2022 Camp County - Skills of Expression Rules and Guidelines Youth Project Show

Page created by Kent Stewart
2022 Camp County - Skills of Expression Rules and Guidelines Youth Project Show
Camp County
  March 5, 2022

     Youth Project Show
  Skills of Expression
 Rules and Guidelines
2022 Camp County - Skills of Expression Rules and Guidelines Youth Project Show


                President:                                 Jonathan George
                Vice President:                            Kaycee Davis
                Secretary:                                 Libby Harkey
                Treasurer:                                 Marty Martin

                                    COMMITTEE MEMBERS:
                                                 Deanna Martin
                                                 Megan Smith
                                                  Julie Gilbert
                                                 Robbie Moore
                                                    KJ Lowe
                                                   Staci Lowe

Willie Morgan:                                              PISD VOC/AG Teacher
Chad Neeley:                                                PISD VOC/AG Teacher
Mackinley Kay:                                              PISD VOC/AG Teacher
Briana Guel:                                                PISD VOC/AG Teacher
Kaycee Davis:                                               Camp County Extension Agent

Jonathan George
Willie Morgan
Robbie Moore

                      Thanks to all Officers and Members for making this possible!

     The Superintendent serves for two years. The Assistant Superintendent serves for two years as Assistant
                 Superintendent and then promoted to Superintendent and serves for two years.

CCYPS Mailing Address                                                         Make checks payable to: CCYPS
PO Box 464
Pittsburg, TX 75686

2022 Camp County - Skills of Expression Rules and Guidelines Youth Project Show

The Camp County Extension Service and the Pittsburg Independent School District's Vocational Department are excited
to offer the youth of Camp County an opportunity to showcase their skills and talents in a variety of "old time—fair-like"
competition on March 5, 2022, 10 am at the Pittsburg ISD Ag Barn. The following rules apply. Please note additional
RULES for each specific contest.

                                                     GENERAL RULES
    1.    All Participants must be in good standing at the time of the show and currently enrolled in Camp County 4-H or
          Pittsburg FFA.
    2.    A one-time participation fee of $20.00 per species will be charged to each participant. Payment of the
          participation fee will allow participants to enter as many contests as desired. For goats, heifers, rabbits, and swine
          projects – the fee is due at the time of validation. For broiler projects-fee is due at the time the chicks are ordered
          by the participants. For Skills of Expression projects, the fee is due at time of show.
    3.    Participants must have their animals at validation to participate in the Camp County Show and Auction.
    4.    All entries must consist of work done by the participant.
    5.    All entries will receive participation ribbons and 1st thru 6th place awards.
    6.    All participants showing an animal project must complete either a 4-H or FFA project record form including time
          and expense report, and turn it in to the Camp County Extension Agent or FFA Advisor by 9am show date for
          judging on the day of the show. The project form must be displayed on the day of show.
                   a.       4-H members- report must be in TX 4-H Record Book format
                   b.       FFA members- report must be in AET SAE Record Book format
    7.    Each Participant will provide food and water for their animal during the show and until the time of sale.
    8.    An auction of Ag Mechanics and market animal projects will be held in connection with the Camp County Show.
    9.    A 6% sale commission will be deducted from the proceeds of the auction on all Ag Mechanics and market animal
          projects to defray expenses.
    10.   The Judge will determine sale order for the auction.
    11.   Participants may exhibit only one project per division.
    12.   Ag Mechanics, market / commercial animal projects and eligible Skills of Expression projects will be sold.
    13.   This is a terminal sale, you must show with intent to sell. Highest placing project from each student WILL BE
                   a.       In the event a participant shall place the same placing in multiple divisions, the sale order will be:
                   heifer, pig, ag mechanics, goat, rabbits, chickens
    14.   If a participant does not show OR their animal does not make weight, exhibitor forfeits any add-ons.
    15.   Grievance Committee: Any formal protest must be presented in written form with a $100.00 NON-
          REFUNDABLE FEE to any member of the grievance committee. The DECISION of the Grievance Committee
          will be BINDING.
    16.   All Participants (FFA and 4-H) must wear nice jeans and a collared shirt to participate in the show and
                   a.       Jeans must not have holes, tears or any frayed areas.
    17.   ALL MARKET ANIMALS - The feed withdrawal rules MUST BE FOLLOWED ACCORDING TO THE
    18.   All Participants must hang a sign in front of their animals at the show stating that they are showing under 4-H or
          FFA. Signs will be provided by 4-H and FFA.
    19.   Payment WILL NOT be issued until Thank you notes are stamped and given to County Extension agent for 4-H,
          and FFA Advisors for FFA; to be mailed or handed out by May 15, 2021. Failure to do so will result in all
          proceeds being forfeited to the Camp County Youth Project Show Committee. Also, all sponsor plaques must be
          hand-delivered to buyer.
    20.   Checks must be cashed within 90 days from date check is written, otherwise participant forfeits their payment.
    21.   Only the top six placing projects in each division will be sold at auction, unless there are less than 36
          participants entered in the show.
                   a.       It is up to the discretion of the committee on the number of projects that will sell above the
                   current rules
    22.    All Sale Participants must attend a MANDATORY MEETING with Show Superintendent immediately
          following the sale.
    23.   There will be a mandatory work day for ALL show exhibitors who participate in the county show. The date will
          be determined 1 month prior to show date. It is usually the Thursday or Friday before the show**
2022 Camp County - Skills of Expression Rules and Guidelines Youth Project Show

