2021 Auction Listing & Event Schedule - We are grateful for our sponsors: ROCKINGHAM COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, HARRISONBURG, VA - Virginia Mennonite ...

Page created by Vanessa Long
2021 Auction Listing & Event Schedule - We are grateful for our sponsors: ROCKINGHAM COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, HARRISONBURG, VA - Virginia Mennonite ...

2021 Auction Listing & Event Schedule

         We are grateful for our sponsors:
2021 Auction Listing & Event Schedule - We are grateful for our sponsors: ROCKINGHAM COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, HARRISONBURG, VA - Virginia Mennonite ...
4-8:30 pm      Baked goods and booths open
4:30-6:30 pm   BBQ Pork Dinner (by donation) or numerous other options.
               Music from local groups
6:30 pm        Relief Sale Dedication Service & Special Music
7-9 pm         Live Auction begins and Silent Auction Tables open

7-10:30 am     Breakfast (by donation): Pancakes, omelets, sausage gravy, and more!
7 am           Marketplace opens: Farmers market, crafts, food booths
8:30 am        5k Race for Relief Run/Walk
9:15 am        Welcome: MCC Story
9:30 am        Live Auction continues: Quilts, wood items, collectibles, art
11 am          Alumni and friends of MCC gathering (Breakfast barn)
11 am-1:30 pm Lunch: Chicken BBQ, Indian food, soup, and more
11:30 am &     Silent auctions close
12:30 pm
3 pm           Relief Sale ends
Entrance                                           PARKING
            Alternate Entrance
                                                              Camping                    Entrance
                                                                                             4    Camping
                                                                                5             HANDICAPPED          3
                                                                                             G PARKING
                                                                    4               6

                                          7     G
                                                                8           9

                                        14               12
                                       15 13                                                    MAIN WALK-IN
                                     16  G                                                       ENTRANCE

 PARKING                                                                                       PARKING

                                          17                                            G

                                                                        Entrance                                          ROUTE


Building                             Building
Number                               Number
   1  Pies, Baked Goods, Candy         11 Apple Cider, Plants, Apples
   2  Brunswick Stew                      Meat & Cheese
   3  Potato Chips                     12 Donuts                                                  Restrooms
   4  Potato Chips                     13 Friday:   Mexican Soup
   5  5K                                  Saturday: Chicken BBQ                                   Parking
                                          		        (halves and meal)
   6  Auction, Silent Auction,
      Country Corner                   14 Indian Food                                             First Aid
   7 Ten Thousand Villages,            15 Ice Cream
      Wood Products, Artists,
      Kiddie Corner
                                       16 Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Fries
                                       17 Friday:   Pork BBQ Dinner
                                                                                             G    Golf Cart Pick-up
                                                                                                  Locations for Elderly
   8 Kettle Corn                          Saturday: Breakfast                                     & Handicapped
   9 Potato Salad, Sandwiches             Music during meals
   10 Apple Butter

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Special  ProjectOffering
     special project
         special      offering
                 project        that
                         offering    wewe
                                   that  collect  thisthis
                                             collect    year  willwill
                                                           year    bebesplit between
                                                                         split between2 local organizations. You
                                                                                         2 local
     have a chanceYouto donate
                         will have a chance to donate via bid number Friday evening morning
                                 via bid number     Friday   evening    at 7:45 and Saturday   at 7:45 andat 10:00.
We Saturday
    will statemorning
               a dollar amount
                        at 10:00.andWeifwill
                                              holdaup    youramount
                                                       dollar  bid number,
                                                                        and if you
                                                                               you will
                                                                                             your bid to these
causes.   Thank
    you will     you for your
             be donating       participation!
                           to these  causes. Thank you for your participation!

WARMWARM house  forfor
             house   Women
                         Women  andandChildren
WARMWARMprovides   a vital
             provides      service
                        a vital     to those
                                service       whowho
                                         to those   are homeless   or ator
                                                         are homeless     imminent
     of homelessness     in the  area.  While meeting    basic needs,
               risk of homelessness in the area. While meeting basic   they  also
provide  critical
    needs,  they supportive
                  also provideservices
                                  critical such as access
                                           supportive      to mental
                                                       services such health
                                                                       as      care,
substance   abuse
    access to       referrals,
               mental   healthcase
                                 care,management,     job search
                                        substance abuse           assistance,
                                                           referrals, case      and
much    more.  Each  year   between    60  and 70%   of the homeless
    management, job search assistance, and much more. Each year         adults
served by the WARM Cold Weather Shelter are disabled, seniors, or
    between 60 and 70% of the homeless adults served by the
    WARM Cold Weather Shelter are disabled, seniors, or veterans.
Additionally, the the  transitional
                   transitional     housing
                                housing        program
                                           program   hashas   consistently
                                                          consistently     provided successful outcomes
   and stability
successful        for over
           outcomes     and75%  of the
                            stability forfamilies
                                           over 75%served.
                                                      of theFrom  January
                                                             families       – December 2018, 160 adults
From   49 children
     January          experiencing
               – December     2018, homelessness
                                    160 adults andreceived      support.
                                                       49 children        Withouthomelessness
                                                                    experiencing   financial support  from
   funding partners like local communities of faith and other organizations, these people would
support. Without    financial support   from   funding  partners  like local communities  of faith and other
organizations,  these people
   not have received           would not
                        the assistance      have
                                          they     received theneeded.
                                                so desperately   assistance they so desperately needed.

People Helping People
   People Helping People
                                          People Helping People is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization
                                        People   Helping
                                          supported      byPeople   is a faith
                                                            our area’s    non-profit    501 (c) 3and
                                                                                communities        organization
                                          community   by our  areas faith
                                                          members.          communities
                                                                         Organized     in 1992andtoindividual
                                                                                                     meet the needs of
                                        community      members.
                                          the Harrisonburg/Rockingham             County, PHP provides services
                                          for moreinthan1992   to meet
                                                            2,000   areathe    needseach
                                                                           families     of the
                                                                                             year. PHP focuses our
                                          effort on providing financial
                                        Harrisonburg/Rockingham                assistance
                                                                          County,             to avoid
                                                                                    PHP provides         disconnection
                                                                                                      services for
                                          of basic
                                        more   than utilities  suchfamilies
                                                      2,000 area     as electric,
                                                                                     year. and heating oils.
   PHP focuses our effort on providing financial assistance to avoid disconnection of basic utilities
   suchHelping    People
         as electric, waterbegan  with justoils.
                             and heating     a vision to help people who were facing financial crisis. A
local socialHelping
   People    worker,People
                                     with justsaw   that to
                                                a vision  after leaving
                                                             help peopleher  whooffice
                                                                                   were people
                                                                                           facingwere    going from
   crisis. A local social worker, Wilhelmina Johnson, saw that after leaving her office people the
        to church   seeking  further  assistance.   She  knew   that  if the  faith communities        united  werehelp
could  be from
   going  even church
                 greater.toWhat started
                            church       as just
                                    seeking       a few
                                             further     churches She
                                                       assistance.   believing    as a vision
                                                                           knew that            hasfaith
                                                                                        the if the    grown now to
      50 congregations     supporting  our  mission.    People   Helping     People   is possible
                   united the help could be even greater. What started as just a few churches        only  through the
   believingofasour community
                 a vision         support
                           has grown  now and    the 50
                                            to over   dedication    of oursupporting
                                                          congregations      volunteers.our mission.
   People Helping People is possible only through the generosity of our community support and
   the dedication of our volunteers.
Sharing Our Surplus (SOS) Campaign
A fourth year initiative to raise money for refugees

        Each year the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale raises hundreds of
       thousands of dollars for Mennonite Central Committee for relief,
         development, and peace in the name of Christ. This year we’re
      offering yet another opportunity to add to the total giving through a
      “Sharing Our Surplus (SOS) Campaign” that solicits cash, check and
       credit card gifts for MCC’s work with refugees around the world.

