C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine

Page created by Daryl Henry
C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
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C   m  Your g
             uide to
                     a great jou
                                r  ney in
                                          Girl   Scout

      Program Edition
C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
Share the Power of the
             Girl Scout Experience
                               Think about the last time you were looking for a new vacation spot, best dance
                               school, or newest appliance…what was the first thing you did? You probably asked
                               friends for recommendations, and those recommendations were probably happily,
                               and perhaps passionately, shared with you. Many times when people are so
                               excited by a new discovery or an amazing experience they share freely and
                               people will likely keep that in mind, or be inspired to buy the product or seek
                               the same experience.
                               When parents are looking for activities or groups for their daughters to join, they
                               often solicit advice from other parents or are inspired by something they have
                               seen or heard in their community. Sharing your family’s Girl Scout experience
                               can help grow our Girl Scout community and showcase positive stories to
                               inspire communities throughout Maine.

    Ways Troop Leaders, Volunteers, Parents, and Girls Can Spread the Word!
                   Get Social. Like and Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages. Like and comment on posts, share
                   GSME events and posts on your social channels. People love seeing positive community stories and
                   event opportunities! Plus, don’t forget when you post about your troop on social media to tag us

                   Share Your Good News. We love to hear what girls are doing and share with our wider community.
                   Please send pictures and stories (or brief descriptions) to news@gsmaine.org so we can share them
                   on social media and in our publications. Posting on social media is great, but sending to us ensures
                   we see it and can share it. You can also invite your local paper or TV station to your events or share
                   troop experiences with them. Learn how to engage the press at www.girlscoutsofmaine.org/prtoolkit.

                   Talk About It. Share inspiring stories about what your troop, other troops, and Girl Scouts of Maine
                   are all doing. Talk about your daughter’s experience, share her latest project, and recommend that
                   families check to see if there is a troop to join in their communities…or encourage them to start one!

                   Get Girls Involved. Encourage your girls to talk about their Girl Scout experience beyond their sisters
                   in Girl Scouting. Have them tell their classmates, teachers, and others about the latest field trip they
                   took, badge they earned, or cool new thing they learned. Have them invite friends to join an activity to
                   get a taste for how awesome Girl Scouts is!

                   Engage Your Community. Do you have an event in your community that everyone goes to? Host a
                   table at the event with a fun, interactive Girl Scout activity and share your experience. Don’t forget to
                   have your girls participate so they can share their stories peer-to-peer or inspire younger girls.

                   Invite People to Events. Whether it is something your troop is hosting that is open to others or one
                   of GSME’s special events like Green ME Up!, tell your friends and community about it and invite them
                   to experience a Girl Scout event first hand. If you have questions on what events are open to non-
                   members, just ask Customer Care at customercare@gsmaine.org!

                   Show Your Girl Scout Pride. Wear your Girl Scout gear and encourage your girls to do the same. It is
                   a great way to show your spirit and can be a terrific conversation starter! Place lawn signs in front of
                   your home or business. Put a Girl Scout sticker on your car, laptop, or water bottle.

                   Become a Community Recruitment Champion (CRC). If you love engaging with your community
                   and encouraging families to join Girl Scouts this might be perfect for you! You will help at community
                   events, recruitment nights, and more. Learn more by emailing customercare@gsmaine.org.
C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
C mpass A Letter
  Program Edition 2019-2020                    from our CEO
        Editor: Laura Genese                   Dear Girl Scouts Parents,
      Designer: Rebecca Benoski
                                               How much do your girls tell you about their
In this edition:                               Girl Scout experience?
                                               When asked “what did you do at Girl Scouts?”
    2         Share the Power
              of the Girl Scout Experience
                                               is her response, “Not much, we played with
                                               Legos” or “I drew and colored a picture.”
                                                                                                                         Joanne Crepeau
                                                                                                                             Girl Scouts of Maine

    3         Message from CEO,
              Joanne Crepeau
                                               Is this a typical response from your Girl Scout? Do you wonder
                                               about this as an activity?
                                               It is very common to ask children (and teens) a question about their
  4-7         Troop Dispatch                   day and to receive a rather unsatisfactory answer or get the “nothing”
                                               response. The truth is that behind their answer is usually a valuable

    8         Out and About with GSME
                                               educational activity that was planned, produced, and presented to teach
                                               your child an underlying lesson or experience. Consider this:

                                                     ☙ If your Girl Scout played with LEGOs, she was preparing for the
              G.I.R.L. Celebration                   Grand Prix event where she will test different LEGO car configurations
                                                     to find out what makes her car go fast or slow. What she is learning—

   10         Fall Product Program                   aerodynamics and engineering fundamentals!
                                                     ☙ If your Girl Scout drew a picture, she may be creating her desired

   11         Earn a Free Session                    nature walk that she then shares with her troop, helping to plan an
              at GSME Camp                           outdoor experience to appreciate Mother Nature. What she is really
                                                     doing—creating a girl-led experience and getting outside!
   12         Green ME Up!                     This issue of Compass features an amazing number of experiences that
                                               are not only FUN, but have a value and purpose that will help your girl

   13         The Wicked Maine
              Outdoor Fest
                                               develop the confidence, courage, and character to navigate the world.
                                               Here are a few examples that you will find in these pages:

   14         Maine Suffrage Centennial                Amazing Race-Portland: An incredible first step in travel
                                                       progression, navigating through Portland with a fun scavenger hunt
                                                       that builds skills to confidently travel the world.
   15         Girl Scout Destinations
                                                       Grand Prix-Bangor and (new) Westbrook: A car creation blast
                                                       engaging Daisy through Cadette Girl Scouts on building their own
              Ignite Your G.I.R.L. Power!
16-17         Programs and Events offered
              by GSME
                                                       LEGO car to see what makes it GO, GO, GO!
                                                       Women’s Suffrage Centennial: See the new patch program on
                                                       the history of women’s voting rights and join us for a special all-
   17         Registration Information
              and Cancellation Policy                  female concert!
                                                       Travel: Take your travel to the next level—how about a trip to Costa
18-27         2019-2020 Program Guide                  Rica? New York City? Orlando?
                                                             Global Connection: Look for a Global Connection symbol
28-29         Transforming Leadership
                                                             to find programs with cross-cultural learning.
                                               Each of these activities are built around a fun way for your girl to
                                               experience, learn, and expand her world.
     30       Teen Trainings
                                               So maybe the better question for her is “What did you learn today?”

31-35         Girl Scout Grown-ups
              and Trainings
                                               I hope you find that Girl Scouts is a place where she will practice new
                                               skills, explore her potential, and learn to lead with confidence!

     36       Shop

ON THE COVER: Troop 11 discovered all that
Portland Maine has to offer while participating in                                       Joanne Crepeau
                                                                                         CEO, Girl Scouts of Maine
Amazing Race: Portland!                                                                                                                     3
C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
Girl Scout troops throughout
                                                                   Maine are taking on the world like
                                                                   G.I.R.L.s should! From expanding
                                                                   their worlds, to serving their local
                                                                   communities, these girls are
                                                                   seizing every opportunity to
                                                                   lead #LikeAGirlScout

                                                           Daisies Doing Their Part
                                                                                 First year daisies in Troop 111 in Wells
                                                                                 did a service project donating toys to the
                                                                                 Kennebunk Animal Welfare Society. Great
                                                                                 job with your first service project, girls!

                                                                                 Also from Troop 111, Addisyn Avery worked
                                                                                 on protecting the earth by composting
                                                                                 and sharing this poster with family and
                                                                                 friends earning her the Sustainable Maine
                                                                                 Food Recovery patch! Her family is still
                                                                                 composting 3 months later! Way to help
                                                                                 make the world a better place, Addisyn.

