FCF IPO Market Monitor - European Initial Public Offerings - H1 2019

Page created by Don Howell
FCF IPO Market Monitor - European Initial Public Offerings - H1 2019
FCF IPO Market Monitor

European Initial Public Offerings – H1 2019
FCF IPO Market Monitor - European Initial Public Offerings - H1 2019
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

Executive Summary

The FCF IPO Market
Monitor is a                                           FCF IPO Market Monitor                                                                           Recipients
standardized report              is a comprehensive analysis of the European IPO markets and is                          The FCF IPO Market Monitor targets the following recipients:
on the European                  published by FCF on a semi-annual basis. The analysis provides
public offerings                 relevant pricing, performance and valuation metrics (e.g. ratios and                          ▪ Institutional investors         ▪ Family Offices / High
markets and serves a             multiples) of European IPOs for the last six months                                           ▪ Private equity investors          Net-Worth Individuals
quick reference for                                                                                                            ▪ Venture capital investors       ▪ Corporates
investors, corporates                                                                                                                                            ▪ Advisors
                                                       Selection of Companies
and professionals
                                 The selection of IPOs is based on the following criteria:                                                                  Data
More advanced,                   ▪   IPO date within the last 6 months
                                                                                                                         All input data is provided by S&P Capital IQ and is not independently
detailed and / or                ▪   Primary listing at an European exchange*                                            verified by FCF. Ratio and multiple calculations are driven based on
customized reports               ▪   Transaction size at least EUR 20m                                                   the input data available. For additional information and disclaimer,
are available upon                                                                                                       please refer to the last page
                                 ▪   IPOs of companies operating in the financial services or real
request                              estate sector have been excluded
                                 ▪ Based on transaction size, the IPOs are categorized as follows:                                                      Availability
                                     Micro IPOs: EUR 20m – 50m, Small IPOs: EUR 50m – 100m,
                                     Medium IPOs: EUR 100m – 250m, Large IPOs: > EUR 250m                                The FCF IPO Market Monitor is available on FCF’s website at
                                                     Calculation of Price Indices

                                 The price indices are calculated based on the following criteria:                        To recommend colleagues or fellow investors to be added to the
                                                                                                                            mailing list, kindly send an email with the respective contact
                                 ▪ The relevant IPO has been issued within the last 2 years                                                           information
                                 ▪ The holding period for each IPO in the respective index is 2 years
                                 ▪ The constituents of each index are based on the transaction size
                                     at the time of IPO and are not re-allocated to other categories                      If you have questions, comments or ideas, please do not hesitate
                                                                                                                                                    to contact us
                                 ▪ The index is an arithmetic weighted series where the weights are
                                     the market capitalization of each company

 * Countries of exchanges: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,                                     3
   Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

FCF Overview

FCF seeks to provide                                                          Who We Are                                                                           Capital Markets Capabilities and Services
its clients with
                          ■ Specialized investment bank and financing specialist                                                                                                                             ■      Venture capital                              ■   Private equity
financing solutions                                                                                                                                                                   Private /
                          ■ Advising public and private small / midcap companies                                                                                                      Pre-IPO                       Growth capital

(i) at the lowest
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ■      Initial Public Offering                          pursued in tandem)
    cost,                 ■ Advisor for structuring and placement of financing transactions:                                                                                                                        (IPO) / Capital increase                     ■   Private Investment in
(ii) with the highest      − All instruments: Unbiased approach to all available corporate                                                                                             Public
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ■      Dual-track (IPO and                              Public Equity (PIPE)
                               financing instruments (no product selling approach), allowing                                                                                                                        alternative transaction                      ■   Block trade
                               for customized financing structures                                                                                                                                           ■      Receivables / Factoring / ■                      Working capital /
(iii) in the shortest
                             − All investors: Close and trusted relationships with senior                                                                                           Short-term                      Asset-backed Securities                          Revolving credit facility
      period of time,                                                                                                                                                                 Debt                   ■      Borrowing base /          ■                      Guarantees /
                               executives of virtually all relevant equity and debt investors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Inventory                                        Letter of Credit
(iv) with the highest        − Fast process: Process management skills and direct / personal
     closing proba-                                                                                                                                                                                          ■      Bank loan facility /                         ■   Promissory note
                               access to institutional debt and equity investors enable fast

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Syndicated loans                                 (Schuldscheindarlehen)
     bility, and with          transactions                                                                                                                                         Long-term                ■      Sale-and-lease back /                        ■   High-yield / PIK bond
(v) financing partners                                                                                                                                                                Debt                          Leasing                                      ■   Second lien /
                          ■ More than 100 transactions with a total placement volume in                                                                                                                      ■      Corporate bonds (public /                        Subordinated loans
    that integrate well         excess of EUR 4.0 billion since foundation in 2005                                                                                                                                  private placement)                           ■   Unitranches
    into their strategy
                          ■ Approx. 10 professionals headquartered in Munich                                                                                                        Mezzanine                ■      Mezzanine capital                            ■   Convertible bonds

                          Selected Transactions
                            Syndicated Loan                                                                        Acquisition Financing   Acquisition Financing    Syndicated Loan                                                           European Investment    European Investment      R&D Financing
                                                  Round Extension        Capital Increase        Investment in                                                                            Bilateral Loan Facility       Capital Increase
                                Facility                                                                            Senior Loan & WCF       Second Lien Loan            Facility                                                               Bank Debt Facility     Bank Debt Facility       Debt Facility

                                                                                                                                                                                            [confidential]              [confidential]
                                                                                               Advisor to AkrosA
                                Doppstadt                                                                              GSE Group               GSE Group                                    Business Service             Leading Virtual
                                                  Synapticon GmbH       Synapticon GmbH          Private Equity                                                    KMP Holding GmbH                                                              censhare AG             AMW GmbH              Voxeljet AG
                          Familienholding GmbH                                                                     Acquisition by Finexx   Acquisition by Finexx                                Provider                Reality Company
                                                                                                GmbH & Co. KG
                               EUR 70m             [confidential]         > EUR 10m              > EUR 10m            [confidential]          [confidential]         [confidential]          [confidential]              [confidential]           EUR 25m                 EUR 25m              EUR 25m
                                 Pending              June 2019            January 2019         December 2018         December 2018           November 2018            April 2018               April 2018                 April 2018           December 2017           December 2017         November 2017

                                                 European Investment    Syndicated Loan                                  Bilateral         European Investment      Syndicated Loan                                   Advisor to the Family                            Syndicated Loan         Senior Debt
                             Capital Increase                                                   Promissory Note                                                                             Factoring Facility                                  Debt Financing
                                                  Bank Debt Facility        Facility                                   Loan Facility        Bank Debt Facility          Facility                                       and the Company                                     Facility             Financing

                                                                                                                   DSD – Duales System                                                                                 W Schulz Group                                   Karl Tönsmeier
                                                                       Ziegler Holzindustrie   Schnellecke Group                                                   Schnellecke Group       Schnellecke Group
                              numares AG            MagForce AG                                                          Holding              Biofrontera AG                                                                Sale to                Alno AG           Entsorgungswirtschaft   Max Aicher Group
                                                                         GmbH & Co. KG           AG & Co. KG                                                         AG & Co. KG             AG & Co. KG
                                                                                                                     GmbH & Co. KG                                                                                    Berkshire Hathaway                                GmbH & Co. KG
                               EUR 11m               EUR 35m               EUR 70m                EUR 55m               EUR 30m                 EUR 20m              EUR 105m                  EUR 50m                   [confidential]          > EUR 35m                EUR 82m             [confidential]
                             November 2017            July 2017             July 2017              June 2017            June 2017                May 2017             March 2017               March 2017                February 2017             July 2016               May 2016             April 2016

FCF Facts & Figures

                                  More than                     Close to                 More than                More than
         #1                          10                          100                       100                     4 bn
  Financing advisor in       Investment banking           Years of aggregated,           Completed          Total volume of advised
Germany, purely focusing        professionals             investment banking /          transactions         & closed transactions
 on corporate financing                                   financing experience                                     since 2005

                                                               More than                 More than
   Network                        2000                            25                       120                 Leading
  Access to more than      Contacts to family offices   International conferences   Articles and research     Advisor for financing
   4000 international       and ultra high net worth            organized             papers published      transactions with EIB in
  financial institutions     individuals worldwide                                                             the DACH region

FCF’s Equity Expertise

FCF has successfully    Selected Public Clients         IPO / Public Equity Markets Coverage
closed numerous
transactions over the
past years

FCF regularly
publishes specialized
research, covering
industry trends,
equity valuations,
debt transactions,
                                                         Click picture to
IPO and M&A activity                                     view the report

FCF has hosted /
hosts the FCF IPO
                        FCF IPO Conference Presenters   FCF Family-2-Family Conference Presenters
addressing going
public topics with
great relevance to
decision makers

FCF bi-annually
hosts its Family-2-
Family Conference,
an opportunity for
public companies to
present themselves
to family offices

Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

European H1 2019 IPOs – Overview

 Fast Facts                                                                               European IPOs - Performance                           Performance and Issuance by Exchange
                                                                                          0                                 5.3%
 ▪    16 IPOs in H1 2019 (vs. 23 IPOs in H2 2018                                                                  4.4%                                                                          3#                 17.0%
      / = -7 IPOs)                                                                        0
                                                                                                                                                                                                1#       11.2%
 ▪    EUR 6,515m Volume raised (-23.7% vs H2                                              0
      2018)                                                                               0                                                                                                     2#       9.7%
 ▪    1 withdrawn or postponed IPO                                                               -0.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                4#                5.1%
 ▪    100% of H1 2019 IPOs priced within range**                                                IPO +1D         IPO +1M   IPO - YTD
                                                                                                                                                                                                2#            4.2%

