Cummins Inc.

At Cummins, we are
committed to what is
now a more than 100-year
tradition at our company—
creating and maintaining
a dynamic and
exciting workplace.
Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.   2

                                                                                  Our commitment to
                                                                                  our most important
                                                                                  asset—our people
                                                                                  We are steadfast in our commitment to
                                                                                  building a dynamic workplace where all
                                                                                  employees are inspired and encouraged
                                                                                  to achieve their full potential.
                                                                                  This is how we define Leadership Culture at Cummins. To be successful,
                                                                                  it must be embedded at every level of our company as helping our employees
                                                                                  reach their full potential impacts our ability to innovate, serve our stakeholders
                                                                                  and maintain our position as an industry leader.

                                                                                  THE ROLE OF LEADERS
                                                                                  This work starts at the top with our Board of Directors. In 2020, we renamed
                                                                                  our Compensation Committee as the Talent Management and Compensation
                                                                                  Committee, reflecting the much-needed emphasis on employees at our board
                                                                                  level. The committee focuses on our employee experience, recently overseeing
                                                                                  the creation of global implementation plans and process improvements in
                                        Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger meets
                                                                                  response to employee feedback.
                                        with a women’s employee resource group.
                                                                                  We focus on leadership at all levels of Cummins because leaders play
                                                                                  such a pivotal role in creating a great work environment. More than anyone,

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                    3
leaders shape the experience for employees                        positions us to deploy our talent more effectively than others.     at a glance
across the company.                                               There are many companies working to solve complicated
                                                                  global challenges. What sets Cummins apart is that we are
We have invested significant time and resources into                                                                                  Cummins Inc. is a global power leader made up
                                                                  experts in using the power of difference to address tough           of complementary business segments that design,
leadership development programs. Diversity among the
                                                                  issues – leveraging the capability of our leaders and the           manufacture, distribute and service a broad
participants is intentional – spanning our various business                                                                           portfolio of power solutions, including diesel,
                                                                  diverse perspectives of our teams to deliver the best solutions
segments, functions, and regions around the world and                                                                                 natural gas, electric and hybrid powertrains
                                                                  to customers around the world in a way that is customized to        and powertrain-related components.
targeting employees at different levels in the organization.
                                                                  their culture, language and needs.
Our curriculum recognizes the need for today’s leaders
to build business acumen and emotional intelligence                                                                                   ESTABLISHED:   1919
                                                                  MEETING FUTURE CHALLENGES
to successfully drive business results while effectively                                                                              HEADQUARTERS:   Columbus, Indiana (U.S.A.)
engaging with a diverse set of stakeholders.                      Creating and maintaining a dynamic work environment
                                                                  has never been more important. We are entering an                   SALES/EARNINGS:
The result of our investment is a resilient, experienced, agile   unprecedented period in Cummins’ history. Climate change is         Cummins earned $1.8 billion
and accountable group who is well prepared for complex            the existential challenge of our time, and the companies that       on sales of $19.8 billion in 2020.
global challenges. I am confident that the pipeline of leaders    succeed in the future will deploy their diverse talent to solving
we have developed is one of our most sustainable strengths                                                                            EMPLOYEES:    59,900 as of Dec. 31, 2021
                                                                  complex problems while using fewer of the world’s resources.
irrespective of industry changes and business cycles.                                                                                 OPERATIONS:
                                                                  We are confident that our path to zero carbon emissions             Cummins serves customers around
DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION                                   is the best for the planet, our stakeholders and Cummins’           the world, with principal manufacturing
                                                                  continued success. All our employees have a role to play            locations in eight U.S. states and
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) is our competitive                                                                             six of the seven continents.
                                                                  in this. Our children and their children will look back and
advantage. We have a history of bringing people together
                                                                  ask what we did to address climate change, and we must
with different talents to solve complex problems and drive                                                                            WEBSITE:   cummins.com
                                                                  dedicate our talent and resources toward solving it.
innovation for our customers. We can do this better and
                                                                                                                                      FORTUNE 500 RANKING:   150 (as of 2021)
faster by creating an environment for everyone to reach           This is the challenge in front of us and there is no
their full potential.                                             company better positioned to confront it.                          STOCK SYMBOL:   CMI (New York Stock Exchange)
Our commitment to diversity enables us to attract the                                                                                 CEO:   Tom Linebarger (2012 to present)
best talent, and our commitment to equity and inclusion           Tom Linebarger
                                                                  Chairman and CEO, Cummins Inc.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                                4

Cummins’ story                                        VALUES                               LEADERSHIP
Our approach to human capital management              INTEGRITY
                                                                                           Inspiring and encouraging
is guided by the Cummins’ vision, mission             Doing what you say you will
                                                                                           all employees to achieve
                                                      do and doing what is right
and values and the company’s Leadership                                                    their full potential
Culture. Cummins’ history and values inspire          DIVERSITY & INCLUSION                Cummins’ Leadership Culture
our compassion and actions.                           Valuing and including our            is supported by a leadership
                                                      differences in decision making       development framework
                                                      is our competitive advantage         reflecting three overarching beliefs:

MISSION                                               CARING
                                                                                            1   Leaders need to build
                                                                                                business acumen and
Making people’s lives better by                       Demonstrating awareness
                                                      and consideration for the
                                                                                                emotional intelligence.

powering a more prosperous world                      wellbeing of others                   2   Leaders have a responsibility
                                                                                                to teach and coach others.

