Page created by Bruce Saunders
Volume XXVII, Issue 6 • November-December 2021

The Official Magazine For Owners Of Heritage, Eagle, Dream, Tradition, Allegiance, Limited, Revolution & Patriot Motor Coaches

                                                2022 ACA NATIONAL RALLY
                                           2022 AMERICAN COACH MODELS
                                        SECRETARY & TREASURER ELECTION

                           AN ISLAND DREAM
                                      ~ featuring the exclusive ~
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                                                                                      Kitchen island with wine chiller
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                                                                                       Workstation or breakfast bar for two
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Additional high-end appointments in the kitchen include quartz countertops,
two wireless charging stations, an optional drawer style dishwasher and solid
hand-made cabinetry with slow close full-extension drawers.
                                                                                       Dinner party for four

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                        or shop by your specific coach model only at
ACA Across America
    ACA NATIONAL MAGAZINE:                                                  Membership Services:                                              ELECTED OFFICERS:
    Editor - Jim Dee                                                        ACA National Membership Chair -
    865-740-4569                                                            Dwayla Andersen Carr                                              President - Pat Adams
    jdee@myamericancoach.com                                                American Coach Association,                                       951-741-0673 Cell
                                                                            PO Box 2428 #24502, Pensacola, FL 32513                           padams@myamericancoach.com
    Advertising Coordinator - Bob Frank
    407-506-2801 Cell
                                                                            membership@myamericancoach.com                                    Vice President - Claudia Rutherford
                                                                                                                                              267-228-6143 Cell
    Design & Production - Print Group Inc.                                  ACA National Web Site:                                            crutherford@myamericancoach.com
    1440 W. Skyline Ave., Ozark, MO 65721                                   Chairman - Doug Thompson
    417-581-7651                                                            727-709-0218                                                      Secretary - Susan Rose
    www.printgroupinc.com                                                   webguy@myamericancoach.com                                        626-523-1148 Cell
    rdavis@printgroupinc.com                                                                                                                  sjrose@myamericancoach.com
                                                                            ACA National New Member Ambassador:
    ACA Magazine - ©2021                                                    Chairwoman - Debbie Darby                                         Treasurer - Alberto Rivera
    Volume XXVII, Issue 6                                                   805-469-2796
    November-December                                                                                                                         361-960-0344 Cell
                                                                            ddarby@myamericancoach.com                                        arivera@myamericancoach.com
                                                                            ACA National By-Laws & Policy:
                                                                            Chairwoman - Pat Adams                                            CHAPTER PRESIDENTS:
                                                                            951-741-0673 Cell                                                 Great Lakes - Jerry Pickett
                                                                                                                                              708-205-8142 Cell
                                                                            ACA Scholarship Foundation:                                       JPickett@myamericancoach.com
    The ACA Across America Magazine (USPS 025-025) is published             Chairwoman - Claudia Rutherford                                   Missouri Valley - Gary Park
    bi-monthly by the American Coach Association, Publication Depart-       267-228-6143 Cell
    ment, ACA, 428 Childers Street #24502, Pensacola, FL 32534-             crutherford@myamericancoach.com                                   515-537-7986 Cell
    9630 (708) 987-7102, and is funded in part by annual membership                                                                           gpark@myamericancoach.com
    dues and paid advertisements. Membership dues are $45 per year.         ACA National Rally Guidelines:
    Membership in the American Coach Association is open to owners                                                                            Western Regional - Bob Clapper
    of American Coach motor coaches only – Heritage, Eagle, Dream,          Chairwoman - Pat Adams
                                                                            951-741-0673 Cell                                                 bob.clapper@myamericancoach.com
    Tradition, Allegiance, Limited, Revolution and Patriot.
                                                                            padams@myamericancoach.com                                        Northeast - Michael Tanger
    Periodicals Postage Paid at Pensacola, FL, and at additional
    mailing offices.                                                        ACA National Historian:                                           717-566-5555 Cell
                                                                            Chairwoman - Ann Beadel                                           mtanger@myamericancoach.com
    Send address changes to ACA Across America Magazine                     325-646-5104/325-998-0431 Cell
                                                                                                                                              South Central - Todd Boorman
    428 Childers Street #24502, Pensacola, FL 32534-9630                    abeadel@myamericancoach.com
                                                                                                                                              951-452-9514 Cell
    ACA Across America contains advertisements and Articles which           ACA National Legal Advisor:                                       TBoorman@myamericancoach.com
    may be of interest to members and the general public. The
    appearance of any advertisement for products or services in this        Chairman - Scott Rose
                                                                            626-523-2863                                                      Southeast - Terry Moorefield
    publication shall not be deemed an endorsement by the ACA, its
    Officers/Board or individual members. ACA reserves the right to         srose@myamericancoach.com                                         336-768-8504 Cell
    reject or accept, including editing for reasons of space and clarity,                                                                     tmoorefield@myamericancoach.com
    letters to the editor, chapter news or articles. Statements of fact     REV Liaison:
    and opinion are the sole responsibility of the author(s), alone,
                                                                            Tony Ford                                                         Mid-Atlantic States - Bob Carani
    and do not imply an opinion on the part of the Board/Officers of
    the ACA, its members, the Editor, or Production Staff. All items        702-540-0319                                                      708-987-7102 Cell
    published become property of ACA and will not be returned.              tford@myamericancoach.com                                         bcarani@myamericancoach.com

     Publication Title: ACA Across America
     Extent and Nature of Circulation: Nationwide
                                                                            Average No Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months   No Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date
     Mailed Outside-County Paid Subscriptions                               780                                                       764
     Paid Distribution outside the USPS                                     190                                                       170
     Paid Distribution by Other Classes of Mail Through the USPS            15                                                        14
     Total Paid Distribution                                                985                                                       948
     Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail               21                                                        9
     Total Distribution                                                     1006                                                      957
     Total                                                                  1006                                                      957
     Percent Paid                                                           98%                                                       99%

November-December 2021, Volume XXVII, Issue 6              [ Contents ]
                                                            5        President’s Letter
                                                            6        Vice President’s Letter
                                                                     ACA Scholarship
                                                            8        Letter from the Editor
                                                            9        Nominating Committee Report
                                                       10-16         Chapter News
                                                       17-19         Introducing A.C. Models
                                                       20-21         National Rally Info & Form
                                                       23-25         Tech Tips #123
                                                          26         Tips & Tricks
  On The Cover -
  Trail Ridge Road,                                       27         Hello from Deb Stapel
  Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
                                                       28-31         The Roving Wrencher - Part 1
  © William Horton, William Horton Photography
                                                          32         Rally Schedule
                                                          33         Upcoming Rally Details
ACA mailing address:

American Coach Association                                34         Chapter Directory
PO Box 2428 #24502
Pensacola, FL 32513                                       35         Membership Services
www.myamericancoach.com                                   36         Chapter Registration Form

Other links:

                                                                                    [ Advertisers ]
 American Coach             Classic Coach Works    General RV Center                   Olde Beau Luxury
 Ask RV Debbie              Coach Reflections      Girard Systems                       Motorcoach Resort
 Auto-Motion Shade          Cruising America       Heritage Motorcoach                 RV World - Yuma
 Campbell Group, The        Freightliner            Resort & Marina                    Summit Products

                                                                AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   3

                             When you own a luxury motorcoach that displays this emblem,
                             you know you’re getting the premium RV driving experience.
                             At Freightliner Custom Chassis, we developed UltraSteer as the first
                             line of tag axles that are fully-integrated and precision-tuned to
                             react to turns and other maneuvers of the coach.

