2021 FALL GATE COORDINATORS' TRAINING - Los Angeles Unified School ...
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2021 FALL GATE COORDINATORS’ TRAINING Gifted/Talented Programs Adv anc ed Learning O ptions Div ision of Instruc tion Los Angeles Unified Sc hool Distric t
GIFTED/TALENTED PROGRAMS STAFF Director Arzie Galvez, Advanced Learning Options District Staff -Susanna Furfari, Coordinator (susanna.furfari@lausd.net) -Dr. Lucy Hunt, Coordinator (lhunt@lausd.net) -Kevin Kilpatrick, Coordinator (kevin.kilpatrick@lausd.net) -Dr. Nicole Niederdeppe, Coordinator (nnn8729@lausd.net) -Erin Yoshida-Ehrmann, Coordinator (emy2142@lausd.net) -Wynne Wong-Cheng, Coordinator, Psychological Services (wynne.wong@lausd.net) -Rasienna Forss, Specialist (rasienna.willars@lausd.net) -Michelle Papazyan, Specialist (mpapazya@lausd.net) -Carol Breaux, Central Office Designated GATE Psychologist (carol.lewis@lausd.net) Email: GATE@lausd.net Phone: (213) 241-6500 333 S. Beaudry Avenue, 25th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 http://achieve.lausd.net/gate
AGENDA Becoming a “Renaissance Educator” Updates • Identification • Instructional Initiatives • Professional Development • Engaging Families in Your Program GATE Coordinator Role Staying Connected with Gifted/Talented Programs
WHAT IS A RENAISSANCE EDUC ATOR AND WHY WOULD WE WANT TO BECOME ONE? • According to Merriam-Webster, a “Renaissance man” is a person who has wide interests and is an expert in several areas. • Wikipedia reports, “When someone is called a ‘Renaissance man’ today, it is meant that rather than simply having broad interests or superficial knowledge in several fields, the individual possesses a more profound knowledge and a proficiency, or even an expertise, in at least some of those fields.” • Striving to be more gender-inclusive and apply the definition to our field, a Renaissance Educator has knowledge of many of the aspects of being a quality educator and profound knowledge in some of them.
RENAISSANCE EDUC ATOR CHARACTERISTICS WHICH OF THESE ARE YOUR NATURAL INTERESTS? WHICH ARE YOUR AREAS OF EXPERTISE? WHICH MIGHT YOU DEVELOP INTO “MORE PROFOUND KNOWLEDGE”? 1. A Well- 2. Self- 11. Well Rounded 12. Charismatic Taught Dressed Education 3. A Free 13. A Thinker 4. Analytical “Gentleman” 14. Artistic 5. 16. Well 6.Well Read 15. Cultured Multilingual Traveled 8. A 7. Sociable 17. An Explorer 18. An Inventor Sportsman 10. 19. 20. Effortless 9. Brave Handsome Entrepreneurial 21. Humble “Top Renaissance Man Characteristics You Need!” https://helpfulprofessor.com/renaissance-man/
BECOMING A RENAISSANCE GATE EDUC ATOR 1. Having a Well-Rounded Education: Take a class outside of your usual interest, even if it’s at Michael’s or Home Depot. Incorporate what you learned into your instruction for an authentic touch. 2. Self-Taught: Choose an educational topic to learn more about this year, e.g., differentiation, Project-Based Learning, 2e. On MyPLN Search “GATE” for 1- or 2- hour classes or try a “GATE BYTE.” 3. A Free Thinker: Don’t teach from the textbook (exclusively).Take our session on “Memorable Teaching” from Matt Miller of Ditch the Textbook, coming to Banked- Time Tuesday, to free yourself!
BECOMING A RENAISSANCE GATE EDUC ATOR 4. Analytical: Expand your thinking about GATE students. Try “Understanding the Social- Emotional Needs of Gifted Learners” on MyPLN or our salary point class “Beyond Academics” to go beyond the basic. 5. Multilingual: Learn a few words in the languages of your students. Have them teach you special phrases and use them frequently. Search for English Learners who are gifted but may have been overlooked in the past. 6. Well Read: Wander through a favorite section of the re-opened LA Public Library and find a new fiction or non-fiction text to read. Devour some new Young Adult (YA) literature or a classic children’s novel that you haven’t read before. Share with your class what you’ve learned or do a read- aloud!
BECOMING A RENAISSANCE GATE EDUC ATOR 7. Sociable: Befriend that new teacher that looks so lost.Turn them onto your best GATE teaching practices (and a good cup of coffee.) 8. A Sportsman: Add some physical activity to your workday or incorporate yoga with the students. Yoga Ed has some great lessons to include. Look out for future GATE PD including Yoga Ed. 9. Brave: Face one of your instructional demons. Perhaps it’s tiered lessons, instructional technology, or that daunting independent study you’ve been wanting to try. Gifted/Talented Programs is here to help- reach out for support. 10. Handsome: Already there, dear educator, already there! J
BECOMING A RENAISSANCE GATE EDUC ATOR 11. Well Dressed: Dress the part when you teach history or social studies for a truly immersive study.Try a “Vocabulary Parade” with your class for a novel task involving attire. 12. Charismatic: Be the teacher your students want to see and the educator your admin wants to use as a model. 13. A “Gentleman”: “a [person] whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior” (Merriam-Webster) Bring your best self to your students and impart Social Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies by modeling appropriate reactions to stress and failure.
