2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF

Page created by Adrian Bates
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
                 Dental Motors & Handpieces


Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery
System Ever See Pages 38-39


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2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF

We hope our 2021 Global Dental Catalog
finds you and yours in good health.                                                                 Dental                                      Dental Utility
                                                    Featured Articles                               Motors                                      pages 28-33
Although Aseptico’s business was also hard-hit by
                                                                                                    & Handpieces
the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are proud to supply
portable field sinks to the US military and
                                                    Why Aseptico Created the                        pages 2-23
                                                                                                                                                Dental Delivery Systems               30-32
elsewhere, as part of the recovery effort. Our      6000 & 7000 Series Dental                                                                   Powered Trolley Carts                 33
heartfelt appreciation goes to all caregivers in
                                                    Motors page 12                                  Oral Surgery and Implant Motors     4-6
the dental community for treating those                                                             Electrical Operative Motor          7
affected and helping keep everyone safe.            Advantages of the all-in-one platform.          Endodontic Motors                   8-9
                                                                                                                                                Mobile &
As dentistry rebounds, thank you for your                                                           Lab Motors                          10-11
preference for Aseptico products, most of           Ready? Set. Go!             page 51             Handpieces                          14-20
                                                                                                                                                pages 34-49
which are Made in USA.                                                                              Accessories and Replacement Parts   22-23
                                                    Get ready for unprecedented growth
Looking ahead, our HandiDam® pre-framed
                                                    in mobile and portable dentistry.                                                           Portable Delivery Systems             34-43
rubber dam helps reduce aerosols in the
operatory space. Also, our implant/                                                                                                             Self-Contained Mobile Operatory       44-45
surgical motors offer a safe alternative            Spotlight                                                                                   Seating                               46-47
to traditional dental units for                                                                                                                 Portable LED Exam Light               48
restorative applications.                           Update: New Handpieces                          Dental
                                                                                                                                                Dental Supply Case                    48

We look forward to serving you in                   for 2021 pages 14 - 20                          Innovations
                                                                                                                                                Portable Tray Stand
                                                                                                                                                Portable Sterilizer/Autoclave
the coming year and beyond.                                                                         pages 24-27
                                                    This year’s line up of outstanding handpieces                                               Portable Saliva Ejector               49
Glenn Kazen, President
                                                                                                                                                Military Field Equipment              50
The Aseptico Global Dental Catalog                  Expert Recommendations                          Ortho Technique Chain & Grid
                                                                                                    HandiDam® Pre-Framed Dental Dam
is published annually by Aseptico Inc.,
8333 216th Street SE, Woodinville,                  Popular dental motor configurations for         Dental Dam Clamps                   26                                Customer
WA 98072. Aseptico is a global leader
in dental equipment design and                      oral surgery, endo, implants page 21            Dental Dam Punches and Forceps      26                                Service &
engineering. The company has                                                                                                                                              Ordering
endeavored to represent all current
product information, specifications
                                                                                                                                                                          page 52
and pricing accurately. Product
information may change. If you
would like to communicate with                                                                                                                  Ordering Information, Policies and    52
Aseptico, the company welcomes                                                                                                                  Contact Information
your interest and invites you to
contact us at 425-487-3157                                                                                                                      Repair and Product Support            52
or via aseptico.com.
© Aseptico Inc.,
2021 all rights reserved.
“Aseptico®” is a registered

                                                                                                    Call 425.487.3157 or Shop Online at www.aseptico.com
Trademark of Aseptico Inc.
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF

       Made In America
     To Rigorous Quality
    Standards For Dentists
      All Over The World

2                                      3
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
Oral Surgery and Implant Motors                                                                                                                            Oral Surgery and Implant Motors

                                                                                                                                                                                                        PACKAGE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157
       7000 Series Motor                                                                                         7000 Series Dental Motor
       All-in-One Surgical Motor for                                                                             • Recommended for oral surgery,
       Oral Surgery, Implant Placement                                                                             dental implants, rotary endodontics
                                                                                                                 • All-in-one platform streamlines workflow
       and Endodontics                                                                                           • Compatible with E-type 1:8 endo, 20:1 implant,
                                                                                                                   1:1, 1:2 surgical, 1:5, 1:3 high speed handpieces
                                                                                                                   with external irrigation connections
                                                                                                                 • Additional handpiece ratios available via
                                                                                                                   dynamometer calibration 4:1, 16:1, 32:1
                                                                                                                 • Advanced-features and efficient adjustable
                                                                                                                   torque desired by specialists
                                                                                                                 • Dynamometer provides exceptional
                                                                                                                   handpiece testing and calibration
                                                                                                                 • Autoclavable 40k rpm brushless micromotor
                                                                                                                 • Works for all implant types                                              MicroNiTi endodontic handpieces   The dynamometer calibration
                                                                                                                 • Endodontic presets and complete Dentsply Sirona                          provide unrivaled accuracy and    system on 7000 Series motors
                                                                                                                   rotary endodontic file library onboard                                   access. See details on page 17.   gives dentists the ability to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              quickly and easily diagnose the
                                                                                                                 • Upgradeable software                                                                                       health of a handpiece and verify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              that it is producing the correct
                                                                                                                 • Adjustable irrigation flow rate of up to 140 ml/min.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              torque for the application.
                                                                                                                 • Reusable, autoclavable irrigation tubing
                                                                                                                 • Easy cleaning and maintenance
                                                                                                                 • Optional: fiber-optic illumination, variable foot control,
                                                                                                                   multifunction foot control, carrying case
                                                                                                                 • Console dimensions 9.98” W x 9.42” L x 5.1” H (25 x 24 x 13 cm)
                                                                                                                 • Universal voltage 100-240V

                            Mont Blanc AHP-85MBFO-CX
                                                                                                                 7000 Motor with On/Off Foot Control                            AEU-7000E
                         The ultimate handpiece for implants.
                                See details on page 14.                                                          7000 Motor with Variable Foot Control                  AEU-7000E-70V
                                                                                                                 7000 Motor with LED Illumination
                                                                                                                 and Variable Foot Control                                AEU-7000L-70V
        The Aseptico 7000 Series Dental Motor is one of         future needs are also met. For rotary end­o,
        the most powerful and easiest-to-use implant/           7000 Series dental motors include a preloaded    Options
        surgical motors available. This all-in-one plat-        rotary endodontic file library and features      Carrying Case                                              410205-HNDL
        form provides specialist-level performance for          Aseptico’s highly regarded au­to-stop-reverse    Micromotor with 10ft cable                               AE-230M-40EXT
                                                                                                                 On/Off Foot Control                                              AE-7PM
        restorative, oral surgery, implant, and rotary          functionality to help prevent file separation.
                                                                                                                 On/Off Foot Control with 10ft cable                           AE-7PM-10
        endo applications. It is one of the most powerful       For oral surgery, predictable and adjustable     Variable Speed Foot Control with 10ft cable                  AE-70V2-10
        motor systems available today with the ability          torque adds to practice efficiency. Reusable,    Handpieces- Implant, Surgical, Endo                      see pages 14-20
        to place implants up to 80 Ncm with a Mont              autoclav­able irrigation tubing means no more
                                                                                                                 Replacement Parts
        Blanc® 20:1 handpiece. It is compatible with            buying or keeping track of costly disposables.   Fiber Optic Micromotor                                       AE-230L-40
        most popular implant techniques and available                                                            Micromotor with 6ft cable                                   AE-230M-40
        brands. The unit’s advanced handpiece calibra-          Available handpiece ratios                       Variable Speed Foot Control                                     AE-70V2
        tion system helps ensure that the displayed             1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:5, 8:1, 20:1                    Calibration Bur                                                  461558
                                                                                                                 Irrigation Bag Hanger Rod                                        461541
        values are accurate with what is occurring at
                                                                                                                 Power Cord                                                       840079
        the bur. Upgradeable software means a fantastic                                                          Handpiece Cradle                                             461561-01
        return on investment while ensuring that your                                                            Tubing and Accessories                                       see page 23

4                       www.aseptico.com                                                                                          FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE.                        CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                             5
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
Implant and Oral Surgery Motors                                                                                                                                                                        General Dentistry Motor

                                                                                                              6000 Series                                                                                                        Operative Motor
    6000 Series Implant Motor                                                                               MAKE IT A PACKAGE                Electrical Operative Motor                                                     MAKE IT A PACKAGE AND SAVE.
    AEU-6000-70V                                                                                                  AND SAVE.                  AEU-5000                                                                                    CALL TODAY!

    • Recommended for implantology and rotary endodontics                                                        CALL TODAY!                 • Attach to your air-driven high speed connection and use your                        425.487.3157
    • Places up to 50 Ncm (w/ Mont Blanc Handpiece)                                                        425.487.3157                        own rheostat

    • 15-2,000 rpm with 20:1 implant handpiece                                                               Recommended handpiece
                                                                                                                                             • Electrical option for efficient and quiet restorative procedures
                                                                                                           Mont Blanc 20:1 with Depth Stop   • Up to 200,000 rpm with high speed handpiece
    • Control water flow, motor direction, torque                                                                  AHP-85MB-CX
      and presets from the foot pedal                                                                         See page 14 for details.
                                                                                                                                             • Powerful, high torque electric motor
    • Reusable, autoclavable irrigation tubing.                                                                                              • Intuitive design and operation
      No more buying costly disposable tubing!                                                                                               • Includes endo mode with auto-stop-reverse torque setting
    • Small footprint
      8.6” W x 9.2” L x 4.8” H
      (22 x 23 x 12 cm)
    • Universal voltage: 100-240V

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What Distinguishes an Aseptico® System?