1. Exhibitors must be released by the show superintendent after all clean-up has been completed after the sale.
2. Exhibitors are required to help set up, clean up, and serve at buyers’ dinner.
        a. Set up will be immediately following the show on Saturday.
3. Live Auction will start at 6:00 pm, Saturday of show.
4. Exhibitors must be present for all of the buyers’ dinner as well as sale and clean up.

5. ONLY Ag Mechanics and market / commercial animal projects will be sold in the live auction.
6. Grand and Reserve Champion Skills of Expression winners will be sold at a Silent Auction during the
    Buyers’ Dinner and Live Auction. Winning bid for the Silent Auction will be announced at the conclusion
    of the Live Auction. (Estimated 5pm-10pm)
7. This is a terminal sale, you must show with intent to sell. Highest placing project from each student WILL
    BE SOLD.
        a. In the event a participant shall place the same placing in multiple divisions, the sale order will be:
            heifer, pig, ag mechanics, goat, rabbits, chickens, skills of expression
8. Add-ons: are a way for each livestock or ag mechanic exhibitor to add more funds to the total sum of their
    project’s worth up to the time of the live auction. It is up to the exhibitor to go out and make the connections
    to receive more “add-ons.” This is additional money added on to the final total of the project after it is sold
    at auction. For example, a supporter would like to “add-on” $50 to Kelly Clover’s project because they
    cannot afford to bid on the entire project, they would fill out an add-on form for that exhibitor.
        a. Skills of Expression projects are not eligible for add-on money.
9. If a participant does not show OR their animal does not make weight, exhibitor forfeits any add-ons.

10. If in the incident a student does not sell their project, the sale slot will be given to the next project in that
    division. If there are no others in that division, then the slot will go away.
11. Only the top six placing livestock and ag mechanic projects in each division will be sold at auction,
    unless there are less than 36 participants entered in the show.
12. Exhibitor must be wearing a collared shirt, and nice jeans.
        a. Jeans must not have holes, tears, or any frayed areas.
13. Exhibitor’s project must be clean before the sale.
14. All Projects sold in sale become property of buyer unless otherwise noted.

                                 MONEY LOST***

Superintendents: Kaycee Davis – kaycee.davis@ag.tamu.edu, 972-978-4501
                Briana Guel – bguel@pittsburgisd.net, 903-520-4146
                Mackinley Kay – mkay@pittsburgisd.net, 713-569-5509

                  Validation: “Intent to show form” and entry fee are due to any of the above
                                     superintendents by February 4, 2022

This show is for youth who are in good standing with FFA or 4-H who comply with the General Rules of the
Camp County Youth Project Show. All items must be brought in and registered on Friday, before the show 5:00
pm to 6:00 pm or Saturday, day of show from 8:00 am to 8:30 a.m. at the Aubrey Pilgrim building. Judging
will occur during the livestock show (estimated time 9am-11am). Exhibitors must return by noon to verify
placing. Top two placings in each class will be interviewed beginning at 12:30pm. The interview will
determine who receives Grand and Reserve Championship in each division. Grand and Reserve Champions
in each division will sell in a silent auction during the Buyers Dinner. Entries that did not make the silent
auction should be picked up at the Buyer’s Dinner. Grand and Reserve champions in each division are expected
to sell in the silent auction.

We recommend bringing food items and live plants/floral designs the morning of*

No late entries accepted.