                                                      EXCELLENCE                            3   A leader’s development
                                                      Always delivering superior results        starts with individual
VISION                                                                                          development then moves
                                                                                                to team development.
Innovating for our customers                          Collaborating across teams,          To learn more about how great
to power their success                                functions, businesses and
                                                      borders to deliver the best work
                                                                                           leaders make Cummins a great
                                                                                           place to work, see page 25.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                         5
Report contents
                                                      Our commitment to our most important asset—our people............................... 3

                                                      Cummins’ story..................................................................................................... 5

                                                      Creating a great workplace starts with the Cummins board............................... 7

                                                      Putting human capital management to work..................................................... 10

                                                      Our global reach.................................................................................................. 11

                                                      Our workforce strategy....................................................................................... 12

                                                      Diversity, equity and inclusion: our competitive advantage.............................. 15

                                                      Our workforce...................................................................................................... 18

                                                      Engaging employees and families in improving wellness................................. 23

                                                      Developing enlightened leaders to drive Cummins’ success........................... 26

                                                      Working to be the company of the future, now................................................. 28

                                                      Cummins workplace honors............................................................................... 30

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                       6

Creating a
great workplace
starts with the                                            Cummins President and Chief
                                                           Operating Officer Jennifer Rumsey

Cummins board
                                                           talks to prospective customers.

                                                                                                                            In 2022, longtime member
The Cummins Board of Directors                        These include the calls for racial equity and social                  Alexis M. Herman announced
                                                      justice that swept across the United States in 2020,                  her retirement from the
is leading by example on human                        as well as the movement toward flexible and remote                    Cummins Board of Directors.

capital management, adding                            working arrangements since the onset of the global                    Herman, a former U.S. Secretary of
                                                                                                                            Labor, joined the board in 2001 and
                                                      pandemic two years ago.
more women and ethnically                                                                                                   served as Lead Director at the time of
                                                                                                                            her retirement.
diverse members while aligning                        GAINS IN BOARD DIVERSITY
                                                                                                                ALEXIS M.
                                                                                                                            In that position, she played an important
                                                                                                                            role conferring with the Chairman on,
its focus to creating dynamic                         The board ended 2021 with five women members—                         and approving, board agendas as well
                                                                                                                            as serving as the leader of the board’s
                                                      the most at any time in the company’s more than
work environments.                                    100-year history—and then added a 14th member
                                                                                                                            Governance & Nominating Committee.

                                                      and a sixth woman in early 2022 when Cummins                          She guided the board through the
Working with our company leadership, the board                                                                              sudden onset of the COVID-19
                                                      President and Chief Operating Officer Jennifer Rumsey
for much of the past year has been taking a broader                                                                         pandemic in 2020 as it provided vision,
                                                      joined the board. Later, long-time Lead Director Alexis               strength and stability. The board met
view of the plans, policies and practices impacting                                                                         15 times in 2020 – three times its
                                                      Herman announced her retirement, effective at Cummins'
Cummins employees, with a special focus on the new                                                                          normal number of meetings. Herman is
                                                      Annual Meeting May 10.                                                Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
and unprecedented issues around talent management
                                                                                                                            of New Ventures, LLC, a corporate
and compensation emerging since 2020.                                                                                       consulting company.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                7

Female board members in addition to Rumsey and
Herman as of March 31, 2022, include Georgia R.
                                                               Cummins Board of Directors
Nelson, retired President and CEO of PTI Resources LLC,
who joined the board in 2004; Karen H. Quintos, retired
Chief Customer Officer of Dell Technologies, a board
member since 2017; Kimberly A. Nelson, retired Senior
Vice President of External Relations at General Mills, Inc.,
a board member since 2020; and Carla A. Harris, Vice
Chairman and Managing Director at Morgan Stanley,
who joined the board in 2021.                                  ROBERT J.    DR. FRANKLIN R.   BRUNO V.     STEPHEN B.    CARLA A.
                                                               BERNHARD     CHANG DIAZ        DI LEO       DOBBS         HARRIS
Members across other dimensions of diversity include
Harris, Herman, Kimberly A. Nelson, Franklin R. Chang
Diaz and Bruno V. Di Leo. Chang Diaz, a board member
since 2009, is a former U.S. astronaut who today is
President of the Ad Astra Rocket Company. Di Leo,
a board member since 2015, is the Managing Director
of Bearing North LLC, an independent advisory firm
focused on business expansion. Prior to that role,
he served as a Senior Vice President of IBM.                   ROBERT K.    ALEXIS M.         N. THOMAS    THOMAS J.     WILLIAM I.
                                                               HERDMAN      HERMAN            LINEBARGER   LYNCH         MILLER
Taken together, more than half of the Cummins Board
of Directors consist of women or members of other
dimensions of diversity.

The board also has diversity in terms of business
expertise and experience, including backgrounds in the
automotive and transportation sectors, technology and
                                                                                                                         (Board as of March 31, 2022)
IT, sales and marketing, academia and financial expertise.
                                                               GEORGIA R.   KIMBERLY A.       KAREN H.     JENNIFER W.
                                                               NELSON       NELSON            QUINTOS      RUMSEY

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                               8

