2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT

Page created by Luis Anderson
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
February 2022

                           2022 First Quarter Projects
  To protect Woodbridge residents and others who                                available to watch on YouTube, and links to join
work, visit, shop and enjoy many of our activities                              virtual meetings can be found in the meeting agen-
in town, I signed an Emergency Order in January,                                da; meeting minutes include links to the video.
requiring everyone wear masks at all indoor estab-                              As I have for the past several months, I encourage
lishments, workplaces and public meeting spaces.                                all residents to participate in the budget process,
This order will remain in place until further notice.                           either by attending any meetings (which remain
It is the right thing to do to keep the Town of                                 virtual due to COVID), asking questions of any
Woodbridge safe. Masks, social distancing, vac-                                 board or commission members, and of course
cines and tests are the simple steps we need to con-                            bringing your ideas and suggestions forward.
tinue to take to keep ourselves and our community                                 At the January Board of Selectmen meeting,
safe. You may read the full order on the Town                                   following an executive session, the Board voted to
website.                                                           pursue Arbor Haven’s proposal to purchase 100 acres of the
   I urge everyone to take advantage of FREE vaccines and          former country Club of Woodbridge for $9 million to develop
boosters, especially given the quick spread of the COVID-19        a range of housing and to deny and the Land Trust and Parks
Omicron variant. You may find vaccines and tests by visiting       Association proposal to purchase a conservation easement on
ct.gov/coronavirus. Human Services (203-389-3429) can also         140 of the 150 aces for $250,000.
help with testing and vaccine referrals. Masks continue to be           The former Country Club is a beautiful parcel of land and
required in Town buildings; Town meetings remain virtual,          I understand residents' emotional attachment to keeping it as it
and in-person programming has been scaled back significant-        is. I moved here almost thirty years ago for the schools and
ly to keep our community safe.                                     the open spaces, of which we have many. However, we must
   The Diversity & Inclusion Committee invites all residents to    be realistic. Our costs to fund important services and educa-
participate in a new initiative, Mosaic: Woodbridge Reading        tion continue to increase without a corresponding increase in
in Community. The first (remote) discussion will be on             revenues. Selling a conservation easement for $250,000 and
February 24 at 7 pm regarding The 1619 Project by Nikole           forever preventing development is irresponsible while we are
Hannah-Jones. The discussion will be led by resident               entertaining a $9 million offer for the same parcel. We face
Rev. Antona Brent Smith. More details, including the link to       serious budget issues in the coming year. The Board of
participate in this virtual event, will be available on the Town   Selectmen, at the very least, has an obligation to have the
website and Facebook page as the date nears.                       $9 million offer decided by voters at a referendum.
   Our ad hoc Housing Opportunity Study Committee is work-           Additionally, we must recognize, and State law requires,
ing diligently on the Town’s Affordable Housing Plan. Please       that our housing stock needs to diversify. This will attract and
keep your eye out for an upcoming Woodbridge-specific              retain young residents, and downsizing residents who want to
survey to supplement the regional survey published by              remain in town but in smaller, less expensive homes, as well
SCRCOG. This survey is another tool to help us find ways to        as encouraging lower-income residents to move here. The
meet our state and federally mandated obligations regarding        Arbor Haven proposal addresses all of these issues and still
affordable housing.                                                sets aside 50 acres for Town ownership and either recreational
   Budget season continues and in late February the Board of       or passive use of one third of the property.
Selectmen will make budget recommendations to the Board of           As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you
Finance. The Board of Finance will begin its deliberation pro-     have questions or comments. You can reach me at
cess in March followed by a public hearing on the preliminary      bheller@woodbridgect.org or at 203-389-3401.
budget on Monday, April 18. These meetings are televised,

