2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel

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2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
                               COACH TRAVEL
                                  from only

  2021 Coach Holidays,
 Short Breaks & Golf Tours

2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
                                                                                                      WIN A £50
                                                                                                     VOUCHER FOR
                                                                                                      YOUR NEXT
Welcome                                                                                               UK HOLIDAY
Thank you for taking the time to look at our 2021 holiday, short break and golf tour brochure.
                                                                                                           See page 40
As a family business we strive to ensure you receive a high level of personal service and
satisfaction.                                                                                               for details.
Everyone looks forward to their holiday or well earned short break, to relax, see some beautiful
sights and scenery - in short enjoying yourselves. We aim to offer you the best service possible,
from the time of your first enquiry with our dedicated tour office team, to your holiday
departure with top class tour drivers who excel in their professionalism, customer care and
touring knowledge.

Of course, some holidays will always be cheaper but please consider what we offer, from
inclusive excursions and quality hotel accommodation and comfortable coaches. Our vehicles are
meticulously maintained and have an outstanding record for safety, comfort and reliability, so
let us take the strain and you can sit back in your comfortable coach seat and enjoy panoramic
views of the passing countryside.                                                                   HOUSE PARTY IN
As always, we would like to offer our very sincere thanks to all our loyal customers for their      WESTON SUPER MARE
support which contributes so greatly towards the continuing success of the company. May we          See page 6
also extend a very warm welcome to you if you are joining us for the first time in 2021 and our
hope is, that having experienced the high standards of our holidays, you will also become one of
our greatly valued regular clients.

From all at Ava Travel.

                                                                             AVA TRAVEL
                                                                            FREE                    THE COTSWOLDS IN
                                                                          DOOR-TO-DOOR              See page 9
                                                                           PICK UP AREA

                                                                                                    LITTLE TRAINS OF NORTH
                                                                                                    WALES & PORTMERION
                                                                                                    See page 16

We can pick you up
                                                                                                    ROYAL INTERNATIONAL
from outside this map                                                                               AIR TATTOO
for a small supplement.                                                                             See page 21
Please call for details.

2                            For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
HOLIDAYS                                                                                                                        SHORT BREAKS
Bournemouth ..............February on The South Coast - ALL INCLUSIVE...8 February                                              London ..............Harry Potter Weekend........................................................ 20 March
Llandudno ....................We’ll Meet Again ...................................................... 15 February               London ..............Royal Albert Hall Weekend ....................................................21 May
Weston Super Mare....House Party in Weston Super Mare ....................22 February                                           Warwick ............James Bond Weekend ............................................................. 6 June
Harrogate ....................Harrogate and the Yorkshire Dales .....................28 February                                Reading .............Ladies Delight ..........................................................................11 July
Torquay.........................Back to the 60’s in Torquay ....................................... 7 March                     Edinburgh .........Edinburgh Tattoo ....................................................................... 26 August
Donegal........................St Patrick’s Day in Donegal ...................................... 15 March                      Oldham..............The Antiques Experience ............................................ 12 September
Monschau ....................Magical Monschau .........................................................21 March                 Telford ...............Fabulous Absolutely ...................................................................3 October
Basingstoke .................Royal Windsor and the Orchids at Kew .................. 25 March                                   Nottingham ......Nottingham Goose Fair ..................................................... 8 October
Cheltenham .................The Cotswolds in Springtime .................................. 28 March                             Brugge ...............Beautiful Brugge ............................................................. 18 October
Telford ..........................Easter in Shropshire .............................................................. 2 April   Nottingham ......Christmas Spectacular with Mike James Orchestra ........5 December
Cardiff...........................Welsh Seascapes & Landscapes ......................................... 5 April                London ..............Carols at The Royal Abert ........................................... 17 December
Holland .........................Dutch Bulbfields & Pieperrace (Tall Ships) ........................ 8 April
Paignton ......................Picturesque Springtime in South Devon ..................... 11 April                             GOLF BREAKS
Killarney .......................The Kingdom of Kerry ................................................ 18 April                 Linden Hall Golf & Country Club
Ashford.........................The Garden of England .............................................. 26 April                   A Par at Linden Hall Golf & Country Club ................................................... 30 January
The Isle of Wight.........Bembridge The Isle of Wight ........................................3 May                             Belton Woods Golf Resort
Cornwall.......................Magical Medieval Cornwall ........................................10 May                         An Eagle at Belton Woods Golfing Resort .................................................27 February
Sidmouth .....................Sidmouth The Floral Town of Devon ...........................10 May                               Calderfields Golf Club
Great Yarmouth...........Norfolk Coast & Country .................................................. 17 May                      A Chip at Calderfields Golf Club .................................................................... 27 March
Outer Hebrides............The Hebridean Adventure ...........................................19 May                             Slaley Hall
Portsmouth ..................Southsea & The Isle of Wight ......................................23 May                          Stableford at Slaley Hall ................................................................................................. 24 April
Llandudno ....................Little Trains of North Wales & Portmerion ...................31 May                               Celtic Manor
Cumbernauld...............Stirling, Loch Lomand & Trossach................................. 1 June                              On the Fairway at Celtic Manor .........................................................................15 May
Durham ........................The Land of Prince Bishops .......................................... 7 June                     Oulton Hall
Germany.......................The Rhine Valley ........................................................... 9 June               Hole in one at Oulton Hall ................................................................................ 26 June
Bournemouth ..............Scenic Dorset Coast ................................................... 19 June                       The Belfry
Torquay.........................Torquay The English Riviera ..............................................24 June               A Bogie at The Belfry ....................................................................................................... 31 July
Ipswich .........................Constable Country & Villages .................................... 28 June                      Westerwood Golf & Spa Resort
Whitby .........................North Yorkshire Coast & Moors .....................................1 July                       A Knee knocker at Westerwood .................................................................. 21 August
Paignton.......................Picturesque South Devon ...............................................5 July                    Telford Golf & Spa Resort
Newcastle.....................Northumbrian Highlights ............................................ 12 July                      Tee off at Telford .................................................................................................25 September
RAF Fairford .................Royal International Air Tattoo ...................................... 16 July                     Forrest Pine Golf Resort
Dublin & Wicklow .......Dublin & Wicklow, River & Rail ................................... 18 July                              On the Green at Forrest Pine................................................................................. 30 October
Troon.............................Ayrshire Coast & The Isle of Arran .............................. 19 July
Italy ...............................Treasures of Tuscany & Florence ....................................... 23 July
Montrose......................Angus Secret Coastline & Glamis Castle ..................... 26 July
Swansea .......................Gower Peninsula and Brecon Railways.....................2 August
                                                                                                                                                    COACH SEATING PLAN
Peterborough ..............Cambridge & Royal Norfolk .....................................8 August
London .........................The Royal Palaces .............................................................9 August
Isle Of Wight................Warner’s Isle of Wight Coastal Village................... 16 August
Stratford-upon-Avon ..William Shakespeare Country ............................... 16 August
Perth .............................Perfect Perthshire .................................................. 22 August
Eastbourne...................Sussex Coast and Downs ...................................... 29 August
Lincolnshire..................The Lincolnshire Vales .................................................. 30 August
Bantry Bay....................Beautiful Bantry & The West Coast ................... 5 September
Cardiff...........................Welsh Seascapes & The Wye Valley ..................... 6 September
Aberdeen .....................Splendours of Royal Deeside ........................... 13 September
Ashford.........................Canterbury, Chatwell & Brugge..........................13 September
Mystery ........................Mystery Tour .................................................... 20 September
St.Mawes .....................Picturesque St.Mawes & Cornish Gardens ...... 26 September
Scarborough ................Yorkshire Heritage Coast and Country ............ 26 September
Newquay......................Cornish Coastal Charm .......................................... 6 October
Grantown.....................Autumn in The Highlands .................................... 15 October
Isle of Man ...................Isle of Man - Gulf Stream Isle ............................... 21 October
Coleraine ......................A Most Beautiful Train Journey ............................ 21 October
Germany.......................Black Forest - Chrysanthemum Festival ...................23 October
Tiverton ........................Somerset Coast & Exmoor ................................... 25 October
Cricket St Thomas .......Cricket St Thomas Turkey & Tinsel .....................1 November
Biggar ...........................Turkey and Tinsel All Inclusive.............................8 November
Norwich........................Thursford Christmas Spectacular ......................14 November
Kew...............................Christmas at Kew .............................................20 November
Sidmouth......................Pre-Christmas Break in Scenic Sidmouth ..........26 November
Eastbourne...................Turkey & Tinsel in Eastbourne ............................ 5 December
Llandudno ....................Holly and Mistletoe in Llandudno..................... 13 December
Hampshire....................Christmas in Hampshire ................................... 23 December
Bournemouth ..............New Year in Bournemouth .............................. 30 December

