2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association

Page created by Dwayne Pham
2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
June 9–12

   At the
Delta Hotels

New Brunswick

Cohosted      by
2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
                                              2        Welcome from the Maritime Angus Association

                                              4        Regional Association Representatives

                                              6        Schedule of Events

                                              10       Annual General Meeting Agenda

                                              11       Event and Session Descriptions

                                              14       Tours


                                              16       French Version of Program

                                                                  Thanks to DLMS and Cattlevids for filming
                                                                  and livestreaming sessions at Convention.

                                        Perfect for
                                   when you just can’t get
                                 enough of Canadian Angus.
                               The Canadian Angus Association has branded merchandise
                              available for sale with special Convention 2022 pricing. Be sure
                               to visit our merchandise booth for the latest Canadian Angus
                            offerings and spend your Angus bucks before Convention wraps up.

       Note: Canadian                                                                                  photos of your
     Angus merchandise                                                                                  purchases on
                                                                                                      social media with
      is available at the
                                  Want to order more? For a list of current items                     #CAASwag for the
        booth for cash                                                                                     chance
       only; credit and             for sale and to order online, please visit:                            to win.

     debit cards are not
           accepted.           www.cdnangus.ca/buyers-sellers/merchandise

    Notice of Filming and Photography: When you attend this event, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording
        may occur. By entering the event premises, you consent to such recording media and its release, publication, exhibition or
                    reproduction. If you have any concerns, please contact a Canadian Angus Association staff member.
2                                                                             NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
                                    from the President
                                  Welcome to the 2022 Canadian Angus National Convention in the Maritimes.
                                  I have been looking forward to gathering in person and visiting with members
                                  face to face and experiencing famous Maritime hospitality first-hand. Convention
                                  provides us with opportunities for learning, entertainment, sightseeing, and making
                                  connections. Over the next few days, we will have many opportunities to learn from
      industry leaders, renew friendships and make new connections, taste fresh Atlantic seafood and experience
      some of the best scenery that the Maritimes have to offer.

      Our speakers will cover all aspects of our business from farm to fork, touching on grazing and feeding for optimum
      growth, current research initiatives, current and future applications of technology for cattle producers as well as
      at the retail and consumer levels, and examining consumer demand for beef both now and in the future. And for
      those who can stay an extra day, the PEI Angus Association has put together an excellent opportunity to cross the
      Confederation Bridge and experience a mixture of farm visits and stops at Island attractions.

      The Canadian Angus Foundation’s Building the Legacy fundraiser auction is back as a live event with more than
      70 lots of animals, genetics, artwork and experiences. A huge amount of effort went into collecting the sale
      offering, so please look at the catalogue in advance and come support our Foundation on Saturday night.

      It has been my pleasure to serve as your president and I look forward to visiting with you throughout our first
      in-person National Convention in three years.
                                                                                         Sheldon Kyle, CAA President

                                    from the Maritime
                                    Angus Association
                                   Who would have thought that when we began planning this event back in 2019 that
                                   we’d be three years in the making for this Convention to happen! I think everyone
                                   can appreciate the complexity in event planning (or attempting to event plan) over
                                   the course of the past few years so I’m so happy that you are all joining us here in
                                   Moncton, NB this week.

     The event has been carefully curated by the Maritime Angus Association along with the team at Angus Central
     led by Carmen to be a balance of educational, networking and business opportunities! You can see all of the
     details of the events in this conference package so I won’t go into them here, but take a look and be an active

     The Angus community, while the largest beef breed in Canada, has always been a welcoming bunch to me
     regardless of where I am in the country or the world. I would encourage you to expand your networks this week
     (even though we might all be out of practice) and introduce yourself and strike up a conversation with someone
     you don’t know. The odds are very good that you’ll have something in common.

     On behalf of the board of directors, Tim Dixon, Bev McMurtrie, Catherine Manning, James Ells, Patrick Holland
     and Ronnie Ford—I thank each and every one of you for taking time out of your busy schedules and making the
     pilgrimage to Moncton, NB. We are confident that everyone will learn something new, meet someone new, and
     experience something new. Enjoy and welcome to the Maritimes!

                                                                                Amy Higgins, Maritime Angus President

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2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
Regional Association
BC Angus Association                                          Ontario Angus Association
                  President: Bob Miller                                        President: Don McNalty
                  Ph: 250-819-0858                                             Ph: 705-446-4740
                  Email: bobmiller@ownershipid.ca                              Email: don.mcnalty@rjburnside.com
                  Secretary: Kristina Molle                                    Secretary: Julie Townsend
                  Ph: 250-991-0921                                             Ph: 519-787-2397
                  Email: kmranch2763@gmail.com                                 Email: secretaryontarioangus@gmail.com

Alberta Angus Association                                     Quebec Angus Association
                  President: Luke Tannas                                       President: Emmanuel Chenail
                  Ph: 403-637-2425                                             Ph: 514-893-0232
                  Email: tannasranches@aol.com                                 Email: info@ranchcoveyhill.com
                  Secretary: Susanne Fankhanel                                 Secretary: Cynthia Jackson
                  Ph: 403-556-9057                                             Ph: 819-588-2311
                  Email: abangusoffice@gmail.com                               Email: quebecangus@live.ca

Saskatchewan Angus Association                                Maritime Angus Association
                  President: Chad Hollinger
                  Ph: 306-331-0302                                                   President: Amy Higgins
                  Email: hollingerlandandcattle@gmail.com                            Ph: 506-435-1842
                                                                                     Email: amyhiggins808@gmail.com
                  General Manager Belinda Wagner
                  Ph: 306-757-6133                                                   Secretary vacant
                  Email: office@saskatchewanangus.com                                Email: maritimeangus@gmail.com

Manitoba Angus Association
                  President: Devin Boitson
                  Ph: 204-803-8676
                  Email: dboitson.a.i.services@gmail.com
                  Secretary: Mandi Fewings
                  Ph: 1-888-622-6487
                  Email: mandi.mbangus@gmail.com

    Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society
              President: Eric Falk
              Ph: 403-224-2396
              Email: efalk@xplornet.com
              Secretary: Justine Gardner
              Ph: 403-969-3730
              Email: canadianredanguspromosociety@gmail.com

4                                                                     NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
Your Canadian
                                                      Angus team is with
                                                       you step by step,
                                                      from start to finish.
                                                    Contact us today for all your
                                                      Canadian Angus needs.