Twelve of the 14 members including Herman are fully
independent directors, consistent with the definition
                                                        Since 2020, Cummins has taken many steps
                                                        in the talent management area including:
                                                                                                               Board diversity
established by the U.S. Securities and Exchange                                                                The Cummins Board of Directors is
                                                        • Executed robust safety protocols for
Commission and the New York Stock Exchange.                                                                    becoming increasingly diverse both
                                                          essential on-site personnel.
Cummins’ Chairman and CEO Tom Linebarger was                                                                   by gender as well as race and ethnicity.
the only board member employed by the company           • Implemented a remote working environment for
before Rumsey’s appointment in 2022.                      employees who could perform their duties off site.   BY GENDER
                                                                                                               This chart looks at the board
EXPANDING FOCUS                                         • Launched a global mental health awareness            by gender as of March 31, 2022.
                                                          campaign to destigmatize conditions such as
In 2020, the board broadened the focus of                 depression and encourage employees to seek             WOMEN                    43%
its Compensation Committee to include talent              support offered by the company.
management. The Talent Management and                                                                            MEN                                   57%
Compensation Committee’s expanded charter               • Developed and piloted a diversity, equity and
reflects both the critical role employees play in         inclusion learning curriculum with a focus on
                                                                                                               BY RACE, ETHNICITY
the success and sustainability of the company             awareness of privilege and unconscious bias.
                                                                                                               This chart looks at the board by race
and the impact of the ongoing pandemic.                 • Extended key elements of Cummins’ talent             and ethnicity as of March 31, 2022.

                                                          management programs to hourly employees
It’s also consistent with Cummins’ commitment
                                                          to advance their capabilities and careers.             ASIAN 0%
to diversity, equity and inclusion, both in the
recruiting and retention of talented employees          The challenge of attracting, developing and                              BLACK 21.4%
and the establishment of great work environments.       retaining the best employees has never been
Finally, the committee has aligned its focus to the     greater and the stakes are high for all of the                 LATINX / HISPANIC 7.1%
company’s overarching Leadership Culture theme          company’s stakeholders. Cummins’ Board
of “inspiring and encouraging all employees to          of Directors is determined to take a leadership                                    WHITE 64.3%
reach their full potential.”                            role to meet that challenge, so the company
                                                        flourishes for the next 100 years.                      OTHER 0%

                                                                                                                       TWO OR MORE RACES 7.1%

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                          9
Putting human capital                                                             COVID-19 tested Cummins and its human capital
                                                                                  management practices. Here are 12 steps we took
management to work                                                                to help employees during the pandemic.

                1                                       2                                   3                            4

              IMPLEMENTED robust health               INSTITUTED mandatory                 ESTABLISHED production       EXPANDED employee leave
              and safety protocols including          health screenings before             centers to make masks for    policies to help maintain
              personal protective equipment           entry into essential facilities.     global distribution.         safe and productive
              for essential employees.                                                                                  work environments.

                8                                       7                                   6                            5

              ENCOURAGED                              LAUNCHED global mental               EXTENDED ergonomic           DEPLOYED virtual
              employees to access available           health awareness campaign            support to employees         collaboration tools to help
              telehealth resources.                   to destigmatize depression,          working remotely.            employees working remotely.
                                                      anxiety and other conditions.

                9                                      10                                   11                           12

              OFFERED key talent                      INITIATED virtual                    INTRODUCED virtual           SPONSORED vaccination
              management programs                     options to maintain                  collaboration tools to       clinics delivering more than
              to help hourly employees                commitment to leadership             support talent acquisition   45,000 shots to Cummins
              advance their careers.                  development training.                and intern programs.         employees, contractors
                                                                                                                        and their families.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                    10

Our global reach                                                               UNITED KINGDOM

Cummins employee                                                               7.6%                                      INDIA

assignments around-the-world:                                                                                            15.3%                                CHINA

                                                                                       REST OF WORLD
                                    10.6% 2.6%
                                                               BRAZIL                  11.6%                                           AUSTRALIA

 40.6%                                                                                                                                 2.7%


      7.6                   27.8                  11.6                  60                    35.7                       35.4                33.1               59,900
                                                                                                                                                                (Dec. 31, 2021)

   Latinx/Hispanic      Percentage of women     Black percentage       Percentage of          Percentage of                Percentage          Non-white
    percentage of        in global workforce    of U.S. workforce   women on Cummins    ethnically/racially diverse       of workforce       percentage of
   U.S. workforce                                                     Executive Team       board members as           represented by union   U.S. workforce
                                                                                           of March 31, 2022

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                          11
Cummins’ strategic
roadmap is centered on
the critical enablers to
realizing our company’s
Leadership Culture and
its vision of inspiring and
encouraging all employees
to reach their full potential.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.   12
OUR WORKFORCE STRATEGY                                                                                                      How we do it
                                                                                                                            Cummins powers customer success
                                                                                                                            through five different business segments:
                                                                                                     WORK-LIFE AT CUMMINS
                                             The company’s workforce strategy cultivates an
                                                                                                                            ENGINE SEGMENT
                                             environment where all employees, regardless of
                                                                                                                            The Engine business segment designs and
                                             employee type and location, know what is expected                              builds diesel and natural gas engines for
                                             of them, are rewarded based on performance and                                 heavy and medium-duty trucks, buses, as
                                             have access to differentiated experiences, tools                               well for use in rail and marine, agricultural
                                                                                                                            machinery and construction equipment.
                                             and leadership coaching to help them develop.
                                                                                                                            POWER SYSTEMS
                                             We embarked on a multi-year initiative to address
                                                                                                                            Cummins Power Generation designs and
                                             the recognition that there is variation in how talent
                                                                                                                            manufactures power generation systems,
                                             processes are applied to the hourly workforce,                                 including standby and prime power,
                                             leading to lower quality outcomes and inefficiency,                            distributed power generation and
                                                                                                                            combined heat and power systems.
                                             and impacting the company’s ability to maximize         “I’ve never had to
                                             the capabilities of a deep talent pool.
                                                                                                      wait for someone      COMPONENTS SEGMENT

