2021 Australian Carers Guide

Page created by Angel Erickson
2021 Australian Carers Guide

 Driven by a purpose to improve the lives
 of all those who are caring for an ageing
 parent, spouse or elderly loved one.

 Launching on NATIONAL TV
      September 2021

                                                               MEDIA KIT
Available at over 2,500 Newsagents - 400 Major Hospitals - 800 Coles Supermarkets & Online
2021 Australian Carers Guide
Targeted advertising for reaching our 2.2 million caregivers
      Available in the mainstream market, at News Agent, Supermarkets & Hospitals
                             Watch to discover how can help deliver leads to you.

   Allied Media                                                                                       MEDIA KIT

800 Coles Supermarkets-2,500 Newsagents-400 Major Hospitals                 australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
Inform > Educate > Empower
      Australia’s first publication specifically for Primary Caregivers

           Australian Caregiver’s Guide in a nutshell                     Creating helpful mindsets
           The Australian Caregivers Guide was created to help            There are many mindsets and emotions affecting today's
           as many of the 2.2 million informal primary caregivers as      caregivers of which guilt is the most common and
           possible. Most admit they are struggling to cope with the      destructive. Guilt that comes with the struggle between
           daily challenges of caring for their loved ones whilst also    placing your needs above that of your ageing loved one.
           maintaining their own family, work and personal needs.         Truth is, that without self-care, no one benefits. Self-care
                                                                          is the greatest gift you can give to those who rely on you.

            Our mission: Inform > Educate > Empower
                                                                          Our passion and commitment to help
            Inform on what physical, emotional and financial help is
            available for them and where to easily find it.               The overarching theme of the Australian Caregiver'฀s
            Educate on the various stages of the care-giving journey      Guide, is to offer our readers new and healthy
            through regular engagement with our current curated           perspectives proven to improve their quality of life
            content. Empower them to think differentially and to not be   We achieve this by providing quality information, practical
            afraid to seek the help available through our Residential     how to’s, personal stories, proven strategies, self-care tips
            Aged Care or Home Care providers.                             and expert advice on all aspects of caring for themselves
                                                                          in order to better care for their ageing loved ones.

   Allied Media                                                                                                         MEDIA KIT

The ACG showcases quality Aged Care and Home Care providers                           australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
Our Extensive and Exclusive Reach
      The ACG reaches an audience of Primary Caregivers you wont find anywhere else

            National TV Advertising - All States
            TV campaigns will run in every state across Australia throughout
            2021. We will inform all family caregivers on how our guide
            can help them and that they can buy a copy of the latest issue
            at their local news agency or online.

            Available at 2,500+ News Agencies
            We are the only Aged Care Guide ever to be offered national
            distribution through news agencies because of our relevant and
            current content. Furthermore, most of our readers are baby
            boomers which are the largest buyers and readers of print.

            Distributed at 400+ Major Hospitals
            Social Workers and Discharge Planners will ensure that an
            individual copy of the guide is handed directly to each family
            caregiver upon discharge of their elderly loved one.
                                                                               Click to view sample

    Allied Media                                                                                           MEDIA KIT

Expanding your audience to deliver new leads to you                              australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
Today's Primary Caregiver
      Reader Profile

                       80% Female                                          A Primary Caregiver
                       20% Male                                            “I have been the primary caregiver for my mother for
                       83% Are aged 50 and over                            almost seven years whilst working and running a
                       91% Are the major influencer                        family of six”.
                       78% Admit they are not coping and need help         I spend endless unpaid hours rushing from here to
                       82% Are researching care options for their ageing   there researching, ringing, writing and advocating for
                       55% Considering Home Care services                  my ageing mother. Over time, caring for my mother
                       57% Have a basic residential Aged Care plan 80%     while juggling my own family, work and personal
                       Work, have families and spend 30                    needs eventually led to burnout.
                           non-paid hours caring                           I can honestly say that the Australian Caregivers Guide
                       73% Are neglecting their own health needs           is so very much needed by today’s caregivers.
                                                                           Knowing that we now have our own dedicated
                                                                           publication that sees us and acknowledges our issues
      Baby Boomers                                                         is so invaluable. I look forward to receiving the guide
                                                                           four times a year delivering new and helpful content”
      Just over 83% of our readers are Baby Boomers 50+ and are the
      largest buyers and readers of print                                  Maureen Willard

      Our readers are the Primary Influencers when making decisions
      on behalf of their elderly loved ones.

    Allied Media                                                                                                            MEDIA KIT

Over 83% of baby boomers prefer reading print over digital                                 australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
News Agencies
      Available at over 2,500 news agencies throughout Australia.
             Reaching a whole new untapped audience                      Generational Reading Preferences
             Why Australian Caregiver’s Guide is the first and only      Baby boomers make up nearly 83% of Australia’s
             Aged Care publication offered national distribution to      primary caregivers and they are by far the largest
             over 2,500 newsagents right across Australia.               consumers and readers of print.

             Size of market                                              A lifetime of comfort and trust
             Our guide appeals to a massive market of over 2.2           Baby boomers are traditional consumers and used to
             million caregivers who are currently unreached and          print’s tangible and timeless format. It also offers them
             hidden in families across Australia. Our guide was          ‘me time’ with the average reader spending 52
             specifically created to give them access to information,    minutes reading each issue. They appreciate the
             vital for understanding the caregiving journey and what     uninterrupted enjoyment only offered by print and are
             help and support is available to them.                      receptive to all its content including advertising.