                                                                  • Account Details • Age Verification
                                                                 • Angus Cow Enrollment • AngusNOW
                                                                  • Bill Payments • DNA Test Requests
                                                                   • Export Packages • Memberships
                                                           • Management Tags • Pedigree Extract Services
                                                              • Registrations • Trait Entry (WW, YW, MW)
                                                                               • Transfers

                                                         • CAA Director Elections • Canadian Angus
                                                        Foundation Archives • Career Opportunities
                                                   • E-transfers • General Information • Media Inquiries

                                                                  • A Store Items • Angus Advisor
                                                         • Angus Broadcasting Canada • AngusConnect
                                                              • Angus Life • Branded Beef Programs
                                                      • Business Development • Canadian Angus Rancher
                                                                Endorsed • Canadian Junior Angus
                                                             • Commercial Animals • Events Calendar
                                                           • Gold Show Program • Mentorship Program
                                                     • National Convention • Regional Angus Associations
                                                            • Sales Packages • Sponsorships • Website

                                                       • Angus Roots • Donations • Education
                                                   • History Book Sales • Historical Preservation
                                                           • Scholarships • Wall of Honour

                                                     • Angus GS • Canadian Angus Performance Program
                                                        • Canadian Balanced Index • Expected Progeny
                                                         Differences (EPDs) • Feeder Calf Performance
                                                               Endorsement • Genetic Conditions
                                                             • Research and Development Projects

        1-888-571-3580 | cdnangus@cdnangus.ca | www.cdnangus.ca

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2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
WEDNESDAY      Registration Opens                                              2:00 PM
                                   JUNE 8
        * Subject to change*                  Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              Registration Closes                                             4:30 PM
                                              Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              Optional Social Event with Shediac Bay Cruises                  5:00 PM
                                              Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Pick Up

                                              Optional Social Event Ends                                      9:00 PM
                                              Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Drop Off

                                              Hospitality Suite, hosted by Maritime Angus Association         9:30 PM
Schedule of Events

                                              Petitcodiac, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                THURSDAY Optional Tour Departs                                                8:45 AM
                                   JUNE 9
                                              Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Pick Up

                                              Registration Opens                                              2:00 PM
                                              Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              Optional Tour Returns                                           4:00 PM
                                              Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Drop Off

                                              Registration Closes
2022National Convention

                                                                                                              5:00 PM
                                              Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Drop Off

                                              President’s Reception                                           5:00 PM
                                              Tide and Boar, 700 Main St, Moncton, NB,
                                              within walking distance of hotel

                                              President’s Reception Concludes                                 9:00 PM
                                              Tide and Boar

                                              Hospitality Suite, hosted by Maritime Angus Association         9:30 PM
                                              Petitcodiac, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                  JUNE 10 Registration    Opens
                                          Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel
                                                                                                              7:00 AM

                                              Breakfast                                             7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
                                              Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              The Science and Technology                                      8:30 AM
                                              behind Canadian Angus
                                              Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              Forage and Grassland Management                                 9:30 AM
                                              Efforts across Canada
                                              Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              Coffee Break                                                   10:30 AM
                                              Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              Supplementing Fat in Beef Cattle Diets                         11:00 AM
                                              Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              Lunch                                                 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
                                              Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                              The Past, Present and Future of Genetic Technology 1:30 PM
                                              Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

    6                                                                     NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
FRIDAY      Canada Beef: Overview of Programs,                                2:30 PM
                                   JUNE 10
      * Subject to change*
                                                Services and Specific Initiatives
                                                Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                                Coffee Break                                                      3:15 PM
                                                Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                                In These Challenging Times,                                       3:45 PM
                                                is Beef Still What’s for Dinner?
                                                Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                                Supper Social Event                                               5:00 PM
Schedule of Events

                                                McSweeney’s Dinner Theatre,
                                                700 Main St, Moncton, NB, within walking distance of the hotel

                                                Hospitality Suite, hosted by Maritime Angus Association           9:30 PM
                                                Petitcodiac, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                SATURDAY Voting Card Pick Up for AGM                                  7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
                                  JUNE 11 Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel
                                               Breakfast                                              8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
                                               Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               CAA and CAF AGM
2022National Convention

                                                                                                                  9:00 AM
                                               Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               Coffee Break                                                      10:15 AM
                                               Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               CAA and CAF AGM                                                   10:45 AM
                                               Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               Lunch                                                  11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
                                               Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               Canadian Junior Angus                                              1:00 PM
                                               Ambassador Competition
                                               Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               Coffee Break                                                       2:30 PM
                                               Mezzanine, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               Grazing Management in a Changing Climate                           3:00 PM
                                               Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               National Convention Banquet Cocktails                              4:30 PM
                                               Mezzanine A, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               National Convention Banquet Supper                                 5:30 PM
                                               Ballroom, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                               National Convention Banquet Awards                                 7:00 PM
                                               Ballroom, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                               Building the Legacy 10 fundraiser auction                          8:00 PM
                                               Ballroom, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                               Hospitality Suite, hosted by Maritime Angus Association           9:30 PM
                                               Petitcodiac, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel

                                   JUNE 12 Optional Tour                                              10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
                                               Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

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2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
                $45 / test

                DNA SAMPLE
                Hair Card, Blood Card, TSU,
                or Semen

                TURN AROUND TIME
                3 weeks lab + 3 weeks NCE


                GENETIC CONDITION
                $10 additional / test
8   NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
                                                                                                  If a picture is worth 1,000 words,
                                                                                                    does  thatinmake
                                                                                                                 youra video