                                                    For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk                                                                                                                                       3
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
               This page of                       SPECIAL REQUESTS                                  In the unlikely event that you have               confirmation form as evidence of cover
                                                  Any special requests such as dietary, lift        a problem with any aspect of your                 and value.
    HOLIDAY INFORMATION                           access etc should be made at the time             holiday please ensure that your driver/           Policy exclusions: This policy will not cover
   is additional to our trading                   of booking and MUST be entered on the             courier is informed immediately.                  any monies paid for Travel Insurance or any
charter but does not form part of                 booking form. We will do our best to              Hoteliers will almost certainly not               claim relating to Air Flights. Please ensure
that charter, your contract or any                provide what you want but WE CANNOT               accept any complaints after the holiday,          the Company you have booked with has
           guarantees.                            GUARANTEE IT. If fulfilment of your special       when they have not been made aware                the appropriate CAA / ATOL Bonds in
                                                  request incurs any additional costs, we will      of the problem during the holiday.                place.
WE HOPE THIS WILL HELP YOU TO                     either invoice this prior to your departure
 PLAN YOUR HOLIDAY WITH US                                                                          WHAT DO I DO IF I HAVE TO                         TRAVEL DOCUMENTS
                                                  or inform you that it will have to be paid        COMPLAIN?                                         We will forward your travel documents and
 AND GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND                       locally.                                          If you have a complaint during your holiday       departure details approximately 4-6 days
DOOR TO DOOR TAXI SERVICE                         DISABLED CLIENTS                                  particularly regarding your accommodation         prior to your holiday.
Included in the price of all our coach            We try our best to provide holidays which         or the quality of the meals it is vitally         CUSTOMER SURVEY
holidays is a taxi collection service. Subject    all our customers can enjoy, but we do            important that you tell the driver/courier or     On all tours we provide a customer
to living within our designated area map,         recognise that not all our holidays will be       supplier/hotelier at the earliest opportunity,    comment form. These help us to ensure
this means a taxi or minibus will collect you     entirely suitable for people with disabilities,   so that they can do their utmost to resolve       that our customers are satisfied with
from your door at the start of your holiday       poor mobility or special needs. We would          the problem. If on your return from               the content and general standard of our
and return you from the coach at the end,         advise that it is a condition of your booking     holiday you remain dissatisfied, you should       holidays. It enables us to gauge if any
thus avoiding all the hassle of getting           that you notify us (or your travel agent) of      write within 14 days to our travel office         changes are necessary based on majority
yourself and your luggage to a coach              your intention to bring any type of mobility      in Leyland. You will need to quote your           comments. We do take your comments
pick-up point. Short breaks & Golf breaks         aid to obtain our approval to carry same.         booking reference number, destination and         into account and ‘thank you’ for your
do not have door to door service included.        Due to Health and Safety regulations we           the departure date. If you do not tell us at      cooperation.
They are local coach pick up points only.         are normally unable to carry the heavy and        the earliest opportunity about a problem
                                                  bulky Electric Wheelchairs or Scooters. In        giving rise to your complaint, we cannot          PASSENGER BEHAVIOUR
                                                  certain circumstances we may be able to           take steps to investigate and rectify it. In      We want all our customers to have a
UNITED KINGDOM                                                                                                                                        happy and carefree holiday, but you must
                                                  carry a small mobility vehicle provided they      deciding how to respond to your complaint
We place a great importance in providing                                                                                                              remember that you are responsible for your
                                                  conform to size and weight regulations.           we will take into account the date you first
hotels of very high standards and are                                                                                                                 behaviour and the effect it may have on
constantly striving to improve further            Please contact our reservations staff for         drew the problem to the attention of our
                                                  further details.                                  driver/courier or supplier.                       others. If you or any member of your party
the quality of hotels included in our                                                                                                                 is disruptive or behaves in a way which,
programme. They are usually all of a 3 or         PASSPORTS                                         A PERSONAL SERVICE                                in our reasonable opinion, could cause
4-star standard and most importantly, ALL         A valid 10-year passport is required on all       We pride ourselves on being able to offer         damage or injury to others or affect their
hotels include en-suite facilities, tea/coffee    Continental Holidays. This should be valid        a personal service to each client. Every          enjoyment of their holiday, or which could
making facilities and colour TV in the room.      for at least 6 months after your return           effort will be made to discuss your holiday       damage property, we have the right, after
‘NB Star ratings are correct at time of           date.                                             with you from the start and to assist with        reasonable consideration, to terminate your
brochure going to print but can be subject        LUGGAGE ALLOWANCE                                 any special requirements you may have to          contract with us. If this happens we will
to change.’                                       Passengers are requested to restrict              make your time spent on holiday all the           have no further obligations or liability to
CONTINENTAL HOTELS                                luggage to one suitcase per person with a         more comfortable.                                 you and will not be liable for any refund,
Please note the star rating shown for             maximum weight of 20kg. An overnight              A WARM WELCOME FOR PEOPLE                         compensation or any costs you have to pay.
hotels on the Continent is that which is          bag is essential on ferry crossings and           TRAVELLING ALONE                                  DATA PROTECTION POLICY
allocated by the Tourist Authority of that        advisable for overnight hotels.                   If you are alone, please do not hesitate to       We will collect person identifiable
particular country. It is unlikely for hotels     NO SMOKING OR VAPING POLICY                       book with Ava Travel (Leyland) Ltd. Many          information by lawful and fair means and
on the Continent to provide tea/coffee            For the comfort of all of our clients, we do      of our regular customers hesitantly booked        (where appropriate) with the knowledge
making facilities in bedrooms. Occasionally       not permit smoking or vaping on board             at first and now re-book with confidence.         or consent of the individual concerned.
we receive comments relating to the               our coaches. Regular refreshment stops are        You are warmly welcomed but please                Consent is granted under Article 4(11)
standard of food served for the evening           made during all of our holidays.                  remember to book early as single rooms            of the GDPR as clear affirmative action.
meals. We can only emphasise that when                                                              are always in demand.                             Consent can be withdrawn at any time by
travelling abroad the menus offered are           INCLUSIVE EXCURSION PROGRAMME
                                                  Each holiday includes a full programme of         OVERNIGHT FERRY CROSSINGS/HOTEL                   contacting us. Personal data held is only
normally associated with the country in                                                             ACCOMMODATION                                     ever used for the purposes to complete
which you are staying. In addition, whilst        excursions, usually consisting of 2 full day
                                                  and 1 half day tours on an 8-day holiday.         Cabins on board ship normally have one            our obligations for which it is required and
we endeavour to ensure that our clients                                                             upper and one lower berth, however on             the extent necessary for any additional
receive a choice of menu for evening              In addition, certain admission charges are
                                                  also included, please refer to each itinerary     certain routes we do include in the price of      purposes and service improvements.
dinner, there are a number of hotels,                                                               the holiday cabins giving beds side by side.      Therefore, information may only be
particularly on the Continent, where this         for more details. These are planned a long
                                                  time in advance and whilst changes are            Alternatively, on payment of a supplement         used for internal operations, including
facility is not offered.                                                                            higher grade cabins can be reserved               troubleshooting, data analysis, testing,
                                                  rare, we do reserve the right to amend
LUXURY AIR CONDITIONED TOURING                    the content and days of operation of the          (please refer to each itinerary for further       research statistical and survey purposes.
COACHES                                           itinerary programme at any time. Due to           details). There are no single cabins but a        We will protect all information by using
Our fleet of Luxury Coaches feature:              the implementation of new driving hours,          2- berth cabin may be reserved for sole           reasonable secure safeguards against loss
   • High back reclining seats                    we may have to adjust the advertised              occupancy on payment of the appropriate           or theft as well as unauthorised access. We
   • Tinted and bonded double glazing             itinerary after departure date and/or hire        supplement (enquire when booking).                will only retain personal information for
   • On board hot and cold drinks                 another coach for part of the tour.               You will require an overnight bag on all          as long as necessary for the fulfilment of
   • Height adjustable air suspension                                                               overnight ferry crossings and overnight           those purposes and services. Information
   • Seat belts                                   HELPFUL & FRIENDLY DRIVER/                        hotel accommodation to and from your              may be shared with selected third parties
   • Toilet/washroom                              COURIERS                                          main holiday destination.                         including drivers, business partners,
   • Air Conditioning                             Throughout your holiday you will be               Please Note that once on-board ship, it is        suppliers and sub-contractors. This will be
   • Sanitizer stations, antibacterial wipes      looked after by our own experienced               not possible to gain access to the luggage        to enable the fulfilment of any bookings
   • Sanitizing fogging spray used daily          and fully trained driver/couriers. We are         on the coach.                                     you have made with us. Information may
These coaches have proved popular with            proud of the high standards they set,                                                               be requested and disclosed to bodies
                                                  knowledgeable, smartly dressed and safe           YOUR FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR
our clients appreciating the seat back                                                              COMPLETE PEACE OF MIND                            such as Police, Government and Council
folding tables and magazine racks. In the         behind the wheel, they are thoroughly                                                               agents to comply to the extent that we
                                                  professional in every way. In addition, we        Ava Travel (Leyland) Limited are a company
unlikely event we are unable to provide this                                                        committed to customer satisfaction.               are required to do so by law. Information
class of vehicle for a particular holiday then    also engage the services of local guides                                                            may be backed up onto, or operated
                                                  who can give a more detailed account of           TRAVEL REGULATION
an alternative vehicle will be provided with                                                        INSOLVENCY                                        via, remote servers. We will take all steps
facilities as close as possible to the standard   the area to be covered.                                                                             reasonably necessary to ensure that your
facilities of our luxury touring coaches.                                                           In accordance with ‘’The Package Travel,          data is treated securely and in accordance
                                                                                                    Package Tours Regulations 1992’’ all              with this Privacy Policy. Under your rights
                                                                                                    passengers booking with Ava Travel                you may request to view data
                                                                                                    (Leyland) Ltd are fully insured for the initial   or be forgotten. To do this you will need to
                                                                                                    deposit, and subsequently the balance of          write to us and supply appropriate Proof
                                                                                                    monies paid as detailed in your booking           of Identity such as a copy of your Driving
                                                                                                    confirmation form. The policy will also           Licence or Passport certified by a solicitor
                                                                                                    include repatriation if required, arising from    or bank plus a copy of a utility bill showing
                                                                                                    the cancellation or curtailment of your           your current address.
                                                                                                    travel arrangements due to the insolvency         IMPORTANT INFORMATION
                                                                                                    of Ava Travel (Leyland) Ltd. This insurance       IT IS NOW YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                    has been arranged by Towergate Chapman            TO ENSURE YOUR SEAT BELTS ARE
                                                                                                    Stevens through Zurich Insurance PLC.             SECURELY FASTENED AT ALL TIMES
                                                                                                    Please ensure you retain the booking              WHILST TRAVELLING.

