2019 information pack - Inkled Digital Strategists

Page created by Roberto Stanley

2019 information pack
Oh hello there.
        About Us.
Well well well. Well done you! You're             We work closely with our clients to               With Inkled, you'll gain knowledge and
reading this document because you know            personalise our service, build trust, and         skills about your digital strategy. We love to
that digital strategy is the way to get your      keep the results coming. We're interested         empower our clients so that they feel more
business ahead of the rest. And boy, have         in people and in helping them to achieve          in control of their online presence and help
we got a treat for you!                           what they really want out of their business.      them feel more confident about decision-
Inkled is a small team of dedicated and           One size doesn't fit all with digital strategy.
innovative digital strategists. We have           People have different goals and visions for       If you want to learn more about how to
worked with a number of small and                 their businesses. We apply our knowledge          implement digital strategies yourself,
medium-sized businesses across a range of         and experience of the digital world to            great! We'll structure our consultations to
industries to increase their online visibility,   reflect your goals and reach your targets.        be tutorials.
drive up their sales, and scale their
businesses.                                       We believe in transparency. We'll keep you        If you'd just like us to take care of it, that's
                                                  across what we're doing and why we're             cool too. We'll do the work and keep you
Having a website is wonderful, but what's         doing it, and we won't lump you with an           informed along the way.
better is having a website that is your most      unexpected bill at the end of it. All of our
powerful asset for reaching your audience         pricing is upfront, and you'll approve our        If you're a collaborative little human, we'll
and converting sales.                             jobs before we do them.                           work together with you to build a strong
In the beginning there was...
      Search Engine Optimisation.
We do things a little differently when it     An SEO specialist analyses, reviews, and    HOW WE DO SEO
comes to our SEO package.                     implements changes to websites so that
                                              they are optimised to show up on search     We begin by assessing your website and
Here's the low-down on SEO:                   engines. There are 200+ ranking factors     performing an initial fundamental
                                              that contribute to where a website shows    optimisation to set it up for good
With Google now being the number one          up in Google, and an SEO professional is    performance.
tool used by people searching for             concerned with monitoring which ones are
products and services, Search Engine          priorities, keeping up with changes to      We then put you on a monthly membership
Optimisation (SEO) is more important          Google's algorithms that might effect the   plan which includes monitoring, tweaking,
than ever.                                    position of a website, and implementing     monthly video consultations, and a
                                              requirements to drive up ranking.           recommendations document.
SEO is a type of digital marketing. It is
about optimising a website to send            SEO works as a specialised area of a        To carry out the recommendations, you can
relevancy signals to search engines so that   marketing strategy, along with brand        either do them yourself, enlist a third party,
they will index it. Being on page             development, content creation and           or have us do them. We include our pricing
one of Google results is a guaranteed way     distribution, social media strategies,      for those services in the document, so there
to drive traffic to the website and           website development, user experience (UX)   are never any surprises.
put that site ahead of its competitors.       and advertising campaigns.
SEO Pricing.

                             Fundamental Optimisation
                                                                                          We base our pricing for the initial fundamental
                                                                                          optimisation of your website on how many pages it
        Up to five                              Six to 10                                 has. This service includes:

        webpages                                webpages                                     Keyword research
                                                                                             Meta-data copywriting
          $469                                    $749                                       Optimisation of existing copy
                                                                                             HTML formatting (including on-page headlines)
                                                                                             Website structure (links, URLs, headers)
                                                                                             Sitemap submission to Google and indexing audit
                                                                                             Setting up Google Business

         11 to 19                                 20+                                        Setting up Google Analytics and Search Console

        webpages                                webpages
          $1020                                    Contact Us

The fine print:
No minumum contract, but we recommend sticking with an SEO membership for at least four months.
30 days notice required for termination
Pricing is intended as a guideline. If you have a large company or a particularly small one, please contact us for a quote.
SEO Pricing.

                             Membership Tiers
        Basic Membership                                                                               Executive Membership
                                            $289/month                                                                                  $499/month
                                                       $537 value                                                                               $1054 value
                                                                                                  Includes everything from the standard membership,
   Monthly video strategy consultation (45 minutes)
   Monthly Recommendations Document
   Email Support
                                                                                                   Additional 45 minutes of consultation - either a 1.5
   Optimisation of Google My Business listing
                                                                                                   hour consultation or two 45 minute ones.
   Ongoing SEO site maintenance (monthly tuning)
                                                                                                   Writing Service: Up to 500 words of copywriting
   Optimisation of new content
                                                                                                   included (for blogs, web pages, or email campaigns)
   Google analytics
                                                                                                   Publishing service - one page per month (publishing
   Maintaining search console
                                                                                                   new content to website and optimising it)
   Reporting - 3 monthly
                                                                                                   Four social media posts

The fine print:
No minumum contract, but we recommend sticking with an SEO membership for at least four months.
30 days notice required for termination
Pricing is a guideline. If you have a large company, please contact us for a quote.
You can change your membership plan at any time with 30 days notice.
Connect and engage
   Writing Services.

