2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills

Page created by Victor Navarro
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide

                       NEW in 2018
                      • Advanced Project Management Workshop (pg 57)
                      • Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of
                        Unconventional Resources (pg 16)
                      • Competent Person Fall Protection (pg 46)
                      • Computer-Based Subsurface Mapping (pg 9)
                      • Managing Project Controls for Contractors and Owners
                        (pg 56)
                      • NEW PetroAcademy Virtual/Blended Learning Options:
                          - Basic Drilling, Completion, and Workover Operations
                            (pg 6)
                          - Basic Geophysics (pg 15)
                          - Basic Reservoir Engineering (pg 29)
                          - Completions and Workovers (pg 37)
                          - Production Technology for Other Disciplines (pg 38)
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
Message from the CEO
A competent workforce has always been critical for our industry’s success, but it                                       INTRODUCTORY AND MULTI-DISCIPLINE
is even more important with challenging product prices. Doing more with less is                                    6  Basic Drilling, Completion and Workover Operations – BDC
how we can thrive in hard times, but that requires a very competent workforce.                                        (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course)
                                                                                                                   6 Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices – BE
This guide presents the industry’s most comprehensive workforce development                                        5 Basic Petroleum Technology – BPT
programs – focused on building competent people. PetroSkills brings together                                       5 Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Virtual/Blended
                                                                                                                      course) - BPTP
industry-driven and industry-approved programs that deliver flexible, practical,                                   7 Evaluating and Developing Heavy Oil Resources – HOED
fit-for-purpose training and development. This guide can help you find ways to                                     7 Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources – SRE
                                                                                                                   6	Field Study – Heavy Oil Resources – HOFS
advance your technical competence and build your company’s value.                                                  7 Overview of Heavy Oil Resources – HOOV
                                                                                                                   6 Overview of the Petroleum Industry – OVP
Since the first offerings of Production Operations 1 and the Campbell Gas
Course® over 50 years ago, PetroSkills instructor-led training programs have set                                                              GEOLOGY
the standard for excellence from subsurface to downstream. This guide presents hundreds of sessions offered
worldwide by top industry experts in each technical discipline across the value chain. Our competency-based         8 Geology Progression Matrix
                                                                                                                   11 Analysis of Structural Traps in Extensional Settings – ESS
programs are designed and delivered under the direction of the PetroSkills Alliance which includes some             8 Basic Petroleum Geology – BG
of the top petroleum companies worldwide, working together, to offer an industry-driven and vetted set of          11 Basin Analysis Workshop: An Integrated Approach – BA
courses, products and services.                                                                                     9 Carbonate Reservoirs – PCR
                                                                                                                   12 Compressional and Transpressional Structural Styles – CPST
                                                                                                                    9 Computer-Based Subsurface Mapping - CSM
NEW courses to look for in this edition include:                                                                   12 Deep-water Turbidite Depositional Systems and Reservoirs – DWT
  •     Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of Unconventional Resources (EDUR) - see                 12 Development Geology – DG
                                                                                                                   12	Geochemical Techniques for Solving Reservoir Management and
        page 16                                                                                                        Field Development Problems – GTS
  •     Advanced Project Management Workshop (APMW) - see page 57                                                  10 Geochemistry: Tools for Effective Exploration and Development
  •     Competent Person Fall Protection (FPST) - see page 46                                                          – MGT
                                                                                                                   10 Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Heavy Oil
  •     Computer-Based Subsurface Mapping (CSM) - see page 9                                                           Reservoirs – HORC
  •     Managing Project Controls for Contractors and Owners (PC21) - see page 56                                  10	Geomechanics for Heavy Oil – HOGM
                                                                                                                   13 Integrated Carbonate Reservoir Characterization – ICR
In addition to our instructor-led programs, our digital learning solutions and professional services continue to    9	Mapping Subsurface Structures – MSS
lead the industry. This guide outlines our electronic solutions ePilot™, ePetro™, ActiveLearner®, Compass®         13	Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Geologic and Engineering Analysis
                                                                                                                       – FR
and PetroCore® - see page 4 for more details.                                                                      13 Operations Geology – OG
                                                                                                                   10 Petroleum Systems Analysis - PSA
We are also proud to announce the expansion of our blended/virtual learning program, PetroAcademy™.                10 Production Geology for Other Disciplines – PGD
This unique course model delivers the same competency development as our face-to-face courses via                  13 Prospect and Play Assessment – PPA
                                                                                                                    9 Sandstone Reservoirs – SR
virtually delivered Skill Modules™, available from anywhere in the world.                                          11 Sequence Stratigraphy: An Applied Workshop – SQS
                                                                                                                   11	Structural Styles in Petroleum Exploration – ST
The following blended/virtual courses are available now and we will be adding more throughout 2018. For
more information, see the back cover, or petroskills.com/blended.                                                                           GEOPHYSICS

  • Applied Reservoir Engineering – page 29                  • Completions and Workovers - page 37
                                                                                                                   14 Geophysics Progression Matrix
  • Basic Drilling, Completion, and Workover                • Foundations of Petrophysics - page 24               17 3D Seismic Attributes for Reservoir Characterization – SARC
     Operations - page 6                                     • NODAL Analysis Workshop – page 39                   16 Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of
  • Basic Geophysics - page 15                               • Production Operations 1 – page 37                       Unconventional Resources - EDUR
                                                             • Production Technology for Other Disciplines -       17	Advanced Seismic Stratigraphy: A Sequence – Wavelet Analysis
  • Basic Petroleum Technology                                                                                         Exploration – Exploitation Workshop – ADS
     Principles – page 5                                       page 38                                             17 Applied Seismic Anisotropy for Fractured Reservoir
  • Basic Reservoir Engineering - page 29                    • Scale Identification, Remediation, and                  Characterization – ASAF
  • Casing Design Workshop – page 20                           Prevention Workshop – page 44                       16 AVO, Inversion, and Attributes: Principles and Applications – AVO
                                                                                                                   15 Basic Geophysics – BGP (Also available as a Virtual/Blended
I hope you find this guide useful. If there is any way that we can help you, your team,                                course)
                                                                                                                   16 Introduction to Seismic Stratigraphy: A Basin Scale Regional
or your organization, please don’t hesitate to contact me personally at ford.brett@petroskills.com,                    Exploration Workshop – ISS
or contact our Customer Service Department at +1.918.828.2500.                                                     15 Seismic Acquisition Technology in a Regulatory Era – SATR
                                                                                                                   15 Seismic Imaging of Subsurface Geology – SSD
                                                                                                                   14 Seismic Interpretation – SI1
                                                                                                                   16 Seismic Velocities and Depth Conversion – SVDC
                                                                                                                   17 Use of Full Azimuth Seismic and Microseismic for Unconventional
                                                                                                                       Plays – FAMS

