Page created by Gail Hunt
                                           RE SPONSIBILITY
                                                RE PORT

       © 2022 Quality Is Our Recipe, LLC

                              T A B L E O F CONTENTS

3 A letter from Todd A. Penegor               21 People
                                                  • Workplace
4 Goals and key initiatives
                                                  • Community
5 2021 highlights
                                              35 Footprint
6 Business snapshot and Wendy’s at a glance        • Climate and energy

7 Reporting, stakeholder engagement                • Water
  and governance                                   • Waste
                                                   • Supplier engagement
12 Food
                                                   • Squarely Sustainable Council
    • Food safety
    • Food quality and innovation             45 Metrics
    • Responsible sourcing
A LET TE R F RO M TO D D A. PE N EG O R             Accomplishing our goals is a team effort, and I am thankful            our comprehensive ESG materiality assessment. Alongside those
                                                    for the contributions of the entire Wendy’s family, including          goals, we also reported against recognized frameworks for the first
                                                    our restaurant team members, Restaurant Support Center                 time to increase transparency with stakeholders.
                                                    employees, franchisees, suppliers and industry partners,
2021 was a breakthrough year,                       who each play an important role in our success.                        Following the announcement of these goals, we convened cross-
                                                                                                                           functional teams within our organization to develop action plans and
as evidenced by the significant                     Accelerating growth                                                    guide implementation in each of those areas. Key highlights include:
progress we made in growing our                     We remained committed to our three strategic growth pillars:
                                                    building our breakfast daypart, driving our digital business and       • A
                                                                                                                              ffirming our top 10 priority food categories. We affirmed our
business—all while advancing our                    expanding our presence across the globe. Our accomplishments in          top 10 priority food categories after completing a third-party
efforts to drive positive change.                   these areas were built on our foundation of Fast Food Done Right,        lifecycle assessment and defining key metrics to measure
                                                    Operational Excellence and Good Done Right.                              progress as part of our Responsible Sourcing goal.
                                                                                                                           • E
                                                                                                                              stablishing our Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Under
                                                    In 2021, we meaningfully grew our new U.S. breakfast daypart,            the leadership of Dr. Beverly Stallings-Johnson in the new role
                                                    with overall breakfast sales up approximately 25%* from the prior        of Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, we solidified five
                                                    year. Through partnerships and promotions, we continued to               Diversity, Equity and Inclusion areas in which we intend to focus
                                                    see high customer satisfaction and repeat at breakfast, showing          in the coming years.
                                                    that our trial-driving programs are paying off. We are excited to      • Reporting our 2020 climate data to CDP. We reported to CDP,
                                                    launch breakfast in Canada in 2022, which will take the percentage         a leading standard for climate reporting, for the first time, which
                                                    of restaurants across the Wendy’s System serving breakfast to              is an important step as we prepare to set a science-based target
                                                    approximately 95%. Our team continued to innovate our digital              to track and reduce emissions in our operations and supply
                                                    business across the globe – from bringing on new delivery partners,        chain and to disclose Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in 2023 in
                                                    to cementing a strategic partnership with Google to improve how            alignment with that target.
                                                    we use data to serve our customers and to continuing to grow the       • M
                                                                                                                              aking solid progress in our sustainable packaging journey.
                                                    Wendy’s Rewards Program – all while ensuring that the protection         We forged new partnerships that will allow us to innovate, offer
                                                    of data security and privacy remained top of mind. Overall, we saw       more sustainable options and provide educational information
                                                    U.S. digital sales grow by more than 75%.* We also continued to make     to our customers.
                                                    strides toward our goal of having 8,500 to 9,000 global restaurants
                                                    by the end of 2025, opening more than 200 new restaurants in 2021,     Because of the importance we place on making positive change through
                                                    which was our highest in almost 20 years, despite a challenging        our Good Done Right strategy, we recently announced that we will be
                                                    supply chain environment. We also celebrated a number of global        tying executive compensation to Good Done Right performance, with
                                                    milestones, including our launch in the United Kingdom, our 400th      a portion of executives’ 2022 incentive compensation linked to the
                                                    Canadian restaurant, our 1,000th international restaurant and the      Company’s achievements in our Food, People and Footprint focus areas.
                                                    opening of more than 50 delivery kitchens around the world.            We believe this will drive even more progress toward achieving our goals.

                                                    Accelerating Good Done Right                                           Our future is bright, and I am confident that we will continue
                                                    Equally important is our dedication to our Corporate Responsibility    to make meaningful progress towards achieving our vision of
                                                    platform, Good Done Right, which closely guides our growth             becoming the world’s most thriving and beloved restaurant brand.
                                                    strategy and how we work to make an impact across our key focus
                                                    areas: Food, People and Footprint.                                     Thank you and stay well,

                                                    Last spring, Wendy’s announced new goals to help us demonstrate
    Excluding the impact of the 53rd week in 2020   progress in each of our key focus areas, informed by our
                                                    engagement with nearly 1,000 diverse stakeholders as part of           Todd A. Penegor, President and CEO
2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                   3

             FOOD                                     PEOPLE                                  FOOTPRINT
   Responsibly source our top 10 priority     I ncrease the representation of                 enchmark, track and reduce our
   food categories by 2030 in the U.S.         underrepresented populations among our         Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3
   and Canada.                                 Company’s leadership and management,           greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and
                                               as well as the diversity of our franchisees.   set a science-based target by the end
   → Have a comprehensive accounting                                                         of 2023.
      of animal welfare best practices for      Wendy’s focus areas:
      beef, pork, chicken, eggs and dairy     → Increase representation of women             Sustainably source 100% of our
      through the Wendy’s Animal Care            in leadership                                customer-facing packaging in the
      Standards Program by the end                                                            U.S. and Canada by 2026.
                                              → Increase diverse representation in
      of 2024
                                                 management and leadership
       • T
          ransition our pork supply chain                                                    → Through the U.S. Department of
                                              → Understand and address what has                 Energy’s Better Buildings® Challenge,
         in the U.S. and Canada away from
                                                 been referred to as the “broken rung”          reduce energy consumption in
         sow gestation stalls for confirmed
                                                 of leadership                                  Company-operated restaurants by
         pregnant sows to open pen/group
         housing by the end of 2022           → Increase representation of diverse             20% per transaction by 2025, against
                                                 and women-owned franchisees                    a 2012 baseline
       • S
          ource 100% of our U.S. and
         Canadian beef, chicken and pork      → Continue to drive diversity on the           → Through the U.S. Department of
         from suppliers that prohibit the        Board of Directors                              Energy’s Better Buildings® Water
         routine use of medically important                                                      Challenge, reduce the water use in
         antibiotics by 2030                                                                     U.S. Company-operated restaurants
                                                                                                 by 20% by 2029, against a 2018
                                                                                                 baseline year

