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WORKBOOK Free Marketing Tips & Resources - or call us today at 0 - Success ...

  Free Marketing Tips & Resources

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What are your goals for 2020?
•   How much revenue will your company do this year? What is the target?


•   How much is that monthly? (Divide the annual target by 12)


•   How many booked calls will that require?


•   What is your average transaction value? __________________________________

•   What is your lifetime customer value? ___________________________________

•   How many employees will you need to hit your goal? __________________

•   What is your average conversion rate from caller to booked job? _______________

•   Multiply your Call Target by your conversion rate _______________

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The Fundamentals of Your Landscaping Marketing Plan



Many landscape companies try to sell to everyone with a landscaping need. That’s a big mistake. When you
try to sell to everyone you are selling to no one. Another mistake is to try to cover a service area that requires
your crew to drive an hour just to provide the service. So, who is your client? Is it the coupon clipper, the
middle-class suburbanite, or the affluent homeowner? What area can you service efficiently and profitably?

Once you define your ideal customer, (avatar) you then need to define your message. When you know
exactly who your customer is, you can craft your message specifically to them. The person that lives in a
multi-million-dollar home has very different priorities than someone barely scraping by. If your prospects
and clients feel like you are talking directly to them, they will respond better to your message.

When you have your ideal client (avatar) and message in place, it becomes much easier to choose the right
media to get that message in front of the prospect.

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Who is your target client Avatar?
•    Demographics

      o   Home Owner
      o   35+ years old
      o   Typically female
      o   Married with 2-3 kids
      o   Head of household
      o   $65K+ Annual Household Home Income
      o   Family oriented
      o   Reliable
      o   Easily frustrated
      o   Likes to please people & expects the same in return
      o   Not handy
      o   Likes gardening, crafting & arts
      o   Lives in the suburbs - upper middle class neighborhood
      o   Takes an interest in their community

•    Pains & Frustrations

      o   Yard/Landscaping looks terrible
      o   Can’t get a landscaping company on the phone on the phone or to return their call
      o   Need to get landscaping issues resolved
      o   Too busy to deal with it
      o   Worried chemicals used on the lawn could harm children/pets

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•   Fears

     o    Being ripped off or overcharged
     o    Paying too much for something they could have gotten elsewhere
     o    Having yard damaged by careless workers
     o    Being inconvenienced trying to coordinate with the landscaper
     o    Phone calls not returned
     o    Treatment may be unhealthy for their children or pets
     o    Cost may be more than they can afford right now

•   Goals & Desires

     o    Having a beautiful yard
     o    Having a relationship with a landscaper that they can trust
     o    Taking care of their family
     o    More income, money, wealth
     o    Live in a nicer, more luxurious home
     o    Drive a nicer car
     o    Kids healthy, happy & successful
     o    Spend more time with family
     o    Travel & have fun with family
     o    Respect and approval of friends, family and relatives
     o    Finding the right landscaper to handle all of their landscaping needs
     o    Peace of mind

         "If you can see the world through Mary Jones eyes, then
                 you can easily sell what Mary Jones buys."
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What is your message?

Why should someone choose to do business with you vs. the competition?

   1. __________________________________________________________________________

   2. ___________________________________________________________________________

   3. ___________________________________________________________________________

What benefits do you offer that your target client avatar will resonate with?

   1. __________________________________________________________________________

   2. ___________________________________________________________________________

   3. ___________________________________________________________________________

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With a clear understanding of our customer avatar we can focus
on crafting messaging for our website that resonates with the

        1. Outstanding customer service.

        2. 100% satisfaction guarantee.

        3. Reliable, experienced and trustworthy.

        4. Free quotes with upfront pricing.

• Be sure to use variations of "you" more than "I" or "we" in your messaging.
• Always focus on the benefits (over features) of your services.

Messaging That Works
• Easy to reach and all calls are returned promptly.
• Your complete satisfaction is our #1 goal. (Be specific & also
  outline your guarantee.)
• Professional, licensed, bonded & insured.
• No surprise pricing.
• Highest rated landscaper in (your city) Can be used if you
  have the highest review score.

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Your website is the HUB of Your Marketing
Is your website optimized to convert searchers into buyers?

Is your website setup for conversion?
¨ Do the headlines and copy speak to your target client?
¨ Does it address their fears and frustrations & speak to why they
   should choose you?
¨ Does it have real authentic images of you/ your team on the
   homepage & throughout the website?
¨ Does it provide strong social proof?
    Authority symbols (BBB, Landscaping Associations,
   Certifications, Chamber of Commerce, BBB, etc.)
¨ Does it showcase your online reviews prominently?