            Ford Brett                                                                                                       WELL CONSTRUCTION / DRILLING
            CEO, PetroSkills
                                                                                                                   18   Well Construction / Drilling Progression Matrix
                                                                                                                   18   Basic Drilling Technology – BDT
                                                                                                                   19   Casing and Cementing – CAC
                                                                                                                   20   Casing Design Workshop – CDW (Virtual/Blended course)
                                  Cover Image:                                                                     21
                                                                                                                        Cementing Practices – Cementing II – CEP
                                                                                                                        Deepwater Well Engineering – DWE
                                                                                                                   22   Directional, Horizontal, and Multilateral Drilling – DHD
                                  The Twelve Apostles, Port Campbell National Park,                                22   Drill String Design and Optimization – DSD
                                                                                                                   19   Drilling Fluids Technology – DFT
                                  Australia. The Twelve Apostles is a series of                                    19   Drilling Practices – DP
                                                                                                                   20   Fundamentals of Casing Design – FCD
                                  limestone rock stacks rising to heights of 148 ft                                22   Managing Wellsite Operations – MWC
                                  (45 m). The limestone dates back to 15 to 20                                     20   Offshore Drilling Operations - ODO
                                                                                                                   22   Practical Drilling Skills - PDS
                                  million years, with layers of varying density and                                21   Primary Cementing – Cementing I – PCE
                                                                                                                   23   Solids Control Systems – SCS
                                  durability.                                                                      21   Stuck Pipe Prevention – Train Wreck Avoidance™ – SPP
                                                                                                                   19   Well Design and Engineering – WDE
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
                       PETROPHYSICS                                             PRODUCTION AND COMPLETIONS
                                                                                                                                               PETROLEUM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                   ENGINEERING (CONTINUED)
24   Petrophysics Progression Matrix                                   37 Production Operations 1 – PO1 (Also available as a               57	Essential Leadership Skills for Technical Professionals – OM23
27   Applied Rock Mechanics – ARM                                         Virtual/Blended course)                                          58	Essential Technical Writing Skills – ETWS
26   Capillarity in Rocks – CIR                                        38 Production Technology for Other Disciplines – PTO                59 Making Change Happen: People and Process – MCPP
27   Cased Hole Formation Evaluation – CH                                 (Also available as a Virtual/Blended course)                     59 Managing and Leading Others – MLO
25   Coring and Core Analysis – CCA                                    44 Sand Control – SNDC                                              59 Meeting Management and Facilitation for the Petroleum Industry
24   Foundations of Petrophysics – FPP (Also available as a            44 Scale Identification, Remediation and Prevention Workshop            – MMF
     Virtual/Blended course)                                              – SIR (Virtual/Blended course)                                   58 Negotiation Skills for the Petroleum Industry – NSPI
26   Integration of Rocks, Log and Test Data – ILC                     38 Surface Production Operations – PO3                              59 Presentation Skills for the Petroleum Industry – PSPI
25   Mudlogging – MDLG                                                 45 Surface Water Management in Unconventional Resource Plays        58 Team Building for Intact Teams – TB
26   Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Petrophysics – NMRP                 – SWM                                                            58 Team Leadership – TLS
25   Petrophysics of Unconventional Reservoirs – PUR                   39 Unconventional Resources Completion and Stimulation – URCS
26   Shaly Sand Petrophysics – APS                                     45 Water Management in Heavy Oil Resource Operations – HOWM                         INTEGRATED - HEAVY OIL
27   Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Dipmeters and      38 Well Stimulation: Practical and Applied – WS
     Borehole-Imaging Logs – SSI
25   Well Log Interpretation – WLI (Virtual/Blended option coming                                                                          7  Evaluating and Developing Heavy Oil Resources – HOED
     soon)                                                                      HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                                                                           6  Field Study – Heavy Oil Resources – HOFS
27   Wireline Formation Testing and Interpretation – WFT                                                                                   9  Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Heavy Oil
                                                                       46   Health, Safety, Environment Progression Matrix                    Reservoirs – HORC
               RESERVOIR ENGINEERING                                   47   Applied Environmental Management – HS23                        10 Geomechanics for Heavy Oil – HOGM
                                                                       47   Applied HSE Management – HS28                                   7 Overview of Heavy Oil Resources – HOOV
                                                                       46   Competent Person Fall Protection – FPST                        33 Reservoir Modeling of Heavy Oil Resources – HORM
28 Reservoir Engineering Progression Matrix                                                                                                45 Water Management in Heavy Oil Resource Operations – HOWM
                                                                       48   Fundamentals of Process Safety – PS2
29 Applied Reservoir Engineering – RE (Also available as a
                                                                       48   Risk Based Process Safety Management – HS45
   Virtual/Blended course)
29 Basic Reservoir Engineering – BR (Also available as a                                                                                             UNCONVENTIONAL RESOURCES
   Virtual/Blended course)                                                        OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE
31 Capillarity in Rocks – CIR
30 Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals – EORC                                                                                      40 Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing – AHF
34 Decline Curve Analysis and Diagnostic Methods for Performance       49 Applied Maintenance Management – OM21
                                                                       49 Maintenance Planning and Work Control – OM41                     16 Advanced Practices in Exploration and Development of
   Forecasting – DCA                                                                                                                          Unconventional Resources – EDUR
30 Enhanced Oil Recovery Fundamentals – ORE                                                                                                27 Applied Rock Mechanics – ARM
31 Enhanced Oil Recovery with Gas Injection – EORG                                                                                         6 Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices – BE
34 Gas Reservoir Management – GRM                                               PETROLEUM DATA MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                                           5 Basic Petroleum Technology – BPT
32 History Matching and Reservoir Optimization – HMRO                                                                                      37 Completions and Workovers – CAW
34 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Analysis and Design – HML1                                                                           22 Directional, Horizontal, and Multilateral Drilling – DHD
32 Integrated Reservoir Modeling – GRD                                 50 	ArcGIS Coordinate Reference Systems for Petroleum – GISC
                                                                       50 ArcGIS Data Management for Petroleum – GISD                      7 Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources – SRE
34 Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Geologic and Engineering                                                                                24 Foundations of Petrophysics – FPP
   Analysis – FR                                                       50 ArcGIS Essentials for Petroleum – GISE
                                                                       49 Geomatics: Geodesy and Cartography – GEOM1                       43 Gas Production Engineering – GPO
35 New Opportunities in Old Fields – NOF                                                                                                   34 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Analysis and Design – HML1
32 Oil and Gas Reserves Evaluation – OGR                               49 Introduction to Data Management – IDM
                                                                       50 Seismic Positioning Data Management – SPDM                       45 Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Completions and Stimulation
32 Reservoir Characterization: A Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach                                                                             – HML2
   – RC                                                                                                                                    40 Hydraulic Fracturing Applications – HFU
30 Reservoir Engineering for Other Disciplines – REO                                                                                       10 Petroleum Systems Analysis - PSA
31 Reservoir Fluid Properties: Preparation for Reservoir Engineering                   PETROLEUM BUSINESS
                                                                                                                                           25 Petrophysics of Unconventional Reservoirs – PUR
   and Simulation Studies – RFP                                                                                                            37 Production Operations 1 – PO1
33 Reservoir Management – RM                                                                                                               55 Project Management in Upstream Field Development – FPM2
33 Reservoir Management for Unconventional Reservoirs – RMUR           52 Advanced Decision Analysis with Portfolio and Project Modeling
                                                                          – ADA                                                            33 Reservoir Management for Unconventional Reservoirs – RMUR
33 Reservoir Modeling of Heavy Oil Resources – HORM                                                                                        45 Surface Water Management in Unconventional Resource Plays
33 Reservoir Simulation Strategies – RSS                               51 Basic Petroleum Economics – BEC3
                                                                       52 Cost Management – CM                                                – SWM
35 Streamlines: Applications to Reservoir Simulation,                                                                                      35 Unconventional Resource and Reserve Evaluations - URRE
   Characterization and Management – SRS                               52 Economics of Worldwide Petroleum Production – EWP
                                                                       51 Expanded Basic Petroleum Economics – BEC                         39 Unconventional Resources Completion and Stimulation – URCS
35 Unconventional Resource and Reserve Evaluation - URRE                                                                                   17 Use of Full Azimuth Seismic and Microseismic for Unconventional
31 Waterflooding A to Z – WF                                           53 Fundamentals of International Oil and Gas Law – IOG
                                                                       53 International Petroleum Contracts – IPC                             Plays – FAMS
30 Well Test Design and Analysis – WTA                                                                                                     19 Well Design and Engineering – WDE
                                                                       51 Introduction to Petroleum Business – IPB
                                                                       53 Petroleum Finance and Accounting Principles – PFA                30 Well Test Design and Analysis – WTA
                ENGINEERING                                            52 Petroleum Risk and Decision Analysis – PRD
                                                                       53 Strategic Thinking: A Tool-Based Approach – STT
                                                                                                                                               60   INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES
36   Production / Completions Engineering Progression Matrix
40   Acidizing Applications in Sandstones and Carbonates – ASC
40   Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing – AHF                                         PROCUREMENT / SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                                                                                                               PETROSKILLS SPECIAL FEATURES
45   Applied Water Technology in Oil and Gas Production – PF21
41   Artificial Lift Systems – ALS                                     54 Contracts and Tenders Fundamentals – SC41
41   Beam Pumps – BP                                                   55 Cost/Price Analysis and Total Cost Concepts in Supply             2 PetroSkills Alliance
38   Coiled Tubing Interventions – CTI                                    Management – SC64                                                 3 In-House Training
37   Completions and Workovers – CAW (Also available as a Virtual/     54 Effective Materials Management – SC42                             4 Comprehensive Solutions
     Blended course)                                                   54 Inside Procurement in Oil and Gas – SC61                          5 PetroAcademy - Blended Learning Solutions
40   Downhole Remediation Practices for Mature Oil and Gas Wells       54 Strategic Procurement and Supply Management in the Oil and        7 Sign Up for Emails
     – DRP                                                                Gas Industry – SC62                                              23 Unconventional Resources Progression
41   Electrical Submersible Pumps – ESP                                55 Supplier Relationship Management – SC63                          35 eLearning - ePilot and ePetro
43   Flow Assurance for Offshore Production – FAOP                                                                                         41 Sign Up for Emails
43   Formation Damage: Causes, Prevention, and Remediation – FD                                                                            42 Testimonials - Our Participants Say It Best
42   Gas Lift – GLI                                                                    PROJECT MANAGEMENT                                  48 Field Trips
43   Gas Production Engineering – GPO                                                                                                      51 PetroSkills Conference Center
43   Gas Well Deliquification – GWD                                                                                                        71 Sign Up for Emails
45   Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Completions and Stimulation    57   Advanced Project Management – FPM62                            72 In-House Training
     – HML2                                                            57   Advanced Project Management II – FPM63                         Inside Back Cover Regional Contacts and Registration
40   Hydraulic Fracturing Applications – HFU                           57   Advanced Project Management Workshop - APMW                    Inside Back Cover CEU/PDH Certificates
39   NODAL Analysis Workshop – NAW (Virtual/Blended course)            56   Managing Brownfield Projects – FPM42                           Back Cover PetroAcademy - Blended Learning Solutions
39   Performance Analysis, Prediction, and Optimization Using          55   Petroleum Project Management: Principles and Practices – PPM
     Nodal Analysis – PO2                                              56   Managing Project Controls for Contractors and Owners - PC21
42   Plunger Lift – PLS                                                56   Project Management for Engineering and Construction – FPM22
44   Production Chemistry – OGPC                                       55   Project Management in Upstream Field Development – FPM2
44   Production Logging – RMP                                          56   Risk Management for Upstream Capital Projects – PMRM
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
What Sets PetroSkills Apart? The Alliance.

