2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU

Page created by Mario Chang
2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU

2021 Tailored
Study Abroad
Programs            -

The Guide for ECU Partners
2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
    MESSAGE                             -

    We welcome you to ECU during a time of change

    We are all learning to do things differently              our tailored programs. On top of this,
    in 2021. Yet, despite the adjustments we                  we have seen an extensive network of
    are making, in many ways you find us with                 ECU student volunteers. They are from
    a similar mindset to recent years: we are                 diverse backgrounds and partner up
    still dedicated to educating students who                 with incoming groups, creating opportunities
    understand their role as global citizens.                 for significant cross-cultural exchange.
    If anything, this strategic ambition to nurture
                                                              Now, in considering a global future, in which
    world-ready graduates increases in strength
                                                              our keen pursuit and delivery of international
    as pandemic-related events of the last
                                                              scholarship has met the realities of distance,
    twelve months continue to shape the higher
                                                              it will be programs like Tailored Study Abroad
    education landscape around the world.
                                                              that positively contribute to recovery.
    With our students foremost in our minds,
                                                              We warmly invite you to join us on this
    it falls to us and our partners to evolve
                                                              journey and become a valued partner
    our concept of global citizenship through
                                                              and member of the ECU community.
    programs like Tailored Study Abroad.
    For many years, these bespoke short‑term
    programs at ECU have provided enriching
    academic experiences for international
    students. In fact, almost 1,000 students                  Professor Steve Chapman CBE
    have successfully completed one of                        Vice‑Chancellor

    Indigenous recognition
    ECU is committed to reconciliation and recognises and respects the significance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
    Islander peoples’ communities, cultures and histories. ECU acknowledges and respects the Aboriginal and Torres
    Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land. ECU acknowledges and respects its continuing
    association with Nyoongar people, the traditional custodians of the land upon which its campuses stand.

2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
AT ECU                   -

ECU has extensive experience building                This comprehensive
Tailored Study Abroad Programs to enable             price includes:
its partners to meet specific cohort needs.            Formal pre-departure and orientation
In the next couple of years, well over                 sessions (with home-language support
1,000 international students will have                 where possible)
completed one of our tailored courses. We              Airport transfers (pick up and drop off)
are ambitious in this space and we do it well.
                                                        Welcome and farewell lunch or dinner
Our core 13-week program model includes                 elcome and farewell VIP ceremonies
English, academic, social and cultural                  weeks of English language studies
components. Whilst we tailor the program
                                                       7 weeks of academic studies
in consultation with you, our expertise
                                                       (undergraduate or postgraduate)
ranges from 15 students in a program,
to over 100. As such, we have developed                Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
each component to provide the necessary                 13 weeks accommodation at ECU
English support, and academic rigour,                    Mount Lawley Campus Living Village (CLV)
which we understand is important to our                  ECU’s Experiencing Australia Program,
partners and students alike.                              a social and cultural component including:
In 2021, we will also continue to offer the                - A buddy-support program, partnering
postgraduate research program in ECU’s                        participants with ECU student volunteers
Tailored Study Abroad, to complement                       - 3 on-campus activities, such as quiz
our undergraduate offering.                                   and movie nights
                                                           - 3 off-campus excursions to iconic
The all‑inclusive fee per student for our
                                                              Perth locations
Tailored Study Abroad Program is $10,800.
Whilst this is for a minimum cohort of 15,                 - Weekly student integration initiatives,
we look to be guided by our partners for                      offered via the CLV and Student Guild
their maximum cohort number.                              Participation certificate and official
                                                           ECU transcript

ECU Study Abroad students learning more about Indigenous
culture as part of the Experiencing Australia Program

                                                             FEE PER STUDENT:

2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
    AT A GLANCE                               -

    Experience tells us that the Tailored Study
    Abroad Program below generally meets
    partner and student needs. It includes
    a well‑considered combination of English
    language studies, academic modules,
    and the award-winning Experiencing
    Australia Program (EAP). Whilst the program
    starts with English classes and is followed
    by the academic modules, the EAP runs
    throughout the entire course.
    The example below gives you an idea
    about how the program will run. However,
    ECU is flexible with regard to the program
    dates, so chat to us today about the time
    frame you are seeking.                        ECU Study Abroad students on the Joondalup Campus

