2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Handbook & Manual - Great ...

Page created by Lisa Schroeder
2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Handbook & Manual - Great ...
2022 Gorham Scout Ranch
Staff Handbook & Manual
       Great Southwest Council, BSA

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2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Handbook & Manual - Great ...
Welcome to Gorham Scout Ranch!

Dear Staff Member,

Welcome to the Gorham Scout Ranch camp staff! You have been invited to join our staff
because we know that you will help make this summer a success. Our Staff is made up of
individuals who possess unique and valuable qualities; our Staff are charismatic, hard-working,
team oriented, and are willing to do everything they can to make this summer camping season
at Gorham Scout Ranch a memorable one.

After what was perhaps our most unusual year at Gorham Scout Ranch, we are getting back
into revamping and returning to our amazing camp. After a long year of closing out the
pandemic, we are ready to get back outdoors and enjoy what we love most about camp. To help
us all get back to normal, Gorham will still be providing exciting merit badge instruction and
programs in aquatics, ATVs, climbing, COPE, handicraft, high adventure, nature, outdoor skills,
shooting sports, and trail to first class. Along with evening program and the stunning
environment of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, you and our participants are going to have a
spectacular summer.

This summer, about one thousand Scouts and leaders will attend our camp. For many, this will
be their first visit. For many more, this will be the first big outdoor experience since the
pandemic started. That means everyone is going to be eager, anxious, and looking for a great
adventure. Their impression of our camp and their desire to continue their outdoor journey in
Scouting rests with you!

Together, our team will make sure that each Scout at Gorham Scout Ranch leaves wanting to
come back next year, and the year after that, and even one day become a Staff member
themselves. That desire to return demonstrates their passion for the outdoors and the values of
Scouting, the reasons we are here in the first place. We all have a great responsibility and it is
one that I am confident our staff will carry well.

We had a great return to form in 2021 after a wild year. The best part for most of our staff simply
getting to make new friends and memories in the outdoors again. I am confident that you and
the 2022 team will have the same great experience, if not better!

Camp leadership appreciates your commitment to making camp happen. This is going to take a
tremendous effort on everyone’s part. The camping adventure begins with us!

We are thrilled to welcome you to this team, and excited for an amazing summer at Gorham
Scout Ranch.

Jarod Peterman
Camp Director

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Table of Contents
Thank you for staffing at Gorham Scout Ranch! This document outlines our camp policies, merit
badge programs, our daily schedule, our high adventure programs including COPE, ATV
Adventure, white water rafting, and more! We hope this helps answer your questions. Please
contact us, we are happy to help fill you in!

See pages 1-26 for information on the day-to-day of camp operations.
See pages 27-49 for the camp program guide included merit badges and high adventure. Plus
find schedules and a camp map.

While the program is flexible to accommodate everyone’s needs, we recommend each staff
member prints and brings this guide for reference.

General Information              1-10
       Welcome Letter            2               Camp Rules                            18-23
       Table of Contents         3                       Camp Rules                    18
       About Gorham              4                       Camp Policies                 18-23
                                                         Staff Discipline              23
      Guiding Principles         5               Positions                             24-26
      General Policies           5                       Job Descriptions              24-26
      Covid-19 Disclaimers       6-7
      Camp Information           8               Program Guide                         27-49
                                                        Introduction                   28-29
      Camp Staff Dates           9                      Merit Badge Offerings          30-36
      Staff Deadlines            9                      Trail to First Class
      Staff Weekly Schedule      10                             Program                37

Health & Safety                  11-14                   Project COPE                  38
       Weather                   11                      High Adventure                39
       Dining                    11                      ATV Adventure                 39
       Water                     11
       Hand Washing              11                      Special Aquatics
       Health Forms &                                           Program                40
               Physical Exams    11                      Special Patches               40
       Trading Post              11                      Adult Trainings               40
                                                         Trading Post                  40
      Common Requests for
              Special Needs      12                      Daily Schedule                41
      Vehicles in Camp           12                      Daily Programs                42
      CPAPs                      12                      Merit Badge Program
      Injections                 12                             Schedule               43-44

      Emergency Procedures       13-14                   Map of Gorham                 45
                                                         Travel Time Between
Gearing Up for Camp              15-17                          Areas                  46
       Staff Uniforms            15
       Gear List                 16                      Trail to First Class
       Your Tent                 17                      Requirements Completed 47-49

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About Gorham Scout Ranch
Gorham Scout Ranch is located on 2,650
acres of high-desert beauty in the foothills of
the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of New
Mexico in addition to being a nationally
accredited camp (NCAP). The rolling hills of
piñon, ponderosa, and juniper will captivate
the mind and enchant the spirit.

Gorham has been furthering Scouting’s
adventure for decades, with some staff
having parents who worked or attended then
-called Camp Frank Rand in their childhood.
Our legacy carries a spirit of quality facilities
and above-standard program. We are
excited to have you aboard this summer to
perpetuate that legacy.

Scouts BSA is one of the nation’s largest
and most prominent values-based youth
development organizations, providing
programs for young people that build
character. Scouting is a world-wide
movement, with more than 170
organizations in almost as many countries.
As camp staff, you join 50 million scouters
around the globe to make a difference in the
lives of our youth.

We, as camp staff and Scout leaders, have
the role and duty to help each other
establish the tone within the program and
help to create an atmosphere that will result
in meaningful camping experience for the
Scouts entrusted to our care. It is the
commitment of our staff to help you and your
Scouts experience the adventure that is
Scouting, and to do such in our beautiful
great outdoors.

We offer program for scouts of all genders
and identities. Our program and facilities are
ready for all future Eagle Scouts to attend
Gorham Scout Ranch in 2022.

