2019 Aboriginal Culture and Experience Program - Anglicare Australia Members 4 - 10 June 2019

Page created by Patrick Griffith
2019 Aboriginal Culture and Experience Program - Anglicare Australia Members 4 - 10 June 2019
2019 Aboriginal Culture and
Experience Program
Anglicare Australia Members

4 – 10 June 2019
2019 Aboriginal Culture and Experience Program - Anglicare Australia Members 4 - 10 June 2019
       Anglicare NT acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and Owners of this
       country and we pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
       We recognise the widespread and many harmful impacts of colonisation and
       commit to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people towards
       justice and reconciliation.

Message from Anglicare NT Chief Executive Officer, Dave Pugh
                      In 2019, Anglicare NT is excited to be offering Anglicare Australia member
                      agencies the chance to participate in an Aboriginal culture and experience

                     Anglicare Australia together with Anglicare NT has coordinated the
                     participation of Anglicare Australia members attendance at the Garma
Festival for the past three years. Often the cost of attending Garma is prohibitive for many
agencies, hence Anglicare NT proposing a more affordable alternative in 2019.

About the Tour Guides
As host of the tour, Anglicare NT support staff includes:

                  Executive Manager
                                                                    Senior Aboriginal Advisor,
                  Community Support and
                                                                    Leonie Patterson
                  Access, Terry Cleary

       A six-day tour of Darwin, Katherine and Barunga in the Northern Territory
       Pre-tour online cross-cultural training
       Attending a unique dining experience in Darwin at a local Aboriginal owned café
       Taking part in a once in a lifetime celebration of Aboriginal music, culture and sport at the
        internationally renowned Barunga Festival
       Develop cultural awareness and learn about the unique heritage, strengths and culture of
        Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory
       Meet with Traditional Owners and local Aboriginal controlled organisations
       Visit one of the world’s premier National Parks, the Nitmiluk National Park
2019 Aboriginal Culture and Experience Program - Anglicare Australia Members 4 - 10 June 2019
General Overview
The tour commences in Darwin on the morning of Wednesday 5 June and has been designed to
coincide with the annual Barunga Festival. Participants will need to arrive in Darwin by Tuesday
4 June, with accommodation on this date also included in participant costs. The tour concludes
around midday on Monday 10 June, with participants arriving back in Darwin.

            Pre-tour       Tuesday              4 June      Participants arrive in Darwin
            Day One        Wednesday            5 June      Tour commences in Darwin
            Day Two        Thursday             6 June      Darwin to Katherine
            Day Three      Friday               7 June      Katherine and surrounds
            Day Four       Saturday             8 June      Barunga Festival
            Day Five       Sunday               9 June      Barunga Festival
            Day Six        Monday               10 June     Katherine to Darwin

Participants need to make their own arrangements regarding travelling to and from Darwin,
noting that for those departing Darwin on Monday 10 June you will need to allow enough time to
be at the airport, prior to your flight departure time.

$1,970 per person – covers costs related to all events (i.e. welcome dinner, Nitmiluk Cruise,
Barunga Festival) accommodation and meals. To register, see the Registration Form and Payment
information located on page, noting that both registration and payments are to be received by
30 April 2019.

Weather and Conditions
During the months from May until October the weather in the Top End of the Northern Territory
is typically characterised as warm, dry and sunny days with beautiful cool nights.

Temperatures typically range from 22 to 32°C (70.9 - 89.2°F), and humidity levels are much lower,
around 60 to 65 per cent. Days are warm and evenings can cool down to around 13°C. It is not
uncommon that overnight temperatures in Katherine fall below 10°C.

It is essential to keep up a high fluid intake (plain water is best) to avoid dehydration (particularly
important if you have been in transit and travelling from southern states) and it is advisable to
wear a broad-brimmed hat to guard against sunburn.

Behaviour and Dress Standards
You are requested to observe and respect local Aboriginal protocols. Remember that Traditional
Owners are warmly welcoming you onto their country.

