2022 key words Secure Responsible Diverse - Savills

Page created by Zachary Mann
2022 key words Secure Responsible Diverse - Savills
European Commercial – December 2021

S P OT L I G H T       European Investment
                          Outlook 2022
Savills Research

                   2022 key words   Secure     Responsible       Diverse
2022 key words Secure Responsible Diverse - Savills
European Investment Outlook 2022

                       Economic horizon strewed with
                       During the third quarter of 2021,     over the dynamism of the                 disruptions. But most imminently
                       GDP grew by 2.1% in the euro          economy. According to Oxford             and possibly damaging for the
                       area compared to the previous         Economics, GDP is expected to            economy is the rising number
                       quarter, unexpectedly slightly        expand by 4.4% compared to 5.1%          of new Covid cases, which have
                       above the previous quarter            last year.                               forced some European authorities
                       (2.0%) on the back of particularly                                             to impose some circulation
                       strong household consumption.            Ripple effects of the supply          restrictions. Although the late
                       The economy will remain solid         chain shortages are spreading            information on Omicron suggests
                       next year, still mainly thanks        across all sectors. Furthermore,         that illness may be less severe
                       to unleashed spending, and all        as the level of global consumption       than its previous variant, this new
                       European countries are expected       is expected to remain high               threatening wave suggests that we
                       to have returned to their pre-        next year, supply shocks could           are still under the grip of Covid.
                       pandemic GDP level. Nevertheless,     be prolonged into 2022. Sharp            The longer this thread will last, the
                       overall the economic growth           increases in energy prices have          more likely the sharp structural
                       is forecasted to ease in 2022 as      fuelled new inflationary pressures,      changes imposed by the pandemic
                       several headwinds are hanging         notably under the impact of supply       will become permanent.

                       2021: the recovery vs 2022: the
                       European commercial and               buildings to embrace social values.      living sectors to remain highly
                       residential investment volumes        This will eventually provide             sought after in 2022. In all
                       reached approximately €78.9bn         some opportunities for value-add         European countries, the growth of
                       in Q3 2021, the highest level         investors. Yet, we do not expect a       online sales has accelerated during
                       recorded in a third quarter over      significant return of the value-add      the pandemic, inflicting a sharp
                       the past five years. This brought     investors at least until 2023, after a   rise in occupier demand. Living
                       the total volume accumulated          significant repricing in secondary       sectors, on the other hand, offer
                       since the beginning of the year to    asset classes. Historically, we have     stable income streams and are
                       €201.6bn. This is a 13.5% jump on     seen value-add investors interest        driven by rising urban populations,
                       last year and a 7.7% increase on      rising in periods when the prime/        demographic changes and new
                       the past five-year average; some      secondary office yields gap is above     living arrangements. The common
                       standout figures given the current    90 pbs (in Q3 2021 it was 88 bps).       ground of both sectors is clear
                       circumstances. Strong investment                                               demand and supply imbalances
                       activity will continue until the         It is still too early to determine    pressing rental levels up and
                       end of the year; we anticipate the    precisely the extent of the “Covid”      forcing investors to look into
                       end-year volume to be around          factor in the retail, logistics and      forward-funding strategies. This
                       €288bn (+ 8.5 / 9.0% YoY). 2022       office markets. Either way, the          will carry on into 2022; hence we
                       is likely to be pretty much in line   Covid crisis will have served to         anticipate solid rental growth for
                       with 2021; we expect the European     highlight the metamorphosis of           both sectors next year.
                       investment volume to range            these markets, which was already
                       between €290bn and €295bn next        in place long before the pandemic.          2022 could set the start of
                       year (+2% YoY).                       From an investors' point of view,        a new beginning for the retail
                                                             the adage according to which no          sectors following years of
                          “Flight to quality” will remain    one should put all their eggs in one     changes in consumption patterns,
                       the investors’ leitmotif, which       basket will be more prevalent than       retailers attempts to adapt
                       will start to heavily weigh on the    ever. We expect greater portfolio        through consolidation strategies,
                       non-prime stock. With greater ESG     diversification in the years to          implementation of omnichannel
                       imperatives ahead, it will be time    come, in terms of assets, locations      networks and repurposing of retail
                       to think about renovating some        and strategies.                          units. We believe the sector is now
                       of this stock to achieve greener                                               more aware and better prepared
                       standards or repurposing some           We expect the logistics and            to adjust to consumers' changing

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European Investment Outlook 2022

Investment volumes - Strong performances given the circumstances

                                                        Q1     Q2      Q3   Q4   Forecast


 Billion Euros





                       2015   2016               2017                2018         2019              2020          2021            2022

                                                                                                                         Source: Savills Research

Breakdown per asset class - Toward an even distribution?

                                            Office   Retail    Industrial   Multifamily     Alternatives



30%                                                                                                                      46%