4                                        For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
FEBRUARY 2021 BOURNEMOUTH                                                                                                      5 days from £320
February on The South Coast                                                                                                    ITINERARY
                                                                                                                               Depart Leyland at 9.00am for the journey to
Bournemouth is a most surprising holiday resort,
stylish, elegant and with more than a hint of
continental atmosphere and boasts one of the cleanest                                                                          TUESDAY to THURSDAY
and safest beaches in Britain with its seven miles                                                                             At leisure in resort with the following included
of golden sand and warm sea. The town centre has
                                                                                                                               • Full day tour to Shaftesbury with its famous
excellent shopping facilities and there are over 2,000
                                                                                                                                   cobbled hill and historic Salisbury with its soaring
acres of parks and gardens.                                                                                                        cathedral spire.
                                                                                                                               • Today’s excursion begins with a drive via Poole
THE SUNCLIFF HOTEL                                                                                                               and Wareham to the popular holiday resort
https://suncliff.oceana-collection.com                                                                                           of Weymouth. We return to Bournemouth via
                                                                                                                                 Dorchester and Puddletown.
*** 3 Star Tel: 01202 298350
The Suncliff Hotel Bournemouth is located on the seafront                                                                      FRIDAY
overlooking Bournemouth Bay in the prestigious East Cliff                                                                      Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
                                                                                                                               return journey to Leyland.
neighbourhood of town. The Suncliff Hotel is a five-minute
stroll from seven miles of sandy beach and traditional English     DEPARTURE                         NO OF PRICE PER
seaside hotel offering comfortable and versatile bedrooms, as      DATE                              DAYS PERSON
well as indoor leisure facilities. DBB and three lunches (either
packed or one course hot lunch) on Tuesday, Wednesday and
                                                                   Monday 8 February                    5        £320
Thursday plus inclusive bar 6pm–9pm daily. (Selected house         Single Room Supplement                         Nil
brand spirits and soft drinks).
                                                                   YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                   • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                     accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                   • 3 Lunches, inclusive bar from 6pm-9pm
                                                                     (selected house brands spirits & soft drinks.
                                                                   • Entertainment on 2 nights.
                                                                   • Excursions as specified.
                                                                   • Luxury Coach travel throughout.