             National TV advertising                                     How this greatly benefits you
             National television: Using TV Advertising, we will ensure   The good news is that we deliver new leads to you
             that the bulk of the 2.2 million primary caregivers are     because we reach into Australia’s mainstream market
             reached and directed to obtain a copy at their local news   where the bulk of primary caregivers reside.
             agency or online.

    Allied Media                                                                                                      MEDIA KIT

We're out in the mainstream market to deliver new leads to you                      australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
      Distributed to family caregivers at over 400 major hospitals

            Social Workers/Discharge Planners                                                        Number of ‘major’ hospitals in
            Our well established network of Private and Public                                      each state distributing our guides
            hospitals have agreed to give an individual copy of the
            Australian Caregivers' Guide to the family caregiver upon                         140

                                                                        Hospitals per state
            discharge of their elderly loved one.                                             120
            Approved by Quality Control Dept                                                  80
            This method of one to one distribution has been                                   60
            approved by hospitals as it eliminates all hygiene and
            contamination issues.
                                                                                                      SA/NT       WA         QLD      VIC/TAS NSW/ACT
            Partnering with major hospitals
            We have partnered with our friends at all major hospitals
            across Australia who share the same passion to assist the                                 Click state to view list of individual hospitals
            silent army of family caregivers.

    Allied Media                                                                                                                                 MEDIA KIT

Reaching primary caregivers at major hospitals across Australia                                           australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
One Title - Many Platforms
      Every edition is produced in all 3 formats: Print - Digital & Online

       Driving traffic to you                                               When a reader clicks or taps
       All print advertisements are                                         on your advertisement, they
       included in our interactive                                          will be sent directly to your
       Digital & Online guides.                                             website.
        .................                                                         ................


                              Tablets            Online                Mobiles
    Allied Media                                                                              MEDIA KIT

Combining tradition with technology                            australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
Who Else Should Advertise
      Caregivers and their elderly also have regular need of the following
            Products                       Professional Services
            Mobility Aids                  Chiropractors
            Sleeping Aids                  Physiotherapists
            Hearing Aids                   Podiatrists
            Personal Alarms                Medical Centres
            Monitoring Services            Dental Clinics
            Specialists Furniture          Optometrists
            Rails and Lifts                Sleep Specialists

            Mobile Services                Other
            Meal Delivery Services         Retirement Villages
            Pharmacists who Deliver        Law Firms
            Transport / Taxis              Financial Consultants
            Home Maintenance Services      Placement Consultants
            Maintenance Indoor / Outdoor   Community Centers

    Allied Media                                                                             MEDIA KIT

Advertise with us and help meet the needs of our audience          australiancaregiversguide.com.au
2021 Australian Carers Guide
Rates - Dates
       ACG is a quarterly publication, each 5 states updated every 3 months

       Rates - Per State                                                                                      Dates - Per Season                                            Published 4 X per year
       SIZES                             CASUAL RATE                 ANNUAL RATE                               EDITION - SEASONS                       BOOKING             MATERIAL         PUBLISHED
                                            (1 Edition)              (All 4 Editions)

       Full Page                              $2,495 .00                  $7.995.00                             Edition 1 - Spring                        July 30              Aug 06        Sept 2021

       Double Page Spread                     $4,495.00                   $14,995.00                            Edition 2 - Summer                        Oct 29               Nov 06        Dec 2021

       Half Page                              $1,795.00                   $5,995.00                             Edition 3 - Autumn                        Jan 28               Feb 04        Mar 2022

       Quarter Page                           $1,295.00                   $2,995.00                             Edition 4 - Winter                        Apr 29               May 06        June 2022

       Sizes                                 The ACG is an A4 publication
                                                                                                              Edition 1                                Spring                          On Sale NOW

        DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD        FULL PAGE             HALF PAGE         QUARTER PAGE                           NSW/ACT               VIC/TAS                 WA                  SA/NT         QLD

                                                Launching on National TV - September 2021

                             Rates and deadlines: all rates shown are exclusive of GST. GST will be added upon invoicing. *Cancellation: Required in writing 1 week prior to booking
                                                deadline. Prime Positions on availability: Outside Back Cover +15% Inside Font Cover / Inside Back Cover +10%
                                                                                                                                                                                              MEDIA KIT
Connecting caregivers with providers that care                                                                                                                australiancaregiversguide.com.au
Advertise with us
      Here’s 3 compelling reasons why

            An untapped audience of primary caregivers
            Advertising in the Australian Caregivers' Guide gives you access to a
            whole new customer base of primary caregivers within the massive
            mainstream market. Until now, this has proven too difficult or costly
            for a provider to reach alone.

            Exclusive coverage
            A market of primary caregivers you can't reach anywhere else.
            We do the big media spend and heavy lifting, so you don’t have to.
            We’re out in the marketplace driving new customers to you.

            We deliver new prospects to you
            Whether it’s lead generation or brand awareness, the Australian         For further information please
            Caregiver’s Guide reaches and influences more primary caregivers in     Email: info@acguide.com.au
            the Aged Care market than any other media.
                                                                                    Free call: 1300 717 515

        Book your space for 2021 NOW

    Allied Media                                                                                                     MEDIA KIT

Connecting caregivers with providers the care                                             australiancaregiversguide.com.au
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