     In its first 3 years, this initiative has raised over $100,000, and due to
      early support from numerous generous donors, the SOS committee
      has already raised or received pledges of over $20,000 ahead of the
     October 1-2 event. A donation table in the Everence tent and staffed
       by Everence volunteers will be set up to receive donations all day

     Those unable to attend the Relief Sale in person can make a generous
       contribution online at https://vareliefsale.com/donate/ or write a
     check to Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale (with SOS on the memo line)
       and mail it to Relief Sale, 601 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA

         Harvey Yoder, chair of the committee encourages relief sale
     supporters to give in the spirit of Jubilee justice—over and above our
       regular tithes and offerings, and over and above what is normally
                raised through auction and food sales each year.

            Thank you for your generosity!
DEC. 12       a Christmas benefit concert for   in partnership with


ORDER OF SALE ITEMS                                          COMFORTERS AND QUILTS
Items listed are in the order they will be sold.     Comforters – Usually made from heavyweight
There may be additional items sold that were         materials and put together by knotting or
received after the print deadline and do not         using large stitches.
appear in this booklet. For the most up to date
order, visit www.vareliefsale.bidwrangler.           Quilts – Usually made of lighter weight
com/. We estimate that 45 items will be sold         materials and quilted with very fine stitches.
each hour.
                                                     TYPES OF QUILTS
SIMULCAST AUCTION                                    • Pieced – Small pieces of material are sewn
                                                        together to form a design. This is framed
Welcome to VA Relief Sale’s first simulcast
                                                        by a border and bound to finish off the raw
auction! Follow along at home to watch, listen
and bid on your favorite items. In person
bidding requires a numbered bid card. These          •   Appliquéd – Pieces of material cut into
are available at the cashiers table in the auction       decorative shapes are applied over the
building.                                                surface of another piece of fabric. These are
                                                         sewn together with tiny hidden stitches.
PAYMENT AND PICKUP                                   •   Stamped/Preprinted – The top is one large
Payment may be made by personal check,                   piece of material with the design stamped
credit card and cash. All items need to be               on. These are quilted with fine stitches.
paid and picked up by 4:00pm on Saturday.
Payment can be made over the phone if you            QUILT AND COVERLET
are unable to come in person. Shipping can be        APPROXIMATE SIZE INFORMATION
arranged for smaller items at an additional cost.    Quilt Sizes           Coverlet Sizes
                                                     King 120 x 119        King 104 x 95
AUCTIONEERS                                          Queen 102 x 119       Queen 87 x 95
Special thanks to our auctioneers who donate
                                                     Full    96 x 114      Full   81 x 89
their time to make this sale possible. Please
support them by bidding quickly and visibly.         Twin 81 x 114         Twin 66 x 89
                                                     Crib    40 x 60
                                                     QUILT CARE
The Silent Auction is only available for in
person bidding. Register for a number at the         New quilts made with Dacron and polyester
auction cashier table in the auction building.       filler are usually washable. However it is
Items will close on Saturday at 11:30 am and         advisable to put as little tension as possible
12:30 pm.                                            on the threads. Wash gently with cool water.
                                                     To dry, drape over several clotheslines to
                                                     distribute the weight more evenly or lay the
                                                     quilt on a flat surface over absorbent towels. A
                                                     quilt should never be stored in plastic. Rather,
                                                     it should be wrapped in a sheet or pillow case
                                                     which allows it to breath. A quilt should be
                                                     rolled rather than folded.
Auction Catalog
                                  Friday Auction - Relief Sale

                                         Auction Date:
                                        Friday, Oct 01 2021

                                 Bidding Starts: 07:00 PM EDT

Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale                                      Phone: (540) 433-9993
601 Parkwood Dr22802                                                Email: info@vareliefsale.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802                                              com

                                  © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:07 PM
Selling Lot  Title           Description
Price Number

        1097   Wood:         Maple and walnut rolling pin with stand.
               Rolling pin   Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
               Quilt:    Homespun Log Cabin quilt pieced and hand quilted in navy blue, red, golds, and off-white cottons.
        1193   Homespun 108" x 90"
               Log Cabin Pieced by Connie Lapp. Quilted and donated by MCC Material Resources Center.

               Wood:       Oversize wrist watch in maple, mahogany, and black wood. Mahogany wood is part of an old pulpit from
        1037   Oversize    Harrisonburg Mennonite Church.
               wrist watch 3"H x 4.5"W x 22"L
                           Can be hung on a wall or sat on a desk. Made and donated by David R. Emswiler.
                             "Wallflowers." Wall hanging in green, peach, tan and white cotton.
        1115   Quilt: Wall   56" x 57"
               hanging       Pieced by Rosalie Moyer. Hand quilted by Ruth V. Showalter, 86, who was taught to quilt by her aunts Mary and
                             Laura Showalter. Autograph on back.
               Wood:         Poplar and cherry step-up stool with handle.
        1133   Step stool    Made and donated by Omar Showalter.
                            Batik quilt, appliqued, pieced and hand quilted in green and autumn colors.
        1746   Quilt: Batik 101" x 95"
                            Anonymous donation.
               Wood:         Refinished small bench, caned seat.
        1075   Caned         18.5"H x 14"W x 22"L
               bench         Refinishing and caning done by Harold Eshleman. Donated by Gloria and Galen Lehman. Used.
               Quilt:        Country Rose quilt, appliqued and hand quilted in green and burgundy.
        1173   Country       101" x 114"
               Rose          Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

        1023   Other: Gift   $100 gift card for Joshua Wilton House. Donated by Steve and Christine Carpenter.
               Quilt:    Long stitched quilt in blue, gold, and preprinted Sunbonnet Children cotton fabric.
        1265   Sunbonnet 75" X 48"
               Children  Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Sewing Circle.
               Wood: End Two matching 20"-round end tables, log section tops with bark still on. 25" high with cherry support legs.
        1016   tables    Excellent for the rustic decor look. Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.
                             Argyle quilt, pieced and hand quilted in red, blue, and navy.
        1178   Quilt:        100" x 118"
               Argyle        Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
               Wood:         Coat and hat rack with hooks made from railroad spikes.
        1089   Coat and      5"H x 5"W x 38"L
               hat rack      Made and donated by R. Larry Martin.
                             "Lions & Tigers & Monkeys & Elephants, to Name a Few." Quilt, pieced and machine quilted with preprinted
               Quilt:        jungle animal whole cloth fabric.
        1205   "Lions and    56" x 42"
               Tigers"       Made and donated by Phyllis Schrag.
               Art:       "Tulips." Framed watercolor print.
        1074   Watercolor 19"H x 15"W
               print      Painted by Carolyn Miller. Donated by Gloria & Galen Lehman. Used.
                             Stars, pieced and knotted comforter in black, gray, green, and tan cotton.
        1566   Quilt:        80" x 64"
               Comforter     Pieced by Evie McPhee. Knotted by Lindale Mennonite Women. Donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.
               Wood:         Cherry, walnut, and oak bowl with lid.
        1667   Bowl with     6"H x 7.5"W
               lid           Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
                            The Farmall Life Quilt. Peaceful farm life is depicted in this scene of a summer’s day on a farm.
               Quilt:       57” x 64”
        1232   Farmall Life Pieced by Wilda Kruzinski. Professionally long-arm quilted by Martha Berry. Donated by Peace by Piece of
                            Williamsburg Mennonite Church.
               Other:        Galvanized feed scoop (two of two) made circa 1955 by an Amish entrepreneur named Tobias J. Stutzman of
               Feed scoop    Kalona, Iowa. These scoops could be used for flower arrangements or candle holders.
        1779   (two of       9"H x 5" W x 5"L
               two)          Donated by Ervin Stutzman.
               Quilt:        Improved Lone Star quilt, appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted in gold, green, and brown.
        1182   Improved      107" x 116"
               Lone Star     Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

