2022 GROUP DENTAL PLANS - Blue Cross of Idaho

Page created by Robert Aguilar
2022 GROUP DENTAL PLANS - Blue Cross of Idaho

Form No. 15-022 (07-21)
2022 GROUP DENTAL PLANS - Blue Cross of Idaho
The Value of Blue Cross of Idaho Dental Plans
Health and Wellness
Good oral health improves overall health and reduces risk of chronic conditions.Our dental plans have been
structured to optimize healthy outcomes by increasing access to care, reducing cost for services that treat
disease, and align covered services to support overall health and utilization of medically necessary services.

Access to Dental Care
Our robust network increases access to dental care. Members have access to more than 1,600 in-network
Idaho providers. We have added two additional partnerships to the national Dental GRID, expanding our
network to 131,000 providers in 2022.

Administrative Ease
Our dental and other ancillary products enhance our medical benefit options. With one card and consolidated
billing, we are your one-stop-shop for all your health benefit needs.

    •     PPO and Traditional (TRAD) Plans – Five plan options
    •     Managed Care Plans – Four plan options
    •     Affordable Care Act (ACA)-Qualified Plans – Two plan options

OPTIMAL DENTAL PLAN:                                                                          PREFERRED DENTAL:
This plan offers the highest benefit maximum at the                                           Preferred Dental delivers lower premiums and
lowest premium. Optimal Dental is the highest value                                           out-of-pocket expenses. Covered members save
for you and your employees.                                                                   when they see a provider in our large PPO network.

                                                                 OPTIMAL DENTAL                                                 PREFERRED DENTAL
                Group Dental Plans
                                                         In-Network                   Out-of-Network                     In-Network                    Out-of-Network
                               Deductible                                     $50                                                           $25 or $50
    (Per person, three family member maximum)

        Benefit Period Maximum                                               $2,000                                                 $1,000, $1,250 or $1,500
                                     (Per person)

        Dental Provider Network                                               PPO                                                              PPO

    Preventive Dental Services                                                                                                                         Member pays 20% of
                                                           100% after
                (Includes oral exams, X-rays and                                      20% after deductible           Member pays nothing.               allowed amount
                                                           $20 copay
               cleaning and fluoride treatments)                                                                                                        after deductible.

                                                                                                                       Member pays 20%                 Member pays 30% of
             Basic Dental Services                    20% after deductible            50% after deductible          of allowed amount after             allowed amount
                    (Includes fillings, extractions                                                                        deductible.                  after deductible.
                                 and oral surgery)
                                                              Optional 6-month waiting period.                                  Optional 6-month waiting period.
                                                                                                                     Member pays 50% of                Member pays 60% of
                                                      50% after deductible            60% after deductible            allowed amount                    allowed amount
            Major Dental Services                                                                                     after deductible.                 after deductible.
 (Crowns, bridges and dentures, inlays/onlays,
              repairs to bridges and dentures,
             crown repair and dental implants)
                                                              Optional 12-month waiting period.                                Optional 12-month waiting period.

                            Orthodontia                      Member pays 50% of allowed amount.                              Member pays 50% of allowed amount.
(For groups with 20 or more enrolled contracts)        (Lifetime maximum of $1,000, $1,250 or $1,500.)                 (Lifetime maximum of $1,000, $1,250 or $1,500.)

        Please Note: These plans do not meet the ACA coverage requirement for those under age 19.

        This brochure describes the general features of our dental plans. It is not a contract. All the provisions of the Policy issued to the group apply.
        The benefits of the Policy are governed primarily by the laws of the State of Idaho.
Blue Cross of Idaho | Dental Plans for Groups

Expanded Preferred Dental provides flexibility for groups with employees who live outside of Idaho, by
expanding the same in-network benefits as the Preferred Dental plan, to out of network benefits as well.

When members visit a dentist every year, plan payments increase 10 percent each year up to 100 percent
for preventive and basic dental services, both in and out of network. Benefit payments start at 70 percent. It
decreases by 10 percent each year, to a minimum of 70 percent, if a member does not visit a dentist.

Voluntary Dental lets your employees decide whether or not they want dental coverage. Available to
group with three or more employees, and at least one employee must elect coverage. Employer contribution
is optional.