                                             At a strategic level, we want the same talent and        to quit or move on    The Components segment designs
                                                                                                                            and builds exhaust aftertreatment
                                             compensation polices, processes and mindset for          in order to move      solutions, filtration systems, fuel
                                             the company’s hourly workforce as Cummins has                                  systems and turbochargers to
                                                                                                      up. That’s one of     maximize engine performance.
                                             for its salaried and exempt workforce.
                                                                                                      my favorite things
                                             Cummins’ aspirational goal is to build a robust                                NEW POWER
                                                                                                      about Cummins.
                                             talent pipeline where over half of the exempt                                  The New Power segment designs and
                                                                                                     You can create your    builds battery electric and hydrogen fuel
                                             vacancies are filled by internal hourly talent.                                cell platforms as well as products used in
                                                                                                      own career path.”     renewable hydrogen production.
                                             Leadership Culture is foundational to the company’s
                                             workforce strategy. It speaks to the criticality of     ANNA NEESE             DISTRIBUTION
                                             leaders at all levels of the organization creating      Finance, Indiana       The Distribution segment provides sales,
                                                                                                                            service and support to customers around
                                                                                                                            the world through the largest number of
                                                                                                                            certified service and support locations
                                                                                                                            of any engine manufacturer.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                      13

                                                          Workforce strategy

the right environment for employees to achieve
their full potential, and coach and manage team
members for success.                                      FOCUS AREAS                       BENEFITS

Sponsored by senior leaders, several streams
of work embed the foundational elements of the        1   Developing self-aware             1    Leaders prioritize the time to
company’s talent processes in each organization           and effective leaders.                 observe performance and coach
across Cummins’ global footprint.                                                                and manage talent for success.

The roadmap is focused on: performance
management, talent acquisition and onboarding;
                                                      2   Creating a diverse, equitable
                                                                                            2    Leaders at all-levels role model
individual development and careers; and
                                                          and inclusive work environment.        the company’s key leadership
merit-based compensation.                                                                        behaviors and the right
                                                                                                 behaviors are rewarded
For our company’s business, Cummins                   3   Engaging employees and their           (informally and formally).
expects improved productivity and engagement;
                                                          families in improving wellness.
skill-building that keeps the company current
with advances in technology and changing                                                    3    Employees are encouraged and
                                                                                                 supported in their development
customer needs; and access to a deeper pool
of diverse talent as we look to fill open positions
                                                      4   Extending Cummins’ talent              and have the time and access
from within.                                             process to the company’s               to the tools to do this.
                                                          workforce at every level
                                                          and job type.                     4    Employees are healthy physically,
                                                                                                 mentally, and financially.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                 14

                                                      Diversity, equity
                                                      and inclusion:
                                                      our competitive
                                                      Cummins is united in the desire
                                                      to see a world and a workplace
                                                      where all people are embraced
                                                      for who they are and who they
                                                      aspire to be.
                                                      We want a workforce that is representative at every
                                                      level of the communities where Cummins operates
                                                      around the world; and a workplace that is welcoming,
                                                      so every employee can bring their authentic selves to
                                                      work, learning from and appreciating each other.

                                                      Our goal is a workforce in which all employees
                                                      believe they can reach their full potential because
                                                      they experience a truly diverse, accessible, equitable
                                                      and inclusive work environment.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                            15

                                                          leadership is held accountable for advancing our
                                                          company’s vision, setting goals, achieving results,      WORK-LIFE AT CUMMINS
                                                          coaching others, and developing and being role models.

                                                          Business teams dedicate time on their agendas
                                                          to drive action toward diversity, equity and inclusion
                                                          goals and learn from one another. Progress is
                                                          measured and reported internally and externally.

                                                          The company is working to develop the talent
                                                          management and accountability systems
                                                          and processes necessary to mitigate bias
                                                          and ensure the equitable acquisition and
                                                          advancement of all employees.
                                                                                                                   “At Cummins, I haven’t had a
                                                          Cummins leaders and employees also promote
                                                                                                                    lot of obstacles because the
                                                          positive change in the communities where they live
                                                          and work, through our community engagement                company is so driven by diversity
                                                          initiatives, supplier diversity programs and other        and inclusion. The leadership
                                                          efforts to create the world we want to see.               team is incredibly diverse,
Cummins prospers from harnessing the value of
                                                          Our commitment to diversity, equity and                   and that representation at
diverse ideas and perspectives. Diversity, equity and
inclusion contribute to the kind of work environment      inclusion contributes to thriving economies               the next level makes me feel
that comes up with the most creative ideas to our         and stronger communities.                                 represented and empowered.”
stakeholders’ biggest challenges.
                                                          Cummins leverages this business advantage
                                                                                                                   CRYSTAL GWYNN
The company has invested in an integrated, sustainable    to create value for all of our stakeholders,
                                                                                                                   Engineer, North Carolina
and global approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.   including the company’s employees,
We consider this to be a business imperative and          customers and shareholders. 