                                                                                                                                             The versatile and cost-effective operative motor is designed                         You will often hear us speak about an ‘implant
                                                                                                                                             to convert a standard air dental delivery system into a                             system,’ ‘oral surgery system’ or ‘endo system.’
                                                                                                                                             powerful electric handpiece system for numerous                                     What makes it a system is that multiple components
                                                                                                                                             dental applications.                                                               are working together – motor, micromotor, handpiece,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               surgical or other irrigation.
                                                                                                                                             The AEU-5000 features endo functionality, fiber optic
                                                                                                                                             intensity adjustment, a compact and easy-to-clean                                Any combination of components can make a system, but
    The AEU-6000 is our best-selling implant motor because   Implant Motor w/ Variable Foot Control              AEU-6000-70V                console, a large backlit display, intuitive user interface,                     what makes it an Aseptico system, are three important
    of its reliability and affordability. This versatile     Implant Motor w/ On-Off Foot Switch                     AEU-6000                and a 40,000 rpm brushless autoclavable micromotor.                             differentiators:
    machine performs implants and rotary endo with                                                                                           Innovative LED technology produces the brightest
    auto-stop-reverse. It also can be used as a back up                                                                                      illumination you’ll find in a dental handpiece.                                1. Aseptico dental motor — lauded for quality, innovative
                                                             Carrying Case                                       410205-HNDL
    for your restorative and oral surgery systems. No        Micromotor with 10ft cable                         AE-230M-40EXT                                                                                              features, high-performance and durability.
    other motor on the market can give you these benefits    On/Off Foot Control                                        AE-7PM               Available handpiece ratios
    at such an affordable price.                                                                                                             1:5, 1:2, 1:1, 5:1, 8:1                                                      2. Each handpiece that we recommend for you has been
                                                             On/Off Foot Control with 10ft cable                     AE-7PM-10
                                                             Variable Speed Foot Control with 10ft cable            AE-70V2-10                                                                                           thoroughly researched and tested for ultimate performance
    With upgradeable software, the AEU-6000 unit will be     Mont Blanc Handpiece AHP-85MB-CX                       see page 14              Electrical Operative Motor                                 AEU-5000         with the Aseptico motor you select.
    a workhorse for many years to come. Autoclavable         Replacement Parts
                                                                                                                                             Adjustable Mounting Bracket                                   330569
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         3. Excellence and Value: At Aseptico, good isn’t enough.
    irrigation tubing means you don’t have to buy a new      Micromotor with 6ft cable                             AE-230M-40
                                                                                                                                             Replacement Micromotor                                     AE-240-40
                                                                                                                                             Recommended Handpieces                                    see page 18       We offer dental professionals excellence and value in every
    set for each procedure. Five preset buttons can be       Variable Speed Foot Control                               AE-70V2
    programmed separately for both implants and              Irrigation Bag Hanger Rod                                  461541                                                                                          system that we create. Compare features, performance, and
    endodontics, reducing your procedure time                Power Cord                                                 840079                                                                                         price to any other leading brand. Aseptico gives you expertise,
                                                             Handpiece Cradle                                       461561-01                                                                                          exceptional savings, long-lasting value, and reliability for
                                                             Tubing and Accessories                                 see page 23                                                                                       your practice.
    Available handpiece ratios
    1:5, 1:3, 1:2, 1:1, 8:1, 20:1

6                                   www.aseptico.com                                                                                                         FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE.             CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                                            7
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
Endodontic Motors                                                                                                                                                                                 Endodontic Motors

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rotary Endo
    Electronic Endodontic                                                                                                             Endo DTC® Rotary Motor                                                       MAKE IT A PACKAGE & SAVE.
    System                                                                                                                            AEU-25                                                                          CALL TODAY!
    AEU-27A                                                                                                                           • Most sold, most trusted endo motor in America                                 425.487.3157
                                                                                                                                      • Dentsply Sirona File Library included
    • Lightweight motor and cable
                                                                                                                                      • Auto-Stop-Reverse functionality
    • Upgradeable software
    • Weighted omnidirectional foot pedal
    • Includes all features of America’s most                                     Don’t forget the HandiDam®
      popular endo motor, The Endo DTC®                                           Created by Aseptico, it’s the original pre-framed
                                                                                  rubber dam. Easier and more efficient — it’s the
                                                                                  only rubber dam that allows access to suction or
                                                                                  take x-rays while isolation and clamps remain in
                                                                                  place. See page 26.                                 Foot control

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MicroNiTi Handpieces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We recommend the MicroNiTi series
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of endodontic handpieces. Select
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      from Minihead or Microhead models;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      available in 16:1 or 8:1 gear ratios.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      See page 17.

                                                                                                                                      The Endo DTC Rotary Endo Motor is America’s most popular
                                                                                                                                      endo motor because it is a proven reliable performer.
                                                                                                                                      Many dentists did their endodontic training on this system
    The Electronic Endodontic System features digital                                                                                 and they still prefer it today. And why not? There is so much
    torque control with auto-stop-reverse to prevent file                                                                             packed into this small footprint at such an affordable price:
    separation and automatic calibration to test both the                                                                             advanced digital torque control technology with auto-stop-
    motor and handpiece for accurate performance and                                                                                  reverse helps prevent file separation, five programmable
    consistent operation. Easy to operate, with an auto-                                                                              memory buttons, onboard file library, integrated calibration
    clavable brushless motor, this motor also features                                                                                system, autoclavable 30k rpm brushless micro motor, and
    onboard file library, five programmable memory                     The AEU-27A is the most versatile, safe and
                                                                                                                                      upgradeable software. Pair with a MicroNiTi series hand-
    locations, and preset options that allow single file,              economical motor available anywhere in the world,              piece to make the perfect rotary endo system.
    file series, or custom file series. Upgradeable                    at any price. That’s why I customized the AEU-27A
    software assures return on investment. Includes                    with rpm and torque presets for the MounceFiles                Available handpiece ratios
    weighted omnidirectional foot pedal.                               in both Controlled Memory and Standard Nickel                  1:5, 1:1, 4:1, 8:1, 16:1, 64:1

    Available handpiece ratios                                         Titanium. Upgradeable, simple to use, and ergonomic,           Endo DTC®                                            AEU-25
    1:5, 1:1, 8:1, 16:1                                                it sets the standard for electric endodontic motors
                                                                                                                                      Replacement Parts
                                                                       for many years to come.                                        Micromotor                                          AE-4B-30
    Electronic Endodontic System                           AEU-27A
                                                                       — Richard Mounce DDS, Mounce Endo                              On/Off Foot Control                                     AE-7P
    Replacement Parts                                                                                                                 Recommended handpieces                            see page 17
    Micromotor                                            AE-250-30
    On/Off Foot Control                                      AE-7PM
    MicroNiTi series endodontic handpieces recommended   see page 17

8                                                                      www.aseptico.com                                                              FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE.           CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                           9
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
Lab Motors                                                                                                                                                                     Lab Motors

                                                                                                                                                                                                          CALL TODAY!
                                                Heavy Duty                                                Light Duty Lab Motor
                                                Brushless Lab Motor                                       AEU-10SS
                                                                                                                                                                   The Light Duty Lab Motor is one of the finest motor and
                                                AEU-16SS-120                                              • For light to medium acrylic use and low speed prophy   handpiece combinations available to the professional.
                                                                                                          • Versatile E-type connection with straight handpiece    Engineered to provide many years of reliable service,
                                                • For heavy acrylic use
                                                                                                          • 20k rpm micromotor                                     this powerful lightweight motor is the perfect choice
                                                • Brushless 50k rpm micromotor
                                                                                                                                                                   for making chairside adjustments. Made in USA.
                                                • Consistent torque even at low speeds                    • Console with adjustable speed and direction
                                                • Customizable preset memory storage                      • Available in 110V or 220V                              Light Duty Dental Lab Motor                         AEU-10SS

                                                • Self-diagnostic error display                           • Includes AE-7P On/Off Foot Switch                      Light Duty Dental Lab Motor                      AEU-10SS-220
                                                • Available in 110V
                                                • Includes Variable Speed Foot Control                                                                             Optional Variable Speed Foot Control    AE-14A
                                                                                                                                                                   Replacement Parts:
                                                                                                                                                                   1:1 Handpiece                          AHP-101
                                                                                                                                                                   Micromotor                             AM-103B
                                                                                                                                                                   On/Off Foot Switch                       AE-7P

                                                                                            Motor                                                                           Handpiece included

              The Battery Powered                                                                         Battery Powered
              Portable Lab Motor
              is surprisingly                                                                             Portable Lab Motor
              powerful! Ideal                                                                             AEU-03M1B
              for lightweight
              lab benchwork                                                                               • Versatile E-type connection
                                                                                                            with straight handpiece
              or for performing
              prophys in the                                                                              • 22k rpm micromotor
              field. See page 11.                                                                         • On/Off foot switch
                                                                                                          • Dual voltage
                                    The Heavy Duty Brushless Lab Motor is newly upgraded
                                                                                                          • Includes a high torque motor, handpiece,
                                    to provide more power, performance, durability, and                     and long-lasting Li-ion battery.
                                    portability. The brushless 50k rpm micromotor can
                                    produce up to 8.3 Ncm of torque. This solid and sturdy                The Battery Powered Portable Lab
                                    system can be operated in either vertical or horizontal               Motor is the smart solution for simple
                                    placement. Easy to read digital display, preset memory                portable dentistry. Made to be mobile,
                                    storage, hand/foot change button and self-diagnostic                  this surprisingly powerful lab motor
                                    error display provide comprehensive control and operation.            allows you to work on the go.