                                                         EXPANDED                      HEALTHY                             VOLUNTARY DENTAL
                Group Dental Plans                       PREFERRED                     REWARDS
                                                          DENTAL                        DENTAL1                      In-Network                   Out-of-Network

                               Deductible                    $25 or $50                 No Deductible                  $25 or $50                         $50 or $75
   (Per person, three family member maximum)

       Benefit Period Maximum                                        $1,000, $1,250 or $1,500                                   $1,000, $1,250 or $1,500
                                     (Per person)

      Dental Provider Network                                Traditional              Traditional or PPO                                   PPO
                                                                                      Member pays 30%
                                                                                      of allowed amount
    Preventive Dental Services                                                                                       Member pays                    Member pays 30%
                                                                                          for 1st year;
                (Includes oral exams, X-rays and       Member pays nothing.                                        nothing after $20             of allowed amount after
                                                                                       20% for 2nd year;
               cleaning and fluoride treatments)                                                                  copayment per visit.                  deductible.
                                                                                       10% for 3rd year;
                                                                                      nothing in 4th year.
                                                                                      Member pays 30%
                                                        Member pays 20% of            of allowed amount
                                                        allowed amount after              for 1st year;            Member pays 20%                  Member pays 50%
                                                             deductible.               20% for 2nd year;        of allowed amount after          of allowed amount after
             Basic Dental Services                                                     10% for 3rd year;               deductible.                      deductible.
  (Includes fillings, extractions and oral surgery)
                                                                                      nothing in 4th year.
                                                      Optional 6-month waiting     Optional 6-month waiting                     6-month waiting period.
                                                               period.                      period.

                                                        Member pays 50% of                                       Member pays 50% of               Member pays 60% of
            Major Dental Services                                                     Member pays 50%
                                                        allowed amount after                                     allowed amount after             allowed amount after
  (Crowns, bridges and dentures, inlays/onlays,                                       of allowed amount.
                                                             deductible.                                              deductible.                      deductible.
               repairs to bridges and dentures,
              crown repair and dental implants)
                                                                Optional 12-month waiting period.                               12-month waiting period.
                                                                                                              Member pays 50% of allowed amount. (Lifetime Maximum
                            Orthodontia                        Member pays 50% of allowed amount.                         of $1,000, $1,250 or $1,500.)
 (For groups with 20 or more enrolled contracts)         (Lifetime Maximum of $1,000, $1,250 or $1,500.)
                                                                                                                                24-month waiting period.

   Footnotes: 1Healthy Rewards Dental: Member must have at least one covered dental service per benefit period for incentive level to increase.
   Please Note: These plans do not meet the ACA coverage requirement for those under age 19.
   This brochure describes the general features of our dental plans. It is not a contract. All the provisions of the Policy issued to the group apply.
   The benefits of the Policy are governed primarily by the laws of the State of Idaho.
Willamette Dental Group, the Northwest’s largest multi-specialty group dental practice, is the exclusive
provider network for our managed care plan, Dental Blue Connect. Our partnership and plan offers extensive
in-network dental coverage with:
     •      No deductibles                                                                   Each Willamette Dental Group dentist works with
     •      No annual maximum                                                                patients to promote long-term dental health. With
                                                                                             more than 50 locations throughout the Pacific
     •      No waiting periods                                                               Northwest, there’s likely a Willamette Dental Group
     •      No claim forms                                                                   office in your neighborhood.
Dental Blue Connect offers your employees managed                                            This plan provides limited benefits for services by
care with predictable, low, out-of-pocket costs for                                          non-Willamette dental providers.
covered dental services, low copayments and low                                              Dental Blue Connect may be offered as Voluntary,
monthly premiums. Orthodontic coverage is included                                           standalone, or as a dual option, with our Blue Cross
for children and adults.                                                                     of Idaho PPO or Traditional plans.

                                                                    Groups 2-99
                                                                                                                               Groups 100+
                                             Highland                     Hills                       Valley                    Pathfinder                   All Groups
                                            In-Network               In-Network                    In-Network                   In-Network                Out-of-Network
       Annual Maximum                                                           No annual maximum                                                                 N/A

                  Deductible                                                        No deductible                                                                 N/A

           Waiting Period                                                         No waiting period                                                               N/A

                 Office Visit                Member pays              Member pays                  Member pays
                                                                                                                                                          We reimburse your
                 Copayment                  $15 copayment            $20 copayment                $25 copayment                                         employee $10 per visit.

