2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof

Page created by Erin Little
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
2021-2022 Education
All the solutions you need under one roof
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof

                    Digital Dentistry                                                          Page 8 - 15

                    Clear Aligners                                                             Page 16 - 22

                    Sleep Medicine                                                             Page 23 - 25

                    Implants                                                                   Page 26 - 38

                    Restorative                                                                Page 39 - 42

                    Endodontics                                                                Page 43 - 45

                    Laboratory                                                                 Page 46 - 50

                    Imaging                                                                    Page 51 - 53

                    For course availability visit: www.dentsplysirona.com/en-gb/academy
                    or contact your local Territory Sales Manager

2 Dentsply Sirona                                                        Dentsply Sirona Education Programme   3
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Pursuing                                                          Procedural Solutions

better, safer,
faster care
                                                     Preventive             Restorative        Orthodontics

in each dental                                       Endodontics            Prosthetics          Implants

Moving dental care forward requires progress
within and across dental disciplines. Enabling
                                                             Enabling Technologies
technologies, like 3D imaging, fundamentally
changes what is possible. Procedural solutions,
based on advanced materials and innovative
methods, ensure the best clinical results.
The integration of both makes better, safer,
faster care possible.

                                                  Imaging           Treatment        CAD/CAM        Instruments
                                                  Systems            Centers
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Welcome to the                                                                                                         party dental training individuals        provides a flexible resource that can    It will also be available for hire by

Dentsply Sirona Academy,
                                                                                                                       and organisations.                       accommodate almost any training or       third party education providers and
                                                                                                                                                                education requirement. Finally, state    external training organisations.
                                                                                                                       The facilities                           of the art audio visual equipment
                                                                                                                                                                makes these facilities amongst the       Location

                                                                                                                       The specially designed facility
                                                                                                                       incorporates a Clinical Skills Suite     finest in the UK.                        The Dentsply Sirona Academy,
                                                                                                                       featuring an 8-station simulation                                                 London is perfectly situated:
                                                                                                                                                                The Dentsply Sirona Academy
                                                                                                                       clinic complete with phantom heads.                                               • Within 15 minutes of the M25
                                                                                                                                                                London will be available for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           motorway, which offers direct
                                                                                                                       A Showroom includes treatment            in-house training, which will include
                                                                                                                                                                                                           links to the whole of the UK.
                                                                                                                       centres, handpieces and digital          clinical skills courses, equipment
                                                                                                                                                                demonstrations and examples of           • Less than an hour from Heathrow
                                                                                                                       radiography, including fully
                                                                                                                                                                how the digital workflow can be            and Gatwick airports.
“Knowledge and skills        Dentsply Sirona is recognised as a             Our educational philosophy                 functioning examples of the Galileos
                             global leader in dental education                                                         cone beam imaging system, plus           integrated into practice across          • Only 35 minutes from Central
are building blocks for      and our heritage as a provider of the          Dentsply Sirona has, for many years,                                                numerous applications.                     London by direct train.
                                                                                                                       Orthophos and Axeos systems.
every successful dental      highest quality and broadest scope             been at the forefront of material and
                                                                                                                       Having this equipment on site enables
                                                                            equipment technology advances,
professional and as          of education underpins the ethos of                                                       visitors to appreciate the streamlined
                             the whole organisation. Following              areas that have now expanded to                                                      For more details:
techniques and materials     the merger in 2016, our commitment             incorporate digital imaging, intraoral
                                                                                                                       efficiency that can be gained by
                                                                                                                       adopting an integrated workflow.
advance, the need to         to education as a cornerstone of our           scanning and CADCAM. Now, the
                                                                                                                       These benefits are exhibited across
                                                                                                                                                                 Members of the dental profession or representatives of dental
                                                                            integration of these technologies                                                    organisations interested in hosting events at the centre or using it for
keep pace with change        organisation has been unwavering.                                                         specific disciplines including
                             As part of this commitment we                  into end-to-end solutions that                                                       other purposes should contact Dentsply Sirona to discuss availability,
is increasing the demand     have training facilities at numerous           increase practice efficiency, whilst
                                                                                                                       restorative dentistry, implants,
                                                                                                                                                                 suitability and terms and conditions of use.
                                                                                                                       endodontics and orthodontics.
for high quality teaching    locations around the world, and                also improving the predictability
                                                                            of treatment, has positioned us                                                      Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
and learning. We have        are excited to announce that our                                                          A 30-seat classroom style lecture
                             latest state-of-the-art centre for             as leaders of those pushing the            room that can be rapidly transformed      Website: www.dentsplysirona.com/en-gb/academy
created the Dentsply Sirona knowledge and learning will deliver             boundaries of what it is possible for      to accommodate 60+ in theatre style,
Academy, London in the       education right to the heart of UK             the profession to achieve.
belief that through training dentistry, at the Dentsply Sirona              This philosophy however means that
                             Academy, London.
and education, we can best                                                  it is not enough to simply have great
                                                                            products, we must also commit
help all our customers to    The Dentsply Sirona Academy
                                                                            to educating and training the
gain maximum value from      The Dentsply Sirona Academy                    profession so they can get the most
the technology in which      exists to address the continuing               from the new technology that will
                             educational needs of all dental                help drive their businesses forward.
they have invested.”
                                  professionals, providing worldwide
Gerry Campbell                    access to evidence based,                 The Dentsply Sirona Academy,
Group Vice President,             scientifically sound, theoretical and     London is the embodiment of our
Dentsply Sirona                   practical content, delivered by world     educational philosophy, providing
                                  renowned Key Opinion Leaders.             a venue that enables dentists and
                                                                            technicians to not only hear about
                                  Worldwide, the Dentsply Sirona            how an integrated solution can
                                  Academy is responsible for the            improve their workflow, but to
                                  education of approximately 350,000        experience it first-hand.
                                  dental professionals every year,
                                  covering an extensive range of            The Dentsply Sirona Academy,
                                  clinical, technical and practice          London
                                  excellence programmes. Our
                                                                            The Dentsply Sirona Academy,
                                  education facilities provide over
                                                                            London functions as a multi-use
                                  11,000 courses annually, in more
                                                                            facility; firstly it is used to showcase
                                  than 80 countries.
                                                                            products and equipment in a clinical
                                  Our aim in providing this educational     setting and allow customer training
                                  platform is simple - to help equip        to take place; secondly it provides a
                                  clinicians and technicians with all the   UK base for our extensive in-house
                                  necessary skills to provide better,       clinical and technical education
                                  safer, faster care across every           programme and finally, it is a space
                                  dental discipline.                        that is available for use by third

6 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                       Dentsply Sirona Academy, London          7
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Digital Impressions

                                                                      Ask The Expert
                                                                      IOS support hub with Simon Fieldhouse
                                                                      COURSE LENGTH: 2 hours

                                                                      PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                      SPEAKER
                                                                      Join Simon Fieldhouse for Intra-oral Scanner New User                      Simon Fieldhouse
                                                                      Learning Club using Primescan®. This course is provided                    BSc (Hons), BDS, FDSRCS (England)
                                                                      free of charge to our intra-oral scanner customers and                     Simon qualified in 1992 at Liverpool
                                                                      requires a registration code to book.                                      University Dental Hospital and stayed
                                                                                                                                                 on in the city to further his Specialist
                                                                      COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                         training in oral surgery. Whilst learning,
                                                                                                                                                 he completed extensive research into
                                                                                                                                 3D analysis of the head and neck, and tumour mapping
                                                                      • Introduction the Primescan AC Unit                       using MRI. He is passionate about utilising dental
                                                                      • Regular routine maintenance                              technology to enhance patients’ treatment journeys
                                                                      • Camera handling                                          and to reduce the impact on the environment wherever
                                                                                                                                 possible. Simon is an international Key Opinion Leader
                                                                      Clinical guidelines                                        for digital dentistry. He lectures across the UK on
                                                                      • Preparation guidelines                                   business and clinical aspects of digital dentistry and
                                                                      • Retraction techniques                                    workflows.

