Page created by Louis Yates



  Accessibility of Information and Non-Discrimination Statement................................................. 5

REPORTING CRIMES AND OTHER EMERGENCIES [required, 668.46(b)(4)(ii)].........................6

  Voluntary, Confidential Reporting [required, 668.46(b)(2)(iii)]...................................................... 6

  Reporting to University Police [required, 668.46(b)(4)(ii)]............................................................. 8

  Reporting to Other Campus Security Authorities [required, 668.46(b)(2)(iii)]............................. 9


TIMELY WARNING REPORTS – CRIME ALERTS [required, 668.46(b)(2)(i) & 668.46(e)].......... 13

[required, 668.46(e)(3) & 668.46(g)]........................................................................................ 14

  Emergency Management at Kennesaw State University........................................................... 14

  Drills, Exercises and Training [required, 668.46(e)(3) & 668.46(g), 668.46(g)(6), 668.46(g)(6)(i),

  668.46(g)(6)(ii), 668.46(g)(6)(iii)] ................................................................................................... 14

  Emergency Notification [required, 668.46(g)(1), 668.46(g)(2), 668.46(g)(2)(i), 668.46(g)(2)(ii),

  668.46(g)(2)(iii), 668.46(g)(2)(iv), 668.46(g)(3), 668.46(g)(4), 668.46(g)(5)] .................................. 17

SECURITY OF AND ACCESS TO UNIVERSITY FACILITIES [required, 668.46(b)(3)].................18

  Special Considerations for Residence Hall Access [required, 668.46(b)(3)] .............................. 19

  Security Considerations for the Maintenance of Campus Facilities [required, 668.46(b)(3)]..... 20

CAMPUS [required, 668.46(b)(5), 668.46(b)(6)] ......................................................................21

[required, 668.46(b)(11), inclusive]..........................................................................................24

  Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 24

  Education and Prevention Programs........................................................................................... 27

  Procedures for Reporting a Complaint....................................................................................... 28
Procedures Victims Should Follow.............................................................................................. 29

  Assistance for Victims: Rights and Options................................................................................ 34

  On and Off Campus Resources................................................................................................... 36

  Adjudication of Violations........................................................................................................... 39

  Victim Confidentiality................................................................................................................. 41

  Sanctions and Protective Measures............................................................................................ 41

  Sex Offender Registration – Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act [required, 668.46(b)(12)]..... 41

MISSING STUDENT NOTIFICATION POLICY [required, 668.46(h), inclusive].........................42

DAILY CRIME LOG [668.46(f), 668.49(d)(1)].............................................................................43


668.46(b)(8), 668.46(b)(9), 668.46(b)(10)]................................................................................43

  KSU’s Drug and Alcohol Policy.................................................................................................... 44

  Drug and Alcohol Education Programs and Assistance Available............................................ 44

[required, 668.46(b)(2)(ii), 668.46 (c)]......................................................................................46

CAMPUS MAP INDICATING CLERY GEOGRAPHY [668.46(c)(8)]............................................54

[required, if you maintain student residential housing -- 668.49, inclusive]...........................56

  Fire Safety Systems in Residence Halls ...................................................................................... 56

  Fire Drills...................................................................................................................................... 57

  Fire Safety Education and Training Programs ............................................................................ 61

  Fire Incident Reporting................................................................................................................ 62

  Plans for Future Improvements in Fire Safety............................................................................. 62

  Fire Statistics and Fire Log.......................................................................................................... 63
Concern about personal safety in today’s world makes sense. Too often, we hear or read about
crimes perpetrated to life and property. Although campuses seem in some ways as secure as a
small town, no campus is immune from crime.

The Department of Public Safety and University Police at KSU is committed to the students, faculty,
staff and parents. That’s why we have prepared this booklet to inform students, faculty, staff and
parents about our efforts to keep the campus more secure and to encourage students and
employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.

Accessibility of Information

Kennesaw State University distributes a notice of availability regarding the Annual Security and
Fire Safety Report to all students, faculty, and staff by October 1 of each year. Anyone, to include
prospective students, faculty, and staff, as well as the outside community, may obtain an electronic
copy on the Kennesaw State University Department of Public Safety and University Police’s website
police.kennesaw.edu as well as under the Clery/Crime Information drop-down under Annual
Security and Fire Safety Report. A printed copy of this report may also be obtained by contacting
the department at 470-578-6206.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Kennesaw State University (KSU) is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment
for living, work and study. To that end, and in accordance with federal and state laws, Board of
Regents policy, and University policy, the University prohibits harassment of or discrimination
against any person because of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic
information, disability, or veteran or military status by any member of the KSU Community on
campus, in connection with a University program or activity, or in a manner that creates a hostile
environment for members of the KSU community. Incidents of harassment and discrimination
will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, expulsion, or
termination from KSU.

Every member of the KSU community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual
respect and fundamental fairness in human relations. All members of the faculty, staff, and student
body are expected to ensure that nondiscriminatory practices are followed at the University. Any
faculty, staff, student, visitor and third party with a complaint or concern related to these standards
should contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) at 470-578-6057 or email eeo@kennesaw.edu.
Complaints may also be submitted online at discrimination. kennesaw.edu. OIE is located in the
English Building, suite 202 on the Kennesaw Campus. For a complete copy of Kennesaw State
University’s nondiscrimination policy, https://equity.kennesaw.edu/titleix/non-discrimination.php.

The relevant policies and procedures may be found at the following links:

   Nondiscrimination Policy

   KSU follows the USG’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. For more information, visit:

   Complaint Resolution Process


KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                            5

It’s Up to Each of Us

Kennesaw State University has taken measures to ensure the safety and security of the campus
community; however, the campus environment is not immune from criminal incidents that occur in
the surrounding community. The University takes great pride in ensuring the campus community
is one where students, faculty, staff, and visitors can work, study, live, and enjoy all that Kennesaw
State has to offer. Ultimately, it is up to each of us to be aware of our surroundings and use
reasonable judgment while on campus or attending a University function. It is also up to each of us
to report any incident we may feel is against University policy or a threat to another individual.