                                              © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:07 PM
Wood:         Maple bowl with ambrosia, turned on the lathe with the natural edge (without the bark)
1777   Bowl          4"H x 8.5W x 9"L
                     Made and donated by Ervin Stutzman. The ambrosia is caused by insects boring into the wood.
       Quilt:      Felted-wool wall hanging with multicolor felted-wool flowers.
1632   Felted wall 16.25" x 12.5"
       hanging     Made, knotted, and donated by Deb Layman.

       Wood:         Solid walnut, nesting, serving trays. Small tray nests inside larger tray.
1726   Serving       4"H x 13"W x 21"L
       trays         Hand crafted and donated by John Augsburger. "The large tray is useful for carrying a meal to the table, the
                     small useful for carrying condiments. Also useful placed on sofa as an extension of an end table."
       Quilt:        Tumbling Block quilt, pieced, and hand quilted in black and multicolors.
1174   Tumbling      110" x 113"
       Block         Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

       Quilt: Lap    Knotted lap quilt in green cotton Green Bay Packers fabric to appeal to football fans.
1261   quilt         40" x 40"
                     Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Sewing Circle.
       Wood:         Cherry wood coffee table with ceramic blue tile top.
1646   Coffee        19"H x 21"W by 33"L
       table         Made and donated by David Longacre.

       Wood: End Walnut and metal pipe end or lamp table.
1033   table     23.5"H x 18.5"W x 27"L
                 Made and donated by Jim Delp.
                     Gatekeeper comforter in pink, yellow, orange, and white cotton.
       Quilt:        Queen size 86" x 106"
1554   Comforter     Pieced by Marcia Zehr Lehman. Knotted by Pauline Zehr, Marcia Zehr Lehman, Kathy Zehr Rhodes. Donated by
                     Marcia Zehr Lehman.
                   "I Love Bears." Baby quilt pieced and machine quilted in pink and white cotton.
1198   Quilt: Baby 42" x 36"
       quilt       Made and donated by Phyllis Schrag.
                     Flowers in the Round wall hanging appliqued, pieced and hand quilted in purple, pink, and green cottons.
1188   Quilt: Wall   25" x 25"
       Hanging       Appliqued by Nelena Dueck. Pieced by Pam Silverman. Quilted and donated by MCC Material Resources Center.
                     Round maple table with live edge.
1672   Wood:         27.5"H x 25.5" round.
       Table         Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
                     One of a kind, industrial style coffee table.
       Wood:         17.5" H x 18.5"W x 50"L
1709   Coffee        Made from spalted hickory and antique farm machinery parts. Wood is very unusual. Made and donated by
       table         Lloyd Brugger.
                     Applique flower wreath in white with pink, green, and yellow cottons. From a trust collection. Probably made in
                     the mid 1900s. Lightly used.
1733   Quilt         84" x 72"
                     Maker unknown. Donated by Stauffer Trust.
       Other: CSA    Half share of monthly community-sustained agriculture (CSA) beef for January-June 2022. A half share consists
       Beef Half     of three pounds of ground beef and one other cut chosen by donor each month for a total of 4 to 6 pounds.
1735   share (1 of   Beef is raised by a local beef farmer. Pickup arrangements to be made with donor.
       2)            Donated by Maplewood Valley Ranch: Marcus and Lynnae Maust.
                     Wall hanging of a Japanese Kimono. Pieced and hand quilted in purple and ecru cotton.
1092   Quilt: Wall   36.5" x 23.5"
       hanging       Designed, made, and donated by Linda Miller.
                  Four-drawer stacked file cabinet in red oak. Drawers are Balta birch with full extension slides.
1635   Wood: File 55"H x 17"W x 25"D
       cabinet    Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.

1002   Quilt:      Crazy patch quilt, pieced and machine quilted in multicolored shades of blue, green, and white cotton. Batting is
       Crazy patch Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 polycotton. Made and donated by Vicki Fulmer and Karen Alderfer.
                     Whimsical chair, updated and chalk painted, with multiple fabrics, as well as a black velvet seat and arms.
1689   Wood:         38"H x 24"W
       Chair         Traditional chair makeover, 21st-century style. Makeover and donation by Marg Mast and Carmen Wyse.
                     Comforter in pink and white cotton blends. Pieced and knotted.
1687   Quilt:        80" x 60"
       Comforter     Made and donated by Springdale Mennonite Women.
1120   Wind          50" Corinthian Bells wind chimes in silver vein.
       chimes        Made and donated by Wind River Chimes.

                                       © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:07 PM
Quilt: Wall   Hand quilted Christmas reindeer wall hanging with battery lights in preprinted burgundy cotton.
1042   hanging       42"x 23"
                     Made and donated by Luella Emswiler.
       Wood:         Adjustable angle drawing table in cherry.
1700   Drawing       55"H x 32"W x 42"L
       table         Made by Hans Martin. Donated by David Stenson.

       Quilt: Wall   Wall hanging. Preprinted blue and white cotton. Hand quilted.
1507   hanging       28" x 27"
                     Nine panes of children and nature objects. Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church.

       Wood:         Poplar folding table (one of two).
1682   Table         28"H x 34"W x 34"L
                     Made and donated by Omar Showalter.

       Quilt:        Pieced and knotted comforter in yellow and green cotton fabric.
1264   Comforter     74" X 57"
                     Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Sewing Circle.
       Wood:         Walnut and oak bowl with lid.
1665   Bowl with     7"H x 7.5"W
       lid           Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
                   Crazy Patch quilt. Pieced and machine quilted, "Coral Paradise," in orange and turquoise cotton.
1510   Quilt:      101" x 88.5"
       Crazy patch Quilt can be a delight in a beach setting or any room that needs some cheer. Made and donated by sisters
                   Norma Burkholder & Shirley Hochstetler.
                   Jewelry box of various woods.
1008   Wood:       3"H x 7"W x 12"L
       Jewelry box Made and donated by Wendell Beachy.

                   Baby blanket, "A Star Is Born," appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted in white, blue, and assorted color cottons.
1517   Quilt: Baby 60" x 46"
       blanket     Made and donated by Marty Snavely.
1502   Playfood      One dozen assorted felt play food cupcakes in a basket. Made and donated by Laura Sutzman.

       Quilt:        Pieced and knotted comforter in red and blue (back is navy) cotton, polycotton, and flannel.
1112   Comforter     80" x 60"
                     Made by Park View Mennonite Women. Donated by Park View Mennonite Church.
                     Tiny table made of multiple woods.
                     26"H x 10.5" x 10.5"
       Wood:         "My wood doesn't match
1706   Tiny table    I did my best
                     Set a mug between us
                     We'll both be blessed."
                     Made and donated by Norman and Grace Lambert.

       Quilt:        Throw, in half-square triangles in light and dark brown and blue cottons.
1749   Throw         57" x 45"
                     Made and donated by Barbara Cline.

