2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner

Page created by Benjamin Duran
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner

    2020 Best Panel Winner
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
Gannett Fleming, Inc.
                                                                                           I-95: Sections D10 and D20

    The American Council of Engineering Companies of Pennsylvania’s (ACEC/PA’s) annual
  Diamond Awards for Engineering Excellence recognizes engineering firms for projects that
  demonstrate a high degree of achievement, value and innovation. The program is open to
   consulting engineering firms practicing in Pennsylvania. Dues must be paid in full prior to
    Sept. 30, 2020, to participate. Non-ACEC/PA members must call the ACEC/PA office at
                             (800) 651-1946 ext. 112 for more details.

Diamond Awards entries are accepted in one of 12 project categories: studies, research and consulting
engineering services; building/technology systems; structural systems; surveying and mapping
technology; environmental; waste and stormwater; water resources; transportation; special projects;
small projects; energy; and industrial and manufacturing processes and facilities.

A distinguished panel of judges is convened to critique the projects. These professionals have
backgrounds in engineering, architecture, state and federal government, media, academia,
and the military.

Projects from across the globe are rated based on uniqueness and originality; future value to the
engineering profession and perception by the public; social, economic and sustainable development
considerations; complexity; and successful fulfillment of client/owner needs, including
schedule and budget.

A special award — The Best Panel Design Award for Communication of Engineering Excellence
— recognizes the best photographic display panel submitted as an entry in the Diamond Awards
competition. The objective of the award is to promote communication of engineering excellence
by creating displays that are both visually exciting and stimulating to read, as well as promoting the
achievements of the engineering profession.

*A company that submits a Pennsylvania-based project will receive five bonus points.

NOTE: ACEC/PA is committed to being a sustainable organization. All award submissions materials will be

electronic. The only exception is the photographic display panel. Please see Page 8 for more information.
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
WSP USA, Inc.                                                   Skelly and Loy, Inc.
  Philip Murray Bridge (South 10th Street Bridge)                 Building for Bats — South Valley Parkway Bat
  Main Cable Dehumidification                                     Monitoring and Habitat Mitigation

Any engineering or surveying firm, which is a member in good standing with ACEC/PA, is eligible to enter the
awards program. Non-ACEC/PA members may call the ACEC/PA office at (800) 651-1946 ext. 112 for more

1. Research and Studies (Category A) or Surveying and Mapping projects (Category D) must have been publicly
   disclosed by the client between Nov. 1, 2018, and Oct. 1, 2020. Construction of projects (Categories B through
   L, except for Category D) must have been substantially completed and ready for use between Nov. 1, 2018, and
   Oct. 1, 2020.

2. ACEC/PA reserves the right to determine the eligibility and category classification for all entries. A project can
   only be submitted in one category.

	(Please note: All submission materials will be duplicated as-is and used for promotional purposes.)

3. Each entry must consist of the following three components:
   • Official electronic submission platform
   • Photographic display panel
  • Entry fee payment

	(See “Preparing Your Entry for the 2021 Diamond Awards for Engineering Excellence” on Page 4.)
  Please read the requirements thoroughly. Noncompliance with the rules will disqualify an entry.

4. ACEC/PA will not be responsible for any damage or loss to an entrant’s photographic display panel.
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
Entries will be judged based on:
 • Overall engineering excellence in each of
   the 12 categories listed on Page 5.
 • The work performed by the entering firm only.
 • The rating guidelines listed below.