Voluntary, Confidential Reporting

Reporting crimes or emergencies is voluntary. All crimes and emergencies should be accurately
and promptly reported to the Department of Public Safety and University Police at 470-578-6666,
or the local police agency, when attending a KSU class or KSU sponsored function at an off-campus
location. Kennesaw State University does not have any non- campus organizations or housing, but
student organizations may sponsor an event, such as a dance, at an off-campus facility. At those
times, a University police officer may be assigned to the event for security purposes. If a University
police officer is not present, the local law enforcement agency will be responsible for responding
to a crime or incident, and will report any problems to the University Police. All crimes should
be reported to the University Police for the purpose of investigating the crime, making a timely
warning report and for annual disclosure in the crime statistics.

University Police does not have a process for voluntary confidential reporting due to state
open-records laws. If you are the victim of a crime and do not want to pursue action within the
University System of Georgia or within the criminal justice system, you may still want to consider
making an anonymous report. To report information anonymously, call our administrative
number (470-578-6206) and tell the person who answers the phone that you would like to make
an anonymous report. With such information, the University can keep an accurate record of the
number of incidents involving students, determine where there is a pattern of crime with regard
to a particular location, method or assailant, and alert the campus community to potential danger.
Reports filed in this manner are counted and disclosed in the annual crime statistics for
the institution.

6                                             ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
Confidential Reporting
Confidential reports can be made to campus pastoral
                                                                Ombuds: An Ombuds provides
and professional counselors. According to the 1998
                                                                confidential and informal
amendments to the 20 U.S.C. Section 1092 (f), campus
                                                                assistance in the resolution of
“pastoral counselors” and “professional counselors,”
                                                                university-related concerns. He or
when acting as such, are NOT considered to be a campus
                                                                she is an independent person who
security authority and are NOT required to report crimes
                                                                attempts to consider all sides of
for inclusion into the annual disclosure of crime statistics.
                                                                an issue in an impartial and
But, while in the course of their professional duties as a
                                                                objective manner. An Ombuds
mental health counselor (e.g., in a counseling session,
                                                                cannot impose solutions but
assessment, crisis intervention session or a consultation
                                                                can help identify options and
situation), any Counseling and Psychological Services
                                                                strategies for resolution.
professional staff member (e.g., licensed professional
counselor, psychologist, social worker, administrative          Ombuds:
assistant or student intern) who learns from a KSU student      Dr. Hope Torkornoo and
that s/he has been a victim of a crime will take the            Dr. Chi Zhang
following steps:                                                Kennesaw Phone: 470-578-7773
                                                                Marietta Phone: 470-578-7414
1. The staff member will provide the student with               Email: ombuds@kennesaw.edu
   information on procedures for reporting the crime to
   University Police.                                           Counseling and Psychological
   •   To report a crime or an emergency on campus,
       contact University Police at 470-578-6206 (non-          Kennesaw Campus
       emergency). Dial 470-578-6666 or 911 in emergency        585 Cobb Ave. NW, Room 2401
       situations or use an emergency call box located
                                                                Marietta Campus
       throughout campus in the residential halls, parking      860 Rossbacher Way
       lots and in some academic buildings.                     Building A, Room A170
   •   Anonymous reports of crime may also be made to           Phone: 470-578-6600
       the University Police by calling the administrative
       number (470-578-6206) and indicating the                 WellStar Student Health Clinic:
       person would like to file an anonymous report.
                                                                Kennesaw Campus
       Counselors are encouraged, if and when they              3215 Campus Loop Road
       deem it appropriate, to inform persons they are          House 3215
       counseling about the ability to report an incident       Phone: 470-578-6644
       anonymously for inclusion in the annual disclosure
       of crime statistics. They also educate their clients     Marietta Campus
                                                                955 Technology Way
       about the fact that KSU Department of Public
                                                                Recreation & Wellness Center
       Safety and University Police does not allow              Phone: 470-578-6644
       voluntary confidential reporting because of state
       open records laws.                                       Office of Victim Services (OVS):

2. Counseling and Psychological Services staff may              Kennesaw Campus
   choose to voluntarily report anonymous information           3215 Campus Loop Road NW
                                                                House 3215
   about crimes disclosed during confidential counseling
                                                                Phone: 470-578-6725
   sessions to Department of Public Safety and                  ovs@kennesaw.edu
   University Police. All information reported to KSU
   Police will be redacted to protect identities and will be    Marietta Campus
   used for the purposes of maintaining accurate crime          920 Hornet Loop
   statistics for inclusion in the KSU Annual Security and      Norton Hall, R316
   Fire Safety Report, as required by the Jeanne Clery          Phone: 470-578-4496
   Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus
   Crime Statistics Act.

KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                         7
Reporting to University Police                          phone calls or emails but is designed
                                                        to be an additional option for
Accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to          emergencies. Texting is particularly
the University Police and other appropriate law         helpful for the hearing impaired or those
enforcement agencies is encouraged, when                suffering from a medical emergency
the victim of a crime elects to or is unable            making it hard to speak, in domestic
(physically/mentally) to make such a report.            situations, or residential (home) invasions
The KSU Department of Public Safety and                 where calling 911 could escalate the
University Police is open 24 hours a day, seven         situation. Use the University Police texting
days a week. Someone is always available to             phone only in an emergency, when
answer calls. There are several ways to contact         calling the police is not an option. Send
the department for assistance:                          emergency texts to 770-356-3866.
    Telephone. If you are on campus, dial               Red Flag Reporting: Kennesaw State
    extension 6666. If you are off campus,              University has a multidisciplinary team
    call 470-578-6666.                                  of experts who review concerning
    Email. For non-emergency questions,                 behaviors exhibited by students and
    comments or concerns, email                         employees called the Behavioral Response
    police@kennesaw.edu.                                Team (BRT). This team seeks to proactively
                                                        intervene to provide assistance to minimize
    Emergency phones (Kennesaw Campus).                 crisis. Use brt.kennesaw.edu to submit
    Emergency phones are located in a                   online reports.
    number of the buildings throughout
    campus. These phones provide direct                 liveSafe App: Kennesaw State University
    contact with KSU Police.                            has a free mobile app that allows students,
                                                        faculty, staff and campus visitors to directly
    Emergency call boxes (Marietta Campus).             contact campus officials on a broad range
    Emergency call boxes are located in                 of safety issues.
    most parking lots, along several streets,
    in several building hallways and in the             liveSafe, available through Android
    parking deck. These call boxes provide              and iPhone devices, enables users to
    direct contact with KSU Police.                     share information with KSU officials –
                                                        anonymously if they prefer – about anything
    In Person (Kennesaw Campus). The                    from suspicious activity and mental health
    Department of Public Safety and University          concerns to sexual assault and interpersonal
    Police on the Kennesaw Campus is                    violence via text, photo or video directly
    located in the Public Safety Building at            from their smartphones, facilitating two-
    351 Paulding Avenue, building 351 on the            way communication between students and
    campus map, near the West Parking Deck.             campus safety officers.
    Another reporting location is the
    department’s Administrative Operations              There are interactive features, like Live
    Building located at 624 Big Shanty Road,            Chat and a SafeWalk feature so friends
    located across the street from the Stadium          or family can virtually “walk” a user to
    and Children’s Healthcare Urgent Care.              their destination using a GPS-enabled
                                                        map in real time, as well as a variety of
    In Person (Marietta Campus). The                    resources at students’ fingertips. Some
    Department of Public Safety and University          of those resources include emergency
    Police on the Marietta Campus is located            response guides, so KSU’s liveSafe users
    at 920 Hornet Loop in Norton Hall,                  know what to do in an emergency, as well
    building R2 on the campus map.                      as information on victims services and
                                                        community resource links.
    Police Texting Phone: This system allows
    the community to report emergencies via             Visit livesafe.kennesaw.edu to learn how to
    text message. It is not meant to replace            download the app.

8                                               ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
Response to Reports of Crimes                     Additional Resources for Crime Victims

In response to filing a report with University    Crime victims have a number of offices at
Police, the department forwards incident          KSU available to them that are here to offer
reports involving students to the Office of       support and provide information about
the Dean of Students for review and potential     programs and services available. Some of the
action by the Department of Student               offices a student crime victim may contact for
Conduct and Academic Integrity. The officers      information and assistance include:
make arrests when appropriate. University
Police investigators will investigate a report    Dean of Students            470-578-6367
when it is deemed appropriate. Additional                     deanofstudents@kennesaw.edu
information obtained via the investigation        Human Resources                  470-578-6030
will also be forwarded to the Department of
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.           Office of Institutional Equity   470-578-6057
University Police will contact local law
enforcement agencies as appropriate if            KSU Office of Victim
further assistance is required to respond to      Services (OVS)                 470-578-6725
reported incidents.                                                or email ovs@kennesaw.edu

                                                  Student Conduct and
Reporting to Other Campus                         Academic Integrity (SCAI)     470-578-3403
Security Authorities                                                      scai@kennesaw.edu
In addition to University Police, crimes and      Counseling and Psychological Services
emergencies may be reported to certain
University officials who are deemed Campus        (Kennesaw Campus)                470-578-6600
Security Authorities by Federal Law. These
include the Dean of Students, the Title IX        (Marietta Campus)                470-578-6600
Coordinator, student staff in residence life,     Women’s Resource Center          470-578-7858
athletic coaches, and advisors to student
organizations, to include some faculty            Department of Housing
members. If a crime is reported to any of these   and Residence Life               470-578-5483
individuals, basic information about the type
of crime and the location where it occurred       WellStar Student Health Clinic 470-578-6644
will be shared with University Police for the
purposes of investigation, Timely Warnings
and inclusion in the Annual Security Report.

KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                     9
There are a number of ways to report concerns at KSU.

In addition to providing reporting options for discrimination and harassment concerns, the
following chart provides reporting options for other concerns.

10                                           ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
Type of Concern                                                                 Where to Report

                                                                                                                                Public Safety Personnel
                                     Department of Public Safety & University Police
 Public Safety                    470-578-6666 or (470-578-6206 – for non-emergencies)
                       police@kennesaw.edu | LiveSafe App: https://livesafe.kennesaw.edu/index.php
                                                                                                                            or concern.kennesaw.edu

 Discrimination                              Office of Institutional Equity | 470-578-6057 | eeo@Kennesaw.edu | tellksu.kennesaw.edu
 or Harassment                                                    concern.kennesaw.edu | discrimination.kennesaw.edu/

                                                Public Safety and University Police                                Office of Victim Services
                           Office of                      470-578-6666                Women’s Resource Center       (confidential reporting          Ombuds
                     Institutional Equity              or (470-578-6206 –                 470-578-7858                      option)              (confidential re-
                       470-578-6057                   for non-emergencies)              wrc@Kennesaw.edu                470-578-6725              porting option)
                    eeo@Kennesaw.edu                  police@kennesaw.edu                                            ovs@Kennesaw.edu
                   tellksu.kennesaw.edu                   LiveSafe App:                                                                          470-578-7773
    Sexual         concern.kennesaw.edu           https://livesafe.kennesaw.edu/                                                                   Kennesaw
  Misconduct                                                 index.php
                                                                                       Student Health Services         Counseling and
                                                                                             (confidential          Psychological Services
                     Dean of Students                    Student Conduct                  reporting option)             (confidential
                      470-578-6367                    and Academic Integrity               470-578-6644               reporting option)
                     deanofstudents                       470-578-3403                      studenthealth          470-578-6600 Kennesaw
                     @Kennesaw.edu                     scai@Kennesaw.edu                   @Kennesaw.edu           470-578-6600 Marietta

                          Athletics Compliance Office | 470-578-2782                       Division of Legal Affairs | 470-578-3562 | asklegal@kennesaw.edu

 Improprieties,                                                       KSU Ethics and Compliance Hotline
                          Internal Audit Department                                                                     USG Ethics and Compliance Hotline
                                                                       24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
 or Suspected                  470-578-2034
    Fraud,             InternalAudit@kennesaw.edu
Waste or Abuse
 Environment,            Environmental Health and Safety Department
                                                                                                      After Hours EHS Emergency | 678.449.7693
Health or Safety             470.578.3321 | ehs@kennesaw.edu