FEBRUARY 2021 LLANDU DNO                                                                                                        5 days from £325
We’ll Meet Again                                                    ITINERARY
                                                                    MONDAY                                                   a our reception before dinner. Another evening of
                                                                    Depart Leyland 11.00am for the journey to Llandudno      e tertainment follows.
You have been evacuated to Llandudno and have
                                                                    and the St Kilda Hotel where you will be welcomed        W DNESDAY
been issued with your very own Ration Book
                                                                    by the Army and RAF who distribute tea & scones,
containing an itinerary with coupons entitling you                                                                           A other delicious breakfast and maybe an opportunity
                                                                    whilst your luggage is taken care of. You are given
                                                                                                                             for a morning trip. Perhaps you will be back in time
to tea and tiffin, complimentary drink, fancy dress                 the ‘Gen’ by the Officer in charge. ration books
                                                                                                                             for a bar snack or sandwich at the hotel, last orders
night, jam and cream scones and numerous other                      containing menus and coupons for free drinks, cream
                                                                                                                             1 45pm. If you don’t come back for lunch, don’t be
complimentary goodies. Themed                                       teas, tiffin etc. are handed out and you are taken
                                                                                                                             late for tea & tiffin cake which is served at 3.00pm.
entertainment every night, war                                      to your en-suite billet. A 4-course dinner including
                                                                                                                             A ter a delicious dinner enjoy another evening of
                                                                    coffee and mints is served followed by an evening of
themed quiz and prizes and staff in                                                                                          e tertainment.
costume throughout your break.                                                                                               T URSDAY
                                                                                                                             Take full advantage of Llandudno’s shops. This area
ST KILDA HOTEL                                                      Enjoy your breakfast, there is no rationing here. You
                                                                    can select from a wide choice at breakfast, from
                                                                                                                             isexempt from clothes rationing! Choose from
www.stkilda.co.uk                                                                                                            specialised boutiques to larger stores such as Marks
                                                                    grapefruit segments to the fullest of full breakfasts.
                                                                                                                             &Spencer. Tea and homemade scones with jam and
*** 3 Star Tel: 01492 876348                                        Eggs are served any way you want them - except
                                                                                                                             c eam are served this afternoon at 3.30pm.
                                                                    powdered! Wherever you go during the day make sure
The family run St Kilda Hotel lies between the two headlands                                                                 Fancy dress night, judging at 8.30pm in the bar. (To be
                                                                    you are back in time to exchange your sherry coupon
in the very centre of the sweeping Promenade directly                                                                        d cided on your arrival to fit in with our entertainment
opposite the Bandstand. All rooms are en-suite. Hotel facilities                                                             a d your needs). Guests have dressed as home guard,
include TV and tea/coffee tray. THE HOTEL HAS A LIFT.              DEPARTURE                         NO OF PRICE PER         land girls, nurses, evacuees, soldiers, Mrs Mops and
                                                                   DATE                              DAYS PERSON             even General De Gaulle! There is a flag for every
                                                                                                                             guest. For those who don’t want to dress up we lend
                                                                   Monday 15 February                   5        £325        tin helmets or you can buy a Union Jack bowler from
                                                                   Single Room Supplement                        £15         Following dinner, we have our tribute to the sounds of
                                                                   YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:                              the forties, including of course our vocalist rounding off
                                                                                                                             the evening with ‘We’ll Meet Again’.
                                                                   • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                     accommodation in en-suite rooms.                        FRIDAY
                                                                   • Hotel’s themed entertainment programme                  Whilst you have breakfast our porters are attending
                                                                     as outlined.                                            to your luggage. As we wave you goodbye, we hope
                                                                                                                             you’ll say - ‘We’ll Meet Again’.
                                                                   • One full day and one-half day excursion.
                                                                   • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

                                   For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk                                                                               5
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
FEBRUARY 2021 WESTON SUPER MARE                                                                                 5 days from £350
House Party in Weston Super Mare                                                                                ITINERARY
                                                                                                                Depart Leyland at 10.00am for the journey to
Weston Super Mare, steeped with Victorian history and dominated by a long stretch of
                                                                                                                Weston Super Mare.
glorious beach. This value break offers lots of extra touches at the hotel, including daily
lunch, nightly entertainment and half-priced drinks at the bar each evening.                                    TUESDAY
                                                                                                                At leisure in Weston Super Mare.

SMITHS HOTEL                                                                                                    WEDNESDAY
https://smithshotel.uk.com                                                                                      This morning we travel to Wells, the smallest city in
                                                                                                                England, which offers numerous historical marvels
*** 3 Star Tel: 01934 642159                                                                                    such as the famous 14th century astronomical clock,
This friendly, family run hotel is ideally situated on the                                                      the Bishop’s Palace and the outstanding cathedral.
promenade, just a 10-minute walk into the town, with                                                            There is also the award-winning Somerset Farmers’
shops dotted all along the promenade. All 47 lift-accessible                                                    Market which is held every Wednesday. We return
                                                                                                                to our hotel via the Cheddar Gorge.
rooms are comfortable and traditional in style. There is an
informal restaurant, a traditional bar and an outside terrace                                                   THURSDAY
offering plenty of seating and views of the coast. All en-suite                                                 Today we spend at leisure in Bath, Somerset’s
bedrooms have TV, tea/coffee tray and Wi-Fi. THE HOTEL            DEPARTURE                   NO OF PRICE PER   largest city where there are a host of delights to
                                                                  DATE                        DAYS PERSON       choose from The Roman Baths, The Royal Crescent
                                                                                                                and Bath Abbey.
                                                                  Monday 22 February            5      £350     FRIDAY
                                                                  Single Room Supplement                 Nil    Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
                                                                                                                return journey to Leyland.
                                                                  YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                  • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                    accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                  • Packed lunch on three days.
                                                                  • 50% off at the bar on selected brands
                                                                    between 5.00pm and 8.00pm each evening.
                                                                  • Live entertainment each evening.
                                                                  • Excursions as specified.
                                                                  • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

FEBRUARY 2021 HARROGATE                                                                                         5 days from £390
Harrogate and the Yorkshire Dales                                                                               ITINERARY
                                                                                                                Depart Leyland at 11.00am for the journey to
In Victorian times Harrogate was renowned as a Spa town and even today it retains the same style
which attracted people to come and take the waters. Harrogate has some of the most beautiful
flower banks and gardens scattered between elegant buildings. The tour features the best of the                 MONDAY to WEDNESDAY
                                                                                                                At leisure in Harrogate with the following included
Yorkshire Dales National Park. Our base for this 5-day winter break is the Old Swan Hotel.
                                                                                                                • Full day tour of the Yorkshire Dales National Park.
THE OLD SWAN HOTEL                                                                                              • Full day at leisure in the city of York for shopping,
www.classiclodges.co.uk                                                                                             sightseeing or maybe visit the Jorvik Viking
                                                                                                                    Centre or the National Railway Museum.
**** 4 Star Tel: 01423 500055
Situated in the heart of Harrogate this hotel is                                                                THURSDAY
                                                                                                                Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
the perfect location for a visit to the town or surrounding
                                                                                                                return journey to Leyland.
countryside. The Old Swan Hotel in Harrogate combines
Victorian splendour with elegant contemporary style. All
bedrooms are en-suite with TV, tea/coffee making facilities
and free Wi-Fi. THE HOTEL HAS A LIFT.