BECOMING A RENAISSANCE GATE EDUC ATOR 14. Artistic: Take one of four GATE salary point classes on integrating the arts into your curriculum. Refer your talented artists and performers for GATE identification! 15. Cultured: Join Dr. Ford for a GATE banked-time Tuesday PD and find those “Undiscovered Diamonds” among your students of different cultures. 16. Well Traveled:Take field trips, even if they’re virtual. Since COVID, many worldwide museums and historical sites have created a wonderful online presence. Note that SAS funds, if available, may be used for field trips as well. 17. An Explorer: Stay curious. Teach students through Project-Based Learning where they can explore through inquiry themselves.
BECOMING A RENAISSANCE G AT E E D U C ATO R 18. An Inventor: Demonstrate novelty by creating something new for your classroom this year—a bulletin board, reward system, unit of study. Help students create novel products throughout your units of study. 19. Entrepreneurial: Invest in a special student that has potential for greatness and watch the returns you receive. 20. Effortless: Clearly, these ideas are not effortless, but as they become habits for you, they will become part of your everyday routines. 21. Humble: Take it all in stride that you are now a RENAISSANCE GATE EDUCATOR but know that we can continue to improve!
RENAISSANCE EDUC ATOR REFLECTION 1. A Well- 2. Self- 11. Well Rounded Dressed 12. Charismatic Taught Education 3. A Free 13. A 14. Artistic Thinker 4. Analytical “Gentleman” 5. 16. Well 6.Well Read 15. Cultured Traveled Multilingual 8. A 7. Sociable 17. An Explorer 18. An Inventor Sportsman 10. 19. 20. Effortless 9. Brave Entrepreneurial Handsome 21. Humble “Top Renaissance Man Characteristics You Need!” https://helpfulprofessor.com/renaissance-man/
IDENTIFIC ATION UPDATES Policies and procedures for 2021-2022 for all categories
INTELLECTUAL ABILITY REFERRALS • Designated GATE Psychologists (DGP) are a part of Advanced Learning Options (ALO) within Gifted/Talented Programs. • There are a total of 14 DGPs with 2 GATE psychologists supporting each Local District (2.5 in West and Northwest), and one in the central office. • Each GATE DGP will support your school and the school site GATE coordinator in the screening and referral process for the Intellectual Ability category.
INTELLECTUAL ABILITY DESIGNATED GATE PSYCHOLOGISTS Local District Psychologists E-mail Sarah Webb sew2203@lausd.net Northwest Monica Vega mkv2382@lausd.net Desiree Freudiger dmf0517@lausd.net Shannon James shannon.l.james@lausd.net Northeast Veronica Rodriguez vxr9349@lausd.net Sheila Shortt sas9229@lausd.net West Sherine Shenouda sherine.shenouda@lausd.net Desiree Freudiger dmf0517@lausd.net
INTELLECTUAL ABILITY DESIGNATED GATE PSYCHOLOGISTS Local District Psychologists E-mail Joanna Galeazzi-Flores jxg9837@lausd.net East Christine Berardo cab2305@lausd.net Elizabeth Kaley elizabeth.kaley@lausd.net South Lori Panganiban lori.panganiban@lausd.net Julia Dalton julia.dalton@lausd.net Central Aaron Socie ams4807@lausd.net Administrative Carol Lewis Breaux carol.lewis@lausd.net Office
OLSAT-8 REFERRALS FOR INTELLECTUAL ABILITY 3rd grade students who received an OLSAT score of 99% on the Total,Verbal or Nonverbal Age-Based Percentile Rank (APR) must be automatically referred by the school-site GATE coordinator in the Intellectual Ability category. ü Pre-screening (other than OLSAT results) will not be required. ü Teacher checklist, screening committee sections, and parent consent in MiSiS is required. ü The Fee-for-Service for the OLSAT-8 administration and processing is waived for affiliated charter schools.
TARGETED IDENTIFIC ATION PROGRAM (TIP) What is TIP? TIP is a program designed to provide intensive support to schools with low referral and identification rates that are not reflective of the District’s Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) benchmark of 6% total identification or with identification rates that are not reflective of the school’s demographics. 2021-2022 TIP Support Provided to Schools • One-on-one consultations with the school’s designated GATE psychologist on the screening, referral, and identification process for the Intellectual Ability Category • Customized professional development for school staff • Protected testing time for the Intellectual Ability Category • One-on-one consultations with Gifted/Talented Programs staff on Creative, Leadership, Visual, and Performing Arts referrals • Universal screening and testing, if needed • Priority placement in the Propelling Academic Success in Creativity and Leadership (PASCAL) professional development cohort
TARGETED IDENTIFIC ATION PROGRAM (TIP) 2021-2022 TIP School Selections • Based on annual analysis of GATE referrals and identification data, Gifted/Talented Programs will select potential TIP schools for the 2021- 2022 school year. • Gifted/Talented Programs will email a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to the school principal and GATE coordinator by mid-September. Participation in TIP is strictly voluntary. • Schools wishing to participate in TIP must sign and email the MOA by the due date stipulated on the agreement. • For questions regarding TIP, please email Michelle Papazyan, District Specialist, at mpapazya@lausd.net.
H I G H AC H I E V E M E N T A B I L I T Y ( H A ) / S P E C I F I C AC A D E M I C A B I L I T Y ( S A ) HA/SA Overview • The HA/SA categories are the District’s gifted/talented achievement categories. Students who qualify in these categories have demonstrated their exceptional academic ability consecutively for multiple years on standardized measures such as the SBAC, OLSAT-8, or grades. • Identification for the HA/SA categories based on the SBAC and/or grades is done automatically in MiSiS for schools. GATE coordinators do not need to refer students in this category.
