Page created by Dwight Knight
The Pride of Australia



—                         —                                 —
Head Office               High Performance Office           ha@hockey.org.au
66 Jolimont St,           Perth Hockey Stadium, Hayman Rd   hockey.org.au
East Melbourne VIC 3002   Bentley WA 6102                   ABN: 265 469 554 55
ph. (03) 9947 9900        ph. (08) 9458 0216
The Pride of Australia

 Rationale                                     3
 Purpose                                       3
 Policy                                        3
 Approval Process                              4
 External Resources                            4
 DFAT Travel Warnings                          5
 Registration of Travel Details                6
 On-Tour Situational Change                    6
 Acknowledgement                               6
 Attachment 1                                  7

Hockey Australia International Travel Policy       2
1. Rationale

Hockey Australia will, at all times, recognize that the safety of HA personnel is of the utmost
and primary importance. HA will not endorse sending individuals or teams to participate in any
environment which presents an unacceptable risk to the safety of our people.

Similarly, HA will not authorize a ‘No Objection Certificate’ (NOC) for individuals wishing to play hockey
in an environment deemed by HA to be unacceptable.

2. Purpose

International travel is a key element of normal operations for Hockey Australia (HA) as we strive for
ongoing ‘world’s best’ performance on and off-the field.

International travel is appropriate and relevant for athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and staff
for the purposes of competition, training and support of internationally based athletes, as well as
professional development for individuals across our organisation.

Hockey Australia acknowledges that the overseas security environment is challenging and is not
without inherent risks.

The policy outlined in this document details HA’s process of risk assessment which will take place prior
to the acceptance or approval of any international travel. HA’s general travel policy is contained within
the Staff Handbook (inclusive of athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers) and contains all other
operational matters pertaining to international (and domestic) travel that are not part of this policy.

3. Policy

1.   HA will, at all times and under all circumstances, ensure that the safety and well-being of athletes,
     coaches, officials, volunteers and staff is the primary consideration when deciding whether
     international travel is approved and undertaken.

2.   Prior to the acceptance of an international invitation and/or prior to booking any international
     travel, the responsible manager will ensure that the authorization process (outlined below) has
     been followed.

3.   The outcome of the travel review process must be provided to the Chief Executive who will have
     the final authority for approving any/all international travel.

4.   Approval may be revoked or reconsidered by the Chief Executive if, at any stage, there is a change
     in any of the conditions provided within the original travel review process.

5.   All HA athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers and staff will support the policy and comply with the
     approval process and the resultant decision/outcome.

6.   In team environments, individuals will be briefed as early as possible, and at least two weeks,
     prior to the scheduled travel of any potential security risks. In all situations, it will remain at the
     discretion of an individual to opt out (without fear of consequences) for reasons of personal safety
     of an approved/authorized international travel event. Should a decision be made by an individual
     not to travel for reasons of safety, there will be no negative impact on the individual in relation to
     future opportunities, employment or selection.

Hockey Australia International Travel Policy                                                                 3
To inform an individual’s decisions, HA undertakes to provide all relevant information to all members of
the travelling party.

4. Approval Process

Prior to accepting an international invitation and/or booking any international travel, the responsible
manager (defined below) must undertake the following process. Managers of staff who are planning on
travelling internationally for reasons other than tours/tournaments (eg. FIH Meetings) must also follow
the process outlined below.

All international travel for and on behalf of Hockey Australia must be authorized by the Chief Executive.

1.   Ensure that the tour/travel is covered by Hockey Australia’s corporate travel insurance policy, or
     that adequate individual travel insurance is in place for those planning to travel internationally.

2.   Identify the Alert Level for all countries and regions that are included in the proposed travel. This
     information is available on the federal government’s Smart Traveller website:

3.   Prepare a summary level report which identifies and describes the circumstances in relation to the
     following matters:
          a.    Heath
          b.    Terrorism
          c.    Civil unrest/political tension
          d.    Crime
          e.    Local environment
          f.    Transport safety (both air and ground)
          g.    Natural disasters, weather and climate
          h.    Ease of exit
4.   Present the report and relevant supporting materials to the Chief Executive for review and
     consideration of approval.

The Chief Executive will approve or reject the travel request in accordance with the delegated
authority provided in this policy (in-line with the relevant Travel Advisory issued by the Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)) and based on the information submitted in steps ‘2.’, ‘3.’ and
‘4.’ above.

The Chief Executive will advise the relevant manager by email of his/her decision, including (if the
trip is approved) emergency contact details for himself/herself and the relevant back-up executive

5. External Resources

The following resources should be consulted/referenced when making an application for
international travel:

Australian Government / DFAT: The federal government’s Smart Traveller website, http://www.
smartraveller.gov.au/, contains information on many aspects required to be considered within the
approval process and should be consulted as part of this review process.

Hockey Australia International Travel Policy                                                                 4
Australian Government/Department of Health: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.

World Health Organisation: http://www.who.int/en/

Centers for Disease Control: http://www.cdc.gov/

United Nations: http://www.un.org/en/index.shtml

6. DFAT Travel Warnings

DFAT provides travel advisories across four different levels. The level for a specific country reflects the
overall assessment of the security situation in the destination as is designed to help travelers assess
the level of risk they would face in that location.