       Wood:         Contemporary bench made of sycamore and red oak. Hidden joinery.
1259   Bench         17"H x 12"W x 45"L
                     Made and donated by D. Ray Hostetter, VMD
                     Northern Reflections wall hanging, appliqued and machine quilted.
1747   Quilt: Wall   26" x 28"
       hanging       Made and donated by Dayton Mennonite Church.
                     Pinwheel quilt, hand pieced and machine quilted in multicolor cotton.
1557   Quilt:        92" x 92"
       Pinwheel      Made by Elizabeth Andrews, donated by Patricia Heisdorffer.

1163   Wood: Toy Pickup truck with blocks made from cedar, grown, cut, and fabricated on our farm. "Organic, no MSG, free-
                 range." Made by Larry E. Yoder. Donated by Larry and Marilyn Yoder.
                     Wall hanging, pieced and machine quilted in plum and green cotton batiks.
1741   Quilt: Wall   45" x 45"
       hanging       Made and donated anonymously.
                     Quilt with various colors of appliqued flowers on a vine surrounded by border of maroon and pink fabric.
1842   Quilt:        91" x 73"
       Appliqued     Made by Ruth Hartman in 1971, quilted by Ruth Byler, Mamie Hartzler, and Elva Hollaway. Donated by VMRC.
                     P. Buckley Moss's "Massanuten Ride" 383/1000
                     26" x 24"
1826   Art           Autographed by P. Buckley Moss. Donated anonymously from previous relief sale.

                                      © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:07 PM
Vintage-look quilt, pieced and machine quilted in orange, purple, black, white, and pink cotton.
1720   Quilt       50" x 37"
                   Batting is Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 polycotton. Made and donated by Karen Alderfer and Rosetta Landis.

       Wood:       Bowl made of spalted sugar maple, turned on a lathe.
1718   Bowl        3"H x 10" round
                   Made and donated by Bill Hemminger.
       Quilt:      Mariner's Star quilt, appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted in green, brown, and burgundy.
1176   Mariner's   108" x 112"
       Star        Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

1098   Wood:       Walnut and quarter-sawed birch wood clipboard. Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
       Quilt:      Knotted lap quilt in turquoise and orange cotton Miami Dolphins fabric to appeal to football fans.
1501   Miami       40" x 40"
       Dolphins    Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church Sewing Circle.
                   "Around the Farm" comforter pieced in "Trip Around the World Pattern." Pieced and knotted in green, gold,
1564   Quilt:      blue, and rust cotton and cotton blends.
       Comforter   83" x 62"
                   Made and donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.

                                    © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:07 PM
Auction Catalog
                                 Saturday Auction - Relief Sale

                                          Auction Date:
                                      Saturday, Oct 02 2021

                                 Bidding Starts: 09:30 AM EDT

Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale                                       Phone: (540) 433-9993
601 Parkwood Dr22802                                                 Email: info@vareliefsale.
Harrisonburg, VA 22802                                               com

                                   © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
Selling Lot  Title             Description
Price Number
                               Appalachian-style rib basket with fabric and mauve-color reed. Basket no. 1079. Will include food or other
                               items from the sale.
        1047   Other: Basket   12"H x 14" round
                               Made and donated by Brenda Fairweather.

               Quilt: Rail and Rail and Stars quilt, appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted in black and brown.
        1171   Stars           102" x 109"
                               Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
                               Bowl with scalloped edges made with cherry and walnut woods.
        1663   Wood: Bowl      5"H x 6"W
                               Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

               Quilt: Purple   Purple Passion quilt pieced and hand quilted in purple, green, and maroon cottons.
        1191   Passion         101" x 64"
                               Pieced by Eileen Wenger. Quilted and donated by MCC Material Resources Center.
                               Hanging sculpture made from decaying wood found hiking, vine seed pods, upcycled copper, and great-great
               Art: Hanging    grandmother's red glass beads.
        1732   sculpture       17"H x 2"W
                               Decaying wood is further "worked" to reveal its beauty. Sculpture depicts woman and child; it symbolizes
                               hope, strength, warmth, and protection. Made and donated by Tranella Roach.
                               Batik blue and purple, Cleopatra's fan wall hanging, stained-glass look. Pieced and machine quilted, fabric
               Quilt: Wall     not prewashed.
        1714   hanging         32" x 32"
                               Made by Deborah Frank, Janet Trauger, and Ann Frank. Donated by Deborah Frank.
                               Wall mirror
                               26" x 13"
        1083   Wood: Mirror    Frame made from weathered oak fence rail with horseshoe nails to hold keys. Made and donated by David
                               Wall hanging, variation of "Sister's Choice" pattern, pieced in navy, burgundy, and cream cotton.
        1607   Quilt: Wall     53" x 41"
               hanging         Maker anonymous, Park View Mennonite Church. Donated by maker and Park View Mennonite Church.

        1119   Other: Wind     59" Arabesque wInd chimes in chocolate diamond.
               chimes          Made and donated by Wind River Chimes.
                               "Autumn Leaves." Pieced and knotted comforter in green, brown, and teal cotton and cotton blends. Wool
        1565   Quilt:          and polyester batting.
               Comforter       100" x 90".
                               Pieced by Evie King. Knotted by Lindale Mennonite Women, donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.

               Wood: Spice     18th-century-style spice box with 11 drawers in walnut with fiddle back maple panel in door.
        1708   box             21.5"H x 12"W x 16.5"L
                               Hand constructed and donated by Norman and Grace Lambert.

               Quilt: Park     Park Plaza quilt. Pieced and hand quilted in blue, red, and tan cotton.
        1568   Plaza           102" x 92"
                               Pieced by Evie McPhee. Quilted by Evie King. Donated by Lindale Mennonite Women.
                               Pair of cherry plant stands or nightstands with ceramic tile top.
        1645   Wood: Stands    26"H x 19.5" square
                               Made and donated by David Longacre.
                               Pieced and long arm quilted comforter in black and off-white cotton. 12" x16" blocks bound off in white.
        4289   Quilt:          80" x 60"
               Comforter       Redonated item. Donated by Bertha Schefer.
                               Coffee or occasional table in black walnut with figured and naturally colored features.
        1015   Wood: Coffee    22"H x 26" W x 61"L
               table           Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.
                               Bouquet wall hanging in golds, greens, and browns.
        1187   Quilt: Wall     13" x 16"
               Hanging         Appliqued by Helena Dueck. Quilted by Joan Tice. Donated by MCC Material Resources Center.
                               Baby blanket, "Little Dutch Windmills," pieced, and hand quilted in gray, and assorted color cottons.
        1516   Quilt: Baby     50" x 42"
               blanket         Made and donated by Marty Snavely.
               Framed          Framed art piece. Professionally stitched counted cross-stitch made by Palestinian women.
        1701   professional    28" x 13" with professional framing. Hangs vertically or horizontally.
               cross-stitch    1970s cross-stitch fabric from MCC shop in Jerusalem, Israel. Donated by Edie Bontrager.

        1096   Wood: Rolling Maple and walnut rolling pin with stand.
               pin           Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                                             © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
Quilt:          Knotted comforter in navy blue with a Disney character in each square.
1263   Comforter       75" x 59"
                       Made and donated by Harrisonburg Church Sewing Circle.