                                                                                                                                                                                                1#       0.6%
 IPOs by Sector
                                                                                                                                                                                          -1.0%          1#

                                                                                                                                                            Stockholm                 -2.2%              1#

                                                                                                                                                                            -22.4%                       1#

                                                                 Information Technology                                                                                 0   0    0    0     0        0        0     0    0   0
    Services                                          31%
       Consumer           13%
     Discretionary                                                                                                                              Primary / Secondary Split & Price Range
                                13%          19%

            Health Care                                                                                                                           Secondary Shares

 IPOs per Month                                                                                                                                                                 59%

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Primary Shares
     7000                                  7                               8
                                                         5                 6

     3000                 2      2
     1000                                              720.1m              2                                                          2*
                     76.4m 136.1m
        0                                                                  0
               Jan   Feb        Mar    Apr              May      Jun                              number of IPOs                                                                 100%
                                                                                              in each country (HQ)**
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Within Range

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, All European IPOs, * 2 IPOs with HQ outside Europe, ** where data available                                                                                    9
European Countries include: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
European IPOs – Performance
                             Last 2 years
With a 19% gain over         150
                                                                                                                                                            H1 2019
the last two years,
the FCF Large IPO
index significantly
outperformed its
European IPO peers
and benchmark index
(MSCI Europe Index)
The FCF Micro,
Small and Medium
IPO indices are              110

currently trading
below the MSCI
Europe Index                                                                                                                                                               98%


The different FCF IPO                                                                                                                                                      83%
Indices consist of all IPO    80
transactions over the last                                                                                                                                                 78%
2 years. IPOs are as-
signed to the Indices
according to their size at
IPO date.

MSCI Europe Index             60
captures 442 companies         Jun-17          Sep-17            Dec-17           Mar-18            Jun-18         Sep-18          Dec-18        Mar-19           Jun-19
across 15 developed
markets countries in                      MSCI Europe Index        FCF Micro IPO Index       FCF Small IPO Index    FCF Medium IPO Index    FCF Large IPO Index

  Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                              10
  Micro IPOs: EUR 20m – 50m, Small IPOs: EUR 50m – 100m, Medium IPOs: EUR 100m – 250m, Large IPOs: > EUR 250m
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

European H1 2019 Micro IPOs – Overview (I)

Fast Facts                                                                     European IPOs - Performance                                      Performance and Issuance by Exchange
▪    6 IPOs in H1 2019 (vs. 9 IPOs in H2 2018 /                                       7.0%             6.6%
                                                                                                                                                                                2#              21.5%
     = -3 IPOs)                                                                0
▪    EUR 219m Volume raised (3.4% of                                           0                                                                                                1# 11.2%
     European Volume)                                                          0
▪    0 withdrawn or postponed IPO                                                                                                                                           -1.0%        1#
▪    100% of H1 2019 Micro IPOs priced within                                        IPO +1D         IPO +1M   IPO - YTD
                                                                                                                                                                            -2.4%        1#
                                                                                                                                                                     -22.4%              1#
IPOs by Sector
                                                                                                                                                                 0   0      0        0          0       0     0

           Health Care
                                                      Information Technology
                         17%         6
                                                                                                                                                Primary / Secondary Split & Price Range
                                                                                                                                                  Secondary Shares

IPOs per Month                                                                                                                                                                55%

                                                                                                                                                                                         Primary Shares
    150                                      3              4

                     2                                      3

                               1                            2

                                                            1                                                                   0*
      0                                                     0
          Jan       Feb     Mar       Apr   May       Jun                              number of IPOs                                                                    100%
                                                                                   in each country (HQ)**
                                                                                                                                                                                              Within Range

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Micro IPOs: EUR 20m – 50m, * 0 IPOs with HQ outside Europe, ** where data available                                                            12
European Countries include: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
European H1 2019 Micro IPOs – Overview (II)
                                                                                            General Information                                                                                                                                   Pricing & Volume Analysis
in EURm, except per share information                                                                                                            Greenshoe                                                                                 Final   Initial            Final-to-  Final-to- Issuing Price Final-to-
                                                                                                          Days                     Market      (in % of total                           Current   Current                                 Price    Price   Final-to-    Initial Initial high  to Final     Initial
                                                    Exchange    Listing                                 Filing-to- Issuing Issuing Cap at Size     Issuing                               Share    Market                                 Range - Range -     Initial low Price     Price      Pricing      Filing
                     Company Name           HQ       Country   Standard       Industry     IPO Date     Issuance Price Volume IPO Date Range      Volume)     Primary - Secondary Split  Price     Cap            Final Price Range      Midpoint Midpoint Midpoint    Range      Range      Midpoint    Volume

                     BMIT Technologies                           Main        Information
                                           Malta      Malta                                07/02/2019     31       0.5      48.9      99.8   Micro   No GS     0%    - 100%               0.5       111.0   n/a           -       n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                     plc                                        Market       Technology

                     Sequana Medical NV   Belgium    Belgium                 Health Care   08/02/2019      9       8.5      27.5     111.9   Micro   No GS    100% -     0%               6.6       104.6   8.5                   9.0      8.8       8.8      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%        -2.9%       -5.6%
                                                                ment C

                                           United    United
                     Diaceutics PLC                            Investment Biotechnology 18/03/2019         0       0.9      24.2       n/a   Micro   No GS     82% - 18%                  1.0        68.9   n/a           -       n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                                          Kingdom   Kingdom

                     Frequentis AG        Austria   Germany                  Industrials   10/05/2019     14       18.0     48.6     237.6   Micro   No GS     44% - 56%                 17.8       235.2 18.0                    21.0     19.5     19.5      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%        -7.7%      -14.3%

                                           United    United                  Information
                     essensys plc                              Investment                  28/05/2019     14       1.7      31.7      82.3   Micro   No GS     50% - 50%                  2.2       108.2   n/a           -       n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                                          Kingdom   Kingdom                  Technology

                     Ultimovacs ASA       Norway     Norway    OB Match Biotechnology 29/05/2019           9       3.2      37.9       n/a   Micro   No GS     n/a   -   n/a    n/a       3.1        87.0   n/a           -       n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%

  Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Micro IPOs: EUR 20m – 50m                                                                                                                                                                                 ■     Primary Shares                13
  Note: Issuing Volume excl. GS (Greenshoe)                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ■     Secondary Shares
European H1 2019 Micro IPOs – Overview (III)
                                                  Share Price / Trading Analysis                                       Valuation Analysis                             Growth Analysis                                                      Advisory Information
                                                                                                            EV/SALES                      EV/EBITDA            Sales CAGR      EBITDA CAGR
                                                                                        1 Month
                                 IPO      IPO        IPO     IPO -    CY -    Freefloat Volume /    IPO       IPO        IPO      IPO       IPO        IPO     IPO      IPO     IPO      IPO                                  Underwriting Legal Advisors to      Legal Counsel to    Auditor to
            Company Name         +1D      +1M        +3M      YTD     YTD      (in %)   Freefloat   Year      +1Yr      +2Yrs     Year      +1Yr      +2Yrs   -2Yrs    +2Yrs   -2Yrs    +2Yrs         Underwriters            Compensation Issuer                 Underwriters        Issuer

            BMIT Technologies
                                 5.1%    7.1%       11.2%    11.2%   11.2%         n/a     n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a      n/a                n/a                  659,924      Mamo TCV            -                   PwC

                                                                                                                                                                                                KBC Securities; Kempen &
            Sequana Medical NV   -0.9%   -20.7%    -30.4%   -22.4%   -22.4%    40.0%     0.08%      77.7x     55.5x      33.3x    n/m        n/m      n/m     23.8%    72.5%   27.3%    -3.6%                                      n/a        Baker & Mckenzie    Linklaters          PwC
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Co; MIR Securities

            Diaceutics PLC       23.5%   24.5%      11.6%    11.6%   11.6%     15.8%     0.31%      5.4x      4.5x        n/a     35.5x     23.3x      n/a    30.7%     n/a    43.1%     n/a                n/a                    n/a        n/a                 -                   n/a

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Commerzbank; FinTech
            Frequentis AG        -2.3%   -1.0%      -1.0%    -1.0%   -1.0%     30.4%     1.04%      0.6x      0.6x       0.6x     9.3x      7.7x      6.9x    7.0%     7.0%    6.8%     16.4%                                      n/a        CHSH                GRÖSSWANG;          BDO; EY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CHSH; Noerr

            essensys plc         15.3%   31.4%      31.4%    31.4%   31.4%     18.1%     2.98%       n/a       n/a        n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a      n/a          Nplus1 Singer                n/a        Osborne Clarke      Addleshaw Goddard   BDO

                                                                                                                                                                                                ABG Sundal Collier Holding;                                       Wiersholm, Mellbye &
            Ultimovacs ASA       -0.9%   -2.4%      -2.4%    -2.4%   -2.4%     49.3%     0.53%       n/a       n/a        n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a      n/a                                       n/a        Schjodt                                  EY
                                                                                                                                                                                                      DNB Markets                                                 Bech

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    14
Note: Share Prices based on the IPO price relate to the issuing price, IPO – YTD and CY – YTD might equal in case the IPO priced this year
European Micro IPOs – Performance
                            Last 2 years
Over the last two           140
                                                                                                                                                           H1 2019
years, the FCF Micro
IPO Index performed
almost in line with its
benchmark index             130




