Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021

Page created by Janet Lewis
Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
Public Seminar
                        Series 2021
                        Jameel Research

Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
The Centre for                         Public Seminar Series 2021                                                 Wednesday 10th March 5pm
                                                                                                                      Professor Peter Mandaville
                                                                                                                                                             Wednesday 24th March 5pm
                                                                                                                                                             Dr Ashraf Hoque
                                                                                                                                                                                             with British-born Muslim men
                                                                                                                                                                                             of South Asian origin, exploring
    the Study of                           Wednesday 10th February 5pm           Wednesday 24th February 5pm          ‘To Talk about Africa You              ‘Being Young, Male, and
                                                                                                                                                                                             their everyday lives in relation to
                                                                                                                                                                                             family and community dynamics,
    Islam in the UK                        Professor Masooda Bano                Dr Khadijah Elshayyal                also Have to Talk about
                                                                                                                      Iran’: British Muslim
                                                                                                                                                             Muslim in Luton’                approaches to work and leisure,
                                                                                                                                                                                             and being Muslim in post-7/7
                                           ‘Making Islam Relevant: The           ‘In Search of Vibrancy:                                                     Chair: Laiqah Osman
    The Centre for the Study of                                                                                       Transnationalism, the Global                                           Britain.
                                           Role of New Islamic Scholarly         Women’s Activism in Scottish         Islamic Movement, and
    Islam in the UK was opened                                                                                                                               Ashraf Hoque                    His most recent research in
                                           Networks in the West’                 Mosques’                             Decoloniality                          is an Assistant
    in September 2005 by Yusuf                                                                                                                                                               Tower Hamlets and Sylhet
    Islam, formerly musician Cat           Chair: Dr. Haroon Sidat               Chair: Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed           Chair: Prof. Sophie Gilliat-Ray        Professor                       focuses on transnational
    Stevens in front of 400 guests.                                                                                                                          of Social                       political formations, exploring
                                           Masooda Bano                          Khadijah                             Peter                                  Anthropology                    political modalities situated
    Islam is the second largest            is Professor of                       Elshayyal is a                       Mandaville                             based at the                    in different cultural contexts
    religion in Britain and, indeed, the   Development                           visiting                             is Director of                         UCL Social                      that borrow from each other to
    world. There are 46,000 Muslims        Studies at the                        professor at the                     the Ali Vural                          Research Institute. He is       create distinct forms of localised
    in Wales, about half of whom live      Oxford                                Hamad bin                            Ak Center for                          interested in migration and     democratic engagement.
    in Cardiff itself (Census 2011).       Department of                         Khalifa                              Global Islamic                         diaspora, the anthropology of
                                           International                         University,                                                                                                 Email address:
                                                                                                                      Studies and                            Islam, and political economy.
                                           Development, University of Oxford.    Doha, and an associate fellow at                                                                  
                                                                                                                      Professor of International Affairs     To date, he has conducted
                                           Professor Bano carries out            the University of Edinburgh’s        at George Mason University                                             Register here:
                                                                                                                                                             ethnographic fieldwork in
                                           comparative fieldwork across          Alwaleed Centre, specializing in     in the Washington DC area.                                   
                                                                                                                                                             England (Luton and Tower
                                           Muslim societies and builds           contemporary British Muslim          His books include Islam and                                            register/tZItdOyorj4rH9I-Mdi70z1bbI-
                                                                                                                                                             Hamlets) and Bangladesh
                                           large-scale studies combining         history. Her research interests      Politics (Routledge, 3rd edition                                       w3axGzJeIk
                                                                                                                                                             (Sylhet). In Luton, he worked
                                           ethnographic and survey data.         lie in political and cultural        2020), Transnational Muslim
                                           Between 2014 and 2019, she            activism, advocacy and               Politics: Reimagining the Umma
    Cardiff University is now a leading    directed a five-year major project:   representation of Muslims and        (Routledge, 2001), and the
    institution for scholarly teaching     Changing Structures of Islamic        other minorities in the UK. She is   edited volume Wahhabism
    about Islam and Muslims in             Authority and Consequences for        author of Muslim Identity            and the World: Understanding
    contemporary Britain. The Centre       Social Change - A Transnational       Politics: Islam, Activism and        Saudi Arabia’s Global Impact on
    for the Study of Islam in the UK       Review. She is the author of The      Equality in Britain (IB Tauris,      Islam (Oxford University Press,
    (Islam-UK Centre) is based within      Revival of Islamic Rationalism:       2018) and Scottish Muslims in        forthcoming 2021). His current
    the School of History, Archaeology     Logic, Metaphysics and Mysticism      Numbers: Understanding               research explores Muslim
    and Religion, which has a wealth       in Modern Muslim Societies            Scotland’s Muslims Through the       transnationalism in the context
    of teaching expertise and a lively     (2020), Female Islamic Education      2011 Census (University of           of debates on decoloniality.