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Guiding Scouting Principles
                                                              Scout Law:
BSA Mission Statement:                                        A Scout is ...
The mission of Scouts BSA is to prepare young                 trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
people to make ethical choices over their lifetimes           courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,
by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath            thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
and Law.
                                                              Scouting 10 Essentials:
BSA Vision Statement:                                         1.    First Aid Kit
Scouts BSA will prepare every eligible youth in               2.    Extra Clothing
America to become a responsible, participating                3.    Rain Gear
citizen and leader who is guided by the Scout                 4.    Water
Oath and Law.                                                 5.    Flashlight
                                                              6.    Trail Food
Scout Oath:                                                   7.    Sun Protection
On my honor I will do my best                                 8.    Map & Compass
To do my duty to God and my country                           9.    Pocket Knife
and to obey the Scout Law;                                    10.   Matches or fire starter
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

                                        General Policies
Scouting Principles
We know that not all staff are familiar with the scouting principles, but as camp staff we are examples of the
scouting ideals and must act accordingly. Please familiarize yourself with the above principles before camp, but
don’t worry, we will talk about them during staff week and the best ways to integrate them into your behavior.
Registered Adults
In compliance with BSA youth protection guidelines, any adult (including parents and visitors) staying at camp for at
least 72 hours is required to be a registered member of the BSA.
Youth Protection Training
All staff, including their parents and visitors, are required to have valid Youth Protection Training and must bring
their certification to check-in. The training is free and can be completed online at my.Scouting.org.
All visitors must check-in and check-out with the camp management at the camp office. Visitors should plan to visit
staff during time-off, not while staff are on duty. The preferred time for all visitors is after the evening flag ceremony.
Visitors must purchase a meal ticket in the trading post to eat.

Sleeping Arrangements
According to BSA policy, youth and adults MUST sleep in separate tents. The exception is Cub Scouting, in which
parents may tent with their children only. Scouts may only tent with someone within a 24 month age difference.
Scouts with an age difference larger than 2 years may NOT tent together. Males and females must tent separately.
All youth and adults must shower separately. Males and females must shower separately. Schedules and labels are
posted on all shower house doors. Everyone provides their own respective soap, shampoo, towels, etc.
When Your Troop is in Camp
From time to time, the troop to which a staff member belongs will come to camp. Staffs member should keep in
mind that they are first a member of the camp staff and will play no favorites to their home troops. If staff choose to
join their troop for the week, they must forgo any staff benefits. This includes staying in the troop’s campsite.

Damage to Camp Equipment and Facilities
Each unit and staff member is responsible for the equipment and campsites assigned to them. Each unit or staff
member is responsible for all costs for repairs and/or replacement of damaged equipment. Charges will be based
on the repair or replacement costs estimated by the camp ranger.

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COVID-19 Disclaimer and Program Notice
As we are all experiencing, Covid-19 has profoundly changed the world we operate in and has complicated the
manners of scouting operation. We are optimistic for what will be possible the 2022 season, but are preparing for the
worst. With the slow rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine, we are taking heavy precautions and monitoring the evolving
circumstances. This page will be updated as we know more.

In the Event of Cancellation
Camp program and employment is contingent on the occurrence of camp. Should the Great Southwest Council or
New Mexico Department of Health (DOH) deem Gorham Scout Ranch unable to operate safely, we will be
terminating all contracts. Any week(s) cancelled for Covid-19 will not be paid. All staff will be notified in a timely
manner in this event.

Program Changes
We are hopeful to be able to offer as typical a program as possible this summer. However, the regulations of New
Mexico will require us to radically redesign our program. Following the Red to Green system established by our
governor, we will have three potential outcomes for camp program.
Each troop (group of participants) will operate as their own cohort and will travel together all day, each day. Campers
will remain at least 6 feet apart and will keep at least 12 feet away from other cohort groups. All campers in a cohort
must be from the same geographic area (e.g., city, town, county, community). Troops must stay at least 12 feet away
from people from other troops. Each program area will host only one troop at a time and staff will disinfect areas
between groups.

New Mexico “Red to Green” Framework
Red to Green is a county-by-county standard that regulates the business restrictions based on Covid-19 prevalence.
Gorham Scout Ranch is in Santa Fe county and is dependent on its status within this framework.
“In order to prevent and mitigate the effects of the spread of the virus, and to ameliorate the unsustainable resultant
strain placed upon the state’s health care system and personnel, counties where the virus is more prevalent will
operate under more restrictive public health measures… Counties will operate under one of four levels: Red,
signifying very high risk; Yellow, signifying high risk; Green, signifying medium risk; and Turquoise being low risk.”
                                                                            - NM DOH Red to Green website

You can read more on the system and all of New Mexico’s Covid-19 response in the following resources:
          Red to Green: https://cv.nmhealth.org/public-health-orders-and-executive-orders/red-to-green/
          NM DOH: https://cv.nmhealth.org/
          NM DOH Travel Recommendations: https://cv.nmhealth.org/travel-recommendations/

County Status Options
We are excited to currently be in Turquoise, but will continue to update our protocols as circumstances evolve. The
following are the current plans of operation based on the New Mexico guidelines and status of Santa Fe County.

Red:                     Camp will close and operate a virtual program.
Yellow:                  Camp will operate on a cohort method with program restrictions (troop-wide merit badge
                         schedule) and a limited merit badge selection (more information will be provided).
Green & Turquoise:       Camp will operate on a cohort method with typical merit badge offerings and individual
                         program schedules.

Out-of-State Quarantine Recommendation
In accordance with CDC Covid-19 regulations, staff (and parents/guests) travelling across state borders are
recommended to isolate for 10 days. Gorham Scout Ranch also recommends staff isolate the four days prior to and
after receiving a Covid-19 test for the most accurate results. For more information on traveling and testing:
                 Testing: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/testing.html
                 Traveling: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html
Protective Measures
We will be implementing numerous protocols to ensure you and your scouts’ safety at Gorham Scout Ranch. Entry to
camp will require a documented negative COVID-19 test that is less than one-week old. Staff will be tested weekly.
Face coverings, personal hygiene, enhanced cleaning protocols, physical distancing and vaccinations will be our
primary means to control COVID-19 transmission in camp and will be enforced in all circumstances. You can read
more on our protective measures and plans in our Covid Operations Guide posted on our website, which details our
comprehensive plan to ensure safety. We will be depending on you and your scouts to do your part and keep Covid-
19 at bay and out of camp.
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General Camp Information
Great Southwest Council Camping Services Contact Information:
Please contact Camping Services at the Great Southwest Council Scout Office with any questions regarding Gorham
Scout Ranch and camping opportunities in the Great Southwest Council:

        Great Southwest Council, BSA                      Council Senior Director of Development
        5841 Office Blvd NE                               Caryl Sharpe
        Albuquerque, NM 87109                             caryl.sharpe@scouting.org
        505.345.8603                                      505.345.8603 ext 102

Contacting the Camp Directly:
Cell Phone Reception in Camp: Currently, the only mobile carriers that have consistent signal in camp are T-
Mobile and Sprint. Those who have AT&T or Verizon as a mobile carrier will be able to get signal at the top of the hill
at the main gate into camp. WiFi is available for adults and staff who need to make a call or check e-mail.