    Diagnostic and
Preventive Services                                                                                                                                           We reimburse
                                          Covered with office      Covered with office          Covered with office          Covered with office
    (i.e., routine/emergency exams,                                                                                                                          your employee
                                           visit copayment          visit copayment              visit copayment              visit copayment
           X-rays, cleanings, fluoride,                                                                                                                       $10 per visit.
                 periodontal charting)

                  Restorative                                                                                                                                 We reimburse
                    Dentistry              Copayment varies         Copayment varies             Copayment varies             Copayment varies               your employee
                (Crowns and fillings)                                                                                                                         $10 per visit.

                                                                                                                                                              We reimburse
           Prosthodontics                  Copayment varies         Copayment varies             Copayment varies                Customized                  your employee
             (Dentures and bridges)
                                                                                                                                                              $10 per visit.

         Endodontics and                                                                                                                                      We reimburse
                                           Copayment varies         Copayment varies             Copayment varies                Customized                  your employee
            Periodontics                                                                                                                                      $10 per visit.
                                                                                                                                                              We reimburse
               Oral Surgery               Covered with office      Covered with office          Covered with office
                                                                                                                                 Customized                  your employee
                (Routine extraction)       visit copayment          visit copayment              visit copayment
                                                                                                                                                              $10 per visit.

          Comprehensive                                                                                                                                       We reimburse
                                          Member pays $2,000      Member pays $2,200           Member pays $2,500
            Orthodontia                      copayment               copayment                    copayment
                                                                                                                                 Customized                  your employee
              Treatment                                                                                                                                       $10 per visit.

       Local Anesthesia,                                                                                                                                      We reimburse
                                          Covered with office      Covered with office          Covered with office          Covered with office
                                                                                                                                                             your employee
        Dental Lab Fees                    visit copayment          visit copayment              visit copayment              visit copayment
                                                                                                                                                              $10 per visit.
                                                                                                                                                              We reimburse
                                             Member pays              Member pays                  Member pays
             Nitrous Oxide                  $40 copayment            $40 copayment                $40 copayment
                                                                                                                                 Customized                  your employee
                                                                                                                                                              $10 per visit.

           Please Note: These plans do not meet the ACA coverage requirement for those under age 19.
           Out-of-Network: If your employee visits an out-of-network dentist, we reimburse them $10 per visit.

           This brochure describes the general features of our dental plans. It is not a contract. All the provisions of the Policy issued to the group apply.
           The benefits of the Policy are governed primarily by the laws of the State of Idaho.

Blue Cross of Idaho | Dental Plans for Groups

Our group ACA-qualified dental plans, Dental Choice and Dental Choice Plus, offer coverage for the whole
family. Services for children under the age of 19 are not subject to waiting periods and are available day one.
     Small Group Dental                                      DENTAL CHOICE                                               DENTAL CHOICE PLUS
                  (2-50 EMPLOYEES)                In-Network                   Out-of-Network                     In-Network                     Out-of-Network
                                                $50 per member,                 $100 per member,                $25 per member,                   $100 per member,
  Individual Deductible                         per benefit period              per benefit period              per benefit period                per benefit period

 Annual Out-of-Pocket                            $350 Individual/
                                                                                                                 $350 Individual/
            Maximum                             $700 Two or more                                                $700 Two or more

              Benefit Period                          None                            None                            None                                  None
        Preventive Dental
                 Services                                                  Member pays 50% of allowed                                       Member pays 50% of allowed
                                                Member pays $30                                                 Member pays $20
 (No waiting period. Includes exams,                                        amount after deductible.                                         amount after deductible.
      X-rays, cleaning and fluoride.)

                  Basic Dental                Member pays 50% of                                              Member pays 20% of
                      Services                                             Member pays 50% of allowed                                       Member pays 50% of allowed
                                               allowed amount                                                  allowed amount
        (Includes fillings, extractions,                                    amount after deductible.                                         amount after deductible.
                                                after deductible                                                after deductible
                      and oral surgery)

 Major Dental Services
      (Crowns, bridges and dentures,          Member pays 50% of                                              Member pays 50% of
                                                                           Member pays 50% of allowed                                       Member pays 50% of allowed
 inlays/onlays, repairs to bridges and         allowed amount                                                  allowed amount
                                                                            amount after deductible.                                         amount after deductible.
    dentures, crown repair and dental           after deductible                                                after deductible

                                              Member pays 50% of                                              Member pays 50% of
                                                                           Member pays 80% of allowed                                       Member pays 80% of allowed
                                              allowed amount after                                            allowed amount after
                                                                            amount after deductible.                                         amount after deductible.
                                                   deductible                                                      deductible
                                           Orthodontia (for non-cosmetic orthodontia in accordance with    Orthodontia (for non-cosmetic orthodontia in accordance with
                                            Blue Cross of Idaho’s medical policies; medically-necessary,    Blue Cross of Idaho’s medical policies; medically-necessary,
                                               non-cosmetic treatment; prior authorization required).          non-cosmetic treatment; prior authorization required).