    programme of research activity.        Movements: The Re-                    Edinburgh, 2016).
    Within the school’s degree             democratisation of Islamic                                                 Email address:
                                                                                 Email address:             
    programmes there are a range           Knowledge (2017) and she has
    of possibilities for studying Islam    edited Modern Islamic Authority                                            Register here:
    and classical Arabic.                  and Social Change, Vols. 1 & 2        Register here:
                                           (2018); Shaping Global Islamic     register/tZMvd-CvrzMiEtR-49lhM0KEvf-
    The Centre has a strong and
                                           Discourses: The Role of al-Azhar,     register/tZMvdumvqz8tHdwZVa9I_       MGNZ_P-2xl
    positive relationship with the                                               KWYpJl3JjIfnns5
                                           al-Medina, and al-Mustafa
    local Muslim communities.
                                           (2015); and Women, Leadership                                               Dr Maryyum Mehmood (right,
    Local Muslims form part of the                                                                                     above) of the University of
                                           and Mosques: Changes in
    Centre’s advisory committee,                                                                                       Birmingham, who spoke in
                                           Contemporary Islamic Authority
    and we are proud of this                                                                                           February as part of our Public
                                           (2012).                                                                     Seminar Series.
    partnership. We envisage the
    Centre as an accessible, vibrant,      Email address:
    and inclusive hub of learning                                                   Prof Mathew Guest (right) of
                                                                                                                       Durham University, who spoke in
    about Islam in Cardiff, South          Register here:                                                              February at our Public Seminar
    Wales and the UK for Muslims                                                                                       Series.
    and non-Muslims alike.                                                                                   
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Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
Islam-UK Centre Doctoral Students
                                          media, politicians and the                                              suggests that this development                                             converts navigate their new
                                          commercial sector. Despite this,                                        has significantly transformed                                              lives, community spaces and
                                          academic literature on Ramadan                                          women’s role and, subsequently,                                            raising children, and how do
                                          in the UK is sparse, thus the                                           the function of authority in this                                          children of converts navigate
                                          reason for my study.                                                    engagement.                                                                their mixed background and
                                                                                                                                                                                             extended Muslim and non-
                                          My findings explore the                                                 By studying women’s use of the
                                                                                                                                                                                             Muslim families? I also consider
                                          significance of Ramadan for                                             internet for religious knowledge,
                                                                                                                                                                                             how historical, socio-political
                                          Muslims in Britain today as                                             we will have a greater
                                                                                                                                                                                             factors and contexts in Britain
                                          well as highlighting the ways in                                        understanding of the impact
                                                                                                                                                                                             shape their experiences.
                                          which rituals and activities were                                       that these sources have on their
    Laura Jones                           adapted given the COVID-19          Laiqah Osman                        lived religious experiences. It       Fatou Sambe                          My interest in this topic was
                                          pandemic. I look at how                                                 will also help us to explore the                                           developed during previous
    PhD topic:                                                                PhD topic:                                                                PhD topic:
                                          individualised and communal                                             role of individual agency in their                                         research with Scottish and
    Observing Ramadan in Britain.                                             Muslim Women in Britain and                                               Converts and the Next
                                          religion are both important                                             religious exploration, shifting the                                        German convert women for my
                                                                              the Authority of Online Islamic                                           Generation of British Muslims.