                                                                  DEPARTURE                   NO OF PRICE PER
                                                                  DATE                        DAYS PERSON

                                                                  Sunday 28 February            5      £390
                                                                  Single Room Supplement                £20
                                                                  YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                  • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                    accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                  • Excursions as specified.
                                                                  • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

6                                  For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
MARCH 2021 TORQUAY                                                                                              5 days from £375
1960’s Break in the English Riviera                                                                             ITINERARY
                                                                                                                Depart Leyland at 10.00am for the journey to
Torquay is set in one of Europe’s most beautiful bays and is rightly known as ‘The Jewel of the English
Riviera‘. Situated at the heart of 22 miles of unspoilt coastline, it has a mild climate, sparkling blue
waters and in its well-maintained public gardens you will see sub-tropical plants and palm trees. At            MONDAY to WEDNESDAY
night the illuminated promenade and thriving theatres make it just as appealing. This 1960’s break              At leisure in Torquay with the following included
gives you the opportunity to dig out your flares, flowery shirts and sandals!!
                                                                                                                • Full day excursion to Plymouth including a
                                                                                                                    guided tour of the City.
HOWDEN COURT HOTEL                                                                                              • Full day excursion to Dartmouth including a visit
www.howdencourthotel.co.uk                                                                                          to Buckfast Abbey.
** 2 Star Tel: 01803 294844                                                                                     THURSDAY
Built in 1860 Howden Court Hotel is a                                                                           Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
period Grade II listed property and retains                                                                     return journey to Leyland.
many of the architectural features of the
day. It is a family run hotel located in the centre of Torquay.
The hotel includes a 3/4-acre garden with access via ‘Croft
Meadow Walk’ private pathway to Torquay Seafront and              DEPARTURE                   NO OF PRICE PER
Harbour. All bedrooms are tastefully decorated en-suites and      DATE                        DAYS PERSON
provide beverage making facilities, TV and hairdryers. THE        Sunday 7 March                5      £375
                                                                  Single Room Supplement                 Nil
                                                                  YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                  • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                    accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                  • Services of a local guide in Plymouth.
                                                                  • Themed dinners each evening.
                                                                  • Entertainment on 3 nights.
                                                                  • Excursions as specified.
                                                                  • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

MARCH 2021 DONEGAL                                                                                              5 days from £420
St Patrick’s Day in Donegal                                                                                     ITINERARY
                                                                                                                Depart Leyland at 7.30am for the journey to
Where better to celebrate St Patrick’s Day than in the Emerald Isle itself? In uncrowded
                                                                                                                Cairnryan and our ferry to Larne. On arrival re-join
and unspoilt Donegal, possibly one of Ireland’s most beautiful counties. Ruggedly criss-crossed with
                                                                                                                our coach for the journey to Donegal.
a pattern of mountains, moors and inland waters, its coastline has been carved into intricate patterns
by the ravages of the wild Atlantic Seas that wash its many sandy shores. From striking landscapes
                                                                                                                Full day excursion to explore the unspoilt landscape
to the warmth and friendliness of the local people, come and experience the jewels which make
                                                                                                                of the Glenveagh National Park.
Donegal so wonderfully different.
                                                                                                                WEDNESDAY – ST PATRICK’S DAY
                                                                                                                Enjoy a day at leisure to watch the spectacle of the
INISHOWEN GATEWAY HOTEL                                                                                         St Patrick’s Day Parade in Buncrana, with colourful
www.inishowengateway.com                                                                                        floats, musicians and dancers winding their way
*** 3 Star Tel: +353 74 936 1144                                                                                through the town. Tonight, enjoy a St Patrick’s Night
                                                                                                                dinner with live traditional music.
The Inishowen Gateway Hotel in Donegal is a three-star
property located on the Inishowen peninsula, North East                                                         THURSDAY
Donegal, an area of outstanding natural beauty and the                                                          Full day excursion to Londonderry.
hidden treasure of Donegal’s stunning landscape. Located                                                        FRIDAY
only a short 15-minute drive from Derry and 30 minutes                                                          Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
from Letterkenny, the hotel offers an ideal base to explore       DEPARTURE                   NO OF PRICE PER   return journey to Leyland via the ferry from Larne
the surrounding area and the Wild Atlantic Way route. All         DATE                        DAYS PERSON       to Cairnryan.
bedrooms are en-suite with TV, tea and coffee making
                                                                  Monday 15 March               5      £420
facilities, hairdryer and free Wi-Fi. Hotel facilities include
indoor swimming pool, sauna, wellness centre and spa. THE         Single Room Supplement               £100
HOTEL HAS A LIFT.                                                 Double room for sole use
                                                                  YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                  • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                    accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                  • Entertainment in the hotel on two nights
                                                                    (including St Patrick’s Day).
                                                                  • Excursions as specified.
                                                                  • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

                                   For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk                                                                7
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
MARCH 2021 MONSCHAU                                                                                                           7 days from £650
Magical Monschau                                                      ITINERARY
Nestling in a valley amongst the undulating hills of                  Depart Leyland 2.00pm for the
                                                                      journey to Hull and our overnight ferry crossing to
the Eifel region, Monschau is one of Europe’s best                    Rotterdam with P&O North Sea Ferries. On board
kept secrets and undoubtedly one of Germany’s                         accommodation is in 2 berth sea view cabins with
undiscovered jewels. Just a few kilometres from the                   shower/toilet.
Belgian border, this is a peaceful and intimate town                  MONDAY                                                the most beautiful areas in western Germany.
surrounded by picturesque hills.                                      Re-join our coach, continue through Holland into      Our journey takes us to the romantic town of
                                                                      Germany to arrive at our hotel mid-afternoon.         Bad Münstereifel where we spend time at leisure
MICHEL & FRIENDS HOTEL                                                TUESDAY                                               enjoying the charming town centre with its half-
www.michel-hotels.com                                                                                                       timbered buildings and views of the area. We return
                                                                      We spend this morning driving through the
                                                                                                                            to Monschau in the afternoon for a walking tour of
**** 4 Star                                                           picturesque Eifel National Park, where the remote
                                                                                                                            the town, guided by a member of the hotel staff.
                                                                      countryside is amazingly unspoilt and is one of
This attractive hotel is situated in a quiet location by a pretty
stream and only 300 metres from the centre of Monschau.
                                                                                                                            Today we cross the border into Holland to pay
The 100 en-suite bedrooms are decorated in warm and cosy             DEPARTURE                        NO OF PRICE PER
                                                                                                                            a visit to the beautiful town of Valkenburg, with
colours and all include a TV and hairdryer. The large restaurant     DATE                             DAYS PERSON
                                                                                                                            its famous caves hewn into the rock creating a
is a perfect setting in which to enjoy the excellent food. Enjoy     Sunday 21 March                     7       £650       magical atmosphere. We have time to wander
a drink in the bistro style bar. The hotel also has a large indoor                                                          around the medieval town viewing the ancient
swimming pool & sauna. THE HOTEL HAS A LIFT.                         Single Room Supplement                      £108       walls and buildings before returning to our hotel.

                                                                     YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                                                                            Day at leisure in Monschau.
                                                                     • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                       accommodation in en-suite rooms.                     FRIDAY
                                                                     • Return ferry crossing Hull-Rotterdam in 2            Check out of our hotel following breakfast for
                                                                       Berth Sea View Cabins with shower and                a leisurely journey back to Rotterdam and our
                                                                       toilet.                                              overnight ferry to Hull. On board accommodation is
                                                                                                                            in 2 berth sea view cabins with shower and toilet.
                                                                     • Excursions as specified.
                                                                     • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.            SATURDAY
                                                                                                                            Re-join our coach for the return journey to the
                                                                     PLEASE NOTE:
                                                                                                                            Leyland area arriving mid-day.
                                                                     • Meals on board the ferry are not included.