                                                                      Software walkthrough                                       At Dutch Barton Dental Practice, Simon offers patients
                                                                                                                                 oral surgery, general dental treatments and implants.
                                                                      • Connect software 5.2
                                                                      • Exporting an STL file                                    When he took over the practice in 2007, it was well-
                                                                                                                                 established with a loyal patient base but in desperate
                                                                      Learning content                                           need of modernisation. Simon therefore combined
                                                                      This course will ensure the participant leaves confident   his passion for traditional dentistry with modern
                                                                      in the operation and navigation of the hardwear and        technology to update the existing equipment, introduce
                                                                      software of Primescan AC, and clear in the workflow        new treatments and techniques.
                                                                      opportunities that follow on from a scan.
                                                                                                                                 Simon is committed to giving patients long term
                                                                      Aims and objectives                                        dental solutions to ensure their positive oral health. His
                                                                      • The operation and maintenance of Primescan               investment in digital technology has allowed him to do
                                                                                                                                 this with much success. Outside of work, Simon is a

Digital Dentistry
                                                                                                                                 rugby coach and school governor.
                                                                      • The clinical guidelines required to achieve a
                                                                        successful scan and ultimately treatment                 Educational outcome
                                                                      • Operation and care of the PC, camera handling and        2 hours verifiable CPD
                                                                        calibration, hygiene protocols
                                                                      • Patient positioning, retraction and preparation          Fees

 Digital Impressions                                                  • The software workflow for the administration,            Free to Dentsply Sirona intra-oral scanner customers.
                                                                        acquisition, model phases
 > Ask The Expert – IOS support hub with Simon Fieldhouse             • Exporting a scan and subsequent workflow                 Bookings and additional information
                                                                        possibilities                                            For any questions regarding events,
 Chairside Digital Dentistry                                                                                                     Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
 > 2 Day CEREC® New User Training with Alif Moosajee and Lino Adolf
 > The Business of CEREC® with Simon Fieldhouse                       COURSE DATES
 > CEREC® in Implantology with Simon Fieldhouse                                11/11/2021                   20/01/2022                   17/02/2022                     17/03/2022
 > Anterior Aesthetics with CEREC® with Julian Caplan                        Virtual Course                Virtual Course               Virtual Course                 Virtual Course
                                                                              BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW                     BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW

                                                                              14/04/2022                    12/05/2022                   09/06/2022                     07/07/2022
                                                                             Virtual Course                Virtual Course               Virtual Course                 Virtual Course
                                                                              BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW                     BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW

                                                                              15/09/2022                    13/10/2022                    10/11/2022                    08/12/2022
                                                                             Virtual Course                Virtual Course               Virtual Course                 Virtual Course
                                                                              BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW                     BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW

                                                                                                                                                                        Digital Dentistry     9
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Chairside Digital Dentistry

2 Day CEREC® New User Training
with Alif Moosajee and Lino Adolf
                                                                                                                        other dentists to come and learn and also contribute,
COURSE LENGTH: 2 days                                                                                                   again to improve standards of care for all. Alif is a
                                                                                                                        keen advocate for mentoring, especially in the field of
PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                     DAY 2                                                         implant dentistry, because he feels that mentoring helps
Join Lino Adolf and Dr Alif Moosajee for CEREC New        • Review of day 1                                             dentists to become better, quicker. Especially with the
User Module 1 at Dentsply Sirona Academy, Weybridge.                                                                    more advanced aspects of dental treatment.
                                                          • CEREC software and design part 2
This two-day course is designed to provide users          • Break
                                                                                                                                           Lino Adolf
with a complete understanding of the hardware             • CEREC software and design part 3
components and software tools in the early stages of      • Lunch                                                                     Lino Adolf was born and raised in South
their investment. It will support delegates in pushing
                                                          • Materials, Introduction to CEREC Tessera                                  Africa. He grew up and followed his
through the learning curve that new users face in the
                                                          • Protocols: milling and firing, stain and glaze,                           university education in Portugal, where
early stages of CAD/CAM adoption.
                                                            hand polishing                                                            he obtained in 1998 the Bachelor Degree
The course will also aim to update delegates on modern                                                                                in Dental Technology and later in 2002
concepts of preparation design and bonding protocols.                                                                   the Degree in Dental Technology - fixed prosthodontics.
                                                          SPEAKERS                                                      He developed his technical education in fixed
                                                                         Alif Moosajee                                  prosthodontics until today.
COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                       BDS MFGDP (UK), MJDF (RCS Eng)                 Between 1998-2006 he was teaching at CESPU
                                                                         Dr Alif Moosajee is the principal dentist      University, fixed prosthodontics and lab orthodontics.
Learning content
                                                                         at Oakdale Dental and is also the author       During that time he also worked as a Dental Technician
This course is designed to provide users with a                          of the book ‘The Smiling Dentist’- a           doing crown & bridge and implant work at CDI and
complete understanding of the CEREC hardware                             jargon-free book about clinical dentistry      Dental Creations.
components and software tools in the early stages of                     which was written to provide patients          He has been working with CAD/CAM since 1998 and in
their investment. Designed to streamline the learning     with the information they need to help keep their teeth       2001 he became Victor Hugo do Carmo’s - Oral Design
curve which which new users face in the early stages of   healthy and also provide them with information to allow       International (Switzerland) - Protégé.
CAD/CAM adoption.                                         them to make better choices about the treatment
                                                                                                                        He opened his own laboratory in the UK in 2006, where
                                                          they have.
Aims and objectives                                                                                                     he started working as Self-employed and then changed
                                                          Alif really loves dentistry, he has a passion for it and      to Majestic Smile Ltd in 2011.
• Scanning techniques for CEREC Ortho
                                                          often says that if it wasn’t his job it would be his hobby!
• Scanning Techniques for CEREC Restorative               He has a particular interest in replacing missing teeth       Educational outcome
• Discovering the vast possibilities with CEREC system    with dental implants and restoring broken down teeth          11 hours verifiable CPD
• To introduce concepts within the CEREC workflow         using CEREC to provide crowns to patients in a
  that will ensure successful treatment                   single visit.
• Update delegates on modern concepts of                  Alif loves to do treatment that provides patients with
                                                                                                                        In person Academy registration                 £649.00
  preparation design and bonding protocols                the best outcomes and feels that dental implants and
                                                                                                                        Virtual event registration                     £649.00
• Advantages of Sirona Connect                            CEREC restorations give him the tools that enable him
                                                                                                                        Price is excluding VAT
                                                          to provide restorations that most closely mimic
• Overview of finishing protocols
                                                          natural teeth.
                                                                                                                        Bookings and additional information
Agenda                                                    Alif spends much of his time dedicated to providing
                                                                                                                        For any questions regarding events,
                                                          clinical care for his patients and running Oakdale Dental.
DAY 1                                                                                                                   Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
                                                          He also makes appearances on BBC TV and Radio and
• CEREC system overview                                   on Channel 5 commenting on topical dental issues. He
• Prep guidelines                                         also continues to put pen to paper writing regularly for
                                                          dental magazines ‘The Probe’ and ‘Dentistry’ and also         COURSE DATES
• Lunch
                                                          Leicester-based publication ‘The Urban Fox’.
• Review preps                                                                                                            09/12/2021 - 10/12/2021        20/01/2022 - 21/01/2022     10/03/2022 - 11/03/2022    26/05/2022 - 27/05/2022
                                                          Alif was Highly Commended Best Young Dentist at                Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual      Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual   Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual   Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual
• Scanning techniques
                                                          the Dentistry Awards 2015 and was runner-up in the                    BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW                    BOOK NOW                    BOOK NOW
• Break                                                   National Dental Awards 2015 in the Best Young
• CEREC software and design part 1                        Dentist category.                                              30/06/2022 - 01/07/2022         11/08/2022 - 12/08/2022    15/09/2022 - 16/09/2022     27/10/2022 - 28/10/2022
• Overview of cementation protocols                       Alif is committed to improving patient care whether it         Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual      Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual   Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual   Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual
                                                          be the patients he sees or by helping to educate other                BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW                    BOOK NOW                    BOOK NOW
                                                          dentists so that they can improve standards of their
                                                          own clinical care. Alif has set up and is the director of      08/12/2022 - 09/12/2022
                                                          two study clubs at Oakdale Dental. Both of which invite        Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual
                                                                                                                                BOOK NOW