    Generously funded by the              parts of the holy month and                                             narrative beyond the traditional                                           undergraduate dissertation
    Jameel Scholarship Programme.         how COVID-19 shifted existing                                           male guardians of knowledge.          Generously funded by the             as well as my own background
    Project summary:                      Muslim communities online and       Generously funded by the                                                  Jameel Scholarship Programme.        as the daughter of a convert
                                                                                                                  This study will use a combination
    My research explores British          into the private space of the       Jameel Scholarship Programme.                                                                                  mother. Through my research,
                                                                                                                  of traditional social science         Project summary:
    Muslim experiences the holy           home. These findings shed light     Project summary:                                                          My research project explores         I am hoping to contribute to a
                                                                                                                  methods (semi-structured
    month of Ramadan. I use               on the private-public dichotomy     Muslim women in Britain                                                   the long-term post-conversion        better understanding of the
                                                                                                                  interviews) and internet
    Ramadan photo diaries from            often applied to religion.          use, interact and engage                                                  experiences of converts in           varying identities and unique
                                                                                                                  research (online ethnography)
    participants and follow-up            Methodologically, I demonstrate     with different sources of                                                 Britain and the particular           experiences of the current
                                                                                                                  to understand how and in what
    interviews to explore their           how photo diaries can be an         Islamic authority. Since                                                  intersection of converts             generation of Muslims in Britain
                                                                                                                  context Muslim women use
    experience of observing               important research tool for         the advent of Islam on the                                                having children, as well as the      and ultimately the heterogeneity
                                                                                                                  these sources to guide and
    Ramadan during lockdown in            studies of lived religion and       internet, media sources have                                              experiences of (adult) children      of Muslim communities.
                                                                                                                  direct their religious practice.
    2020.                                 can give researchers access to      become increasingly popular                                               of converts. I further investigate   I am currently in the third year of
                                          spaces and experiences that                                             At present, I am preparing to
                                                                              in facilitating this interaction.                                         the unexplored area of convert       my PhD and in the middle of the
    Fasting in Ramadan is one of          would otherwise be difficult to                                         commence fieldwork in the year
                                                                              These can include fatwa                                                   support groups and their role in     fieldwork stage of my project.
    the five pillars of Islam and         observe.                                                                2021.
                                                                              websites, Islamic scholars’                                               the lives of converts and convert
    something that is maintained by                                                                                                                                                          Email address:
                                          Email address:                      profiles on social media,           Email address:                        children.
    a diverse range of Muslims. The                                                                                                                                                
                                             Islamic Q&A TV shows and the
    occasion has also attracted the                                                                                                                     I aim to explore what it means       Twitter:
                                                                              automation of Islamic legal
    attention of mainstream                                                                                                                             to become a Muslim and raise
                                                                              literature. My research
                                                                                                                                                        (Muslim) children. How do            FatouSambe1

     Staff and students walk through
     central Cardiff, September 2020,
     meeting outdoors to build a social                                                                                                                                                       Orientation and induction for new
     group when indoor gatherings                                                                                                                                                             MA students at Dar Ul Isra Mosque,
     were restricted.                                                                                                                                                                         Cathays, September 2020.

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Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
MA in Islam in                                                                                                                                  Centre
                                                                                                                Studies at SOAS where I looked                                         Deputy Director and Research
                                                                                                                at the structure and coherence                                         Associate

    Contemporary Britain
                                                                                                                in the hermeneutics of the
                                                                                                                Qur’ān. My primary interests        Contacts                           Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed
                                                                                                                are Islamic theology, history and                                      Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 5634
                                                                                                                Qur’ānic studies, and I currently   Islam-UK Centre,                   Dr Abdul-Azim
    Scholarship on Islam and Muslims    the dynamics that shape            will equip them for a range of       serve as an Arabic and Islamic      School of History, Archaeology     Ahmed is
    in Britain is now an established    contemporary Muslim                careers. Students can undertake      Studies teacher. At Cardiff, I      and Religion, John Percival        currently involved
    and rapidly growing field. There    communities.                       volunteering projects during their   intend to research the impact       Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff,    in researching
    is an urgent need to continue       We look at how Muslims have        studies.                             of contemporary study models        CF10 3EU, UK                       British mosques
    to develop new scholars from        engaged with local and national    Full scholarships through            and the evolution of Islamic        Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0121           and Muslim
    a range of backgrounds and          government in relation to          our Jameel programme                 authority in modern Britain.        Email:      congregations,
    experiences who can critically      matters such as education,         are available. Follow our                                                                                   and the role of religion in civil society.