                                     SKILLS OF EXPRESSION RULES

   1. All participants must follow the General Rules for the Camp County Youth Project Show.
   2. A fee of $20 for each entry and “intent to show” form is due upon validation.
   3. All non-pee-wee entries must be validated and paid for by the validation deadline.
   4. On the day of show, entries should be clearly labeled on the back or bottom of the entry, with the
      student’s name, 4-H or FFA affiliation and as to what division and class they are entering.
          a. A. Labels will be available day of show
          b. B. Recipe cards should accompany all food items as appropriate
          c. C. Pee-Wee entries are FREE and need not be validated, but are not eligible for the auction; Pee-
               Wee entries do not need to complete a record book but should follow all other rules per division.
   5. All participants must complete either a 4-H or FFA project record form including time and expense
      report and turn it in to the Camp County Extension Agent or FFA Advisor by 9am show date for judging
      on the day of the show. For Skills of Expression entries, the record book must contain a log of activities
      involving that entry (see specific division for requirements). The record book must be displayed on the
      day of show.
          A. 4-H members- report must be in TX 4-H Record Book format
          B. FFA members- report must be in AET SAE Record Book format
   6. All items must have been produced within in the last year; food items should be fresh, made specifically
      for this show
   7. All entries will be displayed at the Buyer’s dinner. Items not in the silent auction must be picked up
      between 5:30pm-8:30pm day of the show. If you are unable to pick up items at that time, please make
      arrangements with superintendent. Note: We assume no responsibility for articles left after 10:30 pm
      day of show.
8. Food Division entries: all baked/cooked entries that make the silent auction must bring a fresh item
       for the buyer to pick up that evening. Entries that do not make the silent auction will be disposed of
       prior to the Silent Auction and Buyers Dinner.
   9. Officials will strive to handle all entries with care but cannot assume responsibility for damage that
       might occur to any items.
   10. The superintendents of the contest have the authority to reject any entry that might be offensive to a
       family audience or violates the rules.

                                                 AGE DIVISIONS
   1. PEE-WEE – 5-8 years old, not yet in 3 grade (need not be validated, may enter day-of, not required to

      submit a record book, but must follow all other division rules)
   2. JUNIOR/INTERMEDIATE – Grades 3 through 8
   3. SENIOR – Grades 9 through 12

        ST            th
       1     through 6 and honorable mention ribbons in each class

       Grand and Reserve Champions per division, ribbons awarded. Grand and Reserve champions are
       expected to sell in the Silent Auction



CCYPS committee reserves the right to make changes or adjustments due to COVID-19 regulations or based
upon entry numbers.

  i.     DRAWINGS – Artwork entered in this section should be the following mediums: Pencil, color pencil,
         pastels, pen and ink, charcoal, scratchboard, drafting, or crayon.
ii.      PAINTINGS – Artwork entered in this section should be the following mediums: Acrylic, watercolors,
         oils, or Tempera.
iii.     SCULPTURES – Artwork entered in this section should be the following mediums: Clay, wire, metal,
         wood, paper-mache, or fibers.
iv.      PHOTOGRAPHY – Only original photos taken by the participant shall be eligible. Photos with any
         inappropriate or illegal behavior will be disqualified.
 v.      MIXED MEDIA – Artwork entered in this section should be of the following mediums: Markers,
         printmaking, collage, or mixed media.