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                     4

                                                         9,800                                             B                            $22.5M
            Established our Office              Completed global Food Safety                     Received a B score                 Raised across the Wendy’s
            of Diversity, Equity and             Assessments in partnership                    on our first submission                 System for the Dave
                   Inclusion                           with EcoSure®                          to CDP Climate Change                    Thomas Foundation
                                                                                                     Disclosure                           for Adoption®

                              Supported First Women’s                    Began transitioning from                     Joined How2Recycle®
                              Bank as a Mission Partner               plastic-lined paper drink cups               label program to introduce
                             to help to expand economic                 with limited recyclability to                 on-package labels to
                              opportunities for women-                single-substrate, clear plastic                educate consumers in
                                  owned businesses                      cups that more customers                       the U.S. and Canada
                                                                           will be able to recycle                         on recycling

                                       In 2021, we made meaningful progress in our efforts to improve our environmental
                                       footprint, support our people and communities and invest in innovative solutions
                                       that enhance food safety and visibility into our supply chain. The contributions of our
                                       employees, franchisees, supply chain partners and other stakeholders are all critical
                                       drivers of progress against our Good Done Right goals and all our CSR initiatives.
                                       — L IL IANA E SPOSI TO, CHI EF CORP ORATE A FFA I RS & SUSTA I NA BI LI TY OFFICER

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                            5
BUSINESS SNAPSHOT                                                                                                                   AT A GL ANCE

     $12.5B+                                                                      ~10%                                                    6,949                              6,541
     In systemwide sales                                                          Global digital sales mix at                             Restaurants across the globe       Franchised restaurants
                                                                                  year end 2021

     $1.9B                                                                                                                                408                                14,500

     In revenue                                                                                                                           Company-operated                   Company employees
                                                                                  U.S. breakfast sales growth                             restaurants

     Global same-restaurant
     sales growth

                             32 COUNTRIES & U.S. TERRITORIES                                                                              2021 GLOBAL FOOTPRINT AND GROWTH MILESTONES

                                                                                                                                               32                   121               1,000th
                                                                                                                                           Countries and      Net new restaurant        International
                                                                                                                                           U.S. Territories       additions2             restaurant
                                                             Restaurant Support

                                                                                                                                                   400th                      300th
                                                               Center located
                                                               in Dublin, Ohio
                                                              (Columbus area)


                                                                                                                                                    Restaurant in              Restaurant in
                                                                                                                                                   Canada opened            Asia Pacific/Middle
                                                                                                                                                                         East/Africa region opened

  Excluding the impact of the 53rd week in 2020
  Most in almost 20 years
  Wendy’s International includes the operation and franchising of Wendy’s restaurants in countries and territories other than the U.S.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                    6

This report provides an overview of Wendy’s                                                                                                     ITI
                                                                                                                                       U   TR
activities related to corporate responsibility                                                                                     • N                                          TA
                                                                                                                              TY                                                     SE
                                                                                                                         LI                                                               C
topics and covers the 2021 calendar year, unless                                                         Q
                                                                                                                     A                                                                        U

otherwise indicated. This report primarily covers



material business updates across our U.S. and


                                                                                                                                                               Innovation and

Canadian restaurants, which constitute more



                                                                                                                                                                                                               Y •
                                                                                    • F
than 90% of our business footprint, unless

                                                                            L CARE & WELFARE
otherwise indicated. Information related to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PLE & ETHICS
Wendy’s as an employer refers to The Wendy’s                                                                                                      FOOD      PEOPLE

Company and employees in our Company-
operated restaurants, field support roles and                                                                                                          FOOTPRINT
corporate staff primarily based out of the

Restaurant Support Center. Prior to publishing

this report, our most recent annual Corporate
Responsibility report was published in 2021 and


covered the 2020 calendar year. We intend to


                                                                                                             ,                                                                                P
continue issuing a report annually, highlighting                                                                 EN
                                                                                                                          ER                                                        N
                                                                                                                               GY                                                RA
                                                                                                                                                                        • T
our corporate responsibility strategy and                                                                                            & W
                                                                                                                                         AT E                    A ST
                                                                                                                                              R • P            W
                                                                                                                                                    ACKAGING &
initiatives, including progress on our goals.

For the first time in 2021, we reported 2020 data to
the CDP Climate Change questionnaire, a leading        We have included reporting indices at the end                                                          For any questions or comments regarding topics
disclosure practice for environmental reporting.       of this report that reflect disclosures against                                                        covered in this report, please contact us at
We also recognize leading reporting standards          these standards.                                                                                       corporateresponsibility@wendys.com.
such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)       The United Nations Sustainable Development
and United Nations Sustainable Development             Goals that we have identified as aligning with
Goals and strive to embed their principles and         our priority impact areas can be found on our
frameworks throughout our report.                      website and are further detailed above.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                             7
Stakeholder engagement                              The following table provides a snapshot of the stakeholders we engaged with on corporate
Our stakeholders help inform how we do              responsibility topics and the topics we covered as part of our communications in 2021.
business every day. In 2020, we completed a
                                                               MATERIA L TOPICS                   E X A M P L E S O F S TA K E H O L D E R E N G AG E M E N T I N 2 0 2 1
comprehensive ESG materiality assessment with
significant stakeholder involvement to better
understand the areas of greatest importance to                                               Our Quality Assurance team worked closely with our recently expanded Animal
                                                     ANIMAL CARE & WELFARE                   Welfare Council, which consists of suppliers and academic experts, and
these groups. The materiality process ultimately                                             Progressive BeefTM to continue implementing our Animal Care Standards Program.
yielded the material topics that fall under our
                                                                                             We engaged with institutional and environmentally conscious shareholders to
three Good Done Right pillars that are the focus                                             discuss and inform our commitment to set a science-based emissions target. We
of this report: Food, People and Footprint. We       CLIMATE, ENERGY & WATER                 also participated in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenges on
                                                                                             energy and water.
shared the assessment’s findings for the first
time in our 2020 Corporate Responsibility                                                    Our Enterprise Data Governance Committee, which is composed of leadership-
                                                                                             level team members and subject matter experts from the Company, informs
report, and we plan to periodically update our       DATA SECURITY & PRIVACY                 relevant stakeholders on data-related program progress, escalated issues and risks
assessment in future years. Our materiality                                                  and long-term strategic goals, and assists relevant stakeholders with identifying
                                                                                             and mitigating data issues.
assessment and its findings, along with a matrix
visualizing our priority topics, can all be found                                            We engaged with franchisees and third-party delivery providers, along with the
                                                                                             U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in support of uniform, clear food safety
on our website.                                      FOOD SAFETY & QUALITY                   regulations that contemplate the proliferation of third-party delivery and delivery
                                                                                             kitchen concepts.