MARCH 2021 BASINGSTOKE                                                                                                        5 days from £395
Royal Windsor and the                                                                                                         ITINERARY

Orchids at Kew                                                                                                                Depart Leyland at 10.00am for the journey to
A delightful five-day break centred around the very heart of Britain’s heritage, Royal Windsor.
                                                                                                                              Full day excursion to Royal Windsor a beautiful,
Windsor Castle, home to the Kings and Queens of England for the past 900 years, is still the largest                          unique and historic destination for a perfect day out.
inhabited castle in the world. We include visits to Winchester and Kew Botanical Gardens, housing
the “largest and most diverse botanical collection in the
                                                                                                                              Full day excursion to Winchester, the county town
world”, for their annual Orchid Festival.
                                                                                                                              of Hampshire.
HAMPSHIRE COURT HOTEL                                                                                                         Today we visit Kew Gardens and their annual Orchid
www.qhotels.co.uk                                                                                                             Festival.
**** 4 Star Tel: 01256 319700                                                                                                 MONDAY
Located the heart of the romantic Jane Austen country, the                                                                    Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
four-star Hampshire Court Hotel is the perfect destination                                                                    return journey to Leyland.
for a relaxing break. All bedrooms are en-suite with TV,
tea/coffee tray and free Wi-Fi. Leisure facilities include two
indoor swimming pools. THE HOTEL HAS A LIFT.
                                                                     DEPARTURE                        NO OF PRICE PER
                                                                     DATE                             DAYS PERSON

                                                                     Thursday 25 March                   5       £395
                                                                     Single Room Supplement                       £88
                                                                     Double room for sole use
                                                                     YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                     • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                       accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                     • Admission to Kew Gardens.
                                                                     • Excursions as specified.
                                                                     • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

8                                    For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
MARCH 2021 CHELTENHAM                                                                                              5 days from £450
The Cotswolds in Springtime                                                                                        ITINERARY
                                                                                                                   Depart Leyland at 10.00am for the journey to
The elegant regency town of Cheltenham is our base to explore this delightful area. The Cotswolds
capture the atmosphere and surroundings of traditional English life. Here you will find sleepy
villages, flower bedecked cottages, imposing manor houses bustling market towns and breath taking                  MONDAY to WEDNESDAY
countryside. The Cotswolds are characterised by honey coloured stone villages, a gently rolling                    At leisure in Cheltenham with the following
                                                                                                                   included excursions:-
landscape far removed from the bustle and strain of the city.
                                                                                                                   • Morning excursion to Cirencester. The second
                                                                                                                       largest city in Roman Times lies buried beneath
DELTA BY MARRIOTT                                                                                                      todays modern shopping centre. Its magnificent
CHELTENHAM CHASE HOTEL                                                                                                 parish church is nearly as big as a cathedral.
                                                                                                                       Afternoon at leisure in Cheltenham.
                                                                                                                   • Full day tour of the Cotswolds including Bourton-
**** 4 Star Tel: 01452 519908                                                                                        on-the-Water, Broadway and Morton-in-the-
The Cheltenham Chase Hotel is a fantastically located hotel                                                          Marsh with suitable stops en-route.
for exploring the Cotswolds, the spa town of Cheltenham                                                            • Today we drive over the Severn Bridge to
and the chic town of Gloucester. All bedrooms are en-suite                                                           Chepstow then continue via the Wye Valley for a
with TV, tea/coffee tray and Wi-Fi. Hotel facilities include an                                                      visit to Tintern Abbey and Monmouth.
indoor swimming pool and spa. THE HOTEL HAS A LIFT TO                                                              THURSDAY
ALL BEDROOMS.                                                     DEPARTURE                     NO OF PRICE PER    Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
                                                                  DATE                          DAYS PERSON        return journey to Leyland.

                                                                  Sunday 28 March                 5      £450
                                                                  Single Room Supplement                 £120
                                                                  Double room for sole use
                                                                  YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                  • 4 Nights Dinner, Bed & Breakfast.
                                                                  • Accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                  • Admission to Tintern Abbey.
                                                                  • Excursions as specified.
                                                                  • Luxury Class Coach travel throughout.

APRIL 2021 TELFORD                                                                                                 5 days from £455
Easter in Shropshire                                                                                               ITINERARY
                                                                                                                   Depart Leyland at 10.00am for the journey, firstly to
Set within some of the most beautiful and varied countryside in England, Shropshire has the amazing
                                                                                                                   RAF Cosford Museum for a visit and a Two Course
Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site, an abundance of castles, stately homes, museums and gardens
                                                                                                                   Lunch before continuing to Telford Hotel and Resort
as well as historic market towns packed with independent shops and eateries.                                       for our 4-night stay.
TELFORD HOTEL AND                                                                                                  Full day excursion to the thriving medieval market
GOLF RESORT                                                                                                        town of Ludlow.
**** 4 Star                                                                                                        SUNDAY
This luxury 4 Star Hotel resides in the UNESCO World                                                               Morning visit to Shrewsbury for a 45-minute cruise
Heritage Site of the Ironbridge Gorge and overlooks                                                                on the Sabrina Boat Followed by free time in the
the Gorge itself, the rocky gorge and green surrounds                                                              City. Continuing the day to Blists Hill Victorian
                                                                                                                   Village for a visit.
are punctuated by the majestic bridge. All 114 en-suite
bedrooms are large, beautifully decorated with modern                                                              MONDAY
furnishings and comfortable. Public rooms include the                                                              Travel to Bridgenorth for an afternoon visit,
                                                                                                                   including a journey on the Severn Valley Railway
Restaurant 1779 which overlooks the gorge and bar lounge.
                                                                  DEPARTURE                     NO OF PRICE PER    from Bridgenorth to Kidderminster.
All bedrooms are en-suite with TV, tea/coffee making
                                                                  DATE                          DAYS PERSON        TUESDAY
facilities. Leisure facilities include a heated indoor swimming
pool & spa. THE HOTEL HAS A LIFT.                                 Friday 2 April                  5      £455      Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
                                                                                                                   return journey Leyland. Including a visit to the
                                                                  Single Room Supplement                 £100      National Memorial Arboretum.
                                                                  Double room for sole use
                                                                  YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                  • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                    accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                  • Admission to Blists Hill Victorian Village.
                                                                  • Boat cruise on the Sabrina Boat.
                                                                  • Single Journey on the Severn Valley Railway.
                                                                  • Excursions as specified.
                                                                  • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

                                   For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk                                                                  9
2021 Coach Holidays, Short Breaks & Golf Tours - £139 from only - Avatravel
APRIL 2021 CARDIFF                                                                                                            6 days from £555
Welsh Seascapes & Landscapes                                                                                                  ITINERARY
                                                                                                                              Depart Leyland at 10.00am for the journey to Cardiff.
This vibrant, cosmopolitan capital has undergone enormous regeneration over the past decade or
so. Traditional attractions such as Cardiff Castle, Llandaff Cathedral and the Museum of Welsh Life                           TUESDAY to FRIDAY
are now complemented by a stunning waterfront development in Cardiff Bay. The recently opened                                 At leisure in Cardiff with the following included
multimillion-pound St. David’s shopping centre is unique to Wales, specifically designed for its new                          excursions:
home in the capital city.                                                                                                     • Full day excursion. Morning guided tour of
                                                                                                                                  Cardiff and Cardiff Bay, followed by a visit to the
                                                                                                                                  National History Museum of Wales at St Fagans.
FUTURE INN CARDIFF HOTEL                                                                                                      • Full day guided tour discovering the secrets
www.futureinns.co.uk/cardiff                                                                                                      of the Rhondda Valley and Afon Valley before
**** 4 Star Tel: 029 2048 7111                                                                                                    arriving in the City of Swansea for lunch.
                                                                                                                                  Returning to Cardiff via the villages of South
Our Cardiff hotel boasts 197 spacious, air-                                                                                       Wales.
conditioned en-suite bedrooms equipped                                                                                        • Half day visit to the Royal Mint Visitor Centre.
with all the enhanced modern room amenities
you would expect of a 4-star hotel. The hotel in               DEPARTURE                           NO OF PRICE PER
                                                                                                                              Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
Cardiff Bay is within walking distance of Mermaid              DATE                                DAYS PERSON
                                                                                                                              return journey to Leyland.
Quay and the Wales Millennium Centre, free Wi-Fi to all
                                                               Monday 5 April                         6
guests. Facilities include sofa, desk, tea & coffee, robes,
air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, complimentary water, safe,       Single Room Supplement                          £125
toiletries, hair dryer, iron and flat screen TV.               Double room for sole use
                                                               YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                               • 5 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                 accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                               • Admission to the Royal Mint Visitor Centre.
                                                               • Services of a local guide.
                                                               • Admission to the National History Museum
                                                                 of Wales.
                                                               • Excursions as specified.
                                                               • Luxury Coach travel throughout.

