2019-2020 SGA Officer Campaign an Election Rules (DRAFT)
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2019-2020 SGA Officer Campaign an Election Rules (DRAFT) Section 1: Order of SGA Sponsored Elections A. Order of Election Events a. Selection of election-related dates and deadlines by the Nominations and Elections Committee b. Publication of Dates in SGA Calendar for the next academic year c. Announcement of elections within the first two weeks of the academic semester for which the election is to be held. d. Filing Period e. Review of nominations to verify qualifications by Advisor and Executive Committee f. Notification of qualified candidates g. Active Campaigning h. General Election i. Confirmation and reporting of general election results j. Runoff elections (if necessary) k. Confirmation and reporting of runoff election results (if necessary) l. Deadline for filing appeal or dispute Section 2: Campaigning A. Active campaigning shall be defined as: 1. Distributing campaign materials other than private distribution to immediate campaign staff. 2. Posting any campaign materials in pre-approved locations. 3. Announcing or discussing candidacy in print, broadcast, or any other media. 4. Seeking endorsement or voter support for a campaign at a gathering of a recognized campus organization. 5. Physically locating campaign supporters or the candidate near a polling location to influence voters and potential voters. 6. Distribution of candidate materials and/or solicitation of votes by candidates or their designees is prohibited within 25 feet of any entrance to a polling place. B. Active campaigning does not include: 1. Designing, ordering, or receiving campaign materials and private distribution to campaign staff. 2. Private discussions, not at a gathering of a recognized campus organization, concerning candidacy or prospective candidacy. 3. Discussion of candidacy for the purpose of campaign formation at gatherings of recognized campus of recognized campus organizations.
C. Candidates shall display campaign materials only during the dates established by the Nominations and Elections committee on pre-approved locations only and as approved by the Nominations and Elections committee. D. Posters should be limited to no more than twenty‐five (25) per candidate. Posters are defined as any campaign material larger than 8.5 x 14 inches but smaller than 2 x 3 feet. Banners shall be limited to no more than two (2) per candidate. Banners shall be defined as any campaign material larger than 2 x 3 feet. There is no limit on the amount of any campaign materials which are less than equal to 8.5 x 14 inches. 1. These restrictions apply to the number of materials posted at the main campus and all extensions of the College. E. Defacing, removing, demolishing, or otherwise tampering with any other candidate’s election materials is prohibited. Upon the filing of a written complaint, within seventy-two (72) hours of the alleged infraction, a hearing shall be called before the election committee to determine the responsibility and if penalties shall be necessary. F. All campaign material must be removed within forty‐eight (48) hours after the close of the campaigning period. G. Campaigning materials shall contain only accurate and truthful information. Materials containing false or inflammatory content will be removed immediately by the SGA Advisor, Director of Student Life, or designee. 1. Inflammatory material includes, but is not limited to, discriminatory statements or images, offensive/profane language, negative or false statements about any faculty or staff member or other LSC student, student group, or population of people. 2. The posting of blatantly false, misleading, or inflammatory material in association with a campaign may be grounds for removal of a candidate from the ballot after a complaint has been filed with the Nominations and Elections Committee. H. All campaign materials are subject to Lone Star College signage policies and must be pre‐approved by the SGA Advisor and/or Director of Student Life before being displayed.
I. There shall be no active campaigning prior to the qualifying of candidates by the Nominations and Elections Committee. J. Endorsements 1. Any Lone Star College‐Tomball student organization may publicly endorse any candidate for office providing that it is not on any type of probationary or provisions status with the college and it has the prior approval of the candidate to be endorsed. Section 3: Election Returns and Reporting A. At the conclusion of voting in a general or runoff election, the election committee shall announce that the election polls are closed, and after which, shall: 1. Tabulate the voting results with SGA Advisor supervision 2. Declare the successful candidates “elected.” Candidates with the largest number of votes for their position election shall be elected. a. In the event there is only one candidate for a given position, a motion for acceptance by acclimation may be made from the presiding Executive Council. b. In the case of a tie for any position, the Club Council will vote by written ballot to determine a winner. i. Each recognized club is entitled to one vote in the event of the need to determine the outcome of a tie. 3. Reveal the results in the presence of the Student Government Association Advisor(s), post the official results in the window of the SGA office, and post the official results on the SGA website. 4. Hold election returns for six (6) months in order that the election returns will be available upon the event of a protest/appeal by any candidate.
