2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com

Page created by Florence Gregory
2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
2020–21 VIEWBOOK
     Find your TRU
2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com

1.  Bee Happy Garden: a safe place for bees          11. International Building: Observatory, TRU World       20. Tournament Capital Centre & Hillside Stadium:
2.  Ken Lepin Science and Health Sciences Building   12. Arts & Education: Solar Compass walkway                  WolfPack soccer, volleyball, basketball games,
3.  TRU Recreation: intramural sports, fitness           (one of Canada's first solar sidewalks)                  indoor track, state-of-the-art training facilities
    classes, retro WolfPack nights                   13. Campus Activity Centre: Common Grounds café,         21. Open Learning
4. Nursing and Population Health Building:               TRU Students' Union headquarters,                    22. Cplul'kw'ten: Indigenous centre with soup days,
    $37M brand new facility (under construction)         TRU Bookstore, study space                               health and wellness, learning circles and more
5. Culinary Arts Training Centre: Scratch Café,      14. House of Learning: Writing Centre,                   23. Sustainability: bike rentals, Zip Car car share,
    TRU Meat Store                                       Tim Hortons, study space                                 electric vehicle charging stations, zero waste
6. Main Library: Long Night Against 		               15. North Tower: student residence                           stations (found across campus)
    Procrastination all-night study events           16. Horticulture Gardens: garden tours,                  24. McGill Residence: student residence
7. Clock Tower: Alumni Theatre concerts                  best campus selfie backdrop                          25. To East Village: student residence
8. Old Main: Student Street, Enrolment Services,     17. Industrial Training and Technology Centre:
    Wellness Centre, Therapy Dogs, Starbucks             $30M brand new facility, the Work Bench café         This map highlights some of the best spots on
9. Outdoor basketball courts                         18. Trades and Technology                                campus, but there are plenty more buildings,
10. New condominiums (under construction)            19. To Animal Health Technology and Facilities           spaces and events to discover for yourself!

                           TRU is situated on the traditional and unceded territory of Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc (in Secwepemcúlucw).
2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook   3
2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
    After completing my undergraduate
    degree at TRU while playing volleyball for
    the WolfPack, it was an easy decision to
    return, because I knew how welcoming
    and supportive Kamloops is. There's a
    tradition where upper-year law students
    celebrate with the first-year class when
    they finish exams. It came as a complete
    surprise as we exited and were met with
    sunshine, cheers, and colleagues holding
    signs and noisemakers. That moment
    demonstrates the collegiality that TRU
    Law is known for and is definitely one
    of my most memorable moments here
    so far!"

    Katie Matthews
    Juris Doctor (2020)
    Surrey, BC

2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
Right Here.
Embrace the refreshing community vibe of gorgeous Kamloops, British
Columbia, without sacrificing the amenities and attractions of a large,
bustling centre. Beyond our campus you’ll find beautiful beaches and parks
lining the junction of two rivers next to a vibrant downtown. Study and play
in your own backyard with natural features like hiking trails, cycling paths,
lakes and the nearby award-winning Sun Peaks ski resort.

Feed your artistic appetite in the front row of touring big-name bands or
in smaller venues with local musicians. Immerse yourself in work by
prominent Canadian and international artists at the local art gallery.
Catch a thought-provoking independent film, or box office hit at one of our
cinemas. Join an inclusive and welcoming community with Kamloops Pride.
Relax, visit and chill out in one of our many locally-owned, eclectic cafés.

Find the right balance of art, culture, adventure—and of course, academics—
in Kamloops.

We’re right here.

Clockwise from top left:
View of Kamloops
Yoga in Riverside Park
McConnell Lake
TRU Art Gallery
Food truck visiting campus
Riverside Park
Kamloops Art Gallery

                                Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook   5
2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com



            Prince George

    Williams Lake


For You.
Your choices here are limitless. We have a law school, a business school and a
nursing school. We have options in trades, technology and engineering. We can
prepare you for medical school. We offer theatre, visual arts, journalism and
liberal arts. We can teach you how to be a chef, or operate a ski hill, or become a
social worker, or a teacher.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, we have plenty of support resources to get
you started. Between program advisors, counsellors, future students team
and student awards and financial support, if you have questions, we’ve got
you covered.

In our small class sizes and tight-knit campus community, passionate
professors will support and inspire you to think, interact, research, learn and
engage with diverse people whether they are from Kamloops, Canada, or
around the world.

We’re right here for you.

    Clockwise from top left:
    Animal Health Technology training
    Chemistry lab
    Horticulture Gardens
    Nursing practicum

2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
Studying abroad to me means freedom
and if you feel afraid thinking about that,
then my suggestion is to face your fears.
The experience will be so great, you won’t
even remember the fear. My study abroad
term to South Korea and my own travel
taught me that language is a small barrier
that we can overcome. It’s not about what
language we were born speaking, it’s about
our willingness to understand each other."

Rajeev Kapoor
Bachelor of Business Administration (2021)
New Delhi, India

                                              Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook   7
2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
    As a kid, I chased butterflies and asked
    why the sky was blue. Biology connects
    everything I was always interested in:
    being outside and learning about life on
    Earth. I never imagined I would understand
    the mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 or how
    to identify a tree species by its springtime
    buds. I am proud of the challenges I take
    on in research and at work, and of what
    I’ve accomplished. TRU is my first stepping
    stone for my future success as a scientist."

    Mae Frank
    Bachelor of Science (2019)
    Kamloops, BC

2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
Make lasting memories during one of the most pivotal times in your life.
We are here to keep you fired up, tuned in to campus events and engaged in
your studies so you can thrive.
  •   Get a quick intro to university life during orientation week. The
      annual Back to School BBQ is the best place to meet new people, get
      up-to-speed on campus services, listen to live music (July Talk and the
      Arkells played here!) and snag free giveaways.
  •   Bring the heat, show your colours and back the ‘Pack at high-energy
      WolfPack games, or be the clutch player on an intramurals
      sports team.
  •   Make time for your passions and find others who share them in more
      than 90 TRU Student Union campus clubs.
  •   Hear from world-renowned speakers in the free TRUSU Common
      Voices and President’s Lecture Series (think Jane Goodall, Chris
      Hadfield, Justice Murray Sinclair and David Suzuki!).
  •   Volunteer or take a starring performance role in IDays;
      a campus-wide celebration of cultures from around the globe.
At TRU, we’re right here for you.