       Wood: Quilt     Cherry quilt ladder.
1637   ladder          66"H x 25"W x 22"D
                       Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.
       Quilt: "Many    "Many Trips Around the World" quilt, pieced and hand quilted in burgundy, blue, and red cottons.
1609   Trips Around    91" x 71"
       the World"      Maker anonymous, Park View Mennonite Church. Donated by maker and Park View Mennonite Church.
                       Oak side table with drawer and door.
1704   Wood: Side      27"H x 17"W x 20"L
       table           Hand-cut dovetails, mortise and tenons. Raised panel with beading on door. Made and donated by Norman
                       and Grace Lambert.
                       Single bed quilt, pieced and machine quilted in pastel colors.
1202   Quilt: Batik    90" x 72"
                       Multi-colored batiks surround a light batik square to make a square in a square quilt. Alternate blue block
                       gives the overall design a "fields-and-furrows" look. Made and donated by Phyllis Schrag.
                       One-of-a-kind, industrial-style, very solid coffee table.
1710   Wood: Coffee    17.5"H x 18"W x 48"L
       table           Made from spalted hickory and antique farm implement parts. Wood is very unusual. Made and donated by
                       Lloyd Brugger.
                       "Spotty Hen" wall hanging appliqued and hand quilted in brown, off-white, and red with chick and eggs
       Quilt: Wall     theme. Cotton and felt.
4288   hanging         15" x 13"
                       Made and donated by Powhatan Mennonite Church.
                       Walnut table top with glass top with white ash frame and shelf, natural finish. Insert by Rebecca Bridge,
                       customer's choice. Picture is a sample.
1093   Wood: Table     24"H x 15.5"W x 19.5"L
                       Made by Roger Michael. Wood and materials by Merv Miller.
                       Donated by Merv Miller, Brydgeworks.
                      Child's knotted flannel blanket in yellow and white with heavy-equipment motifs.
1040   Quilt: Knotted 65" x 43"
       comforter      Made and donated by Luella Emswiler.
                       Mission-style end table with drawer and bottom shelf. 13/16 cherry except 2" x 2" legs. Finished with
       Wood: End       catalyst-based lacquer.
1085   table           25.5"H x 20.5"W x 26"L
                       Made and donated by Thomas B. Pender.
                       Crazy patch and stripes comforter, pieced and knotted in brown and blue cotton.
1166   Quilt:          88" x 61"
       Comforter       Made and donated by Kathy Zendt.
                       "Winter Playground." The composition was made by combining snow scenes from Christmas cards to make
       Art: Mixed      a complete village scene. Mixed media on Masonite board.
1046   media           Framed, 12" x 36"
                       Made and donated by Judith Espinoza.
                       Wooden bowl from unknown wood. Includes plastic insert.
1618   Wood: Bowl      3"H x 10"W
       with insert     Made and donated by Roy Good.
       Disappearing Disappearing Nine-Patch vs Hourglass quilt pieced and hand quilted in beige, brown, red, and green cottons.
1192   Nine-Patch vs. 104" x 90"
       Hourglass      Pieced by Mae Stoltzfus. Quilted and donated by MCC Material Resources Center.

                       Chicken coop made of poplar wood.
1245   Wood:           11"H x 24"W x 34"L
       Chicken coop    Made and donated by Frank R. Beery.
                       Mystic Night quilt, pieced and hand quilted in multicolors, turquoise, and black.
1181   Quilt: Mystic   114" x 118"
       Night           Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
                       Floral wreath, original mixed media artwork on a 20"-round canvas. Acrylic, fabric, ink, and paper on canvas.
1730   Art: Mixed      Made and donated by Ashley Sauder Miller in honor of John Sauder.
       media           Not suitable for outdoor use.
                       Christmas tree wall hanging pieced and machine quilted in green, red, and white cotton.
                       34" x 26"
1200   Quilt: Wall     Original design features an evergreen tree topped with a Star of David. Custom machine quilting includes
       hanging         snowflakes as background, a gold garland, and red bows.
                       Made and donated by Phyllis Schrag.

                                     © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
Wood: Bucket Bucket bench in oak.
1644   bench        32"H x 25"W x 13.5" D
                    Made and donated by David Longacre.

       Quilt:           Pieced and machine quilted comforter in blue, white, and pastel green cotton flannels.
1717   Comforter        51.5" x 42"
                        Made and donated by Betty Simensen.

       Wood: Coffee     Walnut slab coffee table on antler legs.
1034   table            16.5"H x 17"W x 57"L
                        Made and donated by Jim Delp.

       Quilt:           Pieced and knotted comforter in yellow, blue, and green cotton.
1105   Comforter        80" x 60"
                        Made by Pauline Z. Myers. Donated by Pauline Myers and Rosalyn Myers Kniss.

       Art: J. H.       Framed print of a southern mansion in Charleston, S.C.
1716   WIlson           19.75"H x 15.75"W.
                        Print by Julia Homer Wilson. Donated by Glen and Sandy Kauffman.

       Other: Fire      Custom fire ring with a grapevine design, of polished stainless steel.
1145   ring             36" diameter x 16" tall
                        Designed by Denay True. Donated by Ben and Denay True.
                        Wholecloth, off-white cotton quilt.
1043   Quilt:           Queen size 108" x 98"
       Wholecloth       Made by Harrisonburg Women's Sewing Group. Donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Women's Service
                        Freightliner dump truck in walnut and poplar wood. Bed dumps, and truck has drop axle.
1039   Wood: Dump       9.5"H x 6.5"W x 21"L
       truck            Made and donated by David R. Emswiler.
       Quilt:           Mariner's Compass quilt. Appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted in green twill.
1180   Mariner's        100" x 118"
       Compass          Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
                        Walnut and maple bowl with lid.
1666   Wood: Bowl       6"H x 7.5"W
       with lid         Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
       Quilt: All       All Creatures Great and Small (no. 2) watercolor quiltscape of north American woodland scene.
       Creatures        28" x 30"
1647   Great and        Has over 35 animals and birds of north America worked into a woodland landscape (list included). Made and
       Small            donated by Linda Eberly Miller.
       Wood:            Seven-drawer lingerie chest made of maple and walnut.
1061   Lingerie chest   54"H x 22"W x 17"D
       of drawers       Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.
                        Scrappy Duos quilt, pieced and machine quilted in blue and black cottons. Method uses strip piecing.
1742   Quilt: Quilt     65" x 49"
                        Made and donated by Barbara Cline.
                        Galvanized feed scoop (one of two) made circa 1955 by an Amish entrepreneur named Tobias J. Stutzman of
       Other: Feed      Kalona, Iowa. These scoops could be used for flower arrangements or candle holders.
1778   scoop (one of    9"H x 5" W x 5"L
       two)             Donated by Ervin Stutzman.
                        Knotted baby comforter, Winnie-the-Pooh preprinted fabric in blue and tan cotton.
1606   Quilt: Baby      43" x 34"
       comforter        Made and donated by Park View Mennonite Women.
                        Child's continuous-arm Windsor chair made by hand, using 18th-century chair-making techniques. Designed
                        for 18-month-old to 6-year-old children. Hard maple turnings, white oak spindles and arms, and white pine
1690   Wood: Child's    seat.
       chair            25"H x 26"W
                        Made and donated by Bradley K. Moyer
                        Brand new, 40-gallon, copper applebutter kettle. Handles on two sides. Comes with iron four-footed open
       Other:           stand, wooden stir paddle, and copper jar filler. Kettle, stand, and filler were handcrafted by Caldwell
1712   Applebutter      Mountain Copper, Fincastle, Va., in May 2021. White oak wooden stir paddle was hand crafted in Stuarts
       kettle           Draft, Va. Donated anonymously in honor of Hershel and Helen Bridge.
                        Twin-size knotted comforter, pieced with four-inch cotton fabric squares in yellow, orange, and brown.
       Quilt:           84" x 61"
1579   Comforter        Comforter pieced by Francis Showalter. Knotted and finished by Women of Grace Sewing Circle of Grace
                        Mennonite Fellowship.
                        Dogwood sconces.
1669   Wood:            4.5"W x 15" tall
       Sconces          Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

                                      © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
Quilt: Lone      Lone Star Deluxe quilt, pieced and hand quilted in pink, purple, and twill print.
1179   Star Deluxe      92" x 107"
                        Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.