10 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                                    Digital Dentistry   11
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Chairside Digital Dentistry                                                                                                    Chairside Digital Dentistry

The Business of CEREC®                                                                                                         CEREC® in Implantology
with Simon Fieldhouse                                                                                                          with Simon Fieldhouse
COURSE LENGTH: 1 day                                                                                                           COURSE LENGTH: 2 days

PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                         SPEAKER                                                          PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                      SPEAKER
Ever felt like you’ve only just scratched the surface                            Simon Fieldhouse                              CEREC will produce highly aesthetic implant                                   Simon Fieldhouse
of what CEREC can do? Learn how to maximise this                                 BSc (Hons), BDS, FDSRCS (England)             restorations with perfect occlusion and contacts,                             BSc (Hons), BDS, FDSRCS (England)

incredible business building tool to make your patients                      Simon qualified in 1992 at Liverpool              whether you are treating a single tooth or complete                       Simon qualified in 1992 at Liverpool
happier, your team more effective and your practice                          University Dental Hospital and stayed             quadrant. Fabricating chairside implant restorations                      University Dental Hospital and stayed
more profitable.                                                             on in the city to further his Specialist          opens an avenue to be more productive in a practice                       on in the city to further his Specialist
                                                                             training in oral surgery. Whilst learning,        whether you are temporizing an edentulous area for                        training in oral surgery. Whilst learning,
                                                                             he completed extensive research into              implants or fabricating the final restoration.                            he completed extensive research into
COURSE DESCRIPTION                                            3D analysis of the head and neck, and tumour mapping                                                                        3D analysis of the head and neck, and tumour mapping
                                                              using MRI. He is passionate about utilising dental                                                                          using MRI. He is passionate about utilising dental
Learning content                                                                                                               COURSE DESCRIPTION
                                                              technology to enhance patients’ treatment journeys                                                                          technology to enhance patients’ treatment journeys
How could the benefits of chairside dentistry be              and to reduce the impact on the environment                                                                                 and to reduce the impact on the environment
                                                                                                                               Learning content
marketed to patients? When and how to use the                 wherever possible.                                                                                                          wherever possible.
wider dental team. Making crowns is just the start –                                                                           • The differences between the various blocks for
looking at possible procedural workflows and how to           Simon is an international Key Opinion Leader for digital           fabricating provisional and permanent chairside          Simon is an international Key Opinion Leader for digital
develop them. Other equipment to expand the digital           dentistry. He lectures across the UK on business and               abutments                                                dentistry. He lectures across the UK on business and
integration. How to work more effectively with your lab.      clinical aspects of digital dentistry and workflows.             • How to use CEREC guide                                   clinical aspects of digital dentistry and workflows.
An insight into the effect of the increase in profitability   At Dutch Barton Dental Practice, Simon offers patients           • How to fabricate chairside abutments for implants        At Dutch Barton Dental Practice, Simon offers patients
on the value of the practice.                                 oral surgery, general dental treatments and implants.              utilising CEREC software                                 oral surgery, general dental treatments and implants.
Aims and objectives                                                                                                            • How to use CEREC to create temporary and
                                                              When he took over the practice in 2007, it was well-                                                                        When he took over the practice in 2007, it was well-
                                                                                                                                 permanent implant restorations
• The range of applications available to CEREC                established with a loyal patient base but in desperate                                                                      established with a loyal patient base but in desperate
                                                              need of modernisation. Simon therefore combined                  • How different tools affect implant proposals and         need of modernisation. Simon therefore combined
• How to integrate CEREC fully into your practice                                                                                where and when to use them
                                                              his passion for traditional dentistry with modern                                                                           his passion for traditional dentistry with modern
• The benefits to the working day for clinicians, the         technology to update the existing equipment, introduce           • The CEREC/Galileos connection and the integration        technology to update the existing equipment, introduce
  wider team and patients                                     new treatments and techniques.                                     between cone beam and CAD/CAM                            new treatments and techniques.
• The significant effect it has on practice profitability                                                                      • File and image management relating to implant
                                                              Simon is committed to giving patients long term                                                                             Simon is committed to giving patients long term
  and the value of the business                                                                                                  restorations fabricated with CEREC to create
                                                              dental solutions to ensure their positive oral health. His                                                                  dental solutions to ensure their positive oral health. His
• Attendees will fully understand the versatility of the      investment in digital technology has allowed him to do             Maryland bridge temporary restorations for patients      investment in digital technology has allowed him to do
  CEREC system and realise the inevitable significant         this with much success.                                            waiting for implant integration                          this with much success.
  and easily achievable business benefits                                                                                      • How to fabricate custom healing abutments
                                                              Outside of work, Simon is a rugby coach and school                                                                          Outside of work, Simon is a rugby coach and school
                                                                                                                                 with CEREC
Agenda                                                        governor.                                                                                                                   governor.
                                                                                                                               • Learn to fabricate screw retained provisionals to
• Making CEREC the beating heart of your practice.
                                                                                                                                 create optimal tissue contours
                                                              Educational outcome                                                                                                         Educational outcome
• The whole team: marketing to patients, 4 handed
  dentistry                                                   6.5 hours verifiable CPD                                         Aims and objectives                                        13 hours verifiable CPD
• Profitability: workflows and materials, - the effect on                                                                      • Attendees will be able to learn about the integration
  practice value                                              Fees                                                               and use of the CEREC software alongside software         Fees
                                                              In person Academy registration                         £207.50     such as Galileos and Sicat                               Event registration                                     £499.17
• Lunch
                                                              Virtual event registration                             £207.50   • You will be guided through the full workflow, from       Price is excluding VAT
• Taking CEREC further
                                                              Price is excluding VAT                                             CBCT acquisition to planning, manufacturing
• Exploring workflows in more detail: smile design to                                                                            implant guides, manufacturing custom abutments,          Bookings and additional information
  implants to orthodontics to sleep apnea                                                                                        manufacturing provisional and permanent restorations
                                                              Bookings and additional information                                                                                         For any questions regarding events,
• Scalability                                                                                                                  • The attendees will have the opportunity to design
                                                              For any questions regarding events,                                                                                         Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
                                                              Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com                          and manufacture drill guides and restorations
                                                                                                                               • The realities of what is and is not achievable will
                                                                                                                                 be demonstrated

