2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards

Page created by Rodney Carter
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
2020 Programme
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards

Thank you for joining us for the          conservation     leaders    dedicating
2020 Tusk Conservation Awards.            their lives to preserving the natural
Now in its eighth year, this is           world; each of them, extraordinary
the first time that the Awards            individuals, who are winning important
ceremony is a purely virtual event        conservation battles against the odds
on account of the restrictions            across the African continent.
imposed by Covid-19.
                                          As ever we owe a huge debt of
                                          gratitude to our sponsors, in particular
This has been an extraordinary
                                          our headline partner Ninety One. We
year for us all, a year in which we
                                          would also like to recognise the very
have commemorated Tusk’s 30th
                                          generous funding received from The
anniversary in the midst of a global
                                          Nick Maughan Foundation, which has
pandemic and lockdowns. The turmoil
                                          allowed us to more than double the
has had an unprecedented impact on
                                          grant support that comes with each of
Africa; not so much from the virus
                                          these awards. To all our co-sponsors
itself, but from the economic crisis
                                          and donors, Land Rover, ISPS Handa,
it has precipitated, especially from
                                          Fortemus Films and Maia Films, EJF
the collapse in tourism. Across the
                                          Philanthropies, Patrick Mavros, Mantis
continent, our project partners have
                                          Group, Shelton Fleming, Ethiopian
had to cut their budgets, reducing
                                          Airlines and John Smith, we thank you
staffing and salaries, prioritising law
                                          all for your invaluable support without
enforcement, and postponing vital
                                          which these awards would not be
development projects.
We are incredibly grateful to all our
                                          While we had hoped to be able to
supporters who have rallied behind
                                          celebrate in person, we now have the
us and given generously to our Crisis
                                          wonderful opportunity to bring the
Appeal and raised much needed funds
                                          Tusk Awards to you, wherever you are
through the Wildlife Ranger Challenge
                                          in the world. We hope you find it both
and the Virtual Lewa Safari Marathon.
                                          entertaining and inspirational.
This support has provided a critical
lifeline to the men and women working
on the frontline of conservation.

Tonight with our Royal Patron, HRH
The Duke of Cambridge, we celebrate       Charlie Mayhew MBE
and recognise some of Africa’s unsung     Chief Executive, Tusk Trust
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
The Schedule

6.00pm GMT   Award ceremony
             hosted by BBC Presenter Kate Silverton
             Introduction to the Tusk Conservation Awards 2020

             Introduction to Tusk Award finalist George Owoyesigire
             by Emma, Lady Bath
             The Tusk Wildlife Ranger Award
             introduced by Bear Grylls OBE and presented by
             HRH The Duke of Cambridge, KG KT
             Roll of honour and performance
             by best-selling singer-songwriter Jack Savoretti
             Introduction to Tusk Award finalist Ian Stevenson
             by Beatrice Karanja
             The Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa
             presented by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, KG KT
             Introduction to Tusk Award finalist John Kamanga
             by Liz Bonnin
             The Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa
             presented by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, KG KT

6.50pm       Closing remarks
             by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, KG KT

7.00pm       Ceremony ends

  Watch the 2020 Tusk Conservation Awards Ceremony at
  www.tuskawards.com and join in with #NotOnTheirWatch
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
The Awards

OR -40°C

                                                                                                     The annual Tusk Conservation              The Tusk Award for
                                                                                                     Awards were established in                Conservation in Africa
                                                                                                     2013 in partnership with Ninety
                                                                                                                                               Sponsored by Land Rover, this is for
                                                                                                     One and in conjunction with
                                                                                                                                               an individual who is judged to be an
                                                                                                     HRH The Duke of Cambridge, to
                                                                                                                                               emerging leading conservationist,
                                                                                                     recognise and shine a spotlight           in recognition of their outstanding
                                                                                                     on the work of some truly                 success shown in their chosen field.
                                                                                                     remarkable men and women                  The three finalists are previewed on
                                                                                                     committed to preserving Africa’s          the following pages. The winner will
                                                                                                     unique natural heritage.                  be announced during the ceremony
                                                                                                                                               and will receive a grant of £75,000
                                                                                                                                               towards their work. The two finalists
                                                                                                     The Prince William Award for              will each receive a grant of £20,000,
                                                                                                     Conservation in Africa                    one of which has been sponsored by
                                                                                                     Sponsored by Ninety One, this is a        EJF Philanthropies.
                                                                                                     lifetime achievement award, given
                                                                                                     to a distinguished individual for
                                                                                                     their outstanding dedication and
                                                                                                     exceptional continued contribution to
                                                                                                     conservation in Africa. The winner will
                                                                                                     be announced during the ceremony
                                                                                                     and will receive a grant of £100,000
                                                                                                     towards their work.