APRIL 2021 HOLLAND                                                                                                             6 days from £699
Dutch Bulbfields                                                ITINERARY
                                                                                                                            two remarkable examples of historic Dutch public
                                                                                                                            t nsport. On this fantastic excursion, cruise on the
                                                                                                                            mseum ship Friesland, followed by an enjoyable

& Pieperrace                                                    Depart Leyland 2.00am for the journey to Hull and our
                                                                overnight ferry crossing to Rotterdam with P&O Ferries.
                                                                Accommodation is in 2 berth sea view cabins with
                                                                                                                            s eam train journey through the Dutch countryside.
                                                                                                                            S opping at stations along the route, this is a great

(Tall Ships Race)
                                                                                                                            way to take in Holland’s natural beauty. Look out for
                                                                shower and toilet. Dinner is taken on board.                ic nic Dutch windmills during your journey. Admire the
                                                                FRIDAY                                                      b autiful scenery, including the blooming bulb fields
                                                                                                                            if you’re lucky! This is a wonderful and unique way to
                                                                Breakfast on board ship. Re-join our coach and travel
Keukenhof Flower Gardens, once a                                                                                            e joy the flowers.
                                                                to Amsterdam. Built around 100 canals spanned
modest little herb garden, is now                               by 1000 bridges, Amsterdam has a multitude of               S NDAY
where the Dutch bulb growing                                    attractions to suit all tastes. Mid-afternoon continue to   A leisure in Volendam to witness the ‘Pieperrace’. This
industry stage their annual petal                               Volendam, one of Holland’s most picturesque towns           a nual event of historic ships from around Europe is a
spectacular. Despite opening in 1950,                           and check into the Old Dutch Hotel.                         s ectacle not to be missed. From early morning till late
Keukenhof has a different look and                              SATURDAY                                                    e ening it brings to life this vibrant fishing village, with
theme each year. Annually between March                                                                                     it harbourside cafes and bistros. You also have the
                                                                We take a memorable trip back in time, riding on
                                                                                                                            o tion (not included) to take the ferry to the historic
and May, 70 acres of bulb fields burst into bloom. For
                                                                                                                            town of Marken.
eight weeks each spring, it becomes an ocean of colour,
                                                               DEPARTURE                           NO OF PRICE PER          MONDAY
attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world.      DATE                                DAYS PERSON
Admire not just tulips, but daffodils, hyacinths, narcissi                                                                  Today we check out of our hotel and travel to see the
                                                               Thursday 8 April                       6        £699         splendours of the Dutch Bulb Fields and Keukenhof
and crocuses too! Take a leisurely stroll through these
                                                                                                                            Gardens. Wander through the incredible sea of tulips,
remarkable gardens. If you prefer, you can also enjoy a
                                                               Single Room Supplement                          £120         hyacinths, daffodils and narcissi of every shade,
whisper boat cruise through the vibrant displays.                                                                           colour and combination. Continue to Europort for our
                                                               YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:                                 overnight ferry to Hull.
THE OLD DUTCH HOTEL,                                           • 3 nights dinner, bed & breakfast.                          TUESDAY
VOLENDAM                                                       • Accommodation in en-suite rooms.                           Breakfast on board ship before re-joining our coach for
                                                               • Return ferry crossings Hull to Rotterdam                   the return journey to Leyland arriving midday.
                                                                 in 2 berth outside sea view cabins with
*** 3 Star Tel: +31 299 399 888                                  shower and toilet, inclusive of dinner and
Family run hotel, located on the waterfront in the centre        breakfast.
of Volendam. 32 rooms in total, all equipped with safe,        • Admission to Keukenhof Gardens.
telephone, TV, small desk and shower. The hotel’s restaurant   • Excursions as specified.
offers typical Dutch and international cuisine.                • Luxury Executive Coach travel throughout.

10                                 For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk
APRIL 2021 PAIGNTON                                                                                           6 days from £470
Picturesque Springtime                                                                                        ITINERARY

in South Devon                                                                                                Depart Leyland at 9.00am for the journey to
                                                                                                              Paignton arriving mid-afternoon.
                                                                                                              MONDAY to THURSDAY
Paignton is a delightful resort, set between two rugged headlands with miles of sandy beach, its
                                                                                                              At leisure in Paignton with the following included
colourful image is enhanced by a Marine Gardens Promenade, Pier and Harbour which are brought                 excursions:
to life at nightfall by seafront illuminations. Paignton has good shopping facilities, two theatres,          • Full day excursion crossing the Tamar Bridge
together with a host of seaside attractions. Our hotel occupies probably the best position on the bay             at Plymouth into Cornwall and visiting the
and is handy for all amenities.                                                                                   delightful resorts of Looe and Polperro.
                                                                                                              • Long half day excursion to the Regency Town of
REDCLIFFE HOTEL                                                                                                 Sidmouth.
                                                                                                              • Half day excursion to Dartmouth where ancient
www.redcliffehotel.co.uk                                                                                        narrow streets house boutique shops, art
*** 3 Star Tel: 01803 526397                                                                                    galleries & delicatessens. A cobbled market place
A superbly positioned privately owned hotel situated right                                                      features colourful stalls and farmers markets
on the seafront, with a wonderful feeling of character. All                                                     supplying local produce.
bedrooms are en-suite with TV and tea/coffee tray. Public                                                     FRIDAY
rooms include restaurant and two lounges, all with views                                                      Check out of our hotel after breakfast for the return
of the bay. Additional facilities include indoor and outdoor                                                  journey to Leyland.
swimming pools, putting green and hairdresser. THE HOTEL
                                                                DEPARTURE                   NO OF PRICE PER
                                                                DATE                        DAYS PERSON

                                                                Sunday 11 April               6      £470
                                                                Single Room Supplement                 Nil
                                                                YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                • 5 nights dinner, bed & breakfast.
                                                                • Accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                • Excursions as specified.
                                                                • Luxury Executive Coach travel throughout.

