Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions

Page created by Andre Buchanan
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
Strategic Plan
  2018 - 2020
  Lion Conservation in a
   Changing Landscape
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
  Created in northern Kenya 10 years ago, Ewaso Lions’ mission was to promote
                                                                                                                             Executive Summary & Introduction to Ewaso Lions       Page 1
  human-wildlife co-existence, exploring the possibility of lions living alongside
 people. The results of the hard work through key programmes that we have set                                                Our Story - 10 Year Time-line                         Page 3
   up over the last decade speak for themselves. Our lion population is stable,
    there are more lions living and breeding successfully in human-occupied                                                  Key Milestones                                        Page 5
 landscapes, communities have accepted lion presence and my team have taken
                                                                                                                             2018 - 2020 Strategy                                  Page 7
       ownership over the lions, the stunning landscape and all its wildlife.
    We have come a long way in this last decade with the support of the Kenya                                                    Values & Principles                               Page 8

   Wildlife Service, the County Governments, the Reserves and Conservancies,                                                     Objectives                                        Page 9
 our conservation partners, and the local communities who inspire us every day.                                                  Themes & Activities                               Page 11

           When we began only 11 lions were known, all confined to protected areas. Now the                                  Where we Work                                         Page 15
         ecosystem boasts over 50 lions. The key question now is: What will the next few years
      bring for northern Kenya? Although we have made great strides in lion conservation, lions                              Our Team                                              Page 17
        still face an uncertain future. Threats to lions and challenges towards their conservation
     continue to rise. But I am still very hopeful and positive that with the work Ewaso Lions does,
      lions and people will continue to co-exist. I am especially hopeful as I watch my passionate
        team, who are from the local villages and are now in leadership positions in the project,
         make conservation a way of life and make decisions about lion conservation every day.                               Photography credits:
                                                                                                                             Anthony Allport, Jillian Knox, Tyrel Bernardini and
        Today, I am proud to present you our 3-year strategy. We decided on a 3-year strategy                                Jack & Rikki Swenson - Expedition Gallery
     instead of a 5-year or longer strategy due to the rapidly changing landscape within northern
       Kenya. I hope you will find our plans inspiring, effective and well-thought out. As ever, we
                        value your support into turning our vision in to a reality.

                                                                 Dr Shivani Bhalla
                                                                 FOUNDER & EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Many thanks to the following individuals and advisors who have helped us tremendously with the strategic planning process:

                     Suzanne Offord-Woolley, Emma Knott, Steve Woolley, Lisa Baffi, Paul Thomson,
                  Alayne Cotterill, Jeremy Lucas, Shalini Bhalla, Nilanga Jayasinghe and Nina Fascione.

                                                   Cover photo: Naisherua

Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                       Our community programmes are:

                                                                              Mama Simba                                                Warrior Watch
    Kenya’s lions and other large carnivores
    face unprecedented threats, largely due                                                                                             Engaging and training local
                                                                              Empowering Samburu women
    to habitat loss and conflict with humans                                                                                            warriors (young men in villages
                                                                              through education, conservation
    over livestock killing.                                                                                                             who provide security for their
                                                                              training, and environmental
                                                                                                                                        livestock and community) on all
                                                                              stewardship; providing alternative
    Populations of these species are becoming                                                                                           aspects of wildlife conservation,
                                                                              livelihood income through beaded
    increasingly smaller and more isolated, and thus                                                                                    including conducting research
    more vulnerable to extinction. Ewaso Lions is an                                                                                    on carnivore sightings and
    independent wildlife conservation organisation                                                                                      conflict mitigation strategies, and
    whose mission is to conserve Kenya’s lions and                                                                                      carrying out community outreach.
                                                                              Wazee Watch
    other large carnivores by promoting co-existence
    between people and wildlife. Since 2007, Ewaso                            Training community elders to act
    Lions has used science, education, and local                              as conservation ambassadors                               Lion Watch
    capacity building to guide and facilitate long-term                       by educating them on carnivore
                                                                                                                                        Utilising local safari guides and
    carnivore conservation in northern Kenya.                                 issues and promoting solutions
                                                                                                                                        tourists to contribute to our
                                                                              to reduce human-wildlife conflict.
                                                                                                                                        research by sharing information
                                                                                                                                        regarding lion identification and
                                                                              Lion Kids Camp
    INTRODUCTION                                                              Investing in a new generation
                                                                              of conservationists by providing
    TO EWASO LIONS                                                            local children with a 5-day
                                                                              wildlife education experience.
    The African lion population has declined
    by 43% in the last 20 years and lions now
    occupy only 8% of their historical range
    in Africa*. The estimated number of lions
    across Africa is approximately 20,000.
    In Kenya, the national population now
                                                            This community-based conservation work is underpinned by research.
    numbers less than 2,000 individuals.
                                                            Our research programmes include:
    At current rates of decline, the species could
    become extinct here within the next two decades.          Lion Dispersal                                          Lion Population
    This reduction in lion numbers is primarily due to        We deploy high-tech GPS collars on lions within         We are working to complete a region-wide census
    habitat loss and conflict with humans, typically when     our study area to monitor movements and activity        and identify all lion prides and individuals in the
    lions kill people’s livestock. Lions and other large      patterns. The collar data provides vital insights in    Samburu-Isiolo ecosystem. Initial identification
    carnivores are wide-ranging species and designated        how lions are moving through community areas and        of lions, behavioural data, and lion associations
    protected areas are often not large enough to ensure      enables our field team to alert herders of the lions’   will distinguish the number and structure of prides
    their long-term survival. Therefore, it is crucial        presence to avoid potential human-lion conflict.        in the area.
    that conservation of these species, as well as their
    prey, is addressed throughout the landscape, which
    not only incorporates protected areas but also the
    surrounding areas where local people live.
                                                              Wildlife Monitoring                                     Human-Carnivore Conflict
                                                              Conduct daily patrols within the conservancies          We conduct research on human-carnivore conflict
    Ewaso Lions community-based conservation                  to monitor lion movements, census wildlife              in our study area in order to develop strategies for
    programmes engage and build the capacity of all           populations, and keep local people and project          preventing carnivore attacks on livestock, which
    key demographic groups in the area (warriors,             personnel informed on wildlife issues with the          will then reduce retaliatory killing of carnivores.
    elders, women, and children) to reduce human-             aim of promoting human-lion co-existence.               Understanding key factors that influence human
    carnivore conflict by: raising awareness of                                                                       tolerance of large carnivores will help us
    ecological problems and solutions, developing                                                                     manage for co-existence, identify areas critical to
    strategies for reducing conflict with carnivores                                                                  maintaining connectivity between habitats to keep
                                                              Lion Habitat
    (particularly pertaining to livestock predation),                                                                 corridors for wildlife open, and focus conservation
    and educational initiatives that illustrate the           We identify suitable habitat for lions in community
                                                                                                                      activities in areas most likely to remain viable for
    benefit of wildlife for local livelihoods.                areas through the use of habitat suitability
                                                                                                                      large carnivores in the long term.
                                                              modelling techniques. We are then able to work
    (*Beyond Cecil: Africa’s Lions in Crisis Report           with communities on ensuring safe habitat for
    Produced by Panthera, WildAid and WildCru, 2016)          lions within the human-occupied landscape.

1   Lentim                                                                                                                                                                    2
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions

      2007                                                                              2011                                                            2015
      Ewaso Lions was founded by                                                        Magilani was killed.                                            After 7 years at a
      Shivani Bhalla, who recognized                                                    She ventured into unsafe                                        ‘temporary’ base with                2017
      that lions were in trouble                                                        areas with her cubs,                                            poor communications
      and their survival in northern
                                                2009                                    and we lost her to a bullet.    2013                            and security, we moved               We lost 5 lions this year to
                                                                                                                                                        to our permanent hilltop             human-lion conflict - our most
      Kenya hinged on working with              Our first sighting of a lion in         But her cubs survived,          Our inaugural Lion Kids                                              challenging year in 10 years as
      local communities.                        a community area. Named                 hunting successfully at the                                     headquarters. 400
                                                                                                                        Camp was held, laying the                                            a result of increasing threats
                                                Magilani, she eventually                tender age of 1.5 years.                                        community members
                                                                                                                        foundations for a successful                                         towards lions and pressure on
                                                became an ambassador                                                                                    came to celebrate with us,
                                                                                                                        education programme                                                  their habitat and prey.
                                                lioness in Westgate Community                                                                           knowing it would enhance
                                                                                                                        designed to inspire a new
                                                Conservancy, well known                                                                                 our conservation efforts.
                                                                                                                        generation of Kenyan
                                                throughout the community.
                                                                                                                        wildlife conservationists.