Great writing is basically how we all thrive      We have two pricing tiers for our writing          OUR PRICING TIERS
on the internet. Okay, yes, there's a             services that take into account the type of
terrifying labyrinth of downright spew-           job and the level of knowledge and                 Standard
inducing writing out there, but you don't         experience needed to meet your
want to be one of those people, right?            requirements.                                      - Suitable for small businesses
                                                                                                     - Talented writers early in their careers
Writing is about communicating messages           While all of our writers are outstanding,          - Highly capable for basic projects
- but the key is to nail down your unique         they have varying levels of experience. This
messaging and keep it consistent across           enables us to offer different prices               Expert
your communication with your audience,            depending on the requirements of the job:
customers and clients. You know, it shows         whether it's a little ditty of a blog post, or a   - Suitable for medium-sized to large
you have some self-respect. People like           highly researched article, we've got you           companies
that.                                             covered.                                           - Talented, experienced writers and
Strong writing will help you tell your story      Every piece of writing produced by Inkled is       - Superior writing skills and powerful,
through the way you interact with your            seen by our editor and checked by our              polished copy
audience. Let's just say Buzzfeed kind of         creative director, so you can be sure it will
cornered the market for listicles. There's        be the beautiful, polished piece of writing
nothing inherently wrong with a listicle. It's    that you deserve and that your audience
just... still a listicle.                         will want to click on.
Writing Prices.

                                                     Website Copy
                                                                                Standard                   Expert
                                                                               $0.50/word                $1.00/word
                                                                            E.g., Copy for one         E.g., Copy for one
                                                                              web page (300              web page (300
                                                                               words): $150               words): $300

                                      Blogs and Articles
                                                                   Standard                   Expert
                                                                  $0.25/word                $0.50/word
                                                               E.g., Small article        E.g., Small article
                                                               (400 words): $100          (400 words): $200

All copywriting services include a free 20

                                                General Copywriting
minute briefing and consultation call,
                                                                               Standard                    Expert
unless it is an ongoing job.
                                                                              $0.50/word                 $1.00/word
Additional consultation time is required                                   E.g.,50-word product     E.g.,50-word product
for full website copy and large jobs, this                                 description: $25         description: $50
will incur an additional fee.                                              100-word email: $50      100-word email: $100

For extensive writing jobs (3,000 words+),

                                                Social Media
a 20% discount applies.                                           Standard                   Expert
                                                                  $15/post                  $20/post
Price includes full editing and one revision                   E.g., 25 Facebook        E.g., 25 Facebook
if required.                                                   posts: $375              posts: $500

Extra revisions will incur an additional fee.
Supplement your Strategy.
      Google AdWords.

At Inkled, we're Google Certified for              Lastly, it is estimated that the vast majority   HOW WE DO ADWORDS
AdWords.                                           of people (around 80%), just skip past the
                                                   ads anyway and go to the top organic             If you've already run AdWords in the past,
Here's the thing about AdWords.                    results.                                         we will begin by auditing your old
                                                                                                    campaigns. No data is wasted! We'll figure
It's not a magic pill. Yes, you can buy            This is why we won't implement any               out what's been working and what hasn't so
website traffic, to an extent. But there are a     AdWords strategy without ensuring the            far, and identify any points of weakness.
few things to consider before you jump in          integrity of a website first.
and bandy your credit card around in                                                                We'll create a strategy that is in line with
AdWords like some sort of digital renegade         We only use AdWords as a supplement to a         your brand identity and audience, and write
space cowboy (or cowgirl).                         strong organic SEO strategy. Anything less       ads that we think will work best for you.
                                                   would be bad practice, and heck, you know
First of all, when Google is deciding which        we aren't about that nonsense.                   We then use A/B ad testing with multiple
ads to show (and how much to charge for                                                             ad sets. We monitor which ads perform the
the clicks), the algorithm is also giving your     AdWords, like other aspects of digital           best, and then tweak the under-performing
website a "Quality Score". That's right -          marketing, is an investment. As with any         ads to reflect what works, or to test a new
SEO and user experience matters, even              investment, there are risks. And as with all     approach.
when you're paying for exposure.                   risks... look, we're just saying, have a
                                                   strategy, minimise the risk, and don't put all   We'll continue to tweak, monitor, and
Secondly, while Adwords might get some             of your eggs in one advertisement.               update the ad sets, and work with you to
traffic to your website, they aren't going to                                                       include any new offers. It's fine. We know
stick around or convert if the site is difficult                                                    what we're doing.
to use or doesn't capture their interest.
Google Adwords Pricing.
                                      The Fine Print
      Initial set-up fee (one-off):
      $339                            Campaign set up fee & monthly
                                      management fees payable to Inkled

             Pricing Table
                                      Monthly click costs paid directly to
                                      Google via your credit card

                                      Budget can be changed at any time
                                      on notification from you

                                      30 day cancellation notice required
                                      for Inkled’s managed service

                                      Google Ads Terms and Conditions
A little something extra.
      Other Services.

We're not even kidding, we can do a lot         LOGO AND GRAPHIC DESIGN                       graphics might be touching a number of
more than what you've seen so far. Here's                                                     things - for example the website, socials,
some other stuff we get up to at Inkled.        New business or in need of a fresh new        merchandise, and large scale or printed
                                                look?                                         advertising.

WEBSITE BUILDING + DEVELOPMENT                  We can create a logo or website graphics      Stormy will put together a comprehensive
                                                for ya, no worries. Contact us for pricing.   design pack and style guidelines. Her
Oh yeah, we can build you a cracking                                                          process includes several consultation
website too. We work with:                      All design services include up to two         sessions, and takes about a month to
                                                revisions.                                    complete.
Shopify                                         FULL DESIGN PACKAGE                           Please contact us to discuss this package.
WordPress                                       Oh, are you ready for a full makeover? The
                                                                                              EDITING AND PROOFREADING
and more                                        amazingly talented Stormy Pyeatte offers
                                                full design packages for Inkled clients.
Pricing varies for these services, so if you                                                  Written something and just need a
need a website built and think we'll be the     This is a particularly useful service for     language pedant to look it over? We got
right people to do it, please contact us with   businesses who have a strong digital and      you. Please contact us with your document
your requirements.                              physical presence, whose logos and            size and type for a full quote.
See you soon.
Thank you for reading.

We can't wait to share your journey with
you and show your competitors that you
mean business!
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