                                    Heavy Duty Lab Motor                                  AEU-16SS-120    Portable Lab Motor                AEU-03M1B                     Handpiece included
                                    Replacement Parts                                                     Replacement Parts
                                    Motor/Cable Assy                                           AE-H180    1:1 Handpiece                        AHP-101
                                    Variable Speed Footswitch                                     AE-SP   Micromotor                         AE-5M1-25
                                                                                                          Foot Switch                           AE-7M1

10                                                                                                                                                                 Shop online at aseptico.com                                     11
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
Senior Engineer, Scott Lewallen

                                                                         Specialist-level Performance                                      Engineered for Superior Workflow Efficiency

                          Why Aseptico Created                           The 7000 Series dental motor provides specialist-level            Both the 7000 Series and 6000 Series are loaded with

                          the 6000 & 7000 Series                         performance for restorative, oral surgery, implant, and rotary    performance features that every dentist and specialist

                          Dental Motors
                                                                         endo applications, making it a true all-in-one, multi-specialty   will appreciate. Here are three important distinctions
                                                                         solution. What sets the 7000 Series apart, is its high torque     that make these motors stand-outs:
                                                                         capability (80 Ncm), reliable performance, and advanced
                          A big leap in dental motor design to meet
                                                                         handpiece calibration system.                                           • Osteotomy and implant placement can be
                          the changing needs of dentistry                                                                                         performed with a single handpiece saving
                                                                         The 6000 Series is also an all-in-one platform capable of
                                                                                                                                                  procedure time and the need for an
                                                                         performing implant placement (up to 50 Ncm), rotary endo,
                                                                                                                                                  additional handpiece.
                                                           7000 Series
                                                                         and restorative dentistry. Although more limited by design,
                                                                         the 6000-Series is also more affordable without sacrificing
                                                                         product quality.

                                                                         Aseptico first introduced the 7000 Series in 2007, and
                                                                         6000 Series followed soon after. At the time, the 7000
                                                                         Series design was a departure from the metallic, industrial,            • Multi-function foot control pedal with
                                                                         mechanical look of the times – and a major advance in asepsis,           color-coded buttons allows easy cycling
                                                                         featuring rounded corners, easy to clean medical-grade plastic,          through preset selection, micromotor
                                                                         and electronic console controls impervious to liquid and dust.           direction, torque adjustment,
                                                                                                                                                  and water flow settings.

           efore there were dental implants, endodontists
           performed root canals, prosthodontists made
           bridges and dentures, periodontists treated gum
     disease, oral surgeons operated, and general dentists
     referred patients out to the specialists.

     Today, specialists and general dentists alike place
     dental implants. Many also perform endo and oral
     surgery — and often a combination of these — for                                                                                          • Upgradeable software ensures you are always
     example, a sinus lift and implant placement, a root                                                                                        operating at the state-of-the-art without having
     canal and an implant placement, or a tooth                                                                                                 to reinvest in equipment.
     extraction and implant placement.
                                                                                                                                           Dental specialties are designated because they are
     To meet the advancing capabilities and needs                                                                                          complex, demanding and take a high-level of education,
     of dentists, Aseptico created the all-in-one                                                                                          training, and skill. Aseptico® 7000 Series and 6000
     7000 Series and 6000 Series dental motors.                                                                                            Series dental motors are designed for these specialists
                                                                                                                                           and for general dentists performing oral surgery, implant
                                                                                                                                           placement and endodontics. To learn more about how
                                                                                                                                           7000 Series and 6000 Series dental motors can help
                                                                                                           6000 Series                     you perform dentistry more effectively, please speak to
                                                                                                                                           one of our friendly and professional team members.

12                                                                           FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE.                          CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                             13
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
Implant Handpieces                                                                                                                                                                                 Implant Handpieces

                   Our Best Implant Handpieces

                     Mont Blanc Implant Handpieces                                                                                    Impulsion
                     The Mont Blanc Implant Handpiece is crafted from stainless steel and titanium,                                   Implant Handpiece
                     making it lightweight and durable. Precision ball bearing construction
                     reduces friction to prevent overheating during surgical procedures.
                     It features smooth surfaces that improve infection control and                                                   • Electric (E-type)
                     ensure easy cleaning, with the ability to remove the head for cleaning                                           • 55 Ncm maximum torque
                     without tools.                                                                                                   • 20:1 reducer
                     • Electric (E-type)                                                           See all Mont Blanc handpiece       • 15 - 2,000 rpm
                                                                                                      accessories, including            (w/ 40k rpm micromotor)
                     • 80 Ncm maximum torque                                                     AseptiSpray™ handpiece cleaner
                                                                                                   and lubricant, irrigation clips,
                     • 20:1 reducer
                                                                                                  cannulas, and more on page 22.
                     • 15 - 2,000 rpm
                       (w/ 40k rpm micromotor)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 HANDPIECES FOR 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Aseptico Global Dental Catalog
                                            Depth Stop
                                                                                                                                                                                                 What makes a great handpiece? What essential
                                                                                                                                                                                                 characteristics should you look for beyond how it
                                       Irrigation Clip
                                                                                       Fiber                                                                                                     feels in your hand? At Aseptico, we have the answers
                                                                                       LED                                                                                                       for you! Each year, we evaluate all the leading brands
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and test handpieces according to a variety of performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                 characteristics so that we can present the best options
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for you.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Because of Aseptico’s rigorous quality review process,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 you can have complete confidence that any handpiece
                                                                                                                                                                                                 you purchase is backed by a solid warranty and expert
                                                                                                                                                                                                 customer service.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Featured in the catalog this year are Anthogyr
                                                                                                                                                                                                 handpiece selections for Oral Surgery, Mont Blanc®
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Impulsion® handpieces for dental implants, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 our recently introduced Aseptico by MK Dent line of
                                                                                                                                                                                                 restorative handpieces – the result of a special
                                                                                                                                                                                                 manufacturing collaboration with MK Dent GmbH
                                                                                                                                      Rated to a max torque of 55 Ncm, the Impulsion Dental      (Germany).
          AHP-85MB-X                                 AHP-85MB-CX                           AHP-85MBFO-CX
                                                                                                                                      Implant Handpiece offers great value. This reliable
          No Depth Stop                                   Depth Stop                    Fiber Optics & Depth Stop                                                                                Our professional and friendly team members have
                                                                                                                                      handpiece uses sleeve bearings, making it a good
                                                                                                                                      handpiece for drilling an osteotomy at an affordable       extensive knowledge and can guide you in the best
                                                                                                                                      price.                                                     selections for your practice.
                                                                                                                                      Impulsion Handpiece- Push Button               AHP-85P-I   CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157
                                                                                                                                      AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant                AHP-09   or shop online at
14                         RIGOROUSLY QUALIFIED AND PERFORMANCE TESTED.                                                                                                                                                                                      15
2021 NEW! Our Most Advanced Portable Delivery System Ever See Pages 38-39 - THIS YEAR'S LINEUP OF
Surgical Handpieces                                                                                          Endodontic Handpieces

 1:1                                                    Minihead                                         Microhead
 Straight                                               Endodontic                                       Endodontic                                             ASEPTICO SELECT HANDPIECES
 Surgical                                               AHP-88MN and AHP-62MN                            AHP-88MNP and AHP-62MNP                                ARE EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCTS,
 AHP-64                                                 • Electric (E-type)                              • Electric (E-type)                                    RIGOROUSLY QUALIFIED
                                                        • Swing latch                                    • Push button                                          AND PERFORMANCE TESTED
     • Electric (E-type)
                                                        • Speed range                                    • Speed range (w/ 30k rpm micromotor)
     • 1:1 low speed
     • 300 to 40,000 rpm
                                                          (w/ 30k rpm micromotor)                        • 8:1 — 40 to 3,600 rpm                                CALL TODAY!
                                                        • 8:1 — 40 to 3,600 rpm
       (w/ 40k rpm micromotor)
                                                        • 16:1 — 20 to 1,800 rpm
                                                                                                         • 16:1 — 20 to 1,800 rpm
                                                                                                                                                                Or shop online at

                                                                                                                                                                I rely on Aseptico dental motors and
                                                                                                                                                                handpieces for consistent reliability
                                                                                                                                                                and superb performance.

