2021 Directory of the Catholic Church in Hawaii - Diocese of ...

Page created by Perry Nguyen
2021 Directory of the Catholic Church in Hawaii - Diocese of ...
2021 Directory of the Catholic Church in Hawaii
2021 Directory
of the Catholic Church in Hawaii

                       Published by:

                       Diocese of Honolulu
                       1184 Bishop St.
                       Honolulu, HI 96813

                       (808) 585-3300


                       Updated: July 1, 2021
                       Updated: Sept. 7, 2021

                       Cover: Bishop Larry Silva
                        ordains Jeffrey L. Calamayan
                        a permanent deacon Jan. 1,
                        2021. Photo by Anna Weaver.
Diocesan Officials..................................................5
Boards & Commissions..........................................6
Bishop’s Office.......................................................6
Diocesan Ministries...............................................9
Foundations, Other Services................................13
HOPE Services Hawaii.........................................14
Catholic Charities Hawaii.....................................15
St. Francis Healthcare.........................................17
    West Honolulu..........................................................18
    East Honolulu...........................................................22
    Leeward Oahu..........................................................25
    Central Oahu, Molokai..............................................28
    Windward Oahu.......................................................31
    West Hawaii.............................................................34
    East Hawaii..............................................................37
    Maui, Lanai..............................................................42

Ethnic Ministries..................................................46
    Stand-Alone Early Learning Centers........................47
    Elementary Schools.................................................48
    High Schools............................................................49
    Catholic Campus Ministry........................................50

Diocesan Priests..................................................51
Permanent Deacons.............................................54
Religious Institutes..............................................57
    Men Religious..........................................................57
    Women Religious.....................................................59

Associations of the Faithful..................................63
Priest photos........................................................68
Deacon photos.....................................................71
Religious photos..................................................73
Diocesan Officials 5
                     Bishop of Honolulu                 Chancellor / Archivist

Diocesan Officials   Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva

                     Vicar General /
                     Moderator of the Curia
                     Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
                                                        Dcn. Keith Cabiles

                                                        Director of Vocations
                                                        Rev. Joseph Diaz

                     Judicial Vicar / Director
                     of Canonical Affairs
                     Very Rev. Mark J. Gantley, JCL

                                                        Director of Permanent
                     Vicar for Clergy                   Deacons
                                                        Dcn. Michael Weaver
                     Rev. Gregorio Honorio

                     Vicars Forane
                     EAST HONOLULU
                     Rev. Lane Akiona, SSCC             Diocesan Ecumenical /
                     LEEWARD OAHU
                     Rev. Edmundo N. Barut Jr.          Interfaith Officer
                     WEST HAWAII                        Rev. William Kunisch II
                     Rev. Konelio Faletoi
                     WEST HONOLULU
                     Rev. Manuel Hewe
                     CENTRAL OAHU, MOLOKAI
                     Rev. William Kunisch
                     WINDWARD OAHU
                     Rev. Peter Miti
                     EAST HAWAII
                     Rev. John Molina

                     MAUI, LANAI
                     Msgr. Terrence Watanabe

                     Diocesan Finance
                     Lisa Sakamoto, CPA, MBA

                     Superintendent of
                     Catholic Schools
                     Llewellyn Young, PhD
6 Bishop’s Office | Boards and Commissions
                    Bishop of Honolulu                                        Roman Catholic Church

  Bishop’s Office

                                                       Boards & Commissions
                    1184 Bishop St.                                           in the State of Hawaii
                    Honolulu, HI 96813-2859                                   Corporation Board
                    800-530-1790 (toll-free)                                  PRESIDENT
                    (fax) 537-1860                                            Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
                    BISHOP                                                    VICE PRESIDENT
                    Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva                          Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
                    ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT /
                    ECCLESIASTICAL NOTARY
                                                                              Rev. Gregorio Honorio Jr.
                    Denise Duhaylonsod Oliveira                               TREASURER
                    585-3356                                                  Rev. Michel Dalton, OFM Cap
                    doliveira@rcchawaii.org                                   MEMBERS
                                                                              Very Rev. Mark J. Gantley
                                                                              Dcn. Keith Cabiles

                    Vicar General /
                    Moderator of the Curia
                                                                              Bishop’s Administrative
                    1184 Bishop St.
                    Honolulu, HI 96813-2859                                   Advisory Council
                    (toll-free) 800-530-1790                                  Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
                    537-1860 (fax)                                            Rev. Gregorio Honorio Jr.
                    VICAR GENERAL / MODERATOR OF                              Rev. Arnold Ortiz
                    THE CURIA                                                 Dcn. Keith Cabiles
                    Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor                             Jayne Mondoy
                    585-3330                                                  Dara Perreira
                    gsecor@rcchawaii.org                                      Lisa Sakamoto
                    Brendan Porick