     Small Group Dental                                      DENTAL CHOICE                                              DENTAL CHOICE PLUS
                  (2-50 EMPLOYEES)                In-Network                   Out-of-Network                     In-Network                      Out-of-Network

                     Individual                 $75 per member,                 $100 per member,                $60 per member,                   $100 per member,
                    Deductible                  per benefit period              per benefit period              per benefit period                per benefit period

 Annual Out-of-Pocket                                 None                            None                            None                                  None
              Benefit Period                                          $1,000                                                           $1,000
        Preventive Dental
                 Services                                                  Member pays 50% of allowed                                        Member pays 50% of allowed
                                                Member pays $35                                                 Member pays $25
 (No waiting period. Includes exams,                                        amount after deductible.                                          amount after deductible.
      X-rays, cleaning and fluoride.)

                  Basic Dental             Member pays 50% of allowed      Member pays 50% of allowed      Member pays 20% of allowed        Member pays 50% of allowed
                      Services              amount after deductible.        amount after deductible.        amount after deductible.          amount after deductible.
         (Includes fillings, extractions
                      and oral surgery)       6-month waiting period for members age 19 and older.            6-month waiting period for members age 19 and older.

 Major Dental Services                     Member pays 50% of allowed      Member pays 50% of allowed      Member pays 50% of allowed        Member pays 50% of allowed
      (Crowns, bridges and dentures,        amount after deductible.        amount after deductible.        amount after deductible.          amount after deductible.
 inlays/onlays, repairs to bridges and
    dentures, crown repair and dental
                              implants)      12-month waiting period for members age 19 and older.           12-month waiting period for members age 19 and older.

                 Orthodontia                       No Benefit                       No Benefit                      No Benefit                         No Benefit

