Page created by Shane Gonzalez
                                  Flemington Market

We would like to cordially invite you to join our Sydney Motoring Festival Program for 2018.
Our programs include a Monthly Saturday Night Car and food truck event, a Monthly Sunday
Car Show & Shine with the Sydney markets. The Monthly events will all lead up to our inaugural
Grand Finale to be held on the 1st of October at the famous Flemington Market.
Event Date             Event Name                 Theme              Estimate Attendance

                                                       30 Food trucks
Saturday                Muscle cars Versus             200 Competitors
7th July                the World                      20 trade stalls                5,000 – 8,000
6pm – 10pm
                                                       Entertainment (DJ, Dance)

                                                       150 Competitors
                        Sunday Drivers retreat         50 trade stalls
22nd July                                              Entertainment (DJ, Dance)      10,000 – 15,000
10 am – 4 pm
                                                       Kid’s Programs

                                                       30 Food trucks
                        European Cars and Classics     200 Competitors
4th August                                                                            5,000 – 8,000
6pm – 10pm                                             20 trade stalls
                                                       Entertainment (DJ, Dance)

                                                       150 Competitors
                                                       50 trade stalls
                        Car Swap meet and Greet        Entertainment (DJ, Dance)
19th August                                                                           10,000 – 15,000
10 am – 4 pm
                                                       Kid’s programs

                                                       30 Food trucks
Saturday 1st September American Muscles Versus         200 Competitors
6pm – 10pm             Japanese JDM                    20 trade stalls                5,000 – 8,000
                                                       Entertainment (DJ, Dance)

Sydney Motoring Group would like to welcome your business to be part of this exciting program
dedicated to families and automotive enthusiast.

Please register your interest at www.sydneymotoring.com or reach out to us if you have any further
questions at vendors@sydneymotoring.com.
Event Date             Event Name                   Theme           Estimate Attendance

                                                     150 Competitors
Sunday                                               50 trade stalls
23rd September                                       Entertainment (DJ, Dance)
10 am – 4 pm           Spring Motor Market                                              5,000 – 8,000
                                                     Kid’s programs

                                                     30 Food trucks
                                                     500 Competitors
                                                     100 trade stalls
Monday Public Holiday
                                                     DJ, Dance competitions
1st October           Sydney Motoring Festival
                                                     Competitions                       10,000 – 15,000
10 am – 6 pm          Grand Finale
                                                     VIP Area         Rides
                                                     Kid’s Area       Car Test Drives
                                                     Gaming Area Car Parades

                                                     30 Food trucks
Saturday                                             200 Competitors
3rd November                                                                            5,000 – 8,000
                       November Charity Drive        20 trade stalls
6pm – 10pm
                                                     Entertainment (DJ, Dance)

                                                   150 Competitors
Sunday                                             50 trade stalls
21st October           Sunday Kid’s and Cars Event Entertainment (DJ, Dance)            10,000 – 15,000
10 am – 4 pm                                       Competitions
                                                   Kid’s programs

                                                     30 Food trucks
Saturday                                             200 Competitors
1st December                                         20 trade stalls
6pm – 10pm             Christmas gift appeal Drive                                      5,000 – 8,000
                                                     Entertainment (DJ, Dance)

Sydney Motoring Group would like to welcome your business to be part of this exciting program
dedicated to families and automotive enthusiast.

Please register your interest at www.sydneymotoring.com or reach out to us if you have any further
questions at vendors@sydneymotoring.com.
Our Marketing

Our current weekly online active engagement is achieving an average reach of over 100,000
unique impressions each week.

The Marketing campaign will run from June 2018 through to the end of December 2018.
The aim of the campaigns is to maximise the advertising exposure through Social Media,
Television, Radio, Print Media, Billboards and corporate events. The target is to reach
an estimated audience of 4 million over the extended promotional period.

All in all, this is an exciting, cost-effective, unique and high-profile opportunity for any
potential vendors to reach and influence the Australian market.

This is a rare chance to access this automotive market and maximise your organisation’s
exposure to millions of like-minded Car enthusiasts, business experts and clienteles where
passion and networking are their number one priority.

Opportunities currently exist for vendors, including the following incentives for your company.
Vendor Pricing Charter

                                                Platinum Vendor


 •Company logos and advertisement for social media promotions program over the marketing campaign
 •Display space (25 Square metre) to advertise and sell your products at the Monthly Saturday and Sunday
 •Display space (100 Square metre) to advertise and sell your products at the Grand Finale
 •Lead access to over 500,000 active automotive members.
 •Direct access to over 1,000 associated business leads
 •Daily advertising posts on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels
 •Full time promotional staff to advertise your brand at all Car events and at the festival.
 •VIP access to all areas of the Venue
 •20 Exhibitor pass and parking space

• Company logos and advertisement for social media promotions program over the marketing campaign
• Display space (25 Square metre) to advertise and sell your products at the Monthly Saturday and Sunday
• Display space (60 Square metre) to advertise and sell your products at the Grand Finale
• Lead access to over 500,000 active automotive members.
• Direct access to over 1,000 associated business leads
• Daily advertising posts on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels
• Full time promotional staff to advertise your brand at all Car events and at the festival.
• VIP access to all areas of the Venue
• 10 Exhibitor pass and parking space

 • Company logos and advertisement for social media promotions program over the marketing campaign
 • Display space (9 Square metre) to advertise and sell your products at the Monthly Saturday and Sunday
 • Display space (25 Square metre) to advertise and sell your products at the Grand Finale
 • Lead access to over 500,000 active automotive members.
 • Direct access to over 1,000 associated business leads
 • Daily advertising posts on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels
 • VIP access to all areas of the Venue
 • 5 Exhibitor pass and parking space

Please register your interest at www.sydneymotoring.com or reach out to us if you have any further questions at
                                                                  CONTACT US
                                                              Mobile: (+61) 4188 55 882
                                                              Office: (+61) 02 9703 3465
                                                              75A Bourke Road, ALEXANDRIA 2015 NSW
Month                                               Events                                       Pricing
                                                                                                         (Incl GST)

                                                        Platinum                                  Gold                    Small Business

      Jul - 18                                2         $     680.00                              $   580.00              $    480.00
      Aug-18                                  2         $     680.00                              $   580.00              $    480.00
      Sep- 18                                2          $     680.00                              $   580.00              $    480.00
      Oct- 18                          Festival         $     880.00                              $   780.00              $    680.00
      Nov-18                                  2         $     680.00                              $   580.00              $    480.00
      Dec-18                                  1         $     480.00                              $   380.00              $    280.00
                                     Total              $     4,080.00                            $   3,480.00            $    2,880.00
                  Discount on Full Package              $     3,264.00                            $   2,784.00             $   2,304.00

All vendor set up will include the following:
Access to power supply, tables and chair facilities. Additional facility available on request.

Please register your interest at www.sydneymotoring.com or reach out to us if you have any further questions at vendors@sydneymotoring.com.
Please register your interest at www.sydneymotoring.com or reach out to us if you have any further questions at vendors@sydneymotoring.com.

                                                                                                           CONTACT US
                                                                                                       Mobile: (+61) 4188 55 882
                                                                                                       Office: (+61) 02 9703 3465
                                                                                                       75A Bourke Road, ALEXANDRIA 2015 NSW
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