Page created by Phillip Hunt


T     he 2021 integrated report showcases
    the strategic worth of Senwes’ future-
focused business approach, while at the
same time highlighting the importance of
adaptability and resilience during times of                                                    ON THE COVER
turmoil. Globally, the past financial year will                                                Amidst a constantly changing external environment,
be remembered in history as a season of                                                        a global pandemic, the prevalence of natural disasters
great instability, digital transformation and                                                  and one of the largest agricultural mergers in recent his­
the transition to a new norm. On the home-                                                     tory, the Senwes Group demonstrated great resilience.
front the same can be said for South Africa,                                                   Its robust response to uncertainty was navigated by
the agricultural sector and, by association,                                                   the group’s long-term strategy and its adaptability to
Senwes.                                                                                        change.

By reimagining our future as an agri-business
during this time of unprecedented change,
Senwes not only reaffirmed its commitment
to relevance, innovation and value creation,
but also enabled stakeholders to re-envision        in the second quarter of 2020 (April - June),          included the largest canola crop ever
and ultimately re-engineer their business           which made it the only positive contributor to         (167 000 tonnes) and the largest wheat
potential.                                          the GDP.                                               harvest since 2008 (2,1 million tonnes).

                                                    Cold and harsh conditions were recorded                Below-average rainfall delayed the start of
RESILIENCE IN THE FACE                              from May 2020 to August 2020 where 75                  the summer grain planting season. By the
OF ADVERSITY                                        days saw temperatures below freezing point,            end of November, the central and western
Since the start of the 2020/2021 financial          the highest number of days in 14 years.                parts of the summer rainfall area received
year, the Covid-19 pandemic continued to            Furthermore, frost was evident on 51 days,             a cumulative rainfall of 109 mm, compared
cause widespread instability and angst, while       making it the coldest winter since 2001.               to the long-term average cumulative rainfall
the measures implemented to contain the                                                                    of 153 mm for the same area. However, an
                                                    A bumper maize crop of 16,2 million tonnes,
spread of the virus wreaked havoc through-                                                                 above-average rainfall trend continued into
                                                    the second largest in history, with an average
out the global economy.                                                                                    the new year, and a well-deve­loped La Niña
                                                    yield of 5,87 tonnes per hectare and strong
                                                                                                           weather system, which gave way to heavy
On home soil, South Africa’s weakened eco­          overall sales of agricultural produce in the first
                                                                                                           downpours in the central and eastern parts
nomy was further exacerbated by the pande­          four months of the Covid-19 pandemic, bore
                                                                                                           of the summer rainfall area, resulted in flood
mic. Reduced economic activity, challenges          testament to the sector’s resilient nature.
                                                                                                           damage to crops and infrastructure. The La
with regard to infrastructure maintenance,                                                                 Niña system is set to continue weakening
                                                    Devastating wildfires during October 2020
reliable electricity supply, capacity of critical                                                          towards mid-winter before the next system
                                                    put immense pressure on agri-activities in
public services and consecutive downgrades                                                                 develops.
                                                    the Free State and Northern Cape and saw in
to the country’s sovereign credit rating further
                                                    excess of 100 000 hectares of veld destroyed,
impacted the lack-lustre economy. However,                                                                 Amidst all the challenges which the
                                                    while losses of livestock, game and infrastruc-
the government’s decision to leave the agri­-                                                              2020/2021 financial year posed, whether it
                                                    ture were also suffered. It was also during the
cultural sector and broader food supply                                                                    was the Covid-19 pandemic, economic in-
                                                    month of October when Senwes concluded
chains fully operational from the onset of the                                                             stability, wildfires, floods, pests as a result of
                                                    the biggest merger in the agri-sector to date
lockdown provided conducive business condi-                                                                the heavy rains and many more, the sector
                                                    with the acquisition of Suidwes Holdings.
tions and saw the sector emerge as a beacon                                                                remained focused on food security as the
of hope for the South African economy. The          Winter grains performed exceptionally well,            critical issue for the survival and well-being
sector reflected an impressive growth of 15%        and bumper crops were recorded, which                  of all South Africans.

                                        A bumper maize crop of 16,2 million tonnes,
                                      the second largest in history, bore testament to
                                                     the sector’s resilient nature.

RESILIENCE                                                                                               SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                          1
REPORTING SUITE                                                                                                                  CONTENTS

                                                                                                                                                        1 INTRODUCTION                                                            45 STRATEGIC AND OPERATING CONTEXT
                                                             Senwes’ integrated report provides a succinct over-
                                                                                                                                                         1 Theme                                                                  46 Reflections by the Group Chief Executive
                                                             view of the group’s strategies, risks, opportunities,
                                                                                                                                                         2 Reporting Suite                                                        50 Group strategy
                                                             corporate governance, operational activities and
                                                                                                                                                         4 Responding to the impact of Covid-19
                                                             financial performance for the financial year ended                                                                                                                  57 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
                                                             30 April 2021. This report, supported by the suite of                                      5 OVERVIEW                                                                58 Corporate governance report
                                                             online publications, provides a holistic overview of the                                    6 About our integrated report                                            70 Senwes board of directors
                                                             group’s activities and is available on Senwes’ website                                      8 365-review                                                             72 Remuneration report
                                                             at www.senwes.co.za.                                                                      10 Senwes brand
                                                                                                                                                       12 Key features by forms of capital                                       79 FINANCIAL REVIEW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  80 Report by the Group Chief Financial Officer
                                                                                                                                                      13 THE BUSINESS                                                             84 Managing risk in the agricultural sector
                                                                                                                                                       14 Reflections by the Chairman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  92 Senwes Group 5-year review
                                                                                                                                                       16 Value-creating business model
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  96 Financial statements
                                                              Related media coverage                                                                   18 Business overview
                                                              For related media coverage, such as press releases or radio inter-                                                                                                 102 Glossary of terms
                                                              views with Senwes’ Group CEO, visit http://senwes.co/results21                           26 How Senwes creates value using the six capitals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 104 Corporate information
                                                                                                                                                       36 Creating value for stakeholders
                                                              IR and AFS enquiries or feedback
                                                              Corné Kruger (Group Chief Financial Officer)
                                                              Telephone: 018 464 7476

                                                              SR and AGM enquiries or feedback                                                                     Senwes is committed to creating value for all its stakeholders by conducting sustainable
                                                              Elmarie Joynt (Company Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel)
                                                              Telephone: 018 464 7104                                                                               business through ethical dealings, protecting the environment and contributing to the
                                                                                                                                                              socio-economic development of its employees and the societies in which it conducts business.


       The International Integrated Reporting Framework

       South African Companies Act 71 of 2008, as

       King Code of Governance Principles for South Africa
       (King IV™) (applied as far as practically possible)                      2021
                                                                            INTEGRATED REPORT

       International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
                                                               IR                                          AFS                                         SR                                         AGM
       Department of Trade and Industry’s Codes for
                                                              An integrated report which provides         The annual financial statements of          A web-based digital sustainability          A notice which informs shareholders of
       Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
                                                              a holistic view of how Senwes creates       the group which provide an in-depth         report provides a summarised overview       the company about the matters which
                                                              value, with extracts from the annual        analysis of the group’s financial results   of the group’s sustainability activities,   will be discussed at the annual general
       G4 Sustainability Guidelines                                                                       and performance.                            strategies and ongoing processes.           meeting, is available online.
                                                              financial statements.

2    SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                                 RESILIENCE         RESILIENCE                                                                                   SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021   3

    Dubbed a “black swan” phenomenon, the Covid-19 pandemic represented an entirely un-
    expected and completely unpredictable occurrence, the impact of which affected all of us in
    almost every way imaginable.