  Clockwise from top left:
  Scratch Café on campus
  IDays International Showcase
  Collage Party
  Holi celebration

                                    Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook   9
2020-21 VIEWBOOK - Shiksha.com
Career & Experiential Learning

Find out what you want to do—and maybe what you don’t—
before you graduate. Leave university with a head start. Test
drive career options while earning course credit. Add paid work   We can connect you
alongside your studies with on-campus, part-time opportunities.
Share your knowledge and skills through community-based
                                                                  with these work
projects. Or dive into an undergraduate research project. We      and experiential gigs:
make sure you have access to real world career experience
                                                                  Curricular – for credit
before graduating.
                                                                  Co-curricular – complement formal
Co-op                    Undergraduate research                   curricular learning (not for credit)
Co-op Abroad             Service learning
                                                                  Extra-curricular – learn outside of the
Work study               Field School
                                                                  classroom or in the community (not for credit)
Apprenticeship           Professional practicums
Study Abroad             Volunteer opportunities
Internships              + Many more


Alumni Leading the Way

“                                            “                                             “
TRU set me up for success in the real        As a student, I had the opportunity to           I came to British Columbia to live the
world. From networking with business         get my feet wet in an industry that is           dream of becoming a professional skier,
executives, to staying up late studying      highly competitive and consistently              and TRU changed what I view as success
with colleagues, time here taught me         changing. The flexibility of turning             in the tourism industry. I am no longer
both the hard and soft skills I needed       work experience into graduation                  tied to an identity as an athlete. Now
to be successful. I took chances, met        credits enabled me to thrive in                  I see success as a function of all I am
challenges, and even discovered new          internships without having to sacrifice          capable of doing: guiding, competitive
causes that grew my confidence               summer employment income that I                  freeride skiing, administrative duties
and inspired me. Instructors foster          needed. Small class sizes allowed me             and expeditionary pursuits. I can reach
fearlessness in a dynamic setting and        to think independently and creatively            success from many avenues.”
that’s part of what made TRU the             in safe spaces, while asking questions           Chelsea Sullivan
foundation for success in my career. I       and receiving support during the most            Adventure Guide Diploma (2012)
cannot think of a better university to       stimulating—and demanding—time of                Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (2018)
begin one’s career.”                         my young adult life.”                            Apprentice Ski Guide

Evan Choy                                    Ashley Wadhwani                                  Association of Canadian Mountain Guides

Bachelor of Business Administration (2018)   Bachelor of Journalism (2015)                    Whistler, BC

Branch Manager Associate, TD Bank            Provincial Reporter, Black Press Media
Prince George, BC                            Vancouver, BC

                                                                                      Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook     11
Study Abroad

     Take a semester or two abroad and embark
     on an overseas learning journey like no
     other. Broaden your perspective, strengthen
     intercultural skills, make new friends and
     expand job opportunities, all while earning
     course credits.

     Field School placements range from two
     to six weeks in length and are another
     great option for an out-of-the-classroom,
     international experience.

Study                Field
                                                                         Abroad               Schools
                                                                            Australia          Australia
                                                                            Austria            Belize
                                                                            Belgium            Eastern Europe
                                                                            Belize             Italy
                                                                            Chile              Japan
                                                                            China              Mexico
                                                                            Colombia           Nepal
                                                                            Denmark            New Zealand
                                                                            Estonia            Peru
                                                                            Finland            USA
                                                                            France             Vietnam
                                                                            The Netherlands
                                                                            New Zealand


Study Abroad and Field School opportunities vary
each year. If you are interested in a country not
listed on this map, or want more information on how
to get started, contact studyabroad@tru.ca


                                                      Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook     13
Men’s Basketball - Scott Clark

Women’s Basketball - Goran Nogic

Men’s Volleyball - Pat Hennelly

Women’s Volleyball - Chad Grimm

Men’s Soccer - John Antulov

Women’s Soccer - Mark Pennington

Men’s Baseball - Ray Chadwick

Cross-Country Running -
Carmin Mazzotta

Swimming - Brad Dalke

Cheerleading - Meaghan Blakely and
Heather Crawford

If you are interested in trying out for a
team, fill out the recruitment form on

Are you into a more leisurely sports
experience? The intramural league is
the place for you. Sign up for soccer,
basketball, volleyball, floor hockey,
rock climbing and drop-in badminton.

TRU Athletics fostered a strong
competitive atmosphere that pushed
me as an individual both on and off the
court. What stood out to me more than
the spirit of competition though, was
the camaraderie. Not just with my own
team, but with many other athletes,
coaches, faculty, and TRU students. The
people I’ve met through basketball, and
the relationships I’ve made during my
time here, have impacted my life in many
positive ways. Each interaction I’ve had
has helped me grow into a better person
and the friendships I’ve developed will
last far beyond my time as a student.”

Micheal Rouault
Bachelor of Science (2020)
Vernon, BC

Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook   15
Weyt-k, le7 re7 stskits’c                                                           “Hello, it is good you came.”

                                                                                  During my first tour of campus, we stopped
                                                                                  at Cplul’kw’ten and they had cupcakes. I’m
                                                                                  not sure if they were there for us, or if we just
                                                                                  stopped in on the right day, but we ended up
                                                                                  staying awhile and I just really felt welcomed.
                                                                                  Cplul’kw’ten helped me find balance in my
                                                                                  first few years at TRU. I wanted to play a part
                                                                                  in easing that transition for new students,
                                                                                  and becoming an Indigenous Mentor was my
                                                                                  chance to do that. One of the best parts about
                                                                                  my role is all the different people I’ve come to
                                                                                  know, like other amazing mentors, students,
                                                                                  even Aboriginal people from Australia and
                                                                                  New Zealand on a cultural exchange. My goals
                                                                                  include traveling to every continent—I’ve been
                                                                                  to three so far—learning more of my language,
                                                                                  and one day becoming chief of my band.”

                                                                                  Lesley Campbell
                                                                                  Bachelor of Education (2021)
                                                                                  Nlaka’pamux from Boston Bar, BC

Indigenous Students at TRU
Thompson Rivers University campuses are on the traditional lands of the
                                                                                                FIND COMMUNITY
Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc (Kamloops campus) and the T’exelc (Williams Lake
campus) within Secwépemc'ulucw, the traditional and unceded territory of the                    AT CPLUL’KW’TEN
Secwépemc people. Our region also extends into the territories of the Stat’imc,
                                                                                                Cplul’kw’ten is a home away from
Nlaka’pamux, Nuxalk, Tsilhqot’in, Dakelh, and Métis peoples. We honour this
                                                                                                home for Indigenous students. Speak
connection and offer an array of programs and services to welcome and support
                                                                                                with an Elder or mentor. Take a study
Indigenous students.
                                                                                                skills workshop, access community
Here you will find small class sizes, personal attention and practical learning                 resources, get assistance with papers
experiences in every program. About 10% of our students are Indigenous—you will                 or funding, or use the computers.
meet First Nations, Métis and Inuit students from all over BC and across Canada.                Study, socialize or share a meal. It’s
Walking alongside you is our Indigenous Student Development team, supporting                    casual, it’s friendly—and it’s yours.
your transition to university life with mentoring, life skills coaching, counselling            tru.ca/gatheringplace
and other services.


