Public Seminar Series 2018 Doctoral Students Research & News Jameel Scholars 2017 2018 - Cardiff University

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Public Seminar Series 2018 Doctoral Students Research & News Jameel Scholars 2017 2018 - Cardiff University
Public Seminar
         Series 2018
         & News
         2017 – 2018

Public Seminar Series 2018 Doctoral Students Research & News Jameel Scholars 2017 2018 - Cardiff University
The Centre for                         Public Seminar Series 2018
    the Study of
                                           Wednesday 7th February 5pm        Wednesday 21st February 5pm
    Islam in the UK                        Dr Imran Awan                     Professor Peter Hopkins
    The Centre for the Study of            Cardiff Business School,          Cardiff Business School,
    Islam in the UK was opened             3 Colum Dr, Cardiff CF10 3EU      3 Colum Dr, Cardiff CF10 3EU
    in September 2005 by Yusuf             Room: 1.27                        Room: 1.27
    Islam, formerly musician Cat           ‘You Terrorist Scum’: Doing       ‘Being a Scottish Muslim:
    Stevens in front of 400 guests.        Dangerous Ethnographic            the Difference that Scotland
    Islam is the second largest            Research on Islamophobia’         Makes?’
    religion in Britain and, indeed, the
    world. There are 46,000 Muslims        Imran Awan                        Peter Hopkins
    in Wales, about half of whom live      is Associate                      is Professor
    in Cardiff itself (Census 2011).       Professor in                      of Social
                                           Criminology                       Geography
                                           and Deputy                        at Newcastle
                                           Director of                       University.
                                           the Centre                        His main area
                                           for Applied Criminology at        of research is the geographies
                                           Birmingham City University.       of Muslim identities with a
                                           Imran’s research examines         particular focus upon the
                                           the impact of Islamophobia        Scottish context. Peter has
    Cardiff University is now a leading    and security upon Muslim          co-edited Muslims in Britain:
    institution for scholarly teaching     communities. He has written for   Race, Place and Identities
    about Islam and Muslims in             various news organisations and    (with Richard Gale), Religion
    contemporary Britain. The Centre       offered comment for national      and Place: Landscape, Politics
    for the Study of Islam in the UK       and international broadcasters,   and Piety (with Lily Kong and
    (Islam-UK Centre) is based within      and he is an advisor to the       Elizabeth Olson) and recently
    the School of History, Archaeology     British Government on anti-       edited a new collection on
    and Religion, which has a wealth       Muslim hatred. His new            Scotland’s Muslims: Society,
    of teaching expertise and a lively     book, Islamophobia: Lived         Politics and Identity with
    programme of research activity.        Experiences of Online and         Edinburgh University Press.
    Within the school’s degree             Offline Victimisation, is
    programmes there are a range                                             Email address:
                                           published by Policy Press.
    of possibilities for studying Islam                            
    and classical Arabic.                  Email address:
                                                                             Chair: Dr Richard Gale,
    The Centre has a strong and                                              Lecturer in Human Geography
    positive relationship with the         Chair: Professor Sophie
                                                                             School of Geography and
    local Muslim community.                Gilliat-Ray, Islam UK Centre      Planning, Cardiff University.
    Local Muslims form part of the         Director, Cardiff University.
                                                                             To book go online now: https://
    Centre’s advisory committee,           To book go online now: https://
    and we are proud of this     
    partnership. We envisage the
    Centre as an accessible, vibrant,
    and inclusive hub of learning
    about Islam in Cardiff, South
    Wales and the UK for Muslims
    and non-Muslims alike.
Wednesday 7th March 5pm               Wednesday 21st March 5pm            Wednesday 18th April 7pm
Dr Rehana Ahmed                       Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed                 Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf
Cardiff Business School,              Cardiff Business School,            Glamorgan Building, King
3 Colum Dr, Cardiff CF10 3EU          3 Colum Dr, Cardiff CF10 3EU        Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff,
Room: 1.27                            Room: 1.27                          Committee Rooms 1 & 2
‘Contemporary “British                ‘Who Needs a Masjid? The            ‘Approaches to Depression
Muslim” Writing: Controversy,         Past, Present and Future of         and Anxiety in Classical Islam:
Translation, Belonging’               British Mosques’                    From Abu Zayd to Abu Hamid.’