Dependant on other categories of information available, HA’s likely response to each of the four DFAT
categorisations is outlined below.

 DFAT category           DFAT description            HA’s likely response
                         Exercise Normal Safety
 Level 1                                             Travel is likely to be approved by the Chief Executive
                         Exercise a High Degree of   Travel may be approved by the Chief Executive, pending
 Level 2
                         Caution                     thorough review
                         Reconsider Your Need to
 Level 3                                             Travel is unlikely to be approved

 Level 4                 Do Not Travel               Travel will not be authorised

When planning travel, responsible managers are advised of the following for each level of travel:

LEVEL 1 → Items of note should be addressed within planning and briefed to all travelers and in
submission to Chief Executive. Plans of the travelling party must address the specific areas of caution
addressed within the travel advice.

LEVEL 2 → Items of note should be addressed within planning ad briefing to all travelers and in
submission to Chief Executive. Plans of the travelling party must address the specific areas of caution
addressed within the travel advice.

LEVEL 3 → Items of note should be addressed within planning ad briefing to all travelers and in
submission to Chief Executive. Plans of the travelling party must address the specific areas of caution
addressed within the travel advice. Prior to approval of travel to a Level 3 destination, a recognized
independent security advisor would also be consulted for advice as to the appropriateness of travel
and/or the measures that must be taken should the proposed travel be approved.

LEVEL 4 → Only under very limited circumstances will the Chief Executive in consultation with the
HA Board approve travel to a destination that DFAT have categorized as Level 4. In the exceptional
circumstance that travel to a Level 4 destination is deemed critical by Hockey Australia’s Chief
Executive, HA will seek external expert advice to ensure that appropriate security measures can be
made to ensure the safety of all members of the travelling party prior to consideration by the HA Board.
The decision to approve such travel would then require the unanimous support of the HA Board.

Hockey Australia International Travel Policy                                                                  5
Hockey Australia’s preferred external security advisor/provider is Control Risks (http://www.
controlrisks.com/). HA’s Chief Executive will engage Control Risks, or another similarly qualified
provider, as deemed necessary by this policy.

7. Registration of Travel Details

Individuals travelling independently and tour leaders and team managers of each travelling team/
party should subscribe to Smart Traveller to receive email notification if/when the travel advice for the
selected destination(s) is updated by DFAT.

National teams (either representative or self-funded) and traveling groups should be registered on
Smart Traveller by the national team Operations Manager (for Kookaburras, Hockeyroos, Burras,
Jilaroos, Australia-A teams) or Team Manager (for all other travelling teams) with travel and contact
details so that the Australian Government can contact the team should an emergency situation arise.

National teams should also register their travel with the most appropriate Australian Embassy or
Consulate. Embassy staff welcome the opportunity to support touring Australian sporting teams and
stand ready to provide consular assistance as required.

8. On-Tour Situational Change

Should there be a change in safety circumstances once the touring party has left Australia, the Team
Manager will be the key point of communication and decision making, unless alternative arrangements
have been made and approved by the Chief Executive prior to departure.

Whenever possible, decisions must be reached following contact and discussions with the Chief
Executive. Should the Chief Executive not be contactable, communication should be made with the
most appropriate senior executive who will liaise with HA’s Risk & Integrity Committee. Where time
and circumstances allow, the Chief Executive should liaise with the President to discuss alternatives,
although it is acknowledged that this may not always be possible.

Should contact with the Chief Executive or other senior executive not be possible, or if the travelling
party is at imminent risk, the Team Manager (or pre-approved designated individual) will make the
required decisions. Under such circumstances and If possible, the Team Manager should liaise with
the local Australian Embassy/Consulate for assistance and advice.

The safety of all individuals on the tour must be the first priority guiding any decision.

9. Acknowledgement

Hockey Australia acknowledges and thanks the NSW Institute of Sport (NSWIS) for access to the
equivalent policy in the development of this HA policy document.

Hockey Australia also acknowledges the assistance of the Australian Government Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in preparing this policy document.

Hockey Australia International Travel Policy                                                                6
Attachment 1: International Travel Review and Approval Process

                                                          Applications for international travel
         Applicant to ensure that destination(s)          should be made either by an individual
          are covered by HA Travel Insurance              employee/volunteer (for their own or
                                                          their employee’s overseas travel) or by
                                                          a team’s designated manager on behalf
        Applicant to identify ‘Travel Alert Level’        of that team (for both high performance
          on DFAT/Smart Traveller website                 team and self-funded team travel).

                                                          No individual or team should travel
                                                          internationally on behalf of or in
         Applicant to prepare summary report              representation of Hockey Australia
              addressing key travel risks                 without formal CEO (or board/senior
                                                          executive in his/her absence) approval
                                                          through this process.

        Applicant to provide all documentation
                to HA Chief Executive

                   Chief Executive review

                        Trip approved?                    Applicant advised of negative outcome
                                                          The CEO, or his/her delegate, will
          Applicant advised of outcome and                formally advise the applicant of the
        provided with appropriate HA contacts             outcome of the travel request. If
                                                          successful, he/she will provide the
                                                          applicant with all relevant contact details
         Applicant registers their travel details         (insurance, emergency assist, CEO,
               with DFAT/Smart Traveller                  president, COO, etc).

Hockey Australia International Travel Policy                                                            7
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