     Love of Camping Shared
    by Sisters in Girl Scouting
    The girls in Troop 141 love to camp. After a long weekend of
    camping last year, they decided that they would work to earn a
    week of camp together that their troop leaders would facilitate if
    they met the necessary requirements.
    They crunched the numbers and then went to work selling nuts,
    candy, and magazines during the Fall Product Program and then
    participated in the Cookie Program. They spent all year earning
    their week of camp. If for some reason they were unable to earn
    it, there were a few girls who over earned and gladly gave up the
    extra money they had received to pay for the few that couldn’t. What an Amazing
    show of sisterhood that made it possible for them to all go to camp together!
    They spent the week doing archery (tic-tac-toe game), hiking, knife safety,
    paracording, knots, hand sewing, a LEGO car race, cleaning, spending time at the
    lodge, playing cards, and just having fun. They also invited all the parents to come
    up on Tuesday night for a show and dinner. The girls cooked pasta with sauce and
    put on a small show for the parents.
    They had great weather...except for one evening which was the one night
    everybody slept the best! From what the leaders tell us, all the girls had a great
    time...and we bet they did, especially because of the teamwork that went into
    earning such an amazing experience!

4   Between Every Two Pines is a Doorway to a New World. -John Muir
C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
Troop tch
                                                                 3, 2, 1, Liftoff!
                                                                Girls from Troop 1651 enjoyed a full day of STEM activities
                                                                at the Challenger Learning Center in Bangor! Girls explored
                                                                different types of space activities needed during space
                                                                exploration, such as engineering, biological life, health
                                                                and fitness in space, analyzing and maintaining proper
                                                                levels of atmospheric gasses, utilizing robotic arms to
                                                                perform activities, planning nutritious balanced meals for
                                                                astronauts, and learning about the effects of an anti-gravity
                                                                Each girl was then assigned an important job to carry out
                                                                on a space mission. Girls were partnered, one performing
                                                                the functions in the control center on Earth, while the
                                                                other was carrying out the mission in space. They utilized
                                                                electronic communication to inform each other about
                                                                the status of their jobs while working as a team to ensure
                                                                safety. During the space mission, the girls worked through
                                                                a dangerously low oxygen level that occurred while the
                                                                astronauts were in the middle of the mission, but thankfully
                                                                all the engineers and astronauts worked together and
                                                                everyone made it back safely!
                                                                The girls learned a lot about integrating science, technology,
                                                                engineering, and math while having a "blast" in space!

                                                                Look for more programs at the Challenger Learning
                                                                Center in the Program section, beginning on page 16.

An Adventure to Remember
         In June 2019, Girl Scouts from Troop 1155 of Merrymeeting
    Service Unit enjoyed a day trip on the Downeaster to the New
     England Aquarium. Kudos on how they showed responsibility
      in both the way they prepared for the trip by packing proper
       food and wearing appropriate footwear, and in the way they
handled themselves throughout the day in Boston. From trains to
 subways, to navigating the city during Pride parade, they stayed
together and listened intently to both leader instructions and the
    amazing presenters at the Aquarium. They especially enjoyed
        the touch tank and penguin exhibits. After a quick dinner at
 Quincy Market, they once again were "all aboard" for their return
  adventure home. We are mighty proud at how well these young
   ladies represented Girl Scouts; the day was one to remember!
C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine

        Hard Work and
Compassion Builds More
 Than Just a Playground
     Troop 144 in Nobleboro spent this past year working on a large
      service project for the school where they hold their meetings.
          Their project included building three free libraries, a buddy
       bench, a kindness rock garden, a play kitchen, a raised flower
         bed, and an area for the older kids to sit and socialize. They
    presented to and gained approval from the school principal and
                                 school board, and got right to work!

    The winter was spent building, sanding, painting, and decorating
       all of the various pieces of their project. The girls received an
       outpouring of support from the community including project
     guidance and time and materials donations. Their saved cookie
                              money financed elements not donated.

        The girls met their goal of having everything installed before
           school let out for the summer and it was enjoyed by the
                         students and the community immediately!

       “I have been with these girls for 7 years now and I continue to
      be amazed by them. They are all hard working, compassionate
    young ladies who make my heart burst with love and pride. They
    embody the Girl Scout law with everything I see them do. Thank
    you to the girls in Troop 144 who have shown me just how much
    you can do with the power of G.I.R.L!” - Angela White, Co-Leader

                                               A Sister to Every Girl Scout
                                               in the Jungle
                                               Girl Scout Troop 1445 from Lisbon
                                               attend the Dirigo Service Unit’s Welcome
                                               to the Jungle, Jumanji themed 2019
                                               Camporee held at Camp Kirkwold.
                                               The girls prepared swaps and handed
                                               them out during the two day event.
                                               They planned and prepared meals,
                                               working together as a team. All the girls
                                               were excited to check off tasks on the
                                               summer challenge.
                                               Faced with an unexpected storm, they
                                               had to move into the nearest shelter
                                               as the storm passed and they had
                                               electricity again. Something that they      And here’s a pic from Troop 488
                                               will never forget is how the older girls    who also attended the Camporee at
                                               led them in song to distract them and       Kirkwold for the first time! Looks like
                                               comforted those in need. This is what       everyone had a wild time at this
6                                              Girl Scouts is all about!                   awesome event!
C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
Girl Scouts are Bitter When You Litter
After they witnessed the litter floating on the side of     The girls worked diligently to clean up the litter and left a
the road when flooding occured, Troop 2290 of Milford       sign posted for several weeks that read "Girl Scouts are
decided to do a clean-up, along with anti-littering         bitter when you litter." The girls were both shocked and
campaign. Contacting the town of Milford, they got          surprised at the things and amounts they gathered. One
permission to use the town dumpster to dispose of the       girl stated, "I am very disappointed in people." Great job to
trash they collected.                                       these go-getters!

                                                 Bugs, Badges, and Beyond!
                                                 Brownie Troop 217 from Longreach Service Unit in Bath had a
                                                 wonderful weekend camping at Camp Kirkwold. They had a great
                                                 time doing archery and continuing badge work on Bugs, Hiking,
                                                 Outdoor Adventure, Space, and Cabin Camper. From looking at bugs
                                                 with magnifying glasses, to listening to a tree’s heartbeat, the girls
                                                 loved to get up close and personal with nature. They also started
                                                 work on the Outdoor Skills badge with learning Orienteering, Fire
                                                 Safety/Starting, Knife Skills, Leave No Trace, and Knots. The girls
                                                 look forward to doing more camping adventures in the future and
                                                 expressed their dreams to travel the country and the world with Girl
                                                 Scouts in the years to come!

C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
Out and About                                                           with
    GSME Programs get girls out and about throughout Maine engaging in fun and inspiring activities!
    Here are just a few pictures submitted from troops who attended some of our 2019 Programs…

                                Day at the
                                State House

                                                         Amazing Race:

    Girl Scout Night at the Mariners

C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
                                                                     Awards Ceremony & Annual Meeting

What an amazing time we had at this year’s G.I.R.L.      Longtime Girl Scout adult members were recognized
Celebration and Annual Meeting on May 11, 2019 at        with Member Year Awards and our outstanding
the Waterville Opera House! We honored so many           volunteers were honored with The President’s Award,
go-getters, innovators, risk-takers, and leaders from    Appreciation Pins, and Honor Pins. Helping girls
all over Maine including nearly 90 graduating seniors    discover their leadership potential is what Girl Scouts
as they move on to a new and exciting time in their      is all about, and Girl Scouts of Maine wouldn’t be
lives. They now join a sisterhood of nearly 60 million   what it is today without our strong, dedicated adults
women who share their vision of making the world a       to serve as mentors and role models, guiding girls
better place!                                            on their journeys. Thank you to all of our incredible
We were extremely proud to present our second
annual Future Leader Scholarships to Girl Scouts
who exemplify our goal of leadership development.
$10,500 in Future Leaders Scholarships were awarded
to five outstanding graduating seniors Christa Carr,
Madeline Shields, Amelia Searfoss, Isabella Peinado,
and Ella Finger. Congratulations, girls!