                                                                                                                                                                — Ara Nazarian DDS DICOI

     Anthogyr 1:1 Straight Electric High                Anthogyr MicroNiTi Minihead Endodontic           Anthogyr MicroNiTi Microhead Endodontic
     Speed Surgical Handpiece is ideal for              Handpiece has a swing latch head and             Handpiece has a push button head and provides
     osteoplasty, working dentin, adjusting             provides unrivaled accuracy, whether it is       the same unrivaled accuracy as other MicroNiTi
     dentures, sectioning enamel and                    being used with a rotary or reciprocating        series handpieces, whether it is being used with
     performing sinus lifts.                            motor. The mini-head size allows for excellent   a rotary or reciprocating motor. The micro-head
                                                        access and line of sight during procedures.      size allows for exceptional access and line of sight
     Straight Electric Handpiece               AHP-64
                                                        Made for nickel-titanium endodontic files,       during procedures. Made for nickel-titanium
     AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant        AHP-09   the MicroNiTi Minihead is compatible with all    endodontic files, the MicroNiTi Microhead is
     Irrigation Clip                            AE-8D
                                                        ISO rotary endo files.                           compatible with all ISO rotary endo files.

                                                        8:1                                  AHP-88MN    8:1                                  AHP-88MNP
                                                        16:1                                 AHP-62MN    16:1                                 AHP-62MNP
                                                        AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant     AHP-09    AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant       AHP-09

                           Autoclavable AE-8D
16                         Irrigation Clip for AHP-64                                                                                                                                                   17
Restorative Handpieces                                                                                                                                                                                             Restorative Handpieces

     1:3                                                    1:5                                             4-Hole                                            5-Hole                                         6-Pin                                              6-Pin
     Restorative                                            Restorative                                     Restorative                                       Restorative                                    Restorative                                        Fiber Optic
     AHP-65TI-FO and AHP-65TI                               AHP-72MK-FO                                     AHP-96MK                                          AHP-97MK                                       AHP-82MK                                           Coupler
     • Electric (E-type)                                    * Electric (E-type)                             • Air-driven                                      • Air-driven                                   • Air-driven                                       AHP-82MK-QD
     • External irrigation                                  • Internal irrigation                           • Internal irrigation                             • Internal irrigation                          • Internal Irrigation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Air-driven
     • 1:3 Increaser                                        • 1:5 Increaser                                 • Non-optic                                       • Fiber optic glare-free,                      • Fiber optic with LED color
                                                                                                                                                                color accurate illumination                    accurate illumination                            • Works with LED bulbs and
     • Optional fiber optics                                • Fiber optics                                  • Max 320k rpm, 24 watts                                                                                                                              glass rod fiber optics
     • Max 120,000 rpm                                      • Max 200,000 rpm                               • Max volume 62 dB                                • Max 320k rpm, 24 watts                       • Max 350k rpm, 25 watts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Color accurate
       (w/ 40k rpm micromotor)                                (w/ 40k rpm micromotor)                       • Recommended                                     • Max volume 62 dB                             • Max volume
     • Perfect for high speed dentistry                     • Perfect for high speed dentistry                for high speed                                  • Perfect for high                               55 dB
       with your implant/surgical motor                       with your electric operative motor              dentistry                                         speed dentistry

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Handpiece shown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with AMP-82MK-QD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Coupler attached.

     With an external irrigation port and 1:3           Provides powerful, quiet, vibration-free            Simple to use technology, developed for           It feels great in your hand and sports         Excellent for high speed dentistry in-office          This 6-Pin Fiber Optic Coupler comes
     increaser gearing, the AHP-65Ti Restorative        operation with class-leading precision, the         what you do every day. The 4-hole High Speed      a clean modern shape with a chrome surface.    or with a mobile pneumatic delivery system.           with a non-retraction valve and water volume
     Electric High Speed Handpiece makes any            1:5 Restorative Handpiece features Long             Handpiece features a clean, elegant shape and a   Fiber optics deliver 100% glare-free, color    More power, better sound, spectacular control.        regulation. Works with both LED and glass
     surgical motor with irrigation into a restor-      Lasting Gears that are engineered to excel at       virtually scratch proof smooth chrome surface.    accurate illumination. The 5-hole High Speed   The MK Dent 6-pin High Speed Restorative              rod fiber optics to provide 100% glare free
     ative powerhouse. Ergonomic and lightweight        every angle, and ceramic bearings that stand        Manufactured using proprietary laser balancing    Restorative Handpiece is equipped with the     Handpiece is built for the pro user who demands       and color accurate light.
     design allows for optimum comfort during           up to heavy use. Fiber optics optimize visibility   technology, this handpiece delivers 24 watts of   AeroPerformance Blade premium cartridge.       best in class. Reverse flow protection minimizes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6-Pin Fiber Optic Coupler   AHP-82MK-QD
     your procedure.                                    with 100% glare-free illumination at a color        torque and features a premium cartridge for       Ceramic bearings stand up to heavy use and     the entry of contaminants into the head. Fiber
                                                        temperature of 5500 K.                              enduring precision and prolonged life.            autoclaving.                                   optics provide color-accurate illumination.
     1:3 High Speed w/ Fiber Optics       AHP-65TI-FO
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Supremely finished with a scratch-resistant
     1:3 High Speed                         AHP-65TI    1:5 High Speed                       AHP-72MK-FO    MK Dent 4-hole High Speed Restorative Handpiece   MK Dent 5-hole High Speed Restorative
                                                                                                                                                                                                             titanium surface. Dentists will enjoy working               CALL TODAY!
                                                                                                                                                AHP-96MK      Handpiece                           AHP-97MK
     AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant       AHP-09    AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant        AHP-09                                                                                                     with this exceptional handpiece.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Or shop online at
                                                                                                            AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant     AHP-09     AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant   AHP-09
                                                                                                                                                                                                             MK Dent 6-pin High Speed Restorative Handpiece
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AHP-82MK               aseptico.com
18                                                                                                                                                                                                           MK Dent 6-pin Coupler              AHP-82MK-QD                                                       19
                                                                                                                                                                                                             AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant      AHP-09
Portable and Low Speed Handpieces
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PACKAGE DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157

                                                                                                                                                                                 Recommended Systems
     Low Speed                                    Low Speed                                         4-Hole to E-Type                                 All Aseptico® dental motors and micromotors are made in the USA. Each surgical
     Straight                                     Contra Angle                                      Air Motor                                        system features autoclavable tubing which saves money and is better for the planet.
                                                                                                                                                     Our experts can guide you on the best system for your application and budget. Here
     AHP-101                                      AHP-63MK                                          AHP-50MK                                         are some popular configurations that deliver exceptional performance and outstand-
     • Electric (E-type)                          • Electric (E-type)                               • Air Driven                                     ing value.
     • Attaches to E-type air motor               • Attaches to E-type air motor                    • Low Speed Air Motor (4-hole)
     • Also pairs with AHP-50MK                   • Also pairs with AHP-50MK                        • Adapts an air system to accept an
                                                                                                      E-type handpiece                               Implantology
     • 1:1 Straight Handpiece                     • Swing Latch
     • Post for Doriot-style prophy               • 1:1 Contra Angle                                                                                 7000 Series Motor with LED Illumination (AEU-7000L-70V)
       angle attachment                           • Recommend for low speed work on portable                                                         Mont Blanc® Implant Handpiece with Fiber Optics and
     • Recommended for use with Aseptico            equipment or in an office operatory                                                              Depth-Stop (AHP-85MBFO-CX) and Multi-Function Foot
       portable systems and lab motors                                                                                                               Control (AEU-70V2) See pages 4-5

                                                                                                                                                     Implantology, Restorative,
                                                                                                                                                     & Endodontics for the General Dentist
                                                                                                                                                     6000 Series Motor (AEU-6000-70V) and Mont Blanc®
                                                                                                                                                     Implant Handpiece with Depth Stop (AHP-85MB-CX)
                                                                                                                                                     and Multi-Function Foot Control (AEU-70V2)
                                                                                                                                                     See page 6

     Designed to work with Aseptico air-driven    MK Dent Low Speed Contra Angle Handpiece          The Low Speed Air Motor accepts E-type
     portable dental systems, the Low Speed       is a D-latch style low speed handpiece that can   handpieces. Recommended for use with
     Straight Handpiece is made of lightweight    be attached to any E-type air motor.              Aseptico air-driven portable dental systems or
     aluminum. The AHP-50 Low Speed Air                                                             other in-office applications where you need to
                                                  MK Dent 1:1 Swing Latch Contra Angle
     Motor, which allows air turbines to accept                                                     adapt an air system to an E-type handpiece.
     E-type handpieces, is required to connect
                                                  AseptiSpray™ Cleaner and Lubricant   AHP-09       Low Speed Air Motor                   AHP-50MK
     this handpiece to Aseptico portable dental

     Low Speed Straight Handpiece       AHP-101

20                    CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157 or shop online at aseptico.com                                                                               CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157 or shop online at aseptico.com                               21
Handpiece & Motor Accessories                                                                                                            Accessories & Replacement Motors

                                                                                                                     Tubing & Accessories
                                                                                                                     Autoclavable surgical tubing saves
                                                                                                                     money and prevents waste. Disposable
                                                                                                                     tubing sets cost about $12 per set
                                                                                                                     compared to less than $1 per use
                                                                                                                     for autoclavable tubing that lasts for
                                                                                                                     approximately 100 uses. Autoclavable
                                                                                                                     irrigation clips are money-savers too.