    When used with FCCC’s ZF IFS front suspension and compared to a competitor’s
    chassis (on a fixed tag), UltraSteer delivers up to 17% reduction in curb-to-curb
    turning radius— the tightest turns in the industry. And, because the rear tires         REDUCTION
    follow the ideal 12º turning path, UltraSteer eliminates costly “tire scrub” wear.       RADIUS

                          UltraSteer is available with a straight beam axle suspension (B Series),
                          or with independent suspension (I Series). In both cases, you can
                          be proud to drive a luxury RV that shares a heritage of engineering
                          excellence with Mercedes-Benz and the entire Daimler Family.

                          Look for the UltraSteer emblem on your next premium coach.


[ President’s Letter ]
It doesn’t seem possible that I am writing this      Over the last few weeks, I’ve been following the
article for the November/December edition of         American Coach RV Owner’s Forum on Face
our magazine. Here in California, it is still very   Book (FB). I have noticed that several American
HOT. We narrowly escaped a recent fire near          Coach owners post different issues, questions,
our home, sadly someone from our American            etc., on this FB; however, they are not necessar-
Coach Association lost their home in a North-        ily an ACA member. I have been posting our
ern California fire. We are hopeful they will be     website as a REPLY to their post in hopes to
able to replace their home soon and wish them        capture more interest in our association. If you
nothing but the best in this recovery period.        have any other ideas on increasing membership,
                                                     please let me or your local Chapter President
Recently the ACA Board discussed with REV            know.
Group the idea of resurrecting a display booth
at future RV shows. In the past the ACA had an       Our membership survey has been distributed
information booth near the American Coaches          and the results are being tallied as I write this
being displayed. This gave ACA the exposure to       article. I sure hope we gather some good infor-
future owners and allow an opportunity to ex-        mation. Once the tabulation is complete, I will
plain our association. Somewhere along the way       discuss with the ACA Board and will share with
we stopped doing this activity. REV Marketing        our membership what we have learned from
is all for the idea and has been very helpful in     your responses.
assisting us in recreating this idea. We hope to
have our first opportunity at the Tampa Super        Lastly, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday
Show in January 2022. Our Vice President,            season and stay safe and healthy. Please feel free
Claudia Rutherford is taking the lead on this        to contact me personally if you have any ques-
idea. We hope this will increase membership          tions or concerns.
even if ever so slightly.
                                                     Continue to travel safely and enjoy your Ameri-
                                                     can Coach.
                                                     Patricia (PAT) Adams
                                                     National President

                                                                AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   5
[ Vice President’s Letter ]                        ACA Scholarship
    Very hard to believe that as you read this issue   First off I need to offer my apologies to Kathy and
    of our magazine we will be getting ready for the   Dan DeWolf, the REAL winners of the 50/50
    holiday season! I am enjoying my new role as       Scholarship raffle at the Granby National Rally.
    National VP and representing all of you.           I’m not familiar yet with many members from the
    I enjoy brain storming with President Pat Ad-      opposite coast, and somehow I wrote down the
    ams, and as a result we have come up with a        wrong winner! The DeWolf ’s were first-timers and
                                                       graciously donated half their winnings back to the
    new plan…or resurrecting an old project!
                                                       foundation. Thank you both.
    In talking with Don Gephart, the REV Director
    of Marketing, we have decided to have owner
                                                       I’d like to thank the Great Lakes Chapter for host-
    representation at the major RV trade shows.        ing their regional rally at Hearthside, Lake Erie in
    We will be working on our first “show” at the      August. Not only was it a great rally, for me person-
    Tampa RV Show. SE has part of their regional       ally we were able to add $256 to the ACA Scholar-
    rally AT the show grounds, should be easy and      ship Fund! Our grand winner, Linda Pickett, wife
    fun to get volunteers to man the booth at the      of GL president, Jerry, also donated most of her
    REV display. Watch for more details as the         winnings back to the fund!! Without the generos-
    time draws closer. This is just an example of      ity of our members this fund could not continue!
    what we are trying to do to increase our mem-      It’s almost time to get the applications out to the
    bership and keep our current members active        seniors to apply for our scholarship. Cannot believe
    and having fun. If you have any ideas please       I just wrote that, but yes, time is flying by that fast!
    share them with us, or any board members!          We award up to ten scholarships each year. And
                                                       remember, these are children or grandchildren of
    I’d like to wish each of our members a wonder-     REV employees, the folks who build and take care
                                                       of our coaches.
    ful holiday season, Enjoy time with family and
    friends. Hopefully this year we will be able to
                                                       You can donate to the fund personally, or your
    travel more freely and safely!
                                                       chapter can get highly creative with fund raising
                                                       ideas. I have plenty of tickets to share for raffles! All
    Remember, keep your eyes open because you          donations are tax deductible! Reach out to me if
    never know who you will meet along the way!        you would like more info, donations can be sent to
                                                       American Coach Association Scholarship Founda-
    Thank you as always for                            tion, PO Box 24502, Pensacola, FL 32513.
    putting your trust in me,
    Claudia Rutherford,                                          Thank you for your continued support
    National VP                                                  of our foundation, when you are at REV
                                                                 look for pictures of the kids, and remem-
                                                                 ber you helped to send them to college!

                                                                 Claudia Rutherford
                                                                 ACA Scholarship President

[ From the Editor ]
    The leadership has agreed to move the magazine production schedule ~week to the left in hopes of having each edi-
    tion in member hands not later than 10-days at the beginning of each bimonthly edition. In addition to improved
    delivery, be watching for the results of the recent member survey. Winegard Company is set to unveil 5G connectiv-
    ity for the RV World - Air 360+ 5G Smart Antenna array is leading the charge to enable the future of the Smart RV
    for the first of its kind connectivity solution for RVs coming as soon as Q4 of 2021. The Winegard Air 360+ is set to
    debut with the novel 5G network and smart antenna beamforming technology for best-in-class performance, all in
    an easy to install package.
    Fire safety is on the minds of every operator, so, “What Smoke Detectors Are Good for RVs?”, RV Magazine,
    8/19/2021 – Use a dual-purpose ionization and photoelectric detector or one of each to alert you to different fire
    sources. Power sources are either battery-operated or hardwired and either is fine. Lights and sound are great when in
    the dark and asleep. Look for the UL stamp of approval which means your detector is reliable. Detectors with smart
    technologies can alert your smartphone app when somethings up. Good choices are First Alert FG250RV, and it
    pairs with BRK Z-Combo G for excellent protection, or Kidde Dual-Purpose Pi9010.
    A word about fire extinguishers – Do you know how to operate your RV extinguisher in an
    emergency?. My friend owns a fire inspection and service company, and an A-B-C Extin-
    guisher is a smart choice. Remember the word PASS –
    P = Pull the pin. Hold the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing away from you and release
    the locking mechanism.
    A = Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
    S = Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.                              Happy and safe travels,
    S = Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side.                               Jim Dee
    For more information go to NFPA.org                                   Editor, Across America

Nominating Committee Report for 2022 Elections
Nominating Committee Chairperson Claudia Rutherford, on behalf of the Nominating committee, com-
posed of all ACA Chapter Presidents or their appointed designates, has submitted an initial slate of candi-
dates for the offices of National Secretary and Treasurer, to commence in 2022.

National Secretary: Susan Rose, currently serving in this position.

National Treasurer: Alberto Rivera, currently serving in this position

The following excerpts from the ACA bylaws as they pertain- the full document is online and available to
all current members. If other members are interested in becoming a candidate, they can do so by carefully
following Article 8.3 below.