        New Bulk Trash Fee Starts Feb. 1                                                          Mark Your Calendar
  A new bulk trash fee starts Feb. 1 at the     $69,490 to haul and dispose of bulk trash.         Presidents’ Day is Monday,
Transfer Station. “Bulk” trash items include      The Town will continue to offer bulk trash              February 21.
furniture and construction demolition. The      pickup five months a year, but with a fee.              Town Offices, the
fee will be $0.10 per pound. Cash is not ac-    Starting on Feb. 1 there will be a $50 per         Woodbridge Town Library,
cepted at the Transfer Station.                 appointment fee. That fee will partially           and Transfer Station will be
  Currently the Town charges $20/cubic          cover the Town’s cost to run this program                    closed.
yard – in fiscal year 2021 the Town collect-    including staff time and disposal costs.
ed $4,511 in bulk trash fees but spent
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
PAGE 2                        Town News
              Board of Assessment
                Appeals Notice
           The Board of Assessment              filing proper applications shall be
         Appeals of the Town of Wood-           notified by March 1 of the day,
         bridge will be holding their annu-     time, and information relating to
         al appeal meetings on:                 their appeal hearing.
         • Fri. March 25, 6-9 pm                   You or a duly preauthorized
         • Sat., March 26, 9 am - 12 pm         representative must appear.
         • Wed., March 30, 6-9 pm               (Written authorization and the
           Meetings will be held to hear        representative’s personal identifi-
         appeals relating to assessments        cation must be provided prior to
         for Real Property and Business         the hearing.) If appealing the as-
         Personal Property on the               sessed value of your property, you
         October 1, 2021 Grand List.            must present documents with ap-
           Written applications are man-        plication as evidence in support of
         datory, no appeal will be heard        your claim or an appraiser’s anal-
         without one. Applications and          ysis of your property value based
         instructions are located on the        on 2019 (the revaluation year)
         Board of Assessment Appeals            comparable sales. Comparable
         page on the Town website at            sales are those of similar style,
         woodbridgect.org. Original appli-      size and location and must be
         cations must be filled out and         from the year 2019.
         returned to the Assessor’s office         Call the Assessor’s office at
         no later than 4:30 pm on               203-389-3416 with Board of
         February 18, 2022. All persons         Assessment Appeals questions.

              Tax Relief Programs
           Woodbridge residents may file           Tax relief is also available for
         applications for the State and         veterans through a local veteran
         Town Elderly and Totally Disa-         exemption offered through the
         bled Tax Relief Programs by            Town. There is no age require-
         May 13, 2022 with the Town             ment and applications must be
         Assessor.                              filed by May 13, 2022.
           Residents eligible for State and        To qualify, honorable discharge
         Town tax relief programs include       papers (DD-214) must have been
         individuals who:                       filed with the Town Clerk’s office
         1. turned age 65 on or before          by Sept. 30, 2021. The maximum
            Dec. 31, 2021; individuals on       income for this program is
            Social Security Disability are      $63,100 for a single person or
            exempt from this age require-       $71,400 for a married couple.
            ment.                                  Applications for all programs
         2. hold full time residence in         will be mailed to residents who are
            Woodbridge.                         presently on a program and need
         3. meet the State program income       to refile.
            limits of $38,100 maximum              Tax relief program details and
            for singles and $46,400 maxi-       applications are available on the
            mum for married couples.            Assessor's page of the Town web-
         4. meet the Town program income        site at WoodbridgeCT.org or by
            limits (for single or married) of   calling 203-389-3416.
            $46,400 maximum to qualify             Applications may be filed with
            for a $1,400 Tier 1 credit and      the office of the Assessor at
            $78,880 maximum for a $1,120        Town Hall (11 Meetinghouse
            Tier 2 credit.                      Lane), Mon. through Fri. between
           Proof of 2021 income and Social      8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
         Security earnings is required.
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
Town News                                                Library News                                              PAGE 3