    Example program schedule:

    Month       Week Content                 Monday Friday        Experiencing Australia Program

                 Arrival September 4, 2021: Airport pick-up, Campus Living Village check-in
                   1    English Classes      6-Sep     10-Sep     Perth City and Kings Park
                   2    English Classes      13-Sep    17-Sep
    September      3    English Classes      20-Sep    24-Sep     Caversham Wildlife Park
                  4     English Classes      27-Sep    1-Oct
                                                                  Mount Lawley On-campus
                  5     English Classes      4-Oct     8-Oct
                                                                  Movie Night
                  6     Term Break           11-Oct    15-Oct
                                                                  Scarborough Beach & Hillarys
                   7    Academic Modules     18-Oct    22-Oct
    October                                                       Boat Harbour
                  8     Academic Modules     25-Oct    29-Oct
                  9     Academic Modules     1-Nov     5-Nov      Tour of the Joondalup Campus
                  10    Academic Modules     8-Nov     12-Nov
                                                                  Mount Lawley On-campus
                  11    Academic Modules     15-Nov    19-Nov
                                                                  Quiz Night
                  12    Academic Modules     22-Nov    26-Nov
                  13    Academic Modules     29-Nov    3-Dec      Graduation Ceremony
                 Departure December 5, 2021: CLV room inspection and airport drop-off

2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
COLLEGE                              -

The 2021 Tailored Study Abroad Program                     Speaking and Listening, which
starts with a 5-week English component,                    develops their listening comprehension
which is generally delivered in partnership                and English language speaking skills.
with our pathway partner, Edith Cowan                      Based on the Common European
College (ECC). ECC is renowned for its                     Framework of Reference for Languages:
excellent teaching staff, high-quality learning,           Learning, Teaching and Assessment,
and outstanding facilities. These classes                  the unit focuses on a key set of English
provide an intensive but fun preparation for               language competencies that will enable
each student’s academic modules, which                     students to engage in academic activity
start from week seven of the program.                      in an English language environment.
Conveniently located on the ECU                            The following table is an example*
Mount Lawley Campus, students will                         of the study schedule across this
undertake studies in Improving English:                    5-week component:

 Time                       Monday           Tuesday        Wednesday      Thursday       Friday

 8.30am-10.30am             Classes          Classes        Classes        Classes        Classes
 10.30am-10.55am            Short Break      Short Break    Short Break    Short Break    Short Break
 10.55am-12.30pm            Classes          Classes        Classes        Classes        Classes
 12.30pm-1.15pm             Lunch            Lunch          Lunch          Lunch          Lunch
 1.15pm-2.15pm              Classes          Classes        Classes        Classes
                            Study/           Study/         Study/         Study/         Free Time
                            Free Time        Free Time      Free Time      Free Time

* This program schedule is an example only

Buddies recruiting fellow ECU students into the Experiencing Australia Program at the Mount Lawley Campus

2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
    MODULES                        -

    The 7-week academic component of ECU’s 2021 Tailored Study Abroad Program is
    designed to provide a global context for students to apply to their overall degree studies.
    The available units are outlined below, and can be built into the core undergraduate or
    postgraduate research program, in collaboration with our partner.

    Undergraduate Program Units
    Creativity                      International                     Media and
    and Design                      Relations                         Society
    This unit offers students       In this unit, students            This unit explores ways in
    an introduction to a range      examine issues relating to        which media influences
    of issues in the Creativity     international relations and       our interpretation of the
    and Design space, which         the way these issues are          world and our place in
    have Australian and global      currently discussed and           it. The unit focuses on
    relevance. They will explore    presented in contemporary         the ways in which ideas
    creativity as an essential      media and social                  are constructed and
    human pursuit and the           environments. Students are        communicated and
    techniques that can be          introduced to techniques          promote dominant cultural
    implemented to enhance          and practices that develop        values. Learning will be
    everyday creativity. Design     confident and engaging            applied to the production
    is introduced as a means        speakers, who are able            of narrative video as a
    of instantiating creativity     to present on the issues          communications medium.
    into products that are both     relating to international
    original and useful.            relations in English.