      This brochure describes the general features of our dental plans. It is not a contract. All the provisions of the Policy issued to the group apply.
      The benefits of the Policy are governed primarily by the laws of the State of Idaho.
In addition to the exclusions and limitations listed elsewhere in this Policy, the following exclusions and limitations apply to the entire Policy, unless otherwise specified.
I.      GENERAL EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS                  O.     Temporary dental services. Charges for               motorist provision, or other first party or no fault
                                                            temporary services are considered an integral part          provision of any automobile, homeowner’s or other
There are no benefits for services, supplies, drugs
                                                            of the final dental services and are not separately         similar policy of insurance, contract or underwriting
or other charges that are:
                                                            payable. Provisional services will be considered            plan;
A.    Procedures that are not included in the               permanent and will have standard replacement                In the event Blue Cross of Idaho for any reason
Closed List of Dental Covered Services; or that are         frequencies applied.                                        makes payment for or otherwise provides benefits
not Medically Necessary for the care of an Insured’s
                                                            P.     Any service, procedure or supply for which           excluded by this provision, it shall succeed to
covered dental condition; or that do not have
                                                            the prognosis for success is not reasonably                 the rights of payment or reimbursement of the
uniform professional endorsement.
                                                            favorable as determined by BCI at least three (3)           compensated Provider, the Insured, and the
B.     Charges for services that were started prior         years.                                                      Insured’s heirs and personal representative against
to the Insured’s Effective Date. The following                                                                          all insurers, underwriters, self insurers or other
                                                            Q.   Myofunctional therapy and biofeedback
guidelines will be used to determine the date when                                                                      such obligors contractually liable or obliged to
a service is deemed to have been started:                                                                               the Insured or his or her estate for such services,
                                                            R.    For hospital Inpatient or Outpatient care for         supplies, drugs or other charges so provided by
     1. For full dentures or partial dentures: on the
                                                            extraction of teeth or other dental procedures.             Blue Cross of Idaho in connection with such Illness,
         date the final impression is taken.
                                                            S.     Diagnostic casts.                                    Disease, Accidental Injury or other condition.
     2. For fixed bridges, crowns, inlays or onlays: on
         the date the teeth are first prepared and a        T.     Occlusal adjustments.                                AG. For which an Insured would have no legal
         final impression taken.                                                                                        obligation to pay in the absence of coverage under
                                                            U.    Not prescribed by or upon the direction of a          this Policy or any similar coverage; or for which
     3. For root canal therapy: on the date the pulp        Provider.                                                   no charge or a different charge is usually made
         chamber is opened and the canals are               V.     Investigational in nature.                           in the absence of insurance coverage; or charges
         explored to the apex.                                                                                          in connection with work for compensation or
                                                            W.     Provided for any condition, Disease, Illness         charges; or for which reimbursement or payment
     4. For periodontal Surgery: on the date the            or Accidental Injury to the extent that the Insured is
         Surgery is actually performed.                                                                                 is contemplated under an agreement with a third
                                                            entitled to benefits under occupational coverage,           party.
     5. For all other services: on the date the service     obtained or provided by or through the employer
         is performed.                                      under state or federal Workers’ Compensation                AH. Provided to persons who were enrolled as
                                                            Acts or under Employer Liability Acts or other laws         Eligible Dependents after they cease to qualify as
     6. For orthodontic services, if benefits are                                                                       Eligible Dependents due to a change in Eligibility
                                                            providing compensation for work related injuries or
         available under this Policy: on the date any                                                                   status which occurs during the Policy term.
                                                            conditions. This exclusion applies whether or not
         bands or other appliances are first inserted.
                                                            the Insured claims such benefits or compensation            AI.   Provided outside the United States, which if
C.     Cast restorations (crowns, inlays or onlays)         or recovers losses from a third party.                      had been provided in the United States, would not
for teeth that are restorable by other means (i.e., by                                                                  be Covered Services under this Policy.
                                                            X.     Provided or paid for by any federal
amalgamor composite fillings).
                                                            governmental entity or unit except when payment             AJ. Not directly related to the care and treatment
D.     Replacement of an existing crown, inlay or           under this Policy is expressly required by federal          of an actual condition, Illness, Disease or Accidental
onlay that was installed within the preceding seven         law, or provided or paid for by any state or local          Injury.
(7) years or replacement of an existing crown, inlay        governmental entity or unit where its charges
or onlay that can be repaired.                              therefor would vary, or are or would be affected by         AK.    For acupuncture or hypnosis.
E.     Appliances, restorations or other services           the existence of coverage under this Policy.                AL. Repair, removal, cleansing or reinsertion of
provided or performed solely to change, maintain            Y.    Provided for any condition, Accidental Injury,        Implants, unless otherwise specifically listed in the
or restore vertical dimension or occlusion.                 Disease or Illness suffered as a result of any act of       Closed List of Dental Covered Services.
F.      A service for cosmetic purposes.                    war or any war, declared or undeclared.                     AM.    Precision or semi-precision attachments.
G.      In excess of the Maximum Allowance.                 Z.    Furnished by a Provider who is related to the         AN.    Denture duplication.
                                                            Insured by blood or marriage and who ordinarily
H.     A replacement of a partial or full removable                                                                     AO.    Oral hygiene instruction.
                                                            dwells in the Insured’s household.
denture for fixed bridgework, or the addition                                                                           AP.    Treatment of jaw fractures.
of teeth thereto, if involving a replacement or             AA. Received from a dental or medical
modification of a denture or bridgework that was            department maintained by or on behalf of an                 AQ.    Charges for acid etching.
installed during the preceding seven (7) years.             employer, a mutual benefit association, labor union,        AR. Charges for oral cancer screening which are
                                                            trust or similar person or group.                           included in a regular oral examination.
I.    Orthodontic services and supplies unless
otherwise specifically listed in the Closed List of         AB. For personal hygiene, comfort, beautification           AS. No benefits are available for replacement
Dental Covered Services.                                    or convenience items even if prescribed by                  and/or repair of orthodontic appliances. This
                                                            a Dentist, including but not limited to, air                includes removable and/or fixed retainers.
J.      Replacement of lost or stolen appliances.           conditioners, air purifiers, humidifiers, physical
K.    Ridge augmentation procedures unless                  fitness equipment or programs.                              AT. Support service(s) provided for a non-
otherwise specifically listed in the Closed List of                                                                     Covered Service.
                                                            AC. For telephone consultations; for failure
Dental Covered Services.                                    to keep a scheduled visit or appointment; for               II.    CONDITIONS
L.     Any procedure, service or supply other than          completion of a claim form; for interpretation              A.     Right to Review Dental Work
alveoloplasty or alveolectomy required to prepare           services; or for personal mileage, transportation,          Before providing benefits for Covered Services,
the alveolus, maxilla or mandible for a prosthetic          food or lodging expenses or for mileage,                    Blue Cross of Idaho has the right to refer the
appliance. Excluded services include, but are               transportation, food or lodging expenses billed by          Insured to a Dentist of its choice and at its expense
not limited to, vestibuloplasty, stomatoplasty and          a Dentist or other Provider.                                to verify the need, quantity and quality of dental
bone grafts (either synthetic or autogenous) to the         AD. For Congenital Anomalies, or for                        work claimed as a benefit under this section.
alveolars, maxilla or mandible, unless otherwise            developmental malformations, unless the patient is          B.      Care Rendered by More Than One Dentist
specifically listed in the Closed List of Dental            an Eligible Dependent child.                                If an Insured transfers from the care of one Dentist
Covered Services.
                                                            AE. For the treatment of injuries sustained while           to another Dentist during a Dental Treatment Plan,
M.      Any procedure, service or supply required           committing a felony, voluntarily taking part in a riot,     or if more than one Dentist renders services for one
directly or indirectly to treat or diagnose a               or while engaging in an illegal act or occupation,          dental procedure, Blue Cross of Idaho will pay no
muscular, neural, orthopedic or skeletal disorder,          unless such injuries are a result of a medical              more than the amount that it would have paid had
dysfunction or Disease of the temporomandibular             condition or domestic violence.                             but one Dentist rendered the service.
joint (jaw hinge) and its associated structures
                                                            AF. For treatment or other health care of any               C.     Alternate Treatment Plan
including, but not limited to, myofascial pain
                                                            Insured in connection with an Illness, Disease,             If a Dentist and an Insured select a Dental
dysfunction syndrome.
                                                            Accidental Injury or other condition which would            Treatment Plan other than that which is customarily
N.     Orthognathic Surgery, including, but not             otherwise entitle the Insured to Covered Services           provided by the dental profession, payments of
limited to, osteotomy, ostectomy and other services         under this Policy, if and to the extent those benefits      benefits available under this section shall be limited
or supplies to augment or reduce the upper or               are payable to or due the Insured under any                 to the Dental Treatment Plan that is the standard
lower jaw.                                                  medical payments provision, no fault provision,             and most economical, according to generally
                                                            uninsured motorist provision, underinsured                  accepted dental practices.
Blue Cross of Idaho | Dental Plans for Groups