     Important Winter                                        Visit the Library website 24/7 to access digital resources -
      Fire Safety Tips
   Last month, two devastating fires in Bronx and
                                                      Pre-pandemic Hours Return!
Philadelphia have caused the deaths of 32 peo-        In case you’ve forgotten (or are new to town), here’s when we’re open:
ple—17 of those children, and left several others          • Mon. - Thu., 10 am to 8 pm • Fri. & Sat., 10 am to 5 pm
with life threatening injuries. Sadly, the investi-        The Library will be closed Mon., Feb. 21 for Presidents’ Day.
gations into these fires are beginning to reveal
causes that could be largely prevented.
   Home fires occur more in winter than in any              What to Do When You’re
other season. Be fire smart! Half of all home
heating fires occur in the months of December,
January, and February. Heating equipment is
                                                             Back at the Library...
involved in one in every six reported home fires      Get a library card! Or renew your      plete challenges to win prizes
and one in every five home fire deaths. Keep          account!                               through Feb.28. For more infor-
anything that can burn at least 3 feet from any       We understand it may have been         mation, contact the Reference Desk.
heat source like fireplaces, wood stoves, radia-      awhile since you’ve last been in, or
                                                      have been meaning to visit since       Write a book review for our pa-
tors, or space heaters.
                                                      you moved to town, but…pandemic        tron picks display!
   The Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Association
                                                      ...our hours… Hopefully our sched-     Supplies are at the front table in the
offers residents fire safety tips to keep safe dur-                                          lobby. Think of a book or audio-
ing the winter months:                                ules align now and you can finally
                                                      plan a trip here.                      book that you enjoyed. Fill out the
• Keep portable generators outside, away from
                                                                                             provided slips with a brief review
  windows, and as far away as possible from                                                  and place in the box. Keep an eye
  your house.                                         Take in the art!
• Install and test carbon monoxide alarms and         Stop by the meeting room to see the out to see if your book is on display
  smoke detectors at least once a month.              reinstated art exhibits! Every month, with your review!
• Have a qualified professional clean and inspect     we'll be featuring a different artist. Use Ancestry Library Edition!
  your chimney and vents every year.                  See our website for more infor-        Now that Ancestry at Home use has
• Store cooled ashes in a tightly covered metal       mation and to learn about the artists. ended, finish your research (or get
  container and keep it outside at least 10 feet      Visit Bookstore Alley!                 started!) at the library. Use our PCs
  from your home and any nearby buildings.            Run by our Friends of the Library, or bring your Wi-Fi-capable device
• If you must use space heaters, make sure they       this bookstore has many hidden         and explore the database from any-
  have plenty of clearance away from any other        gems (along with puzzles, DVDs,        where in the building.
  combustible material.                               and more). Stop by whenever the        Learn about all of our digital
          Coming Soon:                                library is open and find books to      services!
                                                      take home forever. Your purchases Movies, audiobooks, ebooks, and
          All CT Reads                                support the Friends, which in turn
                                                      helps support the library!
                                                                                             more—available from anywhere
                                                                                             with the internet and your Wood-
                                                      Join the Adult Winter Reading          bridge library card. Even when
                                                      Program!                               you’re stuck at home or away from
                                                      Did you resolve to read more in        Woodbridge, you’ll never be stuck
                                                      2022? Adult Winter Reading is back without anything to read, listen to,
                                                      and can help you get started on your or watch!
                                                      resolution! Read books and com-