    evaluate emerging debates           social policy, and chaplaincy,     communications channels, such        Umayyah Faatimah Zaman              Director                           His recent publications include
    and appreciate the rich             as well as the growth of Muslim    as our website, for application      I studied BA English                Professor Sophie Gilliat-Ray       works on the conceptualisation of
    diversity within British Muslim     community infrastructures          information in the new year.         Literature at the University of         mosques, and the denominational
    communities.                        such as mosques and                                                     Huddersfield, which is where        Tel: +44 (0)29 2251 0830           diversity amongst Muslims in the
                                                                           For more information,
    This interdisciplinary              charities. During the course                                            I began to explore the study                                           UK. He completed his doctoral
                                                                           please contact:
    programme, drawing upon the         of the MA, students receive a                                           of Islam through an academic                                           thesis – an ethnographic study of
                                                                           Postgraduate Administrator:
    fields of history, sociology, and   thorough grounding in social                                            lens. I completed a work                                               a British mosque – in 2016 with the
    religious studies, examines         science research methods           Email:                               placement programme wherein                                            support of the Jameel Scholarship
    the history and settlement          and theories and acquire a               I had experience working                                               programme. In addition to his
    of Muslims in Britain and           set of transferrable skills that   Tel: +44 (0)29 2987 0903             with Muslims in my local                                               academic work, Abdul-Azim
                                                                                                                community while simultaneously                                         serves as Secretary General of
                                                                                                                researching my dissertation                                            the Muslim Council of Wales.

    Jameel Scholars 2020-21
                                                                                                                on different translations of
                                                                                                                the Qur’an. It was at this point                                       Development Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                       Mark Bryant
    Masters Students
                                                                                                                that I discovered the Islam-UK
                                                                                                                Centre, and it seemed like the                               
                                                                                                                perfect fit for my academic         Professor Gilliat-Ray is the       Tel: +44 (0)7738 932376
    Munadiah Aftab                      how these intersections have                                            trajectory. Following the           founding Director of the Centre.   Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 0121
    I have spent the last decade        facilitated the growth of an                                            effects of the coronavirus and      She is currently the Chair of      Mark Bryant
    trying to contribute towards and    ever-changing diaspora. I                                               worldwide lockdown, I was           the BSA Sociology of Religion      provides
    support my local community.         have recently graduated with                                            particularly interested in how      Study Group and is a member        essential
    The purpose of this is centred      a degree in Economics and                                               it affected people’s mental         of the 2021 REF assessment         administrative
    around the notion of a ‘faith-      Politics from Queen Mary           Huzaifah Ali                         health and how this is still a      panel for Theology and Religious   and technical
    inspired activism’, which           University of London, and I        Born in the UK, I later              taboo subject of conversation       Studies. She has authored          support for the
    situates why I am dedicated         have worked across several         travelled to India to complete       in Muslim communities. Thanks       numerous books and peer-           Centre. This
    to understanding social             platforms to engage with local     my BA ‘Aalimiyyah Degree             to the invaluable support of the    review journal articles about      includes managing the database
    injustice and inequality. I am      and national institutions and      and MA Hadith Studies at             Jameel Scholarship, I have the      Islam and Muslims in Britain,      and website and promoting the
    grateful for the opportunity        the media to advocate on           the prestigious Darul Uloom          opportunity to research this        and she was Chair of the           Centre’s work via social media.
    that this master’s programme        issues of climate change and       Nadwatul ‘Ulama in Lucknow.          topic.                              Muslims in Britain Research        He is a member of the Centre’s
    is providing, as I believe it       women’s liberation.                I focused my dissertation on                                             Network between 2014-2017.         Advisory Board and is working on
    will aid me in understanding                                           the efforts of the noted scholar                                         Over the course of her career,     the various projects within the
    several communities and                                                Muhammad Abid al-Sindi (1776-                                            she has been associated with       Jameel Research Programme.
    provide me with the insight                                            1840) in the proliferation of                                            successful research grants         Mark completed the MA Islam in
    needed to improve the quality                                          the sciences of Hadith. Upon                                             worth over £4.8m. In 2019, she     Contemporary Britain in 2009,
    of my community service. I am                                          returning to the UK, I completed                                         was elected as a Fellow of the     and he was employed as a
    interested in the intersection                                         a Diploma in Contextual Islamic                                          Learned Society of Wales. Prof.    research assistant for the ‘Islamic
    of race, religion and class,                                           Studies and Leadership at                                                Gilliat-Ray was appointed an       Gardens’ project funded by
    specifically within the context                                        Cambridge Muslim College                                                 OBE in the New Year Honours        Botanic Gardens Conservation
    of post-colonial Britain, and                                          followed by an MA in Islamic                                             list in 2020.                      International (BGCI) in 2010.