                                    “I really appreciate lecturers and teachers of ECU, and
                                    I will never forget this unforgettable life experience.”
                                    I spent three months at ECU as part of the Zhejiang Normal
                                    University (ZJNU) Study Abroad Program. Teachers at ECU were
                                    warm and friendly and my class was full of joy and happiness.
                                    I have made many foreign friends at ECU. My Japanese friends
                                    always have dinner with me and, when I left, we exchanged
                                    gifts. As students from all over the world, we often had meals
                                    together and it was fantastic fun.
                                    The most important thing I have learned is how to cooperate
                                    with others and to finish the work together. Before I went to
                                    ECU to study, I always did my work alone, but the lecturers
                                    of ECU encouraged us to work as a team to finish the work.
                                    I really appreciate the lecturers at ECU, and I will never forget
                                    this unforgettable life experience.
                                    ZICONG SONG
                                    ZJNU Study Abroad Program

2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
ECU Study Abroad students exploring Perth beaches

postgraduate research Program Units
Research                          Research                        Research
Design                            Writing                         Communication
This unit develops                This unit develops              This unit provides students with
students’ knowledge               students’ abilities to          skills to effectively present their
and skills in undertaking         effectively communicate         research to different audiences
a Masters by Research             their research in writing. It   (academic, government, general
or PhD. Topics include            provides an understanding       population, etc.) and in different
qualitative, quantitative         of the practice of research     situations (conferences, elevator
and mixed methods                 writing, and focuses on         pitch, social media, etc.). The
research, data collection         critical reading and writing,   unit develops an understanding
and analysis techniques,          use of evidence and             of research application, impact
and tools for thinking            argument, and structuring       and engagement, and helps
critically about research.        research writing.               students develop appropriate
                                                                  communication strategies to
                                                                  ‘tell their research story’.

   Optional for academics only
   This unit develops knowledge and skills in Higher Degree
   by Research (HDR) research supervision. It focuses on
   best-practice in HDR supervision, managing candidates
   and candidature, research integrity, developing research
   culture, and challenges in supervising research candidates.
2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
    PROGRAM                                  -

    Every Tailored Study Abroad Program
    includes ECU’s award-winning Experiencing
    Australia Program (EAP), which focuses on
    experiential learning through social and
    cultural engagement. The EAP includes
    ‘buddy’ support, which links ECU student
    volunteers and Study Abroad students.
    Together, they attend off-campus events to
    iconic Perth locations, as well as additional
    on‑campus activities, like movie nights,
    quizzes and festivals. Their interactions
    throughout the EAP build relationships
    that further student success, as program
    participants become part of the university           Scarborough Beach Pool
    and wider community. Some of our                 Scarborough Beach is located along
    off‑campus activities are included below.        Perth’s exquisite beachline, and has a
                                                      thriving restaurant and cafe scene,
                                                       making it an ideal activity in our
                                                                 warmer months

                Cottesloe Beach
     Cottesloe Beach is a must-see for our
     water lovers and those who enjoy their
    art, with its pure white-sand beach and
    the annual “Sculptures by the Sea” exhibit

                                                           Fremantle Markets
                                                     The Fremantle Market is an iconic
                                                      feature of “Freo”. We start at the
                                                     markets, then head out to explore
                                                         the port city’s café strip and
                                                    well‑preserved architectural heritage
    Images courtesy of Tourism Western Australia

2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
Elizabeth Quay, Perth
   Our students love Elizabeth Quay!
    We head here in their first week
     as it is the perfect basepoint
     to start a walking tour of our
      warm, vibrant, friendly city


                                                       Caversham Wildlife Park,
                                                             Swan Valley
                                                    Caversham Wildlife Park is a student
                                                  favourite. It showcases Australia’s native
                                                    wildlife, including kangaroos, koalas,
                                                       dingos, reptiles and wombats

    Kings Park and Botanic Garden
   Kings Park is generally another early
 activity. It is one of the world’s largest and
most beautiful inner‑city parks, home to the
    Western Australian Botanic Garden