We regularly communicate with a range of                                                     Our Culinary Innovation Kitchen renovation at our Restaurant Support Center
stakeholders in a variety of ways, including         NUTRITION
                                                                                             involved collaboration with Wendy’s Culinary, Quality Assurance and Consumer
                                                                                             Insights teams as well as Wendy’s independent supply chain purchasing co-op,
formal communications, such as our Corporate                                                 QSCC, and supplier partners who helped inform our new menu items.
Responsibility report, website updates, SEC
                                                                                             As we began transitioning from plastic-lined paper cups to more recyclable plastic
filings, earnings releases and presentations         PACKAGING & WASTE                       cups, we joined the How2Recycle program to incorporate educational labeling on
and annual shareholder meeting, and one-on-                                                  our customer-facing packaging to help customers recycle.

one engagements, such as calls and meetings                                                  We supported First Women’s Bank as a Mission Partner to expand economic
with suppliers, investors, NGOs and others. We                                               opportunity for women-owned businesses and create opportunities for new

listen and learn from these valued groups to         PEOPLE & ETHICS                         franchisees. We also engaged with federal, state and local public health bodies to
                                                                                             help us better understand the evolving COVID-19 situation and its impacts with a
ensure we are considering outside perspectives                                               focus on the safety and comfort of our employees and customers.

as well as the needs and preferences of our                                                  To continue our food safety, quality practices and oversight of our suppliers
own team members.                                                                            and distribution centers amidst COVID-19 restrictions, we partnered with
                                                     TRACEABILITY & TRANSPARENCY             NSF EyeSucceed™ to test the use of augmented reality smart glasses. We also
                                                                                             participated in a pilot with supply chain partners to test blockchain technology
                                                                                             for greater visibility into our pork supply chain.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                               8
Governance                                      Board of Directors
Wendy’s is committed to maintaining strong      As part of its oversight and advisory role, our Board of Directors continually monitors
governance practices as a critical component    emerging best practices in corporate governance to serve the interests of our
of driving sustained stakeholder value.         stockholders.

                                                The Board has a dedicated standing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee.
    WENDY’S GUIDING VALUES                      The CSR Committee assists the Board in reviewing and overseeing the Company’s CSR
                                                strategic initiatives, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters,
Our founder Dave Thomas opened the first        community involvement and outreach initiatives and philanthropic endeavors. More
Wendy’s restaurant more than 50 years ago,      information on the CSR Committee’s responsibilities can be found in the committee’s
introducing five core values that continue to   charter.
shape the way we operate. These values are
embedded into how we approach our corporate     The Board’s other standing committees, including the Audit Committee, Compensation
responsibility priority areas and programs.     and Human Capital Committee, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and
                                                Technology Committee, also oversee certain topics that fall within our ESG strategy
                                                (see chart for details).

                                                For more information on our governance structure and approach, please visit our
                                                Governance page on our Investor Relations website.

                                                Wendy’s recognizes the important role that governance and risk management play in
                                                supporting our overall ESG strategy, including building a sustainable and resilient supply
                                                chain, managing climate risk and supporting safe and responsible work environments.

                                                In 2021, we elevated the role of Chief Communications Officer, held by Liliana Esposito,
                                                to the title of Chief Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Officer to more fully reflect her
                                                responsibilities and the growing importance of corporate responsibility for the Company.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                         9

Wendy’s has an ESG Steering Committee that is co-chaired                  use of information submitted through our services and our
by our Chief Financial Officer and our Chief Corporate Affairs            commitment to protecting privacy.
& Sustainability Officer. The committee is composed of senior
management personnel and has responsibility for:                          Wendy’s maintains a comprehensive cybersecurity program with
• Identifying and monitoring ESG risks and opportunities                  a team that is responsible for directing, coordinating, planning
                                                                          and organizing information security activities throughout the
• S
   etting global ESG strategies and overseeing activities and
                                                                          Company, including annual training sessions.
  strategy rollouts across the business
• Approving ESG goals, KPIs and metrics                                   We align our security controls to the Center for Internet
                                                                          Security Critical Security Controls Framework and undergo
The ESG Steering Committee is supported by cross-functional               an annual assessment to track our program maturity. We also
working groups that help support our global ESG strategy, with a          undergo multiple annual external assessments against the
focus on our Good Done Right goals. The groups are led by the Chief       Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Corporate Affairs & Sustainability Officer and have responsibility for:

• Staying current on risks and opportunities                              We have several dedicated teams of specialists within our
                                                                          Information Security Department that routinely conduct
• Implementing activities and executing global ESG strategies
                                                                          internal and external vulnerability and penetration assessments
• R
   ecommending and monitoring progress against ESG goals,                in accordance with both PCI DSS and industry accepted
  KPIs and metrics                                                        practices. We regularly test our incident response capabilities
• S
   upporting the managing and drafting of Wendy’s annual                 through tabletop exercises and incident response plan testing.
  Corporate Responsibility report
                                                                          Wendy’s is active in the information security community and is
Data privacy and information security                                     a core member of the Retail and Hospitality Information Sharing
Wendy’s respects the privacy of individuals and is committed to           and Analysis Center. Representing over 200 companies from
protecting the personal information that is provided to, or collected     retail, restaurants, hotels, gaming, casinos and other consumer-
by, Wendy’s about our customers, employees, franchisees and               facing industries, members benefit from real-time collaboration,
other business partners. Wendy’s privacy policy explains our              industry-specific benchmarking, threat intelligence reports and
privacy practices, including the information we collect and how           analysis, industry-relevant committees and working groups, and
it is used, the choices that can be made about the collection and         numerous training, education and networking opportunities.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                         10

                                The following chart provides a representative snapshot of the structure at the Board (red), Senior Management
                                      (blue) and Functional (gray) levels that supports Wendy’s corporate responsibility and ESG efforts.

                                                                                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                               Oversees the Company’s corporate governance strategy, policies and programs and monitors emerging best practices in corporate governance

       C O R P O R AT E S O C I A L                      N O M I N AT I N G A N D                      C O M P E N S AT I O N A N D                      AUDIT COMMITTEE                                  TECHNOLOGY
         RESPONSIBILITY                             C O R P O R AT E G OV E R N A N C E                   H U M A N C A P I TA L                                                                           COMMITTEE
                                                                                                                                                    Assists the Board in overseeing the
        (CSR) COMMITTEE                                       COMMITTEE                                      COMMITTEE
                                                                                                                                                    Company’s accounting and financial            Assists the Board in overseeing the
    Assists the Board in overseeing and              Assists the Board in reviewing and              Assists the Board in discharging its                                                           Company’s overall development,
                                                                                                                                                  reporting processes and the integrated
  reviewing the Company’s CSR initiatives,        overseeing the membership of the Board          responsibilities relating to compensation                                                            use and risk management of
                                                                                                                                                     audits of the Company’s financial
      including ESG topics, community               and corporate governance principles           of non-employee directors and executive                                                          information technology, including
                                                                                                                                                 statements, as well as the Company’s risk
         outreach and philanthropy                       applicable to the Company                  officers and reviewing the Company’s                                                              digital customer engagement
                                                                                                                                                 assessment and risk management policies
                                                                                                   human capital management strategies                                                                initiatives and the Company’s
                                                                                                   and policies, including those regarding                                                           cybersecurity and data privacy
                                                                                                        Diversity, Equity and Inclusion                                                                    programs and policies