AWARDS                                                                          The EADS Group, Inc.
The panel of judges will select 13 awards at their discretion                                  Diamond Park Renaissance Project
– 12 category winners and one Grand Conceptor. The
Grand Conceptor will be announced at the Gala as the                                         4. Complexity:
top winner selected by the judges, whose decisions on all                                     •D  id the entry successfully address complex
awards are final. Awards will be presented to the clients/                                      criteria or unique problems?
owners and entering firms submitting the winning entries.
                                                                                              • Were extraordinary problems of site,
                                                                                                location, hazardous conditions, project
RATING GUIDELINES FOR JUDGING                                                                   requirements or similar elements present?
1.	Uniqueness and/or innovative applications of new                                          • Did the entry require the use of out-of-
    or existing techniques. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%           the-ordinary technology or ingenuity for
2. Future value to the engineering profession and                                              achievement of the project’s goals?
    perception by the public. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20% 5. Successful Fulfillment of Client/Owner Needs:
3.	Social, economic and sustainable development                                              • Did the engineer or entrant successfully
    considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%     engage the client/owner in the overall
                                                                                                project development process?
4. Complexity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%
                                                                                              • Was it an economical and cost-effective solution?
5. Successful fulfillment of client/owner needs. . . . . . . 20%                              • How did the final cost relate to the
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%     original budget estimate?
                                                                                              • How closely does the entrant’s solution meet
*A company that submits a Pennsylvania-based project                                            the total goals of the client/owner?
will receive five bonus points.
                                                                                              • Did the entrant meet the client’s time schedule?
1. Uniqueness and/or Innovative Applications of New                         PREPARING YOUR ENTRY
   or Existing Techniques:                                                   This section describes all required submission
  • Does the entry demonstrate the use of a new                             materials for entering the 2021 ACEC/PA Diamond
     science or a breakthrough in the general knowledge                      Awards competition. All materials must be submitted
     of engineering?                                                         exactly as designated below. Digital files must be
                                                                             PC compatible and appropriate to the information
  • Does the entry represent a unique application of                        being submitted (i.e., Microsoft Word for text, JPEGs
     new or existing technology, techniques, materials                       for photos or other images, Adobe PDFs, etc.).
     or equipment?
2. Future Value to the Engineering Profession                               If the submission does not meet the
    and Perception by the Public:                                            requirements listed, it will be disqualified.
   • Will the entry redefine current engineering thinking?
   • Does the entry advance a positive public                               If any part of an entry does not meet the requirements
     image of engineering excellence?                                        listed, that portion of the entry may not be
3. Social, Economic and Sustainable                                         presented for judging. Extraneous materials will
    Development Considerations:                                              be discarded prior to the judging. Please follow
                                                                             the guidelines; no extra pictures and no extra
  • Do the solutions identified produce secondary                           materials are permitted. No reference to other
     benefits of value to the community/environment?                         awards is permitted in your submitted materials.
  • Does the entrant’s approach provide society with
     social, economic or sustainable development benefits?
  • Does the entrant’s contribution to the project
     improve the health, safety, or welfare of
     the public or affected environment?
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
Oct. 2, 2020 by noon: Completed submission materials MUST BE
RECEIVED by ACEC/PA. Any materials received after this date
will NOT be accepted. All materials submitted for judging in the
competition become the property of ACEC/PA and may be used
in ACEC/PA publications. Panels may be used for displays or other
promotional or educational purposes. Electronically submitted
materials will NOT be returned.

Oct. 2, 2020: ACEC/PA will begin accepting nominations for
Client of Distinction, Award of Merit, and Diversity and Inclusion.

Nov. 6, 2020: Deadline to submit a nomination for Client of
Distinction, Award of Merit, and Diversity and Inclusion.                                                          Skelly and Loy, Inc.
Nominations must be received by noon.                                                                              Modernizing a Process – I-83 North York
                                                                                                                   Widening Environmental Assessment
Jan. 28, 2021: Diamond Awards Presentations and Gala in
Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
The following components must be submitted for each 2021 ACEC/PA Diamond Awards for
Engineering Excellence competition entry:
1. Member in good standing with ACEC/PA
2. Official electronic submission platform
3. Photographic display panel
4. Entry fee payment

NOTE: No QR Codes or embedded links are permitted in any portion of an award submission.

Category A:                                      Category B:                       Category C:                Category D:                Category E:            Category F:
Studies, Research and Consulting                 Building/Technology Systems       Structural Systems         Surveying and              Environmental          Waste and Stormwater
Nondesign services, projects not involving       •	Mechanical/electrical/         • Foundations              Mapping Technology         • Hazardous waste      •	Wastewater
the preparation of construction documents           plumbing                       • Tunnels                  •	Geometrics, ALTA,       • Solid waste             collection/treatment
consisting of but not limited to the following   • Computer/technology             • Buildings                   land title and rights   •	Restoration/           and disposal
types of projects:                               • Communications                  • Seismic design              surveys                    reclamation/        •	Residuals
• New products, materials and technologies       • Acoustics                       • Towers                   •	Control, GPS,              remediation            management and
• Expert testimony                               • Software systems                • Bridges                     monitoring or           • Air quality             reuse
• Basic research and studies                     •	Sustainability or carbon       •	Stadiums                   construction            • Noise                • Graywater systems
• Computer/software technology                      neutrality                                                   surveying               • Recycling            • CSOs
• Technical papers                               •	Efficiency certification                                  •	Survey mapping,         •	Waste pond          • Mine tailings
• Public outreach/involvement                       standards, e.g., LEED                                        GIS/LIS                    management          • Agricultural
• Water conservation                             •	Energy efficiency –                                          photogrammetry          •	Carbon              •	Stormwater
• Security plans                                    new and retrofit                                                                        sequestration and      management
• Project feasibility studies/economic/risk      •	Secure facilities (military,                                                            trading             • Erosion control
• Value engineering                                 research, correctional)                                                              • Mitigation