Created in 2001 by BP, Shell, and OGCI, the PetroSkills Alliance provides “important but not unique” high quality, business-relevant,
competency-based training. Through its growing membership, the Alliance has successfully evolved into an industry-driven and approved
program that spans the value chain.


                                      Build competent petroleum professionals by delivering learning and development
Mission:                              when, where, and how customers need it.
                                                                                            • Provide the highest quality, business relevant programs that span all
                                             ALLIANCE                                         technical processes, and give management assurance they have the skilled
The Member Advisory Board provides
industry-led guidance, and member               Detailed Competency Maps,                     people needed to maximize asset value
subject matter experts ensure that                  continually updated and reviewed,
content aligns with industry need                       provide the industry-               • Offer added value to employees via new, broad-reaching courses that fill
through technical discipline                              benchmark framework for
networks.                                                   development.                      gaps, deliver the ability to perform, and provide the assurance to prove it
                                 PetroSkills                                                • Ensure PetroSkills instructors are the best available
                                  Alliance                                                  • Develop and continuously improve PetroSkills Competency Maps and
COMPETENCY                        (collaboration)           CONTENT -                         progression trees; continue to align Competency Maps with corporate
SOLUTIONS                                                KNOWLEDGE WHEN, WHERE,               business goals
                                                         AND HOW IT IS NEEDED
Software, consulting, workforce
development, and tailored solutions
                                                                                            • Lower internal training costs by reducing administrative burdens,
                                             Instructor-led training in multiple delivery
ensure organizational competency.            models, PetroCore® Reference for on-demand       improving economies of scale, and/or eliminating marginal courses
                                             technical information, effective web-based
                                             learning modules, and blended coaching/        • Increase the availability of courses in both the number of offerings and the
                                             mentoring accelerate time to competency.
                                                                                              number of delivery locations, thereby delivering competencies at the lowest
                                                                                              total cost

                                      For more information on membership, go to petroskills.com/membership
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills

               In-house courses deliver private, on-site training
               to your group, whenever, wherever, and however
               you need it.

               Save time, money, and travel hassles by bringing
               our course to your site, or any location that suits you.

               If you do not have enough participants for an in-house session,
               we may be able to schedule an on-demand public session in
               your location.

               For more information, or to reserve training for your team,
               go to petroskills.com/inhouse
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
How do you meet the challenges of competency development?

                                      PetroSkills Solutions


         Blended Learning Skill Modules. Integrating
         live classroom activities, online learning and
         technical coaching.
                                                                       Pilot          and
                                                                  e-Learning. Online learning libraries deliver
                                                                  effective training anytime, anywhere.

   Competency Maps
Industry Benchmarks. Developed with
industry-leading Alliance members.

                                                                 Learning and Compliance Management System.
                                                                 Online, on-the-job access to learning programs,
                                                                 progress tracking, and curriculum development.

    Competency Management. Web-based software
    that builds, manages, and assures competency.

                                                           Technical Reference. Online, on-demand access
                                                           to technical knowledge, documents, and articles.

2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
INTRODUCTORY AND MULTI-DISCIPLINE                                                                                                        5

                                                                      Basic Petroleum                                      Basic Petroleum
                                                                      Technology                                           Technology – BPT
                                                                      Principles – BPTP
                                                                      BASIC                         20 HOURS               BASIC                                   5-DAY
                             PetroAcademy                                                                                  This course provides the participant with an