Gold Award Girl Scouts Amelia Searfoss, Belle Albert,
Bailee Kinney, Ava Sealander, Mairéad Murphy, and
Gold Award Girl Scout and Pinnacle Awardee Audrey
Hankinson, were all honored for their incredible
Gold Award projects and we had more than 35 Girl
Scouts recognized for earning their Silver Award! The     Save the Date for G.I.R.L. Celebration 2020
details shared on each of their highest award projects
inspired us all. Well done, girls!
                                                            May 9, 2020, Waterville Opera House

C - Program Edition - in Girl - Girl Scouts of Maine
Mega Thanks
                                                   at t i m    e
                for a                          t h
                                          It’ ar again!
                                          of ye
     Mega Cookie                                                    !
      Season!                                             t Program
                                                                P ro duc
                                                    r the Fal l
                                            ar up fo
     Girls Scouts in Maine rocked it
     this year selling over 1.1 million
     boxes of delicious cookies! We
     kicked off the season with our         There are many reasons to say YES to the
     first ever Mega Drop. Volunteers       Fall Product Program and here’s why!
     from 7 service units gathered
     to facilitate picking up initial         ☙ Money Earning for Troops
     orders. We are looking forward to        ☙ Reward Earning for Girls
     bringing this innovative approach        ☙ 5 Skills put into ACTION
     to cookie delivery to the Bangor
     area next cookie season.

     We want to give a shout out to
     our amazing lead taking, logistics       ☙ Holiday gifting for family & friends
     crushing, mountain moving,               ☙ Creating a Me2® Avatar and using the site to advance your girls
     make-it-happen-no-matter-                  learning and sales
     what cookie volunteers who               ☙ One step closer to earning a FREE session at Girl Scout Summer Camp
     work so hard and give so much
     during Girl Scout Cookie season        We are working with both M2 Media and Ashdon Farms to deliver
     to ensure girls’ success. The          Maine girls the BEST of both worlds. M2 Media offers a system that’s
     cookie program would not be as         user friendly and engaging for both you and your Girl Scout. Once she is
     successful as it is without your       registered and receives an email to log in, she’s able to create her very
     passion, dedication, and hard          own lookalike Me2® Avatar that can talk in her voice!
     work. That’s a fact! Thank you!
                                                                    By participating in the 2019 Fall Product
     And thank you to all the G.I.R.L.s                             Program, you can earn your very own Me2®
     who set goals and worked hard                                  Avatar patch that will be created by YOU and
     to achieve them selling online,                                can look just like YOU!
     to family, friends, and beyond.
     And bravo to all the troops who
                                                                    Details to earn
     braved the cold winter days                                    Personalized Avatar Patch
     during the month of March,                                     ☙ Create your Me2® Avatar
     satisfying the public’s craving                                ☙ Sell 4+ magazines and 30+ nuts/candy items
     for cookies at 1,126 booth sales!
     Amazing work all around from                                   ☙ Send 15+ emails
     our volunteers and girls!
                                                                    Girl Scout Cookie Crossover
                                                                    Personalized Patch
                                                                    ☙ Create your Me2® Avatar in the fall
                                                                    ☙ Send 15+ emails in the fall
                                                                    ☙ Sell 250+ packages of cookies in the 2020
                                                                      Girl Scout Cookie Program

                                                                            Rhino went to camp
                                                                              and so can you!
                                                                               This year’s mascot is a northern
                                                                               white rhino mother daughter
                                                                               combo! Be sure to earn your rhino
                                                                               plush by participating in the Fall
10                                                                             Product Program!
A session equals ONE of the following:
  ☙ one week at Classic Resident Camp or can
    be applied to a more expensive session
  ☙ one week of day camp
  ☙ one parent/family camp
  ☙ one troop mini-camp session for one girl
  ☙ valid for summer 2020 only

3             Easy steps
              at a GSME
                         to earn a F
                         Girl Scou
                                    REE Sessi
                                    t Camp

                        REGISTER OR RENEW YOUR

                        GIRL SCOUT MEMBERSHIP
                        You must register or renew by September 30, 2019 by 5:30 p.m. It’s easy to do
                        online at girlscoutsofmaine.org. All registered girls, including Juliettes, are eligible.
                        Need help? Call Customer Care at 888-922-4763.

                         PARTICIPATE IN THE FALL
                         PRODUCT PROGRAM                                                             STEP
                         ☙ Sell a total of 8 magazines
                         ☙ Sell a total of 60 nut and/or candy items

                          PARTICIPATE IN THE COOKIE PROGRAM

                           Sell the following packages of cookies during the initial order period and online
                           through the month of March.

                             335 regular orders + 15 cookie shares
Hooray! You are on your way to earning your free session at camp. Camp registration opens in January.
            888-922-4763 | customercare@gsmaine.org | www.girlscoutsofmaine.org
Cloudy with a
Greento Go Green!

     Cloudy skies and rain showers didn’t keep our dedicated
     young environmentalists away from our second annual
     Green ME Up! Celebration on April 20, 2019 at L.L.Bean in
     Freeport. More than 800 Girl Scouts and their friends and
     family came out for a day filled with inspiration on how
     to take action to make Maine – and the world – a greener

     Kids got active in the outdoors with rock climbing on EVO’s
     climbing wall, as well as archery, fly casting, and a demo
     on catch and release with the L.L.Bean Outdoor Discovery
     Programs. Music by Earth Jams and Planet Pan got us
     moving to the beat, and we learned so much from
     One Plastic Bag children’s book author, Miranda Paul.

     Families also got to take action and support the
     environment making reusable food wraps, composting
     with Wormainea, recycling with ecomaine, learning about
     “Leave No Trace,” and making tree jewelry with Project
     Learning Tree. And how neat was it to learn about bio-fuel
     technology?! From cooking fries to fueling the L.L.Bean
     Boot Mobile…now that’s cool! Plus, 500 kids accepted our
     Green ME Up! Passport Challenge and were rewarded with
     reusable stainless steel drinking straws! Way to go!

     We can’t wait to celebrate again with you next year!

                           Save the Date
                         for April 18, 2020!

What an amazing day
                                                                 at our first annual

                                                                        Outdoor Fest

The sun was shining as over 2,000 people
of all ages from across Maine and away came out to celebrate
and enjoy all that the great Maine outdoors has to offer. Archery
tag with Central Maine Archery, hatchet throwing with The Axe
Pit, fly casting with Maine Fly Co. and Confluence Collective,
geocaching with L.L.Bean, and rock wall climbing with Adventure
Climbing were enjoyed by all who participated.

Exhibits from Maine Kayak, North Start Adventure, L.L. Bean
Outdoor Discovery Programs, Maine Huts and Trails, Maine
Search and Rescue, Acadia Mountain Guides, Fit Maine,
ecomaine, and more engaged attendees, educating them on the
incredible outdoor opportunities throughout Maine. Food trucks
along with Rustic Taps served up fantastic festival fare to fuel
us throughout the day, and the incredible music from Sons of
Alfond, Joseph Gallant, The Cobblestones, and Kris Rodgers kept
us grooving all day long.

Fans of their DIY Network show enjoyed meeting and taking
pictures with the cast of Maine Cabin Masters and everyone
loved hooping with Hoop Girrl and watching the Neveaeh Dance
Circus performances. And of course, who didn’t love a high five
or a hug from our local mascots Slugger, Oakie, Beacon, and

Best of all, Wicked Maine Outdoor Fest helped raise funds to
support our outdoor programming and camp scholarships!

 Mark your calendars as we do it again next year!
                      June 27, 2020!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @wickedmaineoutdoorfest
for event pictures and the latest festival information for next year.
Votes                  for
     Maine Women’s Suffrage Centennial
                            2020 marks the Centennial of the 19th
                            Amendment giving most women the right
                            to vote in the United States. And 2019
                            marks the Centennial of Maine ratifying
                            the 19th amendment in November, 1919.
                            In partnership with the Maine Suffrage Centennial
                            Collaborative, we have created a special patch program
                            to commemorate this milestone. By completing the
                            Maine Women's Suffrage Centennial patch
                            program, you will become more aware of
                            the Women’s Rights movement and the
                            women who helped shape history.
                            Challenge yourself to learn something
                            new, make your voice heard, and enjoy
                            learning about this historic movement.