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Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
Centre Contacts
    Lecturer in Islamic Studies          supported by the Alwaleed            Research Associate                 environments. His research             Honorary Visiting Professor         committed to advancing the
    Maulana Dr Mansur Ali                Centre for the Study of Islam in     Dr Riyaz Timol                     interests surround aspects             Professor Ron Geaves                subject discipline through                 the Contemporary World, and               of Muslims and education,                                                  promoting the study of lived
                                         his interest in news media and       Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 4884                                                  Professor Ron
    Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 6297                                                                                     particularly RE, and the study                                             religions. However, in 2010 he
                                         journalistic practice comes                                                                                    Geaves has
                                                                              Dr Riyaz                           of Islam and Muslims from                                                  turned his attention to history,
    Dr. Mansur Ali                       from his prior professional                                                                                    held a Chair
                                                                              Timol’s PhD                        sociological perspectives,                                                 publishing the ground-breaking
    is a lecturer                        experience as a broadcast                                                                                      in Religious
                                                                              on the British                     notably that of ‘lived religion’. He                                       Islam in Victorian Britain: The
    in Arabic and                        journalist in Ottawa, Canada.                                                                                  Studies at
                                                                              branch of the                      is currently leading a research                                            Life and Times of Abdullah
    Islamic studies                      Michael is Publications and                                                                                    the University
                                                                              transnational                      and curriculum development                                                 Quilliam followed by Islam and
    at Cardiff                           Communications Officer for                                                                                     of Chester
                                                                              Islamic                            project, titled ‘Discovering                                               Britain: Muslim Mission in an
    University. He is                    the Sociology of Religion Study                                                                                (2001-2007) and a Chair in the
                                                                              movement                           Muslims in Britain’, that aims                                             Age of Empire and Victorian
    a Darul Uloom                        Group of the British Sociological                                                                              Comparative Study of Religion
                                                                              Tablighi Jama’at was shortlisted   to support RE practitioners to                                             Muslim: Abdullah Quilliam and
    graduate as well as holding a        Association, and he brought that                                                                               at Liverpool Hope University
                                                                              for the 2018 BRAIS - De Gruyter    teach about Muslims in Britain                                             Islam in the West with Jamie
    degree from the prestigious          group’s annual conference to                                                                                   (2007-2013). He joined the
                                                                              Prize in the Study of Islam        from the perspective of their                                              Gilham, both published in 2017.
    Al-Azhar University, Egypt, and      Cardiff in the summer of 2019.                                                                                 Community Religions Project at
                                                                              and the Muslim World. He is        everyday lives. In 2019, Matt
    postgraduate degrees from the                                                                                                                       the University of Leeds in 1988     He has delivered papers at
                                                                              the Principal Investigator of a    joined TRS-UK as a Schools
    University of Manchester. He                                                                                                                        where he began to work on the       over one hundred conferences,
                                                                              major three-year project called    Liaison Officer, working to
    is interested in Hadith studies,     Research Associate                                                                                             transmigration of South Asian       including invitations to Russia,
                                                                              ‘Understanding British Imams’      build relationships between
    Islamic legal theory, fiqh al-       Maulana Dr Haroon Sidat                                                                                        religions to Britain, especially    USA, Norway, Denmark, Sweden,
                                                                              and teaches the MA module          Theology and Religious Studies
    fataawa, Muslim chaplaincy, and                                                                                          Islam. He completed his PhD         Finland, Germany, Switzerland,
                                                                              ‘History and Development           departments and their local
    Islam and bioethics. Currently he    Tel: +44 (0)29                                                                                                 thesis Sectarian Influences         Mauritius and India.