ReasonsThe Canadian
               why every
have apartnership
                                 Neogen Canada,
  is excited to offer a major Angus GS testing
                                                should in
                                                                                                       with Angus GS then
                                                                                                    invest in yourself with a
                                                                                                   chance to win a trip to an
                                                                                                    The Canadian Angus Association, in
                                                                                                  Angus      related
                                                                                                     partnership         conference
                                                                                                                 with Neogen   Canada, is
• Videos build trust:             this
                       video content    year:
                                      can engage and ignite
   interest. Videos give buyers confidence in you, your animals
                                                                                                  excited to offer a major Angus GS testing
                                                                                                        in North      America!
                                                                                                            promotion   this year:
    and your operation. Video can do it all.
•    Members who Angus GS test 2022-born
    Google loves videos: since Google owns YouTube, you are                                       Members who Angus GS test 2021-born
                                                                                                     calves from June to December 2021
     calves from June to December 2022 will
    significantly more likely to show up higher in search engine
    ranking if you have a video embedded in your website.
                                                                                                    will automatically be entered to win
                                                                                                   the grand prize of a $12,000 marketing
    automatically be entered to win the grand
• Video appeals to mobile users: video and mobile go hand-in-                                     video* for their operation and program!
    hand. People like to watch videos on the go and the number
    prize of a North American conference trip!
    of smartphone users is only growing.
• Video marketing can explain almost everything: create a
    Sponsoredto show   what you’re
                  by Neogen    Canadadoing       and howAngus
                                          and Canadian        it works.   Video
    brings concepts to life.
• Videos engage all types of buyers: video is not only a great
   Prize includes hotel accommodations, registration and travel
    tool for learning, it is also super easy to consume. People are
                 airfare to conference in North America.
    busy and don’t have time to read long descriptions. Video
 Conference choices and subsequent destinations are limited to Canadian Angus National
 Convention,  your  operation
                 Improvement     in action.
                              Federation (BIF) 2023, Red Angus Association of American
• Video       encourages     social  shares:
          (RAAA) Convention and American         videos are
                                          Angus Association     highly
                                                             (AAA)       effective
    on social media platforms. Effective marketing videos
    present your animals and operation in a conversational
Contest        that creates a sense of individual approach.
•   Contest only open to Canadian Angus
    Association members (Junior, Young Breeder,
    Annual or Lifeby Neogenwith
                   members)  Canada    and
                                an active   Canadian Angus Association
Contest and video details:
•   One entry per member.
•    Contest only open to Canadian Angus Association members (Junior, Young Breeder, Annual
•    or Life members)
    Contest   is open towith an active 2021
                         all Canadian       membership.
•    One entry per member.
    in which members live and have their
•    Video must include the Canadian Angus Association and Neogen Canada logos either at
     the start or end.
•   Video
    The   mustwill
        winner include testimonial(s)
                   be notified        on why
                               in January    the member uses Angus GS to test their cattle;
                                          2023.                                                            2021 Winner Michael Wheeler
    additional video content is up to the member for how they want to best promote their
•   The  winning
    program   andmember’s
                  genetics. conference trip must                                                           with CAA CEO Myles Immerkar
•   Videographer
    be  completed and  production
                   before   Decemberwill31,
                                         be 2023.
                                            arranged and organized through the Canadian Angus
    Association.                                                                                  “We are excited to be the winners of the first
•   Prizes
    Video may   be awarded
           production  costs to
                                  toto a maximum
                                     exceed  $12,000.                                             Angus GS contest and look forward to getting
•   Contest
    of       is open to all Canadian provinces in which members live and have their operations.
       two members.
•   Completed video will be featured on Angus Broadcasting Canada.                                  to work on our promo video this summer.
•   The winner will be notified in December 2021.                                                       Stay tuned!” – Michael Wheeler
•   The winning member’s video production must be completed before December 31, 2022.
    JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! #cdnangus #cdnangusCONV                                                                                           9
2022 by - At the - Canadian Angus Association
115thAnnual General Meeting

     Saturday, June 11, 2022
     Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour | Moncton, NB
     Voting cards will be available for pick up at the registration table on site Saturday, June 11
     from 7:30 a.m.–9:00 a.m. only. Late entrance to the meeting is permitted but no voting cards
     can be picked up after 9:00 a.m.

     Canadian Angus Association Annual General Meeting
       1.     Call to Order—President Sheldon Kyle
       2.     Introduction of Canadian Directors, Regional Representatives and Visitors—Sheldon Kyle
       3.     Canadian Junior Angus Report—CJA President Naomi Best
       4.     Tribute to Deceased Members & Associates—Sheldon Kyle
       5.     Review and Approval of Minutes of the 2019, 2020 and 2021 Annual General Meetings—Sheldon Kyle
       6.     President’s Report—Sheldon Kyle
       7.     Audited Financial Statements Report (to December 31, 2021)—CEO Myles Immerkar
       8.     2021 Highlights—Myles Immerkar
       9.     Timing and Location of the 2023 National Convention—Saskatchewan Angus Association
              President Chad Hollinger
       10.    New Business/Recommendations from the Floor—Sheldon Kyle
       11.    Recognition of Honourary Presidents—Sheldon Kyle
       12.    Recognition of Past President—Past President Shawn Birmingham
       13.    Announcement of New Executive—President Elect Graham McLean
       14.    Adjournment—Sheldon Kyle

     Canadian Angus Foundation Annual General Meeting
        1.    Call to Order—Chair Tammi Ribey
        2.    Chair’s Report—Tammi Ribey
        3.    Introduction of Directors—Tammi Ribey
        4.    Review and Approval of Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting—Tammi Ribey
        5.    Review and Approval of the 2021 Financial Statements—Executive Director Belinda Wagner
        6.    Recognition of 2021 Donors—Tammi Ribey
        7.    Appointment of Directors—Tammi Ribey
        8.    Recognition of Outgoing Directors—Tammi Ribey
        9.    New Business—Tammi Ribey
        10.   Award Presentations—Tammi Ribey
        11.   Adjournment—Tammi Ribey

10                                                                   NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
The future is
                                                           in good hands.
                                                                    With programs that help our
                                                                    youth grow and learn about
                                                                       Angus, more innovations
                                                                     are just around the corner.

 Canadian Junior Angus (CJA) was established in 1999 as a junior
 organization to the Canadian Angus Association.

 Juniors, who are 21 years of age and younger, participate in
 national events throughout the year that allow for opportunities
 to network, learn and grow. These events include Showdown,
 the national Junior show, and the Guiding Outstanding Angus
 Leaders Conference (GOAL), which encourages Juniors to become
 involved in and excited about the industry and the breed with
 interactive activities and motivational speakers.

 Canadian Junior Angus also offers many different opportunities
 that Juniors can apply for through the Canadian Angus
 Foundation. The Foundation functions to preserve and expand
 the Angus breed for future generations through education,
 youth development, scientific and market research and
 historical preservation.

 For more information and to get involved, please visit:

JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! #cdnangus #cdnangusCONV                                                   11
Event and
   Session Descriptions
Wednesday, June 8
5:00 p.m. – Evening Social Activity at Lobster Tales Cruise in
Shediac Bay, NB The complete lobster experience!
Discover Atlantic Canada’s best-kept secret with this interactive lobster-themed
cruise. An unforgettable culinary experience waits as you cruise the warm
waters of Shediac Bay. Listen as the tour guide tickles your taste buds and shows         Kajal Devani
you how to crack and eat a delicious, freshly cooked lobster. Then, sit back, relax       Kajal    leads     the     Association’s
and enjoy a fisherman’s feast, washed down with a cold beverage, as you take              research projects and manages the
in the scenery and experience the hospitality we Acadians are so famous for.              Performance Program through which
After supper, catch the balmy breezes on our roomy upper deck and marvel at               genetic evaluations for Canadian
the scenic beauty of the East Coast as you listen to traditional Acadian music.           Angus breeding stock are performed.
                                 Shediac Bay Cruises: www.shediacbaycruises.ca            As the Association’s geneticist, she
                                                                                          monitors genetic conditions and
Thursday, June 9                                                                          counsels Association members on the
                                                                                          application of genetic tools to balance
5:00 p.m. – President’s Reception                                                         and optimize healthy herds and
Join the Canadian Angus Association Board of Directors and your regional Angus            economic gain. Kajal has a master’s
association representatives at the Tide & Boar Gastropub, an award-winning                degree in quantitative animal genetics
pub named one of Canada’s Top 50 Restaurants by Maclean’s Magazine, one                   from the University of Alberta and a
of Canada’s Favourite Bars by Air Canada’s Enroute and featured on The Food               PhD in the same from the University
Network’s You Gotta Eat Here.                                                             of Calgary. Raised on a mixed farm
                                                                                          in Kenya, Kajal is passionate about
Not a formal seated dinner, this event is a cocktail reception with enough                genetics and their ability to enhance
delicious appetizers to fill you up while you mingle with fellow Angus                    production for two primary ends:
enthusiasts from across the country. Come taste the distinctly Maritimes menu             successful farmers and ranchers and a
with seasonal, fresh, local fare both on your plate and in your glass. Help us pay        memorable dining experience for the
homage to President Sheldon Kyle and celebrate the end of his term in style!              beef consumer. Kajal knows that our
Expect the unexpected and enjoy true Maritime hospitality in the heart of                 business, even at its most scientific, is
downtown Moncton.                                                                         a people business; and is committed to
                                                                                          creating value at every level for every
Friday, June 10                                                                           member.
8:30 a.m. – Ballroom BC
The Science and Technology behind Canadian Angus
An update on Canadian Angus research initiatives including the High Immune Response Project, the AI-Camera Training
Project in partnership with OneCup AI, Female Fertility Project, Female Longevity Project, and Male Fertility Project.
                                                                 Presenter: Kajal Devani, Director of Science and Technology,
                                                                                                 Canadian Angus Association

                            Cedric MacLeod, MSc., PAg
                            Cedric grew up in Carleton County, New Brunswick working in the family concrete construction business.
                            He developed an early love for agriculture with encouragement from dad and many construction jobs
                            being in the agricultural field. A desire to tackle soil health and conservation challenges in the New
                            Brunswick potato belt led Cedric towards the completion of a Bachelor of Science from the Nova Scotia
                            Agricultural College and a Master’s Degree from the University of Manitoba, Department of Soil Science.
                            Early career experience immersed Cedric in the agricultural greenhouse gas management field where he
                            has led or contributed to the development of numerous Canadian and international GHG quantification
                            protocols in the livestock and cropping sectors. Most recently Cedric, through his work with the Canadian
                            Forage and Grassland Association, has supported the development of the very first grassland GHG
                            quantification protocol approved for the Canadian Forage Sector.
                            Cedric operates a grass-fed beef and annual crop production operation in Centreville, New Brunswick
                            with his wife Alanda and son Kalen.

12                                                                            NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
9:30 a.m. – Ballroom BC
   Forage and Grassland Management Efforts across Canada
   Cedric MacLeod will outline the work the Canadian Forage and Grassland
   Association is doing to validate the ecological goods and services generated
   by Canadian ranchers through their forage and grassland management efforts
   across the country. The discussion will focus primarily on the new national
   grazing mentorship program and the rollout of the On-Farm Climate Action
   Fund which will provide incentive for farms and ranches to deploy advanced
   grazing management practices.
                                           Presenter: Cedric MacLeod MSc., PAg

   11:00 a.m. – Ballroom BC
   Supplementing Fat in Beef Cattle Diets with Update on the
   Collaborative Project on Seaweed Supplement
   The collaborative project on seaweed supplement has been shown to reduce
   GHG emissions in some preliminary studies.                                              Dr. H.A. (Bart) Lardner
                        Presenter: Dr. Bart Lardner, University of Saskatchewan            For the past 25 years, Dr. H.A. (Bart)
                                                                                           Lardner has managed a research
                                                                                           program focusing on beef cattle
   1:30 p.m. – Ballroom BC                                                                 management and forage production.
   The Past, Present and Future of Genetic Technology – How                                Dr. Lardner is a Professor in the
   Genomics Can Be Used as the Canadian Angus Advantage                                    Department of Animal and Poultry
                                                                                           Science at the University of
   An in-depth look at genomic technology, how we use it in the beef industry
                                                                                           Saskatchewan where he supervises
   today, and the possible advantages that advances in genomic technology
                                                                                           undergraduate and graduate students
   present for the future.                                                                 and teaches courses in forages and beef
                              Presenter: Kajal Devani, Director of Science and             cattle nutrition. His program focuses
                                    Technology, Canadian Angus Association                 on pasture and water management in
                                               Please see bio for Kajal Devani under the   cow-calf systems, summer and winter
                                Science and Technology behind Canadian Angus session.      grazing systems, ruminant nutrition,
                                                                                           beef cattle reproductive efficiency
   2:30 p.m. – Ballroom BC                                                                 and heifer development, and applied
                                                                                           genomics. Dr Lardner works closely
   Canada Beef: Overview of Programs,                                                      with producers to ensure applicability
   Services and Specific Initiatives                                                       of results back to industry.
   Canada Beef’s commitment to address opportunities and challenges in the
   marketplace for beef continues in the 2022–23 investment plan. Michele
   McAdoo, Executive Director, Digital Marketing, will present an overview
   of Canada Beef’s programs and services as well specific initiatives like the
   Canadian Beef Information Gateway that are designed to reach consumers
   with new approaches at the retail counter.
                                                Presenter: Michele McAdoo

                            Michele McAdoo
                            Michele McAdoo has more than 25 years of experience managing projects in consumer relationship
                            marketing, recipe development, content creation, media, TV production and digital programs.
                            Michele joined Canada Beef in 2016. Before joining the organization, she worked at the highly
                            regarded Kraft Kitchens at Kraft Canada. In her role as Executive Director, Digital Marketing for
                            Canada Beef, Michele’s goal is to connect consumers and producers to the Canadian beef brand
                            story through strategic, collaborative and authentic content on all social and digital channels and
                            in doing so, build trust and an appreciation for Canadian beef. Michele grew up on a beef farm in
                            rural Ontario and was a committed 4-H agricultural club member.

JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! #cdnangus #cdnangusCONV                                                                              13
Ellen Goddard
                                Ellen Goddard is Co-operative Chair in Agricultural Marketing and Business, University of Alberta
                                since December 2000. She has a BSc, an MSc (University of Guelph) and a PhD (LaTrobe University,
                                Australia) in Agricultural Economics. Her current research includes behavioural research with the
                                public, consumers, farmers, veterinarians and others in food supply chains. She continues to be
                                a social science researcher, (GE3LS lead), in six livestock genomics projects (Genome Canada)—
                                on animal disease resilience, on feed efficiency, on GHG emissions and on surveillance for animal
                                disease, e.g. chronic wasting disease. Beyond the role of genomics, her research is focused on
                                understanding what policies or management strategies might be best for encouraging sustainable
                                markets, in particular for livestock products.