                                                                              Bishop’s Advisory
                                                                              Board for Persons with
                    Diocesan Online                                           MEMBERS
                                                                              Marylou Beal
                    Communications                                            Waynette Cabral
                                                                              Valery O’Brien
                                                                              Michael Paekukui
                    Diocesan website                                          Leolinda Parlin
                    www.catholichawaii.org                                    Jennifer Patricio
                                                                              Rev. Marvin Samiano
                    eNewsletter                                               STAFF
                    enews@rcchawaii.org                                       Iwie Tamashiro
Boards and Commissions 7
Catholic Campaign for              Jacob Noh
                                   Claudine San Nicolas
                                                                       College of Consultors              Deacon Formation Core
Human Development                  Eddie Ontai                         MEMBERS
Commission                         Greg Peros                          Rev. Lane Akiona, SSCC             CO–DIRECTORS
                                   Very Rev. Msgr. Gary Secor          Rev. Edmundo Barut Jr.             Dcn. John Coughlin
OAHU REPRESENTATIVE                Most. Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva   Rev. Konelio Faletoi               Kathleen Coughlin
Dcn. Keith Cabiles                 Robert Van Tassell                  Very Rev. Mark J. Gantley          FORMATION COORDINATOR
                                   Sylvia Yuen                         Rev. Manuel Hewe                   Lina Carahasen
                                                                       Rev. Gregorio Honorio              PASTORAL FIELD EDUCATION
                                                                       Rev. William Kunisch               SUPERVISOR
                                                                       Rev. Paul Li                       Hyun Underwood
Tony Bissen                                                            Rev. Peter Miti
OAHU REPRESENTATIVE                Cemetery Task Force                 Rev. Anthony Rapozo                COHORT 9 MENTORS
Miamia Fineisaloi                                                      Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor      Dcn. Keith Cabiles
MAUI REPRESENTATIVE                CHAIR                               Msgr. Terrence Watanabe            Hazell Cabiles
Napua Amina                        Rev. Anthony Rapozo                 STAFF                              Dcn. David Kane
KAUAI REPRESENTATIVES              MEMBERS                             Denise Duhaylonsod Oliveira        Anne Kane
Dcn. Bambi and Clarissa Emayo      Rev. Pascual Abaya                                                     Dcn. Francis Leasiolagi
                                   Dcn. Francis Leasiolagi                                                Dcn. Michael Weaver
                                   Michael Hogan                                                          Cecelia Weaver
Pam Lotko
                                   Ivan Lui-Kwan                                                          COHORT 10 CORE TEAM: 2019-2023
OAHU REPRESENTATIVE                Michael Magaoay                                                        Dcn. Joe Ancheta
Kathleen Marie Jaycox              Msgr. Patrick Pollard                                                  Carmie Ancheta
BIG ISLAND REPRESENTATIVE                                                                                 Dcn. Will Friese
Gwendolyn De Coito                                                     Deacon Council                     Porntip “Lek” Friese
                                                                                                          Dcn. Steve Kula
Dave and Bernie Reeves                                                 CHAIR                              Debbie Kula
                                   Clergy Ongoing                      Dcn. Mike Brown                    Dcn. Chris Ribucan
OAHU REPRESENTATIVE                                                                                       Dawn Ribucan
Maimoa Fineisaloi                  Formation Board                     VICE CHAIR
                                                                       Dcn. Bambi Emayo                   COHORT 11 CORE TEAM: 2022-2026
                                                                       SECRETARY                          Dcn. Jeff Calamayan
Rev. Robert Stark, SSS             CHAIR
                                                                                                          Jennifer Calamayan
                                   Rev. William Kunisch II             Valerie Streff
                                                                                                          Dcn. Kin Shing Cheng
                                                                       EX OFFICIO
                                   MEMBERS                                                                Maria Cheng
                                   Rev. Raymund Ellorin                Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva   Dcn. Eric Kim
                                   Rev. Romple Emwalu                  Rev. Gregorio Honorio              Mela Kim
                                   Rev. Khanh Hoang                    Dcn. Michael Weaver                Dcn. Keoki Wood
                                   Rev. Edison Pamintuan               Dcn. John Coughlin                 Lisa Wood
                                   Rev. William Shannon                Kathleen Coughlin
                                   Rev. William Tulua                  EAST HAWAII
Catholic Charities Hawaii          Dcn. Michael Weaver                 Dcn. Joe Aglia
                                   EX OFFICIO                          Dcn. Dave Watson
MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION         Rev. Gregorio Honorio Jr.           MAUI
Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva                                       Dcn. Chris Ribucan
Very Rev. Msgr. Gary Secor                                             Charmain Bissen
Toni Bissen                                                            KAUAI
                                                                                                          Diocesan Board of
Abe Correia
Lisa M.K. Sakamoto
                                                                       Dcn. Andres Bambi Emayo            Education
Claudine San Nicolas
                                   Clergy Personnel Board              Dcn. David Kane
                                                                       CENTRAL OAHU
                                                                       Dcn. Ray Lamb                      Brother Edward Brink, SM
CHAIR                              Rev. Gregorio Honorio Jr.           Valerie Streff                     MEMBERS
Paul M. Saito, Esq.                MEMBERS
                                                                       LEEWARD OAHU
                                                                                                          Rev. Edmundo N. Barut, Jr.
VICE PRESIDENT                     Rev. Lane Akiona, SSCC              Dcn. Will Friese                   Suzanne Carlos
Vernon Wong                        Rev. Edmundo Barut Jr.              Lana Vargas                        Mark Clark
                                   Rev. Konelio Faletoi                                                   Rev. Gary Colton
                                   Rev. Manuel Hewe                    WINDWARD OAHU                      Tim Cullen
Linda Puu                          Rev. Gregorio Honorio               Dcn. Billy Whitfield               Marlene DeCosta
TREASURER                          Rev. William Kunisch                Lori Whitfield                     Rev. Francisco De Los Reyes, SSS
David M. Kostecki                  Rev. Paul Li                        EAST HONOLULU                      Caryn DeMello
MEMBERS                            Rev. Peter Miti                     Dcn. Steve Kula                    Celina Haigh
Shannon Alivado                    Rev. Anthony Rapozo                 Dcn. Rafael Mendoza                Grace Kikuchi
Michelle Bartell                   Msgr. Terrence Watanabe             WEST HONOLULU
                                                                                                          Karen Nakamura
Jeff Callangan                     EX OFFICIO                          Dcn. Ricardo Burgos                Cindy Olaso
Abe Correia                        Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva    Dcn. Mike Brown                    Elizabeth Park, PhD
Alan S. Ito                        Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor                                          Beverly Sandobal
Kim Jones
                                                                       PASTORAL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE    Msgr. Terrence Watanabe
                                   STAFF                               Dcn. Steve Kula                    Keith Yoshida
Sr. Bitrina Kirway, MM             Denise Duhaylonsod Oliveira
David Kurohara                                                                                            EX OFFICIO
Terence Liu                                                                                               Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
Christina Laney Mitre                                                                                     Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
Jeffrey A.S. Moniz                                                                                        Lisa Sakamoto
Kathleen Morimoto                                                                                         Llewellyn Young, PhD
Diane Murakami
8 Boards and Commissions
Diocesan Finance                   Diocesan Pastoral                  EX-OFFICIO
                                                                      Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
                                                                                                         Rev. Lane Akiona
Council                            Council                            Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor      Sr. Patty Chang, CSJ
                                                                      Marlene DeCosta                    Rev. Dennis Koshko
CHAIR                              CHAIR / CENTRAL OAHU               Lisa Sakamoto                      Rev. Arnold Ortiz
Diane Murakami                     Zachary Ramones                                                       Lynette Tanaka
VICE-CHAIR                         EAST HAWAII
                                                                                                         Stella Wong
Paul deVille                       Sharen Chavez                                                         STAFF
                                                                                                         Darlene Cachola
                                                                      Hawaii Catholic
SECCRETARY                         WEST HONOLULU
Rick Stack                         Fay Pabo
MEMBERS                            KAUAI                              Community Foundation
Rev. Francisco de los Reyes, SSS   Raina Bautista
Ivan Lui-Kwan                                                         PRESIDENT
Arnold Martines
                                   MEN RELIGIOUS
                                   Bro. Daniel Casey, CFC             Calvert Chipchase IV               Presbyteral Council
Ralph Mesick                                                          VICE PRESIDENT
                                   WOMEN RELIGIOUS
Elliot Mills                                                          Sr. William Marie Eleniki, OSF     CHAIR
Celeste Oda                        Sister Davilyn Ah Chick, OSF                                          Rev. EJ Resinto
Mary Pat Waterhouse                DEACON                                                                VICE CHAIR
Michael Yee                        Dcn. Stephen Kula                  A.J. Halagao
                                                                                                         Rev. Alfred Omar B. Guerrero
EX OFFICIO                         PRESBYTERAL COUNCIL                                                   SECRETARY
Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva   Rev. Alfred Omar B. Guerrero       Vincent Guerreiro
                                                                                                         Rev. Peter Miti
Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor      WEST HAWAII
                                   Shirley David                      Dcn. Ronald Choo
                                                                      Edward Haik                        Rev. Pascual Abaya
R. Bruce Graham Jr.                                                                                      Rev. Lane Akiona, SSCC
                                   EAST HONOLULU                      James Severson
CONSULTANT                         Jeremiah Carter                    Linda Wheeler                      Rev. Vincent Anh Vu
Lisa Sakamoto                                                                                            Rev. Michel Dalton, OFM Cap.
                                   LEEWARD OAHU                       MEMBER-DIRECTOR                    Rev. Konelio Faletoi
STAFF                              Carol Zabala                       Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva   Very Rev. Mark J. Gantley
Marlene DeCosta                    YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS                                                  Rev. Alfred Omar Guerrero
                                   Faith Leasiolagi                   Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor      Rev. Khanh Hoang
                                   MAUI                               June Brieske                       Rev. Alapaki Kim
                                   Anne Matasci                       Patrick Guzman                     Rev. Paul Dong Min Li
                                                                      Lisa Sakamoto                      Rev. Jose Macoy
                                   WINDWARD OAHU
                                                                                                         Rev. Rheo Ofalsa
                                   Alfred Hagen                       CONSULTANT
                                                                                                         Rev. E.J. Resinto
                                   MOLOKAI / LANAI
                                                                      Mark Clark
Diocesan Liturgical                Eugene Santiago
                                                                                                         EX OFFICIO
                                                                                                         Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
Commission                         EX OFFICIO                                                            Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
                                   Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva                                      Rev. Edmundo Barut Jr.
CHAIR                              Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor                                         Rev. Manuel Hewe
Paula Manz                                                                                               Rev. Gregorio Honorio
SECRETARY                                                             Hawaii Catholic                    Rev. William Kunisch
Fay Pabo                                                              Conference                         Rev. Peter Miti
                                                                                                         Rev. John Molina, CRS
Justin Agustin                                                        CHAIR                              Rev. Anthony Rapozo
                                                                                                         Msgr. Terrence Watanabe
Walter Bacxa                       Diocesan Planning and              Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
Lisa Gomes                                                                                               STAFF
Thomas Grant                       Building Commission                MEMBERS
                                                                      Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor      Denise Duhaylonsod Oliveira
Rene Lemus                                                            James “Duke” Aiona
                                   CHAIR / FACILITIES SERVICES
Rev. Stephen Macedo                MANAGER                            Eva Andrade
Alexandria Nicholl                 Vincent Vernay                     David L. Coleman
Rev. Esitio Niuliki, SSCC                                             Jerry Correa
Marsha Pascua
Zachary Ramones
                                   Walter Clur                        Patrick Downes                     Religious Education
                                                                      Trisha Kajimura
Ruth Statler                       CENTRAL OAHU/MOLOKAI               Betty Lou Larson                   Advisory Committee
Stephen Villanueva                 Garry Dixon                        Shawn Luiz
Dcn. Billy Whitfield               EAST HONOLULU                      Michael Magaoay                    CHAIR

                                                                      Rev. Robert Stark, SSS             Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy
EX OFFICIO                         Frank Doyle
Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva   LEEWARD
                                                                                                         EAST HAWAII
Rev. Alfred Omar B. Guerrero                                                                             Dcn. LeRoy Andrews
                                   Vincent Guerreiro
                                   WEST HAWAII
                                                                                                         Bonnie Boquer
                                   Stanley Haanio
                                   EAST HAWAII
                                   Edward Andrade                     Priest Retirement                  Michael Cruz
                                   WEST HONOLULU                      Committee                          WEST HAWAII
                                                                                                         Marjorie Fujimoto
                                   Cynthia Yee Bronson
                                                                      CHAIR                              MAUI
                                   WINDWARD OAHU
                                                                      Rev. Paul Li                       Sr. Angie Laurenzo, CSJ
                                   Joseph Vierra
                                                                      VICE CHAIR
                                                                      Dara Perreira
                                   Caven Raco
Diocesan Ministries 9
Review Board                       Stewardship and                                          Chancellor