                                                                                                                           understanding of basic petroleum technology in
                                                                                                                           the context of the Petroleum Value Chain and
                             Blended Learning Solutions                PetroAcademy
                                                                                                                           Asset Management, from exploration to
                                                                                                                           abandonment. Unconventional shale (tight oil and
                                                                                                                           gas) and conventional oil and gas are covered.
                                                                           BLENDED LEA RNING                               The participant will understand how and when
        Reduced time to competency                                                                                         geoscience and engineering professionals use
                                                                                                                           technology to determine and then optimize the
                                                                     This course will be delivered virtually through
        Eliminated travel expense                                    PetroAcademy providing participants with the
                                                                                                                           economic value of an oil and gas field. This
                                                                                                                           enables the participant to maximize their
                                                                     knowledge they need at their convenience.             professional and administrative contribution in
        Flexibility—less time away from work                         This course provides the participant with an
                                                                                                                           their organization. Participants first learn and
                                                                                                                           understand why various global oil and gas
                                                                     understanding of basic petroleum technology           production types and plays (unconventional and
        Learning applied at point of need                            in the context of the Petroleum Value Chain,
                                                                     from exploration to abandonment. The
                                                                                                                           conventional) have different value. The participant
                                                                                                                           learns which technologies are used by the
                                                                     participant will understand how and when              geoscience and engineering departments during
PetroAcademy Blended Learning Programs may include activities        geoscience and engineering professionals use          each stage of the asset life cycle and WHY! This
                                                                     technology to find, then determine and optimize       E&P lifecycle context accelerates an
such as reading assignments, self-paced e-Learning, virtual          the economic value of an oil and gas field. This      understanding of basic petroleum technologies
instructor-led sessions, discussion forums, group exercises,         enables the participant to maximize their             and the oil industry. This learning is achieved
case studies, quizzes, field trips, and other activities. These      professional and administrative contribution in       through guided discussions, videos, animations,
                                                                     their organization.                                   and progressive team exercises utilizing ‘Our
continuous development activities increase knowledge retention,                                                            Reservoir’ and ‘Our Well’ as working models.
                                                                     DESIGNED FOR
reduce time to competency, and provide just in time learning at      Those who need to achieve a context and               DES IGNED FOR
the point of need.                                                   understanding of E&P technologies, and the            This course is appropriate for those who need to
                                                                     role of technical departments in oil and gas          achieve a context and understanding of E&P
                                                                     operations. An understanding and use of               technologies in conventional and unconventional
Blended Learning Program Example:                                                                                          fields, and/or the role of technical departments in
                                                                     oilfield terminology is developed.
                                                                                                                           oil and gas operations, and/or be able to
                                                                     YOU WILL LEA RN                                       understand and use the language of the oilfield.
  Virtual Instructor-Led
                                                                     • Historical petroleum occurrences and usage          Y OU WILL LEARN
     Training Session                                                • The objectives and processes of the                 • The E&P Process and how it differs in
                                                                       exploration phase of the E&P asset life cycle         conventional vs unconventional plays, the role
                    PetroCore®                                       • The objectives, processes, and economic               of each technical department and specialist,
                                                                       metrics of the appraisal phase of the E&P             and the technologies used
                 Reference Articles                                    assest life cycle                                   • The economic value and properties of
                                                                     • Basic reserves and production value                   reservoir fluids
                                  Moderated                            concepts                                            • Petroleum geology for exploration and
                               Discussion Forum                      • The Earth's structure, continental drift, and         production
                                                                       plate tectonics role in oil and gas exploration     • About oil and gas reservoirs, both
                                                                     • Rock types and classification in an oil and           conventional and unconventional, and
                                                  E-Learning           gas context                                           understand the key differences
                                                                     • The relationship between depositional               • Exploration and appraisal technologies
                                                                       environments and geological settings                • Drilling operations for exploration,
                                                                     • Exploration concepts                                  development and production
                                                                     • Elements of a successful petroleum system           • Production - well completions and production
                                                                     • Key differences between unconventional and            technology
                                                                       conventional petroleum systems                      • Reservoir recovery mechanisms through
                                                                     • Features of structural contour and isopach            primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery
                                                                       maps                                                • Surface processing of produced fluids
                                                                     • The basic reservoir rock properties and the         COURS E CONTE N T
                                                                       significance of core samples                        World hydrocarbon production and consumption
                                                                     • The roles involved in exploration                   review including reserves, benchmarks, and the
                                                                     • Rig type classification and selection for           impact of shale resources • Reservoir fluid
                                                                       onshore and offshore drilling                       properties • Petroleum geology • The
                                                                     • and more...                                         petroleum reservoir, conventional and
                                                                                                                           unconventional • Exploration technologies for
                                                                     COURSE CONTENT                                        conventional and unconventional reservoirs
                                                                     E&P industry and asset life cycle • Petroleum         including initial reserve estimates and
                                                                     geology • Hydrocarbon reservoirs • Rock and           consequent field development • Drilling and
                                                                     fluid properties • Surface/subsurface                 operations • Well completions and workovers •
                                                                     exploration • Drilling operations and well            Production operations • Reservoir recovery
                                                                     completions • Production operations                   mechanisms • Surface processing

                                                                        2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                                    AVAILABLE ON-DEMAND                          $2940          2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                                                                                         HOUSTON, US            5-9 MAR                   $4140
                                                                                                                                                9-13 JUL                  $4140
                                                                                                                                                8-12 OCT                  $4140
                                                                          FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT                    KUALA LUMPUR, MYS      3-7 DEC                   $4970
                                                                                                                         LONDON, UK             14-18 MAY             $4790+VAT
                                                                                                                                                5-9 NOV               $4790+VAT