      GLOBAL OVERVIEW                                                     SENWES’ RESPONSE
      On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO)               During the financial year, Senwes continued to manage
      declared Covid-19 as a pandemic. At this point in time there        the escalating spread of the Covid-19 outbreak in a
      were more than 3 million infections worldwide. Since then the       proactive and responsible manner.
      statistics have skyrocketed and exactly a year later the global
      statistics continue to tell the story of a world amidst a humani-   In the company’s response to the pandemic, precautio­
      tarian crisis: 102 million infections and 2,7 million deaths.       nary and preventive actions were implemented to help
                                                                          ensure the health and well-being of all our staff, clients
      The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic supersedes that of a            and other stakeholders, and to ensure business conti­
      public health crisis. It brought about a disruption and continues   nuity and continuous value-added service delivery across
      to unsettle the interconnected world economy in unpreceden­         the group’s operations.
      ted ways. Infections reduce labour supply and productivity,
      while interventions such as national lockdowns, quarantine          Apart from stringent adherence to the set Covid-19
      and social distan­cing contribute to major disruptions, lay-offs    preventative measures, Senwes esta­blished a Core Crisis
      and loss of income across all economic sectors. In addition, the    Committee to oversee the group’s actions and manage-
      extreme uncertainty of the duration, magnitude and impact           ment of unfolding Covid-19 related risks.
      of the pandemic gives way to a vicious cycle of dampening
      business and consumer confidence and to even more restrictive       The impact of Covid-19 and the company’s response
      financial conditions.                                               thereto will be featured throughout this financial report
                                                                          and are illustrated by the use of this Covid-19 icon.

      With more than 1,6 million confirmed cases by 30 April 2021,
      the country has not been spared from the socio-economic
      effects of the pandemic. The stringent lockdown, as the main
      response to curb the spread of the virus in March 2020, sent our
      already weakened economy into a downward spiral, which saw
      it contract by 7,8% during 2020. During this period the national
      unemployment rate reached an all-time high of 30,8%.

      The agricultural sector largely remained operational during the
      onset of the strict alert level 5 lockdown, with the exception of
      a few sub-sectors such as the wine, tobacco, wool and floricul-
      ture industries. These sub-sectors subsequently became opera-
      tional during alert levels 4 and 3. During the second quarter of
      2020, agri­culture came out as the strongest performer in the
      South African economy, growing by 15,1%.

4      SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                           RESILIENCE

                                                                                                                                                          KEY CONCEPTS
                                 ABOUT OUR INTEGRATED REPORT                                                                                              Defining integrated thinking
                                                                                                                                                          Integrated thinking is the process             OUR CAPITALS                                      STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS
                                                                                                                                                          where relationships between the                Senwes relies on various forms of capital to      Senwes’ strategic focus areas are defined
                                                                                                                                                          various operating units and the                achieve set targets and goals. These capitals     as the deliberate goals established to
                                                                     The primary purpose of Senwes’ integrated report                                     capitals are actively considered in            form the basis of Senwes’ value crea­tion         achieve our purpose, mission and fulfil the
                                                                     is to demonstrate to the providers of financial                                      decision-making to add value over              and are not independent of one another.           company’s responsibility and can be identi-
                                                                                                                                                          the short, medium and long term.               The following icons are used to identify          fied by the following icons:
                                                                     capital and potential investors, how Senwes creates                                                                                 these capitals:
                                                                                                                                                          Defining value
                                                                     sustainable value over the short, medium and long                                                                                                                                             Diversification, horizontal
                                                                                                                                                          Value is the occurrence where the                                                                        integration and consolidation
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Financial capital
                                                                     term.                                                                                consequences of our successful
                                                                                                                                                          resource application have a positive                                                                     Increased investment in
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Human capital

                                                                     I  n acknowledging the fact that sustained value creation does not happen in         impact on a stakeholder.                                                                                 efficiencies in the value chain
                                                                        isolation, the group’s approach to value creation is best illustrated through                                                          Intellectual capital
                                                                     its integrated value-adding business model, strategies, risk assessments, op-        Defining materiality                                                                                     Internal integration of the
                                                                     portunities, performance and governance practices. A balanced and accurate           Materiality refers to the actions or                 Manufacturing capital
                                                                     reflection of these material aspects forms the essence of Senwes’ integrated         issues of substantial importance that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Reorganisation of business
                                                                     report. The report also provides stakeholders with a balanced, accurate and          affect the group’s strategy and there-               Natural capital                                     models
                                                                     transparent assessment on whether the company can deliver on its brand               fore its ability to create value over
                                                                     promise.                                                                             the short, medium and long term                      Social and relationship capital                     Unlocking value synergies
                                                                                                                                                          and/or actions and decisions by the
                                                                     OUR APPROACH TO REPORTING                                                            group that may affect its stakehol­
                                                                                                                                                                                                         STAKEHOLDERS                                              Externalisation
                                                                                                                                                          ders, either positively or negatively.
                                                                     This report is prepared in accordance with the International Framework of                                                           Senwes focuses on serving the various
                                                                     the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and provides our stake-                                                       needs of all stakeholder groups, while pri-       RISKS
                                                                                                                                                          The emergence of the Covid-19 pan-
                                                                     holders with a concise and transparent assessment of our ability to use our                                                         oritising actions and leveraging resources in     Senwes deems its risk management practi­
                                                                                                                                                          demic in South Africa in March 2020
                                                                     expertise to create sustainable value.                                                                                              a manner that ensures a long-term positive        ces to be practical and fully acknowledges
                                                                                                                                                          impacted on all our material matters.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         impact on the organisation. The following         the volatile agricultural industry and our
                                                                                                                                                          Our response to the evolving pan-
                                                                     Reporting period                                                                                                                    icons are used to identify each stakeholder       need to be agile, smarter, more effective,
                                                                                                                                                          demic is addressed throughout the
                                                                     The Senwes integrated report is compiled and published annually and this                                                            group:
                                                                                                                                                          report.                                                                                          proactive, forward-looking and, at the
                                                                     report focuses on the activities and operations of the group for the period
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           same time, appropriately responsive. The
                                                                     1 May 2020 to 30 April 2021.                                                         Defining short, medium and                           Shareholders and investors                  following icon is used to identify our risks
                                                                                                                                                          long term                                                                                        throughout the report:
This report contains certain forward-looking statements              Scope and boundary                                                                   Short term is less than 12 months,                   Clients and customers
with respect to Senwes’ financial position, results, ope­            This report extends beyond financial reporting and includes non-financial in-        medium term is one to three years                                                                Our risks are as follows:
rations and businesses. These statements and forecasts               formation attributable to, or associated with, our key stakeholders, who have                                                             Employees
                                                                                                                                                          and long term is beyond three years.                                                              1    Environmental and health and safety risk.
involve risk and uncertainty, as they relate to events and           a significant impact on, or interest in the group’s ability to create value.
                                                                                                                                                          Defining the capitals                                Business partners                            2    Political and economic climate risk.
depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the
future.                                                              Combined assurance                                                                   Capitals refer to the fundamental                                                                 3    Market size and market share risk.
                                                                     The group’s external auditor, Ernst & Young Inc. (EY), has conducted an inde-        pillars of value which the organisa­                                                              4    Credit, liquidity and market risk.
The group does not undertake to update or revise any                 pendent audit of the group’s consolidated annual financial statements. Other         tion depends on for its success and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Government and regulators
of these forward-looking statements publicly, whether                sections of the report, consisting of non-financial information, have not been       which increase, decrease or are                                                                   5    Commodity price risk.
to reflect new information, future events or otherwise.              subjected to an independent audit or review and have been compiled, based            transformed through the activities                   Communities                                  6    Weather and climate risk.
The forward-looking statements have not been audited,                on internal records and information in the public domain under supervision           and outputs of the group.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7    Information technology - systems and
reviewed or reported on by EY.                                       of CF Kruger CA (SA), Group Chief Financial Officer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 cyber risk.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8    Urbanisation, scarcity and retention of
Board responsibility statement                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   skills risk.