7.1 The officers of the ACA shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, each
of who shall hold office for a two (2) year term, which shall terminate upon the election of a qualified suc-
cessor. Officers may be re-elected to a new term except as provided in 7.2. 7.2 No member may serve more
than two (2) two (2) year term(s) as President of the ACA.A Vice President who succeeds to an unexpired
term of the President under the terms of Section 6.4 hereinabove may also serve a separate two (2) year
term as President.

8.1 The ACA shall conduct an annual election of officers, for a biennial term, in the spring of each calendar
year. The President and Vice President shall be elected in odd numbered years and the Secretary and Trea-
surer, elected in even numbered years. The terms of office for the newly elected officers shall commence at
the closing banquet at the Spring National Rally. If there are more or less than two (2) National Rallies in a
year, the Board of Directors shall establish the schedule for the elected officers to commence their terms.

8.3 The Nominating Committee Chairman shall submit a slate of candidates to the President at the final
Board of Directors meeting of the Fall National Rally as stipulated in the bylaws
and it will be published in the November-December issue of the ACA Magazine. Other members that
qualify according to Article 8.2 may be nominated by a minimum of five (5) regular members. The name
of each nominee and the five (5) regular members who are proposing the nominee, along with a writ-
ten statement from the nominee that he or she is willing to serve if elected, will be submitted to the ACA
Secretary no later than December 1. Each nominee should submit a resume of no more than 200 words
with a picture to the ACA Secretary by December 1. The ACA Secretary will provide the Magazine Editor
with all proposed nominees’ names, along with available pictures and resumes, for inclusion in the January-
February magazine. If there are more or less than two (2) National Rallies in a year, the Board of Directors
shall establish the schedule for receiving and publishing nominations. The Chairperson of the Nominating
Committee shall continue on as the Election/Ballot chairperson.

When nominees for elected office have no opposition, voting by mail or electronic ballot will NOT be
required. The Board of Directors through voice vote shall declare the nominees elected by affirmation.

                                                                      AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   9
[ Chapter News ]
                                                               From there we will be caravanning to the fairgrounds
        Southeast                                              for the Tampa Super Show. The Super Show is so
                                                               much fun and a relaxing time camping with friends.
     Hello Everyone!                                           As a Bonus, Deb Merritt will be at both Lazydays and
     As the summer season is turning to autumn and folks       the Tampa Super Show to help us with our American
     are starting to travel back home or southbound as snow-   Coaches! Please contact Deb directly for membership
     birds, we hope y’all had lots of memorable adventures.    and/or appointments Debbie@askrvdebbie.com
     We would like to congratulate one of our Southeast
                                                               American Coach Association and REV are working
     members, Martin Mancuso trading for a newer and
                                                               together on a new program greeting potential buyers
     bigger American Coach. We’re quite sure he and Sandra     and explaining American Coach Association club at
     will enjoy traveling in it.                               the Tampa Show. REV has chosen Southeast Chapter
                                                               as their pilot program. We are
     Southeast has 3 Rallies scheduled:                        looking for volunteers to be at
     Punta Gorda, FL @ beautiful Creekside RV Resort,          the REV display area as ambas-
     December 2nd - 6th 2021                                   sadors for American Coach As-
     Please register on website http://wwwsoutheastaca.net     sociation. Details coming soon.

     Lazydays Regional in Seffner FL, January 15th - 18th      SAFE TRAVELS
     2022. Please contact Lazydays directly to register for    TO EVERYONE!
     this rally.                                               Terry aka: Muffin Moorefield
                                                               President, Southeast Chapter

[ Chapter News ]
 Western Regional
HI from the Chula Vista, California where we         Monday games mid-day, that evening everyone
just finished cleaning-up from a fantastic West-     brought their own meat to grill and appetiz-
ern Regional Chapter Rally. It was a fun time        ers to share. We had 48 pieces of corn on the
at the brand-new Sun Outdoors San Diego Bay          cob. It was great fun. We had more food than
RV Resort. The resort is fantastic, sites are all    we knew what to do with and had the Monday
large and clean. The buildings are large with        night football game on TV.
plenty of amenities, food was good, and the
people were very helpful and welcoming. The          We can’t wait to go to the next Western Region-
weather was a bit cool, but that was a welcome       al Chapter rally next month October in Camp
change for most that are about done with the         Verde, AZ. Then it will be time park the rig for
hot summer weather. We had 19 American               the holiday season. The next opportunity to
coaches and 3 S.O.B. rigs. We had 40 adults          meet up with the group will be February 2022
about 9 children.                                    for the No-Rain Rally in Wildomar, CA.

We kicked it off with a meet and greet social        We and several others from the chapter are al-
Friday night at our campsite. Quite a bit of         ready signed-up for the National Rally in Cape
Pickleball was played each morning.                  Hatteras, NC next May. We are planning for
                                                     the rolling rally from the west coast to the east
Saturday mid-day 26 of us participated in a          coast. Discussion was had about possibly start-
paint and sip event at the resort. I must say we     ing in Pismo Beach, California where we can
have some pretty good artists in the group, for      dip our toes in the Pacific Ocean and then head
which I am not one of. But we all had a blast.       east to do the same in the Atlantic.
Followed by a Taco bar dinner at the resort.
                                                     By the time we write the next letter we should
Sunday was a site seeing day for most. In the        all be enjoying the holidays with our families
evening we all gathered on the sky deck over-        and friends! Best wishes!
looking San Diego Bay and enjoyed great ap-
petizers, drinks, socializing and watched football   Travel safe,
together. We had a sunset planned but the cloud      Bob Clapper
cover didn’t cooperate!                              President, Western
                                                     Regional Chapter

