criteria. This
developments. Residents,             public transportation with the        indicates room to improve local
businesses and employees up to       addition of connections across        design for transit orientation. The
one mile from the stations were      major roadways to help                next phase of the project will be
also surveyed. These previous        pedestrians access the Lake June      developing an inventory of TODs
findings were combined with a        and Lawnview DART stations.           in the downtowns of Dallas and
new corridor-wide synthesis of       The new bridge and improved           Fort Worth. Additional information
TOD performance and context,         Lake June Road interchange will       is available at the following:
including topics such as zoning,     also allow passenger and freight      www.nctcog.org/TOD.
planning, a TOD project inventory,   traffic to move more efficiently
economic development and             and safely along US 175.
demographics. Recommendations

Like most transportation modes,                                                                                                                                                          NASA Agreement
commercial aviation saw
significant declines when the                                                                                                                                                            A high-profile agency has taken
pandemic began. But the aviation                                                                                                                                                         notice. NCTCOG entered into an
activity in North Texas showed                                                                                                                                                           agreement with the National
                                                                                                             Daily Flights                                                               Aeronautics and Space
substantial improvement after
declines in operations and                                                                                                                                                               Administration in 2021 to study
                                                                                                                   DFW Airport
passenger loads of 90% early in                                                                                                                                                          the potential of drone technology
                                                                                                                     1,786                                                               and integrate it into future
the pandemic. That 90% would
end up being only a 50% decline                                                                                         Love Field                                                       transportation plans. NASA is
in activity by the end of 2020. The                                                                                                                                                      working with NCTCOG and a
recovery continued into 2021.                                                                                                                                                            group of public- and private-sector
Dallas Fort Worth International                                                                                                                                                          partners to study cargo-carrying
Airport experienced a nearly 30%                                                                                                                                                         drones and automated air taxis.
increase in daily flights in 2021,
                                                                                                                                                                                         One example of how this
while Love Field saw a gain of                                                                    Just as North Texas is a center for
                                                                                                                                                                                         partnership is benefiting the
approximately 25%.                                                                                commercial aviation, the region is
                                                                                                                                                                                         region is the Airspace Hazard
                                                                                                  laying the groundwork for the use
                                                                                                                                                                                         Identification and Alerting Service
DFW Airport daily flights increased                                                               of unmanned aircraft, or drones.
                                                                                                                                                                                         being developed by the University
from just over 1,400 in 2020 to                                                                   Drones are becoming more
                                                                                                                                                                                         of North Texas. This project, being
1,786 in 2021. Love Field’s                                                                       common for use in business,
                                                                                                                                                                                         assisted by the North Texas
daily flights grew from 465 in 2020                                                               public safety and recreational
                                                                                                                                                                                         Center for Mobility Technologies,
to 579 in 2021. Operations were                                                                   purposes. NCTCOG continued
                                                                                                                                                                                         seeks to find safer, more efficient
still below 2019 but are forecast to                                                              to host monthly drone virtual
                                                                                                                                                                                         ways to move people and goods
continue improving in the future as                                                               workshops to help professional
                                                                                                                                                                                         with drones.
the region recovers. Together, the                                                                operators and hobbyists remain
airports have the ability to operate                                                              up to date on the rules and
more than 5,100 flights per day.                                                                  regulations governing drone use,
                                                                                                  as well as best practices.

         Air Cargo Tonnage

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DFW Airport and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Alliance Airport, the
                 800,000                                                                                                                                                                                                    region’s air cargo
Weight (tons)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            leaders, saw significant
                 600,000                                                                                                                                                                                                    increases in cargo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            transported in 2021.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DFW Airport surpassed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 million tons moved in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2021, returning to a
                 200,000                                                                                                                                                                                                    positive trajectory after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            declining in 2020. At
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Alliance Airport, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            recorded an increase

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in 2020, the trend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            continued in 2021, with
                                                                               DFW International Airport                                     Alliance Airport                                                               air cargo up over 40%.

         Source: DFW Airport, Alliance Airport

By 2026, the region will
                                                                             need more than 800
                                                                             mechanics and service
                                                                             technicians to meet the
                                                                             demand of the growth
                                                                             in the aviation industry.