The Senwes board of directors acknowledges its responsibility                                                                                                                                                                                               9    Transition and customer risk.
of ensuring the integrity of this integrated report which, in the                                                                                                                                                                                           10   Diversification and agricultural industry
board’s opinion, addresses all the issues that are material to the                                                                                                                                                                                               risk.
group’s ability to create value and fairly presents the integrated   Danie Minnaar         Francois Strydom       Venete Klein        Dries Kruger       Nico Liebenberg     Kobus Marais          Jaco Minnaar        Simon Mohapi
performance of the Senwes Group.                                     Chairman              Group Chief                                                                                                                                                      11   Unique competitor risk.
                                                                                           Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12   Regulation and compliance require-
The board has applied its collective mind to the preparation and                                                                                                                                                                                                 ments risk.
presentation of this report and believes that it has been prepared                                                                                                                                                                                          13   Theft and fraud risk.
in accordance with the IIRC Framework and under the supervision
of senior management. It furthermore underwent a rigorous pro-
                                                                     Steve Booysen          Corné Kruger          Pieter Stander      Thabo van Zyl      Andrew Waller       Frans Marx            Gert Malherbe       Hansie Viljoen
cess using both internal and external assurances. The report was     Vice Chairman          Group Chief
approved by the board of directors of Senwes on 1 July 2021.                                Financial Officer                                                                                                                                                    IV King IV              Covid-19 related

   6      SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                              RESILIENCE         RESILIENCE                                                                                       SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                       7


    QUARTER 1                                                             QUARTER 2                                                                  QUARTER 3                                                           QUARTER 4

     1. A new client portal was introduced using OneAgri, which            1. Senwes developed and implemented new fuel forecourt techno­             1. Thobo Trust launched a new Early Childhood Development           1. Senwes Equipment effectively merged with Agrifriend Equipment,
        resulted in an improved user experience and more self-help            logy utilising a single device and enabling clients to link accounts       (ECD) centre at the Itokisetseng Combined School in                 consolidating the two mechanisation businesses. Seven of the
        features.                                                             to a digital transaction experience.                                       Wesselsbron. The annual Christmas Tree project was also             nine Agrifriend Equipment branches remained operational. These
     2. Senwes’ continuous risk response with regards to the global        2. Senwes Grainlink supported producers who suffered losses during            hosted.                                                             branches will supply surrounding areas as John Deere dealers.
        Covid-19 pandemic ensured that residual risk remained                 the wildfires by donating significant tonnages of maize for animal      2. Senwes, together with various partners and sponsors,             2. The integration of the Suidwes branches into Hinterland has been
        within our risk tolerance levels and mitigated certain opera-         feed purposes.                                                             extended drought relief to the drought-stricken areas of            completed and the benefits are already becoming evident.
        tional losses.                                                     3. Senwes redesigned the group’s strategic approach to that of a risk-        Kenhardt, Brandvlei, Calvinia and Pofadder in the Northern       3. The Agrinet wholesale business was successfully incorporated into
     3. Senwes Grain Procurement designed a new weighted                      based strategic approach.                                                  Cape in the form of 160 tonnes of white maize.                      Prodist.
        average commodity price product and introduced it to the           4. KLK obtained Competition Commission approval during August              3. Senwes provided flood relief to producers affected by            4. The Hinterland retail division achieved a record turnover during
        market.                                                               2020 to acquire an additional 30% in Carpe Diem Raisins.                   above-normal rainfall in the Free State districts of Hoop-          February 2021. Pre-season sales for February 2021 were more than
     4. During the lockdown, Raddix implemented premium relief             5. Senwes Equipment’s parts division hit record figures with an               stad and Bultfontein by making earthmoving equipment                double compared to the previous year.
        measures to more than 1 000 policy holders.                           increase in sales of 43,9%.                                                available and sponsoring the diesel thereof.                     5. In terms of Hinterland’s turn-around strategy, a new management
     5. Grainovation changed its business model to being an asset-         6. Bastion’s plant at Buhrmansdrif was upgraded in response to higher      4. From 1 November 2020 the Suidwes retail branches were               team was appointed and cost reduction measures were implemen­
        light brokerage-only solution and therefore sold its fleet.           demand and production capacity increased from 90 tonnes per hour           integrated into Hinterland. The Suidwes retail branches in          ted. Total expenses were 19,8% lower than the 2020 financial year.
     6. Senwes launched the Agricultural Value Chain (AVC) Food               to 120 tonnes per hour.                                                    Wesselsbron and Bultfontein were closed. The Hinterland             Inventory processes were also optimised with the development and
        Umbrella Project, to help ensure food security amidst the          7. Bastion’s market share increased at Britten and Marico due to fo-          retail branches in Bothaville and Wolmaransstad were                implementation of a new automated ordering system.
        Covid-19 pandemic and in doing so, fed in excess of 440 000           cused marketing and optimised utilisation of the retail channels of        closed and transferred to the Suidwes branches.                  6. The sales of Agrinet increased by 24% and new product ranges
        people.                                                               agri-companies. Sales increased by 35% and production by 68%            5. Wynland (Pty) Ltd, a 100% subsidiary of NviroTek Labo-              were introduced including Revet cleaning products, Agpro sanitisers,
     7. The AVC virtual discussion series continued and broadcasted           compared to the previous year.                                             ratories, was incorporated into NviroTek Laboratories as            Worksmen handtools, Skudo, Basecamp, Cascade pumps and Wor-
        nine sessions in total, which focused on various value chains      8. Senwes effectively obtained a 100% share of the Hinterland Group           a division, and new financial and laboratory information            tex pumps.
        within the agricultural sector.                                       after the unbundling of the JV with AFGRI.                                 management systems were implemented.                             7. During the month of March, Agrifriend Equipment was appointed
     8. Senwes Equipment generated record used whole goods sales           9. Competition Commission approval was obtained for the Senwes             6. Bastion procured and constructed a modular plant at                 as agent for John Deere Construction and Forestry Equipment in the
        with a growth rate of 15% compared to the previous year.              and Suidwes merger, which became effective on 31 October 2020.             Marico to permanently increase production capacity. The             Northwest, Free state, Northern Cape and Eastern Cape. Agrifriend
     9. Senwes Credit introduced new financing products for long-         10. Senwes Equipment’s new whole goods division realised a significant         production at Marico increased by 150% compared to the              Equipment will launch these product ranges during the 2022 finan-
        term crops and a seasonal account for producers along the             increase in sales of 99,9% compared to the previous year.                  same period during the previous year.                               cial year.
        Orange River was designed and is operational. Focused atten-      11. Staalmeester extended its product ranges in the rakes and drum          7. Bastion obtained 51% shareholding in Pelelani (Pty) Ltd,         8. Bastion’s gypsum plant in Britten was upgraded and the production
        tion is being afforded to supporting the expansion in the             mower product groups. Staalmeester also expanded its market                which will be focusing on the optimisation of limestone             capacity improved from 10 tonnes per hour to 30 tonnes per hour.
        Northern Cape region through our KLK credit office.                   reach into Botswana and Zimbabwe with approved dealers.                    resources.                                                       9. Phokeng gypsum was added to Bastion’s product offering and
    10. Upgrading of lifts at various silos at a cost of R4,2m in order   12. The retail business obtained the OK Grocer franchises as a diver-       8. Senwes Credit transferred its operations to a separate              calcite-dolomite-gypsum and calcite-dolomite blends are now also
        to ensure the safety of staff, save maintenance costs and             sification method of reducing business risks. However, since the           legal entity (Agri Credit Solutions) as part of the group’s         produced at the Marico plant.
        ensure effective quality management.                                  opening of the OK Grocers at Jan Kempdorp and Bultfontein,                 restructuring process.                                          10. KLK rolled out a new credit model in conjunction with Agri Credit
                                                                              these two businesses made yearly losses. During September 2020          9. As a result of Covid-19, all Hinterland capital projects were       Solutions and they will continue with the insurance broking model on
                                                                              and October 2020 the board approved the sale of the OK Grocers             suspended and limited to emergencies only. This includes            an agency basis with Certisure, which will also align with the credit
                                                                              at Jan Kempdorp and Bultfontein.                                           upgrades at the Oberholzer, Bloemfontein and Hoopstad               solution.
                                                                          13. KLK installed the new biodegradable tub production line at Cool            fuel stations. A point of sale forecourt system was installed   11. Agribel Holdings, Senwes’ holding company, acquired Grindrod’s
                                                                              Raisins for Woolworths production.                                         at all the fuel stations and a property in Doringkruin,             Senwes shares during March 2021. These shares were in the market
                                                                          14. KLK decreased working hours to counteract lower slaughter volumes          Klerksdorp was acquired to erect another fuel station.              for quite some time since Grindrod was exiting non-core investments
                                                                              in the skins division due to the drought in the Northern Cape.         10. The results of the subsidiary of KLK Landbou, Carpe Diem            in terms of its strategy. Agribel now holds 74% of the issued shares
                                                                          15. Senwes Equip Holdings acquired Falcon Agricultural Equipment               Raisins, increased by 111% compared to the previous year,           in Senwes and is well positioned to consider potential strategic equity
                                                                              on 1 November 2019. Falcon Agricultural Equipment is now fully             mainly due to 3 768 more tonnes sold and the impact of              opportunities.
                                                                              incorporated into the Senwes Equip Holdings Group.                         the weaker rand as most of these raisins are exported.          12. As part of the Suidwes transaction, Senwes acquired two petfood
                                                                          16. Senwes Credit debt in arrears as percentage of the total outstanding   11. As a result of the Suidwes merger, Senwes’ storage capaci-          businesses, namely Supreme Pet and AgriPet. The Senwes Group
                                                                              debt as at 30 September 2020, was 7,9% lower than the average              ty increased by 30% due to the additional silos of Suidwes          strives to hold investments in companies closely linked to the
                                                                              September arrears for the previous three years.                            Landbou.                                                            agricultural sector only and therefore subsequently sold these two
                                                                                                                                                     12. A bin at Allanridge which was damaged due to sponta-                businesses to external parties.
                                                                                                                                                         neous combustion, was replaced at a cost of R10,4m.             13. The growth in the debtors’ book for the 2020/21 financial year
                                                                                                                                                     13. A strategic decision by Senwes resulted in the closure of its       amounted to 6%. This was primarily due to an increase in pro-
                                                                                                                                                         grain trading business, Tradevantage. This resulted in the          duction credit and term loans. The production credit increased by
                                                                                                                                                         business model being changed to sell grain on an equal              7,5% (R187,5m) and term loans by 5% (R83,7m). The growth was
                                                                                                                                                         basis on Basislink to all role players in the market.               primarily in the traditional Suidwes area, as well as the Eastern Free
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             State, Mpumalanga and KZN-areas where the integrated production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             credit model with Hinterland was rolled out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         14. Silo aeration upgrades were completed at a cost of R10m in order
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to improve the efficiency of receiving grain at higher moisture