            ESG STEERING                                                                              O F F I C E O F D I V E R S I T Y,               ENTERPRISE RISK                              E N T E R P R I S E DATA
             COMMITTEE                                                                               EQUITY AND INCLUSION                           MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE                         GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE
       Oversees the Company’s ESG                                                                       Sets strategy and oversees                  Oversees the Company’s Enterprise               Advances Company objectives
    programs, including identifying risks                                                             programs to create a culture in              Risk Management program to support               and business strategy through
    and opportunities, setting strategies                                                            which all members of the Wendy’s                 the Company’s efforts to assess,            the development, implementation,
      and approving goals and metrics                                                               family can bring their true, authentic         monitor and mitigate a broad range of            and effective operations of the
                                                                                                      selves to work and have a sense                        enterprise risks                       protection and management of
                                                                                                                of belonging                                                                         data throughout its lifecycle

                                   Implement activities and execute global ESG strategies, including the Company’s Good Done Right goals, monitor and respond to ongoing ESG risks and opportunities, recommend and monitor
                                   progress and support the development of the annual Corporate Responsibility report

Wendy’s is committed to driving positive change, which is why we have invested in growing our internal infrastructure to further support our ESG priorities. With the elevation of senior leadership
positions and establishment of dedicated offices, committees and councils, including the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, we believe we are well positioned to deliver on our goals.


2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                    11
              Delivering high-quality food, transparently




Wendy’s was founded on the premise that Quality                                                           In 2021, we:
Is Our Recipe®, and we believe that food safety is                                                        • L
                                                                                                             aunched Wendy’s enhanced Food Safety
the foundation of quality.                           Always innovating                                      Assessment program in partnership with
                                                     Wendy’s is a long-time leader in the development       EcoSure, a division of global hygiene and
                                                     and execution of quality processes and initiatives     infection prevention expert Ecolab®, and
                                                     that are focused on providing a safe and wholesome     completed approximately 9,800 global Food
Fostering a culture of food safety
                                                     food supply, and we are consistently looking for       Safety Assessments at Wendy’s restaurants.
Food safety is part of our culture and at the
                                                     ways to strengthen our processes further.              These assessments help to ensure Wendy’s
center of our daily operations. It is embedded
throughout our quality assurance processes,                                                                 restaurant operators around the globe build
procedures and equipment—from our suppliers’                                                                food-safe behaviors and adhere to best-in-
farms and facilities to our company and                                                                     class food safety and operational procedures.
franchised restaurants around the globe, to                                                               • I ntroduced a program that can be used to
our non-traditional restaurant formats, like                                                                 help coach restaurant teams on consistent
our Hamburger Stand, Frosty® Cart and                                                                        execution of Wendy’s operational standards,
delivery kitchens.                                                                                           following the model Dave Thomas set for us
                                                                                                             when he visited a restaurant. These sessions,
The importance of reinforcing and continually                                                                called “Wendy’s Done Right Visits,” are
enhancing our food safety culture is also why we                                                             intended to focus on what matters most to
seek additional opportunities outside of regular                                                             our customers: taste and accuracy of food,
training and assessments, like our month-long                                                                speed of service, friendliness and cleanliness.
celebration of World Food Safety Day, to share                                                               Since launching the program in March, nearly
educational materials with our employees,                                                                    5,300 U.S. restaurants have been visited
restaurant team members and franchisees, and                                                                 and coached, as well as more than 850
to recognize the work we do collectively in this                                                             restaurants internationally.
critical area.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                       13

• C
   ontinued to invest in WeSafe, our innovative                      • T
                                                                         o increase visibility of key perishable menu
  digital system designed to help streamline                            items in the supply chain, we expanded the             BEHIND THE SCENES: THE PEOPLE
  data tracking in our supply chain, such as                            cold chain monitoring program through                  WHO HELP US PROVIDE SAFE,
  the way we monitor Wendy’s fresh, never-                              Sensitech, a multimodal enabled real-time              HIGH-QUALITY FOOD
  frozen beef4 on its way to restaurants with                           Internet of Things (IoT) device that utilizes
  production analysis, product sampling                                 cellular triangulation communication to            Wendy’s continually invests in our Quality
  and cold chain verification taken from                                deliver complete visibility into the perishable    Assurance team and function, including
  temperature sensors inside the trucks that                            supply chain. We successfully monitored            expanding the team by 30% in 2021, as their
  supply our restaurants. In 2021, Wendy’s                              temperature, location and light data for           broad experience and capabilities in an ever-
  tracked nearly 13 million data points across                          60,000 loads in 2021.                              changing industry is critical to our success.
  all major Wendy’s food products, verifying                                                                               This team:
  compliance to our specifications through
                                                                                                                           • I ncludes scientists, animal, agriculture and
  laboratory evaluations and plant production.
                                                                                                                              packaging experts and microbiologists.
• C
   ompleted a follow-up radio frequency                              • P
                                                                         articipated in a pilot program, in partnership
                                                                                                                           • I s structured under the Product Compliance,
  identification (RFID) pilot program, further                          with NSF EyeSucceed, to test the use of
                                                                                                                              Data Management and Restaurant Quality
  seeking to improve traceability and efficiency                        augmented reality smart glasses to support
                                                                                                                              Assurance functions.
  in the way supplies are handled throughout                            food safety, quality practices and oversight
  Wendy’s supply chain. In this pilot program,                          of Wendy’s suppliers and distribution centers      • H
                                                                                                                              olds Global Food Safety Initiative-
  we partnered with a supplier to affix RFID                            as well as remote training and education for         recognized, Advanced Hazard Analysis
  tags to 180 cases of Wendy’s products                                 restaurant team members.                             Critical Control Point and ASQ’s Quality
  at the supplier’s location and tracked                                                                                     Auditor certifications, as well certifications in
  the product throughout the journey to a                                                                                    key food sourcing categories like Professional
  Wendy’s restaurant. These RFID tags contain                                                                                Animal Auditor Certification Organization
  information about contents and expiration                                                                                  (PAACO) for animal proteins.
  dates, and handheld readers make it easy to                                                                              • E
                                                                                                                              ngages with more than 40 organizations,
  view that data. The pilot program identified                                                                               including the Beef Industry Food Safety
  potential benefits for time and labor savings,                                                                             Council, Foodservice Packaging Institute,
  as well as increased traceability.                                                                                         Institute of Food Technologists, National
                                                                                                                             Restaurant Association Quality Assurance
                                                                                                                             Executives, the Global Food Safety Initiative
                                                                                                                             (GFSI) and Ohio Department of Health,
    Fresh beef available in the contiguous U.S., Alaska and Canada.                                                          among many more.
2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                          14