                                                                      Diocesan Ministries
Marianita Lopez                    Commission                                               St. Stephen Diocesan Center
                                                                                            6301 Pali Hwy.
VICE-CHAIR                                                                                  Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224
Alfred Arensdorf, MD                                                                        261-7022 (fax)
                                   Keith Tamashiro
MEMBERS                                                                                     CHANCELLOR
Chuck Akeo                                                                                  Dcn. Keith Cabiles
                                   VICE CHAIR
June Ching, PhD                                                                             203-6735
Tyra Lamb                          Paul Pancho
Rev. Rheo Ofalsa
Craig Robinson, PhD                SECRETARY                                                This department oversees the reporting
Gregory Turnbull, PsyD, JD         Kamalani Rodrigues                                       requirements of the diocese:
PROMOTER OF JUSTICE                                                                         • October count, the Official Catholic
Rev. Steve Nguyen, JCL             MEMBERS                                                  Directory, and annual reports
                                   Mary Jean Bega
                                   Gwen DeCoito                                             • Second collections
Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
Rev. Gregorio Honorio Jr.          Socorro Deguzman                                         • Sacramental records
Kristin Leandro                    Sharmayne Naone
                                   Melissa Pavlicek                                         The diocesan archives are maintained by
                                   Tom Sategna                                              this office.
                                   Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
                                   Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
                                   OF COUNSEL
                                   Marlene DeCosta
Saint Damien / Saint               R. Bruce Graham Jr.
Marianne Commission                Lisa Sakamoto                                            Clergy
PRESIDENT                          Mark Clark                                               Office of Clergy
Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva                                                            Diocesan Chancery
MEMBERS                                                                                     1184 Bishop St.
Sr. Davilyn Ah Chick, OSF                                                                   Honolulu, HI 96813-2859
Rev. Lane Akiona, SSCC                                                                      585-3384 (fax)
Julie-Ann Bicoy                    Youth & Young Adult                                      VICAR FOR CLERGY
Patrick Boland                                                                              Rev. Gregorio Honorio
Gail Ann Chew                      Ministry Advisory                                        585-3348
Sr. William Marie Eleniki, OSF     Council                                                  ghonorio@rcchawaii.org
Sr. Francis Regis Hadano, OSF                                                               ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY /
Sr. Alicia Damien Lau, OSF         EAST HONOLULU                                            ECCLESIASTICAL NOTARY
Barbara Okamoto                    Vacant                                                   Darlene Cachola
Rev. William Petrie, SSCC          WEST HONOLULU                                            585-3343
Sr. Marie Jose Romano, OSF                                                                  dcachola@rcchawaii.org
Sr. Helene Wood, SSCC              Alofa Leasiolagi
                                   WEST HAWAII
                                   Edwina Fujimoto                                          Permanent Deacons
Patrick Downes
Randy King                         EAST HAWAII
                                   Jeanette Castillo                                        Dcn. Michael Weaver
                                                                                            1031 Lunaai Pl.
                                   LEEWARD OAHU
                                                                                            Kailua, HI 96734
                                   Vacant                                                   mweaver@rcchawaii.org
Screening Committee                Mary Jean Bega
                                                                                            Deacon Formation
                                   HAWAII CATHOLIC SCHOOLS                                  St. Stephen Diocesan Center
MEMBERS                            Art Fillazar                                             6301 Pali Hwy.
Rev. Richard McNally, SSCC
                                   CENTRAL OAHU                                             Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224
Celia Ona
                                   Josh Kapika                                              261-7022 (fax)
Rev. William Shannon
                                   WINDWARD OAHU                                            DIRECTORS
Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva   Kathy Lee                                                Dcn. John Coughlin
Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
Rev. Gregorio Honorio Jr.          EX OFFICIO
STAFF                              Lisa Gomes                                               Kathleen Coughlin
Darlene Cachola                                                                             203-6717
                                                                                            ASSOCIATE CO-DIRECTOR
                                                                                            Dcn. Keith Cabiles
                                                                                            ASSOCIATE CO-DIRECTOR
                                                                                            Hazell Cabiles
10 Diocesan Ministries
FORMATION COORDINATOR                           ACCOUNTING MANAGER (PARISH)                    Catholic Schools, Catholic Charities,      COMMUNICATIONS/MARKETING
Marcelina Carahasen                             Michele Lum                                    HOPE Services, St. Francis Healthcare
203-6718                                        mlum@rcchawaiil.org                                                                       Mona Ishihara
                                                                                               Systems of Hawaii and groups outside
lcarahasen@rcchawaii.org                                                                                                                  203-6759
                                                ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE                            the Church community on public policy
                                                Evelyn Miyashiro                               issues
                                                                                                                                          SCHOOL ACCOUNTING MANAGER
                                                emiyashiro@rcchawaii.org                       • Education and training of parishioners   Dcn. Rafael Mendoza
                                                ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                               and others about legislative advocacy /    rafmendoza@rcchawaii.org
                                                Lesley Noguchi                                 action
                                                585-3305                                                                                  This office works to foster the Catholic
                                                lnoguchi@rcchawaii.org                                                                    identity, networking and collaboration,

Facilities                                      DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE
                                                Terra Jones
                                                                                                                                          leadership development, academic
                                                                                                                                          excellence and operational vitality of

Management                                      585-3304
                                                                                                                                          the Catholic Schools in the Diocese of

Diocesan Chancery
                                                                                               Hawaii Catholic                            Leadership and support include areas
                                                Information Technology                                                                    such as:
1184 Bishop St.
Honolulu, HI 96813                              MANAGER                                        Herald                                     • Orientation of school boards, pastors,
521-8428 (fax)                                  Francis Kung                                                                              principals and teachers regarding
                                                St. Stephen Diocesan Center                    Diocesan Chancery
FACILITIES SERVICES MANAGER –                                                                                                             professional responsibilities
PARISHES AND SCHOOLS                            6301 Pali Hwy.                                 1184 Bishop St.
Caven Raco                                      Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                         Honolulu, HI 96813-2859                    • Implementation of “System for
634-2755                                        203-6730                                       585-3381 (fax)                             Success Strategic Plan” objectives
866-260-8523 (fax)                              fkung@rcchawaii.org                            herald@rcchawaii.org
                                                                                               www.hawaiicatholicherald.com               • WCEA/WASC accreditation process
                                                                                               digital.hawaiicatholicherald.com           support
                                                The purpose of the Finance Office is to
St. Stephen Diocesan Center                     insure the efficient administration of the     PUBLISHER                                  • Administration, scoring and
6301 Pali Hwy.                                                                                                                            interpretation of student national
Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224
                                                temporal goods of the Church. Activities       Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
                                                which support this purpose include:                                                       achievement tests
261-7022 (fax)                                                                                 EDITOR

                                                • Standardizing accounting and reporting       Patrick Downes                             • Coordination of annual teachers’
                                                practices in the parishes, schools and         585-3317                                   conference and Holy Spirit Mass
Sabrina Izaguirre                               diocesan offices and organizations             pdownes@rcchawaii.org
sizaguirre@rcchawaii.org                        • Conducting an on-going internal review       ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                of parish and school reports                   Anna Weaver
Facilities management provides service                                                         585-3320
in the following areas:                         • Facilitating an on-going external review     aweaver@rcchawaii.org
                                                of parishes and schools by an outside
• Supports the planning for new build-
                                                                                                                                          Hospital Ministry
                                                accounting firm
ings, major renovation, repairs and main-                                                      Shaina Caporoz
tenance of all the facilities in the diocese.                                                  585-3328
                                                                                               scaporoz@rcchawaii.org                     DIRECTOR
• Provides related support services for
the Chancery and St. Stephen Diocesan                                                          CIRCULATION                                Rev. Francisco Nicomedes S.
Center                                                                                         Donna Aquino                               Sanchez
                                                                                               585-3321                                   St. Anthony Church
                                                Hawaii Catholic                                daquino@rcchawaii.org                      640 Puuhale Rd.
                                                                                                                                          Honolulu, HI 96819-3304

                                                Conference                                     The Diocese of Honolulu’s bi-weekly