                                                  DIVISION RULES

      1. This division is subject to all General Rules of the Camp County Youth Project Show
      2. The size of the entries should be:
              • Flat entries – must be 8 x 10 minimum - 18 x 24 maximum including mat.
              • Sculptures – Not to exceed 20” inches horizontally or vertically.
      3. ALL ART WORK MUST HAVE A TITLE. “Untitled” artwork will not be accepted.
      4. All artwork must be the original work of the artist. NO COPIES will be accepted. No tracing or
          mechanical devices (opaque projectors, overhead projectors, etc.) may be used to create any artwork. No
          more than one (1) student may work on an entry. No kits or pre-made forms (ceramic or plaster molds)
          will be accepted.
      5. All entries must appear new and made within the last year.
      6. All flat entries must be neatly matted or mounted on ridged poster/mat board to prevent curling or
          sagging. This includes photographs. No framed pieces or glass; un-mounted or un-matted work will
          not be accepted. Painting on canvas boards or stretched frames and work done on wood or Masonite
      7. No plastic figures, commercial objects, or lettering may be used as part of any picture of construction.
          All work must be dry. Charcoal or pastels must be sprayed or protected.
      8. Sculptures and Constructions: Figures may be constructed of clay, metal, wood, chicken wire, paper
          mache, assemblages or combinations of the above. Wire sculptures must have a base. Sculptures made
          of toothpicks, wax, or other fragile material will not be accepted.
          OR GLASS.
      10. All classes will include color and black/white, animals, landscape/waterscape, portraits/people, flowers,
          birds, rural life, still life, architecture, humor (these are just a few examples). Each class will be judged
      12. As stated in the General Rules, all entries must be accompanied by a label with appropriate
13. Exhibitors may have only one (1) entry in each division.
14. The superintendent reserves the right to disqualify any entry based on rules stated
15. Record book contents: project description, why you chose this project, what media/medium used, what
    tools, machinery, supplies or other materials used, pictures may be included of the work in progress.
    Any special techniques used, a log of what you did with the project (detailed steps, procedure)
 vi.    DESSERTS:
                a. CAKES: NO PREPARED MIXES, all cakes & icing must be made from scratch. Cakes
                     must be on a stiff cardboard surface that MUST BE COVERED WITH SOME TYPE OF
                     PAPER OR FOIL. Item must be covered with a clear transparent wrap or a disposable clear
                     plastic cover. Cake may also be entered on plastic cake base and covered with clear plastic
                     cover (example: bakery container) Cupcakes and cake balls will be accepted. However, all
                     must be of the same recipe and icing. They must be on an 8” minimum – 11” maximum stiff
                     disposable white paper plate and covered with clear transparent plastic wrap or placed (plate
                     included) in a clear zip lock bag.
                b. COOKIES: NO PREPARED MIXES. All cookies must be on an 8” minimum – 11”
                     maximum stiff disposable white paper plate and must consist of enough pieces to properly
                     fill the plate and must be fully covered with a clear transparent plastic wrap or placed (plate
                     included) in a clear zip lock baggie. Bars and brownies will be considered cookies.
                c. CANDY: NO PREPARED MIXES. All candies must be on an 8” minimum – 11”
                     maximum stiff disposable white paper plate and must consist of enough pieces to properly
                     fill the plate and must be fully covered with a clear transparent plastic wrap or placed (plate
                     included) in a clear zip lock baggie.
                d. PIES: NO PREPARED MIXES. Pies must be covered with a clear transparent plastic wrap
                     or disposable clear plastic lid. All crust must be made from scratch and piecrust recipe must
                     accompany the entry card. NO ENTRIES REQUIRING REFRIGERATION WILL BE
                     ACCEPTED. Pies in Crust-Pie must be in a foil pie pan approximately 8” – 10” in diameter
                     and covered with clear transparent plastic wrap or disposable clear plastic lid. Fried Pies –
                     Enough to fill 8” minimum – 11” maximum stiff disposable white paper plate and covered
                     with clear transparent plastic wrap or placed (plate included) in a clear zip lock baggie. Pie
                     Tarts – Individual tarts make enough to fill 8” minimum – 11” maximum stiff disposable
                     white paper plate covered with transparent wrap or placed (plate included) in a clear zip lock
                     baggie. Tart – baked in approximately 9” tart pan and placed on an 8” minimum – 11”
                     maximum stiff disposable white paper plate and covered with clear transparent plastic wrap
                     or placed (plate included) in a clear zip lock baggie.
vii.    BREADS: NO PREPARED MIXES. All Breads MUST be made by hand – NO BREAD MACHINES
        All rolls, biscuits, doughnuts, muffins, cornbread, etc., must be placed on an 8” minimum – 11”
        maximum stiff disposable white paper plate and covered with clear transparent plastic wrap or placed
        (plate included) in a clear zip lock baggie and must consist of enough pieces to properly fill the plate.
        Large fancy breads must be on a stiff cardboard surface that does not exceed the dimension of the
        exhibit by approximately 1” minimum – 3” maximum on any side or corner and WHICH HAS BEEN
        removed from pan, kept whole and placed on an 8” minimum – 11” maximum stiff disposable white
        paper plate and covered with clear transparent plastic wrap or placed (plate included) in a clear zip lock
viii.   CANNED FOODS: All entries must be in an 8oz. minimum – 16 oz. maximum standard jar
        made especially for canning. The jar should be clean and LABELED ON THE SIDE OF THE JAR as to
        the contents and the date in was prepared. The lids and rims must be standard and free of rust. Any jar
        not sealed will be disqualified. PROCESSING AND CANNING INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE
        INCLUDED ON RECIPE CARD. All entries must be processed in canner or hot water bath, whichever
        is applicable. No decoration is to be added to the jar.
 ix.    FRESH LOCALLY GROWN PRODUCE: Produce must be grown within Camp County. Due to the
        season and timeline of our county show, produce will be classed upon arrival. No overripe, damaged,
        diseased, rotten or insect-infested produce will be accepted. Exhibitor must include their management
        and log of activities (example: fertilization, water) in record book. Produce must be presented in a nice
and clean manner (in a bowl, basket or plate). Presentation surface should does not exceed the
       dimension of the exhibit by approximately 1” minimum – 3” maximum on any side or corner.