                                                                                                                     Irrigation Tubing Set for IV Bags               AE-23
                                                                                                                     (For AEU-6000 and 7000 series)
                                                                                                                     Irrigation Clips (qty: 10)                     AHP-03
                                                                                                                     Irrigation Pump Tubing Section (qty: 10)

              Handpiece Cleaner                                                                                      Foot Controls
              and Lubricant                                                                                          Multi-Function Foot Control

              AseptiSpray™ is a must for proper cleaning      Mont Blanc/Impulsion                                   AE-70V2-6
                                                                                                                     On/off foot pedal with buttons easily cycling through
              and maintenance of handpieces. It keeps
              handpieces working efficiently and ensures
                                                              Handpiece Accessories                                  flow rate, micromotor direction, preset selection, and
                                                                                                                     torque settings. Made in USA.
              long life and durability.                       Depth Stop Attachment                 AHP-85MB-STP
                                                              Black Irrigation Clip                 AHP-85MB-CLP     Multi-Function Foot Control with 6’ cable                     AE-70V2
              AseptiSpray™ w/ Nozzle (8.8 oz can)   AHP-09    Cannula                              AHP-85MB-CAN      Multi-Function Foot Control with 10’ cable                 AE-70V2-10
              Nozzle only                           AHP-09N   Cannula Clip Set                             AHP-07
                                                              Set includes small clip (AHP-05),
                                                              large clip (AHP-06), cannula and tubing (AHP-04)       On/Off Foot Switch
                                                              Cannula and Tubing                           AHP-04    AE-7PM
                                                              Small Clip                                   AHP-05
                                                                                                                     On/off footswitch for AEU-525 and dental motors.
                                                              Large Clip                                   AHP-06
                                                              Y Connector                                     AE-2   Made in USA.

                                                                                                                     Foot Control with 6’ cable                                     AE-7PM
                                                                                                                     Foot Control with 10’ cable                                 AE-7PM-10

                                                              Autoclavable Irrigation Clip for
                                                              Mont Blanc® Handpiece

                                                                                                                     Replacement Micromotors
                                                                                                                     AEU-7000L micromotor and 6’ fiber optic cable              AE-230L-40
                                                                                                                     6000 Series and 7000 Series Implant Motors
                                                                                                                     micromotor and 6’ cable                                    AE-230M-40
                                                                                                                     AEU-27A Advanced Endodontic Motor micromotor                AE-250-30
                                                                                                                     AEU-5000 Electric Operative Motor micromotor                AE-240-40
                                                                                                                     AEU-25 Endo DTC®, AEU-707Av2 Implant/Surgical Motor, and
                                                                                                                     AEU-178V2 SurgiMotor II micromotor and cable                 AE-4B-30
                                                                                                                     AEU-10SS Versatile Lab Motor replacement micromotor          AM-103B

22         CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157 or shop online at aseptico.com                                                                                                                           23

       We Are Committed To
      Excellence In Everything
         We Do And Every
          Product We Sell

24                                        25
Dental Innovations                                                                                                                                                            Proven Products

     HandiDam®                                                                                             TECHNIQUE
     pre-framed                                                                                               CHAIN & GRID
     dental dam
     • Pre-framed, flexible design
       facilitates access to the oral
       cavity for suction, X-ray
       films, or digital X-ray sensors
     • Superior elasticity and tear-resistance
     • Saves time—eliminates the need to remove                                                      • 10 sets per box
       and replace traditional dam during the procedure                                              • 14k gold chain
     • Ergonomic and comfortable for greater patient acceptance                                      • 3 grid shapes available
     • Meets FDA Powder-Free standard
     • Extremely low protein content reduces                                                         Technique Chain & Grid easily attaches
       patient irritation (

      Designed, Engineered
      And Manufactured To A
     Superior Quality Standard

28                                     29
Dental Utility                                                                                                                                                                                  Made in the USA

                                     Compricart II Delivery System                                                                                                   Automated Air Delivery System
                                     ADU-20B                                                                                                                         ADU-07 and ADU-07A
                                     • One high speed and one low speed handpiece connection                                                                         • Choose 2 or 3 handpiece system                          • Optional fiber-optics
                                     • High volume evacuator and saliva ejector                                                                                      • Includes 3-way air/water syringe                        • Includes foot control
                                     • Large stainless steel instrument tray                                                                                         • Wall or cabinet mount
                                       (13.5" x 9.75")
                                     • All day water system with two liter self-contained water bottle                                                               The Automated Air Dental Delivery System is a pneumatic handpiece
                                                                                                                                                                     control system that gives you everything you need at a price you can
                                     Roll the Compricart II Dental Cart from room to room with ease! Great                                                           afford. Highly customizable, select from a 2-handpiece system with
                                     for hospitals and expanding dental offices, the simple controls of the                                                          manual control, or 3-handpiece system with automatic selection and
                                     Compricart II make operation stress-free. A compact design, ample                                                               individual air and water adjustments. Both models include air pressure
                                     work surface, stainless steel instrument tray, integrated water supply,                                                         gauge, 3-way air/water syringe, foot control, and water flow adjustments.
                                     and venturi suction (high volume and saliva ejector) round out the                                                              Flat top design is ideal for mounting into cabinets. Requires connection
                                     features of this versatile platform. Just connect to an air source –                                                            to air and water sources.
                                     no central vacuum required! Including the optional AWS-1C allows
                                     an external scaler to use the cart's water supply.                                                                              2-Handpiece/Manual Control                  ADU-07
                                                                                                                                                                     3-Handpiece/Automatic                      ADU-07A
                                                                            Compricart II                               ADU-20B
                                                                                                                                                                     5-hole Fiber Optic Upgrade            AA-19LED-04
                                                                            Water Connection for External Scalers       AWS-1C
                                                                                                                                                                     6-pin Fiber Optic Upgrade                 AA-19A-06
                                                                                                                                                                     Replacement Parts                                                                  Folding Arm
                                                                            Fiber Optic Upgrade Kit 5-hole          AA-19LED-04
                                                                                                                                                                     Disc Foot Control w/ Water Toggle           AA-43W                                 Wall Mount
                                                                            Fiber Optic Upgrade Kit 6-pin             AA-19A-06                                                                                                                         Folding wall mount
                                                                                                                                                                     Air/Water Syringe                            TA-90D                                for ADU-0, ADU-07A
                                                                            Replacement Parts                                                                        Autoclavable Tips For Air/Water Syringe         TA-1                               and ADU-04, Dental
                                                                            Complete HVE Assembly                        330461                                                                                                                         Delivery Systems
                                                                            Disc Foot Control w/ Water Toggle            AA-43W                                                                                                                         AA-05A
                                                                            Air/Water Syringe                             TA-90D
                                                                            2L Water Bottle                              730665

                                                                                                                                                                     Manual Air Delivery System
                                                                                                                                                                     • 2-handpiece control system 		                 • Ideal for arm or wall mounting
                                                                                                                                                                     • 3-way air/water syringe		                     • Requires connection to air
                                                                                                                                                                     • Optional independent water

                                                                                                                                                                     The Manual Air Delivery System is a pneumatic handpiece control
                                                                                                                                                                     system for two handpieces. It includes a 3-way/air water syringe
                                                                                                             AEU-5000: See details on page 7                         and disk foot control. Requires connection to air and water
                                                                                                                                                                     sources or use optional independent water.

                                                                                                                                                                     Manual Air Control System                   ADU-04
                                                                                                                                                                     Clean Water System with
                                                                                                                                                                     1 Liter Bottle (pictured)                   NWS-7i

                                                                                                                                                                     Replacement Parts
                                                                                                                                                                     Disc Foot Control                            AA-42
                                                                                                                                                                     Air/Water Syringe                           TA-90D
                                                                                                                                                                     1L Water Bottle (for NWS-7i)                730471
                                                                                                                                                                     Autoclavable Tips For Air/Water Syringe        TA-1

30             FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE.      CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                                                                FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE.          CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                                                          31
Dental Utility                                                                                                                                                                                                              Made in the USA

     Lightweight Portable
     Delivery System
     ADU-04ST                                                                                                                                           Powered Trolleys
     • NEW compact design and case under 15lbs (6.8kg) • Customizable handpiece and vacuum options                                                      ATC-12V2 and ATC-15
     • 3-way air/water syringe                                         • 25 ft. air line to connect to any air source
                                                                                                                                                        • Keeps equipment organized and solves
     • Instrument tray                                                 • Padded carrying case: 25” x 11.5” x 11.5”
                                                                                                                                                          operatory space concerns
                                                                        (63.5 x 29 x 29cm)
                                                                                                                                                        • Storage bin for foot pedals or power strip
     Lightweight Portable Delivery Systems from Aseptico offer customizable handpiece
                                                                                                                                                        • Dual outlet with coiled AC power cord
     and vacuum options for restorative dentistry or dental hygiene needs. These super
                                                                                                                                                        • Adjustable height to easily store under
     lightweight systems are sturdy and strong, weighing in at only 15 pounds and can                                                                     a counter: 26.4” to 37.4” (67-95 cm)
     be configured just as you want them. A high-quality stainless steel instrument tray
                                                                                                                                                        • Four shelves w/ 3 removable stainless steel trays
     sits atop the system for ultimate efficiency in a compact footprint.