FCF Micro IPO Index
consists of all IPO                                                                                                                                                  93%
transactions within          90
20 – 50 EURm over the
last 2 years

MSCI Europe Micro Cap
Index captures 1,455
Micro Cap companies          80
                              Jul-17              Oct-17             Jan-18                Apr-18         Jul-18          Oct-18         Jan-19   Apr-19
across 15 developed
markets countries in
Europe                                                                          MSCI Europe Micro Cap Index        FCF Micro IPO Index

 Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Micro IPOs: EUR 20m – 50m                                                                             15
Micro IPOs and Market Volatility (VSTOXX) –
                                       Performance Overview
Volatility                                                                                                                          VSTOXX – LTM
                                                                                                                                                                       VSTOXX –
                                                                                                                                                                       Last 6M

  55          Final-to-Filing Volume      -5.6%
              +1d Performance:            -0.9%

  50          Performance since IPO:     -22.4%

                                                                                                                                 Final-to-Filing Volume     0.0%
                                                                                                                                 +1d Performance:          -0.9%
                                                                                                                                 Performance since IPO:    -2.4%
             Final-to-Filing Volume      0.0%
  35         +1d Performance:            5.1%             Final-to-Filing Volume   0.0%
             Performance since IPO:      11.2%
                                                          +1d Performance:         23.5%                                        Final-to-Filing Volume    0.0%
                                                          Performance since IPO:   11.6%                                        Adjustment:
  30                                                                                                                            +1d Performance:          15.3%
                                                                                                                                Performance since IPO:    31.4%


                                                                                              Final-to-Filing Volume   -14.3%
                                                                                              +1d Performance:          -2.3%
                                                                                              Performance since IPO:    -1.0%


   Jan-19                                   Feb-19                     Mar-19              Apr-19                               May-19                             Jun-19

 Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                                     16
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOS
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

European H1 2019 Small IPOs – Overview (I)

Fast Facts                                                              European IPOs - Performance                                             Performance and Issuance by Exchange
▪    1 IPO in H1 2019 (vs. 4 IPOs in H2 2018 /                                                  8.1%         8.1%                                    AIM - London Stock
                                                                               8.0%                                                                                              1#             8.1%
     = -3 IPOs)                                                                                                                                          Exchange
▪    EUR 96m Volume raised (1.5% of                                     0                                                                                                             0    0      0    0      0    0
     European Volume)
▪    1 withdrawn or postponed IPO                                       0
▪    100% of H1 2019 Small IPOs priced within                                 IPO +1D         IPO +1M      IPO - YTD

IPOs by Sector

                                               Consumer Discretionary

                                                                                                                                                Primary / Secondary Split & Price Range

                                                                                                                                                  Secondary Shares
IPOs per Month
                                                                                                                                                                                          Primary Shares
    120                                              2
     80                          1
     60                                              1

                                                     1                                                                          0*
      0                                              0
          Jan   Feb   Mar     Apr        May   Jun                              number of IPOs                                                                            100%
                                                                            in each country (HQ)**
                                                                                                                                                                                               Within Range

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Small IPOs: EUR 50m – 100m, * 0 IPOs with HQ outside Europe, ** where data available                                                            18
European Countries include: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
European H1 2019 Small IPOs – Overview (II)
                                                                                          General Information                                                                                                                                  Pricing & Volume Analysis
in EURm, except per share information                                                                                                          Greenshoe                                                                                Final   Initial            Final-to-  Final-to- Issuing Price Final-to-
                                                                                                        Days                     Market      (in % of total                           Current   Current                                Price    Price   Final-to-   Initial  Initial high  to Final    Initial
                                                  Exchange    Listing                                 Filing-to- Issuing Issuing Cap at Size     Issuing                               Share    Market                                Range - Range -    Initial  low Price     Price      Pricing     Filing
                     Company Name         HQ       Country   Standard      Industry      IPO Date     Issuance Price Volume IPO Date Range      Volume)     Primary - Secondary Split  Price     Cap            Final Price Range     Midpoint Midpoint Midpoint    Range      Range      Midpoint    Volume
                                         United    United                 Consumer
                     Loungers plc                            Investment                  24/04/2019     23       2.3      96.3     214.0   Small   No GS     74% - 26%                  2.5       231.4   n/a           -       n/a     n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                                        Kingdom   Kingdom                Discretionary

  Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Small IPOs: EUR 50m – 100m                                                                                                                                                                             ■     Primary Shares                19
  Note: Issuing Volume excl. GS (Greenshoe)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ■     Secondary Shares
European H1 2019 Small IPOs – Overview (III)
                                         Share Price / Trading Analysis                                     Valuation Analysis                             Growth Analysis                                                   Advisory Information
                                                                                                   EV/SALES                    EV/EBITDA            Sales CAGR      EBITDA CAGR
                                                                                1 Month
                           IPO    IPO        IPO    IPO -    CY -   Freefloat   Volume /    IPO      IPO       IPO     IPO       IPO        IPO     IPO      IPO     IPO      IPO                                 Underwriting Legal Advisors to    Legal Counsel to   Auditor to
            Company Name   +1D    +1M        +3M     YTD     YTD     (in %)     Freefloat   Year     +1Yr     +2Yrs    Year      +1Yr      +2Yrs   -2Yrs    +2Yrs   -2Yrs    +2Yrs         Underwriters           Compensation Issuer               Underwriters       Issuer

            Loungers plc   8.0%   8.1%      8.1%    8.1%    8.1%       n/a         n/a      2.4x     2.0x      1.7x    17.6x     14.9x     12.5x   29.1%    20.1%   93.3%    23.2%   Liberum Capital; Peel Hunt        n/a       Jones Day          Travers Smith      PwC

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                                                                                                                                   20
Note: Share Prices based on the IPO price relate to the issuing price, IPO – YTD and CY – YTD might equal in case the IPO priced this year
European Small IPOs – Performance
                            Last 2 years
The FCF Small IPO           140
                                                                                                                                                         H1 2019
Index under-
performed its
benchmark index             130
significantly by 20
percentage points
over the last two           120


                            100                                                                                                                                       98%


FCF Small IPO Index
consists of all IPO
transactions within
50 – 100 EURm over the
last 2 years

MSCI Europe Small Cap
Index captures 1,004         60
                              Jun-17             Sep-17             Dec-17            Mar-18            Jun-18        Sep-18           Dec-18   Mar-19       Jun-19
Small Cap companies
across 15 developed
markets countries in                                                            MSCI Europe Small Cap Index      FCF Small IPO Index

 Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Small IPOs: EUR 50m – 100m                                                                             21
Small IPOs and Market Volatility (VSTOXX) –
                            Performance Overview
Volatility                                                                                                  VSTOXX – LTM
                                                                                                                               VSTOXX –
                                                                                                                               Last 6M




                                                                         Final-to-Filing Volume   0.0%
                                                                         +1d Performance:         8.0%
                                                                         Performance since IPO:   8.1%





   Jan-19                             Feb-19                    Mar-19               Apr-19              May-19            Jun-19

 Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                             22
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOS
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

European H1 2019 Medium IPOs – Overview (I)

Fast Facts                                                            European IPOs - Performance                                               Performance and Issuance by Exchange
▪    3 IPOs in H1 2019 (vs. 4 IPOs in H2 2018 /
                                                                               4.7%                                                                                                    2#                 3.0%
     = -1 IPOs)
▪    EUR 610m Volume raised (9.3% of                                                                                                                      Stockholm
                                                                                                                                                                               -2.2%            1#
     European Volume)                                                  0                                     1.3%
                                                                                                                                                                      0   0      0          0         0          0    0   0
▪    0 withdrawn or postponed IPO                                      0
▪    100% of H1 2019 Medium IPOs priced                                       IPO +1D         IPO +1M      IPO - YTD
     within range**

IPOs by Sector


Communication         33%                     33%
                                                                                                                                                Primary / Secondary Split & Price Range
                                              Discretionary                                                                                       Secondary Shares

IPOs per Month                                                                                                                                                                    60%
                                                                                                                                                                                                Primary Shares
    300                                                        2
    200                     1        1         1
    150                                                        1


     50                                                                                                                         0*
      0                                                        0
          Jan   Feb     Mar       Apr         May       Jun                     number of IPOs                                                                                100%
                                                                            in each country (HQ)**
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Within Range

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Medium IPOs: EUR 100m – 250m, * 0 IPOs with HQ outside Europe, ** where data available                                                                 24
European Countries include: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
European H1 2019 Medium IPOs – Overview (II)
                                                                                          General Information                                                                                                                                  Pricing & Volume Analysis
in EURm, except per share information                                                                                                          Greenshoe                                                                                Final   Initial            Final-to-  Final-to- Issuing Price Final-to-
                                                                                                        Days                     Market      (in % of total                           Current   Current                                Price    Price   Final-to-    Initial Initial high  to Final     Initial
                                                   Exchange    Listing                                Filing-to- Issuing Issuing Cap at Size     Issuing                               Share    Market                                Range - Range -     Initial low Price     Price      Pricing      Filing
                     Company Name          HQ       Country   Standard     Industry      IPO Date     Issuance Price Volume IPO Date Range      Volume)     Primary - Secondary Split  Price     Cap            Final Price Range     Midpoint Midpoint Midpoint    Range      Range      Midpoint    Volume

                                          United    United      Main
                     DWF Group plc                                        Industrials    14/03/2019     34       1.4     111.9     429.9 Medium    No GS     79% - 21%                  1.3       404.8   n/a           -       n/a     n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                                         Kingdom   Kingdom     Market