Arlington UAS                         airspace around AT&T Stadium          survey included responses from
Pilot Program                         starting three hours before kickoff   more than 1,100 regional
                                      through each game’s conclusion.       employers. NCTCOG is
A test program with the City of       Over the course of nine Dallas        collaborating with partners to
Arlington seeks to address the        Cowboys home games, they              develop a program to
UAS advancement gap in North          tracked 48 drone events with 22       accommodate the aviation
Texas by enhancing local              unsafe flights. A drone flight is     industry's workforce development
research, improving public safety     considered unsafe if it flies over    needs. The goal is to enable this
and helping build the case for        pedestrians, stadium operations       evolving industry to continue
investment in UAS airspace            or inside of an area with a           meeting traditional needs while
management infrastructure.            temporary flight restriction.         adapting to change.
Arlington is working with
public, private and research          Employee Needs
partners on the technology            Between 2021 and 2026, local            Arlington identified 22 unsafe
needed to allow numerous drones       airlines will need more than 500         drone flights around AT&T
to fly safely over longer distances   pilots and flight engineers and              Stadium during the
without fear they will collide with   more than 800 mechanics and                   2021 NFL season.
other aircraft or objects on the      service technicians to meet the
ground, or threaten public safety.    demands of the growth in
During the 2021 NFL season, the       aviation, according to a survey by
city tracked the low-altitude         North Texas InterLink Inc. The

The rapid growth experienced in     buildings, commute patterns          AV2.0
Dallas-Fort Worth calls for         normalized. With freeway volumes
advanced ideas to propel the        returning to pre-pandemic levels     NCTCOG’s Automated Vehicle
region forward so it remains a      by December, sharing a ride was      Program 2.0, is helping the region
hotspot for transportation          once again an alternative for many   prepare for the widespread
solutions. North Texas addresses    North Texans to get to work or       adoption of automated vehicles.
the needs of its transportation     important appointments safely        Work continued on AV2.1, the
system through a variety of         and reliably.                        regional transportation technology
partnerships as it seeks a long-                                         planning exercise, with a series of
term approach to system             Those who choose to share a ride     public meetings. Learn more at
improvements. Some technology       with co-workers, family or friends   www.connectNTXfutures.org.
applications, such as a new         can save 50% on peak-period tolls
mobile app for carpooling, are in   on TEXpress Lanes across Dallas-     The Regional Transportation
use and paying dividends for the    Fort Worth with the FREE             Council has committed
transportation system. Others are   GoCarma app. In 2021, almost         funding to help local partners host
in the development stage and        12,500 new users signed up for       automated vehicle deployments
could and revolutionize the way     GoCarma. Users recorded              (AV2.2) and explore use cases
North Texans move.                  approximately 1 million TEXpress     that further regional priorities
                                    Lane transactions, an increase of    (AV2.3).
GoCarma                             almost 9% over 2020. For more
                                    information, visit                   The RTC approved the first round
As businesses continued             www.gocarma.com/dfw.                 of projects in 2021. The projects
reopening in 2021 and people                                             included a wide range of
returned to working in office                                            technology solutions, such as

                in 2021, there were 1 million
                GoCarma transactions on the
                region’s TEXpress Lanes, a 9%
                increase over the previous year.
                North Texans can receive a 50%
                peak-period discount on their
                trips using the GoCarma app.

Virtual Public Meeting Attendance
                      Online          Telephone            Total

    January 27          106                1                 107

    January 29           63                8                  71

    May 19               98                9                 107

    May 20               37                5                  42

Efforts to advance high-speed transportation in Dallas-Fort Worth continued in 2021 with both online and in-person
opportunities for the public to weigh in on the project. High-speed rail has reached the environmental phase.

an electric and automated bus route        High-Speed Rail                            The RTC is moving forward with
(DART); an AV truck port (Fort                                                        high-speed rail near Interstate
Worth); sidewalk robots delivering         With the planned high-speed rail           Highway 30 after considering
produce in a food desert (Paul             service from Dallas to Houston a           several options, including
Quinn College) and a smart                 few years away, work continues on          hyperloop. Although hyperloop was
infrastructure district that will host     a network that could whisk                 not selected for this project, there
an AV deployment (Richardson).             passengers across the region –             may be applications that make
Assistance did not stop there.             and even to South Texas – in               sense elsewhere in the region.
Last year, staff provided technical                                                   The next phase of this study
assistance to local partners               The Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed           examines potential environmental
considering applications for the           Transportation Connections Study           effects on everything from air
second round of proposals.                 is helping planners determine how          quality to noise, wetlands, wildlife,
                                           to provide the region with access to       water crossing, and neighborhoods
Early in 2022, the second slate of         high-speed technologies.                   and businesses in the corridor. It
projects were approved. They were:                                                    will be conducted following federal
                                           Virtual public meetings were held in       guidelines. NCTCOG is
•   Service delivery programs using        January and May, allowing                  coordinating with the Federal
    automated vehicle platforms in         residents to weigh in online or over       Railroad Administration and Federal
    McKinney and South Dallas              the phone. In October, NCTCOG              Transit Administration on next steps
                                           held in-person open houses at large        to enter into the National
•   Expansion of an on-demand              venues throughout the region to            Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
    shuttle service in Arlington           review recommendations from                study for this corridor, while also
                                           Phase 1 of the study.                      continuing to monitor the real-world
•   An automated parking/curb                                                         readiness of hyperloop technology.
    management test bed at DFW             The events – in Fort Worth,
    Airport                                Arlington, Grand Prairie and Dallas        These projects represent a portion
                                           – provided future users of the             of the work being advanced by
•   Technology projects in                 technology the chance to see               NCTCOG and supported by the
    south and southeast Fort Worth         first-hand how high-speed rail could       RTC to improve the efficiency of the
    to enhance broadband                   help revolutionize travel.                 transportation system for both
    connectivity for area residents                                                   current and future users.
    and businesses

