2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
2021 Heroes in Health:
An Event to Celebrate Meaning,
  Love, and Healthy Aging


    Tuesday, September 21, 2021


2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
    Each year, the Alliance for Aging Research hosts Heroes in Health, an event to
    celebrate individuals and companies making great strides to further research
    and innovation in aging. The event is comprised of the Roundtable Discussion
    and Annual Bipartisan Congressional Awards.

    Since 2013, the Roundtable Discussion, convened and moderated by the Alliance,
    has provided leaders from federal agencies with the opportunity to reflect on
    the progress they have made in implementing major policy changes to improve
    the health of older adults and offer their insights on future changes that may
    positively impact healthcare innovation.

    Since 1992, the Annual Bipartisan Congressional Awards event has become
    widely recognized as Washington DC’s signature social event following Congress’
    return from its traditional August recess. As one Capitol Hill regular put it, “This
    is like Back to School Night for Washington’s health policy community – you see
    everyone here.”

    The Annual Bipartisan Congressional Awards event also has a deeper purpose:
    to remind lawmakers of the nation’s bipartisan commitment to advance medical
    research to improve the lives of millions of older Americans.


    While we will miss seeing everyone in person this year, we are excited to have
    the opportunity to celebrate our commitment to older adults at a virtual Heroes
    in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging on Tuesday,
    September 21, 2021.

2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
The 28th Annual Bipartisan Congressional Awards event will feature the following
• Claude Pepper Award for Advancing Healthy Aging: presented each year
  to a Democratic member of Congress who is leading the way on policies
  encouraging medical research, innovation, and care to benefit Americans as
  they grow older.
• Distinguished Public Service Award: presented each year to a Republican
  member of Congress who is leading the way on policies encouraging medical
  research, innovation, and care to benefit Americans as they grow older.
• Silver Innovator Award: presented to an individual who shows exceptional
  dedication to anticipating, embracing, and addressing the unique and
  ever-evolving needs of older adults.
• Daniel Perry Founder’s Award: presented to an individual who is helping to
  change the paradigm of how we view aging and well-being as we age.
• Perennial Hero Award: presented each year to honor an older individual who
  is actively contributing to create positive societal change and serving as a role
  model for people of all ages.

Past honorees of the Annual Bipartisan Congressional Awards have included:
VADM Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H.       Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.                  Mark McClellan M.D., Ph.D.
Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)           Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)         Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Patricia Bath, M.D.                   Nobel Laureate Robert Fogel             Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
Congressman Gus M. Bilirakis (R-FL)   Linda Fried, M.D.                       Neil Resnick, M.D.
Elizabeth Blackburn, Ph.D.            Congressman Newt Gingrich (R-GA)        Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
Jeremy Bloom                          Dana Goldman, Ph.D.                     Scott Simon
Senator John Breaux (D-LA)            Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA)           Martha Stewart
Laura Carstensen, Ph.D.               Jack M. Guralnik, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.   Geri and Jim Taylor
The Honorable Tony Coelho             Margaret Hamburg, M.D.                  Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D.
Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)          Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA)               Congressman Billy Tauzin II (R-LA)
Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D.          Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)              Robert Temple, M.D.
David Cutler, Ph.D.                   Richard Hodes, M.D.                     John Tisdale, M.D.
Governor Mitch Daniels (R-IN)         Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD)             J. Craig Venter, Ph.D.
Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO)    Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD)          Jay Walker
Rev. Dr. Derrick C. DeWitt Sr.        Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX)    Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)            Beverlye Hyman Fead                     David Wise, Ph.D.
Larry Ellison                         Dilip Jeste, M.D.                       Janet Woodcock, M.D.
Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY)              Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA)
Elissa Epel, Ph.D.                    Congressman Connie Mack (R-FL)
2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
    The Alliance is honored to work with the distinguished members of the 2021
    Heroes in Health Committee:

                          CHAIR                     John Alam             Margaret Davis-Cerone
                      James G. Scott            Founder and Chief            Senior Director,
                    President and CEO            Executive Officer         Corporate Affairs-US
                    Applied Policy, LLC          EIP Pharma, Inc.               Pfizer Inc.

     DeChane Dorsey, Esq.      Beatriz Duque Long                 Karen Gally               Dan Leonard
        Vice President,     Associate Director, Federal        Vice President and        President and CEO
    Payment and Health Care   Government Affairs and            General Counsel       Association for Accessible
        Delivery Policy         Strategic Alliances             Otsuka America                Medicines
           AdvaMed                 Biogen Inc.                 Pharmaceutical, Inc.

        Michele Markus              Janet McUlsky              Michele Oshman           Dorothy Ouchida
     Head of Global Health         Managing Partner            Vice President for     Government Affairs &
      Accounts; Worldwide            MultiLink Ltd.             External Affairs       Advocacy Consultant
        Enterprise Lead                                    Biotechnology Innovation Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
     Omnicom Health Group                                         Organization

                      Sara Pescatello             William Tatum               M. Todd Tuten
                  Vice President, Health             Manager,                 Senior Advisor
                 Policy and External Affairs   Public Policy - Grocery   Akin Gump Strauss Hauer
4                  UnitedHealth Group                 Amazon                    & Feld LLP
2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
The Alliance for Aging Research is grateful to the sponsors of the 27th Annual
Bipartisan Congressional Awards and Roundtable Discussion:

2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

    For a detailed explanation of each benefit, please see “Explanation of Benefits”
    on page 8.