                                            Dean of Students | 470-578-6367 | deanofstudents@Kennesaw.edu concern.kennesaw.edu
Student Concern
   Employee                                     Human Resources | https://hr.kennesaw.edu | 470-578-6030 | hr@kennesaw.edu

General Student               Dean of Students | 470-578-6367                                           Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
  Misconduct        deanofstudents@Kennesaw.edu | concern.kennesaw.edu                                   470-578-3403 | scai@Kennesaw.edu

   Academic                   Dean of Students | 470-578-6367                                           Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
   Concerns         deanofstudents@Kennesaw.edu | concern.kennesaw.edu                                   470-578-3403 | scai@Kennesaw.edu

                     Faculty / Staff: 470–578-6999 | Service@kennesaw.edu                     Students: 470-578-3555 | studenthelpdesk@kennesaw.edu
                                                                                                                     Office of Institutional
                        Internal Audit                    KSU Ethics and                   USG Ethics and                                      Human Resources
                         Department                     Compliance Hotline               Compliance Hotline                                     https://hr.ken-
  Retaliation           470-578-2034              24 hours a day, 7 days a week:          1-877-516-3456
                       InternalAudit@                    1-877-516-3456               https://bor.alertline.com/                                470-578-6030
                       kennesaw.edu               https://kennesaw.alertline.com/           gcs/welcome                                        hr@kennesaw.edu

                                                                      KSU Ethics and Compliance Hotline                 USG Ethics and Compliance Hotline
                         Behavioral Response Team
    Other                                                              24 hours a day, 7 days a week:                    24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
                            Red Flag Reporting
   Concerns                 Brt.kennesaw.edu
                                                                              1-877-516-3456                                    1-877-516-3456
                                                                      https://kennesaw.alertline.com/                https://bor.alertline.com/gcs/welcome

                         KSU Department of Public                     KSU Ethics and Compliance Hotline                 USG Ethics and Compliance Hotline
  Anonymous                Safety and University                       24 hours a day, 7 days a week:                    24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
   Reporting                       Police                                     1-877-516-3456                                    1-877-516-3456
                              470-578-6206                            https://kennesaw.alertline.com/                https://bor.alertline.com/gcs/welcome

      KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                                            11

The Public Safety Staff and Services                 facility, a campus policeman employed by
The KSU Department of Public Safety                  such educational facility who is certified
and University Police maintains a force of           in accordance with O.C.G.A. 20-8-3 and
certified police officers, whose duties include      when authorized by the governing body or
enforcing laws, preventing and investigating         authority of such educational facility shall
crimes, providing security, and encouraging          have the same law enforcement powers,
safety awareness. Officers patrol the campus         including the power of arrest, as a law
24 hours a day, seven days a week. Security          enforcement officer of the local government
Officers provide additional security by              with police jurisdiction over such campus. All
patrolling parking lots and buildings, assisting     KSU police officers have the power of arrest
motorists, and providing safety escorts. The         and the authority to enforce all state laws.
Office of Emergency Management, a division           University Police officers are authorized under
of the department of Public Safety, has the          Georgia O.C.G.A. 20-3-72 to make arrests on,
primary responsibility of the emergency              and within 500 yards of any property owned,
management function at Kennesaw State.               controlled by the Board of Regents within the
                                                     State of Georgia. If an offense occurs within
Officers’ Jurisdiction                               the officers’ jurisdiction, they can leave this
                                                     area to pursue the offender.
According to Georgia state law, O.C.G.A.
20-8-2, on the campus of an educational

12                                             ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
Specialized Training                               TIMELY WARNING REPORTS –
                                                   CRIME ALERTS
All KSU law-enforcement personnel
annually receive in-service and specialized
training in firearms qualifications, Electronic    The Department of Public Safety and
Control Device training, Use of Force, De-         University Police is primarily responsible for
escalation, and community policing as well         determining the content and distribution of
as completing additional training hours in         a timely warning notice to the community.
various special topic areas such as Active         Such notifications are distributed via official
Shooter, Mobile Field Force, defensive             KSU email.
tactics, criminal law, criminal procedure,
interpersonal communications, crime scene,         A timely warning notice is considered for
search and seizure, etc. Bi-annually, AED/         distribution to the KSU community for all
CPR training is completed by all personnel.        Clery Act crimes that are (1) reported to
Several members of the department belong           campus security authorities or local police
to professional police organizations and are       and (2) determined by the institution to
instructors at the regional police academy.        represent a serious or continuing threat to
                                                   students and employees. Such reports shall
Open Lines of Communication                        be provided to students and employees
                                                   in a manner that is timely, that withholds
The department has established open lines of       as confidential the names and other
communication with nearby law enforcement          identifying information of victims, and will
agencies and maintains ongoing relationships       provide protective advice that will aid in the
with them so that information about                prevention of similar occurrences.
criminal investigations may be exchanged
and assistance may be obtained. Under              The decision to issue a timely warning shall
Mutual Aid, local law enforcement and state        be decided on a case-by-case basis. The
agencies will assist in a local emergency          decision is made by the Chief of Police or
with the University Police in the prevention       his designee considering all available facts,
or detection of violations of any law, in the      including whether the crime is considered to
apprehension or arrest of any person who           be a serious or continuing threat to students
violates a criminal law of this state, or in any   or employees. Certain specific information
criminal case if requested by the KSU Police.      may be withheld from a warning if there
Constant contact with other law enforcement        is a possible risk of compromising law
agencies is also maintained through the            enforcement efforts. But if a crime occurs that
Georgia Crime Information Center and               would pose a serious or continuing threat
National Crime Information Center computer         to the KSU community, a timely warning
terminal. The terminal also provides               notice would be distributed to the campus
important data on wanted persons, driver’s         community. Timely warning notices are
license information and criminal history           typically distributed to the KSU community
information.                                       via blast email.

                                                   The University Police Chief or designee
                                                   reviews all University Police reports to
                                                   determine if there is an ongoing threat to the
                                                   community and if the distribution of a timely
                                                   warning notice is warranted. Timely warning
                                                   notices may also be posted for other crime
                                                   classifications, as deemed necessary.

KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                        13
EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND                                 Drills, Exercises and Training
                                                       The University conducts numerous
                                                       emergency response exercises on campus
                                                       each year, such as tabletop exercises and
Emergency Management at Kennesaw
                                                       tests of its emergency notification system,
State University
                                                       the KSU Alert System (immediate notification),
The KSU Emergency Operation Plan is a                  on campus. These tests are designed to
resource for the Kennesaw State University             assess and evaluate the emergency plans
community to assist with information                   and capabilities of the institution. The
and provide guidelines in planning and                 University tests aspects of the campus
responding in a crisis. While the Plan does            emergency notification system on the first
not cover every conceivable contingency,               Wednesday of every month. The test on
it does provide the basic administrative               the first Wednesday of every month is
guidelines necessary to cope with most                 announced. This test includes the campus
campus emergencies.                                    Emergency Outdoor Warning Siren,
                                                       Emergency Desktop Override System, and
All campus administrators, especially those            radios distributed to crisis coordinators in
whose responsibilities and authority include           each building. Additionally, the mass
the operational areas specified in the Plan,           notification system, which distributes email,
must adhere to these guidelines. Only those            text, and voice notifications to all faculty,
University administrators responsible for              students and staff, is tested semi-annually.
directing and/or coordinating emergency                A link to KSU’s emergency response and
operations may approve exceptions to these             evacuation procedures is publicized during
crisis management procedures as required to
                                                       the annual test. The unannounced test was
fulfill the emergency response.
                                                       conducted on September 24, 2020 and the
The Director of Emergency Management                   Spring 2020 test was conducted on January
is responsible for the annual review of                8. Both tests began at 12:00 p.m. and
these procedures with input from other key             concluded at approximately 12:15 p.m. The
stakeholders on campus, including the Chief            tests conducted on the first Wednesday
of Police, Director of Environmental Health            of every month: radio tests are from 10:00
and Safety, Medical Director and Strategic             – 10:45 a.m. and the Override System and
Communications and Marketing, as well as               Outdoor Warning Siren Tests are from 12:00
selected others with specific responsibilities         – 12:15 p.m.
outlined in the plan.
                                                       Several emergency notifications were sent
The University’s Emergency Operation Plan,             in 2020 for tornado warnings and campus
located at oem.kennesaw.edu and on the                 closures due to inclement weather.
liveSafe App contains “best practices” and
                                                       In addition to testing the emergency
information about Emergency Guidelines
                                                       notification system, the University also
for the campus community; University
                                                       conducts tabletop exercises with departments
emergency procedures; pre-emergency
                                                       and agencies on and off campus. The
planning and performance expectations;
                                                       Tabletop Exercises (TTX) listed below were
“shelter-in-place,” “secure-in-place” and
                                                       conducted in 2020:
evacuation guidelines; and local contingency
and continuity planning requirements.                  January 24, 2020: UITS Critical Functions
University departments are responsible for             COOP Tabletop Exercise: Discuss threats,
developing contingency plans and continuity            recognize gaps in continuity plans, and
of operations plans for their staff and areas          identify mitigation strategies; other discussions
of responsibility.                                     on technology issues with interdependent and
                                                       downstream complications.

14                                               ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
February 4, 2020: KSU Department of Public           University Police, Emergency Managers and
Safety and University Police COOP Tabletop           Crisis Coordinators have received training
Exercise: Discussion based exercise focusing         in Incident Command and Responding to
on departmental critical functions followed up       Critical Incidents on Campus.
with resource and training needs.                    This training (over 20 classes) is available
                                                     to anyone at KSU. When a serious incident
February 5, 2020: Tornado Tabletop Exercise
                                                     occurs that causes an immediate threat
followed by emergency alert platform
                                                     to the campus, the first responders to
tests: Focused on actions leading up to
                                                     the scene are usually University Police,
a storm followed by response and emergency
                                                     local law enforcement agencies, local
notification actions; brief discussion on
                                                     fire responders and emergency medical
recovery efforts and concluded with
                                                     services. All departments typically respond
emergency notification test, including
                                                     and work together to manage the incident.
outdoor warning sirens.
                                                     Depending on the nature of the incident,
February 29, 2020: UITS COOP Tabletop                other University departments and local or
Exercise: Led by UITS to test response and           federal agencies could also be involved
recovery to critical function degradation;           in responding to the incident. General
discussed security threats and breach and            information about the emergency response
the exercise included detailed technology            and evacuation procedures for Kennesaw
responses and future needs.                          State University are published each year as
                                                     part of the institution’s Clery Act compliance
March 6, 2020: COVID Tabletop Exercise:
                                                     efforts (KSU’s Annual Security and Fire
Initial COVID discussion based exercise to
                                                     Safety Report publication). That information
discuss response triggers, initial plans, resource
                                                     is available on the Department of Public
and training needs; this laid the foundation for
                                                     Safety and University Police website at
KSU’s future efforts to respond to COVID.
May 7, 2020: Remote session: Vehicle as a
weapon: Focusing on immediate response               What it Means to Shelter-in-Place
from an intentional vehicle ramming incident;
discussion included fire/rescue response and         Sheltering-in provides protection from
follow up investigation needs.                       external hazards, minimizes the chance of
                                                     injury and/or provides the time necessary
June 24, 2020: COVID Functional Exercise             to allow for a safe evacuation. This should
- Confirmed Case: Campus wide discussion             be done by selecting a small, interior room
on roles and responsibilities when there is a        if possible, with no or as few windows as
confirmed case on campus; discussion included        possible. When authorities issue directives to
classroom cases and breakouts.                       shelter-in-place, do not walk outdoors; take
                                                     refuge indoors immediately.
July 10, 2020: Remote session: COVID
Functional Exercise, Residence Hall: Focused         A shelter-in-place order may be issued for
on the aftermath of positive COVID cases in the      several reasons:
residence halls including isolation, quarantine,
and cleaning.                                        1. Severe weather

July 16, 2020: Remote session: Residence             2. Hazardous materials
Hall Fire Tabletop Exercise: Discussion
                                                     3. Or any situation where there is a direct
based exercise designed to test response
and recovery plans including how to handle              environmental threat and it is best for
displaced students from damaged rooms.                  you to stay where you are to avoid any
                                                        outside threat.

KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                          15
When this occurs:                                       In the event of an act of violence situation,
                                                        individuals are encouraged to follow the
1. Remain CALM.                                         “Run, Hide, Fight” concept considering
2. Faculty should recommend students and                these procedures:
   others not to leave or go outside.
                                                        1. Remain as calm as possible
3. If in a residence hall room that is safe,
                                                        2. Determine your course of action. The best
   remain there.
                                                           way to survive an active shooter incident
4. Select a small interior room with no or few             is to not be where the shooter is and to
   windows as possible.                                    not go where he or she can see you. You
                                                           have two choices.
5. Close all windows, exterior doors, and any
   other openings that lead to the outside.                a. Evacuate (Run)

6. Stay away from all windows and doors.                       i.   Exit the building immediately, if it
                                                                    is safe to do so
7. Plant Operations personnel should shut
   down all building ventilation fans and air                  ii. Move quickly to a safe location
   conditioners, when and if appropriate.                          away from the incident

8. Select interior room(s) on the ground                       iii. Leave belongings behind that will
   floor, with the fewest windows or air vents.                     slow you down

9. Room(s) should have adequate                                iv. When you see police vehicles, move
   space for everyone to be able to sit                            toward them when it is safe to do
   down comfortably.                                               so with your hands on your head
                                                                   and presenting no threat to them
10. Avoid overcrowding by selecting several
    rooms when necessary.                                      v. Follow the directions of
                                                                  any emergency responders
11. Remain alert for instructions and                             you encounter
    updates as they become available from
    the emergency personnel and                            b. Secure-in-Place (Hide)
    University administrators.
                                                               i.   Go to the nearest room or office
Response to an act of violence on campus:                      ii. Close, lock, and barricade the door
Kennesaw State University is committed                             with any heavy furniture possible
to the protection of its students, staff, and                  iii. Cover windows, if possible
faculty against acts of violence. Acts of
violence could include, but are not limited to,                iv. Turn out the lights, if possible
active shooter situations, hostage situations,
work-place violence, and terrorism. Such                       v. Silence all noise-producing
acts of violence have occurred on multiple                        sources, including your cell phones
campuses across the nation. These incidents                    vi. If you can provide any valuable
have happened with little or no warning on                         information to the responding
campus or in close proximity to campus.
                                                                   units, such as the whereabouts of
Violent situations are oftentimes dynamic
                                                                   the shooter, call 470-578-6666 or
and evolve rapidly, demanding immediate
                                                                   extension 6666. If you are unable
notification of first responders and quick
                                                                   to call, you can text KSU’s dispatch
responses to protect the innocent.
                                                                   center at 770-356-3866 or use the
                                                                   liveSafe App.

16                                                ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
3. If you are in a room with others, spread       Muster and Head Count
   out in the room, keep quiet, and
   determine a plan of attack if an armed         Individuals in leadership positions should
   person enters your room.                       attempt to account for students, faculty, staff
                                                  and visitors who are under their supervision
4. If you are faced with a shooter, you have      at the time of the evacuation. Those positions
   a choice to make, and only you can make        may include:
   the choice. You can stay still and hope
   they don’t shoot you, run for an exit             •   Faculty or instructors in the classroom
   as fast as you can, or even attack the            •   Crisis coordinators
   shooter (fight). This is very dangerous. A
   moving target is much harder to hit than          •   Office managers
   a stationary one and the last thing the
                                                     •   Supervisors
   shooter will expect is to be attacked by an
   unarmed person. Any option you choose          Once you have assembled at your designated
   may still result in a negative consequence.    meeting place, conduct a reasonable
                                                  accounting of personnel. Inform Public Safety
5. If someone near you has a life-threatening
                                                  officials or Crisis Coordinators if someone is
   injury, and it is possible for you to safely
                                                  unaccounted for or if you suspect someone
   provide first aid, do so up to but not
                                                  did not exit the building, and inform them of
   exceeding your level of training.
                                                  the missing person’s last known whereabouts.
How to evacuate:
                                                  Emergency Notification to the Community
At the sound of a fire alarm or if you are        about an Immediate Threat: KSU Alert
instructed to evacuate, leave your work or
                                                  KSU will immediately distribute emergency
living area immediately and proceed to the
                                                  notification warnings to the campus
nearest exit, and leave the building. If you
                                                  community upon confirmation of a significant
are the first to recognize a fire situation,
                                                  emergency or dangerous situation on
activate the alarm, evacuate to a safe
                                                  campus involving an immediate threat to the
location using the nearest exit, and notify
                                                  health or safety of students or staff, unless
University Police Emergency at extension
                                                  issuing a notification will, in the professional
6666 or dial 470-578-6666.
                                                  judgment of responsible authorities,
1. Remain CALM.                                   compromise efforts to assist a victim or to
                                                  contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate
2. Do NOT use elevators. Use the stairs.          the emergency. Examples of emergencies
                                                  that may warrant such a notification include
3. Assist the physically impaired. If he/she is
                                                  but are not limited to: an active shooter
   unable to exit without using an elevator,
                                                  on campus, hostage/barricade situation,
   secure a safe location near a stairwell, and
                                                  a riot, credible bomb threat, a tornado, a
   immediately inform University Police or
                                                  fire/explosion, suspicious death, structural
   the responding Fire Department of the
                                                  damage to a university-owned or controlled
   individual’s location.
                                                  facility, significant flooding, a large gas leak,
4. Proceed to a clear area at least 150 feet      or a significant hazardous material release.
   away from the building. Keep all walkways
   clear for emergency vehicles.                  Authorization of the KSU Emergency
                                                  Notification Systems
5. Make sure all personnel are out of
   the building.                                  Supervisors on duty have the responsibility
                                                  for the initiation of the primary
6. Do not re-enter the building.                  communication system, the RAVE Alert

KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                       17
System which sends notification to all                   •   Post closure or other information
students and employees registered in the                     on the KSU Campus Advisory Web
system in the event a significant emergency                  page (advisories.kennesaw.edu) and
or dangerous situation has occurred. The                     Kennesaw State University’s front web
RAVE System is an automatic enrollment-                      page. The content of the message is
based system in which upon being accepted                    determined by the Chief of Police or
by the University, students, faculty and staff               his designee, and the messages are
are imported into the system. In the event                   typically posted to the website by the
they do not want to receive such notifications,              Director of Emergency Management.
they have the option to opt out.
                                                         •   Activate the Outdoor Warning Siren
Emergencies on campus are typically                          System when necessary. The content
confirmed by the Department of Public Safety                 of the message and activation of this
and University Police, in consultation with                  system is the responsibility of the
other offices, such as the Department of                     Chief of Police or his designee.
Environmental Health and Safety, the Office
of the Dean of Students, Student Health, the          See oem.kennesaw.edu/mitigation.php to
National Weather Service and/or responding            learn more about KSU Alert. Parents have the
law enforcement or fire departments. The              ability to receive these notifications from the
Department of Public Safety and University            KSU Alert system as well. In order for this to
Police is also authorized to activate the             occur, parents should have their student send
systems in an emergency situation.                    an email to oem@kennesaw.edu from their
                                                      student email account requesting to add a
The Department of Public Safety and                   phone number to their notification list
University Police will determine the content
of the notification by selecting from the
templates existing in the RAVE system
based on the emergency type and may
                                                      SECURITY OF AND ACCESS TO
alter language based on the facts and
                                                      UNIVERSITY FACILITIES
circumstances. The Chief of Police or his
designee will then notify the Assistant
Director of Strategic Communication and               While classes are in session, Kennesaw
Marketing who, in turn, may notify local              State University, with the exception of the
media outlets to provide information to               residence halls, is open to students, parents,
the larger community. The Chief of Police             employees, contractors, guests and invitees.
or his designee will be responsible for               During normal business hours and into the
disseminating the following notifications             evening hours for night classes and activities,
using some or all of the below listed systems         access to KSU facilities is through unlocked
when activation is required and to providing          doors or key locks, along with a card access
follow-up information regarding the                   system deployed at KSU, where applicable.
emergency as needed:                                  After regular hours, which includes when
                                                      classes and events are completed, KSU
     •   Activate the RAVE Emergency
                                                      police officers and Security Officers make
         Notification System (text, email,
                                                      rounds and secure doors by locking them.
         telephone calls to registered users)
                                                      Persons wanting to enter a building after-
     •   Deploy the Emergency Broadcast               hours must have approved card access and
         Alert Desktop Override System. The           use University-issued access cards. In the
         content of the message and activation        case of periods involving extended closing
         of this system is the responsibility of      times, the University will admit only those
         the Chief of Police or his designee.         with prior written approval or approval from
                                                      Public Safety to enter the facilities.

18                                              ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
Security cameras are placed at strategic          verifying the eligibility of student assistants
locations around the campus, in some of           to stay in closed buildings after-hours. Police
the facilities for safety reasons, and most       Officers regularly patrol all campus facilities
of the parking decks. Specific building           to maintain security and inspect doors and
interior corridor facilities have interior        locks to ensure they are properly maintained.
cameras focused on areas of higher risk,
such as facility entrances, elevators and         Upon University closure due to inclement
telecommunication rooms. These cameras            weather (e.g., snow or icy conditions) or
are not actively monitored, but all footage       other instances when “sheltering-in” is
is saved on a digital feed. Cameras are           required, KSU employees may stay in a
checked routinely through visual confirmation     building after it has been locked. In certain
to ensure the component is working via the        instances of severe weather that do not
central monitoring station. Employees of the      require a campus closure (e.g., tornado
University (faculty and staff) may be present     watch or warning), egress from campus
in buildings after-hours provided that they       buildings will be discouraged, and all
have a background check on file. Student          employees will be asked to gather in their
assistants may be present in the building         designated storm-shelter areas.
as well, as long as a background check has
been performed within the last two years.         Special Considerations for Residence
Exemptions from background checks may             Hall Access
be approved in writing by the President           Residence halls are managed through a
or their designee. Academic programs              cooperative relationship between the KSU
that require after-hour access by graduate        Department of Housing and Residence Life
students must inform their students that          and KSU Department Door Access. Housing
a background check is a requirement for           and Residence Life provides operational
gaining after-hour access. However, it cannot     oversight for maintenance, housekeeping,
be used as a requirement for admission            and key distribution, oversight for emergency
to any academic program. The University           and crisis responses, safety and security
System of Georgia Human Resources                 programming. Door Access provides
Administrative Practice Manual provides           management and oversight for all locking
additional information about background           mechanisms in the residential communities
investigations. The Department of Public          which vary based on the design of the facility.
Safety and University Police is responsible for

KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                     19
Kennesaw Campus:                                          •   Commons Apartments – Each apartment/
                                                              unit is secured through an electronic door
•    KSU Place — Each apartment/unit door                     access system. Each bedroom door is
     is secured through an electronic door                    secured with a deadbolt and key system.
     access system. Each bedroom door is
     secured with a deadbolt and key system.              •   Hornet Village – The facility uses a
                                                              deadbolt and key system to secure
•    Austin Residence Complex — Each                          individual bedrooms. Interior corridors
     apartment/unit door is secured through                   and unit doors are secured through an
     an electronic door access system. Each                   electronic door access system.
     bedroom door is secured with a deadbolt
     and key system.                                      •   University Columns – Each house is
                                                              secured through an electronic door
•    University Village — Access to the facility              access system. Each bedroom door is
     and to apartment/unit doors is secured                   secured with a deadbolt and key system.
     through an electronic door system. Each
     bedroom door is secured with a deadbolt              Other community areas are staffed by a
     and key system.                                      Resident Assistant (RA) in evening hours.
                                                          Residence Life staff members are on duty 24
•    University Village Suites — Access to the            hours a day, seven days a week to respond to
     facility, interior corridors, and unit doors         student needs. An emergency maintenance
     are secured through an electronic door               person is on call 24 hours a day to handle all
     access system. Each bedroom door is                  lock and key problems.
     secured with a deadbolt and key system.
                                                          Door-to-door solicitation and distribution of
     The main lobby also uses an electronic               leaflets by individuals or organizations other
     door system, but those doors are open                than KSU Housing and Residence Life is
     during specific daytime hours of                     prohibited. Delivery vendors are not granted
     the week.                                            facility access, and students are expected
                                                          to meet those vendors at the exterior
Austin Residential Complex Town Hall and                  entrances to receive order items.
the University Village 6000 Administrative
Office maintain a front desk, although sworn              Security Considerations for the
police officers and non-sworn security                    Maintenance of Campus Facilities
officers patrol the grounds of all residential
communities. The desk is staffed from 9 a.m.              Facilities and landscaping are maintained
to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.                          in a manner that minimizes hazardous
                                                          conditions. KSU Department of Public Safety
Marietta Campus:                                          and University Police regularly patrol the
•    Howell Hall – Access to the facility is              campus and report malfunctioning lights and
     secured through an electronic door                   other unsafe physical conditions to Facilities
     access system. Each unit door is secured             Management for correction. Other members
     with a key system.                                   of the University community are helpful
                                                          when they report equipment problems to
•    Courtyard Apartments – Each apartment/               University Police or to Facilities Management.
     unit door is secured through an electronic           The Department of Housing and Residence
     door access system. Each bedroom                     Life closely monitors residential buildings to
     door is secured with a deadbolt and                  ensure that exterior doors are secure and
     key system.                                          that any maintenance issues are responded
                                                          to promptly. University Police, when in

20                                                  ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
residential spaces, responds to security issues by    Crime prevention and security awareness
unpropping doors and responding to security-          programs available include:
related calls.
                                                      Crime Prevention Education

                                                      The KSU Police Community Outreach, Recruitment,
SECURITY AWARENESS AND                                and Engagement (C.O.R.E.) Unit facilitates on
CRIME PREVENTION EDUCATION                            average 50 community education presentations
AND PROGRAMMING ON CAMPUS                             that promote personal safety for students, staff
                                                      and faculty. Any student organization or campus
                                                      department can request a training presentation
Security awareness and crime prevention programs      from the C.O.R.E. Unit. These presentations
on personal safety are sponsored by various           cover topics such as Social Media Safety, Internet
departments at KSU throughout the year. Security      Safety, Crime Prevention, Community and Law
awareness programs are designed to inform             Enforcement Interaction Safety, Identity Theft
students and employees about campus security          Prevention, Active Shooter Response, Sexual
procedures and practices and to encourage             Assault Awareness and Prevention, and General
students and employees to be responsible for their    Campus Safety. In addition, a special topic may
own security and the security of others.              be requested, as well. To schedule a class please
                                                      complete the request form at https://police.
University Police facilitate programs for students,
                                                      kennesaw.edu/core/ksupcore.php If you have
faculty, staff, orientations, organizations and
                                                      questions, or to learn more, email: KSUPDCORE@
residential housing. Residence Life and multiple
                                                      kennesaw.edu and make the subject line
other departments within the Division of Student
                                                      “Community Request Inquiry”.
Affairs offer programs for students specifically.

  KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                       21
SAFE                                               R.A.D. for Men

Self-defense Awareness & Familiarization           Resisting Aggression with Defense for Men
Exchange (SAFE) is a two hour program offered      addresses the many requests from our male
for female students, faculty and staff at KSU.     population for basic self-defense options.
The program is based upon the following ideas:     R.A.D. For Men’s (RFM) goal is to provide
violent crimes are crimes of opportunity, and      responsible information and tactical options
when you remove the element of opportunity,        of self-defense for men who find themselves
you reduce the risk of attack. Ninety percent      in confrontational situations. For a male
of self-defense is mental preparedness; the        self-defense program to be an empowering
other 10 percent is physical. SAFE provides        experience, it must contain a few key elements.
participants with great crime prevention           These are: to educate men about their roles and
information and resources as well as a pre-        responsibilities in reducing violence, to instill an
basic familiarization with physical defense                              understanding of reliance
training methods.                                                        on others, to understand
                                                                         the responsibility and
RAPE AGGRESSION DEFENSE                                                  importance of making
                                                                         different decisions, and to
Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) is a                                    obtain self-realization of the
comprehensive course that begins with                                    power of controlling
awareness, prevention, risk reduction and                                one’s emotions.
avoidance while progressing on to the basics
of hands-on defense training. Certified R.A.D.     Weapons Defense Systems
instructors teach all R.A.D. classes. R.A.D.
classes include Basic R.A.D., Advanced R.A.D.,     R.A.D. Systems Weapons Defense Program
R.A.D. for Men, Weapons Defense Systems,           teaches participants realistic defensive
Keychain Defense Options, and R.A.D. for           strategies against edged weapons and firearms.
Seniors. To request information or sign up for a   This is an eight-hour class administered in two
class, check the KSU Police website or contact:    four-hour blocks. Participants must have already
radclasses@kennesaw.edu.                           completed the Basic Physical Defense Program.

Advanced R.A.D.                                    Keychain Defense Options

Advanced Rape Aggression Defense is                The R.A.D. Keychain Defense Options course
a 25-hour course, which is administered            is one of the only realistic and court-defensible
in five different five-hour blocks of              impact weapons programs available for the
instruction. Advanced R.A.D. builds on the         general public. Combining proven R.A.D.
basic philosophy and defense techniques            Physical Defense strategies with revolutionary
taught in R.A.D. Basic Physical Defense            impact weapons defense techniques, makes
for Women. Advanced R.A.D. consists of             this program a worthy addition to the R.A.D.
hand combinations, upper body counter              System. Realistic employment, combat
techniques, lower body counter techniques,         effectiveness, “light impact,” fluid transitions
ground defense positions and counter               and even simulation training exercises are all
techniques, tackle avoidance techniques,           part of this program. This program revolves
and counter defense techniques against             around use of the Kubaton in conjunction with
multiple adversaries. Participants must have       weapon-enhanced physical skills. Participants
already completed the Basic Physical               must have already completed the Basic Physical
Defense Program.                                   Defense Program.

22                                             ANNUAL SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY REPORT 2021
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