8     SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                           RESILIENCE               RESILIENCE                                                                                  SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                       9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SENWES’ DNA
     SENWES BRAND                                                                                                                                     WHAT DIFFERENTIATES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         THE CORPORATE CULTURE
     REIMAGINING AGRI-BUSINESS IN THE 21ST CENTURY                                                                                                    SENWES?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Senwes wants to be the preferred investment partner,
                                                                                                                                                      STRONG ALLIANCES WITH STRATEGIC PARTNERS                           employer, supplier and distribution channel as well as
                                                                                                                                                      By forming strong alliances with strategic business partners,      a good corporate citizen. Senwes also strives to break
                                                                                                                                                      Senwes expands its geographic presence, product ranges and         new ground in every segment of the food value chain,
  At Senwes we are continuously reimagining                               MISSION STATEMENT                                                           service offerings and unlocks new income streams.                  where a strategic thought process has been adopted for
                                                                          Senwes is one of the leading agricultural companies in South Africa.
  our future to enable us to expertly assist our                                                                                                      EMPOWERED AND COMMITTED WORKFORCE                                  attaining knowledge and being experts in what we do.
                                                                          The group is solution-driven and focuses on providing integrated
  clients in reimagining theirs.                                          product and service solutions to agricultural producers, encompassing       Senwes’ employees are humble in success and remain de-
                                                                          finance, insurance, wealth planning and advice, agricultural services,      termined in the face of adversity, constantly striving towards     LIVING THE COMPANY’S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         VALUES BY:
 O    ver the course of 112 years we have not only succeeded in
      reimagining the future of our company, but also that of the
 broader South African agricultural sector in unprecedented ways.
                                                                          input supplies, agricultural machinery and equipment, grain storage
                                                                          and handling services integrated with logistics, as well as market
                                                                                                                                                      excellence, focused on the company’s vision and committed to
                                                                                                                                                      the company’s corporate values.                                     Doing the right things for the right reasons,
                                                                          access for producers’ products. The group also provides solutions to                                                                             acting with integrity.
 Along this journey Senwes has transcended its role as a mere catalyst    grain off-takers with regards to their procurement needs.                   SUSTAINABLE VALUE FOR SHAREHOLDERS
 of agricultural success to that of an enabler of sustainability and                                                                                  Senwes creates value for shareholders by delivering return on       Satisfying our stakeholders’ needs and solving their
 growth for the entire agricultural value chain.                          THE BRAND PROMISE                                                           equity, despite challenging climatic conditions, extreme weather     problems, applying business orientation.
                                                                          • To approach every interaction with a solution-driven mindset.             fluctuations and a constantly changing industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Maximising people’s true potential and being in
 Our company’s history can be traced back to the fall of 1909, when       • To see the clients’ businesses from their perspective.
                                                                                                                                                      INTEGRATED AND INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS                                  pursuit of the company’s purpose, demonstrating
 24 pioneering farmers came together to discuss the idea of a co-         • To provide an integrated solution.
 ope­ra­­tive in the then Western Transvaal, near the town of Ottosdal.                                                                               Senwes is committed to the interests of clients and focuses          self-motivation.
                                                                                                                                                      on providing integrated and innovative sustainable solutions,
 Following the devastation left in the wake of the Anglo-Boer War,        STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT                                                                                                                         Finding creative and resourceful solutions to business
 the need arose for sustainable grain handling and seed processing                                                                                    whilst strengthening long-term relationships.
                                                                          Senwes is committed to creating value for all its stakeholders by con-                                                                           challenges and customer needs, exhibiting innovation.
 on a large scale. Looking back, the establishment of De Centraal         ducting sustainable business through ethical dealings, protecting the       STRATEGIC AGILITY UNDER PRESSURE
 Westelijke Co-operatieve Landbouw Vereniging on 1 June 1909,             environment and contributing to the socio-economic development of                                                                               Building a strong allegiance with the company, while
                                                                                                                                                      The Senwes team has the ability to adapt rapidly to unforeseen
 was the spark that ignited our company’s business philosophy of          its employees and the societies in which it conducts business.                                                                                   acting in the best interest of the company and our
                                                                                                                                                      circumstances, changing them into opportunities, whilst still
 providing solutions to enable our customers to effectively conduct                                                                                                                                                        stakeholders, showcasing loyalty.
                                                                                                                                                      implementing sufficient risk-mitigating actions.
 their business.
                                                                          SENWES’ RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                                                                      SINCERE INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITIES                                  Accepting responsibility by providing complete, trans-
                                                                          Senwes has the responsibility of making a meaningful contribution
     PURPOSE STATEMENT                                                    towards food security in South Africa through sustainable agriculture,      The company is committed to making a sustainable difference          parent, truthful, accurate and timely information to
  To provide innovative and integrated solutions for our customers in     by providing innovative and integrated solutions to food producers and      to the welfare of the communities in which it conducts business.     all stakeholders, illustrating accountability.
  order to enable them to conduct business.                               the other role-players in the applicable stages of the food value chain.