                                                                AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   11
[Great  Lakes
                  Chapter News ]
               I can’t believe it’s already the end of the
          northern states camping season How
  t Lakestime
                s al
                    Great Lakes
                flys. Hope all the ACA
          ve it’ well.  ad y th e en d of the
                                              family is
 n’t beliedoing                       How                        on
  hern stat             es camping seas
                    Great Lakese ACA family is
 e flys. HAs        Iop     eI write
                                all th this article, I am at the last
                                  believe it’s already the end of the northern states
  ng well.GLC       camping       rallyseason  for How the season.
                                                                 time flys. Hope      Thisall       ourACA
                                                                                                isthe       “nofam-
                    ily is doing  rally.        IA
                                            ,well.am   chance
                                                          at the latostvisit with our
   I write this article                                                   our “n       o off to their
                   GLC    r thefamilyseason         before
                                                       . This is     folks         head
  C rally fo                                                                    r theGLC
                       A andestinations.
                    As Ich     writece   this        visit wIith
                                                toarticle,           am Aou  atbig      last GLC thank rally for the
   s” rally.season.                 This        is  our      ad
                                                            “no     of  f
                                                                    frills”to    th ei
                                                                                rally.  r A  chance     to visit with
                   you    beto  fore Bob            s he
                                          folk(Kathy)                 Carani for hosting                                            provided us with a tasty Filipino inspired feast and
LC family           our GLC family                      before
                                                           G    LC     th
                                                                     folks  an   k
                                                                                head      off to   their   winter
                                 ions. at     A bi     g
  nter dethis      st   inatrally,                  the       lovely           Sunnybrook                                           highlighted the beautiful kitchen facilities at HGLE.
                                                                                                                                  Mike       and      Linda
                                                                                                                                                         BobItWilson          and Bob
                    destinations.                A
                                                 ar  big
                                                     an    i GLC
                                                              fo  r  ho    st
                                                                        thank  in  gyou to Bob (Kathy)
   u adto yBob   thResort
                       e  (Ken atdhy  in )C   South            Haven,              MI.                                        nd  a Thank
                                                                                                                                    W   ils  on   andboth.
                                                                                                                                                you                was awesome!
                                     of    th    e                                                      Mike an        d   Li
                                               ly Sunnybrook
                    Carani for hosting                      this rally, at the lovely Sunnybrook                                  MacDonald               also went    timefishing. A fun time
  is    rally        at on
               se, Resort
                     as     theHo   love
                                   in    w
                                         South         Haven,         MI.                                        D  on  al  d  al so   w ent fishing. A fun
                                                                                                        Mac                       was yo had   . by       everyone.
                                                      , Mgreat
                AIn        August,   Haven       our                      VP Mike (Linda)
he      AC            Sou       th is                                                                                               Thene   GLC      is sending     out a huge welcome to our new
  esor       t in     fa   m   ily                                                                      w  as     ha  d   by   ev  er
                                                                                                                                    members: John & Beverly Blair, Wendy Gaynor and
eady theWilson,     Inend  August,of ea  and
                                        theourt   V  myself
                                                     P   M
                                                     great       e (L
                                                              ikVP     (Linda),
                                                                      Mike          ) hosted
                                                                           inda(Linda)          Wilson,  a and
ning Aug       ust, How   ou    r  gr                                                                                               Carl & Barbara Bullock
            season Regional
                    myself         (Linda),  Rally
                                                (L  inhosted
                                                        da   at
                                                              ),  Hearthside
                                                                  hoa   st   ed
                                                                       Regional    a Rally    Grove
                                                                                                  at  Hearthside
  , I am   on,at   anthdemlas      ystelf
e ils
W    ACA          family
                    Grove is
                   Lake            Erie
                                     atr HErie  (HGLE),
                                                earth      side in
                                                        (HGLE),       Gro      ve
                                                                            in   Geneva-on-the-Lake, OH.
Rso egn.   ionaThOncelisRis  allyou      “n     o                                   e-
                                                                                                                                    Mike Wilson (VP) and I (Pres), were voluntold that
                   Lake,          again,
                                    OH.   ), in the
                                                 Once  resort
                                                         en    ev   a-
                                                     G again, the resort staff,-th
                                                                               managers        Diane     and     Eric,
   toke   visEitrie wi(H   thMs G                                                                                                   we will be doing a second term, guiding the GLC.
La                  and              r
                                     Hannah,             did   e arefantastic
                                                                      so     rt  st  af f, making this another
                   managers                      ai  n,   th
                                 to ethag eirDiane               and         Eric,       and Ms
   I am      , at     the       nc
                         .ofOflast                                                                                                  Thank you to Jennifer Goergen for staying with us for
 La   kehe      Oad H
                    unforgettable                 rallyric  at, aan lovely
                                                                       d    M   slocation. It was nice to see
Ason.              Hannah,      ia
                             Dour   ne     an
                                            did   dE   a fantastic                job     making         this was                   another term as well, as our secretary. The GLC gives
 mbi angag   This
               GL er  Csis
                    all      th
                            the  an   k“no
                                   improvements                 bfrom
                                                                    m   ak   ainyear
                                                                                  g  th  is
                                                                                        ago.   The weather
                                     faunforgettable tic jo                                                                         a big thank you to Bill (Treasurer) and Diane (mem-
  Hoan an
        visiti foh,
            na     with
                     r hodidour
                   another     stiang
                    outstanding!                 Althoughat         shea and  rally
                                                                             lo  ve her
                                                                                      ly at   a  lovely
                                                                                           husband       are   GLC
                                                        rally                                                                                                  urs atfor holding these positions for
                                                                                                                                 evening happy ho
                                      etitta    ble still                                                                           bership chair) DeMille,
  ks Su ot head
             heyb       rofo
                   location.  oktorgtheir   Itwas wassenice     an honor  to    seeto     all
                                                                                        have   the
                                                                                                the   ACA      Na-       T  he
                                        ni   ce to (Jack)       eMalike l  th  e                                                    the   past  Thel timevening
                                                                                                                                                  six  years.
                                                                                                                                                          e toBob        and decided
                                                                                                                                                                  visitCarani      hours to at
                                                                                                                                                                                            give them
   lo  ca MtioGLC
              I.  n.tionalIt  w
                            thank as
                                  VP     Claudia                               and Lindgrace
                                                                        Rutherford            a   W   us
                                                                                                      ils with
                                                                                                          on            ar
                                                                                                                   es       e  a  w  on  derfu
                   improvements                         yefrom
                                              m aRegional     arMag     ao.yearThe ago. The ra d Bob rallies    lli
                                                                                                               an                   both a are  break, a and     as of August,
                                                                                                                                                          wonderful          time Bob
                                                                                                                                                                                    to has taken
                                                                                                                                                                                        visit andon the
   im     pr  ovforem        ents fro
                    presence           at the                        ac     Donald
                                                                       Rally.          sh  al
                                                                                            e so    we  nt   fis  hi ng
VP Mikeweather         (Lwinas  daou ) ts was  ta   ndoutstanding!
                                                         ing!wa   Alth      ough Although she                             . A fun time
                                                                                                                                    roles    of  both    Treasurer     and   membership    chair. A great
        ea    th  er                                                   s    ha    d  by    ev  er  yo  ne. and Bob big GLC thank you goes out to Bev (Rick) DeAngelis
  inda       ), hosted a                                          Mike and Linda Wilson
    n, MI.
  rthside Grove                                                   MacDonald also went fishing. A funour                               time Madam Communications Director for making
VP         Mike                                                   was had by everyone.                                              sure all the GL members are kept up to date on vari-
               va-o(Linda) n-the-
   , the rehosted                                                                                                                   ous news and information. These folks and the entire
Linda),             sort staaff,
                                                                                                                                    chapter have really helped me, and I cannot thank
      ic, andGrove       Ms                                                                                                         them enough for all they do.
     job making this
  n,    the  atresort
                   a lovelstaff,    y                                                                                                             . HGLE
                                                                                                                                          bersthank             lot owners
                                                                                                               re   la x with mIem     always              God for allowing me to do what I love
        e aland  l theMs and are GLC members, it                                                                                         bers      Bob (Lin   orthe
                          r  hu   sb                                                                            an   d  G   LC   memdoing:      traveling              RV with my family, my current
   ic an
  ea     rjob
            ag    he
              d making
                  o.            her  thishusband                  are         Th
                                                                               A   CeA ev  en
                                                                                                ing    ha     it                  relax      with
                                                                                                                                                d  th  members.
                                                                                                                                                      em   se  lv  es  anHGLE       lot owners
                          The                       to hara     ve    th   e                               pp   y   ho  ur  s atald ou    t
                                                                                                                                    friends, di  and    making      new   friends.
            asth   st   ill   an     ho   no      r               llie   s                                      M   ac  D   on                                          in sp ire d Safe travels to every-
 ngrally            At
                atwas  a    our
                    oughstill       HGLE,
                                  shC  ean
                                                    honor    Rutherford’s
                                                           (Jacto   k) have  ar   e  and
                                                                           Ruthethe ACA  wo
                                                                                       rfo  their
                                                                                            rdnd     guests    went
                                                                                                   erful time to id               anddwith
                                                                                                                                    one    GLC
                                                                                                                                            anda ta     y  F
                                                                                                                                                  treat      ili pino
                                                                                                                                                         everyone like  Bobyou  (Lorna)
                                                                                                                                                                                  want to be treated.
        Natall        na
                 iofishing.  l VPThey      laud   had ia such       a good         time    that they wentpragain     ov vis ed   us
                                                                                                                              it an
                                                                                                                                                                  au tiful
  o see                  the                                                  at
                                                                 ence The evening  th  e                                          MacDonald
                                                                                                                                  highlight      ed    th e be
                                                                                                                                                          out did themselves              and
                   National     withand    VP
                                           th       rClaudia
                                                 eievenpres took my(Jack)      wife. Rutherford          happy   feas hours
                                                                                                                         t andat
    year  grac  ago.e
                    this  usThe
                                                                                                                                            s  at  H  G LE   . T  ha nk you
                   grace                                 theirrallies            are a wonderful
                                                                                             at the time                to n visit   litie
                                                                                                                                  ciand              us with a tasty Filipino inspired
 ding!     Reg      ional Rus
                                              .                      presence                                    kitche
                                                                                                                                       ‘Til   theom   e! time, Jerry
                   Regional                  Rally.                                     d  th ei  r               bo  th  . It wasfeastaw    es
                                                                                                                                             and      highlighted          the beautiful
                    Mike and Linda                e     Wilson
                                                      Ruthe        rfoand rd  ’sBoban
              t  ou     r   H  G   LE
           A MacDonald also went fishing.,   th                                                                                        Pickett, Jr GLC President
                                                hingthe  . They had A              such a                                         kitchen facilities at HGLE. Thank you
            gues   At  ts     w
                            our  en   t  fis
                                     HGLE,                        Rutherford’s                  and
                                                                                                 ar ,    their
                                                           w t again this ye
                    fun time was had by en                      everyone. The                                                     both. It was awesome!
            good   guests time th
                    evening              at they
                                     happy            fishing.
                                                     hours                They
                                                                 at rallies        arehad such a
                              entimetook time    my wtoife       .
            andgood a evwonderful                that they     visit went
                                                                        and relax    again this year,
   C memwith         be     rs  members.
                                , it                 HGLE           lot     owners
                   and even                    took re     my   laxwife.
                                                                       with members. HGLE
                                                                                                                  lot owners
  e the AC          and A GLC membersanBob                             (Lorna)
                                                                 d GLC members Bob
 ck) RuthMacDonald    erford                    out did         themselves and                             (L  orna)
                                                          Mac       Donald out did themse
   GLC  e atmembers,
                  the                     it                      relax with members. HGLE                      lves lot anowners
                                                          provided us with a tasty
 have the ACA
           12                                                     and       GLC        members            Fi
                                                                                                         Bob  lip  ino
                                                                                                                  (Lorna)ins   pired
                                                         feast and highlighted th
  (Jack) Rutherford                                               MacDonald out did themselves           e beautiful and
[ Chapter News ]
  Missouri Valley
Hello From Iowa! The number one question             I talked with a P36 plane owner with a Radial
Barb and I get when seeing our friends from          Engine who had an issue that he needed to fix
church or other organizations is: Where have         before flying home. Sound familiar? He went
you been and where are you going next? Well…         on to say he thought he spent about 25 hours
We attended the Oshkosh Air Show in Osh-             of maintenance for every hour he flew. Wow!,
kosh Wisconsin with two other couples the last       Glad our maintenance schedule is better than that!
full week of July. They seem to have an unlim-       The Oshkosh Air Show, One more for the
ited amount of dry camping on the grounds at         bucket list!
the Air Show. It was the first time we have dry
camped for that long a period, but it all worked     The Missouri Valley Chapter made a last-
out well, even in the 90 Degree Heat.                minute decision to get a rally put together to
                                                     spend some more time together in early Octo-
They had Air Shows every afternoon and many          ber 2021. We will do some rally planning for
evenings. Everything from a person with a para-      2022.
chute for a wing and a gas-powered fan strapped
to his back to 40+ War birds flying in formation.    Keep Calm and Travel On!
The Fireworks were spectacular!                      Gary Park
                                                     President, Missouri Valley
It was not all old aircraft. There were many beau-
tiful examples of planes that were built by the
Pilots that flew them. Many training sessions on
building planes were available and even a vendor
that was taking preorders for a flying car.