Category G:                                      Category H:                       Category I:                Category J:                Category K:            Category L:
Water Resources                                  Transportation                    Special Projects           Small Projects             Energy                 Industrial and
• Hydraulics, hydrology                          • Highways                        • Safety and security      •	Total project           •	Transmission and    Manufacturing
•	Surface and groundwater supply                • Rail                            •	Corrosion protection/      construction budget        distribution        Processes and
   development                                   • Airports                           cathodic protection        does not exceed         • Power generation     Facilities
• Treatment                                      • Marine/ports                    •	Program and                $2.5 million (At the    •	Renewable energy    • Petrochemical
• Transmission, distribution & storage           • Public transit                     construction               entrant’s discretion,   • Cogeneration         • Biotech
• Watershed management                           • Intermodal facilities              management                 except for entries in   •	Energy storage      • Manufacturing
• Water use reduction                                                              • Land development            Category A, projects       technologies        • Heavy industry
• Flood risk management                                                            •	Trenchless                 under $2.5 million      •	Energy usage        • Industrial waste
• Climate adaptation                                                                  technologies/              are not limited to         reduction           • Materials handling
• Coastal and ecosystem restoration                                                   directional boring         this category.)            programs            •	Mining, metallurgy,
• Locks/dams/water control structures                                              •	Recreational facilities                            •	Demand-side            mineralogy
• Irrigation                                                                       •	Subsurface engineering                                management
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
All project information shall be submitted
electronically. Additional materials may be                   c)	ENTRANT’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROJECT
required for entry in the ACEC National                           Describe the firm’s contribution addressing:
competition if selected to enter. The electronic            			 • Uniqueness and/or innovative application
submission must contain all of the following items:         		      of new or existing techniques;
                                                            			 • Future value to the engineering profession
1. PROJECT SUBMISSION ENTRY FORM must be                   		      and perception by the public;
   completed via the ACEC/PA electronic submission
   platform. Information provided on the entry form         			 • Social, economic and sustainable
   must be accurate and complete. Project owner and         		      development considerations;
   submitting firm’s client may be different. Name          			 • Complexity; and
   your project exactly as you would like it to appear      			 • Successful fulfillment of client/owner needs.
   on the projection screen, in the program book and
   etched on an award. Ensure everything is accurately        d) SUMMARY Describe in layman’s terms why
   spelled and each entity is accurately represented              this project is worthy of recognition. Explain all
   as they are to appear in formal print. All ACEC/               factors that compose the project’s uniqueness
   PA member companies must match the names                       and complexity, such as innovative engineering,
   that appear on the ACEC/PA member webpage.                     challenges faced and overall social impact.