Finance                                         St. Stephen Diocesan Center
                                                                                                                                          Hospital Ministry brings the care of the
                                                                                                                                          Catholic community to all Catholics
                                                6301 Pali Hwy.                                                                            who are hospitalized. This outreach is
Diocesan Chancery                               Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                                                                    accomplished through visiting patients
1184 Bishop St.                                 261-7022 (fax)                                                                            and families, providing daily sacramental
Honolulu, HI 96813-2859                         www.catholichawaii.org/HCC
                                                                                               Hawaii Catholic
                                                                                                                                          services for patients, staff and volunteers
(866) 585-5303 (fax)                                                                                                                      at Oahu hospitals: Queen’s, Straub,
                                                EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
financeoffice@rcchawaii.org                                                                                                               Kapiolani and Kaiser. Sunday and holy
                                                Eva Andrade
Lisa Sakamoto
                                                                                               Schools                                    day liturgies are also provided for
                                                                                                                                          patients, staff and visitors at Queen’s
585-3331                                                                                       St. Stephen Diocesan Center                Hospital.
lsakamoto@rcchawaii.org                         Works with Hawaii Family Forum to              6301 Pali Hwy.                             Emergency ministry is provided 24 hours
CONTROLLER                                      educate and influence members of the           Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                     per day, 365 days per year for Queen’s,
Marvin Choy                                     Church, the community at-large, and            261-7022 (fax)                             Straub, Kapiolani and Kaiser Hospitals.
585-3307                                        public officials in order to make a positive   www.catholicschoolshawaii.org              New admissions and critical patients are
marvin@rcchawaii.org                            impact on public policy. Activities            SUPERINTENDENT                             visited by a priest daily.
                                                include:                                       Llewellyn Young, PhD
ANALYSIS                                        • Legislative activity: tracking bills,        203-6755
Diane Lamosao                                   providing testimony as needed                  lyoung@rcchawaii.org
dlamosao@rcchawaii.org                          • Public relations and communication:          ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT
                                                providing information about issues and         Mandy Thronas-Brown
PARISH & SCHOOL ACCOUNTING                      the work of the HCC through articles in        mthronas-brown@rcchawaii.org
Alicia Nakamoto                                 the Hawaii Catholic Herald and at various      ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY
585-3310                                        parish and diocesan meetings                   Barbara Yamasaki
anakamoto@rcchawaii.org                         • Collaboration with Social Ministry,          203-6761
Diocesan Ministries 11
Human                                         • Maintaining an accurate land inventory                                                  resources to help develop and support
                                                                                          WEST HAWAII VICARIATE
                                                                                          Marjorie Fujimoto                             the Catholic perspective on various life
                                              • Researching growth trends to properly     St. Benedict Church
Resources                                     assess parish boundaries                    217-6054
                                                                                                                                        issues including Natural Family Planning
                                                                                                                                        (including sessions during the Engaged
                                              • Evaluating real estate opportunities to   MAUI VICARIATE                                Encounter and Celebrate Life weekends),
Diocesan Chancery                             support pastoral needs, such as retreat     Sr. Angie Laurenzo, CSJ                       prolife, euthanasia, post-abortion
1184 Bishop St.                               centers, youth facilities                   Christ the King Church                        counseling (Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries,
Honolulu, HI 96813                                                                        877-6098                                      Project Rachel, Hope Alive), etc.
1-866-634-4347                                                                                                                          Spiritual activities include providing
humanresources@rcchawaii.org                                                              The aim of catechesis is not simply to        prayer literature for parishes, bringing
DIRECTOR                                                                                  instruct, but to form people as Christian     leaders together for monthly prayer time,
Dara Perreira                                                                             disciples and bring them to lifelong          and the annual March for Life.
585-3306                                                                                  communion with Jesus Christ. The
                                              Prison Ministry                             Office of Religious Education and Faith
                                                                                          Formation accomplishes this mission
                                                                                                                                        Education activities include parish
                                                                                                                                        presentations on life issues, Natural
                                                                                          through providing support in the areas of:    Family Planning workshops, mailing
Lisa Sakuma                                   St. Stephen Diocesan Center                                                               national material to parishes and schools,
                                                                                          Leadership Development and Formation
585-3337                                      6301 Pali Hwy.                                                                            making videos available and education
                                                                                          of Catechetical Leaders; Catechist
lsakuma@rcchawaii.org                         Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                                                                    about legislative action including
                                                                                          Certification; Sacraments of Initiation and
                                              261-7022 (fax)                              First Penance; Guidelines and Evaluation      lobbying.
The human resources department is
                                              COORDINATOR OF PRISON MINISTRY              for Religious Education and Adult Faith
designed to support diocesan ministries       VOLUNTEERS                                                                                Legislative activities include supporting
                                                                                          Formation Programs and Resources.
and parishes with matters related to lay      Dcn. William Friese                                                                       legislation that advances a respect
employees and volunteers.                     wfriese@rcchawaii.org                                                                     for life, collaborating with the Hawaii
• Training, development and                                                                                                             Catholic Conference and networking with
performance management                        The ministry raises awareness and                                                         other organizations which share Catholic
                                              provides information about prison                                                         life issue goals.
• Payroll administration                      ministry; develops formation of
• Compensation and benefits                   volunteers to serve within the jail
                                              and prisons in our state; collaborates      Respect Life
• Position descriptions and staffing          with other prison ministry groups and
                                              organizations; connects inmates and         St. Stephen Diocesan Center
• Compliance with state and federal
employment laws                               released inmates with parishes and
                                              programs to help rehabilitation, first
                                                                                          6301 Pali Hwy.
                                                                                          Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224
                                                                                                                                        Safe Environment
• Background screening for Safe En-           months rent, bus passes and spiritual       261-7022 (fax)
                                                                                                                                        St. Stephen Diocesan Center
vironment, new hires and independent          morale.                                     COORDINATOR                                   6301 Pali Hwy.
contractors                                                                               Dcn. Gerald (Gary) and Valerie                Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224
                                                                                          Streff                                        261-7022 (fax)
                                                                                          203-6722                                      DIRECTOR
                                                                                          gstreff@rcchawaii.org                         Kristin Leandro
                                              Religious                                   Natural Family Planning                       kleandro@rcchawaii.org

Land Asset                                    Education and
                                                                                          Edward & Betty Coda

Management                                    Faith Formation
                                                                                                                                        Background Screening
                                                                                                                                        DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES
                                                                                          www.cclhawaii.com                             Dara Perreira
Diocesan Chancery
                                              St. Stephen Diocesan Center                 BILLINGS OVULATION METHOD                     585-3306
1184 Bishop St.
                                              6301 Pali Hwy.                              Teresa Fredericks, RN                         521-8428 (fax)
Honolulu, HI 96813-2859
                                              Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                      224-2765 (call/text)                          dperreira@rcchawaii.org
521-8428 (fax)
                                              261-7022 (fax)
                                                                                          CREIGHTON FERTILIZATION MODEL
REAL ESTATE DIRECTOR                          catholichawaii.org/catechist
Marlene R. De Costa, CPM, RPA                                                             Ximena Suarez                                 Employment Screening
                                              DIRECTOR                                    406-417-9307 (call/text)                      Resources
                                              Jayne Mondoy                                                                              Online background screening
228-7905 (cell)                                                                           SYMPTOTHERMAL METHOD
mdecosta@rcchawaii.org                                                                    Ed and Betty Coda                             www.esrcheck.com
                                                                                          808-839-0837 (call/text)
The Office of Land Asset Management is        CATECHIST DATABASE/WEBSITE
                                                                                                                                        VIRTUS Programs
to serve as:                                  Chadwick Chun
                                              203-6747                                    Project Rachel Ministry                       Online and In-Person Training for adults
• The Asset Manager for all of the real                                                                                                 www.virtus.org
                                              cchun@rcchawaii.org                         COORDINATOR
property owned by the Roman Catholic                                                      Bernadette Galang
Church in the State of Hawaii. Interfaces
with the designated managing agent            Neighbor Island Liaisons                    (toll-free referral line) 888-456-HOPE        Victim Assistance
                                                                                          projectrachel@rcchawaii.org                   Catholic Charities Hawaii
and legal counsel to achieve the highest      EAST HAWAII VICARIATE                                                                     1822 Keeaumoku St.
operating value for all investment            Dcn. LeRoy Andrews
                                                                                          Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries                  Honolulu, HI 96822
properties. Includes providing leasing        Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
services and lease administration for the     964-1240                                    Hawaii                                        VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR
investment properties.                                                                    HAWAII SITE LEADER
                                                                                                                                        Lora Daniel
                                              Chrislyn Villena                                                                          527-4604
• Real estate advisor to the parishes         St. Joseph Church                           Lisa Shorba
on all real estate issues: leasing, lease     935-1465                                    349-5071
administration, dispositions, acquisitions,                                               rvhawaii@gmail.com
                                              KAUAI VICARIATE                                                                           The Office of Safe Environment is
encroachment and entitlement issues.                                                                                                    responsible for implementing and
                                              Michael Cruz                                The Hawaii Respect Life office provides
• Analyst for real estate issues between      St. Catherine Church/School                                                               overseeing the full diocesan response to
                                                                                          parishes with information about and
juridic persons.                              822-7900                                                                                  the Charter for the Protection of Children
12 Diocesan Ministries
and Young People (The Charter). The
Office of Safe Environment provides
                                               • By striving to establish ways of helping
                                               parishes integrate social ministry in all      Stewardship and                                Diocese of Honolulu. It handles petitions
                                                                                                                                             for declarations of marital nullity and
online and in-person educational
training programs, presentations and
                                               aspects of parish life so parishioners do
                                               not see the social mission of the Church       Development                                    other judicial causes that come before
                                                                                                                                             the bishop for adjudication.
resource materials to assist church            as fringe and also help establish good                                                        The Office for Canonical Affairs
personnel in responding to the mandates        communication systems that keeps               St. Stephen Diocesan Center                    promotes a greater understanding of
of the Charter. In addition, this Office       the entire parish ohana and community          6301 Pali Hwy.                                 the law of the Church and helps assure
organizes the annual audits required           connected                                      Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                         that the provisions of canon law are
by the Charter and, with the offices of                                                       catholichawaii.org/stewardship                 implemented correctly and equitably. It
                                               • By creating formation opportunities
Human Resources and Clergy, oversees                                                          DIRECTOR                                       provides canonical advice, education and
                                               to ensure that the social ministry work
background screening of adults who                                                            Mark Clark                                     assistance to the bishop, diocesan and
                                               remains rooted in Scripture and Catholic
have ongoing, unsupervised contact with                                                       203-6723                                       parish staff, other Catholic institutions
                                               social teaching
minors, and the internal investigation                                                        285-7667 (cell)                                and associations, and the faithful of
process relating to child abuse                • By providing written, audio and video        mclark@rcchawaii.org                           the diocese. With regard to marriage, it
allegations involving church personnel.        resources that support social ministry                                                        provides the following services:
                                               development in the parish                      The Office of Stewardship &
                                                                                              Development exists as a resource to all        • Grants marriage dispensations and
                                               • By researching, planning and                                                                permissions
                                               implementing specific programs                 parishes, schools and departments in
                                               that meet the needs of the poor and            order to help foster stewardship as a          • Grants ecclesiastical approval for inter-
                                               marginalized to include persons with           Christian way of life and to help enable       diocesan marriages
                                                                                              comprehensive fund development. In
Social Ministry                                disabilities and to advocate on their
                                               behalf.                                        addition to the staff, a nine-member
                                                                                              commission made up of representatives
                                                                                                                                             • Processes Pauline privilege petitions
                                                                                                                                             and grants radical sanations.
St. Stephen Diocesan Center                    • By coordinating Catholic Relief              from each vicariate assists in the
6301 Pali Hwy.                                 Services and the Operation Rice Bowl for       overall mission. This includes providing
Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                         the diocese and providing staff support        materials and training to assist parishes
203-6700 (Oahu)                                to the Catholic Campaign for Human             wishing to better communicate and
935-3050 (Hawaii Island)                       Development                                    implement the stewardship of time, talent
262-3728 (fax)                                                                                and treasure.
                                               • By networking with other diocesan
www.officeforsocialministry.org                offices in order to support each other         Consultation and assistance is also
DIOCESAN DIRECTOR                              and discover new ministry ideas and            available for parishes and schools
Rev. Robert Stark, SSS                         initiatives that respond to the social         conducting their own capital campaigns         Diocesan Chancery
203-6734                                       mission of Church                              and other major fund-raising events,           1184 Bishop St.
262-3728 (fax)                                                                                as well as matters related to bequests,        Honolulu, HI 96813-2859
rstark@rcchawaii.org                           The Office for Persons with Disabilities       gifts of stock, real estate, gift annuities,   585-3343
                                               works actively to promote disability           insurance endowments, grant-writing            585-3384 (fax)
                                               awareness throughout the diocese               services, wills and trusts.
Catholic Campaign for Human                                                                                                                  DIRECTOR
Development (CCHD)                             by advocating for the full inclusion of        The office also conducts the Bishop’s          Rev. Joseph Diaz
                                               persons with disabilities into the life        Circle Appeal and coordinates the Hawaii       585-3355
                                               of the church. Systemically this is            Catholic Community Foundation.                 jdiaz@rcchawaii.org
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)                 achieved through education and training,                                                      ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY
DIRECTOR                                       advocating legislative action and through                                                     Darlene Cachola
David Coleman                                  the development of diocesan programs                                                          585-3343
                                               affecting systems change. In direct                                                           dcachola@rcchawaii.org
                                               response to parishes, the office offers
Parish Social Ministry /                       support to all parishes by helping them
Persons with Disabilities
                                                                                              Tribunal and
                                               to explore ways to respond to their
St. Stephen Diocesan Center                    parishioners with special needs as well
6301 Pali Hwy.                                 as their families. Our mission is to ensure
Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                         that the baptismal rights of all persons,      Canonical Affairs
Iwie Tamashiro
                                               including those with diverse gifts and
                                               abilities, are fully realized, respected and   St Stephen Diocesan Center                     Worship
203-6702                                       responded to. This can include physical        6301 Pali Hwy
262-3728 (TTY/fax)                             access, sacramental access, program            Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                         Diocesan Chancery
itamashiro@rcchawaii.org                       access and acceptance.                         catholichawaii.org/cic                         1184 Bishop St.
                                                                                                                                             Honolulu, HI 96813-2859
                                               The Office for Persons with Disabilities       JUDICIAL VICAR / DIRECTOR OF
The mission of the Office for Social Min-                                                                                                    866-305-5966 (fax)
                                               is also actively supporting efforts with       CANONICAL AFFAIRS
istry is to support parish efforts in living   the establishment of ministry to and           Very Rev. Mark J. Gantley, JCL                 DIRECTOR
the principles of Catholic social teaching,    with persons who are elderly. Many of          203-6741                                       Rev. Alfred Omar B. Guerrero
the foundation of our Catholic faith that      our senior parishioners live with such         mgantley@rcchawaii.org                         585-3342
calls us to live the gospel values as mod-     disabilities as diminishing vision and                                                        866-305-5966 (fax)
                                                                                              PROMOTER OF JUSTICE /
eled by Jesus Christ. OSM calls parish         hearing, mobility impairments and              DEFENDER OF THE BOND
                                                                                                                                             ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT
communities to a deeper understanding          dementia.                                      Rev. Steve Nguyen, JCL                         (WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS)
of their baptismal call to link their faith                                                   203-6765                                       Chadwick Chun, BA
and action through works of charity and                                                       snguyen@rcchawaii.org
social action. OSM believes that the mis-                                                                                                    The Office of Worship provides parishes
                                                                                              DEFENDER OF THE BOND
sion for peace and justice can be realized                                                                                                   with workshops, consultation, resources
through the following venues:
                                                                                              Anne Kirby, JCL
                                                                                                                                             and guidelines to assist them in providing
                                                                                              MODERATOR OF THE TRIBUNAL
• By identifying, supporting, and training                                                    CHANCERY                                       liturgical services that will both be in
leaders who will organize people and                                                          E. Roxanne Torres                              keeping with the liturgical norms of
activities around four ministry areas                                                         203-6766                                       the Church and enrich the faith life of
of direct service, legislative advocacy,                                                      rtorres@rcchawaii.org                          parishioners. The office also coordinates
community organizing and justice                                                                                                             episcopal functions.
education                                                                                     The Diocesan Tribunal is the court of the      The office is advised by the Diocesan
Diocesan Ministries 13
Liturgical Commission, a 12-member                                       Augustine Educational              Retreat Centers