                                                               AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   13
[ Chapter News ]
                                                               Now that summer is over, I imagine most of us
        South Central                                          are packing our coaches away for the winter, but
                                                               I know a few of us are still on the road starting
     Hello, South Central Members,                             to head to the warmer southern part of the USA.
                                                               Wishing everyone safe travels wherever their next
     This update is going out during our Fall Rally.           destination may take them.
     So far I hope everybody is enjoying it! We had
     15 Coaches signed up as of this writing. Red Bud          I’d like to thank all of our Board members for their
     Ranch RV Resort in Round Rock was our destina-            service and hope we can keep the South Central
     tion, right in the heart of Texas. It’s a well-appoint-   Chapter growing in years to come. I look forward
     ed resort. They are a relatively new park, and it was     to any questions or suggestions for upcoming Rally
     their first time to host a rally and they were very       locations. If you have somewhere you would like
     accommodating to our group.                               to travel to or think would be a good group experi-
                                                               ence, please let us know.
     Our primary excursion was a guided group tour of
     Inner Space Caverns in Georgetown. We recently            The next SCC Rally is our Christmas Rally in Port
     found out that it was once owned by our neighbor’s        Aransas. We are planning to stay at Port A RV
     father, who actually discovered it and ran the cav-       Resort from December 7th-9th. We are looking for-
     erns for over twenty years until the family finally       ward to another fun time. This will also be an SOB
     decided to sell it. We had a great, informative and       rally, so if you’d like to invite friends who travel
     interesting afternoon and enjoyed seeing all the          in another bus, they are welcome! It is the holiday
     beautiful underground formations. Recommended             season so sign up soon!
     if you are in the area and looking for something
     historical and fun to do.                                 We also have a new Webmaster! Jim Reid and his
                                                               wife, Louann are new members in our chapter, and
                                                               he has graciously offered to take on this very impor-
                                                               tant role. He is doing a fabulous job updating our
                                                               webpage and keeping our Rally schedule current.
                                                               Check out our updated website

                                                                         Thank you,
                                                                         Todd Boorman
                                                                         SCC President

[ Chapter News ]
      From August 25th to August 30th, members                                       As I mentioned in the last edition, there was not
      of the Northeast Chapter attended the sum-                                     a shortage of food being enjoyed by everyone.
      mer rally at Apple Island RV Resort Resort on                                  The first night, a bountiful spread of food was
      Lake Champlain, VT. We also welcomed non-                                      provided for everyone to enjoy. We sure know
      members of the chapter but were members of                                     how to enjoy a feast.
Northea    No  rtheastACA and a few of these couples
      joined the chapter.         And we th    certainly       didn’t   want         Theeasecond
                                                                                             st   Ch  ap
                                                                                                       night,  ween
                                                                                                         ter att    had              summwhere
                                                                                                                              the dinner
                                                                                                                       deadtaco                er rally
           Fr                                     ,
                                          30 st 30th
                                       stAu          me    mb   ers    of  the   No  rth
      to gu
From Au       om
             st 25 Augu
                                         weguwelcomed                                                           anlco  med non-m          emto bers of
           at Apanyone                so
                                                  rt  on
                                                           , mem
                                                            La   friends
                                                                ke   be
                                                                      Ch rs
                                                                          am of pla
                                                                                the  everyone
                                                                                     No  VT
                                                                                        rth ea. We    also we
                                                                                                   provided         ingredient      or side
at Apple  Isla    ple
                nd RV   Isl an   so
                            Redown      Resoso
                                  RVrt Re      rtbrands
                                                   Resortofonmotor                              st  Ch apter attendedles
                                                                                                              se co    up th      sumed
                                                                                                                            ofewrapping  merthe
      of members
          the chapte    who
                          r            other
                                                      the   Na
                                                                  tio  kel ChAC am
                                                                                 A   enjoy.
                                                                                   pla  d
                                                                                       in,  a
                                                                                            VT Have
                                                                                                . W      the
                                                                                                     ofyou  ever   heard                       a lly
                                                                                                                                              ra  hard
the chhomes.   bu  t we   rebu t
                               mewe mbre ers
                                         m  em   of
                                                  be  rs  of  the
                                                                                                     e als o  we lco  m ed  no n-
                                                                                                                            friend m  semof  me    mbers
          chapOneter. An common
                            d we certa theme,       many     ended
                                                                      n the
                                                                         an nal AC
                                                                             yo  ne  taco
                                                                                     A anay
                                                                                      aw   dshellsow
                                                                                              a, fe  we
                                                                                                      of  awe  lco
                                                                                                             soft   medshell?
                                                                                                                   taco            Just    bers of
                            rtainlyfrom did n’t
                                          inl y    wa
                                                 did    nt
                                                       n’t  to                                           th es e  co up les
                     n ce
                                                           want to turn anyone aw                                            joi neyd wit
chapter . An
      day wh
           with   we
              od ow
                  sore  otcheeks
                           her bran    ds  oflaughing        so On
                                                                 much. e  co  mm   onsome
                                                                                        the  refried
                                                                                             me    ,
                                                                                                , so ma
                                                                                                      we ny
                                                                                                          we  enonde
                                                                                                              lco m  the the
                                                                                                                      d fri
                                                                                                                          soft da
                                                                                                                                taco    theh so
                                                                                                                                        shell  to re
                                  of motor
                               s gh             m hoot me
                                                       or   s.
                                                           ho m  es                                                  ed     en ds   of   m
who ownch    eeer
           oth       fromnd
                 ks bra      lau     ing so muc h.
                                                                     . One common theme,
                                                                                     make themmstick         to de
                                                                                                        any en   thed hard
                                                                                                                      the da taco    shell embers
                                                                                                                                             - some-
                           ing   so   mu   ch   .                                                                              y  wi th  so re
cheeks fro   m   lau   gh                                                            thing to try.