                     Karnov Group AB                            Main
                                         Sweden     Sweden                 cation        11/04/2019     13       4.1     249.0     402.0 Medium     8%       31% - 69%                  4.0       393.0   n/a           -       n/a     n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                     (publ)                                    Market

                     Watches of
                                          United    United      Main      Consumer
                     Switzerland Group                                                   30/05/2019     28       3.1     249.1     732.0 Medium     10%      70% - 30%                  3.4       818.6   n/a           -       n/a     n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                                         Kingdom   Kingdom     Market    Discretionary

  Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Medium IPOs: EUR 100m– 250m                                                                                                                                                                            ■     Primary Shares                25
  Note: Issuing Volume excl. GS (Greenshoe)                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ■     Secondary Shares
European H1 2019 Medium IPOs – Overview (III)
                                              Share Price / Trading Analysis                                     Valuation Analysis                             Growth Analysis                                                     Advisory Information
                                                                                                        EV/SALES                    EV/EBITDA            Sales CAGR      EBITDA CAGR
                                                                                     1 Month
                                IPO     IPO       IPO    IPO -    CY -   Freefloat   Volume /    IPO      IPO       IPO     IPO       IPO        IPO     IPO      IPO     IPO      IPO                                   Underwriting Legal Advisors to         Legal Counsel to    Auditor to
            Company Name        +1D     +1M       +3M     YTD     YTD     (in %)     Freefloat   Year     +1Yr     +2Yrs    Year      +1Yr      +2Yrs   -2Yrs    +2Yrs   -2Yrs    +2Yrs         Underwriters             Compensation Issuer                    Underwriters        Issuer

                                                                                                                                                                                           Jefferies; Stifel Nicolaus;                  Allen & Overy; Clifford
            DWF Group plc       0.1%    -1.9%    -4.5%   -5.8%   -5.8%    91.9%       0.06%      1.6x     1.4x      1.3x    12.7x     8.7x      7.0x    17.6%    12.0%   -15.8%   34.7%                                       n/a                               -                   Deloitte
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Zeus Capital                          Chance; DWF Group

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gernandt &
            Karnov Group AB                                                                                                                                                               Carnegie Investment Bank;
                                -0.2%   -3.3%    -2.2%   -2.2%   -2.2%    77.3%       0.62%      8.0x     7.7x      7.4x    18.2x     16.7x     15.8x   28.5%     4.4%   37.1%    5.1%                                        n/a       Danielsson              White & Case        PwC
            (publ)                                                                                                                                                                              Nordea Bank

            Watches of                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Paul, Weiss, Rifkind,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Barclays; BNP Paribas; GS;                                            Freshfields Bruckhaus
            Switzerland Group   14.1%   11.8%    11.8%   11.8%   11.8%    40.8%       1.31%      n/a      n/a       n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a     n/a      n/a     n/a      n/a                                     4,981,519    Wharton & Garrison;                           KPMG; PwC
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Investec Bank                                                  Deringer
            PLC                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Slaughter and May

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   26
Note: Share Prices based on the IPO price relate to the issuing price, IPO – YTD and CY – YTD might equal in case the IPO priced this year
European Medium IPOs – Performance
                            Last 2 years
Over the last two            140
                                                                                                                                                         H1 2019
years, the FCF
Medium IPO Index
underperformed its           130
benchmark index
significantly by 15
percentage points            120


                             100                                                                                                                                      98%



FCF Medium IPO Index
consists of all IPO
transactions within 100 –
250 EURm over the last 2

MSCI Europe Mid Cap
Index captures 249 Mid        60
                               Jun-17            Sep-17             Dec-17            Mar-18           Jun-18          Sep-18          Dec-18   Mar-19       Jun-19
Cap companies across 15
developed markets
countries in Europe                                                            MSCI Europe Mid Cap Index        FCF Medium IPO Index

  Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Medium IPOs: EUR 100m – 250m                                                                          27
Medium IPOs and Market Volatility (VSTOXX) –
                            Performance Overview
Volatility                                                                                                                    VSTOXX – LTM
                                                                                                                                                            VSTOXX –
                                                                                                                                                            Last 6M


                                                                                     Final-to-Filing Volume    0.0%
  50                                                                                 Adjustment:
                                                                                     +1d Performance:         -0.2%
                                                                                     Performance since IPO:   -2.2%


                                                                                                                       Final-to-Filing Volume   0.0%
                                                                                                                       +1d Performance:         14.1%
                                                 Final-to-Filing Volume       0.0%
  30                                             Adjustment:                                                           Performance since IPO:   11.8%
                                                 +1d Performance:             0.1%
                                                 Performance since IPO:      -5.8%



   Jan-19                             Feb-19                              Mar-19                              Apr-19     May-19                         Jun-19

 Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                          28
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOS
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

European H1 2019 Large IPOs – Overview (I)

Fast Facts                                                                        European IPOs - Performance                                   Performance and Issuance by Exchange
▪    6 IPOs in H1 2019 (vs. 6 IPOs in H2 2018)
                                                                                                                    7.5%                                                   1#          21.9%
▪    EUR 5,590m Volume raised (85.8% of                                           0                       2.7%
     European Volume)
                                                                                  0                                                                                        2#   7.2%
▪    0 withdrawn or postponed IPO
▪    100% of H1 2019 Micro IPOs priced within                                     0
                                                                                                                                                                           2#      4.2%
     range**                                                                            IPO +1D         IPO +1M   IPO - YTD

                                                                                                                                                                           1#   0.6%

IPOs by Sector

           Health Care
                                                         Information Technology
                     17%         6              50%

                                                                                                                                                Primary / Secondary Split & Price Range

                                                                                                                                                  Secondary Shares

IPOs per Month
                                                                                                                                                                                  Primary Shares
    6000                              5                         6
    5000                                                        5
    4000                                                        4

    3000                                                        3
                                                352.8m          2
       0                                                        0
           Jan     Feb     Mar       Apr         May     Jun                              number of IPOs                                                             100%
                                                                                      in each country (HQ)**
                                                                                                                                                                                       Within Range

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Large IPOs: > EUR 250m, * 2 IPOs with HQ outside Europe, ** where data available                                                        30
European Countries include: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
European H1 2019 Large IPOs – Overview (II)
                                                                                                General Information                                                                                                                                    Pricing & Volume Analysis
in EURm, except per share information                                                                                                                Greenshoe                                                                                  Final   Initial            Final-to-  Final-to- Issuing Price Final-to-
                                                                                                              Days                     Market      (in % of total                           Current   Current                                  Price    Price   Final-to-    Initial Initial high  to Final     Initial
                                                           Exchange    Listing                              Filing-to- Issuing Issuing Cap at Size     Issuing                               Share    Market                                  Range - Range -     Initial low Price     Price      Pricing      Filing
                     Company Name               HQ          Country   Standard    Industry     IPO Date     Issuance Price Volume IPO Date Range      Volume)     Primary - Secondary Split  Price     Cap             Final Price Range      Midpoint Midpoint Midpoint    Range      Range      Midpoint    Volume

                     Network International   United Arab    United      Main     Information
                                                                                               10/04/2019     20       5.1    1,263.7   2,605.2 Large     6%       0%   - 100%                6.6      3,317.3   4.6                   5.4      5.0       5.0     -0.1%      0.0%       -0.1%        1.2%      -22.0%
                     Holdings plc             Emirates     Kingdom     Market    Technology

                     Medacta International                 Switzer-    Swiss
                                             Switzerland                         Health Care   04/04/2019     13       85.6    487.9    1,711.9 Large     8%       0%   - 100%               74.9      1,497.5 78.5                    92.7     85.6     85.6      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%         0.0%       -7.7%
                     SA                                     land       Shares

                     Nexi S.p.A.                Italy        Italy      MTA                    12/04/2019     15       9.0    2,010.6      n/a Large      2%       35% - 65%                  9.1      5,681.4   8.5                   10.4     9.4       9.4      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%        -4.5%       0.5%

                                                           Switzer-    Swiss
                     Stadler Rail AG         Switzerland                         Industrials   11/04/2019     13       33.6   1,176.3   3,360.9 Large     15%      0%   - 100%               40.6      4,055.0 29.2                    36.3     32.7     32.7      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%         2.7%       -7.3%
                                                            land       Shares

                     Adevinta ASA              Norway       Norway    OB Match    cation       09/04/2019      8       8.1     298.7    3,022.8 Large     15%      0%   - 100%                9.9      6,721.0   7.3                   8.5      7.9       7.9      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%         2.6%       -4.9%

                                             United Arab    United      Main     Information
                     Finablr PLC                                                               14/05/2019     35       2.0     352.8    1,411.1 Large    No GS     50% - 50%                  1.7      1,174.4   n/a           -       n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a       n/a        n/a          n/a       0.0%
                                              Emirates     Kingdom     Market    Technology

  Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Large IPOs: > 250 EURm                                                                                                                                                                                         ■     Primary Shares                31
  Note: Issuing Volume excl. GS (Greenshoe)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ■     Secondary Shares
European H1 2019 Large IPOs – Overview (III)
                                                     Share Price / Trading Analysis                                       Valuation Analysis                              Growth Analysis                                                     Advisory Information
                                                                                                               EV/SALES                      EV/EBITDA            Sales CAGR       EBITDA CAGR
                                                                                           1 Month
                                    IPO      IPO        IPO     IPO -    CY -    Freefloat Volume /    IPO       IPO        IPO      IPO       IPO        IPO     IPO       IPO     IPO      IPO                                   Underwriting Legal Advisors to        Legal Counsel to    Auditor to
            Company Name            +1D      +1M        +3M      YTD     YTD      (in %)   Freefloat   Year      +1Yr      +2Yrs     Year      +1Yr      +2Yrs   -2Yrs     +2Yrs   -2Yrs    +2Yrs          Underwriters            Compensation Issuer                   Underwriters        Issuer
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Barclays; Citi; Emirates NBD;
            Network International                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Al Tamimi & Company;
                                    18.2%   23.6%      33.0%    31.2%   31.2%     69.6%     0.74%      11.1x     9.8x       8.6x     21.8x     18.6x     16.0x   12.7%     13.3%   9.8%     16.4% GS; J.P. Morgan; Liberum;          17,694,732                        Clifford Chance       KPMG
            Holdings plc                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Allen & Overy
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Morgan Stanley