                                           Foundations, Other Services
group that provides parishes and schools
with workshops, does on-site education                                   Foundation
process for parishes building/renewing
worship space. This Commission also
                                                                         6301 Pali Hwy.                     Benedictine Monastery of
serves in an advisory capacity to the
                                                                         Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224             Hawaii / Mary, Spouse of the
                                                                         203-6736                           Holy Spirit
bishop regarding liturgical matters.
                                                                         augustinefoundation.org            PO Box 490
                                                                         CHAIR                              67-290 Farrington Hwy.
                                                                         Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva   Waialua, HI 96791-0490
                                                                                                            637-8601 (fax)
                                                                         Msgr. Gary L. Secor

Youth and Young
                                                                         EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                 www.hawaiibenedictines.org
                                                                         Susan Ferandin
Adult Ministry                                                           sue@augustinefoundation.org
                                                                         ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR
                                                                                                            Sr. Mary Jo McEnany, OSB

St. Stephen Diocesan Center                                              Tonya Stevenson                    St. Anthony Retreat Center
6301 Pali Hwy.                                                           203-6748                           3351 Kalihi St.
Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224                                                   tonya@augustinefoundation.org      Honolulu, HI 96819-3077
261-7022 (fax)                                                                                              845-0065
OYYAM@rcchawaii.org                                                                                         www.saintanthonyretreat.org
catholichawaii.org/OYYAM                                                                                    DIRECTOR
Facebook.com/OYYAMHI                                                                                        Sr. Anne Clare DeCosta, SSCC
Twitter.com/OYYAM                                                                                           RESERVATIONS
Instagram.com/OYYAM                                                                                         Sr. Ivy Yim, SSCC
Snapchat: @oyyam-hi
                                                                                                            RETREAT MINISTRY
                                                                                                            Sr. Marie Lemert, SSCC
DIRECTOR                                                                 Hawaii Catholic                    Catherine “Malu” Kamanu
Lisa Gomes
                                                                         Community Foundation               ALTAR BREAD

220-6941 (cell)                                                                                             Vincent Bashir
                                                                         1184 Bishop St.
lgomes@rcchawaii.org                                                     Honolulu, HI 96813
                                                                         (808) 203-6723                     St. Stephen Diocesan Center
The Office of Youth and Young Adult                                      HCCF@rcchawaii.org                 6301 Pali Hwy.
Ministry provides:                                                                                          Kaneohe, HI 96744-5224
                                                                         MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION
• Resources and best practice help to                                                                       261-7022 (fax)
parishes, vicariates and schools                                                                            ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR
                                                                         Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
• Training and formation for youth and
                                                                                                            Sabrina Izaguirre
                                                                         MEMBERS                            203-6724
young adult ministry leaders                                             June Brieske                       sizaguirre@rcchawaii.org
• Diocesan-wide events that are                                          Patrick Guzman
designed to involve youth and young                                      Lisa Sakamoto
adults in the life of the church                                         Very Rev. Msgr. Gary L. Secor
                                                                         BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                                         Sr. William Marie Eleniki, OSF
                                                                         VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                         Vincent Guerreiro
                                                                                                            Port Chaplain
                                                                         A.J. Halagao                       APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA
                                                                                                            Dcn. Vincent Wozniak
                                                                         Deacon Ronald Choo                 1524 Halekula Way #D
                                                                         DIRECTORS                          Honolulu, HI 96822
                                                                         Edward Haik                        943-8721
                                                                         James Severson                     vwozniak@rcchawaii.org
                                                                         Dr. Linda Wheeler
                                                                         EX OFFICIO
                                                                         Most Rev. Clarence “Larry” Silva
                                                                         Mark Clark
14 HOPE Services Hawaii
                         Administrative Office                        Representative Payee Services                Program offers people the opportunity

  HOPE Services Hawaii
                                                                                                                   to address the barriers that led them to
                                                                      Provides financial management services
                         357 Waianuenue Avenue                                                                     homelessness.
                                                                      for individuals with persistent mental
                         Hilo, HI 96720                               illness.
                         933-6013 (main)
                         935-3794 (fax)
                         hopeserviceshawaii.org                       Supplemental Nutrition
                         CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                      Assistance Program (SNAP)                    Community Re-Entry
                         Brandee Menino                               Outreach
                         933-6013 (direct)                            Determine eligibility for SNAP benefits,
                         938-3050 (cell)                              and provide assistance with obtaining
                         bmenino@hopeserviceshawaii.org               supportive documents to complete the
                         DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT                      application.
                                                                                                                   HOPE Resource Center, Hilo
                         Chad Cabral                                                                               Transitional housing and services for
                         333-9000 (cell)                                                                           men returning to the community from
                         ccabral@hopeserviceshawaii.org                                                            incarceration. Consumers participate
                         ACCOUNTING MANAGER
                                                                                                                   in daily house meetings and random
                         Shelly Toledo                                                                             drug testing, as well as substance
                         933-6005 (direct)
                                                                      Emergency Housing                            relapse prevention groups, employment
                         stoledo@hopeserviceshawaii.org                                                            readiness and training, renter education
                                                                                                                   and budgeting, and other life skill building
                         WEST HAWAII DIRECTOR                         Kihei Pua Emergency Shelter                  opportunities. Structured recreational
                         Reinette Ipo Morgan                                                                       activities are coordinated and offered
                         937-8140 (cell)                              This program provides 24/7 short-term
                                                                      emergency housing with up to 72 beds         on the weekends, and the consumers
                         rmorgan@hopeserviceshawaii.org                                                            engage in restorative justice by engaging
                                                                      for homeless families with children and
                         EAST HAWAII DIRECTOR / VOLUNTEER             individual persons.                          in service activities in the community.
                         & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP
                         Denise Oguma                                                                              W. Ohea House, Hilo
                         936-3995 (cell)                              West Hawaii Emergency
                         doguma@hopeserviceshawaii.org                Housing Program                              Single family home in the Waiakea
                                                                                                                   neighborhood that offers five transitional
                                                                      This program provides short-term
                                                                                                                   housing units for men seeking the
                                                                      emergency housing and services for up
                                                                                                                   opportunity to continue to live drug
                                                                      to 31 individuals at a time from 5pm
                                                                                                                   free and contributing members of our
                                                                      to 7am for individuals experiencing
                         Outreach Programs                            homelessness.