All products must be in a disposable container.

                                                   DIVISION RULES

   1. This division is subject to all General Rules of the Camp County Youth Project Show
   2. All entries in the FOODS DIVISION, classes vi – viii, must submit recipes, including mixing and
       baking instructions, printed or typed on a white 3”x5” index card with the registration forms. You may
       write on both sides of the recipe card & use as many cards as necessary.
           a. Class ix, fresh locally grown produce does not need an additional recipe card
           b. Participant name must not appear anywhere on the entry, recipe card or container/plate
   4. ALL food products MUST be covered. (See specific class rules)
   5. Doilies or decorations SHALL NOT be added to food displays. Decorations will lead to disqualification.
   6. Exhibitors may have only one (1) entry in each division.
   7. If you are unable to determine which division your exhibit should be placed in, then you may want to
       consider entering another recipe.
   8. CLASSES vi, vii: All participants that make the auction with a cake, cookies, candy, pie or bread: the
       food must be fresh the night of the auction. The participant must make a minimum of one (1) cake, one
       (1) pie, one (1) loaf of bread, one (1) dozen cookies, or one (1) batch of candy to present to the buyers.
       Participants are also encouraged to provide samples for the buyers to taste. The containers for the
       auction items should be disposable as well. THIS IS IN ADDITION TO WHAT YOU EXHIBITED***
   9. CLASSES viii, ix: All participants that make the auction with a canned good or fresh locally grown
       produce item: that specific item will sell in the auction. The participant must exhibit a minimum of two
       (2) fresh produce items and two (2) canned goods to present to the buyers. Participants are also
       encouraged to provide samples for the buyers to taste. The containers for the auction items should be
       disposable as well.
   10. As stated in the General Rules, all entries must be accompanied by a label with appropriate
   11. Exhibitors may have only one (1) entry in each division.
   12. The superintendent reserves the right to disqualify any entry based on rules stated
   13. Record book contents: project description, why you chose this project, how many times you have
       cooked or baked this item, what tools, machinery, supplies or materials used, pictures may be included
       of the work in progress. For classes viii and ix specifically: a log of what you did with the project
       (detailed steps, procedure, for example: water schedule, fertilization, pruning, collecting and washing fruits,
       etc) Pictures, such as a weekly or bi-weekly pictures showing growth and changes to the plant or fruiting body.
       This is all in addition to the actual recipe card that must be presented with the entry.

ATTENTION: At this time we do not have a decorated cakes division. It may be added in the future.
 x.         LIVE PLANTS: This division is restricted to live growing plants only. NO ARTIFICIAL
            ACCESSORIES OR EXTRA PROPS ARE ALLOWED. Entries may include container plants: ferns,
            hanging baskets, mixed gardens, succulents, houseplants, flowering and greenery etc.
xi.         FLORAL DESIGN (NO SILK OR PLASTIC) - This division is restricted to dried or fresh material.
            The emphasis on the division should be on the design of the arrangement of the flowers rather that the
xii.        FLORAL DESIGN (silk, plastic, artificial) - The emphasis on the division should be on the design of
            the arrangement of the flowers rather that the container.

                                                   DIVISION RULES

       1.   This division is subject to all General Rules of the Camp County Youth Project Show
       2.   LIVE PLANT items must be in the exhibitor’s possession by the validation deadline.
       3.   Only the exhibitor, the person making them, creating, or growing it may show items.
       4. As stated in the General Rules, all entries must be accompanied by a label with appropriate
       5. Exhibitors may have only one (1) entry in each division.
       6. The superintendent reserves the right to disqualify any entry based on rules stated
       1. Record book contents: project description, why you chose this project, when did the project start and a
          log of what you did with the project (detailed steps, procedure, for example: water schedule, fertilization,
          pruning, etc), what tools, machinery, supplies or materials used, pictures may be included of the work in
          progress. LIVE PLANTS: Pictures, such as a weekly or bi-weekly pictures showing growth and changes to the
            plant. FLORAL DESIGN: Pictures may be included in your record book, such pictures showing progress of the
            design being completed.
xvii.   QUILTS