                                      35th Anniversary
                                        Award             Gold          Silver       Bronze
                                      Underwriter        Sponsor       Sponsor      Sponsor
                                       $35,000           $30,000       $20,000      $10,000

    Registrations to 28th Annual
    Bipartisan Congressional            Unlimited        Unlimited    Unlimited     Unlimited
    Awards program

    Registrations to 2021
                                           Five            Four         Three         Two
    Roundtable Discussion

    Ad in program                       Full-page        Half-page   Quarter-page

    Fireside chat/award presenter
    role for senior level executive

    Defined role in the 2021
    Roundtable Discussion

    Recognition in Heroes in Health
                                           Logo            Logo         Logo         Name
    program book and sizzle reel

    Recognition on Heroes in Health     Logo with        Logo with
                                                                        Logo         Name
    event website                         URL              URL

    Recognition on Heroes in Health
                                          Name            Name          Name         Name

2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

For a detailed explanation of each benefit, please see “Explanation of Benefits”
on page 8.

                                  35th Anniversary
                                   Roundtable        Roundtable   Roundtable
                                    Sponsor           Supporter    Innovator
                                    $35,000            $15,000       $5,000

Registrations to 28th Annual
Bipartisan Congressional            Unlimited         Unlimited   Unlimited
Awards program

Registrations to 2021
                                       Five            Three         Two
Roundtable Discussion

Ad in program                     Quarter-page

Fireside chat/award presenter
role for senior level executive

Defined role in the 2021
Roundtable Discussion

Recognition in Heroes in Health
                                       Logo            Name         Name
program book and sizzle reel

Recognition on Heroes in Health
                                       Logo             Logo        Name
event website

Recognition on Heroes in Health
                                      Name             Name         Name

2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES

    Registration to 28th          Recognition during              Fireside chat/award
    Annual Bipartisan             awards program                  presenter role for senior
    Congressional Awards          Recognition of sponsorship      level executive
    Includes access to online     by Alliance for Aging           The presenter will get to
    awards program. All           Research President and CEO      introduce one award and
    attendees must be pre-        during awards program.          participate in a fireside chat
    registered for the event.                                     with the honoree during the
                                  Recognition in Heroes           awards program.
    Registration to 2021          in Health program book
    Roundtable Discussion         and Sizzle Reel                 Recognition on Heroes in
    Includes access to both        Recognition of sponsorship     Health invitation
    Roundtable panels. All         in the program book. The       Recognition of sponsorship
    attendees must be pre-         program book will be           on Heroes in Health
    registered for the event.      available online to download   invitation. Sponsorship must
                                   via PDF and will be provided   be confirmed before the date
    Defined role in the 2021 to all registrants via email         of mailing.
    Roundtable Discussion          the day of the event. The
    Includes serving as a panelist Sizzle Reel is a short film
    on one panel during the        put together by the Alliance        KEY DATES FOR
    Roundtable Discussion.         each year to highlight              SPONSORSHIPS
                                   accomplishments and
    Ad in program                  recognize our sponsors.
                                                                         AND OTHER
    The program book will be                                           OPPORTUNITIES
    available online to download Recognition on Heroes
    via PDF and will be provided                                   •   August 13: Logos due
                                   in Health event website
    to all registrants via email   Recognition of sponsorship      •   September 3: Artwork
    the day of the event.          on Heroes in Health                 for ads due
                                  websites: agingresearch.         •   September 3:
                                  org/2021awards/ and                  Registrant lists due

    Sponsorship provides an excellent opportunity to elevate your brand and
    network with over 300 key stakeholders including patient advocates,
    researchers, representatives from federal agencies, and representatives
    from pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies.

2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
Individuals may register for the 28th Annual Bipartisan Congressional Awards for
free. PLEASE NOTE: Individual registration is not available for the 2021 Roundtable

Advertisements will be included in the Heroes in Health program and will be viewed
by over 300 guests. Advertisements are included with the 35th Anniversary Award
Underwriter, Gold, Silver, and the 35th Anniversary Roundtable Sponsor levels.

Individual advertisements are available for purchase at the following sizes and
• Full-page (7.5” wide x 10” tall).............................................................................$500
• Half-page (7.5” wide x 4.75” tall).........................................................................$250
• Quarter-page (3.5” wide x 4.75” tall)...................................................................$125

Ads should be in color and must be submitted in .png or .jpg file formats.

Your donation of any amount will help the Alliance for Aging Research continue
to advance science and enhance lives. To learn more about the programs your
donation would support, go to www.agingresearch.org.

For more information about our sponsorship opportunities or to customize
a package for your organization, please contact:

Sarah DiGiovine, Vice President of Development
(202) 688-2043 | sdigiovine@agingresearch.org

2021 Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging - SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
Your support of Heroes in Health: An Event to Celebrate
Meaning, Love, and Healthy Aging will further the mission
  of the Alliance for Aging Research (EIN 54-1379174).

The Alliance for Aging Research is the leading nonprofit
organization dedicated to accelerating the pace of scientific
discoveries and their application to vastly improve the
    universal human experience of aging and health.

    Catalyzing Innovation for Healthy Aging

    202.293.2856 | www.agingresearch.org
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