10     SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                              RESILIENCE         RESILIENCE                                                                               SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021           11

                                                                                                                              THE BUSINESS

             FINANCIAL                               HUMAN                                   NATURAL

     Earnings before interest and tax        Employee headcount                      Head office electricity consumption
     (EBIT) (R’m)                                                                    for the year (MWh)
                                             2021                            2020
                                                                                     2021                             2020
     2021                            2020    5 098        48,8%            3 427
     868           63,2%             532                                            1 452         4,3%             1 392

                                             Total employee costs (R’m)              Head office CO2 savings for the
     Net profit after tax (R’m)
                                             2021                            2020    year due to solar energy generation
     2021                            2020    942           56,5%             602    (tonnes)
     595          76,6%              337                                            2021                            2020
                                             Average cost per employee (R’000)       935           19,9%             780
     Normalised HEPS (cents/share)
                                             2021                            2020
                                                                                     Electricity consumption of Grainlink
     2021                             2020   184,8         5,2%            175,7
                                                                                     silos for the year (GWh)
     244,4        69,5%             144,2
                                                                                     2021                            2020
                                             Employee turnover (%)                   30,2          5,6%              28,6
     Return on opening equity (%)
                                             2021                           2020
     2021                            2020    21,0%         1,1%           19,9%     CO2 savings of Grainlink silos for the
     20,5          7,5%              13,0                                           year due to solar energy generation

     Total shareholders' return (capital             MANUFACTURING                   2021                            2020
     growth and dividends) (%)                                                       372           3,9%              387

     2021                            2020    Maintenance expenditure (R’m)
     12,7          7,2%              5,5                                            Head office water consumption for
                                             2021                            2020    the year (kℓ)
                                             104           33,3%              78
     Dividend yield (on opening market                                               2021                             2020
     price) (%)                                                                      5 212         3,6%             5 031
                                             New investment in property, plant
     2021                            2020    and equipment (R’m)
     8,2           2,7%              5,5    2021                            2020            SOCIAL AND
                                             188           29,9%             268
     Price-earnings ratio (on normalised
     HEPS) (times)
                                                                                     Value allocated in respect of
     2021                           2020
                                                     INTELLECTUAL                    authorities (R’m)
     4,7              38,2%           7,6
                                                                                     2021                            2020

                                             Total training costs (R’m)
                                                                                     207           60,5%             129
     Price-book ratio (%)
                                             2021                            2020    Value created for suppliers of goods
     2021                           2020    14,5          51,0%              9,6   and services (R’m)
     66,9             6,1%            73,0
                                                                                     2021                             2020
                                             Total business consultation costs       5 603         58,6%            3 532
     Own capital ratio (%)                   (R’m)
     2021                           2020    2021                            2020    Corporate social investment and
     31,9             2,9%            34,8   11,6          68,1%              6,9   community spending (R’m)
                                                                                     2021                            2020
                                                                                     6,4           106,5%             3,1

                                                                                     Loyalty scheme (AgriRewards)
                                                                                     allocation (R'm)
                                                                                     2021                            2020
                                                                                     139           40,4%              99

12     SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                          RESILIENCE

                                                                                                                                                                 As a diversified agri-business, Senwes continues to serve the sector by
                                                                                                                                                                                    providing integrated product and service solutions.

                                                                                                                                                        the process of exiting non-core investments
                                                                                                                                                        in terms of its strategy. Agribel now holds
  Take advantage of                                                                                                     DANIE MINNAAR
                                                                                                                                                        74% of the issued shares in Senwes and is
                                                                                                                                                        well positioned to consider potential strategic
  opportunities                                                                                                         Senwes Chairman                 equity opportunities.

  – even when the                                                                                                                                       As a diversified agri-business, Senwes
                                                                                                                                                        continues to serve the sector by providing
  macro-environment                                                                                                                                     integrated product and service solutions.
                                                                                                                                                        These services and solutions are not limited
  requires a more                                                                                                                                       to the intake of grain, but include input

  cautious approach                                                                                                                                     supply services, financial services, market
                                                                                                                                                        access, processing, conditioning and market

                                                                                                                                                        It is my pleasure to welcome Hansie Viljoen,
                                                                                                                                                        Gert Malherbe and Frans Marx to the Senwes
     REFLECTIONS                                                                                                                                        board, joining us from the Suidwes ranks. As

     BY THE CHAIRMAN                                                                                                                                    we bid farewell to Tom van Rooyen at the an-
                                                                                                                                                        nual general meeting in August 2020, I want
                                                                                                                                                        to extend my sincerest grati­tude to him for
                                                                                                                                                        seven years of service and devotion to always
                                                                                                                                                        act in the best interest of the group. With this
  Last year’s report was written at the outset of the Covid-19 lockdown period. As I am writing                                                         said, I wish to thank my fellow board mem-
  this report, each one of us has gained a year’s experience of the impact of this severe pandemic.                                                     bers for their guidance and the unrestrained
                                                                                                                                                        contributions of their time and advice.
  Although we are all learning and adapting as we go along, we don’t know when life will return
  to normal. We can, however, be certain of the fact that the virus will be with us for the foresee-                                                    To the executive management teams across
                                                                                                                                                        the group, thank you for your efforts and
  able future.
                                                                                                                                                        continued focus during the past year. Your
                                                                                                                                                        contributions are noted. I also applaud each

 I  t is becoming increasingly difficult to con-
    duct meaningful business in rural areas. Not
  only is South Africa resisting the disruptive
                                                    weather the proverbial storms. Communities
                                                    across the country are coming together in
                                                    ways never seen before to repair infrastruc-
                                                                                                      intake of soybeans while taking heed of the
                                                                                                      shift in traditional crop composition choices.
                                                                                                                                                        one of our employees who continued to
                                                                                                                                                        champion service excellence during a very
                                                                                                                                                        challenging and disruptive year.
  effects brought about by Covid-19, it is          ture and rejuvenate local economies.              Senwes’ long-term strategy of consolidation
  also navigating crippling social, political and                                                     has reached momentum and saw the group            We look ahead with a sense of optimism
  economic issues of deep concern. From an          During 2020 the global oil price surged           attaining a 57,7% share in KLK Landbou            and hope.
  economic and political perspective, the period    dramatically on the back of a slump in prices     during the previous financial year. This finan-
                                                                                                                                                        I wish to end my report by thanking our
  under review has been a bruising time for         as low as $20 a barrel. This boosted grain        cial year saw the consolidation of Senwes
                                                                                                                                                        Heavenly Father, who holds His hand over
  South Africa. Policy uncertainty, such as the     prices significantly after a four-year period     with Suidwes Holdings and its ope­rating
                                                                                                                                                        Senwes and its stakeholders every day. May
  land reform issue, poor economic growth,          of declining stock levels. At present, the US     companies. Through this consolidation we
                                                                                                                                                        we live each day according to His will.
  international credit rating downgrades and        corn price is double last year’s price.           will continue to provide unsurpassed services
  the financial and operatio­nal woes of state-                                                       and unlock value for our shareholders and all
  owned enterprises continue to negatively          Last year’s harvest, along with fair market       our stakeholders. Another exciting develop-
  impact the country’s fragile economy. Add         prices, favoured our customer base. This is       ment in this regard is the announcement that
  to this escalating crime levels and rampant       reflected in the group’s noteworthy decline       Senwes Equipment is expanding its product
  corruption as a consequence of state capture      in outstanding debt. These conditions great-      offering by including the newly launched
  and counter-productive cadre deployment,          ly contributed towards the sector’s sterling      John Deere construction and forestry equip-
                                                                                                                                                        JDM Minnaar
  and it becomes clear that the country’s chal-     performance over the past eighteen months.        ment range.
  lenges are mounting.
                                                    It is also noteworthy that soybean produc-        Agribel Holdings (“Agribel”), Senwes’ holding     1 July 2021
  However, one of the features which stood          tion in South Africa is increasing to the point   company previously known as Senwesbel,            Klerksdorp
  out during these recent times of disruption       where the country is set to reach a level of      acquired Grindrod’s shares in Senwes during
  and crisis, has been the collaborative way in     self-sufficiency soon. With this in mind,         March 2021. These shares were in the market
  which South Africans have come together to        Senwes is well positioned to increase its         for quite some time since Grindrod was in