                                                                              of Muslim Communities              schools.
    is researching various aspects of    2087 5650                                                                                                      within Islam in Britain which
                                                                              in Britain’. His disciplinary
    organ transplantation and Islam.     Dr Haroon Sidat                                                                                                was published as a Community        Honorary Research Fellow
                                                                              approach is within the sociology   Research Assistant
    In addition to his post at the       completed                                                                                                      Religions Monograph. He has         Dr Asma Khan
                                                                              of religion and his research       Seherish Abrar
    University, he is also a khatib at   his traditional                                                                                                researched Islam in Britain since
                                                                              interests include ethnographic
    Darul Isra Mosque, Cardiff, UK.      Islamic                                                                                                        that time, publishing several
                                                                              methodology, intergenerational                                                                                Dr Asma Khan
    In 2015 he was the recipient of      Studies at a                                                            After                                  books that explore British
                                                                              transmission of Islam in Britain                                                                              is Honorary
    the British Imams and Scholars       Dar al Uloom, or seminary, in                                           completing a                           manifestations of Sufism. He is
                                                                              and the relationship of Islam                                                                                 Research
    Award.                               Blackburn. He has a background                                          BA in Religion                         an early member of the Muslims
                                                                              with modernity.                                                                                               Fellow at the
                                         in economics, accounting                                                and Education                          in Britain Research Network
                                                                                                                                                                                            Centre. She
    Lecturer in Social Science           and finance, and a PGCE in                                              from the                               and chaired the body from
                                                                              Research Associate                                                                                            completed
    Research Methods                     education. He completed                                                 University of                          2006 to 2009, and he remains
                                                                              Dr Matthew Vince                                                                                              her PhD in
    Dr Michael Munnik                    his PhD in 2019 looking at                                              Huddersfield                           a lifetime member of the
                                                                                                                                                              2018, a mixed methods study                the formation and training of                                           (2018), Seherish Abrar came to         committee. He is an early friend
                                                                              Tel: +44 (0) 29 2068 8788                                                                                     that examined high levels of
    Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 5646             imams and British Muslim                                                Cardiff University as a Jameel         of the Islam-UK Centre, acting
                                                                              Dr Matthew                                                                                                    economic inactivity among
                                         religious leadership (ulama).                                           Scholarship recipient. Through         as its first external examiner
    Dr Michael                                                                Vince was                                                                                                     British Muslim women. Asma
                                         He is interested in Islamic                                             the MA Islam in Contemporary           for the MA programme (2005-
    Munnik                                                                    awarded his                                                                                                   is a post-doctoral researcher
                                         law and theology. He is also                                            Britain, she engaged with many         8). His work remains focused
    teaches social                                                            PhD at the                                                                                                    at The University of Sheffield,
                                         interested in the sociology                                             different topics concerning the        on the application of religious
    theory and                                                                Islam-UK                                                                                                      working on the Everyday
                                         of religious professionals,                                             lived experiences of Muslims           knowledge to real life affairs
    qualitative                                                               Centre in                                                                                                     Bordering in the UK Project.
                                         tradition, authority and religious                                      in Britain.Seherish is now a           and he is a passionate believer
    research                                                                  November                                                                                                      She is also a member of the
                                         embodiment. Currently, he                                               Research Assistant within the          in advocacy. Consequently, he
    methods to                                                                2018. His doctoral thesis                                                                                     executive committee for the
                                         is working on a unique and                                              Centre for the Study of Islam          has been involved in a number
    postgraduate students at the                                              explored the experiences                                                                                      Muslims in Britain Research
                                         ground-breaking project called                                          in the UK. Most recently, she          of projects bridging academia
    Centre. He also teaches on                                                and identities of Muslims                                                                                     Network. Asma’s research
                                         ‘Understanding British Imams’                                           has been involved with the             to government, law, architects,
    religion and the news and digital                                         working as Religious Education                                                                                interests include qualitative
                                         which is a three-year study that                                        ‘Discovering Muslims in Britain:       education and media. His work
    religion with undergraduates                                              (RE) teachers in secondary                                                                                    and quantitative research on
                                         provides detailed research on                                           for Key Stage 3’ project.              on the theory and method in
    at Cardiff University. His                                                state schools across the UK,                                                                                  socio-economic disadvantage,
                                         the roles imams play in modern                                                                                 the study of religion, The Study    ethno-religious inequalities, and
    expertise was developed                                                   uncovering ways that Muslim
                                         Britain. He also serves as an                                                                                  of Religion, went to second         migration studies.