                        2008                                                                               2012
                                                                                                                                                        Registered the highest lion
            We moved to Westgate
                                                                                                  Evaluation study on                      2014           numbers on community
        Community Conservancy -
                                                                  2010                         Warrior Watch showed
                                                                                                                              Mama Simba, the first        lands. On one occasion,
                                                                                             significant improvement                                        12 lions were recorded
    a human-occupied landscape             Warrior Watch was established                                                   programme to empower
                                                                                              of community attitudes                                      in Westgate Community
      - to learn whether lions can             to engage warriors, a new                                                    Samburu women in lion
                                                                                         towards carnivores and the                                             Conservancy alone.
           indeed live with people.         demographic in conservation                                                         conservation forged
                                                                                          programme contributed to
         Is co-existence possible?                - those most commonly                                                      ahead. Ladies attended
                                                                                            the empowerment of the
                                                 implicated in retaliatory                                              workshops, went on wildlife
                                                                                                warrior demographic.
                                                          killings of lions.                                                safaris and started their
                                                                                                                          lion bead-work activities.

    Ewaso Lions is a permanent, growing project, which - for 10 years - has worked with warriors,
    elders, women, herders, and children to raise awareness of ecological problems/solutions, reduce
    human-wildlife conflict, and educate communities on the benefits of wildlife for local livelihoods.                                                                             “I really enjoy seeing them (lions)
                                                                                                                                                                                     grow to adulthood, I feel that I’ve
    We have observed the following results in our study area:
                                                                                                                                                                                   played a role in saving them. If we
                                                                                                                                                                                  hadn’t protected them, they would
              REDUCED NUMBERS OF LIONS AND                                     IMPROVED LOCAL ATTITUDES TOWARDS
              OTHER CARNIVORES KILLED IN CONFLICT                              LIONS AND OTHER CARNIVORES                                                                        have been killed, poisoned, speared,
                                                                                                                                                                                     or shot. Any time I lose a lion, it’s
                                                                                                                                                                                   like losing a member of my family.
              STABLE OR INCREASING LION                                        INCREASED OWNERSHIP OF LIONS
              POPULATION SINCE 2008                                            AMONGST THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                     If there are no lions in Samburu,
                                                                                                                                                                                             then there is no more life.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jeneria Lekilelei,
              IMPROVED LIVESTOCK HUSBANDRY                                                                                                                                              Field Operations & Community Manager
                                                                               INCREASED AWARENESS OF
                                                                               IMPORTANCE OF CARNIVORES
              LOSS TO CARNIVORES

3                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lpuresi, Jeneria, Yesalai   4
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions

                                                                       Ewaso Lions team
                                                                       grown from 4 in 2008
                                                                       to 58 in 2017.


            19 Warriors                     Suitable habitat
                                                                       12 students sponsored
        actively engaged in               for lions identified
                                                                       under the Jeremy
      conservation through                through modelling
                                                                       Lucas Education
      flagship programme,                  techniques within
                                                                       Fund (formerly
     Warrior Watch by 2017.              Westgate Community
                                                                       known as Ewaso
        Our Warriors work                    Conservancy.
                                                                       Lions Scholarship
     across 5 Conservancies
                                                                       Programme) for
     that span a total area of
                                                                       secondary and
       2724 km2 (1693 mi2).
                                                                       tertiary education.


                                                                       Over 240 Kenyan
                                                                       children have
                                        Lions have now become          been exposed
                                        resident in Community          to conservation
                                            Conservancies -            education as a result
      Permanent Ewaso                     a change since 2010          of nine Lion Kids
      Lions Conservation                  when there was only          Camps held between
       Headquarters has                  temporary movement            2013 and 2017.
      been established in                 of lions through the
     Westgate Community                    human- occupied
         Conservancy.                           landscape.

                                                                       Over the past 2 years,
                                                                       our team have been

               Ewaso Lions expanded to operate across 6                able to stop lions
               Conservancies (Westgate, Nakuprat-Gotu,                 from being killed on
               Mpus Kutuk, Nasuulu, Kalama and Meibae)                 40 occasions.
               between 2013 and 2017.