14     SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                                 RESILIENCE         RESILIENCE                                                                        SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021    15
OVERVIEW             THE BUSINESS          STRATEGIC AND OPERATING CONTEXT                         CORPORATE GOVERNANCE                             FINANCIAL REVIEW

 VALUE-CREATING BUSINESS MODEL                                                                                                                                                            PERFORMANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                          Net profit after tax (R'm)            Return on opening equity (%)        Total shareholders’ return (%)

                                                                                                                                                                                          2021                       2020        2021                     2020       2021                         2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                                                          595      76,6%              337      20,5          7,5%         13,0     12,7            7,2%           5,5

                                                 EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                For more detail, see p. 92

     INPUTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                      OUTCOMES                                                                     STAKEHOLDERS

     OUR CAPITALS                                                                                                                GOVERNANCE                                                                                    KEY HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shareholders and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Normalised headline earnings (R’m)                                      Investors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2021                                2020
           Financial                                                                                                                            FUTU                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The group paid dividends to the amount of:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420                 70,7%             246
                                                                                                                                                 RE O                                                                                                                                                        R122m   ............................................       
  The pool of available funds Senwes                                                                                                                    UT
  uses to achieve its strategy.                                                                                                                           LO                                                                                New investment in property, plant
                                                                                                  E                                                                     OK
                                                                                              C                                                                                                                                             and equipment (R’m)                                                      Clients and Customers
                                                                                           AN                            S
                                                                                                             I        CE                                                                                                                     2021                                2020                                The group increased its financing book by:
                                                                                                          RV                                        I NP

           Manufacturing                                                                                                                                                                                                                    188             29,9%                 268

                                                                                                      S E      E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                13%    .................................................   
                                                                                                            IC                                                  SU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Head office electricity consumption for the

  The property, plant and equipment                                            PE                         V                               corpora

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            year (MWh)
                                                                                                                                                 te                                                                                                                                                                  Employees

  Senwes uses to deliver its services and


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021                                2020
                                                                                     AN                                   v                             o                                                                                                                                                            The group paid salaries to the amount of:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 452            4,3%               1 392


                                                                                   FI N



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Electricity consumption of Senwes                                   R942m ............................................         

                                                                                                             te and shared

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Grainlink silos for the year (GWh)


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021                                2020

  The land, water and energy Senwes
  uses to generate income.                                                                                                        GROUP                                                                                                     30,2             5,6%                28,6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Community spending increased since
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Head office water consumption for the                                    the previous year:
                                                                                                                                  Mission and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            year (kℓ)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                106,5%   ............................................      
                                                                                  N IN

           Intellectual                                                                                                          purpose p. 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021                                2020



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5 212                                5 031


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Business Partners
                                                                                             T IO


  The group’s investment in the right


  skills and systems.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Total training costs (R’m)                                               Investments in subsidiaries and JVs

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     amounted to:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021                                2020



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            51,0%                                              R808m .............................................        
                                                                                                                                                          AC                                                                                14,5                                   9,6



                                                                                                              D      ,                                      CE
                                                                                                            N                                        SS                                                                                     Average cost per employee (R’000)

                                                                                                         A          G

 Employees are Senwes’ key                                                                                    S I
                                                                                               T           ES                                                                                                                                2021                                2020
 stakeholders.                                                                               RA       PROC                                                                                                                                                                                                          The group’s payments to suppliers of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            184,8                 5,2%           175,7
                                                                                           ST                                                               AT                                                                                                                                                       goods and services amounted to:
           Social and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           R5 603m  ..........................................        
                                                                                                                                                 L RI            IA                                                                         Corporate social investment and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          community spending (R’m)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021                                2020
  Senwes strives to be a responsible and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Government and
  accountable corporate citizen, taking into
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            6,4            106,5%                 3,1
  account its stakeholders, the environment                                                                                                                                                                                                 Loyalty scheme (AgriRewards)                                             The group’s payments to government
  and the community.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        allocation (R’m)                                                         amounted to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2021                                2020                           R207m   .............................................      
       For more detail, see p. 26                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            139                 40,4%                99

      MATERIAL RISKS                                                                                          STRATEGIC FOCUS AREAS                                                                                                                           For more detail, see p. 12                                                             For more detail, see p. 36

      1    Environmental and health and          8                                                              1      Diversification, horizontal integration and
                                                                                                                                                                                              FUTURE OUTLOOK
                                                      Transition and customer risk
           safety risk                                                                                                 consolidation
                                                 9    Diversification and agricultural                                                                                                       Business                                    Strategy                                                               Economic
      2    Political and economic climate risk        industry risk                                            2       Internal integration of the customer                                  There is a clear shift in traditional       The Senwes Group will continue to reimagine its strategic              With a good turnover generated from the
      3    Credit, liquidity and market risk                                                                                                                                                 crop composition choices. Soybean           purpose of adding value and solutions to its client base and           2020/21 harvest, business confidence and
                                                 10   Unique competitor risk                                   3       Reorganisation of business models
                                                                                                                                                                                             production is increasing and the            keep on analysing the sector for meaningful acquisitions               planting intentions will probably be higher for
      4    Market size and market share risk                                                                   4       Unlocking value synergies
                                                 11   Urbanisation, scarcity and                                                                                                             country is nearing levels of self-suffi-    to add to its well-developed agri-business platform. This              the next season. High soil moisture levels should
      5    Commodity price risk                       retention of skills risk                                 5       Increased investment in efficiencies in the                           ciency. In this regard Senwes is well       future fit agri-business platform will provide access to clients       also result in producers spending more on the
                                                                                                                       value chain                                                           positioned to increase its intake of        (market share and share of pocket), integrate the group’s              next season’s inputs. However, the uptake of
      6    Weather and climate risk              12   Regulation and compliance risk
                                                                                                                                                                                             soybeans.                                   activities and most importantly, provide better access to              credit should slow down because of the surplus
      7                                          13   Theft and fraud risk                                     6       Externalisation                                                                                                   markets for clients as well as input partners.                         cash available in the market.
           Information technology -
           systems and cyber risk
                                                                  For more detail, see p. 86                                                   For more detail, see p. 50                                   For more detail, see p. 14                                           For more detail, see p. 46                                     For more detail, see p. 80

16        SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                                                 RESILIENCE                               RESILIENCE                                                                                                    SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                      17

     The Senwes Group’s operations can broadly be divided into five pillars, namely: financial services
     and advice; input supply; market access; processing, conditioning and markets; and corporate
     shared services.