COURSE DATES                                                                                                                   COURSE DATES

        18/03/2022                     09/09/2022                                                                               19/05/2022 - 20/05/2022         24/11/2022 - 25/11/2022
 Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual      Hybrid: Weybridge/Virtual                                                                              Weybridge                      Weybridge
        BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW                                                                                       BOOK NOW                        BOOK NOW

12 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Digital Dentistry   13
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Chairside Digital Dentistry

Anterior Aesthetics with CEREC®
with Julian Caplan

PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                           (including adjustments if required)
How to create beautiful, aesthetic anterior veneers and       • Gain an in-depth knowledge of final micro anatomy
crowns to the standard of an expert laboratory in a             with a simplified workflow
single day.                                                   • Explore the recipe for staining and glazing to nature,
                                                                learning aesthetic finishing techniques
COURSE DESCRIPTION                                            • Learn isolation techniques for bonding restorations,
                                                                as well as the cementation technique
The investment in CAD/CAM technology should be
optimised and the system used to its fullest potential.       • Review simple photography techniques for diagnosis,
The majority of dentists feel very comfortable creating         treatment planning and documenting cases
posterior CEREC® restorations but will shy away from
restoring anterior teeth. The conception that anterior
aesthetics is too difficult to undertake is unfounded         DAY 1
as long as some basic rules are understood and the            • Typodont preparation
required workflow is followed.
                                                              • Refining anatomy
This 2 day course will take delegates through a smile
                                                              • Staining and glazing
makeover day procedure step by step to give them the
tools to begin creating beautiful smiles. The complexity      DAY 2
of the procedure will be simplified into easy to follow       • Typodont preparation for 8 unit smile makeover
rules that will result in aesthetic restorations recreating
                                                              • Temporise and refine
                                                              • Make 8 veneers using CEREC Tessera glass ceramic
This is a didactic course providing practical tasks
that the delegates will undertake to allow not only an        • Staining and glazing
understanding of the theory but also the practical skills
that they will need to develop.                               SPEAKER
Learning content                                                             Julian Caplan
                                                                             BDS, Pg Cert Diol Impl
• Records required to successfully plan a smile
                                                                             Dr Julian Caplan is Past–President of The
                                                                             British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
• How to change a moderate temporisation into true                           and was the inaugural President of The
  representation of a natural smile                                          Digital Dentistry Society UK.
• What is required to transform this into Ceramic
                                                                             He qualified form Sheffield University
                                                              in 1988, passing the American National board exams
• Pre-sintering macro and micro anatomy                       Part 1 and Part 2 in 1997. He is an accredited member of
• A recipe for microstaining - the secret of aesthetics       The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a full
• How NOT to spend 10 hours when creating a 10 unit           member of The British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry.
                                                                                                                          His work is widely published on the use of CAD/CAM            Fees
  veneer case!                                                He bought his current practice in 1992, making it fully     in dentistry and is an international lecturer on CAD/         Event registration                          £832.50
• Simplified bonding for multiunit veneer cases               private by 1996 and relocating it to the high street        CAM dentistry, travelling to give lectures as far afield as   Price is excluding VAT
                                                              in St Albans in 2006. His practice is a cosmetically-       Germany, France, Finland, Dubai, Iraq, South Africa and
Aims and objectives
                                                              based practice, treating patients with simple cosmetic      Taiwan. He is the only dentist currently in the world to
• Understand smile design concepts and elements,              issues to more advanced multidisciplinary procedures                                                                      Bookings and additional information
                                                                                                                          have passed the BACD accreditation exam using CAD/
  including material choices and utilising Smile Design       involving complete oral rehabilitation. He has a specific                                                                 For any questions regarding events,
                                                                                                                          CAM technology.
  in SW 5.2 software                                          interest in the use of CAD/CAM technology in not only                                                                     Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
• Understand how to correctly perform veneer and              every day dentistry but also in how it can be used for
                                                                                                                          Educational outcome
  crown preparations for porcelain restorations and           the more demanding aesthetic cases.
                                                                                                                          14 hours verifiable CPD
  how to provide exceptional temporary restorations

                                                                                                                          COURSE DATES

                                                                                                                            03/12/2021 - 04/12/2021        17/06/2022 - 18/06/2022      02/12/2022 - 03/12/2022
                                                                                                                                  Weybridge                       Weybridge                   Weybridge
                                                                                                                                 BOOK NOW                        BOOK NOW                     BOOK NOW

14 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                                      Digital Dentistry   15
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Clear Aligners

                                                                              The SureSmile® Aligner Online Course
                                                                              in collaboration with IAS Academy
                                                                              COURSE LENGTH: 4 hours

                                                                              PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                        Aims and objectives
                                                                              This online course covers treatment using SureSmile          • To educate and train dentists to offer anterior
                                                                              Aligners alongside minimally invasive restorative              alignment orthodontics using removable appliances
                                                                              techniques. Delegates learn about all aspects                  with a safe and ethical approach
                                                                              of treatment and planning – from diagnosis and               • Hands-on: case assessment, inter proximal reduction,
                                                                              assessment to case evaluation, fitting and retention.          attachment placing, retainer flow anatomy, aesthetic
                                                                              The course is structured so that delegates can take on         tooth shaping
                                                                              simple to moderate cases from day-one of enrolment.
                                                                              We achieve this through comprehensive online support         SPEAKERS
                                                                              by a mentor from IAS Academy’s panel of world-class
                                                                                                                                                           Tif Qureshi
                                                                              clinicians. They assist students by monitoring cases for
                                                                              suitability, assessing records and providing extensive                     Tif Qureshi qualified from Kings College
                                                                              support throughout treatment.                                              London in 1992. He is a Past President
                                                                                                                                                         of the British Academy of Cosmetic
                                                                              This mentored approach gives learners the best chance                      Dentistry. Tif Qureshi is founder and
                                                                              of success for safely incorporating SureSmile Aligners                     a clinical director of IAS Academy,
                                                                              into their practice with confidence.                                       an International faculty that provides
                                                                                                                                           mentored education for general dentists on a pathway
                                                                              COURSE DESCRIPTION                                           from appropriate simple to comprehensive orthodontics.
                                                                              In partnership with the IAS Academy and Tif Qureshi,                         Andrew Wallace
                                                                              The SureSmile Aligner Online Course is made up of the
                                                                                                                                                           Qualified 1998 with Bachelors of Dental
                                                                                                                                                           Surgery from Queens University Belfast.
                                                                              • Access to 8 pre-recorded modules, totalling of 3 hours                     Master of Clinical Dentistry, Fixed and
                                                                              • Access to a 4 hour vrtual hands-on training session                        removable Prosthodontics Kings College
                                                                                with Q&A, with Tif Qureshi which includes a course                         London (with distinction) 2015. Member
                                                                                kit sent in the post                                                       of the Faculty of General Dental Practice.