Guided by our food vision, Fast Food Done Right,      The redesign promotes this type of cross-
we will continue delivering high-quality menu         functional collaboration, which has long been
items, while providing consumers with choices         a central element of Wendy’s approach to food
and the ability to customize items to meet their      innovation, as well as consumer testing through
lifestyle needs.                                      a more modern, open floor plan and tools that
                                                      make it easy to connect in person and remotely.
                                                                                                               INTRODUCING WENDY’S
                                                                                                               HOT & CRISPY FRIES
                                                      We leveraged the new, more collaborative
                                                      Culinary Innovation Kitchen in August 2021 to
Supporting our food vision: Fast Food Done Right                                                           For years our Culinary team has been in the pursuit
                                                      host franchisees from around the world, regional     of consistently hot and crispy fries – and we’re proud
Wendy’s vision for the food we serve is specific      partners and global suppliers for the first-ever     of what we achieved in 2021. Wendy’s Hot & Crispy
and demanding: Our food is Real, Fresh, Craveable,                                                         Fries launched in the U.S. and Canada in fall 2021,
                                                      International Innovation Food Forum. This hybrid
Forward-Leaning and Doesn’t Cost a Fortune.                                                                demonstrating innovation in merging real ingredients
                                                      food-tasting event featured new sandwiches,
That’s the core of Fast Food Done Right, a                                                                 with world-class culinary application. Our Hot & Crispy
                                                      snacks, desserts and sides inspired by global        Fries, made with skin-on potatoes, were developed after
standard we hone every day at the Restaurant          culinary trends, consumer insights, brand strategy   testing more than 20 different cuts to land an optimal
Support Center and in our restaurants across the                                                           design built for heat and crispiness. A national taste
                                                      and global supply capabilities. These new concepts
globe. Central to this effort is creating the right                                                        test by an independent research company showed a
                                                      will fuel our innovation pipeline for 2022 and
environment for collaboration so we can continue                                                           nearly 2:1 preference for our new fries compared to our
                                                      beyond and allow Wendy’s to continue to deliver on   leading competitor. Our customer quality scores likewise
building our menu pipeline and bringing new ideas     Fast Food Done Right internationally.                demonstrated positive customer response to our Hot &
and partners to the table.                                                                                 Crispy Fries, indicating improvement in measures such as
                                                                                                           “significantly prefer” and “worth what I pay.”
In 2021, Wendy’s completed the redesign of our
                                                                                                           Among the potato suppliers of our Hot and Crispy
Culinary Innovation Kitchen at the Restaurant                                                              Fries, Cavendish Farms received our Good Done Right
Support Center where Wendy’s Culinary team,                                                                Award for the company’s exemplary environmental
working alongside Wendy’s Quality Assurance,                                                               sustainability practices. LambWeston Meijer, which
Restaurant Services and Consumer Insights teams                                                            supplies potatoes to several international Wendy’s
                                                                                                           markets, received an honorable mention award for the
as well as Wendy’s independent supply chain                                                                company’s sustainability strategy to advance food safety,
purchasing co-op, QSCC, and supplier partners,                                                             quality, nutrition and health.
develops and tests new menu items.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                            15

                                       RESPONSIBLE SOURCING

                                       We strive to continuously improve how we              to demonstrate progress — defined as showing
                                       source our ingredients and how we demonstrate         continuous improvement or achieving
                                       accountability for ethical business practices,        certification where applicable. For example, we
                                       sustainability and social responsibility. In          have aligned to a baseline of certified sustainable
                                       April 2021, Wendy’s announced a new goal to           for coffee and palm oil, such as the Rainforest
                                       responsibly source our top 10 priority food           Alliance certification and Roundtable on Sustainable
                                       categories by 2030 in the U.S. and Canada,            Palm Oil (RSPO) mass balance. See chart for
                                       which builds on our long-standing work in this        more detail.
                                       area. The top 10 categories were determined
                                       based on the volumes we purchase and the              In 2022, we plan to deepen our supplier
                                       impact they have on the world around us.              engagement and launch a data collection process
                                                                                             to evaluate baseline performance and advance
                                       In 2021, Wendy’s evaluated the environmental          progress against ingredient-specific metrics to
                                       and social impacts associated with each of            improve category performance.
                                       these food categories, validating each of the
                                       categories’ inclusion on our priority list. We also
                                       convened a Responsible Sourcing working group,
                                       which includes representatives from Wendy’s
                                       U.S. and International Quality Assurance,
                                       Purchasing, Research and Development and
                                       Corporate Responsibility teams and others, to
                                       meet regularly to drive progress against our goal.

                                       Through this cross-functional collaboration, in
                                       2021 we established boundaries for each of the
                                       priority food categories to clarify what each
                                       category encompasses, identified potential focus
                                       areas and aligned on the metrics we plan to use

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                           16


                                                                                                                                    SOC IA L                                                           E N V I RO N M E N TAL
                                                                                                                                                        HU M A N
                                                                                                                                                                      BIODIV E RS I T Y                           F O O D WAST E
                                                                                                             A N IM A L                              R IG HTS A N D                       D E F O RE STAT IO N                            GHG
                                                                                                                              A N TIBIOTIC S                            A N D S OI L                                I N S U P P LY                      WAT E R
                                                                                                             WELFA R E                                  WOR KER                            AN D L AN D U S E                         E M I S S IO N S
                                                                                                                                                                         HEA LT H                                      C H AI N
                                                                                                                                                        SA FETY

                 • Hamburger patties                                                                              •                  •                     •                 •                    •                      •                  •             •
                 • Filets for chicken sandwiches and white meat chicken                                         •                  •                     •                 •                                           •                  •             •
                   included in nuggets

                 • Pork products including bacon and sausage                                                     •                  •                     •                 •                                           •                  •             •
                 • Shell eggs                                                                                     •                                        •                 •                                           •                  •             •
                 • Frosty, milk and cheese                                                                        •                                        •                 •                                           •                  •             •
                                                                                                                                                           •                 •                                           •                  •             •

                 Fresh tomatoes and lettuce/leafy greens

                 • Includes fries, baked and seasoned potatoes                                                                                             •                 •                                           •                  •             •
                 • Cold drinks, coffee, tea                                                                                                                •                 •                    •                      •                  •             •
                 Buns and Bakery
                                                                                                                                                           •                 •                    •                      •                  •             •

                 • Wheat, oils and sweeteners in buns and bakery products

                 • Fryer oil/shortening, dressings, margarine                                                                                              •                 •                    •                      •                  •             •