Traditional Owners that you meet may have different perceptions, priorities and preoccupations
to those of mainstream Australia. Be patient and try to leave at home your expectations of how
things are learnt, and how events should run.
2019 Aboriginal Culture and Experience Program - Anglicare Australia Members 4 - 10 June 2019
Other important considerations include:

      Treat people with respect to build trust and avoid making assumptions about the way
       people should look or behave.
      Identity can be very personal, so do not assume that Aboriginal people you meet will have
       the same level of cultural attachment, understanding and values
      Aboriginal people learn by observation, by looking and listening. Asking too many
       questions can be inappropriate. So, when you have questions, choose them carefully and
       pose them thoughtfully
      Respect Aboriginal people’s personal space
      Please exercise courtesy and sensitivity when taking photographs – seek the permission of
       the subjects. Please do not take close-ups, or photographs of small groups, particularly in
       the women’s programs and men’s programs cultural and health sessions.
      Treat the old people with the greatest of respect – they are the holders of the knowledge
       and the power.
      Participants should be conscious that dress standards often vary from what is considered
       acceptable at your home, particularly when travelling to remote locations and / or
       engaging with Aboriginal people. To avoid causing any offence, participants should
       consider dressing conservatively and displaying too much skin, for Aboriginal people is
       often seen as drawing inadvertent attention, not appropriate and disrespectful.
      Aim for a sensible wardrobe, practical and covered shoes and include a hat to protect you
       from the elements. Sunscreen will also be available from Anglicare NT staff supporting the
      Ask permission to take an individual’s photograph. The use of images for promotional or
       commercial use without permission is not permitted.

Meals and Accommodation
All Darwin and Katherine accommodation and meals (three meals per day) will be organised by
Anglicare NT, for participants which includes the nights of Tuesday 4 to Sunday 9 June.
Accommodation will be shared between two people in a two bedroom cabin, unless participants
specify other requirements which may incur additional costs.

Please ensure you advise of preferences around sharing accommodation, as well as any dietary
requirements when registering to attend.

While in Darwin participants will spend two nights staying in two bedroom cabins at the Discovery
Parks Darwin, located around 12 kilometres from Darwin city at 11 Farrell Crescent, Winnellie.

While in Katherine and attending the Barunga Festival, participants will spend four nights staying
in either motel rooms or shared cabins at the Knotts Crossing Resort, located on the corner of
Giles and Cameron Streets, in Katherine.
About the Barunga Festival
Anglicare NT will provide participants with tickets to the annual Barunga Festival, an iconic
celebration of remote Indigenous Australian life through music, sport and culture.

The Festival attracts around 4,000 attendees from all over the world, who descend upon the small
remote community to camp and take part in a program of music, sport, traditional arts and
cultural activities over the 3-day long weekend in June each year. The Festival falls on the Queen’s
Birthday Long Weekend each year (all states and territories excluding Western Australia).

Festival highlights include:
    the Barunga Art Prize
    didgeridoo competition
    story telling
    traditional dance
    spear throwing
    damper making
    outstanding displays of sporting ability in AFL, softball and basketball

The Barunga Festival uniquely blends music, sport and culture, with a strong emphasis on cultural
exchange and collaboration

Barunga is a dry community, and the Festival is a strictly drug and alcohol free event. Please note
there will be police checks on the road to Barunga and our vehicles may be searched, along with
others attending the event.

Tour participants are guests on Jawoyn land and must respect the community and stay within
Festival areas and camping grounds.

For more information on the Festival, visit https://www.barungafestival.com.au

Registration and Payment
The Registration/Tax Invoice Form is located at pages 9 and 10.

Participants will need to register and make payment by 30 April 2019.

To register email April Hines at ahines@anglicare-nt.org.au or phone (08) 8985 0000. Noting
registration numbers are limited to 10 people.
Draft Program Schedule (Subject to Change)
Tuesday 4th June - Darwin

Pre-tour            Participants arrive in Darwin and make their own way to accommodation booked
commencement        through Anglicare NT
                    Discovery Parks, Darwin (two bedroom cabins)

Day One - Wednesday 5th June - Darwin

9.00am – 9.15am     Participants meet Anglicare NT tour ‘hosts’ at accommodation and travel by bus to
                    Anglicare NT Head Office located at Winnellie

9.30am – 11.30am    Anglicare representatives welcomed by Anglicare NT Chief Executive Officer, Dave Pugh
                    -   Welcome to Country by Larrakia Nation representative
                    -   Introductions and tour briefing by Anglicare NT hosts

12.00pm – 2.00pm    Lunch at the Aboriginal Bush Traders
                    -   Meet with Renee Long, CEO of the NT Indigenous Business Network
                    -   Discussion about supporting Aboriginal businesses in the Northern Territory