            Medacta International                                                                                                                                                                    CS; J.P. Morgan; Morgan
                                    0.1%    -6.4%      -9.3%   -12.5%   -12.5%    30.7%     1.38%      n/m       n/m        n/m      n/m        n/m      n/m      n/a      13.3%    n/a     13.9%                                       n/a       n/a                    Homburger           Deloitte
            SA                                                                                                                                                                                             Stanley; UBS

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Banca Akros; Banca IMI;                                            Latham & Watkins;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bonelli Erede
            Nexi S.p.A.             -6.2%   -2.9%      1.5%     0.6%     0.6%     39.9%     1.37%      9.0x      8.5x       8.0x     18.1x     15.7x     14.4x   -16.9%    6.5%     n/a     14.9%     Merrill Lynch; Barclays;          n/a                              Lombardi, Segni &   n/a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pappalardo; Linklaters
                                                                                                                                                                                                       BPER; Citi; CS; GS;*                                              Associati

                                                                                                                                                                                                    BNP Paribas; Citi; CS; UBS;                   BianchiSchwald;
            Stadler Rail AG         13.2%   10.0%      21.3%    20.9%   20.9%     43.3%     1.63%      n/m       n/m        n/m      n/m        n/m      n/m     19.9%     9.6%    17.4%    14.3%                                       n/a                              -                   n/a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         UniCredit; ZKB                           Niederer, Kraft & Frey

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Arctic Securities; J.P.                    Cleary Gottlieb Steen
            Adevinta ASA            14.9%   8.9%       21.6%    21.9%   21.9%     99.8%     0.22%      9.9x      8.6x       7.5x     34.0x     27.2x     23.3x   15.8%     13.8%   53.1%    23.8%     Morgan; Skandinaviska             n/a       & Hamilton; Wiers-    BAHR; White & Case   EY
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Enskilda Banken                          holm, Mellbye & Bech

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Barclays; EFG-Hermes; GS;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Linklaters; White &
            Finablr PLC             -7.1%   -16.8%    -16.8%   -16.8%   -16.8%    99.8%     0.34%       n/a      n/a         n/a      n/a       n/a       n/a     n/a       n/a     n/a      n/a     J.P. Morgan; Merrill Lynch;     5,291,721                           -                   EY
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Numis Securities

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            32
Note: Share Prices based on the IPO price relate to the issuing price, IPO – YTD and CY – YTD might equal in case the IPO priced this year
(*) HSBC; Mediobanca; UBS; UniCredit; UBI; Value Italy
European Large IPOs – Performance
                             Last 2 years
Over the last two            140
                                                                                                                                                         H1 2019
years, the FCF Large
IPO Index out-
performed its
benchmark index              130
significantly by 21
percentage points




FCF Large IPO Index
consists of all IPO           90
transactions above 250
EURm over the last 2

MSCI Europe Large Cap
Index captures 193 Large      80
                               Jun-17             Sep-17             Dec-17              Mar-18         Jun-18       Sep-18            Dec-18   Mar-19       Jun-19
Cap companies across 15
developed markets
countries in Europe                                                              MSCI Europe Large Cap Index     FCF Large IPO Index

  Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research, Large IPOs: > EUR 250m                                                                                 33
Large IPOs and Market Volatility (VSTOXX) –
                                 Performance Overview
Volatility                                                                                                                      VSTOXX – LTM
                                                                                                                                                   VSTOXX –
                                                                                                                                                   Last 6M

              Final-to-Filing Volume   -22.0%
                                                                     Final-to-Filing Volume   0.5%
              +1d Performance:         18.2%
              Performance since IPO:   31.2%
                                                                     +1d Performance:         -6.2%
                                                                     Performance since IPO:   0.6%


              Final-to-Filing Volume    -4.9%
  40          Adjustment:                                            Final-to-Filing Volume   -7.3%
              +1d Performance:         14.9%                         Adjustment:

              Performance since IPO:   21.9%                         +1d Performance:         13.2%
                                                                                                           Final-to-Filing Volume    0.0%
                                                                     Performance since IPO:   20.9%        Adjustment:
  35                                                                                                       +1d Performance:          -7.1%
                                                                                                           Performance since IPO:   -16.8%

              Final-to-Filing Volume    -7.7%
  25          +1d Performance:          0.1%
              Performance since IPO:   -12.5%



   Jan-19                              Feb-19                   Mar-19                            Apr-19                   May-19              Jun-19

 Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, FCF Equity Research                                                                                                 34
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

BMIT Technologies plc

Company Description                                                                                                         IPO Facts                                                                                                                  .
Sector: IT Services                                                                                                         Ticker                              MTSE:BMIT                     Financial Advisors
BMIT Technologies p.l.c., together with its subsidiaries, provides data center, cloud, and managed IT                       Exchange                  Malta Stock Exchange                    Bank
                                                                                                                                                                                              na of Valletta p.l.c.; Rizzo, Farrugia & Co. Ltd.
                                                                                                                            Initial Filing Date                   07-Jan-19
services to a range of business customers in Malta. It serves online gaming, financial services,
                                                                                                                            Announced Date                        07-Jan-19
professional and media, ICT, manufacturing, transportation, retail, hospitality, and other businesses.
                                                                                                                            # Days Announced to Offer                    31
The company was formerly known as GO Data Centre Services Limited and changed its name to
                                                                                                                            Offer Date                            07-Feb-19
BMIT Technologies p.l.c. in October 2018. The company was incorporated in 2009 and is based in
Kalkara, Malta. BMIT Technologies p.l.c. is a subsidiary of GO p.l.c.
                                                                                                                            IPO Price (EUR)                               0.49
                                                                                                                            Filing Price Range (EUR)                        na
                                                                                                                            Final Price Range (EUR)                         na

                                                                                                                                                                                              Legal Counsel
                                                                                                                            Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)             99.8m
                                                                                                                            Greenshoe                                    No GS                na
                                                                                                                            Filing Volume (EUR)                          48.9m
                                                                                                                            Final Volume (EUR)                           48.9m
                                                                                                                            Filing-to-Final Change                        0.0%
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                          Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                            Primary / Secondary Split 2
 na                                                                                        na                                                                                                 PricewaterhouseCoopers Malta
 na                                                                                        na                                              Primary                         0%
 na                                                                                        na                                              Secondary                     100%
 na                                                                                        na
 na                                                                                        na                               Key Financials
 na                                                                                        na                               (EURm)                LTM          FY2019        FY2020          FY2021     CAGR '19-'21       # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                                     Revenue               21.3             na               na             na         na
                                                                     IPO +1D     IPO +3M        IPO +6M         since IPO     Growth                                               na              na                              0 Buy
BMIT Technologies plc                                                  5.1%         7.1%              na           11.2%    EBITDA                 9.3             na               na             na         na                   0 Outperform
Malta Stock Exchange Index                                             5.9%         5.0%              na            7.7%      Margin            43.9%             na               na              na                              0 Hold
                            114                                                                                             EBIT                   7.5             na               na             na         na                   0 Underperform
                                                                                                                              Margin            35.2%             na               na              na                              0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                                                                                                                            Net Income             4.5             na               na             na         na
                                                                                                                              Margin            21.1%             na               na              na
                            106                                                                                             (EURm)                                               Valuation          FY2019             FY2020              FY2021
                            104                                                                                             Enterprise Value                    110.3            EV/Sales               na                  na                    na
                            102                                                                                             Net Debt                             (0.7)           EV/EBITDA              na                  na                    na
                            100                                                                                             Minority Interest                     0.0            EV/EBIT                na                  na                    na
                             Mar 2019                 Apr 2019                 May 2019                    Jun 2019                                               0.0
                                                                                                                            Preferred Equity                                     P/E                    na                  na                    na
.                                       BMIT Technologies plc (MTSE:BMIT)          Malta Stock Exchange Index               Market Cap                          111.0            P/B                    na                  na                    na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                                       36
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
Sequana Medical NV

Company Description                                                                                                    IPO Facts                                                                                                                   .
Sector: Health Care Equipment and Supplies                                                                             Ticker                       ENXTBR:SEQUA                           Financial Advisors
Sequana Medical NV, a commercial stage medical device company, focuses on the development of                           Exchange                  EURONEXT Brussels                         KBC Securities NV; Kempen & Co N.V.; MIR
                                                                                                                       Initial Filing Date               30-Jan-19
treatment solutions for the management of liver disease, heart failure, malignant ascites, and other                                                                                       Securities Limited
                                                                                                                       Announced Date                    30-Jan-19
fluid imbalance disorders. Its products include alfapump, a treatment solution for the long-term
                                                                                                                       # Days Announced to Offer                 9
management of liver refractory ascites and malignant ascites; and alfapump DSR, a fully implanted
                                                                                                                       Offer Date                        08-Feb-19
system for direct sodium removal therapy in patients with volume overload due to heart failure. The
company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Ghent, Belgium.
                                                                                                                       IPO Price (EUR)                               8.50
                                                                                                                       Filing Price Range (EUR)                        na
                                                                                                                       Final Price Range (EUR)                  8.50-9.00