Rehana                                Abdul-Azim                          Asim Yusuf is
Ahmed                                 Ahmed                               a practising
is Senior                             completed                           Consultant
Lecturer in                           his doctorate                       Psychiatrist
Postcolonial                          on British                          with a special
and                                   mosques at                          interest in
Contemporary                          the Centre for                      bioethics,
Literature at Queen Mary              the Study of Islam in the UK,       spirituality and mental health.
University of London. She is          Cardiff University, in 2017,        He holds a number of ijaza’s
the author of Writing British         and has since been working as       (formal teaching authorisations)
Muslims: Religion, Class and          a researcher in the third sector.   in classical Islamic disciplines
Multiculturalism (Manchester          He is currently writing a book      and has authored works in
University Press, 2015),              based on his thesis as well as      spirituality, history and Islamic
and the co-editor of South            continuing his research on the      law.
Asian Resistances in Britain,         history and presence of Muslims
                                                                          He is the director of the Nur
1858-1947 (Continuum,                 in Wales.
                                                                          al-Habib Foundation as well
2011), Culture, Diaspora, and
                                      Email address:                      as IMWell Health, an Islamic
Modernity in Muslim Writing               Mental Well-being Consultancy,
(Routledge, 2012) and, most
                                                                          and sits on the advisory board
recently, a special issue of          Chair: Haroon Sidat, Jameel
                                                                          of a number of charities and
The Journal of Commonwealth           Scholar, Cardiff University.
Literature on ‘British Culture        To book go online now:
after 9/11’ (2018).                                                       Email address:
Email address:                                                                 Chair: Sara Moseley, Director,
                                                                          MIND Cymru (See Page 10).
Chair: Ayesha Khan, Jameel
Scholar, Cardiff University.                                              To book go online now: https://
To book go online now: https://

Dr Mansur Ali at the 2017
graduation ceremony with Jameel
Scholars Amanda Morris, Faisal Ali,
and Abdul-Azim Ahmed.

Islam-UK Centre Doctoral Students
    Jo Bryant                              I am currently in the writing      I have conducted a mixed
    PhD topic:                             up year, having completed a        methods study in order to
    The Status and                         multi-site ethnography with        develop a more sensitive and
    Integration of                         6 chaplaincy teams across          nuanced understanding of the
    Minority Faith                         England. At present, I am          economic activity and everyday
    Groups in                              engaged in a knowledge             lives of first and second
    Acute Healthcare Chaplaincy.           exchange placement with NHS        generation British Muslim
                                           England in order to maximise       women. The study includes
    Generously funded by the               the impact of my findings. It      analysis of the results of a
    Arts and Humanities                    is hoped that this project will    large-scale social survey
    Research Council.                      introduce a greater diversity      and qualitative fieldwork
    Project summary:                       of voices to the chaplaincy        undertaken in a case study
    Healthcare chaplaincy has              literature, offer new insights     site in the North of England.
    diversified considerably over          into how the NHS is providing
                                                                              I am in the final year of my
    the past 25 years in response          spiritual care, and have an
                                                                              doctoral studies and I am
    to growing religious plurality in      impact on guidelines and
                                                                              currently writing up my research
    the UK. However, a significant         strategy for the development of
                                                                              findings. I have found that
    proportion of chaplaincy literature    NHS chaplaincy.
                                                                              economic activity is a powerful
    neglects the multi-faith dimension     Email address:                     lens through which to examine
    of chaplaincy provision. This             and understand the experiences
    project is a qualitative study of                                         of Muslim women in Britain.
    the integration of minority faith
    groups into healthcare chaplaincy      Asma Khan                          This study highlights the ways
    teams, which aims to examine how                                          in which social, cultural and
                                           PhD topic:
    the NHS provides spiritual care                                           economic factors interact
    for minority faith groups and how                                         to create conditions where
                                           and Explaining
    chaplains negotiate difference                                            economic inactivity is the
                                           the Economic
    within their teams. So far, the                                           norm for some Muslim women.