    This chart is representative of how we are shaping our Responsible Sourcing program and will be refined further as work continues against this goal.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17

Advancing the Wendy’s Animal Care
Standards Program
                                                                                                                   SUPPLIERS WHO GO BEYOND
In 2021, in partnership with our recently expanded                                                                 THE CALL OF DUTY
Animal Welfare Council, Wendy’s continued
implementing the Wendy’s Animal Care Standards
Program, which uses an assessment tool designed                                                                 Through the Wendy’s Animal Care Standards
to help us recognize progressive suppliers,                                                                     Program, Wendy’s identified efforts by the
better track farm conditions and animal care                                                                    Beef Marketing Group, a cooperative of beef
                                                                                                                producers and one of Wendy’s beef supply
and quantify the results. By the end of 2024,
                                                                                                                chain partners, to pilot and validate a system
Wendy’s expects to have a comprehensive                 In 2021, we:                                            that quantifies greenhouse gas emissions to
accounting of animal welfare best practices for                                                                 understand its own emissions baseline. The pilot,
                                                        • T
                                                           ailored and tested the assessment tool
beef, pork, chicken, eggs and dairy. While we’ve                                                                which began in 2021, enables the cooperative to
                                                          for our beef, pork and chicken supply
long conducted animal welfare audits to monitor,                                                                track and analyze data related to feed rations,
                                                          chains and started evaluating our current
verify and evaluate proper animal handling, we are                                                              energy, fuel and water use, and more to get a
                                                          suppliers in those areas. The results will            real-time view of its feedyards’ footprint.
now cataloguing the animal welfare best practices
                                                          inform how we demonstrate progress as
across our key proteins through this program and
                                                          part of our Responsible Sourcing program,             This tool, which includes processes used by the
aiming to gain greater visibility further back within                                                           Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
                                                          help us determine which suppliers we seek
our supply chain.                                                                                               and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, helps
                                                          to engage further and show us where we
                                                                                                                the Beef Marketing Group identify opportunities
                                                          have opportunities for improvement. Moving
                                                                                                                to enhance environmental outcomes, while
                                                          forward, we will continue to evaluate these
                                                                                                                providing Scope 3 emissions insights to supply
As part of our efforts to gain greater supply chain       supply chains as we roll out the assessment           chain partners, including Wendy’s.
visibility, in 2021 Wendy’s completed an industry-        tool to our egg and dairy supply chains.
first pilot program with supply chain partners                                                                  While the Beef Marketing Group is still in the
to test the use of blockchain technology to track
                                                        • M
                                                           ade strides in determining the cadence and
                                                                                                                process of incorporating data across all its
and trace some of our Applewood Smoked Bacon              prioritization for conducting these evaluations,
                                                                                                                feedyards, this system has already enabled the
through the supply chain. In total, the pilot program     based on a risk-assessment model. As a result,        cooperative to monitor key metrics and see how
successfully tracked the journey of our Applewood         for each protein supply chain, we will begin          changes in production practices, feedstuffs and
Smoked Bacon from farm to restaurant: from nearly         evaluating our direct suppliers of finished           rations, among other measures, impact
600 producers and 4.6 million hogs to more than           products, such as bacon or our hamburger              sustainability.
400 deliveries to Wendy’s restaurants.
                                                          patties, as well as suppliers of raw materials and,
                                                          in some cases, all the way back to the farm.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                            18

 rogress on antibiotics
P                                                      Key protein category highlights and updates:
Wendy’s has long believed that achieving greater       In addition to implementing the Wendy’s Animal
supply chain visibility is key to meaningfully         Care Standards Program and broader Responsible       Eggs
reducing antibiotic use within our supply chain.       Sourcing efforts, we also made progress in 2021      Following the 2020 launch of Wendy’s U.S.
We aim to increase visibility beyond our direct        in several important areas within our protein         breakfast menu, which significantly increased
suppliers to their suppliers who are responsible       supply chains, despite industry disruptions and       our use of eggs, we continue to work with
for animal care and handling. By implementing          macroeconomic challenges:                             the egg industry to source eggs from a host
the Animal Care Standards Program and working                                                                of suppliers who are third-party certified,
with progressive suppliers, we are beginning to                                                              earning various certifications including
gain a better sense of the scope of antibiotic                                                               American Humane Certified®, Certified
use within our supply chain. We believe a greater                                                            Humane Raised and Handled® and United
                                                       In 2012, Wendy’s announced a 10-year goal to
understanding of that scope will ultimately support                                                          Egg Producers (UEP) Certified. Further,
                                                       transition our pork supply chain in the U.S. and
our efforts to establish baselines that will help us                                                         our U.S. egg suppliers are required to have
                                                       Canada away from sow gestation stalls
set strategies to achieve our 2030 goal.                                                                     independent, third-party audits conducted
                                                       (individual enclosures), in favor of open pen or
                                                                                                             annually by PAACO-certified auditors. Before
• B
   y the end of 2024, through the Wendy’s Animal      group housing, to allow confirmed pregnant sows
                                                                                                             a supplier can be approved for the Wendy’s
  Care Standards Program, we will work to map          to socialize and exhibit natural behaviors. We are
                                                                                                             System, it must undergo and pass a Wendy’s
  and report on the use of medically important         on track to complete this transition away from
                                                                                                             Animal Welfare audit as well as a third-party
  antibiotics and set targets and strategies to        sow gestation stalls for confirmed pregnant
                                                                                                             audit. Currently, we source predominantly
  reduce antibiotic use over time within our           sows in our supply chain by the end of 2022. Our
                                                                                                             from conventional housing systems, with
  beef and pork supply chains in the U.S. and          website has more information about our policy
                                                                                                             cage-free eggs representing approximately
  Canada. This will build on our work to date          and progress.
                                                                                                             6% of our total U.S. egg supply. More
  with progressive producers who are helping                                                                 information is available on our website.
  us find ways to reduce antibiotic use through
  test programs and researching antibiotic
  alternatives, such as probiotics, improved animal
                                                       Wendy’s was the first restaurant chain to partner
  management practices, vaccines and more.
                                                       with Progressive Beef, an innovative animal
• B
   y the end of 2030, our goal is that 100% of our    care and sustainability program that is built on
  U.S. and Canadian beef, chicken and pork will be     industry-leading best practices and third-party
  sourced from suppliers that prohibit the routine     verification, and we are pleased to see continued
  use of medically important antibiotics.              adoption of the program within our beef supply.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                         19

                                                                                                      CAVENDISH FARMS

Produce                                            Coffee                                        During our 2021 annual franchisee and supplier