Calling the Camp: The camp telephone is primarily for the use as a business phone and for emergency calls. It is
only in use during the summer camp season. Those who call the camp phone should note that the staff member
being called may be a considerable distance from the phone. A message will be taken for the individual to return the
call. Knowing the staff area and full name of individual is very helpful when delivering a message.

        Camp phones:
                        Camp Director: Jarod Peterman (505) 402-7840
                        Program Director: TBA
                        Camp Medic: TBA

Email: While camp has wi-fi available for staff, they may not have an email address or a internet-capable device.
Send an email to your staff member while they are at camp! Send the message to the camp email address
gorhamscoutranch@gmail.com, with the individual’s name and area in the subject line. Messages will be printed and
delivered within 24 hours. Please note, responses from your camper are not always possible. Memes are always a
great hit.

Mail at Camp: To send mail or packages to Gorham Scout Ranch, please use the following addresses. Mail is
picked up from the PO Box on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

        Sent by USPS or FedEx SmartPost                   Sent by UPS or FedEx

        Gorham Scout Ranch                                Gorham Scout Ranch
        Scout’s Name                                      Scout’s Name
        Troop #, Session #                                Troop #, Session #
        PO Box 459                                        344 Cerro Pinon Rd
        Chimayo, NM 87522-0459                            Chimayo, NM 87522-0459

Directions to Gorham Scout Ranch
Gorham Scout Ranch is located on 2,650 acres in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains approximately 45 minutes north of
Santa Fe, NM and 25 minutes east of Espanola. Elevation at camp is around 7,200 feet.

Using Google Maps, select Gorham Scout Ranch Parking Lot.

From I-25 Northbound (before you reach Santa Fe)
 Take exit 276 for NM-599 S (Santa Fe Relief Route) towards Madrid
               Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto NM-599 for 13.1 miles
 Use the left lane to take the US-84 N/ US-285 exit towards Espanola
               Merge onto US-285 N/ US-84 W/ US Hwy 285 N for 14.3 miles
 Turn right on NM Hwy 503/ Nambe Rd towards Nambe for 9 miles
 Turn right on Co Rd 123/ Cerro Pinon Road for 4.5 miles
               At the turn you will see a large wooden sign for Gorham Scout Ranch
 Take the left fork where you will see another large wooden sign for Gorham Scout Ranch
               DO NOT DRIVE RIGHT. It goes to the cellphone tower and is a very dangerous road.
 Camp is 1 mile from the fork!

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Camp Staff Dates
FRIDAY, JUNE 10TH: DIRECTOR TRAINING DAY                                                 June 12th—18th
Pack food for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday*. There will be dry storage, a fridge,        Staff Training Week
and a microwave available.
•   Directors arrive 8:00-10:00am Friday, June 11th.                                     June 19th—25th:
                                                                                         Summer Camp Week 1
•   Director training begins at 10:30am.
•   *Directors will be provided dinner on Saturday, June 11th.                           June 26th—July 2rd:
                                                                                         Summer Camp Week 2
                           & KITCHEN STAFF TRAINING DAY
                                                                                         June 3th–July 9th:
Pack food, the first meal is served Sunday June 12th for dinner.* There will be dry
storage, a fridge, and a microwave available.                                            Summer Camp Week 3

•   All staff move-in is 12:00pm (noon) - 7:00pm.
                                                                                         July 10th-17th:
•   Meet at the check-in shelter before unloading.                                       Summer Camp Week 4
•   Tents will be assigned.
•   *Kitchen staff will be provided dinner on Saturday June 12th.                        July 18th-22nd:
                                                                                         Webelos Week in the Woods
                                                                                         July 23rd-24th:
                                                                                         Camp clean-up weekend
Bring lunch, the first meal served Sunday June 13th is dinner. There will be dry
storage, a fridge, and a microwave available.
                                                                                         Note: General staff (not leader-
•   Training starts Sunday June 12th at 11:00am.                                         ship or kitchen staff) may
                                                                                         move in either Saturday 6/12
•   Meet at the check-in shelter before unloading.
                                                                                         or Sunday 6/13.
•   There will be time during the evening to unpack and unload.                          If you need to move in early,
•   Tents will be assigned.                                                              reach out the camp director.

       Staff Deadlines (Forms Found in the Staff Packet)
May 1st:                                                    May 20th:
•    Signed Contract                                        •    W-4 Form (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf)
•    Time-Off Request                                       •    I-9 Form (https://www.uscis.gov/i-9)
•    T-Shirt Order Form                                     •    Direct Deposit Form
                                                            •    Illness or Injury on the Job Form
June 3rd:
                                                            •    Special Needs Form
•    Youth Protection Training
•    Harassment Training
•    Hazardous Weather Training
•    Merit Badge Instruction Training

June 12th:
•    Medical Form Parts A, B, and C (https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf)
•    Copy of vaccination record
•    Code of Conduct
•    Emergency Contact Form
•    Parental Release Form - Under 18 Staff Only
•    Scouting Firearms Safety Release Form - Under 18 Staff Only
•    Wireless Use Policy - please read
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Staff Weekly Work Schedule
Staff are expected to report for each week on Sundays at 12:00pm (noon) for a staff meeting which is followed by
camper check-in which begins at 1:00pm.
Vaccinated staff may leave camp on Saturday once all program areas, the Lodge, the shower house, all campsites
are clean and secured, and a brief staff meeting is completed. Our goal is to dismiss staff by 11:00am. Check-out/in
at the camp office by signing the posted sheet. This is required for staff, parents, troops, and anyone in camp.
There will be an adult staff member in camp each weekend to provide supervision for those under 18 who need to
stay. You must notify the camp director four days prior to a weekend if you are planning to stay in camp. Food is not
provided over the weekend, however there are often designated leftovers left in the fridge.
Webelos week is a shorter program. In between the last Scout week and Webelos week, we are off from Saturday
after cleaning (7/16) to noon Monday (7/18). We ask that all staff members take the time away from camp for this
weekend to allow camp leadership time off too.
***Parents of Staff members under the age of 18 must complete the parent consent form in the staff packet with in-
structions to their child in respect to: what they can do on weekends off, who they can go with, who they can ride
with, and who they can drive.
In addition to days off, every effort will be made to provide you with time off each day. However, the needs of the
camp must come first. Use your free time as you wish, but do not disturb the operation of other areas of camp and
always be on time when returning to duty. You should plan to take no more than one or two merit badges (if you are
eligible) during your free time. Staff members are expected to be available for the entire time of their employment. If
additional time-off is needed, you must complete the time off request form in the staff packet. Your immediate direc-
tor and the camp director must approve it in advance. This time off will be without pay.
Leaving camp early or taking time off for non-approved reasons may result in termination and/or negatively affect
future employment.