                                  FINANCING                                                             INSURANCE                                 FINANCIAL & BUSINESS ADVICE                    DEALMAKING              FOOTPRINT PER PROVINCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Northwest                       20

               PRODUCERS                              OFF-TAKERS                  BROKER                   ADMIN               UNDERWRITING     WEALTH    INVESTMENT        FINANCIAL     CORPORATE TRANSACTIONING       Agri Credit Solutions           1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Certisure                       10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SS-Wealth Planning              1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Molemi Sele Management          1
                                                                                                                                                  MAIN BUSINESS DRIVER            PROFIT BEFORE TAX (R’m)                Raddix                          7

                                                                                                                                                   Expense : Income Ratio                                                Free State                      12
                                                                                                                                                                                               121                       Agri Credit Solutions           1
                                                                                                                                                                   76%                                                   Certisure                       9
                                                                                                                                                    60%   67%
                                                                                                                                                    40%                                         201                      Raddix                          2
                                                                                                                                                    20%                                                                  Northern Cape                   7
                                                                                                                                                     0%                                                                  Agri Credit Solutions           2
                                                                                                                                                          2021     2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Certisure                       1
      Financing                                                            Insurance, wealth and financial planning                                                                                                      KLK                             4
                                                                           services and advice
              Agri Credit Solutions                                                                                                                                                     2021   2020

      [Subsidiary of Senwes]                                                    Certisure
      Agri Credit Solutions is a registered credit provider which offers   [Joint venture with NWK]
      financial products to producers via the Senwes Credit, Suidwes       The Certisure Group is an insurance group, which specialises in
                                                                                                                                                  NUMBER OF BUSINESS UNITS PER PROVINCE
      Credit and KLK Credit brands. Agri Credit Solutions serves as the    financial planning, asset, crop, credit life, corporate and game
      financing link between agricultural producers and Senwes' other      insurance, as well as funeral cover and medical aid schemes.
      operations.                                                          Certisure renders broker and administrative services as well as                                    20
                                                                           financial planning solutions, which cater for and address the risk
                                                                           requirements of clients.
             Agri CS Asset Finance
      [Division of Agri Credit Solutions with WesBank as partner]                                                                                                                  12
      The Agri CS Asset Finance brand offers comprehensive financial            Raddix                                                                            7
      services, focused on movable assets.                                 [Subsidiary of Senwes]
                                                                           The Raddix Group renders insurance brokerage and intermediary
                                                                           services as well as financial planning solutions across various
                                                                           market segments. Intermediary services are rendered across the
      Credit life insurance                                                personal, commercial, agricultural and crop insurance segments
                                                                           whilst life insurance brokering is provided in a wide variety of
           Molemi Sele Management                                          segments.
      [Joint venture with AFGRI and NWK]
      Molemi Sele Management is the owner of a cell captive for credit
                                                                                SS Wealth Planning
      life insurance within Guardrisk Life. Molemi Sele Management
      focuses on underwriting risks within the credit life insurance       [Partnership between Senwes and S-BRO Financial Services]
      domain.                                                              SS Wealth Planning is an authorised financial services provider
                                                                           which facilitates wealth creation by means of a wide range of
                                                                           wealth planning and related services to ensure long-term finan-
                                                                           cial peace of mind for clients.

18       SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                           RESILIENCE       RESILIENCE                                                               SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021         19
BUSINESS OVERVIEW – continued                                                                                                                                      OVERVIEW        THE BUSINESS         STRATEGIC AND OPERATING CONTEXT              CORPORATE GOVERNANCE         FINANCIAL REVIEW


                                                                                                AGENCIES & DEALERSHIPS:                              BRANDS &                                      EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION,
              RETAIL                                 WHOLESALE
                                                                                                  BULK INPUT SUPPLY                                  SERVICES                                        AND EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE DEALERSHIPS

                      RETAIL                                                 ONLINE                                                              PEST CONTROL                    LABS &
       RETAIL                        WHOLESALE         DISTRIBUTION                         DIRECT                               ANIMAL                         AGRICULTURAL                      LARGE           SMALL            MANUFACTURING        VEHICLE
                       FUEL                                                  RETAIL                    SEED      FERTILISER                       AND PLANT                       AGRI-
     BRANCHES                          FUEL              CENTRES                             FUEL                                 FEEDS                             LIME                        EQUIPMENT       EQUIPMENT           & DEALERSHIP       DEALERSHIP
                     STATIONS                                               OFFERING                                                               NUTRITION                    SERVICES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            NUMBER OF BUSINESS UNITS PER PROVINCE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               39          7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    42                            1
                                                                                                                                                                       Equipment, manufacturing, distribution
      Wholesale distribution                                                                                                                                           and vehicle dealerships
            Agrinet                                                               Agricultural lime                                                                         Senwes Equipment                                                                                       9
      [Subsidiary of Senwes]
                                                                                        Bastion Lime                                                                   [Subsidiary of Senwes]
      Agrinet and Prodist are wholesalers and distributors of a wide se-
                                                                                  [Joint venture with NWK]                                                             Senwes Equipment and Agrifriend Equipment are agricultural
      lection of industrial products, general merchandise and irrigation
                                                                                  The Bastion Group specialises in the production and marketing                        equipment and service businesses, which offer agri-mecha-
      ranges to retail and trade markets in South Africa and neigh­
                                                                                  of high quality lime and gypsum products for agricultural and                        nisation, construction and mining products and implements,
      bouring countries. Agrinet is in the process of being amalgama­                                                                                                                                                                        FOOTPRINT PER PROVINCE
                                                                                  industrial purposes.                                                                 maintenance and precision farming solutions to producers and
      ted into Prodist.
                                                                                                                                                                       customers alike. Senwes Equipment is a John Deere agent.              Northwest                        39
                                                                                                                                                                       Senwes Equipment was amalgamated into Agrifriend Equipment            Senwes Equipment                 14
      Input trade and retail                                                      Labs and agricultural services                                                       during the 2021 financial year.                                       Hinterland                       20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Staalmeester                      1
            Hinterland Group                                                            NviroTek                                                                            JD Implemente                                                    Bastion                           3
                                                                                  [Senwes as majority stakeholder]                                                                                                                           NviroTek                          1
      [Subsidiary of Senwes]                                                                                                                                           [Subsidiary of Senwes with the Tomlinson family as partner]
                                                                                  NviroTek Labs is one of the largest independent agricultural labora-                                                                                       Free State                       48
      The Hinterland Group, which encapsulates both the Senwes                                                                                                         JD Implemente broadens Senwes Equipment’s geographical foot-
                                                                                  tories in Southern Africa. The group performs a multitude of labo-                                                                                         Senwes Equipment                 23
      Village and Suidwes retail branches, specialises in supplying input                                                                                              print by providing agri-mechanisation and maintenance solutions
                                                                                  ratory tests to assist with decision-making across various sectors.
      products for a variety of farming practices through its retail and                                                                                               in the Western and Eastern Cape.                                      Hinterland                       24
      fuel businesses. The group also offers a wide range of hardware                                                                                                                                                                        Prodist                           1
      and convenience products to the general public.                                   Senwes Agricultural Services                                                        Staalmeester                                                     Gauteng                           7
                                                                                  [Division of Agri Credit Solutions]                                                  [Subsidiary of Senwes with the Coetzee family as partner]             Senwes Equipment                  2
            KLK Retail and Fuel                                                   Senwes Agricultural Services specialises in agricultural econo­                      Staalmeester expands Senwes Equipment’s product offering by           Hinterland                        2
      [Subsidiary of Senwes]                                                      mic services, performance and technical efficiency analyses and                      manufacturing and importing agricultural equipment for small          Prodist                           1
                                                                                  benchmarking.                                                                        and medium-sized producers.                                           Agrinet                           1
      The KLK Landbou Group, through its retail branches and Build
      It stores, as well as wholesale and retail fuel businesses, aims to                                                                                                                                                                    Protek                            1
      distribute and sell agricultural input supplies as well as various                                                                                                    Falcon                                                           Northern Cape                    41
      convenience products to the general public.                                                                                                                      [Subsidiary of Senwes]                                                Senwes Equipment                  2
                                                                                 MAIN BUSINESS DRIVER                     PROFIT BEFORE TAX (R’m)                                                                                            Hinterland                        2
                                                                                                                                                                       Falcon further increases the competitive edge of Senwes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             KLK                              37
                                                                                  Gross Profit %                                                                       Equipment in the agri-sector by manufacturing and distributing
      Home and garden pest control and                                            25,0%                                                                                tractor-drawn implements and parts to the South African and           Western Cape                      5
      plant nutrition                                                             20,0%       23,2%                                                                    sub-Saharan agricultural and turf markets.                            JDI                               3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Agrinet                           1
            Protek                                                                                      16,8%
                                                                                                                                                                            KLK vehicle trade and dealerships                                NviroTek                          1
      [Senwes as a majority shareholder]                                                                                                                                                                                                     KwaZulu Natal                     1
                                                                                   5,0%                                                                                [Subsidiaries of KLK Landbou]
      Protek offers solutions in home and garden pest control and                                                                  148                                                                                                       Falcon                            1
                                                                                       0%                                                                              The KLK vehicle trade and dealerships encompass Nissan, Datsun,
      plant nutrition. Its products are distributed to all leading hard-                      2021       2020                                                                                                                                Eastern Cape                      9
                                                                                                                                 584                                   Isuzu and Renault dealerships, as well as used vehicle trader, KLK
      ware stores, nurseries, chain stores, co-operatives and indepen-
                                                                                                                                                                       Auto.                                                                 Senwes Equipment                  6
      dent retailers across South Africa.                                                                                        2021        2020                                                                                            JDI                               3