Fresh produce is a signature of our menu, and      The coffee served in Wendy’s U.S. and         convention, Wendy’s presented Cavendish Farms with
                                                                                                 the Good Done Right Award for sustainability efforts to
we continue to work to bring freshness and peak    Canadian restaurants is sourced from
                                                                                                 reduce waste and emissions, donate seeds, plant trees
quality and flavor to every item. 2021 marked      Rainforest Alliance Certified farms, which
                                                                                                 and fight soil erosion.
our third full year of exclusively providing       meet comprehensive standards for the
greenhouse-grown tomatoes to Wendy’s               protection of wildlands, waterways and        Headquartered in Canada with operations in Canada
restaurants in the U.S. and Canada and our first   wildlife habitat, as well as the rights and   and the U.S., Cavendish Farms is taking commendable
full year of sourcing greenhouse-grown lettuce     welfare of workers, their families and        steps to reduce the company’s environmental
                                                                                                 footprint, such as using treated potato waste as a
for salads and sandwiches in Wendy’s Canadian      communities.
                                                                                                 natural fertilizer, diverting potato waste to farmers for
restaurants. We plan to continue investing in
                                                                                                 cattle feed and processing it into biogas to fuel the
greenhouse production, which provides quality      We anticipate the volume of coffee that we    company’s processing plants. The company’s biogas
benefits, while also using 90% less water and      purchase from Rainforest Alliance Certified   project helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
fewer (or no) chemical pesticides compared to      farms to increase as we launch breakfast in   in its largest facility by more than 50% and after
traditional outdoor growing methods.               Canada in 2022.                               processing, the waste is used as natural fertilizer.
                                                                                                 Cavendish Farms also works closely with watershed
                                                                                                 organizations to support local sustainability initiatives.

                                                                                                 Additionally, the company grows pollinator plant mix
                                                                                                 and donates seeds to local groups, which supports
                                                                                                 healthy environments for bees and other insects and
                                                                                                 contributes to crop growth. Cavendish Farms also
                                                                                                 plants trees on parts of its property not suited for
                                                                                                 agriculture and reengineers large potato fields to
                                                                                                 reduce the risk of soil erosion.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                       20

            Fostering equitable workplaces and communities

       Increase the representation of underrepresented populations among Company
       leadership and management, as well as the diversity of Wendy’s franchisees

                         WORKPLACE           COMMUNITY

Our founder believed the impact we make on                                                   and management, as well as the diversity of our    Company employees upon starting her role
others and our communities is just as important                                              franchisees, and we outlined a set of five focus   as our Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
as the food we serve. We try to model this idea                                              areas which we have further solidified.            Officer as a way of understanding the
through our daily interactions with our team                                                                                                    progress we have already made, challenges we
members and customers, and in the communities                                                                                                   need to overcome and the opportunities that
where we do business.                                                                                                                           exist so we can thrive.
                                                                                                         FOCUS AREAS:

                                                                                                                                                Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals
                                                                                                   • I ncrease representation of women
                                                                                                                                                reflect our ambition to have a workforce that
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion                                                                       in leadership
                                                                                                                                                reflects the communities we serve at all levels
Wendy’s Office of Diversity, Equity and                                                            • I ncrease diverse representation in       of our organization. The Company’s senior
Inclusion, in partnership with our leaders and                                                        management and leadership                 leaders and Board of Directors are heavily
employees, is working to create a culture in
                                                                                                   • Understand and address what has been      involved in our strategy and played an integral
which everyone can bring their true, authentic
                                                                                                      referred to as the “broken rung”          role in the creation of the goals.
selves to work and have a sense of belonging
                                                                                                      of leadership
that drives their ability to help fulfill Wendy’s
vision of becoming the world’s most thriving                                                       • I ncrease representation of diverse and
and beloved restaurant brand. That’s why our                                                          women-owned franchisees
                                                                                                                                                        We rely on the diverse perspectives of
approach is firmly grounded in our Company                                                         • C
                                                                                                      ontinue to drive diversity on                    our people at all levels, and particularly
values, which we strive to live by daily. We                                                         the Board of Directors                             in leadership, to make us stronger as an
approach Diversity, Equity and Inclusion as a
                                                                                                                                                        organization. Wendy’s is committed to
business imperative, and are working to infuse it
                                                                                                                                                        devoting the time and attention required
through every part of our business.                                                          These goals will be backed by our Diversity,
                                                                                                                                                        to build our pipeline, train, recruit,
                                                                                             Equity and Inclusion Future Forward vision
                                                                                                                                                        advance and retain our people, and in
In our 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report,                                                 and a strategy that is focused on all people
                                                                                                                                                        doing so, implement the changes needed
Wendy’s announced a new goal to increase                                                     within our organization. This strategy was
                                                                                                                                                        to turn our goals into reality.
the representation of underrepresented                                                       informed by a listening tour and survey that
                                                                                                                                                        — DR. BEVERLY STALLINGS-JOHNSON, CHIEF DIVERSITY,
populations among our Company’s leadership                                                   Dr. Beverly Stallings-Johnson conducted with
                                                                                                                                                         EQUITY AND INCLUSION OFFICER

    Unless otherwise expressly stated, this section is limited to Wendy’s Company employees, not franchisees or their employees.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                  22

                                                   In 2021, the Board of Directors expanded the                 Highlighting progress on our Diversity, Equity
     ENGAGING EXTERNALLY TO ADVANCE                scope of its Compensation Committee to                       and Inclusion Goals
     DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION               become the Compensation and Human Capital                    Driving an inclusive mindset and culture requires
     WITHIN OUR ORGANIZATION                       Committee, adding oversight of the Company’s                 purpose and intention. Wendy’s launched an
                                                   human capital management strategies and                      updated Leadership Competency Model designed
                                                   policies, including, without limitations, those              to help identify and reinforce competencies
Our memberships with the National
                                                   regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We                commonly found in our leaders.
Diversity Council and Ohio Diversity
Council help us benchmark and continue             also formally signed onto the CEO Action for
                                                   Diversity & Inclusion, a community of business               In 2021, an Inclusive Mindset success factor
to learn from experts in the field and
                                                   leaders pledging to take action in their                     was incorporated into this model, and as part
monitor evolving news and trends in this
                                                   workplaces. Wendy’s senior leaders and Board                 of the roll-out, we defined expectations for this
area. Learning about Diversity, Equity
                                                   of Directors will continue to be highly engaged              competency at our different leadership levels. The
and Inclusion experiences and practices
                                                   in working to achieve these goals by providing               intended results include leadership that provides
shared by other industry leaders and
                                                   guidance, oversight and accountability for our               allyship, reduces implicit bias, promotes belonging
organizations will continue to inform our
                                                   Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy, which              and enhances work-life flexibility. To help drive this
focus areas and strategies.
                                                   is built on data and business insights.                      change, during 2021, Wendy’s rolled out a toolkit, a
                                                                                                                webinar series featuring senior leaders, and other
OUR JOURNEY                                                                                                     resources, including a self-development playbook
                                                                                                                and an updated interview guide to assess
                                                                                                                candidates for these success factors.
     2019       Created multi-year strategy