                                           Inactivity of
    findings of the project centre on                                         Patriarchal gender norms,
                                           Muslim Women.
    the fault-lines between religion-                                         patterns of migration and
                                           Generously funded by the           transnational ties, educational
    specific and generic chaplaincy
                                           Jameel Scholarship Programme.      attainment and social class
    provision. This has implications
    for access, autonomy and the           Project summary:                   all emerge as significant and
    career progression of minority faith   High rates of economic             interacting explanatory variables
    chaplaincy representatives, as well    inactivity amongst British         across quantitative and
    as the ways in which chaplains         Muslim women are often-cited       qualitative analysis.
    determine the boundaries of            social statistics in Britain.      Conference Papers in 2017:
    acceptable manifestations of           This topic is particularly         ‘Intersections of Gender,
    religion in a secular setting. My      relevant in the contemporary       Religion and Social Class
    interest in healthcare chaplaincy      context as it is likely that the   in Areas of High Ethnic
    began when I conducted a study         economic inactivity of Muslim      Density’. Annual Conference
    on sacred space in a hospital          women contributes to the high      of the European Sociological
    during my undergraduate degree         levels of relative deprivation     Association, Athens University,
    at the University of Leeds, and        currently experienced by           1st September 2017.
    developed further during an MRes       Muslim households in
                                                                              ‘Reflections on Establishing
    degree in Theology and Religion at     England and Wales.
                                                                              and Maintaining Fieldwork
    the University of Birmingham.
Relationships as An Insider-        Through my study I ask: What are     Project summary:
Outsider Within a British Muslim    the present Sufi manifestations      I am in the third year of my
Community’. Postgraduate            amongst young British Muslims?       PhD. Given that imams and
Research Methods Workshop,          What is the role of social media     religious leaders are facing
University of Cambridge, 25th       in contemporary religious            greater public scrutiny, there has
April 2017.                         expression? What does the new        been a focus on the seminaries
                                    Sufi phenomenon tell us about        that train Islamic scholars in
‘Experiences of Second
                                    Islam in contemporary Britain?       Britain. To date, however, very
Generation British Muslim
                                    Now in the second year of my         little research exists on the
Women in Education in the
                                    doctoral study, I hope to answer     institutions that provide training
70’s and 80’s’. BRAIS Annual
                                    these research questions through     for prospective Muslim Religious
Conference, Chester University,
                                    participant observation in           professionals. An explanation
12th April 2017.
                                    religious and spiritual gatherings   for this lacuna is the difficulty
‘The experiences of first and       and online research of Sufi          in gaining access to the darul
second generation Pakistani         expression on social media.          uloom (seminaries). Both as an
women in areas of high Muslim                                            alumnus and someone involved
and co-ethnic density’. MBRN        Alongside my studies, I am
                                                                         with a traditional darul uloom,
Annual Conference, Leeds            currently serving as an executive
                                                                         I have gained access and am
University, 29th March 2017.        committee member of the
                                                                         studying the seminary as an
                                    Muslims in Britain Research
Email address:                                                           ‘insider and a researcher’.
                                    Network (MBRN). We bring                                                   The rationale for this research
                                    together academics, students,
                                    professionals, researchers,          rests upon my personal
Ayesha Khan                         journalists and practitioners to     experience and the challenge
                                    encourage and promote the study      of building bridges between
PhD topic:
                                    of Muslims and Islam in Britain.     confessional and non-
                                                                         confessional teaching and
exploration of                      Conference Paper 2017                learning about Islam, and the
contemporary                        ‘Exploring post-tariqa Sufism’       formation of religious scholars
forms of Sufi                       (Sept 2017).                         equipped to provide leadership
expression amongst
                                    Plenary Speaker at the MBRN          to Muslim communities in Britain
young British Muslims.
                                    Conference on Exploring              in the future.
Generously funded by the            Contemporary Muslim Art,             My PhD explores the world of a
Jameel Scholarship Programme.       Culture and Heritage in Britain.     traditional darul uloom. I want
The interaction between             Email address:                       to find out what (or who) inspires
transnational Sufism and the                young British Muslims to acquire
sociological environment in                                              a deep personal understanding
Britain have led to new forms                                            of their faith. What are the
of Sufi expression. Through a       Haroon                               processes of intellectual,
qualitative approach, my study      Sidat                                spiritual, and cultural formation
seeks to explore contemporary       PhD topic:                           within a British darul uloom?