For more information, visit petroskills.com/blended
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
6                            INTRODUCTORY AND MULTI-DISCIPLINE
                                                           Basic Petroleum                                           Basic Drilling,
  Overview of the                                                                                                                                                               Field Study – Heavy Oil
                                                           Engineering Practices                                     Completion and
  Petroleum Industry                                                                                                                                                            Resources – HOFS
                                                           – BE                                                      Workover Operations
  – OVP
                                                                                                                     – BDC
  BASIC                                   2-Day            BASIC                                     5-Day           BASIC                                     5-Day            BASIC                                  3-Day
  OVP presents an overview of the Petroleum                This course is a basic introduction to most               This course presents the basics of drilling and             FIELD TRIP
  Industry from the point of view of the Asset Life        aspects of the Petroleum Engineering discipline,          completion operations, plus post-completion                This course is geologically and technically
  Cycle. Participants will gain an understanding of        which includes reservoir, production, and drilling        enhancement (workovers). Participants will learn           focused but instructed in such a manner that all
  Exploration, Appraisal, Development and                  engineering as well as related topics. This               to visualize what is happening downhole,                   disciplines and experience levels will
  Production phases with particular emphasis               course lays the groundwork for further                    discover what can be accomplished, and learn               understand. Technologies for mining and in-situ
  being placed on actions they can personally              specialized training in advanced courses for oil          how drilling and completion can alter reservoir            production of bitumen from the Athabasca oil
  take within each phase to support value                  company and service company personnel. The                performance. Learn to communicate with                     sand region are reasonably recent commercial
  creation. Through use of lecture, multimedia             course focuses on the field and application               drilling and production personnel. No experience           applications and the future levels of production
  and class interactive exercises, a breadth of            approach and includes classroom exercises,                or prerequisites are required.                             face uncertainty because of highly debated
  upstream business acumen will be delivered               fundamental engineering problems, and basic                                                                          environmental challenges. The field course
  covering economic, business, geoscience and              field exercises. Basic Petroleum Engineering              DES IGNED FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                takes the participant to the rock; explaining
  engineering topics. Discussions will include             Practices will set the foundation for technical           Technical, field, service, support, and
                                                                                                                                                                                complex relationships and issues emanating
  topics related to all types of resource plays            professionals with regards to technology and its          supervisory personnel desiring to gain an
                                                                                                                                                                                from the depositional and structural framework.
  including deepwater, shale oil/gas and                   engineering applications. The course starts out           awareness of wellbore operations. Excellent for
  enhanced oil recovery technologies.                      with a brief introduction of the history and              cross-training of other technical disciplines such         DES IGNED FOR
                                                           current state of the oil and gas industry. Next,          as reservoir and facility engineers, geoscientists,        Anyone of any discipline who wants a hands-on
                                                           reservoir fluids, petroleum geology, and                  supervisors, service personnel, and anyone who             understanding of the Athabasca Oil Sands.
  Both technical and business oriented
                                                           petroleum reservoirs are discussed. Then,                 interacts with drilling, completion or workover
  professionals who are either new to the
                                                           various facets of exploration technology, drilling        engineers.                                                 Y OU WILL LEARN
  upstream oil and gas industry or experienced in
                                                           engineering and operations, well completion                                                                          • How to understand the depositional and
  one part, but could benefit from a wider point of                                                                  Y OU WILL LEA RN
                                                           technology, and production technology are                                                                              stratigraphic framework of the McMurray
  view. OVP will likewise deliver for non-industry                                                                   • How to comprehend drilling and workover
                                                           covered before finishing with surface processing                                                                       Formation
  personnel a broad, basic knowledge set of                                                                            reports
                                                           of produced fluids.                                                                                                  • How to understand the structural setting and
  multiple E&P topics. Legal, Financial,                                                                             • What can be done within open-hole                          relationships of timing, emplacement and
  Accounting, Management, and Service                      DESI GN ED FOR                                              and cased wells, as a part of reservoir                    preservation of Alberta's bitumen/heavy oil
  Company team members will certainly benefit.             Engineers, engineering trainees, technical                  management                                                 resource
  YO U W IL L L E A R N                                    managers and assistants, technicians,                     • How drilling practices can optimize cash flow            • The complex lithologic heterogeneities of the
  • The critical importance the industry plays             geologists, geophysicists, chemists, physicists,            and ultimate recovery                                      McMurray and their effect on mining and in-
    on the world's economic stage, including               service company personnel, sales                          • How to communicate with drilling and                       situ production
    discussions of pricing, global reserves and            representatives, and data processing personnel.             production personnel                                     • To appreciate the challenges and progress
    key short/long-term energy trends.                                                                                                                                            of environmental preservation efforts for the
                                                           YOU W I LL L EARN                                         COURS E CONTENT
  • Business and exploration elements critical                                                                                                                                    development and production of Alberta's
                                                           •   Basic petroleum geology                               Overview of the drilling process • Language of
    to the success of organizations in search of                                                                                                                                  bitumen resource
                                                           •   Reservoir fluid and rock properties                   drilling, completing, and well intervention • Drill
    new reserves
                                                           •   Fundamentals of reservoir fluid flow                  string components: bits and accessories •                  COURS E CONTE N T
  • Methods by which new field prospects are
                                                           •   Oil and gas reservoir classification, definition,     Drilling fluids and hydraulics • Hole problems,            Overview of the geology, history and
    evaluated and risk factors assessed (Geology,
                                                               delineation, and development                          stuck pipe, side-tracking and fishing • Cores              development of Canada oil sands • McMurray
    Geophysics, Petrophysics)
                                                           •   Unconventional resources                              and coring • Electric logging, MWD, LWD •                  oil sand stratigraphy • Depositional details of
  • How exploration rights are acquired (Land
                                                           •   Fundamentals of drilling, well completion, and        Casing design and installation • Primary and               the McMurray formation • Overview of
    themes, International Concessions)
                                                               production operations                                 remedial cementing • Directional, horizontal,              structural evolution and bitumen resources • Oil
  • The basic process for drilling and evaluating
                                                           •   Basics of casing design and primary                   multilateral and under-balanced drilling •                 sand mining methodology • Environmental
    an exploration well (Drilling, Petrophysics,
                                                               cementing                                             Wellhead equipment and trees • Options for                 challenges for Alberta's bitumen resources •
                                                           •   Primary and enhanced recovery mechanisms              completions and workovers • Tubing, packers                Current status and future plans for reclamation
  • Major steps required to appraise a new
                                                           •   Surface operations                                    and completion equipment • Safety and flow                 mining activities
    discovery and estimate its commerciality
                                                                                                                     control devices • Open hole completions •
    (Reservoir Engineering)                                C OU RSE C ON T EN T                                      Perforating • Coil tubing operations • Wireline
  • Strategies to maximize the value of an oil or          Reservoir fluid properties • Petroleum geology •          techniques • Well stimulation - surfactants,
    gas field asset                                        Reservoir properties and evaluation •                     solvents, acidizing, hydraulic fracturing •
  • How geology and reservoir management                   Unconventional resources • Exploration                    Formation and sand control - mechanical
    plans are used to guide new field                      technology • Drilling engineering • Well                  retention, chemical consolidation, and gravel
    development                                            completion, stimulation, and workover • Well              packing • Scale and corrosion • Directional
  • Major steps in the design, construction, and           testing and formation damage • Production                 drilling and multi-laterals • Scale and corrosion
    commissioning of facilities                            operations • Recovery methods                             • Paraffin and asphaltenes
  • Basic technical and operational steps                  Surface processing
    required to produce an oil or gas field
    (Production Engineering)
  • Types of opportunities to optimize older fields                                                                   BDC ALSO AVAILABLE AS A
    and increase production                                                                                         SELF-PACED, VIRTUAL COURSE
  The business of E&P • Hydrocarbon origin •                                                                               VIRTUAL DELIVERY $3930
  Exploration - acquisition of exploration/
  development rights • Exploration - prospect

  generation and evaluation • Appraisal - asset
  characterization and reserve quantification •                                                                      PETROSKILLS.COM/VIRTUAL-BDC
  Development - drilling, completion, and facilities
  • Produce Asset - recovery optimization
                                                                                                                          2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                                 2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)                   DALLAS, US             8-12 OCT                     $4090
                                                         DENVER, US              17-21 SEP                 $4140   DENVER, US             9-13 JUL                     $4140
                                                         HOUSTON, US             11-15 JUN                 $4140   HOUSTON, US            23-27 APR                    $4140
                                                                                 29 OCT-2 NOV              $4140                          27-31 AUG                    $4140       2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                         KUALA LUMPUR, MYS       6-10 AUG                  $4970                          3-7 DEC                      $4140 FT MCMURRAY, CANADA † 27-29 AUG
       2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)                   LONDON, UK              3-7 DEC               $4790+VAT   KUALA LUMPUR, MYS      15-19 OCT                    $4970
HOUSTON, US           17-18 SEP                  $2485   OKLAHOMA CITY, US       30 JUL-3 AUG              $4090   LONDON, UK             13-17 AUG                $4790+VAT                                 † includes field trip

       +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)                                                     Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
INTRODUCTORY AND MULTI-DISCIPLINE                                                                                                                  7

  Overview of Heavy Oil                                 Evaluating and                                         Evaluating and

                                                                                                                                                                                               Si rece con
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to able
  Resources – HOOV

                                                                                                                                                                                                 gn iv te
                                                        Developing Heavy Oil                                   Developing Shale