                       2016          2017                     2018                 2019                    2020              2021 Q3

                                                                                                                         Source: Savills Research

European Investment Outlook 2022

                       behaviour. We expect rental            secondary assets.                     variant. Nevertheless, we also
                       growth to turn positive following                                            expect growing intraregional
                       several years of decline. Strong          In core markets, student           activities from investors,
                       retail repricing (+80 bps over the     housing, senior living and care       developers and operators. We
                       past four years on average across      homes have become mainstream,         anticipate Swedish investors to
                       Europe) has turned the sector          although still niches by investment   become the most active cross-
                       into one of the most competitive       volume standards. Strong yield        border investors in Europe.
                       of all. This is already starting to    compression for these asset types
                       catch investors' attention, and we     over the past five years has led         Core countries (UK, Germany
                       expect this will start materialising   to yield levels below 4%. In the      and France) will remain the
                       next year through growing retail       very low yield environment, the       preferred investment destinations.
                       investment volumes. The best           search for higher returns will push   We notably expect investment
                       performing supermarkets and            investors further afield within the   activity to increase in France
                       retail warehouses will remain          alternative segment. Hospitals,       (+20%) and the UK (+10%),
                       the most sought after products,        universities, data centres, life      whilst it should remain stable
                       followed by convenience stores,        sciences, and urban farming are       in Germany. We also believe
                       commuting hubs and high street         slowly emerging on investors'         the Nordics’ share in the total
                       units in strong footfall areas.        radars. We expect these sectors       European volume could continue
                                                              will gradually emerge as an asset     to increase as the region is
                          There are no doubt that offices     class in the next five years. All     increasingly attracting foreign
                       will remain commonplace to             in all, we believe the investment     capital. During the first three
                       work for the foreseeable future.       breakdown per asset class, will be    quarters of the year, the Nordics
                       Yet, it seems not every office will    slowly merging toward a more even     accounted for 21.8% of the total
                       continue to fit this purpose within    distribution.                         European volume, up from a record
                       the new agile working framework                                              level of 15.5% last year.
                       expected by employees. Given              The amount of cross-border
                       the rising residential prices in       capital invested in Europe during        Over the past few years,
                       central locations in all European      the first three quarters of the       the number and the volume of
                       cities leading to lengthening          year totalled €88bn, representing     forward-funding deals have been
                       commuting times and the growing        49% of the total volume invested      growing significantly, accounting
                       concerns over sustainable              in Europe. This is 16% up on last     for 7.5% of the total investment
                       mobility, office locations will        year and in line with the previous    volume in 2015 to 16.4% in 2021
                       further be paramount. Hence,           five-year average for the same        (to Q3). We expect forward-
                       based on the very low vacancy rate     period. Gradually over the year,      funding investment intentions
                       within European CBDs, notably          cross-border investment activity      will increase, mainly driven by
                       in core and Nordics countries,         has been increasingly led by non-     the living sectors and logistics.
                       we expect solid rental growth          European investors, notably from      However, the overall volume is
                       for prime CBD offices next year.       the US, but also from Canada,         likely to decrease slightly due
                       As such, we expect investors to        Singapore, and the Middle East.       to increasing concerns about
                       become increasingly selective          We expect long-haul cross-border      development delays caused by
                       seeking exclusively prime offices      investment volumes to increase in     major disruptions in supply chains,
                       in key locations. This will support    2022 unless travel restrictions are   which are unlikely to ease anytime
                       growing rental values and pricing      enforced due to rising concerns       soon.
                       divergences between prime and          over the spread of the Omicron

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European Investment Outlook 2022

 Another year of prime yield
 hardening ahead
On average, the prime CBD office         London (-25 bps) and Paris (-35         particularly true for care homes
yield hardened by 9 bps to 3.49%         bps) continue to compress, whilst       and student housing, two segments
over the past six months, driven by      Lisbon (-75 bps), Milan (-50 bps),      for which we anticipate significant
strong compression in core cities.       Madrid (-50 bps) and Amsterdam          activity in 2022, fuelled by mergers
Manchester, London City, and             (-50 bps) observed the strongest        & acquisitions (M&A) between
West End compressed by 25 bps,           compression. For the next 12            care home operators and disposals
Berlin and Cologne hardened by 20        months, we expect prime yields          of large student housing portfolios.
bps; Paris and Barcelona by 15 bps       to harden further, by 10-15 bps on
and Dusseldorf and Hamburg by 10         average in Europe.                         Within the retail segment, retail
bps. Rising long-term government                                                 warehousing yields have converged
bond yields during Q2 and Q3                Growing investor interest            further with prime shopping
2021 have not had any impact on          has also put downward pressure          centre yields. Average prime retail
record-low office pricing across         on prime yields across the              warehouse yields compressed by 4
the main markets, with long-term         living sectors. During the past         bps in the last two quarters to 5.2%
risk spreads remaining in line with      six months, the average prime           whilst at the same time the average
the long-term average. We believe        European multifamily yield              prime shopping centre moved out
there is still some gap for further      compressed by 6 bps to 3.2%. The        by 3bps to 5.3%. Average prime
yield inward movement for the            average prime student housing           high street yields are also edging
best CBD offices. We forecast an         yield has moved in by 14 bps since      upwards (+3 bps). We forecast
average annual compression of 3-5        Q1, standing at 4.1% in Q3 2021.        prime retail warehouse yields to
bps by the end of 2022.                  During the same period, prime           compress further by 5-10 bps on
                                         senior housing and prime care           average during the next 12 months,
   The weight of capital targeting       home yields hardened by 14 bps          whilst shopping centre and high
European logistics has compressed        and 17 bps respectively on average      street yields are anticipated to
average prime yields by 28 bps           across Europe. We expect further        start stabilising during 2022 on the
over the last six months - the most      yields compression across the           back of renewed investor interest
significant yield compression of all     living sectors in the next 12 months    for retail.
sectors. Core markets, including         (5-10 bps on average). This is most

Prime yields - Edging downwards

                 CBD offices           Logistics       Retail warehouses             Shopping centres      High street      Multifamily









               15 Q3               16 Q3                17 Q3                 18 Q3              19 Q3              20 Q3            21 Q3
                                                                                                                              Source: Savills Research

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Lydia Brissy                                             Oliver Fraser-Looen                                      Tristam Larder                                              Leila Packett
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                                                         OFLooen@savills.com                                      TJLarder@savills.com                                        LeilaPackett@savills.com

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