Sufi manifestations amongst         Training of                          To what extent does this training
young British Muslims.              Imams and                            prepare students for religious
                                    Religious                            leadership roles in modern
This will contribute towards
                                    Leaders in Britain.                  Britain?
understanding the diversity of
religious practice and what young   Generously funded by the             This research will enable serious
Muslims interpret as Sufism.        Jameel Scholarship Programme.        academic consideration of
Islam-UK Centre Doctoral Students continued
    the questions surrounding          Matt Vince                         RE teaching have also proved
    the intellectual and spiritual     PhD topic:                         challenging from a personal
    formation of Muslim scholars       Islam,                             perspective. Where there is
    in Britain. More broadly, I hope   Muslims,                           currently no support available,
    that my insights will begin        and teaching                       these teachers have developed
    to answer bigger questions         Religious                          robust strategies for these
    about the sociology of religious   Education.                         experiences to succeed, and
    professionals, religious                                              many have emerged as leaders
    education and formation, and       Generously funded by the           in their school contexts.
    changing patterns of religious     Jameel Scholarship Programme.
                                                                          Entering my third year, I now
    authority and leadership within    Project summary:                   have the exciting task of creating
    the Islamic tradition.             Having previously completed        a coherent narrative from these
    Conference Papers in 2017:         the MA Islam in Contemporary       accounts!
    ‘British Dārul ‘ulūms: To bench    Britain (2012), I return to the
                                       Islam-UK Centre after training     Conference Papers in 2017:
    or not to bench?’. Markfield
                                       to teach Religious Education       ‘At the edge of professionalism:
    Institute of Higher Education
                                       (2013 – 2015). My doctoral         Muslim RE teachers’
    October 2017.
                                       research project stems from        negotiation of personal faith
    ‘Accessing a traditional Islamic   these experiences, focusing on     in RE classrooms’. Sociology
    seminary in Britain’. Joint        the experiences of Muslims who     of Religion Annual Conference,
    Postgraduate Conference on         work as Religious Education (RE)   2017.
    Theology and Religion at Exeter
                                       teachers in state-school across    ‘Beyond skin-deep: bringing
    University, May 2017.
                                       England. Muslim teachers           faith into Black and Minority
    ‘Inside a British Darul Uloom’.    have been largely absent from      Ethnic teacher research’.
    Symposium on the Comparative       discussions surrounding the        British Educational Research
    Study of Religious Seminaries,     experience of Muslims in British   Association, 2016.
    UCL Institute of Education,        education, as well as in the       ‘Tawhid and the textbook:
    October 2016.                      literature pertaining to RE. Yet   learning from Muslim teachers’.
    Other activities:                  they represent an important        British Association of Religious
    Attended meeting with HRH          intersection between Islam and     Studies, 2016
    The Prince of Wales discussing     the public sphere.
                                                                          Book Review:
    the challenges facing Muslim       Based on 22 interviews             Vince, Matthew (2016) Islamic
    communities in the UK and          and three periods of               Education in Britain: New
    the role young Imams can play      “paraethnographic shadowing”,      Pluralist Paradigms, Journal
    in shaping the future, October     my fieldwork has highlighted       of Beliefs and Values, 37,
    2017.                              the everyday challenges and        1 DOI: 10.1080/13617672.
    Panellist and presenter, Imams     successes experienced by           2015.1129258
    Online Digital Summit 2017,        these teachers. Instances of
                                       racism are commonplace from        Non-academic articles:
    Google headquarters, London,
                                       students, staff, and parents.      Vince, Matthew (2017)
    January 2017.
                                       Some find that their schools are   Research Report: Islam and
    Email address:                     not accommodating to observing     Muslims in British Schools,              certain religious practices,       REToday, Christian Education
                                       namely finding time and space      Publications, Birmingham
                                       for prayer or abstaining from      Email address:
                                       alcohol. Certain aspects of

Jameel Scholars 2016-17                                                 MA in ‘Islam in
Masters Students                                                        Britain’
                                                                        Research and teaching about
Hasnan                              and understand my personal          Islam and Muslims in Britain is
Hussain                             experiences as a British            now an established and rapidly
I became                            Muslim at a much deeper level       growing field.
involved with                       and allows me to bring these        There is an urgent need to
the Islam                           experiences to the table with       continue to develop new scholars
                                    the hope that I may contribute      from a range of backgrounds and
UK research
                                    to the academic field in my own,    experiences who can critically
centre during the first few                                             evaluate emerging debates, and
months of my time at Cardiff        unique way.