INDIGENOUS                                   ELDERS IN
MENTOR PROGRAM                               THE HOUSE                                    QELMÚCW STUDENT
Upper-year students in a variety             Elders possess a wealth of knowledge         RECRUITER-ADVISORS
of TRU programs volunteer as                 and life experiences with specific           Here to answer your admissions
Indigenous Mentors to assist                 expertise in Indigenous ways of              questions, and assist with your
new students in the transition to            knowing and being that they are              application and next steps.
university life. If you’re a new first- or   willing to share with younger
second-year student, being paired            generations. Through our Elder in               250-828-5006
with a mentor can ease your way—             the House Program, TRU Elders
whether that’s an extra set of eyes on       provide personal consultation,
your paper or a walk in the hills.           conversation, guidance and
                                             mentorship. Drop in any day
                                             at Cplul'kw'ten.

                                                                                  Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook   17

Adventure, Culinary Arts & Tourism
Are you a travel or adventure enthusiast, drawn to
the outdoors, adventure sports, new destinations,
                                                                               Get started on a career as:
festivals, events, hotels and resorts? Consider one of
our distinctive programs that specialize in tourism                            •    Adventure guide                             •   Professional cook
and hospitality management training and designing                              •    Lodging sales supervisor                    •   Tourism/event
                                                                               •    Sales and marketing                             business owner
tourism and adventure experiences. Learn business
                                                                               •    Attractions                                 •   Manager, destination
skills and the ability to successfully manage local,
                                                                                    operations manager                              development
regional, national and international tourism businesses                                                                         •   Adventure industry
                                                                               •    Hotel general manager
and organizations.                                                                                                                  entrepreneur

For those with flair in the kitchen, sharpen your
culinary skills and become a professional cook. Master
classic cooking fundamentals as well as current

                                                                                                1 million+
industry trends, taught by passionate chef instructors.

                                                                                            square feet of learning space

 PROGRAM NAME                                                        MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                     ADMISSION TYPE

 Adventure Guide Certificate                                         English Studies 12 and any Math 11; Completion of the              Competitive
                                                                     Adventure Studies Student Information Form; Supplemental
                                                                     documents and attendance at information session; 19 years of
                                                                     age by start of program

 Adventure Guide Diploma                                             Completion of the Adventure Guide Certificate;                     Limited
                                                                     Detailed resumé; Adventure Studies Student Information Form
                                                                     Experience Log; Attendance at information session; 19 years of
                                                                     age by start of program

 Bachelor of Tourism Management |  C                                73% in English Studies 12; 60% in Foundations of Math 11 or        Limited
                                                                     Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Math 12. Students with 67% in
 Streams: Adventure Studies, Tourism Management                      Pre-Calculus 12 or Foundations of Math 12 will be exempt
 Concentrations: Adventure Studies, Innovation & Entrepreneurship,   from MATH 1100
 Festivals & Events, Resort Experience
 Exit credential after two years: Tourism Management Diploma
 Major: Adventure Studies

 Events & Conventions Management Diploma                             73% in English Studies 12; 60% in Foundations of                   Limited
                                                                     Math 11 or Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Math 12;
                                                                     Detailed resumé. Students with 67% in Pre-Calculus 12 or
                                                                     Foundations of Math 12 will be exempt from MATH 1100

 Professional Cook Level 1 & 2 Culinary Arts Certificate             Grade 10 (grade 12 preferred); Food Safe Level 1;                  Limited
                                                                     Successful Entry Assessment

 Resort & Hotel Management Diploma                                   73% in English Studies 12; 60% in Foundations of Math 11 or        Limited
                                                                     Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Math 12; Detailed resumé.
                                                                     Students with 67% in Pre-Calculus 12 or Foundations of Math 12
                                                                     will be exempt from MATH 1100

 Retail Meat Processing Foundation Certificate                       Grade 10 (grade 12 preferred); Food Safe Level 1; Successful       Limited
                                                                     Entry Assessment; Canadian citizenship or permanent resident
                                                                     status; Interview and orientation with program coordinator

 Sport Event Management Diploma                                      73% in English Studies 12; 60% in Foundations of Math 11 or        Limited
                                                                     Pre-Calculus 11 or Foundations of Math 12; Detailed resumé.
                                                                     Students with 67% in Pre-Calculus 12 or Foundations of Math 12
                                                                     will be exempt from MATH 1100

 Study Abroad C Co-op

Arts, Humanities & Social Science
Discover and explore broad topics that seek to understand people
and society, culture and our environment, and communication.
                                                                                              Get started on a career as:
Study the social, physical and natural world, from the ancient to
the modern. Debate the nature of the universe and our place in                                •   Historian/preservation            •   Sustainability
                                                                                                  specialist                            researcher
it. Explore ideas in human thought, feeling and behavior. Learn
                                                                                              •   Legislative/                      •   Public policy analyst
about the range of human creative activity, literature, writing,
                                                                                                  government aide                   •   Market researcher
journalism, film and visual art. Learn a language. Many graduates
                                                                                              •   Land surveyor                     •   Statistician
build careers on the concepts of liberal arts, social science and
                                                                                              •   Climatologist                     •   Actor/director/
humanities. We can help you find your path. As an arts student,                               •   Urban planner                         playwright
you will gain exceptional critical thinking, problem-solving,
writing and research abilities.


 PROGRAM NAME                                                               MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                               ADMISSION TYPE

 Aboriginal Studies Certificate                                             73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 Completed in conjunction with the Bachelor of Arts

 Bachelor of Arts |  C                                                     73% in English Studies 12; Math 11 or higher strongly        Non-competitive;
                                                                            recommended for students pursuing Education or               Upgrading available
 Majors: Communication, Economics, Economic & Political Studies, English,   a major in Geography & Environmental Studies,                in program
 Geography & Environmental Studies, History, Mathematics, Mathematics       Sociology or Psychology; Recommended grade 12
 and Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Theatre Arts             second language
 Minors: Archaeology & Geology, Creative Writing, Environmental
 Economics & Sustainable Development, Geography, Language & Global
 Studies, Political Studies, Visual Arts
 Exit credential after two years: Associate of Arts or Associate of Arts
 Modern Languages Degree

 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts) |                                     73% in English Studies 12; Math 11 or higher strongly        Non-competitive;
                                                                            recommended for students pursuing Education;                 Upgrading available
                                                                            Recommended grade 12 second language                         in program

 Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies |  C                                Third year entry; See tru.ca/calendar for                    Competitive
                                                                            admission requirements

 Bachelor of Journalism |                                                  73% in English Studies 12; Writing sample                    Competitive

 Majors: Public Relations

 Cultural and Social Explorations Certificate                               73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 Literary and Art History Certificate                                       73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 Modern Languages Certificate                                               73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 Painting and Drawing Certificate                                           73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 Visual Arts Studio Certificate                                             73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 Visual Arts Diploma                                                        73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 World Languages and Cultures Certificate                                   73% in English Studies 12                                    Non-competitive

 Study Abroad C Co-op

                                                                                                   Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook               19
Business, Economics & Management
Pursue your passion for business. There are many diverse pathways
that build on business concepts. We can help you find your way.
                                                                                                    Get started on a career in:
Develop strong decision-making and communication skills, management
savvy, a social consciousness, a global perspective, and the ability to                             •    Management                •    Public
                                                                                                    •    Accounting                     administration
work independently and as part of a team. Specialize in accounting,
                                                                                                    •    Banking                   •    International trade
economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resources, international
                                                                                                    •    Logistics                 •    Labour relations
business, marketing or supply chain management. Bachelor of
                                                                                                    •    Advertising               •    Entrepreneurship
Business Administration graduates may further their studies in the
                                                                                                         and sales
TRU Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.


 PROGRAM NAME                                                              MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                              ADMISSION TYPE

 Accounting Technician Diploma                                             73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of Math       Non-competitive;
                                                                           12 or Pre-Calculus 12                                       Upgrading available
 Exit credential after first year: Business Foundations Certificate                                                                    in program

 Administrative Assistant Certificate                                      Completion of grade 11 (grade 12 preferred) or mature       Limited
                                                                           student status; 67% in English Studies 12; Minimum
 Exit credential after first semester: Business Fundamentals Certificate   keyboarding speed of 25 net words per minute
                                                                           *Students wishing to complete the Administrative
                                                                           Assistant Certificate must apply to the Business
                                                                           Fundamentals Certificate

 Bachelor of Business Administration |  C                                 73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of            Non-competitive;
                                                                           Math 12 or Pre-Calculus 12                                  Upgrading available
 Majors: Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General                                                                     in program
 Business, Human Resource Management, International Business, Marketing,
 Supply Chain Management
 Minors: Environmental Economics & Sustainable Development, Financial
 Markets & Institutions, Financial Services, Leadership
 Exit credential after two years: Associate of Commerce and Business
 Administration Diploma

 Executive Assistant Diploma                                               73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of            Limited
                                                                           Math 12 or Pre-Calculus 12

 First Nation Applied Economics Certificate                                73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Pre-Calculus 11 or        Non-competitive;
                                                                           Foundations of Math 11                                      Upgrading available
                                                                                                                                       in program

 First Nation Taxation Administration Certificate                          75% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of Math       Non-competitive;
                                                                           11 or Pre-Calculus 11                                       Upgrading available
                                                                                                                                       in program

 Management Diploma                                                        73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of Math       Non-competitive;
                                                                           12 or Pre-Calculus 12                                       Upgrading available
 Exit credential after first year: Business Foundations Certificate                                                                    in program

 Study Abroad C Co-op

                  50 group
        like ziplining, fishing and escape rooms,
          hosted each year by Leisure Explore
                Activity Program (LEAP)

Inspire learning in others, in a classroom, or in early
childhood education settings. With the Bachelor of
                                                                                 Get started on a career as:
Education - Elementary, qualify to teach at the K-12 level
in BC public or private schools. Teach science and math                          •    Private tutor
in secondary schools with the Bachelor of Education -                            •    Community instructor in museums,
Secondary STEM. Some (BEd) graduates choose to further                                galleries and interpretive centres
their studies in the TRU Master of Education (MEd) degree.                       •    Elementary school teacher
                                                                                 •    Secondary school teacher
                                                                                 •    Early childhood educator

 PROGRAM NAME                                                MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                 ADMISSION TYPE

 Bachelor of Education - Elementary                          Minimum of 90 credits of post-secondary studies                Competitive
                                                             acceptable to the School of Education, typically arts, fine
                                                             arts, math, science, music or physical education; Minimum
                                                             GPA 2.67; 100 volunteer hours; Letter of Intent; Two
                                                             confidential statements from referees

 Bachelor of Education - Secondary STEM                      Four-year Bachelor of Science degree (120 credits) or          Competitive
                                                             equivalent in math or science discipline; Minimum GPA
                                                             of 2.33 on the most recent 60 credits; 100 volunteer
                                                             hours; Letter of Intent; Spontaneous written and personal
                                                             interview; Two confidential statements from referees

 DSTC First Nations Language Teacher                         See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements                 Non-competitive;
                                                                                                                            Upgrading available
 Education Program
                                                                                                                            in program

 Early Childhood Education Diploma                           73% in English Studies 12; 25 hours of volunteer and/or        Limited
                                                             work experience in a licensed child care facility; Attend an
                                                             applicant readiness interview

                                                               I’ve always had an interest in the brain and its physiological
                                                               functions, so I thought psychology was the right way to go.
                                                               I've gained invaluable experience working in the Brain and
                                                               Behavior Lab. I'm preparing for graduate studies, meeting
                                                               new people and making connections. You truly get to know
                                                               your professors here. It's simply an experience you won't get
                                                               Braydon Slack
                                                               Bachelor of Arts (2020)
                                                               Williams Lake, BC

                                                                                     Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook                21
Health Sciences
Prepare yourself for the rewards and challenges of the
health-care profession. Gain the technical knowledge, human
                                                                                        Get started on a career in:
understanding and practical skills to administer responsible
and client-centred care as a Registered Nurse (RN). Or learn                            •   Health care                      •   Chiropractic
everything you need to know about delivering effective front-line                       •   Nursing                              medicine
patient care as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Or specialize in                      •   Practical nursing                •   Naturopathic
pulmonary disease prevention and education in the respiratory                           •   Respiratory therapy
                                                                                                                             •   Physiotherapy
therapy program, learning to assess and treat disorders of the                          •   Medicine
                                                                                                                             •   Occupational
lungs, heart and vascular system. You can expand your career                            •   Dentistry
options in respiratory therapy by combining the RT Diploma with                         •   Pharmacy
a Bachelor of Health Science. Alternatively, if you’re passionate                       •   Veterinary medicine
about a career in the professional health sciences, gain a solid                        •   Optometry
foundation in a pre-professional health science stream.