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                     16

Key strategy elements
Cummins’ Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Strategy is centered on
enabling a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. Some key elements include:

LEADERSHIP                           BENEFITS, WORK                      ASSESSMENT,
ACCOUNTABILITY                       ARRANGEMENTS                        MEASUREMENT
Leaders demonstrate                  AND COMPENSATION                    AND RESEARCH
individual and collective            Benefits, work arrangements         Comprehensive assessment,
leadership accountability for        and compensation systems            measurement and research
enabling a diverse, equitable        are equitable and optimize          guides DE&I actions and
and inclusive culture.               employee well-being,
                                     potential and performance.
                                                                         performance is shared with
                                                                         all stakeholders.
                                                                                                          Putting our values into action
RECRUITMENT,                                                                                              Several Cummins’ community engagement
RETENTION,                           LEARNING AND                        COMMUNICATIONS                   activities reflect the company’s commitment
DEVELOPMENT                          EDUCATION                           DE&I communications are a        to diversity, equity and inclusion.
AND ADVANCEMENT                      DE&I skills and competence          powerful and pervasive force
Cummins’ talent development          are enabled in company leaders      in achieving a more inclusive,
processes deliver equitable and      and employees through               equitable and prosperous         CUMMINS POWERS WOMEN, for example, is a global community program
accessible recruitment, retention,   education and development.          workplace and world.             to advance equity for women and girls. Launched in 2018, the $22 million
advancement, and a pervasive                                                                              (to date) initiative has served about 26 million women and enabled equal rights
feeling of inclusion.                                                                                     and opportunity for thousands of women and girls around the world,. It has
                                     COMMUNITY,                                                           funded advocacy grants leading to 32 gender equality law and policy changes.
                                     AND SOCIAL                                                           CUMMINS ADVOCATING FOR RACIAL EQUITY (CARE) is a new initiative
                                                                                                          to help dismantle institutional racism in the United States. In its first year it
                                                                                                          partnered to invest more than $23 million into communities to address economic
                                     Cummins will take a leading                                          empowerment, criminal justice reform, police reform and social justice, leading
                                     role within local communities                                        to support for 311 black-owned enterprises. CARE volunteers were part of
                                     and society at large to dismantle                                    17 advocacy initiatives resulting in eight law and policy changes, including
                                     systemic inequities and                                              revisions to two public safety use-of-force protocols.
                                     advance justice for all.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                                           17

Our workforce
Cummins strives for a workforce reflecting
the population where it does business.
That means the company’s goal is a workforce evenly split among
men and women. Cummins’ goals for race and ethnicity vary by region.
In the United States, the company’s goal is 12% for Black employees
and 18% for Latinx/Hispanic employees.

Cummins had 59,900 employees as of Dec. 31, 2021.
Hourly employees made up the largest share of the
company’s workforce.


                                                                                             A Cummins employee works at the
                                                                                             Cummins Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology
                                                                                             campus in Mississauga, Ontario (Canada).
   ABOUT OUR NUMBERS: All data in this section is as of Dec. 31, 2021. Data is rounded
   to no more than two decimal points for simplicity and on occasion may add to just under
   or just over 100%. Gender and demographic numbers are self-reported by employees.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                     18

                                                      GENDER DIVERSITY
                                                      AT CUMMINS
                                                      Cummins’ goal is to reflect the
                                                      markets where we do business.
                                                      Globally, that would be                                  TOP LEADERSHIP BY GENDER
                                                      50% men and 50% women,                                   As Cummins works to attract more women
                                                                                                               to the company, it is putting a special effort
                                                      according to most estimates.                             in its leadership ranks. Here’s a look at the
                                                                                                               gender breakdown of the company’s top
                                                      Here’s were we stood in 2021.                            executive teams.

                                                                                                               CUMMINS EXECUTIVE TEAM
                                                                                                                 WOMEN                                   60%
                                                      GLOBAL WORKFORCE
                                                                                               MEN     WOMEN
                                                                                                                 MEN                    40%
                                                      BY GENDER

                                                       ALL EMPLOYEES                         72.2%    27.8%    CUMMINS LEADERSHIP TEAM

                                                       Hourly                                 73.1%    26.9%     WOMEN                      47.6%

                                                       Salaried/Exempt                        70.9%    29.1%
                                                                                                                 MEN                             52.4%

                                                       LEADERSHIP                            73.9%    26.1%    CUMMINS OPERATING TEAM
                                                       Directors and Executive Directors      74.3%    25.7%     WOMEN                   42.9%
                                                       Vice President and above (officers)     60%      40%      MEN                                 57.1%

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                             19

Cummins Leadership Team
The Cummins Leadership Team, one of three top senior leadership
groups at the company, is an example of how Cummins’ has strived
to live its diversity, equity and inclusion value.
                                                                                                                                     Tom Linebarger
                                                                                                                             Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

        Tony Satterthwaite                   Jennifer Rumsey                             Sharon Barner                                  Amy Davis                         Tracy Embree                    Mahesh Narang
            Vice Chairman                       President and               Vice President – Chief Administrative Officer,      Vice President and President –      Vice President and President –   Vice President and President –
                                            Chief Operating Officer                   Corporate Secretary and                        New Power Segment                   Distribution Segment            Components Segment
                                                                                   Chief Human Resource Officer

         Norbert Nusterer                 Srikanth Padmanabhan                           Sherry Aaholm                                Mary Chandler                        Bonnie Fetch                        Jim Fier
     Vice President and President –      Vice President and President –                  Vice President –                             Vice President –              Vice President – Global Supply         Vice President –
        Power Systems Segment                   Engine Segment                          Chief Digital Officer                      Corporate Responsibility            Chain and Manufacturing          Chief Technical Officer

         Nicole Lamb-Hale                     Melina Kennedy                             Earl Newsome                                   Mark Smith                        Nathan Stoner                     Jeff Wiltrout
           Vice President –           Vice President – Product Compliance                 Vice President –                            Vice President –               Vice President – China ABO            Vice President –
           General Counsel                   and Regulatory Affairs                   Chief Information Officer                     Chief Financial Officer                                               Corporate Strategy

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                   20

Our diversity goal is
to reflect the markets
where we do business.
In the U.S., that would be 57.8% white, 18.7% Latinx,
12.1% Black and 5.9% Asian, according to the U.S.
Census. Here’s where Cummins stood in 2021.