                                                                                                     The Tusk Wildlife Ranger
                                                                                                     This award gives international
                                                                                                     recognition to the dedication
                                                                                                     and commitment of an individual
                                                                                                     who works in the field to protect
Official WLTP Fuel Consumption Figures for the Defender range (excluding PHEV) in mpg
                                                                                                     Africa’s wildlife. The award is being
(I/100km): Combined 22.0 - 32.8 (12.8 - 8.6). CO₂ Emissions 289 – 226 g/km. PHEV in mpg              sponsored by The Nick Maughan
(l/100km): Combined 71.9 - 85.3 (3.9 - 3.3). CO₂ Emissions 88 - 74g/km. The figures provided         Foundation. The winner will be
are as a result of official manufacturer’s tests in accordance with EU legislation. For comparison   announced during the ceremony
purposes only. Real world figures may differ. CO₂ and fuel economy figures may vary according        and will receive a grant of £30,000
to factors such as driving styles, environmental conditions, load, wheel fitment and                 towards their work.
accessories fitted.
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
George                                                                                Ian
Owoyesigire                                                                           Stevenson
Uganda                                                                                Zambia

Tusk Award for Conservation
in Africa Finalist 2020

Starting as a Field Ranger, George
                                            Poverty is one of the principal causes
                                            of    environmental       degradation,
                                            poaching and the illegal wildlife
                                            trade. Unless people strike a balance
                                                                                      Tusk Award for Conservation
                                                                                      in Africa Finalist 2020

                                                                                      Ian Stevenson’s work and leadership
                                                                                                                                     We’ve got to try to maintain those big
                                                                                                                                     ecosystems without all the fences,
                                                                                                                                     and without all the barriers and the
                                                                                                                                     borders. Then, I think elephants have

Owoyesigire has risen the ranks             between the costs and the benefits,       in the Lower Zambezi has led to an             got a very good possibility of survival
to Deputy Director for Community            they won’t want to be helping wildlife.   impressive and dramatic decline                into the future.
Conservation at the Uganda Wildlife                                                   in elephant poaching. His passion

                                            The issue we need to confront is
Authority.                                                                            has seen him dedicate his life to
                                            promoting livelihood enterprises.
                                                                                      conservation in the region, bringing
Throughout his career, he has been a                                                  together a team of capable Zambians
passionate and dependable advocate                                                    to help advance his vision as CEO of
for communities living near wildlife. His                                             Conservation Lower Zambezi.
foremost intervention of bee-keeping
for human-elephant conflict mitigation                                                Thinking beyond any single species,
has changed lives around Uganda’s                                                     his calling has been to protect and
Kibale National Park. Not only has it                                                 conserve the Lower Zambezi as an
deterred elephants from raiding crops                                                 ecosystem. Only then, he believes,
and destroying property, it has also                                                  will elephants and other iconic species
generated much-needed income for                                                      have a chance of survival. With
poor rural communities through the                                                    sustainability at the forefront of his
sale of honey, single-handedly turning                                                efforts, Ian has built critically beneficial
around community attitudes towards                                                    linkages with Zambia’s Department of
conservation.                                                                         National Parks and Wildlife, ensuring
                                                                                      thousands        from        communities
A versatile conservationist, he is as                                                 surrounding conservation areas can
comfortable in a community meeting                                                    benefit from tourism.
as he is drafting policy. He has been
key to the formulation of national                                                    His dedication has also seen him
policy for the management of human-                                                   establish environmental education
wildlife conflict, ensuring communities                                               and      community     engagement
and wildlife can continue to co-exist                                                 programmes, reaching thousands of
with mutual benefit.                                                                  students in some of the most rural
                                                                                      communities surrounding the Lower
                                                                                      Zambezi National Park.
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
                                                                                   The Nick Maughan
                                                                                   Foundation is proud

                                                                                   to sponsor

Kenya                                                                              The Tusk
                                                                                   Wildlife Ranger
Tusk Award for Conservation
in Africa Finalist 2020

John Kamanga is a grassroots
conservation leader who has dedicated
                                          Communities have been, and will
                                          continue to be, the custodians of
                                          wildlife. However, we have to give
                                          them the tools for today. We’re living
                                          in the 21st century, where things
                                                                                   Award 2020

his career to developing a vision for     have changed, where there are            This year more than ever, the men and women
the co-existence of pastoralists and                                               working on the frontlines of conservation need
                                          different economic pressures.
wildlife. His conservation philosophy
draws on indigenous traditions, while                                              our support. Tusk is doing exemplary work
incorporating modern realities and                                                 to ensure their efforts do not become
conservation opportunities.                                                        another casualty of the pandemic.
As a founder and director of SORALO,
a unique organisation representing                                                 The Nick Maughan Foundation supports education,
16 Maasai communities living across                                                the environment and disenfranchised communities
several million hectares in Kenya, his
vision is helping protecting one of
Kenya’s most critical conservation
areas. In a country where a significant
amount of wildlife lives outside
protected areas, John’s work at
SORALO has been a blueprint in
empowering       communities       and
equipping them with the modern tools
to conserve wildlife.