1169   Other: Floral    32" wreath of realistic permanent greenery including magnolia, pine, cones, eucalyptus, and berries. These
       arrangement      are not fresh materials. Made by Phyllis Knicely. Donated by Zola's (located in The Dayton Market).
                        Glimmering Nine-Patch en Pointe Quilt. The fabric in the center of each nine-patch block contains stars that
                        glow in the dark for a minute or two when room lights are turned off. (The star fabric must absorb bright
1234   Quilt: Nine-     light for a few minutes in order to glow in the dark.)
       Patch            100” x 99”
                        Pieced by Wilda Kruzinski. Professionally long arm quilted by Martha Berry. Donated by Peace by Piece of
                        Williamsburg Mennonite Church.

       Wood: Small      Small chest in cherry and maple wood.
1007   chest            11"H x 12"W x 22"L
                        Made and donated by Wendell Beachy.
                        Hand-braided wool rug in blue, green, tan, maroon, and gray wool.
1723   Quilt: Rug       73" x 42"
                        Made and donated by MarthaJune Graber.
                        Walnut footstool.
1556   Wood: Stool      8.25"H x 11.25"W x 13.75"L.
                        Made and donated by Danny Weaver.

       Quilt: Crazy     Velvet "Crazy Patch" coverlet with burgundy and teal on the back. Made with a variety of stitches.
1608   patch            58" x 44"
                        Maker anonymous. Donated by maker and Park View Mennonite Church.

1142   Other:           Assorted felt playfood is a basket including felt pastries, Pop Tarts, pasta, cookies, Swiss rolls, and tea bags.
       Playfood         Made and donated by Laura Stutzman.
       Quilt:           Mariner's Compass quilt, appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted in blues and grays.
1175   Mariner's        101" x 117"
       Compass          Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
                        Cedar-lined, spalted maple chest with till box and drawer.
1707   Wood: Chest      18"H x 16"W x 31"L (Size corrected 9/24)
                        Hand-cut dovetails. Made and donated by Norman and Grace Lambert.
                        Baby quilt. Pieced and hand quilted in multicolor blocks with blue backing. Cotton and polyester.
1505   Quilt: Baby      48" x 40"
       quilt            Made and donated by Luella Emswiler.
                        Coffee table made with figured cherry in a seashore theme. Covered in translucent epoxy.
1619   Wood: Coffee     20"H x 18"W x 32"L
       table            Made and donated by Max Troyer.
                        Monkeyshines Quilt. Sock monkeys at play amidst various colorful blocks.
       Quilt: Child's   81” x 69”
1217   quilt            Pieced by Matilde McDonnell. Quilted by Lavonne Lehman. Donated by Peace by Piece of Williamsburg
                        Mennonite Church
                      30 pounds of local beef raised on pasture and grass-based forage. Includes 15 lbs. of ground beef, 5 lbs. of
                      roasts and 10 lbs. of steaks.
1601   Other: 30      To be butchered by Hans Byler in Timberville on September 29, 2021, and readied for pickup from Cedar
       pounds of beef Heights farm, one mile west of EMU. Contact Lee Good, owner of Cedar Heights Farm LCC.
                      Donated by Timothy and Ruth Stolzfus Jost.
                        "Bear Hugs" wall hanging or baby quilt pieced, appliqued, and machine quilted using preprinted fabric in
                        blue, brown, pink, and white cotton.
       Quilt: Wall      69" x 45"
1201   hanging          Made and donated by Phyllis Schrag.
                        Quilt features machine buttonhole appliquéd bears, three large and three small, surrounded by "i love
                        bears" and "bear hugs" blue fabric.
                        Coffee table made of walnut, oak, and pine woods.
1246   Wood: Coffee     19"H x 18"W x 38"L
       table            Made and donated by Wallace Weaver.
                        King-size comforter in harvest-colored cotton. Pieced and knotted.
1750   Comforter        120" x 100"
                        Made and donated by Weavers Mennonite Women.
                        Combination shelf and coat rack made of cherry and holly with vintage glass doorknobs.
1258   Wood: Shelf      8"H x 7"W x 41"L
                        Made and donated by D. Ray Hostetter, VMD
       Quilt:           Saturday Sampler quilt in pastel yellow, blue, and green cotton.
1029   Saturday         106"H x 86"W
       Sampler          Pieced by Linda Tice, hand quilted and donated by Dayton Mennonite Church.

                                       © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
Wood: Porch      Oak porch swing, stained and varnished.
1123   swing            48"W
                        Made and donated by Joe Shank.

       Quilt:           White-on-white quilt. Hand quilted by Anna Mary Burkholder. Hand-signed and dated, October, 2005.
1602   Burkholder       100" x 110"
       quilt            Donated by Ruth and Timothy Stoltzfus Jost. "We bought it at the sale several years ago, but I don't think we
                        ever used it because it was too big."

       Wood: Chest      Cherry chest of drawers.
1060   of drawers       38"H x 37"W x 20"D
                        Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.

       Quilt: Wall      Barbara's original pattern, "Diamond Star Chain," in blue, green, and gray cottons.
1748   hanging          45" x 45"
                        Made and donated by Barbara Cline.
                        Ash chest with cedar bottom made with box joints.
1686   Wood: Chest      22.25"H x 19.25"W x 36.5" L
                        Made by Dennis Brubaker with wood donated by Randy Schweitzer.
                        Donated by Dennis Brubaker.
                        Floral wreath, original mixed media artwork on a 20"-round canvas. Acrylic, fabric, relief outliner, and
1731   Art: Mixed       embroidery on canvas.
       media            Made and donated by Ashley Sauder Miller in honor of John Sauder.
                        Not suitable for outdoor use.

       Quilt: Wall      Circle of Hope wall hanging pieced and hand quilted in brown, red, and green batik cottons.
1189                    40" x 41"
       Hanging          Pieced by Ellen Ressler. Quilted by Cindy Kamide. Donated by MCC Material Resources Center.
                        Pedestal bowl made with walnut, oak, and maple woods.
1664   Wood: Bowl       10.75"H x 9.5"W with 8-inch base
                        Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
                      Puppies on Parade quilt pieced and hand quilted in primary colors and brown cottons.
1190   Quilt: Puppies 54" x 40"
       on Parade      Pieced by Pam Silverman. Quilted and donated by MCC Material Resources Center.
                        Free-standing oak bookcase.
1084   Wood:            38"H x 34"W x 9"D
       Bookcase         Made and donated by David Longacre
                        Pieced and knotted comforter in red and green (back multicolored with airplane motif) cotton, polycotton,
       Quilt:           and flannel.
1137   Comforter        80" x 60"
                        Made by Park View Mennonite Women. Donated by Park View Mennonite Church.
                        Half share of monthly community-sustained agriculture (CSA) beef for January-June 2022. A half share
       Other: CSA       consists of three pounds of ground beef and one other cut chosen by donor each month, for a total of 4 to 6
1734   Beef Half        pounds. Beef is raised by a local beef farmer. Pickup arrangements to be made with donor.
       share (2 of 2)   Donated by Maplewood Valley Ranch: Marcus and Lynnae Maust.
                        Row by Row quilt, pieced amd machine quilted in teal, black, ecru, blue, purple and white.
       Quilt: Row by    80" x 60"
1196   Row              Rows include blocks of Four-Patch, Flower Basket en-Pointe, Bow Tie, Churn Dash, Pinwheel, Eight-Pointed
                        Star, and Whack-a-Mole. Made and donated by Phyllis Schrag.
                        Four-shelf stacked Barrister bookcase of red oak with glass doors.
1062   Wood:            70"H x 36"W x 14"D
       Bookcase         Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.
                        Super Nova quilt. Beautiful bright solid fabrics with playful black squares.
       Quilt: Super     90" x 90"
1229   Nova             Pieced and machine quilted by Lorraine Mooney. Donated by Peace by Piece of Williamsburg Mennonite