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¨ Does it make it easy for them to take action and get in contact with
  your company?
¨ Make sure that the basics are in order
     o Phone number in the right hand corner
     o Ensure that there is a web form that customers can fill out
¨ Update the Calls To Action on blog pages, etc. to ensure the speak
  to your customer Avatar & tell them exactly what to do next

¨ Is your website secure? (HTTPS)

¨ Is your website mobile friendly?
  - Fast loading
  - Easy to read on mobile devices
  - No side-to-seide scrolling
  - Easy navigation
  - Prominent and click-to-call phone number

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Schedule your 2019 Internet Marketing Plan Review –
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SEO Strategy

SEO is not a “set it and forget it” project. This is a problem many landscaping
companies face. They either try to implement a campaign on their own or they hire a
company that may not be the best choice for their industry.

Almost no one clicks to the second page of the Google Map listings and very few ever
scroll past the top 4-5 listings on the first page of Google.

In order to succeed with SEO, you need an action plan. Using the checklist
included below will ensure you are starting with the right fundamentals.

Paid Internet Marketing Campaigns
Although a good website and solid SEO is the foundation of online success, it’s also
beneficial to employ solid paid campaigns along the way.

What paid initiatives will you implement?
     Pay-Per-Click - Google Ads, Bing Search
     Retargeting (Banner Ads)
      Facebook advertising
      Paid Directories

Why most pay-per-click campaigns fail:
• You set-up only one ad group for all services (lawn care irrigation, fertilization, etc.)
• You don’t use specific text ads and landing pages for different groups of keywords
• You don’t have a strong call to action or offer on the landing page
• Campaigns are not properly managed, monitored and adjusted for maximum ROI

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Do you have KPI tracking in place?

1.    Call tracking – In order to measure your Internet Marketing Campaign’s success, you
need to have call tracking in place. Call tracking not only allows your company to see the
number of inbound calls generated but also allows you to listen to the recorded calls. Have
you missed opportunities? Could you implement training for your staff?

2.     Average cost per call generated – Does the amount of money you spend on
advertising deliver the right amount of calls? Would you like to know the average cost of each
call and lead?

3.     Visitors to your website – How many visitors do you have on a daily, weekly, and
monthly basis? You need to be aware of the amount of traffic that comes to your website.
Does more traffic result in more calls? Are you targeting the right keywords to attract better
Implementing simple website analytics with reports delivered in an easy to read dashboard
creates a clear picture of how well your marketing is working and how it can be improved.

Key Trends for 2020
  •   Voice search will dominate
  •   Mobile website conversion
  •   Google Local Service Ads
  •   Shifting from "Phone Conversion" to "Messaging Conversion"
  •   Growth of Google Snippets in search results.
  •   Google My Business (GMB) will play a bigger role in search
                         Schedule your 2020 Internet Marketing Plan Review
                                   or call us today at 888-979-3870
Internet Marketing Initiatives
What are your top 3 internet marketing initiatives that you need to focus on?

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________



Action Steps for Success
Who on your team or externally do you need to meet with to take action on these


Who will you have run an assessment to determine where you rank today for your most
important keywords and who will track and monitor your ongoing SEO activities?


Who will track and monitor your ongoing SEO activities?

Who will audit your PPC campaigns to make sure that you have unique ad groups, text
ads, and landing pages for each of your major services and a strong call to action and
offer on all of your landing pages? ________________________________________

Who will optimize your Google My Business (GMB) listing, continually update and add
a new post each week? _______________________________________

               Schedule your 2020 Internet Marketing Plan Review
                         or call us today at 888-979-3870
Need some one-on-one help?

FREE: 2020 Internet Marketing Plan Review

If you would like to have me and my team personally review your
internet marketing plan and show you where your ranking, where there
is room for improvement and how we can work together to make 2020
your best year ever and (finally get your internet marketing right,!) then
schedule your strategy session by calling us at 888-979-3870


Or Schedule your appointment by visiting

To Your Success!

Christopher Yates
Your 2020 Internet Marketing Plan

To see the details for each strategy, visit:

                Schedule your 2020 Internet Marketing Plan Review
                          or call us today at 888-979-3870
Free Marketing Tips & Resources


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