                                                                     Saturday was our lasagna dinner organized by
                                                                     the campground and provided by Bove’s Cater-
                                                                     ing, It definitely was a hit. And for our enjoy-
                                                                     ment while eating, there was a live band playing
                                                                     a wide variety of music. After dinner, the music
                                                                     continued, and many attendees were “cutting
         As I mentioned in the
                                  last edition, there was
         The first night, a boun                            not a shthe   rug” so to speak. I was surprised everyone
                                                                      ortage of food being en
                                                                                                                  . one.
                                  tiful spread of food wa            was   able to get around  joyen
                                                                                               the ed byed
                                                                                                    next dayby
                                                                                                         ever  neery
         how to enjoy a feast.                        wa s s prtov
                                                           no    a ide
                                                                    sh ort
                                                                       d foag
                                                                           r  e
                                                                             ev  of
                                                                                eryofoo d be ing
                             las t  ed  ition, the re                               ne to enjoy . W
  As I mentioned in the                                    s pro  vid
                                                                                                    e sure
                                                                       ed for everyone to enjoy . We sure
                                                                     limitations.                          know know
                             tiful  sp  rea  d of foo d wa
  The first night, a boun
  how to enjoy a feast.

        The second night, we
                                 had a taco dinner wher
        Have you ever heard of                            e everyone provided an
                                    wrapping a hard taco                               ingredient or side to en
       retried beans on the so                             shell with a soft taco sh                                        joy .
                                  ft taco shell to make th                             ell? Just spread some
                                                           em stick to the hard ta
                                                                                     co shell - something to
       Saturday was our lasag                                                                                            try.
       Catering, It definitely wa
                                  na dinner organized by
                                                            the camery
                                                                         une   pro  vid  ed  an    ing  red    ien t  or      side to enjoy .
                        ht,        s
                             we hadhita     Anod din
                                        a .tac       ner wh  ere ev          d  an d  prov id ed   by Bove’s
        e yin
     Thpla          nigva
                                                 for our enjoyment while
                                                                          h  atin
                                                                                             S S
                                                                                                 A M ERI
                                                                                                         C A -
                                                                                                                 t sp
                                                                                                                     m b
                                                                                                                         er - Dec
                                                                                                                                demb  2021 15
                          riety of music. After hard tac      o shell wit        g,  ther e was a live b
[ Chapter News ]
      Food was not all that happened. We spent an
      afternoon at the local winery, Snow Farm Vine-
      yard, tasting their wares and many took a few
      bottles home with them. A few ventured out
      on the lake for a pontoon boat adventure but
      unfortunately it was cut short with high winds.
      And Friday night, we played Gold Cart Poker.
      There were stops throughout the resort where Food was not all that ha
                                                                   Vineyard, tasting                     ppened. We spen
      you selected    cards to  try   to get   the   best hand.                                th ei r                       t an afternoon at
               Food was not                                        on                                  war es and many took                     the loca
                                    that to                             th  e lake for a pont                                   a few bottles hom
      But the Vtwist   was,  you
                 ineyard, tastin          hapfigure
                                               p      out  based
                                                ened. We spe Friday ni                              oo  n bo at adventure but un                   e wi
                                 g their wares                  nt an afterngh    o ot,n we played Gol                             fortunately it was
      on cluesowhere
                n the lathese
                         ke for stops    were. Overall,
                                                   and manayfuntooksealefectwed carda      t the local wind Cart Poker. There                          c
                                a pontoon bo                                    bo tt le s to try  to getow ery , Snow Fa          were stops throug
              F ri day night, we p               a t ad venture uclt ue                  s h o m e         th
                                                                                                       Snthe eFa rm
                                                                                                                best ha     rm                         h
      time.                                                              sfow  he  locthal wineryw, ith                 nd . But the twist
                                    layed G            t an afterb
                                                ed. WoeldspCen
                                                                 noonunat    the
                                                                             rt unre
                                                                                   a te ese stops wer m . A few       d ve
                                                                                                                        ount               was, you
                                                                                                                                       rall, a futunretim
                                                                                                                                   nture                         ha
     Food wasclu
                   no edtha    catrdha  to en
                                      s pp try to dge
                                                                art Poker. Th
                                                                       a   few    bo   reswho
                                                                                    ettle    e reme
                                                                                                        ly wam
                                                                                                      withitthe           shoe.ve
                                                                                                                      A tfew
                                                                                                                  s .cu          O
                                                                                                                               rt wve
                                                                                                                                    ith h ig    d
                                                                                                                                                       d out
                     estinwghethe         res an       t
                                                      ma thny
                                                            e   too  k
                                                                best hand . Bu                     st op s  throor
                                                                                                                 ug  wioth
                                                                                                                    th      hig h  wi nd s. hAn
                                                                                                                                              w   ind  s . And
     Vi ne ya rd , tas          reirthwa
                                       e se   st                                 tun  t
                                                                                           e  it wa s   cu t sh          ut th e  re so
      I encourage anyone on            to bo   atopad
                                           volunteers ve
                                                          re          t un
                                                                   ve        for
                                                                         a rally              twist was, you                   where rtyowuhere you
     on the lake for a ponto                                        Th er
                                                                          e   awe
                                                                                   n sto
                                                                                      timeps.   throughout thehare              ure out based
               nig ht,how
                       we     large
                             pla ye   d or
                                        Go   ld Cart It
                                            small.         ke   r.
                                                       Pois all about hav-
                                                                                         wa  s,  yo u  ha d  to  fig ure out based on                on
     Fr y                                     the  be st ha   nd   . Bu t the twist
             ted and
                  cardsenjoying         ge t
                           to try to each other’s company.
     se                                                       , a fun time.
     cluesFo        e  the
               oderwas no
              wh            se stops were. Overall
                               t all that happened. W
            Vineyard, tasting their                              e spent an afternoon at
                                              wares and many took                                    the local winery , Snow
            on the lake for a ponto                                             a few bottles home wi                                  Farm
                                             on boat adventure but                                              th them . A few venture
           Friday night, we playe                                               unfortunately it was cu                                        d out
                                            d Gold Cart Poker. Th                                                 t short with high winds.
           selected cards to try to                                            ere were stops through                                               And
                                               get the best hand . But                                           out the resort where yo
           clues where these sto                                                  the twist was, you had                                          u
                                           ps were. Overall, a fun                                                  to figure out based on