     Resorative System w/ 2 HPC Connections                               ADU-04ST
                                                                                                                                                        Aseptico Powered Trolleys give dental
                                                                                                                                                        teams the ability to easily roll dental
     High Volume Suction                                                   AA-21ST
                                                                                                                                                        motors, scalers, lasers, surgical systems
     Saliva Ejector                                                        AA-25ST
     5-hole Fiber Optics                                             AA-19LED-04                                                                        or other electrical equipment from operatory
     NEW! 6-pin Fiber Optics                                    AA-19EGEN-04T6*                                                                         to operatory. Available in large and standard
     *Will not function with incandescent bulbs. Consult your Aseptico sales rep for details.                                                           sizes, each Powered Trolley is adjustable in
                                                                                                                                                        height and features four shelves of storage
                                                                                                                                                        with removable stainless-steel trays that
                                                                                                                                                        fit securely into each shelf. High-quality,
                                                                                                                                                        sturdy trolleys move and turn with ease
                                                                                                                                                        and fit into almost any small space.
                                                    Airpac III
                                                                                                                                                        Standard Powered Trolley                   ATC-12v2
                                                    Portable Compressor                                                                                 Cart size: 26.4-37.4″ x 15.75″ x 16.5″ (67-95 x 40 x 42 cm)
                                                                                                                                                        Tray size: 11.3” x 9” (28.8 x 22.8 cm)
                                                     • 1.0 horsepower, 100 psi oil-less motor 		               • Air Delivery 3.1 CFM at 40 PSI         Large Powered Trolley                         ATC-15

                                                     • Built-in wheels and pull handle		                       • Available in 110V                      Cart size: 26.5-38″ x 19.5″ x 19.75″ (68-97 x 50 x 50 cm)
                                                                                                                                                        Large Tray: 11.3” x 9” (28.8 x 22.8 cm)
                                                     • Weight: 46 lbs. (20.87 kg) 			                          • Size: 17.93” W x 22.06” L x 10.43” H
                                                       					                                                    (45.5 cm W x 56.0 cm L x 26.5 cm H)

                                                    The Air Pac III Portable Compressor is a reliable 1.0 horsepower/100 psi air compressor
                                                    that delivers 3.1 CFM at 40 PSI. Built by Aseptico to stand-up to heavy use and
                                                    travel, the compressor is secured in its own super duty carrying case with built-in
                                                    wheels and pull handle. The Air Pac III includes an air storage tank and automatic
                                                    pressure switch control.

                                                    Airpac III Compressor                       AA-100-110

                                                                                                                                                                 Aseptico Powered Trolleys feature two heavy
                                                                                                                                                                 duty electrical outlets that are certified to safety
                                                                                                                                                                 standards and a sturdy storage bin designed to
                                                                                                                                                                 hold foot pedal or other items.
                                                                              When you pair the Airpac III Portable Compressor with the Lightweight
                                                                              Portable Delivery System, you have a powerful customized solution
                                                                              that’s easy to pack and transport and a quieter working area compared
32                                                                            to all-in-one portable dental systems.                                    FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE.                            CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157     33

              The United States
            Military, Public Health
           Outreach Programs And
            Humanitarian Dental
          Groups Around The World
              Rely On Aseptico
            Mobile And Portable
              Dental Equipment

34                                                     35
Mobile & Portable Dentistry                                                                                         Moving to Meet Need

     Taskforce Deluxe                                   Express                 Go                                                         Transport III
     Dental System                                      Dental System           Portable Dental Unit                                       Dental System
     28 lbs. (13 kg)                                    44-48 lbs. (20-22 kg)   34 lbs. (15.5 kg)                                          57-63 lbs.   (26– 29 kg)
     ADU-12DCE                                          ADU-17 see page 40      AEU-350                                                    AEU-525 see page 41
     see page 42                                                                see page 38

                            Aseptico portable dental units are
                            FDA-registered, made in the USA,
                              certified for electrical safety,
                            manufactured using ISO certified
                              processes, and warrantied for
                                  quality and reliability.

36                                                 MOVING TO MEET NEED                  ASEPTICO PORTABLE SYSTEMS ARE MADE IN THE USA.   CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157     37
Mobile & Portable Dentistry                                                                            Moving to Meet Need


                          A Portable Dental System That
                          SHATTERS BARRIERS
                          of size, weight, performance and
                          energy efficiency.

                          Introducing Aseptico’s most advanced portable dental system
                          ever – the GO Ultra Portable.

                          •   SUPER-COMPACT – So small it qualifies as carry-on luggage

                          •   LIGHTWEIGHT – 10 lbs lighter than the world’s #1 system

                          •   PERFORMANCE – New vacuum blower technology generates
                              powerful suction and air flow

                          •   ULTRA-ENERGY EFFICIENT – provides new possibilities for
                              operating on battery power

                          It’s a joy to take dentistry or hygiene care anywhere, with the new
                          Aseptico GO Ultra Portable Dental System. It is elegantly simple
                          to operate, and powerful beyond what one would expect in such a
                          compact footprint. Ideal for urban, rural, and remote dental care,
                          the GO is capable of restorative dentistry and hygiene functions
                          with an integrated electric motor and LED fiber-optic lighting.
                          Like all Aseptico portable systems, the GO is fully regulatory
                          compliant, features universal voltage inputs, and is certified
                          for electrical safety. The GO is neatly contained in an impact
                          resistant, waterproof wheeled case with a soft handle that is         Dentistry just got smaller,
                          easy on the hands. It’s everything a professional needs to take
38                        dentistry on the GO!                                                  lighter, and ultra portable!      39
Mobile & Portable Dentistry                                                                                                                                                                              Moving to Meet Need

     Express Portable                                                       The ADU-17 is proving to be everything we hoped for in a               Transport III Portable
                                                                            mobile dental unit. Easy to start, easy to run and simple to
     Dental System                                                          maintain. It is also being used in our main clinic and shared          Dental System                                                      Delivery module and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      user-interface panel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mount externally, placing
     ADU-17A and ADU-17A2                                                   between two chairs which before had no fixed delivery system.          AEU-525S and AEU-525                                               controls and instruments
                                                                            The size and weight are very manageable and this model                                                                                    at a comfortable level.
     ADU-17X and ADU-17X2                                                   provides everything a dentist or hygienist could need in any
                                                                                                                                                   • High torque electric motor with restorative                      AEU-525 has water
                                                                                                                                                     and endodontic programs                                          connection for external
     • Available with one or two air handpiece connections                  setting.                                                               • Fiber optic electric handpiece connection                        scalers. AEU-525S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      includes built in piezo
     • High volume evacuator and saliva ejector                             — Marion Bailey DMD                                                    • High volume evacuator and saliva ejector                         ultrasonic scaler with
     • Built-in maintenance free compressor                                                                                                        • Quiet, intuitive, powerful                                       LED and three tips.
     • Water port for cavitron/scaler                                                                                                              • Built-in maintenance free compressor
                                                                                                   Better, Faster Sealants!
     • High capacity 1 gallon waste container                                                                                                      • Water port for cavitron/scaler
     • 110V or 220V switchable voltage                                                                                                             • Dual voltage
     • 44-48 lbs (20-21.8 kg)                                                                                                                      • Optional fiber optic piezo scaler
     • 10.5” x 14.5” x 24” (27 x 36 x 61 cm)                                                                                                       • 57-63 lbs (25.8-28.6 kg)
                                                                                                                                                   • 17.9“ x 10.4” x 22.1” (45.5 x 26.4 x 56.1 cm)
     Aseptico’s most popular portable dental systems, the                                                                                                                                                                                             Powerful air flow!
     Express Air and Express II portable dental systems are                                                                                        The Transport III is Aseptico’s quietest portable dental system.
     fully self-contained, lightweight, reliable performers that                                                                                   Features include noise reduction technology, an intuitive
     provide everything a dentist or hygienist needs to perform                         Handpieces                                                 user interface, and 40k rpm brushless autoclavable
     effectively in the field. These powerful units feature up to                                                                                  micromotor. It is easy to set up, operate, and tear down.
                                                                                       sold separately
     two air-driven handpiece connections, high volume and                                                                                         All components fit neatly into the impact resistant carrying
     saliva ejector suction, internal water reservoir, 3-way                                                                                       case with inset handle and wheels.
                                                                                         handpieces see                                                                                                                            Handpieces
     syringe, and integrated air compressor. They are trans-                            pages 18 and 20.
                                                                                                                                                   Delivery module and user interface panel mount externally,                     sold separately
     ported using a pullout handle and built-in wheel assembly.
     The system’s compact size allows for convenient storage,                                                                                      placing controls and instruments at a comfortable level.                          Recommended
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     handpieces see
     while the impact-resistant case makes the Express ideal                                                                                                                                                                            page 18.
                                                                                                                                                   Dual level fluid sensors alert the user when the waste tank
     for any field environment. Designed for global use, all
                                                                                                                                                   is 85% full for better procedure planning. The Transport III
     Express systems are compatible with 110V or 220V power
                                                                                                                                                   will then shut off the compressor before the tank exceeds
     sources and come in under the airline baggage weight limit.
                                                                                                                                                   capacity. The externally mounted waste container and
     Express Air – features variable rheostat foot pedal. In the                                                                                   optional amalgam separator means faster and cleaner
     Express Air dental system, the handpiece only operates                                                                                        waste disposal.
     when the variable rheostat foot pedal is depressed;                                                                                           Transport III w/ Scaler                             AEU-525S
     handpiece operates independently from suction
                                                                                                                                                   Transport III                                       AEU-5250
     and 3-way syringe.
     Express Air one handpiece connection                    ADU-17A
                                                                                                                                                   Amalgam Separator Kit                             AA-525AMAL
     Express Air two handpiece connections                   ADU-17A2                                                                              Micromotor w/ 6' cable                              AE-240-40
                                                                                                                                                   On/Off Foot Control with 10ft cable                AE-7PM-10
     Express II – features on/off electric foot switch. In the Express II
                                                                                                                                                   Replacement Parts
     dental system all components are activated by the on/off
                                                                                                                                                   Micromotor w/5’ cable                             AE-240SC-40
     foot switch. This configuration is sometimes desirable for                                                                                    Waste Tank Assembly                                    330603
     special needs patients or other specialized applications.                                                                                     On/Off Foot Control                                    AE-7PM
     Please call for more information.                                                                                                             Power Cord                                             840049
                                                                                                                                                   Water Reservoir (white)                                730471
     Express II one handpiece connection                      ADU-17X
                                                                                                                                                   Replacement Scaler Tips For AEU-525S Only
     Express II two handpiece connections                    ADU-17X2                                                                              Slim Universal                                    ASC-10-PE38
                                                                                                                                                   Thin Subgingival                                  ASC-10-PE37
     Fiber Optic Upgrade Kits
                                                                                                                                                   Power Universal                                   ASC-10-PE39
     5-hole                                               AA-19LED-04
     6-pin                                                  AA-19A-06
     NEW! for 6-pin LED handpieces                    AA-19EGEN-04T6*                       Visit aseptico.com for videos
     *Will not function with incandescent bulbs.                                              showing side-by-side comparisons with competitors.
     Consult your Aseptico sales rep for details.