The charts below look at Cummins’ U.S. workforce
based on self-identification as of Dec. 31, 2021.
The overall U.S. workforce was 24,306 on that date.

TOTAL U.S. WORKFORCE                                    DIVERSITY OF                                              LATINX /                       TWO OR      DECLINED
                                                        U.S. WORKFORCE                          ASIAN    BLACK                WHITE   OTHER
Employee classification (U.S.)                                                                                   HISPANIC                     MORE RACES   TO ANSWER

                                                        ALL EMPLOYEES                          11.4%    11.6%     7.6%       66.9%    0.6%       1.5%         0.4%
                                                         Hourly                                  2.5%    15.9%      7.8%      70.8%    0.8%        1.8%         0.5%
EMPLOYEES                                                Salaried / exempt                      21.9%     6.6%      7.4%      62.2%    0.4%        1.2%         0.3%
                                                        LEADERSHIP                             13.3%    6.2%      6.4%       72.7%    0.5%       0.8%         0.2%
SALARIED/                                                Directors and Executive Directors      13.5%     5.9%      6.5%      72.6%    0.5%        0.9%         0.2%
54.1%                                                    Vice President and above (officers)     6.7%    15.6%      4.4%      73.3%     0%           0%          0%

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                21
OTHER WORKFORCE                                       REPRESENTATION
                                                      About a third of the Cummins
                                                                                                                                                 LANGUAGES SPOKEN
                                                                                                                                                 Cummins employees speak
METRICS                                               global workforce is represented
                                                                                                                                                 a variety of languages.
                                                      by various unions.
                                                                                           64.6%                                                 72%
                                                                                                                                                 ONE LANGUAGE
AGE                                                                                        * Cummins employees represented by a union under
More than half of the Cummins’ global
                                                                                             collective bargaining agreements expiring between
                                                                                             2021 and 2025.                                      14.8%
workforce is under the age of 39.                                                                                                                TWO OR MORE

                                                      ASSIGNMENT                           EMPLOYEES                                             7%
                                                                                                                                                 THREE ORE MORE
60+ YEARS                                             COUNTRIES                            WORKING
                                                                                           IN THE U.S.
                                                      More than half of the Cummins
                                                      global workforce was on assignment   40.6%                                                 6.2%
                                                                                                                                                 FOUR OR MORE
                                                      outside the United States.
50-59 YEARS                                                                                EMPLOYEES
16.3%		                                                                                    OUTSIDE THE U.S.                                      TOP 10 LANGUAGES
                                                                                           59.4%                                                 Here are the most popular
40-49 YEARS                                                                                                                                      languages spoken at Cummins.
23.8%		                                 AGE
                                                      COUNTRY OF BIRTH
                                                      More than half of the Cummins                                                              01     English
30-39 YEARS                                           global workforce was born
                                                      outside the United States.                                                                 02     Spanish
33.7%		                                                                                                                                          03     Chinese
20-29 YEARS                                           AUSTRALIA                   2.1%                                                           04     Marathi
19.8%			                                              BRAZIL                      2.8%                              COUNTRY                      05     Hindi
                                                                                                                    OF BIRTH
                                                      CHINA                       9.7%                                                           06     Portuguese
UNDER 20 YEARS                                        INDIA                      18.4%                                                           07     French
                                                      MEXICO                     11.6%
0.5%                                                  REST OF WORLD              15.3%                                                           08     German
                                                      UNITED KINGDOM              7.0%                                                           09     Romanian
All data is of Dec. 31, 2021.
                                                      UNITED STATES              33.1%                                                           10     Tamil

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                             22

Engaging employees
and families in
improving wellness
There are significant business
benefits that come from having a
workforce that is healthy physically,
mentally, and financially.
A holistic philosophy that includes a broad approach to overall
employee wellness considers an employee’s whole self and the
interconnectedness of these components. Cummins’ strategy
actively engages employees and their families in improving
physical, mental and financial wellness.

We are on a journey to offer broad and personalized options to
employees globally, utilizing sophisticated means of engaging
employees that demonstrate the company’s care and support.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.               23

Employees and their families are aware of the
resources and offerings available to them and
                                                        • Financial wellness: Employee education that
                                                          provides a full understanding of the total rewards
                                                                                                                   Supporting the health
have ready access to valuable knowledge, skills           provided by Cummins and the importance of                of our employees
and resources. Examples include:                          financial planning for their future.                     Cummins provides diverse programs aligned with
• Telehealth: Advancement in technologies enable        • Mental health: Mental wellness is intricately woven      our company’s values and focused on supporting
  accelerated expansion of telehealth adoption by         into how Cummins works, cares for people and             employees and their families based on their
  global wellness providers, including Cummins’           how we encourage them to care for themselves.            unique needs. Some of these include:
  LiveWell Center. LiveWell, the company’s health         Targeted communication campaigns augment
  center in Columbus, Indiana (U.S.), not only treats     policies and programs designed to support                    HEALTH CARE
  illnesses but also helps employees and their            and improve mental wellness and destigmatize                 Tiered health care costs so that more junior
  families adopt healthier lifestyles.                    negative stereotypes.                                        employees pay less for their premiums.

                                                        Leaders play a key role in enabling our wellness               PARENTAL LEAVE
                                                        strategy. Developing self-aware and effective leaders          Paid parental leave for primary and
                                                        who deeply care for the holistic wellness of their             secondary caregivers.