Public Involvement
The lasting effects of the COVID-      The Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed        forums and outreach events.
19 pandemic continue to reshape        Transportation Connections Study        Other popular topics included air
how NCTCOG communicates with           was an effort that allowed              quality, ozone and sustainability. In
the public. Through most of 2021,      NCTCOG to combine traditional           total, the top five topics reached
meetings were held virtually. But      and innovative outreach                 281,591 users on those social
as COVID-19 case numbers               techniques. Virtual meetings were       media sites.
declined, people became more           held in January and May. In
comfortable gathering in public.       October, a series of in-person          Media Relations
And a new flexible alternative to      workshops throughout the corridor
                                                                               NCTCOG regularly interacts with
exclusively in-person engagement       allowed planners to speak directly
                                                                               reporters to deliver information on
emerged – the hybrid approach.         with residents and stakeholders
                                                                               transportation and air quality to
This allows people to attend in        about the progress of the project.
                                                                               regional and national audiences.
person or watch live online.           To keep the public safe, large
                                                                               NCTCOG distributed more than 30
                                       venues were chosen.
Data shows North Texans remain                                                 transportation press releases, and
interested in virtual engagement       Social Media                            staff participated in over 50 media
opportunities. For example, there                                              interviews in 2021. NCTCOG was
was an 11% increase in live views      Social media also provided an           mentioned in more than 150
of RTC meetings, and those who         opportunity to remain engaged           media reports. Requests ranged
attended virtually spent more          through the pandemic. NCTCOG’s          from traditional transportation
time watching. The RTC met             followers on Twitter and Facebook       topics to those attracting more
exclusively virtually throughout       grew by a combined 9% in 2021.          national attention, such as
most of 2021, gathering in person
                                       Users were most engaged with
for the first time in December at
                                       posts about public meetings,
the Irving Convention Center.

Top Five Social Media Topics of 2021
Topic                                             Reach           Share of Reach

Public Meetings/Forums/Comments/
Outreach/Events                                   132,125             35.5%

Air Quality/Ozone/Sustainability                    49,017            13.2%

Roadway Projects/Planning/Programs                  41,438            11.1%

Bicycle/Pedestrian                                 38,137             10.2%

Safety/Tips                                        20,874               5.6%

TOTAL                                            281,591

These are the five most engaging topics covered on the department’s Facebook and
Twitter pages in 2021.

In-person meetings are back, but there will continue to be a desire to gather virtually, even after the pandemic.
NCTCOG has used a hybrid approach to meetings since 2021.

automated vehicles and work with            preventing meaningful participation.         •   Do people of color live in areas
NASA to integrate drone technology          To learn more and to provide input,              where a greater percentage of
into regional planning.                     visit www.nctcog.org/mapyour                     highway pavement is in poor
                                            experience.                                      condition compared with other
Online Tools                                                                                 areas?
                                            Environmental Justice
NCTCOG has further embraced the
                                                                                         •   Do different communities face
variety of online tools available to        COVID-19 has highlighted the
                                                                                             different air quality risks from
stay connected with the residents           disparities that plague low-income
                                                                                             the transportation system?
and businesses. Map Your                    communities and communities of
Experience is designed to gather            color. Despite laws and policies in
                                                                                         For more information, visit
crowdsourced data about the                 place to make transportation more
region’s transportation system. It          accessible to all, issues such as low
collects information from travelers         access to healthy food, medical              Communities are constantly
about issues they have with the             care and active transportation               changing. If issues are not
system. MYE is available in both            infrastructure remain. NCTCOG                addressed early on in the planning
English and Spanish and provides            uses the Environmental Justice               process, they may arise later when
an interactive experience for the           Index to identify groups protected           they could be more difficult to
user and valuable information to            by federal environmental justice             mitigate. NCTCOG is using a
NCTCOG that can help solve                  requirements to help resolve                 combination of innovative and
transportation problems.                    disparities impacted by                      traditional measures to meet
                                            transportation planning activities.          people’s transportation needs.
Engagement tools such as MYE
                                                                                         Whether you can participate in
provide planners with early                 To determine potential impacts on
                                                                                         person or online, your input is
feedback on issues that might               different communities, planners ask
                                                                                         valuable to the process. Tell us
otherwise go unseen until later in          questions such as:
                                                                                         what you think . . . we are listening.
the process. Planners can analyze
where comments originate and then           •    Do low-income residents face
pursue targeted outreach to areas                disproportionately long
and remove potential barriers                    commutes or high
                                                 transportation costs?

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