                                                                        appreciate the rich diversity within
University while I was studying                                         British Muslim communities.
religion. During this time, I had   Thomas                              This interdisciplinary programme,
enjoyed studying modules in the     Fletcher                            drawing upon the fields of
fields of Islamic Studies and the                                       history, sociology, and religious
                                    Having                              studies, examines the history
sociology of Islam. I had also
                                    completed                           and settlement of Muslims in
gained a working knowledge of
                                    a BA (Hons)                         Britain and the dynamics that
the Muslim communities here in
                                    Religious                           shape contemporary Muslim
Cardiff and how they politically                                        communities. We look at how
                                    and Theological Studies at
mobilise and utilise social space                                       Muslims have engaged with
                                    Cardiff University, the Jameel
in ways which are meaningful                                            local and national government
                                    Scholarship has provided me
to them. As a result of my time                                         in relation to matters such as
                                    with the opportunity to further     education, social policy, and
here, I gained an appreciation
                                    my studies with the renowned        chaplaincy, as well as the growth
of how nuanced academic
                                    staff at the Islam-UK Centre.       of Muslim community
discussion regarding Islam and                                          infrastructures such as mosques
                                    Both my undergraduate degree
Muslims is, to an extent which I                                        and charities. During the course
                                    and my voluntary- and paid-work
did not see in public and media                                         of the MA, students receive a
                                    with Muslim communities in
discourse beforehand.                                                   thorough grounding in social
                                    Cardiff and Newport has helped      science research methods and
This encouraged me to               foster an interest in the issues    theories, and acquire a set of
undertake the Masters               affecting these communities,        transferrable and employability
programme here at the Islam         such as educational and             skills that will equip them for a
UK centre, which has, and           occupational barriers. The MA       range of future careers.
continues to, give me the           programme at Cardiff University     We encourage and support our
conceptual tools and knowledge      is helping me to develop the        students to undertake volunteering
to understand better the lived      research skills and knowledge       and community engagement, in
                                                                        order to develop a sympathetic first
experiences of Muslims in the       necessary for further exploration
                                                                        hand understanding of Muslim
UK. The course is both mind         of my research interests through    communities in Britain today.
opening and challenging, as it      the Masters dissertation and for
                                                                        For more information,
enables me to critique my own       personal career development.        please contact: Postgraduate
preconceptions regarding a                                              Administrator:
variety of factors and mature
academically. However, this                                   
course also gives me the
                                                                        Tel: +44 (0)29 2987 0903
unique opportunity to explore
Centre Contacts
    Islam-UK Centre,                    in supporting the re-running        Lecturer in Social Science
    School of History, Archaeology      of the Massive Open Online          Research Methods
    and Religion, John Percival         Course (MOOC) on Muslims in         Dr Michael Munnik
    Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff,     Britain. Mark completed the MA
    CF10 3EU, UK                        ‘Islam in Britain’ in 2009, and     Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 5646
                                        was employed as a research
    Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0121                                                Dr Michael
                                        assistant for the ‘Islamic
    Email:                                           Munnik is
                                        Gardens’ project funded by
                                        BGCI in 2010.                       Lecturer in
    Director                                                                Social Science
    Professor Sophie Gilliat-Ray                                            Theories and
                                        Lecturer in Islamic Studies                                              Methods. He
                                        Maulana Dr Mansur Ali
    Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0121                                                completed
                                                                            his doctorate at the University
    Professor                           Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 6297            of Edinburgh, supported by the
    Gilliat-Ray is
                                        Dr Mansur                           Alwaleed Centre for the Study
    Director of the
                                        Ali studied                         of Islam in the Contemporary
    Centre and
                                        classical                           World. For his thesis, he
    was awarded
                                        Islamic studies                     examined relationships between
    the Sankore
                                        and Arabic at                       mainstream journalists and
                                        Darul Uloom                         Muslim sources in Glasgow,
    award for Excellence in
                                        Bury, UK and                        Scotland. His work concerns
    Education at the Muslim News
                                        Al-Azhar University Cairo, Egypt.   the production of news about
    Awards in 2006. She was also
                                        He then completed an MA             Muslims in Britain rather than
    presented with an Achievement
                                        and a PhD in Middle Eastern         the product itself, and he draws
    Award in 2012 by the Muslim
                                        Studies (Hadith Studies) at the     on personal experience to inform
    Council of Wales during National
                                        University of Manchester where      his research: Dr Munnik worked
    Interfaith Week.