Blue Cross of Idaho and Blue Cross of Idaho Care Plus,       discriminated in another way on the basis
Inc., (collectively referred to as Blue Cross of Idaho)      of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex,
complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and       you can file a grievance with Blue Cross of Idaho’s
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national Grievances and Appeals Department at:
origin, age, disability or sex. Blue Cross of Idaho does     Manager, Grievances and Appeals
not exclude people or treat them differently because of 3000 E. Pine Ave., Meridian, ID 83642
race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.        Telephone: 1-800-274-4018
Blue Cross of Idaho:                                         Fax: 208-331-7493
• Provides free aids and services to people with             Email: grievances&appeals@bcidaho.com
   disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as: TTY: 711
     o Qualified sign language interpreters                  You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax,
     o Written information in other formats (large           or email. If you need help filing a grievance, our
        print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other   Grievances and Appeals team is available to help you.
        formats)                                             You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S.
• Provides free language services to people whose            Department of Health and Human Services, Office for
   primary language is not English, such as:                 Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil
     o Qualified interpreters                                Rights Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.
                                                             hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, or by mail or phone at:
     o Information written in other languages
                                                             U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200
If you need these services, contact Blue Cross of Idaho Independence Avenue SW., Room 509F, HHH Building,
Customer Service Department. Call 1-800-627-1188             Washington, DC 20201, 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697
(TTY: 711), or call the customer service phone number        (TTY). Complaint forms are available at
on the back of your card. If you believe that Blue           http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html.
Cross of Idaho has failed to provide these services or
ATTENTION: If you speak Arabic, Bantu, Chinese, Farsi, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Romanian,
Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Tagalog, or Vietnamese, language assistance services, free of charge, are
available to you. Call 1-800-627-1188 (TTY: 711).

                                                  Form No. 3-1187 (09-20)
There when you need us,
        never when you don’t.

    Sales 888-462-7677 | Customer Service 855-230-6862

        3000 East Pine Avenue | Meridian, Idaho | 83642-5995
              PO Box 7408 | Boise, Idaho | 83707-1408
                 1-800-365-2345 | TTY 1-800-377-1363

© 2021 by Blue Cross of Idaho, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
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