 PROGRAM NAME                                               MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                        ADMISSION TYPE

 Bachelor of Science in Nursing |                          73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of Math 12 or           Competitive
                                                            Pre-Calculus 12, 67% in Anatomy & Physiology 12, Chemistry 11
                                                            and one additional science 11 or 12; Letter of Introduction

 Bachelor of Health Science                                 Same requirements as Respiratory Therapy Diploma                      Competitive
 (Respiratory Therapy Dual Credential)

 Health Care Assistant Certificate                          Grade 11; 73% in English 11; Standard First Aid with CPR Level        Limited
                                                            C; Food Safe Level 1

 Practical Nursing (Williams Lake Campus)                   67% in English Studies 12; 60% in Foundations of Math 11; 67%         Competitive
                                                            in Human Anatomy & Physiology for Practical Nurses or 67% in
                                                            TRU - Open Learning HLTH 1121

 Pre-Professional Health Science                            Apply to Bachelor of Science

 Respiratory Therapy Diploma                                73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of Math 12 or           Competitive
                                                            Pre-Calculus 12, Anatomy & Physiology 12, Chemistry 12, Physics
                                                            11; CPR Level C with AED; Program Information Session and/or
                                                            Hospital RT Department Tour; Canadian citizenship or permanent
                                                            resident status

 Study Abroad C Co-op

                                       I chose nursing at TRU because it combines theory and practical experience. We
                                       refine our skills before starting demanding, but rewarding careers in health care. The
                                       faculty are passionate about our success and offer years of experience and research.
                                       I was vice president of the Nursing Undergraduate Society, and played a role in
                                       arranging community and social events for students to attend, such as the annual
                                       Nurses’ Ball."

                                       Makenzie Vandertoolen
                                       Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2019)
                                       Summerland, BC

Law & Justice
Obtain a dynamic legal education with a
modern, innovative approach. The three-year,
Juris Doctor degree program is taught in
award-winning, state-of-the-art facilities.
Learn from an accomplished group of legal
professionals with demonstrated excellence in
teaching and research, who are also purposeful
in fostering a community-oriented atmosphere
and highly-engaged student body.


Prepare for a career in policing, corrections,
parole and other government services with the
Police & Justice Studies Diploma.


 PROGRAM NAME                                                      MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                      ADMISSION TYPE

 Law—Juris Doctor |                                               Obtained an undergraduate degree or successfully completed          Competitive
                                                                   the first three years (minimum 90 credits) or more of an
                                                                   undergraduate degree; Completed application (including
                                                                   CV or resumé and any other requested information) Official
                                                                   transcripts; LSAT score; Personal statement; Letters of
                                                                   reference; Any other supplemental documents required by
                                                                   your selected category of admissions. See tru.ca/calendar for
                                                                   admission requirements

 Police & Justice Studies Diploma                                  73% in English Studies 12; Statement of career objectives;          Limited

 Study Abroad C Co-op        *Study Abroad is available for our Juris Doctor students, but it is coordinated through the Law Faculty not Study Abroad

                                                                               My classes are tight-knit and we get a lot of one-on-one
                                                                               time with our professors. I would not get this quality of
                                                                               engineering education elsewhere. Being at TRU has
                                                                               opened many doors. I taught children about science
                                                                               and technology at a summer camp, helped with robotic
                                                                               race competitions, and attended technology fairs and
                                                                               conferences. TRU gave me access to these incredible
                                                                               events and networking opportunities."

                                                                               Lorelei Guidos
                                                                               Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering (2022)
                                                                               Salmon Arm, BC

                                                                                                Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook            23
Science & Technology
Tackle ideas in the vast fields of biology, chemistry, physics,
mathematics, computing science, geology or economics.
                                                                                        Get started on a career in:
Prepare for a career in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary
medicine, optometry or engineering. Or embark on a career                               •   Medicine                            •   Engineering
studying and analyzing aspects of the environment. Or                                   •   Dentistry                           •   Aerospace technology
technology and computer systems. Or space. There are many                               •   Pharmacy                            •   Economics/finance
ways to build a career on the patterns and concepts of science.                         •   Veterinary medicine                 •   Environmental
We can help you find your path. As a science student, you                               •   Optometry                               science

will gain exceptional analytical, problem-solving and research                          •   Chiropractic medicine               •   Physiotherapy

abilities in sophisticated, state-of-the-art, learning laboratories.                    •   Naturopathic                        •   Occupational therapy
                                                                                            medicine                            •   Kinesiology

 PROGRAM NAME                                                 MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                         ADMISSION TYPE

 Applied Sustainable Ranching Diploma                         Grade 12 or Mature Student Status; 60% in Foundations of               Limited
                                                              Math 11; English Studies 12; Work placement on a working
 (Williams Lake Campus)
                                                              farm or ranch (Program Coordinator can help you find a
                                                              suitable placement)

 Animal Health Technology Diploma                             67% in English Studies 12, Foundations of Math 11,                     Competitive
                                                              Life Sciences 11, Chemistry 11 and one additional grade 12
 *Available on campus or by distance education                science (Biology recommended); 80 hours orientation at a
                                                              veterinary facility (working, volunteering or observing); Three
                                                              references; Questionnaire; Canadian citizenship or permanent
                                                              resident status

 Animal Welfare Certificate                                   Grade 12 or Mature Student Status recommended                          Limited

 *Available by distance education

 Architectural & Engineering Technology Diploma               73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Foundations of Math 12 or            Limited
                                                              Pre-Calculus 11; Physics 11

 Bachelor of Computing Science |  C                          73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Pre-Calculus 12 or Foundations       Non-competitive;
                                                              of Math 12 (completed within the last two years)                       Upgrading available
                                                                                                                                     in program

 Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering              67% in English Studies 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Chemistry 12 and           Competitive
                                                              Physics 12. *Recommended courses: Calculus 12, Drafting 12, a
                                                              computing or information technology course involving computer
                                                              programming and problem solving using high-level languages
                                                              such as C/C++, Visual Basic, or Java

                                                     Medical school is my goal and a science degree is one of the first steps in
                                                     achieving that. Research is definitely one of the highlights of my years here.
                                                     Access to research through directed studies and also the opportunity to
                                                     continue this independently through Undergraduate Research Experience
                                                     Award funding is invaluable. During my co-op term, students from other
                                                     institutions were impressed by the hands-on opportunities we have
                                                     access to."