                                                                                                                   Iwalani House, Hilo
                         Homeless Outreach                                                                         Single family home in the Waiakea
                         Mobile outreach teams seek and engage                                                     neighborhood that offers five transitional
                         with individuals and families experiencing   Transitional And                             housing units/beds for women seeking
                                                                                                                   the opportunity to continue to live drug
                         homelessness at places and areas
                         in which they congregate including
                                                                      Affordable Rental                            free and contributing members of our
                         beaches, tents, caves, parks, lava tubes,    Housing                                      community.
                         and food pantries and connects them to
                         appropriate community resources with
                         the ultimate goal of safe, stable housing.   Beyond Shelter, Hilo                         Women Supporting Women
                                                                      The facility is owned by St. Joseph          A statewide initiative that offer
                                                                      Catholic Church in Hilo and offers           empowerment opportunities for women
                         Mental Health Outreach                                                                    on parole or maxed out and helping
                                                                      transitional and affordable rental housing
                         Staff link persons with mental illnesses     services for families with children who      their fellow sisters transition back to the
                         and experiencing homelessness to the         transitioned from emergency housing          community from incarceration through
                         State of Hawaii Department of Health,        programs. Program offers families the        support, resources and peer mentorship.
                         and Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD)      opportunity to address the barriers that     Permanent Supportive Housing
                         system or care or with their health          led them to homelessness.
                         insurance carrier for behavioral health
                         services.                                                                                 Tenant Solutions
                                                                      Wilder House, Hilo                           This program provides assistance to
                                                                      A four bedroom single family home            landlords who partner with our orga-
                         Friendly Place Resource Center                                                            nization to house HOPE consumers.
                                                                      in the Waiakea neighborhood and
                         The Friendly Place Resource Center is        provides transitional housing services for   Landlords have 24/7 access to a housing
                         a point of entry persons and families        families with children who transitioned      coordinator to facilitate conflict resolution
                         experiencing homelessness in West            from emergency housing programs.             as needed between landlord and tenant.
                         Hawaii. Program offers laundry facilities,   Program offers families the opportunity      Consumers placed through our housing
                         a mailing address, storage lockers, hot      to address the barriers that led them to     program are required to complete renter
                         meals through community sponsors,            homelessness.                                education courses that cover financial
                         emergency supplies, phone, computer                                                       literacy, counseling and budgeting, tenant
                         and fax use, care coordination and                                                        responsibilities, housekeeping, fair hous-
                         linkage to community resources,              Kuleana House, Hilo                          ing, and the landlord-tenant code.
                         including medical, dental, mental health     A three bedroom single family home
                         care, education and job training, and        in the Waiakea Uka neighborhood and
                         shelter and housing programs.                                                             Housing Assistance
                                                                      provides transitional housing services
                                                                      for single individuals who transitioned      This program provides housing relocation
                                                                      from short term housing programs.            and stabilization services as necessary
                                                                                                                   to help individuals and families who
Catholic Charities Hawaii 15
are experiencing homelessness move                                        Catholic Charities Hawaii, rooted in the      Development Office

                                              Catholic Charities Hawaii
quickly into permanent housing and                                        gospel of Jesus, exists to carry out the
achieve stability. Services may include                                   social mission of the church by serving       We rely on the contributions from the
housing search and placement, housing                                     the people of Hawaii, regardless of their     community to help us fulfill our mission.
stability case management, credit repair,                                 faith or culture.                             We can’t do it alone. Your support
as well as financial assistance for rental                                                                              provides help and hope for those most
application fees, security and utility                                    We are a community of hope that
                                                                          promotes the dignity of each person by        in need.
deposits, and rent.
                                                                          helping others empower themselves. We
                                                                          provide a wide range of social services
                                                                                                                        General Donations and
Support Services for Veteran                                              with compassion and a commitment
Families                                                                  to excellence. Through our programs
                                                                          and our advocacy for social justice, we       527-4820
Assist veteran households with                                            lovingly serve all people, especially those   527-4829 (fax)
emergency rent assistance, deposit,                                       with the greatest need.
utilities or emergency needs that focus
on either transition to a new permanent                                   In the Hawaiian spirit of ohana, we join
housing situation or retention of                                         with parishes, agencies, and community
permanent housing. The goal of the                                        groups. We welcome all people of
SSVF program is to provide assistance                                     goodwill to share our mission.
to rapidly transition veteran families from                               www.catholiccharitieshawaii.org
homelessness and increase long-term
housing retention.
                                                                                                                        Intake, Information and
                                                                                                                        Referral Unit
                                                                                                                        Hours: Mon-Fri 9-noon; 1:30-3:30pm
                                                                                                                        Assists people by answering questions,
                                                                                                                        helping with applications for assistance
                                                                          Catholic Charities Hawaii                     and referring to Catholic Charities Hawaii
                                                                          Clarence T.C. Ching Campus                    programs or other appropriate programs
                                                                          1822 Keeaumoku St.                            in Hawaii.
                                                                          Honolulu, HI 96822                            521-HELP (4357)
                                                                          524-HOPE (4673) main
                                                                          521-HELP (4357) help line
                                                                          PRESIDENT / CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                                                          Robert Van Tassell
                                                                          EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
                                                                          Celine Allouchery
                                                                          527-4878                                      Children & Families
                                                                          527-4879 (fax)
                                                                          catholiccharitieshawaii.org                   Mary Jane Residential Home
                                                                          VICE PRESIDENT / PROGRAMS                     For women 18 years or older who are
                                                                          Stella Wong                                   experiencing an unplanned pregnancy.
                                                                          527-4888                                      Offers counseling, residential services,
                                                                          5274889 (fax)                                 educational classes and mentoring.
                                                                          VICE PRESIDENT / MISSION
                                                                          Tina Andrade
                                                                          527-4819 (fax)
                                                                          VICE PRESIDENT / PHILANTHROPY
                                                                          Mary Leong Saunders
                                                                          527-4849 (fax)                                Residential Services
                                                                          VICE PRESIDENT / FINANCE
                                                                          Paul Y. Kobayashi Jr.                         The Horizons Program
                                                                          pkobayashi@catholiccharitieshawaii.org        For young adults, ages 18-24, who
                                                                                                                        are transitioning out of the foster care
                                                                                                                        system and may need continuing
                                                                                                                        services to help them live on their own.
                                                                                                                        Services include residential services (co-
                                                                                                                        ed), independent living skills assessment
                                                                                                                        and training, counseling, mentoring and
                                                                                                                        outreach services.
                                                                                                                        527-4946 or 218-0417
Catholic Charities Hawaii                 16
Housing Programs                              Case Management Program                       Neighbor Islands
                                              Provides advocacy, case management,
Provides one time emergency financial         and professional counseling dealing with
assistance for housing needs when             seniors’ psychological/social problems,       Hawaii Island Office - Hilo
funding is available.                         assessment of needs, and bereavement          62 Kinoole Street
521-HELP (4357)                               counseling. Services provided in              Hilo, HI 96720
                                              designated affordable housing projects        935-HOPE (4673)
                                              and senior center. Private pay case           961-7059 (fax)
Maili Land Transitional Housing               management available.
                                                                                            Hawaii Island Office - Kona
A 15-unit facility in Leeward Oahu for                                                      73-5618 Malau St. #B201
homeless families with children under the     Volunteer Opportunities with
                                              Seniors                                       Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
age of 19.                                                                                  331-HOPE (4673)
696-4885                                      Volunteers needed to provide friendly         327-2749 (fax)
                                              visits, escort services, and transportation
                                              to seniors.
Community Assistance                                                                        Hawaii Island Community
Program                                                                                     Office
Provides emergency financial assistance                                                     62 Kinoole Street
on a one-time basis to prevent eviction                                                     Hilo, HI 96720
or for utility payments that have been                                                      COMMUNITY DIRECTOR
suspended, limited basic material needs,                                                    Elizabeth Murph
assistance such as food and clothing                                                        935-HOPE (4673)
when available and individual client                                                        935-0357 (fax)
advocacy.                                                                                   elizabeth.murph@
                                              Counseling                                    catholiccharitieshawaii.org
935-HOPE (4673)                               521-HELP (4357)
                                                                                            Kauai Community Office
                                              School-Based Counseling                       4373 Rice Street, Suite 1
241-HOPE (4673)
                                              Program                                       Lihue, HI 96766
MAUI                                                                                        241-HOPE (4673)
873-HOPE (4673)                               Individual/group counseling for children      632-6919 (fax)
                                              and adolescents on selected school
                                                                                            Maui Community Offices
                                                                                            2050 Main St. Suite 3A
                                              Individual & Family Counseling                Wailuku, HI 96793
                                              Program                                       COMMUNITY DIRECTOR
                                              Provides individual, marital and family       Thelma Akita-Kealoha
                                              counseling services. Information,             873-HOPE (4673)
Seniors                                       referral, and emergency assistance are        872-6219 (fax)
                                              also available.                               thelma.kealoha@catholiccharitieshawaii.
527-4777                                                                                    org
                                                                                            NEIGHBOR ISLAND COMMUNITY
Lanakila Multi-Purpose Senior                 Leeward Oahu Counseling                       ADMINISTRATOR