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Health and Safety
The days are hot and dry, while the evenings are cool, and the nights are cold. There are occasionally brief rain
showers in the afternoon. Scouts are advised to wear proper sun protection at all times and bring adequate evening
and sleeping gear. Rain showers, storms, and lightning may be the cause for shutdown of program areas to follow all
BSA safety standards for hazardous weather. Lightning strikes, wildfires, and flooding are the most common
concerns at camp. The Gorham Scout Ranch evacuation plan will take place in the case of wildfire or other camp-
wide danger. If classes are cancelled due to weather, staff will help ensure classes are made up to the best of our

Meals are served cafeteria-style by an assigned rotation of all staff members. Quality meals are prepared by our
experienced cooks. Second servings will usually be available at each meal. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit,
and leftovers will be available throughout the day for staff who would like a snack on their breaktimes.

Troops send “table waiters” to prep, wipe down, sweep, and mop tables before and after meals. Staff will typically sit
with troops, but when a staff sit together, they are responsible for prepping and cleaning their own tables. Staff may
occasionally be asked to help mop the dining hall. Staff will dine by program area and must clean their area
according to the steward’s standards.

The kitchen area and storerooms are off limits, except to those on duty and assigned there. Weekend food will be
stocked and available according to a posted menu outside of the main refrigerator. Access to the weekend food is
only for those staying in camp for the days off. Do not take food from the storage areas without permission. If you are
not getting enough to eat, notify the camp director.

Due to the altitude and location of Gorham Scout Ranch, summer temperatures in the afternoon can be very high. It
is important that everyone in camp be aware of their water consumption. Soft drinks, tea, or coffee will not replace
water. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are all ailments we see every year. It is up to staff to ensure
that their and the campers around them are drinking plenty of water. Staff and scouts are expected to carry a water
bottle with them at all times and should drink at least 2-liters of water a day.

Hand Washing:
Due to the primitive nature of the facilities at camp, and a little thing we are in called a pandemic, it is of critical
importance that all camp staff and unit leaders work to ensure that campers are following good hand washing
procedures. Signs are posted at all restrooms and hand-washing stations. Please reinforce the importance of hand-
washing within your campsite. Keeping camp safe and sanitary is everyone’s responsibility. Hand sanitation will be
required at the dining hall before every meal.

Health Forms and Physical Examinations:
All staff must have a current BSA medical form (parts A, B, and C) on file with the camp medic. Visitors must
bring parts A and B even if not spending the night. A screening for symptoms and exposure of Covid-19 will be
conducted for everyone in camp. Any prescription medication MUST be checked in with the camp medic upon arrival
to camp and can be stored in the med lodge. Exceptions must be agreed upon with the camp director and the camp
medic on a situational basis. All medication MUST be picked up at the end of the summer. Staff are responsible for
collecting their health forms at the end of their camp session. There is no guarantee that forms that were left behind
will be available after camp. Please make a copy of all forms BEFORE coming to camp.

Gorham Trading Post
Gorham Scout Ranch has a camp store called the trading post, located at the lodge. The Trading Post is stocked
with essentials (soap, water bottles, raingear, etc.), program items (craft kits, merit badge books, knives, rope, etc.),
camp souvenirs (t-shirts, hats, patches), and snacks (ice cream, drinks, candy, chips, etc.). Be sure to make a visit to
the trading post while you are at Gorham. Please bring small bills. Credit cards are accepted.

Items not available at the Trading Post can usually be obtained upon request. Two trips during the week will be
made into town to pick up mail. Let the trading post manager or camp director know before these days.
A strict inventory is kept of all items. Nothing will be available for free. Credit or charge accounts are not permitted.
Only authorized personnel by the camp director are allowed behind the counter of the trading post.
If you need something for camp program, you must make your request to your area director.

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Common Requests for Special Needs
Notification of all special needs including dietary restrictions, wheelchair and mobility access, vehicles in camp,
injections, etc. must be made to the camp director by June 1st by submitting a special needs form, located in
the staff packet. Each staff, Scout, and leader require their own respective forms.

Menu alterations:
We anticipate having staff, campers, and leaders with a variety of special dietary needs including: gluten, eggs, milk,
nuts, or personal (i.e. vegetarian), religious (i.e pork) beliefs, and/or other allergies. However, knowing if our
participants and staff have special dietary needs well in advance helps us more effectively plan to provide quality
meals for them. Camp menus are posted online (www.gorhamscoutranch.org) on May 1, prior to the opening of the
camping season. Although menus are subject to change, they give a good idea of the meal items planned. Gorham
Scout Ranch will do everything possible to make every reasonable effort to accommodate dietary needs; however
Scouts and their parents are encouraged to bring any additional food that they feel would better satisfy their needs.
Campers are not permitted in the kitchen per state health department regulations, but the cook may be able to assist
with minor menu substitutions.

Wheelchair & Limited Mobility Access:
Camp leadership will make every effort to place those with mobility challenges in positions and campsites close to
the center of camp. Gorham Scout Ranch has limited wheelchair access to tents, restrooms, and other campsite
features. Be sure to submit the form at least two weeks prior to camp. Off-road wheelchairs will make mobility around
camp easier.

Vehicles in Camp:
Private vehicles are NOT PERMITTED to be driven around during camp. The only exception made is for persons
with severe mobility limitations. A state-issued disabled parking permit is required, and approval from the camp
director MUST be granted in the form of a vehicle pass displayed at all times on the vehicle dashboard. Moving
vehicles present a safety hazard for pedestrians on camp roads, and this rule is strictly enforced; only extreme
circumstances warrant a vehicle pass. Vehicles are to be parked only in designated parking areas. Always park
facing the road, and keep your keys with you at all times. Please lock your vehicle. Keep valuables locked in your
vehicle or see the camp director for other arrangements. Never park on vegetation. The speed limit in camp is 5
mph; drivers must exercise extreme caution at all times. No one may ride in the bed of a pick-up truck per NM state
law and BSA regulation.