                                                                              Learning content                                             Andrew Works in Private practice in Northern Ireland,
                                                                                                                                           working between 2 practices, his own private practice,

Clear Aligners
                                                                              • Appropriate orthodontic records
                                                                                                                                           and the multi-award winning Cranmore Dental
                                                                              • How to undertake a full orthodontic assessment
                                                                                                                                           and Implant Clinic where he accepts referrals for
                                                                              • How to diagnose a malocclusion and treatment plan          Prosthodontics, treatment of tooth wear, cosmetic
                                                                                for both ideal orthodontics and for anterior tooth         orthodontics and endodontics.
                                                                              • Fundamental principles of biomechanics and how             Educational outcome

 > The SureSmile® Aligner Online Course - In collaboration with IAS Academy     removable appliances work                                  7 hours verifiable CPD
                                                                              • Combine orthodontics with restorative and
 > SureSmile® Advanced New User Course with Josh Rowley                         functional goals                                           Fees
 > Ask The Expert - SureSmile® Support Hub                                    • How to digitally treatment plan including space analysis   Free of charge to SureSmile providers
                                                                              • Clinical orthodontic approaches for various
                                                                                                                                           Bookings and additional information
                                                                                malocclusions with hands on training
                                                                                                                                           For any questions regarding events,
                                                                              • The practicalities and importance of post
                                                                                                                                           Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
                                                                                orthodontic retention

                                                                              COURSE DATES

                                                                                      03/12/2021                     11/02/2022                   22/04/2022                     20/05/2022
                                                                                Virtual Course (with Tif)    Virtual Course (with Andy)     Virtual Course (with Tif)    Virtual Course (with Andy)
                                                                                      BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW                     BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW

                                                                                      24/06/2022                     02/09/2022                    25/11/2022
                                                                                Virtual Course (with Tif)      Virtual Course (with Tif)   Virtual Course (with Andy)
                                                                                      BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW

                                                                                                                                                                                  Clear Aligners   17
2021-2022 Education Programme - All the solutions you need under one roof
Clear Aligners                                                                                                           Clear Aligners

SureSmile® Advanced New User Course                                                                                      Ask The Expert
with Josh Rowley                                                                                                         SureSmile® Support Hub
COURSE LENGTH: 3 hours                                                                                                   COURSE LENGTH: 2 hours

PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                        • Troubleshooting stubborn or tricky tooth                  PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE
Dentsply Sirona would like to offer you the opportunity        movements, attachment design, IPR prescribing,            ‘Ask The Expert – SureSmile Support Hub’ has been
to join Josh Rowely for the virtual SureSmile Advanced         auxiliary mechanics                                       developed to provide you with support whilst you are
New User Course                                              • Presentation of a selection of cases                      new to using the SureSmile Aligner platform.
                                                             • DIY case
This course is designed to provide new users with an                                                                     During the session you will have the opportunity to share
                                                             • Full Service                                              your cases with a SureSmile expert where you’ll be able
understanding of the SureSmile platform. It will support
you in pushing through the learning curve which new          • Problem cases                                             to ask any questions relating to the SureSmile platform.
users face in the early stages of aligner adoption.          • Q&A                                                       Before attending this session please ensure you have
                                                                                                                         already attended The SureSmile® Aligner Online Course
                                                             SPEAKER                                                     or the SureSmile Advanced New User Course.
                                                                              Josh Rowley
Learning content                                                           Dr Josh utilises the latest technology        COURSE DESCRIPTION
This course is designed for the clinician who is                           and techniques to provide cutting             During the ‘Ask the Expert’ session you will be able to:
experienced with aligner treatment and new to the                          edge dental care for his patients.
                                                                                                                         • Share and discuss cases with a SureSmile expert
SureSmile platform.                                                        Having trained in top institutions and
                                                                           travelled worldwide to refine his skills in   • Ask questions relating to SureSmile and your cases
Josh Rowley will illustrate the clinical benefits of using                                                                 where you feel you need more support
                                                                           orthodontics and digital smile design, he
the SureSmile platform and take you through the digital
                                                             aims to provide an exceptional patient journey that far     • Listen to other peoples’ experiences of SureSmile
workflow. By the end of this course you will have an
                                                             exceeds anything they have experienced before.                and share best practices
understanding of the SureSmile platform to complete
your first cases.                                            Passionate about changing the face of dentistry in the
                                                             UK, he also lectures to other dentists on how to use        SPEAKER
Aims and objectives                                          some of these state-of-the-art digital techniques as                       Josh Rowley
• To understand the SureSmile platform digital work flow     well as receiving referrals and collaborating with other
                                                                                                                                       Dr Josh utilises the latest technology
                                                             dentists across Scotland to meet the needs of complex
• To understand how to review a case which will                                                                                        and techniques to provide cutting
                                                             multidisciplinary cases.
  include setup and staged model sequence and                                                                                          edge dental care for his patients.
  ordering aligners                                          Consecutively nominated for ‘Best Young Dentist’ (2017                    Having trained in top institutions and
• To understand how to troubleshoot difficult tooth          and 2018) – Scottish Dental Awards Won ‘Best Young                        travelled worldwide to refine his skills in
  movements, including attachment design                     Dentist’ (2019) – Dentistry Scotland Awards Won ‘Best                     orthodontics and digital smile design, he
                                                             Smile Makeover’ (2020) – Dentistry Scotland Awards          aims to provide an exceptional patient journey that far
• Have an understanding of the different types
                                                             Nominated for ‘Best Young Dentist’ (2020) – Dentistry       exceeds anything they have experienced before.
  of cases                                                   Awards.
                                                                                                                         Passionate about changing the face of dentistry in the
Agenda                                                                                                                   UK, he also lectures to other dentists on how to use
                                                             Educational outcome
• What is the SureSmile platform and how can it                                                                          some of these state-of-the-art digital techniques as
                                                             3 hours verifiable CPD
  benefit you and your patients?                                                                                         well as receiving referrals and collaborating with other
                                                                                                                         dentists across Scotland to meet the needs of complex       Fees
• The SureSmile Digital work flow
                                                             Fees                                                        multidisciplinary cases. Consecutively nominated for
• CBCT                                                                                                                                                                               Free of charge to SureSmile providers
                                                             Free of charge to SureSmile providers                       ‘Best Young Dentist’ (2017 and 2018) – Scottish Dental
• CEREC® Ortho                                                                                                           Awards Won ‘Best Young Dentist’ (2019) – Dentistry
                                                                                                                                                                                     Bookings and additional information
• Primescan®                                                 Bookings and additional information                         Scotland Awards Won ‘Best Smile Makeover’ (2020) –
                                                                                                                         Dentistry Scotland Awards Nominated for ‘Best Young         For any questions regarding events,
• Reviewing a case - covers reviewing your setup and         For any questions regarding events,
                                                                                                                         Dentist’ (2020) – Dentistry Awards.                         Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
  staged model sequence and ordering aligners                Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com

COURSE DATES                                                                                                             COURSE DATES

        09/02/2022                     13/04/2022                    15/06/2022                  14/09/2022                       03/11/2021                   09/02/2022                    13/04/2022                15/06/2022
       Virtual Course                 Virtual Course                Virtual Course              Virtual Course                  Virtual Course                Virtual Course                Virtual Course            Virtual Course
        BOOK NOW                       BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW                    BOOK NOW                        BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW                  BOOK NOW

        09/11/2022                                                                                                               14/09/2022                    09/11/2022
       Virtual Course                                                                                                           Virtual Course                Virtual Course
        BOOK NOW                                                                                                                 BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW

18 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                                       Clear Aligners   19
Clear Aligners