                                        he also lectured as a graduate      for eight years as a journalist in
                                        teaching fellow. During this time   Canada before coming to the UK
    Development Officer
                                        he also worked as a Muslim          to take up postgraduate studies
    Mark Bryant
                                        chaplain at Ashworth High           in 2010. He received his MA
                                        Security hospital in Liverpool.     in ‘Religion in Contemporary
    Tel: +44 (0)7738 932376             Shortly after completing his        Society’ with Distinction at King’s
    Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0121            PhD, he worked on an AHRC/          College London before securing
    Mark Bryant                         ESRC funded project on Muslim       the Alwaleed scholarship to
    provides                            Chaplaincy in Britain alongside     study in Edinburgh.
    essential                           Professor Sophie Gilliat-Ray
    administrative                      at Cardiff University. He is
    and technical                       interested in Hadith Studies as
    support for the                     well as applied Islamic theology.
    Centre. This                        He is a Lecturer in Islamic
    includes managing the database      Studies at Cardiff University and
    and website, and promoting          Khatib of Darul Isra Mosque,
    the Centre’s work via social        Cardiff, UK.
    media. He is a member of the                                            Dr Michael Munnik speaking about
                                                                            his research at a workshop on Islam
    Centre’s Advisory Board, and is
                                                                            and the media in Glasgow, led by
    working closely with the Director                                       Interfaith Scotland.

Research Associate
Dr Riyaz Timol
Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0121
Dr Riyaz Timol
obtained his
PhD from
the Islam-UK
Centre in June
2017 on the
British branch
of the transnational Islamic
movement Tablighi Jama’at, and
currently works as a Research       Development office Mark Bryant, working with Muslim Coral Communities
                                    in Zanzibar in conjunction with IFEES/EcoIslam/Eco Islam, Plymouth Marine
Associate. His disciplinary         Laboratories and Exeter University.
approach is within the sociology
of religion and his research       within Islam in Britain’ which          remains committed to advancing
interests include ethnographic     was published as a Community            the subject discipline through
methodology, intergenerational     Religions Monograph. He has             promoting the study of lived
transmission of Islam in Britain   researched Islam in Britain since       religions. Professor Geaves’s
and the relationship of Islam      that time, publishing several           new book, Islam and Britain:
with modernity. His current        books that explore British              Muslim Mission in an Age of
work maps the way accounts of      manifestations of Sufism.               Empire (2017) is published
contemporary Islamic revivalism                                            by Bloomsbury Press. He has
intersect with secularisation      He is an early member of the
                                                                           delivered papers in over one
theory in Europe.                  Muslims in Britain Research
                                                                           hundred conferences, including
                                   Network and chaired the
                                                                           invitations to Russia, USA,
Honorary Visiting Professor        body from 2006 to 2009 and
                                                                           Norway, Denmark, Sweden,
                                   remains a lifetime member of
Professor Ron                                                              Finland, Germany, Switzerland,
                                   the committee. He has also
Geaves has                                                                 Mauritius and India. He is
                                   been Secretary of AUDTRS, the
held a Chair                                                               currently working on the
                                   scholarly body representing all
in Religious                                                               history of Islam in Britain in
                                   departments of religion in the
Studies at                                                                 the Edwardian era and is
                                   UK. His work remains focused
the University                                                             continuing his work on the
                                   on the application of religious
of Chester                                                                 Deobandi movement.
                                   knowledge to real life affairs
(2001-2007) and a Chair in the
                                   and he is a passionate believer
Comparative Study of Religion
                                   in advocacy. As a consequence,
at Liverpool Hope University
                                   he has involved in a number of
(2007-2013). He joined the
                                   projects bridging academia to
Community Religions Project at
                                   government, law, architects
the University of Leeds in 1988
                                   and media.
where he began to work on the
transmigration of South Asian      His work on the theory and
religions to Britain, especially   method in the study of religion,
Islam. He completed his PhD        The Study of Religion went to         
thesis ‘Sectarian Influences       second edition in 2014 and he                   IslamUKCentre

Mind Cymru
     In recent years, we have              We’re here for you. Today. Now.         P’un a ydych chi dan straen, yn
     joined with a major civil society     We’re on your doorstep, on the          teimlo’n isel neu mewn argyfwng.