                                                       Contact Us & Socialize with Us
    You're invited to participate in All CT Reads,      Adult Services/Reference: reference@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
a year-long initiative to promote lifelong reading,                               203-389-3434
learning, and connection. Similar to our One            Children’s Department: childens@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
Book, One Town events in the past, three books                                    203-389-3439
have been chosen for Connecticut residents to           Circulation/General Info: circulation@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
read, one each for children, teens, and adults.                                   203-389-3433
   Both the main and secondary book selections          Not sure who you need? askus@woodbridgetownlibrary.org
are available from the library, and we are plan-
ning on events that tie into the books during           Want to follow us?           Facebook: woodbridge.town.library
2022. Learn more about the program and related                                       Instagram: woodbridgetownlibrary
titles by visiting: sites.google.com/view/                                           TikTok: woodbridge_town_library
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
PAGE 4    Town Calendar                                                  Library News
       Woodbridge Happenings                                    From the Children’s Room
     Registration may be required & space may be
                                                                 In-person programming has been suspended until
   limited. For event details go to: woodbridgect.org
                                                                                     further notice.
*** Please check the website for all in-person events.             This includes: Monday & Thursday Afternoon Crafts
     Events may be rescheduled or held virtually                              Wednesday Morning Storytime
       based on Covid-19 positivity rates.***                               We apologize for the inconvenience...
                                                                    please enjoy a home project from the selection below.
2/1      Free February Aerobics Class, 10-11 am
         for 55+, Tue. & Thu., Center Building gym
2/4      New Resident Welcome Meet-up, 9 -10 am              Winter Craft Kits! Available every two weeks
         virtual - link available on Town website calendar
                                                             now through the end of March. Participants must
                                                             sign up online for each date they wish to receive a
2/5      Evening Lantern/Flashlight Walk, 5:30 pm
                                                             craft kit; registration is on a first-come, first-served
         meet at Fitzgerald Tract, family event              basis. Kits will be held for one week for pick up in
2/8      Evidence Based Lifestyle Change, 1-2 pm             the Children's Department.
         for 60+, Center Building-Room 16
2/13     Spring Festival & Lantern Gala, 2-4 pm              NEW! Eager Readers K-2 at home book discussion group. Our
         via Zoom, must register                             popular reading program moves home. Pick up the book, discus-
2/17     Soup-er Sweet New Year’s Party, 12-1 pm             sion questions, and a simple craft to do together at home with
         for 55+, drive-thru lunch at The Center             parents or caregivers. This program is for students in K-2 only.
2/22     Disaster Preparedness Webinar, 12-3 pm              Register online monthly.
-23       for 55+, two-day virtual session via Zoom
                                                             Lunar New Year crafts will be available in person at the Chil-
2/23     Addressing Climate Change, 6:30-8 pm                dren's Desk through the first week of February. Stop by the desk
         with author & film maker Steve Hamm, Library        and ask for a craft to take and make at home!
2/24     Book Discussion: The 1619 Project, 7-9 pm
         virtual - link available on Town website calendar   Valentine STEAM kits and craft kits will be available for pick
2/25     Movie Viewing, Selma 1-3:30 pm                      up in the Children's Dept. beginning Feb. 7 through Feb. 14.
         for 55+, Center Building gym                        Online registration is required for each take home activity.
                                                                               Sat., Feb. 5 is Take Your Child to the Library
   Town Calendar events will be highlighted here.                              Day! Check out a book at the Children’s Desk
    Woodbridge businesses and organizations are                                and receive a take-home story time kit, complete
             encouraged to add events to:                                      with hot cocoa, snacks, and a fun craft! Supplies
              woodbridgect.org/calendar.                                       are limited, one kit per child. Check our website
      Interested in placing an ad in this newsletter?                          for more information.
 Call 203-389-3489 or email tbelenskiwoodbridgect.org.
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
Human Services News                                                                        PAGE 5

 To reach Woodbridge Human Services call 203-389-3429 or 203-389-3415 or email humanservices@woodbridgect.org
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance:             vices, 203-389-3429, for a drive-through
  In partnership with the IRS and the        or in-person appointment. For details on         Nominations for
Connecticut Association for Human Ser-       Woodbridge VITA services go to:
vices (CAHS), the Woodbridge Senior          www.woodbridgect.org/223/Human-                  First Selectman’s
Center offers free tax preparation           Services-Department. If Woodbridge
through the Volunteer Income Tax As-         VITA offerings are not a good fit for              Youth Award
sistance (VITA) program. In this third       you this year, dial 211 to learn about            If you know a Woodbridge youth
tax season of the pandemic, taxpayers        other VITA sites in the area.                   (up to 18 years old) who has volun-
with low to moderate income, senior                                                          teered their time working to improve
citizens, and people with disabilities or    Energy Assistance Program:                      the Town of Woodbridge or has assist-
limited English now have four options to       Human Services is accepting appoint-          ed its residents, consider nominating
safely and accurately complete 2021 tax      ments for residents applying for the            that deserving resident. The nomina-
returns. If you have access to a computer    2021-2022 CT Energy Assistance Pro-             tion form is on the Town Website at
and Internet, you can complete your own      gram administered by TEAM, INC.                 www.woodbridgect.org/472/Programs
tax return through MyFreeTaxes.com,          Income eligibility requirements must be         or call the office at 203-389-3429.
supported by United Way in partnership       met. For information or to schedule an            Principals, teachers, fellow students,
with the IRS. If doing your own taxes        appointment, call Judi Young at 203-            neighbors, group and religious leaders,
seems daunting, preparers can complete       389-3429.                                       etc. are encouraged to make nomina-
your return either virtually or in person.                                                   tions. Parents or family members may
If you have a camera phone, you can          Emergency Preparedness:                         not nominate a relative. Nominations
virtually access Woodbridge VITA tax           In the event of a weather emergency           are due to Youth Services by April 4.
preparers through GetYourRe-                 or power outage, elderly residents and          The winner will receive an award and
fund.org/WBSC-CT without leaving             those with disabilities are encouraged to       a gift at a date to be determined later
home. If you don’t have access to tech-      register for the Emergency Call List by         this spring.
nology, call Woodbridge Human Ser-           calling the Human Services Department.