H I G H AC H I E V E M E N T A B I L I T Y ( H A ) / S P E C I F I C AC A D E M I C A B I L I T Y ( S A ) HA/SA Overview • Only students who are new to the District and do not have SBAC test scores or grades in MiSiS need to be referred. • For referral procedures, see reference guide titled Guidelines for Identifying Students in the High Achievement and Specific Achievement Categories. Reference Guide can be found on the GATE website under District Communications or the District’s e- Library. • Note: Poverty Indicator (meal code, CEP school, etc.) is not applied to the eligibility criteria for the HA/SA categories.
HIGH ACHIEVEMENT ABILITY (HA)/ SPECIFIC AC ADEMIC ABILITY (SA) Important Updates for the HA/SA Categories • Gifted/Talented Programs has amended the identification criteria for identification purposes for school years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 due to missing 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 SBAC scores. (See new criteria on the next four slides.) • Amended criteria will expire at the end of the 2021-2022 school year when SBAC testing resumes. • Automatic HA/SA identification uploads with the new criteria are scheduled to be released on Tuesday, October 5, 2021. School GATE coordinators will be informed via email and Schoology posts when the HA/SA automatic uploads have taken place.
H I G H AC H I E V E M E N T A B I L I T Y I D E N T I F I C AT I O N C R I T E R I A A M E N D E D F O R I D E N T I F I C AT I O N P U R P O S E S F O R S C H O O L Y E A R S 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 A N D 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 ( O N LY ) Eligible School Elementary Secondary Determination Year Years Qualifying Criteria Qualifying Criteria Students receiving an Students receiving a Achievement score of minimum 4.0 average 4 in reading and math GPA (or 3.0 GPA if for the second and Honors/AP) in core 2020-2021 third grading periods English and math classes for both semesters 2021-2022 5th Grade and Above Students receiving an Students receiving a Achievement score of minimum 4.0 average 4 in reading and math GPA (or 3.0 GPA if for the second and Honors/AP) in core 2019-2020 third grading periods English and math classes for both semesters
H I G H AC H I E V E M E N T A B I L I T Y I D E N T I F I C AT I O N C R I T E R I A A M E N D E D F O R I D E N T I F I C AT I O N P U R P O S E S F O R S C H O O L Y E A R S 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 A N D 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 ( O N LY ) Eligible School Elementary Secondary Determination Year Years Qualifying Criteria Qualifying Criteria Students receiving an Students receiving a Achievement score of 4 minimum 4.0 average in reading and math forGPA (or 3.0 GPA if 2019-2020 the second and third Honors/AP) in core grading periods English and math classes for both 2020-2021 semesters Students who have met Students who have met the achievement level the achievement level 5th Grade and Above scale score range for scale score range for “Standards Exceeded” “Standards Exceeded” on both English on both English 2018-2019 Language Arts/Literacy Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics on and Mathematics on the Smarter Balanced the Smarter Balanced Assessment Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Consortium (SBAC)
S P E C I F I C AC H I E V E M E N T A B I L I T Y I D E N T I F I C AT I O N C R I T E R I A A M E N D E D F O R I D E N T I F I C AT I O N P U R P O S E S F O R S C H O O L Y E A R S 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 A N D 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 ( O N LY ) Eligible School Elementary Secondary Determination Year Years Qualifying Criteria Qualifying Criteria Students receiving an Students receiving a minimum 4.0 Achievement score of 4 in reading average GPA (or 3.0 GPA if 2020-2021 or math for the second and third Honors/AP) in core English or math grading periods classes for both semesters Students receiving an Students receiving a minimum 4.0 Achievement score of 4 in reading average GPA (or 3.0 GPA if 2019-2020 or math for the second and third Honors/AP) in core English or math grading periods classes for both semesters 2021-2022 Students receiving an Students receiving a minimum 4.0 Achievement score of 4 in reading average GPA (or 3.0 GPA if 5th Grade and Above or math for the second and third Honors/AP) in core English or math grading periods classes for both semesters OR OR Students who have met the Students who have met the 2018-2019 achievement level scale score achievement level scale score range range for “Standards Exceeded” for “Standards Exceeded” on either on either English Language English Language Arts/Literacy or Arts/Literacy or Mathematics on Mathematics on the Smarter the Smarter Balanced Assessment Balanced Assessment Consortium Consortium (SBAC) (SBAC)
S P E C I F I C AC H I E V E M E N T A B I L I T Y I D E N T I F I C AT I O N C R I T E R I A A M E N D E D F O R I D E N T I F I C AT I O N P U R P O S E S F O R S C H O O L Y E A R S 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 A N D 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 ( O N LY ) Elementary Secondary Determination Year Eligible School Years Qualifying Criteria Qualifying Criteria Students receiving an Students receiving a minimum Achievement score of 4 in 4.0 average GPA (or 3.0 GPA if 2019-2020 reading or math for the second Honors/AP) in core English or and third grading periods math classes for both semesters Students receiving an Students receiving a minimum Achievement score of 4 in 4.0 average GPA (or 3.0 GPA if reading or math for the second Honors/AP) in core English or and third grading periods math classes for both semesters OR OR Students who have met the Students who have met the 2018-2019 achievement level scale score achievement level scale score 2020-2021 range for “Standards Exceeded” range for “Standards Exceeded” on either English Language on either English Language Arts/Literacy or Mathematics on Arts/Literacy or Mathematics on the Smarter Balanced the Smarter Balanced 5th Grade and Above Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Students receiving an Students receiving a minimum Achievement score of 4 in 4.0 average GPA (or 3.0 GPA if reading or math for the second Honors/AP) in core English or and third grading periods math classes for both semesters OR OR Students who have met the Students who have met the 2017-2018 achievement level scale score achievement level scale score range for “Standards Exceeded” range for “Standards Exceeded” on either English Language on either English Language Arts/Literacy or Mathematics on Arts/Literacy or Mathematics on the Smarter Balanced the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
HIGH ACHIEVEMENT ABILITY (HA)/ SPECIFIC AC ADEMIC ABILITY (SA) Reminders: • It is the school’s responsibility to download the HA/SA eligibility letters from MiSiS and provide parents with a copy once the uploads have taken place. • Students identified as gifted/talented in the HA/SA categories in October 2021 should be placed in the school’s GATE program.