2.30pm – 3.30pm     Meet with Aboriginal-controlled organisation’s representatives (TBC)

4.00pm – 5.00pm     Tour of Darwin and surrounds

5.30pm – 7.00pm     Dinner and sunset at the Salty Plum Café
                    -   Welcome to country and ukulele singing with Ali Mills
                    -   Team de-brief of days activities

7.30pm – 8.00pm     Return to accommodation at Discovery Parks, Darwin

Day Two - Thursday 6th June - Darwin to Katherine

8.00am – 9.00am     Breakfast at Discovery Parks, Darwin

9.00am – 9.15am     Team briefing of days activities

9.45am – 2.00pm     Travel to Katherine (309kms) - includes a stopover lunch at Pine Creek

2.00pm – 4.00pm     Meet with Anglicare NT Regional Office staff
                    Meet with Aunty May Rosas (Wardaman / Dagoman Elder)

4.00pm – 5.00pm     Check into accommodation at Knotts Crossing Resort, Katherine

5.30pm – 7.00pm     Barbeque dinner with Anglicare NT Katherine Office staff
7.00pm – 7.30pm       Team de-brief of days activities

7.30pm – 8.00pm       Return to accommodation at Knotts Crossing Resort

Day Three - Friday 7th June - Katherine

6.30am – 9.00am       Breakfast at Knotts Crossing Resort

9.00am – 9.20am       Team briefing of days activities

10.00am – 11.30am     Visit to a local Aboriginal art gallery

1.00pm – 2.00pm       Lunch at Nitmiluk (means Cicada Place) Tourist Centre

2.30pm – 4.00pm       Cultural training with Jawoyn Traditional Owners

4.30pm – 8.00pm       Nabilil Dreaming Sunset Dinner Cruise

8.00pm – 9.00pm       Return to accommodation at Knotts Crossing Resort, Katherine

Day Four - Saturday 8th June – Barunga

7.00am – 9.00am       Breakfast at Knotts Crossing Resort

9.00am – 9.20am       Team briefing of days activities

10.00am – 11.00am     Travel to Barunga Festival (82km – approximately 1 hour)

11.00pm – 6.30pm      Barunga Festival (includes lunch and dinner)

6.30pm – 7.30pm       Return to accommodation at the Knotts Crossing Resort

Day Five - Sunday 9th June - Barunga

7.00am – 9.00am       Breakfast at Knotts Crossing Resort

9.00am – 9.20am       Team briefing of days activities

10.00am – 11.00am     Travel to Barunga

11.00pm – 5.30pm      Barunga Festival (includes lunch)

5.30pm – 6.30pm       Return to accommodation at the Knotts Crossing

7.30pm – 9.00pm       Dinner at Knotts Crossing Resort

Day Six - Monday 10th June – Katherine to Darwin

6.30am – 8.00am       Breakfast at Knotts Crossing Resort
8.30am - noon   Check out of accommodation and travel to Darwin (309kms, approximately 3hrs and
                Return flights at Darwin International Airport (after 1pm)

End of trip
2019 Aboriginal Culture and Experience Program
                                  Hosted by Anglicare NT

                         Tuesday 4 June – Monday 10 June 2019

Registration Form/Tax Invoice                                     ABN: 76 605 552 494

Personal Details

Title: ( Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/other)

Given Name/s:                                      Last Name:

Name to appear on Name Badge:



Postal Address:

City/Suburb:                                   State:              Postcode:

Telephone:                                         Mobile:


Special Requirements (e.g., Dietary needs, mobility and access needs, accommodation

Special requests for accommodation may incur additional costs.
Method of Payment
Registration and payment must be received by 30 April 2019.
Registrations will be not confirmed until payment is received.
Note: Credit Card and Cheque facilities are not available. Preferred Payment method is by Electronic
Bank Transfer.

Electronic Bank Transfer
Account Name: Anglicare NT
Bank: BSB: 035302
Account No: 465460
Account name: Anglicare NT

Remittance Advice
Please email remittance to the Executive Assistant on the details below, noting your full name.

Return your Registration Form and Remittance to:
April Hines
Executive Assistant
Phone: (08) 8985 0000
Email: ahines@anglicare-nt.org.au

Cancellation Policy
In the case of cancellation, the participants must inform the Executive Assistant, in writing, of their
inability to attend. Substitutions will be accepted after 30 April 2019. By registering, you agree to
the terms of the cancellation policy.

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