APRIL 2021 KILLARNEY                                                                                          7 days from £635
The Kingdom of Kerry                                                                                          ITINERARY
                                                                                                              Depart Leyland 11.00am for the drive to Holyhead
It’s said in Kerry that, “There are only two Kingdoms, the Kingdom of God and
                                                                                                              and the 2.00pm ferry to Dublin. Continue to Talbot
the Kingdom of Kerry.” One of Ireland’s most popular destinations is the Iveragh                              Hotel Stillorgan 4 Star for your overnight stay.
Peninsula — known to shamrock-lovers everywhere as “The Ring of Kerry.” The Ring, lassoed by a
winding coastal road through a mountainous, lake-splattered region, is undeniably scenic. Visitors
                                                                                                              Sit back and relax as we continue our journey across
since Victorian times have been drawn to this evocative chunk of the Emerald Isle, where mysterious
                                                                                                              Ireland to Killarney arriving at The Killarney Towers
ancient ring forts stand sentinel on mossy hillsides.                                                         Hotel in time for evening dinner.
                                                                                                              TUESDAY to THURSDAY
TALBOT HOTEL STILLORGAN                                                                                       At leisure in Killarney with the following excursions:
www.stillorganpark.com                                                                                        • Enjoy stunning scenery as we embark on our
**** 4 Star Tel: 00353 1 2001800                                                                                 guided tour around the famous Ring of Kerry, a
                                                                                                                 delightful combination of hills, rugged cliffs, lakes
The Stillorgan Park Hotel is one of Dublin’s premier 4 Star
                                                                                                                 and picturesque villages.
hotels, situated in an ideal location just a 10-minute drive
                                                                                                              • Enjoy a Jaunting car trip to Lough Leane for boat
from Dublin City Centre. All bedrooms are en-suite with TV,                                                     a cruise, return to Killarney by coach.
tea/coffee tray and Wi-Fi. Leisure facilities include fitness
                                                                                                              • Half day tour to the Dingle peninsula with its
centre and luxury spa. THE HOTEL HAS A LIFT.                                                                    rich cultural heritage and magnificent views of
                                                                                                                Slea Head.
                                                                DEPARTURE                   NO OF PRICE PER
KILLARNEY TOWERS HOTEL                                          DATE                        DAYS PERSON       FRIDAY
www.killarneytowers.com                                                                                       Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
                                                                Sunday 18 April               7      £635     journey to Dublin and the 4 Star Talbot Stillorgan
**** 4 Star Tel: 00353 64 31088
                                                                                                              Hotel for our overnight stay.
The Killarney Towers Hotel is a beautifully appointed Grade     Single Room Supplement               £133
A hotel and is located in the heart of Killarney Town. All                                                    SATURDAY
                                                                YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:                  Depart hotel after breakfast and travel into Dublin
rooms are en-suite with TV. Enjoy a drink in the magnificent
                                                                • 6 nights dinner, bed & breakfast.           for sightseeing. Later transfer to the Stena line
surroundings of O’Donoghues, the elegant residents lounge.
                                                                • Accommodation in en-suite rooms.            2.50pm ferry to Holyhead on arrival continue your
THE HOTEL HAS LIFTS TO ALL FLOORS.                                                                            return journey to Leyland.
                                                                • Jaunting Car trip.
                                                                • Lough Leane guided boat cruise.
                                                                • Excursions as specified.
                                                                • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

                                  For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk                                                               11
APRIL 2021 ASHFORD                                                                                                     5 days from £405
The Garden of England                                                                                                  ITINERARY
                                                                                                                       Depart Leyland at 10.00am for the journey to Ashford.
This tour covers a variety of visitor attractions in Kent, some of which remain
unknown to the many who visit the “Garden of England”. As well as these                                                TUESDAY to THURSDAY
highlights we will also see the picturesque countryside of Kent.                                                       At leisure in Ashford with the following included
                                                                                                                       • Full day to the elegant town of Royal Tunbridge
HOLIDAY INN HOTEL,                                                                                                         Wells. After lunch we visit the moated, 13th
ASHFORD NORTH                                                                                                              Century Hever Castle with wonderful gardens,
www.ihg.com/holidayinn/hotels/gb/en/ashford/                                                                               once the childhood home of Anne Boleyn
                                                                                                                           (Admission Included)
                                                                                                                       • Full day excursion to Canterbury.
*** 3 Star Tel: 0371 423 4876
                                                                                                                       • Full day excursion to Chartwell and Rochester.
The Holiday Inn Ashford North Hotel is situated in a                                                                     Chartwell House was the home of Sir Winston
rural location with en-suite bedrooms overlooking the                                                                    Churchill for most of his adult life. The house
countryside. Hotel facilities include TV, hairdryer, tea/coffee-                                                         is now a museum and the rooms, studios and
making facilities and free morning newspaper. THE HOTEL                                                                  gardens remain as a visual tribute to this great
                                                                                                                         man. Later travel to Rochester for an afternoon
                                                                   DEPARTURE                         NO OF PRICE PER   FRIDAY
                                                                   DATE                              DAYS PERSON       Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
                                                                                                                       return journey to Leyland.
                                                                   Monday 26 April                     5        £405
                                                                   Single Room Supplement                       £100
                                                                   YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
                                                                   • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast
                                                                     accommodation in en-suite rooms.
                                                                   • Admission to Hever Castle.
                                                                   • Admission to Chartwell.
                                                                   • Excursions as specified.
                                                                   • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

MAY 2021 THE ISLE OF WIGHT                                                                                             5 days from £499
Bembridge The Isle of Wight                                                                                            ITINERARY
                                                                                                                       Depart Leyland at 8.00am for the journey to
Known for its beaches and seafront promenades such
                                                                                                                       Southampton and ferry crossing to the Isle of Wight,
as sandy Shanklin Beach and south-facing Ventnor                    THE SIGNATURE EXPERIENCE                           arriving at our hotel in Bembridge in time for dinner.
Beach dotted with vintage beach huts. Dinosaur remains              Enjoy your elegant room with these thoughtful
and fossils can be seen in areas of Compton Bay and
                                                                                                                       TUESDAY to THURSDAY
                                                                    touches as part of our Signature Experience.
                                                                                                                       At leisure in Bembridge with the following included
Yaverland Beach. On the island’s western point are                  Included on arrival with:
found The Needles, 3 huge, white chalk rocks, guarded               • A cosy lightweight duvet
                                                                                                                       • South Island Tour: A tour following the coast road
by a 19th-century lighthouse, a place not to be missed.             • A duo of soft and firm pillows                       around the south of the Island. There are so many
                                                                    • More choice with a pillow menu                       wonderful views en-route as we pass places like
BEMBRIDGE COAST                                                         (on request)                                       Shanklin (break), Ventor, Blackgang Chime and
                                                                    • Super soft blanket (on                               Freshwater Bay before arriving in Yarmouth, with
CHARACTER HOTEL                                                         request)                                           its delightful harbour and marina.to and the
www.warnerleisurehotels.co.uk                                       • Fluffy white robes to use                            lovely village of Godshill, thought by many to be
*** 3 Star Tel: 01983 873931                                            during your stay                                   the prettiest on the island.
                                                                    • Temple Spa toiletries                            • Excursion to Whippingham Church, designed
WARNERS - JUST FOR ADULTS. We are very pleased to
                                                                    • Fully-stocked mini fridge                            by Prince Albert, before continuing to Osbourne
continue our association with Warner and offer a range                                                                     House, Queen Victoria’s seaside resort.
of holidays to excellent hotels. These Grade 1 or Grade 11
listed buildings are set in extensive grounds and have been
                                                                   DEPARTURE                        NO OF PRICE PER
                                                                                                                       Check out of our hotel following breakfast for the
sensitively converted, restored and extended into luxurious        DATE                             DAYS PERSON
                                                                                                                       return journey to Leyland.
4 Star hotels. The emphasis is on providing high standards
                                                                   Monday 3 May                        5        £499
of accommodation, excellent food and a superb range of
facilities and above all top-class cabaret and entertainment       Single Room Supplement          Nil
every night. Offering superb facilities, breath taking views,      ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENT: Upgrade to
sea air and comfortable accommodation. Bembridge Coast             Signature Suite £30 per person.
Hotel is superbly positioned on the Isle of Wight to offer
the best of every world. There’s so much to do that many           YOUR HOLIDAY PRICE INCLUDES:
visitors never find the time to leave the hotel grounds. In the    • 4 nights dinner, bed & breakfast.
evening settle down to a delicious meal in the restaurant          • Admissions included.
before being entertained in the cabaret venue. A LIFT              • Excursions as specified.
SERVES THE MAIN BUILDING.                                          • Luxury VIP Class Coach travel throughout.

12                                  For full information call 01772 622 222 or visit www.avatravel.co.uk
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