Staff can to drive to staff camp to unload/load on weekends, but during camp sessions staff vehicles must be in the
parking lot. Roads are prohibited for walking when a trail is available. Troops are allowed only one vehicle at a time
at their campsite. Never park on vegetation; only park next to road in campsites, and again always park facing the
road (back in). Under no circumstances are vehicles allowed on the road to the corrals and the ATV course. Car
keys must always be kept with the driver in case of emergency.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) Machine
Staff do have electricity in their tents, while participants do not. Sleeping areas are not available in buildings at camp.
If you need to bring a CPAP, please fill out a need form and talk with the camp director about arrangements. To
prepare our participants for camp, we suggest two options:

1. Avid campers may consider purchasing a battery-operated CPAP machine. A good source for battery-powered
     CPAP machines is www.cpap.com. If charging a battery-operated CPAP is required during daytime hours,
     please schedule charging times.
2.   Those who use a machine that requires 120v AC power (household current) can bring an inverter and an
     automobile battery. This is a proven method for many campers over the past several summers. Please note that
     vehicles cannot be parked in or near campsites for the purpose of powering CPAP machines.

Camp personnel are not authorized to administer injections. Staff who require injections need to administer their own
injections or be accompanied by an adult trained and authorized (by parent/guardian in the case of a minor) to
administer injections for that camper or staff.

                                                   2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 11
Emergency Procedures
All Scouts, staff, and leaders attending Gorham Scout
Ranch need to be prepared! Everyone must bring a
daypack that is large enough to carry the “10
Essentials” while in camp. The 10 Essentials should
be carried at all times since you never know when the
weather may change or an emergency will occur. If an
emergency occurs at camp (lockout, lockdown,
evacuate area, or shelter) your day pack will most
likely be the only thing you have or can bring.

In addition, staff should also have in their
daypack; their wallet, identification, cell phone/
charger, car keys, and their personal medications.
It is the responsibility of each staff member to
ensure that they have the necessary equipment
with them.

Covid-19 Case:
Camp medical staff will send staff and campers with likely symptoms to get tested at the nearest testing center.
Positive cases will be isolated until transportation can be provided by the troop. The potentially positive scout’s
cohort will be isolated and tested. Full procedures are be published in a separate Covid-19 Operations manual,
available on our website.

Minor Accidents and Emergencies:
Minor accidents may be treated as first aid in the campsite or be treated at the Med Lodge. When in doubt, check
with the camp medic.

Major Accidents and Emergencies:
Notify the camp medic and camp director immediately of all major accidents and emergencies. An incident report is
required to be filled out by camp leadership. Present all facts known. Do not make statements to any outsider and
refer any inquiries from the press to the Council Office. Upon recognition of potential epidemic situation, the camp
director shall place calls to alert the following key personnel: local medical authorities, Council Scout Executive, and
Chairman of Health & Safety Committee. At that time, the camp director will enact direction of local medical
authorities as where to transport victims or impose quarantine on the camp or portions thereof. The camp director will
notify parents of affected people as to the status of each.

Lost Camper:
Unit leaders and area directors should be aware of the approximate locations of all Scouts and staff at all times.
Periodic head counts are suggested. If a Scout or staff is missing following a search of the camp site, notify the camp
director immediately. Upon notification of a missing person, the camp director will assemble the staff at the dining
hall by means of phones, CBs, siren, radio, or runner. When all staff are assembled, the camp director will control
the situation by assigning staff to various campsites and program areas, and will distribute remaining Staff to the
area were the person was last seen. Should this prove to be insufficient, the siren will sound to congregate the entire
camp Staff at the dining hall, with the intention of the lost person being drawn to the siren. If this does not help in the
location of the person, the camp director shall contact the Sheriff’s Department and begin a search on a wider range.
No camper shall be part of any search team.

Emergencies Requiring Camp Mobilization:
Upon hearing sirens the entire camp assembles in unit formation at the parking lot to receive instructions and
updates. A fire drill will be conducted at 12:00pm (noon) on Monday, and the assembly will occur at the
parking lot. Adults must bring their car keys to help expedite evacuating the camp in an emergency.

Please note: no one on staff management is trained to fight fires. In case of a fire, the person spotting the fire must
repot it immediately to the camp ranger and camp director. The camp director will then go to the scene, access the
situation, assuming responsibility. They will disperse the needed staff. The camp ranger, acting as fire warden, will
lead all firefighting efforts of the camp staff. The camp director will notify the proper local authorities if necessary. If
the situation warrants, they will sound the alarm and evacuate camp. When the situation is under control, the Scout
Executive will be informed of the situation, complete with details.

                                                    2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 12
Emergency Procedures Continued
Severe Thunderstorms, Lightning, Etc.
Upon the spotting of severe weather or the awareness of, the camp director will immediately be notified. They will
contact the local Sheriff’s Department to determine the seriousness of the storm. The Staff will then be assembled at
the dining hall by means of phones, CBs, sirens, runner, or any means necessary. Staff will be assigned to the
occupied campsites to inform campers of what actions to take. If the situation warrants, the camp director will sound
the sirens to mobilize the camp at the dining hall to weather the storm. In case of lightening, the aquatics director will
direct all swimming/boats out of the pool/water as soon as it is spotted or heard. All boats and swimmers will remain
out of the water for one-half hour at the discretion of the aquatics director after the lightening has stopped. The
Climbing, COPE, and Shooting Sports directors will similarly close program in a safe fashion.

Other Natural Disasters:
Assemble at the dining hall upon hearing the sirens to receive further instructions. Avoid falling debris in dangerous

In the case of an injured swimmer the aquatics director will assume immediate responsibility. They will order
everyone out of the water and send one staff member as a runner to notify the health officer and camp director.

If there should ever be an accident of fatality at Gorham Scout Ranch or involving camp personnel, the Council Scout
Executive shall be the sole source of information to be released to the press of anyone involved. Access in an out of
the camp will be closed except to: local law enforcement and medical officials, the Council Scout Executive, or other
Council officials as approved for access by the Council Scout Executive.