3:45 p.m. – Ballroom BC
In These Challenging Times, Is Beef Still What’s for Dinner?
Pandemics, wars, sanctions and extreme weather events are all shaking
up food markets and affecting the markets for livestock products in
particular. While the pandemic shifted food purchasing from eating out to
eating in, current rising inflation and interest rates are likely to continue
to encourage that behaviour, no matter how desperate we are to ‘get
out of the house’. New plant-based products continue to be developed,
but are they substitutes or complements for livestock products? Current                John Duynisveld
research to address these and other questions driving consumer beef                    Mr. Duynisveld has been employed as a Beef
behaviour will be presented. Implications for producers, in terms of                   Research Biologist with Agriculture and Agri-
consumer demands and the use of tools, such as genomics, to address                    Food Canada (AAFC) since 2000. His current
those demands will also be discussed.                                                  research program is focused on improving the
                            Presenter: Ellen Goddard, University of Alberta            use of pasture in beef production systems. He
                                                                                       is completing a multi-year beef cluster research
                                                                                       project on maintaining legumes in pasture as
5:00 p.m. – McSweeney’s Dinner Theatre,                                                co-PI (co-principal investigator) with Dr. Yousef
                                                                                       Papadopoulos studying the impact of grazing
700 Main Street, Moncton, NB                                                           management intensity on animal, plant, and
Friday Night Social Event: The Night that Paddy Murphy Died                            soil characteristics. Significant past research
Come inherit some laughs as the mystery of Paddy Murphy’s death                        contributions include co-PI of a beef science
unfolds in front of your eyes! Enjoy a night full of exciting Celtic music             cluster project on forage mixtures for pasture,
and comedy.                                                                            part of a collaborative research team looking at
                           For more information on the show and all its                pasture and oil supplementation for developing
                        characters, visit www.mcsweeneytheatreco.com                   a high value lamb, residual feed intake in beef
                                                                                       cattle, winter bale grazing for beef cows, co-
                                                                                       investigator to develop feeding regimes for
Saturday, June 11                                                                      a regional beef value chain (Atlantic Beef),
                                                                                       investigator in several research projects to
3:00 p.m. – Ballroom BC                                                                enhance the healthfulness for beef fat using
Grazing Management in a Changing Climate: What Can We                                  pasture as well as oilseeds, and co-investigator
Do as Graziers to Cope, and What Might this Mean for Soil                              in designing a remote, automated animal
                                                                                       weighing system for use on pasture. He has 21
Carbon?                                                                                peer-reviewed scientific papers, 39 scientific
Recent research on grazing management is demonstrating that how we                     abstracts, and more than 220 technical transfer
manage our pastures can influence the soil and plant ecosystem. Grazing                presentations and trade publications. He was
has impacts for weather extremes in our changing climate, and may have                 part of a national team on year-round grazing of
a role in mitigating climate impacts.                                                  beef cattle to receive a Golden Harvest Award
                                Presenter: John Duynisveld, M. Sc. (Agr.),             in 2008. In addition to his work at AAFC, Mr.
                         Beef Research Biologist, AAFC Kentville (Nappan)              Duynisveld also manages a grass-based meat
                                                                                       farm with his family in Wallace, Nova Scotia,
                                                                                       raising grass-fed beef and lamb, pastured poultry
                                                                                       and pigs.

14                                                                              NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
What is the Canadian Angus Foundation?
                                                    One of the important pieces of history for the Canadian Angus
                                                       Association was the development of the Canadian Angus
                                                     Foundation. Incorporated in 1993, the Foundation is run by
                                                      a group of dedicated volunteers. The main functions of the
                                                   Foundation are to preserve and expand the Angus breed for future
                                                   generations through education, youth development, scientific and
                                                      market research and historical preservation and restoration.

                                                        The Canadian Angus Foundation functions to preserve
                                                      and expand the Angus breed for future generations through
                                                     education, youth development, scientific and market research,
                                                   and historical preservation and restoration. The Canadian Angus
                                                   Foundation was incorporated in 1993 and is the charitable arm of
                                                                   the Canadian Angus Association.

                                                            With inspiration and bold initiatives, we create
                                                               opportunities to grow our Angus legacy.

                                                     The Canadian Angus Foundation is committed to fulfilling
                                                    their mission statement and is currently supporting initiatives
                                                       in Canadian Angus research, working on a living history
                                                    project to bring our archives to life and developing educational
                                                     programming. Support of scholarships and awards for young
                                                                breeders and junior members is ongoing.

                                                   Help Support the Canadian Angus Foundation
                                                    There are various ways that you can support the Foundation. It
                                                     is with your help and care that the Foundation is able to offer
                                                   different programs to Canadian Angus Association members from
                                                      coast to coast, both breeders and supporters of the Canadian
                                                         Angus cause who donate and purchase in support of our
                                                                    Foundation and our national youth.
                                                     You can support the Canadian Angus Foundation throughout
                                                       the year through donations to scholarships and awards such
                                                      as the Outstanding Young Angus Breeder and the Robert C.
       The future of Canadian Angus is                 McHaffie Junior Ambassador, as well as travel bursaries and
     all about preserving and expanding              junior shows. This support also includes providing junior and
          the Angus breed for future                  young breeders the opportunity to learn and grow in areas of
                                                       leadership, marketing, technology, and Angus production as
       generations through education,               well as opportunities for non-livestock youth to learn about our
      youth development, scientific and               industry. Funding is also provided to assist with speakers and
        market research and historical                             events targeted at member education.
         preservation and restoration.               Contact the Foundation to find out more information
     Help support the future and brand                 about the area you are interested in supporting.
              it your own today!                                www.cdnangus.ca/foundation

JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! #cdnangus #cdnangusCONV                                                                       15
              Thursday, June 9 –                                       Sunday, June 12 –
              Optional Tour                                            Optional Sightseeing Tour
                                                                       Hosted by Prince Edward Island Angus Association
              8:45 a.m. Tour departs from Delta Hotels
                                Marriott Beausejour Hotel              10:00 a.m.  Tour departs from Delta Hotels
              Tour includes:                                                                Marriott Beausejour Hotel
              • Dorchester Jail tour: built in 1875, this is one of    Tour includes:
                  Canada’s oldest provincial jails and now functions   • Breakfast at the Delta prior to departure
                  as an Airbnb                                         • Lunch
              • Verger Belliveau Orchards tour and Monument Le-        • Bus tour across the Confederation Bridge to Prince
                  Febvre National Historic Site visit                       Edward Island with a few stops that are being hosted
              • Domaine Latitude 46 Estate Winery is a six-acre             by the PEI Angus Association
                  vineyard and cottage winery, located on the banks    Note: New Glasgow Lobster Suppers dinner (a la carte—
                  of the Petitcodiac River in Memramcook, New          not included in tour cost).
              • Lunch                                                  8:00 p.m. Tour returns to Delta Hotels Marriott
                                                                                          Beausejour Hotel
              4:00 p.m. Tour returns to Delta Hotels
                                Marriott Beausejour Hotel

Thank You
                                                      A BIG thank you to all our National Convention 2022 sponsors!
                                                     Convention would not be as great without your generous support!

     to our


                                                                                      Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries /
                                                                                      Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Aquaculture et des Pêches

16                                                                       NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
22nd Annual Canadian Junior Angus

              July 27–29
           Brandon, Manitoba
               Event subject to change and/or cancellation dependent
               upon current public health and government guidelines.