John’s ability to promote and
articulate the role of communities in
conservation has been second to
none. His vision of conservation in
Kenya is truly collaborative and driven
by local communities safeguarding                                                                                                        #TuskAwards
some of Kenya’s most important                                                                                                       #NotOnTheirWatch
conservation areas.
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards

                                                                                                                         Jack Savoretti has earned
                                                                                                                         a reputation as one of the
                                                                                                                         UK’s standout male singer-

                                                                                                                         He has released six studio albums to
                                                                                                                         date, the last of which – Singing to
                                                                                                                         Strangers released last year – became
                                                                                                                         his first no.1 on the UK Albums Chart.
                                                                                                                         Prior to that he had two gold records
                                                                                                                         in a row, with both Written in Scars
                                                                                                                         (2015) and Sleep No More (2016)
                                                                                                                         achieving more than 100,000 sales. In
                                                       SUPPORTS                                                          2018, he featured on Kylie Minogue’s
                                                                                                                         album Golden, where he dueted with
                                                                                                                         her on the song Music’s Too Sad
                                                                                                                         Without You.

                                                                                                                         Jack became Tusk Ambassador
                                                                                                                         after performing at Tusk’s 2017 Ball
                                                                                                                         in Camden’s Roundhouse, and we
                                                                                                                         are thrilled to have him perform again

Today, we are confronted with the undeniable truth -
the vulnerability of nature, humanity, and our planet. Now
                                                               Dr Haruhisa Handa   RT Hon Sir John Key Enda Kenny
more than ever, ISPS Handa is proud to support Tusk’s vital    ISPS FOUNDER        ISPS PATRON &      ISPS PATRON &
work in conservation and education around the world, for the   AND CHAIRMAN        FORMER PRIME       FORMER TAOISEACH
                                                                                   MINISTER OF        OF IRELAND
protection of our most magnificent species.                                        NEW ZEALAND

2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
Human-kind                                               Acknowledgements
                 In a world often torn by division and
                 partisanship, the big challenges can
                 seem daunting. But when the chips

We can do this   are down, the best in humankind
                 shines through.

                 Climate change and conservation
                 are two big challenges. The Tusk
                 conservation effort is a beautiful
                 example of individuals and
                 communities, the world over,            We would like to thank the following individuals
                 going above and beyond. Coming
                                                         and companies for their very kind help and
                 together, when it really matters.
                                                         support with this event.
                 At Shelton Fleming, we believe in
                 humankind. We are proud to be           Abercrombie & Kent          Phil Granell            Ninety One
                 helping Tusk and Ninety One get         Clem Bartram                Andrew Greener          Imogen Patton
                 the climate and conservation
                 message across to the world.
                                                         Emma, Lady Bath             Bear Grylls OBE         Tristan Phipps
                                                         Liz Bonnin                  Shannon Harris          Charlotte Pool
                                                         Rory Bremner                Emily Hill              Rhimani UK
                                                         Rob Brett                   Rob Hill                Mary Rice
                 Visit www.sheltonfleming.com
                                                         James Bugden                Alex Hobern             Lorraine Rogers
                                                         Dr Susan Canney             Ben Horsell             Eavan Ryan
                                                         Amelia Clark                Amy Hunting             Kara Sahota
                                                         Capture Communications      ISPS Handa              Jack Savoretti
                                                         Teresa Crook                Jaguar Land Rover       Chris Sharland
                                                         David Yarrow Photography    Katherine Jenkins OBE   Shelton Fleming
                                                         Sam Davies                  Rob Jowers              Rachel Riley
                                                         The Draycott Hotel          Ali Kaka                Kate Silverton
                                                         Hendrik du Toit             Beatrice Karanja        Harry Skeggs
                                                         EJF Philanthropies          Saskia Leuchars         Graham Smith
                                                         Sasha Ella                  Josephine Llewellen     John Smith
                                                         Ethiopian Airlines          Palmer                  Ed Stafford
                                                         Rachel Field                Emily Lovell            Steven Stone
                                                         Elaine Foran                Mantis Group            Alice Theobold
                                                         Fortemus Films and Maia     Sarah Marshall          Adam Vallance
                                                         Films                       The Nick Maughan        Zoe Ware
                                                         Kindy French                Foundation
                                                                                                             Wendy Watta
                                                         Simone Friedman             Alexander Mavros
                                                                                                             Fallon White
                                                         Jeremy Gardiner             Patrick Mavros
                                                                                                             Nigel Winser
                                                         Paul and Abagail Gardiner   Deborah Meaden
                                                                                                             Laura Wood
                                                         Adrian and Shirley          Niko Michault
                                                                                                             Levison Wood
                                                         Gardiner                    Midori Miyazaki
                                                         Iain Graham                 Steve Mytton
2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
Who is your
                                                                             Conservation Hero?
                                                                             Tusk Conservation Awards 2021