    during his doctoral research                                              professionals are engaging their
                                         imam and khatib himself.                                                                                       edition in 2014, and he remains
    at the University of Edinburgh,                                           faith within ‘secular’ working

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Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
Jameel Research Programme                                                                                                       Book Discussion
                                                                                                                                     I Refuse to Condemn
                                                                                                                                     Wednesday 28th April 2021, 4pm
                                               Understanding British Imams                  Improving Understanding of               When people commit acts defined as criminal, terrorist or
                                               Imams are the largest group of               Mental Health in British Muslim          extremist and associate their actions with Islam, condemnation
                                               Muslim religious professionals in            Communities                              is part of society’s response. Politicians, journalists, neighbours
                                               Britain, who work principally                Mental health issues affect              and colleagues expect Muslims to condemn these acts. Yet
                                               within mosques leading prayers,              British Muslims more than any            to condemn is to give in to a narrative that creates “good”
                                               delivering sermons and providing             other faith community. There is          and “bad” Muslims and places the burden on Muslims to
                                               guidance to their congregations.             evidence that mainstream                 demonstrate their humanity. The contributors to the new
                                               However, there is growing                    health care practitioners and            volume, I Refuse to Condemn: Resisting Racism in Times of
     Discovering Muslims in Britain            evidence to suggest that this                service providers lack an                National Security, published by Manchester University Press,
     Built on the Islam-UK Centre’s            role is being expanded to                    adequate understanding of
     hugely successful Muslims in                                                                                                    explore these tensions in a series of essays. In a joint seminar
                                               encompass pastoral care,                     cultural sensitivities surrounding
     Britain Massive Open Online                                                                                                     between the Islam-UK Centre and the School of Journalism,
                                               chaplaincy, charity work or wider            mental health in British Muslim
     Course (MOOC), through this               community projects such as                                                            Media and Culture, we invite some of the contributors to share
                                                                                            communities, which can lead to
     project the Centre has worked to          inter-faith activity or civic events.                                                 their work and ideas. Discussants Dr Michael Munnik (IUKC)
                                                                                            inappropriate or ineffective
     develop training and teaching             Further, the pressures of a                  interventions. Consequently,             and Dr Kerry Moore (JOMEC) will offer their analysis of the book,
     resources that support Religious          post-9/11 and 7/7 socio-                     there is a pressing need to              and we will then open the digital floor for questions.
     Education (RE) teachers in their          political climate, in which                  provide accessible training for          Register here:
     knowledge and understanding of            counter-terrorism measures                   professionals involved in the  
     Islam and Muslims in Britain.             become increasingly conflated                pastoral care of British Muslims         tZUkcOqoqT4tEtC5eBNHGv9zKqculj_S-7R4
     The Discovering Muslims in                with integration issues, have                (chaplains, health care workers,
     Britain programme does so by              foregrounded the imam as a                   psychiatrists, counsellors, social
     embedding sociological
                                                                                                                                     Members of the Islam-UK Centre
                                               figure that may guide his flock in           workers etc.) in an accessible
     perspectives of religion in the RE        either constructive or                       format. This project involves the
     classroom, using cutting-edge
                                                                                                                                     Management Board
                                               destructive ways. Yet, somewhat              development of a short, freely
     sociological research and                 paradoxically, the British imam              accessible online course
     academic scholarship in the               has only rarely been the subject             examining issues of mental
     resources to equip teachers and           of in-depth ethnographic                     health among British Muslims. It         Professor James Hegarty Chair               Jennifer Dunne / Ruth Coombs     Samina Khan
     pupils with the skills of looking at      research. This exciting 3-year               will build upon our successful           of the Management Board and                 Project, Stakeholder and         Community Liaison and
     religion sociologically. Interviews,      project aims to fill this gap by             collaboration with MIND (the             Head of the School of History,              Intelligence Manager, Equality   Development Manager,
     videos and material created for           conducting the most detailed                 UKs largest mental health                Archaeology and Religion                    and Human Rights Commission      Cardiff and Vale College
     the course also encourage                 and rigorous study ever                      charity) in April 2018, and our                                                      for Wales
     pupils to put their skills to use,        undertaken of British imams thus                                                      Ali Abdi                                                                     Saleem Kidwai OBE