                                                                          Tuesday, July 26, 2022
                                                                          1:00 pm • Move in begins

                                                                          Wednesday, July 27, 2022
                                                                          12 noon • Move in complete
                                                                          12 noon • Lunch & Orientation
                                                                          12:30 pm • CJA Annual General Meeting
                                                                          1:30 pm • Judging
                                                                                   (individual competition – written reasons)
                                                                          2:00 pm • Team Grooming
                                                                          5:30 pm • Supper & Extravaganza

                                                                          Thursday, July 28, 2022
                                                                          9:00 am • Showmanship
                                                                          11:00–4:00 pm • Print Marketing
                                                                          1:00–4:00 pm • Sales Talk
                                                                          12 noon • Public Speaking
                                                                          2:00 pm • Judging
                                                                                   (must qualify from individual competition)
                                                                          6:00 pm • Cook-off & BBQ

                                                                          Friday, July 29, 2022
 For up-to-date Showdown information, please visit
                                                                          9:00 am • Conformation Classes
  The Canadian Angus Foundation will provide travel and trucking
                                                                          5:00 pm • Banquet, Awards Presentations,
 bursaries to attend Showdown as well as significant cash prizes and                Auction & Dance
  scholarships for the Aggregate Winners. There will also be three
draws made for vouchers to purchase Angus females—one at $3,000
and two at $2,000. All exhibitors will automatically be entered to win!
  Visit the Canadian Angus Foundation website at
 www.cdnangus.ca/foundation for more information
            and to apply for the bursaries.

                        Naomi Best • President/Manitoba Director: 204-851-7233
   JOIN US ON SOCIAL     Wagner
                     MEDIA!         •#cdnangusCONV
                            #cdnangus Coordinator: 306-537-1518 or bwagner@cdnangus.ca                                   17
                                                17        Bienvenue de l'Association Maritime Angus

                                                18        Programme des événements

                                                19        Ordre du jour de l'assemblée générale annuelle

                                                20        Descriptions des sessions éducatives

                                                24        Excursions


                                                                     Merci à DLMS et Cattlevids pour le tournage et la
                                                                     diffusion en direct des sessions à la Convention.

  Avis de tournage et de photographie : lorsque vous assistez à cet événement, vous entrez dans une zone où la photographie, l'enregistrement audio
   et vidéo peuvent avoir lieu. En entrant dans les locaux de l'événement, vous consentez à ce support d'enregistrement et à sa diffusion, publication,
 exposition ou reproduction. Si vous avez des préoccupations, veuillez communiquer avec un membre du personnel de l'Association canadienne Angus.

18                                                                                     NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
Mot de bienvenue
                                      du président
                                     Bienvenue au Congrès national de Canadian Angus 2022 dans les Maritimes. Je suis heu-
                                     reux d'avoir l'occasion de rencontrer les membres en personne et de faire l'expérience de la
                                     célèbre hospitalité des Maritimes. Cette convention nous offre des occasions d'apprendre,
                                     de nous divertir, de faire du tourisme et de créer des liens. Au cours des prochains jours,
                                     nous aurons de nombreuses occasions de bénéficier de l'enseignement des leaders de l'in-
        dustrie, de renouer des amitiés et de créer de nouveaux liens, de goûter aux fruits de mer frais de l'Atlantique et de
        découvrir certains des plus beaux paysages que les Maritimes ont à offrir.

        Nos conférenciers couvriront tous les aspects de notre activité, de la ferme à l'assiette, en abordant le pâturage et l'al-
        imentation pour une croissance optimale, les initiatives de recherche actuelles, les applications actuelles et futures de
        la technologie pour les éleveurs de bovins ainsi qu'au niveau des détaillants et des consommateurs, et en examinant la
        demande de bœuf des consommateurs, aujourd'hui et à l'avenir. Et pour ceux qui peuvent rester une journée de plus, la
        PEI Angus Association a mis sur pied une excellente occasion de traverser le pont de la Confédération et de faire l'expéri-
        ence d'un mélange de visites de fermes et d'arrêts aux différentes attractions de l'île.

        La vente aux enchères de levée de fonds de l'événement Building the Legacy de la Fondation Canadian Angus est de re-
        tour en tant qu'événement en direct avec plus de 70 lots d'animaux, de génétique, d'œuvres d'art et d'expériences. Des
        efforts considérables ont été déployés pour rassembler les offres de la vente, alors n'hésitez pas à consulter le catalogue
        à l'avance et à venir soutenir notre Fondation samedi soir.

        Je vous remercie de m'avoir élu président et je vous souhaite une agréable visite tout au long de notre premier congrès
        national en présence des membres dans trois ans.

                                      à la 2022 Convention
                                      nationale de l'Angus
                                     Qui aurait cru, lorsque nous avons commencé à planifier cet événement en 2019, que nous
                                     aurions attendu trois ans pour que ce congrès ait lieu! Nous pouvons tous apprécier la com-
                                     plexité de la planification d'un événement (ou de la tentative de planification d'un événe-
                                     ment) au cours des dernières années. Je suis donc très heureuse que vous vous joignez à
                                     nous ici à Moncton, au Nouveau-Brunswick, cette semaine.

       L'événement a été soigneusement conçu avec l'équipe d'Angus Central dirigée par Carmen pour être une combinaison
       équilibrée de formation, de réseautage et de perspectives commerciales ! Vous pouvez consulter tous les détails des
       événements dans le programme de la conférence, donc je ne les détaillerai pas ici, mais jetez-y un coup d'œil et profitez-en
       pour participer activement.