                              Woodbridge Center News
                                                  The Center is for everyone 55+!
      Please call 203-389-3430 or email kmoriarty@woodbridgect.org with any questions or to register for programs.
                                               and Health Care Center. No charge.            tata, and fresh Cobb salad with grilled
                                               Please RSVP by Feb. 10.                       chicken breast. Meals include a roll,
                                               Services:                                     fresh fruit, and dessert. Two meal mini-
                                                 Tech Tue. and Thu., 2:45-4:15 pm: mum. Frozen soups are available for
                                               Need some help navigating your com-           $1.50 per 10 oz. container. Varieties
                                               puter, laptop, tablet, or smart phone?        include: Italian wedding, beef orzo, min-
                                               Call to sign-up for a 1:1 session in The estrone, harvest vegetable, chicken noo-
                                               Center’s computer lab with patient,           dle and many more. Call 203-389-3430
                                               knowledgeable, Amity High School stu- to place your order.
                                               dent volunteers. No fee.                        Friendly Visitor Program: Call Judi
Members of The Rotary Club assist at the Holi-
                                                 Transportation     for medical  appoint-    Young, Senior Social Worker, 203-389-
day Drive-thru on Dec. 16. The Rotary Club
sponsored this wonderful event in its entirety ments is available for those age 60+ or 3429, to arrange for a friendly visitor.
providing 115 meals from Lasse’s Catering.     with a long-term or short-term disability, Medical Loan Closet: Durable medi-
                                               Mon. - Fri. from 9 am - 4 pm. Transpor- cal equipment is available for lending,
Soup-er Sweet New Year’s Party Drive- tation for local grocery shopping, bank- including walkers, wheelchairs, knee
thru Lunch:                                    ing, and pharmacy pick-up is also avail- rollers, shower chairs and more. Call for
  Celebrate the Super Bowl, Valentine’s able. Call to arrange car or wheelchair              details.
Day, and Chinese New Year on Feb. 17, accessible van transportation. Vehicles                  Job Bank: Residents may call Nancy
with a drive-thru lunch from 12-1 pm,          are cleaned between each use. Masks are Pfund, Youth Services, 203-389-3429,
co-sponsored by Coachman Square at required.                                                 to request a student worker. Schedule
Woodbridge and Opal Stork Home                   Meals: Healthy, well balanced, flash helpers now for snow shoveling, and
Care. Enjoy a choice of roast beef and         frozen meals are available for $5.25/         more.
Swiss cheese on a kaiser roll or turkey
                                               meal.  Order  by  noon  on  Mon.  for deliv-  Updates:
BLT on whole grain bread with chicken
and rice soup, and festive cookies for         ery to your  home   on Tue.  Choose   from  a Facebook/e-blasts: Follow us on Face-
dessert. Chinese New Year fun pack             wide  variety of  options  including  chick-  book (The Woodbridge Center, Wood-
supplied by Hamden Rehabilitation              en parmesan,    lemon  dill cod, eggplant     bridge CT) and call to sign-up for email
                                               rollatini, beef pot roast, vegetable frit-    blasts for current Center updates.
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
PAGE 6                           Woodbridge Center News
   The Center is for everyone 55+! Preregistration is required for all programs and masks are required inside all Town
          buildings. Call 203-389-3430 or email kmoriarty@woodbridgect.org to register or for more details.