                                                                I encourage anyo
                                                                                  ne to volunteer to
                                                                having fun and en                           plan a rally no m
                                                                                   joying each othe                           atter how large or
          I encourage a                                                                                   r’s company.
                           nyone to volu
          having fun an                    nteer to plan
                           d enjoying ea                  a raUntil next tim travel sa
                                          ch other’s com lly no matter e,    how large ofe   ly.
                                                                                           r sm
                                                           pany.                                  all. It is all ab t
         Until next tim                                       Michael Tarng            or sm   all. It is all ab ouout
                          e, travel safe                    lly  no ma tte how
                                                                             er large
                                        ly .
                                         teer to pla  n a ra  President, North
        IM      urage anyone to volun             ’s co mp an y.                east Chapter
      Until   next
              hael Ttime,
               g fun aan
                            travel  safely.
                           r joying ea
                       ngdeen           ch   other
        ha vin
      Michael     nt, Northeast
      President,                  safely.
                     time, travelChapter
        Until nextNortheast

       I Mi   urag
                  l Ta
                     e anyone
                       No     to Ch
                         rtheast    lunter
                                 voap   teer to plan a rally no
                                                                                           Mid-Atlantic States
          vin   fun and enjoying each                           matter how large or sm
                                          other’s company.                             all. It is all about
       Until next time, travel
                                                                     Please respond directly to me at                   bcarani@my-
                               safely.                                                    americancoach.com Please travel safe and I
       Michael Tanger                                                                     look forward to meeting you down the road.
       President, Northeast Ch
                                                                                          Point of Contact
                                                                                          Bob Carani

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                                AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   19
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AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   23
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          AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   25
By Debbie Darby

     1. Need to scrape off the grill but can’t find that wire brush?
     Ball up the foil, get it deep between the grates and go to town.

     2. Want to save some serious time ironing your clothes? Put a long strip of foil on top of the ironing
     board and replace the cover. With all that heat reflection you can take care of both sides at once.

     3. Can’t find the correct sized battery? Easily make up the difference with a little well placed foil good-
     ness. I’ve covered this one before but when you are traveling it can be a lifesaver until you can get to a
     store, so its definitely worth repeating.

     4. Don’t have a scrub pad? Crumple up a handful of aluminum foil and use it to scrub your pots.

     5. Love bacon but hate getting rid of the grease? Dump it into a makeshift foil bowl. Once it hardens,
     ball it up and toss it out. You can also cover a sheet pan with foil and cook bacon in the oven at 450°F.
     No splatters all over the stove and when done, let the grease cool and then ball foil with grease and
     throw in the trash.

     6. What can you do with those clean pieces of leftover foil you have hanging around? Use them to
     sharpen up your dull scissors! Smooth them out if necessary, and then fold the strips into several lay-
     ers and start cutting. Seven or eight passes should do the trick.

     7. To restore your hardened brown sugar to its former powdery glory, chip off a piece, wrap it in alu-
     minum foil, and bake it in the oven at 300°F for five minutes.

     8. Are you baking a bubbly lasagna or casserole? Keep messy drips off the bottom of the oven by lay-
     ing a sheet or two of aluminum foil over the rack below. Do not line the bottom of the oven with foil;
     it could cause a fire.

     9. To clean your jewelry, simply line a small bowl with aluminum foil. Fill the bowl with hot water and
     mix in one tablespoon of bleach-free powdered laundry detergent (not liquid), such as Tide. Put the
     jewelry in the solution and let it soak for one minute. Rinse well and air-dry. This procedure makes use
     of the chemical process known as ion exchange, which can also be used to clean silverware.

     10. For sparkling chrome on your appliances, golf club shafts, wheel cover and older bumpers, crum-
     ple up a handful of aluminum foil with the shiny side out and apply some elbow grease. If you rub
     hard, the foil will even remove rust spots.

     11. And finally, if you can’t find a funnel. Roll one out of foil instead. Transferring fluids has never been
     so easy.

Hello from Deb Stapel,
           Director of Marketing for REV’s Class A Products
Wow – what a show we had!

It was my first time at the 52nd Annual America’s Largest RV Show®, held September 15-19,
2021, at the Giant Center in Hershey, PA. With more than 1,200 RVs on display, the show is THE
place to find the latest accessories, upgrades, campgrounds, vacation destinations and related prod-
ucts. Bring your walking shoes to explore the 33 football fields of RVs; it was wonderful to see the
crowds of new RV buyers who were attending the show – many for the first time and feel the excite-
ment from a nearly record number of attendees.

I met people from across the country, including a couple who traveled all the way from Hawaii to
see our new American Coach models. I’m always energized when I get to talk with dedicated RVers
like you who have lived the RV lifestyle for years. I love hearing your stories! It is exciting to intro-
duce first timers to our models and see their eyes light up as they envision realizing their dreams and
exploring our beautiful country in a luxury RV. Lenny Razo, our Director of Sales for REV Recre-
ation Group, was also at the show and spent a good chunk of time with American Coach owners to
gather feedback and insight.

We shared our MY ‘22 American Eagle 45K, American Dream 39RK, and American Tradition
42Q. Our American Eagle 45K is a 45-foot, diesel pusher with a Cummins 605-horsepower en-
gine, and 20,000-pound towing capacity. As American Coach owners expect, the model features
significant luxury appointments – heated porcelain tile flooring, Cambria quartz countertops, cedar
lined wardrobes, and an amazing kitchen with a full residential refrigerator. The king master suite
includes a full bath with a double vanity with undermount porcelain sinks, a glass-enclosed shower
with a teak bench, and a skylight.

We’ve been designing our new American Coach models to make travel an indulgent and relaxing
experience. And, as I mentioned in my last column, we’re also working to make the “learning curve”
of owning an American Coach easier. For new owners of ’21 and ’22 models, we launched the
Platinum Experience (PX) program. The program offers a number of benefits, including a state-of-
the-art PX app that delivers videos and key information to simplify and streamline the first year of

Thanks to our amazing sales team, we had an impressive display and, together with our dealer part-
ner General RV, a record-number of American Coaches were ordered. Don’t miss the 53rd Annual
America’s Largest RV Show® set for September 14-18, 2022!

As always, please do stay connected. We truly want to hear from you and learn more about your
experiences with our brand. The best way to reach us is marketing@revrvgroup.com. If you use that
email address, it’s shared with our entire team.

I look forward to seeing you in Tampa in January 2022. Until then, safe travels!

                                                                 AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   27
                 The Roving Wrencher

AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   29
THE STUBBORN HYDRAULIC MOTOR CONT’D PART-2 in 2022 January-February issue

                                              AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   31
[ Rally Schedule ]
     DATE           LOCATION                                         CHAPTER
     October 28 –   Verde Ranch RV Resort “Re-Loaded”                Western Regional
     November 1     Camp Verde, AZ

     Dec 2 - 6      Southeast’s Annual Christmas Rally               Southeast Chapter
                    Creekside RV Resort, Punta Gorda, FL

                                                   The Campbell Group understands the RV lifestyle and
                                                   your insurance needs for motor homes and companion
                                                   auto. With our team of experts, you can be sure you are
                                                   getting the best coverage at the best value. Your coach
                                                   may be expensive, but your insurance needn’t be.