Evacuation Rendezvous Point:
Cities of Gold Casino
10 Cities of Gold Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87506

Directions from Camp:
 Head south on the main (south gate) camp road till you are off property.
 Slight right onto County Rd. 123.
 Continue for 4.6 miles.
 Turn left onto NM 503 (the first paved road).
 After 8.9 miles, use the left two lanes to turn left onto US-84 E/US Hwy 285 S.
 Take exit 502 towards Los Alamos. Keep left at the fork, following signs for Cities of Gold Rd.
 Take the right on Cities of Gold Rd.
 Turn left into the Cities of Gold Parking Lot.

Emergency Contact Numbers:
Camp Director:                    Jarod Peterman           (505) 402-7840
Camp Ranger:                      Bob Nash                 (505) 819-3197
Program Director:                 TBA                      N/A
Council Program Director:         Caryl Sharpe             (505) 503-2385
Scout Executive:                  Caryl Sharpe (Interim)   (505) 350-0618

                                                   2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 13
Staff Uniforms & Appearance
Scouts BSA is a uniformed organization. Wearing the uniform in the Gorham Scout Ranch is a job-related
responsibility. The proper uniform is required whenever you leave the staff area, unless you are leaving camp
property or camp is not in session. Staff members must bring enough uniform parts to be correctly clothed each day.
Repeated infractions of the uniform policy will result in dismissal.
Personal appearance is important since each staff member reflects not only on themselves, but on the entire
Gorham Scout Ranch, Great Southwest Council, and Scouts BSA. The staff uniform will be strictly enforced, and
proper dress code will be required at all times, including during staff week. Pride in your appearance, uniform, and
personal grooming makes you and those around you feel that you are part of a first-rate team. If staff appearance is
less than first rate, it implies that staff attitude and performance are less than first rate. Dirty or uncombed hair may
not seem distracting to some people, but we need to err on the side of being as approachable and as impressive as
possible to every participant.
Each staff area director is responsible for enforcing appearance standards within their assigned area. Questions and
disputes will go directly to the program director or camp director.
1. Official Scout Uniform – The official Scouts BSA or official Venturing uniform will be used this summer. This
uniform (official shirt, green or grey pants/shorts, and belt) will be worn at all evening meals, campfires, and at other
times as required by the Program Director.
2. Staff Uniform - The staff uniform is to be worn at all other times. Two free staff t-shirts will be provided.
Additional shirts may be purchased with the staff t-shirt order form. The staff uniform consists of official Scout shorts/
pants, web or leather belt, dark–colored socks, closed toed shoes, and a Gorham Scout Ranch staff t-shirt (not
modified in any way).
3. Footwear - Required footwear will be hiking boots, street shoes, or tennis shoes in good condition. Wool socks
may be used when wearing hiking boots. Shoes are to be worn at all times to prevent cuts and bruises. Open toed
shoes or sandals are not permitted as regular camp foot-ware. Open toed shoes may be worn at the pool and
shower house, however closed toed shoes must be worn to and from the pool or showerhouse.
4. Hats - While serving food you must wear plastic gloves and a hat (baseball style, no cowboy hats). Serving
gloves will be provided. Bring a scout-appropriate hat (no logos or inappropriate designs). Staff will be assigned to a
food serving rotation for camp meals.
5. Hazardous duty or temporary job conditions may warrant different dress. Supervisors make the
determination at the time. You will need work clothes and gloves for staff week and various ranger projects.
6. Backcountry staff may wear appropriate hiking apparel only when in the backcountry.
7. Swimsuits – One-piece bathing suits are required for women and must cover entire mid-drifts. Swim trunks are
required for all male staff; speedos are not allowed.
8. Beards – If worn, must be clean, trimmed, well-kept, and show evidence of grooming. Camp is not the place to
begin growing a new beard or mustache.

 ***Because each Staff member will need Scout equipment and uniforms (perhaps more than one), we have made
arrangements with the High Desert Scout Shop to provide a 20% discount on uniforms and camp-related equipment,
                when ordered by June 9th. Mention Gorham Scout Ranch at time of purchase. ***

                                                   2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 14
Gearing Up for Camp
Please limit the amount of personal gear you bring. Living quarters can become very cramped and security can
become an issue.
Everyone is advised to always carry water, raingear, a hat, and sunscreen in their daypack. This equipment list is
meant to serve as a guide. Use your discretion in choosing what to bring to camp. Things do get broken or lost.
Please plan accordingly and leave valuable items at home.

Check the merit badge descriptions for additional equipment or materials needed for each program area. For
example, participants in swimming and lifesaving merit badges and ATV program will need to bring long pants and a
long-sleeved shirts.

          VERY IMPORTANT                                CLOTHING                           WHAT NOT TO BRING
   THIS MANUAL                              Pajamas                                 Shirts with non-Scouting or
   Copy of your signed medical form         Scout uniform (to be worn at             inappropriate words and/or
    parts A, B, and C - leave your            evening flag ceremonies and              messages
    original at home                          dinners)                                Inappropriate knives
   Negative Covid-19 PCR test               Sweater or jacket                       Fireworks
    (dated within 3 days)                    Rain gear                               Personal archery equipment
   Copy of Covid Vaccination card           Hat or visor                            Personal firearms
   Flashlight with extra batteries          Long pants or shorts (long pants        Personal ammunition
   Pocket knife                              are required for C.O.P.E.,              Personal weapons
   Personal first aid kit                    climbing, swimming, and                 Pets
   Canteen or water bottle (at least         lifesaving merit badges, and the        Radios, TVs, video games, MP3
    2 liters per person)                      ATV Program)                             players, tablets, and cell phones
   Towel                                    T-shirts (long sleeved shirt is         Tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol,
   Shampoo/bodywash                          required for swimming and life           and illegal drugs
                                              saving merit badges, as well as
   Pack or duffle bag                                                                Non-participant siblings except
                                              ATV Program)
   Work gloves for projects                                                           for drop-off and pick-up.
                                             Lots of extra socks and
   Spending money (please bring              underwear
    small bills, avoid large bills like
                                             Hiking boots and/or tennis shoes
                                             Swimsuit (trunks for boys and
   Sunglasses
                                              one-piece for girls)
   Rug(s)
                                             Sandals or flip flops (to be worn
   Phone charger                             only in the shower or at the pool,
   Lamp                                      but not allowed in camp at any
   2-3 face masks (that follow CDC           other time)
    guidelines, no gaiters/bandanas)         Theme Day Items
                                                  Monday: crazy hat day
                                                  Wednesday: wacky Wed.
   Sleeping bag
                                                  Friday: Hawaiian shirt day
   Sleeping pad
   Pillow                                             OPTIONAL
   Folding cot                              Ground cloth or tarp to cover tent
   Comfy blankets                           Pencils and notepad
                                             Pre-addressed envelopes and
             TOILETRIES                       stamps
   Toothbrush and toothpaste                Camera
   Towel and/or washcloth                   Trading Patches
   Comb                                     Totin’ Chip (required to purchase
   Soap                                      knives at the trading post)
   Hand santizer                            Fireman’ Chit
   Deodorant                                Order of the Arrow sash (if a
   Sunscreen                                 member)
   Insect repellent