40                                                                                                                                                                 ASEPTICO PORTABLE SYSTEMS ARE MADE IN THE USA.                   CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157               41
Mobile & Portable Dentistry                                                                                                                                                                              Moving to Meet Need

     Taskforce Portable                                                                                                                 Lightweight Portable                                                          Airpac III
     Dental System                                           I have used the Aseptico Taskforce Deluxe in 25 developing countries on    Delivery Systems                                                              Portable Compressor
                                                             dental missions. The unit is lightweight, and has always functioned well
     ADU-12DCE                                                                                                                          ADU-04ST and ADU-03ST                                                         AA-100-110
                                                             with minimal power requirements. I have recommended its use to many
     • Lightweight and easy to carry, under 33lbs!           needing a lightweight, reliable dental operating unit.                     • NEW compact design and case under 15lbs (6.8kg)                             • 1.0 horsepower, 100 psi oil-less motor
     • Two air handpiece connections                                                                                                    • Customizable handpiece and vacuum options                                   • Air delivery 3.1 CFM at 40 PSI
                                                             — Robert Meyer DMD, Christian Dental Society
     • Powerful saliva ejector vacuum                                                                                                   • 3-way air/water syringe                                                     • Built-in wheels and pull handle
     • Built-in maintenance free compressor                                                                                             • 25 ft. air line to connect to any air source                                • Available in 110V
     • Water port for cavitron/scaler                                                                                                   • Instrument tray                                                             • Not available in Canada
     • 110V or 220V switchable voltage                                                                                                  • Padded carrying case                                                        • Weight: 46 lbs. (20.87 kg)
     • 12.5” x 17.5” x 7.5” (31.8 x 44.5 x 19.1 cm)                                                                                     • Carrying case: 25” x 11.5” x 11.5” (63.5 x 29 x 29cm)                       • Size: 17.93” W x 22.06” L x 10.43” H (45.5 cm W x 56.0 cm L x 26.5 cm H)
                                                                                                                                        • Requires Airpac III Portable Compressor for operation
     The most compact pneumatic portable dental                                                                                                                                                                       The Airpac III Portable Compressor is a reliable 1.0 horsepower,
     system, the Taskforce represents the best                                                                                          Restorative System w/ 2 HPC ConnectionsADU-04ST                               100 psi air compressor, that delivers 3.1 CFM at 40 PSI.
     value on the market. At 32.6 pounds the                                                                                            Restorative System w/o HPC Connections ADU-03ST                               Built by Aseptico to stand-up to heavy use and travel, the
     Taskforce is easily carried from location to                                                                                                                                                                     compressor is secured in its own super duty carrying case
     location. This unit includes two air-driven                                                                                        Optional Upgrades                                                             with built-in wheels and pull handle. The Airpac III includes
                                                                                                                                        High Volume Suction                           AA-21ST
     handpiece connections (high speed /low                                                                                                                                                                           an air storage tank and automatic pressure switch control.
                                                                                                                                        Saliva Ejector                                AA-25ST
     speed), low volume suction, and air water                                                                                          5-hole Fiber Optics                     AA-19LED-04                           110V Compressor                                        AA-100-110
     syringe, making it the ideal system for                                                                                            6-pin Fiber Optics                          AA-19A-06
     mobile hygiene. Simple and easy to use,                                                                                            NEW! Fiber Optics for 6-pin LED handpieces
     the Taskforce can be set up or put away                                                                                                                               AA-19EGEN-04T6*
     in just minutes.                                                                                                                   *Will not function with incandescent bulbs.
                                                                                                                                        Consult your Aseptico sales rep for details.

     Taskforce                              ADU-12DCE

     Optional Accessories
     Handpiece Extension Arm                     AA-12A
     Stainless Steel Cuspidor with Solids Trap
     5” (12.7mm) diameter for convenient
     expression during treatment                AA-26SS                       Handpieces sold separately
     High Volume Tip Adapter enables use of                                                                                             The ADU-04ST
     standard 11mm high volume tips            AA-12HVE                                                                                 is designed for
                                                                                                                                        dentistry and
     Fiber Optic Upgrade Kits
                                                                                                                                        can run either
     5-hole                                  AA-19LED-04                                                                                a high-speed
     6-pin                                       AA-19A-06                                                                              or low speed
     NEW! for 6-pin LED handpieces AA-19EGEN-04T6*                                                                                      handpiece
     *Will not function with incandescent bulbs.                                                                                        (shown with
                                                                                                                                        high volume
     Consult your Aseptico sales rep for details.
                                                                                                                                        suction and
     Replacement Parts                                                                                                                  saliva ejector
     NEW! Improved Lid Standoff Bracket        AA-12CSB                                             4-Hole                              options
                                                               4-Hole to                            Restorative                         added).
                                                               E-Type                               AHP-96MK
                                                               Air Motor                            Air-driven
                                                               AHP-50MK                             Internal irrigation
                                                               Low Speed Air Motor                  Non-optic
                                                               (4-hole) Adapts air                  Max 320k rpm,
                                                               turbine to accept                    24 watts
                                                               E-type handpieces.                   Max volume 62 dB
                                                               See page 20.                         Recommended for
                                                                                                    high speed dentistry
                                                                                                    See page 18.                                                                                The ADU-03ST is designed for Hygiene
                                                                                                                                                                                                and Sealants (shown with high volume
                                                                                                                                                                                                suction which is included).
42                        ASEPTICO PORTABLE SYSTEMS ARE MADE IN THE USA.                CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                                                                                                                                                                               43
Mobile & Portable Dentistry                                                                                                                                                                                     Moving to Meet Need

      AMC-15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AMC-25
      Exceptional                                                     AMC-15 Self-Contained                                                  AMC-25 Self-Contained                                                                                                             Affordable
      Value!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   & Easy to
                                                                      Mobile Operatory                                                       Mobile Operatory                                                                                                                  Customize
                                                                                                                                             The AMC-25 Self-Contained Mobile Operatory is a superior
                                                                      Designed for easy and affordable mobility, the AMC-15
                                                                                                                                             solution for providing general dental care in nursing homes,
                                                                      Self-Contained Mobile Operatory is equipped for general
                                                                                                                                             hospitals, or anywhere a mobile dental unit is needed. Avail-
                                                                      dentistry with two automatic high speed air connections,
                                                                                                                                             able optional accessories allow for customizing this dental
                                                                      one low speed handpiece connection, internal vacuum and
                                                                                                                                             cart to meet your needs, including the ability to add electric
                                                                      air, water supply, large waste tank with automatic overflow
                                                                                                                                             handpieces, handpiece illumination, and much more!
                                                                      protection, and amalgam separator.