                                             Upcoming Activities
                All in-person programming at The Center is suspended due to the elevated COVID positivity rate.
                         We will reassess throughout February when in-person programming can resume.
         Please note that below are the corrected dates and times since submitted to Woodbridge Town News Jan. edition.
                                          from 12-3 pm. This webinar, presented
                                          by FEMA, will include information on
                                          important prevention, safety, and risk-
                                          mitigation strategies. National and state
                                          resources that are available for the older
                                          population will be identified. Call The
                                          Center for more information.
                                            Movie Viewing: Selma, Feb. 25,
                                          1 pm, in the Center Building gym:
  Painting for Pleasure with Carole       Some describe Selma as the tumultuous
Abbate: Mondays, beginning Feb. 7,        three-month period in 1965, when                   FREE Aerobics Classes with Laura
10 am - 12 pm, in The Center café. You Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led a danger-           Richling during Feb. for Heart Health
will find joy in creating your own paint- ous campaign to secure equal voting              Awareness Month! Enjoy aerobic clas-
ings as Carole helps inspire beginners to rights in the face of violent opposition         ses, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10-
intermediates to paint with acrylics or   culminating in President Johnson sign-           11 am, for the month of February at no
watercolors. Paint the subject of your    ing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one           charge (regularly $3/class), thanks to a
choice—bring in a postcard or photo for of the most significant victories for the          generous donation from Coachman
inspiration. Call to sign-up for this     civil rights movement. Enjoy a snack             Square at Woodbridge. Come try out
6-week, $36 class.                        during the movie provided by Hamden              the class and start a healthy new, fun
  Disaster Preparedness 2 Day Webi- Rehabilitation and Health Care Center.                 habit to carry you through 2022! Call to
nar: Tue., Feb. 22 and Wed., Feb. 23,                                                      register as space is limited.

               Evidence-Based Lifestyle Change (& Diabetes Prevention) Program
  New start date! Come to an information session on Feb. 8,            The program includes 22 coach-led weekly sessions on
from 1-2 pm in the Center Building, Room 16, to learn about          healthy eating, physical activity, weight loss, stress manage-
this Evidence-Based Lifestyle Change Program in detail and           ment, diabetes prevention, and more. Actively learn with in-
receive answers to questions. This program, a $1,200 annual          dividual sessions with a Registered Dietician, and health-
value, will be provided AT NO COST to everyone 60+                   centered cooking classes.
years of age as it is sponsored by Agency on Aging of South            The program will meet on Tuesdays, beginning the follow-
Central Connecticut (AOASCC) and non-profit Monitor My               ing Tue, Feb. 15 from 1-2 pm, in the Center Building,
Health (MMH) in an effort to promote good health.                    Room 16.

                                              Ongoing Activities
Hobbies/Social:                                                       are welcome. Call for more information.
Card playing and mahjong are on hold due to the elevated              Targeted Strength Training with Michele Tenney: Mon.,
COVID positivity rate.                                                9-10 am, in the Center Building gym. This exercise class uses
Computer lab is open Mon.- Fri., 10 am - 2 pm. Two-person             exercise bands to focus on strengthening specific muscle
limit in computer lab. Printing is available (first 5 pages free).    groups to help increase balance, stability, and flexibility.
Preregistration is required.                                          Bands are available for purchase through the instructor. The
Craft Group: Tue. and Thu., 10 am - 12 pm, in The Center              class fee is $40 for an 8-week session and will be prorated as
café. Bring your current knitting, crocheting, or needlepoint         needed.
project to work on while enjoying a lovely time socializing.          Zumba Gold with Amanda Aranzullo: Fri., 9-9:45 am, in
Exercise: Not sure if an exercise class is a good fit? Try a          the Center Building gym. Who says exercise can’t be fun?
                                                                      This fun “dance party” focuses on all elements of cardiovas-
complimentary class first.
                                                                      cular health, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance.
Pickleball: Mon. through Fri., 12:30-3:30 pm, in the Center           No prior Zumba experience required. Next session begins
Building gym. New players please call to register. All levels         Feb. 18. The fee is $30 for a 6-week session.
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
Youth Services News                                                                      PAGE 7