                                                     Oluwafemi Ogunyemi
                                                     Bachelor of Science (2020)
                                                     Ogun State, Nigeria

Science & Technology                                                                             continued

 Bachelor of Natural Resource Science |  C                         73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Pre-Calculus 12, Life Sciences       Competitive
                                                                    11 and Chemistry 11; Competitive GPA of at least 2.00 overall
                                                                    high school/post-secondary courses. Students with Anatomy
                                                                    & Physiology 12, Chemistry 12, and Physics 12 will be
                                                                    given preference

 Bachelor of Science |  C                                          73% in English Studies 12;                                             Non-competitive;
                                                                                                                                           Upgrading available
 Majors: Animal Biology, Biology, Cellular, Molecular & Microbial   For all Biology, General Science, Chemistry, Chemical Biology,
                                                                                                                                           in program
 Biology, Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Computing Science,           and Environmental Chemistry Majors: 67% in Life Sciences 11 or
 Computing Science & Mathematics, Ecology & Environmental           12, Chemistry 11, Pre-Calculus 12 (completed within the past two
 Biology, Environmental Chemistry, General Science, Mathematics,    years), Physics 11 or 12
 Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Pre-professional Health Sciences   For Computing Science, Mathematics, Mathematical Sciences,
 Minors: Environmental Economics & Sustainable Development,         and Physics Majors: 67% in Pre-Calculus 12 (completed within
 Management, Archaeology and Geology                                the past two years), Physics 11 or 12; Chemistry 11; Physics 11

 Exit Credential after two years: Associate of Science

 Computing Science Diploma | C                                      73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Pre-Calculus 12 or Foundations       Non-competitive;
                                                                    of Math 12 (completed within the last two years)                       Upgrading available
                                                                                                                                           in program

 Engineering Transfer (Year 1)                                      73% in English Studies 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Physics 12, Chemistry      Competitive
                                                                    11 (Chemistry 12 is highly recommended); Students lacking
                                                                    Chemistry 12 may still be admitted, but cannot complete the
                                                                    first-year courses in two semesters

 Engineering Transfer                                               Completion of first year of the Engineering Transfer Program           Competitive
                                                                    at TRU (38 credits) or another recognized engineering transfer
 (Year 2, Electrical or Computer) | C
                                                                    program, with a cumulative GPA of 2.50; A minimum grade of
                                                                    C- or better in all courses that are part of the first-year transfer

 Forestry Transfer                                                  73% in English Studies 12; 67% in Pre-Calculus 12; Two of Life         Competitive
                                                                    Sciences 11, Chemistry 11 or Physics 11 - All three strongly
                                                                    recommended (Life Sciences 11 is minimum requirement for
                                                                    entry into BIOL 1110 at TRU); One of Anatomy & Physiology 12,
                                                                    Chemistry 12 or Physics 12

 First Nations Applied Land Management Certificate                  See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements                         Limited

 Study Abroad C Co-op

         Students can thrive here. Small classes, passionate
         professors, and the capacity for growth allows us to
         develop. Don't limit yourself to one program right away.
         Some people already know what’s right for them, and
         others don't. Explore the options and find something that
         excites and challenges you!"

         Jessica Guthier
         Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2021)
         Hockenheim, Germany

                                                                                                     Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook               25
Social Work & Human Services
Prepare for a rewarding career creating social change and providing service
and leadership in areas most needed by society. Work with communities,
                                                                                                             Get started on a career in:
children and families in rural towns, small cities and large urban centres. Make
                                                                                                             •   Child welfare, including
connections between private troubles and public issues. Learn about and
                                                                                                                 delegated agencies
positively impact lives, and develop skills in critically analyzing social systems                           •   Corrections
through a diversity, equity and inclusion lens with a particular focus on                                    •   Federal and provincial ministries
Indigenous people.                                                                                           •   Non-profit agencies
Combine your studies with engaging experiences beyond the classroom,                                         •   Mental health
including two social work field placements working alongside professionals                                   •   Substance use
in numerous agencies.                                                                                        •   Family mediation
                                                                                                             •   Accessibility services

 PROGRAM NAME                                                MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                     ADMISSION TYPE

 Bachelor of Social Work |                                  A minimum of 54 credits (60 credits recommended); Credit           Competitive
                                                             requirement can be met by: general university studies,
                                                             combined TRU Human Service Program (Human Service Worker
                                                             Certificate or Diploma) and general university course work or
                                                             equivalent certificate/diploma; For GPA requirements see

 Education Assistant and Community                           73% in English Studies 12; Two reference letters; 18 years of      Limited
                                                             age on or before December 31 of the fall semester; Canadian
 Support Certificate
                                                             citizenship or permanent resident status

 Human Service Diploma                                       73% in English Studies 12; Two references; 19 years of age prior   Limited
                                                             to start of program; Canadian citizenship or permanent
                                                             resident status

 Study Abroad C Co-op

                                              My education meant learning things that extend beyond professional skills
                                              and knowledge. I am fundamentally a different person than when I started.
                                              I developed lasting relationships and networks within my community and
                                              profession, but most importantly, I have a better understanding of who I am. I
                                              can honestly say that going to university has literally changed my life, as I am a
                                              better person because of it."

                                              Ralph Tarlit
                                              Bachelor of Social Work (2019)
                                              Kamloops, BC

     98                                          1                                                   12 spots
                           TRUSU                           extended Health
                           campus                          and Dental plan
                                                                                                           to grab a coffee
                           clubs                           for students
                                                                                                         or snack on campus

Trades & Industrial Technology
Jump start a career in the trades with a certificate, diploma or degree.
Foundation programs provide hands-on skills and education to prepare
                                                                                                        Get started on a career in:
you for entry into a skilled workforce. Graduates receive credit for
                                                                                                        •   Automotive service              •   Horticulture
both in-school apprenticeship training, and work-based hours towards
                                                                                                        •   Carpentry                       •   Piping trades
their trade.
                                                                                                        •   Electrician                     •   Welding
Apprenticeship programs provide in-school theory and practical
                                                                                                        •   Heavy mechanical                •   Refrigeration and
training. Employers sponsor employees to be apprentices with the                                                                                air conditioning
                                                                                                        •   Industrial mechanic
Industry Training Authority of BC. Apprentices earn while they learn.                                                                           mechanic
                                                                                                        •   Instrumentation and
Many trades lead to a Red Seal designation, a standard of excellence                                        control technician
recognized across Canada and the world.