                                                      • We represent top insurers.
                                                      • Discounts available in most states.
                                                      • Our experienced agents deliver first class service.
                                                      • Coverage is tailored for motor homes and their owners.
                                                      • Licensed across the United States, we offer:

                                                        Home • Motorcycle • Auto • Boat • Umbrella

                                                                                              A Division of

                                                  Contact us to see if you qualify!            www.thecampbellgrp.com

[ Upcoming Rally Details ]
OCTOBER 28 – NOVEMBER 1                             DECEMBER 2 – 6

Nestled in the Black Mountains of Yavapai           www.creeksidervresort.com
County, AZ, is the tiny town of Camp Verde.         Rally rates at Creekside will remain the same
A town where, sometimes, it seems like time         as the 2020 rally ($60 per night). Creekside
stopped in the late 1800’s. COVID cancelled         RV Resort is a relatively new resort with won-
our rally in March 2020, so, we’re going to RE-     derful amenities and gracious staff. This will
LOAD! The area is rich with Native American         be Southeast’s third rally at this location. The
history, which includes cave dwellings such as,     resort is located just a quarter mile east of I-75
Montezuma Castel, built over 900 years ago          at exit 161 in the charming waterside town of
by the Anasazi Indians. Western history is all      Punta Gorda. There is much to do and see in
around as well, including, Jerome, a “haunted       Punta Gorda. Mark your calendars. More infor-
town” with a turn of the century Copper Mine!       mation on this rally will be forthcoming as it
And, of course, a day trip to the beautiful, col-   draws nearer.
orful area of Sedona is a MUST SEE!

Site reservations can be made by calling
(928) 852-7294. Nightly Rally Rate is $54/
night, be sure to tell them you are part of the
American Coach Rally in October. A reasonable
Rally Fee of $99 to cover meals and other fun
stuff, should be sent to: ACA Dwayla Carr, P.O.
Box 2428 #24502, Pensacola, FL 32513. Call
Dwayla with questions (501) 858-9564. Wagon
Masters, Ros & Mariette de Giaxa Salvi along
with John & Dwayla Carr are busy planning a
fun filled rally for all! See you at: Verde Ranch
RV Resort, 1105 N Dreamcatcher Drive, Camp
Verde, AZ!

                                                               AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   33
[ Chapter Membership Chairs ]
     • Northeast                                                     • Missouri Valley
     Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts,         North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas,
     Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,            Nebraska, Iowa & Missouri
     Delaware & Maryland                                             Barbara Weeks, Membership Chair
     Brenda Anderson, Membership Chair                               865-621-3015
     cell 518-796-3896                                               bweeks@myamericancoach.com
     banderson@myamericancoach.com                                   $15.00 Annual Dues due by July 1
     $8.00 Initiation Fee
     $12.00 Annual Dues-less $1.00 prorated
     per month after July                                            • South Central Chapter:
                                                                     Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma & Texas
     • Mid-Atlantic States                                           Jack Jones, Membership Chair
     Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina,              cell 210-410-4342
     South Carolina & Tennessee                                      jjones@myamericancoach.com
     Annette Hatfield, Membership Chair                              $12.00 Initiation Fee
                                                                     $12.00 Annual Dues less $1.00 prorated per month after January
     Bob Carani
     Point of Contact
     bcarani@myamericancoach.com                                     • Western Regional
     Dues: TBDield@myamericancoach.comtiation Fee                    California, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah,
                                                                     Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska,
                                                                     British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan
     • Southeast                                                     Debbie Darby, Membership Chair
     Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia & Florida                         ddarby@myamericancoach.com
                                                                     $10.00 Initiation Fee
     Wayne & Carol Beyer,                                            $15.00 Annual Dues less $1.00
     Membership Chair                                                prorated per month after July
     $8.00 Initiation Fee
     $12.00 Annual Dues

     • Great Lakes
     Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana,
     Ohio, Michigan & Southern Ontario
     Diane DeMille, Membership Chair
     $10.00 Annual Dues, due by July 1
     $5.00 after January 1

                                                Need Swingers, Badges?
     It’s easy: Mail your order along with an enclosed check (US $), including your correct ACA Membership Number, to the following:
                                         Mel Branham • PO Box 25389, Anaheim, CA 92825
                     • Swingers @ $4.50 each • Badges @ 12.00 each - Prices include shipping and sales tax.
                                           Questions? send e-mail to melbranham@mac.com

Membership Services
             Dwayla Andersen Carr
                                                                       [ Membership Services ]
             P.O. Box 2428 #24502, Pensacola, FL 32513

It’s amazing that it is time for the Holidays already!
What a wonderful time of year! Surrounded by family and friends, grateful for all that we have and the
wonderful people in our life. Sometimes we eat, drink and laugh too much (WOW, now that sounds a lot
like an ACA get-together!) Probably most of us have put the coach to bed for a few weeks and just concen-
trate on these joyous occasions. For some of us, full-timers, they go wherever they want for the holidays and
their coach is decorated just like they would decorate a home. Afterall, the coach is their home!

John and I are wishing you a Blessed Holiday Season, from our house to yours, or our coach to yours!
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

Speaking of getting together here are the fifteen new member families that have joined American Coach As-
sociation since the last ACA Magazine went to press! I encourage you to make a point of welcoming these
new members at rallies, as we keep the American Coach Association one of the friendliest, happiest groups

Carlos & JoAnn Medica; Jason & Jeanette Mayrand; Stephanie Turney & Dean Whitworth; Larry & Betty
Miller; Howard & Lydia Carr; Barry Leonard; Paul & Monika Holton; Larry Strang & Terry Marschall;
Dave & Tammy Blackburn; Lori & Donnie Reeve; Graham Johnson; Steven & Kristine Wade; Michael &
Nancy Prince; Jeffrey & Malisa Trimble; Jeff & Diane Nicholas!

Remembering again, the dear members that have recently past: Wanda Tarnoff and Michael Strunk both
had been members of the Southeast Chapter and Johnny Farrell from Alberta, Canada, former member of
Southeast. Please remember the family and friends of these beloved members in your thoughts & prayers.

As always, please feel free to contact me with any quesitons or issues at: (501) 858-9564.

Hope to see you down the road, somewhere, someday, soon!

       • Credit Card Services •             • Free Web Site Advertising •                   • Change Phone or Address •
    You can join or pay your annual         Members can place a classified                Change and/or view your personal
   dues with a Master Card or Visa on       “coach for sale” advertisement                membership information on the ACA
  the ACA Web site*. We’ve taken pre-            on the ACA Web site.                                Web site*
   cautions to ensure it’s safe and no           Best of all, it’s FREE!
   one will have access to your credit                                                       All ACA mailings, including the
            card information.                  • Membership Badges •                       ACA Across America Magazine, are
                                             New members receive their                     mailed to the address listed in the
    • Membership Roster/By-Laws •          Membership Badge(s) - they are                         ACA Roster data base.
  Membership Roster & By-Laws can           FREE - with their New Member
  be viewed and downloaded from the       Welcome Letter. Existing members                  If you don’t have a computer (or
    ACA Web site*. Please note we no      who wish replacement badges must                 hate to use one) just call or mail
   longer mail out either unless one is   order them directly from McBee’s -               us and we’ll make any necessary
       requested by mail or e-mail.                   see below.                             changes or corrections for you.
  * Type in www.myamericancoach.com - on the home page, click on Membership Login and follow prompts.

                                                                               AC A AC RO S S A M ERI C A - Nove m b er - Dec emb er 2021   35
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