                            to learn more.

     Girl Scouts of Maine

                                    o nc e r t
                         P l ay ! C
      he G i         rls
Le t t                                    Girl Scouts of Maine will also be celebrating the
                                          Centennial this November with a very special
                                          event. Let the Girls Play! Concert featuring Kalie Shorr,
                                          Maine native and a founding member of the Song
                                          Suffragettes. Maine Academy of Modern Music’s Girls
                                          Rock! band will also be playing at this fun night out
                                          filled with G.I.R.L. power and music.
                                          WHAT: Let the Girls Play! Concert featuring Kalie Shorr
                                                with opening act MAMM Girls Rock!
                                          WHEN: November 16, 2019. Doors Open at 6:00 p.m.,
                                                Concert Begins at 6:30 p.m.
                                          WHERE: Aura, 121 Center St, Portland, ME 04101
                                          COST:    $25, Girl Scouts receive a 20% discount
          lie                                      using promo code: GIRLSCOUTSROCK
        Ka orr
        Sh       TICKETS: https://letthegirlsplay.eventbrite.com
Girl Scout Destinations are the
                         ultimate adventure     for girls ages 11 and older!
                            Mackinna Campbell, Leah Cromarty, and Olivia McCartney from Cadette Troop
                            574 in Westbrook spent an amazing July week in Wyoming as part of the Girl
                            Scout Destination, Wildlife, Geysers & Mountains: A National Park Adventure.
                            Their adventure kicked off with three days at the Teton Science School in
                            Grand Teton National Park followed by three days and two nights camping in
                            Yellowstone, America’s first national park. They saw snow-capped mountains,
                            iconic geysers, and wildlife like they have never seen. They hiked, canoed, and
                            performed community service at The Murie Ranch, where the Wilderness Act
                            and the modern conservation movement were born. The Murie Ranch is a
                            National Historic Landmark district that sits at the intersection of sage, forest,
                            and riparian habitats in Grand Teton National Park.
                            We asked the girls about their experience and here is what they said…
                            Q: Why did you select Wyoming as your Destination?
                            Leah: I love the outdoors and have always wanted to see Yellowstone National
                            Park. Also, I love being active and we got to go hiking, canoeing and camping;
                            we did some volunteer trail work that helped the Murie Ranch.
                            Q: What was your favorite experience from the trip?
                            Mackinna: I really liked getting to see Old Faithful erupt. It was pretty cool!
                            Also all the amazing views we saw everywhere we looked and all the great
                            friends I made.
                            Olivia: My favorite experience was seeing the bison and learning about them.
                            Q: What was your biggest surprise or learning on your Destination?
                            Olivia: I learned that there is a super volcano underneath Yellowstone and I
                            think that’s so amazing! We learned a lot of facts and history about it. It was
                            very interesting.
                            Leah: It was amazing and cool to see the different colors in and around the
                            geysers. So beautiful!
                            Q: Would you recommend other Girl Scouts experience a Destination
                            and why?
                            Mackinna: I would recommend Girl Scouts go on a Destination because it is
                            really a great experience. This was my second Destination. You make so many
                            great memories and meet so many new people. It’s great to meet and bond
                            with girls from all over the USA.
                            Olivia: You can learn and experience so many new things on a Destination.
                            It’s a great opportunity to help people through community service and visit
                            amazing places. You can meet so many people and gain leadership and
                            independence skills.

Learn more about upcoming Destination trip opportunities and apply for your
life-changing adventure before December 1, 2019 at forgirls.girlscouts.org/travel/                               15
Ignite Your G.I.
                                                                  Great Rates for Downeaster!
                                                                  The Amtrak Downeaster is a great way
                                                                  to travel to Boston! Girl Scout Groups
                                                                  of 15 or more pay just $15-$19
                                                                  round-trip per person. Contact
                                                                  Jennifer Crosby at 207-780-1000 x109
                                                                  or Jennifer@nnepra.com for assistance
                                                                  planning your Boston adventure!

                                                                  Trailblazer Special Interest Troop
                                                                  For girls in grades: 6-12
                                                                  Girl Fee: $100
                                                                  Girl Scout Trailblazer troops have been a part of
                                                                  Girl Scouts’ bold history since the 1950’s. Today, the
                                                                  Trailblazer program provides teen Girl Scouts an
     Boston Museum of Science                                     opportunity to engage in outdoor activities and to
     Sign-up for this                                  Register   develop skills in orienteering, survival camping, trail
     popular overnight              Date       Levels             sports, and different hiking styles.
     program with hands-         11/22-11/23    B/J/C   10/22
     on science activities,                                       Join GSME's Trailblazer Special Interest Troop to
     demonstrations,              3/14-3/15     B/J/C    2/14     adventure in the woods and perfect your outdoor skills.
     exploration, the Omni       3/28-3/29      C/S/A    2/28     Spend time expanding your skills at Camp Natarswi
     Theater, and a late           5/2-5/3      B/J/C    4/2      (October 4-6, 2019) and at Camp Pondicherry
     night show. Now              5/16-5/17     B/J/C    4/16
                                                                  (February 1-2, 2020).
     more opportunities
     for Cadettes! This is        5/30-5/31     B/J/C    4/30     Share your skills at Green ME Up! at L.L. Bean
     a girl event, and adult       6/5-6/6      B/J/C     5/5     (April 18, 2020) and expand them further with the
     participation must be        6/12-6/13     B/J/C    5/12
                                                                  L.L. Bean’s Outdoor Discovery Programs.
     limited to the Safety
     Activity Checkpoints girl/adult ratio guidelines.            Whales, Sails, and Animal Tails
     GSME must receive your full attendance roster one            Dates: April 23-25, 2020
     month in advance.                                            Time: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
     Fee: $60/person                                              Cost: $300
                                                                  Level: Juniors and 1st year Cadettes (grades 4-6),
                                                                  take a three-day, two-night trip to southern New
              Bike to Canada:                                     England. Visit Mystic Aquarium, Mystic Seaport, and
              Pedal the Canadian Rails                            the Roger Williams Park Zoo!
     Date: August 2-6, 2020
     Time: Sunday evening to Thursday morning                     Astronomy Club
     Registration Deadline: 5/2/20                                Fee: $35
     Level: C/S/A                                                 Juniors and up, join GSME’s Astronomy Club to work
     Girl Fee: $375                                               on space science badges, visit the planetarium,
     Cycle and camp in Quebec along a rail trail. Meet in         launch rockets, and more over the course of the year!
     Aroostook County before cycling 10-20 miles a day from       Meetings take place most months in the Greater
     Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec back to the Maine border.            Portland area.
     Experience a different culture while engaging with the       Have a friend who is not a Girl Scout who would LOVE
     outdoors on this cycling and camping adventure!              the GSME Astronomy Club? Have her join Girl Scouts
                                                                  to participate.

.R.L. Power!
                                           GSME is excited to have Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors join us on our
                                           three-year rotation of travel opportunities. Explore with other girls, adults,
                                           and troops from throughout Maine on these 4 day, 3 night trips! We’ll provide
                                           transportation to and from our destination, lodging, breakfast, and special
                                           event swag, and you decide what to do and see while there.

                       OES .
                                            GSME Goes to NYC!
                                            Date: June 24-27, 2020
                      G O..
                       T                    Cost: $475
                                            Levels: C/S/A
                                            Deposit: $100 by December 1, 2019
                                            Head to the Big Apple with your sister Girl Scouts! Choose your
                                            own adventure and see all the sites New York City has to offer.