                                                                             Do you know someone who                     The judges assess the nominees’
                                                                             deserves recognition for the                outstanding contribution towards
                                                                             amazing conservation work                   any, or all, of the following areas:
                                                                                                                         wildlife and habitat conservation,
                                                                             they do in Africa?
                                                                                                                         development     and     delivery   of
                                                                             Have the lives of the people and wildlife   environmental     education,     and
                                                                             of Africa been improved through their       sustainable community development
                                                                             leadership? Have they had a significant     programmes designed to enhance
                                                                             impact on wildlife population numbers?      conservation. The closing date for
                                                                             Do they provide mentorship? Have            nominations is 20th March 2021.
                                                                             their ideas been replicated across the
                                                                                                                         Nominations open in January at
                                                                             continent, or should they be?
                                                                             If the answer is yes to any of these then
                                                                             nominate them for the Tusk
SIMPLY AFRICA                                    Goma
                                                                             Conservation Awards
ETHIOPIAN IS PROUD                             Beira
                                                             Dar es Salaam
TO SUPPORT                             Lubumbashi
Tusk Conservation Awards 2020         Brazzaville          Hargeisa
                                     Cape Town             Juba
                                 Johannesburg              Kilimanjaro
                                      Lilongwe             Kigali
                                        Lusaka            Khartoum
                                     Maputo               Mombasa
                                      Ndola               Nairobi
                              Madagascar                  N'Djamena
                            Pointe-Noire                 Seychelles
                            Victoria Falls              Zanzibar
                             Windhoek                   Mogadishu

2020 Programme - Tusk Conservation Awards
We have helped pioneer a wide              The collapse in tourism and other
                          range of successful conservation           revenue is threatening rural livelihoods
                          initiatives across more than               and conservation efforts, leading to
                          20 countries, increasing vital             increased poaching and habitat loss.
                          protection for over 70 million             With little chance of local economies
                                                                     or tourism recovering for a long time,
                          hectares of land and more than 40
                                                                     our project partners expect 2021 to be
                          threatened species.
Over 30 years, Tusk                                                  their hardest year yet.
                          The conservation projects we support
has supported forward-    provide not just protection for Africa’s
                                                                     We must do all we can to help them
                                                                     protect jobs and livelihoods, and to
thinking and successful   wildlife, but livelihoods and wellbeing    continue their vital work.
                          for thousands. Sadly, the impact that
conservation work in      COVID-19 is already having in Africa       Donate now at
                                                                                                                “AFTER MANKIND”
                          could undo years of progress.              www.tuskawards.com                         BY DAVID YARROW
Photography Sale

Twenty    renowned     wildlife           together with more than          2,000
photographers have come                   participants across the world.
together to sell their images             The Wildlife Ranger Challenge
in support of rangers across              Photography Sale of professional
Africa, as part of the Wildlife           quality prints runs until December
Ranger Challenge.                         31st, with images available from
                                          leading wildlife and conservation
The Wildlife Ranger Challenge is led by   photographers      including    David
Tusk and NATURAL STATE to restore         Yarrow, Paul Nicklen, Steve Winter and
and protect the jobs and livelihoods      Ami Vitale. All proceeds will support
of over 10,000 wildlife rangers across    the men and women on the frontline
Africa, who are enduring drastic          of conservation across Africa, and will
cuts in salaries and resources due        be matched by the Scheinberg Relief
to the devastating economic impact        Fund to double their impact.
of Covid-19. In October, rangers
from more than 100 protected areas        Sale opens on December 9th
competed in a half marathon to raise      at Artsy.com
funds in support of their colleagues,

www.wildliferangerchallenge.org              ‘Kamara and Kilifi’ By Ami Vitale
Tusk Trust
4 Cheapside House,
High Street, Gillingham,
Dorset, SP8 4AA, UK

T   +44 1747 831 005
E   info@tusk.org

HRH The Duke of Cambridge, KG KT
UK Registered Charity No: 1186533
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