2021 Tailored Study Abroad Programs - The Guide for ECU Partners - ECU
     ECU PARTNERS                 -

             Tokyo City University (TCU) has been collaborating with
             ECU since 2015. At TCU, our vision was always clear: to
             significantly increase overseas academic opportunities
             for our students. ECU met this with equal ambition and
             together we built the Tokyo City University Australia Study
             Abroad Program, which has given nearly 900 TCU students
             a tailored international study experience.
             The specialised program offers a carefully balanced mix
             of English, Academic, and Social & Cultural components.
             Our students learn English alongside other international
             cohorts; they complete academic classes that are
             credited to their Japanese degree; and they have the
             opportunity to integrate with ECU students through the
             Experiencing Australia Buddy Program and the Language
             Exchange Program.
             Professor Chitoshi Miki
             President, Tokyo City University

             Shenzhen Polytechnic (SZPT) has been collaborating with
             ECU in many different areas since 2012, including top‑up
             programs, short-term exchange programs, cultural
             programs, and academic training.
             In 2019 SZPT students participated in a Tailored Study
             Abroad Program at ECU for three months. This included
             English language and academic studies, as well as
             a social and cultural component with ECU volunteers,
             who supported SZPT students to become part of
             the Perth and ECU community. As one of SZPT’s best
             global strategic partners, ECU has provided wonderful
             international study experiences, with well-designed
             cross-cultural activities for our teachers and students.
             The long-lasting cooperation has supported international
             growth at both SZPT and ECU and we will continue to
             deepen and strengthen our partnership.
             Professor Zhao Jizheng
             Director International Office, Shenzhen Polytechnic

JOURNEY                          -

See below for the Tailored Study Abroad Program partner journey, which reflects the process
we undertake to realise the full potential of an ECU-partner program, from first contact to the
students’ safe arrival. Contact us today at international.office@ecu.edu.au

           CONTACT                    NEGOTIATION                   AGREEMENT
       Chat with ECU about          Agree to the terms of                This is an
      the proposed program         the contract in writing.     institution‑to‑institution
     so that we can establish      ECU will then draft the        agreement, which is a
        our ability to run it     agreement and reach out        contract between both
       effectively. This takes    to our partner’s preferred     partners that agrees to
        into consideration          contact to review and       the terms of the Tailored
     dates, duration, student      ensure we can progress        Study Abroad program
     numbers, resources, etc.          to full signature.        for the inbound cohort.

             APPLY                       INVOICE                   DEVELOPMENT
      Students apply for the         When all applications       ECU plans for the arrival
      Tailored Study Abroad          have been received,        of the cohort of students,
    program directly online or        ECU will invoice the        in communication with
    via an ECU representative     partner for the program.       all parties, including the
       (agent). They select             This means that          partner, academic staff,
     the course code X01 for      students pay their home        ECC, and CLV. This also
    undergraduate or X02 for     institution directly and the    involves the recruitment
    postgraduate, and upload       institution/partner pays     of ECU student volunteers
     supporting documents.              the ECU invoice.         to support the program.

                                                           Students are greeted at the airport
                                                           by ECU on arrival. They are guided
                                                          to their accommodation, where they
                                                            undertake check-in. The next day,
                                                                Orientation commences.

Western Australia

                Mount Lawley                       Perth


     CAMPUS LIVING                                                   PERTH

     VILLAGE                     -

     As part of the 2021 Tailored Study Abroad Program, students are housed at the Mount Lawley
     Campus Living Village (CLV). The ECU Village is convenient and comfortable, and with students
     from all around the world, it offers a vibrant living environment for all students.

     Facilities include:
         n outdoor pool
        A                           High-speed internet access            Theatre room
       Sporting equipment          Coin-operated laundries                Parking
       Wireless e-library            ommunal kitchen
                                     C                                     BBQs

     Students are also strongly encouraged to participate in the free daily village activities.
     CLV publish a monthly calendar of events so students can plan their participation.