                              GSME Goes to                                                          GSME Goes to DC!
                              G.I.R.L. 2020!
                                                                                                    Date: June 2021
                              Date: October 22-25, 2020                                             Estimated cost: $475

                              Location: Girl Scout                                                  Level: C/S/A
                              Convention in Orlando, FL
                                                                                                               GSME Goes
                              Cost: $1100/Girls,
                                      $1400/Adults                                                             to Canada
                              Grades: 8-12 in 2020                                                             Date: 2022
                              (Current grades 7-11)                                                            Estimated cost: $325
                              Deposit: $250 by October 1, 2019                                                 Level: C/S/A

                      NEW THIS YEAR! Global Girl Scout activities help boost girls’ awareness of the world and better
                      understand important global issues. Look for the Global Connection symbol in program descriptions
                      to see which programs include a cross-cultural learning opportunity.

 HOW DO I REGISTER FOR PROGRAMS,                                                         PROGRAM AND TRAINING
 EVENTS, OR TRAININGS?                                                                   CANCELLATION POLICY
 It’s super easy! All you have to do        Please make sure to keep to the girl         Please read our full cancellation policy on eBiz and plan
 is visit eBiz in the upper right hand      to adult ratios found in Volunteer           carefully when registering so we can provide you with the
 corner of our website. Log in, search      Essentials unless stated otherwise.          best possible service.
 for your program, and register. Just       Girls attending individually will need           What happens if I need to cancel my program,
 remember that your eBiz account is         to be accompanied by a parent/                   training, or event registration?
 different than your MYGS account!          guardian unless otherwise indicated              Cancellation requests received on or prior to the
                                            for that specific program.                       registration deadline will receive a refund, minus a
 IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are a
 NEW member, or a troop leader              Don’t forget to save your registration           10% administrative fee. Cancellations made after the
 adding a new girl to your roster, you      confirmation email. After the                    registration deadline will not be eligible for a refund.
 MUST complete the membership               registration deadline the information            What happens if GSME cancels?
 registration before you try to register    will no longer be available on eBiz.             If GSME cancels a program, event, or training for
 for a program, event, or training.         Programs are geared toward the                   any reason, we will refund the full amount of your
 After 24 hours, you can register for       age levels listed and follow the Girl            registration fee.
 the program, event, or training. This      Scout year to determine when a
 allows our systems to sync up with         girl bridges to the next level. Unless           Are there any exceptions?
 the correct information.                   indicated as a family program,                   Occasionally, the policy may vary based on the needs of
                                            tagalongs are not permitted at GSME              the collaborator. We will make sure those details are in
                                            programs.                                        the communications for that opportunity.                 17
     Program             Reg.                                       Start      End        Girl      Adult     GS
               Date                Program             Town
      Pillar              By                                        Time       Time       Fee        Fee     Level
                9/21     9/11     Outdoor Skills       Baring       9:00 AM    3:00 PM    $18.00     $0      C/S/A

                9/28     9/11    Blast Off Rockets                  10:00 AM   2:00 PM    $21.00    $11.00   D/B/J

               10/4-6              Trailblazers
                2/1-2    9/4     Special Interest                    Varies     Varies    $100.00    N/A     C/S/A
                10/12    9/25     Outdoor Skills      Readfield     9:00 AM    3:00 PM    $18.00     $0      C/S/A
                                   Crane Design
                10/5     9/18                        Westbrook      1:00 PM    3:00 PM     $5.00     $0        J

                                  Maine Woods
                10/5     9/18                         Boothbay      10:30 AM   2:00 PM    $8.00     $13.00    J/C

                                   Rocky Shore
                10/5     9/18                          Rye, NH      10:00 AM   12:00 PM   $10.00     $0      D/B/J

                10/5     9/18                         Boothbay      1:30 PM    4:30 PM    $8.00     $13.00   D/B/J

                                 Woodlands and
                10/5     9/18                         Boothbay      9:00 AM    2:30 PM    $12.00    $13.00    B/J
                10/6     9/18    and Threatened         Gray        12:30 PM   3:00 PM    $6.00     $6.00    D/B/J
                                 Founder's Day &
                10/12    9/25     Day of the Girl    Scarborough    6:00 PM    8:00 PM    $6.00     $2.00
                                  Secrets of the
                10/12    9/25                          Holden       10:00 AM   12:00 PM    $5.00     $0       J/C

                                                                    9:00 AM    11:00 AM                       J/C
                10/19    10/2     Portraits in Art     Bangor                             $2.00      $0
                                                                    2:00 PM    4:00 PM                        D/B
                                                                    9:00 AM    12:00 PM                       D/B
                10/19    10/2    GSME Grand Prix       Bangor                             $10.00     $0
                                                                    1:00 PM    4:30 PM                        J/C
                                 Haunted History
                         10/2       Museum           Kennebunk      7:00 PM    10:00 AM   $16.00    $11.00   C/S/A

                         10/9    Sail Away at MMA      Castine      6:00 PM    9:00 AM    $30.00    $10.00   C/S/A

                                   Balloon Car
                11/2     10/9                          Sanford      12:00 PM   4:00 PM    $4.00      $0        J
                                 Design Challenge

                11/2     10/16      Slime Time       Presque Isle   9:00 AM    11:00 AM   $16.00     $0       D/B

                                   Painting and
                11/3     10/9                         Hinckley      9:00 AM    12:00 PM    $7.00     $0      D/B/J
Entrepreneurship                                STEM                     Life Skills                    Outdoors
                                                 Program Description

Advanced Outdoor Skills Workshop - Sharpen your outdoor skills through this workshop focusing on Level 3 of the GSME
Outdoor Skills Patch. Work on advanced fire-building, shelter building, outdoor cooking, knife care and safety, and more!

Blast Off Rockets - At the Challenger Learning Center of Maine, build a rocket using simple materials and learn about the
engineering design process, principles of flight, and make and test a paper rocket. Then travel to Orono to watch a planetarium
show at the Emera Astronomy Center. Transportation not provided.

Trailblazers Special Interest Troop - Join GSME's Trailblazer Special Interest Troop to adventure in the woods and perfect your
outdoor skills. Spend time expanding your skills at Camp Natarswi this fall and at Camp Pondicherry this winter, then share your
skills at Green ME Up! at L.L. Bean in the spring.

Advanced Outdoor Skills Workshop - Sharpen your outdoor skills through this workshop focusing on Level 3 of the GSME
Outdoor Skills Patch. Work on advanced fire-building, shelter building, outdoor cooking, knife care and safety, and more!

Crane Design Challenge - While working on your Crane Design Challenge Mechanical Engineering Badge, get a chance to explore
engineering in a fun, hands-on and minds-on way that will help you explore the design process.

Maine Woods Walk - Learn how to identify our common Maine trees, discover who depends on them, and gain an understanding
of what causes trees to change color this time of year.
Rocky Shore Exploration - This introduction to the diverse and dynamic rocky shore will excite and inspire you. Learn about the
unique ecology of the rocky shore intertidal zones, followed by a naturalist-led tide pooling session. Learn how to best observe,
identify, and classify organisms through guided exploration.
Sensational Seeds - What better way to learn about plants and their seeds than by eating them! Sample your way through the
Learning Garden as you dissect the vegetables that are growing and head out on a seed hunt to see what other seeds are sprouting
up this time of year.
Woodlands and Gardens - Explore the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens with two guided workshops centered around Maine
woods and seeds. This program combines a Maine Woods Walk with the Sensational Seeds program.
        Endangered and Threatened Species - Join the Maine Wildlife Park to discover endangered and threatened species right
        here in your own back yard. Learn the importance of protecting endangered species and everyday actions you can take to
        help protect them. GLOBAL CONNECTION
        Founder’s Day & Day of the Girl Celebration - Dress up as your favorite character for an evening of dancing, fun, and
        learning centered all around Juliette Gordon Low's legacy and the importance of the International Day of the Girl!

Secrets of the Forest - Fields Pond has many forested areas to explore. Focus on the importance of trees in the landscape from
both a natural and human ecological perspective.

Portraits in Art - Join a museum educator for a tour of the museum and create your own self portrait that conveys character,
mood, and personality. Consider pairing this event with GSME's Grand Prix in Bangor the same day!