 PROGRAM NAME                                                                          MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                           ADMISSION TYPE

 Apprenticeships in Construction,                                                      Valid Industry Training Authority (ITA) number           Limited
                                                                                       (indentured/sponsored by an employer);
 Mechanical & Welding Trades
                                                                                       Working in your trade
 Automotive Service Technician, Carpenter, Diesel Engine Mechanic, Electrician –
 Construction, Electrician – Industrial, Gasfitter A (Level 3), Gasfitter B
 (Level 1 & 2), Heavy Duty Equipment Technician, Truck and Transport Mechanic,
 Transport Trailer Technician, Industrial Mechanic (Millwright), Instrumentation
 and Control Technician, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic Steamfitter/
 Pipefitter, Plumber, Circular Saw Filer, Welder

 Bachelor of Technology (Trades & Technology Leadership)                               Completion of a two-year diploma in technology,          Limited
                                                                                       or a recognized trades qualification (provides two
                                                                                       years of credit towards a degree)

 Foundation Certificates in Construction,                                              Successful Entry Assessment                              Limited
 Mechanical & Welding Trades
 Automotive Service Technician, Electrician, Heavy Mechanical (Diesel Engine,
 Heavy Duty Equipment, Transport Trailer Technician, Truck and Transport Mechanic),
 Industrial Mechanic (Millwright/Machinist), Instrumentation and Control Technician,
 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Piping (Plumber, Steamfitter/Pipefitter,
 Sprinklerfitter), Residential Construction (Carpenter Level 1 & 2), Welder

 Horticulture Certificate                                                              Attend a program orientation session;                    Limited
                                                                                       Recommended: be in good physical condition and
                                                                                       have a strong interest in plants and hands-on work

 Horticulture Management Diploma                                                       Completion of a recognized one-year horticulture         Limited
                                                                                       certificate which includes six credits of approved
                                                                                       English courses; Some diploma courses may
                                                                                       require specific pre-requisites

 Instrumentation Engineering Technology Diploma                                        See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements           Limited

 Power Engineering 4th Class Certificate                                               See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements           Limited

 Water & Wastewater Technology Diploma                                                 Grade 12                                                 Limited

 Water & Wastewater Utilities Certificate                                              Grade 12                                                 Limited

                                         I took a trades sampler course in high school and                              Travis Paille
                                         enjoyed electrical the most, so I decided to go for it. Job                    Electrician Foundation (2022)
                                         opportunities and good wages are both important to me,                         Kamloops, BC
                                         so trades just made sense. It all clicked when I finished my
                                         first circuit in the lab and watched the light turn on!”

                                                                                                      Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook             27
Graduate and Post-graduate Programs
Take your education to the next level. Join future business and government

leaders, enhance your teaching practice, pursue innovative research or
expand your knowledge of sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Our collaborative research culture and integrated approach to graduate
studies, innovation and knowledge translation provide the dynamic                                                  in scholarships
learning environment necessary for inquiry, discovery and leadership                                            available exclusively
in your field.
                                                                                                                to graduate students

 PROGRAM NAME                                                                         MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                   ADMISSION TYPE

 Master of Business Administration                                                    See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements   Competitive

 Master of Education                                                                  See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements   Competitive

 Master in Environmental Economics & Management                                       See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements   Competitive

 Master of Nursing                                                                    See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements   Competitive

 Master of Science in Environmental Economics & Management                            See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements   Competitive

 Master of Science in Environmental Science                                           See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements   Competitive

 Post-Baccalaureate Programs                                                          See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements   Limited

 Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas: Accounting, Adventure Studies, Business
 Administration, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Managing Festivals &
 Events, Human Resource Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism,
 International Business, Marketing, Resort Experience Management, Supply Chain
 Management, Tourism Destination Development, Tourism Experience Management
 Post-Baccalaureate Certificates: Teaching English as a
 Second Language (TESL), Tourism
 Post-Diploma Certificates: Infant and Toddler Educator, Special Needs Educator

                                                                                  Here, I'm able to access resources and equipment
                                                                                  essential to my research. We have opportunities to
                                                                                  network with government and industrial partners to
                                                                                  develop research. The diversity of student projects on
                                                                                  campus is impressive and my appreciation for other
                                                                                  disciplines has grown. Graduate studies at TRU are the
                                                                                  perfect balance of learning, teaching, engaging with
                                                                                  communities and networking with professionals."

                                                                                  Kyle Gillich
                                                                                  Master of Science in Environmental Science (2021)
                                                                                  Penticton, BC

University & Employment Preparation
UNIVERSITY PREPARATION                                              ENGLISH AS A SECOND
Upgrade your skills. Complete the courses you need to               LANGUAGE – ACADEMIC
enter career, vocational and academic programs, or choose           PREPARATION PROGRAM
from adult basic education diplomas including the BC
Adult Graduation Diploma (the equivalent to high                    Develop your ability to understand, speak, read and write

school completion).                                                 English and prepare for academic study in this nationally
                                                                    recognized five-level program. At level four you can take
                                                                    one academic course. At level five, you can take up to three
EDUCATION AND SKILLS TRAINING                                       academic courses.
Gain workplace skills and independence with the ESTR
program for students with cognitive disabilities. Learn
on campus, gain knowledge about future employment
opportunities, and train in a specific area.


 PROGRAM NAME                                               MINIMUM ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                         ADMISSION TYPE

 Education and Skills Training Certificate Program (ESTR)   See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements         Limited

 English as a Second Language – Academic                    See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements         Limited
 Preparation Program

 University Preparation                                     See tru.ca/calendar for admission requirements         Non-competitive

                                                            To say I was apprehensive about returning to university as a
                                                            mature student would be an understatement. I doubted my
                                                            ability to keep up with classmates, to learn and comprehend
                                                            material, and to be successful. Thanks to the support from some
                                                            wonderful educators, my doubts have been squashed and I’m
                                                            looking at a renewed future full of possibilities!"

                                                            Jennifer O'Neill
                                                            UPREP Adult Basic Education (2020)
                                                            Thunder Bay, ON

     1            TRU social media hashtag

                                                                                     Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook   29
Online & Distance Learning
Learn anytime, anywhere through TRU Open Learning.
                                                                     IT’S ALL TRU
With hundreds of distance and online courses and over
50 programs to choose from, Open Learning can be the                 As a TRU campus student, you’ll enjoy a seamless transfer
perfect complement to on-campus studies.                             credit process from your Open Learning courses to your
                                                                     campus program. Just check with Advising to ensure the

FLEXIBLE                                                             course fits your program's requirements.

Being able to earn while you learn is important to a lot
                                                                     STAY AT HOME
of students. Open Learning courses can make it easier to
manage your schoolwork, job and social commitments.                  Can't attend campus in your first year? You can upgrade,
                                                                     complete prerequisites and earn credits toward your

ALWAYS ON                                                            credential before you make your debut on campus.

                                                                     For more information, visit tru.ca/distance
Get ahead in your studies. Avoid full classes, waitlists and
timetable conflicts. Registration for Open Learning courses
is available 365 days a year and, for most courses, you can
start anytime. If you travel frequently with a sports team,
are completing a co-op work term or have a part-time job,
your studies can go where you go.