OLSAT-8 ADMINISTRATION 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR For the 2021-2022 academic year, there are two OLSAT-8 administrations (Fall and Spring). The Fall 2021 OLSAT-8 provides current third and fourth graders* with an opportunity to take the OLSAT-8 which they could not do in Spring 2020 and Spring 2021, respectively, due to school campus closures. In Spring 2022 OLSAT-8 will be administered districtwide to second graders. *fourth-grade students who have not taken the OLSAT-8 test
OLSAT-8 ADMINISTRATION 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR Fall 2021 OLSAT-8 Testing Windows (In-person paper-pencil only) • October 6-7, 2021 • October 13-14, 2021 • Make-up testing date: October 15, 2021 Spring 2022 OLSAT-8 Testing Windows (In-person paper-pencil only) • March 2-3, 2022 • March 9-10, 2022 • Make-up testing date: March 11, 2022
CREATIVE AND LEADERSHIP ABILITY (C ALA) CALA Overview • Schools should continue to screen and refer students in grades 2 and above. • Required referral documents can be found in Reference Guide 5233.2, Guidelines for Identifying Students in the Creative and Leadership Categories. This reference guide can be downloaded from the GATE website and the District's e-Library. • To screen students for the Creative and Leadership Ability categories, GATE coordinators should provide all teachers with Attachment H from Reference Guide 5233.2. • Evaluation method used to identify students for CALA is a student portfolio. • Portfolio should consist of 3 to 5 student artifacts that demonstrate exceptional creative or leadership ability.
CREATIVE AND LEADERSHIP ABILITY (C ALA) CALA Referral Submissions • Required referral documents include Attachment E, F, F-1, and student portfolio. • Attachment E: Parent Consent • Attachment F: Request for Assessment • Attachment F-1: Portfolio Cover Page • For the 2021-2022 school year, student portfolios and documents should only be transmitted to Gifted/Talented Programs electronically by school site personnel. Please do not mail any documents. • Portfolio artifacts and referral documents will be returned as incomplete if they cannot be opened or are scanned improperly.
CREATIVE AND LEADERSHIP ABILITY (C ALA) CALA Referral Submissions • NOTE: Student portfolios for the CALA categories are considered an official GATE assessment. It is the school’s responsibility to compile artifacts for the portfolio which were completed during the instructional day or as an extension thereof. Schools should not ask parents to compile an entire portfolio on behalf of the teacher. Parents can contribute to the portfolio as an added measure but cannot supplant or supplement instructional artifacts. • As a courtesy, please submit matriculating student CALA referrals by February 2022. • Deadline for CALA referral submission: Friday, May 20, 2022 • Referral documents, e-portfolios, and questions, should be submitted to Michelle Papazyan, District Specialist, at mpapazya@lausd.net.
VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS AUDITIONS/DEMONSTRATIONS FALL 2021 SPRING 2022 Saturday, November 20, Saturday, May 21, 2022 2021 MiSiS referral and MiSiS referral and paperwork due Wednesday, paperwork due Wednesday, April 20, 2022 October 20, 2021 Students may not participate in the audition or demonstration without official referral and approval (letter of invitation). Letter of invitation is required in order to participate!
SCHOOL GATE ROSTERS Access Print Confirm Advise Access GATE Print your Confirm that Advise all Rosters in school’s GATE all students on teachers of the MiSiS (in school Roster the GATE GATE students GATE regularly Roster are in a in their coordinator gifted cluster class(es) role) by: class (4 core • Clicking on classes in Reports secondary) • Clicking on GATE • Clicking on GATE Student Roster
INSTRUCTIONAL UPDATES • Clustering and Differentiation • Schools for Advanced Studies • Conservatory of Fine Arts
CLUSTERING AND DIFFERENTIATION District policy states that a minimum of 5-8 gifted students be clustered in elementary classrooms and 15-25 in secondary core subjects at ALL schools/cost centers. District policy states that gifted students require differentiation (depth, complexity, novelty, acceleration) throughout their regular school day. Best practice is to place all gifted students in clusters with teachers that are qualified and trained to provide consistent, daily differentiated instruction for advanced learners.
SAS DESIGNATION The Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) designation is the District’s acknowledgement of an exemplary GATE program at a school site; designation is based on compelling evidence that a resident GATE program meets SAS criteria. In 2019-2020, L.A. Unified resident schools had the opportunity to apply or reapply for the SAS designation for the five-year cycle beginning July 1, 2021. Site applicants received Approved Status (five-year SAS designation), Candidate Status (one-year SAS designation with monitoring and support), or Not Approved Status. There are 133 K-12 designated SAS sites for the 2021-2022 school year, representing every Local District and Board District. The list of SAS sites is available at https://achieve.lausd.net/gate (select Program Options, SAS, and List of SAS Sites).