1209   Other: Gift      Gift card for Bella Luna Wood-Fired Pizza, $100.00.
       card             Donated by Ruth and Timothy Stoltzfus Jost.
                        Green Paths Through the Garden of Life Quilt. Beautiful bright colors with a floral border.
1227   Quilt: Green     80” x 70”
       Paths            Pieced & quilted by Lorraine Mooney. Donated by Peace by Piece of Williamsburg Mennonite Church.

1685   Other: Top       Tandem truck-load of sifted top soil. Delivered to purchaser within 20 miles.
       soil delivered   Donated by Maust Enterprises of VA.
                        Family of three Shaker-style stools, handmade of recycled California redwood.
1082   Wood: Three      30"H x 15"W x15"L
       stools           Made and donated by Cliff Lind.
                        "Ducks on Water." Baby quilt in blue and yellow cotton.
1500   Quilt: Baby      47" x 40"
       blanket          Appliqued and pieced by Evelyn Suter. Quilted by Marty Snavely. Donated by Evelyn Suter.

                                      © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
Art: Cross      "Warbler's Song." Framed cross-stitch picture, flowers with shades of pink, green leaves, and two birds.
1155   stitch          16" x 20"
                       Made and donated by Rhoda S. Wenger.
                       Yo-yos made from pastel-colored feedsacks hand stitched into a rectangle and finished with two layers of
       Quilt: Wall     white fabric and batting (warm and natural) attached together by comforter-type knotting. Tied on reverse
1044   hanging         side.
                       29" x 18"
                       Made and donated by Rosalie Eshleman.
                       Poplar folding table (two of two).
1683   Wood: Table     28"H x 34"W x 34"L
                       Made and donated by Omar Showalter.

       Quilt:          Sweetheart quilt, appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted.
1177   Sweetheart      104" x 113"
                       Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
                       Vase made with walnut, maple, oak, and cherry woods.
1662   Wood: Vase      5"H x 6"W
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

       Quilt: Wall     "The Old Glen Mill." Watercolor quiltscape interpretation of painting of same name by Maxfield Parrish
1648   hanging         35" x 26"
                       Made and donated by Linda Eberly Miller.
                       Oak table with natural finish.
1681   Wood: Table     29"H x 15"W x 28"L
                       Made and donated by Omar Showalter.
                       Wall hanging. Preprinted blue and white cotton. Hand quilted.
1506   Quilt: Wall     28" x 19"
       hanging         Six panes of children and nature objects. Made and donated by Harrisonburg Mennonite Church.

                       Dining room table with a modern twist in black cherry wood.
1014   Wood: Table     28"H x 36"W x 64"L
                       Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.
                       "Trip Around the World." Pieced and knotted comforter in red, brown, and tan cotton and cotton blends.
1567   Quilt:          84" x 63"
                       Made and donated by Lindale Women.

1162   Wood: Toy       Tractor trailer made from cedar; grown, cut, and fabricated on our farm. "Organic, no MSG, free-range."
                       Made by Larry E. Yoder. Donated by Larry and Marilyn Yoder.

       Quilt: Wall     Batik cotton wall hanging.
1136   hanging         29.5" x 29.5"
                       Pieced by Betty Simensen. Machine quilted by Stony Run Quilting. Donated by Betty Simensen.

1208   Other: Gift     Gift card for Local Chop and Grill, $100.00.
       card            Donated by Ruth and Timothy Stoltzfus Jost.

1013   Quilt: Shawl    Multicolored knitted shawl in navy, burgundy, gray, light blue, and lavender 100% acrylic yarn. Made and
                       donated by Erma Brubaker Martin.
1713   Entertainment Solid cherry handmade entertainment cabinet. Donor states that it is a beautiful piece is from a VMRS sale
       center        about eight years ago and that it is in excellent condition. Donated by Bruce and Rebecca Moyer.

                       Lone Star quilt, pieced and hand quilted in green and burgundy.
1172   Quilt: Lone     99" x 108"
       Star            Donated by Friends of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
                       Whole cloth quilt in pink cotton and cotton blend. Finely quilted in a rose motif by Martha Shank Whissen.
       Quilt: Whole    Quilt is probably from the 1990s and is unused.
1736   cloth           92" x 86"
                       Donated by family of Martha Whissen.
                       Cell phone amplifier made of solid walnut.
       Wood: Cell      12"H x 8"W x 14"L
1725   phone           Attractive design reminiscent of a gramophone. Handy for places without power--a shop, a patio, a
       amplifier       greenhouse, vel cetera. Hand crafted and donated by John Augsburger.
       Wood:           Two folding Adirondack chairs with matching table, cherry wood with exterior-grade finish.
1000   Adirondack      Chairs are 42"H x 33"W x 36"L, table is 24" x 20" x 22" high
       furniture       Made and donated by Marv Nisly.
                       Sampler quilt, machine quilted in green, pink, and white cotton.
1165   Quilt:          107" x 86"
                       Pieced by Kristina Zendt Hamsher. Made by Kristina and her mother Kathy Zendt. Donated by Kathy Zendt.

                                     © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
Baby quilt, pieced, and appliquéd with vintage and reproduction cotton fabric in white and pastels. Hand and
1255   Quilt: Baby     machine quilted.
       quilt           36" x 36"
                       Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stephens City Mennonite Church.
                       Six-board oak chest.
1643   Wood: Chest     20"H x 15"W x 30" L
                       Made and donated by David Longacre.
                       Multicolor blocks of wool form this traditional style patchwork quilt.
       Quilt:          105" x 89"
1230   Patchwork       Pieced by Lavonne Lehman. Quilted by Lorraine Mooney. Donated by Peace by Piece of Williamsburg
                       Mennonite Church.
                       American black walnut bowl, turned on a lathe.
1719   Wood bowl       3"H x 10" round.
                       Made and donated by Bill Hemminger.

1775   Wood: Bowl      Cherry bowl turned with a natural edge (natural bark). Made and donated by Ervin Stuzman.

       Quilt:          Grandma's Scrap Bag authentic vintage quilt top (feed sacks and such). Back & batting are new fabrics.
1751   Grandma's       100" x 87"
       Scrap Bag       Hand pieced by Sarah E. Little, long stitch quilted by Weavers Mennonite Women. Donated by Weavers
                       Mennonite Women.