                                                           I felt there was a ceiling of how far I could go in my career in
                                                           healthcare simulation without a degree. In order to advance and
                                                           become an educator, a degree was absolutely necessary. I love
                                                           learning and felt frustrated that I had so much experience and
                                                           knowledge, but no accreditation. Open Learning was extremely
                                                           flexible and there was no barrier that was impossible. As it turns out,
                                                           the stop signs were not really stop signs. They were just guidelines."

                                                           Agnes Ryzynski
                                                           Bachelor of Health Science, Open Learning (2018)
                                                           Toronto, ON

What do I need to get in?
                                                                ENGLISH LANGUAGE
       Changes to the BC Curriculum
       Current BC high school students will graduate            REQUIREMENTS
       under a new curriculum. See these changes in the         English is the language of instruction at TRU. You are
       program requirements section on pages
                                                                expected to be able to demonstrate language proficiency.
       18 – 29 and in the Provincial Equivalency chart
                                                                TRU will verify that you meet language proficiency
       on page 35.
                                                                requirements prior to admission.
       The Graduation Literacy and Numeracy
                                                                If you don't meet your program's English language
       Assessments are not used to determine
       admissibility to TRU programs.                           requirement, you may meet and/or obtain the equivalency
                                                                through additional coursework and/or approved English
       For more information: tru.ca/equivalents
                                                                placement assessment:
                                                                  •   Additional Coursework: University Preparation
Depending on the program, qualified applicants are admitted           courses (campus or distance)
based on three admission processes:
                                                                  •   Assessment: TRU Accuplacer, Language
  1. Non-Competitive Admission: Admission decisions are               Proficiency Index (LPI)
     made on a first-applied, first-qualified basis. You can
     take courses to upgrade while in these programs.
  2. Limited Admission: Admission decisions are made on
                                                                PROGRAM SPECIFIC
     a first-qualified basis. These programs have a limited     ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS
     number of seats.                                           In addition to meeting the general admission requirements
  3. Competitive Admission: Admission decisions are
                                                                you will need to meet your program's specific admission
     made on a competitive basis. Applications are assessed
                                                                requirements listed on pages 18 – 29, or see tru.ca/calendar.
     using criteria such as admissions average, interviews,
     questionnaires and letters of reference. These programs
     have a limited number of seats and a set application       PROVINCIAL AND OTHER
     deadline. Applications may continue to be accepted after
     the application deadline if space permits.
                                                                ADMISSION EQUIVALENTS
                                                                TRU recognizes and acknowledges the differences between

GENERAL ADMISSION                                               provincial education requirements.

REQUIREMENTS                                                    You are considered to have the equivalent of BC high school
                                                                graduation if you graduated from high school in:
TRU programs generally require BC high school graduation or
                                                                  •   Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland,
equivalent. Exceptions to this requirement are shown in the
                                                                      Nova Scotia, Ontario (after 2003), Prince Edward Island,
program admission requirements listed on pages 18 – 29.
                                                                      Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, or Yukon
You may have the equivalent of BC high school graduation if
                                                                  •   Quebec, and have completed one full academic year
you have completed:                                                   at CEGEP
  •   the BC Adult Graduation (Adult Dogwood) diploma, or
                                                                You are also considered to have the equivalent of BC high
      previously the ABE Provincial diploma
                                                                school graduation if you have completed the International
  •   the General Education Diploma (GED)                       Baccalaureate diploma program.
In some circumstances, certain programs may accept students     For program specific provincial admission equivalents, see
without high school graduation under mature student status.     the equivalency chart on page 35.

                                                                Alberta students note: TRU takes the blended final mark
                                                                (diploma and course) for ELA 30-1, and for all other courses,
                                                                we will take whatever grade is highest—diploma or course.

                                                                              Thompson Rivers University | 2020–21 Viewbook     31
If you don't meet the program-specific admission                                        Not sure what program to apply to?
requirements but do meet the general admission                                          One of our Future Students team members
requirements (or equivalent), you can be accepted to a                                  would be happy to chat with you.
non-competitive admission program. You can upgrade any
                                                                                        Learn more at tru.ca/future
required courses for that program, or for a limited
or competitive admission program.

                                                Balancing studying while playing football for the Kamloops Broncos hasn't been easy,
                                                but it has taught me so much about myself. The program flexibility that I found here
                                                made it all possible. I'm interested in physical education and wanted to stay at TRU, and
                                                interdisciplinary studies was the best way for me to reach my long-term career goals."

                                                Mixon Madland
                                                Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (2020)
                                                Kamloops, BC

ADVANCED STANDING                                                                       DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS
AND ENRICHED PROGRAMS                                                                   Youth Train in Trades
TRU recognizes and awards credit to both Canadian and                                   BC high school students can take a trades foundation
international students who complete enriched secondary                                  program for both high school and university credit
school programs.                                                                        during grade 12.

     •   International Baccalaureate: Transfer credit granted                           tru.ca/ytt
         for higher level courses passed with a grade of 5
         or higher                                                                      Other Dual Credit Programs
     •   Advanced Placement: Transfer credit granted for                                TRU recognizes, and may award transfer credit to, students
         approved subjects passed with a grade of 4 or higher                           who complete dual credit academic courses at other
     •   General Certificate of Education: Transfer credit                              Canadian post-secondary institutions.
         granted for approved A-level courses passed with a
                                                                                        International Students
         grade of A or B
                                                                                        TRU is home to students from all over the world. We
You can decline the transfer credit if you wish to complete
                                                                                        welcome applications from international students. If you are
the course(s) at TRU.
                                                                                        currently enrolled in a BC high school (or equivalent) you
tru.ca/enrichedprograms                                                                 must meet the minimum requirements for direct entry into
                                                                                        first-year academic programs:
TRU START                                                                                 •   BC high school graduation (or equivalent)
                                                                                          •   73% in English Studies 12 or English 12 First Peoples
BC high school students can take selected TRU programs, or
                                                                                        If you don't meet your program's English language
one or two courses, tuition free* during grade 12.
                                                                                        requirement, you may meet and/or obtain the equivalency
tru.ca/trustart                                                                         through additional coursework or approved English
*Students are encouraged to apply for a Part Time Studies Grant through StudentAidBC.   placement assessment:
                                                                                          •   Additional Coursework: English as a Second
                                                                                              Language (ESAL) course

         140                     academic programs
                                                                                          •   Assessment: TRU English Placement Test, TOEFL (iBT:
                                                                                              88+ with no sections below 2.0), IELTS (6.5+ with no
                                                                                              bands below 6.0) or Pearson Test of English


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