   Call Youth Services for information: 203-389-3429. Email npfund@woodbridgect.org or youthone@woodbridgect.org.
                             Like us on Facebook: Woodbridge Youth Services, Woodbridge, CT

   Snow Art Competition                                                        Valentine Wishes
  Families looking for outdoor                                            Bring some smiles to the    be lonely due to the
fun this winter can share their                                         faces of our sen-                       pandemic or may
talents by entering the Youth Ser-                                      ior citizens by                         lack the tech-
vices Snow Art Competition.                                             making a few                            nology to stay in
Email a photo as an attachment of                                       valentines to                           touch with family
you and your family with your                                           show you care.                          and friends.
creation to Youth Services at:                                          Get creative and                          Please drop off
youthone@woodbridgect.org.                                              send a message of                       your cards by
  Prizes will be awarded for skill                                      love and hope.                          Feb. 14 in the
and creativity. Check the Town of                                       Youth Services                          valentine collec-
Woodbridge website at woodbridgect.org/160/Youth-Services or            will distribute                         tion box located
search Woodbridge Youth Services, Woodbridge, CT on Face-               your special                            at school, or at
book for updates and prize winners. Due date for photos is March        wishes to local                         Youth Services,
1. The competition is sponsored by Woodbridge Youth Services            seniors who may                         4 Meetinghouse
and the Town of Bethany.                                                                                        Lane.

                    Winter Calls for Snow Shoveling and Job Bank Needs Teens
 Teens may call for an interview. Earn some cash shoveling or doing odd jobs for residents and build your work experience.

                                            Recreation News
          Call Recreation at 203-389-3446 or email Recreation@woodbridgect.org. Register at woodbridgect.org.
  Select Recreation Registration at the homepage on the Town website to register and view the lineup of program options.

Ice Rink for the Season                                                     Spring Registration
                                                                   Registration for Woodbridge     coding class offered, running
                                                                 Rec. Spring Programs will         club, swim lessons, tennis and
                                                                 begin Wed., Feb. 23—most          taekwondo.
                                                                 programs begin the week of          Adult spring programs in-
                                                                 March 28. Programs include:       clude: badminton, yoga, T’ai
                                                                 bowling, basketball, Build with   Chi and ping pong. For regis-
                                                                 Ricky—a Lego program, ulti-       tration information, call 203-
                                                                 mate team sports, Clay Date,      389-3446 or register online at
                                                                 cooking, gymnastics, Kids Dig     woodbridgect.org beginning
                                                                 Farms—Massaro Farms pro-          Feb. 23. Visit the website for
                                                                 gram, Hip Hop Dance, Kumon,       a complete listing of the pro-
                                                                 Little Scientists—science and     grams’ schedules.

                                                                            Summer Concert Sponsors
                                                                   Each year, the Town seeks corporate sponsors to help defray
  The Town’s new ice skat-       from dusk until 8:30 pm.        the costs of the concerts. If you would like to help by making a
ing rink is located at the       Dates will be listed on the     donation, contact the Recreation Dept. Sponsors will be recog-
Center Road tennis courts at     Town’s website when they        nized at the concerts and listed on the Town website.
149 Center Rd. The rink is       become available. “The
managed by the Recreation        Recreation Department                   Register for Adult Programs
Dept., and is open for daily     would like to thank the Fire
use throughout the season,       Department for providing        • T’ai-Chi: with Bill Banick, Thu. evenings
weather permitting. The          the water for the ice skating   • Yoga-Gentle: with Diane King, Mon. & Wed. mornings
Recreation Dept. will pro-       rink,” said Recreation          • Yoga: with Bill Banick, daily mornings & Tue.evenings
vide lighting on selected Fri-   Director John Adamovich.        • Badminton: Wed. evenings
day and Saturday evenings                                          * registration for adult classes are ongoing
2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
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2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT 2022 First Quarter Projects - Woodbridge, CT
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