GSME Grand Prix - On your mark. Get set. Go! Join us for the GSME Grand Prix where you'll learn the engineering of creating your
own building brick car and earn the mechanical engineering badge. Consider pairing this event with Portraits in Art also in Bangor
the same day! This event meets the prerequisite to attend the GSME Grand Prix in the spring. (Separate registration)
Haunted History Museum Overnight - This overnight is all about storytelling about ghosts and haunted mansions. Hear stories
from Kennebunk's past, explore artifacts and documents as you produce your own ghost stories, and then create your own
haunted history museum.
        Sail Away at MMA - Spend two nights at the Maine Maritime Academy in a one-of-a-kind opportunity exploring science
        and engineering through state of the art technology. Experience navigating ships, discovering the science of the oceans,
        and more. Each year offers something new! It is destined to be a great time. GLOBAL CONNECTION
Balloon Car Design Challenge - Earn your Balloon Car Design Challenge badge with help from engineers from Pratt & Whitney.
Explore potential and kinetic energy and jet propulsion to design and test your own balloon-powered car. This event fulfills the
prerequisite to attend the GSME Grandest Prix in the spring. (Separate registration)
Slime Time - Do you love making slime? Well, this is the workshop for you! From glitter slime, to mermaid slime, to neon slime,
have fun and learn something about chemistry too. Is slime a liquid or a solid? We'll mix some up and find out.

Painting and Drawing - Discover special animal adaptations as you draw and paint them. Enjoy drawings from the collection as
you make drawings, painting, and prints of your favorites and learn some new techniques.
     Program           Reg.                                       Start      End        Girl     Adult     GS
               Date              Program             Town
      Pillar            By                                        Time       Time       Fee       Fee     Level
               11/3    10/16    Dairy Discovery     Freeport      10:00 AM   11:30 AM   $13.00    $7.00     B/J

                                Rocket Race for
               11/9    10/23                         Easton       1:00 PM    3:00 PM    $8.00    $8.00     D/B/J
                                 Super Space

                               Video Production
               11/9    10/23                       Presque Isle   10:00 AM   3:00 PM    $4.00      $0      C/S/A

                       10/23      Detective         Portland      5:30 PM    9:00 AM    $29.00   $17.00     B/J

               11/13   10/30    Networking 101     Westbrook      6:00 PM    8:00 PM    $15.00   $12.00    C/S/A

               11/16   10/30      Cookie PSA        Portland      10:00 AM   3:00 PM    $21.00     $0      C/S/A

               12/6    11/20      Be a Maker         Bangor       5:30 PM    7:30 PM    $12.00     $0      D/B/J

                                Home Scientist:
               12/7    11/20     Bubble Gum          Bangor       5:30 PM    8:30 PM    $26.00     $0      D/B/J

               12/7    11/20     Rock the Wall      Portland      2:30 PM    4:30 PM    $21.00   $21.00     B/J

                                Girl Scout Night
                1/11   12/11    with the Maine      Portland      1:00 PM    9:00 PM    $10.00   $8.00
                                                                                                          Friends &
                                   Red Claws
               1/18     1/1     History on Ice                    9:30 AM    1:00 PM    $16.00   $16.00     J/C

               1/18     1/8    Photography 101     Presque Isle   1:00 PM    3:00 PM    $16.00     $0       J/C

                                  Fizzing and
                        1/1    Exploding Science    Portland      5:30 PM    9:00 AM    $29.00   $17.00     B/J
                                Exploration Lab
               1/20     1/1      & Planetarium                    10:00 AM   2:00 PM    $23.00   $11.00     B/J
               1/20     1/1     & Becoming a                      11:00 AM   3:30 PM    $28.00   $11.00    C/S/A
                               Scientist Mission

               1/25     1/1    GSME Grand Prix     Westbrook      1:00 PM    4:00 PM    $8.00      $0     D/B/J/C

               1/25-           Medieval Marvels
                        1/8                         Dover, NH     7:00 PM    9:00 AM    $31.00   $21.00    D/B/J
               1/26             Tall and Small

                                Advanced Fiber
                2/1    1/15                        Westbrook      1:00 PM    4:00 PM    $12.00     $0       S/A

2020                  Entrepreneurship                               STEM                  Life Skills                   Outdoors
                                                     Program Description
  Dairy Discovery - Take a deeper look at an organic dairy program. Learn about cattle husbandry, health and production, and get a
  behind-the-scenes look at how Wolfe’s Neck Center manages their dairy herd. Plus, make some of your own butter to taste!
          Rocket Race for Super Space - The 50th Anniversary of the first human landing on the Moon brings girls into the exciting
          world of rocketry and space flight. The program begins with a dazzling planetarium digital show recapping human success
          in space. Try your hand at rockets as you learn about this field of ever improving, super science fun. GLOBAL CONNECTION

  Video Production 101 - Learn the ins and outs of video production as you create your own mini PSA for your cookie sales. From
  the experts at WAGM-TV, learn how to develop, film, and edit your own PSA with a small group of other Girl Scouts.

  Dinosaur Detective Overnight - Through the eyes of scientists learn how clues from the past can be pieced together to provide
  a deeper understanding of extinct creatures. Explore dinosaur fossil replicas and plant and sea creature fossils to learn about the
  pre-historic world. Spend the rest of the night playing in the museum exhibits and meeting new friends.
  Networking 101 - Learn the do’s and don’ts of how to present yourself professionally and confidently! Discuss and practice IRL
  situations - including how to introduce yourself and make a positive first impression, to how to navigate a professional dinner and
  everything in between so that you’ll know how to network like a pro! Cost includes dinner. For 8th grade Cadettes and up.

  Cookie PSA - This workshop will take you from concept, to script, to taping footage and editing it, so that you'll have a completed
  short video to promote your cookie sales. Girls will work in small groups.

  Be a Maker - Bring your creativity to the makerspace at the Challenger Learning Center! Design, test, build, glue, craft, and more!
  Choose projects to work on from handicrafts to electronics.

  Home Scientist: Bubble Gum Chemistry - Cook up a batch of your own bubble gum while exploring the chemistry of solutions
  and suspension. Spend the rest of the time exploring the museum exhibits and making new friends.

  Rock the Wall - Spend the afternoon scaling the walls at EVO and playing some games to help get your body moving. All girls must
  attend with a parent or troop leader, but only adults climbing need to pay.

  Girl Scout Night with the Maine Red Claws - Join the Lady Red Claws for a pre-game dance clinic where you’ll learn a dance
  routine to perform on the court at halftime. Friends and family are invited to join the girls for the 7:00 game and enjoy the dance
  performance at halftime! Dance clinic times vary by level: 1:00 - 4:30 for C/S/A, 2:00 - 4:30 for B/J, 3:00 - 4:30 for D.

  History on Ice - Visit Strawbery Banke for some old-fashioned, wintertime fun! Spend time indoors by the fire as you travel back
  to the 1700s to experience open hearth cooking and enjoy skating on Puddle Dock Pond. Skate rentals are included.

  Photography 101 - Learn the basics of photography to boost your photo snapping skills. Explore the rule of thirds, point of focus,
  shutter speed, and more. Cameras are provided.
  Fizzing and Exploding Science Overnight - Harness the power of chemical reactions as you create fizzing and exploding
  concoctions! Send rockets into the sky, create a magical fizzing paint, and work together to make underwater fireworks. Spend the
  rest of the night playing in the exhibits and meeting new friends.
  Exploration Lab & Planetarium Show - At the Challenger Learning Center of Maine, fly a simulated space mission running
  experiments and collecting data as an astronaut and mission controller then travel to Orono to watch a planetarium show at the
  Emera Astronomy Center. Transportation not provided.
  Planetarium & Becoming a Scientist Mission - First, watch a planetarium show at the Emera Astronomy Center in Orono, then
  travel to Bangor to fly a simulated space mission running experiments and solving problems as an astronaut and mission controller
  at the Challenger Learning Center of Maine. Transportation not provided.
  GSME Grand Prix - Earn your mechanical engineering badge while designing, building, and testing your very own building brick car
  - all done on site! Compete against girls from across the state. Price includes all the supplies to build your own car to take home as
  well as the Mechanical Engineering badge for your level. Cadettes will receive a fun patch.
          Medieval Marvels Tall and Small - Step back in time and experience activities common during the Middle Ages. Come
          dressed in medieval wear (optional) and create a family crest & crown. Take on the challenge of constructing a castle that
          can be knocked down by a catapult. End the night with a snack and story. Just 20 minutes from Kittery and just over an
          hour from Portland, the Children's Museum of NH has so much to offer! GLOBAL CONNECTION
  Advanced Fiber Dyeing - Explore the process of using natural dyes and the chemistry behind the process of fiber dyeing. See how
  pH and heat affect the color of your yarn.