MAINTAINING SAS DESIGNATION To maintain the SAS designation, each designated school must continue to meet criteria for all GATE/SAS Program Components as outlined in BUL-3360.4, Schools for Advanced Studies Demonstration Sites: Application and Selection Process. GATE implementation will be monitored and evaluated annually through the following: Online Annual GATE Report on the Principal’s Portal (exemplary implementation of all performance targets) Fall/Spring GATE and SAS Coordinator Training participation on MyPLN GATE professional development participation on MyPLN Equitable SAS participation reporting in MiSiS (refer to MEM-6854.5, Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS): Reporting Student Participation in MiSiS)
G AT E P RO F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T PA RT I C I PAT I O N FOR SAS SITES • GATE professional development– specialized training about gifted/talented learners and how they learn best– is an essential and ongoing part of the expectations for SAS teachers and administrators. • SAS teachers and administrators are required to participate annually in professional development specifically tailored to address the unique academic and social-emotional needs of gifted/talented learners to ensure that the curriculum and instruction (content, process and product) are thoughtfully differentiated to promote a culture of rigor, achievement, and innovation.
G AT E P RO F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T PA RT I C I PAT I O N FOR SAS SITES • The GATE professional development requirement was waived for approved SAS sites during the 2020-2021 academic year; however, the requirement has been reinstated for 2021-2022 (minimum of 16 hours for teachers and 4 hours for administrators annually). • Please ensure that GATE/SAS teachers and administrators are participating in District GATE professional development options available at https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/2169. Participation must be recorded on the GATE Professional Development Record.
R E T U R N I N G S A S D E S I G N AT I O N A P P L I C AT I O N B I N D E R S • Thank you to all schools that submitted an SAS application for the current five-year designation cycle. • In-person SAS binder pick-up events were held in each Local District in spring 2021. • A portion of the remaining binders were dropped off at school site offices in spring 2021. • Gifted/Talented Programs staff will arrange for drop-off or pick-up of remaining binders beginning in September 2021, as schedules allow. • Binders will be returned for all site applicants, regardless of designation or selection status.
FUTURE SAS DESIGNATION APPLIC ATION • The next SAS site application period is scheduled to occur in 2023-2024. • Designated sites will be included in 2025-2026 Unified Enrollment/Choices publications, released in 2024-2025. • The next five-year SAS cycle begins on July 1, 2026. • Off-cycle SAS site applications are not being accepted at this time. • However, to ensure equitable access to District GATE programs and to increase the participation of Targeted Student Populations (TSP), Gifted/Talented Programs will continue to use a data- driven process to target and support new/potential SAS sites in areas of need. • If your residential school is interested in the SAS designation, please contact Erin Yoshida-Ehrmann, District Coordinator, at emy2142@lausd.net.
• The 2021-2022 (current year) late Choices application process is available until the fourth week of the school year. • Families may continue to apply through the Choices process and SAS sites may continue to accept late/waitlist applicants for 2021-2022 2 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 2 L AT E until that time; there is also a brief CHOICES second semester late enrollment A P P L I C AT I O N period that occurs in January 2022. P RO C E S S F O R STUDENTS • SAS sites can manage Choices applications, waitlists, verification, and enrollment functions on the Principal’s Portal (select Unified Enrollment under Student Info). • Verification of eligibility for late applicants is processed at the SAS site (not centrally).
• The 2022-2023 on-time Choices application process is open from October 1, 2021 to November 12, 2021. • Parents/guardians may apply online at http://GoTo.LAUSD.net or with a paper application included in the 2022-2023 Choices brochure. 2022-2023 ON- • Online application is encouraged to TIME CHOICES receive notification letters, make A P P L I C AT I O N corrections, and accept/decline P RO C E S S F O R electronically. STUDENTS • Applicants to SAS or Gifted Magnet must be verified as meeting one of three eligibility criteria to be included in the selection process – A) identified as gifted, B) verified with test scores, or C) verified with the four critical thinking and problem-solving skills (verification process does not apply to Affiliated Charter Schools with the SAS designation).
• Although L.A. Unified applicants must meet the required program-specific criteria, a Verification of Eligibility form is NOT required for applicants (applying to grades K-12) currently enrolled in an L.A. Unified school; upon receipt of the application, the District will automatically review eligibility through a District verification process. • The online verification process is scheduled to be available to District principals and designees on the Principal’s Portal from January 10-21, 2022 (subject to change). V E R I F I C AT I O N O F • Advise teachers that they may be asked to verify ELIGIBILITY the eligibility of Gifted Magnet/SAS applicants in P RO C E S S : D I S T R I C T January 2022 based on the four critical thinking APPLIC ANTS and problem-solving skills, (i.e., students who do not meet gifted identification or test score criteria). • School personnel must keep evidence of verification or non-verification for a minimum of five years; subject to audits. • The verification of eligibility process will be included in the memorandum entitled, Online Verification for Gifted Magnet and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) Applicants (pending).
• The parents/guardians of private school, independent charter and non-L.A. Unified students who are applying to a Gifted Magnet Program or Schools for Advanced Studies – including incoming kindergarten SAS applicants who are attending a non-L.A. Unified preschool or transitional kindergarten (TK) – must follow the procedures included in the Choices brochure or at https://echoices.lausd.net. • A Verification of Eligibility form must be submitted in addition to a Choices V E R I F I C AT I O N O F application prior to the deadline of Friday, ELIGIBILITY November 12, 2021. P RO C E S S : • Verification of Eligibility forms may be NON-DISTRICT downloaded from https://echoices.lausd.net APPLIC ANTS (select SAS and Who is Eligible?) or https://achieve.lausd.net/gate (select Program Options and SAS). • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to verify that the student's current school of attendance has submitted the required verification form by Friday, November 12, 2021, at 5:00 p.m., or the applicant will not be included in the on-time Choices selection process.