                                                   2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 15
Your Tent at Gorham Scout Ranch
Staff are housed in canvas wall tents at GSR. Upon request you will be provided with a cot and/or sleeping pads.
Your tent will have an electrical outlet. Too much draw on the camp electricity will cause the whole staff camp to lose
electricity. Please limit electric use. You may bring a throw rug, a small table, a chair, a clock, and a small fan. Do not
bring televisions or video game systems. Please respect the space of others in tents around you. Writing on or
defacing tent walls is considered vandalism and will not be tolerated. Repair fees will be assessed and billed, or
taken out of your paycheck. Any and all vandalism seen or heard of shall be immediately reported to the ranger. Tent
interiors should be kept neat and clean. All personal gear should be properly stowed and secured. The camp staff
set the example for the camp, and staff quarters should reflect maturity. Campers are not allowed in staff area or
Tents are made of canvas and sit on a slotted wooden platform. The floor dimensions are 83” by 106”. The side walls
are 30” tall. The peak is 75” tall. It is recommended that you bring a tarp, size 8’ x 10’, to cover the tent for additional
protection from the rain.
You are expected to live in assigned quarters. All staff must live on Gorham Scout Ranch property unless approved
by the Camp Director.
Our actions are closely scrutinized by participants while on and off duty. Any impropriety or the appearance of
impropriety reflects negatively on Gorham Scout Ranch. Members of a different gender are not permitted in staff
quarters of a different gender between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Individuals of different genders may be in a tent
between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., provided that the tent flaps remain open. Disruptive behavior after 10:00 p.m.
inside and around tents will not be tolerated and may result in loss of this privilege.
Periodic inspections of Staff tents can be made by the camp director, program director, commissioner, or the ranger.
There will be no unreasonable searches. Scouts BSA respects the privacy of employees and campers, but reserves
the right to enter quarters, when necessary, in order to provide for efficient service, repairs, improvements,
maintenance, fire safety inspections, or to ensure compliance with the regulations and policies of Scouts BSA.
Hammocks are only allowed in the Staff area. No hammocks will be allowed in merit badge or program areas.
Be a good neighbor. Quiet time is 10:00 pm to 7:00 am. Repeated quiet time infractions will result in disciplinary

                                                                        Washers and dryers are located at the pool
                                                                        for use by the camp Staff. Please plan ahead
                                                                        and do laundry only when needed. Perhaps
                                                                        share a load with another Staff member –
                                                                        just mark your name in your clothes. Please
                                                                        bring your own detergent.

                                                   2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 16
Camp Rules
Employees are expected to conduct themselves according to the basic principles of Scouts BSA, as set forth in the
Scout Oath and Law, and to comply with specific regulations established for the benefit, protection, and fair treatment
of all employees.
Rule violations listed below may result in immediate suspension of employment (without pay) and termination
following verification of charges. Violations can also result in verbal warnings, written warnings, or discharge
depending on the nature and repetition of infractions. The following listings are representative, but not inclusive, of all
1. Violation of any camp policies, including but not limited to, the equal employment opportunity and/or harassment
policies, the conflicts of interest/confidential information policies, personal appearance and hygiene policy, the e-mail/
internet or bulletin boards/posting notices policies, the visitor policy, and drug-free/alcohol-free workplace or
substance abuse policies.
2. Theft, misappropriation, or unauthorized removal of Great Southwest Council’s or another employee’s property
including food.
3. Willful misuse, damage, or destruction of the Great Southwest Council’s or another employee’s property
including graffiti.
4. Physical violence, threats of violence, or provocation of violence, including assault or battery, or insulting,
abusive, obscene, or intimidating language.
5. Defrauding or attempting to defraud the Great Southwest Council, including falsification of any Great Southwest
Council records or reports.
6. Falsification of employment applications or documents submitted in connections with applications.
7. Immoral or indecent conduct.
8. Failure to cooperate with or giving false or misleading information in an official investigation.
9. Possession of firearms (that are not job-related), weapons, fireworks, or explosives on the Great Southwest
Council’s premises or time.
10. Willfully creating a safety or health hazard.
11. Insubordination.
12. Behavior that is disruptive and interferes with the smooth functioning of a program area.
13. Failure to submit doctor’s statement after absence of 7 consecutive calendar days or more due to illness or
14. Leaving work area of the Great Southwest Council’s premises without permission during working hours.
15. Habitual or excessive absenteeism or tardiness.
16. Unauthorized or unexcused absence.
17. Loafing or sleeping on the job.
18. Personal use of cell phone during merit badge and program times.
19. Making false, vicious, disparaging, or malicious statements concerning another employee, supervisors, or the
Great Southwest Council.
20. Violation of federal, state or local law- including traffic violations.
21. Gross misconduct.
22. Accepting tips, soliciting funds, sale of property, or use of BSA facilities for personal gain.
23. Smoking, chewing tobacco, and other use or display of tobacco products in front of campers, in labeled NO
SMOKING areas, or anywhere but assigned tobacco areas.

                                                     2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 17
“A Scout is Clean,” and you are expected to be clean in mind and spirit as well as body. There will be no foul
language or body communications. We are here to serve the Troop Leaders and Campers to the best of our ability.
You should be exemplary in your manners.

Do not create a disturbance or cause others to have a bad experience at Gorham Scout Ranch. Respect other tents
and campsites. Respect the private property of the neighbors surrounding the camp. Respect other Staff members’
possessions. Take care of the camp facilities and equipment.