                                                        employees is central to this effort. Engaging leaders
                                                        in detecting and addressing wellness topics within             MEDICAL SERVICES
                                                        their teams is a necessity to drive a holistic                 Advanced medical services from clinicians
                                                        wellness approach.                                             to support complex health care needs.

                                                        Learning and awareness programs equip leaders with             EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE
                                                        the skills to be able to recognize and properly respond,
                                                                                                                       Employee assistance programs with
                                                        demonstrating Cummins’ value of caring. Expanded tools         diverse providers that can meet a range
                                                        and resources integrated into the company’s leadership         of employee needs from race-related
                                                                                                                       trauma to transgender transition support.
                                                        development framework set up leaders to confidently
                                                        and capably champion wellness within their teams.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                   24

New ways of working embrace this wellness vision,            KEY HEALTH AND SAFETY METRICS
considering ergonomics, schedule and location flexibility,

working across time zones, and effective work tools.                         Cummins’ telehealth          “New Power China
Strong partnerships exist with Cummins’ Information                          participants in 2020.         is such a warm and
Technology, Health Safety and Environment, Integrated
Services (Facilities) and Supply Chain functions to drive                                                  energetic team; everyone
enterprise solutions.                                                                                      is working hard towards
                                                                             Improvement in the
                                                                                                           one target. We are one
This approach to holistic wellness requires evolving                         company’s health and
                                                                                                           big family, and everyone
capability. Benefit program design will continue to
evolve to meet emerging needs. Requiring deeper
                                                               19%           safety Incidence Rate
                                                                             in 2020. The rate was a       has their own unique gift
technical competencies within the company’s specialty                        record low for Cummins.       that they bring to the team.”
teams include helping leaders recognize and properly
respond to the evolving needs of their collective team                                                    CHELSEA YUAN
and individual employees.                                                                                 Marketing, China
                                                                             Projects submitted in

Vendor partners who deliver wellness services on                             Cummins’ 2020 Ergo Cup
Cummins’ behalf must be managed effectively, living up                       competition recognizing
to the employee experience the company envisions.                           improvements in ergonomics
                                                                             across the company.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                   25

                                                      Developing enlightened
                                                      leaders to drive
                                                      Cummins’ success
                                                      Cummins leaders must know
                                                      themselves well. That is why all of
                                                      our leadership development programs
                                                      start by increasing self-awareness.
                                                      This helps Cummins leaders better understand who they are,
                                                      what they value and what they expect of themselves and others.
                                                      In turn, they are better able to inspire their teams to work toward
                                                      their own and the company’s goals.

                                                      At the team level, Cummins leaders learn to set bold targets that
                                                      inspire their teams to excel and help our company meet its strategic
                                                      objectives. Cummins leaders feel accountable for results and ensure
                                                      that individuals, teams and organizations share that accountability.

                                                      Our leaders also learn to seek a diversity of perspectives, styles and
Engine Business segment                               strengths to ensure high performance and create better outcomes
President Srikanth Padmanabhan                        for both customers and the company.
visits with an employee.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                            26
Vice President Tracy Embree, President of
                                                          the Cummins Distribution Business Segment,
                                                          oversees the sales, service and support
                                                          experience for the company’s customers.
                                                                                                                   and benefits
                                                            The framework for                                      Compensation and benefits at
                                                                                                                   Cummins are consistent with
                                                            great leadership                                       the company’s goal of improving
                                                            Investing in developing outstanding leaders has long   the physical, mental and
                                                            been a driver of Cummins’ success. The company’s       financial wellness of employees
                                                            leadership development framework reflects three
                                                            overarching company beliefs:                           throughout their lifetime.

                                                            1                                                      KEY FEATURES:
                                                                                                                   Features include base and variable pay, medical
                                                                  Leaders need to build business acumen
                                                                                                                   coverage, paid time off, retirement saving plans and
While diversity by its nature can create conflict,                and emotional intelligence to successfully       employee stock purchase plans. When designing
successful leaders embrace that conflict as an                    drive business results and effectively           Cummins’ base pay compensation ranges, the
opportunity to find better solutions. They manage                 engage with a diverse set of stakeholders.       company does a market analysis to be sure ranges
                                                                                                                   are current and employees are advancing in
conflict well, aligning on decisions and effectively                                                               their earning potential.
implementing them for better results.                       2
                                                                  Leaders have a responsibility to teach and
Our leaders also learn to coach the employees they                coach others. By personally investing their      MARKET STUDIES:
supervise, providing honest, constructive feedback                time, leaders demonstrate their commitment       Cummins also does market compensation studies to
                                                                  to our leadership culture.                       assess market movement, pay equity and living wages.
that helps team members reach their personal goals.

We believe authentic leaders must create a safe and         3                                                      LIVING WAGES:
caring environment by being vulnerable and admitting              A leader’s development journey starts with       In 2018, Cummins conducted a living wage analysis
mistakes, asking for help and being open to feedback,             individual development then moves to team        globally to make certain our employees make a living
                                                                  development. The company’s multifaceted          wage where they live and work. The assessment was
which the best leaders recognize as a gift that helps                                                              incorporated into Cummins’ compensation structure
                                                                  leadership training pairs long standing
them and the company improve.                                                                                      to ensure current and new hires never fall below this
                                                                  elements and newer components to                 threshold. A $15 per hour living wage was calculated
                                                                  meet emerging business needs.
Ultimately, Cummins leaders learn they must continue                                                               for our U.S. employees in 2019, although most
                                                                                                                   positions pay significantly more.
to grow, because their leadership journey never ends. 