• A District verification process is available for kindergarten SAS applicants who are not enrolled in preschool/TK and K-12 homeschooled students without a verifying organization. V E R I F I C AT I O N O F • Parents/guardians may contact ELIGIBILITY Gifted/Talented Programs, Advanced P RO C E S S : A P P L I C A N T S N OT Learning Options, at (213) 241-4177 E N RO L L E D I N or GATE@lausd.net for information SCHOOL regarding verification procedures. • Information will also be posted on the Gifted/Talented Programs, Advanced Learning Options, website at https://achieve.lausd.net/gate (select Program Options and SAS).
• The verification process is the shared responsibility of all schools with non-identified students who are applying to participate in a District GATE program for the following year. V E R I F I C AT I O N O F • Professional development on the ELIGIBILITY TRAINING verification of eligibility process, O P P O RT U N I T Y including how to ensure equitable access for Targeted Student Populations, will be available in November/December 2021. • Optional virtual training opportunities will be posted on MyPLN in November 2021.
CHOICES/SAS TIMELINE FOR 2022-2023 STUDENT ENROLLMENT SAS Verification of Eligibility Online SAS Form Deadline Verification On-time for Non-L.A. Process for L.A. On-time Application Unified Unified Late Application Accept/Decline Opens Applicants Applicants Opens Deadline 12 Nov. 2021 Dec. 2021 Feb. 2022 Mar. 2022 1 Oct. 12 Nov. Jan. 2022 1 Feb. 2022 Apr. 2022 2021 2021 On-time Confirmation/ Program Selection/Waiting Application Correction Eligibility List Letters Sent Deadline Letters Sent Letters Sent
• The Choices application process is applicable to students who reside within L.A. Unified boundaries but outside the boundaries of the SAS site. • Qualified students who reside within school boundaries DO NOT need to apply and must be placed in GATE/SAS CHOICES/SAS TIMELINE classes, as appropriate. (SAS is the GATE FOR 2022-2023 instructional program for qualified STUDENT resident students.) E N RO L L M E N T • Dates/processes are subject to change; please visit https://GoTo.LAUSD.net beginning October 1, 2021, for more information. • For Choices inquiries, please contact ApplyforSchools@lausd.net.
CONSERVATORY OF FINE ARTS The Conservatory will offer virtual instruction The 41st season will run until it is safe to return October 2, 2021, to campus of California through April 2, 2022. State University, Los Angeles. Application was Students identified as available on talented have priority http://apply.lausd.net. into the program. Please The printed application, consider referring signed by the principal potentially talented of the child’s school of students for attendance, was due by identification at the fall Thursday, September 2, or spring VAPA 2021. audition/demonstration.
It is the responsibility of the principal to select staff that: • have knowledge of the cognitive and affective characteristics of gifted/talented students • demonstrate ability to implement alternative learning environments • have skill in differentiating instruction according to the needs G AT E C L U S T E R of students T E AC H E R S E L E C T I O N • understand the social and emotional needs of gifted learners • show evidence of recent professional development in gifted/talented education (recommended 16 hours per year) Keep staff selection procedures and teacher authorization on file at the school site.
• The District recommendation for GATE teachers is 16 hours of GATE-specific professional development per year (4 hours per year for administrators); this is required for SAS teachers and PROFESSIONAL administrators per their SAS DEVELOPMENT REMINDERS designation agreement. • GATE professional development can be obtained through training or fieldwork; professional development records should be maintained by GATE/SAS teachers and administrators for three years.
• Gifted/Talented Programs, Advanced Learning Options, offers a variety of PD options including conferences, salary point classes, special topic workshops, small group trainings, coordinator meetings, and online webinars/PowerPoints. • All registration is available on MyPLN: PROFESSIONAL http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln. DEVELOPMENT REMINDERS • Updates, flyers, and additional information about professional development is available here: https://tinyurl.com/LAUSDGATEPD. • Teachers may also participate in up to 8 hours of “fieldwork” including GATE lesson observation, differentiated planning, or virtual professional book/discussion groups.
GATE/SAS Coordinator Meetings (fall and spring) • See MEM-6112.8 for dates/times/locations, virtual Salary Point Classes P RO F E S S I O N A L • 47 virtual classes on various DEVELOPMENT topics related to differentiated O P P O RT U N I T I E S : curriculum for gifted/talented S Y N C H RO N O U S learners. Classes range from introductory to advanced. • Registration is open throughout the academic year; new classes are posted in September 2021 for the first semester and January 2022 for the second semester. Registration on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln.
13th Annual Symposium on Gifted Education • October 23, 2021, virtual • Registration on MyPLN: P RO F E S S I O N A L •http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln DEVELOPMENT O P P O RT U N I T I E S : S Y N C H RO N O U S Spring Summit on Gifted Education • April 30, 2022, Location TBD • Registration opens February 2022 on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
Date: Saturday, October 23, 2021 Time: 7:50 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Location: Virtual Registration: MyPLN http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln 13 T H ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM Marc Smolowitz will be the keynote speaker at ON GIFTED EDUC ATION: this exciting event that will focus on the social YOU UNDERSTAND ME… emotional needs of gifted/talented learners. Mr. Smolowitz is a documentarian and his sessions will include a “watch party” of vignettes from his upcoming documentary, The G Word. The G-Word is a new documentary about giftedness, intelligence, and neurodiversity in the 21st Century. More information about The G Word can be found here: https://www.thegwordfilm.com/. Sessions will also explore trauma-sensitive tools, visual storytelling, and expressive arts. #MyGiftedStory.