Section 4: Appeals and Election‐Related Conduct A. The conduct of the Election shall conform to the principles of democracy and fairness. All participants, whether on committees, councils, election campaign groups, or otherwise involved, shall abide by these principles. 1. These principles include the right of voter access to complete and accurate information; opposition's right of access to the voting community; guaranteed anonymity of each person's vote; honest campaigning free of intimidation, threats, pressure; equal opportunity for all to cast their ballots; and a complaint/grievance process with swift and impartial response. B. Violations of the Election Code and acceptable election‐related conduct shall be subject to an appeal process via the Nominations and Elections committee. C. Written appeals must be submitted within forty‐eight (48) hours following the close of the polls to SGA Advisor and copied to the Director of Student Life. If the appeal is not turned in within this time frame, the appeal shall be voided. D. All appeals shall be turned into the election committee before it is to be considered a legal appeal. Failure to follow proper procedure shall result in the appeal being voided. A voided appeal must reenter the proper appeals process. E. Any appeal that arises during an election period shall be directed to the election committee. F. Once an official appeal has been accepted into review the election committee shall convene no later than two days after the appeal was submitted and will decide whether a formal inquiry is necessary. 1. Should a formal inquiry be required, the election committee will immediately notify all parties involved, and conduct an inquiry lasting no longer than seven days. 2. During a formal inquiry no involved party shall communicate with any member of the Nominations and Elections Committee, nor shall any Nominations and Electionw Committee member communicate with an involved party, in regard to the on‐going investigation outside of a formal Nominations and Elections Committee meeting, penalty of disqualification of SGA Officer Position or replacing of Committee Member will be decided by SGA Executive Council. G. The decision of the Nominations and Elections Committee regarding an appeal shall be considered final.
Section 5: Elections of SGA Executive Council Members A. Times and Dates of Elections 1. General elections will be held: i. During the Spring semester of each year during no less than four and no more than seven class days as decided by the Nominations and Election Committee; dates not more than thirty-five (35) days prior to the last official day of the semester, but not less than twenty‐one (21) days prior to the last day of the semester, hereafter referred to as “Election Days”. 2. Runoff elections, if necessary, shall be scheduled by the elections committee. B. Election Tabulation and Results 1. The term of the new Executive Council Officers is one year and shall begin on the first Monday following the second to last Club Council meeting of the Spring Semester. 2. In the event there is no candidate for an office, the newly elected officers of the SGA will appoint an individual to the vacant position(s). C. Candidacy Application requirements 1. Candidate applications for all positions shall open thirty‐five (35) days prior to the first of the two Election Days. 2. Candidate applications shall close twenty‐one (21) days prior to the last Election Day. No applications shall be accepted after the deadline. 3. Candidates for all Executive Council offices must complete the approved application form and be approved by SGA Advisor. a. Candidates are advised to make a two‐minute pre-recorded speech regarding why they are running for office. The SGA Advisor or Director for Student Life will oversee the recording process. b. All recording shall be done using the same equipment and facilities at LSC-Tomball to maintain equity in production. c. A brief question‐and‐answer period for all candidates shall be held after all candidate videos have been published if there are contested positions. d. Candidate videos will also be posted on the Office of Student Life or SGA website and social media accounts. 4. All candidates for a position on the SGA Executive Council must attend the last General Assembly meeting prior to the election date.
5. All candidates shall: a. Maintain at least a 2.5 cumulative and semester GPA, unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or Bylaws b. Not be on academic probation or suspension as specified by the college. c. Obtain a copy of election regulations and filing form from the election committee or an SGA advisor. d. The filing form must be submitted, in its entirety, before 4:30 p.m. on the day of the close of filing. e. Not file for more than one office in an SGA election. f. Submit platforms to the Nominations and Elections Committee via e‐mail and printed in hard copy no later than 4:30 p.m. on the day of the close of filing. g. Required Materials in Nomination Packet i. Traditionally formatted headshot to be published on the ballot. No overlays, filters, or other modifications. ii. Model Release Form iii. Nomination Forms iv. Unofficial Transcript showing current enrollment and GPA v. Statement of purpose / platform vi. An application is considered incomplete if missing any of these components. D. Candidates Expenditures 1. Total expenditures for general and runoff elections of Executive Council Officer Candidates shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per candidate. 2. Restrictions on campaign donors or supporters/endorsements: a. The Lone Star College‐Tomball student body. b. Private business and corporations are not allowed to donate to LSC- Tomball SGA candidates or their campaigns unless they are owned by an immediate family member of the candidate. c. State, local, or federal elected officials may not endorse a LSC- Tomball candidate in any way to a LSC-Tomball SGA candidate regardless of relationship to the candidate. d. Monetary donations or endorsements from any political party is prohibited during an LSC-Tomball SGA election.
3. An itemized account of all expenses and donations along with the receipts for any expenses must be turned in to the Nominations and Elections Committee and the SGA Advisor(s) or designee no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the close of the polls for the general and runoff elections. Failure to comply will automatically disqualify candidates from the election a. Donation documentation must include the individuals name and student or employee ID number. b. Values of non-monetary donations must be included in the expenses and donations report. E. Access to Files 1. Once the results of the elections have been validated for the current academic year, any person that is a member or officer‐elect of the SGA shall have access to pertinent files of the SGA for the purpose of developing a working knowledge of the current affairs of the organization. F. Candidate Placement On Ballot 1. If there is more than one candidate for an office, position on the ballot and order of video placement on the Student Life or SGA websites shall be determined by placing the names of the candidates on individual pieces of paper to be randomly drawn by the Director of Student Life, Vice President of Student Success, or Vice President of Instruction. 2. Members of the Executive Council and the SGA Advisor shall not be eligible to draw the names for placement on the ballot or order of video placements.
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