                                              DIVISION RULES

    2. This division is subject to all General Rules of the Camp County Youth Project Show
    3. Entries that have been made from patterns MUST have the instruction sheet attached to the entry and
        they must be submitted with validation.
    4. Any exhibit that can be easily soiled should be covered with some type of plastic that can be easily
        opened and closed.
    5. Items in this division can be no larger than 6 feet in height x 6 feet in length x 34 inches in width
    6. Each of the entries in this division must be ready to hang or display and must be considered finished
        when entered.
    7. All entries must be handmade, be of original design and be only the work of the student entering the
        project. No kits, printed, pre-made, or commercial kits will be allowed. No more than one student can
        work on any entry.
    8. All entries must appear new and made within the last year.
    9. As stated in the General Rules, all entries must be accompanied by a label with appropriate
    10. Exhibitors may have only one (1) entry in each division.
    11. The superintendent reserves the right to disqualify any entry based on rules stated
    12. Record book contents: project description, why you chose this project, when did the project start and a
        log of what you did with the project (detailed steps, procedure), what tools, machinery, supplies or
        materials used, pictures may be included of the work in progress.
CCYPS Skills of Expression Registration Form
Name: _______________________________________
Phone/email: __________________________________

Age Division                                                                    Affiliation
(Circle one): Pee-Wee           Jr/Int Student           Sr Student             4-H             FFA

(circle one):           Fine Arts                Foods          Horticulture            Clothing and Textiles

•   This label should be secured to the back or bottom of each entry. Additional labels available at the show.
•   All entries must be registered by 8:30 am show day; no late entries accepted.
•   All entries and awards must be picked up by 10:30pm night of the show. Items not picked up will be subject to trash.
•   All entries to be considered for the live auction must have been validated by the deadline (see rules)

CCYPS Skills of Expression Registration Form
Name: _______________________________________
Phone/email: __________________________________

Age Division                                                                    Affiliation
(Circle one): Pee-Wee           Jr/Int Student           Sr Student             4-H             FFA

(circle one):           Fine Arts                Foods          Horticulture            Clothing and Textiles

•   This label should be secured to the back or bottom of each entry. Additional labels available at the show.
•   All entries must be registered by 8:30 am show day; no late entries accepted.
•   All entries and awards must be picked up by 10:30pm night of the show. Items not picked up will be subject to trash.
•   All entries to be considered for the live auction must have been validated by the deadline (see rules)

CCYPS Skills of Expression Registration Form
Name: _______________________________________
Phone/email: __________________________________

Age Division                                                                    Affiliation
(Circle one): Pee-Wee           Jr/Int Student           Sr Student             4-H             FFA

(circle one):           Fine Arts                Foods          Horticulture            Clothing and Textiles

•   This label should be secured to the back or bottom of each entry. Additional labels available at the show.
•   All entries must be registered by 8:30 am show day; no late entries accepted.
•   All entries and awards must be picked up by 10:30pm night of the show. Items not picked up will be subject to trash.
•   All entries to be considered for the live auction must have been validated by the deadline (see rules)
This is my intent to show at the 2022 Camp County Youth Project Show
**ATTENTION: Please list the address the livestock will be housed below. The address where the animals will be located
should be approved by the local validation committee if it is not your home address.

Exhibitor Name (printed)                  Exhibitor Signature

Parent/Guardian Name (printed)                               Parent/Guardian Signature

Best form of contact for parent or guardian (phone, email)

FFA or 4-H                                                   Physical address / City / Zip

Livestock Species/Ag Mech           or          Skills of Expression Division I plan to enter

        For Skills of Expression Entries only: Are you an active member of 4-H or FFA in
        Pittsburg/Camp County? What division are you planning to enter? What will you be
        creating/growing/baking/canning or otherwise preparing? (see classes list for options)
        Do you agree to abide by the rules set forth in the CCYPS Skills of Expression Rulebook?




LIVESTOCK AND AG MECH: this form is due to your CEA or FFA advisor by October 22, 2021

SKILLS OF EXPRESSION: this form is due to your CEA or FFA advisor by February 4, 2022

PEE-WEE/ CLOVER KID: livestock registration for County Show due 1 week prior to show**

PEE-WEE/ CLOVER KID: skills of expression entry: day of show, use label in back of rulebook
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