                                                                                                                                                                                           Legal Counsel
                                                                                                                       Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)                3.2m
                                                                                                                       Greenshoe                                     No GS                 Linklaters LLP; Linklaters LLP (Belgium)
                                                                                                                       Filing Volume (EUR)                           29.1m
                                                                                                                       Final Volume (EUR)                            27.5m
                                                                                                                       Filing-to-Final Change                        (5.6%)
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                       Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                       Primary / Secondary Split 2
 NeoMed                                                                         26.5%                                                                                                      Pricewaterhousecoopers Bedrijfsrevisoren Cv
 Life Sciences Partners BV                                                       9.7%                                                 Primary                        100%
 Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen NV                                          7.7%                                                 Secondary                        0%
 Federal Holding and Investment Company                                          7.0%
 Newton Biocapital                                                               7.0%                                  Key Financials
 Free Float                                                                     42.1%                                  (EURm)                LTM          FY2019          FY2020          FY2021       CAGR '19-'21       # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                                Revenue                1.0            2.0                3.3          6.0            72.5%
                                                                 IPO +1D    IPO +3M        IPO +6M         since IPO     Growth                                               65.0%       80.3%                                 3 Buy
Sequana Medical NV                                                 (0.9%)    (27.3%)        (30.4%)          (22.4%)   EBITDA                 (9.9)         (12.0)             (11.0)      (11.2)            (3.6%)             0 Outperform
Brussels BEL 20 Index                                               0.7%       1.8%           0.9%             0.8%      Margin               nm             nm                 nm          nm                                  0 Hold
                            120                                                                                        EBIT                 (10.0)          (12.1)             (11.1)      (11.3)            (3.6%)             0 Underperform
                                                                                                                         Margin              n/m             nm                 nm          nm                                  0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                                                                                                                       Net Income           (14.0)          (12.6)             (11.6)       (5.0)           (37.0%)
                            100                                                                                          Margin               nm             nm                 nm          nm
                                                                                                                       (EURm)                                                 Valuation          FY2019               FY2020             FY2021
                                                                                                                       Enterprise Value                    117.9              EV/Sales              59.0x               35.7x              19.8x
                            70                                                                                         Net Debt                             13.3              EV/EBITDA             -9.8x              -10.7x             -10.6x
                            60                                                                                         Minority Interest                     0.0              EV/EBIT               -9.7x              -10.6x             -10.5x
                            Feb 2019        Mar 2019           Apr 2019         May 2019                 Jun 2019                                            0.0
                                                                                                                       Preferred Equity                                       P/E                   -8.3x               -9.0x             -20.9x
.                                      Sequana Medical NV (ENXTBR:SEQUA)         Brussels BEL 20 Index                 Market Cap                          104.6              P/B                   19.4x                  na                 na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                                   37
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
Diaceutics PLC

Company Description                                                                                                        IPO Facts                                                                                                            .
Sector: Life Sciences Tools and Services                                                                                   Ticker                                 AIM:DXRX                  Financial Advisors
Diaceutics Plc provides data analytics and implementation services for pharmaceutical companies                            Exchange            AIM - London Stock Exchange                  Cenkos
                                                                                                                                                                                            na     Securities plc
                                                                                                                           Initial Filing Date                    18-Mar-19
worldwide. It offers diagnostic landscape services, such as patient journey, lab mapping, diagnostic
                                                                                                                           Announced Date                         18-Mar-19
regulation, turnaround time, and sample availability analysis services; diagnostic tracking services,
                                                                                                                           # Days Announced to Offer                      0
including lab tracking, patient insights, and physician segmentation services; and diagnostic payers
                                                                                                                           Offer Date                             18-Mar-19
research, diagnostic clinical landscape, integrated mapping research, buying process research, and
testers/non-testers research services. The company also provides diagnostic planning services
consisting of strategic and technical planning, launch planning, diagnostic partner selection, and                         IPO Price (EUR)                              0.89
financial forecast services; commercialization services comprising content creation, workshops,                            Filing Price Range (EUR)                       na
diagnostic adboards, conference support, and proficiency testing services; and reimbursement                               Final Price Range (EUR)                        na
services. The company is based in Belfast, the United Kingdom.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Legal Counsel
                                                                                                                           Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)            27.3m
                                                                                                                           Greenshoe                                   No GS                Fieldfisher
                                                                                                                                                                                            na          LLP
                                                                                                                           Filing Volume (EUR)                         24.2m
                                                                                                                           Final Volume (EUR)                          24.2m
                                                                                                                           Filing-to-Final Change                       0.0%
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                        Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                           Primary / Secondary Split 2
 Keeling, Peter                                                                      20.5%                                                                                                  PricewaterhouseCoopers
                                                                                                                                                                                            na                     LLP
 Keeling, Delia                                                                      20.3%                                                Primary                       82%
 Considine, Elizabeth                                                                12.6%                                                Secondary                     18%
 Hargreave Hale Limited, Asset Management Arm                                         9.8%
 White, Philip H.                                                                     8.6%                                 Key Financials
 Free Float                                                                          28.2%                                 (EURm)                LTM          FY2019       FY2020          FY2021      CAGR '19-'21      # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                                    Revenue               11.5           14.2            16.9          na              na
                                                                    IPO +1D     IPO +3M        IPO +6M         since IPO     Growth                                            19.0%          na                               1 Buy
Diaceutics PLC                                                        23.5%       24.5%              na           11.6%    EBITDA                 1.7            2.1             3.3          na              na               0 Outperform
FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)                                             0.5%        2.1%              na            0.6%      Margin            14.7%           15.1%           19.3%          na                               0 Hold
                            140                                                                                            EBIT                   1.6            0.2             0.9          na              na               0 Underperform
                            135                                                                                              Margin            13.6%            1.6%            5.3%          na                               0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                            130                                                                                            Net Income             0.7             na             0.9          na              na
                            125                                                                                              Margin             6.1%              na            5.3%          na
                            115                                                                                            (EURm)                                              Valuation        FY2019                FY2020          FY2021
                            105                                                                                            Enterprise Value                     70.7           EV/Sales              5.0x               4.2x               na
                            100                                                                                            Net Debt                              1.9           EV/EBITDA            33.1x              21.7x               na
                             95                                                                                            Minority Interest                     0.0           EV/EBIT             314.5x              78.6x               na
                             Mar 2019              Apr 2019                   May 2019                      Jun 2019                                             0.0
                                                                                                                           Preferred Equity                                    P/E                     na              76.5x               na
.                                       Diaceutics PLC (AIM:DXRX)              FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)                  Market Cap                           68.9           P/B                     na                 na               na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                                 38
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
Frequentis AG

Company Description                                                                                                 IPO Facts                                                                                                             .
Sector: Aerospace and Defense                                                                                       Ticker                                    DB:FQT                   Financial Advisors
Frequentis AG provides communication and information systems and solutions worldwide. It operates                   Exchange                           Deutsche Börse                  Commerzbank AG; FinTech Group AG
                                                                                                                    Initial Filing Date                      26-Apr-19
through Air Traffic Management and Public Safety & Transport segments. The company develops,
                                                                                                                    Announced Date                           26-Apr-19
builds, and installs communication, information, and tower automation systems for managing air
                                                                                                                    # Days Announced to Offer                       14
traffic, which include voice and data switches, network solutions, back-up systems, recording
                                                                                                                    Offer Date                              10-May-19
systems, tower automation systems, information management and display systems, network and
infrastructure, legal recording and investigation services, air traffic control and automation, and
aeronautical information management and messaging products to air navigation service providers,                     IPO Price (EUR)                             18.00
airports and airlines, and space communications industry. It also provides voice communication and                  Filing Price Range (EUR)              18.00-21.00
control systems, red/black communication systems, network nodes and gateways, control and                           Final Price Range (EUR)               18.00-21.00
reporting centers, air defense networks, joint C2 centers, network enabled services, and remote
                                                                                                                                                                                       Legal Counsel
towers/contingency solutions, as well as recording, logging, and investigation systems for defense                  Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)               2.7m
application.                                                                                                        Greenshoe                                    No GS                 BINDER GRÖSSWANG Rechtsanwälte GmbH; Cerha
                                                                                                                    Filing Volume (EUR)                           56.7m                Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati; Noerr LLP
                                                                                                                    Final Volume (EUR)                            48.6m
                                                                                                                    Filing-to-Final Change                      (14.3%)
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                   Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                    Primary / Secondary Split 2
 Frequentis Group Holding GmbH                                                   60.0%                                                                                                 BDO Austria GmbH; Ernst & Young Steuerberatungs-
 Bardach, Johannes                                                                6.5%                                             Primary                        44%                  und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
 Pegritz, Christian                                                               1.9%                                             Secondary                      56%
 Mattanovich, Hermann                                                             1.3%
 na                                                                                  na                             Key Financials
 Free Float                                                                      30.4%                              (EURm)                LTM          FY2019         FY2020          FY2021    CAGR '19-'21      # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                             Revenue              285.8             na                na          na            na
                                                                IPO +1D     IPO +3M       IPO +6M       since IPO     Growth                                                na           na                             0 Buy
Frequentis AG                                                      0.0%         0.0%            na         (1.0%)   EBITDA                19.8             na                na          na            na               0 Outperform
Germany DAX Index (Performance)                                    0.0%       (0.1%)            na          0.5%      Margin             6.9%              na               na           na                             0 Hold
                            103                                                                                     EBIT                  16.1             na                na          na            na               0 Underperform
                                                                                                                      Margin             5.6%              na               na           na                             0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                                                                                                                    Net Income            11.3             na                na          na            na
                                                                                                                      Margin             3.9%              na               na           na
                            99                                                                                      (EURm)                                                Valuation        FY2019              FY2020           FY2021
                            98                                                                                      Enterprise Value                     191.8            EV/Sales              na                 na               na
                            97                                                                                      Net Debt                             (44.8)           EV/EBITDA             na                 na               na
                            96                                                                                      Minority Interest                      1.3            EV/EBIT               na                 na               na
                            May 2019                                               Jun 2019                                                                0.0
                                                                                                                    Preferred Equity                                      P/E                   na                 na               na
.                                      Frequentis AG (DB:FQT)         Germany DAX Index (Performance)               Market Cap                           235.2            P/B                   na                 na               na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                          39
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
essensys plc