       La communauté Angus, qui représente la plus grande race bovine au Canada, a toujours été un groupe accueillant pour
       moi, peu importe où je me trouve dans le pays ou dans le monde. Je vous encourage à élargir vos relations cette semaine
       (même si nous n'avons plus l'habitude), à vous présenter et à entamer une conversation avec quelqu'un que vous ne con-
       naissez pas. Il y a de fortes chances que vous ayez quelque chose en commun.

       Au nom des membres du conseil d'administration, Tim Dixon, Bev McMurtrie, Catherine Manning, James Ells, Patrick
       Holland et Ronnie Ford, je remercie chacun d'entre vous d'avoir pris le temps, malgré vos horaires chargés, de faire le
       déplacement jusqu'à Moncton, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Nous sommes convaincus que chacun d'entre vous apprendra
       quelque chose de nouveau, rencontrera quelqu'un de nouveau et vivra une nouvelle expérience. Profitez-en et bienvenue
       dans les Maritimes!

                                                                                                           Amy Higgins, présidente

JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! #cdnangus #cdnangusCONV                                                                                      19
MERCREDI       Ouverture des inscriptions                                             14 h 00
                                            LE 8 JUIN
        * sous réserve de modifications*                  Mezzanine, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                                          Fin des inscriptions                                                   16 h 30
                                                          Mezzanine, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                                          Activité sociale optionnelle, avec Shediac Bay Cruises                 17 h 00
                                                          Départ de l'hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                                          Fin de l'activité sociale optionnelle                                  21 h 00
                                                          Retour à l'hôtel Delta Marriott Beausejour

                                                          Suite d'hospitalité, organisée par la Maritime Angus Association 21 h 30
                                                          Petitcodiac, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                            LE 9 JUIN Départ  de la visite optionnelle                                            8 h 45
Programme de la

                                                      Ramassage à l'hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                                          Ouverture des inscriptions                                             14 h 00
                                                          Mezzanine, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beauséjour

                                                          Retour de la visite optionnelle                                        16 h 00
                                                          Retour à l'hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                                          Fermeture des inscriptions                                             17 h 00
                                                          Mezzanine, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                                          Réception du président                                                 17 h 00
2022convention nationale

                                                          Tide and Boar, 700, rue Main, Moncton, NB, à proximité de l'hôtel.

                                                          Fin de la réception du président                                       21 h 00
                                                          Tide and Boar

                                                          Suite d'hospitalité, organisée par la Maritime Angus Association 21 h 30
                                                          Petitcodiac, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                           VENDREDI Ouverture des inscriptions Mezzanine                                          7 h 00
                                           LE 10 JUIN Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Petit-déjeuner Salle de bal BC                                  7 h 30 – 8 h 30
                                                          Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          La science et la technologie                                            8 h 30
                                                          derrière Canadian Angus
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Marriott Beauséjour, Delta Hotels
                                                          Efforts de gestion des fourrages                                        9 h 30
                                                          et des pâturages au Canada
                                                          Salle Ballroom BC, Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour Hotel
                                                          Pause café Mezzanine                                                   10 h 30
                                                          Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Supplémentation en matières grasses dans les                           11 h 00
                                                          régimes alimentaires des bovins de boucherie
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Dîner                                                         12 h 00 – 13 h 30
                                                          Salle de bal BCHôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Le passé, le présent et l'avenir                                       13 h 30
                                                          de la technologie génétique
                                                          Salle de bal C.-B., hôtels Delta, hôtel Marriott Beauséjour
   20                                                                                 NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
VENDREDI        Bœuf du Canada : Aperçu des programmes,                                 14 h 30
                                           LE 10 JUIN

       * sous réserve de modifications*
                                                           des services et des initiatives spécifiques
                                                           Salle de bal C.-B., Hôtel Marriott Beauséjour, Hôtels Delta
                                                           Pause café Mezzanine                                                    15 h 15
                                                           Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                           Dans cette période de défi,                                             15 h 45
                                                           le bœuf est-il toujours à la mode ?
                                                           Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                           Souper Événement social                                                 17 h 00
                                                           McSweeney's Dinner Theatre, 700 Main St, Moncton, NB,
                                                           à distance de marche de l'hôtel
                                                           Suite d'hospitalité, organisée par la Maritime Angus Association 21 h 30
Programme de la

                                                           Petitcodiac, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                           LE 11 JUIN Remise des cartes de vote pour l'AGA                                 7 h 30 – 9 h 00
                                                          Mezzanine, Hôtels Delta Marriott Beauséjour
                                                          Petit-déjeuner                                                         8h-9h
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          AGA de la CAA et CFA                                                     9 h 00
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Pause café                                                              10 h 15
                                                          Mezzanine, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
2022convention nationale

                                                          AGA de la CAF et CAA                                                    10 h 45
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Dîner                                                          11 h 45 – 13 h 00
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Compétition l'ambassadeur                                               13 h 00
                                                          Angus junior canadien
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtels Delta Hôtel Marriott Beauséjour
                                                          Pause café                                                              14 h 30
                                                          Mezzanine, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          La gestion des pâturages                                                15 h 00
                                                          dans un climat changeant
                                                          Salle de bal BC, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Réception du banquet du congrès national Cocktails 16 h 30
                                                          Mezzanine A, Hôtel Marriott Beauséjour des Hôtels Delta
                                                          Souper du banquet de la convention nationale                            17 h 30
                                                          Salle de bal, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Remise des prix de la convention nationale                              19 h 00
                                                          Salle de bal, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Encan de levée de fonds                                                 20 h 00
                                                          au profit de Building the Legacy 10
                                                          Salle de bal, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour
                                                          Suite d'hospitalité, organisée par la Maritime Angus Association 21 h 30
                                                          Petitcodiac, Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

                                          DIMANCHE La visite optionnelle                                                 10 h 00 – 20 h 00
                                           LE 12 JUIN Hôtel Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour

    JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! #cdnangus #cdnangusCONV                                                                                         21
Ordre du jour
115e Assemblée générale annuelle

     Samedi le 11 juin 2022
     Delta Hotels Marriott Beausejour | Moncton, NB
     Les cartes de vote pourront être ramassées à la table d'inscription sur place samedi le 11 juin de 7h30
     à 9h00 seulement. Les entrées tardives sont autorisées mais les cartes de vote ne pourront pas être
     remises après 9h00.