     A cumulative total of over 800
                                                                  80   Of Warrior Watch

     lion sightings were submitted by                              %   warriors from
     20 certified Lion Watch Guides                                    Westgate Conservancy
     between 2013 and 2016.                                            are now able to read
                                                                       and write as a direct
                                                                       result of our education

                             Samburu women have been
                             empowered to speak for lions and
                             engage in conservation through the
                             Mama Simba programme.

5                                                                                                The Koitogor Pride   6
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
2018-2020 STRATEGY                                 VALUES
    This process, led by a team of advisors with
    experience in strategic planning, involved                                                                                           ADAPTABILITY
    extensive discussions across the team.                                                                                                (able to be flexible)

    The resultant plan stemming from our now                                                RESPECT
                                                                                        (in relationships with
    clearly articulated vision, mission, values,                                        colleagues, partners,
    principles and core objectives, strategically                                     communities, and all the
                                                             EMPATHY                    people we work with)
    places Ewaso Lions at the forefront of large
                                                          (understanding, caring,
    carnivore conservation in northern Kenya.               and truly listening)

                                                                                                                  (being driven by our
                                                                                                                    mission, not self

       We see a future where Kenya’s lions and
       other large carnivores are secure within
       their range where people live.                                                      TEAMWORK
                                                              INTEGRITY                    (work well together)
                                                           (being honest, true to
                                                            ourselves and each
        Mission                                             other, showing high                                                          COMMITMENT
                                                           morals, giving our best                                                        (dedicated to and
        Ewaso Lions is dedicated to conserving lions          wholeheartedly                                                              passionate about
        and other large carnivores by promoting                for the cause)                                                               our mission)
        co-existence between people and wildlife.


                                                                  WE STRIVE TOWARDS                                   WE MAINTAIN AN ECOSYSTEM
                                                                  COMMUNITY OWNERSHIP OF                              LEVEL APPROACH TO WILDLIFE
                                                                  CONSERVATION PRACTICES                              CONSERVATION

                                                                  WE BELIEVE THAT GOOD                                WE BELIEVE COLLABORATION IS
                                                                  SCIENCE IS AN INTEGRAL                              KEY, SHARING BEST PRACTICES
                                                                  PART OF CONSERVATION                                AND LESSONS LEARNED

                                                                  WE INTEGRATE LOCAL                                  WE SUSTAIN OUR FOCUS ON
                                                                  EXPERTISE AND KNOWLEDGE                             CORE VALUES EVEN AS WE
                                                                  TO GUIDE OUR WORK                                   EXPAND OUR PROGRAMMES

7   Francis                                                                                                                                                       8
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
OBJECTIVES                                                    Enhance sustainable growth in
                                                                  the lion population across the
    Engage and empower                                            conservation landscape.
    communities, strengthening local                              Our community-based conservation work is
                                                                  underpinned by research, including monitoring
    ownership of conservation.                                    carnivore and prey populations, collaring and radio-
    Since its founding in 2007, Ewaso Lions has put               tracking lions, and studying the occurrence and
    local people at the centre of our conservation                impact of human-carnivore conflict. This research is
    programmes.                                                   achieving an accurate estimate of carnivore numbers
    To achieve sustainable co-existence with                      with the ultimate goal of ensuring there is a stable
    carnivores, people must feel an intrinsic desire              lion population within the region.
    to adopt conservation practices within their
    daily lives, and should have genuine ownership
    in the conservation decision-making process.                  Ensure safe habitat and
    Our strategy includes activities that create that
    sense of ownership by educating people about the              connectivity for lions.
    benefits of conservation, incenting them to own the           We strive to gain a better understanding of lion
    conservation process themselves - usually through             movements in and out of protected areas and the
    innovative, non-monetary ways. Our work is founded            key factors that allow them to share the landscape
    on traditional values and the roles these different           with people and livestock. These key factors include
    demographic groups play within their community                ensuring there is safe habitat for lions in the form
    in order to maximize community ownership and the              of safe refuges and conservation areas, and that
    sustainability of our programmes.                             connectivity between these refuges exists.