     Program             Reg.                                       Start      End         Girl         Adult        GS
               Date                   Program            Town
      Pillar              By                                        Time       Time        Fee           Fee        Level
                                    Girls and Women
                 2/1      1/15                           Gorham     8:00 AM    2:30 PM      $4.00        $4.00       B/J/C
                                        in Sports

                 2/1      1/15       My Robot and I      Bangor     5:30 PM    8:30 PM     $26.00          $0       D/B/J

                                      Game Design         South
                2/2       1/15                                      11:00 AM   3:00 PM      $6.00          $0       J/C/S/A
                                       Challenge         Portland

                                    Fashion Through
               2/7-2/8    1/22                          Kennebunk   7:00 PM    10:00 AM    $16.00        $11.00        J
                                     Time Overnight

                                      Balloon Car
                2/8        1/8                           Augusta    9:00 AM    12:00 PM     $4.00          $0          J
                                    Design Challenge

                                      WeDo LEGO
                2/8       1/22                           Bangor     10:00 AM   11:30 AM    $16.00          $0         B/J

                                    Music Around the
               2/8-2/9    1/22                           Portland   5:30 PM    9:00 AM     $29.00        $17.00       B/J
                                    World Overnight

                          Early                                                           Early Bird:     Early
                          Bird:                                                              $25        Bird: $10
                2/14-     12/18      World Thinking
                                                         Bridgton   5:00 PM    2:00 PM                              C/S/A
                2/16                Day: Pondicherry                                      Regular:      Regular:
                         Reg: 1/8                                                           $30           $12

                                       a Scientist
                2/15      1/29                           Bangor     1:00 PM    3:30 PM     $20.00          $0       C/S/A
                                    Simulated Space
                                       Lab Space
                2/15      1/29                           Bangor     10:00 AM   12:00 PM    $16.00          $0         B/J
                                    Science Mission
                                    Explore Theatre
                          1/29       Overnight: The      Portland   5:30 PM    9:00 AM     $35.00        $21.00     D/B/J
                                       Frog Price
                          Early                                                           Early Bird:     Early
                          Bird:                                                              $25        Bird: $10
               2/20-      12/18      World Thinking
                                                           TBD      5:00 PM    2:00 PM                              C/S/A
               2/22                  Day: Aroostook                                       Regular:      Regular:
                         Reg: 1/8                                                           $30           $12

                                    Growing Worms'
                3/14      2/26                           Portland   5:30 PM    7:30 PM     $15.00        $9.00       D/B
                                    Growing Garden

                3/21       3/4       Matter Mania       Dover, NH   2:00 PM    4:30 PM     $16.00        $8.00        J/C

                           3/4      Rockin' Overnight    Portland   7:00 PM    8:00 AM     $26.00       $26.00      C/S/A

                3/28      3/11      Wonders of Water    Westbrook   1:00 PM    3:00 PM      $6.00          $0         B

                                    Earth and Space
                4/4       3/18                           Hinckley   1:00 PM    4:00 PM      $7.00          $0       D/B/J
22                                    Explorations
Entrepreneurship                                 STEM                     Life Skills                     Outdoors
                                                   Program Description
        Girls and Women in Sports - Celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day at USM. Spend the morning exploring
        various sports offered at the University with the coaches and players then spend the afternoon enjoying a college women's
My Robot and I - Explore what robots can do for YOU! Find out what makes them work and “think” and create your own little
scribble bot friend! Spend the rest of the time exploring the museum's exhibits.
Game Design Challenge - Put on those thinking caps and join your fellow Girl Scouts and experts from Diversions Puzzles and
Games for a unique game design challenge. Build a team of 2-5 girls to create your own brand new board game prototype for this
fast-paced friendly competition.
Fashion Through Time Overnight - This overnight will include a hands-on newspaper fashion show commemorating the history
of fashion from 1820-1920. How has fashion changed? How does clothing reflect social movements? Learn this and more as your
bring your creativity and clothing design to life.
Balloon Car Design Challenge - Earn your Balloon Car Design Challenge Badge with the Society of Women Engineers. Learn about
the design-build process of a balloon car as well as some of the physics behind the scenes. This event meets the prerequisite to
attend the GSME Grandest Prix in the spring (separate registration).
WeDo LEGO Robotics - In this fun and hands-on program at the Challenger Learning Center, create your own robot using LEGOs!
Get an introduction to robotics and integrating sensors, learn programming basics, and experiment with programming language
using LEGO WeDo kits.
        Music Around the World Overnight - In honor of World Thinking Day, spend the night learning about music and
        movement from around the world. Watch and listen to musicians from different cultures share their unique traditions, then
        get a chance to create your own musical instrument to take home. Spend the rest of the night playing in the museum’s
        exhibits and meeting new friends. GLOBAL CONNECTION
        World Thinking Day: Pondicherry - Explore the global topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion while earning the GSUSA
        World Thinking Day Award and the GSUSA Global Action Award. New this year - a track for Cadettes and a track for Seniors
        and Ambassadors! Register early, space is limited! Girls are welcome to attend with or without their troops. Troops must
        limit adults to 1-2 adults to allow for more girls to attend. GLOBAL CONNECTION

Becoming a Scientist Simulated Space Mission - Fly a simulated space mission running experiments and solving problems as
an astronaut and mission controller at the Challenger Learning Center of Maine.

Exploration Lab Space Science Mission Simulation - At the Challenger Learning Center of Maine, fly a simulated space mission
running experiments and collecting data as an astronaut and mission controller.

Explore Theatre Overnight: The Frog Prince - This special night for second year Daisies through Juniors will begin with a
performance of The Frog Prince performed by young actors. The performance will be followed by an actor Q&A. Spend the rest of
the night playing, exploring, and sleeping in the museum’s exhibits!
        World Thinking Day: Aroostook - Explore the global topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion while earning the GSUSA
        World Thinking Day Award, and concentrate on gender equality for the GSUSA Global Action Award. New this year - a track
        for Cadettes and a track for Seniors and Ambassadors! Register early, space is limited! Girls are welcome to attend with or
        without their troops. Troops must limit adults to 1-2 adults to allow for more girls to attend. GLOBAL CONNECTION

Growing Worms’ Growing Garden - Discover how living things around us grow. Meet live red wiggler worms at every stage of life,
from egg to adult, and learn how they help the plants around them grow.