SERVICES & SUPPORT                                                 -


Health                                         Student
& Wellbeing                                    clubs

   edical Centres (Joondalup and
  M                                            Joining a club is a great way to make
  Mount Lawley)                                new friends and share your interests,
  Free Counselling service                    and ECU has something for everyone.
   Fully‑equipped sports, recreation         Here’s a list of a few current clubs:
   and fitness centres (Joondalup and            nactus Club
   Mount Lawley)                                Arts Management Student Organisation
   Mini‑gym and playing courts (Bunbury)        Civil & Environmental Engineering Society
    University Games                             Computer and Security Student
     Out of Hours Crisis Line                     Association (CASSA)
                                                   CoSIM (Computing, Security, Intelligence
ECU                                                 & Mathematics)
Facilities                                          ECU Engineering Society
                                                     Edith Cowan Student Law Society
  Fully‑equipped   modern libraries                   Finance & Accounting Society
  eLabs available 24/7, with free Wi‑Fi              Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism
  Bookshop to assist you with all your                Student Association
  educational needs                                     Nursing & Midwifery Collective
  Prayer Rooms (facilities for you to pray
  on campus)
Hub                                              ecurity service 24/7, including night
                                                security escort
The Student Hub is a dedicated service          Emergency phones
centre that can assist with the following:       Security App – NowForce
   ourse information and advice
  Enrolment assistance, including             Academic Support
   assistance with pre-requisite waivers,      & Programs
   timetable clashes, full unit activities,
   invalid enrolments                            cademic Peer Support Program 
   Advice on time requirements for             Career, Volunteering, Mentoring
    completion of courses                        and Leadership Services
    Student support services                    Equity, Diversity & Disability Services
                                                  Learning Advisors
                                                   Study Abroad and Exchange Program
                                                    Learning environment that
                                                     supports diversity
                                                     LGBTIQ supportive environment
     AT A GLANCE                                      -

           31,000+ students                                                   $AUD 63,000
                                                                            median annual salary of ECU
                                                                             graduates, above national
                                                                                average (2019 QILT)

         76%                        21%                       3%
                                                                               $50 million
                                                                             new 5 level Science building
     Domestic (local)            International         International
                                                                                includes superlabs for
       students                    students            study centre           students, plus government
                                                                              and industry engagement

                                                                             $16.5 million
                                                                             research income, generated
                                                                                by +450 research staff

                                                                               $11 million
                                                                              Block Grants for Research
                               100+                                            Support Programs and
                               INTERNATIONAL STUDENT                         Research Training Programs
                               COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN

     1,950                     250+                140K+                     7,000+
       Staff                     Courses              ECU Alumni               Postgraduate
                                 available             globally               coursework and
                                                                             research students

     8 teaching and research schools

        Arts &      Business    Engineering   Medical &       Nursing &   Science    Teacher Western Australian
      Humanities     & Law     & Technology Health Sciences   Midwifery             Education  Academy of
                                                                                              Performing Arts

     Information correct as of February 2020.

Edith Cowan University is
committed to reducing the
environmental impact associated
with its operations by conducting
its activities in a socially and
environmentally responsible
manner. This includes implementing
strategies and technologies that
minimise waste of resources and
demonstrate environmentally
sensitive development, innovation
and continuous improvement.

Every effort has been made to
ensure that the information in this
publication is correct at the time
of production. The information
is subject to change from time
to time and the University
requests the right to add, vary
or discontinue courses and
impose limitations on enrolment
in any course. The publication
constitutes an expression of
interest and is not to be taken
as a firm offer or understanding.


Th ere is
wh ere you are
right now,
an d
th ere is wh ere
you want
to get to.
I n betwe e n
you n eed a bri dge.
ECU is that
bri dge between
your world,
an d th e
whole world.

Becom e
World Ready
at ECU.

Find us at                               Contact
    ECUjourney                           P   134 328
                                         P   (61 8) 6304 0000 (Outside Australia)
                                         E   futurestudy@ecu.edu.au
    edithcowanuniversity                 W   ecuworldready.com.au/international

                                                    Visit vr.ecu.edu.au to take a virtual tour
    edithcowanuniversity                            of our campuses and facilities.

WORLD READY            -

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