     Ordre du jour de la 115e assemblée générale annuelle de la Canadian Angus Association
       1.    Rappel à l'ordre—Président Sheldon Kyle
       2.    Présentation des directeurs canadiens, des représentants régionaux et des visiteurs—Sheldon Kyle
       3.    Rapport du Canadian Junior Angus—Présidente du CJA Naomi Best
       4.    Hommage aux membres et associés décédés—Sheldon Kyle
       5.    Révision et approbation des procès-verbaux des assemblées générales annuelles de 2019, 2020 et
             2021—Sheldon Kyle
       6.    Rapport du président—Sheldon Kyle
       7.    Rapport sur les états financiers vérifiés (au 31 décembre 2021)—PDG Myles Immerkar
       8.    Faits importants de 2021—Myles Immerkar
       9.    Date et lieu du congrès national de 2023—Chad Hollinger, président de la Saskatchewan Angus
       10.   Nouvelles affaires/recommandations de l'assemblée—Sheldon Kyle
       11.   Reconnaissance des présidents honoraires—Sheldon Kyle
       12.   Reconnaissance des anciens présidents—ancien président Shawn Birmingham
       13.   Présentation du nouveau président élu—Graham McLean.
       14.   Ajournement—Sheldon Kyle

     Assemblée générale annuelle de la Fondation Canadian Angus
       1.    Ouverture de la séance—Tammi Ribey, présidente
       2.    Rapport de la présidente—Tammi Ribey
       3.    Présentation des directeurs—Tammi Ribey
       4.    Révision et approbation du procès—verbal de l'assemblée générale annuelle 2019—Tammi Ribey
       5.    Révision et approbation des états financiers de 2021—Belinda Wagner, directrice exécutive
       6.    Reconnaissance des donateurs de 2021—Tammi Ribey
       7.    Nomination des directeurs—Tammi Ribey
       8.    Reconnaissance des directeurs sortants—Tammi Ribey
       9.    Affaires nouvelles—Tammi Ribey
       10.   Présentation des prix—Tammi Ribey
       11.   Ajournement—Tammi Ribey

22                                                                 NETWORK: Delta_Conference | Password: delta123
Descriptions des
                  événements et des sessions
Mercredi le 08 juin
17 h - Activité sociale en soirée à la croisière Lobster Tales dans la baie
de Shediac (N.-B.)
L'expérience du homard dans son intégralité !
Découvrez le secret le mieux gardé du Canada atlantique grâce à cette croisière
interactive sur le thème du homard. Une expérience culinaire inoubliable vous attend
pendant que vous naviguez sur les eaux tempérées de la baie de Shediac. Votre guide
vous montrera comment faire craquer et manger un délicieux homard fraîchement cuit,            Kajal Devani
tout en chatouillant vos sensations gustatives. Ensuite, détendez-vous et savourez un          Kajal dirige les projets de recherche
festin de pêcheur, accompagné d'une boisson fraîche, tout en admirant le paysage et            de l'Association et gère le programme
en faisant l'expérience de l'hospitalité pour laquelle les Acadiens sont si célèbres. Après    de performance par une évaluation
le souper, profitez des douces brises sur notre spacieux pont supérieur et admirez la          génétique des animaux reproducteurs
beauté des paysages de la côte Est en écoutant de la musique acadienne traditionnelle.         de Canadian Angus. En tant que
                         Croisières dans la baie de Shediac : www.shediacbaycruises.ca         généticienne de l'Association, elle
                                                                                               surveille les conditions génétiques et
Jeudi le 9 juin                                                                                conseille les membres de l'Association
17 h - Réception du président                                                                  sur l'application des outils génétiques
Joignez-vous aux membres du conseil d'administration de l'Association Canadian Angus           pour équilibrer et optimiser la santé des
et aux représentants de vos associations Angus régionales au Tide & Boar Gastropub,            troupeaux et les gains économiques.
un pub primé qui a été nommé l'un des 50 meilleurs restaurants du Canada par le                Kajal est titulaire d'une maîtrise
magazine Mclean's, l'un des bars préférés du Canada par Enroute d'Air Canada et qui a          en génétique animale quantitative
été présenté dans l'émission You Gotta Eat Here du Food Network.                               de l'Université de l'Alberta et d'un
Il ne s'agit pas d'un dîner officiel, mais d'une dégustation avec suffisamment de délicieux    doctorat dans le même domaine de
amuse-gueules pour vous combler pendant que vous vous réunirez avec d'autres                   l'Université de Calgary. Élevée au Kenya
amateurs d'Angus de partout au pays. Venez goûter au menu typique des Maritimes,               dans une exploitation de type mixte,
avec des produits saisonniers, frais et locaux, dans votre assiette et dans votre verre.       Kajal est passionnée par la génétique
Aidez-nous à rendre hommage au président Sheldon Kyle et à célébrer la fin de son              et par sa capacité à améliorer la
mandat avec style !                                                                            production à deux égards : la réussite
Attendez-vous à un événement inoubliable et profitez de la véritable hospitalité des           des agriculteurs et des éleveurs et une
Maritimes au cœur du centre-ville de Moncton.                                                  expérience culinaire mémorable pour
                                                                                               le consommateur de viande bovine.
Vendredi le 10 juin                                                                            Kajal reconnaît que notre activité,
8 h 30 - Salle de bal BC                                                                       même dans sa dimension la plus
La science et la technologie derrière Canadian Angus                                           scientifique, est une activité humaine
Une mise à jour sur les initiatives de recherche de Canadian Angus, notamment le projet        et s'engage à créer de la valeur à tous
de haute résistance immunitaire, le projet de formation à l'IA par caméra en partenariat       les niveaux pour chaque membre.
avec OneCup IA, le projet de fertilité des femelles, le projet de longévité des femelles et
le projet de fertilité des mâles.
                  Présentateur : Kajal Devani, directrice des sciences et de la technologie,
                                                               Canadian Angus Association
                            Cedric MacLeod, MSc., PAg
                            Cedric a grandi dans le comté de Carleton, au Nouveau-Brunswick, où il a travaillé dans l'entreprise familiale
                            de construction en béton. Il a développé un amour précoce pour l'agriculture grâce aux encouragements de
                            son père et à ses nombreux emplois en construction dans le domaine agricole. Le désir de relever les défis de
                            la santé et de la conservation des sols dans la ceinture de pommes de terre du Nouveau-Brunswick a amené
                            Cedric à obtenir un baccalauréat en sciences du Collège d'agriculture de la Nouvelle-Écosse et une maîtrise du
                            département de la science des sols de l'Université du Manitoba.
                            Le début de sa carrière l'a plongé dans le domaine de la gestion des gaz à effet de serre en agriculture, où il
                            a dirigé ou contribué à l'élaboration de nombreux protocoles canadiens et internationaux de quantification
                            des GES dans les secteurs de l'élevage et des cultures. Plus récemment, Cedric, dans le cadre de son travail
                            avec la Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, a soutenu le développement du tout premier protocole de
                            quantification des GES des prairies approuvé pour le secteur canadien des fourrages.
                            Cedric exploite une entreprise de production de bovins d'élevage et de cultures annuelles à Centreville, au
                            Nouveau-Brunswick, avec sa femme Alanda et son fils Kalen.

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