       Other: Middle Middle East dinner for family unit of six.
1150   East dinner   Dinner prepared and served by Dorothy Jean Weaver (who will not dine with the group) on her deck (not
                     socially distanced).
                       Batik Stars quilt. Gently used quilt featuring Batik stars on the front and soft-as-a-cloud Minky Cuddle fabric
       Quilt: Batik    on the back. No visible signs of wear or damage.
1231   Stars           80” x 67”
                       Pieced by Elaine Pierson. Professionally long-arm quilted by Martha Berry. Donated by Elaine Pierson, Peace
                       by Piece of Williamsburg Mennonite Church.

       Wood: Bowl      Walnut, cherry, and maple bowl with lid.
1668   with lid        6.75H" x 7.5"W
                       Made and donated by Jay Moyer.

       Quilt:          Pieced and knotted comforter in brown and red cotton.
1106   Comforter       80" x 60"
                       Made by Pauline Z. Myers. Donated by Pauline Myers and Rosalyn Myers Kniss.
                       Framed wood burning (pyrography) of an older man in suspenders.
1721   Art: Kreider    18"H x 14"W
                       Made by David Kreider. Donated by Glen and Sandy Kauffman from a previous sale.
       Quilt: Wall    "Whirligig" wall hanging or lap quilt pieced and machine quilted in multicolors of cotton.
1203   hanging or lap 38" x 38"
       quilt          Made by friends of Ames Mennonite Church. Quilted and donated by Phyllis Schrag.
                       A subscription for six monthly bouquets made from Sarah's garden flowers. One a month from March until
       Other:          September, 2022. Her taste in flowers runs on the eclectic side--if you were able to name all the flowers in
1711   Bouquet         each bouquet, she would be impressed. She puts at least one weed into each bouquet, partly as a "humility
       subscriptiom    block" and partly because if God can find beauty in all things then we can too. A vase will be included with
                       each bouquet and does not need to be returned. Delivery of the bouquets can be done for people living in
                       Harrisonburg, otherwise it is to be picked up. Arranged and donated by Sarah Snider.
                      Dresden Plate quilt set with three pillow shams in green multicolors. Appliqued, pieced, and hand quilted.
       Quilt: Dresden 95" x 95"
1184   Plate          Dresden Plate patches hand sewn by the Hoover Sisters, circa 1930s, Winchester, Va. Pieced by Sue
                      Showalter and quilted at Cumberland Relief Sale. Donated by Sue Showalter.
                    Shaker-style sewing table with five drawers.
       Wood: Sewing 26"H x18"W x 30"L
1705   table        Made of cherry wood, hand-cut dovetails, mortise and tenons. Made and donated by Norman and Grace
                       Cotton feed sack quilt in red and assorted colors. Pieced and hand quilted.
1518   Quilt: Feed     98" x 88"
       sack            Made and donated by Mary Guntz.
                       Plant stand made of poplar wood with linseed oil finish.
1017   Wood: Plant     5'H x 5'W x 16'' deep
       stand           Stand can be easily taken apart and reassembled. Good for outdoors. Made and donated by Lloyd Brugger.
                       Hunter's Star quilt, a bevy of beautiful, brightly colored stars in multiple brights with a white background
1228   Quilt:          90" x 90"
       Hunter's Star   Pieced & machine quilted by Lorraine Mooney. Donated by Peace by Piece of Williamsburg Mennonite

                                     © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
"Grandmother's Wildflower Garden." Appliquéd, hand-pieced hexagons in multicolored vintage cotton
1251   Quilt: Wall      fabrics, machine quilted.
       hanging          28" x 20"
                        Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stephens City Mennonite Church.

       Wood: Work       Work table with one drawer made of ambrosia maple.
1702   table            27"H x 24"W x 30"L
                        Handcut dovetails, mortise and tenon, grooved top. Made and donated by Norman and Grace Lambert.
                        "Flowers From My Garden." Wall hanging pieced and hand quilted in lavender, pink, yellow, and green
       Quilt: Wall      cotton.
1197   hanging          41" x 41"
                        Lap quilt or wall hanging enhanced by appliquéd flowers with leaves and a butterfly.
                        Made by Friends of Ames Mennonite Church. Machine quilted and donated by Phyllis Schrag.

       Wood:            Three-shelf book shelf made of red oak with plywood back. Height of 11" between shelves.
1638   Bookshelf        40"H x 37"W x 12"D
                        Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.
                        Black and White Carpenter's Star Log Cabin quilt. Black & white blocks with a red center square to represent
       Quilt: Log       the heart of the home.
1221   Cabin            89” x 88”
                        Pieced by Lavonne Lehman. Quilted by Lorraine Mooney. Donated by Peace by Piece of Williamsburg
                        Mennonite Church.

1099   Wood: Lamp       Electric candle lamp made with walnut wood.
                        Made and donated by Jay Moyer.
                       P. Buckley Moss's "The Old Opequon Church" [oh-PEK-en] 282/451 circular print of church in background
1715   Art: P. Buckley with two geese in front.
       Moss            Framed at 18" x 18"
                       Donated by Glen and Sandy Kauffman from WVPT Auction.
                        Vintage machine pieced quilt. Hand quilted top in blue and pink cotton donated by unknown person. New
1257   Quilt            fabric, backing 80% cotton and 20% poly batting.
                        84" x 72"
                        Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stephens City Mennonite Church.
                        "Life's Little Moments." Wall hanging in white and green cotton. Hand-embroidered button and lace
1253   Quilt: Wall      embellished, hand and machine quilted.
       Hanging          21" x 20"
                        Made by Evie Christner. Donated by Stephens City Mennonite Church.

1030   Other: Floral    Monthly floral arrangements delivered in the Harrisonburg area the first week of every month. Each one
       arrangement      valued at $35. Made and donated by Joy Coakley, The Weekend Florist.
                        Crazy patch quilt with nine-patch blocks in yellow, gray, and multicolored cottons. Pieced and long stitch
       Quilt: Crazy     quilted.
1028   patch            104" x 87"
                        Made and donated by Dayton Mennonite Church.
                        Cherry side table with highly figured top and dovetailed drawer.
1703   Wood: Side       26"H x 20" x 20"
       table            Made and donated by Norman and Grace Lambert.
                        Baby quilt, pieced and machine quilted in primary colors, red, blue, and yellow cotton with jungle animal
       Quilt: Baby      prints.
1109   quilt            48" x 48"
                        Made and donated by Jean Oswald.
                        Box turkey caller in cherry, walnut, maple, and mahogony woods. Hen side and gobble side call.
1036   Wood: Box        2"H x 2"W x 10"L
       turkey call      Made and donated by David R. Emswiler.
                        Pieced and knotted comforter in red, blue, and yellow cotton (flannel back with trains).
1108   Quilt:           80" x 60"
       Comforter        Made by Park View Mennonite Women. Donated by Park View Mennonite Church.
                     Mirror framed in black walnut wood, includes E-Z hang system.
1639   Wood:         36"H x 42"W
       Framed mirror Made and donated by Dwight and Trella Kauffman.

                        Star Spin pattern pieced and hand quilted in earth tones, rust, and green.
       Quilt: Star      99" x 108"
1076   Spin by          Fine quilting by Nancy Heatwole--one needle. Nancy did the entire quilt. Donated from a prior sale by Karen
       Heatwole         Eberly.
                        Wood carving of owl in a tree, done with butternut, bass wood, black walnut, maple, cherry, ebony, myrtle
       Art: Wood        wood, and pine.
1605   carving of owl   15"H x 12"W x 2"D
                        Made by Daniel Heatwole. Donated by Wilbur Layman. Was in a previous relief sale auction.

                                      © 2021 Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale 09/24/2021 11:06 PM
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