                                                  CREATE AND/OR STRENGTHEN
                                                   A SENSE OF OWNERSHIP BY
                                                 EDUCATING PEOPLE ABOUT THE
                                                  BENEFITS OF CONSERVATION

                                  ENSURE                         ENHANCE
                                    A SAFE HABITAT FOR              THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF
                                   LIONS IN THE FORM OF          ENSURING THERE IS A STABLE
                                       SAFE REFUGES                LION POPULATION WITHIN
                                                                         THE REGION

                                             main objectives for achieving
                                              sustainable co-existence

9                                                                                                                        Letoiye, Yesalai & Jeneria monitor Nanai’s young cub   10
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
THEMES & ACTIVITIES                                                                                                 Empowerment
                                                                                                                         Ewaso Lions want to effectively contribute towards
     To develop our 3-year strategic plan, we identified six broad thematic areas of work and our desired
                                                                                                                         the political, social and economic empowerment
     outcomes under each theme.
                                                                                                                         of the local communities who live alongside lions.
     We identified priority activities for achieving each outcome. The activities that make up our 3-year roadmap fall   Empowerment to us means building pride in
     under one or more of the six themes. For the purposes of this document, a few example activities have been          cultural traditions, traditional knowledge and
     included for reference, with the full activity list transformed into an internal implementation plan.               shared natural resources. We desire to see a
                                                                                                                         community whose voices, concerns and enhanced
                                                                                                                         abilities guide the development of projects,
                                                                                                                         increasing community cohesion.
                                                                                                                         By uplifting once marginalized communities,
                       KNOW YOUR
                                                                                           PARTNERSHIPS                  and within them elevating neglected demographics
                                                         THEMES                                                          like women, warriors and children, our desired
                                                                                                                         outcomes will be achieved through 58 activities
                                                                                                                         to implement over the 3-year period including:
                                                                                                                         • Arranging community exposure tours and wildlife
                                                                                                                           safaris to stimulate original conservation ideas.
                                                                                                                         • Providing literacy school for Mama Simba and
                           EMPOWERMENT                                                PROCESSES                            Warrior Watch.
                                                                                                                         • Facilitating workshops focusing on the benefits of
                                                                                                                           culture to conservation.

                                                                                                                         • Developing mentoring activities between Wazee
                                               EDUCATION                                                                   Watch and Warrior Watch.

     Know Your Lions
     Knowing the behaviour, movement and
     demographics of the lions in Samburu will
     contribute directly to ensuring their protection.
     Our desired outcomes in this effort include
     developing effective mitigation methods for
     reducing human-carnivore conflict, identifying
     key areas for lions, conducting effective
     monitoring of the lions and understanding
     what factors affect their survival.
     To achieve this, our team has 39 activities to be
     implemented over the next three years including:
     • Monitoring the lion population.
     • Using modelling techniques to identify
       suitable habitat for lions and conducting
       socio-ecological surveys.
     • Carrying out daily prey and livestock sightings
       patrols by scouts and warriors.

11   Nabo & Nashipai                                                                                                     Mparasaroi                                             12
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
Education                                                                                                             Processes
                                                           Education of our local community is a focal                                                                           Behind the scenes, Ewaso Lions must
                                                           theme of our strategy, as we aim to increase                                                                          ameliorate our performance management,
                                                           awareness about lions and the importance of their
                                                                                                                                                                                 financials, risk management and operations.
                                                           conservation. Education programmes are planned,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Our desired outcomes are to ensure that we
                                                           designed and evaluated, and expanded in to areas
                                                           outside of our focal region. By 2020, we aim to have                                                                  have adequate resources (including human
                                                           a clear conservation education strategy, increase                                                                     resources), financial sustainability, and increase
                                                           collaboration to deliver education programmes,                                                                        our efficiency in operations and administration.
                                                           ensure the team and community have all knowledge                                                                      To enhance efficiency within our project,
                                                           and information on Ewaso Lions and environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                 our team will implement 38 activities over
                                                           issues, and lastly, expand our conservation
                                                           education focus in other parts of Kenya that are
                                                                                                                                                                                 the 3-year period. Some of these are:
                                                           important to maintaining breeding populations and                                                                     • Formulating a strategy and evaluation
                                                           functional connectivity for lions.                                                                                      framework for all our programmes.
                                                           Our team has 18 activities to achieve this
                                                                                                                                                                                 • Diversifying funding sources for the project.
                                                           educational theme, chief among them being:
                                                           • Scaling up Lion Kids Camps from 3 to 10 a year.                                                                     • Developing contingencies as part of our
                                                           • Sponsoring up to three students a year through
                                                                                                                                                                                   risk assessments and developing operating
                                                             the Jeremy Lucas Education Fund.                                                                                      procedures for the project.
                                                           • Holding workshops with the Ewaso Lions
                                                             team and communities.