                                                                                                                                                                                                    up e nt
                                                        Resources – HOED                                       Resources – SRE
  BASIC                                   2-Day         FOUNDATION                              5-Day          FOUNDATION                                5-Day
  This course is sufficiently detailed and widely       Cold production, oil sands mining and in-situ          This course will cover current practices for
  focused to appeal to a broad audience,                thermal production methodologies are important         evaluating, drilling, and completing these
  including non-technical, administrative, and          contributors to the world’s oil production. The        challenging reservoirs. Discussions and
  business groups, as well as scientists and            course takes an unbiased practical approach to         exercises will include a focus on the limitations
  engineers, seeking an introduction to the
  business of heavy oil. Heavy oil is a large
  component of the world's oil resource.
                                                        the applications, citing benefits and limitations.
                                                        The course provides an overview and details of
                                                        specific occurrences of the geology, evaluation,
                                                                                                               of many of the current tools and technologies.
                                                                                                               Information and opportunities for many current
                                                                                                               and international shale plays will be described.
                                                                                                                                                                        Available to You
  Commercial mining and current in-situ thermal         development and commerciality of heavy oil/in-         The participant should leave the course with a
  production methodologies are important                situ oil sands resources. Each attendee should         foundational understanding of value-adding
  contributors to the world's oil production. These     come away with a great foundational knowledge          shale gas resource practices and an insight into
  technologies are reasonably recent commercial         of the business of evaluating and developing           determining the critical reservoir and stimulation
  applications, and the future levels of production     heavy oil resources.                                   parameters used to predict a potential
  face uncertainty because of highly debated                                                                   commercial resource play.
  environmental challenges. This course takes an        DESI GN ED FOR
  unbiased practical approach to the recent             Anyone from any discipline who needs a better          DES IGNED FOR
  commercial applications of commercial mining          understanding of heavy oil/oil sands resources,        Reservoir, production and completion engineers,
  and in-situ thermal production of heavy oil           but more specifically designed for geoscientists       petrophysicists, geologists, geophysicists, and
  resources, citing benefits and limitations. The       or engineers with a need to better understand          other professionals who desire a thorough
  course provides an overview of the aspects of         the challenges of evaluating and developing            overview of shale resource development.
  the geology, development and commerciality of         heavy oil/oil sands resources.
  heavy oil resources. This course contains                                                                    Y OU WILL LEA RN HOW TO
                                                        YOU W I LL L EARN H O W TO                             • Describe the resource potential and economic
  exercises and class problems to support the
                                                        • Evaluate and develop heavy oil/oil sands               importance of shale gas and shale oil
                                                          resources                                            • Describe the similarities/differences between
  DES IG NE D F O R                                     • Understand the importance of heavy oil/                shale gas, tight gas, and coalbed methane
  Anyone from any discipline who needs a better           oil sands resources in today's world energy          • Recognize and describe shale play
  understanding of heavy oil resources.                   market                                                 differences and critical reservoir properties to
                                                        • Contrast heavy oil/oil sands resources                 identify the sweet spots
  YO U W IL L L E A R N                                   as compared to conventional and other                • Estimate gas and oil in place
  • The geologic and engineering challenges to            unconventional resources with aspects of             • Apply different resource evaluation
    finding, developing, and producing heavy oil          finding, developing, and producing                     techniques recognizing the advantages and
    resources                                           • Understand the geology, critical attributes,           disadvantages of each technique
  • About the importance of heavy oil resources           and commerciality of the Canadian heavy oil/         • Apply drilling, completion, and stimulation            Keep current and
    in today's world energy market
  • How to evaluate the challenges and
                                                          oil sands
                                                        • Collect the appropriate data and evaluate the
                                                                                                                 technology to shale gas and shale oil
                                                                                                                                                                        ensure you always
    opportunities for understanding and
    improving the environmental footprint
                                                          critical geologic and reservoir parameters of
                                                          various types of heavy oil/oil sands resources
                                                                                                               • Evaluate and forecast individual well and
                                                                                                                 reservoir performance
                                                                                                                                                                        have the latest
    required to develop and produce heavy oil           • Recognize and evaluate the environmental             • Determine how to estimate well reserves in             information by
  • The contrast between heavy oil resources
                                                          challenges required to develop and produce
                                                          heavy oil/oil sands resources
                                                                                                                 both PDP (proved developed producing) and
                                                                                                                 PUD (proved undeveloped) categories                    joining our email
    versus conventional and other unconventional
    resources with aspects of finding, developing,
                                                        • Understand the process and methodology to
                                                          evaluate, select, plan, design, and implement        COURS E CONTENT
    and producing                                         a heavy oil/oil sands recovery project               Current shale plays and their global impact •
  • The process and methodology to plan,                • Become knowledgeable of the worldwide                Reservoir characterization and evaluation:
    design, implement, and evaluate heavy oil             distribution and geologic setting of the more        organic quality, rock quality and mechanical
  • About the geology and commerciality of the
                                                          significant heavy oil occurrences                    quality properties; geological setting; rock
                                                                                                               properties; petrophysical considerations; the
                                                                                                                                                                        You Will Receive:
                                                        C OU RSE C ON T EN T                                   role of seismic data in field evaluation • Drilling:
    Canadian Oil Sands
                                                        Bitumen and heavy oil introduction and                 vertical vs. horizontal wells; pilot holes; fluids;
                                                                                                                                                                        • Complimentary learning and
  • About the world-wide distribution and
    geologic setting of the more significant heavy      definitions • Comparison of conventional and           MWD and LWD; wellbore sizes and lateral;                   development resources
    oil occurrences including Venezuela                 unconventional reservoirs • Worldwide heavy            drilling challenges; mechanical considerations •
                                                        oil/oil sands resources and occurrences •              Completions: cased vs. open hole; perforation            • Information on new courses and
  C OUR S E C O N T E N T                               Geology and overview of Venezuela and Trinidad         schemes; stimulation design and                            instructors
  Comparison of conventional and unconventional         heavy oil resources • Introduction of United           considerations; case histories • Field trials and
  reservoirs • Worldwide heavy oil resources and        States heavy oil occurrences (Utah, California,        pilots: strategies for implementing a pilot              • Additional public course
  occurrences • Bitumen and heavy oil definitions       and Texas) • Geology, history, and development         program to optimize well drilling, completion,
  and introduction • Geology, history, and              of Canada heavy oil/oil sands • Heavy oil/oil          understanding Stimulated Rock Volume (SRV)
                                                                                                                                                                          locations and dates
  development of Canada oil sands • Oil sand            sands characteristics and development                  using microseismic, fiber optics, production
  characteristics and development strategies • Oil      strategies • Oil sands mining details and              logs, and other resources • Production
                                                                                                                                                                        • Invitations for PetroSkills
  sand mining details and reclamation • Oil sands       reclamation • Environmental challenges for oil         forecasting and reserve calculations:                       events and conferences
  in-situ project review • Introduction of Steam        sands resources • Heavy oil and in-situ oil sans       volumetrics; performance analysis; simulation;
  Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) • Other              recovery process review • Introduction to Steam        resource development; decline curve analysis;
  commercial thermal in-situ methodologies •            Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) • Other               handling uncertainty in estimates • Logistics,
  Environmental challenges for heavy oil                commercial thermal in-situ methodologies •             pad design, field development, water resources
  resources • Geology and overview of Venezuela         Commercial application of Cold Heavy Oil               and the social license                                   Simply go to
  and Trinidad heavy oil resources • Commercial
  application of Cold Heavy Oil Production with
                                                        Production with Sand (CHOPS) in Canada and
                                                        other non-thermal heavy oil recovery methods •
  Sand (CHOPS) in Venezuela • Introduction of           Field examples and development strategies of
  United States heavy oil occurrences (Utah,            heavy oil and in-situ oil sands recovery projects
  California and Texas)                                 • Overview of thermal well completions and                  2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                        production facilities • Reserves and economics       DENVER, US             5-9 NOV                    $4240
                                                                                                             HOUSTON, US            13-17 AUG                  $4240
                                                                                                             LONDON, UK             17-21 SEP              $4890+VAT
       2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)                       2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)                 PITTSBURGH, US         18-22 JUN                  $4240
CALGARY, CANADA       23-24 AUG            $2455+GST CALGARY, CANADA        30 JUL-3 AUG         $4190+GST                                      *plus computer charge

    Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.                                      +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
2018 Upstream Training and Development Guide - PetroSkills
Geology                                                                                                                                                                 Basic Petroleum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Geology – BG
                                                             Course Progression Matrix
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BASIC                                  5-Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     What is Basic Petroleum Geology? For all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     practical purposes it closely resembles the
               The Course Progression Matrix below shows how the Geology courses in this section are structured within each topic, from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     freshman level course that a non-science major
               Basic to Specialized. On either side of the Geology section, you will see courses in associated disciplines for cross-training. These                                                                                 at a university would take to satisfy the science
               matrices are ideal for building training plans for early-career staff or finding the right course to build upon existing knowledge                                                                                    requirement. Presentation is oriented toward
               and experience.                                                                                                                                                                                                       topics of interest to the petroleum industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     While high school chemistry and physics might
               As demonstrated by the FIELD TRIP icon next to our course titles, many of our courses include field trips. These courses bring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     help in understanding a very few selected
               material from the classroom into the field and allow participants to get an up-close view of geological concepts.                                                                                                     topics, the course is designed for those with no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     technical training (and those who studiously
               The following instructors have been selected and approved by the PetroSkills Curriculum Network:                                                                                                                      avoided science in school). Primary objectives of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the course are to broaden your geological
               Mr. Jeff Aldrich                           Dr. Michael Grammer                           Mr. Larry Lens                        Mr. Larry Moyer                         Dr. Lawrence Teufel                            vocabulary, explain selected geological
               Mr. Peter Bartok                           Dr. James Granath                             Ms. Randi Martinsen                   Dr. John Pigott                         Dr. William Wade                               principles and processes, and describe how
               Dr. Steven Boyer                           Mr. Andrew Harper                             Dr. Mark McCaffrey                    Dr. Dennis Prezbindowski                Dr. Brian Williams                             certain petroleum reservoirs and source rocks
               Mr. Satinder Chopra                        Dr. Howard Johnson                            Dr. Tim McMahon                       Dr. John Sneider                                                                       are formed.
               Dr. Bryan Cronin                           Mr. John Keasberry                            Dr. Clyde Moore                       Mr. Mehrdad Soltanzadeh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DES IGNED FOR
               Mr. John Dillon                            Mr. Jeff Lelek                                Mr. James Morse                       Dr. Tom Temples                                                                        Petroleum industry personnel in need of basic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     geological training, including engineering,
                    Geophysics                                                                               Geology                                                                Petrophysics              Production             geophysical, technical support, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and Drilling           administrative personnel.
                                           STRATIGRAPHY /               GEOCHEMISTRY            RESERVOIR           BASIN ANALYSIS        DEVELOPMENT            MAPPING / GIS
                                             STRUCTURE                                       CHARACTERIZATION                               GEOLOGY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Y OU WILL LEARN
                                                                                                                                                                                      Wireline                                       • About plate tectonics and petroleum