2. CLIENT/OWNER LETTER (One page max.)
   Endorsement/release letter with signature of the           e) PROJECT COST/DATE Include total project
   client/owner on organization letterhead describing       		 budgeted cost, total project actual cost, entrant’s
   the relationship the client/owner had with the entrant   		 portion of the budgeted cost, entrant’s portion
   in developing the project and how it exceeded the        		 of the actual cost, and scheduled and actual
   client/owner needs. Specifications: PDF; 8.5” x 11”;     		 date of completion in the electronic
   1” side margins; single-spaced text; 12 pt. font size.        submission. Specifications: PDF; 8.5” x 11”; 1”
                                                                 side margins; single-spaced text; 12 pt. font size.
3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (250 words max.) and
   SCRIPT/PROGRAM SUMMARY (100 words                        5. KEY PARTICIPANTS List the key participants on the
   max.) Describe the problem and the solution in               project. Provide firm name, address, phone number
   layman’s terms. Project title and entry category             and website of each participant. Include contractors,
   MUST appear at the top of the page.                          subcontractors, other engineers, architects and
                                                                other designers involved in the project. All company
	NOTE: Summaries will provide the basis for all                names of ACEC/PA members must match exactly to
  ACEC/PA publicity of the project, will be used                the company names listed on the ACEC/PA website.
  verbatim in the program book and will be used to
  create spoken scripts for winning projects. Please          NOTE: If key participant or additional firms
  be as clear and simple as possible, as the intended         are listed within any part of the submission, the
  audience is the general public. No abbreviations            submission must list the legal company name,
  can be used in either summary without clarification         which can be found on the ACEC/PA website here.
  of the abbreviation first. All ACEC/PA member
  companies must match the names that appear                6. P
                                                                HOTOGRAPHIC DISPLAY PANEL Electronic
  on the ACEC/PA member webpage here.                          copy of the photographic display panel (Page
                                                               8). Specifications: JPEG; 300dpi. Display board
4. P
    ROJECT DESCRIPTION (Three pages max.)                     CANNOT be larger, smaller, thinner or thicker
   Tell the story of the project by addressing                 than specifications or it will not be accepted.
   the following items: a, b, c, d and e. Footer
   MUST include company name, project title,                7. S
                                                                UPPLEMENTARY REPORT Must contain
   category and page number on each page.                      the findings portrayed with texts, graphs
                                                               or photos, as needed. This report is ONLY
  a) ROLE OF THE FIRM IN THE PROJECT                           required for Category A submissions.

2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner

8. P
    ROJECT PHOTOGRAPHS Six photos (five project
   photos and one display panel) with supporting
   captions are required. Captions shall begin with:
   photo 1, photo 2, etc. Upload photos and the photo
   captions document. Listings should match the
   exact order in which the photos were uploaded.

  Specifications: PDF; 8.5” x 11”; 1” side margins;
  single-spaced text; 12 pt. font size. The last photo
  MUST contain the photographic display panel and
  match the physical panel exactly. This presentation
  will be used by the judges as part of their evaluation.
                                                             Gannett Fleming, Inc.
  NOTE: ACEC/PA member dues must be paid                     Pikes Creek Dam Rehabilitation
  in full by Sept. 30, 2020. Entry fee of $300
  and photographic display panel must be in the
  possession of ACEC/PA by noon on Oct. 2, 2020.

  Photographs will be projected on a large screen
  during the Diamond Awards Gala; therefore, it is
  extremely important to submit high-quality, high-
  resolution images. Captions cannot be embedded
  in the photos/graphics. Two of the photographs
  should show the completed project and provide
  the highest level of visual impact for publicity. Three
  of the photographs should display the planning,
  startup and/or construction phases of the project.

9. MEDIA LIST (OPTIONAL) Excel file containing               Burns Engineering, Inc.
  your firm’s list of media contacts. This will be used      Power Capacity Enhancements for the
  by ACEC/PA staff if your submission is recognized as       Philadelphia Navy Yard
  a 2021 Diamond Awards Winner. Submission of a media
  list is optional and does not impact judging
  of project submission.

  NOTE: If key participant or additional firms are
  listed within any part of the submission, the submission
  must list the legal company name, which can be
  found on the ACEC/PA website. This is for
  ACEC/PA members only and found here.

                                                             Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
                                                             SR 0208 Pulaski Bridge over Deer Creek
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
Photographic Display Panel
Every project submission must include a photographic
display panel. Panel text and photos should
demonstrate the challenges, solutions, innovation,
complexity and unique aspects of key project elements.
The panel should be prepared with high-quality photos
and graphics with minimal text and mounted on foam
board for display at the Diamond Awards Gala.
The photographic display panel should meet the
following requirements:

1. P
    ANEL SIZE: 30”x30” square, foam-core board,             KCI Technologies, Inc.
   laminated front and a matte finish. Total thickness of    Catch It Early GIS Web Application
   foam board panel should be between 15-18 mm.
                                                            4. R
                                                                EQUIRED ELEMENTS: The front of the panel shall
  NOTE: Boards smaller or larger than these specs will         also include the ACEC/PA logo (download from the
  not be accepted. Framed panels will NOT be                   ACEC/PA website), title and location of the study
  accepted; however, gator board is acceptable.                or project, client/owner’s name and location, and
                                                               entering firm’s name and location. Font size must be
2. P
    HOTOS/GRAPHICS: Maximum of six photos and/or              between 28-32 pt.
   graphics shall be used on the panel. Each image shall
   be a minimum of 7”x5” or 35 square inches in area.       5. BACK OF PANEL LABEL: Add a label to the back
   A background photo is not considered a photograph.           of the panel with the name of the entrant’s firm,
                                                                the firm’s address, the project name and the entry
3. TEXT/FONTS: Keep text on panel minimal. Font size           category.
    must be between 28-32 pt.
                                                              NOTE: If key participant or additional firms are listed
                                                              within any part of the submission, the submission
                                                              must list the legal company name, which can be
                                                              found on the ACEC/PA website. This is for ACEC/PA
                                                              members only and found here.

How Your Firm Can Benefit
Firms of all sizes and disciplines have recognized the public relations and marketing value of participation in the
ACEC/PA Diamond Awards for Engineering Excellence Program. The activities of these firms have underscored
the direct business promotion that firms have achieved and can be enhanced through feature stories, brochures
and firm newsletters.

The program includes projects that provide a benefit by the solutions you have created. Past participants have
reported the recognition received contributed directly to obtaining new project assignments — a win/win
prospect for every entry.

NOTE: All photographic display panels must be collected immediately following the Gala. If a member of your firm
does not attend the Gala, ACEC/PA will store your panel in its office until Feb. 26, 2021.

2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
ACEC/PA will have a special award for the Best Panel. This special award
recognizes the best photographic display panel submitted as an entry in
           the Diamond Awards for Engineering Excellence.

                        THE BEST PANEL AWARD

    The annual Diamond Awards for Engineering Excellence celebrates, with pride
     and elegance, the outstanding achievements of the engineering profession.
      The Best Panel Award is given to the firm that creates the best display panel.
       The objective of the award is to promote the communication of engineering
     excellence by creating displays that are both visually exciting and stimulating to
       read, as well as promoting the achievements of the engineering profession.

A panel of communication professionals will determine the winner of the award. All panels
will be eligible. Non-ACEC/PA members must call the ACEC/PA office for further details.

     Remember the deadline to enter the 2021 competition is just around the corner.
      All entries must be received in the ACEC/PA office by noon on Oct. 2, 2020.
2021 CALL FOR ENTRIES - 2020 Best Panel Winner
   Have ACEC/PA membership dues been paid in full?
  Does the project completion or disclosure date fall within the range of Nov. 1, 2018, and
    Oct. 1, 2020?
 DO   I HAVE ENTRY FEE PAYMENT of $300 for ACEC/PA member organizations?
 CLIENT/OWNER LETTER with client/owner signature?
  XECUTIVE SUMMARY limited to 250 words and SCRIPT/PROGRAM SUMMARY limited to
 100 words? Specifications: PDF; 8.5” x 11”; 1” side margins; single-spaced text; 12 pt. font size?
 P
     ROJECTDESCRIPTION limited to three pages? Specifications: PDF; 8.5” x 11”; 1” side margins;
  single-spaced text; 12 pt. font size?
(Please note: All submission materials will be duplicated as-is and be used for promotional purposes.)
 KEY PARTICIPANTS on the project?
NOTE: If key participant or additional firms are listed within any part of the submission, the
      submission must list the legal company name, which can be found on the ACEC/PA website.
      This is for ACEC/PA members only and found here.
  HOTOGRAPHIC DISPLAY PANEL electronic file uploaded and physical panel for display, properly
 labeled and accurately sized (see Page 8)?
 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT included if this is a Category A submission?
   Did I include five different color photos or graphics?
    Do they have captions that are not embedded?
   Did I include three photographs of the
    planning, startup and/or construction
    phase of the project?
   Did I include two photographs of the
    completed project?
  EDIA LIST (optional) containing your firm’s
 media contacts?
 SUBMISSION containing my entire submission?

*A company that submits a Pennsylvania-based
 project will receive five bonus points.

                                                         Gannett Fleming, Inc.
                                                         Grand Conceptor - Pump Station 6
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