20      SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                                     RESILIENCE                  RESILIENCE                                                                                SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021         21
BUSINESS OVERVIEW – continued                                                                                                         OVERVIEW    THE BUSINESS       STRATEGIC AND OPERATING CONTEXT        CORPORATE GOVERNANCE           FINANCIAL REVIEW

                                                                                                                                                          FOOTPRINT PER PROVINCE               MAIN BUSINESS DRIVER              PROFIT BEFORE TAX (R’m)

                                                                                                                                                          Northwest                       31    Throughput tonnes (t’000)
                                                                                                                                                          Senwes Grainlink                11     4 000
                                                                                                                                                          Suidwes                         14     3 000   3 224
                                            OPTIMISATION                                 INTELLIGENCE CENTRE                              PROPERTIES                                                                               186
                SERVICES                                                                                                                                  Grainovation                    1      2 000              2 504
                                                                                                                                                          Grain Market Intelligence       5      1 000

                                                                                                                                                          Free State                      69         -
                                                                   HIGH PROBABILITY                  STOCK                                                                                               2021       2020
        SILO               SILO                LOGISTICS                                                       STOCK SALES   SOLUTION
                       CERTIFICATES                                   TRADING &       PROCUREMENT   DECISION                            ASSETS   SPV      Senwes Grainlink                52
     OPERATIONS                                EXECUTION                                                        & DELIVERY    DESIGN
                                                                     OPTION BOOK                    MAKING                                                Grain Market Intelligence       9
                                                                                                                                                          Suidwes                         8                                              2021     2020

                                                                                                                                                          Gauteng                         4
                                                                                                                                                          Senwes Grainlink                3
                                                                                                     SENWES SECURITIES                                                                           NUMBER OF BUSINESS UNITS PER PROVINCE
                                                                                                                                                          ESC                             1
                                                                                                                                                          Northern Cape                   5
                                                                                                                                                          Senwes Grainlink                4                                   31          4
                                                                                                                                                          Grain Market Intelligence       1

      Market access
            Senwes Grainlink                                                                                                                                                                                        5
      [Division of Senwes]
      The grain divisions of both Senwes Grainlink and Suidwes spe-
      cialise in the handling and storage of grain and oilseeds and are
      positioned between the producer and the off-taker.

      Silo certificates

            Electronic Silo Certificates (ESC)
      [Joint venture with AFGRI]
      Electronic Silo Certificates (ESC) provides a safe and effective
      way of managing electronic silo certificates via the internet or

      Logistical optimisation

      [Subsidiary of Senwes]
      Grainovation is an asset-light logistics broker, focused on optimi­
      sing logistics across the Senwes Group.

      Intelligence Centre

            Grain Market Intelligence
      [Division of Senwes]
      Grain Market Intelligence focuses on high probability trading and
      option book, grain procurement, stock decision-making, stock
      offers via Basislink, delivery and solution design.

22      SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                RESILIENCE          RESILIENCE                                                                     SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021          23
BUSINESS OVERVIEW – continued                                                                                                                           OVERVIEW       THE BUSINESS           STRATEGIC AND OPERATING CONTEXT                 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE     FINANCIAL REVIEW


        SEED                  ABATTOIR & FEEDLOT                         RAISINS               SKINS & HIDES                       MILLS

                                                                                                                                                     NUMBER OF BUSINESS UNITS PER PROVINCE

                                                                                                                                                                                   1          1


      Seed                                                                     Mills
           Senwes Seed                                                              Africum Mills
      [Division of Senwes]                                                     [Subsidiary of Senwes]
      Senwes Seed established itself over decades as an excellent seed         Africum Mills is located in Wolmaransstad in the Northwest
      processor with a sound reputation amongst producers in the               pro­vince and is linked to the group’s Wolmaransstad silo. The
      market.                                                                  mill can produce various maize products. Africum Mills has been
                                                                               mothballed and is not currently operational. It is also held for
                                                                                                                                                          FOOTPRINT PER PROVINCE
      Raisins                                                                                                                                             Northwest                           1
                                                                                    Botselo Mills                                                         Senwes Seed                         1
           Carpe Diem Raisins
                                                                               [Senwes as a minority shareholder]                                         Northern Cape                       12
      [Joint venture of KLK Landbou]
                                                                               Botselo Mills is a family operated maize milling operation located         KLK                                 12
      Carpe Diem Raisins is an established brand name in the in-               in Delareyville in the Northwest province. Botselo Mills produces a        Gauteng                             1
      ternational raisin market. Carpe Diem Raisins buys, processes            comprehensive range of quality white and yellow maize products.
      and packages raisins which are organically produced along the                                                                                       KLK                                 1
                                                                               The mill also has its own beer plant, which produces its own spe-
      Orange River and markets it largely to the international market.         cialised beer powder. Senwes’ share in Botselo Mills is currently
                                                                               held for sale.

                                                                                                                                                           MAIN BUSINESS DRIVERS
      Feedlot, abattoirs and auctioneering
                                                                               Skins and hides                                                              Raisins sold (t'000)        Skins sold and                              Slaughtered sheep
           KLK Feedlot, Abattoirs and Auctioneering                                                                                                         20                          hides processed ('000)                      count ('000)
      [Division of KLK Landbou]                                                      SA Dorper                                                              15
      The KLK sheep feedlot aids in getting animals market-ready.              [Joint venture of KLK Landbou]                                                                           400       500           462                 400
                                                                                                                                                            10               12                                        420
      KLK’s abattoirs and auctioneering sites handle the slaughtering                                                                                                                                                                                   373
                                                                               SA Dorper handles the processing and exporting of Dorper skins
      and selling of lamb and beef carcasses in the Northern Cape.                                                                                           5                          200              246                        200
                                                                               and cattle hides.                                                                                                                                             185
                                                                                                                                                             0                            0                                           0
                                                                                                                                                                 2021       2020                    2021           2020                   2021          2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Skins sold   Hides processed


                                                                                                                             CENTRAL SPECIALIST                                                                                                      HR & MARKETING          CORPORATE
                                                         FINANCE                                                                                                                  CORPORATE COMPLIANCE
                                                                                                                                 SERVICES                                                                                                           COMMUNICATIONS          PROGRAMMES

      GROUP FINANCE          CORPORATE            BUSINESS                            CENTRAL                              INFORMATION                     CSI & SHAREHOLDER       INTERNAL          RISK                         SECURITY                  MARKETING
                                                                    TREASURY                                PAYROLL                                                                                                   SHEQ                         HR                        AGRIREWARDS
          & TAX               FINANCE           ENGINEERING                        ADMINISTRATION                           TECHNOLOGY                      COMMUNICATION            AUDIT        MANAGEMENT                        UNIT                  COMMUNICATIONS

                                                                                                                                 PROPERTY PROJECT

24      SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021                                                                                               RESILIENCE             RESILIENCE                                                                                     SENWES INTEGRATED REPORT 2021    25
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