                     Advanced                                                                                                                                                        Formation                Naturally              • About geological time and history
                      Seismic                                                                                                                                                        Testing and              Fractured              • The fundamentals of rock formation and
                   Stratigraphy                                                                                                                                                     Interpretation            Reservoirs               deformation
                      (Page 17)                                                                                                                                                        (Page 26)                (Page 13)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • The essentials of various depositional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       environments and the reservoirs created
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       by them
                                                                                                                                                                                   Integration of                                    • The distribution of porosity and permeability
                                                                                                                                                                                  Rocks, Log and                                       in reservoirs produced in different
                                                                                                                                                                                     Test Data
                                                                                                                                                                                       (Page 25)                                       depositional environments
                                          Compressional                                                                                                                                                                              • How rock characteristics are related to
                                               and                                            Deep-water                                                                          Structural and                                       modern geological processes and applied to
                                          Transpressional                                       Turbidite                                                                          Stratigraphic

                                            Structural                                        Depositional                                                                       Interpretation of                                     the ancient record
                                              Styles                                          Systems and                                                                          Dipmeters and                                     • About petroleum reservoir and source rocks
                   Introduction              (Page 12)              Geochemical                Reservoirs          Basin Analysis                                                Borehole-Imaging            Reservoir               • Of petroleum origin, migration, and trapping
                     to Seismic
                                                                   Techniques for                (Page 12)          Workshop             Development                                   Logs               Characterization
                   Stratigraphy                                                                                        (Page 11)          Geology                                      (Page 26)                (Page 33)            • How to correlate electric logs and recognize
                      (Page 16)
                                            Analysis of           Solving Reservoir                                                        (Page 12)                                                                                   depositional environments on logs
                                            Structural              Management                 Integrated
                                             Traps in                 and Field                Carbonate             Prospect                                                     Petrophysics of             Integrated             • How to make contour maps and cross
                 AVO, Inversion,            Extensional             Development                 Reservoir            and Play             Operations                              Unconventional               Reservoir               sections
                   Attributes                Settings                Problems               Characterization        Assessment             Geology                                  Reservoirs                 Modeling
                      (Page 16)              (Page 11)                    (Page 12)              (Page 13)             (Page 13)           (Page 13)                                   (Page 24)                (Page 32)            • Elements of geophysics and exploration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • How geology bears directly on engineering
                                                                                                                                                              Subsurface                                                             COURS E CONTE N T
                                                                                                                                                            Mapping (Page 9)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Minerals and rocks • Plate tectonics •
                                                                                                                                                                  Mapping                                                            Geological time • Weathering and erosion •
                                                                                                                                                                 Structures           Well Log                                       Deposition • Diagenesis • Reservoirs •
                                                                                                                                                                   (Page 9)         Interpretation                                   Structural geology and petroleum • Origin,
                                                                                                                                                                                       (Page 24)
                                                                                                                                                                   ArcGIS                                                            migration, and trapping of petroleum
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Well Test Design

                                             Sequence                                                  Geomechanics for Heavy Oil (Page 10)                      Coordinate         Coring and             and Analysis
                                           Stratigraphy                                                                                                           Reference        Core Analysis                (Page 30)
                                             (Page 11)                                         Carbonate                                                         Systems for           (Page 24)
                                                                                               Reservoirs                                                         Petroleum
                                                                    Geochemistry:                                                                                 (Page 50)                                   Production
                                            Structural               Tools for                   (Page 9)                                                                          Foundations of         Technology for
                                             Styles in                Effective                                     Petroleum           Production              ArcGIS              Petrophysics          Other Disciplines
                       Seismic              Petroleum              Exploration and             Sandstone         Systems Analysis       Geology for          Essentials for            (Page 23)                (Page 38)
                   Interpretation           Exploration             Development                Reservoirs              (Page 10)
                                                                                                                                      Other Disciplines       Petroleum            (Also available as a    (Also available as a
                      (Page 15)              (Page 11)                    (Page 10)              (Page 9)                                  (Page 10)              (Page 50)      Virtual/Blended course) Virtual/Blended course)

                                                                                                Evaluating and Developing Shale Resources (Page 7)

                       (Page 15)                                                                                                                                                                            Basic Drilling
                  (Also available as a                                                                                                                                                                       Technology
                Virtual/Blended course)                                                                                                                                                                         (Page 18)

                    Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Heavy Oil Reservoirs                                                                                                                    Basic Reservoir
                                                            (Page 10)                                                                                                                                       Engineering

                                                                                              Basic Petroleum Geology (Page 8)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (Page 29)                2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Also available as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Virtual/Blended course)   BOGOTA, COLOMBIA      27-31 AUG            $4190+VAT
                                                                 Petroleum Geology for Early Career Geoscientists and Engineers (see website)                                                                                      DENVER, US            7-11 MAY                 $4140
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HOUSTON, US           8-12 OCT                 $4140
                                                                                                       Basic Petroleum Technology (Page 5)                                                                                         LONDON, UK            17-21 SEP            $4790+VAT
                                                                                       Basic Petroleum Technology Principles (Page 5) (Virtual/Blended course)
GEOLOGY                                                   9
Computer-Based                                        Carbonate Reservoirs                                      Sandstone Reservoirs                                   Mapping Subsurface
Subsurface Mapping                                    – PCR                                                     – SR                                                   Structures – MSS