     Yesalai & Lion Kids                                                                                                                                                                                              Koitogor Pride cub

     Behaviour Change                                                                                             Partnerships
     (promoting positive change and action)                                                                       We aim to strengthen working relationships with technical
     Though this theme was borne out of a single                                                                  partners, increase public education and outreach, and build a
     example surrounding herding behaviour,                                                                       resilient relationship with the scientific community. Our desired
     it encompasses a broad array of important                                                                    outcomes include having strong relationships with partners,
     issues that we will face in the next three years.                                                            including wildlife organisations, county governments and wildlife
     From influencing infrastructure development                                                                  officials. Additionally, we aim to increase public awareness of
     changes to dealing with poaching to fuel the                                                                 lions and conservation in Kenya and globally, contribute to the
     lion bone trade that is spreading across Africa,                                                             body of scientific knowledge and lastly, bridge the gap between
     we must change behaviour and mindsets                                                                        the tourism industry and conservation.
     pre-emptively to build enough support for                                                                    Our team has 33 activities to implement over the 3-year period to
     lions and ensure they survive in a time of flux.                                                             achieve our desired outcomes. Some of the key activities include:
     Some of our activities here include:                                                                         • Increasing awareness about lions through talks, which we
     • Gathering information on herders’                                                                            intend to give to both local and international audiences.
       encroachment in our conservation landscape.                                                                • Collaborating on data collection, research, conservation
     • Holding trainings for infrastructure planners to                                                             activities and landscape infrastructure work.
       improve their ability to rationalize conservation                                                          • Actively participating in key conferences and events
       and development.                                                                                             on carnivore conservation.
                                                                                                                  • Ensuring reporting is achieved on a quarterly basis to all key
                                                                                                                    partners and funders and publishing articles about our work.

13   Young herders                                                                                                                                                                                                      Moses & Yesalai    14
Strategic Plan 2018 2020 - Lion Conservation in a Changing Landscape - Ewaso Lions
WHERE WE WORK                            Ewaso Lions Camp     “This strategic plan is very important
                                               Ewaso Nyiro River      because it will help us in achieving
     Ewaso Lions Study Area 2018-2020                               our mission through reaching more
                                                     Study Area
                                               National Reserves    communities and expanding to new
                                                                   areas and hence reducing retaliatory
                                                                   killing of lions - one person at a time.”
                                        Community Conservancies
                                                                                                      Ben Lejale,
                                                                        Ewaso Regional Coordinator, Warrior Watch

15                                                                                                          Nanai   16


                           Heather                      Tobias                        Jeneria                                                  Francis                  Arzina
                         CONSERVATION                  RESEARCH                  FIELD OPERATIONS &                                           SECURITY                 FINANCE
                           MANAGER                     MANAGER                  COMMUNITY MANAGER                                             MANAGER                  MANAGER

                                          Evanson                   Evelyn
                                        CONSERVATION                                                                                                                     Jasu
                                        PROGRAMMES                                                                                                                    ACCOUNTANT

                                        Munteli &
           Peter            Moses                      Letupukwa                Thomas                       Ben           Yesalai, Letoiye   Jeremiah     Lpuresi    Lerimara     Lembagani
      LION KIDS CAMP &      BUS                        RESEARCH          EASTERN REGIONAL              EWASO REGIONAL        & Lentiyo        & Lenakae     CAMP        CAMP        SECURITY
                                         MAMA SIMBA
     YOUTH COORDINATOR     DRIVER                       OFFICER            COORDINATOR                  COORDINATOR        FIELD OFFICERS      SCOUTS     CARETAKER     COOK       SUPERVISOR

      Lion Kids Camp                      17 Mama                                                        15 Warriors
                                                                                Samuel                NASUULU, WESTGATE,
       Guard, Matron                    Simba Ladies
                                                                                ASSISTANT             KALAMA, MPUS KUTUK
         & Cooks                          WESTGATE                                                         & MEIBAE

17                                                                                                                                                                                              18
“We believe that a long time ago all
      wildlife belonged to the women and
      then they were released to the wild.
      No one brought them back. Now because
      women are involved in conservation,
      we will conserve them in the wild.”
     Mparasaroi Lemantaan,
     Mama Simba Coordinator

19   Naterenkwe
Ewaso Lions
P.O. Box 14996, Nairobi 00800, Kenya
      Kenya tel: +254 (0)719 883 520

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