Reporting: When an individual is suspected of having committed an act of an unacceptable nature, the camp
director should be immediately notified. If the matter is of a serious nature, the Scout Executive will be
notified. Depending on the circumstances, law enforcement authorities may also be notified.
ALCOHOL, DRUG ABUSE & OTHER UNACCEPTABLE ACTS: Gorham Scout Ranch is committed to providing a
safe and wholesome environment for participants and employees. Gorham Scout Ranch will maintain a “Zero
Tolerance” policy for the use of illegal drugs or the abuse of prescribed or over-the-counter drugs or alcohol.
Violation of the “Zero Tolerance” policy will result in immediate termination and possible prosecution.
Additionally, it is inappropriate for Gorham Scout Ranch Staff members to discuss use of drugs or alcohol at camp,
most importantly around or in the presence of campers. We must strive to portray a “clean” image to our customers.
NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DRUGS: Possession, sale, use, or being under the influence of narcotics or
dangerous drugs—including marijuana—will not be tolerated on the properties of Scouts BSA.

TOBACCO USE: Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited in all Gorham Scout Ranch buildings,
tents, and vehicles. While in uniform and/or on duty, smoking or the use of smokeless tobacco is not permitted.
Smoking will be allowed only in an individual’s car. Those Staff members that must smoke are expected to set an
example for this policy. Staff members who are under 18 are not permitted to use tobacco in any form at camp.

GAMBLING: Gambling in any form or fashion is in violation of the policies of Scouts BSA. Gambling while at camp is
reason for dismissal. Bingo, lotteries, card games and raffles (anything where someone can lose money or
possessions) are considered gambling and in violation of camp policy.
ILLEGAL, IMMORAL, OR UNACCEPTABLE ACTS: As a character building organization caring for other people’s
children in camp—illegal, immoral, or other activities generally considered as unacceptable by society have no place
in Scouts BSA or at Gorham Scout Ranch.

                                 Public Relations (PR)
Your PR with your fellow staff members and with participants is important. Teamwork is a key to success at camp.
When all Staff talents and efforts are blended together, a successful summer is assured.
Good PR is important with our customers – the Scouts, Scouters, and families who make camp possible. We should
always keep in mind that they make our jobs possible and that this is their camp.
Always make them feel welcome. For example, a smile and a “Welcome to Gorham Scout Ranch” go a long way to a
guest, or where it is necessary to designate a Staff facility the sign should read “Staff” rather than “Staff Only.”
As a Staff member this summer, you will also have opportunities to strengthen camp’s friendship with neighboring
towns. Every community, large or small, has community pride, and this is true of our neighbors in Chimayo,
Pojoaque, Santa Fe, Espanola, and the surrounding area. We can do much to show our consideration for the local
communities and to make them proud that Gorham Scout Ranch is a neighbor. When you are friendly and
considerate to the camp’s neighbors, you generate the same spirit in them.
Be aware that in a small town it is obvious who is not a year-round resident and Gorham Scout Ranch Staff members
are easily identified. When you wear the BSA camp uniform in town, your behavior reflects on camp and the BSA.

                                                2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 18
Camp Policies
Equal Employment Opportunity:
The Great Southwest Council, BSA, is an equal opportunity employer and maintains a policy of nondiscrimination
with respect to all employees and applicants for employment. Employment decisions, subject to the legitimate
business requirement of the Council, are based solely on the individual’s qualifications, merit, and performance.
It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure adherence to the Great Southwest Council’s Equal Employment
Opportunity Policy. Any employee found to have violated this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action,
up to and including termination of employment, depending on the severity of the offense.
Employment at Will:
All Gorham Scout Ranch Staff members are “employees at will” and, as such, are free to resign at any time with or
without notice or reason. This may, however, affect future employment. Similarly, the Great Southwest Council may
terminate the employment of any individual with or without advance notice or reason.
Open-Door Policy:
It is the policy of the Great Southwest Council to maintain an “open door” to any employee having an employment
problem or complaint. We believe that any problem that may cause conflict with an employee’s efficiency and job
satisfaction deserves a full and fair hearing and, if possible, a satisfactory resolution.
Complaint Procedure:
Complaints of any violation of this policy should be reported immediately through the open door policy to the
employee’s Staff leader. If the employee believes that a complaint of this nature cannot be properly addressed by
his or her Staff leader for any reason, or if the Staff leader does not solve the problem, he or she is strongly urged
and encouraged to contact Camp Director, or if necessary the Scout Executive.
An employee who reports an alleged violation of this policy in an appropriate manner will not be subject to adverse
employment action because of the complaint. The Council recognizes, however, that false accusation of harassment
or other unlawful behavior can be damaging to an accused employee and disruptive to the operations of the Camp
and/or Council. Thus, knowingly-made false accusations may constitute misconduct for which disciplinary action may
be imposed.
Investigation of Complaints:
Because of the sensitivity of harassment issues, the Great Southwest Council will investigate all complaints of
harassment or other violations of this policy promptly and thoroughly to determine whether improper conduct has
occurred. All employees are expected to cooperate fully with and assist the Council in any investigation. The
confidentiality of all complaints will be maintained to the extent possible while allowing the Council to conduct a full
and fair investigation. The Council will take all reasonable steps during the investigation to protect the privacy of,
and minimize suspicion toward, all parties concerned.
Physical Condition:
Good physical condition is a must for the strenuous life of a Gorham Scout Ranch staff member. Proper diet, health
care and getting enough rest will help you avoid becoming fatigued. In consideration of those living around you, you
are asked to go quietly about your activities between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
You are responsible for keeping yourself physically fit and alert. Gorham Scout Ranch staff members face a variety
of demands and emergency situations throughout the summer, so it is important that every staff member remain in
top physical condition.
Use of Council Resources:
The Council’s property, equipment, information systems and other technical resources are to be used exclusively for
the Council’s business operations. This includes, but is not limited to: the camp phone, copy machine, internet
access, work areas, furniture, furnishings, program equipment, storage facilities, lockers, and vehicles.
You are permitted to use the Council’s technical resources and other property for occasional non-Council business
purposes with the permission of the camp director. However, you have no right to privacy as to (1) any information,
messages, or images created, stored, transmitted, or received via the Council’s technical resources, or (2) any
information, files, or other materials found to be in or on any other property of the Council.
Program Areas and Equipment:
Program equipment and areas are primarily for the use of campers. You may use these resources so long as there
are no campers waiting to use them, and then, only in your free time. You must follow the same procedures as
campers to check-out camp equipment. Check with the respective area director or facility responsible.
                                                   2022 Gorham Scout Ranch Staff Manual | Rev. 7/15/2022 | Page 19
You can also read