Treatment Co-ordinator Course
with Adam Morgan
                                                                                                                           1. Enquiries and the pre-treatment planning process       3. During treatment - procedures and protocols
                                                                                                                           • What is a TCO and why they are so important in             and ensuring consistency
PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                          5. During treatment - procedures and protocols and
                                                                  ensuring a smooth and efficient patient experience         Practice                                                • Patient protocols - what do they need to know and
This Treatment Coordinator Course is packed with
                                                                                                                           • What does it take to be successful?                       what is the process for them to follow
practical, easy to implement processes that will benefit       6. Follow up and sustaining repeat business
any Practice, but mostly the teams striving to be the                                                                      • How to manage the relationships within the team to      • Team protocol – what the team must do whilst the
                                                               7. Reviews, testimonials and generating further enquiries
best. If you have a team with potential and are hungry                                                                       be an effective TCO                                       patient is in the Practice and Surgery
for higher conversion rates and elevated service               Learning content                                            • The TCO process and patient experience                  • Communicating with the Dentist before patient
excellence, this course is a must. Over the three days,        The course is designed to give each participant the                                                                     arrival and after departure
                                                                                                                           • Understanding behavioural types and how to
your newly trained Treatment Coordinator will learn all        ability to deal with patients with confidence when            effectively handle each                                 • Communication after treatment with the patient –
of the modern necessities to be successful in a busy           discussing their smile, and provides assurance to utilise                                                               what is required and when
                                                                                                                           • Finding out what the patient values/wants
Practice – from utilising photography and scanning, to         digital technology to facilitate the conversation. This
screening patient enquiries and presenting treatment           will in turn benefit the patient, Dentist and team by       • Using our systems to track and progress a patient       4. Follow up and sustaining repeat business
options with passion.                                          facilitating a smooth patient centred experience.           • Understanding what treatments are available and         • The follow up process with potential and finished
                                                                                                                             developing a strong knowledge bank to draw from           treatment
Your entire patient journey will be examined and               Aims and objectives
                                                                                                                           • Gathering all the information required to progress to   • Generating repeat business and new business from
strengthened to ensure you are maximising your
                                                               • Understand patient behaviour types and respond              the next stage of the clinical exam                       existing patient database
potential as a team and not missing any opportunities
to grow and be more successful as a Practice. Right                                                                        • Handing over to the Dentists                            • Utilising your Practice membership plan to grow
now Dentistry has never been in more demand and the            • Understand and be able to ask questions to uncover                                                                    patient base and sustainable revenue
                                                                                                                           • Using Scans and Photos to open up greater depths
teams with strong, robust Treatment Coordinators in              what is important to the patient and their oral health
                                                                                                                             of conversation with patients (scan and photography     • Growing your pipeline of referrals
place are thriving because of the value and skill they         • Understand how to scan a patient and use the image          training as part of this module)                        • How to get testimonials and reviews – where and how
bring to the Dentists they work with. If you feel there          as a basis of open communication surrounding the
                                                                                                                                                                                       is best to post these and have patients submit them
is more potential to grow your business, identify your           patients’ areas of concern                                2. Treatment planning, consents and communication
most suitable Nurse and don’t look back!                       • Understand how to use communication skills to                of new patient protocols with patients and team        5. Reviews, testimonials and generating further
                                                                 provide a professional and caring service                    members                                                   enquiries
This course is ideal for anyone who works with                                                                             • Using the Dentists’ treatment plan to have strong
                                                               • Be aware of how to enhance team working with                                                                        • Growing your own “brand” and increasing your status
SureSmile and is designed for both TCO and Dentist.                                                                          conversations with the patient based upon what is
                                                                 strong and effective communication skills                                                                             – be someone unique!
Both must register to confirm a place onto this course.                                                                      recommended, presenting all of the options available
                                                                                                                                                                                     • How to be a strong TCO – using what you have
                                                                                                                             based on the patients needs
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Developing the skills of your team – being a “value
COURSE DESCRIPTION                                                                                                         • Gaining commitment for the treatment plan
As teams’ will need to work differently after the                                                                          • Asking if the patient would like to go ahead with
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Strengthening your own knowledge
COVID-19 lockdown has eased, Dentsply Sirona has                                                                             treatment and the process if they do not
                                                                                                                                                                                     • How to generate interest in what you can offer –
created a Treatment Coordinator (TCO) development                                                                          • Protocols for booking the patient into the diary
                                                                                                                                                                                       using social media specifically
programme targeted at existing customers who are                                                                           • Consents and associated paperwork, e.g medical
looking to fully utilise the digital workflow and associated                                                                 history, COVID-19 status etc.                           5. Confidence, behaviours and presentation
product streams. The programme would be used to
                                                                                                                           • Taking payment and setting up finance                   • Confidence and assertiveness through roleplays and
support teams to offer more choice to their patients,
                                                                                                                           • Communicating patient status with the team and            practice during training
through the development of a Treatment Coordinator
role, as well as training to support the Dentists to enable                                                                  what is required on treatment day                       • Use of the scanner and images facilitated by experts
a successful integration of the role into daily clinic life.                                                               • Following up if the patient is not ready to go ahead      in their field for scanning and use of photography –
                                                                                                                                                                                       Dentsply Sirona & key Dentists
                                                                                                                           • The daily brief to communicate patient needs and
The TCO’s will be key members of each team as they                                                                                                                                   • Etiquette in person, email and over the phone
                                                                                                                             ensure a smooth patient experience
manage all aspects of:
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Personal presentation, attitude and charisma
1. Conversion of enquiries and the pre-treatment
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Dealing with difficult individuals and members of the
   planning process
                                                                                                                                                                                       clinical team
2. Digital scanning and pre-assessment/screening of
                                                                                                                                                                                     • What to do when in need of support
3. Liaising between patient and Dentist to identify and
   communicate preferred treatment options
4. Treatment planning, consents and communication of
   new patient protocols with patients and
   team members

20 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                                          Clear Aligners   21
SPEAKER                                                     Adam is a creator of many global sales, customer
               Adam Morgan                                  service and leadership programmes across multiple
                                                            industries including dental and medical, retail, hotels
                Adam is a skilled training consultant,
                                                            and resorts and automotive industries.
                communicator and accredited
                psychometric practitioner and coach.

                                                                                                                       Sleep Medicine
                Many people like training with him as       Educational outcome
                ‘training and a show’ because of the high   21 hours verifiable CPD
                energy, fun and light hearted approach
he has to learning.                                         Fees
He has held roles including Head of Human Resources,        This course is designed for both TCO and Dentist - the
International Learning & Development Manager and            TOC attends all 3 days and the dentist attends the last
Head of Quality and Customer Experience for a number        day of the course with the TCO.                            Essentials of Dental Sleep Medicine
of global companies and is a passionate ambassador          Event registration                               £995.00   > Seminar and training workshop for dentists with Dr Dermot Canava,
for sales and service excellence.                           Price is excluding VAT                                       Dr Riaz Yar and Dr Aditi Desai
Adam is recognised as a leader in changing behaviours
and works globally. His award winning consulting            Bookings and additional information
and training work includes the prestigious National         For any questions regarding events,
Training Award in the UK and has worked with many           Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
of the leading hotels & resorts, retailers and financial
institutions of the world with clearly defined and proven
results. He splits his time between Europe and the USA
and is in continual demand for his insight into customer
trends and business growth.