Company Description                                                                                                  IPO Facts                                                                                                            .
Sector: Software                                                                                                     Ticker                                AIM:ESYS                   Financial Advisors
essensys plc provides software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms and on-demand cloud services to the                     Exchange            AIM - London Stock Exchange                  Nplus1 Singer Advisory LLP
                                                                                                                     Initial Filing Date                   14-May-19
workspace industry worldwide. The company’s SaaS platforms connect, operate, and address
                                                                                                                     Announced Date                        14-May-19
operational challenges, and simplifies the day-to-day management of flexible workspaces, as well as
                                                                                                                     # Days Announced to Offer                    14
the provision of on-demand IT, technology, and infrastructure services to tenants. Its platforms
                                                                                                                     Offer Date                            28-May-19
automate key tasks, and processes and help flexible workspace providers to deliver customer-centric
workspace solutions and member experiences with enterprise class services. The company was
founded in 2006 and is based in London, the United Kingdom.                                                          IPO Price (EUR)                              1.71
                                                                                                                     Filing Price Range (EUR)                       na
                                                                                                                     Final Price Range (EUR)                        na

                                                                                                                                                                                      Legal Counsel
                                                                                                                     Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)            18.5m
                                                                                                                     Greenshoe                                   No GS                Addleshaw Goddard LLP
                                                                                                                     Filing Volume (EUR)                         31.7m
                                                                                                                     Final Volume (EUR)                          31.7m
                                                                                                                     Filing-to-Final Change                       0.0%
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                  Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                     Primary / Secondary Split 2
 Furness, Mark                                                                     70.7%                                                                                              BDO LLP
 Hargreave Hale Limited, Asset Management Arm                                       7.7%                                            Primary                       50%
 Soros Fund Management LLC                                                          5.7%                                            Secondary                     50%
 Sadler, Ian Bryn                                                                   5.6%
 Clark, Barry John                                                                  5.6%                             Key Financials
 Free Float                                                                         4.7%                             (EURm)                LTM          FY2019       FY2020          FY2021     CAGR '19-'21       # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                              Revenue               20.9             na              na          na            na
                                                                 IPO +1D      IPO +3M       IPO +6M      since IPO     Growth                                              na           na                               0 Buy
essensys plc                                                       15.3%            na            na        31.4%    EBITDA                 1.0             na              na          na            na                 0 Outperform
FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)                                         (1.2%)           na            na         1.1%      Margin             4.6%             na              na           na                               0 Hold
                            145                                                                                      EBIT                   0.6             na              na          na            na                 0 Underperform
                                                                                                                       Margin             2.9%             na              na           na                               0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                            135                                                                                      Net Income             0.1             na              na          na            na
                                                                                                                       Margin             0.6%             na              na           na

                            115                                                                                      (EURm)                                              Valuation        FY2019               FY2020           FY2021
                                                                                                                     Enterprise Value                    118.1           EV/Sales               na                 na                na
                                                                                                                     Net Debt                             10.1           EV/EBITDA              na                 na                na
                            95                                                                                       Minority Interest                     0.0           EV/EBIT                na                 na                na
                            May 2019                                                                     Jun 2019                                          0.0
                                                                                                                     Preferred Equity                                    P/E                    na                 na                na
.                                      essensys plc (AIM:ESYS)              FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)               Market Cap                          108.2           P/B                    na                 na                na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                           40
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
Ultimovacs ASA

Company Description                                                                                            IPO Facts                                                                                                              .
Sector: Biotechnology                                                                                          Ticker                             OB:ULTIMO                        Financial Advisors
Ultimovacs ASA, a pharmaceutical company, develops immunotherapies for various cancers. Its lead               Exchange                  Oslo Stock Exchange                       ABG Sundal Collier Holding ASA; DNB Markets
                                                                                                               Initial Filing Date                 20-May-19
product candidate is UV1, a peptide-based vaccine that induces T cell response against the universal
                                                                                                               Announced Date                      20-May-19
cancer antigen telomerase. The company was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Oslo,
                                                                                                               # Days Announced to Offer                   9
                                                                                                               Offer Date                          29-May-19

                                                                                                               IPO Price (EUR)                                 3.20
                                                                                                               Filing Price Range (EUR)                          na
                                                                                                               Final Price Range (EUR)                           na

                                                                                                                                                                                   Legal Counsel
                                                                                                               Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)                0.0m
                                                                                                               Greenshoe                                     No GS                 Wiersholm, Mellbye & Bech
                                                                                                               Filing Volume (EUR)                           37.9m
                                                                                                               Final Volume (EUR)                            37.9m
                                                                                                               Filing-to-Final Change                         0.0%
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                               Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                               Primary / Secondary Split 2
 GJELSTEN HOLDING AS                                                          17.5%                                                                                                Ernst & Young AS
 Inven2 AS                                                                     7.3%                                           Primary                           na
 Canica AS                                                                     5.0%                                           Secondary                         na
 The Norwegian Radium Hospital Research Foundation                             5.0%
 Langøya Invest AS                                                             3.3%                            Key Financials
 Free Float                                                                   61.9%                            (EURm)                LTM          FY2019          FY2020          FY2021     CAGR '19-'21      # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                        Revenue                 na             na                 na          na            na
                                                               IPO +1D    IPO +3M      IPO +6M     since IPO     Growth                                                 na           na                              0 Buy
Ultimovacs ASA                                                   (0.9%)         na           na       (2.4%)   EBITDA                 (5.6)           na                 na          na            na                0 Outperform
OMX Nordic 40 Index                                               0.2%          na           na        4.1%      Margin               nm              na                na           na                              0 Hold
                            105                                                                                EBIT                   (5.7)           na                 na          na            na                0 Underperform
                            104                                                                                  Margin              n/m              na                na           na                              0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                            103                                                                                Net Income             (5.6)           na                 na          na            na
                            102                                                                                  Margin               nm              na                na           na
                            100                                                                                (EURm)                                                 Valuation        FY2019               FY2020          FY2021
                            99                                                                                 Enterprise Value                      75.2             EV/Sales              na                  na               na
                            98                                                                                 Net Debt                             (11.6)            EV/EBITDA             na                  na               na
                            97                                                                                 Minority Interest                      0.0             EV/EBIT               na                  na               na
                            Jun 2019                                                                                                                  0.0
                                                                                                               Preferred Equity                                       P/E                   na                  na               na
.                                      Ultimovacs ASA (OB:ULTIMO)            OMX Nordic 40 Index               Market Cap                            87.0             P/B                   na                  na               na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                       41
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOS
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

Loungers plc

Company Description                                                                                                     IPO Facts                                                                                                             .
Sector: Hotels, Restaurants and Leisure                                                                                 Ticker                                AIM:LGRS                   Financial Advisors
Loungers plc operates cafés, bars, and restaurants under the Lounge and Cosy Club brands in                             Exchange            AIM - London Stock Exchange                  Liberum Capital Limited; Peel Hunt LLP
                                                                                                                        Initial Filing Date                    01-Apr-19
England and Wales. As of June 12, 2019, it operated 125 Lounge and 25 Cosy Club cafés, bars, and
                                                                                                                        Announced Date                         01-Apr-19
restaurants. The company was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Bristol, the United Kingdom.
                                                                                                                        # Days Announced to Offer                     23
                                                                                                                        Offer Date                             24-Apr-19

                                                                                                                        IPO Price (EUR)                              2.31
                                                                                                                        Filing Price Range (EUR)                       na
                                                                                                                        Final Price Range (EUR)                        na