FOUNDATION                                 5-Day      FOUNDATION                               5-Day            FOUNDATION                               5-Day         FOUNDATION                               5-Day
  NEW                                                 This rigorous workshop is a must for                      This course is essential for geoscientists and         Not just a collection of rules of thumb, this class
For geoscientists, contour maps have long been        geoscientists dealing with exploration for and            engineers involved in the exploration and              presents the fundamental concepts and
one of the most common tools used to convey           exploitation of carbonate reservoirs. The                 development of clastic reservoirs. It focuses on       techniques required to accurately construct
information. In the modern petroleum industry,        seminar emphasizes the complexity of                      methods that can be used to improve the                structure maps in 3D so that you will get the
contour maps are generally derived from grids         carbonate porosity. Its modification and                  prediction of reservoir size, shape, trend, and        most out of your data. Principles and techniques
created in interpretation software packages.          evolution will be discussed in a sea-level driven         quality through detailed analysis of depositional      are illustrated by solving numerous exercises by
Maps, or the grids themselves, are used to            sequence stratigraphic framework. Case                    environments. The sedimentary characteristics          hand (with drafting tools and a calculator) using
evaluate prospectivity, estimate prospect             histories and exercises from around the world             of each of the principal clastic depositional          strategies and workflows analogous to those
volumes, pick drilling locations, and are the         will be utilized throughout to illustrate important       systems are presented in detail, using examples        that participants will use back at the office using
inputs for basin models, and static reservoir         concepts. These exercises and case histories              from recent environments, outcrops, cores,             computers. Participants will be prepared to
models. Despite the importance of these maps          give the participant experience in developing             wireline logs, and test/production data from oil       develop more accurate structural models of
and the underlying grids, there is often a poor       viable exploration and exploitation strategies for        and gas fields in various parts of the world           reservoirs, avoid dry holes, find new traps in old
understanding of how the grids are generated          carbonate terrains.                                       (United States, North Sea/Atlantic, Africa, Middle     fields, extract the maximum information from
and what the implications may be for the final        In 2013 a new book, Carbonate Reservoirs, was             East, Far East, etc.). Practical exercises are         exploration wells, and validate or recognize
map. The underlying theme in this course is to        prepared by Drs. Moore and Wade specifically              taken from each of the principal depositional          errors in existing interpretations. Dr. Richard
think about what you are mapping. Common              to accompany this course and is furnished to all          settings and involve detailed mapping,                 Groshong's book, 3D Structural Geology, is
gridding algorithms and parameters are                course participants.                                      interpretation of core and log characteristics,        included with the course materials.
reviewed, with an emphasis on their strengths                                                                   and integration of data from FMI logs. Emphasis
                                                                                                                is placed on the application of fundamental            DES IGNED FOR
and weaknesses for different geological               DESI GN ED F OR
                                                      Exploration and development geologists,                   sedimentary principles (modern, ancient, and           Development geoscientists and those exploring
problems and input data sets. Participants are
                                                      exploration and development managers, and                 subsurface) to actual subsurface data so that          mature areas; early-career geoscientists and
asked to generate a variety of maps from
                                                      geophysicists as well as engineers with some              the participants can immediately use the               technologists who make structure maps; those
different input data types, seeing the impact
                                                      geologic background will benefit.                         information in their exploration and development       who need to judge the validity of maps and
that varying parameters can have on a single
                                                                                                                activities.                                            cross sections.
input data set. Participants will also utilize
various methods of quality control, grid editing,     YOU WI L L L EARN H O W TO
                                                                                                                DESIGNED FOR                                           Y OU WILL LEARN H O W TO
and grid manipulation (operations).                   • Recognize basic characteristics of carbonates
                                                        important to reservoir development                      Geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists,            •   Recognize common contouring pitfalls
                                                      • Understand how sequence stratigraphy                    reservoir and production engineers, exploration-       •   Find thickness in deviated wells
                                                        can be applied to carbonates and mixed                  production managers, all team members                  •   Use thickness maps to interpret structure
Geoscience professionals and support staff who
                                                        carbonate-siliciclastic systems                         involved in reservoir characterization, and            •   Construct predictive cross sections
generate structure, isochore, and other
                                                      • Understand the complexities of carbonate                technicians working with clastic reservoirs. The       •   Apply the best techniques for projecting data
subsurface maps using interpretation or
                                                        pore systems                                            course provides a refresher in new concepts in         •   Make fault maps and integrate them with
mapping software.
                                                      • Recognize the nature of carbonate porosity              this field for geoscientists at a foundation level.        horizon maps
YO U W IL L L E A R N H O W TO                          modification during diagenesis and the role of                                                                 •   Build a complete 3D interpretation
• Understand the impact of different algorithms         sea-level and climate in porosity modification          YOU WILL LEA RN HOW TO                                 •   Recognize valid and invalid fault surfaces
  on output maps                                        and gross reservoir heterogeneity                       • Interpret clastic depositional environments          •   Interpret folds and faults from dipmeters
• Determine appropriate choice of algorithm           • Develop viable exploration and exploitation               using data from cores, cuttings and wireline         •   Construct juxtaposition (Allan) diagrams for
  and gridding parameters for different data            strategies in carbonate terrains by working               logs (including FMI)                                     fault trap and seal analysis
  types and geologic scenarios                          with subsurface datasets                                • Apply new sequence stratigraphic concepts            •   Map structures with multiple overlapping
• Create structure, thickness, and attribute                                                                      to clastic reservoirs                                    faults
  grids using different techniques                    C OU RSE C ON T EN T                                      • Correlate wells using knowledge of
                                                                                                                  depositional environment                             COURS E CONTE N T
• Quality control and edit grids and contours         Basic nature of carbonates • Carbonate facies
                                                      models • Basic concepts of sequence                       • Predict reservoir size, shape, trend and             Manual and computer contouring techniques •
• Use grid operations to manipulate existing
                                                      stratigraphy • Relationship of stratigraphic                quality                                              Using dip in mapping • Different measures of
  grids and create new grids through simple
                                                      patterns to changes in subsidence rates •                                                                        thickness • Thickness in deviated wells •
  and complex operations
                                                      Sequence stratigraphic models including the               COURSE CONTENT                                         Thickness maps • Dip-domain cross sections •
• Generate Combined Risk Element Maps
                                                      ramp, the rimmed shelf, the escarpment                    Genetic stratigraphic analysis • Depositional          Data projection • Trend and plunge of folds on
• Generate detailed gross rock volume grids
                                                      margin, the isolated platform, and the mixed              architecture • Basins and units • Wireline logs        tangent diagrams • Composite-surface maps •
C OUR S E C O N T E N T                               carbonate-siliciclastic shelf • Characteristics of        and conventional cores • Seismic and sequence          Fault shapes and displacement distributions •
Introduction to mapping • Contouring review •         carbonate pore systems • Diagenesis, porosity             stratigraphy • Recognition of depositional             Relationships between stratigraphic separation
Coordinate system overview • Gridding                 evolution, and porosity distribution at the time of       systems • Process-response facies models •             and heave & throw • Faults on isopach maps
introduction • Gridding algorithms overview •         burial • The fate of early-formed porosity during         Integrated genetic stratigraphy • Analysis of          Mapping across faults • Structural quality-
Creating structure maps from well data •              burial • The potential value of dolomitization,           clastic depositional systems • Alluvial fan •          control techniques • Multiple-surface map
Creating maps from seismic data •                     including by hydrothermal processes • The                 Fluvial • Eolian • Deltaic • Shoreline • Shelf •       compatibility • Map validation using implied
Incorporating faults in structure maps •              problem of H2S in carbonate reservoirs •                  Deepwater systems • Incised sequences •                fault contours • Finding faults and fault
Creating isochore/attribute maps from well data       Natural fractures in carbonates • Case histories          Shelf margins and linked downslope systems •           orientations with SCAT analysis of dipmeters •
• Grid quality control • Grid editing • Grid          and exercises from the Americas, Europe, and              Characteristic log patterns • Flow units •             Soft linked and hard linked faults • Relay and
operations • Creating and combining stoplight         Asia • Exploration and exploitation strategies in         Prediction of reservoir size, shape, trend, quality    branching fault patterns • Mapping sequential
maps • Volumetrics                                    carbonate and mixed terrains                              • How to select optimum well locations •               cross-cutting faults
                                                                                                                Lateral continuity and quality of seals •
                                                                                                                Sedimentary controls on porosity, permeability,
                                                                                                                saturation • Reservoir exploration and
                                                                                                                production case histories • Exploration and
                                                                                                                production scaled case histories

                                                                                                                     2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                                                                              CALGARY, CANADA        3-7 DEC               $4190+GST
                                                                                                              DENVER, US             23-27 JUL                 $4240
                                                                                                              DUBAI, UAE             11-15 NOV                 $5340       2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)
                                                           2018 Schedule and Tuition (USD)                    HOUSTON, US            17-21 SEP                 $4240 HOUSTON, US      7-11 MAY                 $4265
     See website for dates and locations            HOUSTON, US            12-16 NOV                  $4265   LONDON, UK             4-8 JUN               $4890+VAT                           *plus computer charge

  Any course is available inhouse at your location. Contact us today.                                         +1.918.828.2500 | petroskills.com | +1.800.821.5933 (toll free North America)
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