     organisation as a ‘partner’ for one   end of the phone or online.             Byddwn yn gwrando arnoch, yn
     of our public seminars. This has      Whether you’re stressed,                rhoi cyngor a help i chi ac yn
     included the Equality and Human       depressed or in crisis. We’ll listen,   ymgyrchu ar eich rhan. A byddwn
     Rights Commission for Wales, the      give support and advice, and            yn gweithio’n galed i gael cymorth
     Welsh Centre for International        fight your corner. And we’ll push       gwell a pharch i bawb sydd â
     Affairs, and Citizens Cymru Wales.    for a better deal and respect for       phroblem iechyd meddwl yng
     We are committed to relationship-     everyone experiencing a mental          Nghymru.
     building between people from          health problem in Wales.                Ynghyd â’r 20 o ganghennau
     different organisations and                                                   Mind lleol yng Nghymru rydyn
                                           Together with our 20 local
     developing the dialogue between                                               ni wedi ymrwymo i wella iechyd
                                           Minds in Wales we are
     academia and civil society. In                                                meddwl yn y wlad hon. Gallwn
                                           committed to improving
     2018, we are delighted to be                                                  ddefnyddio’r elfennau gorau o’n
                                           mental health in this country.
     partnering with Mind Cymru for                                                dysgu, gwybodaeth, arbenigedd
                                           Together we’re Mind in Wales.
     our final public lecture , which is                                           ac ymarfer sy’n seiliedig ar
     on the subject of mental health       Ni yw Mind Cymru, yr elusen
                                                                                   dystiolaeth ledled Cymru a
     in Muslim communities, and is         iechyd meddwl. Credwn na
                                                                                   Lloegr i gryfhau ein cymorth a’n
     delivered by Dr Asim Yusuf. Here      ddylai neb yng Nghymru orfod
                                                                                   hymgyrchu yng Nghymru.”
     are a few words about their work:     wynebu problem iechyd meddwl
     “We’re Mind Cymru, the mental         ar eu pen eu hunain.
     health charity. We believe no one     Rydyn ni yma i chi. Heddiw. Nawr.
     in Wales should have to face a        Rydyn ni ar garreg eich drws,
     mental health problem alone.          ar ben arall y ffôn neu ar-lein.

     Members of the Islam-UK Centre
     Management Board
     Prof David Watkinson, Chair           Rights Commission for Wales             Achievement Service, Cardiff
     of the Management Board and           Thomas Fletcher, MA Student,            Council
     Acting Head of the School of          Cardiff University as the student       Samina Khan, Community Liaison
     History, Archaeology and Religion     representative                          and Development Manager,
     Dr Mansur Ali, Lecturer in            Dr Richard Gale, Lecturer in            Cardiff and Vale College
     Islamic Studies, Department of        Human Geography School of               Saleem Kidwai OBE, Secretary
     Religious & Theological Studies       Geography and Planning,                 General of the Muslim Council
     Ali Abdi, Partnerships and            Cardiff University.                     of Wales
     Facilities Manager, Community         Prof Sophie Gilliat-Ray,                Dr Michael Munnik, Lecturer
     Gateway, Cardiff University.          Director, Islam-UK Centre               in Social Science Research
     Mark Bryant, Development              Dr Meraj Hasan, Association of          Methods and Theories
     Officer, Islam-UK Centre              Muslim Professionals, Cardiff           Nathan Roberts, Head of
     Laura Davies, Head of                 Eleanor Hewett, Senior                  Education Support, Student
     Communications, College of            Development Manager,                    Experience and Education
     Arts, Humanities and Social           Development and Alumni                  Support, Cardiff University
     Sciences, Cardiff University          Relations, Cardiff University           Dr David Wyatt, Community
     Jennifer Dunne, Project,              Gillian James, Head of                  Engagement, School of History,
     Stakeholder and Intelligence          Ethnic Minority and Traveller           Archaeology and Religion
     Manager, Equality and Human
Cardiff University’s first MOOC
“Muslims in Britain: changes and challenges”
will be offered again in 2018!
Develop your understanding of Muslims and their faith through an
exploration of communities in Britain.
 Starts:         26th February 2018                         many British Muslims originally hailed.
 Duration:       4 weeks                                  • Settlement Patterns: The origins and makeup
 Study Time:     4 hours pw                                 of today’s British Muslim communities.