Matter Mania - Explore the states of matter in this fun workshop that combines science and art. Participate in some kitchen
chemistry, get messy in our Non-Newtonian fluid slime bar, and make a gorgeous shrink paper Chihuly look-alike sculpture.
Rockin’ Overnight - Join the staff of EVO Rock & Fitness for an after hours session of climbing and rappelling. All girls must attend
with a troop leader or parent, but only adults planning on climbing need to pay. All adults will have a lesson on belaying prior to the
girls climbing that evening.
        Wonders of Water - Come celebrate the United Nations World Water Day! Learn all about water-how to protect it and
        enjoy it while experimenting with the water cycle, water pollution, and water monitoring. Though testing pH, oxygen,
        temperature, and turbidity, see how clean your water is and take part in a global movement to observe water quality
        around the world. GLOBAL CONNECTION
Earth and Space Explorations - Explore the solar system at the L.C. Bates Museum. Look through telescopes, try fun space
activities, and try your hand (or foot) at stomp rockets.                                                                                 23
     Program             Reg.                                         Start      End        Girl      Adult      GS
               Date                  Program             Town
      Pillar              By                                          Time       Time       Fee        Fee      Level
                4/4       3/18     Marine Mammals         Rye, NH     1:00 PM    3:00 PM    $10.00      $0        J/C

                                   Ocean Exploration
               4/4-4/5    3/18     Overnight Tall and    Portland     5:30 PM    9:00 AM    $29.00    $17.00    D/B/J

                                       Apollo 13
                4/11      3/25                            Bangor      3:00 PM    4:30 PM    $16.00      $0       B/J/C

                                      Blue Planet
                4/11      3/11                            Easton      1:00 PM    3:00 PM     $9.00     $8.00      J/C

                4/18      N/A        Green ME Up!        Freeport     10:00 AM   3:00 PM      $0        $0

                                     Preparing For        South
                4/22      4/8                                         4:00 PM    5:30 PM      $0        $0       S/A
                                       Success           Portland
                4/23-    Deposit   Whales, Sails, and
                                                          Island &    8:00 AM    8:00 PM    $300.00   $300.00     J/C
                4/25     12/1/19     Animal Tails

                4/26      4/8        Seed to Table       Freeport     10:00 AM   11:30 AM   $13.00     $7.00    D/B/J

                5/2       4/15         Hooping          Westbrook     1:00 PM    4:00 PM    $12.00      $0      C/S/A

                5/2       4/15                          Livermore     10:00 AM   2:00 PM    $11.00     $6.00     B/J/C

                5/9       4/22     Maine Sea Slime        Bangor      5:30 PM    8:30 PM    $26.00      $0      D/B/J

                5/16      4/29       Decomposers         Boothbay     1:30 PM    4:30 PM     $8.00    $13.00    D/B/J

                                     Life Cycles &
                5/16      4/29                           Falmouth     1:00 PM    3:00 PM     $8.00      $0       D/B
                                    Spring Changes

                5/16      4/29        Pollinators        Boothbay     10:30 AM   2:00 PM     $8.00    $13.00    D/B/J

                                    Pollinators and
                5/16      4/29                           Boothbay     9:00 AM    2:30 PM    $12.00    $13.00    D/B/J

                                    Big, Messy Art
                          4/29     Overnight Tall and    Portland     5:30 PM    9:00 AM    $29.00    $17.00    D/B/J

                5/30      5/13        Amphibians          Holden      1:00 PM    3:00 PM     $5.00      $0       D/B

                                    GSME Grandest
                5/30      5/6                             Bangor      10:00 AM   3:00 PM    $10.00      $0       B/J/C

                                      Becoming a
                6/6       5/27                            China       10:00 AM   3:00 PM     $4.00      $0       B/J/C

                                      High Flying                     10:00 AM   1:00 PM
                6/6       5/20                          Wiscassett                          $20.00    $20.00    J/C/S/A
                                      Adventures                      1:00 PM    4:00 PM
Entrepreneurship                                   STEM                      Life Skills                       Outdoors
                                                    Program Description
Marine Mammals - Learn about the fascinating marine mammals that live in the Gulf of Maine, including whales, dolphins, and
seals. Get an up-close look at marine mammal skeletons and compare them to the bones in your body. Learn how the Seacoast
Science Center Marine Mammal Rescue team responds to seals on the beach.
Ocean Exploration Overnight Tall and Small - Meet and touch live tide pool creatures from Casco Bay, create an ocean creature
craft, and learn about the life the humpback whale. Spend the rest of the night playing, exploring, and sleeping in the museum’s
exhibits! Tall and Small events are great for first year Daisies (and anyone else who would benefit) to attend the overnight with a
parent or guardian.
Apollo 13 Challenge - On the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 13 mission, come to the Challenger Learning Center to simulate being
engineers and astronauts tasked to work together to save the Apollo 13 mission.
        Blue Planet Bonanza - This program opens with a superb digital planetarium program, "Habitat Earth," explaining the wonder
        and complexity of living on Earth. The fun continues with a dissection of owl pellets to better grasp the web of life tying together
        all inhabitants of our world. GLOBAL CONNECTION
        Green ME Up! - Celebrate Earth Day with a FREE, hands-on, interactive, and fun-filled day at L.L. Bean learning how you can
        help keep Maine green today and in the future! GLOBAL CONNECTION

Preparing For Success - From resumes to interviews, applications to acceptance letters, learn the ins and outs of preparing for
life beyond high school. Meet with GSME's own HR Director for an inside look at presenting yourself for success.
        Whales, Sails, and Animal Tails - Take a three-day, two-night trip to southern New England. Visit Mystic Aquarium, Mystic
        Seaport, and the Roger Williams Park Zoo! $100 non-refundable deposit due 12/1. (For Juniors and 1st Year Cadettes)
Seed to Table - Take a deeper look at how tiny seeds turn into the organic vegetables that are sold and donated to local food
pantries. Have a chance to plant some seeds of your own to be grown at home.
Hooping - Hula hooping is more than spinning a hoop around your waist. It can be great fun, and there are tons of cool tricks. In
this hands-on workshop, make your own personalized hula hoop to take home, learn some hooping tricks, and create a short hoop
dancing routine to show off your skills, all while getting some fun-filled exercise.
Norlands Sampler - Get a taste of home, farm, and school life in rural Maine in the 19th century through hands on workshops
and activities.
Maine Sea Slime - Explore and experiment with a very slimy substance from Maine's underwater world. Find out how it's farmed,
harvested, and used in food and make your own batch of special sea slime to take home.
Decomposers - Investigate life underground in the garden and discover the important role decomposers play in helping our garden
grow. Learn to identify these living organisms, learn about the anatomy of a worm, and understand how decomposition works.
Life Cycles & Spring Changes - Join educators from the Maine Audubon and explore spring changes in the plants and animals
that live around Gilsland Farm as the forest, field, and pond come alive with new life!
Pollinators - Get up close and personal with pollinators as you observe them in action, learn about their flower preferences and
their unique adaptations. Dissect a flower to learn how pollination takes place.
Pollinators and Decomposers - Learn all about pollinators and decomposers through two guided workshops at the Coastal
Maine Botanical Gardens. Observe pollinators in action, learn about their flower preferences and their unique adaptations. Dissect
a flower to learn how pollination takes place. Also, investigate life underground in the garden and discover the important role
decomposers play in helping our garden grow.
Big, Messy Art Overnight Tall and Small - Create a colorful collaborative art piece as you help blow bubble paint onto a large
mural, try painting with catapults, and centripetal force art to create uniquely spun creations. Spend the rest of the evening playing,
exploring, and sleeping in the museum’s exhibits. Tall and Small events are perfect for first year Daisies to attend an overnight with
a parent or guardian.
Amphibians - Amphibians play and important role in nature, both as predators and prey. Get up close and personal with some of
our wettest wildlife and discover what lessons they can teach us about the environment.
GSME Grandest Prix - Girls who have previously earned their mechanical engineering badges are invited to join us for the GSME
Grandest Prix where you'll show what you learned while celebrating with other girls from across the state. Build a new car to race
onsite, explore the Cole Land Transportation Museum, and check out the Transportation Expo.
        Becoming a Naturalist - Explore the China School Forest as part of World Environment Day while working on outdoor badges
        with Project Learning Tree. Check out the reading tree, the frog pond and nature trails, in addition to some great hands-on
        programming to bring everyone closer to nature! GLOBAL CONNECTION
High Flying Adventures - Navigate through obstacles in the air, zoom along zip lines, or the giant swing. This uniquely designed
course offers multiple levels of difficulty, so no matter where your comfort level lies, you'll have an experience you won't soon
forget. Each group needs at least one adult to help facilitate the challenge course-more if you have a large group. The adult fee only
applies to those who participate, but please ensure girl to adult ratios are met.                                                              25
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