                                                                                            relationship with Consultant
     listening to and analysing from           making a substantial contribution                                                     Partnerships and Facilities                 Dr Richard Gale                  Secretary General of the Muslim
                                                                                            Psychiatrist, Dr Asim Yusuf, who
     the perspective of different              to debates about Muslim                                                               Manager, Community Gateway,                 Lecturer in Human Geography      Council of Wales
                                                                                            is also a classically trained
     Muslims themselves.                       religious leadership in the West.            British Islamic scholar.                 Cardiff University.                         School of Geography and          Dr Michael Munnik
     If you would like to get in touch                                                                                               Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed                         Planning, Cardiff University     Lecturer in Social Science
     with the project team please                                                                                                    Research Associate                          Prof Sophie Gilliat-Ray          Research Methods and Theories
     contact: discoveringmuslims@                                                                                                    Dr Mansur Ali                               Director                         Nathan Roberts                                                                                                                   Lecturer in Islamic Studies                 Dr Meraj Hasan                   Head of Education Support,
     To access the free resources,                                                                                                                                               Association of Muslim            Student Experience and
                                                                                                                                     Mark Bryant
     please go to:                                                                                                                                                               Professionals, Cardiff           Education Support, Cardiff
                                                                                                                                     Development Officer                                                                                                                                                                              University
                                                                                                                                     Laura Davies                                Eleanor Hewett
     resources-for-Key-Stage-3                                                                                                       Head of Communications,                     Senior Development Manager,      Dr Riyaz Timol
                                                                                                                                     College of Arts, Humanities                 Development and Alumni           Research Associate
     To register interest for the CPD
                                                Top: Pupils of St Teilo’s Church in Wales High School being interviewed for the      and Social Sciences, Cardiff                Relations, Cardiff University    Dr David Wyatt
     training, please go to:                    Discovering Muslims in Britain project
                                                                                                                                     University                                  Gillian James                    Community Engagement,
                                                Above: More than 50 participants joined the Understanding British Imams                                                          Head of Ethnic Minority and      School of History, Archaeology
                                                research project team’s first Advisory Panel meeting held virtually in conjunction
     short-courses/view/discovering-            with the British Board of Scholars & Imams and the Muslim Council of Wales
                                                                                                                                                                                 Traveller Achievement Service,   and Religion
     muslims-in-britain-online-course                                                                                                                                            Cardiff Council
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  11
Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
To respect public safety
and social distancing
requirements, all our        Diary of Public Seminars 2021
public seminars and
                             Wednesday 10th February 5pm
other events will take
place remotely and           Prof. Masooda Bano
online this year. You will   ‘Making Islam Relevant: The Role of New Islamic Scholarly Networks
find a Zoom registration     in the West’
link for each speaker:       Chair: Dr Haroon Sidat
follow that link to
register your interest in
the event, and we will       Wednesday 24th February 5pm
send you an e-mail with      Dr Khadijah Elshayyal
a link and login details.
                             ‘In search of vibrancy: women’s activism in Scottish mosques’’
Talks will be recorded,
                             Chair: Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed
and you can indicate
your consent through
Zoom. We still intend        Wednesday 10th March 5pm
for vibrant discussion       Prof. Peter Mandaville
as part of our seminars:
we will manage your
                             “To Talk about Africa You also Have to Talk about Iran”: British Muslim
questions through the
                             Transnationalism, the Global Islamic Movement, and Decoloniality
                             Chair: Prof. Sophie Gilliat-Ray
chat function, which will
be monitored by Centre

staff.                       Wednesday 24th March 5pm
                             Dr Ashraf Hoque
                             ‘Being Young, Male and Muslim in Luton’
                             Chair: Laiqah Osman

                             Wednesday 28nd April 4pm
                             Book Discussion: I Refuse to Condemn
                             In partnership with Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and
                             Discussants: Dr Michael Munnik and Dr Kerry Moore
Front Cover:       
Ceiling of The Arab Room,
Cardiff Castle designed
by William Burges in         #IUKCSem21
the 1880’s. Photo by
permission of Cardiff
County Council.                    @IslamUKCentre		                    
Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021 Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021 Public Seminar Series 2021 Doctoral Students Jameel Research Programme 2020-2021
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