 02/03/2022 - 04/03/2022       28/09/2022 - 30/09/2022
       Weybridge                      Weybridge
       BOOK NOW                      BOOK NOW

22 Dentsply Sirona
Sleep Medicine

Essentials of Dental Sleep Medicine
Seminar and training workshop for dentists

PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                       SPEAKERS
A mix of evidence-based guidance and hands-                                Dr Dermot Canavan
on practice, this course provides a comprehensive                           Dr Canavan is the current president
introduction to dental sleep medicine that helps                            of the Irish Society for Dental Sleep
dentists to begin offering treatment with mandibular                        Medicine. He is a part-time lecturer in
repositioning devices (MRDs) in their practice.                             orofacial pain management at the Dublin
                                                                            Dental University Hospital and is an
                                                                            honorary clinical fellow at the Orofacial
                                                            Pain Clinic in King’s College Dental School in London.
Aims and objectives                                         He is a past president of the Irish Pain Society and the
Delegates will:                                             Metropolitan Branch of the Irish Dental Association
• Learn to recognise the signs and symptoms of              and is currently the Assistant Editor of the Journal of
  snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and how         the Irish Dental Association. His practice has grown to
  to screen patients in clinic                              become one of Ireland’s leading centres for dental sleep
• Understand the professional treatment options for
  snoring and OSA                                           Dr Riaz Yar
• Understand patient pathways and principles                                Dr. Yar graduated from the University
  of collaboration with physicians as part of                               of Liverpool in 1999. After spending
  multidisciplinary teams                                                   some time in general practice Dr Riaz
• Learn how to assess patients for treatment with                           set up his own practice in 2003 before
  mandibular repositioning devices (MRDs), including                        gaining MFDS from the Royal College
  TMJ and TMD considerations, and manage side                               of Surgeons, Edinburgh in 2005.
  effects during follow up                                                                                              He also a Visiting Professor in Prosthodontics at the      Educational outcome
                                                                            Following this in 2008 Riaz completed
                                                                                                                        College of Medicine and Dentistry – Birmingham /           5 hours verifiable CPD
• Learn how to scan patients intra-orally, including bite   an MPhil in restorative dentistry and in 2011 completed
                                                                                                                        Ulster University.
  registration with a George Gauge, and complete an         a 4-year long M Pros Dent mono-specialty training in
  MRD prescription                                          Prosthodontics at the University of Manchester.             His main topic of interest is TMD and Occlusion and he     Fees
• Be provided with sufficient training to begin                                                                         runs courses nationally and internationally and he is a    Event registration                            £295.00
                                                            In addition, Riaz is also an Internal examiner for the
  practising sleep dentistry in clinic                                                                                  Specialty Dentist in TMD at Manchester Dental Hospital.    Price is excluding VAT
                                                            Membership of Joint Dental Faculties of the Royal
                                                            College of Surgeons England and an Internal examiner        Dr Aditi Desai
Agenda                                                      for the Overseas Registration Exam and License in                                                                      Bookings and additional information
• Definition of sleep-disordered breathingTreatment                                                                                   Dr Desai is current President of British
                                                            Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons                                                                        For any questions regarding the event please call
  options for snoring and OSA                                                                                                         Society of Dental Sleep Medicine
                                                            England.                                                                                                               Iain Spray, UK and Ireland Sales Manager Panthera
                                                                                                                                      (BSDSM) and President of British
• Referral pathways and multidisciplinary teams             As well as completing the specialty prosthodontic                                                                      Dental.
                                                                                                                                      Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
• Screening protocol and medico-legal considerations        training, Riaz has undertaken a Diploma in Postgraduate                   (BADSM). She is President Elect of           Telephone: 07970 147833
• Assessing patients for treatment with mandibular          Dental Studies (DPDS) with the University of Bristol and                  Odontology, Royal Society of Medicine        Email: iain@pantheradental.com
  repositioning devices (MRDs)                              a Diploma in Implant Dentistry with the Royal College                     and Council Member of Sleep Section of
• Consideration of TMJ and TMD                              of Surgeons, Edinburgh.                                     Royal Society of Medicine.

• MRD customisations and prescription                       Dr Yar lectures nationally and internationally and is       She serves on the Board of the Association of
• Extraoral and intraoral examination with data capture     a keen advocate of postgraduate teaching and this           Respiratory Technology and Physiology (ARTP). Aditi
                                                            is evident with the setting up of RED (Restorative          has been a restorative dentist for over 40 years but now
• Digital workflow
                                                            Education of the Dental Team) Square – providing a          limits her practice to the management of patients with
• Hands on session - digital and manual impressions         MSc in Restorative Dentistry with University of Chester     sleep disorders that require dental management. This
  and protrusive bite registration                          for which he was program director for 4 years.              includes Snoring, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome,
                                                                                                                        OSA, Sleep Bruxism, TMD, Orofacial Pain.
                                                            Dr Yar has most recently completed his Masters in
                                                            Soft Tissue around Implants and Teeth with Professor
                                                            Zucchelli (Bologna) and completing his PG Cert in           COURSE DATES
                                                                                                                                              19/11/2022                                                26/11/2022
                                                                                                                                                London                                                    Dublin
                                                                                                                           To book, please contact iain@pantheradental.com           To book, please contact iain@pantheradental.com

24 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sleep Medicine 25
Bone Regeneration

                                                                            The OSSIX® family
                                                                            How to increase the predictability with guided bone
                                                                            regeneration with Stephen Jacobs
                                                                            COURSE LENGTH: 1 day

                                                                            PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                      SPEAKER
                                                                            This 1-day hands on course, is designed to introduce                          Stephen Jacobs
                                                                            the clinician to Ossix® Plus, Ossix® Volumax and Ossix®                       BDS FDS RCPS (Glas) MJDF RCS (Eng)
                                                                            Bone, explain the unique features of the products,                        Stephen qualified from Birmingham
                                                                            demonstrate the properties and indications for each                       University in 1985 and went into general
                                                                            one, and provide practical hands on training in the                       dental practice. He started in implant
                                                                            handling of the materials using the animal model.                         dentistry in 1991 and since then has
                                                                                                                                                      devoted his career to the practice of
                                                                                                                                       implant dentistry, he is regarded as one of the foremost
                                                                            COURSE DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                                                       implant surgeons in the United Kingdom.
                                                                            Over the last 30 years or more, there have been
                                                                            many advances, and development of techniques, for          His training was carried out in the UK, USA and Europe
                                                                            increasing bone volume, either prior to, or simultaneous   and he now lectures extensively on all aspects of dental
                                                                            with the insertion of endosseous dental implants. The      Implantology throughout the United States, Asia,
                                                                            Ossix® range of products, manufactured by Dentsply         Continental Europe and the UK. Stephen runs his implant
                                                                            Sirona, have been in existence for many years, and more    referral practice in Glasgow, UK, where all aspects of
                                                                            recent development of the Glymatrix® technology that       implant and recon-structive dentistry are carried out.