Center                                        Provides general counseling to Leeward        Rebecca Yonamine
                                              Oahu residents.                               1822 Keeaumoku St.
Age 60 years and older living in Census                                                     Honolulu, HI 96822
Tracts 38-66 (Kakaako-Nuuanu /                371-6105                                      527-4813
Punchbowl-Downtown-Liliha / Kapalama-                                                       527-4819
Kalihi I Palama-Kalihi Valley-Moanalua).                                                    rebecca.yonamine@
The Center offers recreation/leisure                                                        catholiccharitieshawaii.org
activities, education, and social services,
community service opportunities,
exercise and wellness classes to seniors.
Call directly at 847-1322.

                                              Immigrant Services
Housing Assistance Program
                                              521-HELP (4357)
(Age 60 and older) Housing counseling
for seniors residing on Oahu, including
information about rental housing options,     General Immigration
eligibility requirements, assistance with     Helps immigrants on Oahu and the
applications, and maintaining status on       Hawaii Island learn English, apply
housing waitlists.                            for citizenship and naturalization, file
                                              applications for permanent residency,
                                              obtain employment authorization and
Transportation Services                       travel documents, and petition to reunite
Program                                       with family members.
(Age 60 years and older) Island-wide on
Oahu only, door-to-door transportation        OAHU
for seniors who cannot use public             524-4673
transportation. Uses passenger vans           HILO
with lifts for wheelchairs and electric       961-7030
scooters.                                     961-7039 (fax)
17 St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii
                           St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii,      Franciscan Adult Day Center          St. Francis Residential Care

  St. Francis Healthcare
                           sponsored by The Sisters of St. Francis,      (Manoa)                              Community
                           committed creating healthy communities        Adult Day Care Services              2228 Liliha St., Suite 300
                           in the Spirit of Christ’s Healing Ministry.   2715 Pamoa Rd.                       Honolulu, HI 96817
                                                                         Honolulu, HI 96822                   681-4000
                                                                         988-5678                             547-8018 (fax)
                           St. Francis Healthcare System                 988-1179 (fax)
                           of Hawaii
                                                                                                              Franciscan Vistas Ewa
                           2228 Liliha St., Suite 300                    St. Francis Adult Day Center         91-1471 Miula St.
                           Honolulu, HI 96817                            (Diamond Head)                       Ewa Beach, HI 96706
                           547-6500                                      708 Palekaua St.                     681-4000
                           547-8018 (fax)                                Honolulu, HI 96816
                           www.stfrancishawaii.org                       734-0234                             St. Francis Development
                                                                         734-0394 (fax)
                           PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                           OFFICER                                                                            Corporation
                           Jerry J. Correa Jr.                                                                2228 Liliha St., Suite 300
                           547-6500                                      St. Francis Intergenerational        Honolulu, HI 96817
                           547-8018 (fax)                                Center                               547-6500
                           jcorrea@stfrancishawaii.org                                                        547-8018 (fax)
                                                                         Preschool and Adult Day Care (Ewa)
                           EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT
                           Lori Higa                                     St. Francis Adult Day Center (Ewa)   St. Francis Blessings House
                                                                         91-1758 Oohao St.                    91-019 Popoi Pl.
                                                                         Ewa Beach, HI 96706                  Ewa Beach, HI 96706
                           St. Francis Spiritual Care                    681-0100 option 2                    696-7255
                           Department                                    380-4244 (fax)                       696-5672 (fax)
                                                                         St. Francis Preschool                ADMINISTRATOR
                                                                         91-1758 Oohao St.                    Marina Talisayan
                           Brittani Alexander
                                                                         Ewa Beach, HI 96706
                           Sr. Mary Rose Atuu, LSMIG
                                                                         681-0100 option 1
                           Keith Buczak
                                                                         380-4244 (fax)
                           Kara Dreflak-Utley
                           Dcn. Keith Galang
                           Dcn. Eric Kim                                 Hawaii Bone Marrow Donor
                           Pearl Misa-Lau                                Registry
                           Rev. Mario Palanca                            2228 Liliha St., Suite 105
                           Sr. Patricia Schofield, OSF                   Honolulu, HI 96817
                           Dcn. Michael Weaver                           547-6972

                           St. Francis Health Services for               St. Francis Healthcare
                           Seniors (Island Wide)                         Foundation of Hawaii
                           Bathing and Personal Care Services            2228 Liliha St., Suite 205
                           PO Box 29700                                  Honolulu, HI 96817
                           Honolulu, HI 96820                            547-8030
                           547-6121                                      Fax 547-8034 (fax)
                           676-1220 (fax)
                                                                         Our Lady of Keaau
                           St. Francis Hospice (Home
                           Hospice Care – Island Wide)                   Spiritual and Recreational Retreat
                           PO Box 29700                                  Center & Homeless Outreach
                           Honolulu, HI 96820                            83-300 Farrington Hwy.
                           595-7566                                      PO Box 1475
                           676-1220 (fax)                                Waianae, HI 96792
                                                                         696-5672 (fax)
                           St. Francis Hospice / Sister                  ADMINISTRATOR
                           Maureen Keleher Center                        Marina Talisayan
                           (Inpatient Hospice Care - Nuuanu)
                           24 Puiwa Rd.
                           Honolulu, HI 96817                            St. Francis Healthcare
                           595-7566                                      Enterprises
                           676-1220 (fax)                                PO Box 29700
                                                                         Honolulu, HI 96820
                           Franciscan Care Services                      547-8018 (fax)
                           2228 Liliha St., Suite 300
                           Honolulu, HI 96817                            PRESIDENT
                           547-6500                                      Jerry J. Correa Jr.
18 Parishes
              West Honolulu

                                                      (KALIHI)        Our Lady of
                                                    St. John           the Mount
                                   (SALT LAKE)
                                                   the Baptist
                                 St. Philomena
                                                                 (KALIHI-PALAMA)      St. Stephen
                                                  (KALIHI-KAI)   Co-Cathedral
                (AIRPORT AREA)
                Holy Family                      St. Anthony       of Saint
                                                                                      (PAUOA VALLEY)

                                                                     Cathedral Basilica
                                                                   of Our Lady of Peace
Parishes 19
DOWNTOWN HONOLULU                KALIHI-PALAMA                        PAUOA VALLEY                                 AIRPORT AREA