Differentiation Step-By-Step Course (6 hours) • Registration on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln P RO F E S S I O N A L DEVELOPMENT O P P O RT U N I T I E S : GATE BYTES A S Y N C H RO N O U S • Simulive Trainings (50-55 minutes) • New simulive training options will continue to be added throughout the year. • Registration on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
Online Professional Development • 22 asynchronous training sessions to choose from on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln P RO F E S S I O N A L DEVELOPMENT UC San Diego Extension O P P O RT U N I T I E S : GATE Certification Program A S Y N C H RO N O U S • Registration: Contact Dr. Morgan Appel, mappel@ucsd.edu (858-534-9273) Questioning:The Deep Dive (3.5 hours) • Registration on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
Differentiation Step-By-Step Course is a six- (6) hour training. D I F F E R E N T I AT I O N • Participants take a pre-assessment S T E P - B Y- S T E P C O U R S E : and the course is differentiated based T H E U LT I M AT E G U I D E TO on current needs. D I F F E R E N T I AT I N G I N S T RU C T I O N F O R G I F T E D • The course is composed of six LEARNERS modules: -Introduction to Differentiation -Environment -Content -Process -Product -Intention & Assessment • As teachers move through the course, they will earn bonus downloads. • Registration on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
Simulive professional development trainings (50-55 minutes) • Arts Integration in a Virtual/Hybrid Environment for the Engagement of Gifted/Talented Learners (K-12) • Differentiation in a Virtual Setting (K-12) • GATE Strategies in Virtual and Hybrid Settings: Depth and Complexity (K-12) • Gifted Identification and Program Options (K- 12) (coming soon) MYPLN • How to Motivate GATE Students in a Virtual GATE BYTES World (K-12) • Teaching in the Time of Cholera (K-12) • The “Art” of Storytelling for Gifted/Talented Learners: Part I (K-2) (coming soon) • The “Art” of Storytelling for Gifted/Talented Learners: Part II (3-12) (coming soon) New simulive training options will be added throughout the year. Registration is available on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
• 11 Tips to End the Homework Battle (1 hour) • 21st Century Skills (1 hour) • An Introduction to Strategies Designed to Meet the Needs of Gifted Learners (2 hours) • Building Cognitive Curriculum (2 hours) • Depth and Complexity Prompts: What Do I Do with These? (2 hours) MYPLN ONLINE • Does Differentiation Work in a G AT E Heterogeneous Classroom? (2 hours) P RO F E S S I O N A L DEVELOPMENT • How to Create Distance Learning Activities for Gifted/Talented Learners (2 hours) • How to Develop Student Leadership Skills (2 hours) • Identifying and Serving Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Gifted Students (1 hour) • Inquiry/PBL and the Gifted Learner (2 hours) •PD opportunities will be added throughout the year. •Registration is available on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
• Math is the Hidden Secret to Understanding the World (1 hour) • Motivating the Gifted but Reluctant Learner (2 hours) • Perfectionism and the Gifted Learner (1 hour) • Saving Black and Latino Boys (1 hour) • Teaching Gifted Students Interdisciplinary Concepts (2 hours) • The Pros and Cons of Ability Grouping (2 MYPLN ONLINE hours) G AT E • The Science and Practice of Creativity (1 hour) P RO F E S S I O N A L • Thinking Like a Disciplinarian (2 hours) DEVELOPMENT • Twice-exceptional Students: Who Are They and What Do They Need? (2 hours) • Understanding the Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Children (2 hours) • What It Means to Teach Gifted Learners Well (1 hour) • Who Are the Gifted and Talented and What Do They Need? (1 hour) •PD opportunities will be added throughout the year. •Registration is available on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
Los Angeles Unified and the Education Department at University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Extension offer a certification program in gifted education which is designed specifically around the unique needs of Los Angeles Unified teachers working with diverse gifted and talented learners. UC SAN DIEGO This program, which began in March 2017, E X T E N S I O N G AT E offers teachers the opportunity to blend C E RT I F I C AT I O N District GATE professional development P RO G R A M and university online coursework to earn A U N I QU E H Y B R I D GATE certification and twelve quarter units P R O G R A M E X C L U S I V E LY of salary-scale applicable academic credit. F O R L AU S D T E AC H E R S LAUSD Program Requirements (FREE salary point classes) • Meeting the Needs of Gifted Learners: Part I • Any other salary point class offered by Gifted/Talented Programs • Sign up on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
UCSD Program Requirements (4 quarter units per course) • EDUC 40113: Brain Compatible Learning (Cost: $200.00) UC SAN DIEGO • EDUC 40114: Socioemotional E X T E N S I O N G AT E Characteristics of the Gifted and C E RT I F I C AT I O N P RO G R A M Talented (Cost: $200.00) A U N I QU E H Y B R I D P R O G R A M E X C L U S I V E LY • EDUC 40115: Practicum in Gifted F O R L AU S D T E AC H E R S and Talented Education (Cost: $200.00) • You must contact Dr. Morgan Appel for registration at mappel@ucsd.edu (858) 534-9273
Lisa Van Gemert of Gifted Guru created a special virtual course on questioning strategies to support differentiated instruction. Los Angeles Unified is one of ten Districts with exclusive QUESTIONING: access to participate in this exciting asynchronous course! The course is open to ALL teachers and THE DEEP DIVE staff within Los Angeles Unified. School teams may want to use the course for school site professional development for all staff. Description: Questioning: The Deep Dive is an extensive exploration into how teachers can craft questions that improve student achievement, build relationships and more. This is the essence of differentiated pedagogy for gifted/talented learners. This course is equally useful for experienced and new teachers of gifted/talented learners. The course includes: • Over three hours of video (in five modules) • A 30-page Course Guide for teachers • A Facilitation Guide Registration on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
Banked Time • LIVE session will be held the first Tuesday of each month during Banked Time, October – April, from1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. • Sessions will be recorded and can be accessed for the duration of the month the PD was held. P RO F E S S I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T O P P O RT U N I T I E S : • All participants must register and BANKED TIME complete a quiz on MyPLN (whether accessed live or recorded) in order to receive a record of participation. • Registration will open September 2021 on MyPLN: http://achieve.lausd.net/mypln
TUESDAY BANKED TIME PD VIRTUAL-LIVE OPTIONS Date Time Presenter Topic* 10/05/21 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Michelle Papazyan Screening & Identification of Gifted/Talented Programs Gifted/Talented Learners 11/02/21 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Dr. Sandra Kaplan Depth & Complexity University of Southern California 12/07/21 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Dr. Donna Ford Finding Undiscovered Diamonds Ohio State University Culturally Responsive and Equity-Based Recommendations for Recruiting and Retaining Minority Students in Gifted and Talented Education 02/01/21 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Matt Miller The Art and Science of Ditch That Textbook Memorable Teaching 03/01/22 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Susanna Furfari/ 2E (Twice Exceptional) Dr. Nicole Niederdeppe Learners Gifted/Talented Programs 4/05/22 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Erin Yoshida-Ehrmann Reversing Gifted Gifted/Talented Programs elementary Underachievement for Diverse only Learners *Topics subject to change. Sessions will be recorded and can be accessed for the duration of the month the PD was held.