                                                                            is inbuilt in the Ossix® family, are now proving to be a   Stephen is a Past President of the Association of
                                                                            game changer in guided bone regeneration.                  Dental Implantology UK (ADI), Fellow of the Academy
                                                                                                                                       of Osseointegration, and the UK Ambassador for AO.
                                                                            Aims and objectives
                                                                                                                                       He is Past Chair of the Global Pro-gram Development
                                                                            Upon completing this course delegates will:                committee at AO. He recently became a member of
                                                                            • Have a knowledge of the range of Ossix products          the Board of Directors of AO, only the second person
Bone Regeneration                                                             available along with the Glymatrix technology            from the UK to hold this position. He is a founding
                                                                              intrinsic within the materials                           Board member of PEERS UK, and is the Past Scientific
> The OSSIX® Family – How to increase the predictability with guided bone
                                                                            • Have an understanding of the indications for the use     Chairman of the ADI. He is on the editorial board of three
  regeneration with Stephen Jacobs
                                                                              of the three different products                          journals, an editorial reviewer for IJOMI, and runs a variety
Peri-implant Disease Management                                                                                                        of courses at his practice, including a comprehensive
                                                                            • Have learnt the handling techniques required
                                                                                                                                       year course for those willing to get started in the field of
> Management of Peri Implants Disease with Paul Palmer and Kia Rezavandi      to achieve the optimal results in guided bone
                                                                                                                                       implantology, sinus grafting and restorative programs.
Implant Restoration                                                                                                                    Stephen is a Key Opinion Leader and Ambassador for
                                                                            • Have experience of placing the Ossix range in a
> The Implant Restoration Course with Martin Wanendeya and Nik Sisodia        simulation pig’s head                                    Dentsply Implants, Ossix Bone Regeneration products
                                                                                                                                       and Osstell.
Immediate Placement and Restoration                                         Agenda
                                                                                                                                       Educational outcome
> Current Concepts in Immediate Placement and Loading with Martin           • Intro
  Wanendeya and Nik Sisodia                                                                                                            6 hours verifiable CPD
                                                                            • Lecture and didactic tuition
Full Arch Placement and Restoration                                         • Q&A
> Full Arch immediate Load – Theory and practice in action with             • Plastic models
                                                                                                                                       Event registration                                      £495.83
  Anthony Bendkowski                                                        • Hands on using pigs heads                                Price is excluding VAT
> Treatment Selection and Planning for Full Arch Cases on Astra Tech        • Overview and Q&A
  Implant System® EV with Tim Doswell
                                                                                                                                       Bookings and additional information
Dentsply Sirona Implant Systems                                                                                                        For any questions regarding events,
> Implants Nurses Course - Beginner - Dentsply Sirona Implant Systems                                                                  Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com

> New User Astra Tech System® EV Course with Rupert Jones
                                                                            COURSE DATES
The Business of Dental Implants
> With a Little Help from My Friends - How to make your implant practice              11/02/2022                  04/03/2022                   16/09/2022
  successful with Anthony Bendkowski                                                   Edinburgh                  Manchester                     London
                                                                                      BOOK NOW                    BOOK NOW                     BOOK NOW

                                                                                                                                                                                         Implants 27
Peri-implant Disease Management

Management of Peri Implants Disease
with Paul Palmer and Kia Rezavandi

PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE                                       • Understand non-surgical treatment of peri-implant
Once the implant is completely integrated and restored,       diseases
the key to long-term success is ongoing maintenance.        • Understand surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
It has been reported that in the 5-10 years after             including pocket elimination and regenerative
implant provision approximately 10% of implants and           techniques
20% of patients with implants develop peri-implant          • Understand the use of systemic antibiotics.
                                                            • Apply long term management strategies for patients
With an increase in the number of patients having             receiving dental implants
dental implants, the management of peri-implant
diseases has become an integral part of our practices.
This one-day course will focus on the scientific            SPEAKERS
understanding of the aetiology and management of                           Paul Palmer
per-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis and the                         BDS MSc MRD RCS (Eng)
current surgical principles used in treatment of                           Paul graduated as a Bachelor of Dental
peri-implantitis. A large part of the course will be                       Surgery from The London Dental
dedicated to hands on teaching of flap design and                          Hospital in 1986 and worked within the
surgical techniques.                                                       department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery
                                                                           both there and subsequently at St
                                                            Margarets Hospital, Epping until starting in general dental
                                                            practice in 1987. He gained his MSc in Periodontology at
The assessment of the health of tissues around              UMDS Guys Hospital in 1991 and has worked in part-time
implants, using periodontal parameters, is important in     private periodontal practice since 1989.
diagnosis so that clinical intervention can be applied
                                                                                                                          He has been on the General Dental Council Specialist         Dentistry, published by Elsevier in 2015. This is in addition
at an early stage. The pathological and histological        He holds a Membership in Restorative Dentistry
                                                                                                                          Register in Periodontics since 2000 and has worked           to numerous publications over the past 20 years. His
features of the peri-implant lesions will be discussed      (Periodontology), from the Royal College of Surgeons
                                                                                                                          exclusively within this field to the present day. This has   current area of interest is that of immediate implant
and compared to those observed in destructive               of England. He is currently in private practice limited to
                                                                                                                          involved both working in a private practice setting as       placement and treatment protocols for management of
periodontal disease. The identification of important        periodontology and implant dentistry and is a part-time
                                                                                                                          well as teaching positions in some of London’s major         peri-implantitis.
aetiological factors such as smoking and periodontal        Consultant in Periodontology with a special interest
                                                                                                                          dental institutes. He has been a guest lecturer and
disease has an influence on our treatment planning          in implant dentistry within Guys and St Thomas NHS                                                                         Over the past two decades Kia has treated many
                                                                                                                          contributor to a number of master programs in the UK
as well as the strategies used in the treatment             trust at Guys Hospital. This involves providing implant                                                                    thousands of patients and has established a referral
                                                                                                                          where his clinical expertise and knowledge has been
peri- implantitis. An evidence based approach is            treatment for complex cases and teaching implant                                                                           based practice in central London with a reputation for
                                                                                                                          called upon. His area of interest is that of soft tissue
therefore essential to the management of these              dentistry to post-graduate students. He has worked with                                                                    outstanding patient care and clinical excellence. His
                                                                                                                          aesthetics on both natural teeth and dental implants and
conditions. Although peri-implant mucositis is relatively   several different implant systems since 1987 and has                                                                       experience means that he is able to deal with complex
                                                                                                                          he has presented his work internationally.
straightforward the treatment of peri-implantitis has       lectured nationally and internationally on the subject. He                                                                 implant and periodontal cases.
proved to be more challenging and is surgically based.      has a particular interest in bone augmentation and non-       He has in the past served on the editorial panel of Dental
                                                            invasive sinus grafting techniques.                           Implant Summaries and is currently a PEERS UK and            Educational outcome
Learning content
                                                                                                                          Ireland board member. PEERS (Platform for Exchange,          7 hours verifiable CPD
The course will give the participants a thorough            He is an examiner for the Diploma in Implant Dentistry
                                                                                                                          Education, Research, Science) is an initiative by the
overview of the current princples of treatment of           for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and
                                                                                                                          implant industry to encourage research and exchange of       Fees
peri-impantitis. The hands-on element will provide the      previously sat on the board of the Specialist Advisory
                                                                                                                          ideas between clinicians from across Europe and North        Event registration                                 £500.00
participants the opportunity to explore various surgical    Board for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
                                                                                                                          America.                                                     Price is excluding VAT
techniques and flap designs and protocols that are
required for the management of the hard and soft                           Kia Rezavandi                                  Kia continues to work closely with implant companies
tissue defects that are created by peri-implantitis.                       BDS MSc MRD RCS (Eng)                          in development of products that improve treatment            Bookings and additional information
                                                                          Kia qualified from The Royal London             outcomes and patient experience. He is one of an             For any questions regarding events,
Aims and objectives                                                                                                       international group of renowned clinicians who               Email: DSAcademyLondon@dentsplysirona.com
                                                                          Hospital in 1993. Following a brief period
• Review of the aetiology and pathogenesis of                             in general practice he developed an             contributed to a text book on Essentials of Esthetic
  peri-implant diseases                                                   interest in periodontics which led him
• Use diagnostic tools needed for accurate assessment                     to enrol on the Periodontology Masters          COURSE DATES
  of lesions                                                program at Guy’s Hospital. He attained his MSc in
• Understand case selection criteria for various            1997 and was awarded the Diploma of Membership in                     04/02/2022
  treatment approaches                                      Restorative Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons of             Weybridge
                                                            England in 2000.                                                      BOOK NOW

28 Dentsply Sirona                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Implants 29
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