                                                          • Cultural Diversity: Confronting the ‘myth’ of a
About the course                                            homogenous Muslim community through an
Islam is the second largest religion in the world today     exploration of the various religious and cultural
and dominates much of the current geopolitical              influences that characterise and inform Muslim
discourse. People are increasingly bombarded by             communities in Britain today.
dramatic and at times disturbing headlines. Yet           • Contemporary Debates: An examination of how
general knowledge of Muslims and their faith can be         the above topics feed into the contemporary
poor. There is consequently a need for a balanced           debates and what the future might hold.
and well-informed understanding of the current
                                                          • Given current debates about multiculturalism,
debates around this internationally significant topic.
                                                            integration, and the spectre of fundamentalism,
This course uses Britain as a case study to shed            this course will appeal to a wide audience not
light on wider issues relating to the growth of             only in Britain but far beyond.
Islamic communities across the culturally Christian
and increasingly secularised Western World.
                                                          Maulana Dr Mansur Ali, Mark Bryant, Professor
Topics include:                                           Ron Geaves, Professor Sophie Gilliat-Ray,
• Islamic Practice: An outline of Islamic practices       Dr Michael Munnik and Dr Riyaz Timol.
  and beliefs plus an introduction to the different
  viewpoints within Islam.
                                                          The course is free-of-charge, and open to anyone
• History of Islam in Britain: An exploration of the
                                                          with an interest in religion, culture and history,
  longstanding associations between Islam and
                                                          whether you are a beginner, experienced learner or
  Britain, including Islamic influences on British
                                                          returning to study.
  society and the well-established connections
  between Britain and the countries from which  

What are MOOCs?
Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs are                  • Accessible on all mobile platforms - you can fit
short courses (4-8 weeks) presented online,                 your learning around your own schedule. You can
free and open to all through the internet.                  benefit from a collaborative learning experience
                                                            with the support of your fellow learners.
MOOC’s through Cardiff University:
                                                          • The MOOC will feature a variety of innovative
• If you have access to the internet you can take           learning platforms appealing to a range of
  a MOOC as there is no entry requirement.                  learning styles.
• Your commitment is typically 3-5 hrs of study per       • Having been through rigorous quality control
  week.                                                     processes, the course content will comply with
• The courses are led by internationally recognised         the same high standards found in other Cardiff
  leading academics.                                        University courses.
All seminars will be
held at 5pm in the
Cardiff Business               Diary of Public Seminars 2018
School, 3 Colum
Dr, Cardiff CF10 3EU           Wednesday 7th February 5pm
Room: 1.27, except the         Dr Imran Awan
seminar on Wednesday           ‘You Terrorist Scum’: Doing Dangerous Ethnographic Research on
18th April February            Islamophobia
(Asim Yusuf) which
                               Chair: Prof Sophie Gilliat-Ray, Director, Centre for the Study of Islam in the
will be held at 7pm
in Committee Rooms             UK, Cardiff University.
1&2 of the Glamorgan           Book online now:
Building at 7pm.
                               Wednesday 21st February 5pm
Please note that               Professor Peter Hopkins
photographs and a
video will be taken of the     Being a Scottish Muslim: the Difference that Scotland Makes?
lectures. Cardiff University   Chair: Dr Richard Gale, Lecturer in Human Geography
will assume the consent
                               School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University.
of all those in attendance
and those that appear in       Book online now:
the media footage taken.
Photographs and videos
                               Wednesday 7th March 5pm
are taken with the view to     Dr Rehana Ahmed
use in University and link
organisations’ websites,
                               Contemporary “British Muslim” Writing: Controversy, Translation,
marketing materials and        Belonging
related media coverage.        Chair: Ayesha Khan, Jameel Scholar, Cardiff University.
If you DO NOT agree to         Book online now:
this please inform a staff
member on the evening.         Wednesday 21st March 5pm
If you do wish to withdraw
permission at a later          Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed
date you must inform           Who Needs a Masjid? The Past, Present and Future of British Mosques
Mark Bryant in writing
                               Chair: Haroon Sidat, Jameel Scholar, Cardiff University.
                               Book online now:

                               Wednesday 18th April 7pm
                               Shaykh Dr Asim Yusuf
                               Approaches to Depression and Anxiety in Classical Islam: From Abu
                               Zayd to Abu Hamid
Front Cover:                   Chair: Sara Moseley, Director, MIND Cymru.
The Arab Room, Cardiff
                               Book online now:
Castle designed by William
Burges in the 1880’s.          #IUKCSem18
Photo by permission of
Cardiff County Council.             @IslamUKCentre		              
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