                                                                      · No plumbing required!                                                · No plumbing required!
                                                                      · 2 automatic high speed air handpiece connections                     · 2 automatic high speed air handpiece connections
                                                                        (4-hole; non-fiber optic)                                              (4-hole; non-fiber optic)
                                                                      · 1 automatic low speed handpiece connection                           · 1 automatic low speed handpiece connection
                                                                        (4-hole; non-fiber optic)                                              (4-hole; non-fiber optic)
                                                                      · High & low volume suction with automatic                             · High and low volume suction with automatic
                                                                        overflow protection and solids trap                                    overflow protection and solids trap
                                                                      · 3-way air/water syringe                                              · 3-way air/water syringe
                                                                      · Quick connect for ultrasonic scaler                                  · Quick connect for ultrasonic scaler
                                                                      · Amalgam Separator                                                    · 2 hospital-grade outlets for accessories
                                                                      · Wet/dry foot pedal                                                   · Wet/dry foot pedal
                                                                      · Available in 110V or 220V                                            · Dual voltage 110V or 220V
                                                                      · Operating pressure 80 psi                                            · Operating pressure 80 psi
                                                                      · High volume vacuum 6.0 SCFM @ 0 in Hg, 3.6 SCFM @ 4 in Hg            · High volume vacuum 7.6 SCFM @ 1.3 in Hg, 5.6 SCFM @ 4 in Hg
                                                                      · Low volume vacuum 1.3 SCFM @ 1.5 in Hg                               · Low volume vacuum 2.2 SCFM @ 1.5 in H
                                                                      · Noise Level 63 dBA @ 3’4” (1 meter)                                  · Noise Level 65 dBA or less @ 3’4” (1 meter)
                                                                      · Weight 139 lb (63 kg)                                                · Weight 167 lb (75.8 kg)
                                                                      · Dimensions 23.5”W x 30” L x 36.5” H (56.7 x 76.2 x 92.7 cm)          · Dimensions 23.5” W x 30” L x 36.5” H (56.7 x 76.2 x 92.7 cm)
                                                                      · Optional: auxiliary arm with accessory tray                          · Optional: integrated electric motor, fiber-optic illumination for handpieces,
                                                                                                                                               ultrasonic scaler, curing light, amalgam separator, external vacuum/air/
                                                                      Mobile Operatory                                            AMC-15       water hospital connections, auxiliary arm with accessory tray

                                                                      Options                                                                Mobile Operatory                                                 AMC-25
                                                                      Auxiliary Arm with Accessory Tray                           AA-20A
                                                                      Recommended Handpieces
                                                                                                                                             Integrated Electric Motor                                       330674
                                                                      Air-Driven                                           see pages 18-19
                                                                                                                                             Curing Light                                               AA-25CLM-CK
                                                                      Replacement Parts                                                      2 Fiber Optic HP Connections
                                                                      3-Way Air/Water Syringe with Tip                            TA-90D       5-hole (ISO-B)                                         AA-19LED-25CK5
                                                                      Amalgam Separator Filter                                    730595       6-pin (ISO-C)                                             AA-19A-25CK
                                                                      Clear 1-liter Water Bottles w/Level Indicators           730631-01     Piezo Scaler                                               ASC-10-25CKL
                                                                      Two 1-liter Water Bottles                                   730471     Amalgam Separator                                          AA-20AMAL-CK
                                                                      Wet/Dry Foot Control                                       AA-43W      Auxiliary Arm with Accessory Tray                                AA-20A
                                                                      Power Cord 115V                                             840049     Hospital Kit (external air, water and vac connections)          AA-25HK
                                                                      Power Cord 230V                                             840007
                                                                                                                                             Recommended Handpieces
                                                                                                                                             Electric                                                  see pages 14-20
                                                                                                                                             Air-Driven                                                see pages 18-19
          Equipped for general dentistry, the AMC-15 has been                                                                                Endodontic                                                     see page 17         The AMC-25 comes standard with pneumatic handpiece
          recognized for its innovative technology, however, we are                                                                                                                                                             connections, but can be configured for electric handpieces,
                                                                                                                                             Replacement Parts
          most proud of its affordable price — which includes an                                                                                                                                                                or a combination of air-driven and electric.
          amalgam separator!                                                                                                                 Micromotor                                                  AE-240SC-40
                                                                                                                                             Wet/Dry Foot Control                                             AA-43W
                                                                                                                                             Air/Water Syringe                                                 TA-90D
                                                                                                                                             1L Water Reservoir – Clear                                    730631-01

                                                                                            CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157                                                                                                           CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157
                                                                                                                                             1L Water Bottle – Opaque (each)                                  730471
44                 ASEPTICO PORTABLE SYSTEMS ARE MADE IN THE USA.                                                                            Strainer                                                         730745

                                                                                                                                             Amalgam Canister                                                 730595
Mobile & Portable Dentistry                                                                                                                                                                                      Moving to Meet Need

               Aseptico makes the smallest, lightest weight, most efficient equipment I have ever
               utilized. We traveled to the Mississippi Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina. We
               treated children from New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast using Aseptico                                                                                                                                 Chairs and Stools Available in Red, Gray and Blue.
               equipment. It functioned without problems in an extreme environment.

               — Richard L. Smith DMD

                                                                                                                  AseptiStool and Hydraulic
                                                                                                                  AseptiStool come with
                                                                                                                  padded carrying case.

     AseptiStool                                                             Hydraulic AseptiStool                                                  AseptiChair                                                           Hydraulic AseptiChair
     ADC-08                                                                  ADC-10                                                                 ADC-01                                                                ADC-02
     • Set-up and store in seconds                                           • Easy set-up and storage                                              • Sturdy, high-strength steel construction                            • Hands-free height and back adjustment
     • Includes padded case – no loose parts to misplace!                    • Includes padded case                                                 • Lightweight, only 30 lbs (13.5 kg) in case!                         • Adjustable with patient in chair
     • Adjustable seat height: 19” - 22” (48.3-55.9 cm)                      • Hydraulic adjustable height: 18" - 25.5" (45.7 - 64.8 cm)            • 300 lb weight capacity                                              • 300 lb weight capacity
     • 15 lbs (6.75 kg)                                                      • 19 lbs (8.6 kg)                                                      • Backrest adjusts from fully upright to supine                       • No external electricity or air required
     • Padded carrying case: 18” x 22” x 8” (48 x 53 x 23 cm)                • Padded carrying case: 26” x 26” x 11” (56 x 56 x 28 cm)              • Price includes padded case, arm slings, and headrest cushion        • Handle and wheels for easy mobility
                                                                                                                                                      –no hidden charges and no loose parts to misplace!                  • 69 lbs (31.3 kg)
     Durable, adjustable and foldable, the AseptiStool Portable              With hydraulic adjustable height, the Hydraulic                        • Adjustable seat height: 11”- 22” (11 - 55.9 cm)                     • Hydraulic adjustable seat height: 11”- 33”(27.9 - 83.8 cm)
     Dental Stool is the perfect seating solution for any clinician.         AseptiStool gives the mobile dentist the comfort                       • Padded carrying case: 23” x 34” x 8” (58 x 86 x 20.3 cm)            • Folded dimensions: 33” x 22” x 18” (83.8 x 55.9 x 45.7 cm)
     Its one-piece design sets up or stores in seconds, and it               and flexibility of doing dentistry in the office. It is
     swivels on four casters for easy mobility during treatment.             easy to set up, tear down and transport in its included                The AseptiChair’s sturdy rolled steel construction is                 The Hydraulic AseptiChair provides hands-free operation
     It is height adjustable, lightweight, and folds up for simple           padded case. Even with its sturdy construction and                     lightweight yet strong, making it perfect for portable                and is the only portable chair available with adjustability
     storage in the included padded travel case. Made in USA.                high weight capacity, the stool is lightweight and                     dentistry. It is adjustable to five positions, with seat              functions comparable to a standard dental chair.
                                                                             carrying it into any mobile dental scenario is simple.                 height ranging from 11 to 22 inches. The toe board folds              All chair lift functions are foot actuated hydraulic for
     AseptiStool                                                ADC-08
                                                                             Made in USA.                                                           down, allowing this portable dental chair to be used for              hands-free operation; no external power is required.
     Replacement Padded Carrying Case                           410093                                                                              examination. The included carrying case makes mobility
                                                                             Hydraulic AseptiStool                                         ADC-10                                                                         The AseptiChair provides comfortable patient seating
                                                                                                                                                    and transportation simple. No assembly required.                      for patients up to 300 lbs. Wheels allow the chair to be
                                                                             Replacement Padded Carrying Case                              410213
                                                                                                                                                    AseptiChair                                                  ADC-01   easily moved.
                                                                                                                                                    Replacement Padded Carrying Case                             410193   Hydraulic AseptiChair                                          ADC-02

                                                                              CALL TODAY! 425.487.3157
                                                                                                                                                    Replacement Locking Pin                                  460445-08    Replacement Dust Cover                                         410210
46                        ALL ASEPTICO SEATING IS MADE IN THE USA.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                47
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