                                                                                                                                                                                         Legal Counsel
                                                                                                                        Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)            41.6m
                                                                                                                        Greenshoe                                   No GS                Travers Smith LLP
                                                                                                                        Filing Volume (EUR)                         96.3m
                                                                                                                        Final Volume (EUR)                          96.3m
                                                                                                                        Filing-to-Final Change                       0.0%
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                     Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                        Primary / Secondary Split 2
 na                                                                                       na                                                                                             PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
 na                                                                                       na                                           Primary                       74%
 na                                                                                       na                                           Secondary                     26%
 na                                                                                       na
 na                                                                                       na                            Key Financials
 na                                                                                       na                            (EURm)                LTM          FY2019       FY2020          FY2021      CAGR '19-'21      # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                                 Revenue              138.4          199.8           238.4          na            na
                                                                  IPO +1D      IPO +3M         IPO +6M      since IPO     Growth                                            19.4%          na                                2 Buy
Loungers plc                                                         8.0%         8.0%               na         8.1%    EBITDA                15.5           24.2            29.6          na            na                  0 Outperform
FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)                                          (0.4%)       (2.8%)              na        (1.7%)     Margin            11.2%           12.1%           12.4%          na                                0 Hold
                            113                                                                                         EBIT                   8.0           13.1            16.7          na            na                  0 Underperform
                                                                                                                          Margin             5.8%            6.6%            7.0%          na                                0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                            108                                                                                         Net Income             (8.3)           na              na          na            na
                                                                                                                          Margin               nm              na              na          na
                                                                                                                        (EURm)                                              Valuation        FY2019                FY2020           FY2021
                            98                                                                                          Enterprise Value                    411.5           EV/Sales              2.1x               1.7x                na
                                                                                                                        Net Debt                            170.7           EV/EBITDA            17.0x              13.9x                na
                            93                                                                                          Minority Interest                     0.0           EV/EBIT              31.3x              24.7x                na
                            Apr 2019                             May 2019                                 Jun 2019                                            0.0
                                                                                                                        Preferred Equity                                    P/E                     na                 na                na
.                                      Loungers plc (AIM:LGRS)               FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)                 Market Cap                          231.4           P/B                     na                 na                na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                               43
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
Executive Summary
I.    FCF Overview
II.   Market Overview
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOS
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs
III. Recent IPO Case Studies
      a)   Micro IPOs
      b)   Small IPOs
      c)   Medium IPOs
      d)   Large IPOs

DWF Group plc

Company Description                                                                                                    IPO Facts                                                                                                                    .
Sector: Professional Services                                                                                          Ticker                              LSE:DWF                       Financial Advisors
DWF Group plc provides various legal services and complementary connected services in the United                       Exchange               London Stock Exchange                      Jefferies International Limited; Stifel Nicolaus Europe
                                                                                                                       Initial Filing Date                 08-Feb-19
Kingdom and internationally. The company operates through four divisions: Commercial Services,                                                                                           Limited; Zeus Capital Limited
                                                                                                                       Announced Date                      08-Feb-19
Insurance, International, and Connected Services. It offers a range of complex legal services and
                                                                                                                       # Days Announced to Offer                  34
managed services to multinationals, government and public sector bodies, and high net worth
                                                                                                                       Offer Date                          14-Mar-19
individuals in the areas of corporate, litigation, and real estate practice groups. The company also
offers a range of complex legal services and managed services to insurers, insurance intermediaries,
and corporations in various practice groups comprising catastrophic personal injury, occupational                      IPO Price (EUR)                               1.43
health, and casualty; motor, fraud, resolution law, and in-house teams; and professional indemnity                     Filing Price Range (EUR)                        na
and commercial insurance. In addition, it provides a range of professional, business, or consulting                    Final Price Range (EUR)                         na
services. The company offers software solutions to insurers, brokers, retailers, energy, construction
                                                                                                                                                                                         Legal Counsel
and engineering companies, professional service firms, public sectors, local governments, and                          Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)             78.1m
housing associations, as well as provides technical consulting services.                                               Greenshoe                                    No GS                na
                                                                                                                       Filing Volume (EUR)                         111.9m
                                                                                                                       Final Volume (EUR)                          111.9m
                                                                                                                       Filing-to-Final Change                        0.0%
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                     Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                       Primary / Secondary Split 2
 Miton Group plc                                                                   4.4%                                                                                                  Deloitte UK
 Sand Grove Capital Management LLP                                                 4.1%                                               Primary                        79%
 Standard Life Aberdeen plc                                                        4.0%                                               Secondary                      21%
 Leaitherland, Andrew                                                              1.8%
 Jones, Glyn                                                                       1.2%                                Key Financials
 Free Float                                                                       84.5%                                (EURm)                LTM          FY2019        FY2020          FY2021      CAGR '19-'21        # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                                Revenue              316.6          341.9            379.9        417.2           10.5%
                                                                 IPO +1D     IPO +3M       IPO +6M         since IPO     Growth                                             11.1%        9.8%                                   2 Buy
DWF Group plc                                                      2.5%        (2.6%)            na           (5.8%)   EBITDA                71.5           51.7             66.3         78.2           23.0%                  0 Outperform
FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)                                         0.7%         3.3%             na            2.1%      Margin            22.6%           15.1%            17.4%       18.7%                                   0 Hold
                            106                                                                                        EBIT                  65.7           44.0             57.0         69.9           26.0%                  0 Underperform
                                                                                                                         Margin            20.7%           12.9%            15.0%       16.7%                                   0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                                                                                                                       Net Income            53.1           33.3             44.9         55.4           29.1%
                                                                                                                         Margin            16.8%            9.7%            11.8%       13.3%
                            98                                                                                         (EURm)                                               Valuation         FY2019               FY2020                FY2021
                            96                                                                                         Enterprise Value                    471.2            EV/Sales              1.4x                 1.2x                 1.1x
                            94                                                                                         Net Debt                             66.5            EV/EBITDA             9.1x                 7.1x                 6.0x
                            92                                                                                         Minority Interest                     0.0            EV/EBIT              10.7x                 8.3x                 6.7x
                            Mar 2019            Apr 2019               May 2019                 Jun 2019                                                     0.0
                                                                                                                       Preferred Equity                                     P/E                  12.2x                 9.0x                 7.3x
.                                      DWF Group plc (LSE:DWF)             FTSE All-Share Index (GBP)                  Market Cap                          404.8            P/B                     na                   na                   na

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                                        45
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
Karnov Group AB

Company Description                                                                                               IPO Facts                                                                                                             .
Sector: Interactive Media and Services                                                                            Ticker                               OM:KAR                       Financial Advisors
Karnov Group AB (publ) provides information in the areas of legal, tax and accounting, environmental,             Exchange            Stockholm Stock Exchange                      Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ); Nordea Bank Abp
                                                                                                                  Initial Filing Date                 29-Mar-19
and health and safety in Denmark and Sweden. The company principally offers its products in the
                                                                                                                  Announced Date                      29-Mar-19
form of digital, such as subscription based online solutions. It provides its products under the brands
                                                                                                                  # Days Announced to Offer                  13
of Karnov, Norstedts Juridik, VJS, Notisum, Change Board Member, Forlaget Andersen, and Bella.
                                                                                                                  Offer Date                          11-Apr-19
The company also publishes and sells printed books and journals, as well as hosts legal training
courses. It primarily serves law firms, tax and accounting firms, corporates, and the public sector.
The company was founded in 1867 and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Karnov Group AB                        IPO Price (EUR)                               4.12
(publ) is a subsidiary of KARN Holdco AB.                                                                         Filing Price Range (EUR)                        na
                                                                                                                  Final Price Range (EUR)                         na

                                                                                                                                                                                    Legal Counsel
                                                                                                                  Shares Offered (incl. Greenshoe)             65.4m
                                                                                                                  Greenshoe                                     8.0%                White & Case LLP
                                                                                                                  Filing Volume (EUR)                         249.0m
                                                                                                                  Final Volume (EUR)                          249.0m
                                                                                                                  Filing-to-Final Change                       0.0%
Public Shareholders1                                                                                                                                                                Accounting Advisors
                                                                                                                  Primary / Secondary Split 2
 Rothschild & Co SCA                                                            17.6%                                                                                               PricewaterhouseCoopers Sweden
 Janus Henderson Group plc                                                       6.5%                                            Primary                        31%
 General Electric Pension Trust                                                  6.0%                                            Secondary                      69%
 Torreal Scr De Régimen Simplificado, S.A                                        2.9%
 RPO King S.C.A.                                                                 2.3%                             Key Financials
 Free Float                                                                     64.8%                             (EURm)                LTM          FY2019        FY2020          FY2021      CAGR '19-'21      # of Recommendations
Share Price Performance                                                                                           Revenue               69.7           69.8             72.7         76.0           4.4%
                                                                 IPO +1D    IPO +3M      IPO +6M      since IPO     Growth                                              4.2%        4.6%                               2 Buy
Karnov Group AB                                                    (0.2%)     (3.3%)           na        (2.2%)   EBITDA                23.3           31.6             32.8         34.9           5.1%               0 Outperform
OMX Nordic 40 Index                                                 0.2%      (4.7%)           na        (2.7%)     Margin            33.5%           45.3%            45.0%       46.0%                               0 Hold
                            102                                                                                   EBIT                   8.5           16.1             21.7         23.8           21.6%              0 Underperform
                                                                                                                    Margin            12.1%           23.1%            29.8%       31.3%                               0 Sell
    Prices Rebased (in %)

                                                                                                                  Net Income             (2.1)         20.3             22.1         23.7           8.0%
                                                                                                                    Margin               nm           29.1%            30.4%       31.1%
                            94                                                                                    (EURm)                                               Valuation        FY2019                FY2020          FY2021
                            92                                                                                    Enterprise Value                    555.8            EV/Sales              8.0x               7.6x             7.3x
                            90                                                                                    Net Debt                            165.3            EV/EBITDA            17.6x              17.0x            15.9x
                            88                                                                                    Minority Interest                     1.9            EV/EBIT              34.5x              25.7x            23.3x
                            Apr 2019                       May 2019                        Jun 2019                                                     0.0
                                                                                                                  Preferred Equity                                     P/E                  19.4x              17.8x            16.6x
.                                      Karnov Group AB (publ) (OM:KAR)          OMX Nordic 40 Index               Market Cap                          393.0            P/B                   2.7x               2.6x             2.6x

Source: S&P Capital IQ as of 12.06.2019, Implied Free Float                                                                                                                                                                         46
1 Total Shares Outstanding can exceed 100%, reported holdings data may not be aligned with the financial reporting of shares outstanding
2 Calculations do not include Greenshoe
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