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                  27

                                                      Working to be the company
                                                      of the future, now
                                                      Just as Cummins delivers innovation for
                                                      its customers, the company must have that same
                                                      mindset for its greatest asset—Cummins’ people.
                                                      Employees thrive when empowered to balance             • Company facilities safely bring people together to
                                                      their work and personal needs. We are reimagining        collaborate and complete work that cannot be done
                                                      the way we work to provide more flexibility, agility     elsewhere, through spaces designed for teamwork.
                                                      and inclusion.
                                                                                                             • Technology infrastructure enables connections,
                                                                                                               reducing travel and relocation, so employees spend
                                                      WORK ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                               less time away from families and loved ones.
                                                      Cummins strives for a work environment where:
                                                                                                             • Employees are attracted and retained by Cummins’
                                                      • All employees have flexible work options that fit      culture, providing the company increased access to
                                                        their preferred way of working, whether on-site        a larger, more diverse talent pool.
                                                        at a facility, a hybrid of on- and off-site work,
                                                        or off-site at their chosen location.                • We achieve our diversity, equity and inclusion
                                                                                                               aspirations through the company’s hiring and
                                                      • Employees feel included and have an equal              development initiatives to make diversity at
                                                        sense of belonging, where physical location            every level a competitive advantage.
                                                        is not a barrier to contribution or advancement.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                                 28
We listen to our
                                                                                                            employees at Cummins
                                                                                                            The company’s holistic approach
                                                                                                            focuses on understanding if we are
                                                                                                            helping every employee reach his or her
                                                                                                            full potential. We also use what we learn,
                                                                                                            in combination with other data, to better
EFFECTIVE LEADERS                                        • Attentive to the mental and physical health of   understand our company culture and
                                                           employees and their families, providing tools,   gain insights into our workforce.
Cummins believes leaders should be:
                                                           resources and services to improve wellness.
• Authentic role models and advocates for new                                                               Listening takes place in three main ways:
  ways of working, intentional about their own work      A COMBINATION THAT WORKS
  practices, and flexible to meet the needs of others.
                                                         When effective leaders and a dynamic
• Open communicators to ensure clarity to work           work environment come together,                    1      ACTIVE LISTENING
  schedules and locations. Committed to helping          Cummins believes the result is:                           using tools such as surveys.
  their teams balance work and personal needs.
                                                         • World class leaders leading their teams
• Supportive of employees’ unique needs,                   to deliver excellence to customers while
  demonstrating Cummins’ Leadership Culture                creating the feeling of belonging necessary      2      PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS
  as they work to establish individualized and             for employees to reach their full potential.            typically initiated by our employees.
  dynamic work arrangements.
                                                         • Support at key moments in an employee’s
• Visible and accessible to employees at all levels        work experience delivered through caring,
  of the organization, enabling two-way interactions       personalized, human-centric assistance,          3      TWO-WAY COMMUNICATION
  regardless of work location.                             enabled by easy-to-use technology for                   through forums and other initiatives.
                                                           more routine tasks. 

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                        29

                                                                                                                    WORK-LIFE AT CUMMINS

Cummins workplace honors
Cummins received a perfect score for a 18th             Cummins in 2020 was named to the National Business
consecutive year in the 2022 Corporate Equality         Inclusion Consortium’s fifth annual Best-of-the-Best
Index by the Human Rights Campaign, the largest         Corporations for Inclusion list of 50 U.S. corporations
LGBTQ civil rights organization in the United States.   striving to strengthen and celebrate diversity and
The company was also named to the HRC’s list of         inclusion at the highest levels.
the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.”

                                                        Cummins was named in 2020 a Top Scoring Company
Cummins was named to the 2021 Best Corporate            on the 2020 Disability Equality Index, a national
Citizen list, which ranks companies on their            benchmarking tool offering businesses the opportunity
performance in addressing climate change,               to self-report on their disability inclusion policies and   “My first motivation for what
the environment, financial matters, governance,         practices. The company was recognized for the index’s
workforce issues and more. Cummins ranked               Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion.                I do, which is also the reason
No. 49 in the review done for 3BL Media.                                                                             why I applied to work for
                                                        Cummins in 2020 was named to the 20th annual list of         Cummins, is that I wanted to
Cummins was one of 240 employers named to the           America’s Top Corporations for Women’s Business              work on clean energy technology
2021 Military Friendly Employers list in the U.S. for   Enterprises, honoring corporations for having world-
creating opportunities for veterans and their spouses   class supplier diversity programs that reduce barriers       that will shape decarbonization
through employment and supplier initiatives.            and drive growth for women-owned businesses.                 across many different sectors.
                                                        The award is sponsored by the Women’s Business
                                                        Enterprise National Council.                                 I’m truly passionate about the
Cummins was one of 21 U.S. companies named                                                                           journey of the technological
“Culture Champions” in 2020 by a partnership
between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology       Cummins in 2021 was named to the S&P Dow Jones               evolution that we’re living in.”
and Glassdoor, one of the world’s leading recruiting    World and North American Sustainability Indexes.
websites. The company ranked first in the study’s       It was the 15th consecutive time the company was            ARNAUD DE LHONEUX
category for promoting a diverse and inclusive          named to the North American index and the first time
                                                                                                                    Engineer, Belgium
workplace culture.                                      on the world index since 2013. The prestigious indices
                                                        rate companies on their environmental, social and
                                                        governance performance. 

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                                                                                                     30
Cummins Inc.
                                                      Box 3005
                                                      Columbus, IN 47202-3005


                                                      Produced in U.S.A. 4/22
                                                      ©2022 Cummins Inc.

2022 Human Capital Management Report | Cummins Inc.                             31
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