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT UPDATES School Site Procedures and Districtwide Offerings
COMMUNIC ATION WITH FAMILIES As a GATE Coordinator you should: • Ensure your school’s office staff knows you are the GATE Coordinator • Confirm that families have a way to contact you about GATE questions • Advise families (and staff) that every L.A. Unified school has a GATE program, including your school • Accept family requests for a GATE assessment of child. Attachment C, which is included in each identification reference guide, should be completed by family members when referring a student and kept on file in the student’s cumulative record.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Schools are required to: • Select a GATE Parent Representative. • Please identify a parent if you have not already selected one. • The GATE Parent Representative can help you distribute information and should review the Annual GATE Report. • Hold two (2) GATE family meetings, whether virtual or in-person. • A sample fall meeting PowerPoint can be found here: https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/8400 • Distribute communications to families of GATE students that are sent from Gifted/Talented Programs. This year’s GATE/SAS Parent Conference is being held virtually on Saturday, March 12, 2022. Other family trainings will be offered throughout the year.
VIRTUAL PARENT PRESENTATIONS • Gifted/Talented Programs, Advanced Learning Options, online parent workshops, in both English and Spanish, address parents most frequently asked questions and concerns. Please share the online link with families: https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/16746 • Presentations available: • Gifted Identification and Program Options • A Parent Guide to Schools for Advanced Studies • Not Just Academics: Nurturing Artistic Talent in Your Child • Be Proactive: Advocating for Your Gifted Child • Twice-Exceptional Students: Unique Gifted Learners • Parenting Strategies for Raising a Healthy, Happy Gifted Child
MANAGING THE GATE COORDINATOR ROLE Roles and Responsibilities Staying Connected
GATE COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Assisting administrator in the development of a differentiated instructional program based on assessment of student needs and analysis of data • Working with staff and GATE parent representative to complete and submit the local school Annual GATE Report for each cost center code at the site • Monitoring with administrator the established District guidelines for clustering (at least 5-8 per class in elementary and 15-25 in secondary) • Establishing a Local School Screening Committee for gifted/talented identification • Conducting periodic schoolwide screening for gifted/talented students that ensures equitable access to program by all cultural and linguistic groups; working toward equitable identification rates that reflect the demographics of the school
GATE COORDINATOR ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Maintaining a gifted/talented student roster at the local school and accessing GATE data on District data systems • Attending the regularly scheduled professional development coordinators’ meetings, workshops, and conferences • Disseminating information about District GATE professional development workshops, instructional seminars, and conferences to school staff and parents; facilitating GATE teachers in obtaining 16 hours of GATE-specific professional development annually (required for SAS teachers) • Assessing, designing, and implementing local school GATE professional development for staff and parents and maintains documentation of professional growth; conducting at least two school site GATE parent meetings annually • Adhering to deadlines for referrals, reports, budget summaries, etc. and communicating with GATE Office when follow-up is needed. • Maintaining records of GATE program budget expenditures (if applicable)
GATE COORDINATOR DIFFERENTIAL GATE Coordinators should receive a semi-annual differential in January and June ($637/semester). REF-1802.17, Time Reporting Instructions for Lump Sum Payment of Differentials, describes the process for paying this differential, using Wage Type 1310. Schools must budget this differential using LCAP funds or other school site funding source; no funding source is provided by Gifted/Talented Programs or the District. Please speak to your principal regarding this differential and how you will be compensated if you are ineligible for a differential.
GIFTED/TALENTED PROGRAMS WEBSITE https://achieve.lausd.net/gate
Principal’s Portal provides GATE coordinators access to: Verification of Annual GATE Eligibility for Gifted Report Magnets/SAS ONLINE RESOURCES: PRINCIPALS’ PORTAL To get access, principals should log into Principal’s Portal: Complete required Click on School Data fields for GATE/SAS Designee Form Coordinator
Join the GATE and SAS Schoology groups for live updates, community forum, and Q and A! ONLINE RESOURCES: SCHOOLOGY Access Codes: GATE: R7JTC-Z9KBC SAS: ZHW3H-VRNWK
http://tinyurl.com/LAUSD gatelist OPTION AL GATE Subscribe now to stay in COORDINATOR the loop! EMAIL DISTRIBUTION LIST For assistance, email kevin.kilpatrick@ lausd.net
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