Cathedral Basilica of Our        Co-Cathedral of St.                  Blessed Sacrament                            Holy Family
Lady of Peace                    Theresa of the Child                 Established 1938                             Established 1950
Established 1827                 Jesus                                2124 Pauoa Rd.                               830 Main Street
                                                                      Honolulu, HI 96813-1568                      Honolulu, HI 96818-4413
1184 Bishop St.                  Established 1931                     531-6980                                     422-1135
Honolulu, HI 96813-2838          712 N School St.                     531-6982 (fax)                               info@holyfamilyhonolulu.org
536-7036                         Honolulu, HI 96817-3030              bscpauoa@rcchawaii.org                       www.holyfamilyhonolulu.org
585-3383 (fax)                   521-1700                             www.blessedsacramentpauoa.org
coolop@rcchawaii.org                                                                                               OFFICE HOURS
                                 599-3629 (fax)
honolulucathedral.org                                                 OFFICE HOURS                                 Mon-Fri: 9am-3pm (-1pm summer)
                                 www.cocathedral.org                  Mon-Fri: 8:30am-noon
OFFICE HOURS                                                                                                       PASTOR
                                 OFFICE HOURS
Mon-Fri: 8am-4pm                 Mon-Fri: 8am-noon, 1-4:30pm          PASTOR                                       Rev. Rheo Ofalsa
                                                                      Rev. Steve Nguyen                            rofalsa@rcchawaii.org
PASTOR                           Sat: 8:30am-noon                     snguyen@rcchawaii.org
Rev. Pascual Abaya (ext 346)     PASTOR / VICAR FORANE
pabaya@rcchawaii.org                                                  DEACON                                       Mike Brown
                                 Rev. Manuel Hewe                     Joseph Soon                                  mibrown@rcchawaii.org
IN RESIDENCE                     mhewe@rcchawaii.org                  jsoon@rcchawaii.org
Rev. Joseph Diaz                                                                                                   Rev. Mr. Dario Rinaldi
                                 IN RESIDENCE
jdiaz@rcchawaii.org                                                   SENIOR DEACON                                drinaldi@rcchawaii.org
                                 Rev. Marvin Samiano                  Ronald T.Y. Choo
Rev. Gregorio Honorio            msamiano@rcchawaii.org               rchoo@rcchawaii.org
                                                                                                                   DIRECTOR OF LITURGY
ghonorio@rrchawaii.org                                                                                             Tom Grant
                                 DEACONS                              OFFICE CLERK                                 tgrant@rcchawaii.org
DEACONS                          Francis Leasiolagi                   Nora Mauia
Jose Almuena                     fleasiolagi@rcchawaii.org            nmauia@rcchawaii.org
                                                                                                                   OFFICE MANAGER
jalmuena@rcchawaii.org                                                                                             April Moses
                                 Raymond Lamb                         RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORD                    amoses@rcchawaii.org
Ernesto Fernandez                jpasala@rcchawaii.org                Leimomi Kondo                                BUSINESS MANAGER
efernandez@rcchawaii.org         PASTORAL ASSOCIATE / DIRECTOR OF     leikondo1@gmail.com
                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                                                               Jeff Fontanilla
                                 Sr. Mercedita B. Estrella, SPC       ADULT INITIATION COORD                       jfontanilla@rcchawaii.org
Joseph Ramos (ext 300/313)                                            Dcn. Joseph and Onolata Soon
                                 SECRETARIES                                                                       MASSES
SECRETARY                                                             MASSES
                                 Teresa Jacobs                                                                     Sat: 5pm
Paula Manz (ext 322)             cocathedraloffice@rcchawaii.org      Sat: 5pm                                     Sun: 8:30, 11am, 7pm
pmanz@rcchawaii.org                                                   Sun: 7am, 10am (Latin in the                 3rd Sun: 3pm (Pohnpeian)
                                 Utufaasili J. McDermott
DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR                                                  Extraordinary Form)                          Mon-Fri: 8am
Kamalani Rodrigues (ext 357)                                          Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 7am                      1st Fri: 8am
krodrigues@rcchawaii.org         SOCIAL MINISTRY COORD
                                                                      Wed: 6:30pm
                                 Maria Sofia “Pinky” Mendoza
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORD                                             First Sat: 9am (Latin in the Extraordinary
                                 mamendoza@rcchawaii.org                                                           RECONCILIATION
Michael Bauer                                                         Form)
mbauer@rcchawaii.org                                                                                               Sat: 4:15pm
                                 Vietnamese Holy Martyrs
DIRECTOR OF MUSIC                                                     RECONCILIATION
Calvin K. Liu (ext 325)          Catholic Community                                                                Korean Catholic Community
                                                                      Wed: 5:30-6:15pm
calvin@rcchawaii.org             712 N School St.                     Sat: 4-4:30pm                                St. Andrew Kim Oratory
                                 Honolulu, HI 96817-303               Sun: 9:15-9:45am                             511 Main St.
MASSES                           536-0046                                                                          Honolulu, HI 96818
Sat: 5pm                                                                                                           CHAPLAIN
Sun: 6am, 8am, 10am, noon, 6pm   CHAPLAIN
                                                                                                                   Rev. Paul Lee
Mon-Fri: 6:30am, noon            Rev. Dominic Hoan Nguyen, CMC                                                     plee@rcchawaii.org
Sat: 7am, noon                                                                                                     OFFICE COORD
                                                                                                                   Duane Nishiie
                                 Dcn. Jonathan Lam                                                                 dnishiie@rcchawaii.org
RECONCILIATION                   jlam@rcchwaii.org
Wed: 10-11am                                                                                                       RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORD
Sat: 10-11am                                                                                                       Melody Anzai
                                 MASSES                                                                            meanzai@rcchawaii.org
                                 Sat: 5pm, 7pm (Vietnamese)
                                 Sun: 6:15am, 8am, 10:30am, 3:30pm                                                 MASSES
                                 (Vietnamese), 6pm                                                                 Sun: 6:30am, 11am & 1:30pm
                                 Mon-Thu: 6:30am; Fri-Sat: 8am                                                     Mon & Sat: 6am
                                 Mon, Tue, Thu: 5:30pm (Vietnamese)                                                Tue-Fri: 7pm

                                 RECONCILIATION                                                                    RECONCILIATION
                                 Wed: 6:15-7pm                                                                     30 minutes before Mass
20 Parishes
KALIHI VALLEY                         KALIHI-KAI                              KALIHI                           SALT LAKE

Our Lady of the Mount                 St. Anthony                             St. John the Baptist             St. Philomena
Established 1870                      Established 1840                        Established 1844                 Established 1942
1614 Monte St.                        640 Puuhale Rd.                         2324 Omilo Ln.                   3300 Ala Laulani St.
Honolulu, HI 96819-3733               Honolulu, HI 96819-3304                 Honolulu, HI 96819-2434          Honolulu, HI 96818-2837
845-0828                              845-3255                                845-0984                         839-1876
845-0826 (fax)                        842-3664 (fax)                          841-6643 (fax)                   834-6888 (fax)
olm@rcchawaii.org                     stanthonyhonolulu@gmail.com             sjbkalihi@gmail.com              sp.hawaii.receptionist@gmail.com
ourladyofthemountkalihi.org           saintanthonykalihi.com                  saintjohnthebaptisthawaii.org    www.stphilomenahawaii.org
OFFICE HOURS                          OFFICE HOURS                            OFFICE HOURS                     OFFICE HOURS
Mon-Thu: 8:30am-11:30 am, 12:30-4pm   Mon-Wed, Fri: 8am-noon, 1-5pm           Tue-Fri: 8am-2pm                 Mon-Fri: 8:30am-12:30pm, 1-5pm
Fri: 8:30-11:30am                     Thu & Sat: 8-noon                       ADMINISTRATOR                    PASTOR
OFFICE HOURS                          PASTOR                                  Rev. Clement Beeri               Rev. Paul Li
Mon-Thu: 8:30am-11:30 am, 12:30-4pm   Rev. Arlan Intal, MS                    cbeeri@rcchawaii.org             pli@rcchawaii.org
Fri: 8:30-11:30am                     aintal@rcchawaii.org                    DEACONS                          IN RESIDENCE

PASTOR                                IN RESIDENCE                            Ricardo Burgos                   Rev. Mario Palanca
Rev. Edgar Brillantes                 Rev. Francisco Nicomedes S.             rburgos@rcchawaii.org            mpalanca@rcchawaii.org
ebrillantes@rcchawaii.org             Sanchez                                 Peter Soumwei                    DEACON
                                      fsanchez@rcchawaii.org                  psoumwei@rcchawaii.org           Kin Shing Cheng
Rev. Adrian R. Gervacio               DEACON                                                                   kscheng@rcchawaii.org
agervacio@rcchawaii.org               Renier Torres                           Bertha Guerrero                  SECRETARY
                                      rtorres@rcchawaii.org                   bguerrero@rcchawaii.org          Elisa C. Higa
Bella Miranda                         RECEPTIONIST                                                             lhiga@rcchawaii.org
                                                                              OFFICE CLERKS
imiranda@rcchawaii.org                Alejandria B. Ines                      Evelyn Balatico                  OFFICE CLERK
                                      aines@rcchawaii.org                     ebalatico@rcchawaii.org          Leila Foronda-Ebia
Ropati Liua                           SECRETARIES                                                              lforonda-ebia@rcchawaii.org
                                                                              Iliili Leota
rliua@rcchawaii.org                   Profita Espiritu                        ileota@rcchawaii.org             RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORD
                                      prespiritu@rcchawaii.org                                                 Naomi Ferreira
MUSIC COORD                                                                   RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORD
Mary Ann F. Llamedo                   Mario Joseph Javier                     Danielle Burgos                  Jenny Pavao
mllamedo@rcchawaii.org                mjavier@rcchawaii.org                   dburgos@rcchawaii.org            YOUTH MINISTRY COORD
                                      RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORD                                                Kenny Quibilan
MASSES                                Leeza Agpaoa                            MASSES
                                      eagpaoa@rcchawaii.org                                                    Roger Sibaya
Sat: 6pm                                                                      Sat: 5pm
Sun: 6:30am, 8:30am                   YOUTH MINISTRY COORD
                                                                              Sun: 6am, 8am, 10am, 12:30pm     MASSES
3rd Sun: 6pm (Ilocano)                Alma Rosqueta                           (Spanish)
                                      almarosqueta@gmail.com                                                   Sat: 5pm, 7pm (Korean)
Mon-Fri: 6:30am                                                               Mon-Sat: 7:15am
                                      ADULT INITIATION COORD                                                   Sun: 7am, 9am, 11:15am
                                                                              1st Fri: 7:15am, 6pm (Ilocano)
                                      Jacinta McDermott                                                        Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 7:15am
RECONCILIATION                                                                1st Sun: 10am (Samoan)
                                      jacintamcdermott.777@gmail.com                                           Thu: 7pm (Korean)
Sat: 5-5:30pm                                                                 1st Sun: 5pm (Chuukese)
                                                                                                               Sat, Holiday: 8am
                                      MASSES                                                                   Wed: 6pm
                                                                              RECONCILIATION                   3rdSun: 3pm (Chuukese)
                                      Sat: 7am, 6pm
                                                                              Sat: 4-4:30pm                    Last Wed: 6pm, Healing Mass with
                                      Sun: 6:30am, 8:30am, 10:30am
                                                                                                               Anointing of the Sick
                                      Mon-Fri: 6:30am
                                      Wed: 6pm
                                      1st Fri: 6pm, Solemn Adoration of the                                    RECONCILIATION
                                      Blessed Sacrament, 6:30-9pm                                              Sat: 8:30am
                                      1st Sun: 3pm (Samoan); 5pm (Ilocano)
                                      2nd, 4th,5th Sun: 5pm
                                      3rd Sun: 5pm (Visayan)

                                      Sat: 5-6pm
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