                Heightened education                                                                                    Demonstrating an inclusive mindset is
     2020       and accountability
                                                                                                                        essential to being a great Wendy’s team
                                                                                                                        member and is identified as one of our five
                Established Office of Diversity,                                                                        Leadership Success Factors. Providing
     2021       Equity and Inclusion
                                                                                                                        support to others different than you
                                                                                                                        and making everyone feel welcome are
    AND         Incorporating changes and
  BEYOND        demonstrating progress                                                                                  essential attributes of our culture.
                                                     Wendy’s leaders and President Stephanie Hightower of the
                                                     Columbus Urban League, at the 2021 CUL Empowerment
                                                                                                                        — COLEY O’BRIEN, CHIEF PEOPLE OFFICER
                                                     Day where Wendy’s was recognized with the Corporate
                                                     Empowerment Award

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                23

R E P R E S E N TA T I O N B Y G E N D E R , R A C E A N D E T H N I C I T Y 7:

 This chart covers Wendy’s Company employees across our global presence in 2021, except the race and ethnicity information reflects U.S. employees only. Changes to the Company’s methodology to improve the accuracy of how we are tracking and reporting on

 employee metrics account for the change in 2020 employee metrics and segmentation of those metrics compared to 2020 Corporate Responsibility report.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                            24

Increase representation of women                     Increase diverse representation in                 To further make diverse representation a
in leadership                                        management and leadership                          focus of our recruiting, Wendy’s is continuing
In 2021, we participated in McKinsey & Company       The actions we will continue to take to increase   to focus on training and education, including
and LeanIn.org’s annual “Women in the                diverse representation in management and           training related to implicit bias, and continuing
Workplace” study for the fifth straight year.        leadership include:                                to leverage standardized processes and tools
We have continued to participate in this study       • A
                                                        ctively monitoring and reporting on current    to support our commitment to being a proud
to gain insight on how we are progressing in           demographic data by race and ethnicity           equal employment opportunity employer.
advancing gender diversity in our workplace.
                                                     • E
                                                        xpanding recruitment to institutions with
We consider this data to identify opportunities                                                         An important part of our strategy to recruit
                                                       strong diverse talent
for enhancing focus and practices that can                                                              diverse talent is continuing and expanding
truly make a difference, including in the areas of   • C
                                                        ontinued commitment to training and            our engagement with historically Black
recruitment, training and allyship.                    development in this area, including related to   colleges and universities (HBCUs). Our
                                                       mitigating bias and allyship                     continued partnership with the Thurgood
In addition to driving change within our own         • Leveraging our employee resource groups          Marshall College Fund, a non-profit which
organization, Wendy’s Chief People Officer                                                              provides HBCU and PBI students with unique
Coley O’Brien, who has been a critical developer     Inclusive recruitment                              scholarship, professional development and
of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy,     Over this past year, we have expanded our          career opportunities, is one of the ways we are
was elected to the board of directors of the         talent acquisition team to help support our        demonstrating our commitment to reaching
Women’s Foodservice Forum, which works to            inclusive external recruitment efforts. We have    a broad and diverse candidate pool (more
increase opportunities for women and cultivate       also continued to grow our connections with        information on our ongoing partnership with
gender-diverse leadership across the food            diversity-focused agencies and organizations       Thurgood Marshall College Fund can be found
service industry.                                    and invested in new databases to help ensure       in the Community section of this report).
                                                     our external job postings are reaching a broad     Likewise, through our sponsorship of the 2021
                                                     and diverse candidate pool. We have also           Historically Black Colleges & Universities
                                                     added a page for veterans on our Career Site       Classic football game in Columbus, Ohio, and
                                                     and posted job listings on veteran-focused         other similar events, our leaders have had an
                                                     recruiting websites.                               opportunity to engage with students and show
                                                                                                        them what a career at Wendy’s can offer.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                        25

Understand and address what has been                  Increase representation of diverse and            Continue to drive diversity on our
referred to as the “broken rung” of leadership        women-owned franchisees                           Board of Directors
Two important roles in our organization are           In 2021, we introduced and expanded our           Having a Board of Directors that reflects the
restaurant general managers and district              franchisee financing options to help support      communities we serve is valuable to ensuring our
managers. We are proud that the majority of           opportunities for new and existing franchisees,   Company benefits from diverse perspectives. The
our general managers today are women and/or           including women and entrepreneurs from            Board seeks members from diverse professional
people of color.                                      diverse backgrounds:                              and personal backgrounds who combine a broad
                                                      • First Women’s Bank: In 2021, to create         spectrum of experience and expertise with a
However, we recognize that the representation of         pathways into the Wendy’s System for           reputation for integrity. More information on our
women and people of color declines at the next           women entrepreneurs, Wendy’s supported         Board composition, including the skills, attributes,
level of leadership at district manager, which is a      First Women’s Bank as a Mission Partner.       qualifications and diversity of our directors, can be
multi-unit operator role. McKinsey has noted this        First Women’s Bank is a women-founded,         found in our proxy statement.
as a potential trend, not limited by industry, and       -owned and -led commercial bank with a
identified this as the “broken rung” for early-in-       strategic focus on the women’s economy
career management positions. We are working to           in the United States. Together, we will work          THIRD-PARTY RECOGNITION OF
better understand and address the various factors                                                              WENDY’S CULTURE OF DE&I
                                                         to help bridge the gender lending gap and
that may contribute to this issue where possible         expand economic opportunity for women-
and appropriate.                                         owned businesses.                                A number of organizations recognized Wendy’s over
                                                                                                          the past year for our commitment to creating an
                                                      • B
                                                         uild-to-Suit: In 2021, Wendy’s announced
                                                                                                          inclusive culture:
                                                        a $100 million investment in a Build-to-Suit
                                                                                                          • Forbes named Wendy’s one of the world’s 300 most
                                                        program to reduce barriers for potential
                                                                                                             female-friendly companies — one of only three
                                                        franchisees. The program, which is available         restaurant brands to make the list.
                                                        to franchisees in the U.S., Canada and the
                                                                                                          • Human Rights Campaign (HRC) named Wendy’s
                                                        United Kingdom, enables eligible individuals
                                                                                                             a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ Equality, and
                                                        who might otherwise not have the resources           we received a 100% score on the organization’s
                                                        to operate a Wendy’s restaurant to do so             Corporate Equality Index.
                                                        with decreased capital investment of their        • In 2021, three Wendy’s Company employees
                                                        own. Wendy’s also created more competitive,          received top recognition from the National
                                                        lower liquidity and net worth requirements           Diversity Council for leadership in Diversity,
                                                        for all new franchise applicants.                    Equity and Inclusion.

2021 CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT                                                                                                                            26
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